Seasonal feeding of Rhododendron: how to fit the decorative shrub in the spring and autumn. Rhododendron: Seasonal care than fertilizing Rhododendron in spring

Rhododendron is a handicraft plant with a spiral spot and collected in inflorescence with pink flowers. For normal development, the formation of beautiful and lush colors, pest protection is recommended proper nutrition with organic or mineral fertilizers produced in early spring and in the middle of summer.

For a long time, one of the opinion was adhered to that mineral tuchs are not suitable for this kind of plants. Sometimes, gardeners were solved to make the organic in the form of a decomposed manure. Over time, experiments were carried out on the mineral nutrition of rhododendrons, during which the conclusions were made that it is impossible to obtain high-quality planting material without their use.

Signs of lack of nutritional elements

The first sign of lack of nutrients in the plant is the change in the color of the leaves and shoots. Saturated green color becomes light or yellow-green, disappears shine. If the plant still does not receive vitamins, minerals and water, then such conditions affect the growth, the laying of flower buds, early and intensive foaming of old leaves (August - September).

The only way out in the fight against this ailment is to feed plants. It can be organic or mineral. At the discretion of the gardener, an annual feeding is made by one of the types of tows, resulting in changes in the development and growth of rhododendrons for the better.

Features of the root system. What tuki can not be used?

The peculiarity of the root system is the presence of mycorrhiza - mushroom, helps grow and develop a plant on acidic soils, limited in the amount of mineral nutrients (it is in such a soil a bush likes to grow). Without mycorrosis, it is also impossible to germinate seeds, but it is it that determines the main conditions of fertilizer and feeding. Tukov solutions should not consist of chlorine-containing elements, since mushrooms will die from such fertilizer.
When growing a shrub, it follows in the spring to check the soil acidity. If the hydrogen indicator (pH) is in the range of 4.5-5.5 units, the power mode should be changed using more acidic fertilizers.

Important! Lime, Dolomitic flour - fertilizers capable of ledge the soil. It is not recommended for feeding with these nutritional solutions due to the reduction of the acidity of the soil. The result may be the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves.

Another feature is a compact root system, so during planting plants it is recommended to lay a good layer of drainage with loose soil and nutrient-rich fertilizers.

If, at the first time of life, Rhododendron is actively growing and develops due to the right landing, then the subsequent years needed a mandatory feedback, since the reserves of nutrient elements are gradually depleted in the soil and the acidity level is reduced. Due to the lack of fertilizer, the plant may not throw out the buds of colors or die.

How to improve yield?

We constantly write letters in which lovers of gardeners are experiencing that because of the cold summer this year, poor crops of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year, we published tips on this. But unfortunately, many were not listened, but some were still applied. Here is a report from our readers, we want to advise plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the harvest to 50-70%.

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Basic rules of subcord

Types of fertilizers

Gardeners are widely used in the practice of fake rhododendron organic fertilizers. They are also called manure. But here you should also be careful, because fresh manure will not benefit, at best, the plant will fight, at worst - kill him. You should use only the departed manure, at least one year. Only after that, the organizing order will improve the mechanical properties and will contribute to the increase in the nutrition of the soil.

Manure before leading to the ground should be pre-prepared - dilute in water in proportions 1:15 and let it brew for several days.

Mineral fertilizers are another kind of feeding, promoting beautiful flowering and rapid rhododendron growth. In particular, apply:

  • Phosphoric Tuki, which also need to form a solution according to the proportions specified on the package.
  • Sulfate ammonium, magnesium, potassium. This type of feeding is great for rhododendrons, because it changes the hydrogen indicator in a smaller side.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers. The most suitable period of their input is spring.
  • Chelate iron. It is used on clay soils to avoid yellowing leaves.

All about mineral fertilizers for Rhododendron

Usually, mineral fertilizers are concentrated suspensions, the advantage of which is the minimum input to the soil and the maximum saturation of nutrients. Since the favorite habitat of rhododendron is an acidic soil, then, accordingly, physiological tuki should also be acidic in order not to disrupt the habitat.

Frequently used gardened fertilizers include:

  • Sulfate ammonium, magnesium, potassium, calcium.
  • Phosphorous potassium.
  • Nitric acid potassium.
  • Superphosphate.
  • Potash-phosphoric buffer solution. This is the most effective feeding, since the main macroelements and substances that support the optimal level of the hydrogen indicator (from 2 to 7 pH) are present in the composition. Preparation: 10 liters of water + 8 g of nitric acid and single potassium phosphate.
  • Solutions of mineral salts. Their entry is possible with single cultivation of bushes. But with mass it is recommended to replace the salts solution on the mineral tukah in dry form. Their preparation is to mix the superphosphate and sulfate potassium in 20 g of each, as well as ammonium sulfate in the mass of 40 g. 80g mineral fertilizers will come to 1 plant with a height of 1 meter. The resulting dry mixture is scattered on the ground in the early spring, immediately after the snow. Tuk enters the soil layer during rains, there is completely dissolved and naughty rhododendron. Repeated processing is recommended after the fps phase, only the dose should be doubled.

