Seasonal flu. PREVENTION OF ARVI and ARZ

The change of weather and the drop in temperature signals the beginning of the holiday season, but the cold season begins with it. If you are not careful, you can get sick enough! The best way to protect against influenza is a vaccination, nevertheless immunity can be strengthened not only by a doctor in the office. You can protect your body using useful products!

Chicken soup with noodles

Chicken soup is a traditional winter dish, which is recommended to be captured. And the point is not at all that the warm food causes the feeling of comfort. This soup has an anti-inflammatory effect: it soothes inflammation in respiratory paths characteristic of colds. In addition, it will facilitate nasal congestion.

Ginger tea

Ginger is one of the best products to combat cold. In recently published studies, it is reported that the powerful properties of ginger are the key to the fight against cold or influenza.


This spice will not simply complement your dishes, it will also be an anti-inflammatory action on the body. According to scientific data, Kurkumin, the active substance of spices, activates the production of cells protecting immunity.


In oranges, a lot of vitamin C, the most important nutrient, especially in the cold season. According to scientific data, this vitamin helps prevent cold weather in cold weather and reduces the duration of the disease, if you still succumbed to it.


When you feel in the best way, water can be an ideal solution. Support a normal level of moisture to avoid breathing problems. Try to drink at least eight water glasses a day!

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt contains a large number of probiotics, in addition, there is more protein in it than in the usual yogurt. Studies published by the Korean scientific journal showed that probiotics prevent the development of colds and facilitate its treatment.


In the blueberries there are many antioxidants that help to treat and prevent colds. According to scientific data, the use of flavonoids - antioxidants, which is much in blueberries, reduces the likelihood of the disease by a third!

Tea with ginseng

Tea with ginseng is not just tasty, but also incredibly useful. It is not surprising that it is used as a drug with respiratory tract infections. Studies demonstrate that ginseng seriously relieves the severity of symptoms.


Tomatoes are a wonderful product during the disease, because they have a lot of vitamin C. The use of tomatoes will launch the work of your immune system!


In salmon, a lot of zinc is a substance that helps reduce the severity of cold symptoms. If you want your loved ones and children to avoid colds, try to eat more products rich in zinc. Researchers do not doubt that it works efficiently.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is rich in theobromine - antioxidant, which helps to cope with the cough. Studies show that this substance well relieves bronchitis.

Red pepper

Red pepper is another good source of vitamin C. Studies have shown that the use of two hundred milligrams of vitamin C every day will reduce the risk of cold half!


American researchers found that broccoli is an important addition to a diet for those who want to avoid colds. Broccoli and other varieties of cabbage increase immunity.

Cold Press Olive Oil

High-quality olive oil helps to restore the body and increases immunity. Studies have shown that the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids provides anti-inflammatory effects, and also spurs the immune system.

Green tea

Green tea contains flavonoids that strengthen immunity and are distinguished by anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, Catechins help to fight bacteria and viruses.


Spinach is a real superproduct in terms of your health. It has a lot of useful fiber, and also contains vitamin C, which helps prevent colds and reduce the symptoms of the disease.

Whole wheat bread

Solid cereals are distinguished by anti-inflammatory properties that provide an increase in the number of useful bacteria in the body. It is worth remembering that seventy percent of immunity is ensured by the intestine, so maintaining it in a healthy state is especially important.


Eggs, especially yolks, are filled with nutrients that strengthen immunity. They contain a large amount of vitamin D that helps adjust and strengthen immunity. According to studies, regular intake of vitamin D reduces the likelihood of infection.


Garlic is one of the best products to combat cold, and it is not by chance. It helps to reduce the likelihood of the disease several times!


Apples effectively prevent diseases like a cold. The fact is that they contain antioxidants that strengthen immunity and reduce the risk of chronic disease.


In most cases, nuts contain vitamin E, which helps to struggle with diseases. The daily use of fifty milligrams of vitamin E helps reduce the risk of a cold for twenty-eight percent.


Like salmon, tuna is a good source of zinc. This nutrient effectively acts on the immune system and helps reduce the severity of cold symptoms. This is confirmed by scientific research.


Rosemary is not just an appetizing spice, which is worth adding to dishes, but also a magnificent anti-inflammatory agent, as well as an impressive source of antioxidants.

Bone broth

Boules cooked on the bones are distinguished by the anti-inflammatory effect. That is why their use helps to cope with the symptoms of colds.


