Juice to strengthen the immune system. Vitamin immunity cocktail will reinforce the body's protective forces

It is known that health in life is important. Fruits, strengthening immunity, play a huge role in human life. Without them, vital processes are impossible.

What do you need fruits to strengthen immunity?

So, what fruits increase immunity? Absolutely all fruits are useful for the body, including immunity. In the summer, it is desirable to eat peaches, strawberries, plums and apricots. Autumn - grapes, apples, pears. In winter, it is better to turn on more citrus in its diet, oranges, lemons, grapefruits. They are rich in vitamin C and significantly increase immunity.

Fruits, strengthening immunity, is better to eat off. After all, fruits that are grown in greenhouses are not as helpful. Immunity helps a lot of immunity. But it is not worth buying it in the fall, when he has not yet revealed all its useful qualities, but closer to the New Year holidays, he must be in your home.

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Fruits that strengthen immunity

It is known that fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins that strengthen the immune system, they are simply necessary for a person for normal development and good health.

In the matter, what fruits are strengthening immunity, it is necessary to understand that the most reinforcing the immune system helps fruits containing antioxidants. The strongest antioxidant is Vitamin C. A large number of which is contained in grenades, currants, kiwi and all citrus.

All fruits from red to yellow filled with retinol (vitamin A), without which the existence of the immune system is impossible. Vitamin A takes part in the regulation of protein synthesis, leads to a normal exchange of substances. It has a large amount of vitamin E, sometimes called vitamin "youth", as it contributes to the slowdown of aging, helps to function with sex glands, prevents the formation of blood clots and strengthens the vascular shells.

But for good health and good immunity of these vitamins there will be little. The body does not less well in potassium, gland, phosphorus and magnesium.

A lot of iron is available in apples and berries of red (raspberry, cranberry, red currant). Potassium is more in dried fruits (dry apricots, plums, pears, grapes).

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Fruit in diet

It's no secret that the wrong lifestyle and unbalanced nutrition affect immunity and the body as a whole is only negative. Therefore, food should be rational, and the more there will be vegetables and fruits, the better for health.
Do not forget that breakfast should always be easy. In the morning, it is quite enough to eat 100-200 grams of cottage cheese and having a half orange, and it is best to drink this natural juice. Lunch must be abundant, it is desirable to include meat. From fruits for lunch, you can eat a banana, which in itself is a very saturated product. But dinner should be the same easy as breakfast, there will be a small portion of fruit salad (apples, orange, banana, kiwi).

Every day the body needs fluid. It is worth forgetting about carbonated drinks, they just "beat the fist" on immunity. It is necessary to drink more water, it will give energy and freshness, but always do not want to drink water, so the exit from this situation is fresh juices and frosses that strengthen immunity.

Freshly squeezed juice is very useful for immunity. Juice is preferably made from fruits in which there are many liquids, such as oranges, peaches, strawberry, blueberries. Summer refreshes Fresh from watermelon. Just the best friend of immunity is the "multivitamin" juice, in which a huge amount of vitamins. In addition, it is not only useful, but also very tasty.

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Exotic fruit benefits

Fruits need to improve immunity. Such fruits like banana, kiwi, pineapple, which are found in everyday life, are very often considered exotic. Fans of real exotics buy avocado, coconut, mango, but they are not cheap products. So let's talk about more accessible exotic. And the first is a banana.

Banana contains a huge amount of phosphorus, which is simply necessary for the brain, it significantly reduces the risk of stroke, which is a huge plus. Bananas advise nursing mothers, as the banana fills with milk with useful vitamins, which since childhood gives a child strong immunity. But it is worth noting that there are bananas forbidden to people with diabetes and with increased acidity of gastric juice. Kiwi is a real treasure, he is full of vitamins. The most interesting thing is that most of his vitamins are not destroyed during preservation, so Kiwi from the bank is no less useful. Kiwi is preferably there after illness, it helps the body to recover.