During the preparation of the solution, a ratio defined for feeding is necessary: \u200b\u200bMineral fertilizers 1 part and water 2 parts. In the case of the use of a solution of potash tanks, the concentration should be less - 1 part of the feeding and 1 thousand parts of water.

Given the peculiarities of our climate, where summer and autumn are quite wet and warm periods of the year, Rhododendron is able to throw out young shoots that do not have time to finish growth and even at the slightest frost. To resist this process, specialists recommend spraying a plant with sulfuric acid or single-handed phosphorous potassium. It must be 1% solution. Processing is carried out after the flowering phase is completed.

All about organic fertilizers for Rhododendron

Organic fertilizers are the most affordable and cheap way to feed the shrub, but provided if the place of the gardener is not in a large metropolis where it is more difficult to get it.

Horsepad, pork, cow, bird manure, horny chips and blood flour - natural feeders that improve soil nutrition for shrubs, improve its physical properties.

The most valuable, with respect to organic fertilizers, are horn waste (flour, chips). They contain a huge amount of nitrogen and phosphorus, and the period of decomposition of them longer, which affects the smaller frequency of the organics.

As already noted, natural fertilizers should be administered in liquid form. Depending on the type of organic tuk, the following solutions are prepared:

  • Manure. Diluted in the ratio: 1 part of the water + 15 parts of the manure. After thorough mixing, they leave for several days to start microbiological processes (active "bullbags" will appear on the surface).
  • Survival. There is no accurate ratio, so during the preparation of the solution, you should navigate the color of the organic, diluting it with water. The suspension must take a light brown color.
  • Dung alberta + superphosphate. This tandem of mineral and organic fertilizer will increase in the soil of phosphorus content, which is necessary for active growth of plants and healthy development. An exemplary ratio is 100 liters of dung alive + 3-4 kg of superphosphate.
  • Semi-proverse manure. Such fertilizer should not be breeding in the liquid, and simply distribute in spring or autumn on the surface of the soil under the shrub. The thickness of humus should be at least 5 cm.

Another method of correct feeding

The first stage, early in spring, nitrogenous tuki contributes in the ratio of 50 g of sulfur acid ammonium + 50 g of sulfuric acid magnesium per 1 m2 of land. The second is phosphoric and potash, after a bunch of shrubs, in the ratio of 20 g of potassium sulfate + 20 g of superphosphate + 40 g of ammonium sulfate per 1 m2 of land.

This method is used to grow rhododendrons, both in the open ground and in the closed.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the choice of fertilizers and the methods used to feed rhododendrons remain at the discretion of the gardener. Depending on the availability of fertilizers, both organic and minerals can be used. In any case, for attentive and correct care, the handicraft plant will respond with beautiful colors with lush caps and transparent green leaves.

How to care for rhododendron

And a little about the secrets of the author

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This introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers, which is necessary for better growth and development, prevention of diseases, maximum fruiting and restoring forces after it.

Life cycle of plants in front of winter

Rhododendron, being a perennial shrub, is preparing for the rest period:

  • the duration of the day is reduced, the air and soil temperature decreases, and this leads to a decrease in the number of stimulating growth of hormones and an increase in the inhibitors (moderators) of growth;
  • the exchange of substances becomes slower, the development of branches and leaves ceases, the cells lose moisture;
  • some rhododendron varieties drop the leaves.

Does nutritional support need at this time?

Since Rhododendron is preparing to fall asleep for the winter, he does not need stimulating the growth of feeding. However, flower kidneys are laid after flowering for the next year. It is important that they were enough and they have moved well. This is the purpose of feeding Rhododendron in the fall.
Do I need to transplant the plant? Read more about how and when to carry out the transplant Rhododendrons in the fall, you can find out.

What to feed the azalia in autumn time?

What can be fertilized by Azalia? For autumn feeding, phosphoric and potash mineral fertilizers are used, as well as organic:

  • reworked manure;
  • bone flour;
  • needles;
  • peat.

You can mix them. Rhododendron root system is very compact and located close to the soil, so fertilizers are better to bring in liquid form.

Mineral fertilizers

Since rhododendrons love acidic soils, physiologically acidic mineral fertilizers are used for feeding:

  • superphosphate - improves the laying of flower buds;
  • magnesium sulphate - needed on acidic soils, where magnesium is contained in insufficient quantity;
  • potassium sulphate (20 g per 1 sq. M. m) - Helps to ripen rhododendron wood.

Attention! It is impossible to feed Rhododendron fertilizers containing chlorine.


Usually used:

  • semi-proverse manure - increases the fertility of the soil, makes it moisture and breathable;
  • horn shavings (A mixture of ground horns and hoofs, otherwise called "bone flour") - contains phosphorus and other macro and microelements, slowly decomposes in the ground, providing a plant with food for a long time.

In addition to making in liquid form, mineral, and organic fertilizers can be poured into the rhododendron rhododendron (it is important to remember that the plant does not tolerate popple due to the near-locked root system).

Mulch and coniferous turf

As a fertilizer for rhododendrons, a mulch consisting of:

  • upper peat;
  • pine or fir needles;
  • core or sawdust from coniferous trees.

Also, the so-called heather compost containing microscopic mushrooms that help the plant to mined and absorb the nutrients from the acidic soil.

