Saturn goes on 5 houses. Transit Saturn

In classical astrology, Saturn and its transits symbolized a big misfortune. In our time, Saturn means obstacles and delays, braking and tightening "Catching and stuffing, frozen and hardening, gravity and clumsiness, as well as insufficient spiritual flexibility, pessimistic mentality. All together it causes depression and creates the possibility of reverse fatal strikes and the vicissitudes of fate.

What predicts the transits of Saturn on the houses of the horoscope

But as it follows from the results of many years of statistical research of the huge number of Saturnian "horoscopes, i.e. When the transit Saturn occupies an exceptional space constellation in a horoscope, it indicates the strengthening of the socially material situation of this person and slow, but persistent and persistent implementation of his affairs , ideas and plans, promotion and elevation of your own personality.

The most serious and difficult affairs and events are carried out and are carried out with great perseverance and stubbornness, with high excerpt and perseverance, with enviable patience and adjacent, zeal.

Of course, people who have a bad constellation of Saturn in the main horoscope and harmful aspects to Saturn from the other planets, life takes place in severe struggle, in overcoming serious internal and external tests.

In this case, a particularly important role is played by a house where transit Saturn is located in the period under review, because Having a relatively small speed, it is located in every home for several years.

  • Favorable aspects of transit Saturn

During favorable aspects, it is good to gain trust and responsible positions, land and houses, possessions, as well as a benevolent attitude from older people. It is useful to complete all the affairs related to real estate.

Successfully at this time make up cases with land and households, peasants, gardeners, miners, water pipes, shoemakers. In many ways, the beat and diplomacy will help (avoid violence and coercion).

  • Adverse aspects of transit Saturn

With adverse effects, it is better to postpone and avoid change, moves, long trips. Do not take on new affairs, new enterprises.

Do not solve important things, treat carefully in the elderly. Observe care when buying a sale. Not speculate! Follow your own health carefully. Avoid contracts and contracts. The engagement and marriage is better to postpone to a more favorable period.

What bring transits from Saturn on different houses horoscope

Consider what is designated in astrological science Saturn transit from 1 to 6 houses:

Transit Saturn for 1 house horoscope

In (+), a person becomes more serious and more responsible, skillfully uses his capabilities, independently moving towards the intended goal, is engaged in self-improvement, it dissolves the communication lines that prevent him, extracts useful experience from all situations. This helps to strengthen the life rod, to strengthen the personality.

In (-) serious tests for personality, especially when moving through an ascendant. A person goes into his senses, believing that no one would understand him. This period is seriously transferred in youthful age and people infantile at any age. They lose their appetite and lose weight.

Transit Saturn for 2 House Horoscope

In (+) a serious thoughtful attitude towards material problems, the accumulation of physical forces and material goods. The gifts of fate will not all seek himself, with their work and perseverance, purposefulness.

In (-) a period of material difficulty, debts, poverty, need or impossible to use the accumulated. Man becomes more stingy, economical. During this period, it is necessary to seriously approach material problems, to calculate only on their strength and opportunities, clearly plan the costs and income. Heavy period for people of free professions and random earnings.

Transit Saturn 3 house horoscope

In (+), new solid connections are created for a long time, everything is superfluous and fragile, relations with relatives are strengthened. All information obtained during this period is very important, remembered for life. New acquaintances are also very durable, for life. A good period for serious learning.

In (-) contacts with the nearest environment: neighbors becomes enemies, brothers and sisters for curb. A difficult period for learning, information is poorly perceived, many unnecessary information and connections that are not values. Konosonaschi may appear with bad Mercury.

Transit Saturn for 4 house horoscope

In (+), becoming more durable relationships with parents and, in general, the marital status is strengthened at all levels, incl. Material. There is interest in the study of the occult problems and the traditions of ancestors and the past. A person seriously engaged in the problems of his own home, paying less attention to external influences, lives more internal life, and relationships with loved ones become more important than with the environment.

In (-), thrust for loneliness, breaking relationships with parents and loved ones, it is uncomfortable and sad in his own home. There may be hard tests associated with the birthplace, a place of residence. Possible misfortune with home or loss of the house. In winter, the house is cold (without heating).

Transit Saturn on 5 house horoscope

In (+) creative successes, a serious attitude towards love connections, love helps in creativity. Durable acquisitions through hobbies, creative activity. For a woman, the birth of a child or conception (when moving the border 5 at home), or the birth of grandchildren (as strengthening the kind). It is possible a romantic relationship with an older, mature man or having a durable position. Good relationships with children, support from them.

In (-) creative failures, breaking relationships with children and lovers, which leads to apathy and pessimism, the interest in life disappears. It is impossible to live a thoughtless, bohemian life, play gambling. At (g) when the border crossing the border, 5 houses may have unwanted pregnancy or abortion, miscarriage, heavy childbirth.

Transit Saturn for 6 house horoscope

In (+) stable work, thoughtful life system. More attention draws to the little things of life, shows more patience, understanding. Creates a health promotion system. During this period, it is impossible to change the work, because Perhaps promotion and strengthening relationships with colleagues.

In (-) a difficult dependent position at work, cold relationships with colleagues, they do not like it, but it is not possible to change the work and it is impossible to change its difficult position remains only to tolerate. Problems of health and treatment arise, production hazards are possible, the impact of poor working conditions or overwork at work.

Transit Saturn for 7 House Horoscope

In (+) strengthens the situation in society through fruitful public and business connections. His lifestyles are supported by society, partner, spouse. Restores justice, winnings in judicial processes. The responsibility of marriage increases, the marriage relationship is strengthened, marriage with the elderly, mature, resistant in life, is possible.

In (-), difficult social and marital relations may be terminated for marriage (especially during the transcender). It is difficult to restore justice, many open enemies that are limited in public and business connections are drawn into lawsuits, pursue. Man alone in society, deprived of support.

Transit Saturn for 8 House Horoscope

In (+), there is occult knowledge, communication with other worlds, is shown a warning about threatening catastrophes, salvation from death, help at the time of danger. It gives exposure and durability in dangerous situations and tests only strengthen and temper a person. Getting an inheritance, help from old people and the dead.

In (-), many obstacles and restrictions in life, tough trials associated with risk and danger, deprivation and blows of fate, as testing for strength, a lot of disappointments. Defenseless before dangers can do nothing. Danger of disaster emanating from fire, water or air (where Saturn). Danger of damage from black magic.

Transit Saturn for 9 House Horoscope

In (+), she gets strong spiritual knowledge and strong spiritual ties, increases interest in education, religion, philosophy, more serious attitude to these issues. Trips, strengthening communication with foreigners and other cultures. A good period for education.

In (-) spiritual disappointment, there is no firm ideology, there is no knowledge of knowledge. Obstacles and dangers in long-distance travel, loneliness away from home. Difficulties with serious education (for admission to the university).

Transit Saturn for 10 house horoscope

In (+) increased professional responsibility, it reaches success in the goal, strengthened, becomes an authoritative, as if spreads his shoulders, but everything reaches itself, without help and support. Here, Saturn helps only one who goes to the goal on their own.

