Curtains hourglass mount. Curtains "Hourglass": Feature and Design

In modern design, apartments and houses can increasingly find extraordinary solutions to the decoration of windows. The curtains "Hourglass" appeared on the market relatively recently and managed to conquer their popularity. They received their name due to an unusual form resembling the same hourgles.

How to hang the curtains "Hourglass" on plastic windows, when and where it is convenient to use this type of curtain, from which fabric it is better to sew all this we will tell in our article.

"Hourglass" what they are and where to apply them

As already mentioned above, the curtains of such a plan look like a traditional device for measuring time - hourglass. Curtains "Hourglass" is a cut of a fabric having a size according to the window or door to the door. It is fixed in the upper and lower part of the frame, and in the center it is tightened with a beautiful ribbon, which actually forms a wonderful shape.

Curtains "Hourglass" for doors and windows invented our grandmothers, trying to decorate their home in a special way. Later, they moved from interior doors on the doors of glazed kitchen cabinets and balcony windows. They simultaneously perform both protective and decorating function. After all, who will remain indifferent to so cute curtains?

Fabric selection

For different types of rooms, you can choose different tissue density, it will still depend on how much the room needs to protect against the sun and extraneous eyes.

Tight fabrics such as satin, cotton, flax are suitable for "hourglass" for interior doors. So tenants may not worry about the security of their personal space. We advise the same material to use for windows with the sunny side: if you are afraid that the merciless sun ruins your favorite room flowers on the windowsill, then this option is very acceptable for you.

But for such windows and doors in the kitchen or not very illuminated loggia or a veranda, light fabrics can be used, such as a transparent veil, a grid, translucent flax and cotton. It is not necessary to be afraid that the curtains from such a boring tissue will turn out to be unpredentious, because at the center of the center there are beautiful tender folds that give ease and charm not only by the "sand-hour", but also the room where they hang.

As for the choice of color and drawing for such unusual blinds, it all depends on the style of the interior and the color gamma. Floral motifs and light fabrics are often chosen for the kitchen, as well as a floral ornament, a cell and strip always remain relevant, it is only necessary to choose color. For the children's bedrooms remain in priority, gentle pastel tones, the curtains "Hourglass" from a gentle-pink veil, decorated with satin ribbon with beads, look. For boys, there are more models of cotton or flax models and a cage.

Decorations and decor

The main accent on the curtains in the form of an hourglass remains a ribbon forming an image. It can be sewn from the same fabric as the curtains themselves, and maybe from another suitable for color. A bright contrast finish will look at the light fabrics.

Depending on the style of the room, a fixing tape can be decorated in different ways: lace bowls, homemade tissue flowers, beads and rhinestones are always beautiful on veils and natural light tissues. You can buy ready-made decorated curtains hourglass, and you can sew such beautiful curtains themselves, and then your decor will be unique.

Methods of fastening

There are several ways to fasten the curtains hourglass.

How to sew the curtains "Hourglass" do it yourself

Skillful craftswomen prefer to decorate their house with their own hands, and the curtains are not an exception. Sew curtains "Hourglass" do it yourself not to make a lot of work, you just need to be patient and the necessary materials.

How to make measurements

Find out how much the fabric is needed for sewing the curtains very simply: we measure the width and height of the window or door opening, we add 5 cm for the edge processing, at the top and bottom add 10-15 cm to create a rush and rush.

If your cloth stretches badly, then on the pattern on the sides you need to make a small extension, so to form the shape of the hourglass will be easier.

Another point, which is important to consider: if a thick assembly is planned throughout the curtains, then the fabrics will be twice as much longer.

What do you need
  • The cloth.
  • Santimeter or roulette.
  • Scissors, threads, sewing machine.
  • Tape for assembly in the center.
  • Decorating elements.
  • Curtain fastening eaves.