How to understand that there is a need?

  • The change in the color of the leaves (become a light, yellowish shade, lose the gloss) is always an alarm: Azalea is not enough nutrition.
  • A sign of lack of micro- and macroelements after flowering is also a small incremental increase in young shoots (these are green non-devented shoots) and the mass oad of the leaves even on evergreen varieties.
  • Flower kidneys are not laid at all or there are few them - also evidence that Azalea needs a mandatory feeding.

Difference in conducting a home and street flower procedure

Azalea is one of the varieties of rhododendrons - can grow in the garden, and at home:

  • for domestic azaleas use liquid fertilizers under the root and for spraying;
  • for the garden, you can use dry dressings, bringing them to the ground near the trunk.

What is suitable for a pet from the world of Flora, which is located at home?

What drugs will help garden beauty?


  • 1-J. - At the end of July-early August, when flowering ended and laying floral kidney for next year - a comprehensive fertilizer for rhododendrons.
  • 2nd - Late in the fall - the introduction of phosphorus and potassium (30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate for each bush) and complex fertilizers with trace elements, but without nitrogen.
  • 3rd - Mulching before the shelter for the winter and the preparation of the heather compost.

Step-by-step instruction

2-3 weeks after the flowering of the bush (the end of July), organic feeding is introduced into the soil:

  1. The manure is bred in warm water in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. Increase a few days before the end of fermentation.
  3. Then bred once again to light brown.
  4. Water plants under the root.

It can be added to the solution sulphate potassium (20 g) and superphosphate (20 g) - for a declined bucket.


  1. pour a layer of the upper peat under the bush (20-30 cm), mix with the soil gently;
  2. collect the fallen chew, scatter a layer of 5 cm around the bush, mix with the ground, trying not to damage the roots;
  3. pine Corra Grind and plug around a bush with a layer of several centimeters;
  4. 10 cm of soil from the portions of the pine forest, on which the lingonberry, a rustic rod, is growing, - coniferous turf - gently dig up, trying not to mix the layers, and put around the bush.

Mineral feeding:

  1. 30 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium sulfate and 10 g of complex mineral fertilizer dilute in 10 liters of water. Hiding under the root.

    The feeder speeds up the decoration of shoots.

  2. 20 g of ammonium sulphate, 10 g of potassium sulphate and 10 g of superphosphate dilute in 10 liters of water and pour under the root.

If an error has been made

Errors in subordinate What to do
Young plants fucked by a granular fertilizer, which is poorly absorbedRichly pour after feeding
After making a granular fertilizer Rhododendron began to form new shoots that would not have time to wait for winter and can freezeUse granular fertilizers, designed not to use in a cold climate, for example, Russian production
Falked rhododendron ash, reduced soil acidity - this can lead to chlorosisAdd to the soil physiologically acidic mineral fertilizers
Used fertilizers containing chlorine (kills useful fungal microorganisms)Mulch a bush coniferous turf containing useful microscopic mushrooms
Made too much superphosphate - shears iron from the soilTo fade by iron-containing fertilizer (ferovit)

Problems and their prevention

To feed the Rhododendron to benefit the plant and did not harm him, you need to follow certain rules:

  • it is advisable to make all the feeders in the liquid form;
  • when applying fertilizers in a granular form under the root, it is necessary to hide the plant abundantly;
  • must be added to the soil acidifying trace elements;
  • when feeding with complex mineral fertilizers, not containing nitrogens should be used.

Useful video

Video about feeding plants in the autumn period:


For abundant bloom of rhododendrons and healthy development, they need to fertilize correctly. Autumn feeding will help the plants to survive the winter and delight beautiful flowers for the next year.

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Rhododendrons are a luxurious decoration of the garden plot, are grown everywhere in various climatic conditions. Falls of floral culture are allocated to unpretentious to the surrounding factors, adapt well to new living conditions. With regular care with regular feeders, evergreen varieties of "pink wood" are also capable of surprising intense growth and impressive flowering.

Rhododendron (rhododendron)

The plant represents the heather family, enjoys a huge success among the gardeners through beautiful foliage and abundant flowering. The inflorescences of some varieties of culture smell like a gentle aroma. The leaves of the spiral arrangement, depending on the type of the size of the flowers in the inflorescence varies in the range of up to 5 cm and more.

Rhododendron has a compact root system. Due to the lack of root hairs, the basis of the shrubs of the shrub is the mycelound of mycorrhiza - the simplest fungi. For normal life, the mushrooms require constant air circulation, therefore dense soils are contraindicated with the plant. Natural habitat - underols with a special microclimate, where Rhododendron is protected by trees from winds, scorching rays of the sun, seasonal temperature fluctuations.

Rhododendron prefers a light shadension. For landing it is necessary to choose a place where a sufficient level of illumination in the morning clock and in the evening. In this case, the plant does not tolerate direct midday rays, suffers from the exposure to the scorching sun. Optimally, for its cultivation, the neighborhood with trees, in the shade of which the bush is provided with scattered light. Culture also needs to protect against winds.

Important! To Rhododendron pleased with a luxurious view and abundant bloom, it is necessary to create a natural habitat environment for it.