In (-) professional failures, it is possible to fall with a high position and loss of power or a decrease in position. No opportunity for professional growth.

Transit Saturn for 11 House Horoscope

In (+) gets help and support from friends in all its plans, projects and new creative endeavors. This assistance strengthens a person gives him strength. He always has something to rely on. Successful work in the group. A good period for the restoration of old friendships or for friendship with people is more older and mature.

In (-) there are difficulties in relationships with friends, he is leaving the people close to the spirit, testing and suffering in relationships with friends. Death of friends. Loneliness, hopeless future.

Transit Saturn for 12 house horoscope

In (+), a person becomes secretive, silent, cunning and supervisory, summarizes its activities (Saturn is preparing for the transition to the first house). He finds himself secret patrons, engaged in occult practice, gets rid of defects and bad habits, acquires internal force.

In (-), longing, loneliness, care, imperitiousness, depression, often ripes, complex of an abandoned person. Secret control of enemies. Avoids people, makes secret from his life. Often insulation (hospital, prison).

One of the effective ways to manage your life is transits in astrology. Imagine that you always have a watch at hand that show not just time, and what and when you need to do. For example, now lunch time, and tomorrow work will begin.

Acting according to such a schedule, you will go in one rhythm from the universe, and therefore, there will be no problems on your path.

Such a watch has each of you. This is the transit movement of the planets through your birth card. From this article, you will find out that Saturn transits and effective ways to study their lives will bring to your life.

The dangers of transit Saturn

Transit Saturn creates cold, problems and restrictions in the house in which it is located. Its transits often people feel like a whole strip of failures and difficulties, because Saturn moves very slowly for each house.

Psychologically, Saturn's transit people perceives as a big problem that gives a person.

However, such a negative impact of this planet occurs only because in our modern world, people have learned to use the energy of Saturn.

Saturn has several ways of manifestation

Low level: Problems, restrictions, obstacles, complexity, loss and parting, cold and sadness, loneliness.

High level of manifestation: Discipline and order, responsibility and control, patience and excerpt. Fastening results.

Entering the house, Saturn immediately calls you to order. And if you have in the sphere of the house in which Saturn reigns chaos, then expect major problems and difficulties.

Do not perceive Saturn as a great evil. The function of this planet is through pain, suffering, patience and humility to give us new experience, bring us to a new level of development. This is a great teacher.

Passage of Saturn at home

So let's consider the transit movement of Saturn through at home. And I will share with you simple and efficient ways to study this transit.

Transit Saturn on the ASC

Low: The feeling of gravity, melancholy and longing, as if the whole world tries to suppress you. Lack of strength and energy. All template and social settings are broken at this time, exposing your essence, your personality.

At a high level:fastening its position in society, career growth. Native at this time becomes especially responsible and disciplined.

How to work: Remove all your life too much and unnecessary. Plan, put goals, start living on schedule. Make in your life order.

At the physical level, change your image towards the classics and minimalism.

Transit Saturn for II House

Low: Financial problems and difficulties. Acute lack of money. Black line. Work does not bring the expected income, it has to restrain itself, save.

At a high level: Fastening your money outcomes. Money come from real estate or construction.

How to work: bring order to your finances. Start accounting for all expenses and income, postpone part of the money while Saturn is in this house. Before spending money, think about everything several times.

And most importantly - put financial goals, but only real. I want a million tomorrow if you have a salary of 30 thousand - not rolling with Saturn. Once the target is reached, put a new one.

Saturn on the III house

Low: Destructive gossip and rumors. Information chaos. Detection of relationships with relatives or neighbors. Heavy period for learning.

At a high level: Cutting unnecessary information. Alone learns native alone. In relations with relatives or neighbors, during transit, a distance appears, but it does not harm.

How to work: Remove all unnecessary information from your life. Stop listening to news, read newspapers. Explore just what you need. Also, during the transit actions, it is best to avoid empty or superficial communication.

Saturn on IV House

Low: Cold and alienation in the family. Misunderstanding. Often this transit is accompanied by moving in a more modest place of residence. The house seems to prescribe on you, no matter how much you are cleaned, the mess, as if by magic, returns again.

At a high level: Acquisition of its real estate. In the family, you begin to perceive differently, begin to treat with respect, you seem to grow in the eyes of loved ones. Construction of your home, creating your family.

How to work: Keep your home clean. Throw all the trash, all old and not necessary things. At this time it is better to get out of the influence of the family, and start living independently.

On the household level, deal with the repair, arrangement of your dwelling. Also during this transit hang at home hours - as a symbol of Saturn.

Saturn on V House

Low: Lack of joy and pleasure from life. The feeling that a very serious and heavy period began in life. But what exactly this seriousness is not understanding. Often at this time, native ceases to engage in their hobbies and hobbies. Difficulty get pregnant.

At a high level: Native turns his hobby into a profession or business. A person at work "rests", that is, for him his activity is the best pleasure.

How to work: All your hobbies, hobbies start turning into an additional profession. Remember who you wanted to become in childhood, what did you want to do? To pregnancy are treated in advance.

Saturn by Vi House

Low: Heavy and chronic diseases, disability, serious deterioration in health. There are a lot of responsibilities that drink all forces from the NATI. Dismissal and loss of work.

At a high level: Strengthening health, getting rid of diseases. During the abbreviations, Nativa will not be fired.

How to work: Get seriously preventing your health. Submit to your obligations responsibly. Bring the schedule and order in your life.

Saturn by VII House

Low: Serious problems in a relationship with her husband / wife. Parting, misunderstanding. Loneliness surrounding you do not take. The effect of loneliness in the crowd. You fall in a situation of shame or shame.

At a high level:official marriage, strengthening relationships (often through common difficulties and tasks). The necessary ties appear, influential people. Your social authority is fixed.

How to work: Stop all the relationship with people unnecessary to you. Move the ideal order in the field of your communication. If you have a resentment, non-infractions with your partner, then it's time to put all the points over I. Learn to build connections.

Saturn by VIII house

Low: Heavy financial liabilities and debts. There is one big non-commissioning crisis in life.

At a high level: Other people invest money in your project. In any complex and crisis situations, native remains untouched.

How to work: During this period, do not take money, do not take a debt. Exception: only money for real estate or own projects (and then you need to see additional instructions of the map). Do not risk. At this time, learn to think in advance.

Saturn in the IX house

Low: The problem of the worldview and lifestyle. Full denial of all higher or spiritual, and in the end - internal emptying. Problems associated with foreigners, other countries.

At a high level: Creation and literally the construction of your worldview and value system. Acquisition of social elitism. Beginning of teaching activities. Successful exam exams.

How to work: Stop living and thinking with generally accepted template ideas and installations. Develop your gaze on life. Seriously engage in spiritual and religious issues. If planning a trip abroad, then for a long time and with a deep immersion in foreign mentality.

Saturn for x home

Low: Loss of work or career. A blockage, a lot of things that bring little results. Neon understanding and difficulties in relationships with the bosses and everyone who is above you. Your merits and achievements remain unnoticed.

At a high level: Social takeoff, receiving a leadership position. In terms of business - consolidating your positions, the exit of projects to a new level. Honor, achievements, rewards.

