Causes of damage and destroying borders. Why are borders destroy in Krasnoyarsk? Causes of destruction of road borders

Last week, I got a hijah document on how to properly design sidewalks and lawns. And design so that the sidewalks most of the time remain clean and dry, with minimal formation of puddles and without mud. I have long been described in the document for a long time I have learned how to feel at a subconscious level through a detailed study of the urban environment for several years. However, lacked the systematization of broken knowledge and competent urban substantiation for all sorts of situations. Now we have all this :)

The methodological manual describes the main design and operational reasons for the contamination of roads and sidewalks observed in our country, and also offers typical solutions to this problem. The main focus is made on the features of the levels of the location of lawns, the rook, sidewalks and the passage parts. The proposed design solutions are implemented in a number of municipalities of St. Petersburg, Novgorod, Balashikha and showed their effectiveness.

Part 1. Causes of contamination and destruction of roads

1. Lawn above the bordeur level and sidewalk / road
If the level of the lawn is higher than the border level, then water, during rains and snowy, flows on the sidewalks (roads), fascinating the soil, and accumulates in the form of a puddle. After drying, a dust layer is formed, which is impossible to remove the washing, since the water does not take away anywhere. It remains sweeping, as a rule, manually.

A similar situation with pollution adds on urban roads without borders with an excessive amount of soil on the roads. Dirt along with water do not flow off the road, but on the road

list of roads without borders in Tver

Due to the lack of drainage, the pores of the asphalt are impregnated with water, and due to the temperature fluctuations, the upper layer is accelerated. Multiple repairs in this case do not give effect due to the lack of integrity of the road surface.

The absence of outflow of water on lawns and the lack of drainage leads to a cluster of water on the ground paths, which leads to the accelerated destruction of the tracks and pumping the lawns, as people are trying to bypass the puddle on the tracks on lawns.

2. The sidewalk / road below the border level
The sand and dust brought by the wind, as well as the sand-salt mixture, filled with in winter, remain on the sidewalk or road until the mechanical removal when sweeping. Such a design forces to increase the amount of hydraulic funds used, due to the fact that the water accumulates a thick layer and freezes. Also arise the cost of targeting ice.

In winter, it is difficult to remove such paths. It is necessary to move snow to the lawn, and is usually done manually, or a manual snowpower, which significantly lengthens the period of cleaning and increases the cost.
In the summer, after heavy precipitation, such a design serves as a gutter for water, which is nowhere to leave, and this is clearly visible on the example of internal travel in residential areas, especially the Khrushchev's development period.

Part 2. Typical solutions to change the design of the "Track-Lawn" system

1. Raising the sidewalk to the border level
The ideal case, allowing to achieve maximum purity of the sidewalk, is the organization of the sidewalk and border above the level of the lawn, while the border makes it in a pavement.

With such a design, the water will be drained from the sidewalk, fascinating the dust and sand for the lawn, brought by wind or utilities. In order to avoid land entering the sidewalk, with spring work on the grounding of the Earth, and increase the efficiency of winter cleaning, it is necessary that the lawn level is located at 5-7 cm below the border level. Although practice shows that enough 2-3 cm and this meets the requirements of standards.

Note 1.: If the sidewalks are made correctly, it will allow the winter cleaning faster. With proper design and technology, the amount of land on the sidewalk will significantly decrease, because the water will not accumulate, and the snow will be easier to clean and this will eliminate the need to use salts and reagents. Also, the wipers do not have to manually move the snow through the borders, the tractor with the front dump or the brush will cope with this task, shifting the snow on the lawn.

Note 2.: Summer cleaning as such ceases to be necessary except for cases of special pollution of such sidewalks. Earth from lawns on the sidewalk does not flow, and everything that is entered by the wind is washed off by precipitation. Measurements of pollution of sidewalks in St. Petersburg showed that with the maximum permissible pollution 30 gr. / Sq. M. The correct sidewalks have contamination of 5-20 gr. / Sq. M., and the 40-150 gr. / Sq. M .

2. Reducing the level of lawn or installation of borders with a mandatory organization of drainage
With this design, it is necessary to ensure the removal of water from the sidewalk or the carriageway. This can be performed using storm sewage.

Note: If the lawn is higher than the level of the sidewalk, but below the curb adjacent to the lawn, the water will not wash off the sand and dirt from the track on the lawn, and everything will be poured into the sewer, scoring it, or stay on the track, if there is no shower. Therefore, such a decision is called half-way. But, it is suitable for removing water from the surface of large platforms with a solid coating: parking, squares, etc. It is also the only right to remove water with the roadway of urban streets.