At the same time, it is impossible to neglect regular feeding, since the green pet needs timely feeding with the useful substances.

With a shortage of the useful elements necessary for the development of useful elements, the rhododendron leaves lose the intensity of the color and shine, yellow and dry. Lightening foliage and foaming is an alarming signal about the exhaustion of a green pet. The weak development of shoots also indicates a shortage of food. In the absence of sufficient level of soil fertility with a pink tree fertilizer deficit, not only sneaks and does not bloom, but can also die.

Source requirements

Rhododendron in nature lives in loose acidic soil with a high content of humus. For cultivation of culture on the garden plot, it is necessary to prepare a fertile mass with the corresponding characteristics, paying attention to certain moments.

Rhododendron loves acid soil with a reaction pH to 4.5. In alkaline soil, a sapling has almost no chance of development. Moreover, in areas with a neutral pH culture, the culture is poorly growing, it will not be able to delight even a meager blossom.

The optimal soil mixture for the "rose tree" consists of a rigorous peat, a coniferous recession and leaf land in proportions 2: 1: 3. You can also use a substrate from equal parts of red peat and pine or spined dumps. Moss-sfagnum, ammonium, sulfate potassium or other sour fertilizers are added to acidify the lowcomer peat.

  • heather earth from under rowers;
  • garden primer or river sand;
  • reworked cow manure;
  • humus. You can use the overvalued compost;
  • coniferous mass.

The mixture consists of the same proportions of ingredients. The finished substrate add 100 g of Fertilizer Kemira-Universal. If necessary, you can purchase the address soil for rhododendrons.

The soil for the "pink tree" should be breathable. When planting a plant on a clay plot in the pit make a good drainage. In places with a similar location of groundwater, you can build a small hill under rhododendron to eliminate spring flooding.

Feeding for Rhododendron

Rhododendron is fed by organic and mineral compositions 2-3 times per season. Before each introduction, it is necessary to hide the seedling to rush so that the rolling circle is well moistened.

Important! For feeding it is impossible to use chloride substances and lime.

In priority, natural fertilizers in the form of a liquid cowboy, also effectively bring overwhelmed dung under the bush, slightly mixing with the upper layer of the Earth. You can use ready-made mineral fertilizers for rhododendron with precise compliance with the manufacturer's instructions. Inorganic substances with an acidic reaction are relevant: urea, nitric acid ammonium, potassium sulfate, superphosphate.

Important! Rhododendron reacts positively to acidic feeding. Useful solution is prepared from juice 1 lemon per liter of water. Once a month is poured under the bush 2.5 liters of lemon substance.


Spring feeders are designed to bring the culture from the winter hibernation and prepare for flowering. Since the beginning of the season, the Pink Tree is fed by a nitrogen-containing organic.

If there are no organic, you can use mineral fertilizers according to the following scheme:

  • early spring: ammonium sulphate 50 g + magnesium sulfate 50 g per 1 m²;
  • after the flowering phase: potassium sulfate 20 g + ammonium sulphate 40 g + superphosphate 20 g per 1 m².

In priority, well-overwhelmed manure is desirable with the addition of the upper peat. This mixture is used instead of mulch: the fertilizer bucket is poured into the rolling circle and pour out. The plant speaks well for a diluted cow 1:15. The solution must be withstanding several days for microbiological processes, and only then make 10 liters for adult bush.

In the final phase of the flowering of "pink wood" effectively feeding with targeted complex composition "Kemira". The feeding enriches the power zone of the green pet with the useful substances and acidifies the soil.

In summer

Summer feeders provide for care for the growth and bookmark of flowering kidney of the upcoming season. If a fertilizer "Kemira" did not apply during the flowering period, in June, for the growth of green shoots, rhododendron nitric compositions are fed. Experienced flowers strongly recommend a nutrient solution with ammonium nitrate in the proportions of 60 g / 20 liters of water for an adult bush.

In the second half of July, when the growth of shoots is completed and floral kidneys appear, the plant fertilizes phosphorus-potash composition.

Important! Summer feeding of phosphorus-potash fertilizer is the key to rudodendron's abundant flowering next season.

In autumn

Wet warm air can provoke the secondary growth of green shoots, which at the very first autumn cold risks to frozen. Before the beginning of autumn, to stop the growth of shoots, it is necessary to handle the crown with a 1% solution of potassium sulfate. It is possible to perform spraying with another drug - single-handed phosphate acid potassium.

In late autumn, Rhododendron features a complex of phosphate and potash elements to increase the frost-resistant agriculture.

Popular fertilizers

The most effective feeding for Rhododendron, according to experienced gardeners, is a potash-phosphoric buffer solution. The main macroelements and useful substances for supporting the acidity of the soil are present. The nutrient mixture is prepared in proportions of 8 g of potassium nitric acid and single potassium phosphorus in 10 liters of water.

With a single cultivation of the "rose tree", solutions of mineral salts are relevant. With mass plantings of floral culture, tuki in a dry form:

  • superphosphate 20 g;
  • potassium sulfate 20 g;
  • ammonium sulphate 40 g

80 g of a dry mixture of early spring brought under a bush with a height of 1 m. After the flowering phase, they repeat the feeding in a half dose.

