Different interior doors in the interior. Modern stylish interior doors in the design interior of apartments (photo)

At the entrance of most Russian apartments, harsh metal monsters are installed, one type of which is designed to scare potential hackers. Relative to the entrance door to the interior designer there is nowhere to grow, but onintercomed You can recoup.Interior doors in the interior - a special element whose task is to simultaneously distinguish and combine space. Which option to choose: neutral or expressive, classic or non-standard, save on buying doors or opposite- spend? You choose the door yourself or under the guidance of an experienced designer, it is important to adhere to the three basic rules.

The first rule: it is better not to save on interroom doors

The first from what is worth repelled is from your own budget. Remember, if the price tag on the interior door is below 4,000 is a temporary solution of low quality. If you want to acquire the doors seriously and for a long time, ask for more expensive analogues.

The cheapest of the world of doors is often made of pressed cardboard covered with a thin layer of veneer or plastic. Such doors in the interior can have a completely pleasant appearance, but remember - they are empty inside. It is easy to determine, it's only a little slightly knocking on them and the ear will catch a thick emptiness, moreover, such a door is very light. Included for cheap interior doors there is the same cheap fittings that will last long - in the near future you are expected at least the incidence and scorching. He herself can crack the door, or even twice. In addition, even a preschooler can easily break through it with a fist.

Quality interior doors must be guardious and heavy. Such models are equipped with solid packages and fittings, and sometimes a system of silent closing. If the budget allows, the best choice will be the door made of natural material.

Elite of the door world- these are heavy doors made of wood massif. The price of such a product can be both dizzy, and quite acceptable if you select the door from the pine massif- noble and at the same time available. Wood massif can be preferred and more budget MDF- durable moisture resistant material with good sound insulation.

And let's give up once and forevercheap interroom doors With glass inserts, let them remain in the 90s.

The second rule: interior doors must match the total color decision.

According to the traditional interior scheme, the door color must match the flooring or furniture.

A stylish solution can be a contrast shade, which will allow the interior door to stand out on a general background. Choosing a bright color, remember - it should not be alone, albeit in space its bright witnesses, it can be elements of furniture, an emphasis wall or decor.

The door can be painted immediately into several colors or order painting, turning it into an expressive element of the interior.

Do not want the door to stand out, choose merge. The door disguised as the color of the walls will be relevant both in the High-tech interior and in the classic setting.

Let's talk about the hallway- here Several interior doors come out at once. For the integrity of the interior perception, these doors should be, if not identical twins, then clearly close relatives. Door systems designs can be different, but design and material- single. With a color solution, you can play: doors can be represented in one color, in different shades of one color or in different, but combined colors.

Third Rule: The design of the interroom door must match the type of room

Doors in the interior of the apartment Must organically fit into the situation. At the same time, not only visual perception is important, but also a functional value.

The bedroom should refuse the doors of bright colors, stopping its choice on neutral and muted tones. Doors it is better to choose the deaf, which will not allow undesirable sounds and annoying sources of light to penetrate your overtaking.

Choosing a door for the kitchen, a bathroom and a bathroom, pay attention primarily to the degree of moisture resistance of the material.

Non-standard options, fully made of glass, or lolan doors allow the light to penetrate the deposits. This option will be appropriate in the kitchen and living room. About kitchen smells can not worry- modern drawings do not leave them any chance.

Interesting solution for small-sized spaces can beinterior doorswith mirrored inserts that reflect the light well, visually expand the metrar and create the illusion of the continuation of the room.

About the rules of design of small flat apartments.

Non-standard alternative: what interior doors to choose

Deaf wooden swing doors with one or two sash are the eternal classic of the genre. It can always be preferred to an interesting alternative.

Interroom door, fully made of matte glass. It is suitable even for bathrooms and bathrooms - curious glances through her not to break through it. And the glass like no other door material resistant to temperatures and humidity.