3. Features of the upgrades of tracks and lawns with close arrangement of trees
Many well-established areas on lawns grow trees and shrubs, and a decrease in the lawn level can bargain their root system. In this case, it is necessary to leave around the plants a plot of increasing the soil, or it is necessary to raise the level of tracks.

Such an approach will allow to preserve vegetation, and as trees aging and replacing them with young, lower the ground level at the landing site in order to reduce the level of lawn in the following major repairs to reduce the level of tracks, if necessary.

In case the tree grows closely to the sidewalk, you need to save part of the protruding border close
to the tree, but lower the rest of the plots.

4. Temporary solutions with grooves
It often happens that the territory owner does not have a large-scale reconstruction. In this case, as a temporary measure, you can use the next reception. The longitudinal groove is driving, then the ground does not flow from the lawn. The contamination of the road or the sidewalk is reduced and the possibility of check-in passenger cars on the lawn is difficult. But the problem of drainage from them remains, and cleaning snow and mix.

As you can see, a similar solution works where the border does not protrude above the level of tracks, or is generally absent. This decision is particularly suitable for municipalities with small budgets.

Often, it happens that the difference between the levels of the sidewalk and lawn reaches several tens of centimeters. This means that the usual groove will be covered very quickly. In this case, you need to apply a two-level decrease.
The main strip of lowering the width of 1.0-1.5 meters, and the grooves come off in it.

5. Reducing the rooks for country roads
For country roads that do not have adjacent sidewalks and lawns, it is enough to lower the roadside, 2-3 centimeters. This will allow cars to move on it, if necessary, but it will not be the source of permanent contamination of the road fabric.

On both photos, the road canvas is above the roadside, the road is clean and the car has no plume dust.

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Today in the Krasnoyarsk media there was information that the streets of Zheleznyak were destroyed on the street, mounted in the past summer, borders. What affects the strength of curb stone, and also why would whole bordours sometimes be replaced? Our correspondent talked with experts and learned the answers to these questions.

Head of the department "Car roads and urban structures" of the Engineering and Construction Institute of the SFU Vadim Servatinsky to the question, why to change a good border, answers: "Good not needed. That's just the whole line of borders does not happen. " It is worth saying that there are no guests in terms of mandatory replacement of concrete borders. The decision is made on the basis of what state is a curb stone. And he, according to experts, can be easier enough. Borders begin to collapse for various reasons, and the most common one is mechanical damage. As a rule, all the winter begins when the streets are cleaning from snow. The big grader is relied with a heavy metal dump about the border, and scratches appear on the surface of the artificial stone, the destruction of the protective layer of the frontal part begins. Such borders, of course, need to be replaced.

The destruction of the concrete border can also occur due to insufficient frost resistance, since this element of the road infrastructure is reinforced only by anticoned reinforcement, and not a worker that carries the load. Maximum increase in the service life of border stones allows the observance of the storage requirements for placement. Stones must be either installed on well-compacted primer, or interconnected by a concrete tie. Otherwise, because, on the one hand, the borders perform the protective function of the wheel of the wheel - to improve the safety of movement, on the other, create a single monolithic road space. But it is for this reason that when damaged one element has to change the entire line.

- It is technologically very difficult to remove only one curb stone to put another place in his place, "Vadim Servatinsky emphasized. - Therefore, their replacement is planned and massively: even if only one element is damaged, the entire line of borders on the street is removed, and new blocks are installed on their place.

But it is impossible to use a monolithic border ribbon from concrete, as it is necessary to leave deformation seams for this element of the road. After all, in summer, in the heat, the borders expand, their size is reduced in winter. The width of the gaps depends on the magnitude of the border stone itself, according to GOST, it ranges from one to one and a half meters. Bordeurians are not only from artificial stone - concrete, but also from natural. In the central part of Krasnoyarsk on a number of streets installed expensive granite borders. When they hit, they do not lose their strength properties. When repairing the streets, they are pulled out and then set back. But the sidewalks are protected by non-borders, and the grooves whose thickness is up to eight centimeters. Clevering are designed to limit the width of the sidewalk, retaining asphalt in the required framework and holding a pedestrian or cyclist. As a rule, the order is exhibited by the lawn. He prevents the leaning of the Earth on the sidewalk in case of severe rain.

snow melts and during rain surface water is delayed on the coating and partially penetrates down. On pedestrian tracks with typical projects, the device is not provided by the device. In the spring, most often, the sand layer is in a converged state due to the lack of tubular drains for its drainage. Under the influence of the movement of harvesting machines through a crack mostly, water is pressed. Currently, the coating of prefabricated concrete slabs with a thickness of 5-6 cm, often stacked directly, is used in the sidewalks and pedestrian walkways; On the sand (and even small). In this case, the cracks formed during the period of thawing are due to its inadequate strength. When moving harvesters in the stoves there are significant overvoltage, which causes premature destruction.

