Portable car wash from the cigarette lighter with their own hands. How to make a sink of high pressure with your own hands

High-pressure washing is a highly efficient unit used for professional cleaning of car paint coating, boiling space, wheel drives, other elements.

The device is necessary to create high pressure, strong water pressure, providing surface cleaning, structures.

Such a tool is used by masters in services, but the homemade high-pressure car washing with their own hands can cope with the task.

What details will be required to build a car wash?

The mini-sink device is a simple process. Work begins with the selection of parts for the subsequent assembly of the design. The work part must be collected from high-quality, proven materials. Accessories, with the exception of the pump, do not have to be new. But it is preliminarily checked in order to avoid breakdowns.

  1. A pump or a motor that provides the creation of water pressure - the main part. When choosing attention to performance, the ability to create pressure. For nephequent exploitation, at home, enough pressure in 100 bar. When installing additional equipment, nozzles require up to 160 bar. The average indicators vary in the range of 100-200 units.
  2. Electromotor - power supply system. When self-assembly, it is recommended to choose single-phase devices, 220V potential. They are safer and affordable.
  3. The coupling is necessary for connecting the pump and the power plant. Preferably, models capable of executing the fuse functions and balance the shafts on the axis.
  4. The case, water tank - provides uniform flow of water mass. Tanks made of durable plastic or metal are used.
  5. Rama is the basis for reliable fastening of elements. Often, additional wheels are installed in the bottom of the mobility, ease of operation.
  6. Pistol with nozzle, hoses - required for water supply. The hose choose high-quality, reinforced.
  7. Nozzles are used to change the nature of the water flow. There are many models used to solve specific tasks.

It is not worth saving on the quality of the details - this will affect the performance of the device.

To make a homemade high pressure sink with their own hands, other components will be required.

Additional elements:

  • the filter element is a small mesh, warning of dirt, garbage particles;
  • condenser, single-stage reducer - optional components, but they allow you to facilitate the start, improve the quality of work, performance;
  • - can be used as a pump, the basics for car wash, a significantly simplifying assembly;
  • performance regulator, unloading valve - Details providing safety and efficiency;
  • clamps or hydraulic sealing - will allow to make compounds with hermetic;
  • elements in contact with water are selected from corrosion resistant alloys.

After completing the collection of spare parts, you can start bonding the elements and their installation on the frame. It is important to maintain the possibility of repairing technology, more often using threaded connections.

In the process of assembling car wash there are several important points that determine the safety of further operation and the lack of problems.

Frame - the base of the whole design:

  • it is assumed to manufacture the system with optimal sizes, for which suitable pipes are selected - round, curved;
  • in addition to the wheels at the bottom it is desirable to install clamps;
  • the handle will facilitate the transportation.

Grounding - Security element:

  • the three-core wire is selected;
  • a plug with a grounding terminal will be required;
  • a rosette is grounded.

After preparation, several main steps are performed:

  1. Electrical equipment, including engine, pump, other elements of the design, are installed on the frame.
  2. The gun with a nozzle supplying water is attached after pressing the special button. Such devices use professionals, but they are easy to purchase and in the store.
  3. High pressure sleeves are performed.

After completing the assembly, connect to the water supply. For this, the hose is 7 m long.

How to avoid unforeseen breakdowns

Thinking on how to make a car wash with your own hands, it is desirable to ensure optimal operation that prevents the need for subsequent recovery.

Important installation points:

  • before starting, all connections, fasteners are checked;
  • the filter element needs regular cleaning against contamination;
  • you should not often use technique at full capacity;
  • installation of the battery will protect the device from energy drops.

With an independent assembly of the device, subsequent restoration, replacement of rubber rings, seals will not cause difficulties.

The car wash is used to remove garbage, contaminants from the body of the car and other details. Maximum improve the quality of cleaning allows the foam generator. It is also easy to do it yourself.

Separate a small amount of tool:

  • roulette;
  • knife;
  • bulgarian;
  • wrenches;
  • pliers.

Thinking on how to make a foam generator for a car wash with your own hands, it is worth choosing and suitable materials, details for the assembly.