Interior door coupe Allow to save the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The canvas of such a door move along the guide rails attached to the floor and ceiling. The suspension system of more modern designs allows not to install the lower rails, without losing in the strength and equilibrium. Depending on the number of sash, the door-compartment may be uninterrupted or double-handed, but always ergonomic.

The stubborn door coupe appeared in one of

Sliding interroom doors in the interior of any room are an integral element. Design and style must match the style of the room and the apartment. About what is and how to apply them to apply in the interior in detail in detail in this article.

Doors, like other interior items, must be combined with the design of the apartment or at home. Doors in the house set accents, in addition to performing their functions. It will be part of the interior for 10-15 years, so it is necessary to carefully choose the material and form.

Interior doors, like any other detail of the interior, are available on sale in the widest assortment. Anyone, even the most cautious person, can find a one that perfectly fit into the overall style and mood of his house. And all thanks to the designers who have developed doors fit into the subject of individual interior styles.


The world of warm southern France will open you, where the warm climate of the Mediterranean reigns. Provence can be attributed to a country style having many varieties. The main attributes of this subject are natural materials and colors and the use of authentic interior elements. Provence doors have a little aged look and resemble those that met us on the canvases of old artists.

Distinctive features of such doors are:

  • pastel shades
  • natural materials
  • vintage View
  • rough surface

The main rule for creating such doors is precisely the use of natural wood. Note! Other Mothers

alla, imitating wood, will never be able to serve as the basis for real doors in the style of Provence. After all, as you know, rural doors are never bright and laminated. The name "Provence" means "province", which causes such a rigor to the materials used.

Regarding the shades - they can vary depending on which room it leads, and in what colors the interior is generally fulfilled (see). People who love France will certainly acquire such.


Fill out any house with sophistication and aristocraticity. They are also made of wood, but their appearance is very different from the previous one.

They possess the following characteristics:

  • absolutely smooth surface
  • wood as a basis
  • figured platbands (see)
  • large selection of shades

As the basis take the wood of ash. As a rule, decorated with curved smooth lines, which gives their design special elegance.

Color versions are quite enough to ensure that they are perfect to any interior (see), made in this topic. It can be found in the house of an intelligent adherent of classics, both in music and literature and in the interior.

Japanese style

Help to fully recreate the mysterious oriental design right at your home. They have a number of features, thanks to which it cannot be confused with any other. They will always be interesting and in demand because of their uniqueness.

Distinctive features are:

  • preferential use of Olhi wood
  • japanese motifs as decoration
  • using paper as material

As already mentioned, the doors in oriental-style for the most part make sliding and wear the name "Syzzi". Best are suitable for houses, with a large space. With the help of them, you can achieve the effect of one large room, if you open them.

Can be decorated with drawings on oriental topics, such as the image of Sakura, Panda and other Favorite Japanese patterns. Special popularity is used in people, somehow related or just loving east.

High tech

Supplement the interior in the style of High-tech, which was created in the 70s and 1980s of the last century. Such an interior is impregnated with the spirit of advanced technologies, so the design itself is very bright and informal.

Stand out among others as follows:

  • use of metal, plastic, concrete and other non-standard materials for doors
  • abundance of direct patterns
  • bright colors
  • non-standard approach to creating an appearance door as a whole

Combine minimalism and constructivism, which can be seen from their appearance. They are indeed an integral part of the high-tech style interior for its completion.

Often are made to order, since all the interiors of this type are unique and require their "highlight", as the door can easily perform. Undoubtedly, most often such people acquire people of creative professions, since the mysterious and non-standard door personifies the entrance to the inner world of the owner.


Easily end the village interior or create its stylization in the apartment. As already mentioned, they cannot be lacquered and perfectly smooth, because they are based on natural wood without unnecessary impurities and coatings.

Tip! Buying the door in the style of country, be sure to take it, it should not be perfect smooth.