Side stones.The main deformations of the onboard stones, as a result of which there is a need for a complete replacement or permutation, are the following reasons: insufficient frost resistance of the concrete itself; Frosty uneven trimming during dusting grounds of the earth canvas; Changing the vertical position of the side stone; The destruction of the concrete horizontal part of the long side stone. If on the boulevards, separation stripes or lawns, the marker of vegetation cover is 15-20 cm above the surface of the side stone, then in areas with severe weather and climatic conditions during dusting grounds of the earth canvas, the onboard stone is usually tilted to the street axis. This is due to the formation of parallel to the surface of the side stone of ice lenses and ground as a result of heat loss.

The temperature incompatibility of cement concrete with asphalt concrete is accompanied by choking in a few years along the side stone of the asphalt concrete coating. A clearance is formed through which surface water penetrates. In the following winter, stone or concrete slabs, laid in places of pairing stone coated, are frosty; Periodically, they have to shift or replace. The essential defect of the concrete side stone is to peeling its surface. Concrete is a heterogeneous capillary-porous body with a large number of phase separation boundaries. Since the hardening of concrete in its structure, defects are noticeable in the form of emptiness. The coherent zones of hydrate neoplasms of cement stone are also the weakest place of concrete structure. Particularly prone to the formation of cracks Contact zones between cement stone and aggregate. The various coefficients of linear expansion in these zones with temperature fluctuations in the surface of the concrete board cause microstructural voltages exceeding critical. In concrete with stone rubble, especially from the limestones of even the 1st grade, is observed in a significant number of unlocked pores and capillaries. These pores from the fall are filled with water, which freezes at a temperature somewhat below 0 ° C and contributes to the initial peeling process. The service life of a concrete side stone, subjected to its making more hardguard regime, in the central regions of the European part of Rossi very rarely exceeds 10 years. However, the onboard stone, made of sandy concrete, in which micro and ultramicropores prevail, is more frost-resistant than with stone aggregate. Water in microporas freezes with significantly lower temperatures, without causing

The use of new technologies and materials in the construction of roads is experiencing every car owner. It is impossible not to note that the quality of roads is improved every year, and the company "BIC" makes a significant contribution to this process.

Why is the canvas of highways destroy?

The most common answer to this question is: climate. But to blame in all natural conditions is not very correct, since on our planet there is a huge number of countries with cold climates and good roads.

For rapid wear coverage, first of all, the quality affects road work. If the road surface is placed using low-quality materials, with violation of laying technologies, with inaccurate calculations of the thickness of the coating, the reasons for the rapid wear are becoming obvious.

The main types of destruction of the canvas of roads

  • wear or abrasion - occurs under the influence of pressure of automotive wheels and climatic precipitation;
  • peeling - manifests itself in the form of exposure of road surface areas as a result of frequent freezing and thawing asphalt, also coating can provoke anti-flame reagents;
  • darking - manifests itself in the form of losses of fractions of rubble and gravel.
  • thicken, ruts, shifts, cracks, dents - the main cause of such damage are road works performed with a violation of the technological process.

How to maintain a road coating from wear for a long time?

As mentioned above, most importantly in road works - This is high quality material and accuracy of laying technologies.

"Beach" uses various techniques and materials in its work to improve the quality and durability of the road surface. We use special emulsions to increase the tightness of the coating, put geotextiles between the layers of the road, and also make a coating by cast asphalt.

But once well done road works are half of the case in the matter of maintaining the integrity of the roadway. It is necessary to regularly track the further state of the road surface, because the earlier destruction detected, the easier it will be cheaper to carry out repair work.

7.2.2 Short waves: Step 30-90 cm, more often 45-60 cm, are associated, as a rule, with an uneven supply of a mixture to the screw feeder of the stacker, as a result of which the smoothing plate is raised, then it is lowered due to the change in the pressure of the mixture on the stove. Other reasons may be the wear of the hinges of the plate, incorrect installation of an angle of the plate attack, the instability of the mixture in composition (during the RETAY). To eliminate the defect, check the operation of the supply devices of the stacker and the smoothing plate, as well as the stability of the composition of the mixture and its temperature. Short waves with a step of 7-10 cm may be caused by an incorrect mode of operation of the vibratory roller.

7.2.3 Long waves They appear, as a rule, due to the oscillations of the composition and temperature of mixtures in the arriving automobiles, or sharp changes in the direction of movement of rinks, as well as the reasons mentioned above (incorrect operation of the stacker and rinks). In addition, long waves can reflect the irregularities of the bottom of the base. The bundle of the mixture during delivery may also cause the appearance of long waves. To eliminate the defect, it is necessary to check the operation of the mechanisms on laying and quality (uniformity and temperature) of the supplied mixture.

