Representation and imagination in psychology. Phenomena phenomena of psyche: performance and imagination What the difference of presentation from imagination

NOU "Murmansk Humanitarian Institute"




According to general psychology

Subject: performance. IMAGINATION.

Performed: Student

2nd Courses, F-Ta Psychology

Correspondence department

Borodkina I.N.

Checked: teacher

Semenova MA

Murmansk 2009.



The concept of representation, the mechanisms of ideas

The main characteristics of the representations

Represents functions

Classification and types of representations

Performance operations

The concept of imagination, the mechanisms of the imagination process

Physiological bases of imagination

The role of imagination in man's life

Types of imagination

Operations of imagination

Imagination and creativity




Primary information about the world around us we get with the help of sensation and perception. The excitement arising in our senses does not disappear without a trace at the very moment when the effect of irritants on them is stopped. After that, the so-called consecutive images are saved for some time. At the same time, the role of these images for the mental life of a person is relatively small. A much greater importance is the fact that after a long time after we perceived any item, the image of this subject can be again - by chance or intentionally - caused by us. This phenomenon got the name "performance".

The concept of representation, the mechanisms of appearanceinlenia

The presentation is a mental process of reflecting objects or phenomena, which are not currently perceived, but are recreated on the basis of our previous experience.

The presentation is based on the perception of objects that took place in the past. You can select multiple types of representations. First, it is the presentation of memory, i.e. the views that occurred on our direct perception in the past of any object or phenomenon. Secondly, it is imagination. At first glance, this type of ideas does not correspond to the definition of the concept of "presentation", because in the imagination we display what has never been seen, but it is only at first glance. Representations of imagination are formed on the basis of information obtained in past perceptions and its more or less creative processing. The richer the past experience, the brighter and the corresponding presentation can be fully.

Representations arise not by themselves, but as a result of our practical activity. At the same time, the views are of great importance not only for memory or imagination processes - they are extremely important for all mental processes that ensure human cognitive activities. The processes of perception, thinking, written speech are always associated with the views, as well as the memory that stores information and due to which the views are formed.

Basic characteristicsiki ideas

Presentations have their own characteristics. First of all, ideas are characterized by visibility. . Presentations are sensually visual images of reality, and this is their proximity to the images of perception. But perceptual images are a reflection of those objects of the material world that are perceived at the moment, while performances are reproduced and recycled images of objects that were perceived in the past.

The next characteristic of the representations is fragmentary. Representations are full of spaces, individual parts and signs are presented brightly, others are very vague, and the third is generally absent. For example, when we imagine someone's face, it is clear and clearly reproducing only certain features, those on which, as a rule, we recorded attention.

No less significant performance characteristic is their instability and impermanence. So, any caused image, whether it is a thing or someone else, will disappear from the field of your consciousness, no matter how trying to keep it. And you will have to make another effort to call it again. In addition, the presentations are very fluid and changeable. The front plan takes turns of the same one, then other details of the reproduced image.

It should be noted that the views are not just visual images of reality, but always to certainly summarized images. This is their proximity to the concepts. The generalization is available not only in those performances that relate to a whole group of similar objects (the presentation of the chair in general, the representation of the cat is generally and others), but also in the ideas of specific subjects. Everyone familiar to us the subject we see more than once, and every time we have a new image of this subject every time, but when we are conscious of the idea of \u200b\u200bthis subject, then the resulting image is always generalized.

Our ideas are always the result of the generalization of individual images of perception. The degree of generalization contained in the presentation may be different. Representations characterized by a great degree of generalization are called common ideas.

Represents functions

The idea, as well as any other cognitive process, carries out a number of functions in the mental regulation of human behavior. Most researchers allocate three main functions: alarm, regulating and tuning.

The essence of the indicator of the representations is reflected in each particular case not only the image of the item that has previously affected our senses, but also the diverse information about this subject, which, under the influence of specific impacts, is converted into a system of signals controlling behavior.

The regulatory function of the representations is closely related to their signal function and is the selection of the necessary information about the subject or phenomenon that has previously affected our senses. Moreover, this choice is not abstract, but taking into account the actual conditions of the upcoming activities.

The following feature of representations is a tuning. It manifests itself in the orientation of human activity, depending on the nature of environmental impacts. Thus, studying the physiological mechanisms of arbitrary movements, I. P. Pavlov showed that the motor image appeared ensures the configuration of the motor apparatus to perform the corresponding movements. The configuration function of the representations provides a certain training effect of motor representations, which contributes to the formation of an algorithm for our activity. Thus, ideas play a very significant role in the mental regulation of human activity.

Klacaptivity and types of representations

Since the presence is based on past perceptual experience, the main classification of ideas is based on the classification of the feelings and perceptions. Therefore, it is customary to allocate the following types of representations: visual, auditory, motor (kinesthetic), tactile, olfactory, taste, temperature and organic.

The classification of representations can be carried out according to the following features: 1) by their content; From this point of view, we can talk about the ideas of mathematical, geographical, technical, musical, etc.; 2) according to the degree of generalization; From this point of view, we can talk about private and general ideas. In addition, the classification of representations can be carried out but the degree of manifestation of volitional efforts.

Most of our presentations are associated with visual perception. A characteristic feature of visual ideas is that in some cases they are extremely specific and transmit all visible quality of items: color, form, volume.

In the area of \u200b\u200bhearing ideas, speech and musical ideas are essential. In turn, speech submissions can also be divided into several subtypes: phonetic representations and timbre-intonation speech performances. The essence of musical representations is mainly in the presentation of the ratio of sounds in height and duration, since the musical melody is determined by which sound and rhythmic ratios.

Another class of representations is motor representations. According to the nature of the occurrence, they differ from visual and auditory, as they are never a simple reproduction of past sensations, and are always associated with relevant sensations. Every time we imagine the movement of any part of our body, there is a weak reduction of the corresponding muscles. It has been experimentally proven that whenever we move to the utility of some word, the instruments are reduced in the muscles of the tongue, lips, larynx, etc. Consequently, without motor representations, we could hardly use speech and communicating with each other It would be impossible.

It is necessary to stop on one, very important, the type of representations - spatial ideas. The term "spatial representations" applies to those cases when the spatial form and placement of objects clearly appear, but the objects themselves may seem very vague with all this. As a rule, these ideas are so sketchy and colorless that at first glance the term "visual image" is not applicable to them. At the same time, they still remain images - ways of space, since one side of reality is the spatial placement of things - they are transmitted with full visibility. Spatial representations are mainly visual-motor representations, and sometimes the visual, sometimes - motor component is put forward to the fore.

In addition, all performances differ in the degree of generalization. Presentations are made to divide on single and general. It should be noted that one of the main differences between the perception images is that images of perception are always only single, that is, containing information only about a specific subject, and the submissions are very often generalized. Single views are presentations based on the observation of one subject. General performances are presentations, generalized reflecting properties of a number of similar objects.

