Funds for daily carcard. Parquet care

Choosing an outdoor coating for their home, modern people often prefer the use of traditional and tested materials, type of parquet or parquet board, while rejecting existing new-fashioned trends. Consider the basic requirements and recommendations on the right parquet Board Care.
Without a doubt, the floor, the floor covering a parquet board, has a drawing of a natural tree and a perfect smooth surface that will attract people's eyes. In addition, parquet flooring is almost the most durable coating during the decoration of residential premises.
However, to maintain the coating of its effection, and so that it has the longest life for the parquet, certain conditions are created for the parquet. In addition, the owners of the room decorated with parquet board should be able to properly care for this coating. Only, it is possible to preserve the initial cloud and the unique coating charm.

Application of parquet board, structure and distinctive quality

Are there any differences between the parquet and the parquet board? Traditional parquet is made of wood. Most often there is a three-layer parquet board. The first, the top layer is wood of the valuable rock, the second layer is needles, and the third is a plywood plate that is capable of not to skip moisture.

Thanks to the top wooden layer of the valuable tree, the parquet board is striking with its beautiful appearance and durability. The thickness of this layer affects not only the cost of the parquet board, but also for its durability.

A lot of qualities have a lot of qualities with the use of modern technologies of the parquet board (the presence of a unique pattern, natural colors), and sometimes even exceeds it. The superiority of the parquet board over the natural tree is the ease of its installation. The laying of the parquet board is spent less time than on the flooring of the parquet.

Parquet board is mounted by simple snapping connecting locks.

The cost of the parquet board is much smaller than the price of parquet, so this finishing material is of great popularity among the Russian consumer. The cost of the parquet board may be less if, producing it, the upper layer is not made from solid wood, but from glued pieces. Such boards are called:

  1. Binary;
  2. Three-band;
  3. Merrate.

Thanks to the variety of colors and textures of the parquet board, a special atmosphere is created in any rooms: residential buildings, offices, apartments. Laying a parquet board, for the manufacture of which used oak, acacia, beech, maple and other exotic trees, is able to emphasize the individuality of the owner, the presence of a unique charm and refined taste.

Outdoor coverage - parquet board, there are the following positive qualities:

  1. Differs in high water resistance.
  2. Perfectly resists rotting.
  3. It is distinguished by the constancy of sizes, that is, minimal deformation, since under the action of moisture and temperatures, the layers are able to restrain each other.
  4. It does not appear cracks and chips.
  5. Just and quickly stacked.
  6. Has high soundproofiness.
  7. Does not require additional surface treatment after laying. Processing is produced on plants manufacturers.
  8. Diversity design.

Conditions necessary for the arrangement of rough floors

To ensure a long service life of the parquet flooring, as well as to prevent problems with it, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions at the draft floor arrangement, which is the basis for the parquet floor.

One of the main functions of the draft floor (multilayer substrate) is the maximum insulation of the floor covering from moisture penetration.

Ensuring noise insulation of premises, because shock and air noises are able to exert a destructive action on a parquet coating.

Ensuring the correct thermal insulation substantially reducing the thermal loss of the room (about 20%).

The base under the flooring of the parquet should have a strictly horizontal position. In addition, it is necessary to ensure its evenness (irregularities in height should not exceed 2 mm).

Laying the parquet board forces to everyone, because it is possible to collect it using a simple snapping of connective locks. The big advantage of this floor cover is the fact that they can be used immediately after laying. It is not necessary to grind, cyclish, or apply protective compositions on it, since all this is performed in the factory conditions.

How to put a parquet board

When laying a parquet board, you must comply with the following conditions:

Experienced builders are recommended after buying a parquet board to leave it for several days in the room where it will fit. During this time, the parquet board will have time to adapt to the temperature and humidity indicators in the room. Thanks to this, the laying of the floor covering will be facilitated. In addition, the duration of its service will increase.

For flooring from a parquet board with optimal temperatures in the room there will be 18 - 24 ° C, and relative humidity - 40-60%. It is desirable that during the operation of the coating in the room these parameters were supported. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure moisture and air conditioning and people, and finishing material.

If the parquet board is placed on "warm floors", it is important to comply with additional parameters:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the surface temperature of the coating, which should not exceed + 24 ° C, and the daily differences should not be more than 5 ° C.
  2. It is necessary to ensure the same temperature over the entire surface of the coating.

To be more accurate, the specialists are not recommended to lay a coating from a parquet board to the "Warm floors" system.