How to work: Put goals. Good time for projects in real estate and construction. For businessmen, this is the time when they control and make everything you can. Everything that does not apply to work or career, to remove the transit from your life.

Saturn on the XI House

Low: Loss of friends, cold and misunderstanding in the teams. Feeling single in the crowd.

At a high level: Strengthening friendship. Creating a circle of like-minded people. The man in society becomes very noticeable.

How to work:make general cleaning in the list of your friends and buddies. This is especially true of social networks.

Saturn Po

Low: Depression, melancholy, destructive dependencies, destructive fears and phobias. The feeling of global void inside. Dangerous secret enemies and ill-wishers.

In a high damage: Cleaning all unconscious programs. Finding the rod, inner support.

How to work: Take a psychoanalysis, deep immersion in your inner world. During this period, do not trust anyone, check everything in practice.


You see, Saturn can both destroy and give a lot of useful. Use these simple recommendations and you will notice how your relationship with Saturn is settled.

And if you want to maximize his hidden potential in your life, as well as you are interested in learning astrology and you want to plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and just get a new fashionable profession, which can be well earned, then go through 5- Page to independently find out the answers to any questions.

Transit Saturn is our life path and our lessons.

Transit Saturn through I Home

When Saturn passes this house, a new order is created, after the old order was disbanded when Saturn was in the 12th house. When Saturn is approaching, and then forms a connection with an ascendent, you often experience something that gives you to the ground, which makes you realize the results of your actions and past patterns of behavior and, therefore, may encourage you to take great responsibility for yourself and your actions than it was in the past. Usually some external circumstance makes you look in the face of important direct facts or situations that were probably overwhelmed or considered to be granted in the past. This type of experience is the beginning of the long phase of coming to awareness of some practical truths about itself. Since most people are more aware of their shortcomings and needs for future development at this time, this is often a period when a person is actively looking for feedback to others to get a clearer picture, who is truly. A person can seek this feedback from friends, but often it takes the form of a visit to a consultant, psychotherapist, astrologer, etc. In short, this is a period of greater realism about yourself, the efforts to find the perspective, what kind of I want to create and start building this new, I am through concentrated efforts and honest self-esteem. This is the period when you with a significant seriousness pay attention to yourself, the time when you start knowing yourself more deeply than before, time to learn more about your individual abilities. Transit Saturn through the 12th and 1st house is often a period of a personal crisis, the rebirth process, which can continue for five years. Throughout this period, the old structure of individuality is irrevocably left behind, but the view of the new structure and the new way you will approach the life and express yourself, largely depends on the level of honesty you are looking at yourself at this time. I believe that the entire period when Saturn is in the 12th and 1st houses, should be considered as covering one of the main transitional phases in a person's life, therefore it is advisable to quickly associate the importance of Saturn in the 1st house with the transit of Saturn after 12 --y the house than to consider each phase as an isolated period of time.
The expression "Collecting Together" is suitable for the description of Saturn in the 1st house, because - when Saturn leaves the 12th house - an individual often feels like a newborn child, open to everything, infinitely inquisitive, but also without a special discipline or a certain structure in Individuality. The new potentials that appeared during the 12th house phase are still not integrated into a consistent, functional integer. When Saturn is part of the 1st house, you often feel the need to become something more actively working on the development of yourself, and not to remain in an open - but passive - state of existence, symbolized by the 12th house. A person often invests considerable efforts to form a new sense of individuality, a new, deeper level of confidence; And often, when Saturn comes to the end of the 1st house, experience or meeting with someone who leads a person to a clearer awareness of its integrity is possible. This new sense of integration and internal force is based on the deeper consciousness of strong values \u200b\u200band on a stronger sense of their personal obligations and the essence of individuality.
When Saturn crosses the Ascendant and remains in the 1st house, there are often noticeable physical changes. Weight loss effortlessly is the usual phenomenon, sometimes up to the fact that the person looks exhausted. Physical energy is often quite low, manifested as fatigue, poor digestion and at times as a sense of depression. However, a person must realize that this period is the most favorable opportunity to build a new body, as well as a new personality, but that this construction requires discipline, perseverance and great work. I have seen strong and healthy people extended to the limit during this transit if they did not take steps to improve their healthy habits and disciplining of the patterns of life and nutrition. But I also saw weak and painful people who began a healthy regime during this period, as a result of which reached a brilliant health and abundance of energy even before Saturn left the 1st house!
In other words, the transit of Saturn through the 1st house can be viewed as the key phase of the Saturn cycle, because for exactly this period of life we, in essence, create a type of person who we want to be, and aware of the person what type of our karma requires that we were. Consequently, all the involvement and activity of a person in the outside world during the remaining 29-year cycles will directly grow from the values \u200b\u200bthat a person related to himself and from the type of character, which he built during this period. Saturn transit through the 1st house can indeed be considered a "ambiguity period" in the sense that a person pays attention mainly during this time, and does not actively deal with some kind of affairs or aspirations that would be easily seen by the public ( Although there are some exceptions!). But, of course, it is almost always necessary for a person to some extent disturbed from engaging in the outside world during any period of noticeable personal transformation and accelerated growth. It should also be indicated that it is very common at this time for a person will be the beginning of work on some subject, an area of \u200b\u200binterest or a long-term goal, which will eventually grow into a profession or the main desire, for the planet of ambition and career (Saturn) is in the house of new Beginners (1st house). The fact that once was the main aspirations of man and long-term goals, usually tolerates the collapse or is considered as empty when Saturn is in the 12th house, while new goals and professional interests begin to gain the form when Saturn passes the 1st house. A person often does not realize that these new interests will play such an important role in the future, however, the individual often, apparently, is sent to certain types of work at this time, even if it or it feels certain resistance to classes with such activity.
In the end, Saturn is often felt like "The Hand of Fate", stretching into our lives, and this is just another example when he plays this role in determining our future orientation.