It should also be noted that all representations differ in the degree of manifestation of volitional efforts. It is customary to allocate arbitrary and involuntary views. Incoming representations are presentations that arise spontaneously, without the intensification of the will and memory of a person. Arbitrary performances are ideas that arise from a person as a result of a volitional effort, in the interests of the goal.

Performance operations

All people differ from each other by the role played in their life representing one or another. The existence between people differences in the quality of ideas was reflected in the teaching on the "types of representations". In accordance with this theory, all people can be separated depending on the prevailing type of submissions into four groups: persons with a predominance of visual, auditory and motor representations, as well as persons with mixed type representations. The last group belongs to people who are about the same extent use the ideas of any kind.

A person with a predominant view of a visual type, remembering the text, imagines a book page where this text is printed, as it should mentally read it.

A person with a predominance of auditory representations, recalling the text, as if hears the pronounced words. The numbers are also remembered as an auditory image.

A person with the predominance of motion-type representations, remembering the text or trying to remember any numbers, utters them to itself.

It should be noted that people with pronounced types of representations are extremely rare. Most people have presentations of all these types in one way or another, and it is hard to determine which of this person's leading role. Moreover, individual differences in this case are expressed not only in the predominance of submissions of a certain type, but also in the features of the representations.

The most important condition for the development of ideas is the presence of a fairly rich perceptive material. The essence of this statement is that our views largely depend on the usual way of perception, and this must be considered when solving specific tasks.

The most important stage of the development of ideas is to transition from their involuntary occurrence to the ability to arbitrarily call the necessary views. It should be borne in mind that every submission contains an element of generalization, and the development of ideas is on the way to increase the element of generalization.

An increase in the generalizing representation values \u200b\u200bcan go in two directions. One way is the path of schematization. As a result of schematization, the presentation loses gradually a number of private individual characteristics and details, approaching the scheme. Another way is the path of development of typical images. In this case, the views without losing their individuality, on the contrary, are becoming increasingly specific and visual and reflect a whole group of objects and phenomena.

The concept of imagination, Me.hanisms of the process of imagination

Imagination is the process of converting representations reflecting real reality, and creating new ideas on this basis. It is believed that the imagination originated in the process of labor - specifically human activity, due to the existence of the need for converting real world objects. The imagination process always proceeds in an inextricable connection with two other mental processes - memory and thinking. Speaking of imagination, we only emphasize the prevailing direction of mental activities. If a person is faced with the task of reproducing the presentation of things and events that were previously in his experience, we are talking about memory processes. But if the same views are reproduced in order to create a new combination of these ideas or create new ideas, we are talking about the activities of the imagination.

Images of imagination are created only by processing individual parties to the human actual reality. Speaking of imagination, it is impossible to underestimate his role in human mental activity, because certain recycling of reality images occurs even in the simplest playback. So, imagining a subject or event, we are very often not able to reproduce the relevant facts in all details and with all the details. At the same time, things and events are reproduced not in the form of incoherent fragments or scattered frames, but in their integrity and continuity. Therefore, there is a peculiar processing of the material, expressed in replenishing views of the necessary details, i.e., during the reproduction process, the activities of our imagination begins.

In a much greater degree, the imagination activities are present in the formation of images of objects or phenomena, which we never perceived. The activity of the imagination is most closely associated with the emotional experiences of a person. The representation of the desired may cause positive feelings in a person, and in certain situations, a dream about the happy future is able to withdraw a person from extremely negative states, allows him to be distracted from the situation of this moment, to analyze what is happening and rethinking the significance of the situation for the future. Consequently, the imagination plays a very significant role in the regulation of our behavior.

Imagination is connected with the implementation of our volitional action. The most important assignment of the imagination as a mental process is that the imagination orienses man in the process of activity - creates a mental model of finite or intermediate products of labor, which contributes to their subject embodiment. Moreover, the farther we are moving away from mechanical work and approach creative activities, the greater the significance of our imagination increases.

F.isiologistandfoundations of imagination

It is believed that the physiological basis of the imagination is the actualization of nervous bonds, their decay, regrouping and association into new systems. In this way, images arise that do not coincide with the former experience, but not torn off from it. The complexity, unpredictability of imagination, his connection with emotions give reason to assume that its physiological mechanisms are associated not only with the bark, but also with deeper brain-running structures. In particular, the hypothalamic limbic system is played by a major role.

It should be noted that the imagination due to the characteristics of physiological systems responsible for it to a certain extent associated with the regulation of organic processes and movement. The imagination is influenced by many organic processes: the functioning of the glands, the activities of the internal organs, the metabolism in the body, etc. as well as the imagination affects the human motor functions.

Thus, it can be concluded that the imagination plays a significant role both in the regulation of the processes of the human body and in the regulation of its motivated behavior.

The role of imagination in lifeman

In a person's life, the imagination performs a number of specific functions. The first of them is to present reality in the images and be able to use them by solving problems. This imagination function is associated with thinking and is organically included in it. The second function of imagination is to regulate emotional states. With the help of his imagination, a person is able to at least partly satisfy the many needs, shoot intensity generated by them. This vital function is especially emphasized and developed in psychoanalysis. The third function of imagination is associated with its participation in the arbitrary regulation of cognitive processes and human states, in particular perception, attention, memory, speech, emotions. With the help of skillfully called images, a person may pay attention to the necessary events. Through the images, he gets the opportunity to manage perception, memories, statements. The fourth imagination function is to form an internal action plan - the ability to perform them in the mind, manipulating images. Finally, the fifth function is planning and programming activities, drawing up such programs, evaluating their correctness, implementation process.

With the help of imagination, we can control many psychophysiological states of the body, customize it for upcoming activities. The facts are known to indicate that with the help of imagination, a purely volitional way can affect organic processes: change the rhythm of breathing, the rate of pulse, blood pressure, body temperature. These facts underlie autotraining, widely used for self-regulation.

Thanks to the imagination, the person creates, it is reasonably planning its activities and manages it. The imagination displays a person beyond his momentary existence, reminds him of the past, opens the future. Possessing a rich imagination, a person can - "live" in different time, which can not afford any other living creature in the world. The past was recorded in memory images arbitrarily resurrected by the effort of will, the future is represented in dreams and fantasies.

Imagination is the basis of visual-shaped thinking, allowing a person to navigate in a situation and solve problems without direct intervention of practical actions. It largely helps him in those cases when practical actions or impossible, or difficult, or are simply inexpedient (undesirable).

Types of imagination

In the imagination, all types and levels of identity or levels are manifested; They generate various levels of imagination. The difference in these levels is determined primarily with how consciously and the human attitude towards this process is active. At the lowest levels, the change of images occurs in gravity, involuntarily, on the highest role in it, the conscious, active attitude of a person to the formation of images is played.

