Coating on the floor in the apartment. Contemporary flooring for home and apartments

Choose the best floor covering

1. Linoleum

Option from the series "cheap and angry". The most affordable and inexpensive synthetic material. There are no restrictions in colors and drawings, it happens with or without insulation. It is customary to divide the linoleum on three types depending on its strength: household, semi-commercial and commercial.If you decide to stop your choice on the linoleum, then for the house, take semi-commercial: from much stronger, although a little more than a domestic one.By the way, the same story happens to the laminate, which will be discussed a little later: for the house most often take a laminate, which is intended for public premises.Linoleum can be treated in any home premises, except cold: on a strong frost he cracks.Pros:
  • It does not rot, not susceptible to the harmful effects of moisture in proper care has a long service life - over 10 years.
  • Good noise insulating properties
  • Easy to care
  • Huge number of design and colors
  • Linoleum is demanding for the base, it must be kept on the perfectly smooth floor, then it will last for a very long time. Otherwise, he will soon crack and will be visible "chances".
  • Non-environmental friendliness: Linoleum is completely artificial material, and noticeably loses with natural coatings in this regard.
  • Low mechanical strength. Heavy furniture or even sharp heels can damage linoleum. Pets, especially large dogs, can destroy Linoleum in a very short time.

2. Carpet and other carpets

Another inexpensive and very common option of sexual coating. It has a low cost, is easy in laying and does not require much care. Synthetic carpets are absolutely not interested in rodents and insects. Plus, this is a huge selection of colors and patterns, from classic "carpets" to radical avant-garde.Carpet can be used in any room, except wet: kitchen, bathroom, toilet.Pros:
  • Resistance to external influences - abrasion and various mechanical damage.
  • Large selection of design and colors
  • High noise absorbing quality
  • Perfectly preserve heat
    Unstability to burnout and fading, especially in low-cost types of species carpet importance of regular dry cleaning. If you choose a carpet - take care of a good vacuum cleaner. Cutting dust. Carpeted coatings are not recommended to use people with predisposition to allergies. Easthetics (it is easy to deform)

3. Laminate

Laminate is the third inexpensive and common material for the floor. It is a special panel of wood-fiber plates (Fiberboard) and several layers of special tight paper. The paper is applied on the paper (most often mimic the texture of the tree) and a special durable protective layer of lamination. Hence the name - laminate.
    Strength. Laminate perfectly copes with any mechanical load, scratches and so on. If you have pets - their claws will be not terrible to him. The flaming perfectly tolerates the high temperature, and is able to withstand a short-term contact with fire (for example, with randomly fallen on the floor). The flamte can be used together with heat floors, as electric, So and water. Available price. Laminate is more expensive than carpet or linoleum, but nevertheless, cheaper than many other types of coating, for example, similar to the visual parquet board
    Fear of moisture. Despite its strength, long-term contact with water and other liquids is contraindicated with laminate. From a long-term contact with water, its base will swell, and the laminate will come into disrepair. Next service life, despite mechanical strength. It is recommended to replace it every 5 - 7 years. Despite the seeming simplicity, the laminate is difficult to mount, without having experience. It is better to hire professionals, and this is an additional amount to the costs of laminate. It is easy to focus, apply defects for the picture. This is a huge minus, because the laminate, unlike a parquet board or array, cannot be restored.

4. Flooring

Probably the most classic choice of natural materials - the floor of wooden boards. The wooden floor of the massif is expensive, but it is one of the most reliable and eco-friendly coating species.
Modern floorboards made of massif do special technology, dried and treated on special equipment. The boards have castle compounds that simplify laying - the floor is obtained without cracks and height drops, as it was in the old grandmother's apartment.The floor from the array should not be painted: the boards are ready for use, coated with pests and a layer of varnish.Pros:
    Strength and durability. The boardwalk of the massif can serve for more than 50 years without the need to replace the boards. Such a floor can be cycled and grind out how much time - the thickness of the board is it allows the installation of styling. Although, as in the case of a laminate, it is not necessary to do this on your own - it is better to hire specialists. Horn heat and sound insulation
    High price. An array of natural wood is much more expensive than the other types of wooden coating. Interactiveness to moisture: with long-term contact with moisture, an array board can "Tale". A special protection against scratches. The massive board should be grinding annually, cyclish and coat and lacquer. It is necessary to regularly process with pests regularly, despite the primary processing.