Features Such:

  • natural materials
  • easy design
  • lack of additional decorative elements
  • rough natural surface

They will force you from the city bustle and create a sense of stay in a quiet wooden house somewhere far beyond the city. Bind these doors with their simplicity and naturalness.

It is greatly popular, oddly enough, from office workers and businessmen, tired of constant noise and movement of the city, and for them it is not only the door, but also a kind of stone wall.

Material for interior doors

An array is considered to be a classic material that differs from new synthetic materials according to the type and technical properties. They are made of wood and veneer, plastic, glass (see), and even aluminum. Each material has its advantages when installing and during their operation.

The main criterion of choice is durability, strength and appearance. What kind of coverage would you choose, remember: you can not neglect the slightest details, even with handles - every little thing is important in the design. By installing beautiful and suitable additional details on the door of the apartment immediately acquire your highlight.

Planning interroom door

Designers and architects have spent a lot of time to come up with how to disguise the door to emphasize the interior. If we talk about the layout of the interior, then it plays the last role in this matter.

Now manufacturers create high-quality and functional canvases that stylish fit into the interior. The door selected in all rules will become an integral decoration of any wall.

During the design of the premises, it must be remembered that they should open to exit the room, that is, outward. If something caught fire in the apartment, it is easier to open and not losing time to run out of the burning room. This rule is valid for all premises, but it is most important to observe it in the kitchen.

Interior door color in the interior

So that the room looked cozy and attractive, it is necessary to correctly pick up the color range for the apartment.

There are three color schemes for creating a harmonious interior:

  1. Traditional schemewhich involves small differences in the door tone and floor covering. Furniture in this interior should be in the same color range with the door cloth.
  2. "The game of contrast." Contrast colors are beneficial to each other. This scheme is often used to design the interior in the style of "Modern". Thanks to a wide choice, it is not difficult to choose a contrast interior. Can be done.
  3. "Merge color." This is the most extraordinary solution in the interior design. This method is used to create an interior in the style of "HITECH". For this wall, furniture and doors are made in one color. In this case, there should be nothing massive in the room: only the required minimum and a lot of free space.

Doors in the opening method and their use in the interior

Nowadays, a wide range is presented, which is divided into several types of opening method.


Are the most sought-after. They are 1-folded, 1.5-fold and 2-folds (see). Opened to the left or right, from ourselves or on yourself. The apartments are most often installed from an array, veneer or plastic.

Note! For this when buying, then not to buy a new set of locks and loops.

Glass swing doors in the residential premises are rarely installed, usually buy them for offices. However, if the interior requires both in homes when leaving the terrace.


A variety of swing doors are stable. They consist of top and bottom halves, each of them have their own locks and loops. Enjoy tremendous popularity in the West, and we love to install in bars.

You can install when there is a small child in the house: the bottom can be closed to overwrite the passage, and the upper - open to see what happens in another room.

Most often set when it is necessary to save space, but there is not enough money for the purchase of sliding. Have two or more sash.

Basically make out of plastic, so the appearance looks cheaply. Therefore, not everywhere they can be put. If you install in the Parade - interior will lose your style and attractiveness. It is best to put in storage rooms and wardrobe rooms.


Evoid great popularity today. In the interior, it allows you to significantly save the area in the apartment, and make it possible to carry out unusual design solutions.

You can use instead of a interroom partition. Guide rails are attached to the ceiling or wall, along which the walls of the partition are moving. Sliding panels are moved to the box, which is inside the wall or along it.

The width of the box depends on the thickness of the challenge canvase, as well as on the surface structure. It should be said that the sliding doors in the interior are with folding sash.

They will become a beautiful decor of any room. Also perfectly suitable for kitchens, hallways, balcony. They have the second name -.

The following can be attributed to the merits:

  1. An increase in the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  2. Modern minimalist style;
  3. The perfect solution for small-sized premises;
  4. Creating a feeling of increasing space;
  5. Functionality.

