Sovunya from Winnie the Pooh. Very much quote from the cartoon "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all

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All the heroes of the favorite Soviet cartoon about Winnie the Pooh are made perfect - they complement each other and make the plot funny not only for children, but also for adults. One of the characters is the reasonable and humorous Owl. It is this object that we will learn to sculpt from plasticine today and for this we give a detailed photoerok on our pages. Before proceeding with work, repeat the material on the modeling of the usual owl, and then take up for work, focusing on our tips.

Other lessons on Winnie Pooh:

Phased photo lesson:

In this lesson, we recommend that you use brown or gray-green plasticine as the main one. We will also need beige or pink pellets to highlight some parts of the body, pink - for the lady's cap and yellow, orange, black - for small elements. Roll the brown ball - the body of the owl.

Press the ball from all sides to make the item look like on the bulb. At the top to attach another ball - a smaller head.

Put a beige or pink cake on the front of the body.

The same repeat the same with your head. Plus, add two oval pellets of dark color.

At the dark zones attach yellow oval eyes with long black pupils.

Attach the orange beak between the eyes.

At the top over the eyes, attach brown twigs, resembling the form of deer horns - it will be high eyebrows of owls.

From purple plasticine Make a ladies hat with large fields. Attach to the head.

Make wings of brown plasticine. Attach to the craft.

Add legs - bird paws with three fingers.

Cute cartoon - owl from plasticine ready. She always gives her friends a little tips, as it enjoys an authority. You can rightly consider this souvenir by the embodiment of wisdom.

Filin (also Owl) (eng. OWL) - Character by Alan Milna Milna "Winnie Pooh" and "House on the Poohovoye".


Owl - cartoon character about vini fluff

Filin is one of the two inhabitants of the Stacre Forest, who has brains, it tells him the rabbit. In the translation of the Okhod, the owl is a very wise (although it does not compare with Christopher Robin), it is the older resident of the Stacre Forest. Everyone who came to visit her has to listen to stories about her relatives and ancestors.

Owl lived in the magnificent castle "Chestnuts". Yes, it was not a house, but a real lock ... There was a call to the door with the button, and the bell with a cord. The announcement was nailed under the call: I ask you to press ESLI not carim. And under the bell tick another announcement: I ask to Padurge ESLI not paint.

Russian translations make confusion to the question about the character field. In the translation of the goal, as well as in the Soviet cartoon, the owl appears, female character, and in the original and in Disney cartoons OWL - male character, that is, Filin or Owl. In the pirate translations of Disney cartoons, it is also sometimes called the "owl".
In the set of adventures of Winnie the Pooh, a cousin dexter appears at Filina. In addition, in the first translation of this cartoon, the word Owl was used in men's genus.

Winnie Pooh is the character who is familiar to many. For the majority, it is known for the cartoon of the same name since Soviet times. However, in addition to this hero, both in the book and the cartoon can be found at least charismatic characters.

Rabbit from Winnie Pooh is one of them. He is not very fun, rather, on the contrary. However, he is bright and memorable. And many of his phrases from the cartoon still arrived. However, the original version, which is written by Alan Miln, in some moments differs significantly from the usual many stories about Milm Mishke.

Cartoon "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all ..."

The cartoon that will be discussed in 1969. It should be noted that the author of the work is Alan Miln. Winnie the Pooh is not a Russian character at all. However, this bear came to taste to everyone. There were cartoons on him, books adapted for a specific country were written. So happened in the USSR.

Multipliers approached the story with all seriousness, and soon bear carts and his friends became familiar to everyone. Images of heroes were drawn as close as possible to the Russian spirit. Therefore, Winnie came out respect, but kind and affectionate, Piglet - Puggy. However, in our version, Piglet struggles with fear and never leaves Winnie one in trouble. The Bear itself is confident that in order to achieve a lot, you need to work. Therefore, he composes the songs.

Winnie Pooh: Characters

The main characters from Winnie Puha can be attributed:

Differences of the original and lead ange

Boris Nodoka is a dad of that Winnie the fluff, who knows in Russia. The fact is that he undertook to translate the work that Alan Miln wrote. But the writer was so interested that much rewrote a newly, and some moments removed at all. Part of the story began to be understood in the other light, closer to our people.

Therefore, there is nothing surprising that the original work and its translation differ from each other, sometimes essentially. Interesting the fact that many of the original "Winnie Pup" met only thanks to the TV series from Disney. It also became clear that stories differ. In addition to the appearance, the heroes differed in nature.

In the original work of Winnie is a lively bear. However, he has a very small brain. In our version, he has a sawdust in his head. The book constantly presents not only the main character with the name Winnie Pooh. Characters who are secondary are found on the pages of the book regularly.