5. Parquet and parquet board

Parquet from solid parquet lobs - the pleasure is expensive. Such a set parquet lay out floors in the royal palaces and very rich houses. Modern parquet is cheaper, as it is made of composite materials: its base is thick plywood, and only the upper layer of 3-5 mm is a valuable wood.
The parquet board has the same structure as a set of parquet: a thick plywood with a thin face. Because of this, parquet, and a parquet board today quite afford to people with average sufficiency (cunning: take a three-band parquet board, it is much cheaper).Pros:
    Ecology. Parquet and parquet board are primarily a natural tree. As internal binding materials, glue based on natural resins. Duty service life. A good parquet is able to stop you up to 20 years. Parquet and parquet board are beautifully preserved warmth. A typical parquet can be a real work of art (for this, there is a name - artistic parquet). Using parquet from different types of wood, you can create original ornaments and patterns on the floor. It can be restored (this is a certain plus, but it only refers to the parquet of oil treated. Lacon is more difficult to restore, you have to replace a whole board).
    High price. And this is not only the cost of the material, but also the cost of laying works. If you want a really high-quality parquet - you have to spend money on a classy parquet driver. Parcketer is subject to mechanical damage, so it is not recommended to use it in a house with large animals - their claws will lead a parquet into disrepair in a very short time. Parquet is afraid of moisture. And although it is less prone to the charge than the array board, it is not recommended to allow long-term contact with water.

6. Engineering board

Engineering board is a relatively new type of coating. In fact, it is a parquet board, but made for several other technology. The engineering board consists of two or three layers: thick (up to 1 cm) layer of expensive wood, a layer of cheaper wood or plywood, and another layer of expensive wood (for a three-layer engineering board).
Another difference in the engineering board from the parquet: in its composition only water-soluble glue, not containing toxins, while in some inexpensive parquet varieties, synthetic compositions can be used.Pros:
    Strength and durability. The engineering board is much stronger than an ordinary parquet, its service life is greater - 20 - 25 years old. The full top layer allows it to cycle and polish more times than parquet. It is good to keep warm. I am also exposed to moisture than the usual parquet. Lightly mounted.
    Still high enough price: the cost of the engineering board is comparable to the cost of a good parquet. It is necessary to prepare a good, even base and a substrate from plywood or DVP. Despite the increased moisture resistance, it is still not recommended to use the engineering board in wet premises.

7. Cork floor

This is a natural coating with good warm insulating and noise absorbing properties, pleasant to the touch and easy in installation. It is made of pressed cortex cortex. Produced in the form of plates and in the form of rolls.
Cork floor is ideal for children's, bedroom or living room. It is absolutely environmental.Pros:
  • Good thermal insulation. By this floor, even in winter you can walk barefoot - it keeps room temperature.
  • Good sound insulation. In professional recording studios, for example, the floor and walls are necessarily separated by cork panels.
  • Stability to deformation. Heavy furniture leaves no tracks on the cork semi trailers - dents for a short time are aligned independently.
  • Prices for the material and cost of work on stacking are comparable to the cost of work on the flooring of the parquet - not the most economical option.
  • Cork floor can swell and deform with long-term contacts with water.
  • It is not recommended to use indooms with pets: claws will easily damage the cork floor. Also should not walk through the cork floor on heels.

8. Ceramic tile and natural stone

Surely in any apartment there is a room (and probably not one) with a floor of ceramic tiles. Most often it is a bathroom, toilet, kitchen, less commonly entrance hall. Durable, resistant to abrasion and not afraid of moisture tile - perfect material for wet and passing rooms.
In principle, the floor of ceramics or stone can be arranged in the living room, and in the bedroom, but in this case, it is easy to combine such a coating with a warm floor, otherwise your legs will be frozen.Talking that the assortment of tiles and artificial stone is huge, probably not worth it - in any, even the smallest construction shop there is at least a dozen species of tile for every taste and wallet. This gives unlimited opportunities in the design of the premises.Pros:
  • Affordable price. From the extensive range of ceramics you can always find exactly the option that will suit you and price, and quality.
  • Strength. With proper laying, the ceramic tile may be stopped forever. An example is the ancient Greek temples whose floors are still decorated with ceramics.
  • Easy care. Ceramic tile and artificial stone are perfect, they are not afraid of moisture.
  • Labor-intensive installation. Laying tiles or artificial stone requires long and thorough preparatory work.
  • The presence of seams between tiles. No matter how hard the master - the seams always remain. It is necessary to close them thoroughly, and this is also a rather laborious process.
  • The need to combine ceramic tiles with warm floor systems, and these are additional costs that increase the final cost of the coating.