Protective Films Parquet Board and their species

In modern construction practice, protective coatings for flooring from the parquet board are:

  1. Special varnishes for parquet.
  2. Various oil-wax formulations.

Parquet varnish

Parquet varnishes are capable of forming a solid and durable layer on a parquet board. Their base may be water or synthetic solvents.

Lucky, the basis of which are classic synthetic solvents, until they harde, make sharp odors that can cause the suffocation and the development of allergic reactions. For this reason, they are applied to parquet boards at factories when complying with all the necessary regimes (some wear-resistant varnishes need ultraviolet lighting).

Use and applying a varnish for parquet ..

To improve the waterproof coatings from parquet boards after floor laying is completed, applying an additional layer of varnish. But at the same time it is necessary that while the varnish is not drying, there was no one in the room.

Oil-wax formulations for parquet

In order to protect the flooring from the parquet board from external influences, the oil-wax mixtures can be used, which will penetrate the wood, fill the pores, as a result of which it will acquire a unique view. In addition, the compositions are able to emphasize the uniqueness of the wood used.

The oil-wax formulations used to protect the wood were born many centuries ago, but did not lose their relevance. If competently care for floorpads, it is not less than once a year to cover it with these compositions. For this work, you do not need to have special skills, since this is a simple procedure.

Initially, you need to apply a uniform layer of oil, and a mixture of oil with wax is applied to it. These compositions are harmless to people's health, since the components are environmentally friendly. It is recommended to use flaxseed oil or oil from a Chinese tree, and the wax has vegetable or animal origin.

When switching from using an oil-wax protection layer to lacquer, the wax mixture is first removed, for which the coating is polished. Then the primer is applied to the parquet board, and on it - varnish. Otherwise, the varnish will not fix on the surface of the coating.

Proper Operation and Parquet Board Care

It is prohibited on the floor covering, if it is a parquet board, placing pots with flowers, because condensate will be formed there.

Flooring from a parquet board requires a certain care, which is to ensure the protection of the coating from the mechanical impact, which is possible when cleaning and operating:

The parquet board is contraindicated with an abrasive effect of sand-in-shoes, so before entering the room, a protective area is satisfied. At the same time, it is advisable to use mats of two species: hard - removing solid particles with soles, and soft - absorbing liquid dirt (which is most relevant in the autumn-winter period of the year). In this place it is better to remove street shoes.

On the legs of the furniture, it is best to glue felt overlays or other soft fabric. If furniture on the rollers, beds under it transparent plastic mats.

To maintain cleanliness in rooms in which the flooring is a parquet board, it is better to use a conventional vacuum cleaner. Occasionally, it is possible to wipe the floors with a wet soft cloth with hands or mop.

It is forbidden to pour outdoor coating with liquid. For wipping the most contaminated areas, special means are used, which are provided specifically for the protection of decorative floors.

For washing flooring from parquet boards is prohibited to use cleaning and detergents for dishes, solvents and diluents for paints, gasoline or alcohol. On the extreme case, the use of soft detergents is permissible.

Using the oil-wax coating when caring for parquet

Oil-wax formulations for flooring parquet coatings differ from varnishes for parquet in that they are not formed by outer film. They only fill the pores of wood, which protects it from the penetration of moisture and different contaminants.

For recovery, the parquet boards impregnated with oil must be pulled out only a damaged area, and then coolaned it again. This repair is performed during the day.

Wet cleaning of the parquet floor, treated with oil impregnations, is carried out using aqueous soap solutions.

The floor is wiping with damp rag parallel to wood fibers. Such cleaning is made as the coating is contaminated. Dries the floor with a half hour. It is then polished with universal means that have a double function - to protect and clean the parquet.

Flooring from a parquet board, which is performed by increased loads, is updated twice a year. Indoor, where the tenants go home slippers, the coating is updated once a year, maybe less often. At the same time use oil intended for periodic carcase care.

Hygiene floor covering from parquet boards treated with wax is carried out by dry cleaning. Waxes are processed exclusively by means in which solvents or wax are contained. If you use soap solutions that contain alkalis, the color of the coating may change.

With the right choice of the care methodology for parquet coatings, protected oils or wax, they will serve several generations of home owners. But the main advantages of it are the following:

  1. The coating does not need to grind.
  2. Wood dust harmful to human health.
  3. Do not have to be chosen by the caustic smell of varnish.

Caring for such a coating is the use of cleaning compositions that do not require polishing - the floor is only wiping with a cloth.