The specificity of long-term drugs provides for a gradual feeding of flower culture for a certain period of time at one time.


The drug is relevant when planting young seedlings is also effective as a spring feeder. Granules are introduced into the rolling circle, slightly mixed with the surface substrate, pour themselves. On 1 bush, 30 g of the drug is spent 1 time per season. Pokon product is presented in packages by 900 g.


The means is shown for decorative vegetation, which grows in an acidic environment. With the help of the drug, the growth and development of culture is stimulated, the process of bootonization is accelerated, the color of foliage is improved, the flowers also acquire a saturated color. They contribute to the instructions every 3 months.


When landing, 10-50 g of means are consumed depending on the size of the seedling. For feeding adult plants, granules under the bush and slightly close up soil mixture followed by abundant irrigation:

  • floral cultures with a height of more than 1 m - 60 g per meter of growth;
  • bushes up to 70 cm - 70 g under the plant;
  • low plantations - 50 g on the bush.

To ensure optimal nutrition of rhododendrons, fertilizer makes 2 times per season with an interval of 3 months.

Important! Granulated fertilizers of prolonged action are designed for climatic zones with 6 months of warm weather. The use of the drug in cold regions leads to secondary growth of shoots at the end of summer, which is fraught with their freezing.

Features of care

To help the "Pink Tree" awaken after the winter, it is necessary to properly organize care:

  • saving kidneys from drying. Remove the half of last year's frozen mulch, so that the land near the roots fastened faster. It will save the kidneys from drying out, since the root system will start active;
  • spray the plant with warm water, even boiling water can be used for watering;
  • build a protective shield from the Sun;
  • winter shelter is removed in early April after thawing the soil in a depth of 25-30 cm.

When burns are found on shoots or drying, the kidneys need to spray with warm water, alternating the processing of growth stimulant with an interval of 3-4 days.

Before flowering

Care before flowering is the right watering and feeding of a green pet. Fertilizer nitrogenous compositions has a positive effect on the growing season. For the prevention of diseases, rhododendron copper-containing fungicide should be treated, for example, the drug "Xome" or a solution of copper sulphate.

The frequency of watering depends on the climatic conditions, the composition of the soil mixture and location of the plant. It is necessary to monitor the state of rhododendron and water if necessary. In the period of active growth and flowering - from April to July - "Pink Tree" especially needs regular irrigation. If it is a hot dry summer, you should spray foliage every day in the evening after sunset or early in the morning.

After flowering

During this period, potash-phosphoric fertilizers contribute, which provides the following year's kidney bookmark. In order to stimulate abundant bloom in the coming season, the inflorescences immediately after they beat away. Since August "Pink Tree" is less likely to eliminate the risk of secondary growth of stalks.

In the fall, it is necessary to prepare Rhododendron to wintering. The event lies in the right watering, high-quality mulching, prevention of diseases and the construction of shelter for the winter. In September, the bush is watered more often than in August. From October to November Morozov, abundant irrigated under the winter is needed. The adequacy of moisture contributes to the endurance of the "rose tree", increases the chances of successful wintering.


With proper care, Rhododendron pleases an attractive view of the whole season. With the help of feeding it easy to ensure the maximum decorative plant with the fascinating beauty of luxury inflorescences.

My "wrong" feeding. And how I ruined Rhododendron

How and what to fertilize Rhododendrons? Tips for newcomers

What feeders are suitable for Rhododendron? And why not use chicken litter ...

My mistakes in flower growing

When then, long ago ... I moved from the capital to a small village. I really wanted to be closer to the ground. I wanted to have my big house, the garden is rich for hundreds (and not a block of land!) And I had a huge desire to plant a garden.

The garden in which everything will be and fruit trees, decorative bushes, flower beds. I solved a bit in a new place, I decided that the time had come to embody my dreams.

And my first purchase was a rhododendron bush. It was a seedling of a three-year, adult, already formed a plant. Prepared a landing agency for all the rules, planted ... My first-mentioned a little bit of passages (the change of climatic conditions) began to gain strength - new twigs with gentle-green leaves appeared.

Of course, I was pleased with it as a child - drove the bush, loose and mulched the soil, fed. Everything was done so that the plant was healthy, blooming. But, one important moment I missed everything. I did not bother to read about feeding for Rhododendron and this fact led to sad consequences. Namely: for the main feeding, I used chicken litter. And this was categorically impossible to do.

After the first, the second feeding the bush began to change the color of foliage. At the beginning, single sheets were pale, and then the entire shrub is like a singer ... the edges of the leaves became brown, hence the growth stopped. And the subsequent bush died.

I have sinned for a long time on invisible pests and illness, but now I understand that the causes of the death of the plant were my wrong feeding. It now I have become an experienced flower and I know many secrets of successful cultivation of decorative shrubs. And then ...

I do not want newcomers to allow my mistakes, and therefore I decided to share with all - important information. Read! Cook your experience! Author's text Aleunsre So according to tradition, I transfer the word to the experimental flower:

The most accessible and common from organic fertilizers are old semi-saved manure, horny chips and blood flour.

ATTENTION! How fertilizer is unsuitable horse and pork manure, as well as a bird litter, as they increase the alkalinity of the soil. What leads to the "oppression" of the plant. And later it is possible to the death of Rhododendron.