Step-by-step instructions for sewing curtains "Hourglass"

  • Make measurements and paper pattern as needed.
  • On the fabric, take the necessary number of curtains with the side, lower and upper points.
  • Cut parts on the lines of points.
  • Treat the side edges by double odd.
  • Top and bottom are also 5 cm and step up.
  • With the inside at the top and at the bottom of the tissue of the fabric strips that form a scene for the eaves.
  • Prepare decorative tapes for assembling curtains in the center. They can be decorated with decorative flowers, beads, rhinestones, in general, what you will have to do and conceived style.

Curtains Hourglass made with their own hands ready, it remains to fix the cornice and hang them.

To do this, fasten on the frame at first one side of the top cornice of the rods, we put the curtain on it and form a thick assembly, fix the whole cornice. Then we produce the second bar on the bottom of the curtains, we stretch well and screw the cornice to the frame.

Tapes Make your waist on the curtains and admire your artwork.

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curtains Hourglass Pattern

It all depends on human preferences and its style. From a wide option to make the right choice will not be difficult.

Want to be always on the wave of success and positive? Buy yourself how to sew curtains hourglass do it yourself and success is guaranteed. The trendy model will make you a star of any company, and the classic - will emphasize the refined taste. Choosing to do you, most importantly, decide on the model you like. Do not forget, with the help of them, you will always be the center of attention., 2018.

Hourglass from plastic bottles

15-11-2016, 13:26

Make hourglass is not as hard as someone may seem. Moreover, for this you can use the simplest blowing materials, in particular plastic bottles, which will need two in this case. We will not talk about the need for usefulness and generally about the need for hourgings, because it seems to us that in our time they can do except that only a decorative role. Below we told about how to make them with their own hands.

What materials will be needed for business

In order to make the hourglass you need the following:

A pair of empty plastic bottles of 0.33 liters;
a piece of plastic sheet;
Something with what you can sift sand;

How to make hourglass do it yourself

To begin with, cut from both bottles bottom parts. Of course, the size of these parts should be the same. By the way, their height should not be big, there will be enough 3 cm, well, or so.

Then cut the throat parts. And they should be the same. After cutting their threaded parts. To do this, you will need a sharp knife, you can use the saw on metal, and indeed anything, with what you can cope with this task.

Connect the bottom parts with throat pairwise. To do this you need tape. As a result, you must have absolutely sealed vessels.

Using a pre-prepared piece of sheet plastic, make a dispenser, and if more accurately the size of the corresponding throat parts of the vessels. Well, and how you probably have already guessed after you need to do a small hole in this circle. The diameter of this hole should be approximately 3 mm.

At the next stage, do the skeleton of sand. You need to make so that there are no large enclosures in the sand. Of course, it must be absolutely dry.

Ready sand should be covered in the second vessel.

Then you need to move the time for which the sand from the second vessel migrates into the first. Of course, it is not necessary to fix them among themselves. According to the result, make the sand dosage and already after glue the vessels among themselves.

Curtains on the windows "Hourglass": master class

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How to sew curtains hourglass do it yourself

You are tired of constantly late to important meetings. It is easy to fix with one small detail. Check yourself how to sew curtains hourglass with your own hands and all your problems will stay behind. This is not only a practical accessory, but also a stylish decoration for all occasions. They will suit both women and men, most importantly, choose a model for themselves, which will emphasize your individuality.

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Individuality and design: how to sew curtains hourglass do it yourself

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Curtains "Hourglass": smoothness of flowing lines (21 photos)

Buy yourself how to sew curtains hourglass do it yourself and success is guaranteed. The trendy model will make you a star of any company, and the classic - will emphasize the refined taste. Choosing to do you, most importantly, decide on the model you like. Do not forget, with the help of them, you will always be the center of attention., 2018.

Anyone, even the most exquisite and thoughtful interior will look unfinished if the curtains, curtains or curtains will not be harmonized with its shared style. Thanks to the modern assortment of this product, the selection of curtains usually does not cause problems.