Natural and high-quality honey is not just delicious, it also helps to alleviate the symptoms of colds. Honey helps improve the state of the throat. Studies demonstrate that honey works as an antibacterial property and kills all malicious bacteria.

Soup Miso

MISO is a paste based on soybean and containing antioxidants that help stimulate the immune system. Studies have shown that the high content of antioxidants into SUE makes it an effective means against inflammation.


The oysters contain a large amount of zinc. This is one of the types of seafood, which is always recommended by experts.


Eating mushrooms is an excellent way to strengthen immunity, as American studies demonstrate. Scientists have established that regular use of their dishes makes it possible to reduce inflammation and increase the number of cells important for the normal operation of the immune system.

Tea with anise

Anis works as an antibacterial and antifungal agent. In addition, scientists note that it is effectively fighting with viruses and contains antioxidants that can help raise immunity.


Fennel has a soothing effect, so it will greatly help alleviate the symptoms of influenza. Studies also demonstrate that Fennel works as a soothing agent for those who suffer from conjunctivitis, diarrhea, fever and stomach pain. In addition, Fennel contains flavonoids, characterized by the anti-inflammatory effect.

There are few people who do not encounter those or other colds - runny nose, sore throat, cough, elevated body temperature. It happens more often with the autumn. The so-called "cold season": the air temperature is reduced, frequent cold winds, rains, and we sometimes do not really hurry to warm up, as if we hope that the warmth will return. And it seems to be a teeth, we know everything about the prevention of colds, but it's sometimes not to avoid a cold.

Ahead of us is waiting for many more cold days and, I think it is unlikely that anyone will not agree with the statement:

It is better to prevent the disease than to treat it.

So let's remind yourself of those measures that need to be taken to protect ourselves and our loved ones from colds. And maybe the "cold season" is such for us will not be.

How to avoid colds

Before we start talking about the measures of preventing colds, let us assimilate the main thing.

We often consider colds to be "harmless illness", which just becomes a hindrance and violates our familiar lifestyle.

There is even such an expression:

"If you treat a runny nose, then it will pass in seven days, if not treated, then in a week."

Yes, sometimes it happens - several uncomfortable days and complete restoration of working capacity.

But, unfortunately, it does not always pass so harmless, sometimes a banal cold goes into a more serious illness.

Therefore, let's notice as a common discomfort. This is a disease and it must be treated, but this is the topic of another conversation, today we are talking about prevention.

Warning of colds

Measures preventing colds can be divided into two groups:

  • specific prophylaxis is a vaccination aimed at oppositioning a particular pathogen, as a rule, is carried out to protect the population from influenza.
  • non-specific prophylaxis is the topic of our conversation - an increase in the protective forces of our body.

And who stands on guard of the body's protective forces - this is our immunity. And, of course, we need to think about immunity when we need not when the cold season begins, and constantly. This complex approach, which includes both proper nutrition, and hardening procedures, exercise, and other useful methods for maintaining immunity methods.

I have an article on the blog about how to strengthen the immune system, I've examined everything in detail, I recommend reading.

But there are prevention measures that directly belong to the autumn-winter period, let us remember them:

  1. In the fall, as a rule, chronic diseases are exacerbated and this reduces the protective functions of our body, increasing the risk and pick up the cold. Knowing about their illnesses, get comfortable in advance and spend a number of measures that this autumn exacerbation has passed more comfortably. It is better to do this under the supervision of your attending physician.
  2. Dress up the weather and take into account how much time you will spend on the street. The supercooling is often the cause of our cold. But it is also no need to reinsure to this question, you should be comfortable in your clothes.
  3. Moisturize air. The dry air of heated premises is dried by the mucous membrane of the nose, and this contributes to a lighter getting of viruses from the nasal cavity into the lungs.
  4. Welcome the room. Air shift is useful in any case, but if there is a cold weather in the room, then carrying out, you will reduce the concentration of viruses in the air.
  5. Aromatherapy is actively used in preventive purposes, as some oils have an antiviral effect. It is geranium oil, lavender, lemon, melons, tea tree oil, eucalyptus. To process the room, it is enough to pour in the aroma of 3-4 drops of oil in the aroma and leave for a couple of hours. If there are no aromalamps, you can add a few drops of oil into the water and spray through the room with a sprayer. There are no essential oils, there is an affordable means - put the garlic, put in the saucer and put in the room - evaporating essential oils and garlic phytoncides are perfectly coping with viral microbes.
  6. Wet cleaning also refers to the measures of preventing colds. You can use essential oils when cleaning, adding a few drops into a bucket with water.