Semi-proverse Cow manure not only increases the nutritional value of the soil, but also improves its physical properties: the soil becomes more loose, its moisture and breathability increases, water-holding ability.

As organic fertilizers for rhododendrons, horny chips and horny flour, characterized by a high nitrogen and phosphorus and phosphorus and having a long and soft effect, as the decomposition process lasts longer than the expansion of the manure.

If organic fertilizers are available in sufficient quantity, then they should be preferred. Like mineral, organic fertilizers are desirable to bring in liquid form. If manure is used, it should be diluted with water in relation to 1: 15-20, leave for several days until active microbiological processes begin, and only then use for feeding.

For the fertilizer of rhododendrons, it is possible to use a dung alive, diluting it with water to light brown color.

In order to increase the phosphorus content in dilute manure fat, you need to add 3-4 kg of superphosphate per 100 liters.

Fairizing the rhododendrons of nullity, it is necessary to strictly monitor the soil reaction, since this feeding can change the pH of the substrate. Before the feeding of Rhododendrons, it is necessary to pour well to the root comedure to the whole depth.

If there is a semi-proverse manure in the household in spring or autumn, it can be poured on the surface of the soil around each plant with a layer with a thickness of approximately 5 cm. With melting snow or rain moisture, nutrients gradually penetrate into the soil, and plants get the necessary feeding.

How can I replace organic feeding

If organic fertilizers are not allowed or there is not at all, then you should navigate to inorganic fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizers are essentially concentrates of nutrients, therefore, with a small amount of them in the soil, many nutrients required by plants are made.

Since Rhododendrons grow well on sour soils, for feeding should be used mainly physiologically acidic mineral fertilizers (sulfate ammonium, superphosphate, sulfate magnesium, sulfate potassium, sulfate calcium, phosphorous potassium, nitrogenous potassium, etc., so as not to disturb the medium reaction.

The ratio of mineral fertilizers used for feeding the rhododendrons should not exceed 1-2: 1000 (the solution of potash fertilizers should be even weaker).

For feeding rhododendrons should not be used chloro - containing fertilizers. It is necessary to start feeding the plants in early spring and stop at the end of July, otherwise with warm weather and sufficient humidity.

Soil and air can cause secondary growth of shoots. Young shoots, lately started to grow, until the end of the growing season, they have time to finish growth and in the fall, even at the first light frosts frozen. In the climatic conditions of our republic, for which warm and wet summer and autumn are characterized, the secondary growth of shoots in late August or early September is observed in many species of rhododendrons.

How to stop the growth of new sprouts in the fall

It is possible to suspend it, spraying plants with a 1% solution of potassium sulfate K2SO4 or 1% solution of single-chosen potassium phosphorous KN2RO4.

Very effective fade by rhododendrons with potash-phosphor buffer solution.

How to prepare a solution

For its preparation on 10 liters of water, 8 g of potassium nitric acid KnO3 and 8 g of single-stroke potassium phosphorous KN2RO4 are taken. It turns out a solution that contains the main macroelements - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and maintains the pH of the medium at the required limits (2-7).

Undercalinking rhododendrons with solutions of mineral salts - very laborious work, therefore, with mass cultivation of rhododendrons, mineral fertilizers are used in a dry form.

This facilitates the work of gardeners. On 1m2 area or one plant, 1 m height should be taken 80 g of mineral fertilizers of the following composition: 20 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium sulfate and 40 g of ammonium sulfate.

This mixture is seeded in early spring, immediately after stating snow and thawing the soil (in the climatic conditions of the Latvian SSR in approximately late March and the first half of April).

During the spring rains, mineral fertilizers dissolve and enroll in the substrate. Secondary feeding is carried out at the end of May - in early June, immediately after the fighting of rhododendrons. This time the dose of mineral fertilizers reduce half.

You can carry out feeding and a little different:

Only nitrogen fertilizers make early spring, and phosphoric and potash fertilizers are introduced immediately after the flow of rhododendrons.

In this case, in the early spring on 1 m2 of the area, 100 g of a mixture is sown, which includes 50 g of ammonium sulfate and 50 g of magnesium sulfate.

In late May - early June, after the flow of rhododendrons, 80 g of the mixture are added to 1 m2 of the area, which consists of 20 g of potassium sulfate, 20 g of superphosphate and 40 g of ammonium sulfate.

When to conduct feeding with mineral fertilizers

Undercumation of rhododendrons of open soil with solutions of mineral fertilizers is carried out 2-3 times a year - from April to July.

For feeding, you can apply the same fertilizers and at the same concentration that we recommended for feeding the rhododendrons of closed soil.

At 10 liters of water, 21.5 g of ammonium sulfate, 8.3 g of superphosphate and 6.3 g of potassium sulfate are taken. In addition, during this period, to maintain the necessary substrate reaction, it is preferably 1-2 times to pour plants with potash-phosphoric buffer solution.