9. Polymer coatings or bulk floors

The bulk floors have recently inferior to the palm of the championship more eco-friendly materials - wood, traffic jam or parquet, but still remain in demand. Causes - the bulk sex is very durable, no moisture is afraid and provides unlimited possibilities for the embodiment of designer ideas.
Material for such floors serve cement-acrylic, epoxyurethane, polyurethane and epoxy compositions. In homes and apartments most often apply the last two types. The bulk floors can be monochrome, with a simple or three-dimensional pattern - the so-called 3D-floors.Pros:
    The bulk floors are not afraid of moisture, so they are most often arranged in bathrooms and kitchens. Larctic opportunities for design. The taking place is perfect for the device of warm floors. Properly made of the bulk floor can serve up to 50 flyiness to fire and temperature. Sale of care.
    High price. This includes not only the floor material itself, but also preliminary work on the preparation of the foundation, design, and so on. All this removes the bulk floor to the upper price categorization to the roughing. From how qualitatively the rough preparatory work will be made, the quality of the bulk sex itself will depend on the replacement. If you get bored with a bulk sex, and you want to dismantle it - prepare for serious work and great costs.

Hit Parade

In our charts, we tried to briefly tell about all the most popular types of floor coverings that can be found on the market. What will we recommend to choose from this?
    If you are an eco-style adherent and love experiments - try cork coatings. Love the classics and reliability - there is nothing better than the real wooden floor from an array or a good parquet. Economy, or you do not want to invest a lot of money in a removable apartment - take inexpensive linoleum, carpet or laminate .
In any case, choose you. And we will help make your choice light and enjoyable.Live easily!

This article on the site site is dedicated to various types of floors in the apartment. You will find out which floors it is better to do in the apartment depending on the purpose of the room.

Today, new apartments give up, mainly without decoration. There is reasonable grain in it - why overpay for the wretched finish and standard building materials, if you can independently make a choice from a large spectrum of offers or use the services of a professional designer, which will help create the concept of finishing the premises, based on the wishes of the customer.

Articles on the topic:

Floors in the apartment

Floors in the apartment always attract close attention. And not at all in vain.

The first thing that should be provided when choosing a decorative floor covering in the apartment is its wear resistance. There is a special burden on the floor, for example, in the form of shoes on heels, furniture, drops of various (including heavy) objects, etc.

In addition, the floors in the apartment should easily clean.

The choice of a certain finish will give a special style of the entire apartment, as the floors carry and a large decorative load throughout the interior.

Particular attention in this regard is worth paying the right selection of the floor colors in the apartment. It must be harmonized with the color of the ceiling, walls, furniture, etc.

Selection of material

One of the cheapest materials that is very often used for flooring in the apartment is linoleum. However, it is worth noting that this is an artificial material.

Now the trends are as follows that with any repair and construction work, the natural and environmentally friendly materials are mainly chosen.

For floors in the bathroom and kitchen, as well as corridors and hallways choose ceramic tiles. This material certainly has a long service life, easily cleales and withstands any load.

For floors in the apartment, special tiles made from vinyl, linoleum or traffic jams are very often used. Preference to such inexpensive materials is given, primarily due to their price, sound and thermal insulation.

Carpeted coatings remain popular. Today there is a large assortment of both natural and artificial carpets of the most different colors.

Wood floor coverings, namely, parquet tiles and overhead flooring are also used in the apartment. Special of their value is the naturalness of the material.

What outdoor coatings for home are more efficiently suitable for different premises? In fact, the area of \u200b\u200bany apartment can be divided into three functional zones:

  • living room or lounge;
  • work premises;
  • passage zones.

Flooring for an entrance hall

Hallway is a business card of your home. The first impression of the owner and his dwelling among the guests is formed in the hallway, so - here the floor should be quite beautiful.

But it is impossible to discount that it is here that all the dirt, bringing from the street, is settled here, here the floor comes with a lot of rough soles of street shoes, therefore, the floor material in the hallway should be easily deteriorating and resistant to mechanical damage.

A great output from the situation will be laminated parquet (or laminate) - one of the most reliable finishing materials for the floor: it is not terrible blows, drops of heavy items, heating and moisture.

The environmental friendliness and variety of colors make this material a good option for finishing the premises with high patency and loads on the floor.

Paul in the kitchen and bathroom

For a kitchen, where the floor is episodically subjected to a drop in kitchenware and random moisturizes, laminate is an ideal finishing material.