Transit Saturn through the II House

When Saturn is included in the 2nd house, the period of care for its own individuality ends, and often arises a noticeable sense of relief, as well as a stronger feeling that you should now work for working to be productive. Many people express this accent shift as follows: "I'm tired of just thinking about myself and all my problems. I feel that I now have a pretty good idea of \u200b\u200bhow I am, and linger further on this issue will be only by attacking my weaknesses. What I want to do now is to give something in motion in the real world, make something defined and earn some money. " Consequently, a person whose transit Saturn passes through the 2nd house, usually has a strong motivation to structure its financial situation, to invest intensive labor in providing or developing some means of income, preservation of investments or means of life. This is usually the time when a person begins to build a new business from the very beginning, to be involved in some kind of apprenticeship (formally or informally) or acquire some kind of practical training, which over time will allow an individual to earn more money. In other words, this is the period of laying the foundation of the reliability and stability of a person in the material world; And, although the income of a person may not be very large with such preparatory efforts and although a person can feel strong concern about money and other factors of reliability, common statements about such a situation of Saturn, speaking debt, poverty and great misfortune, in my opinion are greatly exaggerated. Most people really feel Saturnian pressure in this area of \u200b\u200blife, but most of the customers with whom I dealt with allowed these concerns in a very practical way and did not experience particularly strong financial disasters. In fact, one of my client won $ 15,000 at the competition when Saturn was in his 2nd house, and a certain number of other customers began business or new training at this time, which over time he led them to large-scale prosperity.
What really often happens at this time, so this is what the financial need is done more real for humans and some practical lessons about survival occur due to the pressure of necessity. As you are tuned to take care of your material needs at the beginning of this phase, will have a great influence on what you will experience during this period. The main thing that needs to be borne is that Saturn is a "slow, but confident", and that material benefits may eventually follow from a patient, demanding approach to practical matters during this period. Benefits may not be apparent immediately; But if you turn to the need to build a financial and reliable structure without ignoring true personal costs, what will be built now can serve you quite well for many years. Saturn transit through the 2nd house is not limited in its meaning only with material things, but since this is the sphere of life, which most people feel the most directly - I focused on this measurement of this transit. It can be said, however, that this is a slow, but confident accumulation of all kinds of resources, both material and psychological, all of which can contribute to confidence in their knowledge based on what support you are aspiring for yourself and what a deeper understanding and Resources from your disposal can be drawn when you go through life. It is also the time of critical assessment of how you used a certain skill and ideas in the past (the 2nd house is the 12th from the 3rd), whether they served you well and allowed to create something or simply turned out to be useless and impractical. If they were valuable and if a person sends his attention to the task, he often experiences some strengthening of his financial situation when Saturn begins to leave this house.

Transit Saturn through the III House

When Saturn starts his transit through the 3rd house, the feeling that many practical issues that have long occupied, are now settled, allows a person to start investing its energy into new training, which will increase the depth of the vocational training and value of man's ideas. This period is usually not felt so heavy as Saturn's transit through the previous earthly house, although the relative importance of the third house phase depends on whether a person is intellectually oriented or involved in work related to communications or trips. During this period, there is often a tendency to meaningless concern, any uncertainty about the opinions of a person or the depth of his knowledge usually becomes obvious. This is the time when a person must focus on the study of new facts, new ideas and new skills that will give the depth and practicality of the expression of his intellect. This is an excellent period for research or any deep reflection; A lot of effort is usually inserted into the structuring of their educational plans, learning or writing methods or the form of expressing their ideas. The emphasis of serious analysis, practical thinking and ability to more clearly express their ideas is increasing. Many people discover that they do not go to bed late, more reading, during this period, some people discover that not only the method of their communication is changing, but even the tone of their voice. These changes are caused by a sense of man that he needs to build a stronger structure to which ideas and opinions will be relying. Therefore, the individual is often making greater educational activity or is engaged in a private study that can serve his goals; Since, even if many of the ideas, facts and skills acquired at this time may not be used in the future, acquaintance with such a variety of techniques and points of view provides a wide background of knowledge that can allow it to compare and evaluate theories, concepts and methods based on Personal experience.
Wider training or research is also necessary at this time to deepen a sense of man's confidence about his intelligence; Since first person could abstractly express opinions or ideas, without directly experience, which ensured confidence in them. In many cases, it is also a period of increasing travel activity arising from the requirements of the profession of a person, family debt or other duties. It is also the period of "binding free ends" not only in intellectual spheres of life, but also in relationships with other people, the person is inclined during this period to accurately establish what the limits of various relationships with friends and acquaintances.

Transit Saturn via IV House

Saturn's transit through the 4th house is time to descend to the basics of reliability and survival, time settings for your basic needs for the feeling of accessories and tranquility. You are prone to more seriously consider your place in the community, and often try to strengthen the feeling of reliability and order in the home environment. This, naturally, can mean many different things for various people, but usually there are two areas of attention regarding the house: 1) the physical condition and construction of the house may seem inappropriate for your purposes, in this case you often take steps to change homemade Situation, often building something in the house itself or in the yard or sometimes even moving to another house; 2) Your duties before your family are becoming more real and urgent, you can feel cramped in your surroundings, which may be a hint that you need to further identify the boundaries of not only your home life, but also your life aspirations (10th house - Polar opposite of the 4th). In fact, the transit of Saturn through the 4th house is a time when you must lay the foundations for any long-term aspirations that you can have, and determine which base of action is needed in your career. This can lead to a change in the location of your business or at least the restructuring of the environment in which you are working. Last remark about the 4th house is that people often seem to have direct karma during this time, which is associated with their past creative efforts and / or love affairs. This can be explained by considering the 4th house as the 12th house from the 5th.

Transit Saturn through V House

Saturn's transit through the 5th house partly similar to transit through the previous fire house (1st) is that this is a great seriousness time in relation to itself and often reducing vitality and mental energy. Since the 5th house is associated with lion and the Sun, this transit significantly affects the sense of joy of man, spontaneity and well-being. Some people complain that they have never had a lot of fun during this period and that they felt unloved and undervalued. Such feelings become clear when we will understand that the essence of the importance of this transit is to make us realize how we use our vitality in every field of life: our physical and sexual energy, our emotional love energy and all other forms of creative energy . It cannot be said that we suddenly experience all sorts of blockages and deterrence, which never felt before; During this period, we rather come to the awareness, which blockages and fears got up to our energy or prevented the expression of our creative forces and love. In short, it is time to look in the face of fear or habits that made us feel deprived of energies, creatively disappointed, unworthy love or unloved. This is the time to invest more depth in our form of self-expression, the period when we need to work to make a deep impression on others thanks to the disciplined and responsible action, and not just a dramatic deposition of the patent and an empty show.
The pressure of Saturn during this period discards us back to himself, providing an effect of setting up on the development of its own internal sources of love and creativity, and not hope for the outside world to meet these needs. The feeling that you are alone or unloved, maybe however, subconsciously encourage you to look for more attention from the spouse (s), children, loved ones; But you can become too demanding - usually not realizing it - and thus repel the most people with whom you want to get close to what leads to a feeling of non-acceptance. However, if a person can express his deepest attachment and devotion at this time through decent trust honesty, obligations and efforts, it may be a period of deep satisfaction, because a person can realize that there is no real love in this world without a concomitant sense of responsibility. The expression of the love of a person to others can become more decent and patronage, such feelings can be particularly strong in relation to children, since this is the time of entry into contact with the real needs of their children and their deep responsibilities in front of them. A person is often attracted to the people of Saturnian type as possible beloved people during this period, since he feels the type of emotional stability, which he now lacks. This can take the form of attraction to a higher person or to someone who has a strong setting on Saturn or Capricorn sign. Remaining, alienation and devoid of fantasy manners of Saturnian man can be attractive at this time, as a person slowly learn how to be more impartial and objective in attempts to satisfy emotional needs. In some cases, a person with transit Saturn in the 5th house will be inclined to use others (often unconsciously, hoping that he or she is "in love") to try to soften the sense of loneliness or try to slip away from the collision with the lack of a deep, responsible loving relations.
An irresistible internal pressure to create something at this time may require you to discipline your creative work habits or to invest more effort to open a channel for the flow of your creative energy. If you have a striving in the field of creative art, for example, then this time to consolidate the regular work schedule for yourself and begin to rely more on successive efforts and the organization than on the fleeting flight "inspiration." This is the time for awareness that any creative affairs you could achieve are more likely to pass through you than directly come from you. In other words, we can realize that - if this is our karma to create something - we should simply regularly apply efforts to allow creative forces to express themselves through us. However, it is difficult to achieve, since we usually have very little faith and confidence during this period and we are increasingly inclined to close or fear failures. We tend to perceive life in all its measurements much more seriously at this time, as we tend to take too seriously. From here, this is often the time of creative blockade, when even excellent writers, artists, etc. We experience significant discourability in your work. But this period can be a period of strengthening our confidence in yourself and our methods of creative expression, if we realize that inspiration is usual, and there is no work that 95% of creativity is just an ordinary hard work. As Henry Miller wrote in his magazine: "When you can't create, work!" When William Folkner writer somehow asked about when he writes, he replied: "I write only when I feel a tendency to this ... And I feel it every morning!"
Since the 5th house is also a game of games, hobbies and entertainment, the transit of Saturn through this house also has an impact on these areas of life. Recycling is the usual at this time, as a person is difficult to spend his time to delight his pleasure. Even if a person takes a "vacation", he can find that he cannot relax, because his mind continues to work on serious thoughts. In other cases, the fact that there was a hobby becomes more productive and often even turns into a regular and structured business. Another value of this period appears when we consider the 5th house as the 12th of the 6th House; Consequently, the results of the previous work of man and how effectively he performed his duties, begin to manifest itself either as a deep level of satisfaction and as a steady stream of creative energy, or as frivolous entertainment and the risk in a vain attempt to make sure that a person really did not deserve Attached efforts.