  1. A pipe is needed, a length of at least 50 cm. It is filled with polyethylene by a washcloth for subsequent formation of foam.
  2. A mesh filter is installed to prevent filler from entering other nodes.
  3. One edge of the pipe should be drowning, install a tee for subsequent fixing the crane of the foaming agent.
  4. Using the fitting, the connection of the pipe and the hose intended for the foam is carried out.
  5. To another end, the crane is connected, providing the stream of compressed air masses.

The characteristics of the foam, which will be obtained as a result of the operation of such an installation, is determined by the length of the tube used. Attention requires the density of filling plane by a washcloth. For filling of autocostectors, a container is suitable capable of withstanding the rendered system pressure.

Car wash and foam generator - useful aggregates that simplify the car care process. They easily cope with loads under home operating conditions, well replacing the factory tool.

The purity of the car is not only aesthetic indicator, but also protects the product from negative factors of the external environment. Indeed, in adhesive and dry mud, aggressive elements damaging paintwork can contain. Also, long and regular body pollution can lead to irreversible metal damage, up to through corrosion on separate elements.

In this case, the regular visit to the car washing or home water procedures is saved. But in the second case, it is necessary to buy a detergent or a car wash should be made with your own hands from the remedies. Prices in stores are mainly started with 5 thousand rubles. The upper threshold may not stop at 20 thousand. Therefore, we will do it yourself.

Pump and electric part

The main part of any water supply unit is the pump. For our product, it will need a fairly powerful, capable of developing pressure at least up to 150 atmospheres. Selecting the finished pump, it is necessary to take into account the materials from which the work nodes are made.

Preferences should be given to products with high-strength metal or ceramic piston.

The electric motor is desirable to choose with a voltage in 220 V. A reliable start is provided by an additional condenser unit. The higher frequency of revolutions will provide greater performance.

It is necessary to know that too high-speed pump with a large number of revolutions can lose in power at maximum working turns and is subjected to intensive wear.

Optimal consumers of 2-3 kW and rotation up to 2000 rpm.

Transfer of rotation

Designed High Pressure Sink with your own hands should have the necessary security elements in the chain to save important nodes. Such a link is a coupling connecting the pump and the engine.

It is advisable to install such a coupling that can compensate for small axial discrepancy between shafts.

You can also set the belt transmission with one step. Such a gearbox balances turns and load between the engine and the pump. The gear ratio is selected based on their necessary output parameters in the frequency of rotations.

Tank and Performance Controller

Mini washing must be equipped with sufficient water capacity. A tank is suitable, which can be additionally powered by a constant water source: a water tap, a deepwater well or a small water tower.

What to do washing

At the entrance to the container, it is desirable to install coarse and medium filters. So, unnecessary litter will not fall into the pump and will not prevent the work of the entire system.

In the main container for water, you can add a car shampoo or other allowed autocosmetics. The process will take place more efficiently.

The performance regulator is usually combined with an unloading autoclapan, redirecting an unused pressure back to the tank, reducing the load on the pump.

External elements

All units are mounted on a frame made of profile or round bent pipes. Often to the lower pipes attach a pair of wheels to help transport the unit. Also installed stops for fixing and handle so that you can move the entire design.

The appearance of the car wash car wash made by hand

For high pressure sleeves, a plastic or rubberized reinforced hose can be applied. It is necessary to ensure the tightness of the compounds using high-quality clamps or hydraulic sealing.

The design should be collapsible and maintainable. Therefore, it is desirable to apply threaded connections where possible.

Also in places of contact with water (fittings, valves) need low-corrosion alloys: brass and bronze.

Car wash scheme

Direct water supply is carried out through a gun with a nozzle installed in it. It has visual resemblance to a gun on a gas station. The water jet is formed only after pressing the key. This method helps save the prepared working fluid with consumables. The gun can be just buying in any construction store.

Operation of washing made with your own hands

Details for assembling washing

When operating, you must follow several tips:

  • periodically, it is necessary to inspect the connecting nodes and tighten the threaded compounds in the wrench;
  • filters installed in the apparatus need inspection before each connection so that the bandwidth does not reduce;
  • the electrical part must be grounded to avoid accidents during operation, for this, a cable with three copper conductors is used, and the plug must have a grounding terminal;
  • during the process of washing, it is not necessary to fix the jet into one point on the body of the machine so as not to damage the paint coating with a strong pressure.