The processes of imagination, as well as memory processes, may vary by degrees of arbitrariness, or premediation. The extreme case of involuntary work of the imagination is dreams in which images are born unintentionally and in the most unexpected and bizarre combinations. The involuntary idea is also the activity of imagination, deploying in a semi-alone, radiant state, for example, before falling asleep.

Arbitrary imagination has a much greater value for a person. This type of imagination is manifested when the task of creating certain images scheduled for them or those given by him from the outside. In these cases, the process of imagination is controlled and sent by the person himself. At the heart of this work of the imagination lies the ability to arbitrarily call and change the necessary views.

Among the various types and forms of arbitrary imagination can be distinguished by recreation imagination, creative imagination and a dream. The recreation imagination is manifested when a person needs to recreate the presentation of the object, as fully appropriately corresponds to its description. Most often we encounter a recreation imagination when you need to recreate any idea of \u200b\u200ba verbal description. At the same time there are cases when we recreate the idea of \u200b\u200bany subject without using words, and on the basis of schemes and drawings. Consequently, the recreation imagination process is closely associated with the thinking of a person and his memory.

The following type of arbitrary imagination is a creative imagination. It is characterized by the fact that a person converts views and creates new non-sample on the existing pattern, and independently outlining the circuits of the created image and choosing the necessary materials for it.

A special form of imagination is a dream. The essence of this type of imagination lies in the independent creation of new images. At the same time, the dream has a number of significant differences from the creative imagination. First, in a dream, a person always creates the image of the desired, whereas in the images of creative are not always embodied by the desires of their creator. In dreams finding his shaped expression that he entails a person to whom he seeks. Secondly, the dream is the process of imagination, not included in creative activity, i.e., not giving immediately and directly objective product in the form of an artistic work, scientific discovery, technical invention, etc.

The main feature of the dream is that it is aimed at future activities, i.e. the dream is an imagination aimed at the desired future.

It should be noted that these types of dreams are active, arbitrary and conscious mental processes. In this case, the imagination may exist in another - passive form, which is characterized by an involuntary game of imagination. An example of such an involuntary imagination, as we said, is a dream.

If arbitrary, or active, imagination deliberately, i.e., connected with the volitional manifestations of a person, then passive imagination can be deliberate and unintentional. Intentional passive imagination creates images that are not associated with the will. These images got the name of the dream. In Gins, the connection with the needs of the identity is found in the greatest meryarko. It is easy to predict what a person will dream about, with an excitement of events that is expensive for him. People tend to dream of a pleasant, tempting. But if the dreams begin to replace activities and prevail in the mental life of the person, this already indicates certain violations of mental development. The predominance of a dream in the mental life of a person can lead him to a separation from real reality, the care of the invented world, which, in turn, begins to slow down the mental and social development of this person.

An unintentional passive imagination is observed in the weakening of the activity of consciousness, its disorders, in a half-weather state, in a dream, etc., the most indicative manifestation of passive imagination are hallucinations in which a person perceives non-existent objects. As a rule, hallucinations are observed in some mental disorders.

Thus, when classifying the types of imagination proceed from two main characteristics. This is the degree of manifestation of the volitional effort and the degree of activity, or awareness.

Operations of imagination

The transformation of reality in the imagination is not a purely arbitrary change, it has its own patterns that find an expression in typical methods or transformation techniques.

Images recreated in the process of imagination are formed on the basis of our previous experience, based on ideas about objects and phenomena of objective reality. Creating imaging images takes two main stages. At the first stage, there is a peculiar dismemberment of impressions, or available representations, for components. In other words, the first stage of formation of imaging images is characterized by analyzing the impressions received from the reality or formed as a result of the preceding experience of representations. During such an analysis, the object abstraction occurs, i.e. it seems to us isolated from other objects, with all this, there is also abstraction of parts of the object.

These images can further convert two main types. First, these images can be put in new combinations and connections. Secondly, this images may be given a completely new meaning. In any case, the abstragated images produced operations that can be characterized as synthesis. These operations constituting the essence of the synthesizing activities of the imagination are the second stage of the formation of imaging images.

The simplest form of synthesis in the process of imagination is agglutination, i.e., creating a new image by connecting into the imagination of parts or properties of one object to another.

The processes underlying agglutination are very diverse. As a rule, they can be divided into two main groups: processes associated with deficiency of criticality, or insufficient of the analyticalness of perception, and processes arbitrary, i.e., controlled by consciousness associated with mental generalizations.

One of the most commercial methods for processing images of perception in images of imagination is to increase or decrease the object or its parts. With this method, various literary characters were created.

The most significant ways of processing ideas in the images of imagination, going along the path of generalization of essential signs, are schematization and emphasis.

Signatization may occur under different conditions. First, schematization can occur as a result of incomplete, surface perception of the object. Secondly, the cause of schematization in the event of a sufficiently complete perception of the object may be forgotten by any irrelevant parts or parts. In this case, in the view on the forefront there are significant details and features. And finally, thirdly, the reason for schematization can be a conscious distraction from insignificant, or secondary, objects of the object.

The emphasis is emphasizing in the greatest merry, typical signs of the image. As a rule, this method is used when creating artistic images.

Imagination and creativity

Imagination is the most important component of the creative process. In this case, the imagination, transforming perceived, deeper and fully reflects reality than a simple perception.

The psychology of creativity is manifested in all its specific species: inventive, scientific, literary, artistic, etc. The most important conditions for creativity is the presence of certain experiences that create an emotional tone of creative activity.

Despite the seeming lightness, arbitrariness, unpredictability of emerging images, the creative transformation of reality in the imagination is subject to its laws and is carried out in certain methods. New ideas arise on the basis of what was already in consciousness, thanks to the operations of analysis and synthesis. Ultimately, the processes of imagination consist in a mental decomposition of the initial representations into components (analysis) and their subsequent compound in new combinations (synthesis), i.e., are analytic synthetic character. Consequently, the creative process is based on the same mechanisms that are involved in the formation of ordinary imaging images.


A person constantly comes into contact with its surrounding medium. Every second to our senses, dozens and hundreds of various incentives are affected, many of whom remain in memory of a person. Moreover, one of the most curious phenomena phenomena of a person is that the impressions received in the previous practice of the items and the phenomena of the real world are not only stored in memory for a long time, but also exposed to a certain processing. The existence of this phenomenon led to a person to influence the environment and purposefully change it.

It should be noted that the impact of an animal on an external environment and a change in the external environment by a person has fundamental differences. Unlike an animal, a person has an impact on Wednesday systematic, directing his efforts to a predetermined goal. Such a nature of the change in reality in the labor process involves a preliminary presentation in consciousness that a person wants to get as a result of his activities. For example, a spider makes certain operations, resembling weak operations, and bees built by their wax cells resemble people-builders. At the same time, any worst specialist differs from the most good bee or the most skilled spider by the fact that it acts on a predetermined plan. Any work implies the development of such a plan, and only then - its incarnation in practice. It can be concluded that the imagination plays a significant role both in the regulation of the processes of the human body and in the regulation of its motivated behavior.