The feeding of young seedlings is somewhat different from the feeding of Rhododendrons growing in a permanent place, so they are stated on fertilizer in the section where the reproduction of rhododendrons seeds. Author message

It is the opinion that the care of Rhododendron is rather complicated, and the shrub itself is capricious, so in a moderately cold climate, it is far from all. And only having become closer to this amazing and beautiful plant, you understand that it is not difficult, but in the specifics of culture. Rhododendron is not complicated - he is simply not like that.

Rhododendron bush in bloom - such a handsome man is worth their efforts!

General requirements for growth environment

It turned out that Rhododendron belong to the elite of the flower-decorative kingdom. By purchasing such a valuable copy, many strive and in the garden it is to highlight the best place - in the sun, with fertile soil, generously flavored by humus. Stereotypes are triggered, which have nothing to do with the real needs of culture, and this is the main mistake of inexperienced gardeners.

In natural conditions, most types of rhododendrons grow in the undergrowth, that is, in a special microclimate under wood canopy, where they are reliably protected from the scorching sun, penetrating winds, drafts. Hut down rhododendrons in the garden, they need to create conditions of cultivation, focusing on the principles of life in the natural environment.

  1. Light needed intense, but dissipated. It is such coverage in the lower tiers of the forest, and it is this intensity of solar radiation that determines the structure of the leaves and the type of photosynthesis. Evergreen species are more sensitive to the excess of the Sun - in the open space they receive burns of leaves.
  2. Sour and well-drained soil. In vivo - most of the root system (and the rhododendrons it is superficial) is located in a leafy forest litter, consisting of overworked and fresh pods, humus, podzolic soil. This medium is not too nutritious, has an acidic reaction of the pH, but is saturated with air, which is important, taking into account the structure of the roots of the plant.
  3. Symbiosis with mushrooms - base base of the plant. Rhododendron's roots, as well as other representatives of the heather's family, do not have root hairs. The role of the supplier of nutrients from the soil in tissue is performed by the mycelound of mycorrhiza - the simplest mushrooms living directly in the plant cells. So that the fungi does not suffocate, you need a constant air flow, so dense clay soils for heather cultures are absolutely not suitable.
  4. Increased humidity of soil and air. At the moisture of Rhododendrons, the attitude is special - they suffer from lack of water, and from excess, especially in case of stagnation or flooding. The problem solves the correctly selected structure of the planting substrate, which should not only fill in moisture and hold it, but have sufficient aeration.
  5. Protection against winds and drafts. Many, including winter-hardy, types carrying temperatures -30 ° C and lower, suffer from winter piercing winds and drafts. For protection, agrotechnical techniques are used - protected space, shelter for the winter, landing with groups.

Thus, if rhododendrons grow taking into account biological features, they will not create any problems and will delight the owners with great blooming decades.

The right choice and landing - the pledge of longevity plants

In order for the acquired Rhododendrons to not become a culture of one season, the plant should be prepared thoroughly. Agrotechnical activities preceding landing are conditionally divided into several stages - the choice of a suitable variety, the stocking of components for the substrate, selection of the site.

Selection of plants

The agricultural landing and care of rhododendron depends largely on the type. Novice in gardening, and also if you are not sure in the temperature of your area, start better with deciduous varieties. First, they are more adapted to the cold climate, the crown is not required for the winter; Secondly, not so demanding to moisture and can grow outdoor.

R. Canadian, Japanese, Daurgy, Schlippenbach, yellow, pink, fastened shrubs for the middle strip. Moreover, it is better to start with species, and not varieties - they are more viable and unfavorable conditions.

If still the choice stopped on evergreen rhododendons, start with Catabinsky, Caucasian, Yakushiman species or varieties and hybrids created on their genotype.

Important! When choosing a planting material, give preference to plants from local nurseries. Although they are not as attractive as grown in the mild climate of Europe, but hardened and adapted to the conditions of the region. The optimal age of seedling is 3-4 years.

Choosing a place

For growing rhododendrons, the most problematic areas of the garden are often suitable, unsuitable for light-affiliated crops - in the shade of trees, with the north, north-west side of buildings. The main thing is that it be secluded, protected from the winds and solar rays prevailing in the region.

Having a shrub under the trees, you need to choose the varieties of the latter with the deep root system to distinguish between the plant nutrition zones. Rhododendrons prefer cultivation next door with pines, juniper, oaks, maples, apple trees.

Preparation of substrate

In our gardens, soils are quite rare, suitable for growing rhododendrons, so the landing substrate should be prepared in advance. Required components for soil mixture:

  • horse (red peat) with sour reaction pH;
  • the coniferous litter, consisting of seeding needles, twigs, cones, mixed with humus and other vegetable residues;
  • river sand or sandy soil (upper fertile layer);
  • twisted sawdust of coniferous trees.

The substrate is prepared from peat and coniferous caps in equal proportions with the addition of one part of the garden land or river sand. Chew can be replaced by sawdust, a regular low-door peat acidify, adding moss-sfagnum, acidic fertilizers, such as sulfate potassium or ammonium. The main thing is that the substrate turns out to be lightweight, breathable and with an acidic reaction. If you have nowhere to take suitable ingredients for the substrate, you can purchase address soil for Azalei.

Important! One of the reasons why rhododendron does not bloom can be alkaline soil. This environment acts on the plant oppressingly - except that it does not bloom, it slightly adds in growth, it is amazed by pests, chlorosis of leaves develops.