Foam generators for car wash

The device for high-quality contactless washing is called a foam generator. With it, you can completely dip the car with small bubbles of the washing suspension and carry out high-quality surface cleaning from dust, dirt and sticking small particles.

The process of marking a homemogenerator

Penogenator for washing with your own hands can be made even in the garage. It is necessary to stock patience and billets of all nodes and elements.

Principle of operation of the foam generator

The device performs two main functions in the car wash process:

  1. the formation of fine foam from the prepared reagents;
  2. uniform applying foam on the desired surface of the vehicle.


To perform such a process, the water jet, mixed with autocosmetics (shampoo or other specialized preparations), is sprayed with a stream of air passing through the installed channels, and together form a large-scale foam.

After that, the mixture is passed through a block with a foaming tablet. Now such a mass can be applied to the surface.

Plates controlling the flow and providing a thin spraying jet, distribute the working foam in all irregularities of the outer part of the body.

The difference of homemade equipment from professional

The quality of the work of a professional car wash with the help of a foam generator may be higher than when using the device manufactured independently. For this there are several criteria that determine the final result.

The main parameter is the size of the formed foam. An important characteristic is a homogeneous structure and a minimum diameter of bubbles.

When using professional miles, specialized industrial shampoos are used.

Also, professional equipment allows you to pump significantly greater fluid pressure than which can be achieved in garage conditions. Due to this, the flow rate of detergents is reduced.

But with all these factors, the result of self-washing is quite worthy, especially since the final price for one session speaks in favor of the self-made device.

Independent manufacture of foam generator

The manufacture of a foam generator will require the creators to be set by a set of keys, a grinder, in advance by the repair kit with spare parts of a professional installation consisting of a nozzle, gun, compressor, a hose for washing.

The principle of the car wash

In addition to the listed elements, it is necessary to take an inch tube with a length of about 70 cm. It will take a filter from it. To do this, feed the cavity of the fishing line. It is advisable to apply it different diameter, so foam to form more efficiently.

After packing, metal filters will be needed on both sides, in order to avoid slicing lines in a container with shampoo.

Principle of operation of the foam generator

Next, threaded plugs are put on both ends of the pipe. Now the T-shaped transition is screwed to one of the plugs. A compressor is screwed to such a transition, and on the second thread hose from the liquid tank. The free end of the tube with a fishing line will be output for foam. The hose for spraying the finished foam is attached to it through the fitting.

You need to know that the quality of the resulting foam depends on the quality of packing in the tube with a fishing line.

You can achieve the desired result by changing the package in the tube with a fishing line. It is also allowed empirically to choose the necessary length of such a pipe and the texture of the fishing line.

In the modern world, almost every family has a car in personal use. At the same time, not every motorist can use the garage as a place of storage of useful things. It is clear that all cars without exception sooner or later require outdoor cleaning. Sometimes, light, surface. And for this you do not need to stand in line on the car wash or spend money on the purchase of a washing machine. In order to save time and money, you can make a mini-sink with your own hands: always carry it in the trunk and enjoy the need for any secluded place.

Materials for work:
1. A plastic canister with two pods for plum - 1 pc.;
2. Hose bulging for washing machine (length - 2 m) - 1 pc.;
3. Pistol watering on telescopic bar - 1 pc.;
4. Quick-level fitting - 1 pc.;
5. Valve for the tubeless wheels (spool) - 1 pc.;
6. Laying rubber (inner diameter of 15 mm, outdoor - 24 mm) - 1 pc.;
7. Connecting coupling - 1 pc.;
8. Screwdriver, thick drill, feathery drill with a diameter of 22 mm, sealant silicone or glue rubber, automotive compressor.

Stages of performance:

First stage: Mount the air inlet.
Having gathered the necessary components, remove the lid from the drain neck of the plastic canister. Important: In the future, when using a mini-sink, the canister will need to lay on the side, the plug down (for direct water outlet under pressure), so we leave the cover of this hole for the joint with the hose. Thick drill make a hole in the lid lid.

We apply on the side of the valve for the tubeless wheels (in spoken speech - a spool) silicone sealant.