Also, a ceramic tile is perfect as an outdoor coating for the kitchen. The diversity of its drawings and shades provides large space for the fantasy of the decorator.

The tile has one minus - fragility. If still the choice is made in favor of the tile, then take a rough surface.

This requirement is true for the selection of tiles in the bathroom. Especially in the bathroom will not be overwhelmed with water or electric warm.

Seat for the living room

The living room is the face of your home, where guests are accepted, family celebrations are held. And here, like in any other room, a piece parquet or a massive board will be appropriate.

Artistic parquet from various breeds will give your sex uniqueness, at the expense of the figure, from ash to Wenge, and modern methods for the production of mosaic parquet will complement the quality of the total figure of the floor covering.

You can use instead of a piece parquet, as a parquet board, there will be a plus with a varnish coating, a pre-inflicted manufacturer.

The carpet on the floor in the living room has already become an anachronism. Previously, the carpet, most likely, was drowned to cover up the beautiful pattern of the floor, now there is no need for it. Hide the luxury and beauty of the floor covering is absolutely no need.

Paul in the bedroom and children's room

Flooring in rest rooms (bedrooms, children) should be comfortable and warm, for this, of course, you can use all sorts of carpets.

They harmoniously fit into any interior and muffle the sound, which is important for the bedroom. But this is if you are not too lazy to vacuum or you have a servant.

The floor from a natural tree will become an excellent alternative to carpet. Quiet colors and the texture of a natural parquet board will create the necessary comfort for bare feet.

A laminated parquet with a water or electric heating system is well suited to the room for children.

The huge plus of laminate in this case is its wear resistance, the child can shed paint to the floor, roll cars and ride them himself, and various blows and scratching are also scary. Laminate will endure everything.

For the docking of various types of flooring in the apartment use special thresholds in the form of the letter "T". Instead, you can use cork compensators tonned in the color of the coating, in this case the joint can be even curvilinear.

To make a final decision: "What a floor covering to choose for an apartment", consult with knowledgeable people, designers or architects. Only professionally selected materials will provide you with comfort and harmony of your home.

What is a quartz vinyl coating:

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The basis of the interior of any home, apartment or office space - floors. Today there are a large amount of floor coverings that can be selected for your design room. Someone stops on the most famous and relatively inexpensive materials, such as linoleum, laminate, carpet or tile. Others prefer novelties in the world of flooring or more expensive variants - marmoleum, bulk floors or parquet.

When choosing an outdoor coating, it is necessary to consider in which room it will be set. After all, different materials carry different characteristics and properties. That is, floor coverings in the bedroom and hallway should differ, as the permeability in these rooms is different.

Individual features of floor coverings in different premises

Before moving on to the review of various types of flooring, first need to consider which features of the sexes in each individual room.

In addition to the main characteristics, it is still worth paying attention to the price categories for each coating and ease of laying.

Types of flooring in the apartment

Today the market is filled with a variety of models and species that will come to every taste and wallet. All of them will differ among themselves according to characteristics, composition and place of use.

Floating boards

Fix linoleum to half 3 in different ways:

  • just with plinths,
  • on bilateral scotch;
  • with a special glue.

Benefits Linoleum is reduced to the following: it has good moisture protection, it is easy to wash, there are no big difficulties in laying, not subject to rotting, has a low cost among all flooring, a large selection of colors, has a long service life within several decades.

They consider low ergonomics and often a long process of preparation for laying. In order for the linoleum to serve for a long time, it is necessary to retain it to an absolutely smooth surface. In addition, before fixing, it should be searched in an unfolded form for several days to maximize adjacent to the base. Also, it is less eco-friendly material than wood. With a large temperature drops, it may crumble or crack.


The laminate is MDF panels treated with special resins, with layers of paper glued on them, and varnished-covered.

This product appeared on the building materials market not so long ago, but already won a large number of buyers. In its colors, it imitates real wooden floors.

This coating is divided into several classes depending on the strength of the panels. Less durable and wear-resistant 21-23 classes.

Such a laminate should be treated in residential rooms. 31-33 classes are stronger and more reliable, they are usually placed in the hallways and kitchens.