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The image may be a product of perception, then it is formed with direct impact on the senses.

However, there are images that arise without the direct participation of the senses. Namely, the image may be taken from memory, for example, an image of a really existing person who left live in another city. Its image also arose when exposed to the senses, but only in the past.

And more examples. Mermaid, which no one has ever seen. Or any goal is the image of the desired future, which has not yet come and may never come.

All these images arose without direct impact on the senses, thanks to the imagination.

Imagination is a mental image formation process. subject, situations or other aspect of reality, in the absence of direct Sensomotor contact, based on available impressions and views.

Here we first applied the term "presentation", which has the following meaning:

View - Image Previously perceived subject, phenomena, situation or other aspect of reality (Memory representation, memory), as well as an image created by imagination.

So, as a result of the work of imagination, ideas are born, however, not any representation is a product of imagination, - some ideas are simply taken from memory.

Representations are single and common.

For example, a specific birch, which we remember, a single idea. Birch is generally a general presentation. But still whatever the idea of \u200b\u200bbirch, we literally physically feel rough and cool white bark, the noise of leaves, etc.

Those. representations of any generality still have a sensual visual form.They are still at the figured level, as well as sensations and perceptions. The procedure for the complication of these objects is:

feeling → Perception → Submission single → Representation General.

General representations border with the concepts that relate to the verbal logical level, because No longer possess a sensual visual form. For example, birch, as a concept, refers to the kingdom of plants, this is a genus of trees and shrubs of the birch family, occurs in moderate and cold belts of the northern hemisphere and in the mountains of subtropics.

In the light of an activity approach, dominant in domestic psychology, the most important importance of the imagination as a mental process is that it allows the subject to present the result of the activity before its implementation. Modeling in the imagination of the desired result with the need precedes its subject embodiment through specific actions and operations.

For a long time it was believed that the imagination operates only with figurative views and does not apply to the content expressed by distracted concepts. In recent years, there has been a different approach - the imagination is increasingly considered as a combination of not only figurative, but also abstract elements.

It should be emphasized a huge role that the imagination plays in the rational knowledge of the world. This cognitive process matters not only for art, but also for scientific activities. Confirmation can serve mental experiment Methodological rationale for which Galileo Galileo gave 400 years ago. Thanks to the productive work of the imagination, Galiley was able to simulate the situation, impossible from the point of view of Aristotelian physics: if all the reasons preventing the free movement of the body in space will be eliminated, the body will keep the movement infinitely long. This situation, the possibility of which is detected only in terms of imaginary, has become a classic illustration of the teachings on the movement on inertia.

So, scientific thinking forms knowledge about the world, relying on the imaginary result of a mental experiment, and the productive force of imagination manifests itself not in the increase in illusions, but in ensuring rational comprehension of reality. Not by chance an outstanding physicist Ernest Rutherford saw the prerequisites for the progress of scientific knowledge in the combination of fantasy and experiment.

Imagination in human life


Snezhana Ivanova

Imagination is a psychic cognitive process aimed at modeling a new image or idea.

Imagination - This is a mental cognitive process aimed at modeling a new image or idea. Imagination is strongly connected with other processes: memory, thinking, speech and attention. After all, in order to clearly imagine something, it is necessary to have complete information about the subject of interest, be able to analyze and compare.

In everyday life, we often resort to the need to imagine something in our head. Let's say abstract concepts or artistic images, one way or another, need to imagine them, so they are easier to remember. Imagination helps to make the inner world of man brighter and rich. This process allows personality on time to predict some situations, to build existing prospects and internally prepare for the consequences of their choice. Sometimes people with extremely developed imagination suffer from the fact that they begin to create such images that have nothing to do with reality, thereby introducing themselves and others. The imagination of a person helps creative images create unique copyrighted works. The essence of it as a process is to design from existing images new - unique and unique.

Types of imagination

In modern psychological science, it is customary to distinguish an arbitrary (deliberate) imagination and involuntary. In the second case, the process itself manifests itself in dreams that the person sees. That is, experienced for the day of events and experiences are transformed into individual images that the personality continues to "scroll" in a dream.

Intentional imagination It is activated only with the participation of the will of the person and includes several subspecies: recreation, creative, dream. Resting imagination Works on the basis of available ideas about a particular subject. So, when reading fiction, we unconsciously build abstract paintings in your head, we complement them with our own ideas, meanings and values. It is often happening that the same product gives rise to people with various (and even opposite) images.

Creative imagination It is formed by converting existing ideas about the world into unique structures. The creative process gives rise to a new product that necessarily reflects the individual vision of the world of its creator. A special type of imagination is dream. This type of imagination is characterized by the fact that it always creates the image of the desired, there is no special aims for the result to get it here and now. Aspiration into the future and ephemeralness of the born image sometimes leads to care from reality, to the residence in the world of dreams and fantasies. If a person builds active plans for the realization of the conceived, then the dream turns into a goal that is much easier to come into reality.

Functions of imagination

Imagination as a mental cognitive process performs the main task of reflection of objective reality. The human brain is able to fully perceive information only when she is truly interesting to him. Among the basic functions, it is customary to allocate:

  • Icobalizing and planning.Before rushing for some reason, a person needs to represent its end result. In some cases, the success of the enterprise depends on the ability to predict and build the sequence of steps. The imagination here serves as a link between the desired target and the final product of the activity. In this case, it specifically has nothing to do with fantasies. A dream can lead a person to new achievements, but only when he is ready to act, take practical steps in the desired direction.
  • Cognitive function.No activity is impossible without constant work on yourself. Whatever the person is busy, it always requires productive activities for a successful formation. The need to recognize new, improve their skills and skills leads to the process of activating cognitive activity.
  • Adaptive function.This feature is the need to explain the incomprehensible phenomena. So in antiquity people created legends and fairy tales using imagination to minimize their own fear of unknown.
  • Psychotherapeutic function.The imagination can be successfully used by a person as a psychological protection when he "invents" non-existent realities in such a way that they correspond to his inner readiness to perceive the world around. Therapeutic orientation finds an expression in sublimated images, designation and recognition of own feelings.

Forms of imagination

  • Agglutination.It is a peculiar merge of images of various properties of objects. All mythical creatures are based on this technique: Centaur, Mermaid, etc. Agglutination appears as a result of combining individual characteristics and the formation of a mixed image.
  • Emphasis.It is manifested in intentional exaggeration, pointed on any particular feature of a literary or mythical character. For example, a boy with a finger was so tiny that the growth could be compared with the little finger.
  • Hyperbolization.An increase or decrease in the object to the limit sized by imagination, thereby achieved the effect of absurdity. Hyperbolization often emphasizes the character of some character, makes the reader build their own assumptions why it happened.
  • Typification.Even the most creative image is created according to a specific type. Schematization facilitates the process of creating a picture of the object by imagination and simplifies its perception. As a basis, there are essential signs, and a holistic image is built on their essence.
  • Schematization.It helps to build a new image based on the presentations of one or another item. The general scheme is built by allocating similar features and transferring them to other objects.
  • Exacerbation.Lies in intentional focusing of individual features of objects.
  • Transfer of signs.It can manifest itself in the creation of non-existent objects, mythical and fantastic beings, inanimate objects and emphasize their signs of living.
  • Takes imagination Influence on modeling individual reality, the creation of high-quality images that have not previously existed. The whole effect is achieved with the help of imagination.