Bold the valve into the cover of the cover, carefully pressed, dry.

After hardening the sealant, screw the lid on the drain hole of the canister.

Second Stage: Mount the water outlet.
Remove from the second hole canister cover. Feather drill make a hole in it corresponding to the diameter of the coupling.

Insert the coupling into the drilled hole.

For a stronger consolidation of the coupling, her junction with a lid shed silicone sealant, dry.

From one end (better - curved) of the bulk hose for the washing machine, we cut the nut and its mount.

The fastening itself will not be useful in further work, but the nut is dripping the opposite side of the coupling, pre-applying silicone sealant to it.

After drying the sealant, screw the cover on the hole canisters.

Third Stage: We connect the hose with a watering pistol.
The use of a bulk hose for a washing machine is due to its ability to withstand high water pressure. The sliced \u200b\u200bpart of the hose is inhabited in the fast-consuming nut.

Fresh slope slice in a quick-consuming fitting (it is clamped with a special fastening).

Twisting the main fitting and its nut.

Hour a fitting on a watering gun on a rod.

Fourth stage: We connect the hose with the canister.
To avoid air output when water supply under pressure, in the second nut of the filling hose insert the desired diameter of the rubber gasket.

Often such situations occur when the car is very contaminated as a result of movement on polluted terrain, but there are no devices in proximity to wash it well. For example, you traveled to the forest for mushrooms or berries, on the lake. Running in a reservoir with a bucket to see the car, in this case, in this case, rubbing the dirt with an old cloth - not an option. For such purposes, you can make it possible to make a small mini sink from the most simple remedies. It will be very compact and easy to fit into the trunk of any car, without eating unnecessary space.

To understand how to make such a device - Look at this video:

Necessary materials for the manufacture of mini-sink:
- foot pump;
- Capacity;
- fitting;
- quick disconnect valve;
- lid;
- fungus from the tubeless wheel;
- hose;
- watering head;
- rubber gasket;
- glue;
- transitional coupling;
- Sealant.

To start work, we take the prepared in advance capacity. It can be a conventional plastic canister with a volume of at least 10 liters. Ideally, it is necessary to use the capacity of a large volume of thick plastic or metal.

A fungus is embedded in the capacitance cover, it is sealed with a rubber gasket on glue. The gasket can not be placed if the hole for the fungus is very accurate, which allows it to hold hard and hermetically.

At the bottom of the tank, the hole is done, into which the fitting is attached with the adapted coupling and silicone sealant.

The watering head is equipped with a quick-consuming valve that allows you to connect the hose. Also such a valve connects the hose to the container.

It is best to use a watering head equipped with five working modes: 3 rain and 2 simple jets. This will make it use more functional.

Principle of operation.
With the help of a foot pump, we pumped into the container to air so that the pressure was not more than 0.1-0.2 atmospheres, this will be more than enough. This creates an overpressure inside the plastic canister, the air presses on the water in the tank. Now it will be enough to open the valve of the irrigation head so that the water came out. Just do not cease with pressure so that your container does not burst.

Wash the car with a rag and bucket, of course, good, but it is a somewhat outdated method. Have you seen at least once so that such a grandfather clean the car on the sinks? If so, do not come back there anymore. There are clearly saved on quality and neglect by their employees. So, in this article we will talk about how the car wash is done with their own hands. The thing is very interesting and useful.

High Pressure Car Wash Features

It can be said that such equipment is not any luxury. Today it is already a need. The fact is that only so you can wash the bootable space, the bottom and body of the car. But what is most importantly, for this you do not need to apply almost no effort. All that is required of you is about 20 minutes.

The main components of the car wash

Although we will collect equipment yourself, that is, in your workshop, we will need purchased details, which, unfortunately, it is often not possible to find in their garage. The first thing we need is a high-performance pump. It must create pressure from 100 to 200 bar. Such equipment will be quite productive and perfect for the implementation of our goals. At the pump selection stage, you need to pay attention to what it is made from what material. For example, a piston group is metallic or the alloy of ceramics, and the heads of blocks are brass. Of course, you can go alternative and instead of a high pressure pump use a compressor. It will be cheaper, but the system will be less productive.

