How many pieces of 6 meter in Cuba. Basic and additional calculations of a wooden bar during construction

A tree is one of the most popular types of material in modern construction. In addition to using it as auxiliary materials, to create various frames, crates, etc. wood is widely used and as the main component for building environmentally friendly housing. The most popular is the bar, from which you can build up both small residential buildings and various economic buildings, such as baths.

Calculation of material volume

It is necessary to start any construction with the calculation of the necessary materials and with a bar, which is usually sale is not sophobular, but cubes.

To determine the number of individual bars, it is necessary to know its dimensions in particular side Parties and Length, each individual unit in the route meters. As a rule, a bar with a cross-section of 100, 150 mm is sold long in 4-6 meters. Further, it is enough to know the volume of each individual unit for which the formula is used in which it is necessary to specify the area of \u200b\u200bthe cross section of the bar, for this you multiply the values \u200b\u200bof the parties, for example 0.15x0.15. Must be multiplied not 150 mm, but 0.15, as it will be translated value to obtain the final result in cubic meters.

Multiplying 0.15x0,15 we get 0.0255 m3, it is separation area of \u200b\u200ba separate bar. Next, the area must be multiplied by the length, the values \u200b\u200bof which can vary, depending on the product. For example, we take four meter bar. We multiply 0.0255 x 4 and we get 0.10 m3, which is the volume of one bar. Then the Cube - 1 divide to the resulting value of 0.10 and we obtain rounded to the whole value 10, which is the number of timber in the cube of the material.

It is clear that calculations depend on the cross section of the bar and its lengthTherefore, in general formulas, this is expressed as follows:

  • Cross-sectional area S \u003d AHV, where A and on this side of the cross section of the bar.
  • The volume of a separate bar V \u003d SH (timing length in the route meters).
  • The number of bars in one cubic meter 1 / V, where one is 1 m3.

Three simple formulas from the general education school program will allow calculating the number of individual items that contains the cube of the bar.

Another option to solve the issue, how much in Cuba Bruus 150 to 150, it is possible when using the routine lengths of BRUSEV. For this, it is also required to calculate the volume of the routine meter according to formula 1x0.15x0.15 \u003d 0.025 m3. Same values \u200b\u200bas in the first version. Now it is enough to divide 1 cubic meter to the volume of one row, resulting in 1 / 0.025 \u003d 40.

The value of 40 is the total value of the route in Cuba. Knowing the length of each individual bar, for example, 4 meters are quite general value to divide for the length of each individual bar 40/4 \u003d 10 pieces.

Working formulas:

  • ABOUT plug meter V \u003d 1HAHV, where. A and B is a cross section of the side of the bar.
  • The number of route meters Material in Cuba M \u003d 1 / V.
  • Number of BRUSEV M / on (length of a separate bar).

As you can see both options lead to the same value, choose the solution to solve the issue, how many pieces in Cuba each is entitled himself.

If you need to buy a small number of bars, then they are easier buy public, but building a house from such a material without serious calculations can not do. Experienced builders and consultants in stores themselves are capable of making calculations, and then issue a ready-made result, but it will not be very good to check them to make sure of good faith. It is clear that, calculating how much bar 100x100 in Cuba, is enough to change the values \u200b\u200bof A and B in the formulas.

Additional calculations for construction

In addition, it is necessary to calculate how many pieces in Cuba is very important to calculate and general weight Material, as it is precisely this will affect the final weight of the entire built structure, which in turn affects the foundation tab, its type, as well as dimensions.

Specific gravity

Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that there can be no nominal parameters in this matter, independently calculates the timber 100 or its other size, as the weight, from table values \u200b\u200bmay differ due to the moisture content of wood and its breed.

In addition to the appearance of the tree, the tree indicates the density of the material, which directly affects the final weight. And if the breed and, accordingly, the density is originally known (the manufacturer indicates from which timber is made of a timber, and it is easy to distinguish one wood from another), then the humidity of the tree may vary depending on the surrounding factors..

As a rule, the standard bar 150 150 is made of the following rocks with a density value:

  1. Birch 640 kg per m3.
  2. Linden 545 kg per m3.
  3. Spruce 460 kg per m3.
  4. Oak 650 kg per m3.
  5. Aspen 500 kg per m3.
  6. Beech 650 kg per m3.