However, in the interior they have their own drawbacks to which the following belongs:

  1. Skip smells, light and sounds;
  2. Loudly adjacent to the walls;
  3. The cost is significantly more expensive;
  4. When breakdown will have to be changed completely.

On wheels

One of the subspecies are the doors on the wheels. They have an interesting design, however, such doors weakly prevent the passing of odors and sounds.

In addition, when opening and closing, noises create noises. The interior will add comfort, beauty and modernity, but the complexity in the installation will require a professional approach.


There are practically not installed in apartments. Swipe on both sides, so they are very like pets. Whether the interior will decorate unambiguously answer it is impossible. It all depends on the preferences and the overall design design. But on sale to find them is not so simple. They can be ordered in specialized stores.

Whatever the model you prefer, do not forget about the main design rule in the interior: doors that simultaneously fall into the field of view must be decorated in one style (see). Thanks to this, you will create a sense of integrity of the interior.

Overhaul of the apartment involves the complete reconstruction of old coatings, doors and windows. To create a modern interior, a design project is needed. Look at the photo of the doors in the interior - a huge selection of various designs and varieties of style and manufacturing materials.

Types of door structures

In the design of modern apartment studios, the doors are used to zoning the premises. In small-sized apartments, they are intended to preserve individual space. A serious and responsible approach to their choice will emphasize the style of housing.

General Council - Think up design for all housing as a whole, and not for individual rooms. Accordingly, the doors in the interior of the apartment must be made of one material and in the same style.

Single scented

Swing doors - a very popular design used for centuries, is actively operated in our time. They are made of natural wood, plastic, PVC, Fiberboard, sometimes with glass insert. They are installed, providing for a place to fully open the doorway. They are suitable for the interior in the style of Classic, Techno, Provence and Country.

Two bivalve swollen

Luxurious Rococo styles, Baroque and ampir correspond to bivalve interior doors. For full disclosure, they occupy quite a lot of space - up to 2 m2, it is not very comfortable in a small apartment.

High ceilings and large areas they give the nobility and emphasize the wealth of the interior.

Massive canvases decorated with luxurious carvings and bright fittings. The overall width of the doorway can reach 3 meters.

Pendum design

In offices and shops it is not bad for doors with a pendulum design. They open out and inside, which is very convenient with a large stream of people. For them, shield canvases with different finishes.

Sliding door coupe

One of the types of interior doors in the interior of the apartment is a sliding door coupe. For their discovery, no additional space is required. They move on special rails installed on the ceiling and in the floor of the room, consist of one or more sash, replacing a part of the wall.

Used to decorate rooms in Japanese and minimalistic styles. The lack of such a device is that on the wall, along which they open, there should be nothing superfluous, which could prevent their movement.

Folding structures

Minimum space for complete discovery occupy folding doors, which consist of several bands moving together. They are light, thin and sound permeable, which is not always convenient in conditions of a small-sized apartment.

It is suitable for sfari-style rooms, but for the bedroom of parents or a bathroom, it is better to use deaf door canvases.

Roto doors

They are also called doors in the style of mini-veins or rotating. To open them, you need to pull the handle on yourself, and then - push away. In this case, part of the door is inside the room, and the part is outside. Such an unusual model can be a highlight of your home.

Glass door

The glass door misses daylight well, so it is better to use it for additional lighting of dark rooms, such as the door from the kitchen in a dark corridor. The insertion of tempered glass, which, when breaking, disintegrates into small pieces, practically eliminates injuries from cuts.

In the house with young children, the most appropriate option is the fillety doors with glass elements.

Glass is:

  • transparent;
  • corrugated;
  • matte;
  • matte with a transparent pattern;
  • stained glass of multicolored pieces.

Glass interior doors visually expand space and help create ease and airiness in the interior.


The finish of the invisibility doors continues the drawing of the walls, from which it is almost invisible.

Types of door canvases

Door canvases on their device are divided into four main types:

  • shield;
  • viper;
  • glass;
  • metal plastic.