Pluses Laminate
lot. This material is considered to be resistant to such influences as pressure, load, abrasion. It does not remain deepening from heavy furniture. It is well tolerating high temperatures and fire resistant. Behind the laminate should not carefully care for the same parquet. Environmental and hypoallergen, as it is produced without harmful chemicals. Pretty simple laminate laying procedure. Suitable for coating a system of warm floors. Service life for more than 10 years. Sold at affordable prices.

but cons There are also. Not suitable for rooms in high humidity. It is desirable after laying to be treated with a special water healthy solution or wax.

Before stacking requires large preparatory work. If the laying technology is impaired, then the bloody boards or surface bubble is possible.

If the surface is not aligned properly, the laminate will begin to creak.

Polyvinyl chloride floors

These coatings in the form of soft elastic embossed materials. They include several layers. They have a long service life - about 30 years. Hold heavy loads and burn badly.

In addition, to the advantages of polyvinyl chloride floors It can be attributed to the fact that their strength is higher than that of linoleum or laminate. Their transportation is easy. Have good sound insulation and moisture protection properties. A wide variety among colors and textures.

They are that the skills for laying and a well-prepared surface are needed. Seams with time can develop. This is the cheapest material, and in small cities does not always happen. If it is incorrectly stored, the tile can be reached, which will cause difficulties during styling, so it is necessary to carefully check all the packages before purchasing.

Cork coating

This is a completely eco-friendly material, as it is made from cortex cortex in the form of a compressed crumb or veneer plates. Produced in the form of plates or rolls. The laying of the coating is carried out on the MDF panel and is fixed with glue.

This type of floor covering many advantages. Cork floors have very good heat and sound insulation properties. Sustainable deformation, so heavy furniture is not scary for this type of coating. The coating does not slide, positively affects the human support and motor system due to depreciation qualities. It is also affected by caustic alkalis, which are not used at home. Does not attract rodents and insects.

First of all, a high price is considered. Heels, pet claws, sharp furniture legs can damage the surface.

Because of the low thermal conductivity, it is impractical to install a warm floor system under this coating. Not suitable for rooms with high humidity, since the MDF base can swell.

Parquet board and parquet

Classic flooring. Parquet is a glued valuable wood on a wooden base, looks like small lobs.

Laying occurs a mosaic way to the base, which is prepared in advance. Fix with glue silt mastic.

TO benefits Certainly include environmental friendliness and durability of the material. With the correct laying technology, the parquet will serve as one decade.

Disadvantages There are high cost and a small selection, limited by natural wood.


Another popular species of flooring materials are carpet. May have in the composition of both natural ingredients and artificial. The latter are more common. Carpets can be purchased at affordable prices. A huge selection of colors. There are no difficulty in care. Also rodents and moles do not show interest. As well as linoleum, carpet is made in the form of rolls and tiles.

To their benefits Take good noise insulation, which the elastic and soft pile provides. Carpet resistant to abrasion.

Wherein disadvantage It is the fact that carpets can burn out on the sun's rays. At high humidity, mold may form. Due to the accumulation of dust in the pile, frequent cleaning of the vacuum cleaner is necessary.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tile has long been applied by humanity as an outdoor coating.

Most often it is placed in rooms with increased patency and humidity. Today there is a huge number of different in the appearance of ceramic tiles. The differences are in size, appearance, strength, water absorption, sliding degree, etc.

Most often it is put in the bathrooms and in the kitchen at the expense of its specific characteristics. But in recent times it often began to lay it in bedrooms and living rooms in mind its good thermal conductivity, installing a warm floor system under it.

The advantages of ceramic tile They are in its durability, moisture resistance, environmental friendliness, strength and ease of operation.

TO disadvantages Take difficult installation and disassembly, the presence of seams. If the heat-mall system is not installed, then walk the barefoot for such a coating will be cold.


NEW in the flooring market.

The composition of this coating includes only natural components: linseed oil, grinding lime, wood flour and resin.

Produced in the form of rolls, panels or tiles.

Marmoleum has a big number advantages. The most important thing is an environmentally friendly product.

It is laid without special difficulties, while there are no special requirements for leveling the base as, for example, for laminate or linoleum.

Lifetime from 20 to 30 years. Resistant to ignition, does not absorb moisture. To clean the coating is sufficiently wet cloth.

Main disadvantage - The fragility of the material when cutting. Therefore, the cropped parts are hidden under plinths. In this case, the material is solid, and this property is intensified with time, so it gives a high level of trauma.

Polymeric floors

This coating is also called bulk or liquid floors. According to components that are part of several species: cement-acrylic (the most eco-friendly), epoxy, methyl methacrylate (the most expensive) and polyurethane.