Pineapple is useful for bronchitis, infectious diseases. Very interesting, but Pineapple helps to get out of depression, reduces the risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases. Ananas can act on the body as a laxative, however, with gastritis or ulcerative disease, pineapple is categorically prohibited.
Avocado contains substances that prevent the development of cancer in the oral cavity, it helps with prostatitis and diseases of dairy glands. It is recommended at an elevated cholesterol.

Coconut - excellent diuretic, helps with kidney infections. Coconut milk is simply indispensable in dehydration prophylaxis.

These are not only fruits that strengthen immunity, but also raising the mood.

Russian winter is not only fluffy snow, skating on sledding and magic vacation. Unfortunately, the pathogens of ARVI and ORZ are activated, and this is not just unpleasant, but also dangerous: complications after these diseases "do not give live" to many people, but to avoid illness, remaining in a big city during the epidemics, difficult. New and efficient drugs produce a lot, but viruses are perfectly adapting to them, quickly changing their structure and behavior. Yes, and drink medications constantly - it is a huge harm for the body and a blow to health. Any pharmacy preparations are emergency funds with the disease that has already begun, but not preventive measures. But the best protection against any disease remains nothing but to us Immunity: a strong immune system helps us to survive and remain in shape even in critical situations and under all weather conditions.

Of course, the lifestyle and proper rational nutrition play key roles for our health and in the formation of strong immunity, and one of the most effective methods of protection against seasonal infections recognize the health recovery and the strengthening of immunity with delicious drinks - juices and cocktails. Yes, yes, it is fresh juices and mixtures that are able to increase immunity in winter. This is not only useful, but also a delicious natural medicine. And I really want to talk about it today. I am a nutritionist, so the proper nutrition aimed at a healthy happy life is my profession, my hobby and my life.

Can the juices strengthen immunity?

The juices of fresh, environmentally friendly fruits - fruits, berries and vegetables are really able to increase human immunity, they help the body produce antibodies against viruses and bacteria. But it is necessary to prepare them right, but to use - competently and regularly: about it a little more.

Why are juices strengthen immunity? In the just squeezed juice, vitamins and minerals are found in the most easily disabled form: in this sense, juices are more useful than the whole fruit. Fresh juice is rich in alkaline elements, a vital weakened organism, and helps to bring the acid-and-alkaline balance to the norm: our cells during the control of the disease strongly suffer from the acidification.

Rules for use and contraindications

Juices need to be slowly, small sips, and better - through the straw so as not "painted" teeth and did not damage the enamel: many juices are rich in organic acids. Cooked juice drink immediately: it should not stand for more than 15 minutes. Exception - Beet juice: For 1-2 hours it is put in the refrigerator, filter and diluted with water 1: 1 (this is a mandatory rule).

Vegetable juices are distinguished by a pronounced antitoxic effect, and the juices of fruits and berries improve the metabolism. The juices of therapeutic herbs are a separate topic: some of them are distinguished by a pronounced antibacterial effect and contain many phytohormones.

The use of juices has contraindications

This is diabetes, a stomach ulcer and a 12-rosewoman, receiving some drugs - to consult a specialist.

Some scientists believe that the juices of "all shades of red" for immunity are preferable. But, in any case, juices of all colors are useful: orange, yellow, blue, green and almost transparent.

What juices increase immunity

Pomegranate juice to strengthen immunity

One of the most valuable health and useful to strengthen immunity in winter, yes, in principle, all year round is pomegranate juice. This bright red drink is considered healing in many countries: not only strengthens the immunity, but hemoglobin increases, and the walls of the vessels makes stronger. It is more convenient to get it at home with a manual press. High-quality ripe fruit is cleaned of peel; The grain, purified from partitions and films, are put in a gauze bag (from 2-3 layers); The bag - in the press, closed and rotate the screw until all the juice lies. The resulting turbulent juice is filled with 2-3 layers of gauze, diluted with 1: 1 fresh carrot juice, standing in beet juice or ordinary water, and drink. It is advisable to drink 3 times a day, 15-30 minutes before meals, not less than 50 ml.