Implementation of preventive measures

Processing flooring from parquet boards using the composition of oil and wax in the first year after laying you need once every three months. The procedure is performed in the following order:

  1. The floor is clean and must dry carefully for 6-7 hours.
  2. Parquet board with a special brush is impregnated with oil. Excess oils that are not absorbed removed after 5 minutes with dry napkins.
  3. Applying a protective wax layer on a parquet board is performed in a day after its oil treatment.
  4. Performing wet cleaning of flooring from a parquet board, it is necessary to add soluble protective wax to the water.
  5. At the end of the first year of operation of the flooring from the parquet board, its processing is performed if necessary.

It is better to purchase a parquet coating of one manufacturer.

Using a lacquered coating when caring for a parquet board

To eliminate traces of contamination arising from operating on a paved surface board covering, use "Cleanners", which are special cleaning agents. Some of them are concentrates diluted before using water, while others produce ready-to-use, and enclosed in aerosol packaging.

The compositions have chemical neutrality to the compositions of varnish. All major flooring manufacturers have cleaners in the assortment, which can be cleaned with lacquered parquet. In order to preserve and protect the lacquer coating, the use of polyrolles is recommended.

Lactering coatings for parquet board.

If even a parquet lacquer wear-resistant, after some time, microcracks, scuffs and other unpleasant defects will begin to appear on its surface. For a longer service life, experts are recommended for a packed flooring flooring to apply with a certain frequency of a protective coating layer.

This moment requires the serious attention of domestic owners, since their claws are capable of spoiling the top coating layer in a short time. In addition, urea is able to leave stains on the tree and destroy the lacquer layer of parquet boards.

  1. Polyrols with wax content.
  2. Substances that have a composition similar to the strongly diluted lacquer. Before use, they must be diluted with water.

Preventive Parquet Board Processing Events

To remove stains and restore the lossed glitter with an outdoor parquet coating having a lacquered surface, it is recommended to use a special composition called "freshener".

To protect from the destructive impact of moisture, the coating once every two months is polished.

To eliminate the local abrasion of the lacquer layer, you can use the varnish spray. Conducting a complete renewal of the parquet board of the parquet board is best carried out after 12 years of exploitation, however, the timing of these depends on the load rendered to the coating.

You got acquainted with the information on how to properly care for floor coverings from the parquet board, so you have a planned to put it in the premises of your office or residential premises.

Having learned what a parquet board, having learned its structure, features of operation, proper care for her, and subject to the above-described rules, you can be confident: the flooring floor from the parquet board for many years will serve you faith and truth and deliver moral and Aesthetic pleasure.

Natural wooden floor coverings require a slightly more careful care than all other floors. But the observance of non-hard rules for the care of parquet will allow you not only for many years to preserve its initial appearance, but also count on a guarantee from the manufacturer. Remember that in most cases the non-compliance with the recommended rules of care entails the cancellation of warranty obligations.

The main enemies of the parquet board - sand and water. The first risks left on your floor small scratches, speaking a peculiar abrasive substance in combination with shoes and other solid objects. Excess the second can lead to the swelling of the floor covering.

In this regard, the first thing to be done for everyday carcase care is to put a rug at the entrance door, delaying the falling on the floor covering of dirt, sand and rainwater. To get the water to the floor can also through an open window during a strong thunderstorm or leaning through the flower pot on the floor, which is better to put on the plastic stand. Curtains on the windows will help protect the floor from the rain and avoid direct direct sunlight, protecting the floorboard from ultraviolet exposure and color change.

An excess of moisture is bad, but also a disadvantage of it can cause the deformation of the boards, so try to maintain the relative air humidity at the level of 40-60% and air temperature 18-24 ° C during operation of the parquet board. In the Winter Heating Season, use air humidifiers. In the summer during the operation of air conditioners, do not direct air flows to the floor. In the non-residential room, check the room at least twice a week half an hour.

Avoid scratches and dents on a parquet board will help rubber rollers on office furniture, soft vinyl rugs under rotating armchairs, felt or felt pads under the legs of heavy furniture and chairs, which, however, when it is better not to move on parquet, and raise. A parquet board is not intended for walking on her shoes on the hairpins.