Transit Saturn through the Vi House

Transit Saturn through the 6th house is a period of regulation and change in human thinking, work and habits associated with health. A person is usually encouraged from the inside or under pressure from circumstances to become more organized and disciplined in many practical spheres of life, but especially in work and health. Slimming or changes in the workforce are common, as well as annoying chronic health problems. I even saw one person who was particularly unorganized and unproductive, became so disciplined in his working methods during this time that he himself said: "I can't believe how much I did over these days. I work so effectively! " Saturn in this house requires us to determine for yourself what we are trying to do, and be able to distinguish between important and deviating from the topic. In fact, the ability to understand is sometimes so active during this period, which the individual suffers from depression or psychosomatic problems arising from excessive self-criticism. This self-criticism is also motivated by the fact that during this period we begin to see that the people we live and work with, really think about us. We see whether we are actually useful or considered burdensome. In other words, since the 6th house is 12th from the 7th home, we begin to realize the results of various relationships in our lives.
The phase of the sixth house of the Saturn cycle is essentially associated with self-cleaning at each level. Many health problems that occur during this period can be directly related to human nutrition habits and, thus, with a high level of toxmia. It seems that the body is trying to get rid of "Mud" at this time; And if you do not contribute to this process of purification, physical symptoms often appear. Saturn transit through the 6th house is a great time to regulate your diet, municipality and other habits related to health or for a long post or cleaning diet. The main feature that needs to be aware at this time is that any health problems (or problems with the workshop) are certain lessons showing to you what changes are required from you in the patterns of everyday life habits, and prepare you for another phase Life, which will begin when Saturn will rise above the natal decendant in the 7th house.

Transit Saturn through the VII House

Like the transit of Saturn through any other house, this position can manifest itself on a number of different levels at the same time. Some of my clients began to establish a business partnership at this time, which was usually financially strengthened when Saturn was part of the 8th house. All relationships are perceived more seriously during this period, a person often begins to take more responsibility to maintain its side of certain relationships. However, focus of attention in most cases, apparently, are basic personal relationships or marriage. When Saturn passes through the descendant and begins his semi-kille over the horizon, awareness often arises about the needs of relationships, restrictions and responsibilities; This time also marks the entry of a person to a wider scene of public life. If a person considered any important relationship between granted or felt that specific relationships do not satisfy it or her needs, then the time comes more realistically to deal with this. (Saturn transit through the natal Venus is like this.) Saturn gives you to Earth in the sphere of life, which is indicated by its transit position in the house, and here you should try to establish a durable, quite a certain approach to those relationships that have a strong impact on your common Lifestyle and your personality. (Note that when Saturn is connected to a disposate, it is simultaneously in opposition with an ascendant!)
If you expect too much from relationship or marriage, or if you feel that they are inoperable in those relationships that are important to you, then this time to look in the face of facts with objectivity and impartiality. At this time, a certain coldness and restraint of positions and behavior in close relationship often develops, and your partner may be surprised why you leave the usual ways to communicate with him or with it. If this could be explained that you simply remove from another person for a while to gain a clearer perspective of relationships and the degree in which you want to participate in them, at least your partner would not be inclined to imagine things worse than the real situation. This will undoubtedly be a difficult time for marriages and close relationships in many people, but the magnitude of the voltage experienced during this period depends on the quality and level of confidence, which characterized your relationship for many years.
According to my experience, as opposed to some traditional astrological statements, the divorce is no more common at this time than during the period when Jupiter passes through the 7th house - in reality, it seems less common than during the transit of Jupiter, since the transit of Jupiter It is time when a person strives to expand and push the boundaries of its relationship for their existing limits. And the transit of Saturn through the 7th house is the time to solve relationships and liabilities; Probably the most important feature of this period is that it gives you the ability to more objectively see your partner - as an individual person, completely different from you, and not as your appendage or an object for your projection. In short, if specific relationships are healthy and flexible, which allows you to fully experience our "I" and with full awareness to treat other people and society, then they are probably well-efficient; And it is this that you are aware of this period, although such awareness can come only after some serious tests of the quality of relationships. Otherwise, the relationship itself and your approach to them require redefinition at this time, and decisions must be made, how much energy you are going to invest in them to make them working.

Saturn transit through the VIII house

This period may emphasize any or all of the following dimensions of life: financial, sexually emotional, psychological or spiritual. Since the 8th house is associated with Pluto and Scorpio, this period is especially important as the time of completing many old patterns of life and - through liberation from some intensive desire or affection - the test of some revival when this phase is completed. The need to discipline their desires and structuring their emotional attachments is usually done clear or by circumstances that make you turn to a person to certain facts due to the pressure of disappointment, or by your internal awareness of the final branches of your desires and how you used all forms of strength: financial, financial Sexual, emotional, occult and spiritual. Many people experience this period as a time of deep suffering, the reason for which is difficult to specify exactly. Some people even describe it as a feeling that you seem to pass through blood pressure or purgatory, where your desires and attachments are cleared and awakened awareness of the deeper energy of life. In short, this is the time to turn face to face the final realities of life, indigenous experience, which is so often ignored or overlooked. Many people seem absorbed in essential realities of spiritual life, afterlife and death during this period.
This time, to more realistically look in the face of the inexorable fact of death, and the awareness of the inevitability of death often encourages people to invest in organizing their property, joint assets and wills. Other important financial transactions are also frequent at this time, but the general factor is that the individual is trying to protect itself and often establish some kind of "spiritual protection" in the deepest level.
It is also a period of awareness of the importance of the sexual life of a person and how he directs his sexual energy, in some cases this is a period of sexual disappointment, which, apparently, happens with a person, forcing it to become more restrained and disciplined. In other cases, a person will consciously act to eliminate certain sexual outlets or activity that were previously important, realizing the value of preserving sexual strength inside itself if it is not used for a constructive or healing goal. It is also a time when a large number of people begins to engage in occult classes, spiritual practice or various types of research. It seems to me that one of the keys to this period of time can be obtained from awareness that the 8th house is 12th from the 9th: in other words, the transit of Saturn through this house takes out the results of your attempts to live according to your ideals and convictions. Then this is manifested as a test of transformation - either joyfully, or through the suffering necessary to further override your life ideals.