Features imagination

Through this mental process, each individual has a unique opportunity to create and simulate its own reality. Particularly significant needs, such as self-realization and personal growth, are directly reflected with the help of imagination. So, for example, the artist is able to display in the work the questions that mostly worry about it itself, thereby reducing the number of their own experiences about this. Imagination perfectly helps sublimation process. The role of imagination in any form of activity is extremely high.

Development of imagination

Imagination as a process that helps to know the world around us can and should be improved. To solve this task, special exercises and classes aimed at its development will be better. It must be said that imagination is impossible to develop separately from attention, memory and thinking. That is why the tasks presented below contribute to the noticeable progress of all cognitive processes leading from which is imagination.

  • Forecasting a future situation.The development of imagination begins with the formation of skills to clearly imagine the subject or phenomenon. Before proceeding with any case, try to think in advance what will come of it. Answer yourself to the question of what you want to get as a result, what you see the ultimate goal. It is proved that the ability to represent, think constructively in the direction of a given goal forms self-confidence, gives additional forces, adds determination, reduces doubts.
  • Creating an artistic image.Suitable writing fairy tales, stories, creating a portrait or landscape. Here you can turn on and embroidery, the main thing is that you like the process itself. To begin with, build in my head the image you want to portray. Try to be bright, attracting attention to helping to reveal to your aspirations and talents. It is not necessary to create a "war and peace", you can restrict ourselves to a small poem or sketch, the main condition - creativity should inspire new ideas. Well, if in the process of imagination, fresh images and ideas will begin to occur. The exercise is aimed at the formation of the ability to develop the image, give it to disclose in the entire fullness and diversity.
  • Doring the figure.The exercise is in the formation of the skill to create a picture in the imagination from nothing, perfectly trains attention to trifles, teaches to understand that a new image can be simulated from the most minor details. In the center on a sheet of paper, as a rule, a fragment of the shape that is required to be drawn is depicted. If you distribute such sheets to the participants of a small group and ask them to fulfill the task, each result will be their unique drawing. The process of imagination every person works purely individually.
  • "I am a successful person." If you have long been dreaming about self-realization, then the implementation of this exercise will bring you greater joy and a tremendous rise of energy. Imagine what you need in order to consider yourself a person. The main task is to realize as much as possible and keep in consciousness, which brings maximum satisfaction, helps to develop your personality. When this image is found, continue to draw a picture of perfect success in your imagination, mark what events should happen in the future. Exercise is unique in that it allows not only to train imagination, but also aims a person to a positive result, helps to develop faith in its own strength and opportunities.

These exercises for imagination contribute to the formation of an individual vision of life, building prospects for personal and professional promotion. The tasks can be performed every day, they are suitable for representatives of any professions and ranks. Of course, it will be much easier to perform creative people relating to painting, literature, music, design business, etc.

Thus, the role of imagination in a person's life is extremely significant and deep. After all, each of us in any activity is required to own abstract thinking, be able to imagine the desired effect. Try to read more books, participate in the cultural and public life of the city, constantly improve your potential. Developed imagination is an integral part of a successful personality.

NOU "Murmansk Humanitarian Institute"




According to general psychology

Subject: performance. IMAGINATION.

Performed: Student

2nd Courses, F-Ta Psychology

Correspondence department

Borodkina I.N.

Checked: teacher

Semenova MA

Murmansk 2009.


The concept of representation, the mechanisms of ideas

The main characteristics of the representations

Represents functions

Classification and types of representations

Performance operations

The concept of imagination, the mechanisms of the imagination process

Physiological bases of imagination

The role of imagination in man's life

Types of imagination

Operations of imagination

Imagination and creativity




Primary information about the world around us we get with the help of sensation and perception. The excitement arising in our senses does not disappear without a trace at the very moment when the effect of irritants on them is stopped. After that, the so-called consecutive images are saved for some time. However, the role of these images for the mental life of a person is relatively small. A much greater importance is the fact that after a long time after we perceived any item, the image of this subject can be again - by chance or intentionally - caused by us. This phenomenon got the name "performance".

The concept of representation, the mechanisms of ideas

The presentation is a mental process of reflecting objects or phenomena, which are not currently perceived, but are recreated on the basis of our previous experience.

The presentation is based on the perception of objects that took place in the past. You can select multiple types of representations. First, it is the presentation of memory, i.e. the views that occurred on our direct perception in the past of any object or phenomenon. Secondly, it is imagination. At first glance, this type of ideas does not correspond to the definition of the concept of "presentation", because in the imagination we display what has never been seen, but it is only at first glance. Representations of imagination are formed on the basis of information obtained in past perceptions and its more or less creative processing. The richer the past experience, the brighter and the corresponding presentation can be fully.

Representations arise not by themselves, but as a result of our practical activity. At the same time, the views are of great importance not only for memory or imagination processes - they are extremely important for all mental processes that ensure human cognitive activities. The processes of perception, thinking, written speech are always associated with the views, as well as the memory that stores information and due to which the views are formed.

The main characteristics of the representations

Presentations have their own characteristics. First of all, ideas are characterized by visibility. . Presentations are sensually visual images of reality, and this is their proximity to the images of perception. But perceptual images are a reflection of those objects of the material world that are perceived at the moment, while performances are reproduced and recycled images of objects that were perceived in the past.

The next characteristic of the representations is fragmentary. Representations are full of spaces, individual parts and signs are presented brightly, others are very vague, and the third is generally absent. For example, when we imagine someone's face, it is clear and clearly reproducing only certain features, those on which, as a rule, we recorded attention.

No less significant performance characteristic is their instability and impermanence. So, any caused image, whether it is a thing or someone else, will disappear from the field of your consciousness, no matter how trying to keep it. And you will have to make another effort to call it again. In addition, the presentations are very fluid and changeable. The front plan takes turns of the same one, then other details of the reproduced image.

It should be noted that the views are not just visual images of reality, but always to certainly summarized images. This is their proximity to the concepts. The generalization is available not only in those performances that relate to a whole group of similar objects (the presentation of the chair in general, the representation of the cat is generally and others), but also in the ideas of specific subjects. Everyone familiar to us the subject we see more than once, and every time we have a new image of this subject every time, but when we are conscious of the idea of \u200b\u200bthis subject, then the resulting image is always generalized.

Our ideas are always the result of the generalization of individual images of perception. The degree of generalization contained in the presentation may be different. Representations characterized by a great degree of generalization are called common ideas.