  • Too frequent wet cleaning
  • Putting out water or a bucket of a parquet board
  • Use of abrasive drugs, including with metal engines
  • The use of chlorine for surface cleaning
  • Use of concentrated detergents without dilution with water
  • Use for cleaning for parquet washing vacuum cleaners
  • Powders, acids, solvents, ammonia and other active substances

For regular (daily), parquet board care is required only to wipe it in a timely manner from dust and flowing mud. To this end, you can use a pancake, a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle for a parquet, a brush or mop with a soft pile.

Most manufacturers are recommended for dry cleaning of microfiber cloths or soft cotton fabrics, and only the Austrian manufacturer of Scheucher® parquet boards warns from care to care for a parquet of coarse microfiber tissues, giving preference x / b mop.

Dry cleaning assumes a neat cleaner of the grooves on a parquet board with a chamfer and sweeping dust by a hair brush in a scoop.

For intensive care for the parquet board, it is necessary to not only sweep it, but sometimes wipe off with a wet, well pressed rag. This will make it possible to delete prolonged pollution and fresh spots from the floor. You can use a mop with a soft microfiber web, but only with the possibility of its spin.

Detergents should be specifically designed for a particular surface of the parquet board: for lacquered, brash and washed boards, they may vary. Read the instructions for the packaging. Some detergents are designed for daily care. After breeding in water, they not only carefully clean the parquet from dirt and dust, but also form a thin dirt-repellent film on the surface.

Remember that in the process of cleaning the tissue on the jam should only be slightly moistened. Wipe the floor follows zigzag movements along the boards. The permissible amount of moisture on the floorboard on the recommendation of the Wood Bee® manufacturer: 2-3 minutes after a wet cleaning, the floor must dry completely. In order to avoid the appearance of divorces from water after a wet cleaning, it is necessary to walk on the parquet of dry cloth.

Blood stains should immediately remove moistened in cold water and well pressed x / b napkin. A slightly moistened rag is used to eliminate stains from food and drinks.

Resin, ink, glue, cosmetics, soot, wells for shoes are removed from parquet plates with mineral water or White spirit. Its, benzene or substitutes can be used to remove crayons, markers, pencils, tar, rubber, oily spots. To remove lipstick and carcasses, use alcohol in combination with water in a 1 to 1 ratio.

Stearin, candle wax and chewing are carefully scribified with a parquet board with a plastic spatula after their hardening or freezing with ice or aerosol.

Oil coated parquet board requires additional drying protection. A special tool will help restore the natural beauty of the tree and save the floor covering from the loss of the initial appearance.

If you make a wet cleaning once a week, then the protective agent should be applied once a month, if less often, then every 2 months. For intensive care and recovery of the oil covering of the parquet board, a special transparent or white oil is intended.

Regular overnewing of the oil covering of the parquet board will save its brightness of its color, will prevent the drying of the tree and protect against the negative effects of UV rays.

In general, manufacturers recommend regular cleaning of a floorboard coated with natural oil using special cleaning products every 1-3 days in schools and other rooms with intensive load on the floor, every 3-5 days in offices and corridors with an average operation and approximately times a week in residential premises.

More intensive cleaning is required every quarter / six months / year, depending on the intensity of operation. Deep cleaning of spots with a natural oil coating parquet board is recommended as needed.

Caring for Parquet Covered UV Coated

Regular wet care for an oil-covered flooring board with ultraviolet curing is recommended depending on the intensity of operation. So, everyday cleaning in schools, shops and restaurants requires almost every day, in offices - 1-2 times per week, in apartments - 1 time per week.

Intensive care, removal of oily spots, traces of cigarettes, layer of dirt and detergents are required in schools every six months, in offices - once a year, and at home - once every 1.5 years. Cover periodically gender oil for care and protection is needed once in 1/1.5 / 2 years, depending on the loads in the room.

A parquet board of beech and maple is particularly sensitive to moisture, so immediately after laying the Austrian manufacturer Scheucher® recommends processing its edges and the shoulder joints applied to the C / B fabric, a napkin or a skin at the rate of 250 ml per 40-50 kV. m Square floor. You can polish the surface with soft wool, after which the floor should dry ½ day. Wet cleaning up to 10 days after processing should be excluded. The rest recommended the usual dry or wet cleaning of well pressed mrop. Also, the manufacturer allows the use of disk harvesting machine.

Oak, ash, as well as some exotic tree breeds have large pores, and therefore can collect dirt on their surface, especially on spear floors as a result of high loads during operation, as a result of which they may need intensive care and cleaning of the dirt. To do this, you can use a one-piece solid machine.