Often you can hear the rule:

In the period of exacerbation of colds, and especially at the flu epidemic, we are less likely to go to the places of large cluster of people.

Yes, the advisory advice, but not always fulfilled, since we use public transport, we are at work, visiting supermarkets and can easily pick up a viral infection.

How to protect yourself in this case? It is necessary to create a barrier for viruses:

We are accustomed that if the conversation is about a cold, then we immediately remember about Vitamin C. Yes, indeed, it strengthens the protective forces of the body, but now scientists have become so unequivocally refers to this vitamin. As a result of the research, it was determined that the overabundance of vitamin C could lead to the opposite effect.

Everything should be in moderation and the presence of other vitamin is equally important for the prevention of a cold.

For example, vitamin D reduces the threat of infection with influenza and other colds. Vitamins B play an important role to maintain the immune system. Vitamin A, strengthening the mucous membrane, enhances the protective functions of our body. Vitamin E also helps to confront the cold.

Other useful substances are important. What would have the strength, and the immune system worked without failures, the body needs proteins - first of all animals, because all indispensable amino acids, important for immune cells, are contained in them. Such a microelement as zinc helps to resist bacteria. Iron enhances the resistance of the body.

Conclusion - a variety of and balanced food is necessary at any time of the year, but in the autumn-winter period, pay special attention to this, thereby you will help your body to increase your protective functions. In which products contain one or another vitamin and the trace element can be read and.

Do not forget about the gifts of nature - honey, herbs, berries (rosehip, cranberries, lingonberry, ginger, chamomile, mint). Make from them vitamin teas are not only delicious drinks, but excellent prophylactic remedy for colds. Take a note useful, as well as watch the video.

There are ready-made vitamin and other drugs for the prevention of colds, maintaining immunity, but it is not recommended to take them without advice.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones and be healthy.

Pregnancy lasts 9 months and captures at least three years of year. Summer short, autumn and spring sloon, winter is long. The risk of catching cold is increasing in the cold, which accompany a significant part of pregnancy ...

Frequently related diseases include sharp infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract - acute respiratory viral infections (ORVI). The upper respiratory tract consists of a nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi.

During pregnancy, the woman's body is rebuilt due to hormonal changes. An immune system begins to work differently. Future mom and fruit are two genetically different organism. So that the baby is not perceived as an alien agent, the immune functions of the mother are suppressed. Against the background of the decrease in immunity, the likelihood of colds is increasing. In the first trimester of pregnancy (from conception to 12-13 weeks) infections can cause pregnancy, spontaneous miscarriages, frozen pregnancies (death of the embryo inside the uterus), coarse flavors. In the second trimester of pregnancy (13-27 weeks), the cold may cause the threat of premature genera and minor abnormalities for the development of the fetus. In the third trimester (since 28 weeks), the suffered viral and / or bacterial infections cause many, and the syndrome of the delay of intrauterine fetus development, placental disorders, intrauterine fetal infection.

Conditions of colds may be viruses or bacteria. Viruses are much less bacteria in size, quickly distribute in the surrounding air, easily cause colds. Bacterial diseases have a greater duration, compared with viral, more often cause complications. Infection is possible not only from a sick person, but also when using personal hygiene objects, dishes.

Symptoms of cold

More often, colds begin with the "Promotional Period". These are precursors of the disease: weakness, fatigue, sweating, reduced performance, headache, sensation of permissions in the throat and in the nose. This period lasts 1-2 days. If you notice these signs and remembered a contact with a sick person, you can use the prevention of the disease: Arbidol - after consulting with a doctor, tea with honey or raspberry, full-fledged rest and sleep.

If you still get sick, these measures will reduce the severity of the disease. Then begins the "crisis" period of the disease: a runny nose, cough, tearing, an increase in body temperature, headaches, lubricants in the bones and muscles. This period last an average of up to 4-7 days. If the virus was initially the causative agent, then a bacterial infection can be joined after 3-4 days, which lengthens and takes the course of the disease. You can see it on the second "outbreak" of the disease: repeated temperature increase; discharge from the nose, before transparent, mucous, become greenish and difficult; The cough becomes frequent, with a wet. Then recovery comes: there is a decrease in all manifestations of colds, weakness remains for several days, sweating, drowsiness, fatigue.