Transit Saturn through IX House

Transit Saturn through the 9th house is the main period of assimilation of many years of experience and binding it to some significant ideal, philosophy or self-improvement regime. People often go to a fairly structured journey to acquire greater width of understanding at this time, whether it is through a real physical journey, academic training, visiting lectures or church services or through focused individual classes. I saw cases when people combined these opportunities, for example, going to study on another country. Essentially, this time to explore and identify your final beliefs, whether they lead you to philosophy, religion, metaphysical research or legal or social theories. Your beliefs must be defined at this time, because then they will serve as ideals that behave your life and highlight your direction.
In short, this is the time when most people have a strong motivation to self-improvement. For some, this means that they must take their lives in accordance with the highest ideal. For others, this means that they feel the need to travel around the world or learn a variety of items to achieve a broader prospect of their lives. And for other people, especially those inclined to take socially defined ideas, which means self-improvement, this is the time when they start or at least more deeply associate themselves with an academic training program. This is a great time for serious use of your mental energy, and this is often the time when a person's aspirations related to the influence on others by teaching, reading lectures or publications, is strongly strengthened by some. It should also be noted that the 9th house is the 12th of the 10th; Consequently, it represents the results of how you worked in the direction of achieving your aspirations, manifestation, either as restlessness and dissatisfaction, or as aware that you need to work more intensely over the expression of knowledge that were acquired from past achievements or professional activity. The period of this transit is also a preparation for the subsequent phase of the 10th house in the sense that the ambitions that you try to perform then will be very dependent on the ideals with which you will connect yourself now.

Transit Saturn through X House

Saturn, passing through the middle of the sky and entering the 10th house, will usually put forward a serious concern about your ambitions, your hopes for achieving something in the career, your role in the company and the magnitude of the authority you have, and a certain working The structure through which you are trying to achieve your goals. Sometimes he can be felt as a period of disappointment in these areas of life or as anxiety time, when you are burdened with painful responsibilities, but this is mainly happening when the career or professional structure you have built is too oppressive or not realistic to match Your true kind. In contrast to the fact that some astrological traditions make us believe, this phase does not necessarily indicate that your aspirations are going to be destroyed. This transit simply shows that this time is of particularly intense work on the definition of the range and the values \u200b\u200bof your aspirations. In fact, some people experience a very positive culmination of their career aspirations at this time, with significant recognition and satisfaction. However, this, according to my experience, apparently does not occur with such a large regularity, as the theory of Grant Levi predicts, although it is common. It is also the time of acquiring an impartial perspective that you really achieved, unlike reputation (which is often inaccurate) or from what you would like to think that you have achieved.
If we consider the 10th house as the 12th of the 11th, we will be able to conclude that this phase shows the results (12th house) of your unions, goals and sense of individual destination (11th house). If your career or professional structure seems disappointing at this time, it often follows from the fact that you have not united your true personal goals and socially useful ideals in it. But you can start it to do when Saturn will enter the 11th house.

Transit Saturn through the XI House

The value of the 11th house is rarely clarified in most astrological books, and the keywords driven for the 11th house are often unclear and confusing. It seems to me that this house is more than anything else, symbolizes your sense of individual destination, i.e. How do you see your feature in society and what you want to develop in the future at a personal level. This home is probably the most-oriented future of all houses, and people with the Sun or other important planets in this house are inclined to be especially tuned for the future, in the sense that they want to become, and in the sense, how society develops and Where it will lead.
Consequently, the transit Saturn through this house indicates the time when you are aware that you have done that there is no and what should be done in the future, especially with regard to other people or societies as a whole. This is the time to find out that you must give other people now when you are reproached in a certain position within the society (phase of the 10th house). This is the time when it is important to think about your own goals: not so much career goals, as your personal goals, how do you want to be and become and what role, how do you feel, you are created to play in the community of people. This is the period to determine your own secret hopes and desires and a sense of destination for yourself regarding the needs of the coming. This, therefore, the period of making greater responsibility for the way you belong to all people, and this increased concern leads to a more sober position in relation to not only friends and comrades, but also to the entry of a person in large groups of people. In some cases, you may need to cut various friendly relationships or groups with groups; But in other cases you may find that you move the urge to take more responsibility in the communication method with them.
For example, one woman took up the work on the organization (Saturn!) Excursions for large groups of single, when Saturn passed the transit through her 11th house. As you can see from the connection of this house with the sign of Aquarius, this is the time of distribution and transfer to other things that you have learned and acquired during the transit of Saturn in ten previous houses.

Transit Saturn through the XII House

As stated at the beginning of this section, the transit of Saturn through this house along with its transit through the 1st house coincides with an important transitional phase in the life of each person. Saturn's transit phase through the 12th house is a period when you meet with the results of all thoughts, actions, desires and activities that you have been engaged in the last Saturn cycle through all at home. The way you expressed yourself in the world (1st house), now inevitably led you to a collision with this particular view of Karma. If this is the first transit of Saturn through the twelfth house during this life, then the phase of life suitable by the end during this period may be the one that began in the past life. But, in any case, this is the end of the old cycle; And, therefore, a person often experiences dissatisfaction, confusion, disorientation, a sense of emotional-mental restriction, when old life structures begin to collapse.
In other words, those aspirations, values, priorities, activity and beliefs, which once gave the importance and direction of your life, begin to decay when Saturn enters this house; The prevailing sense of loss is usually the most powerful during the first year of this phase or somewhere, so far, the person does not approve new values \u200b\u200band new, more advanced positions towards life itself. This, therefore, time to determine the ideals and main spiritual orientation; Many people spend this period experimenting with various new approaches to life, throwing old attachments that have now turned out to be completely empty and lifeless.
In short, it is a period of work on clarifying these transcendental and elusive dimensions of life, which, although they are often difficult to express in words, constitute a deep inside the source of force that helps us in carrying out our struggle in the direction of growth among life battles and obstacles.
The 12th house is called the house isolation, and some kind of physical isolation is quite common at this time. But what is more common, so this is what a person, at least for the first half of this period, feels like in an emotional prison, isolated from the outside world, which seems distant and unreal. This is the time when we must turn inward to catch internal sources of emotional and spiritual strength; And often it seems that if we deliberately do not decide to turn inside at this time, the circumstances that make us experience a certain form of personal isolation, which does not leave us another choice, except to reflect on our lives with a suspended perspective. But in most cases I saw, a person passionally wishes isolation and a way to remove from the concerns of the outside world if it takes the form of leaving the monastery or simply removal from earthly associations and activities that were significant. This is an excellent time to study spiritual, mystical or occult items, many people also feel strong craving for musical or poetic expression at this time, since what they feel cannot be expressed by logical or rationalistic terms, but only through images, vibrations and intuition. Also, there is often a thrust for humane activity and ministry, as a means of finding value in his own life.
Problems with your health are not rare at this time, and these are usually psychosomatic, difficult to diagnose diseases, which can effectively influence only psychological or spiritual therapy. The physical energy of a person at that time is often low due to the emotional consumption associated with the experience of the complete elimination of the entire old individual structure. The old structure disappears at this time to create a space for the birth of a new life orientation and vital structure.
What is such a disorienting at this time, so this is what is the period of waiting, dreaming and internal research, during which a person has no sustainable boundaries or reliable anchors in order to hold them for them. A person expects and prepares for the birth of a new structure, but it will not even begin to build while Saturn will pass through the Ascendant in the 1st house. But, if a person can find the inner power of awareness, which is created completely new "I", free from many useless trust, then - when Saturn passes through the 12th house and approaches the ascendent - it can become even easier for us and easier, happier and happier.