Also, according to Milna Owl, this is a male character. The only female image in the book is Kenga. Therefore, the heroes first meet her wary. Owl in Milna version only uses smart phrases that do not always understand. In the velocity version, this is an elderly lady to which everyone goes for advice.

Rabbit from Winnie Pooh - Basic features

And now it will detail in detail the image of the most reasonable hero in this cycle of stories. Rabbit from Winnie Pooh - Character Charismatic. It is extremely rational and everything can find a reasonable explanation. According to the book of the nodder, when Winnie is stuck in his house, he adapted his legs under the dryer for a towel. This suggests that the rabbit from the fairy tale "Winnie Pooh" is not such a pessimist. He finds a way out of any situations.

On temperament it is a typical choleric. Rabbit from Winnie Pooh is a moving hero. If you remember the cartoon, you can pay attention to how it corrects the glasses. All his movements of the gusts. He seems to be able to stand in place, all the time moves, is doing something.

Also, the rabbit is a real leader. He strives to always be at the head of any company. He tries to be the main thing, manage people. It also owns a lot of plans, for example, on the tamper of the tigers. Not all of his plans are helpful, but it does not stop it.

Dwelling rabbit

A rabbit house from Winnie Pooh is a separate story. He is really a housing, the lair, which rabbit loves. He does not let anyone in him. It is also due to the fact that the rabbit is also a cautious character.

In the house at the rabbit, everything is relative. There is a kitchen with supplies, and a bedroom. Entrance to Nora, namely the so-called rabbit house, is a hole. Before it is a rug, about which guests must wipe foot. It speaks of the extreme chistrity of the character.

If you remember the cartoon, it will become clear that the rabbit is patient, but it will not be silent. After Winnie ate almost all reserves, the rabbit did not sill, but said the wield phrase "someone eats a lot!". It is also clear that the hero is a good and hospitable owner. In his house there is everything for unexpected visitor.

Rabbit in the original version

If you compare the version of the approach and Milna, you can see a number of differences. The rabbit in the original is clearly misanthrop. He loves peace. Of course, he is always in motion, for example, cares for his garden. But he clearly dislike when his orders change. Therefore, he does not like the tiger most - active and restless.

The rest of the characters rabbit treats exactly. They will not be switched out as a tiger. Unlike Owl, he really knows a lot, and not trying to seem smarter. Probably, so it looks sometimes a familiar hero. However, in fact, the rabbit is kind, though at times capricious.

Starlace Forest and its inhabitants

Milnes settled Christopher Robin, a bear, rabbit, a piggy and other characters in a wonderful forest. Here is the main action of these fairy tales. And the forest itself is a magical place for playing, childhood fantasies and creative flight. Heroes begin to live their own lives. In this wonderful forest, time is freezing. This is masterfully transmitted by Miln, long-lasting early childhood time. No wonder, one of the stories is characteristic of the proposal: "Long ago, it seems, last Friday ..."

Rabbit from Winnie Pooh

If the bearings from the fairy tale is just a symbol of optimism and epicureanism, then the rabbit is the embodiment of practicality and caution. Take at least a well-known episode when Winnie comes to the character to visit, and he responds that "there is no one at all." A rabbit from "Winnie Pooh" also uses the legs of the jammed bear for drying linen, waiting for that will lose weight. By the way, according to this Hero, a fairy tale, he is one of the two inhabitants of the forest, which have brains (in the rest - wool). It is for this reason that, probably, a rabbit from Winnie Puha considers himself a very important person. He loves orderly in everything, very angry when someone does something wrong, not according to the rules, they specified. Garden for him is the most important thing. Kopania in the ground he devotes its main time. In the book "Winnie the Pooh", the character first appears in the chapter when the bear is on the guests.

In 1971, another magnificent work about the floor-owned forest was created on Soymultfilm - "Winnie Pooh goes to visit," according to the classic of the genre. Talented translation and original verses of Boris Nodoka, a brilliant voice acting, the ability to allocate the main thing and have time to say it in a short time cartoon - all this was the key to the success of the tape. Rabbit from Winnie Pooh (Soviet version) is the main character of this film. In the plot of the Pooh with a patch are to visit the rabbit, and the bear cub, having fun, stuck at the exit of the hole. But what to tell - it is necessary to watch it! In general, with a preserved primary plot, this cartoon can be viewed as an independent highly artistic work based on Milna's fairy tales (approximately, as in history with Pinocchio and Pinocchio).

Rabbit from "Winnie Poo" ("Disney" -version)

Disney series of cartoons is more complete and, so to speak, close to the original (at least in the first series). As always, the characters are well drawn and there is Christopher Robin as one of the main characters (which is not in Soviet cartoons). But it is rather an adaption than the original work, although it also largely like children and adults of all ages.