The special concentrate is bred with water in proportion 1 to 10. The residues of moisture should be removed with a vacuum cleaner with the possibility of suction. Next, it is necessary to re-wash the floor clean and dry. After that, a parquet board can be polished if necessary, put it off, wipe with a damp cloth, apply oil / wax, polish, re-wrap, dry the day and not wash the day. It should, however, remember that it is possible to grind it only when laying a parquet board for glue.

If you need to update the colored oil coating on the glued parquet board, follow the instructions. First, pass the surface in the direction of fibers, remove the stains and damage. Use abrasive with grain 120, gradually moving to a thinner size of 150-180. Reduce the appearance of scratches will help colorless oil during grinding. Remove sanding dust from the surface of the board, degrease and let dry.

Color oil should be diluted with solvent (up to 30%) or colorless oil. Perform the priming of porous wood with colorless oil. Apply non-ferrous oil (10-15 g / sq. M) on a parquet board with a sprayer or mohair roller, carefully wrap in the surface using a red or green grinding circle. Dry day.

Next, the surface purification should be cleaned, mild grinding is possible with thin grain 220. A colorless oil can be applied to the protective layer, the excess of which is removed by grinding to avoid the formation of an inesttic film. Within 10 days, moisture from entering the floor should be avoided.

The lacquered parquet board can be cleaned specially designed for this spray or concentrate diluted with water (usually at the rate of 50-100 ml per 5-10 liters of water). In the first case, the spray is sprayed directly to the floor or a rag on the swing. In the second case, the desired amount of concentrate is added to the water bucket.

There are funds both for everyday moist care of a parquet case with a varnish coating and for periodic use in case of more serious contaminants. In rare cases, the use of an undeveloped concentrated detergent for a lacquered parquet board in order to remove persistent and complex spots.

To protect the lacquer coating and for masking small scratches, specially designed for this car care board are used. For example, the BarLinek® manufacturer is the Glitter Protector. It is applied directly to the coating, but not intended to polish it and for the brushed floors.

Otherwise, with wet care, the lacquered parquet board should be observed the basic rules: use a well-pressed soft cloth, to carry out with light movements along the fibers of wood, with strong contaminants, use special detergents and wipe the floor with a clean moistened cloth, after which it is not possible to wipe it dry, not Tearing traces and divorces. Polishing coating is not required. It is possible to exploit the floor after 30-120 minutes after applying care products.

Despite the precautionary measures taken, during the operation of the parquet board, it may occur its minor damage and scratches. For repair and restoration of the coating, different manufacturers have developed various care products for damaged parquet board.

So, the PAR-KY® manufacturer is special markers of different colors, allowing to remove minor scratches and damage from the surface of the board and prevent its contamination in damaged places.

The Quick-Step® manufacturer has wax pencils in a set with a brush and a spatula that will help restore the color of the damaged coating. Wax for repairing a parquet board in a set with a spatula and a melting knife is also at PAR-KY® for deeper dents and damage, including with the destruction of the lacquer layer.

Finally, the floor design of the floorboard allows you to easily replace the strongly damaged planks new even in the middle of the room, thanks to the special tool and the locking system.

Parquet board - multilayer material based on natural wood, suitable for the device of practical, warm, natural floor. Extend the service life will help the correct care for the floorboard in compliance with the recommendations of specialists and the use of funds specially designed for these purposes.

As in the other coating, you need to care for parquet, and especially carefully

Common care means delicate flooring based on a parquet board with protection from moisture, mechanical damage and regular cleaning with compliance with the manufacturer's requirements.

Provide protection of the coating from scratches, chips and properins will help simple events. For example, the legs of the furniture will not scratch the coating if you stick on them small lining from felt. If these are furniture on moving rollers, special plastic mats from transparent materials will save the position.

There are even special design nozzles with felt, which, if desired or need, can be easily removed

Considering that the parquet of natural tree is subject to abrasive exposure to the sand, entered into the room from the street, it is necessary to consider the protective zone device. The specialized mats of two types are suitable again:

  • hard;
  • soft.

The first will collect solid particles, the second - will not allow propagation on the floor with liquid dirt in bad weather.

As for the care, then for general cleaning it is enough to be a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner with a retractable brush that cannot scratch the coating. Periodically, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning using a slightly moistened in water with a softwood.

In no case, it is impossible to force the coating with water even if there are strongly contaminated areas. To remove them use special means of which in more detail below.