Saturn is associated with the acquisition of wisdom, experience and maturity due to the correct actions, patience, determination and stubborn work.

Transit Saturn in 1 house

During this period, you have a continuous struggle with yourself. Look in the mirror and ask yourself who is responsible for your appearance, character traits and image. After you accuse your own childhood, surrounding and life compositions, the moment of truth will come, which is that only hesitates. It is you should understand and correct the flaws of your own image and solve other personal problems. If in the past you failed to maintain health and physical form, now circumstances will make you regret it. Whatever the situation of this period, they will require your personal attention. Contact them yourself, make decisions personally. The highest award for the right actions and healthy habits will become what you will come up by the end of this period a more mature person clearly representing your personal goals and the path of your development. When the transit Saturn will be in your first house, anxiety can be too strengthened, and as a result you will surely take extra charge. Get ready for the fact that if you acquire something valuable, for the sake of it will have to bring some sacrifice. Move forward gradually, remember about moderation and tranquility, and it will bring you success.

Transit Saturn in 2 houses

The current circumstances put the question in front of you, which is the main thing, and what is secondary. The threat to lose something really valuable will be on the fore. During this period, you will not lose money, but if your income will increase, then only due to the hard work and the desire to go for some sacrifices. Your behavior and views on how to dispose of money will gain great importance when the transit Saturn will be in your second house. Do you pay for money and material benefits too much attention, neglecting more important things? Do not you spend money back, irresponsible by them? Do you use money to pay off your duties? If you neglect relationships with people, your connections can break. Readiness to change your attitude to finance will be tested. But even more importantly, you will need to clearly define priorities and establish a value system. In addition, a situation is possible in which you save money and your financial opportunities, but lose the desire to make purchases, and the fact that you want to purchase will be inaccessible or unattractive.

Transit Saturn in 3 houses

When the transit Saturn will be in your III house, you will have a desire to leave your family hearth. Your need to remain in its immediate surrounding will increase so much that any otlitch will annoy you. Circumstances point to the inconsistency of the methods that you apply, to your inability to speak, organize, think about ideas and opinions, as well as the lack of basic information or skills. Such disadvantages could arise as a result of being negligent or indifference on your part. Responsibilities related to relatives, neighbors and with those with whom you communicate daily can become tedious, and your contacts with them are difficult or limited. Travel and daily trips will cause irritation. If you neglect the prophylactic inspection of vehicles, they will have to repair or replace them. The same situation will arise with communication equipment, computers, household appliances and other techniques that you use. During this period, your willingness to change their views and behavior associated with the collection of information, the exchange of ideas and opinions, knowledge of the new and acquisition of new skills is subject to testing. It should be remembered that the tests of this period are inextricably linked with overcoming obstacles. If the barrier arises before you, you should search for another way. Its activity should be organized better, time to distribute more effectively. Although during this period there are different kinds of restrictions, you will learn how and when you should act so that you have more free time.

Transit Saturn in 4 houses

When the transit Saturn goes on your 4 house, you may be discouraged or disappoint your home, home orders or family relationships. Attempts by family members to limit your development or impede it to cause you irritation, and the relatives will be dissatisfied with your intervention in their business. They can try to impose additional duties in relation to family members or home. At the forefront of children, and if it led to negative views and behavior, you will have to recognize this and try to correct the situation. If you want to achieve the next, higher personal level of development and experience (as well as the rewards corresponding to them), your victims and efforts should be aimed at strengthening family bonds, creating a healthy environment in the house, awareness of oneself and their own past. When the transit Saturn turns out to be in your IV home, it marks the completion of one stage and the beginning of the next one. Circumstances will prevent you from achieving in new situations if you do not have time to complete the previous things. If you do not want to change and you do not understand that they are inevitable, circumstances will make you change your opinion.

Transit Saturn in the 5th House

When the transit Saturn is in your 5 house, it is difficult to enjoy life, especially because the pursuit of pleasures will certainly be accompanied by duties. Perhaps you will have new commitments towards children or problems associated with them will require permits. Children may consider you too harsh or adamant, and you will experience alienation from them. During this period, probably a long and durable romantic passion, at the same time, such relationships must be accompanied by serious emotional obligations, otherwise they will not be long. Harmful habits and indulgence of their weaknesses in the past can cause significant difficulties: now you have to pay for old accounts. Social activities can either stop or grab you so that you will not be able to focus on other important problems. In addition, the development and use of artistic and creative abilities or abuse of them can be developed for the fore. Actions related to physical, economic or emotional risk should be taken with the greatest caution and prudence. The absence of a similar approach will certainly lead to serious losses.

Transit Saturn in the 6th House

The focus on this period will be primarily your work and health. Work means everyday tasks and responsibilities - no matter if you do household or work outside the house. Responsibilities related to work will increase. Possible loss of work and other disappointments and difficulties associated with it. The workplace situation will become intense, relationships with colleagues are stretched. When the transit Saturn is in your Vi house, the usual routine, endless small things and tasks can become tedious and boring. Problems will require solutions and appropriate changes. Health will appear on the fore: this does not mean that you will get sick, but during this period you will regret that once neglected a healthy lifestyle and maintaining physical form. The exacerbation of chronic diseases is likely, as well as physical indisposition due to overwork, voltage and emotional stress. If you understand how important it is to regularly visit the therapist and the dentist, you will begin to adhere to a healthy diet and do physical exercise ^ then these efforts will pay off: your health will improve, and you are coming more joyful years of life.

Transit Saturn in the 7th House

The circumstances of this period will detect how you communicate with people and as the surrounding perceive you (contrary to the image that you are trying to create). For example, there is a possibility that people tend to recognize your power. In addition, they can consider you more severe, inexperienced or impregnable than you really are. The center of attention will be your relationship with partners and allies, as well as joint ventures. Perhaps your partner is entrusted too much duties, his health can be shaken. If you and those who surround you, prick secretly disappointment and seriously disperse in your purposes, the relationship will suffer when the transit Saturn will be in your VII house, and if you fail to come to a compromise, then mutual relationships can be broken. On the other hand, if difficulties will be overcome, there is a long, more stable marriage or other union. Marriage or partnership created during this period can be generated by the burden of responsibility or practical considerations. Under this description, you can imagine a bladder union, but this result is not at all necessary. Perhaps both sides will bring satisfaction and valuable experience if they try to attach efforts to this. Legal issues are unlikely to be considered in a relaxed atmosphere or to quickly decide, the same is true for negotiations on contracts. Although cooperation is quite possible, the help is unlikely to be provided free of charge, and additional responsibilities that you need to take over such assistance may not cost it.