Owl from cartoon about waters knitted

Recall the wonderful cartoon about Vini and his friends. One of these friends was undoubtedly owl. Rather Sava - it was written on a plate of her house.

And there were also type signs: Prashu Padergat and wait for Atveta. Sava

Prashing to knock if neither atvit. Sava

Pooh for some reason thought that Owl was very smart.

I really hope that my Sava will remind you of this cartoon of our childhood. It is connected by the spokes. Good 33cm.

Preparing master class.

More information about knitted toys, I have a blog training

Quote from cartoon: / * Owl came * /

Congratulations to you, IA. I heard you have a birthday today. It's true?

Yes, a real birthday. So many gifts!

So. Dear IA! In this significant day I want to give you free ...

I'm sorry, what?

Sorry, fluff!

Sorry, I just wanted to know, without which?

WHO WHO MAY-BUT! That is a gift.

A, for nothing. Clear.

/ * IA immediately prompts that this lace is not just so * /

Give you free modest, but very useful gift. Here, this lace.

Pooh, come here.

You can hang it on the door ...

It seems that he is. Well, for example, please.

What is what's the matter? I took it off my bell. What is, I do not understand?

BUT! The tail was found! Owl found the tail! / * And the Pooh confirmed his guess * /

My tail?

What's the matter?

Is my real ownership?

Well, of course!

BUT! The tail was found! Owl found a tail!

What is the tail? Tail? What is it? This means I gave ...

/ * Winnie laughs first. Then it came to Owl. Next patch. Well, then even I began to laugh * /

Ha ha ha!

How good!

How good!

What a coincidence!

Found to the ball of the pot!

And the tail is to the birthday.

Both Yia, and Yia, and I am the same opinion!

Narrator: a long time ago, it seems last Friday, lived in one country a bearish, under the name Winnie Pooh. And why under the name? Because over his door was the inscription "Winnie Pooh".

Narrator: He was always not averse to refreshing. In addition, he was a poet.

Winnie the Pooh: If I scrach in the back of the back - not trouble! In my head, my sawdust - yes, yes, yes! But, although there are sawdust, but the screams and the cribs (as well as sculptures, puffers, rims) I cook it quite well, yes!

Winnie Pooh: This is "f." - Not good! ... Why do you need to buzz if you are not a bee? In my opinion so. And why in the light of the bees? To make honey. And why in the light of the honey? So that I eat it. In my opinion so!

Winnie Pooh: Where we go with a patch - a big-big secret, and we will not tell about it about No, and no, and ...

Piglet: And what do you think, and the bees will not notice under the ball ... you!

Winnie the Pooh: I am pretending to be a little black tucca.

Winnie the Pooh: If the bears were bees, they would never have been thinking, never thought so to build a house.

Winnie Pooh: Now I'm just like a real black tucker.

Winnie Pooh: From these bees you can wait.

Winnie the Pooh: Do you know that it comes to the head of these bees.

Winnie Pooh: Well, and to whom I now look like?

Piglet: Bear, who flies on a balloon.

Winnie Pooh: In my opinion, the bees suspect something!

Winnie Pooh: It seems they do not believe that I am a black tucker ...

Piglet: Maybe they think that you want to drag them honey?

Winnie Pooh: I am a tucca-tuchka, and not a bear at all!

Piglet: It seems that the rain is going ...

Winnie the Pooh: You need to do as needed. And how not you need, you do not need to do!

Winnie Pooh: These are wrong bees! And they probably make the wrong honey!

Winnie Pooh: I descend down.

Piglet: And how?

Winnie Pooh: I haven't thought about it yet!

Winnie the Pooh: And if you do not shoot, then I'm frowning!

Winnie Pooh: Ohooh!

Piglet: Didn't I get?

Winnie Pooh: Oo, not that I did not get at all, you just didn't get into the ball!

Winnie the Pooh: Bear loves Honey very much. Why - who will understand? In fact, why honey likes so much?

Winnie Pooh: Is it time to eat to us? In my opinion, it's time!

Winnie Pooh: And do not go to visit us, eat a little.

Winnie Pooh: Where we go with a patch - big, big secret!

Winnie Pooh: Who goes to visit in the morning, he comes wisely! Taram-Param, Tamem Tames. That's it and morning! Param Taram, Tamem Tames, go to visit in the morning!

Piglet: And where are we going?

Winnie Pooh: To you, of course.

Winnie Pooh: Do you have anything?

Piglet: Yes, I have another air ball.

Winnie Pooh: No, perhaps, we will not go to you.

Winnie Pooh: A suitable company is such a company where we can treat something!

Winnie Pooh: Hey, someone at home? I ask: Hey, someone at home?!

Rabbit: And there is no need to yell like that! I and first time I heard everything perfectly.

Winnie Pooh: Listen, rabbit, it's not by chance?

Rabbit: No, not me!