Oil-wax boards - Features of operation and care

To properly care for the parquet, you need to know exactly what means were used for its finishing. If we are talking about oil-wax compositions, there are certain nuances here. Such a coating when applied to the surface of the board does not forms a film, but only absorbed by the pores of the tree, protecting it from moisture and dirt.

If it is necessary to restore a parquet board with such a layer of protection, we require that sections that are reused, after which they are re-treated with oil, repeating the procedure several times.

For wet flooring with oily-wax impregnation, soap solutions are best suited. The rag can not be too watering, in addition, it is recommended to move it parallel to the fibers of the tree.

Always before cleaning any surface you need to study the methods and tools for its cleaning

Conduct wet cleaning infrequently, but only as needed. In order for the floor to be completely dry after processing it, it is not less than half an hour after processing, after which, using universal carket care products, polished to enhance protective properties and imparting a aesthetic species.

The larger the load on the coating from the parquet board or parquet, the more often the update will be required. For example, if we are talking about the public space, the reconstruction will be needed at least once every six months. In apartments and private houses, where carefully monitor the coating, following the recommendations for care and operation, it will be enough to update once a year and even less often.

Wax floor - features of use and care

The wax coating for the floor imposes certain obligations to care for it. To understand how to care for a parquet under the protective layer from wax, you need to know about its properties to respond to certain tests during operation. For example, a wet cleaning of the coating will not give the proper effect due to repulsing any surface moisture. That is why it will only be dry cleaning with special means based on wax or solvent, if necessary.

Soap solutions, including alkali, are not allowed. The contact of them with a coating, treated with wax, will lead to a change in its color gamut.

The more careful to exploit and clean the surface, the longer it will last and retain an attractive look.

Floor prevention with wax and oil coating

Preventive floor maintenance depends on the period and intensity of its operation. In the first year after installation, the coating processes every three months in the following order:

  • clean;
  • wipe with a damp cloth;
  • give time to dry;
  • impregnate oil;
  • remove excess oil with a napkin;
  • give time to dry (day);
  • apply wax to protect.

With the onset of next year, the processing frequency is reduced and is carried out as needed.

Too frequent cleaning of the floor can also negatively affect the condition of the surface of the parquet.

Lacked surfaces - how to care?

To extend the service life of a parquet with a lacquer coating, you also need to comply with certain requirements for care and preventive maintenance. Regardless of the resistance of the parquet tree and the quality of the parquet varnish used for its processing, over time, the surface is extended, will lose aesthetic appearance due to cracks, chips, losses.

Prevention is also important as planned cleaning of parquet

Preventive measures can also be considered as care for a parquet that extends its service life. For example, for the restoration of the lost shine of the surface and the removal of small stains will suit the special composition "Freshener". Polishing the surface at least once every few months will increase its protection against moisture.

A complete update of such sex is carried out no earlier than 12 years after active operation with cycloying, grinding and re-treatment with lacquer mixtures. It is possible that recovery will be required before, if you care about the floorboard, there was no one and once, for example, in public premises.

What means are used to care for wooden floors?

Especially for the care and recovery of the parquet and the parquet board were developed and preparations that simplify the task were developed, but the most important thing is safe for natural wood. If we are talking about washing solutions, they are called Cleanners. Just as classical household chemicals, they are implemented in concentrated form. The compositions do not harm the parquet, help to clean it efficiently without inclects and divorces. Below are the most famous of them.

One of the popular parquet careers

It is believed that the market leads to the market for parquet care, both at home and in the public premises of American production called Aqua Sport Wood Flor Cleaner. The Spanish Analogue of Rubi is followed by His, the Ukrainian remedy against fat spots on the GlutoClean Pufas tree and a German concentrate, including wax for polishing the surface - Thomas Floor Pro.

The choice in favor of available for each ordinary soap solution implies compliance with some subtleties in the process of use. Soap should be with a slight alkali content, liquid, diluted with water. A rag for wet cleaning must necessarily be soft, with a elastic pile. The perfect solution is special rags from microfiber or felt with a high level of absorption.

As much as possible, care for parquet with varnish or oil, you can, following general tips:

  1. Wash the floor you only need to parallel to the fibers (as already mentioned above).
  2. Cachepo with plants can not be placed on the floor not only because of the fear of staining it, but also due to the condensate under it.
  3. Protective nozzles for furniture, home "Socks" for animals with claws, mats - all this will protect the coating.
  4. The level of humidity in the room must be maintained in the range from 30 to 60%.
  5. Temperature level - 20-24 degrees Celsius.
  6. To clean and restore only specialized drugs, without trying to resort to folk methods.