Represents functions

The idea, as well as any other cognitive process, carries out a number of functions in the mental regulation of human behavior. Most researchers allocate three main functions: alarm, regulating and tuning.

The essence of the indicator of the representations is reflected in each particular case not only the image of the item that has previously affected our senses, but also the diverse information about this subject, which, under the influence of specific impacts, is converted into a system of signals controlling behavior.

The regulatory function of the representations is closely related to their signal function and is the selection of the necessary information about the subject or phenomenon that has previously affected our senses. Moreover, this choice is not abstract, but taking into account the actual conditions of the upcoming activities.

The following feature of representations is a tuning. It manifests itself in the orientation of human activity, depending on the nature of environmental impacts. Thus, studying the physiological mechanisms of arbitrary movements, I. P. Pavlov showed that the motor image appeared ensures the configuration of the motor apparatus to perform the corresponding movements. The configuration function of the representations provides a certain training effect of motor representations, which contributes to the formation of an algorithm for our activity. Thus, ideas play a very significant role in the mental regulation of human activity.

Classification and types of representations

Since the presence is based on past perceptual experience, the main classification of ideas is based on the classification of the feelings and perceptions. Therefore, it is customary to allocate the following types of representations: visual, auditory, motor (kinesthetic), tactile, olfactory, taste, temperature and organic.

The classification of representations can be carried out according to the following features: 1) by their content; From this point of view, we can talk about the ideas of mathematical, geographical, technical, musical, etc.; 2) according to the degree of generalization; From this point of view, we can talk about private and general ideas. In addition, the classification of representations can be carried out but the degree of manifestation of volitional efforts.

Most of our presentations are associated with visual perception. A characteristic feature of visual ideas is that in some cases they are extremely specific and transmit all visible quality of items: color, form, volume.

In the area of \u200b\u200bhearing ideas, speech and musical ideas are essential. In turn, speech submissions can also be divided into several subtypes: phonetic representations and timbre-intonation speech performances. The essence of musical representations is mainly in the presentation of the ratio of sounds in height and duration, since the musical melody is determined by which sound and rhythmic ratios.

Another class of representations is motor representations. According to the nature of the occurrence, they differ from visual and auditory, as they are never a simple reproduction of past sensations, and are always associated with relevant sensations. Every time we imagine the movement of any part of our body, there is a weak reduction of the corresponding muscles. It has been experimentally proven that whenever we move to the utility of some word, the instruments are reduced in the muscles of the tongue, lips, larynx, etc. Consequently, without motor representations, we could hardly use speech and communicating with each other It would be impossible.

It is necessary to stop on one, very important, the type of representations - spatial ideas. The term "spatial representations" applies to those cases when the spatial form and placement of objects clearly appear, but the objects themselves may be very vague. As a rule, these ideas are so sketchy and colorless that at first glance the term "visual image" is not applicable to them. However, they still remain images - ways of space, since one side of reality is the spatial placement of things - they are transmitted with full visibility. Spatial representations are mainly visual-motor representations, and sometimes the visual, sometimes - motor component is put forward to the fore.

In addition, all performances differ in the degree of generalization. Presentations are made to divide on single and general. It should be noted that one of the main differences between the perception images is that images of perception are always only single, that is, containing information only about a specific subject, and the submissions are very often generalized. Single views are presentations based on the observation of one subject. General performances are presentations, generalized reflecting properties of a number of similar objects.

It should also be noted that all representations differ in the degree of manifestation of volitional efforts. It is customary to allocate arbitrary and involuntary views. Incoming representations are presentations that arise spontaneously, without the intensification of the will and memory of a person. Arbitrary performances are ideas that arise from a person as a result of a volitional effort, in the interests of the goal.

Performance operations

All people differ from each other by the role played in their life representing one or another. The existence between people differences in the quality of ideas was reflected in the teaching on the "types of representations". In accordance with this theory, all people can be separated depending on the prevailing type of submissions into four groups: persons with a predominance of visual, auditory and motor representations, as well as persons with mixed type representations. The last group belongs to people who are about the same extent use the ideas of any kind.

A person with a predominant view of a visual type, remembering the text, imagines a book page where this text is printed, as it should mentally read it.

A person with a predominance of auditory representations, recalling the text, as if hears the pronounced words. The numbers are also remembered as an auditory image.

A person with the predominance of motion-type representations, remembering the text or trying to remember any numbers, utters them to itself.

It should be noted that people with pronounced types of representations are extremely rare. Most people have presentations of all these types in one way or another, and it is hard to determine which of this person's leading role. Moreover, individual differences in this case are expressed not only in the predominance of submissions of a certain type, but also in the features of the representations.

The most important condition for the development of ideas is the presence of a fairly rich perceptive material. The essence of this statement is that our views largely depend on the usual way of perception, and this must be considered when solving specific tasks.

The most important stage of the development of ideas is to transition from their involuntary occurrence to the ability to arbitrarily call the necessary views. It should be borne in mind that every submission contains an element of generalization, and the development of ideas is on the way to increase the element of generalization.

An increase in the generalizing representation values \u200b\u200bcan go in two directions. One way is the path of schematization. As a result of schematization, the presentation loses gradually a number of private individual characteristics and details, approaching the scheme. Another way is the path of development of typical images. In this case, the views without losing their individuality, on the contrary, are becoming increasingly specific and visual and reflect a whole group of objects and phenomena.

The concept of imagination, the mechanisms of the imagination process

Imagination is the process of converting representations reflecting real reality, and creating new ideas on this basis. It is believed that the imagination originated in the process of labor - specifically human activity, due to the existence of the need for converting real world objects. The imagination process always proceeds in an inextricable connection with two other mental processes - memory and thinking. Speaking of imagination, we only emphasize the prevailing direction of mental activities. If a person is faced with the task of reproducing the presentation of things and events that were previously in his experience, we are talking about memory processes. But if the same views are reproduced in order to create a new combination of these ideas or create new ideas, we are talking about the activities of the imagination.

Images of imagination are created only by processing individual parties to the human actual reality. Speaking of imagination, it is impossible to underestimate his role in human mental activity, because certain recycling of reality images occurs even in the simplest playback. So, imagining a subject or event, we are very often not able to reproduce the relevant facts in all details and with all the details. However, things and events are reproduced not in the form of incoherent fragments or scattered frames, but in their integrity and continuity. Therefore, there is a peculiar processing of the material, expressed in replenishing views of the necessary details, i.e., during the reproduction process, the activities of our imagination begins.

In a much greater degree, the imagination activities are present in the formation of images of objects or phenomena, which we never perceived. The activity of the imagination is most closely associated with the emotional experiences of a person. The representation of the desired may cause positive feelings in a person, and in certain situations, a dream about the happy future is able to withdraw a person from extremely negative states, allows him to be distracted from the situation of this moment, to analyze what is happening and rethinking the significance of the situation for the future. Consequently, the imagination plays a very significant role in the regulation of our behavior.