Curtains "Hourglass"

However, if the window openings have non-standard sizes, then they need special design for them. For example, the ideal design for windows whose width differs from the standard, the "Hourglass" curtains will become.

The main "highlight" curtains "Hourglass" is a tape that creates the right form. To give the interior of strictness and conciseness, as a rule, ribbons are selected from the same material as the curtains themselves. However, if desired, the scope can be decorated with a bow, a variety of ribbons, cords or decorative fixers. Moreover, if the interior style allows, the fasteners do not necessarily have to coincide with the curtains. For example, the tapes of contrast tones are beautifully looking at the monophonic curtains. The tapes themselves can also be supplemented with various decorations - flowers, braid, pearls, stones, etc.

Despite the fact that the shape of the Curtain "Hourglass" implies only one congestion, many designers love to create a few tugging vertically, due to which the curtains acquire an additional volume.

Also, the "hourglass" curtains can be created using a combination of different matters that are connected to each other or vertically or horizontally.


Next article: Master class. Original Organizer for Chains with Cools and Necklaces
Previous article: Interior decor do it yourself. Reversed memories

Anyone, even the most exquisite and thoughtful interior will look unfinished if the curtains, curtains or curtains will not be harmonized with its shared style. Thanks to the modern assortment of this product, the selection of curtains usually does not cause problems. However, if the window openings have non-standard sizes, then they need special design for them. For example, the ideal design for windows whose width differs from the standard, the "Hourglass" curtains will become.

The name itself perfectly conveys the peculiarity of the appearance of the curtains of such a plan. Curtains "Hourglass" is a piece of matter that is stretched around the perimeter of the window opening is fixed from below and on top, and then dragged in the middle with the help of tapes or other devices. Thus, the curtains very reminds the silhouette of an hourglass. Also, this chart can only be attached from top to the bottom to stay free.

Curtains in this form have a lot of design variations. Most often, light translucent fabrics are used to create them, for example, tulle or organza, which, after tightening, acquire bulk drapery, complementing the interior with ease of lightness and weightlessness. However, depending on the interior style, dense impenetrable fabrics can serve as a material for creating a curtain "Hourglass". Instead of drapery, such curtains can be decorated with ruffles, frills, lace and other decorative elements.

The main "highlight" curtains "Hourglass" is a tape that creates the right form. To give the interior of strictness and conciseness, as a rule, ribbons are selected from the same material as the curtains themselves.

Curtains hourglass. Who has?

However, if desired, the scope can be decorated with a bow, a variety of ribbons, cords or decorative fixers. Moreover, if the interior style allows, the fasteners do not necessarily have to coincide with the curtains. For example, the tapes of contrast tones are beautifully looking at the monophonic curtains. The tapes themselves can also be supplemented with various decorations - flowers, braid, pearls, stones, etc.

Despite the fact that the shape of the Curtain "Hourglass" implies only one congestion, many designers love to create a few tugging vertically, due to which the curtains acquire an additional volume. Also, the "hourglass" curtains can be created using a combination of different matters that are connected to each other or vertically or horizontally.

Very often, these curtains are used as a detail in the composition with tulle, porters or lambrequin. Especially harmonious such design looks in luxurious bedrooms or living rooms, as well as in various solemn rooms.

An attractive feature of such curtains is that, if necessary, for example, decorating a room for a holiday, you can replace tapes in accordance with the general design.

Curtains "Hourglass" are convenient and practical to use. After installing the windows, you will get a room that will immediately be filled with homemade comfort and charm.

In the world of modern design, it is customary to use a variety of techniques that allow you to create unique interior designs. Specialists apply all sorts of decoration options. One of the popular methods for creating the original interior is the use of unusual models of curtains, curtains, a porter. The curtains presented in the form of a cutting of fabric, which is pulled in the middle with a wide ribbon, are called sandwich. This option is curtains, you can decorate windows, doorways, kitchenware doors. These products are appropriate to apply in kitchens, in bedrooms, terraces, winter gardens.