How to avoid ORVI: Prevention of cold during pregnancy

Infection is possible not only from a sick person, but also when using personal hygiene objects, dishes.

First of all, you need to reconsider the power mode. Exclude smoked meat, products containing preservatives, dyes, taste additives. The listed factors are agents that are "annoying" the immune system, forcing it to produce protective proteins, instead of building defense against external pathogens of disease and not to provide opportunities to be activated in the body chronic foci of infections. Be sure to consume a sufficient amount of proteins: meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs. The proteins and their components are amino acids - the main building material for new cells, including for immune protection cells.

Among the prevention of vitamins recommended for prevention can be distinguished: pyridoxine (in 6), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), pangamic acid (at 15), vitamins A and E. All necessary vitamins are contained in special vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

Phytoncides are a beneficial effect on the body, possessing anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic-like properties. There are many of them in Luke, garlic, radish. These products are desirable to eat cheese as a food additive. It is possible in the period of extinguishable diseases periods of plates with finely chopped garlic, periodically changing them.

Among events useful for the prevention of ARVI are hardening. This procedure not only strengthens the immunity, but also tones the skin, normalizes the tone of the vessels, prevents aging. Daily challenging procedures may include a 5-minute contrast shower. Purge alternately warm (38-40 ° C) and cool (20-22 ° C) with water to 30-40 seconds completely all body (if you made this procedure before pregnancy) or only legs before your knees (if you decide to try for the first time). Finish the procedure always cool water.

It is also helpful walking barefoot on the floor, in the summer - on the grass and sand. If you have never done this, you can start at any time, on any, if you do not have pregnancy complications. The earlier the better. Over time, the temperature of the cool part of the contrasting soul is gradually reduced.

Walking at any time of the year can be attributed to hardening methods. Walk must be primarily pleasure. Walk, if possible, more is better - in a park or country zone, a good walk after the rain, because the moisturized air is a means of preventing the lack of oxygen of the mother and the fetus.

Welcome the room. Sleep in a well-ventilated room (about 30 minutes of ventilation to sleep or a fitochka for all night, subject to the lack of draft).

If the flu epidemic has begun, use an oxolane ointment. Apply it with a thin layer around the nostrils on the skin and 2-3 mm inside the nasal mucosa.

Avoid contact with infections during pregnancy. Public places with a large number of people (shops, cinemas, clinics) are not the best place for future mothers during flu epidemics and ORVI. If no visit to crowded seats do not do, do not hesitate to wear a mask.

Treatment of ORVI during pregnancy

At easy cold, you can use domestic products. Be sure to consult a doctor, consult with him about the use of these funds.

It is advisable to limit physical activity during the disease and during the recovery period to avoid additional loads on a weakened organism.

  • At temperatures above 38 ° C, it is possible to wipe the body with cool water (20-25 ° C) or a weak 1.5% vinegar solution. Do not forget about tea with raspberries - the best antipyretic agent, tea with lemon or honey. At night, you can drink a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of cream oil in it. This causes an increased sweating and, thus, reduces the body temperature. A sufficient amount of fluid consumed (up to 1.5-2 liters in the absence of edema) will be filled with high temperatures and then moisture. From drinks give preference to cranberry or lingonberry, risen of rosehip, infusion of sage or melissa.
  • During the disease, all the forces of the body are thrown on the fight against the causative agent. The main role in these processes is played by the liver. In order not to "upload" it, it is aware of the gentle power regimen, there is a smaller meat (better in the form of minced meat), more dairy and vegetable products.
  • When dripped, drip the saline solution (0.9% solution of the table salt) 1 ml into each nostril. Aquamaris, Aqua Lor, etc. can also be used. After 5 minutes it will be easy to unimpose. With a pronounced nasal congestion, you can drip 0.01% nasivin.
  • With pain and tribunge in the throat, rummages are recommended with hammers (chamomiles, hunter, sage), soda and salt mortar (1 teaspoon in a glass of warm water). When coughing, carry out inhalation by pairs of drinking soda, boiled potatoes or herbs champions (St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula). Brew in a small saucepan on 1 liter of water 2-3 tablespoons of therapeutic grass, lean over the ferry, closing a towel so that the papers go directly to your respiratory tract. Alternately breathe mouth and nose for 5-7 minutes. Then rinse the face with cold water, get dura warmer. Procedure spend 1-2 times a day.