In some regions, the timber produces from more valuable wood in particular from cedar 440 kg per m3, firs 390 kg per m3, and larch 680 kg per m3. Houses built from a bar of these tree breeds for a long time exudes the indescribable fragrancewho is not easy to come to a person, but also extremely useful for the health and prevention of respiratory diseases.

Despite the fact that wood density is table values \u200b\u200bthey are quite averaged, as the real density depends on individual natural features (where the tree has grown), as well as on the type of soil mineralization. Given these factors, the scatter of the density for a bar with a cross section of 100,150 mm can be up to 20%.

Calculate the approximate weight of the final structure, knowing the volume of the material and the tree of the tree from which the bar is already quite real, and additional factors can be taken into account, such as elements of the interior and the severity of the tales of snow collected on the roof in winter.

Practice proves that the proportion of high-quality and balanced construction is about twice as the specific weight of the wooden walls, that is, the weight of the walls are enough to double in order to proceed to the calculations of the foundation.

For example, you can take into account the house with an area of \u200b\u200b100 m2. For simplicity of calculations, the length of each of the wall is equal to 10 m. The length of all four walls will be 40 m, and their area, with a height of 1st floor 3 meters, will be 120 meters. Abbreviated calculation looks like this: 10x4x3 \u003d 120.

Using the ram 150 150 mm. The total required volume can be calculated by the formula 120x0.15 \u003d 18 meters of cubic. Working with an oak bar, the density of which is 650 kg on a table per m3, it is enough to simply multiply the total material on its density. As a result, that 18x650 \u003d 11700 kg, or with rounding 12 tons. So, the total approximate the mass of the house will be 12x2 \u003d 24 tons.

Based on these rounded indicators, it is already possible to calculate the foundation of the whole building.

5729 16.09.2019 4 min.

A tree is a very comfortable and popular building material, thanks to which a person can erect his accommodation. During the construction of a wooden house, it is possible to live in an environmentally friendly setting and not worry about their health. Even scientists advise everyone to erect their home from a natural material. In order to understand how many bar is contained in one Cuba, you can use both previously compiled by tables and special formulas.

Cube meter ratio

To determine the task, it is important to make the following calculation:

  1. For example, we take the most common length size - 6 m. Fold in the furnace material so that the cross-section formed a square meter.
  2. As a result of the fact that the dimensions of the presented product 100x100 mm, then a stack of 10 per 10 products will be obtained. After multiplying these numbers, we obtain the value 100.
  3. The length is 6 m, and we consider M3, then it is necessary to take 1/6 of the total number of building material. Thus, 100 should be divided into 6 and obtain an approximate number 16, 6667.
  4. In this case, it is completely optional to round up to the whole value, because in this case there will be a shortage to add. Consequently, if the question is in this way: how many bar 100x100 in Cuba, the answer will be as follows: 16.6.

The video tells how much bar 100x100 in Cuba:

Quantity of 150x150x6000

It is not difficult to make calculation. To calculate the bar pieces, it is necessary to share 1 m3 to share one product. In turn, the volume will be from the multiplication of the length, the width of the height. So, to determine the number of Bursa in one m3, then it is first necessary to determine the volume of unit lumber. Procedure Next:

Since the most common length of length is 6 and 4 m, then consider the calculation of the cubature for the most sought -led dimensions.

Table of various sizes in one Cuba

Table 1 - Number of different sizes in one Cuba

Dimensions, mm. Volume 1 piece m³ Number PC in 1 Cuba
Length 4 meters
100x100 0,04 25
100x150. 0,06 16,67
100x200 0,08 12,5
150x150 0,09 11,11
150x200. 0,12 8,33
200x200. 0,16 6,25
Length 6 meters
100x100 0,06 16,67
100x150. 0,09 11,11
100x200 0,12 8,33
150x150 0,135 7,41
150x200. 0,18 5,56
200x200. 0,24 4,17

If you have the tables presented at hand, then there is no need to constantly make calculations. These tables contain quantities in Cuba for such common lengths, as 4.5, 6 and 7 m. They contain the necessary data rounded to cells. However, for the length of 4 m, such a table can be left independently, because the developed formulas come to the rescue.

Quantity of timber 150x150 in 1 m3

If you are going to use for the construction of your home burs 150x150 m, then you can calculate the number of them in 1 m3, following the following plan:

Brous comparison of 100x100 and 150x150

If you need to determine which volume is occupied by the selected natural material, the volume of one product is necessary to multiply by their total number.