Simple, but important nuance - home shoes not only for animals, but also for people. It must be soft, not scratching the surface of the sneakers without heels.

Do not forget to stock slippers for guests

Simple recovery actions - how to spend?

If, with all efforts, it was not possible to protect the parquet, you need to move to radical measures. Squares and scratches, numerous scratches and stains Especially perennial remove with the local repair of a separate section is not always possible.

In cases when nothing helps, the decision will be cyclishing. This procedure is effective and simple. Conduct it no more than a few times for the entire period of operation of the coating. The number of cycles, permissible for parquet depends on the quality and type of wood and the thickness of the facial layer. The greatest number of permissible cyclovka - 7 times, the smallest - 1 time.

For processing, special machines are used, delicately removing several millimeters of the damaged layer. They are easier to rent than buy. As an option, it is worth considering and ordering services for specialists, in the arsenal of which the equipment necessary for grinding and surface processing equipment, tools, as well as experience, skills and desire to return the coating initial view during the time limit.

Cyclishing - the procedure is not enough and costly, so it is better not to bring the floor to such a state and it is good for him in advance

Experts can also advise on how to cover the parquet board and than after repair to extend the deadline for its use, depending on the level of loads, help learn how to cope with small floor repairs using varnish, oil, special mixtures based on parquet crumb and glue for Solving problems with dents and scratches.

In conclusion, we note that the correct and careful care with periodic renovation of parquet floor will extend the period of its service for several decades.

The floors are the most significant subject of the interior in the house. And parquet floors, give the interior natural naturalness and harmonious beauty of wood. Therefore, it is important that the color of the floors harmonized with the prevailing color of the gamut in the room. One of the solutions is the selection of shades of parquet, corresponding to the colors of furniture, which looks very harmonious. Also, there is an option, contrasting floors and furniture. In short, the choice of color coverage has ample opportunities for creative searches.

So, in this article, we will try to clarify what arguments should be guided by selecting natural flooring, such as a parquet board.

The three-layer design is reliable and technological products, which is significantly less susceptible to wood "movement". This means that when the temperature and humidity differences are indoors, the design of the parquet board allows you to withstand adverse conditions and strictly "hold" geometry. In other words, your gender, not to wear, or will not begin to "shit." The whole thing in a three-layer parquet board design.

bottom layerUsually manufactured from plywood spruce rocks (in some cases spruce dice).

Medium layer Presents a set of spruce or pine plashes, the direction of wood fibers of which perpendicular to the useful layer, i.e. Facial, which is made of various wood breeds and has various versions. Thus, the reliability of the parquet board is due to the double weaving of wood fibers in the parquet board design.

Upper layer - This is directly layer of noble wood.

Parquet board cover

A parquet board is covered with varnish or butter, in factory conditions, on special equipment. A spacure is applied to the surface of the front layer of the board, and then 6-7 layers of varnish (depending on the manufacturer) with ultraviolet hardening. Thus, the surface of the board is reliably protected from abrasion during operation, which gives advantages over the parquet, which is covered at home, under which such quality coverage cannot be achieved.

But it must be borne in mind that the use of chairs on the wheels, the point voltage to cover the parquet board, is fraught with the formation of scratches, cracks, pridins, etc. In order to avoid such problems and extend the service life of the factory coating, we strongly recommend: use mats for chairs on wheels, felt overlays on the feet of furniture (especially chairs and tables, because these elements of the furniture move more often), limit the point voltage to the coating (do not walk On heels on lacquered coating), avoid hitting sand and moisture (we recommend styling mats in the hallway).

The same precautions refer to the positions of the parquet board coated oil. However, it is necessary to take into account that the wood pores of the washed surface are less protected from moisture, wear and pollution. Therefore, with a wet cleaning of oil-coated boards, we recommend using special polysh liquids (oil-wax), which purify the surface and fill the gaps with wax composition, and also to carry out general cleaning with the use of special machines.

Methods of laying

Having a three-layer design, a parquet board can be laid in several options. The most common, simple and cheapest - floating method of laying. This is a method at which a parquet board is mounted on a dry, solid, smooth and clean base. The boards are collected together by fastening the castle compound, as well as Laminate (Karelia, TimberWise).

The advantage of this method is:

  • a simple and fast way of laying the floor,
  • strength and resistance during operation,
  • instant readiness for use after laying,
  • the ability to dismantle with subsequent use.