After the suffering disease, it is recommended to hand over a general blood test, shared, make an electrocardiogram. From 30 weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to estimate the state of the fetus using the cardiotokography method. After recovery after 7-10 days, it is necessary to repeat blood and urine tests. 2-3 weeks after the suffered infection, it is advisable to pass an ultrasound. Possible complications are distant in nature, in connection with this, the transferred cold is a reason for regular visits to the doctor.

ABSALAMOV Dina, doctor obstetrician-gynecologist,
assistant Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1 Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa

So, in the "cold" time of the year you need to show attention to immunity. Stick up simple rules.

1. Be sure to sleep

Sleeping less than 7 hours per day are illicious almost 3 times more often. It does not work on weekdays - roll in bed on weekends. After the worker, try to rest adequately. But just do not try to adjust the broken sleep with the help of sleeping pills. These tablets are enemies of immunity. He and sleep to help - the faithful day of the day, evening walks, good orthopedic pillow.

2. Do not sit on a discharge diet

In winter, the body makes stocks to protect against cold. If you deprive it necessary fat deposits, it suffers first of all immunity. Degreased diets are especially harmful, since the walls of lymphocytes and macrophages are our protective cells - consist of lipids, that is, fats.

Including from cholesterol, which is so panicly afraid by many supporters of a healthy lifestyle.

Remember: in the winter diet there should be enough protein of both vegetable and animal origin. After all, immunoglobulins that ensure the resistance of the body to diseases are proteins, for the synthesis of which the entire set of essential amino acids is required. If you are going to lose weight, then do it from mid-March.

3. But do not move the calories

Excess fat suppresses immunity. A large amount of proteins overloads the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Excess Sahars - a direct way to obesity, which is even a big enemy of immunity than excessive thinness.

4. Drink away bad emotions

The probability of catching cold and influenza increases many times if you are stressful or you have an depressed mood. And there is still a cold - evidence that a person has overloaded itself over measures, that's all unnecessary through the edge, out of the nose.

Tip: Decate, Relax, arrange a timeout for one or two days.

5. Be active, but know the measure

Specialists are noticed that athletes in the period of high-intensity loads have some immuno-globulins simply disappear - the body gives all his strength to get closer to the record, he is no longer before protection against infections.

From here frequent colds for champions. Many fitness fans are engaged so hard that they also fall into the risk group.

Remember: Heavy exercises in the colder season reduce immunity. Limit the number of approaches to the simulators, in February it is better to go to yoga, pilates, stretching, sports dancing.

But you have sex more often. High libido increases the amount of antibodies in the blood.

6. Orders

Cool souls, contrasting leg downes - for our skin stress, from which the body is protected by spasm and emissions of a large number of antibodies. True, many doctors warn: too cold temperatures (swimming in the drub, irrigating ice water) cannot be abused.

7. Make your hands more often with soap

And if there is no possibility - periodically wipe them with disinfecting napkins. Up to 90% of all cases of infection with all colds occurs through hands: when we exchange hands, open the doors of the cabinets, hold on the handrails in the subway.

A person who does not part with a nasal handkerchief, touching his nose, "dirt" hands with particles of the virus, and then leaves it on the items. The virus can wait for the virus on the door handle or on the handset for several hours.

It was noticed: the one who during the working day 5 times wipes his hands with antibacterial gel, smaller coughs and is less ill with influenza.

Today you will not see anyone with seasonal flu. People are accustomed to sick with flu and ARVIs in certain seasons, for example, in the fall and in winter, when the epidemics speak as a course of course. According to statistics, about 15% of the entire population of the planet is sick with seasonal flu in the cold season, so you should not be afraid of this, to worry strongly, because there are always effective methods of treating the disease. At the same time, you should not relax, since diseases can be avoided if you follow certain rules. Knowing the first signs of illness, its reasons and some other features, you can easily cope with it and avoid serious consequences.

Flu season in Russia begins in autumn or winter

What is meant by the term "seasonal influenza"? If we speak as a whole, then the flu is a disease that causes a virus that infects the respiratory tract, the nose, throat. The disease can touch each person, regardless of its age.