Motor selection

Do not do we and without a good engine. It makes sense to stop on a single-phase low power motor. By the way, it can be found in his garage or remove with the old washing machine or similar equipment. In general, quite enough power 200-300 watts. A single-phase motor is an order of magnitude safer than three-phase in terms of connection and somewhat more economical, so we will focus on it. But whether the capacitor and gearbox will be provided in your car wash, solve you. Similar equipment can extend the service life of the system, but will significantly complicate the design. In addition, these items are not at all mandatory, everything will work perfectly without them. In any case, the car wash is done with their own hands so difficult. Let's move on to the practical part.

High Pressure Car Wash

Before proceeding directly to the assembly, you must acquire additional elements. We will need a coupling for connecting the pump and the electric motor. It is best to take the so-called soft coupling that will compensate for a slight deviation of the shafts from the alignment.

Another important element is a water tank. In this case, the ideal solution will be plastic tank. It is easier to transfer it, rather than metallic, and in durability it does not give up the latter. It must be connected to the plumbing network, so that water is constantly in our container. At the outlet from the tank, we set a fine grid that performs the role of the filter. It will protect the pump from damage to foreign bodies. Well, now let's see how the car wash is a high pressure with your own hands.

Build construction

In general, there is nothing difficult. By the way, it is advisable to install the performance regulator. This element is not mandatory. The fact is that the automatic unloading valve is supplied with it, which, in which case drops the pressure and removes the load from the pump. The regulator is needed in order to change the pressure in the system. Consequently, it is possible to put on a maximum - and the jet will be very powerful - and at a minimum - in a weak mode of operation.

Metal frame is used as a single base for all collected parts and nodes. It is fixed by an electric motor, a pump and a gun with a nozzle. All this is connected to each other with high pressure sleeves. Pay attention to the quality of the compounds, since during the work they will be subject to serious loads. After the design is collected, the mini car wash is ready to work. Perform it check. If everything is in order, you can use. In the case of insufficient pressure, check the tightness of the compounds and the operation of the pump.

Homemade car wash and its features

We have already figured out that it will be much cheaper to buy all the details and already to assemble them and get ready-made equipment. But I would like to note that the homemade car wash has a number of features. First, its repair is essential. In particular, we are talking about replacing the failed nodes. Secondly, you can use any nozzle. If you need to get a concentrated jet, one species is suitable if the scattered is different.

Many make mistakes at the sink connection stage to the central water supply. The fact is that the hose length should not exceed 7 meters. This will eliminate possible pressure jumps. If you neglect this requirement, nothing good will happen. In the case when the mini car wash works from the tank, you need to carefully choose its volume. It is advisable to take the capacity of at least 30 liters and equip it with the check valve so that in the process of work it was possible to pump pressure. If you often wash a strongly contaminated car at low temperatures, you will need a homemoisseur for car wash. The price of purchased equipment is about 5-9 thousand rubles. Agree, the amount is rather big. It is possible to make it from a conventional plastic sprayer, which is then connected to the washing.

Need to take into account

In general, we figured out how to make a car wash. Complex, as you see, nothing. But there are several simple rules that will help extend the life of such equipment. Periodically, it is necessary to check the reliability of the compounds, including threaded. If they weakened, do not forget to pull up. Since the tank has a filter element in the form of a grid, it will be gradually clogged. If it is not clean, then in the end, the passability of water to the pump will decrease. Do not forget to periodically inspect the filter, if necessary, change or clean. Well, when assembling design, use the popular drawings of the car wash, one of which you can find in this article. They will help you to navigate what is what, and the installation is right.


Car wash with your own hands is easy. Where the longer you can sit and think: "Do not make me washing yourself?" If ultimately take and proceed, then assembly work will be completed in a few hours. In any case, it makes sense to remember that the paint coating of your car is not eternal and you need to carefully follow. By the way, many motorists do not recommend using a car wash with a pump that creates pressure of more than 200 bar. If such equipment is used for complete power, then there is probability to damage the paint coating of the car. Yes, and the load on the engine and the working bodies of the aggregates are significantly increasing. Even if there is a need to create a high pressure, use it in short-term modes. In principle, this is all that can be told about how to build a car wash.