This new type of coating is gaining great popularity. They are used not only in residential premises, but also at enterprises, trading platforms, in sports facilities.

In the apartments most often the bulk sex can be found in the bathroom. They have an unusual 3D image design on the floor.

Large row advantages It helps to do increasingly choosing in favor of bulk floors. First of all, these are their appearance, beautiful and unusual. They are durable, resistant to moisture, fire and aggressive chemicals. They are easy to clean and wash them.

but, Pleasure to have a filling floor is quite expensive. Preparation of the base and the process of laying requires professional skills. And liquid floors are fully consisting of artificial materials.


Everyone who wants to replace the floor covering at home will find among all this diversity of species exactly the option that most suits him. When choosing it is necessary to remember these characteristics such as strength, heat and sound insulation, fire and wear resistance, chemical inertness, hypoallergenicity.

If you come seriously to the question and carefully examine the flooring market, you can get a result that exceeds expectations.

The floors, in addition to the interior, perform many other important functions - protect the house from the effects of moisture, soundly insulated, heated in the cold time. Choosing how best to cover is better, it is worth considering not only their aesthetics, but also functionality, and place / conditions of application. That is, the choice of flooring should be suitable as seriously and thoroughly.

Materials used for the manufacture of floors are varied - wood, laminate, tile, parquet, porcelain stoneware, bulk floors, vinyl and even glass.


It is a coating consisting of the following layers:

  • Kraft paper.
  • Print drawing.
  • Protective layer of polymers.

Panels are divided into classes depending on the redundant load. The wear resistance, impact resistance, light sensitivity, refractoriness is taken into account.

  • Installation is carried out on a prepared perfectly smooth surface.
  • It is afraid of moisture.
  • The impossibility of restoration.
  • Attractive value.
  • A huge range of colors for every taste.
  • Ease of installation.

When choosing a laminate, some features should be taken into account:

On the bright laminate, dust is noticeable, it looks very noble. It is better not to use dark colors if the room is on the sunny side - even the smallest settlements on the floor of the dusty will be noticeable in the side rays of the incident sunlight.

Moisture-resistant laminate has a greenish tint, its facing part has a protective coating from the fungus, in the middle of the panel there are substances absorbing moisture.

Parquet board

Parquet board is the most natural and environmentally friendly type of floor covering. It is several layers of wooden rails, up to 5 mm thick, interconnected by planets pasted on top.

  • The parquet board is much easier to scratch, it is less durable and more capricious in use than laminate.
  • If there is a dog in the room even medium-sized dog, such a coating will quickly deteriorate due to traces of claws.
  • It is damaged from sharp heels and studs.
  • Does not take dry air in which he dries and cracks.
  • Naturalness, environmentally friendly product, with a real pattern of wood and with the corresponding appearance;
  • Subjected to restoration.

Parquet from solid wood varieties. The most common material is oak, ash, beech, maple. These materials are durable and recommended for high patency.

The ash has a more pronounced pattern than oak, so the latter is used for standard coating, and ash - for a mosaic parquet.

The board itself can be executed in absolutely different configurations - a rectangle, rhombus, "Christmas tree" and even round shape. Parquet is much more durable than laminate, used in living rooms and bedrooms.

The choice of color can be any, most importantly, adhere to the rule so that the floor and the walls are different shades. It is necessary that their boundaries do not merge. That is, if the walls are light, the parquet board or laminate should be darker on the pair of shades and vice versa.

Due to the wide distribution of the Scandinavian style made in bright colors, the interiors with white floors are increasingly.


The risen-resistant type of floor covering. It is made from sand, clay and other materials of natural origin. Tile plates are burned at high temperatures, so they are durable and wear-resistant.

They are not subject to deformation, so they can crack if something is truly severe. But the spoiled fragment can be replaced by another.

Main characteristics:

  • Wear resistance.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Refractory.
  • Not afraid of light and will not lose its color.
  • Susceptible to external domestic influences.
  • It's easy to care and hygienic.

Mandatory condition for laying tiles is the evenness and smoothness of the base. To such can relate:

  • Plasterboard.
  • Plaster.
  • Old tile.
  • Previous paint.
  • Plywood.

The most common tile forms are rectangular, square, rhombus. But there are samples with six and eight corners, as well as a special tile form for the design of corners and eaves.

The dimensions are completely different - from huge plates to a small mosaic. Designers are increasingly using several forms and sizes of tiles at the same time when the floors are made of the same room.