Shield cloths are used for swing and sliding doors. They are made of wooden frame, coated with hops or plywood. Sometimes they are decorated with additional elements in the form of glass inserts, imitation of binding, etc., which makes them more expensive.

Pilented doors are the most popular model. They consist of lattice bases and inserts from the same tree, plywood or glass. Make them from the grab, beech and oak massif. Wood coniferous breed is the cheapest and less high-quality. A diverse decor of these canvons gives them an exquisite aesthetic beauty.

The most high-quality models do not glue, and collect with special spikes and recesses.

Glass doors are described above, it is worth adding that they best fit into the style of High-tech, techno and minimalism.

Metal-plastic structures are made of aluminum with plastic coating. They are more suitable for installation at the exit to the loggia or balcony, as well as - for office and warehouses.

Color solution

Important in creating a design of a certain style apartment has the color of the door. The main thing is that they harmoniously fit into the intended interior. The color gamut is selected by:

  • furniture color;
  • color of the walls;
  • in the floor tone.

Doors of light tones

The bright doors are inherent in the interiors in the style of Provence, Classic and Art Deco. The decor use elements of floral decorations and stained glass. Made them of natural wood and veneer of light rocks.

White doors fit perfectly in almost any interior. If they are decorated with accessories and gorgeous thread, they will become part of the design in the country style and classics. They emphasize the room with extra light, grace and ease.

Doors of dark tones

Dark doors emphasize strict interiors in the style of Hi-Tech and Techno. Do not use them in small apartments. In spacious premises, they look massively and stylish.

Chrome and glass inserts are even more enforced and their humiliaries will easily. Style techno is inherent in straight linen without any jewelry and with simple fittings.

Oak doors

The doors of the oak color have two main varieties - a natural tree and a heated oak. Products made of left oak are suitable for interiors in the classic and modern style, as well as for Provence styles and High-tech. Tints of this color can be chosen in its preference and taste:

  • ivory;
  • cream;
  • champagne.

Even the massive doors of light tones look light and elegant. Oak doors wear-resistant, eco-friendly, have a noble and aesthetic appearance. Oak shades allow you to use it almost in all styles.

The door canvas from the sea wood have a black with a purple color color and are used by designers to create the most chic interiors. The golden or brown color of the oak board will be adding the room comfort and heat. They are pretty expensive, therefore, for savings you can use the canvas from cheaper wood, an oak veneer of the desired shade.

The most fiscal option is to use instead of a PVC film veneer, which exceeds the color and texture of oak, but is damaged over time and is practically not restored.

All wooden doors are affected by moisture and cold, which must be considered when they are installed in the apartment.

How to choose interior doors?

Acquisition of interroom doors - responsible and quite difficult task. In order for the interiors of your apartment to match the designed design, efforts should be made. First of all, make accurate measurements of doorways. The store should pay attention to:

  • the quality of the material from which the door canvases are made;
  • the condition and operation of the installed accessories (locks, loops);
  • check if there are no chips and overlap in the locations of the details;
  • whether the door box and platbands are included in the kit;
  • quality of paintwork;
  • does the door design suitable for you.

Properly selected doors will serve for a long time and complement the sophistication of the interiors of your apartment.

Photo doors in the interior

Interior doors are definitely an extremely important element of the design of any apartment. After all, it is the doors that connect two spaces should be harmonized with both rooms, regardless of whether they are fulfilled in one common style or are inspired by completely different ideas.

Interior doors - type of construction


The usual, simple and most common. Suitable for any interior. There are single-sided and double-minded, with thresholds or without. This method of opening "eats" space;

Sliding (coupe)

Suitable for practical people. The door leaf moves along the guides that can be installed on the floor and (or) on the ceiling. For such doors does not require evenness of walls. Perfect space, they do not interfere, stable, silent, safe for children. As minus one can note not very good sealing, which allows you to penetrate the noise, smell and light;


During the opening, the design slides with the roller on the guides and develops, and when closing - declines. This type is well suited for narrow passes. Folding doors are not perfectly protected from noise and cold and require frequent repair of the opening mechanism. But they can be a find for an interesting design of the interior and zoning of the room;

Door Harmoshka.