Seasonal influenza is a viral disease characteristic of a certain season, season. For example, in Russia, such a form of no wife is often manifested in autumn and in the first half of winter, in other countries - other seasons, depending on the characteristics of local weather.

It is worth noting that this is not an epidemic flu, which is manifested throughout the country or even a group of states. According to statistical data, in our country every eighth adult and every fourth child suffers from seasonal flu, which can be transmitted in different ways from a person to man.

Do not confuse seasonal flu with epidemic

The reasons

It should be understood that the influenza virus is very contagious. This is especially important in autumn and in winter for the following reasons:

  • At this time of the year, the air is much landed than in warm months, and the virus feels better in such conditions.
  • In winter, human immunity is substantially weakened, because of which the virus quietly penetrates the body.
  • In certain seasons, people are more assembled in closed rooms, where there is a high probability of spreading infection and transmitting it to other people.

In any case, the disease can be avoided if conventional preventive measures. If it could not be avoided, consult your doctor to at least encounter an alend complications.


The flu season is characterized by the following first symptoms:

  1. A sharp increase in body temperature up to 38 or even 39 degrees.
  2. The presence of cough, runny nose and chills.
  3. Apathy, drowsiness.
  4. Conjunctivitis.
  5. Pain in muscles, total fatigue.
  6. Sleep disturbance.

Among the first symptoms of seasonal influenza, apathy, general weakness, body temperature increases

As a rule, pronounced signs are observed during the first 2-3 days, then the case will slowly go to the amendment. At the same time, you should not forget about the right treatment, because the body may not cope with the disease to the end.

Throughout the disease, weakness and indisposition remains that it is characterized by a seasonal flu. If a child suffers from this ailment, he can have vomiting and diarrhea.

In any case, it is worth making effective measures to treat the disease, after contacting the doctor.

Possible complications

Lack of treatment or incorrect approach to this process can cause certain complications of seasonal flu:

  • Pneumonia or bronchitis.
  • Diseases of respiratory organs.
  • Heart and kidney disease.
  • Inflammation of the sinuses of the nose and throat.
  • Stroke.
  • Exacerbation of diabetes.

With such diseases, it is impossible to joke, so the treatment of seasonal flu needs to be approached with all seriousness.

Seasonal flu can cause certain complications, so you need to immediately treat it


How to understand that this is precisely seasonal flu, not an epidemic or any other? First of all, modern diagnosis will need here. Specialists carry out microbiological diagnostics, exploring the mucus released during the cough, as well as strokes from the nasal mucosa.

After the diagnosis is exactly raised, doctors prescribe the most appropriate treatment method.


The main feature of treatment is its complexity. Here, any one drug will not help, since it is necessary to use antiviral, immunomodulating agents, if necessary, antipyretic and others.

Today is used for treatment:

  1. Arbidol, Amiksin, Rimantadin - all these means help to fight viral infection.
  2. Complivit, duit, Supradin - strengthen the immune system and protect the body from harmful bacteria.
  3. Paracetamol, ibuprofen - reduce the body temperature during its sharp increase.
  4. Mukaltin, various cough syrups - are expectorant means that help with dry and wet cough.
  5. Teraflu, Ferwex - preparations for effective struggle with infection.

There are many drugs used to treat seasonal flu

It is worth only to remember that treatment must be coordinated with the attending physician, as some drugs contain substances that cannot be used, for example, with allergies, diabetes and other diseases.

How not to get infected?

The ORVI and flu season is an unpleasant season for many people. At this time, I don't want to do anything, the joy of life disappears, you have to take a vacation at your own expense or miss important school days. That is why people are much more important not to infected with seasonal flu, which is subsequently struggling with its negative impact. How to do it?

  • It is recommended to wear gauze bandages when visiting public places with a large cluster of people.
  • Wash your hands more often.
  • Drink more fluid.
  • Use drugs that strengthen the immune system.
  • Conduct flu vaccination.
  • Try more often to air the room in which you are most of the worker or school day.
  • Moisten the nose mucosa, clean it from viruses and bacteria.

In order to protect against seasonal influenza, you can spend vaccination

All these rules will help not get infected with seasonal flu. If you still could not protect yourself from the disease, rather consult medical attention, and experts will help solve your problem in the shortest possible time. Such a disease should not be a huge interference in your life, because today there are many ways to treat it.