Also tile is porous or dense. Since the porous well absorbs moisture, then this kind is more relevant in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

For these premises, a coating with high chemical and mechanical indicators, such as surface hardness, bending resistance. For floors in these rooms, the third and fourth-class tiles are recommended.

This season is relevant gray, beige, electric colors, as well as lavender and shades of blue. Bathrooms are popular with ornament.

Pottery under parquet

In fact, this is an ordinary tile that imitates the parquet board. It is based on two types of clay, it is environmentally friendly and natural. Unlike natural wood, porcelain stoneware is more practical and not afraid of water.

It can be used in any room of the apartment, especially in the kitchen in the style of Provence or the bathroom, in the interior of which the last seasons are extremely popular with wood furniture.

Glass floors

Lately, the designers increasingly began to use glass floors and other translucent designs in their works, to familiarize themselves with which you can at, and not only in individual houses, but also in apartments.

This type of floor covering is quite extravagant, gives a feeling of emptiness under his feet and creates a sense of weightlessness. The room becomes air and spacious.

Opportunities are limited only by fantasy. You can darken the surface using different colors, or apply a photo printing or ornament. Niche under glass is often issued by the interior items, which increases the effect of transparency.

In addition, the impression can be reinforced by placing it. It is necessary to take into account only one nuance - a halogen backlight gives a lot of heat, glass can be very overheated and deformed, so it is better to use other aircases.

The glass floor looks very good in a small hallway or as an element of zoning a living room or bedroom.

Self-leveling floors

They are made of polymers and based on materials are based on:

  • Polyurethane.
  • Epoxy.
  • Methyl methacrylate.

This is the optimal option "price-quality", which has recently become becoming increasingly popular.

Pluses of bulk floors:

  • Terkesolation.
  • Ecology.
  • Durability.
  • Thunderstand chasters.
  • Refractory.
  • Resistance to chemical exposure.

The minimum work resource of such a floor is from two decades, and with proper care it will last much more.

Polymer floors are applied to the concrete base, sometimes their fill to a well-prepared wood base. Concrete must be perfectly smooth, after a screed need to wait at least 28 days.

Special primer is laid under the bulk floor, the floor thickness must be at least 2 mm.

The compound is poured by a path to the projected tie. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the evenness of its distribution. In order to avoid the worsening of the adhesion between the formations of a two-layer finish coating, a temporary gap between the application of the layers should not exceed two days.

When rolling the aerator, it should not be removed from the polymer until the viscosity increases.

In the equipment of the bulk floors, the surface is pre-prepared, it is aligned in advance, drawing and decorative elements are applied and poured with a solution. A few days later (when the coating hardens), they give frosted or gloss.

The bulk floor looks great in the hallway, and on the contrast with a glossy stretch ceiling with a competently decorated light, it will significantly expand its space as a whole, as well as in the living room, where it will be especially profitable. He will emphasize the light from a large chandelier.

Vinyl floor

This surface mimics the tree, marble, natural stone and even the skin. It can be smooth or relief, glossy or matte. Vinyl tile - product of innovative technologies, which has a number of unique properties:

  • Vinyl substrate is an excellent shock absorber. Springs under the legs, suppresses sounds, movement becomes silent;
  • Is durable due to crushed quartz with plasticizers based on;
  • The strength that is formed as a result of use in the manufacture of a hot pressing method.
  • Resistance to moisture and ultraviolet.
  • Easy to care.

Depending on the material imitated, produced in rolls and plates. Plates can be with lock devices, and may have a lower adhesive surface or generally present a conventional tile for which special glue is needed.

Color solutions can be both monophonic so and multicolored - it all depends on taste. There are also its cons:

  • When contacting with rubber on the surface there will remain stains, get rid of which is almost impossible.
  • Synthetic components in the composition.
  • Complexity in restoration.

The vinyl floor is suitable for any room, especially the kitchen and the bathroom, in which increased humidity reigns. But because of the fear of rubber from this cover, it is better to abandon the hallway.

Of course, it is clear to say which floor covering is better, it is almost impossible, since much depends not only on the characteristics, but also on a particular case. It should be remembered that the material, perfect in the bedroom, may not justify expectations in the kitchen, and vice versa.

The floor is largely affected by the room comfort. That is why the design of the floor in the apartment is one of the first items during repair and is performed first. It contains most of the furniture and equipment.

A person constantly contact him, often barefoot. On the floor you have to lie and even sleep. It inevitably gets different garbage, which means that it should be easy to clean.

In apartment buildings, the issue of neighborhood is particularly acute - the floor must become a barrier separating two housing. Through it should not penetrate outsiders and other evidence of the life of a neighbor, as well as to him from you.

At the same time, of course, I want it to be pleasant to go to go to complement the situation. Look at the photo of the floor in the apartment: what unusual solutions can be found!

Design features

As a rule, the floor is mounted from two layers: intermediate and directly flooring. In some cases, the first layer is lowered, and the coating is glued directly to the slab overlap.

It is possible to resort to this option only in extreme cases: the floor in the apartment made in this way does not only provide sound insulation, but it will be cold and most likely not even.

Modern floors have a more complex design, which includes layers of moisture, sound and thermal insulation. A smooth surface is achieved by using a screed during a draft finish. There are several options for performing this procedure.

During the fulfillment of the wet screed, the solution is made to which the floor is poured. Drying period is quite large - up to 29 days. You can close the coating on top of the semi-dryer in a week. In addition, it provides additional heat and sound insulation. Dry casing of the floor in the apartment can be covered immediately after installation.

Floor coverings

The choice of coating depends on a number of factors.

  • If the apartment is located above the basement, remember that not every wooden floor "survive" is permanent humidity.
  • In a house with young children or pets, look for the most easily cleaned and durable coatings.
  • Some designs of houses do not provide for unnecessary loads, which eliminates the execution of a concrete screed.


Always actual type of coating with a spectacular appearance. Today there are many varieties of parquet of different colors and drawings. The material is the various breeds of natural wood.

From this flows one of its main flaws - high costs. In addition, make this floor of the house with your own hands - the task is not simple.

Parquet boards

From the previous version there is a lower price. Since the parquet board is more parquet tiles, put it faster and easier, although a variety of available patterns will slightly decrease. "Easily" lightweight floor repair in the apartment: boards can be cycled several times.


It is considered optimal for the price / quality ratio. The classic laminate looks like natural wood, but there are options that are stylized under stone, skin or other material. If you wish, you can depict almost any pattern.


Ideal for the premises of high humidity and exposure to pollution: kitchen, bathroom or corridor. It is easy to clean, it has high strength and durability. You can find the tile of the most intricate drawings. An alternative can make a porcelain stoneware, not inferior to it in positive qualities.


Wooden floor - a peculiar classic of the genre. It is cheap and easy to install, while not too durable. Extend service life with special compositions. When choosing, pay attention to the tree breed.


Cheap, simple in laying, steady moisture material. Produced a wide variety of colors and patterns. The most accessible option, if you are limited in finance.


Produce from synthetic and natural fibers, the length of the pile varies. Soft, cozy material replaces the carpet on the floor. Provides sound insulation.

Of the minuses - the DISTRICT, since the pile has a cleaning property. In addition, dust and dirt accumulates, so it will have to be cleaned regularly.


Natural, warm, slightly springing material is created to go by barefoot. Special varnishes will help protect it from moisture and dirt. It will save him even a smartly serious person.


A kind of carpet, woven from the fibers of reed, jute, flax. Stylish addition of minimalist interior. Static electricity does not accumulate on them, and the feet get an additional massage. Produced in different color solutions.

Warm floor

Modern option in the apartment. It is convenient to walk both in shoes and barefoot. The installation of the system will solve the issue of heating both in the apartment and on the glazed balcony. The "warm floor" is mounted almost under any flooring.


It is no secret that the coating suitable for a number of characteristics is selected. Try to withstand them in a similar color scheme: then the interior will look more holistic.


In a room where a person sleeps, it is especially important to create a calm, cozy atmosphere. It is perfect for a warm, soft carpet or tree. Do not choose cold materials like laminate. The warm floor will make the room even more comfortable, because here most often step by barefoot.


In the room where the child lives, it is not easy to find enough practical material. The most suitable today is a traffic jam. It provides good noise insulation, no moisture is afraid, safe and hypoallergenne.

Study to walk, a small child will often fall - the elasticity of the material will protect it from random bruises and reduce the load on the spine.


Here people most often go, including street shoes. Therefore, the floor should be easily cleaned, be moisture-resistant and durable. These requirements satisfy tiles and porcelain stonewares. Pick up beautiful and spectacular patterns, because the first impression of the guest Guest will get in the hallway.

Kitchen and bathroom

Focus on the same requirements as in the previous case. Use tiles, porcelain stoneware and other moisture-resistant coatings.

Photo of floors in the apartment