The opening in the wall is a step-by-step description how to make it yourself. Simple guide how to make a beautiful opening (75 photos)

Very often, with the full repair of the owners of apartments and houses, they want to make the perfect design style. Sometimes it requires decisive measures to complete the entire interior change. Much may be required, down until the openings are made in the walls.

The opening can serve many devices. For example, if the door to the next room is needed, or in the repair project, you need to make an arch or niche for anything.

Also, the openings are used to connect two rooms or even apartments. Many have the question of how to make the opening in the wall. In this regard, this article will tell all about the openings in the walls.

Features of redevelopment of walls

The hosts of the housing often seek to independently do the openings in the walls. This is done with different goals, as mentioned earlier.

Many believe that this work is simple and will cope with it each, even a beginner. However, in order to properly cut openings in the walls, you need to have some skills in this business and have special knowledge.

In addition to knowledge and experience, a special tool will also be required. First you need to know that new openings will require the strengthening of the wall. In this regard, the welding machine will be needed.

Directly do the opening will help tool for cutting, that is, the ordinary Bulgarian. Well, to create a perfectly smooth opening need a construction level.

In order for the opening in the wall to securely strengthen, they will need supports. When the opening is done in the bearing wall, you will need more stable support. Skhelleler is perfect for this purpose. For ordinary interroom walls there will be enough construction corner.

The denser of the wall in which the opening is done, the more reliably the strengthening should be. Bearing structures require a special approach and clear execution of detailed instructions.

If it is decided to make a door or any other opening in a concrete wall, you should not neglect markup. Very detailed and accurate markup is carried out in advance before the start of work with the help of a building tool. Then concrete cuts out and retaining structures are immediately installed. The pre-frame of the strengthening is very neatly welded.

To do the window opening, the wall does not require special strengthening structures, but if you plan to alteration the doorway or the creation of the arch, the situation is more serious.

The choice of retaining material depends on the width of the opening and thickness of the walls. These indicators indicate what will be the load on the supports. Thus, the higher these indicators, the stronger the support elements should be.

Creating an opening of the wall

The opening device in the wall is not so simple as you think. Before starting the work on doing the opening in the wall, it is necessary to find out whether the bearing wall is. If this is an interroom brick wall, then some instruments will need for work. Commit to level, pencil, roulette, bulgaria, welding, channel, corner, profile.

The start of work lies in measurements and markup. If there is an accurate plan for creating the opening, then determine the size easily. Eye such complex structures are usually not created, as the calculations must be accurate. When knowledge of sizes, it is necessary to place everything.

If the wall is concrete, then for marking, it is necessary to draw the outrope on the wall outline. Next, several through holes in the wall are made for accurate markup.

If the opening is rectangular, the holes are drilled in the corners. After that, on the reverse side of the wall at the construction level, the point is connected and the contour of the future opening is obtained.

A channel is put on the cutting groove to concrete, the same is done on the reverse side. The rancher is tightened with studs. In the same way, the shoes are made and a metal corner is laid, which is connected in the same way as the schulerler.

It remains only to knock out the remaining concrete with the help of a sledgehammer. For this, several squares of the grinder are scheduled. Starting from the very top, the squares knock out a sledgehammer. It is important to remember that the main thing in this matter is accuracy. If you are not sure that you can do everything correctly, consult a professional.

Photo of opening in the wall

The carrier wall seems an insurmountable obstacle, but modern technical means allow you to easily make the opening under the door or window. We will talk about the technology of formation of outlook using the hand tool and the rules for its strengthening.

General technology

Production of the Outline is a responsible technological operation associated with the risk of destruction of building structures and a danger to life and health. Therefore, all work should be performed in accurately according to the rules. The process cutting process itself consists of three stages:

  1. Marking, and if necessary, the coordination and approval of the reorganization plan.
  2. Directly dismantling part of the construction structure.
  3. Strengthening the proof, if we are talking about working with the capital wall.

A professional approach implies the use of special wall-cutting equipment, but it is possible to do the opening and independently, using only a hand tool: a perforator, ESM and an additional snap-in to them, also desirable the presence of a construction vacuum cleaner. The time consideration of the process will be higher, however, with the right approach, it is possible to achieve a neat perimeter design by spending the minimum of efforts to decide.

The main difficulty of operation by a manual instrument is the inability to perform a cut line for one technological operation. The cutting depth of the ESM is 60-80 mm, therefore, for the manufacture of a loop in the interior partition, at least cutting on both sides. If we are talking about the capital wall, it is necessary to produce a stepped recess of the material, each time developing a wide groove to access the power to the cut zone. When a cross-cutting section, the core is filled, fragmented and removed by parts weighing 10-15 kg.

Wall material

There is a huge difference in what material is folded by the wall. When cutting and crushing the brick, concrete and gas-silicate behave differently, it must be considered when dismantling.

If you have to deal with aerated concrete, the impact method of destruction is not very good, with the help of a perforator, you can only do a chaotic system of holes. It will be much more correct to be made in the corners of the outlet on a large hole, and then perform cutting along the markup line with a conventional hacksaw or a belt web for aerated concrete.

The brick is good, so the best way of work is a cutting along the contour of the robbery with the subsequent crushing of the core. A similar way it is better to act with hollow thin-walled materials like a slag block: a preliminary incision will make it easy to reflect the opening after making a pass.

Most difficult to make opening in monolithic concrete walls. For apartment partitions with a thickness of up to 100 mm, the optimal method is the contour cutting of a diamond disk on a combined markup on both sides. Cutting is carried out "in Range" for the formation of technological gaps that allow free extraction of the core. The main problem is fittings for cutting which the gap can be expanded to 80-100 mm. It is worth noting that the cutting of openings in the structural concrete of the strength class B30 and above will be able to perform only with special wall-cutting equipment, the shock method of dismantling in such cases is prohibited.

Pieces in interior partitions

Partitions thick up to 100-150 mm are easier to cut, but it takes a thorough combination of marking, because the cutting is carried out on both sides. To combine the markup, there are enough two control points - the upper corners of the proof, in which through holes are drilled. When working you need to carefully monitor the perpendicular position of the bora.

The control points must be connected to the horizontal line, as well as to discard the two vertical vertical removal from both sides. After an indent of 15-20 mm in both sides of the contour markup, the cut line is carried out. In the room where the sealing and disassembly of the core is planned, the markup should have an indent of 10-15 mm more to form a wedge-shaped clearance.

According to the outer lines of the markup, the bulgaria is performed on the entire effective disk depth. Kick the core of the shoes can be chisel and even manual, scoring it into one of the propilov. To choose a material from the groove, you can recommend it to crushing by drilling holes by 20-24 mm in the central part of the cut into 10-15 cm increments - such fragments are easily removed by the hammer.

Pieces in the bearing walls

Difficulties when working with capital structures are mainly concluded in their considerable thickness: even with a bilateral approach, cuts are not covered. Therefore, options for the manufacture of a loop in the bearing wall are only two: the contour drilling and a stepped trimming.

The drill of the loot around the perimeter is reasonably performed with the thickness of the walls over 250 mm, when the cutting method becomes irrelevant due to the large number of steps. For contour drilling, it is necessary to temporarily attach to the wall two brus of 40x40 mm, the gap between which is the same on the entire entire length and is 14-18 mm. The drill of the same diameter needs to be drilled in 20-30 mm increments, holding the tool strictly horizontally. Next is drilling at an angle of 30-45 ° for weakening the walls between the holes. For the same purposes, you can pre-expand the holes with a rapid diameter.

Removal of link residues is performed by a perforator - shock work in order to clearing the cut is allowed even in a structural concrete, but in this way it is impossible to chop fittings. It is necessary to clean it from concrete and have a snack using borer, or sawing with hacksaw. Before the reinforcement links are cut off, it makes sense to divide the core with several drilling lines to simplify dismantling.

Important! Unlike professional, the household tool is not intended for continuous long work, it needs to be leisure in accordance with the required inclusion.

Strengthening the patch

Please note that the manufacture of outlooks in the bearing walls of apartment buildings is allowed, but only subject to the coordination of the reorganization and approval of the project to comply with technical conditions. One of the mandatory requirements in such cases is the strengthening of the proof to restore the bearing ability of responsible structures. And although the project is not necessary for reorganizing a private house, the strengthening should be carried out.

It is performed by an angular steel, the width of the shelf of which is at least 1/4 of the wall thickness. The upper crossbar is inserted into the pre-manufactured propyl. On the wall plane, the segments of the steel strip are welded to it, which are mounted through through or anchor fastening in the walls of the wall not lower than 20 cm from the top of the carriage. The length of the horizontal jumper should be larger than the width of the existence of at least a third on each side. After installing the upper crossbar, you can perform vertical cuts and remove the core. After that, the corner of the jumpers are bonded between themselves inserts from the steel strip, welded to the corner. In the same way, the side faces are strengthened, setting the corners to the pitch of the jumper.

In some cases, when the dimensions of the loop exceed normal, as it happens when combining two rooms, it is strengthened by non-rolling materials, and frame structures and farms. After that, the strengthening system is trimmed with GLC, due to which it is possible to fully conceal the metal structures without disturbing the interior.

Video on the topic

Pretty rarely the need to perform the opening in the wall. This usually happens when the apartment or at home is being redeveloped. In this case, the question appears, how to do it right? If the opening is incorrect, deformation may occur, the entire structure is rarely damaged. Production steps will tell the article.

The device should be started with the definition of the type of masonry, which happens:

  • Naskowkova. Brick stacked with a spoon out.

  • Chain.

  • Cross. In chain and cross cases, a variable masonry is used: one row is stacked with a spoon outside, the other is the twist.

  • Well.

In this case, the masonry is performed by two rows forming the structure of the well type. Its space is filled with gravel, slag or construction garbage.

Types of walls

There are two main species, the features of which are presented in the table:

Constructive features

Before making the opening, you need to learn more about it.


  • Is there a hidden wiring inside the design.

Verification of the presence of wires

  • The presence of pipes and reinforcement.

Pipes heating

  • There is a chimney, and in what specifically the place is located.

It is impossible to get such information to the usual inspection, you must use a metal detector.

Tip: Detection of any obstacles does not indicate that it is impossible to make a wall in the wall. In this case, it is necessary to properly prepare for work.

To solve problems, when performing with your own hands, you need:

  • Transfer to another place wiring.
  • To retreat from the chimney at least three meters.
  • To transfer pipes to invite a specialist.

Preparation for work

Cut the opening in the overhaul: how to cut

First of all, it is necessary to calculate the doorway in the bearing wall, taking into account the following moments:

  • Its dimensions are chosen in accordance with SNiP or building standards.

At the same time in the bearing wall:

  1. the height should be no more than 2.1 meters;
  2. width in the range of 0.7 - 2 meters. For an apartment placed on the first floor, the width of the opening can not exceed 0.9 meters.
  • Optimal accommodation is the center of the wall.
  • The top of the hole must coincide with the cement suture of the masonry.
  • The opening must be arranged so that the gap remains between the wall and the door frame - 25 millimeters, and from above - 6.

Tip: Overview, whose width is not more than 90 centimeters, it is not necessary to further strengthen. With greater width, the wall must be intensified.

Tools and Materials for Work

Before transferring the pass, regardless of its purpose, you need to purchase the tools presented in the photo:

To work will need tools:

  • Bulgarian or perforator.
  • Sucker chisel and hammer.
  • Triangle.
  • Building level.
  • High-quality roulette.

Materials will be required:

  • Bruks from wood.
  • Reinforced concrete beams.
  • Steel corners or chapellera.
  • Cement mortar.

Punching in the partition


Before making the doorway in a concrete wall or from brickwork, it is necessary to consider the existing documentation for the house very carefully. It typically shows all communications, power supply system. At the point of planning the opening, holes are drilled.

Drilling holes

Punching of the passages is accompanied by a large amount of dust.

This requires special protective clothing:

  • Respirator.
  • Protective glasses.
  • Gloves.

Tip: For settling the resulting dust, the wall should be sprayed with water from the sprayer.

Any opening is performed in the form of the letter "T". In the upper part, the crossbar is mounted, which will hold the brickwork. In the manufacture of crossbar can be applied from a conventional wooden board. For the carrier wall requires installation of reinforced concrete beam.


The partition is usually made a small thickness, which makes it easy to break the hole in it.

The instruction of the work offers:

  • Make the appropriate markup with the help of the square and the ruler with the fact that the opening should have a greater width than the door installed.
  • The site of the wall is freed from all types of finishing materials, to brickwork.

  • According to the lines applied during marking, cuts are performed with a disk with a diameter of more than 200 millimeters, on which there is a diamond spraying. Such cuts will become edging for future opening.
  • By seams for laying bricks, holes are drilled.
  • With the help of chisel and hammer, several bricks are knocked out.

Tip: The first brick should be chopped by a punch with a crown cutter. It can be replaced by a large diameter drill.

  • A hole is made to install the crossbar.
  • A wooden board is inserted.

  • Cement mortar is poured. This stage of manufacturing the opening should not be ignored, otherwise they can appear in the cracked wall.

Opening in the bearing design

The price of work for the supporting structure will be higher.

In this case, the breaking of the opening is carried out with minor differences and includes such steps:

  • Removed to brick laying coating.
  • Applied from the outside of the wall markup.

  • Holes for rectangular supports are performed. It is better to make a hammer and chisel. In this case, the contour of the future opening is obtained.

  • Supports are installed. This is usually reinforced concrete beams that are inserted into the prepared holes and are poured with concrete solution.

  • The design is left until the concrete is completely frozen.
  • The wall disassembled with a hammer and perforator. In this case, a hole of the holes weakening brickwork are drilled in several places.
  • Speakers in the opening bricks carefully dug or fought off.
  • The construction trash and remnants of plaster are removed.
  • The hole is enhanced. To do this, the channel is used, but the squeezes and rounded edges of the profile do not allow you to tightly impose it to the wall. Therefore, it will take the edges of the channels to bring to the ideal form - to sharpen them or pour the condensed cavities formed. Excellent channel alternative - metal corners with good technical characteristics and smooth corners. To enhance the opening, two identical elements are used. The horizontal holes are drilled in advance. The protruding parts of the corner or channel should be directed towards the wall located above the opening. Then these elements are tightened by bolts.

Tip: Performing a hole in the bearing wall, do not save materials for its strengthening to prevent the seedlings of the overlap, which will be dangerous to health and even the lives of people.

To imagine how to make a doorway in the wooden walls, it is worth carefully viewing the video in this article.

Performing any changes related to the redevelopment of the apartment should begin with a thorough study of its technological card. The device of bearing walls is described in detail in the document approved in government instances.

And consultations, as in the bearing wall, make the doorway, can be obtained from specialists. The unauthorized change in the planning of the house may cause irreversible consequences, the fulfillment of all works is correct - the key to the device of a durable and beautiful doorway.

When repairing, it is often necessary to make a new one or expand the existing opening in the concrete wall.

If you decide to redevelop the apartment, then you may need to cut opening boards for windows or doors, including they can be performed both in external and interior walls.

If it was necessary to create an opening in a concrete wall, then it can be done in several ways, each of them has its advantages and cons.

Diamond cutting

This is the most popular and widespread way to create an opening in a concrete wall. Diamond cutting it has such advantages:

  • during operation, a minimum hazard for the wall is created;
  • since in this case the vibration is insignificant, the risk of cracking will be small;
  • the ability to perform the opening exactly for the designated lines;
  • during operation, a minimum noise is created;
  • a little dust and dirt is formed.

Despite the large number of advantages, this method has a number of flaws:

  1. large energy consumption;
  2. during the creation of the work, the tool must be cooled with water;
  3. high cost of working tools.

Cut through water

Hydroabrasive method cutting It has smaller popularity, in this case the work is performed using a powerful jet of water and sand.

First, the water is fed to the tank, where it is mixed with sand, after which under a high pressure through a nozzle with a diameter of about 0.4 mm, the mixture is supplied to the venue.

To repay the residual strength of the jet, use a special water trap.

It is necessary to work with equipment for hydroabrasive cutting carefully, since the speed of water jet reaches 1000 m / s.

With the control of water jet pressure, you can remove part of the concrete or make a through hole.

The main advantages of the hydroabrasive cutting are as follows:

  • the cut is accurate and accurate;
  • during such a cutting, the material does not heat up, therefore harmful gases and evaporation are not formed; there is no strong noise and vibration;
  • you can do the opening at any angle;
  • the ability to create an opening of any complex shape.

The disadvantages of hydroabrasive cutting should be attributed:

  1. the equipment has large sizes, so it will not work in apartments;
  2. high cost of abrasive material.

Laser cut

In this case, work is carried out by equipment having a thick-walled spear in the form of a pipe, according to which oxygen is supplied.

Heating the spear is carried out to a temperature of 1400 degrees
, and at its end the temperature reaches 2000 degrees. In the people, this method of creating openings in a concrete wall is called laser cutting.

When using oxygen-spear cutting, when the spear comes into contact with, its temperature is overlapped by the resistance of the pipeline slags, so the wall is not oxidized, it does not exude heat, and after removing the spear, it quickly cools.

The disadvantage of the specified method It is that the molten slag particles are flying during operation, so the worker must wear a special protective suit.

Punching perforator and grog

If the concrete wall is a small thickness, then the opening in it can be performed using a perforator and a powerful grinder.

Perform such a way of opening in the bearing wall will be it is very difficult and for this you will need a lot of time.

In this case, first in the concrete wall with the help of a perforator makes holes with a diameter of 10-12 mm, every 3-4 cm, and then concrete cut with a grinder with a diamond circle.

Tool for cutting

Depending on the selected method, the following tools will be needed:

  • diamond cutting equipment;
  • equipment for hydroabrasive cutting;
  • equipment for oxygen-spear or laser cutting; 5
  • bulgarian with a diamond circle;
  • perforator with a winning drill;
  • a hammer;
  • chisel.

How and what to do yourself

If you decide to independently make the opening in the concrete wall, then to perform the specified work, you will need such tools:

  1. perforator;
  2. powerful Bulgarian with diamond circle;
  3. sledgehammer;
  4. welding machine;
  5. studs with nuts and washers.

Before you begin to perform work, check whether the wiring wall is in this area, if so, it must be disconnected from meals.

Thereafter perform markupIf the wall had or was, the old one was applied, then the entire finish is first removed, and then make marking. With a large width of the wall, the markup will have to be performed from different sides.

To navigate the markup on the other side, through the corners of the opening with the help of the perforator make through holes.

Before creating the opening in the wall, it must be strengthened, for which they make the stroke into which the channel is laying, its length should be more opening per 1 m.

After you make a stroke in the wall, the channel in it should be tight. Before installing it, with a step of 30 cm for mounting a tightening fastener.

Shoots make on both sides of the wall, they insert a chapeller and tighten them with studs. This design will strengthen the wall and then, you can start creating the opening.

Now the area of \u200b\u200bthe opening is divided into squaresBy their boundaries, with the help of a perforator, the holes are drilled, after which the work is performed by a grinder and remove the wall fragments.

Please note that in some places the work will be performed relatively easily, and on other sites it is much more complicated, as it will have to remove the reinforcement.

How to expand the doorway

Often the need to expand the doorway. Inexperienced homemade masters take a grinder with a diamond circle for this And with it, it cuts off the extra part of the wall.

But this method is suitable only if if work is carried out in a non-residential roomIn which there is no furniture and is not repaired, this is due to the fact that during the execution of such work, a lot of dust and dirt is formed.

There is a simpler way to enlarge the doorway, when using little dust and dirt is formed.

According to the outlined contour, with the help of the perforator make close to each other holesAfter that, with the help of a chisel and the hammer remove jumpers and calmly remove the unnecessary sections of the wall, after which they are tested or plasterboard.

Strengthening the opening

If you make the opening in the wall of a multi-storey building, then it must be reinforced so that the bearing capacity of the building does not decrease.

You can do this in several ways:

  • with the help of chambers;
  • using corners;
  • combining a chapeller and corners.

The easiest way strengthen the opening with metal channels. When fastening a schveller, it does not always fit tightly, so the emptiness that appeared should be embedded using a solution.

When using corners, They are more tightly adjacent to the finished way, the elements of the reinforcing design are connected using welding.

Most often used combined optionWhen the upper part of the opening is strengthened with a metal channel, and its sides are strengthened with a metal corner design.


Modern technologies and equipment make it easy to make the opening in the concrete wall.
To perform the specified works, you can invite specialists who will do everything quickly and gently, but be prepared for the fact that the cost of such works is quite high.

If you have a desire, Bulgarian and a perforator, then you can make the opening in the concrete wall and do it yourselfBut you will need a lot of time and effort, but you will save considerable funds.

Useful video

How to make the opening in a concrete wall, video:

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How to make a doorway: Punching opening in a brick wall with your own hands

If you build a house from scratch or want to redevelop, you need to know how to make a doorway in accordance with all the rules and standards. It should be borne in mind that there are both general rules and concrete nuances in relation to individual materials.

Punching of the opening in the brick wall has a number of nuances

Door Operactions and General Requirements

The device of openings in the building is one of the design stages. From how correctly this work will be performed, a number of parameters depends. It is important to correctly calculate the position of the doors and windows, strengthen the overlaps over them, determine the appearance and dimensions. It is necessary to separately calculate the area of \u200b\u200blight openings. This includes not only doors, but also windows, as under this concept it means natural lighting outside the building. In general, performing calculations and installation, the ratio between the area of \u200b\u200blight opening and floor of the room in proportions from 1: 5.5 to 1: 8 should be taken as the basis.

Special attention deserves the question - how to make a doorway under a new door in the wall of the house. In order to answer it, you also need to refer to the generally accepted GOST and SNiP standards. Today, despite the popularity of non-standard architectural and design solutions, the basic parameters are still as the basis. Consider that it is necessary to take into account first:

  • Height. In ordinary apartments and houses, it is customized to cut openings under the door of 2 meters high.
  • Width. The standard designation width of the door leaf is 70 and 80 cm. For residential rooms, it is customary to take such doors, but for the bathroom and toilet can be reduced their width. The entrance doors can be 90 and 100 cm. It should be borne in mind that additional centimeters need to be left to the installation of the box.
  • Strengthening. Since the cutout in the wall leads to partial loss of its strength in this area, it is necessary to compensate for this factor due to the redistribution of the load provided from above. To do this, the jumper is installed or the stacking is installed. Next, we will consider in detail how to perform this work with your own hands.

Basic doorway parameters

If you have high ceilings in the house, and you want to create a grand entrance, you can move away from standards and install a more overall design, while negotiating this data with a general project of the building.

Types of openness

Before cutting the opening, it is important to choose the optimal types of design. This moment may not seem so significant, but in fact options can be a lot. You can highlight the following types of openings under the door:

  • Portal. This is a standard opening, made in the form of a rectangle.
  • Under two-dimensional doors. Extended portal version. In this case, the height can remain unchanged, but the width of the opening increases and averages 120-150 cm.
  • Arch. Basically implies cutout with rounded corners. Installing the door in the future is not at all necessary, since the curved form creates difficulties in the selection of the web, but it looks very impressive.
  • Complex structures. These are non-standard solutions that may differ in an unusual form, the ratio of elements, etc., they are mainly suitable for drywall partitions. But the installation under the opening in the brick wall is best done by the basic plan.

Varieties of door openings in the wall

When designing the building with their own hands, it is a prerequisite for the preparation of the plan and the designation of all doorways in the drawings. In the diagram, they look like an interrupted section of the wall with a deflected line - this is the designation of the direction of smashing the canvas. This feature in the drawings are connected to the wall of the wall of the arc.

Used machinery

In order to qualitatively perform a special technique in construction. Mainly apply the following tools:

  • Perforator. The most common way due to its availability. Despite this, it has many flaws: the irregularity of the cut, an increased vibration load, dust, etc.
  • Drill. Alternative to the perforator. To drive holes, you can use a crown milling mill or a large diameter drill. Drill is used to denote the contours of the future opening.
  • Bulgarian. Allows you to work with concrete walls and wood. To cut the opening, you need to handle the wall on both sides.
  • Chisel. Basically, this tool is used to solve the seams on the brickwork.
  • Sledgehammer. The main tool for knocking out material on cutting circuits.
  • Diamond cut. This tool is a large model of the grinder. A diamond cutter allows you to work out the wall on one side with a thickness of up to 40 cm. In advanced models, the construction vacuum cleaner and water container are additionally used.

Required tools for breaking the doorway

Brick wall

So, after the reconciliation of the project in the drawings, you can proceed directly to the case. Since brick walls are one of the most common options for partitions in the house, we should consider the technology of the opening device in them in the first place.

The main feature of punching the opening in the brick wall is that the contours of the upper part must match the joints in the masonry. Cut the brick along is not allowed. After performing the work, the jumper is installed. The same principle is observed and when creating a doorway in a building from foam blocks.

Consider the order of work. First you need to verify the position of the future opening on the plan with real conditions and adjust the general plan if necessary. An designation of boundaries is applied to the wall of foam blocks for ease of operation. Since all bricks are connected with each other, any incorrect effort can lead to a violation of the integrity of the entire masonry. That is why at first it is necessary to cut the contours of the structure.

Cutting openness without dust is carried out using special equipment with a diamond disc equipped with a construction vacuum cleaner for dust collection. If you have no specialized tool at your disposal, you can use the grinder. After the designation of the contours, further work is made using a sledgehammer.

Very often, in the process of performing work, you can face the problem of the load distribution. To minimize risks, it is possible to drive only the upper part of the opening, to perform strengthening work and then continue. It is also sometimes to install temporary side supports, especially if we are talking about the bearing walls from foam blocks.

For proper load distribution, jumpers are used for breaking

How to make the doorway in a brick or wall of foam blocks with your own hands now, but what about redevelopment of the apartment in the panel high-rise building?

Panel house

In order to make a safe opening in the wall of the panel house, you do not need to look for joints, as in the design of foam blocks or bricks. There are much less restrictions on the definition of contours, but more load. Therefore, the installation of any doorway is recommended to start with the installation of a metal jumper.

Consider how to make the opening in the concrete wall do it yourself? The algorithm of work is the same: first the designation is performed, contours are cut, and then the middle is removed. If the wall of foam blocks can be crushed with a sledgehammer, then in the panel house for zbk-structures you need to additionally cut it into squares.

The installation of parts of the doorway itself is made according to the standard diagram and is common to all types of structures. Installation of the canvas is reflected in the drawings. The exception can make a daylight in the Siruba. This type of building over time inevitably gives shrinkage, so it is important to produce a preliminary opposite of this site.

The opening in the panel house can be created in any convenient location without tosing to the joints

How to make a jumper

The question of organizing jumpers should be considered separately. It is a horizontal crossbar that is installed in the upper part of the opening and assumes most of the load.

As materials for jumpers, you can use the following:

  • wooden beams;
  • reinforced concrete crossbars;
  • metal sleepers and profiles;
  • brick with reinforcement.

Varieties of jumpers over the doorway by manufacturing material

To reliably fix the elements, the jumper must be logged into the wall by about 20-30 cm on each side. Cement mortar is used for clutch. After it is frozen, you can continue the breakdown and finishing of the opening.

No matter how you are going to pierce the doorway in a brick wall or cut it in a wooden partition, it is important to comply with the basic requirements of GOST. With incorrect load distribution, you increase the risk of destruction of the building in the future, especially when it comes to carrier elements.

Need a master? Professional masters will fulfill any work order repairs

Device opening in a brick wall

Very often, when conducting a major overhaul, the need to change the internal layout - to combine or split the rooms, move door pastes, etc. The need for redevelopment is dictated by the most different considerations.

First of all, this desire to optimize the inner space, make it more convenient for the inhabitants of the apartment. In this article, I would like to consider in more detail how to correctly redevelop the premises with your own hands, in particular - how to make a break in the brick wall.

A little about brick walls

Do open easier when using special tools

Punching of openings in the walls is the case is quite responsible, and it is impossible to approach it. First of all, it should be understood which walls on the functions performed and their technical characteristics.

Without this, the device in a brick wall can turn into completely unexpected and very unpleasant surprises.

All walls available in the apartment are divided into:

  • Carriers (they are supporting, capital). Bearing walls, in fact, fulfill the function of the supports - on them there are plates of inter-storey floors, therefore it is categorically forbidden to break them or transfer it - this can lead to the destruction of the entire building. Due to the heavy load, the carriers of the walls are the thick of the walls, the thick of the walls is not less than 1.5 bricks (38 cm).
  • Camera. This type of walls is not supported, but perceives part of the load of overlaps. Semi-listening walls are thus the transitional option between carriers and festation structures. May be thick in 1 - 1.5 bricks (25 - 38 cm).
  • Undesome. Such walls are still referred to as partitions and do not perform bearing functions. Their main purpose is zoning the indoor space of the apartment for individual rooms. They are laid out, as a rule, thickness in the Pollipich - 12 cm.
  • Permits documentation

    If you firmly decided to make any redevelopment of the walls, for example, cut off the door for the door, the most first step will need to get permission from authorities.

    Any unauthorized intervention in the design of an apartment building is a violation of the rules of operation of the residential premises. This may entail very serious sanctions - from the fine and bringing the room to the initial appearance before evicting residents from the apartment being held by the court order.