How to drink tomato juice in winter

Tomato juice is rich in nutrients and vitamins: so, vitamins C and a group in two glasses as much as you need an adult for a day. It removes toxins, improves the intestinal work and metabolic processes, helps the heart and contributes to the fastest recovery after diseases and stress. Ripe, juicy tomatoes wash and are lowered for 10-15 seconds to boiling water to easily remove the skin. Tomatoes without leather are crushed into a blender into a homogeneous cleaner, overflow the mass into the glass jar, give a little to settle and filter through the gauze. Some of the pulp in the bank is mixed with the leaky juice, and the rest are used for other purposes - for example, for the preparation of sauce. Drink juice 20-30 minutes before meals. It is not necessary to add salt - the utility decreases, but crushed garlic cloves or 1 tsp. Chopped Green Ukropa will add juice and vitamins, and use in the cold winter season.

Apple juice for improving immunity

Apple juice in Russia is the most popular and affordable: the apple is a local fruit, and local products always help others, including they are much more useful to strengthen immunity. The list of beneficial properties of freshly squeezed apple juice is huge; You can drink to 1 l per day if there are no contraindications. At home you can prepare juice even without juicer. From the washed juicy apples, they remove the core, cut them with slices, put in a blender, crushed, lay out into the gauze, wrap, put under the press. You can put in a colander, installed on a large bowl, from above - saucer and a large jar with water. The juice will be highlighted quickly; His immediately merge and drink.

Another simple way: apples are rubbed on a fine grater, and the resulting mass is pressed through the "knocking" gauze.

A few words about other juices

Floors useful for strengthening immunity, many are known. Citrus juices (oranges, lemons, grapefruits and tangerines) are often prescribed for the prevention and treatment of ARS, 1/2 cup twice a day, and "mining" with the help of juicer for citrus. But in combination with drugs, especially synthetic, it is not necessary to consume. An excellent option is considered a mixture of orange and grapefruit juices, and lemon juice should be strongly diluted with water (1: 1 or 1: 2), conventional clean or non-carbonated mineral.

Cranberry juice drink 1/2 cup per day. To the glass, to the top, fasten the water with meat dissolved in it (1-1 / 2 tbsp). Juice can also be obtained from frozen berries, with the help of a blender (combine) and gauze. You can make such a drink: cake fill with sweet water 1: 1, cook on low heat for 6-7 minutes, strain, mix with squeezed juice; Honey can not add.

From the juical herbs juices to strengthen the immunity, it is worth mentioning a dandelion, rich in alkalis, with a pronounced lining and tonic effect. It is obtained from the roots and leaves, from spring to late summer, and drink once a day, 1/2 cup, diluted 1: 1 with fresh carrot juice.

Cocktails for immunity

Excellent immune cocktail: freshly squeezed (through the juicer) carrot juice (200 ml) is mixed with potato and melon juices (100 ml), fresh cream are added or 1 tsp. olive oil. Drink once a day, before breakfast.

Cocktail from juice Frozen berries with ginger and lemon perfectly protects in winter from cold and strengthens immunity. A glass of frozen berries of raspberries is mixed in a blender with 1/2 cup of almond milk, the coolest root of ginger and freshly squeezed lemon juice (2 tsp), the ground seed of flax (1 tsp) and honey (1/2 of Article. .). Whipped to a homogeneous mixture; You can replace a cocktail breakfast or afternoon personnel. Milk is prepared from raw almonds. Nuts are washed, poured clean water overnight. Water merge, pour boiling water nuts to be covered, leave for 15 minutes, jerk again, cleaned from the peel. Put in a blender, add clean water (1 cup, preferably spring), whipped to white. Tighted 2 glasses of water, whipped another 40-50 seconds, filter - the milk is ready.

Carrot juice

In the freshly squeezed carrot juice, a lot of betacarotine, vitamins of the B, C, D, E, Potassium group, calcium, magnesium, silicon, iodine, cobalt. Iodine normalizes the functions of the thyroid gland, and the magnesium displays unnecessary bile and cholesterol from the body.