Choose a fabric

For the model of the curtains "Hourglass", it is not customary to use heavy, curtain fabric. The best choice is light, transparent blue, pink, beige, caramel, dairy color. It looks in the kitchen interior, products with floral ornaments and striped. The finished product includes a tape, which is recommended to be supplemented with a tape, a bow, a color ribbon, a contrasting ground canvase. If the curtains of the "Hourglass" model of white, decoration, may be blue, red, saturated green. For fabrics in floral motifs, you can use additional decoration in the form of flowers made of fabric with your own hands.

Remember, for sewing this model of the curtain, it is not recommended to choose dense, dark fabrics. The meaning of the model "Hourglass" lies in the ease reaching with the help of tulle fabrics.

We sew your own hands

Sew the curtains hourglass is not difficult. The main thing is not to be mistaken in the removal of measure from the opening, which is supposed to decorate the product. An important indicator is the distance between the upper points of the opening. It should be measured as accurately as possible, and then the finished curtains will have the necessary tension. And this is possible only with the right pattern of the canvas.

To calculate the width of the tissue, the width of the opening is necessary to multiply by the coefficient of 1.5 or 2. This indicator depends on how lush must be curtains, plus a few centimeters of fabric fabrics. It is convenient to use the material whose width coincides with the desired width of the finished product. In this case, you can not process lateral sections, and leave them in pristine form.

Proper calculation of the length of the web is as follows: to the number indicating the distance between the eaves and the lower point of the window opening, it is necessary to add 20 cm for the processing of the lower and upper cut, as well as on the formation of the middle part of the product. In order for the middle part of the pattern, it turned out beautiful and the fabric did not look stretched, it is necessary to take into account the degree of stretching material. If the cloth stretches well, the length add a smaller number of centimeters, in another case - the maximum reserve. For those materials that are not susceptible to stretching, length is determined experimentally.

The working process

After selecting the fabric, we proceed to the sewing of the product. A pattern is created on which the measurements obtained are placed. Beginner seams, the curtains "Hourglass" pattern, presented in the photo. According to the scheme, marking on the fabric, and the blank is cut.

On the canvas, if necessary, the side sections are checked and are fluttered, overlap. The top and bottom cut of the pattern are processed, so that it turns out to be a row. It is necessary, for fastening the rod, on which the finished products will hang.

Stitched Curtains "Hourglass" with your own hands, you need to fix on the window opening. At the top and bottom of the frame, you need to fix special holders for the finished curtains. The distance between the fasteners should be sufficient and uniform for reliable fixation of the product.

How to mount the curtains "Hourglass"

After installing the mounts, you need to turn the rod into the rods and secure the upper part in the holder. Running uniformly cloth, twist the slot to 360 0 and secure the lower bar in this position. In the central part there should be a narrow part similar to the hourglass. It is very important that after fastening the product, the fabric lay evenly, did not shine. If the cloth does not create uniform folds, the curtain is not correct.

Video presents detailed sewing instructions.

Thus, the curtains are hourglass, are the most common model that is used in the interiors decorated in different styles. This model is not complicated in execution and therefore can be created by any mistress with their own hands at home. To secure the product, no special skills are required. The whole design is simple and simple performed. Boldly use this model to decorate interiors. Despite the external simplicity, such curtains will be originally decorating any room.

In this article you will find the patterns of the curtains, on the form of reminiscent hourglass, and curtains with lambrequins. If you have glass in the door with a conventional light curtain, then when it is closed, it will be clamped between the door and the box. It is possible to solve the problem by fixing the curtains on the cornily and the lower edge. You can make such a corter not only practical, but also original.

We sew the patterns of curtains

To do this, it needs to be collected in the center and tie the ribbon so that the form resembles the hourglass. The best result can be achieved by making the scope of 2-2.5 times wider eternity, and cutting up the upper and lower edge of the curtains on the arc. If you use a lace fabric with jogged edges, select the completeness ratio based on the width of the material. The curtains of such a form are ideal for decorating the patio or French doors. If the door or the window is too wide, it is better to drill the opening with several curtains.