This type of door has a little more sash, making a kind of harmonic when shifting. Such doors are made from a variety of materials, from the tree to metals. Very functional and useful, because with the help of the "accordion" you can divide the room for 2 zones. Thus, you can divide the hall from the dining area, or connect the cabinet with a living room or bedroom, because such a separation will look like a regular partition or shirma and help play with space. These doors are mostly popular with such styles like high-tech and minimalism. Size and quantity can be completely different. The doors of "harmonica" are noticeably cheaper than glass and wooden interior doors.

Door material

A great influence on how interior doors will look at the interior also the material from which they are made, so we decided to pay special attention to this item.

The price here, of course, also plays the last role, however, with a modern huge assortment, a person even with the most limited budget can choose a decent option for his dwelling. We present to your attention a detailed description of the most popular materials for interior doors.

Wooden door

Natural tree still remains the most popular material for the production of doors. Interior doors produce, both from cheap breeds - birch, cherries and pines, and from more expensive and durable - ash, oak and beech.

Natural doors are able to completely transform your interior, so it is worth thinking: can it better buy a door from pine than expensive veneer?

Pluses of wood doors :

  • environmental friendliness;
  • ability to create various forms.

Disadvantages of the wooden door:

  • big value;
  • wood capriciousness (due to naturalness).

Veneered door

In the manufacture of this type of doors, the outer surface (one that is visible to the eye) makes out of more expensive rocks than the internal one. Veneered interior doors are different in operation, quite reliable and also have a natural appearance.

Discharge doors from veneer

  • partial naturalness.

Advantages of a veneered door:

  • a small price is relatively with wooden doors.

Laminated door

Laminated doors are considered lower in class than veneered. From the outside, they are decorated with a laminate and a print film (imitating a tree, or any other), inside consist of a pine frame and paper cell filler.

Pluses of laminate doors:

  • small cost;

Cons of laminated doors:

  • damaged coating is not subject to recovery.

Glass door

The doors made of glass have a very spectacular appearance. Their smooth texture reflects the nearby surfaces, and the design causes admiration.

Glass interior doors look good in the air-style interior, minimalism, etc. modern urban areas.

Minuses of glass doors:

  • fragility
  • bad soundproofing

Pluses of glass doors:

  • speeciously look at;

We select color

To create an organic, it is enough to use the doors of universal shades (light and dark tones), as well as white doors.

Interior doors of bright colors are suitable for installation in apartments with original, individual style.

Among bright shades, warm wood neutral tones occupy a leading place. They will fit well in the interior of any style, do not focus on their attention, hiding the shortcomings of the room.

The white doors are perfectly refreshing, the color of whisk oak is especially popular.

In combination with the floor-coated laminate of the color of Oak Chateau or Wenge, the next combination creates a classic style in the interior of the apartment.

Modern interior doors of light shades with glass inserts make the interior weightless, spreading light from the rooms in the corridor and the hallway. Stained glass in the door creates a special mood, but the color inserts made of glass are combined with a calm interior.

Dark shades of doors are also considered universal, but, compared to bright, their choice should be more thoughtful. The dark color of the doors must elaborate with something in the same tone in the interior - window frames, plinths, furniture objects, floor color. Most of all dark shades are suitable for classic style. However, it is not recommended to install the doors of the dark color in the apartment of a small area.

Bright doors perfectly fit into the Scandinavian style - it is characterized by a white background of the main interior decoration with bright elements and details.

The devil lies in the details

As in any design, details are important when the doors are cleaned.

As you know, the door is not only the door canvas, but all that is connected with it:

  • fittings (locks, latches, handles);
  • plinth;
  • platbands;
  • box.