Consider the material 100x100. Its volume will be 0.06 m3. Now you need to multiply the resulting lumber. As a result, you will receive a number that will mean the number of cubes. Similar arithmetic action must be performed for a bar of 150x150 mm.

But, performing the calculation of the presented material, it is necessary to take into account the following recommendations:

As you have already managed to understand, the presented calculations are very simple, and this can be done independently, without attracting specialists. If you know how much bars you need to build your home, wholesale prices, then you can make the process of purchasing building material exactly. After all, the construction process should take place with the calculation of the number of lumber units on the one or another wall, overlapping from or stairs.

A tree is a very popular building material, which is currently produced in various variations. But it is necessary to start the construction of the design only after all calculations were performed. Only in this way, you can perform the correct procurement of the material and do not spend extra money and save on construction. You may be interested in the advantages and minuses of the profiled chamber drying bar. The link listed.

Mathematical formulas and construction. What common? Much, if you decide to build a house by controlling the process or independently. By applying the desired formula, you can calculate, for example, a ram 150 150 how many pieces in Cuba? Or find out the features of the foundation, calculating the load of the structure. Many questions arise before construction. Some will reply in our article.

Do not know what is the cost of the house? Can't decide what foundation is home from a bar? Explain on the example of calculations by material with a section of 150x150, which is popular in the construction of residential buildings, baths or garden houses. What is easier than to come to the seller, tell about your project and buy what advise. But not everywhere the product corresponds to the voiced information. If you know the exact amount of material in one Cuba, take a roulette with you, there will be no extra money, there will be no air, the air will not sell.

Any sawn timber, including profiled or glued, is sold at a price per cube or a tempor meter. You can calculate the cost of one thing, knowing the exact size and volume of the material. Such values \u200b\u200bcan be found in the tables of sawn timber parameters or calculate yourself. Let us give an example: you need to find out how many pieces of 150x150 in one Cuba. The length of the element can be different, but 6 meter logs are more popular. We translate the values \u200b\u200bto meters to make the exact calculation: the volume of one thing \u003d width * depth / height * the length of wood. V \u003d 0.15 * 0.15 * 6 V \u003d 0.135 m3 One element has a volume of 0.135 m3. Consider how many such logs 150x150 in 1m3? A \u003d 1 / V, where A is the amount of material in pieces, V is the volume of one thing. A \u003d 1 / 0.135 \u003d 7.4 pcs.

We obtain that in one meter cubic there should be a bar of 150x150x6000 at least 7.4 pieces. But there are dishonest manufacturers trying to earn more money from one cube. They simply reduce the cross section, giving it in 150x150. You can find a size: 140x140; 135x135. Taking advantage of the calculations presented above, you can easily calculate how deceiving you. We recommend that you always take the roulette and measure each log to buy precisely section 150, and not 140. Usually the price of material that does not correspond to GOST, but as a result of the material by volume may not be enough. Additional searches for lumber, delivery will require more saved funds. We offer to familiarize yourself with the numbers of the main types of section: Table of volume, piece number of timber with different cross section

  • W - width, mm;
  • In - height, mm;

The table will help to navigate in the volume of one thing of the material of any section, the number of pieces of each size in a lumber cube. Thus, knowing the above mentioned values, it is possible to calculate how many bars will need for the construction of an individual house, baths.

Calculate how much timber is needed for a wooden house

If the parameters of the future building are known, for example, you need a house 6 × 6 from a bar of 150 × 150, you can calculate how much material is required in bar quantities, volume. Sequence of calculations for home 6 × 6 without additional internal partitions from the same material: a house in two floors, the ceilings with a height of 2.5 meters. We find out the total volume

the material, folding the length of the cut around the perimeter, multiply to the height of two floors. P \u003d 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 \u003d 24 m.- perimeter of the house; S \u003d 24 * 2 * 2.5 \u003d 120 m2 - House area. A ram with a cross section of 150x150 6 meters long was chosen as a building material. To find out the number of cubes for a bar of 6 × 6, we multiply the resulting area on the thickness of the material: v material for the walls of the house \u003d 120 * 0.15 \u003d 18 cubes - pure size. It is necessary to take into account marriage, docking and other nuances requiring the lumber with a reserve of 10-15%.

We get 20 cubes of the bursa 150x150 for fire 6x6. We did not take into account the opening of windows, doors, frontones. They compensate each other on the cost of material. We translate the resulting volume of lumber into a piece number of timber 150. Knowing the volume of one board, we divide the total volume on the volume of one thing: 20 / 0,135 \u003d 148,14 pieces of a bar 150 to 150 for the walls of the house 6x6.