But some people do not like, the feeling of "cavity" with a floating method of laying when the floor "goes". There is also the ability to eliminate the parquet board by sticking it to the base ( adhesive Method) - on dry, solid, smooth and clean base plywood (8-12 mm thick), which is grounded. A parquet board is accepted for glue, which is applied to Phaneur. Required a few days that glue "began".

The advantage of this method It is that the board is rigidly glued to the base and gives a feeling of the monolith of the floor design.

Disadvantage Such styling is that the parquet board when dismantling cannot be reused.

Select sorting

The next moment in choosing a parquet board is sorting the wood of the facial layer. This means the number of bitch on the board, sickness, the presence / absence of a motley wood pattern. Manufacturers offer, as a rule, at least three options for sorting European wood breeds. This allows you to more accurately display the design solution in the interior figure and implement your ideas. In this case, there are no specific recommendations, except that follow the advice with the designer and their own preferences. On the operational properties, the qualifier or sorting of the parquet does not affect!

Choosing a manufacturer

The most difficult moment when buying -. It is necessary to find such a product that would compatize in itself and good value, and excellent quality. Since the parquet board market is quite wide and brands are presented a lot, you can get confused. Of course, in this case, it is necessary to determine the products of which price range you can afford. We offer products of various factories and price steps.

The Polarwood Board of Conception of Russia and Finland is a high-quality budget option, with a large selection of oak parquet floors.

Parquet board manufacturer is one of the most technological production in Europe. Affordable price, high quality and wide range of products - features this manufacturer from competitors.

Magnum is a large selection of parquet boards in various versions. Affordable price to high quality. In stock At the warehouse in Minsk.

Parquet board - luxury quality in piety. This is a single-band parquet board made of oak, ash in various versions: colors (natural, thermo, whiten), surfaces (smooth, structured, aged) and sorting (select, classic).

So, in this article, we tried to explain the main issues in choosing a parquet board. Of course, this is products technologically, i.e. It is practically not subject to the main problems of wooden floors (problems of changes in geometry), has a wide selection of the performance of various wood breeds (which expands the possibilities of interior solutions) and most importantly, completely pays for itself (since it does not require special training when laying, already ready for installation, does not require varnish ).

We wish good luck in your choice!

Parquet board does not require varnish. After graduating from laying, the floor is immediately ready for operation.

Can I use a parquet board on the terrace?

A parquet board is not intended for styling in rooms in which humidity is increased, for example, in saunas or bathrooms. And it is not intended for use in the outdoor, that is, it is impossible to use it on the terrace.

What care is required for a parquet board?

Parquet board care is quite simple. The floor must be cleaned regularly. It is best to do this with a vacuum cleaner or a slightly damp cloth. You can not use abrasive detergents when cleaning, and you can also cut the parquet board.

Is it possible to lay a parquet board on the "warm floor"?

A parquet board can be laid on a "warm floor" provided that the surface will not be heated more than up to 26 degrees Celsius. Therefore, before laying a parquet board, it is desirable to obtain a consultation of the manufacturer of this particular model of "warm floor".

What glue is best used when installing a parquet board?

When installing the floorboard, it is necessary to use frost and moisture-resistant glue. It is impossible to use glue on a water basis.

Perhaps whether a parquet board bother?

It depends on how the parquet board laying is made. If the parquet board is laid by a floating manner, it is impossible to bother it, if it is glued to the base, then it is possible.

How can I check the moisture of the base before laying the parquet board?

To check the level of humidity, it is possible to stick a piece of polyethylene film with a scotch. With an elevated level of humidity of the base on the film the next day, the Spirit will appear.

How to prepare a base for laying a parquet board?

First of all, it is necessary to prevent moisture penetration through the base of the floor. For this purpose, an insulating layer is stacked, for example, from a polyethylene film with a thickness of two tenths of millimeters. A substrate is placed on the insulating layer. It may be porous polyethylene. The substrate thickness should not exceed three millimeters. After that, the parquet board is installed on the substrate.

Is it possible to use an old parquet floor as a base for laying a parquet board?

It all depends on how reliable the base can be the old floor, that is, as far as it is durable, level and what is the degree of moisture. If he meets all the necessary criteria, then before laying, the old floor must be cleaned from the layer of varnish, and also make it grinding.

Can a parquet board partially renovate?

Yes, there are special repair kits for restoration. But they are not produced by all parquet-board manufacturers. Therefore, the renovated area may have visual differences with the main floor.