    Be sure to get permission to redecessing housing

    For permission to change the layout of housing, contact the local administration or control company. If your home is a cultural and historical value, it will also be necessary to obtain the conclusion of expert architects on the admissibility of interference in the building structure.

    The application is written in a single form, which can be found on the Internet or take a blank in the office of the management organization. It should be attached to this documentation:

  • A document confirming your ownership of this apartment (a notarized copy).
  • The plan of the alleged redevelopment.
  • If the housing is in your use according to a social hiring agreement, it will be necessary to provide the consent of the neighbors on the entrance.

  • All refreshing work should adopt a special commission

    The application under the Housing Code is considered within a period of no more than 1 month, after which the relevant authorities can either give a "good" to redevelopment, or refuse it.

    After the repair is completed, the owner of the apartment is obliged to invite a commission for acceptance of work.

    The reception commission will have to record that the work was made in a clear compliance with the stated project documents and without violations of construction standards.

    Cutting device in the wall

    What are the standards that need to follow when redeveloping? They are clearly spelled out in the Code of Construction Standards and Rules (SNiP).

    Types of doorways

    Standard opening height 2 m

    First of all, you should decide on the size and shape of the opening under the door. Standard doors sizes in apartment buildings comply with the following parameters:

    However, it is quite possible a device and non-standard doors both in height and in width. The only thing you need is to rely on the requirements of building guests and SNiPs. For example, the breakdown of openings in the brick walls of the carrier is limited by the following parameters: height - no more than 2.1 m, and width - no more than 2 m.

    In addition, if the door hole is made in the supporting wall, it must be compulsory reinforced with a metal structure. In the semi-hearing or partition walls, the support jumper is set if the width of the day exceeds 90 cm.

    All doorways depending on their design are divided into several types:

    • the portal is a standard rectangular door;
    • bivalve option. It is characterized by an increased width up to 1.5 - 2 m;
    • the arch is a discount characterized by rounded upper corners. Often the arches are an open design without door canvases.

    Wall breaking technology

    The most common way to break through the hole in the wall is "shock technique". More recently, this concept implied the use of sledgehamming, scrap, chisel and other similar tools.

    However, in our age of scientific and technological progress, the rude tools is replaced by high-tech perforators and jackhammers working on electricity. With their help, it is possible to break through both a thin partition and the capital wall without much physical effort.

    Another option is to use the grinder with a diamond cutting disc.

    This option is perfectly suitable for partition walls with a small thickness.

    Diamond cutting is a more delicate dismantling option, which allows to avoid unpleasant side effects, such as rumble and excess of construction waste.

    In addition, applying such technology, you can be sure that you do not weaken the remaining part of the wall with cracks and dissected by masonry.

    When dismantling brick masonry, security equipment should be followed. In particular, when working with a perforator or bumping, use protective glasses, gloves and overalls.

    Watch that the wiring is not damaged when dismantling

    Before starting work on dismantling, it should be carefully cleaned by this section of the wall from the outer decoration - drywall, plaster and shtlakes.

    This will help you make sure that the wiring does not hide under them.

    Another unpleasant surprise may be inside the wall of the ventilation box, chimney, water supply or sewer communications.

    To avoid such a surprise, you should familiarize yourself with the technical passport of the house.

    Strengthening the stem

    The strengthening of the stem is necessarily done in punching the passage in the overhaul, as well as in the walls, if its width exceeds 90 cm.

    To do this, concrete door jumpers can be applied - rectangular structures from monolithic reinforced concrete or metal chawliers / corners.

    In this case, the concrete or metal jumper is mounted in the upper part of the move in such a way that the masonry remaining on it lay on it. About the simple way to install openness in the brick basis, see this video:

    The edges of the jumpers must at least 25 cm (1 brick) enter the walls on both sides. Also possible with metal supports from thick corners or chambers installed on the edges of the doorway and supporting the jumper. Such supports are attached to the wall using anchor bolts.

    How to make the arch in the wall do it yourself

    Selection of jumpers in brick walls

    Registration of interroom openings

    Installing a profile for slopes

    How to make a new doorway in the brick partition

    Red brick has dimensions

    250x120x65 mm. Therefore, make a new opening in the wall exactly by the size of the installed door frame + 2-5 cm. Clearance for mounting can be only in one way - cutting the brick with a brick from two sides of the partition. In other cases, it is desirable to knock down a slightly plaster layer and see where the vertical seams are located in the masonry. Taking into account the available seams and the place is selected for the new doorway. The following is considered the execution of the opening in the partition laid out in Polkirpich. Make the opening in the partition laid out in a quarter of the brick, is physically even easier, but it is hard to wave a hammer, and the more sledgehammer is not worth it.

    The work sequence is as follows:
    1. At first plinths are removed

    If the plinth is cement, then it can be shot down at the end, along with the last brick. Cement plaster is knocked down along the doorway contour.