7.2.4 Breaks in the center of the laying strip, According to the outer edges or across the width, they are usually called, as a rule, the unsatisfactory state or incorrect operation of the stacker (first of all, its smoothing plate), reduced by the temperature of the mixture, appearance in the mixture of oversized rubble or foreign inclusions. To eliminate breaks, it is necessary to check and adjust the work of the plate, monitor the temperature of the mixture and the plate (especially when the stacker stops), during single ruptures, the defect is eliminated manually by adding a hot mixture to the shovel before starting the road roller seal.

7.2.5 Inhomogeneous texture of the surface of the coating (Especially when working with rubbed walls) is called mainly the bundle of the mixture when preparing and delivery, low temperature of the mixture, fluctuations in the composition of the mixture and improperly adjusting the supply of the mixture under the smoothing plate. The elimination of the defect is determined by the cause of its occurrence and is to control and adjust the operation of the asphalter organs, eliminating the causes of the residency of the mixture to para.

7.2.6 Traces from the smoothing plate may be caused when the stacker stops before unloading the next dump truck, the incorrect interaction of the stacker and the dump truck (sharp braking) or when working

stacker with ruins. To eliminate the defect, adjust or repair the stacker slab, to achieve interaction when unloading automotive vehicles, reduce stacker stops.

7.2.7 Cracking(The appearance of short transverse cracks), usually manifests 2-3 rink passes (especially smooth) at the beginning of the header. Cracks can appear in the intermediate period of the header at elevated temperatures of the mixture and plastic (unwitting) mixtures. Rarely cracks occur with a significant difference in the temperatures of the mixture and the lower layer. The causes of cracking can be the composition of the mixture, incorrectly selected rink seal modes (increased roller speed, sharp turns or stopping roller on the coating). Taking into account the main reason, it is necessary, first of all, to check and adjust or change the composition of the mixture (some mixtures are cracking even at a temperature of 65 ° C), adjust the seal mode (first of all temperature) or change the composition of the road rinks link, for example, to use at the beginning Radine only pneumocalet.

7.2.8 Bitumen speaking (Fat stains) on the surface of the coating usually appear in the initial period of operation of the coating in the form of two fatty strips by track track. They can cause a sharp increase in the slipping of the coating especially in wet weather. The causes are mainly connected mainly with an increased content of bitumen in the composition of the asphalt concrete mixture, the bundle of the mixture, the presence of water in the mixture, an increased bitumen content during processing (progressing) of the lower layer. To eliminate the defect should be achieved, first of all, the minimum moisture content in the mixture, reducing the content of bitumen or the change in the composition of the mixture. As an extreme measure, the powder of oily spots can be recommended with dry small sand or mineral powder.

7.2.9 Footprints from rollers on the coatingusually remain in the process of initial or main seal and removed at the final seal. However, with incorrect seal mode, they can remain on the finished coating. The causes of the defect can be a high temperature or elevated plasticity of the composition of the mixture, an insufficient number of passes or the cooling of the mixture until the end of the header. To eliminate the defect, check accordingly and, if necessary, to adjust the composition and temperature of the mixture, increase the number of rinks passes, apply a heavier rink or pneumocalet when the final depth.

7.2.10 Subcase stalls pairing strips (The difference in levels or bundle of the mixture in the seam) is caused by non-compliance with the above rules of their execution. Therefore, to eliminate the defect should clearly comply with the rules of work, it is advisable to recommend warming up the cold ducks with gas burners or rules of defective places with a roller swap.

7.2.11 Uneven layer thickness It is called, as a rule, incorrect adjustment of the smoothing plate or an increased speed of the stacker (more than 24 m / min for thin layers and 15 m / min for layers thick 6 cm). The defect can be eliminated by adjusting the work of the smoothing plate of the stacker.

7.2.12 Longitudinal cracks along the canvas May be caused by either insufficient seal of the lower layer or adhesion with it, or a shift from a heavy roller when reversal, or a seal too hot mixture. The defect, in the case of the last two reasons, can only be eliminated until the mixtures are hot.

7.2.13 Possible defects of the finished coating of cast asphalt concrete - in places in places with a longitudinal slope, may arise due to the bundle of the mixture during transport; Slipness of the coating - due to the insufficient viscosity of the binder (depth of indulgence of the stamp less than the norm) or non-compliance with the temperature mode of the laying; Darking in the process of operation of the coating caused by poor processing of stap pairing seams or laying cast asphalt mixture into wet weather.

7.2.14 To prevent defects when working with cast asphalt concrete, it is recommended to strict compliance with the rules and norms. Laying of cold asphalt