Rabbit: What does I mean? "I" are different.

Winnie Pooh: "I" means I, Winnie Pooh.

Rabbit: Are you sure about that? Hmm! Indeed, Winnie Pooh. Who's that?

Winnie Pooh: This is a patch.

Rabbit: M-MDA, really, Piglet. Well, pass.

Rabbit: By the way, it says here: "Wipe your feet."

Winnie Pooh: You're a ni-gi ... yeah! Not this is a simple thing - to visit.

Winnie the Pooh: When we enter, the main thing is to pretend that we do not want anything.

Narrator: The rabbit was very clever and he himself guessed: it is time to eat a little.

Winnie Pooh: And the other, and without bread.

Winnie Pooh: Nobody leaves right away, not accepted on a visit.

Winnie Pooh: You are not inherited anywhere?

Piglet: No, before Friday, I'm completely free!

Winnie the Pooh: Okay, sit down a little more.

Rabbit: Well, if you don't want anything else ...

Winnie Pooh: Is there anything else?

Narrator: And they sat some more. Then a little more. And then a little more. And a little more ... so far, alas, nothing left

Winnie Pooh: UV ... No, Better Back ... UV ... No, Better Forward ... Oh-Yuh! Save ... Save-Help! Neither forward or back!

Rabbit: What are you stuck?

Winnie the Pooh: No, I'm just resting.

Winnie the Pooh: This is all because someone has too narrow doors.

Rabbit: No! All because someone eats too much!

Winnie Pooh: Oh! And I seem to lose weight. Rather, pull me out of here !!!

Narrator: And what thought the rabbit, no one recognized because he was very raised.

Winnie Pooh and Care Day [edit]

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Winnie the Pooh and Day of Care

Narrator: He was terribly lucky, especially on Friday.

IA: a pathetic sight ... a heartbreaking spectacle ... Nightmare! Well, I thought so. From this side no better ... And why? And for what reason? And which of this follows the conclusion?

IA: Good morning. If it is generally good. What I personally doubt ...

Winnie Pooh: How are you?

IA: not very like, I even think: at all ...

Winnie Pooh: What happened to your tail? His not!

Winnie the Pooh: the tail or is there, or it is not completely, it is impossible to make a mistake.

I understand, the tail would disappear into some other day, this no one would notice, but a thout ...

IA: however, you won't be surprised. This should be expected ... on such a day!

IA: Friday - My birthday!

IA: But I do not complain, do not pay attention.

IA: This is a joke. Ha ha ...

Winnie Pooh: Birthday, and here you have a tail nor gifts.

Winnie Pooh: Tuk-Tuk!

Piglet: This is your home.

Winnie Pooh: Ah, right ... Well then go!

No one can be sad when he has a balloon!

Winnie Pooh: You can whom you want to comfort.

Winnie the Pooh: every thing or there is or not. And honey, - I do not understand what is the secret - if it is, then it is not immediately!

Winnie Pooh: Where is I going to go? Oh yes, birthday.

Winnie Pooh: Here is a pot of empty - it is a simple thing, he will not go anywhere. And therefore the pot is empty, and therefore the pot is empty, and therefore the pot is empty much higher than appreciated!

Winnie the Pooh: the end of your suffering. And disappointment. And immediately comes good weather,

Winnie the Pooh: When you or him, when, well, anyway, someone ... (I just don't, of course) give a pot on my birthday without honey!

Winnie the Pooh: An empty pot, you can keep what you want, it is a very useful thing.

Prashu Padergat and wait for Atveta. Sava.

Prashing to knock if neither atvit. Sava.

Winnie Pooh: Owl, open - the Bear came.

Owl: What news?

Winnie Pooh: Sad and terrible.

Winnie the Pooh: I have a hard-on lame. It is good, but for some reason lame.

Winnie Pooh: I have a sawdust in my head. Long words just upset me.

Winnie Pooh: Where does this lace come from, he reminds me of someone.

Piglet: What is it like that? I could not one to make so much noise. And where, it's interesting to know, my balloon? And where did this rag come from?

Owl: Thistle!

Winnie Pooh: Be Healthy.

Owl: And in general.

Winnie Pooh: Be Healthy!

Owl: You can not, you understand, sneeze, and not know what I sneezed.

Winnie Pooh: Congratulations on Birthday, I wish you happiness in your personal life. Pooh.

IA: Thank you, I was already lucky ...

IA: What color was he when he was a ball?

Piglet: Green ...

IA: What size?

Piglet: Almost with you ...

IA: My favorite size.

IA: This is the others will not fit! And my gets.

It comes out and enters. It comes out!

Owl: I want to give you free ...

Winnie Pooh: Without what?

Owl: without a mes-bottom!

Winnie Pooh: Hooray! The tail was found!

And I, and I, and I am the same opinion!