    2. A number of bricks are knocked down under a new jumper.

    at the mark of 2.1-2.15 m and the old cement solution is knocked down from a row of bricks over the resulting niche. The width of the row must be 100-300 mm larger box width of the installed door. To install the door with a cloth 60 cm, you must knock out 4 bricks (in the picture of the outline of the door and bricks, which you need to knock out are designated in white) for the door with a cloth 70, 80 and 90 cm - 5 bricks (the fifth brick is indicated in the purple color figure), 6 brick beat rarely, but sometimes still have:

    Picture 1. Marking partition under the doorway.

    In order for the process of knocking out bricks, at least the first, accompanied by minimal loss of strength of the entire partition, the solution around the brick is desirable to pre-drill a perforator or at least make a perforation of the brick solution. If the septum has been laid out for a long time, high quality and durable solution, then if it is stupidly hitting a brick, the load from the strike will be, first, redistributed to neighboring bricks, which means physical forces for knocking the bricks will have to spend much more. And secondly, as a result of the redistribution of stresses, the solution can be collapsed at all in the place where strikes are applied. Perforation reduces the solution area and thus increases the likelihood that the necessary brick will be knocked down. This recommendation is valid for cases when the masonry solution is too weak and easily collapsed, but especially for partitions in a quarter of Cyprus.

    So, for example, the strength of the M150 masonry solution for stretching, a few years after the device, the partition can reach 2-2.5 kg / cm 2. At the same time, the solution area that should be destroyed, around the brick in the partition laid out in the Pollipich, is about 700 -800 cm 2. Accordingly, this solution will withstand the static load to 1.4-2 tons. Of course, when working a multi-kamed sledge hammer, the load on the brick and the solution will be a shock, and not static, but still to knock the brick on such a solution with one blow of the sledgehammer, the speed of the sledgehammer at the time of the touch with a brick, the partition should be quite large, and the deformation of the partition Small enough. And besides, if the partition is high enough, then the closer the brick is closer in this way to the middle of the height, the greater the likelihood of the collapse of the entire partition.

    When the perforation is done, then the area of \u200b\u200bthe brick is reduced, and in addition, when perforing, the strength of the remaining solution decreases and the redistribution of loads is significantly reduced.

    Nevertheless, as carefully do not work, but when knocked out bricks, bricks can fall off under the jumper over the bricks. Nothing terrible, they can be laid after the jumper device.

    3. In the resulting opening, a standard concrete or metal jumper from rolling profiles is started

    The jumper must be put on the solution. If there is no concrete jumper and metal corners, you can use a wooden, made in place or lay several reinforcement rods with a diameter of 12-20 mm.

    4. Closed with cement slit

    the remaining after laying the jumpers (especially the seam between the jumper and the old near the bricks). In Figure 2, a new solution is indicated by darythrower. Small gaps can be blown in the mounting foam, but not only seams between the new jumper and the old near the bricks.

    5. After installing the jumper, it is necessary to make a technological break 5-14 days

    required in order for a new solution to type strength. After that, the rows of bricks are knocked out so that the width of the new opening is 5-15 cm wider than the new door box.

    6. Since the partition of the partition was carried into the dressing, then it is necessary to do it carefully, so as not to disturb the integrity of the non-destructive part of the partition. This can be done in several ways:

    6a. First knock out bricks

    which completely interfere with the new doorway. Halves bricks at height

    1 m from the floor that prevents the new doorway (in the photo is marked in red), neatly, in parts are knocked down by a jackhammer, perforator or hammer and chisel. The direction of impact should not be perpendicular to the plane of the partition, so as not to break the partition, the blows must be applied from above or below. You can also knock out these bricks completely, and then, before installing the door, lay the gaps formed with halves of bricks. When a space appears sufficient to start the impact tool to the next row, the remaining interfering halves are knocked down or cut off (in the figure is designated in blue):

    Figure 2.. Marking of bricks under the doorway.

    6b. Cut bricks bricks

    Halves bricks at height

    1 m from the floor, interfering with the new doorway, cut through the two sides with a grinder with a cut round of a stone, and then climbing with a hammer. The remaining interfering halves are shot down as in the previous case.

    6C. Immediately cut through the grinding bricks from two sides of the partition along the contour of the new doorway with the corresponding margin on the installation of the door, and then beat the bricks. The most dusty way. However, any work with a grinder is a bunch of dust.

    7. If the lower row of bricks, which must be removed, is in the cement screed, then it is necessary to beat it in parts. Using the Bulgarian below is uncomfortable and dust will be more common. After removing this series, the floor surface is leveled with a cement screed.

    Are there any regulatory materials (SNiP, GOST), regulating the location of the door intercardic opening, its distance from the adjacent other wall? Thank you

    There are fire safety requirements (SP 1.13130.2009) and general provisions of architectural and constructive design (SNiP 2.08.01-89 * (2000), but in no one and similar documents to regulate the parameter you specified.

    Note: You may need your question, especially if it concerns the calculation of the structures, it will not appear in the general list or will remain unanswered, even if you set it 20 times in a row. Why, it is explained in detail in detail in the article "Make an appointment to the doctor" (link in the header of the site).

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