Beta carotene is very useful for sight. However, so that it is learned and turns into vitamin A, fats are necessary. No wonder children give a terrant carrot with sour cream.

Carrot juice helps with anemia, cardiovascular problems, urolithiasis, polyarthritis, avitaminosis and the general decline of forces increases immunity and normalizes metabolism. However, it is important to remember that one should not abuse carrot juice. Due to the excess beta-carotene, the liver is overloaded, and the skin can purchase a yellowish tint. On the day it is recommended to drink no more than 500 ml of carrot juice in several techniques for treatment, while this dose can not be used for a long time. And for vitamin prophylaxis, half of the glass (100 ml) is sufficient.

Fresh carrot juice cleans and leads to the norm of the intestine, and this contributes to the improvement of the entire gastrointestinal tract, removing the "garbage" from the joints with the simultaneous strengthening of the bone system.

To clean the walls of vessels from cholesterol, carrot juice need to be mixed with the same amount of beet juice.

With inflammation of the liver, chronic hepatitis, gastritis with increased acidity, vomiting, as well as to improve vision and during pregnancy it is recommended to take 1/2 cup of carrot juice per day.

It is very important to remember that when aggravating the ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum, acute inflammatory diseases of the intestines and pancreas, as well as in obesity, carrot juice is contraindicated.

Carrot juice is well combined with other vegetables and fruit juices.

Carrot juice is best prepared from carrot varieties of Carotel, Nantes, Parisian.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

Carrot juice of carrot juice is considered the "king" among vegetable juices. It is perfectly combined with all other juice. Carrot juice is rich in vitamins and microelements. With its regular reception, the digestion is improved, the work of the kidneys, the resistance increases

"Carrot" Carrots cut "straw" and plump it with sugar for a few minutes. Then put on a preheated frying pan and fry. As soon as the carrot is ready, pour whipped eggs on it, mixed with milk. Bake an omelet 5 minutes, and when it will be ready,

Carrot juice is considered the king of vegetable juices, as it is combined with all other juice. Rich carotene, vitamins C, P, B, contains a large amount of iron, cobalt, copper, calcium, potassium. Contributes to the normalization of metabolism, improving blood formation,

Carrot juice Products: Carrots 200 Smenkov, rubbed on a grater, squeeze through gauze and get natural juice. Of 200 g washed and purified, grated carrots are obtained 120-130 g

Carrot juice in the fresh carrot juice is a lot of beta carotene, group vitamins B, C, D, E. potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, iodine, cobalt. Beta-carotene is very useful for vision. However, so that he learned and turned into vitamin A, fats are necessary. No wonder children give a grate

Carrot juice carrot juice is the best organic water and such a combination of biologically active substances in which half-beetled cells and body fabrics especially need. It contains the richest source of vitamin A, which the body is fast

Carrot juice with a distinctive feature of carrot juice is a very large amount of provitamin A - beta-carotene, which has an anti-cancer and anti-infinite effect. It is used as a weak diuretic and anti-shine. It

Carrot juice first most important carrot juice. This juice contains a large number of vitamins B, C, D, E, K, G. Carrot juice improves digestion, appetite and teeth structure. Daily use of 0.5 liters of carrot juice has a large design value for

Carrot juice Carrot is washed, quenching boiling water, grate on a small grater, squeeze juice and take 0.5 cups 2-3 times in time. To make it tastier, you can add milk, cream, berry or fruit juice to it (at the rate of 1 st. L. 0.5 glasses of carrot juice). Odno

Carrot juice in a fresh carrot juice is a lot of betacarotine, vitamins B, C, D, E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, iodine, cobalt. Iodine normalizes the functions of the thyroid gland, and magnesium displays unnecessary bile and cholesterol from the body. Beta-carotene is very useful for

Carrot juice? Method of preparation1. Carrot well wash, clean, dry and cut into slices.2. Ship in the juicer and squeeze juice. Pour juice into glasses and file to the table. Useful information in one reception drink no more than 50 ml of potato juice, and the general

Carrot soup 1 small avocado; 1 small tomato; 2 celery stem; 2 green onions stems; handful of parsley; 1 tbsp. a spoon of grated ginger; 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice; 1 cup of water; 2 cups of carrot juice. All ingredients, except juice, mix in a blender. Before serving

Doctors claim that in the cold season of the year from avitaminosis and human colds can protect not only synthetic drugs, but also useful fruit and vegetable juices. We decided to tell how drinks need to give preference in winter.