Technology landing

Saplings grown in containers are planted both in spring and autumn. In the spring period, it is advisable to do before the start of active vegetation, tentatively, in April. Autumn day of planting - September, so that the plant to the cold weather has managed to root and adapt.

Mandatory agrotechnical requirement when disembarking shrubs - preparation of deep (at least 50 cm) and a wide (60-70 cm) of the landing well, which is filled with the prepared substrate. It is carefully compacted and spilled by water.

The seedling in front of the landing is lowered into the water so that the earthen com rascis, the roots are painted and placed in the prepared hole. Another requirement - in no case cannot be plugged with the root neck, it should be at the same level as before the transplant.

After planting, the root zone must be mounted. For these purposes, coniferous needles are suitable, swinging sawdust, leaves, straw. Their layer should be a thickness of at least 5-7 cm. Mulch not only retains moisture, but also serves as a light organic fertilizer for rhododendrons.

Shrub likes group landings - natural thickets reliably defend shoots from winds and freezing. The distance between the seedlings depends on the height of the adult shrub, but not less than 1 meter.

Seasons: Seasonal Care

For Rhododendron, the specificity of the care is determined by seasonal changes: in the spring - the conclusion from the winter sleep and preparation for flowering, in the summer - concerns about the increase and bookmark the blooming kidneys next year, in the fall - preparation for winter.


When setting positive temperatures and the absence of strong night frosts remove the underfloor material. It is necessary to do it in cloudy weather, you can in several techniques, gradually opening the bush first with Northern, and a little later on the south side. The leaves overwhelmed without access light are sensitive to the bright spring sun and can get burns.

Rhododendron leaves in the spring for a while remain twisted, not receiving the pulse from the roots, so the first thing to be done, run the operation of the root system. To do this, we will unsubscribe to the soil faster than it. If a week later, the leaves still remain twisted, it means that they lost a lot of moisture and the root zone should be wedged with warm water.

After swelling the kidnew, the shrub inspect and remove the frozen shoots, dried branches. If the weather is dry, the plant before flowering is necessary to water at least 2-3 times a week. The irrigation rate is 10-15 liters per adult bush.

Important! Water for watering Rhododendrons should have a pH level in the range of 4-5 units, otherwise it will learn the soil, which is undesirable. To acidify water, in 10 liters of liquid, 3-4 g of lemon, oxalous, acetic (70%) acid or 15-20 ml of electrolyte for batteries is dissolved.

Spring is the only time of year when rhododendrons can be filled with organic fertilizers. It is possible to use only well overwhelmed manure if it is possible, a riding peat is added to it. The bucket of this mixture is poured into the rolling circle instead of mulch and pour.

What to feed rhododendrons in the spring, if there are no organications? At the end of flowering, it is effective feeding with targeted complex fertilizers of Kemira for Azalei (Rhododendron). It is fully balanced and, in addition, which contains the necessary batteries, acidifies the soil.

Summer care

After flowering, the birth of rhododendron is aimed at replenishing the forces for the growth of young shoots and bookmarks of flower kidney. The plant needs the following agrotechnical events.

  • Regular, abundant watering and spraying the crown with water temperature in the hottest clock.
  • Removing seed boxes so that the shrub does not spend the forces on the ripening of seeds, and sent them to a young increase. It is necessary to do it in hot weather so that the injured escape immediately fucked.
  • If the plant does not support the Kemira during flowering, the June feeding of nitrogen-containing fertilizer is needed, for example, ammonium nitrate (25-30 g per 10 liters of water). Nitrogen is needed to grow green shoots. The irrigation rate is 2 buckets of the solo on an adult bush.
  • In addition to feeding rhododendrons in the spring and in June, some gardeners are recommended to make fertilizers in the second half of July. By this time, the escape ends the increase, its leaves become dense, leathery, and flower kidney appears on the top. Undercalinking at this time by phosphorus-potash composition - a guarantee of abundant flowering for the next year.

Tip! For feeding in three receptions - early spring (100 g / m²), during flowering (100 g / m²) and in mid-July (50 g / m²) use the following universal composition of acidic fertilizers. Mix superphosphate (10 pieces) and sulfates - ammonium (9), potassium (4), magnesium (2).

Preparation for winter

An important element of rhododendron care is the correct preparation for the winter.

An evergreen shrub should be very good to soak moisture in the winter so that it was enough for the long months of cold weather, so it is recommended to water abundantly. A leafy shrub needs irrigation only in case of dry weather.

And deciduous, and evergreen species need to cover the root system with a thick layer of mulch (up to 20 cm). The soil is hidden in the rolling circle to the crown radius.

For shelter around the bush, a frame of a wire or wooden rails is built - such an improvised Vigvam. It is peeled with fir branches or tightened by 2 layers of breathable bleeding material (burlap, Loutrasil). Sharply varieties fall asleep foliage, cheese.

When growing rhododendrons, the main thing is to understand their nature, learn to recognize the problems and needs for the state and appearance of the shrub. The plant is responsible not only to the correct agricultural engineering, but love and care will also answer reciprocity.

Video about the preparation of rhododendrons by winter:
