Soviet door locks. Types of design door lock

With the erection of housing and the appearance of stratification in the society on the property, there was a need to fix at home on the castles, to protect their private property. It is practically no left on the globe of places where people do not use it. For a long time, the device locking the door frame was modified. Manufacturers sought to make constipation reliable, improving its quality. However, the function of the door lock remained the same - it is locking the doors and preserve the htched things. Door constipation put on interior doors.

The main function of the door lock is locking the doors and protection of the house.

Types of door locks

All locking devices in their composition have:

  • fixing device;
  • special box for constipation made of metal;
  • valve;
  • the key to move the beelel.

From what is the design of the door lock, its purpose depends. The method of fastening blocking mechanisms to the doorway divides them to:

  • curling, they are installed inside;
  • overhead are fixed on the inside of the doors.

It is necessary to remember, door invoices and mortise locks are manufactured for "left" and "right-wing" doors, do not advise when establishing them to turn over. This may contribute to their abnormal functioning.

There are universal door locks in which the transition from the left to the right door is possible, and vice versa. This can be done if you rearrange the latch or latch. This operation is carried out without disassembly of the entire castle.

A curious type of overhead door lock is a lock-beam. He has two grains. They move across the entire width of the door horizontally. This castle arises to protect the door and from the side where the loops are located.

It is harder to install a mortise view of the door locks, hence the high probability is not particularly high-quality installation. The location of the door canvase, where their insertion occurs, is thoroughly weakened. And its closer location to the outer surface makes the door more accessible hacker. We must pay tribute to mortise locks that are less visible and more convenient to use.

Overhead door locks do not have such shortcomings as mortise. Install them elementary, in places of installation they do not lower the fortress. Overhead locks are perfectly functioning on the doors that open inside. This type of door lock perfectly protects against the attempts from the outside, but a hacker located in the room, it is not a hindrance. Overhead locks have a disadvantage - this is a change in the appearance of doors for the worse.

Door locks with multiple downes are manufactured now. They are called multi-surge castles. A reliable shut-off system of that deposits (riglels) of which is distributed across as much as possible the length of the door.

The most famous mechanism of the door lock is mortise constipation. It includes:

  • housing;
  • facial plank detail;
  • drive lever;
  • casov with basic action;
  • casov with a special latch.

Regardless, what is the fastening to the doors, the adaptation of the current closing mechanisms contains two components:

  • the secret, with his help finds the key to the castle;
  • the actuator performs locking.

Varieties of secrets

Mechanical secrets are manufactured in various versions:

  1. In the form of a cylinder. The basis is a special detail - the cylinder. In his middle there are pins - elements that interfere with the hacking of the castle. Such a castle is called English. He is most common.
  2. Code. Opened when the key is introduced as a set of desired numbers.
  3. Suwald. Finding multiple teeth on the key defining the number of Suwald.
  4. Electronic. Created on a drive embedded inside.

Types of executive devices

Cylinder type lock: 1 - cylinder case, 2 - cylinder (core) with code mechanism, 3 - well for key, 4 - code pins (pins), 5 - locking pins (pins), 6 - leash / cam, 7 - Fastening hole, 8 - spring, 9 - key, 10 - separation line between the case and cylinder.

There are several systems that are used as an actuator. It:

  • mechanical when the closure is performed by a metal rod, which is included in a special groove;
  • electromechanical, here there are changes in electrical drive;
  • electromagnetic, shut-off mechanism is a magnet.

The reliability of the locking system of the Suwald door lock depends on the number of plates. Their greater amount contributes to more reliable protection of the room.

The system of this type of lock consists of the following elements:

  • rigel, this is the transverse mechanism of gravity;
  • suwald - metal plate;
  • specially designed key for the key.

This system operates on the principle of classes by all plates of the established positions, only in this case can be done turning the key. Plates are placed under the influence of the keys in well-appointed positions. It permits to rotate the key and the mechanism of the door lock. But if at least one of the plates does not turn out to be in its intended groove, then all the device will not work. That is, the key is the lock code.

Such door locks are quite difficult to open the force of force. Suwald door locks have a long service life and a high degree of reliability. The advantages include their high secrecy and simplicity of design. Under all the rules of assembly and safety standards, such a castle is difficult to hack.

Structure of the cylinder lock system

The cylinder locking mechanism is overhead and mortise. It has a secret device in the middle. Such door locks are manufactured:

  • one-sided, they open the key only on the one hand;
  • bilateral, these locks have two cylinders and on the inside are not open without a key.

In order to close the housing with such a lock, you need to perform certain actions: the key is inserted into the hole that has a limited protrusion. This hole is in the cylinder, the part of which is always spinning, but this will happen in the case when the proper key is inserted. The rest of the device will remain real estate - this is a housing. Executive adaptation are pins. They serve to raise the key. From what their position will depend on, constipation is open or closed.

The door lock will open only with full combination of all coded elements.

Interior door lock design system

In some cases, it is required to close the door between the rooms, and then stop your choice on a special built-in door in the door. It includes:

  • swivel plate;
  • gate;
  • spring;
  • lever for hold;
  • latch;
  • case cover.

People over the years have developed a habit by leaving the house, close it on special door locks. Once they were very simple. Nowadays, the use of computer technology has led to the appearance of invisible locks. They perfectly cope with the task of ensuring the protection of housing from hacking. If the door locks are simple and inexpensive, then it is not possible to drill them and knock them out. The locking design hidden in the door acts solely from the radio frequencies of a special keyfob.

From this we can conclude that the best way out will purchase one high-quality constipation. You can connect different types of door locks in one stop system, it will complicate the work of hackers. It must be remembered that when choosing, you need to scrupulously examine such a design for all sorts of flaps so that it does not fail at the right moment.

I think that no one needs to explain what a door lock is. This is the advantage of door locks as a product category - everything, from the president to a simple cook, know what it is. Door locks accompany a person from birth to death, they are everywhere and everywhere.

The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language determines the door lock as "token to lock the nonsense. Key. The definition for the door lock is definitely capacious and exhaustive in its short. Door lock can really lock "Chegon", and not just "Chegon.", And "what". " Personally, I have two comments about this definition: the first - how reliably locks your door lock "Chegon."; The second is whether the key lock is needed, and how much its presence affects the safety of this "Chegon.".

It seems to me that most people never thought about how the door castle is arranged inside. Few know what the door locks differ from each other, except keys. Door locks - they are in Africa door locks. Although specialists believe that Italian door locks are not at all the fact that door locks, for example, from Turkey.

On the Internet there are entire sites dedicated to door locks, their classifications, protection and methods of hacking. Three days of surfing on thematic sites, you will find out that most door locks opens within five minutes, while you do not need to have special forms and special needs for hacking them - it's enough to have a good crusade. Let's briefly consider the main types of door locks that are gullible and economical fellow citizens give their purchasing preferences.

Mechanical door locks

Door lock Number One Soviet era - the so-called "English" door lock. Key with kranki. You can knock out such a door lock, drill, pick up the key or use the launder. Dispiration process "Chegon", locked by such a door lock quiet, underworner and pleasant for "specialist".

People's disk door lock, it can be easily found in the key - a semi-chill cylinder with numerous marbles hinting for high secrecy. Seeing such a door lock, the "specialist" takes out a sledge hammer, one blow knocks the secret part, after which the door lock opens with a hole.

"Cross" door locks, called so in honor of the key reminiscent of a crusade screwdriver. Such a door lock is a screwdriver, and opens within a minute. Even talking about such door locks indecent.

And finally, the most "advanced" door castle of the post-Soviet era is a Suwald door castle. You can easily learn it on the key - the rustling of the long leg. Believe me, no one will pick the key to the Suwald door lock, comrades will simply spill the door lock shank in the right place, the Suwalds will fall like autumn leaves, and your "Chegon." Leaves you forever.

And now take a bundle of keys from your numerous door locks and compare your keys with our pictures. Similar? How is the twins and brothers? How Lenin and Party? Then, it seems you have problems with your door locks. Unlike hackers, whose problems with your door locks will not be ...

Electronic, code and other fashionable door locks

Scientific and technical progress, thank God, did not bypass his attention and door locks. In the Russian market there are door locks opened by "plastic cards", "tablets" and other "transponders". But are these door locks from old good, all well-known mechanical door locks differ in principle? No no and one more time no. These are the same mechanical door locks, only in the profile. The keys from these door locks can be just as used to fake, steal or lose.

Biometric Door Locks - Smartlocks

And what will the attacker will do if he meets the door lock on his way, in which there is no hole for the key? In such a door lock, you will not insert a wash, you will not pick the key to such a door lock, and it is not clear, in which the door lock you need to drill, because the internal device of such a door lock is unknown.

This door castle has only one key - your finger, and, believe me, the hacker will not cut your finger to open such a door lock. He will simply choose another object - he is well a familiar and familiar door lock last century. These door locks stand on each door, they are good friends hackers and thieves - because 80% of the door locks open with a simple selection of the key ...

  • Two ways to unlock: Scan fingerprint and PIN code.
  • Registration and deleting the user is performed using the keyboard. Operations occupy no more than 10 seconds and do not require any special skills.
  • You can block the door by turning the collapse handle from the inside. At the same time, it is impossible to open the goals outside.
  • For operation requires 5 elements of AA (1.5V)
  • "Energy consumption is very small, one set of nutrition elements is enough for 4000-5000 triggered. For a middle family, this is equivalent to 6-12 months of use.
  • Smartlock signals the need to replace batteries. When replacing them, all prints and settings are saved.
  • A connector is provided for connecting an external power source in case of failure of basic batteries. You can connect the 9B battery to this connector and COSMO will be ready to scan your imprint.
  • After 5 unsuccessful attempts to unlock, a 5-minute timeout is activated for safety.
  • Cosmo combines futuristic design and ease of operation.
  • Material: stainless steel.

As soon as our ancestors realized that the property can be both common and personal, the need to protect his own from someone else, and with it the first ways to lock the dwellings.

The castles were significantly evolved, simple latches and cheeks, preserved before our modernity through long experiments and inventions, turned into high-tech security systems, both mechanical and electronic action. The device of the door lock is largely determined by its main function - locking the doors and protection of the house.

According to the method of fasteners to the entrance door, the locks can be divided into such two types. Cutting mounted in the door canvas. When installing such a lock, the location of the door where the mechanism is crashed - significantly weakens. But, nevertheless, is the most common, competently arranged and, with proper moth, will last for many years.

Overheads with the help of screws and screws are attached from the inside of the inlet door. Elementally installed and do not lower the strength of the door structure.

The structure and composition of the product is caused by the presence of such functional parts as the secret of the lock and the production mechanism.

The design of the lock depends on the secret system that is several types:

  1. Suwald (safe) - several teeth are located on the key, which determine the number of Suwald in the mechanism.
  2. The cylinder - consists of a cylinder with pins, prevent light hacking.
  3. Electronic - works on the principle of the drive embedded in the cut of the castle.
  4. Code - opens by introducing a specific PIN code.

As a production mechanism, the locks are:

  1. Mechanical - a closure occurs with the use of a metal rod (key), which is included in the special groove of the door lock.
  2. Electromagnetic - Magnet performs as a shut-off mechanism.
  3. Electromechanical - the presence of dock with an electrical drive.

Constructive systems of castles

The device of the door lock (scheme), as well as the principle of operation of each product type, is strictly individually. It may be simple with standard locking systems, may have a complex and reasonable design, to increase hacking and fire resistance.

Device diagram and montization method are also not unique for all types. The most common in the use of the Suwald and cylinder locks of the entrance door are, so it should be sorted out how each of them is arranged.

How is the mechanism of the Suwald Castle?

The design of the Suwald Castle has a fairly high level of reliability.

We study the device of the Suwald Castle on the example of the Kale Kilit 257L model.

The picture shows the scheme of the device in a context illustrating all parts of the design:

  • 1 key;
  • 2 - body;
  • 3 - facial frame;
  • 4 - lid;
  • 5 - Cans;
  • 6 - shank grab;
  • 7 - shank rack;
  • 8 - a set of Suwald;
  • 9 - Suwald springs;
  • 10 - armoflastic;
  • 11 - Space washers.

Diagram of the device of the Suwald Castle in the context.

Functional purpose of basic parts

The internal system of the door lock consists of several of the most priority details that determine the impeccable operation of the mechanism.

The shank rack is the main element of door locking systems. It is responsible for protection against manipulation and power methods hacking the front door.

The gap between the shank rack and the code groove device is a fairly important indicator. The protection function directly depends on its value. The studied and installed ideal size is 0.3-0.7 mm. Reducing the value leads to wear, and encourage the key, and exceeding what is worse, to the possibility of light manipulation opening.

The number of Suwald determines the degree of reliability and the required time on hacking. The more Suwald, the more time it will be needed to open the door lock, it does not apply to an increase in complexity. The most applicable and effective amount of Suwald in the device is equal to six.

The device of the input door mechanism is impossible without any no less important elements as:

  • The design of the springs provide the right job, otherwise Suwald will not be able to return to its original position, and if it derses in the interval - the lock stops functioning.
  • Casov consists of three riglels. They must be attached to the bar, which is attached to the shank. In cheap systems, the rigels are fixed directly to the shank, which in the future can lead to breaking or breaking the bolts from the inlet door lock.
  • Armoflastines cover the most vulnerable places in the mechanism that prevent penetration from the outside.
  • Slipment washers create tolerances between the Suwalds for their more smooth stroke. Thanks to accurate gaps, the protruding parts on the key will not be cling to several Suwald immediately, and the operation of the mechanism will occur without interruptions.
  • Facial frame creparates the mechanism inside the door and does not leave the opportunity to force. It is an indispensable element of the castle design.
  • The housing and cover of the product are covered with an anti-corrosion agent. Firmly and rigidly conjugate with each other by means of a large number of screws.

Operating principle

Suwalds are a set of plates having curly cuts. The scheme is simple: under the influence of the key, they are built into well-defined positions, in order to turn the key and hand over the system. But in case of incomprehension, at least one plate in his grooves, the mechanism will not work.

The key plays a certain role of the code, and hack such a power system difficult method. The high degree of reliability and durability is caused by large dimensions of the mechanism.

If you observe all the rules for the assembly of the product, it will be difficult to hack it, even the most experienced hacker.

What is the secret of the cylinder castle?

Despite the fairly simple device of the cylinder lock, it is extremely reliable.

All the basic elements presented in the context have certain functions:

  • The cylinder (larvae) ensures the secrecy of the product, by moving and fixing in the working position of the base of the castle.
  • The lever serves to control the latch when opening and closing the door with the key.
  • Casov-latch and Rigel hold the door in a closed form by entering the shut-off bar.
  • Response Planka - an element with holes for the input of the deposits during locking doors.
  • Facial frame - detail of a mortise lock with a hole for the output of the casov. Serves fastening the castle to the door to the door.
  • The key manages the secrecy mechanism, provides the input and output of the gravy.
  • The housing is the main part of the product, inside of which the entire system of the mechanism is arranged.

The diagram of the device of the cylinder lock in the context.

Operating principle

All the work consists in the "freezing" of the cylinder inside the box with the help of code and locking pins. Code work in combination with the key itself, and the locking pins stop the entire mechanism when the key is not inserted into the well. The key by means of setting its pins on a special division line, leads to unlocking the larvae inside the box and the riglege begin to move.

Cylinder locks are also called "English", and their keys most often flat configuration with cutouts or dents across the edges. Such a mechanism is resistant to hacks with hoes, which you can not say about the power method - drumming or knocking out the larvae.

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Door locks

Thousands of door Apply to the closure of doors in residential, service and other premises. According to GOST 5089-56, suvalde and cylinder were made. By the installation method, divided into mortise (invented) and overhead. The first are inserted into the deaf nests specially wounded from the end side, the second are mounted on the surface of the door without cutting into a tree (from the inside of the locked room). The following options are known in the design of the locking devices: a) with one battlefield; b) with a bolt and roller retainer (roller); c) Fallet with a bolt casing and cropped with a knob with a slash; d) with a combined oblique casing, which causes as a latch to half a turn and as a bolt base with an additional full turn of the key or handle; e) Castles-latches with one casing - semoculating. Demissions in all door locks were made in accordance with the standard for the possibility of installing them in the housing of the mow in one direction or another, depending on which direction the door opens - outside or inside. The direction of the bevel of oblique grazow should not be mixed with the concept of "right" and "left" door locks. So called door locks in the case when they can only be installed so that the deposits are converted to the right or left. This applies mainly to the overhead of the Suwald locks of the door, in which the keyword is in improper use in the turned out. Such door locks were produced in two versions - right and left. Most door locks were universal and were applicable to mounting on any door. The 3-axows of the door were equipped with locking straps with nests for extended deposits and clamps. The main boss can be controlled by the key on both sides of the door or from the inside with a handle, and outside the key. Kosy Casov (latch) opens in some locks only with double-sided faleva handles, in others - from within the handle and the key, and outside only the key that manages simultaneously with the riogele and the latch through a special lever that binds both grains (latch translation lever). Bolshins are moved by one or two complete turns of the key, and the latch, if there is a translation lever, - by half turn.
The cylinder mechanisms, depending on the design of door locks, was made single and dual.
but) Single - For door locks managed by the key only from the outside of the door. Such mechanisms are cut into the door separately and then connected to the locking device of the lock by their leash in the form of a plank, which is inserted into the slot on the bottom lid of the lock. These planks have a series of transverse notes that facilitate the fitting of their length of the door thickness.

1 - mounting lining; 2 - Installation screw; 3 - Leash Plank

Single mechanisms for mortise locks are mounted directly on the lock case, after its insertion, through the jack prepared in the door with the fastening on the bayonet (bayonet) constipation or on a thread with a locking screw, passed through the front of the lock. The threaded construction of the fastening of the cylinder mechanism greatly simplifies the installation adjustment on the door thickness.

b) Dwarf - For mortise door locks, managed by a key on both sides. According to the design, these mechanisms are usually made in one common case of a round or elongated profile with an attachment on the housing of the castle embedded into the tree through the through socket prepared in the door and with fixation described above the locking screw.

1 - the case of the mechanism; 2 - core (cylinder); 3 - leash (for moving the brigal); 4 - Stop screw

Dual cylinder mechanisms are also known, consisting of two separate detachable single mechanisms inserted into the castle body on both sides. The method of fastening these mechanisms eliminates the possibility of dismantling them from the outside. All dual cylinder mechanisms usually have one common leash located perpendicular to the core axis. External and internal cylinder mechanisms that work each independently are blocked with this leash only when the key inserted.

The door locks of the Soviet period of the mid-fifties were manufactured in the following assortment.

Mortise door locks:
a) three-, six-svalid with a bolt and adjustable roller lock (roller) of the Tula sample, two-fledged; b) six-suralual small-sized (80 x 70 mm) with a bolt bolt and an unregulated roller; c) five-sufficient small-sized (81 x 48 mm) with one bilateral casing, bilateral (bilateral) key, multi-sided - at least 150 episodes; d) Fallet four-, six-svalid with a bolt casing and a latch, two-speed; e) the same, with the lever of the latch removal; e) cylinder faleva with a bollar casing and a latch, with a latch removal lever or without a removal lever, two-speed, cylinder mechanism dual; g) cylinder with a bollar casing and a string, a zero removal lever and a fuse, two-fuse, the cylinder mechanism is single, control from the inside - a swivel handle, outside the key of the cylinder mechanism; h) cylinder with one bolt casing, two-stroke, cylinder mechanism dual shaped; and) cylinder robes are small-sized with one bolt casing, single-turn; Rigel - with a spreadsheet, perturbed with a gear, fixed on the core, a cylinder mechanism - bilateral; K) Fallet latches without a locking device used only for fixing in a closed form of intravartic doors. The housings of the door locks were made open (base and lid flat) and the deaf (base or lid box). The hulls of all sublodatic and cylinder mortise locks are collapsible. The main versions of the handles for the door locks of the door: M-shaped - cast from bronze, aluminum alloys or cast iron; steel forged; The same tree reinforced; Plastic, Round buttons, stamped from brass or steel; Round plastic or ceramic with metal sleeves and sockets; The same, oval; Glass grunges with metal reinforcement.

a - general view; B - Scheme: 1 - front plan; 2 - base (bottom cover); 3 - Rigel Casov; 4 - Suwald; 5 - axis of Suwald; 6 - Avenue in Suwalde; 7 - Rigel guide pin; 8 - Screw adjustment of the retainer (rink); 9 - Lock Stand: 10 - Limiter of the retainer of the retainer; 11 - Spring of the retainer; 12 - clamp of the retainer; 13 - pin pin; 14-roller lock; 25 - Spring Suwalda

Completed with two overlays - keywords: A - lock with lid removed; b - locking plank; B is the keyword; G - key (bilateral)

1 - Rigel Casov; 2 - oblique law (latch) with a shank; 3 - leash for removal of the latch with a fell handle; 4 - Fale Node Spring

1 - oblique law (latch) with a shank; 2 - leash for removing the latch with a fell handle with a socket for a square rod; 3 - lever for removal of latches key

1 - dual cylinder mechanism with a shaped (elongated shape) case; 2 - oblique law on guide side

a - view of a mortise lock on the inside of the door; b - the same with the outside of the door; in - the appearance of the castle assembly with the cylinder mechanism; g - control panel with a handle for moving the beegel 1 and a fuse lever 2; d-cylinder mechanism with a key; E - Burning Plank

a - General view of the lock with the built-in bilateral cylinder mechanism
b - diagram of the cylinder mechanism with a bilateral location of the pins and a two-way key: 1 - case; 2 - core; 3 - pin in the core; 4 - pin in the housing; 5 - spring; 6 - plug
b - Rigael pairing scheme with core: 1 - Rieghel Rake; 2 - gear on the core

a - set on the bar; B-set on the foot (socket) with keyword

On the left - the handle of the FALE M-shaped steel, wrought, with a keyword; Right - Pen Fale Mr.-shaped Steel, Reinforced with Tree

Left - Pen Fale Mr. plastic with pressed metal reinforcement; Right - Pen Fale "ball" (Button) Metal, stamped, on a plank

Left - Fale oval handles - plastic or ceramic, reinforced with metal sleeves and rings; Right - Pen Falyss Glass Faceted with Metal Armature on the Plank

The main dimensions of door mortise locks according to GOST 5089 - 56:
a) key distance (distance from the center of the key to the outer plane of the front strip) - 45 and 55 mm;
b) the length of the housing (box) in the depth of the nest in the tree - 70 mm (for locks with a key distance of 45 mm) and 80 mm (for locks with a key distance of 55 mm),
c) the distance between the center of the keyword and the center of the square of the falevo node - 65 mm; d) the size of the square nest of the Fale node - 8 x 8 mm;
e) the length of the square rod of the falevo node - 80 and 100 mm.

Thousands of door overhead:
a) four-sulfur-type "Moscow" with dual round darling, a latch, latch removal lever and a fuse, two-speed; Control on both sides of a round one-breeding key; Highlighting the latch from the inside is also a lever; Made in "Right" and "Lev" options

Suwald two-timer cover with dual round bollar dwellers, latching, latch removal lever and «Moscow» push-button fuse: 1 - housing (box stamped); 2 - Rigal Casov; 3 - latch (slashing); 4 - Latch translation lever; 5 - fuse button; 6 is a turning larva keyword (facial); 7 - keyword with rotary larch (external); 8 - shock box; 9 - Key

b) cylinder with one zag, semi-turn, with a fuse, control from the inside - a handle, outside - the key, the fuse button on the upper surface or automatic in the form of a beveled spring-loaded speaker, which works automatically when closing the door, in the last opening of the latch - by the blade introduced into the gap between the lock and the shock box, was excluded

Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder List with a single cylinder mechanism and fuse; 1 - case (box) cast; 2 - latch (slashing); 3 - Handle of the latch removal; 4 - fuse button; 5 - shock box (casting), 6 - cylinder mechanism with mounting ring; 7 - keys

c) cylinder with dual round, mowed onto the ends with a vertical, with a push-button fuse and a safety chain, one-time, control from the inside - a swivel handle, from the outside - the key with automatic discharge of the chain; used both for ordinary and sliding doors

Cylinder Overhead Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder with dual bolt dwellers, push-button fuse and safety chain with automatic discharge from the key: 1 - body cast from color alloys; 2 - Rigal Cans with vertical movement; 3 - Rigel control handle; 4 - fuse button; 5 - Safety (negotiating) chain; 6 - chain locking socket; 7 - locking corner plate with ears under the branches; 8 - cylinder mechanism (single) assembly

d) sevenvalden with one snap, semi-coordinate, with a push-button fuse; Suwald mechanism is mounted separately in the tubular clip, scanned to the bottom cover of the case; control from the inside - lever or swivel handle, outside - flat oven; The spring-loaded suvalid node under the pressure of the overall key of the corresponding profile includes both engagement with a leash, which at the side of the key takes the latch.

Castle-latch Putting on sevenvalid, semi-turn with push-button fuse: 1 - housing (box) stamped; g - oblique law (latch); 3 - Handle of the latch removal; 4 - fuse button; 5 - Suwald node in a round tubular clip; 6 - face flat key; 7 - shock box; 8 - Mounting pad-keyword

For one-bed doors opening out, the use of overhead locks was not recommended due to the complexity of the cutting of the shut-off box and the lower reliability of the fastening of the housing.
The main dimensions of the locks of door invoices according to GOST 5089-56:
a) key distance - 55 and 60 mm,
b) the length of the case (boxes) is not more than 100 mm,
c) adjusting the cylinder mechanism on the thickness of the door - from 44 to 64 mm.
In addition to the described types of door locks, the following structures are of interest. Small-sized door lock with a single or dual cylinder mechanism; Such locks were often made with a tubular case, which to a minimum simplifies their installation in the door. Door mortise cylinder lock with roller retainer (rink), this design is very practical for intra-ordinary doors and does not require the use of Fale handles. The same, with hook-shaped curvature specifically for sliding doors. The doorway lock with a cylinder mechanism embedded inside the steal handle, with an automatic fuse. Suwald lining castle with massive bolts; Control from the inside - swivel handle, outside - the key.

The locks of door electric remote action were also known, which are conventional latches, equipped with an electromagnet. When you turn on the current by pressing the button, the electromagnet is delayed and opens the door. Such door locks are used mainly for the input doors opened from the top floor.
Finishing door locks: mortise locks - painted, galvanized or oxidized with nickel-plated facial and shut-off strips, less frequently combined. External fittings (keyword, sockets, knobs, etc.) has a protective and decorative coating - nickelting, chromening, color nitriding, color anodizing (for casting from aluminum alloys), coloring or other finish, uniform for all set. Overhead locks - painted, nickel plated, chromed. The most common variant of the color of nitroemals or enamels of hot drying in combination with nickelting or chromium chromium and reinforcement is most common. Cylinder mechanisms are nickel plated, chrome, sometimes without coating (polished). The keys for door locks of all kinds are nickel plated or chrome. Mounting screws - with a protective-elective coating that is harmonizing with the trim.
Requirements for the quality of door locks (GOST 538 - 56): the minimum number of secrets for the castles of three-sulfur - 12, four-cylinder - 18, cylinder - 1000, cylinder robes - 150, for the others - according to that suppliers; free and smooth flow of moving parts and nodes; reliable fixation of the deposits in the prescribed position; durable without slack and distortion fastening of parts; Concentricity of mounting holes with razing and firewall under the head of screws; Tight fit of Suwald and other moving one on other details throughout the conjugation plane; Durable springs in Suwalds, providing mutual parallelism of these springs (one total spring for several suvald was not allowed); The plane of the end of the omitted basement is flush with the surface of the front lock of the lock with a tolerance of ± 0.5 mm, the painting is durable, without spots, wrinkles, bubbles, foreign inclusions, traces of the brush, non-cross-staked places, low-speed, and other defects that violate the product type of product.
To check the quality of door locks, 5% was selected, but not less than 5 pcs. Inspection in appearance is made by the naked eye. The serviceability of the mechanism was checked by locking and unlocking the locks on both sides to the total number of revolutions, and all the keys attached to the castle were tested. The reliability of secrecy was checked by the same key of another series, while the test mechanism should not work. The fixation of the Rigel was tested by pressure on the end of the rendered basement, which did not have to descend (slip) into the housing. The quality of the cylinder locks of the door was checked for compliance with the following requirements: a) free input and key yield in one position defined for this design; b) trouble-free operation of the mechanism when the key is positioned by the working edge, both up and down. Carrying the core in the incompletely inserted key, as well as the key output in any position of the core, except for the initial, was not allowed.
Marking: On the front side of a stamping or casting (on cast cases), a brand of the enterprise was put on the products of the 2nd grade also the stamp "2C". Marking was allowed to the approved trademark of the facial surface. Door locks were completed with mounting screws of the corresponding sizes. Fallet door locks were also completed with two handles, square rod with lock screws or studs, two lining or two separate keywords and two ring outlets. The door locks of a complex design were completed by instructions for the consumer. All metal surfaces of the door locks, except painted, to the packaging were covered with a thin layer of neutral oil. The door locks are cylinder, as well as the Fale all kinds packaged one set in cardboard boxes with a sticker of branded labels. Allowed separate packaging of sets of faleva handles in the boxes. Other door locks could be packaged in a complete paper. Transport packaging of all types of door locks - in dry wooden boxes of 40-50 pieces of one variety, while not more than four locks of one secrecy allowed in one box. Box weight up to 50 kg gross. Mounting screws were allowed to lay in each box with a separate package.
Rational use and care for door locks is primarily in the right installation: a) careful cleaning of landing sockets in a tree of chips and sawdust, which can clog outdoor mechanism; b) sufficient dimensions of the socket under the lock case and the cylinder mechanism for the free landing; c) cluster cluster and shut-off strip (or box) flush with the side of the door, while the secret heads must be completely recessed in their nests; d) the cylinder mechanism is mounted so that the key entered into the groove of the working (toothed) edge up; e) when mounting the cylinder mechanism, the key must be removed; e) a leashed plank with a notch on single cylinder mechanisms after trimming around the door thickness should not clamp the knob of the handle; g) the lubricant of the cylinder mechanisms is not allowed, because even slightly thickened oil slows down the free movement of the pins-Suwald in the core channels and the case of this mechanism; h) Mounting screws fastening cylinder mechanisms in overhead door locks with a door thickness less than 50 mm are too long, in which case they should be shortened. For this purpose, some plants made these screws with a cervix in the lower part of the rod, which makes it easier to remove excess length.

The consumer is confident that acquiring a metal entrance door, it will be reliably protected. But he, as a rule, forgets about the selection of high-quality locks. But it is precisely 85% to protect against the penetration of the thief to the territory of the owner's apartment.

In its stability, locking mechanisms, like the doors themselves, according to GOST 5089-97, are divided into several classes. In the course of testing by dynamic and statistical loads, hacking with the help of the laid, as well as thermal and electrical instruments, the lock resistance class is determined.

From the tests of locks and the design itself determine the classroom-resistance classes, but also the types of locks should be distinguished to understand what applies to. All types of locks differ: by type of installation, by purpose and type of mechanisms. We hope that this will help you make the right choice.

By installation on the door, the locks are divided into:

Hinged locks - this type is most suitable for closing the outer doors: garage gates, utility rooms, sheds. Such locks are easily opened and not used for inlets.

Overhead locks - have a known appearance known for everyone. They are used in the wooden canvases of the door due to the ease of their installation and the ability to preserve the strength of the structure. Outside, locked with the key, and from the inside - with the help of the turntable. A safety chain can be provided.

Cutting locks are a door leaf, in which mortise locks are located, acts not only as the attachment of the shut-off mechanism of this type, but also serves as additional protection for them. Cutting locks are ideal for steel entrance doors, do not violate the appearance and are practically not visible.

In its intended purpose, castles are divided into groups:

Locking - the tongue-retainer on such a type of lock is absent, which plays the role of an additional locking mechanism.

Locking-fixing - the lock design includes not only the locking device, but also locking. The latch fixes the door and removes when the handle is pressed. Her second name is "Fal Latch".

Difference by type of mechanisms:

Suwald locks - to date are the best solution for metal entrance doors in residential buildings. The work of the Suwald Castle is in the interaction of the keyboard of the key with the plates of Suwald in the castle. How many cuts on the key, so much suwald contains a lock. If the slightest mismatch is, the lock will not open. It is not recommended to use locks with less than 6 Suwalds, otherwise the protection will be weak. This type of lock may include protection against rigoring or the "locking locks" function, with which when the key is loss, you can independently recode the lock.

Cylinder locks - work on the principle of setting a combination of small cylinders at a certain height. The incompression of at least one of the heights dissolves all the hopes for the opening of the lock. The secrecy of the cylinder lock directly depends on the number of cylindrical elements and their location. It is possible to combine cylinder locks with suvalid, and at the request of the customer it can be carried out additional protection of the door by armor blinds and armored persons. Whatever the door you have chosen, the choice of the lock must be conscious.

Rush locks are used for garage gates, hangars, sheds, technical gates. By virtue of low protective characteristics, rush locks are not allowed to be installed in the apartment steel entrance doors.

Electronic locks - this name was previously associated with a car, but today they are increasingly used to apply to protect the house. Opened with a set of a specific combination, or using keyfob.

Code locks are castles, as a rule, an old type. More often used for access door. The use of this type of castle for home doors is possible only with the latest versions.