What a foundation is needed home from a bar with a cross section of 150x150?

Thinking about the number of wood, volume, it would not be superfluous to know the weight of the sawn timber to calculate the foundation. Under the house from the bar you can pour different foundations. Depends on the soil, the load of the house during operation. It is easier to calculate the weight that will put pressure on the base, pour the desired foundation. Perhaps it will be a pile design. We calculate how much the same house is 6x6 of pine. Any wood is weight (density), depending on:

  • wood growing sites;
  • types of wood;
  • storage and processing conditions.

It can be dry or wet. There is a medium specific weight calculated for each type of wood. Pine density is 530 kg / m3. Multiply the indicator on the common cube, we learn how much weighs the log house. The weight of the house with the roof, overlaps, furniture, partitions, the tenants will be twice as much as the log house weighs from the profiled or glued material. Calculate: 20 * 530 \u003d 10600 kg - the weight of a wooden log cabin. 10600 * 2 \u003d 21200 kg - the approximate weight of the entire design that has pressure on the foundation. Having calculated how much a house weighs, you decide what to choose a foundation for future buildings. All calculations are conditional, have medium values, because different lumber has different pressure.

The profiled is natural humidity or dry, which has the difference in the shrinkage at home and its weight. For glued timber, their indicators. Therefore, we took the average numbers to calculate. Taking advantage of our formulas, calculate how much your design will weigh. If the same material with a section of 150 will be taken as the basis of 150. Some builders are wondering how much a bursa cube 150 * 150. Its weight depends on the type of wood, type of material. Table: How much weighs the bursa cube 150 * 150

* The table contains averages. They vary from:

  • storage conditions
  • the quality of drying wood,
  • environmental influences.

Having considered important points in the calculation of the cube of the required material for the construction of the house from the bar, it remained to find out how much it costs?

How much is the ram 150x150 in different regions?

The cost of sawn timber depends on many factors. Today, in the field of view, the timber with a cross section of 150 to 150. This size is in demand, because it meets the requirements of clients in the construction rate of the construction, low thermal conductivity, the constant availability of customers. The cost depends on:

  • type of timber - profiled or glued;
  • from humidity - natural or dry;
  • wood harvesting places;
  • remoteness from the construction site (freight service);
  • fame, reliability of the manufacturer;
  • direct sale or through intermediaries.

We give the table of prices for a ram from a pine:

LocalityCost of one Cuba Bruus 150x150x4000 / 150x150x6000, rubles
natural humiditydry
Moscowfrom 10,000from 12,000from 22,000
St. Petersburgfrom 10 100.from 12 200.from 22 300.
Novosibirskfrom 10 200.from 12 500from 22 700.
Krasnoyarskfrom 10,000from 12 300.from 22 500
Tyumen.from 9800.from 12 200.from 22 500
Ufafrom 9 800.from 12 300.from 22 500
Permianfrom 9 500from 12,000from 22,000

The cost of the profiled timber per cube does not depend on the length of the material. If buying wood 150x150x4000 and 150x150x6000 ply, the price will be different. For example, in Novosibirsk, one piece of the profiled bar of 150x150x4000 natural humidity costs from 920 rubles, and the same timing of 6000 m long costs from 1380 rubles. It is more profitable to buy a lumber from a large supplier in bulk. Then the price may be lower specified in the table. Knowing the fineness of the choice and purchase of timber, you can accurately answer the question of the timber 150 150 how many pieces in Cuba, what is its cost, how much will need for the construction of low-rise construction. Make purchases correctly, get benefits and pleasure.

On this page you can count the number of boards in one cubic meter. The table of standard sections of sawn timber and a table of the number of boards (timber) in 1 cube for a length of 6 meters are also shown.

Calculator calculating the number of boards (timing) in one cubic meter in cross section and length

Answer: In one Cuba 0 pcs

Calculator knows the number of boards (timber) - how many cubes?

Answer: such boards (timber) is 0 m3 cost 0 rub

Table of standard sizes of cross sections of boards and timber.

The cross sections of the boards and timber have standard dimensions that correspond to GOST 24454-80 "Sailing breed lumber. Sizes"
Thickness, mm. Width, mm.
16 75 100 125 150 - - - - -
19 75 100 125 150 175 - - - -
22 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 - -
25 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
32 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
40 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
44 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
60 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
75 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
100 - 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
125 - - 125 150 175 200 225 250 -
150 - - - 150 175 200 225 250 -
175 - - - - 175 200 225 250 -
200 - - - - - 200 225 250 -
250 - - - - - - - 250 -

Table How many 6 meter boards in one Cuba

For the standard length of 6 meters, the following table is counted. Lumber of small sections available in retail of course less than 6 meters. It is usually 3 m or 2.5 m. To calculate the number of any non-standard sizes, use the calculator at the top of the page.
No. p / p Section size, mm Length, mm. Quantity in 1 Cuba, pcs The area that can be sewed using 1 cubic meters, m2
1 16x75 6000 138,89 62,50 2 16x100 6000 104,17 62,50 3 16x125 6000 83,33 62,50 4 16x150 6000 69,44 62,50 5 19x75 6000 116,96 52,63 6 19x100 6000 87,72 52,63 7 19x125 6000 70,18 52,63 8 19x150 6000 58,48 52,63 9 19x175 6000 50,13 52,63 10 22x75 6000 101,01 45,45 11 22x100 6000 75,76 45,45 12 22x125 6000 60,61 45,45 13 22x150 6000 50,51 45,45 14 22x175 6000 43,29 45,45 15 22x200 6000 37,88 45,45 16 22x225 6000 33,67 45,45 17 25x75 6000 88,89 40,00 18 25x100 6000 66,67 40,00 19 25x125 6000 53,33 40,00 20 25x150 6000 44,44 40,00 21 25x175 6000 38,10 40,00 22 25x200. 6000 33,33 40,00 23 25x225 6000 29,63 40,00 24 25x250 6000 26,67 40,00 25 25x275 6000 24,24 40,00 26 32x75 6000 69,44 31,25 27 32x100 6000 52,08 31,25 28 32x125 6000 41,67 31,25 29 32x150 6000 34,72 31,25 30 32x175 6000 29,76 31,25 31 32x200 6000 26,04 31,25 32 32x225 6000 23,15 31,25 33 32x250 6000 20,83 31,25 34 32x275 6000 18,94 31,25 35 40x75 6000 55,56 25,00 36 40x100 6000 41,67 25,00 37 40x125 6000 33,33 25,00 38 40x150 6000 27,78 25,00 39 40x175 6000 23,81 25,00 40 40x200 6000 20,83 25,00 41 40x225 6000 18,52 25,00 42 40x250 6000 16,67 25,00 43 40x275 6000 15,15 25,00 44 44x75 6000 50,51 22,73 45 44x100. 6000 37,88 22,73 46 44X125. 6000 30,30 22,73 47 44x150. 6000 25,25 22,73 48 44X175 6000 21,65 22,73 49 44X200. 6000 18,94 22,73 50 44X225 6000 16,84 22,73 51 44x250. 6000 15,15 22,73 52 44x275 6000 13,77 22,73 53 50x75 6000 44,44 20,00 54 50x100 6000 33,33 20,00 55 50x125 6000 26,67 20,00 56 50x150 6000 22,22 20,00 57 50x175 6000 19,05 20,00 58 50x200. 6000 16,67 20,00 59 50x225 6000 14,81 20,00 60 50x250 6000 13,33 20,00 61 50x275 6000 12,12 20,00 62 60x75 6000 37,04 16,67 63 60x100 6000 27,78 16,67 64 60x125 6000 22,22 16,67 65 60x150 6000 18,52 16,67 66 60x175 6000 15,87 16,67 67 60x200. 6000 13,89 16,67 68 60x225 6000 12,35 16,67 69 60x250 6000 11,11 16,67 70 60x275 6000 10,10 16,67 71 75x75 6000 29,63 13,33 72 75x100. 6000 22,22 13,33 73 75x125 6000 17,78 13,33 74 75x150 6000 14,81 13,33 75 75x175 6000 12,70 13,33 76 75x200 6000 11,11 13,33 77 75x225 6000 9,88 13,33 78 75x250 6000 8,89 13,33 79 75x275 6000 8,08 13,33 80 100x100 6000 16,67 10,00 81 100x125 6000 13,33 10,00 82 100x150. 6000 11,11 10,00 83 100x175 6000 9,52 10,00 84 100x200 6000 8,33 10,00 85 100x225 6000 7,41 10,00 86 100x250. 6000 6,67 10,00 87 100x275 6000 6,06 10,00 88 125x125 6000 10,67 8,00 89 125x150 6000 8,89 8,00 90 125x175 6000 7,62 8,00 91 125x200 6000 6,67 8,00 92 125x225 6000 5,93 8,00 93 125x250 6000 5,33 8,00 94 150x150 6000 7,41 6,67 95 150x175 6000 6,35 6,67 96 150x200. 6000 5,56 6,67 97 150x225 6000 4,94 6,67 98 150x250 6000 4,44 6,67 99 175x175 6000 5,44 5,71 100 175x200 6000 4,76 5,71 101 175x225 6000 4,23 5,71 102 175x250 6000 3,81 5,71 103 200x200. 6000 4,17 5,00 104 200x225 6000 3,70 5,00 105 200x250. 6000 3,33 5,00 106 250x250 6000 2,67 4,00