Transit Saturn in the 8th House

Spheres that will require responsibility and ability to make mature solutions - joint revenues or other benefits and the provisions made by you by marriage, business partnership or receipt of inheritance, deposits or property (your or that you are managed on behalf of others, payout or collecting Debts. A meeting with the tax police is possible if tax issues will not be paid due attention or if you have taken an intentional attempt to avoid taxes in the past or introduce tax bodies. Sexual meetings of this period can be more serious or to provide deeper and long-lasting. Impact. When the transit Saturn dwells in your VIII house, death also advocates. This does not mean the completion of your own life or a family member or friend. Some aspects of death, even if not a loved one, but belonging to your circle will remind you about the need to appreciate life. In addition to TOG Oh, during this period, you will surely evaluate your own capabilities, seeking to become more ingenious and ready to take advantage of all your skills and abilities to secure financially other independence. If during this period you had to realize your duties related to debts, money, material and intangible resources, and execute them, try to make it on conscience and with hunting. This is the key to your future security.

Transit Saturn in the 9th House

When the transit Saturn is in your IX house, the expansion of your intellectual horizon and the desire for new experience are of particular importance. You may have to face disgruitment, with long-standing disappointments or failures. You will probably accept a more active part in the lives of cultural, religious or political groups, as well as the formation or specialized training. Re-marriage. Relatives from the spouse and court decisions can lead to the emergence of new duties. Long Travels can be postponed until better times, or the circumstances of such travel will require a more thorough organization due to various restrictions. You will be disturbed by the work and the health of one of the parents, losses or failures associated with the bosses or other representatives of the authorities. It is likely to increase responsibilities and restrictions related to foreigners, trade abroad, education, computers, publishing business, broadcasting, distribution of activities, advertising and mailing of goods by mail.

Transit Saturn in the 10th house

You will probably achieve that for what worked, and will gain well-deserved recognition or worthy status. But all your achievements will accompany additional duties when the transit Saturn will be in your X house. If you have not established promising goals and did not constitute an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich your destiny should be, the circumstances will lead to the need to better determine their life course. Despite the fact that you have the right and opportunity to take advantage of the wisdom and advice of others, you make a mistake if let them make a decision for you. Do not judge the temptation to accuse other people in our own failures or incorrect actions. Perhaps it will console you, but people and the circumstances with which you will come across this period will not allow you to shift your responsibility for them. This is especially true if you have abused other confidence or own authorities. Having resigned with the consequences of their actions and taking his own destiny in his hands, you will gain experience and maturity that will help you to climb to a higher level where true success and self-realization are possible.

Transit Saturn in 11 house

During this period you will be disturbed by my own happiness. The idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness for everyone is yours, so the satisfaction of your career, the implementation of promising plans and the role you play in the life of others, largely depends on your age, maturity and experience. Probably the most painful event of the period when the transit Saturn is in your XI house, the emergence of the question that gives you your position of the child, lover, spouse, parent, friend, colleagues or comrade in the club. Because you will begin to study these different roles, relationships and activities will become more intense, especially if they do not bring joy. But you will have to think not only about your happiness. Saturn is associated with the lessons of restrictions, responsibility and maturity, makes more significant participation in the activities of a group and makes it possible to understand that it should not be buried in itself their talents and skills. Lack of friends in the past can generate the need to establish friendly relationships. If you have many friends, you may realize that your friendship lack attachment and responsibility and that much better have some more devoted friends. Friendship is just one example. Similar circumstances may arise in connection with any relationship. Perhaps you will take a child under the custody, who does not have a blood relative to you, or begin more responsibly treat your duties of a member of the organization or group. Necessary answers can not be found within himself - first of all, it should be defined its place in society.

Transit Saturn in 12 house

You will have to face what they hide from others intentionally or deliberately, consciously or unwittingly. When the transit Saturn is in your twelfth house, you have to deal with your own fears and anxieties, resolve the issues of the past, negatively affect your happiness and creativity, and also seriously treat losses and disappointments. If before you were looking for a refuge in pity to myself and tormented empty remorse, now you will be forced to get rid of these feelings, as well as from secret and destructive habits. Perhaps you or those people for whom you are responsible will have to spend time alone or encounter other restrictions. During this period, you should not wait for the surrounding to notice your struggle or let your achievements. These are your personal affairs, and to cope with them. You will gain significant mental strength and understanding, and thus better prepare for the fight against current and future circumstances. You may have to help a family member who is seriously sick or have difficulty work. One of the most positive opportunities is that you will be rewarded for your previous victims and deprivation, as well as for loneliness, which you suffered, just to achieve an important goal. ]] \u003e.

The planets are continuously moving through the sky, and this is called transits. There is a general transit for all people whose results depend on a particular horoscope. So, the transit Saturn is now running through the Scorpio, the eighth house of the natural zodiac. In your particular case, it can be any of the 12-houses, depending on finding your lag (1st house).

The transit of Jupiter and Saturn is traditionally considered the most important, since these planets move slowly and have a significant impact on the fate of a person. For example, Saturn passes the entire zodiac for 30 years, while Venus in just 1 year. Transits are used in such important predictions as marriage or childbirth.

"There is a general transit for all people whose results depend on a particular horoscope"

Consider the result of the transit of Saturn (from the moon) through all 12 houses:

First house

Diseases and difficulties, perhaps the funeral of relatives.

Second house

Loss of welfare, problems with children.

Third house

Restores welfare, increasing profits.

Fourth house

Problems with wife, relatives and difficulties with luck.

Fifth house

Depression, complexity in relations with children, reduce wealth.

Sixth House

Well, brings happiness and condition.

Seventh house

Danger of diseases, family conflicts.

Eighth house

Problems with friends, illness, loss of finance and relationships.

Ninth House

Difficulties with the Father, many obstacles in achieving the goals, the death of relatives, sadness.

Eleventh House

Good results, gaining wealth, state, happiness and recognition.

Twelfth house

Losses, problems with enemies, partner disease.

It is important to take into account that Saturn Planet gives the difficulty, the planet teacher, tempering a character through humility, patience and hard work, leads a person to spirituality. In this regard, very few transits of Saturn are favorable, and most of them give a different kind of test.

"Saturn Planet gives difficulties, a teacher planet, tempering character through humility, patience and hard work, leads man to spirituality"

In particular, the transit that passes through the moon sign, one sign to it and after, as the most complicated, called Sati Garden (7.5 years). In fact, no serious predictions can be done without comprehensive and comprehensive card study.

If you want to learn the details of the position of Saturn in your horoscope, order a natal map at the Vedic Astrologer.

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