Imagination is connected with the implementation of our volitional action. The most important assignment of the imagination as a mental process is that the imagination orienses man in the process of activity - creates a mental model of finite or intermediate products of labor, which contributes to their subject embodiment. Moreover, the farther we are moving away from mechanical work and approach creative activities, the greater the significance of our imagination increases.

Physiological bases of imagination

It is believed that the physiological basis of the imagination is the actualization of nervous bonds, their decay, regrouping and association into new systems. In this way, images arise that do not coincide with the former experience, but not torn off from it. The complexity, unpredictability of imagination, his connection with emotions give reason to assume that its physiological mechanisms are associated not only with the bark, but also with deeper brain-running structures. In particular, the hypothalamic limbic system is played by a major role.

It should be noted that the imagination due to the characteristics of physiological systems responsible for it to a certain extent associated with the regulation of organic processes and movement. The imagination is influenced by many organic processes: the functioning of the glands, the activities of the internal organs, the metabolism in the body, etc. as well as the imagination affects the human motor functions.

Thus, it can be concluded that the imagination plays a significant role both in the regulation of the processes of the human body and in the regulation of its motivated behavior.

The role of imagination in man's life

In a person's life, the imagination performs a number of specific functions. The first of them is to present reality in the images and be able to use them by solving problems. This imagination function is associated with thinking and is organically included in it. The second function of imagination is to regulate emotional states. With the help of his imagination, a person is able to at least partly satisfy the many needs, shoot intensity generated by them. This vital function is especially emphasized and developed in psychoanalysis. The third function of imagination is associated with its participation in the arbitrary regulation of cognitive processes and human states, in particular perception, attention, memory, speech, emotions. With the help of skillfully called images, a person may pay attention to the necessary events. Through the images, he gets the opportunity to manage perception, memories, statements. The fourth imagination function is to form an internal action plan - the ability to perform them in the mind, manipulating images. Finally, the fifth function is planning and programming activities, drawing up such programs, evaluating their correctness, implementation process.

With the help of imagination, we can control many psychophysiological states of the body, customize it for upcoming activities. The facts are known to indicate that with the help of imagination, a purely volitional way can affect organic processes: change the rhythm of breathing, the rate of pulse, blood pressure, body temperature. These facts underlie autotraining, widely used for self-regulation.

Thanks to the imagination, the person creates, it is reasonably planning its activities and manages it. The imagination displays a person beyond his momentary existence, reminds him of the past, opens the future. Possessing a rich imagination, a person can - "live" in different time, which can not afford any other living creature in the world. The past was recorded in memory images arbitrarily resurrected by the effort of will, the future is represented in dreams and fantasies.

Imagination is the basis of visual-shaped thinking, allowing a person to navigate in a situation and solve problems without direct intervention of practical actions. It largely helps him in those cases when practical actions or impossible, or difficult, or are simply inexpedient (undesirable).

Types of imagination

In the imagination, all types and levels of identity or levels are manifested; They generate various levels of imagination. The difference in these levels is determined primarily with how consciously and the human attitude towards this process is active. At the lowest levels, the change of images occurs in gravity, involuntarily, on the highest role in it, the conscious, active attitude of a person to the formation of images is played.

The processes of imagination, as well as memory processes, may vary by degrees of arbitrariness, or premediation. The extreme case of involuntary work of the imagination is dreams in which images are born unintentionally and in the most unexpected and bizarre combinations. The involuntary idea is also the activity of imagination, deploying in a semi-alone, radiant state, for example, before falling asleep.

Arbitrary imagination has a much greater value for a person. This type of imagination is manifested when the task of creating certain images scheduled for them or those given by him from the outside. In these cases, the process of imagination is controlled and sent by the person himself. At the heart of this work of the imagination lies the ability to arbitrarily call and change the necessary views.

Among the various types and forms of arbitrary imagination can be distinguished by recreation imagination, creative imagination and a dream. The recreation imagination is manifested when a person needs to recreate the presentation of the object, as fully appropriately corresponds to its description. Most often we encounter a recreation imagination when you need to recreate any idea of \u200b\u200ba verbal description. However, there are cases when we recreate the idea of \u200b\u200bany subject without using words, but on the basis of schemes and drawings. Consequently, the recreation imagination process is closely associated with the thinking of a person and his memory.

The following type of arbitrary imagination is a creative imagination. It is characterized by the fact that a person converts views and creates new non-sample on the existing pattern, and independently outlining the circuits of the created image and choosing the necessary materials for it.

A special form of imagination is a dream. The essence of this type of imagination lies in the independent creation of new images. At the same time, the dream has a number of significant differences from the creative imagination. First, in a dream, a person always creates the image of the desired, whereas in the images of creative are not always embodied by the desires of their creator. In dreams finding his shaped expression that he entails a person to whom he seeks. Secondly, the dream is the process of imagination, not included in creative activity, i.e., not giving immediately and directly objective product in the form of an artistic work, scientific discovery, technical invention, etc.

The main feature of the dream is that it is aimed at future activities, i.e. the dream is an imagination aimed at the desired future.

It should be noted that these types of dreams are active, arbitrary and conscious mental processes. However, the imagination may exist in another - passive form, which is characterized by an involuntary game of imagination. An example of such an involuntary imagination, as we said, is a dream.

If arbitrary, or active, imagination deliberately, i.e., connected with the volitional manifestations of a person, then passive imagination can be deliberate and unintentional. Intentional passive imagination creates images that are not associated with the will. These images got the name of the dream. In Gresses, the connection of the imagination with the needs of the personality is most bright. It is easy to predict what a person will dream about, with an excitement of events that is expensive for him. People tend to dream of a pleasant, tempting. But if the dreams begin to replace activities and prevail in the mental life of the person, this already indicates certain violations of mental development. The predominance of a dream in the mental life of a person can lead him to a separation from real reality, the care of the invented world, which, in turn, begins to slow down the mental and social development of this person.

An unintentional passive imagination is observed in the weakening of the activity of consciousness, its disorders, in a half-weather state, in a dream, etc., the most indicative manifestation of passive imagination are hallucinations in which a person perceives non-existent objects. As a rule, hallucinations are observed in some mental disorders.

Thus, when classifying the types of imagination proceed from two main characteristics. This is the degree of manifestation of the volitional effort and the degree of activity, or awareness.

Operations of imagination

The transformation of reality in the imagination is not a purely arbitrary change, it has its own patterns that find an expression in typical methods or transformation techniques.

Images recreated in the process of imagination are formed on the basis of our previous experience, based on ideas about objects and phenomena of objective reality. Creating imaging images takes two main stages. At the first stage, there is a peculiar dismemberment of impressions, or available representations, for components. In other words, the first stage of formation of imaging images is characterized by analyzing the impressions received from the reality or formed as a result of the preceding experience of representations. During such an analysis, the object abstraction occurs, i.e. it seems to us isolated from other objects, and the objects of the object also occurs.