Recently, buildings made from the bar have gained great popularity in the construction of country houses. Such buildings have a lot of advantages, so many people decide to independently begin work. In order for the process to go most successfully, it is necessary to know how much in 1 Cuba bar of 150x150.

You can use a special calculator, which will determine the exact amount of profiled timber. In addition, there is a table in which the number of pieces that will be needed with a length of 6 meters for a cube of sawn timber.

What will we talk about:

What a person needs to know, decided to build a house from a bar

If you decide to independently do the construction of a building from a bar, you must recall the elementary formulas of mathematics from the school program. So, you need the following formulas:

  • Square or S. Everything is extremely simply multiplied by the length of the width;
  • Volume or V. The area obtained earlier must be multiplied to height;
  • The volume of the cross section of the timber is calculated by the formula for which the cross section should be expressed in meters. For example, 150x150 6 meters, it will be 0.15x0.15x6, it turns out 0.135 meters in Cuba;
  • If the length of the bar is 4 meters, then the result with the same section will be 0.09 meters in Cuba.

Also how many ferries 150x150 in Cuba on the table can be easily defined. This table is depending on the size of the board in centimeters.

How many pieces of timber is contained in one Cuba

How many barracks 150x150 Cuba 6 meters? This question is asked almost every person who decided to start construction. Understand us will help simple arithmetic calculations. Above, we counted that the volume of such material will be 0.135 m3. Thus, we need one cubic meter to divide into the resulting volume. So, in one cubic meter of timber than 150x150 6 meters contained 7.4 pieces.

With the size of 4 meters and the same amount, the number of pieces will be 11.11. And if you take the 100x100 bar contains about 25 pieces.

There is also a table that allows you to significantly save time on various calculations. It indicates the volume of 1 piece and quantity in the cubic meter.

Some aspects of settlements that need to remember

In order to calculate how many in Cuba a profiled bar of 150x150, it is necessary to consider:

  1. Calculations must be performed only on working surfaces that have grooves, spikes or various mounting systems
  2. Be sure to follow all the calculations of the seller. Some consultants are specially incorrectly rounded materials to increase their money value:
  3. By producing you calculations correctly, you can protect yourself from buying unnecessary materials, and mean money will save money;

How many in 1 Cuba Bruus 150x150 should know every builder who intends to successfully spend all construction work.

Approximate cost of necessary materials

Below is the approximate cost of a bar of 150x150 6 meters long:

  • Edged for sale from 4500 rubles;
  • Natural humidity cedar often has a price that varies from 9,000 to 17,000 Russian rubles;
  • Larch, natural humidity can cost from 9,500 rubles;
  • The profiled dry bar has a price from 8000;

How many pieces of a bar of 150x150 in Cuba will help you to most accurately decide on the volume and monetary costs for construction.

Is it possible to save

You can always find out if there are materials buying which you can significantly save. For example, some replace an expensive profiled bar on glued or non-stroke. The latter have a lower cost. But you should know that they can significantly decrease after processing.

Before buying, try to clearly and accurately determine the size and area of \u200b\u200bthe future structure. Only when complying with this condition, you will be able to save some money. Also, consider all the openings. Entrance, windows, doors not to acquire an extra number of materials, be sure to measure all of the above parts of any building.

If you have a friend who independently shook the house from the bar, be sure to check all the subtleties and nuances of the process. Maybe he knows some secrets, how to find out how much in Cuba profiled bar 150x150. Look at various photos or video instructions on which the experienced wizard will tell about all aspects of this issue in detail. Regardless of the construction area before buying, pay attention to the quality of the materials purchased, because this condition guarantees you the success of all construction work.