There are no fresh-sided juices on the content of trace elements and vitamins of competitors. Someone will say that much easier to buy a multivitamin complex, because this time and money can be saved. This is absolutely wrong statement. In winter, you can cook juices without prejudice to your wallet. In the store you buy healthy vegetables and fruits at the lowest price! It is not about exotic fruits, but about those fruits and vegetables to which our body has long been accustomed to. In addition, doctors say that with the help of juices, it is possible to facilitate the state at various illnesses. Let's figure out which juices will help restore strength and strengthen the immune system.

First, you need to remember that packaged juices and fruits brought from distant warm countries, health benefits will not bring. In the first case, you will use drinks of questionable quality in which natural juice may not even be present, and in the second case, the likelihood that the fruit contains vitamins, negligible. The longer the fruit or vegetable ride to our country, the less useful substances in it remains. The choice is only one - consumption fresh juices.

Apple juice

It does not drink it in its pure form, but be sure to dilute with boiled water. Apples are one of the most useful fruits that strengthen the immune system. However, it is necessary to know that freshly squeezed apple juice can be stored only a few minutes - it will be drunk immediately, otherwise there will be no use from the drink. When choosing apples, consider the area where they rose. For example, in the summer yield collected in our country, there will be much less vitamins than in apples brought from abroad. However, there is a nuance here - buy apples only from those countries where the crop falls on late autumn.

Tomato juice

He is not just one of the lowest, but also one of the most useful. The glass of the juice from tomatoes contains a daily rate of vitamin C and carotene, and there are still phytoncides in it, which strengthen the immune system and suppress fermentation processes. The tomato juice contains organic acids that improve the metabolism, potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, and lycopeg, braking aging processes. Unlike other beverages, after heat treatment, tomato juice retains beneficial properties, and the likope is converted into a form that is quickly absorbed in the body.

Orange juice

It is rather a calorie, but at the same time protects the heart and strengthens immunity. The citrus juice contains vitamin B9, helping the female organism in critical days, vitamin C, opposing infections and struggling with flu viruses. However, it is necessary to be careful with orange juice: it annoys the gastric mucosa and can cause gastritis. On an empty stomach, orange juice do not drink. The optimal time is the second breakfast.


Perfect drink for cleaning the entire body, especially after heavy food. Beetal juice affects lactic acid exchanges, preventing the formation of malignant cells. Beets are useful for those who want to lose weight. The composition of the vegetable there are substances that improve the metabolism and causing a laxative effect on the intestines. However, drinking juice at undiluted form is not recommended - mix it with apple or carrot drinks.

Grape juice

He is rich in glucose, so the grape juice should not be carried away with diabetics and full people. Everything else one hundred milliliters of grape juice will not interfere every day. Such useful substances such as potassium, fructose and anthocian support the work of the cardiovascular system, provide a tide of energy and increase the tone, which is relevant in the winter period.

Pumpkin juice

It is recommended not only for cleaning the body, but also to normalize metabolism. It updates the cells, strengthens the teeth, bones and gums. Pumpkin juice has no contraindications, and nutritionists recommend it for unloading days.

Carrot juice

It is very sweet, so it is better to dilute with beet juice or decoction of rosehip. The carrots contain fat-soluble vitamin A. If it enters the body in normal quantities, it benefits, but during overdose it is possible to develop liver disease. Drink carrot juice no more than once every two days. Be sure to add a spoonful of vegetable oil to it so that vitamins are better absorbed. The carrot juice stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, which, in turn, helps to withstand colds.