Thin light fabric or grid

Two cornice or rods

Fabric Threads

Ribbon, about 5 cm wide and long sufficient for wrapping
Around the curtains (about 1 meter).

Measurements and calculation of the number of fabric:

1. Fasten the eaves above and below the glass approximately 2.5 cm.

2. Measure the distance between the cornices. This distance we call CD (central length)

3. Make a mark on the glass that will divide it in half horizontally.

4. Decide with the width of the "waist" and make marks on the glass.

7. To calculate how much fabric bands need to fill the opening by width, measure the length of the eaves and multiply it to the fullness coefficient. Exercise the resulting size on the width of the tissue and round down to an integer one.

Curtain manufacture:

Step 1

Cut out the billet from the fabric by adding to the same 20 cm as a residue per feet. . In this point, Ryushy is already taken into account on top and bottom of the curtains of 2.5 cm wide. If you need a few bands of the tissue, cut them with the help of French seam. Place the billet curtains in the center of the glass, so that equal parts remain on both sides. If you need to handle the side edges, twice with 12 mm on each side, scroll and burst the bend. Fold the scope in half the width so that the front side can come into contact.

Step 2.

Squeeze the distance equal to VD minus CD, divided by 2, from the top edge and make a mark on the fold side.

Step 3.

Draw an arc from this point to the upper external angle.

Step 4.

Repeat steps 4 and 5 with the bottom edge. The distance between the marks should turn out to be equal to CD plus 20 cm.

Step 5.

Secure the scope on the eaves, trimming them with threads, and evenly distribute the folds.

Step 6.

Wrap center curtains tape to formed "waist".

Fabric curtains are an easy way to beautifully and not to decorate the door. We offer a detailed description of the storm sewing process on the door with your own hands.

Solify curtains with fastening on the cornice from below and on top, if you desire, you can decorate the interception in the middle so that the "Hourglass" model turned out.

Idea Curtain Hourglass brought to perfection - composite more favorable height, color combination, decorative bow


Even before the Logon's choice, determine the appropriate method of fastening:

  1. On sale you can find special door open-type door cores that are fixed in the groove of the door by pressure from spinning.
  2. Finding such miniature eaves can be quite difficult, so it is worth considering the range in the department in the furniture fittings, and collect such curtains on their own.

You will need:

  • Suitable railing with a diameter in section 0.8-1 cm;
  • appropriate holders;
  • decorative small tips;
  • self-tapping screws and screwdriver for mounting.

    Such a curtain, made by your own hands, will keep the curtains for doors quite tight, but also will cause some damage to the doors, in the form of holes from screws.

  • Fastening on bilateral scotch - it will take the same set of fittings as in the previous version, but the railing holder must have a solid substrate to which the tape can be consolidated.

Sewing curtains for doors

Before working with a cloth - put it in a weak soap solution, dry and join so that the cloth gives shrinkage. Or make a good stock in all directions, if you do not want to spoil the primordial type of fabric.

Tailoring of simple "hourglass" type curtains is carried out with its own hands in the easiest way:

  1. From above and bottom of the canvase will require a bunch for curtains - lay the diameter of Gardina plus 1-2 cm, and if desired - allowance for the formation of rocks around the edge, 2-4 cm. (The thick of the fabric, the less do the allowance).
  2. On the sides launch the allowance for the bending 1-2 cm.
  3. Treat the side edges of the canvas, on top and bottom - lay down, perform two lines.
  4. Sisting interception from the same fabric, or take the finished tape, braid.
  5. Hang curtain on the cornice.

Summarizing, We can say the following: Door curtains perform decorative functions, protect the room from excess light and curious eyes, give it some charm. We recommend to sew a curtain on the door with your own hands - it will be cozy and fresh.