These images can further convert two main types. First, these images can be put in new combinations and connections. Secondly, this images may be given a completely new meaning. In any case, the abstragated images produced operations that can be characterized as synthesis. These operations constituting the essence of the synthesizing activities of the imagination are the second stage of the formation of imaging images.

The simplest form of synthesis in the process of imagination is agglutination, i.e., creating a new image by connecting into the imagination of parts or properties of one object to another.

The processes underlying agglutination are very diverse. As a rule, they can be divided into two main groups: processes associated with deficiency of criticality, or insufficient of the analyticalness of perception, and processes arbitrary, i.e., controlled by consciousness associated with mental generalizations.

One of the most common ways to process images of perception in images of imagination is to increase or decrease the object or its parts. With this method, various literary characters were created.

The most significant ways of processing ideas in the images of imagination, going along the path of generalization of essential signs, are schematization and emphasis.

Signatization may occur under different conditions. First, schematization can occur as a result of incomplete, surface perception of the object. Secondly, the cause of schematization in the event of a sufficiently complete perception of the object may be forgotten by any irrelevant parts or parts. In this case, in the view on the forefront there are significant details and features. And finally, thirdly, the reason for schematization can be a conscious distraction from insignificant, or secondary, objects of the object.

The emphasis is underlined by the most significant, typical signs of the image. As a rule, this method is used when creating artistic images.

Imagination and creativity

Imagination is the most important component of the creative process. In this case, the imagination, transforming perceived, deeper and fully reflects reality than a simple perception.

The psychology of creativity is manifested in all its specific species: inventive, scientific, literary, artistic, etc. The most important conditions for creativity is the presence of certain experiences that create an emotional tone of creative activity.

Despite the seeming lightness, arbitrariness, unpredictability of emerging images, the creative transformation of reality in the imagination is subject to its laws and is carried out in certain methods. New ideas arise on the basis of what was already in consciousness, thanks to the operations of analysis and synthesis. Ultimately, the processes of imagination consist in a mental decomposition of the initial representations into components (analysis) and their subsequent compound in new combinations (synthesis), i.e., are analytic synthetic character. Consequently, the creative process is based on the same mechanisms that are involved in the formation of ordinary imaging images.


A person constantly comes into contact with its surrounding medium. Every second to our senses, dozens and hundreds of various incentives are affected, many of whom remain in memory of a person. Moreover, one of the most curious phenomena phenomena of a person is that the impressions received in the previous practice of the items and the phenomena of the real world are not only stored in memory for a long time, but also exposed to a certain processing. The existence of this phenomenon led to a person to influence the environment and purposefully change it.

It should be noted that the impact of an animal on an external environment and a change in the external environment by a person has fundamental differences. Unlike an animal, a person has an impact on Wednesday systematic, directing his efforts to a predetermined goal. Such a nature of the change in reality in the labor process involves a preliminary presentation in consciousness that a person wants to get as a result of his activities. For example, a spider makes certain operations, resembling weak operations, and bees built by their wax cells resemble people-builders. However, any worst specialist differs from the most good bee or the most skilled spider by the fact that it acts on a pre-planned plan. Any work implies the development of such a plan, and only then - its incarnation in practice. It can be concluded that the imagination plays a significant role both in the regulation of the processes of the human body and in the regulation of its motivated behavior.


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Along with perception, memory and thinking and speech, an important role in human activity is played by imagination.
Imagination is a mental process of mental creating new in the form of image, presentation, ideas, actions. At the same time, it is the phenomenon of the psyche. Also, imagination is the representation of the missing object. The process of imagination is peculiar only to a person and is a prerequisite for his work.
Man before doing something, represents what needs to do and how it will do it. Thus, it already creates the image of the material thing in advance, which will be made in subsequent practical activity. This person's ability to present the final result of its work in advance, as well as the process of creating a material thing, sharply distinguishes human activity from "activities" of animals, sometimes very skillful.
Types of imagination:
- arbitrary (active) - is initiated by the volitional effort if necessary, during solving problems;
- involuntary (passive) - is initiated involuntarily and manifests itself in dreams, dreams, fantasies, gender;
- productive - "producing" something (Roman "Master and Margarita", fantasy);
- Reproductive - "reproducing", recreation of reality, - what was known (in art - directions of naturalism, realism);
- Anticypant - anticipating future events, consequences of actions;
- Creative - creating new images and ideas that have value for people and embodied in original products.
Reality is passed through the productive imagination of the creators, they will design it in a new way, using light, color, by filling their works with air vibration (impressionism), resorting to the point image of items (pontilism in painting and music), decomposing an objective world on geometric shapes (cubism) etc.
Most often, the creative process in art is associated with active imagination: before you capture any image on paper, canvas or a music sheet, the artist creates it in his imagination, attaching conscious solve efforts to this. Often, an active imagination is so capturing the Creator that he loses its connection with his time, his "I", born in the image created by him. A lot of evidence is given in the literature.
The passive imagination becomes less often the pulse of the creative process, as the spontaneous, independent artist images are most often the product of the subconscious work of his brain, hidden from him. And, nevertheless, observations of the creative process, described in the literature, make it possible to bring examples of the role of passive imagination in artistic work. So, Franz Kafka paid a solely role in his work, imprinted them in their fantastically gloomy works.
In addition, a creative process, starting, as a rule, from a volitional effort, that is, with an act of imagination, gradually the author graduates so much that the imagination becomes spontaneous, and he is no longer creating images, but the images own and manage the artist, and he obeys their logic.
The work of human imagination is not limited to literature and art. To no less, it is manifested in scientific, technical, other types of creativity. In all these cases, fantasy as a kind of imagination plays a positive role.
But there are other types of imagination - dreams, hallucinations, dreams, dreams, fantasies. Dreams can be attributed to the category of passive and involuntary forms of imagination. Their authentic role in the human life has not yet been established, although it is known that in the dreams of a person find expression and satisfaction many vital needs that, due to a number of reasons, cannot obtain realizations in real life.
Hallucinations are fantastic visions that have almost no connection with the surrounding person. Usually hallucinations are the result of certain impairments of the psyche or the work of the body and accompany many painful states.
Harves, unlike hallucinations, are quite a normal mental state, which is a fantasy associated with the desired, most often with a somewhat idealized future.
The dream of the hodge is characterized by the fact that it is more realistic and is more connected with reality, that is, in principle, feasible. Dream is a thought about the pleasant, desired future, his image.
Harfs and dreams in humans occupy a fairly most of the time, especially in his youth. For most people, dreams are pleasant thinks about the future.
Fantasy - pictures that nothing or little corresponds in reality. Some people meet and disturbing visions that generate feelings of anxiety, guilt, aggressiveness.
Images of imagination, in contrast to images of perception, more often do not correspond to reality.