In order for the interroom door to look in the interior of immaculately, all these details are obliged to be linked to style not only among themselves, but also with the design of the room. Find communications and maintain every item at least once.

And the last advice that will help bring your interior to perfection: Be sure to put the platband and the box on the openings without doors. The interior with perfectly smooth white opening looks of course beautiful and gives a feeling of open space. But, it is only at first, immediately after repair. Over time, the joints of the materials on the ends are maintained, dirty, pee out and you have to hide it with inconspicuous plastic corners.

The best way to avoid this situation is to order the opening of the opening: at a price it is just 20% of the cost of the door canvase. These are not such high costs that, however, are able to protect you from annoying imperfections, spoiling mood.

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The interroom door can become an element of decor, emphasizing the style of the room. The door function has long been not limited to the separation of one room from another. Fashionable interior doors emphasize the style of the room, and even the modest design of the door can look very elegant, complementing the overall style of the room.

Wooden door as part of the active wall living room in a modern style

Interior doors are made from various materials, but it is the tree - the material, relevant at all times, emitting heat and the sensation of coziness. Especially for you, we collected a collection of photos of beautiful interior doors from a tree.

Elegant sliding doors separate the dining room from the living room

A tree not only informs the room a feeling of proximity to nature, but also has a pleasant texture that makes it particularly attractive as in the photo above. Often the tree is combined with glass; In addition, there are models of sliding interroom doors that not only save space, but also stylishly look.

White door with a geometric pattern for the style of Provence

Classic Interior Door Design in Bathroom

White interior doors can be a very practical solution. They are perfectly combined with any atmosphere and can serve as a background for other decorative elements or colors. By the way, here is a wonderful idea: a simple white door looks great in a bright door frame. And quality doors made from the array produced in Belarus can be found at http://dveribelorussii.ru/catalog/interior/iz-massiva-olkhi/.

Stained glass window on interior door

Simple design for room in minimalist style

White swing doors in the classic interior

The classic design of the white door will be perfectly fitted both in classic and modern interior. Depending on your personal preferences, you can choose a door handle from both brass and steel, and the corresponding color will completely transform the appearance of the interior door. In addition, there are many possibilities for decorating the door. For example, glass elements skip the light and look at the hospitality. In our photos you will find many ideas for both interior doors of various colors and style.

Contrast design for muffled color gamut room

Narrow swing doors into a small pantry

Before and after: doors with a pattern and without

Combined kitchen door and floor covering

Light wooden door on a black background. Unusual interior solution, is not it?

The usual design of a wooden door

Vintage door in the modern interior

The black door on this photo was manually made in Italy and became the central element of the entire interior in the room. Thoughtful details and excellent performance - this is the key to the uniqueness of each design element.

White swing doors with glass

How to decorate the interroom door

Bright door and pastel walls

White Swing Interior Doors With Round Elements

White doors in ampir style

Pine door with a dark door frame. Stylish contrast, is it not true?

Sliding white doors in the dressing room

Bright interior door from cherry, geometry Repeating floor, and flowing with a rug

Swing doors in the living room

White glossy door with black fittings

Interroom and wardrobe doors of one style

Beautiful wooden door with glass inserts

Stylish interior doors in a modern living room

Interior door dark color with magnificent texture

Wooden door in the bathroom with matte glass

Fashionable wooden door to the kitchen

Doors to the bedroom and in the bathroom - the same but different

Oak interroom door with gold

White door in the bathroom

Contrast colors in the interior

How do you decorate your old door

White interroom door with matte glass

Stylish sliding door, beautifully highlighted on the background of a dark wall

Classic white door

White door with gold

Simple and elegant wooden door with a brighter door frame

The door for the interior in the ancient style

Light brown door in the white room

Vintage Interior with White Door

Fashionable sliding door wenge

Large sliding doors in the bedroom

White-Golden door do it yourself

White door with a golden handle

Plinth on doors and windows made in one style