Tools of artistic expressiveness exam literature. Tools of artistic expressiveness: examples in the literature

Means of expressiveness in Russian can be divided into:

  1. Lexical means
  2. Syntactic means
  3. Phonetic means

Lexical means: trails

Allegory - Themis (woman with weights) - justice. Replacing the abstract concept is concrete.
Hyperbola-Sharovar width with black sea (N. Gogol) Artistic exaggeration.
Irony -Other clever, You wander your head. (Basnya I. Krylova). Thin mockery, consumption in the sense, opposite to the straight.
Lexical repeatLakes around, lake deep. Repetition in the text of the same word, phrase
Lithot -A peasant with marigolds. Artistic understatement of the described object or phenomenon.
Metaphor - Sleepy Lake Cities (A. Block) The figurative meaning of the word based on similarity
Metonymy - Class Zasheel Replacement of one word to others based on the arrangement of two concepts
Okasonalism -Fruits of education. Artistic agents formed by the author.
Elimination -It is raining. Nature rejoices. Employment of non-residential items give the properties of alive.
Perifraz-Lion \u003d king of beasts. The substitution of words is similar to the lexical value of the expression.
Sarcasm-Sarcasm is full of Saltykov-Shchedrin. A stinging thin mock, the highest form of irony.
Comparison -Pallows the word - nightingale sings. In comparison there is also what compares, and that what compares. Unions are often used: how, as if.
Synecdoche-EVERY kopeikain the house carries (money). Transfer values \u200b\u200bfor a quantitative basis.
Epithet-"Ruddy Zarya", "Golden Hands", "Silver Voice". Colorful, expressive definition, which is based on a hidden comparison.
Synonyms- 1) Run - rush. 2)Noise (rustling) foliage. 1) Words, various writing, but close in value.
2) contextual synonyms - words bringing closer in the conditions of one context
Antonyms - original - fake, frail - responsive Words having opposite values
Archaism-eyes - eyes, lines - cheeks Outdated word or speech turnover

Syntactic means

AnaFora -There was no thunderstorm. Repetition of words or combinations of words at the beginning of proposals or poetic lines.
Antithesis -The hair is long - the mind is short;. Contrast.
Gradation -Came, I saw, won! The arrangement of words, expressions by increasing (ascending) or decreasing (descending) significance.
Inversion -Lived, were grandfather da Baba. Reverse order of words.
Composite joint (lexical repeat) -It was a wonderful sound. It was the best voice I heard in recent years. Repetition at the beginning of the new sentence of words from the previous proposal, usually ending it.
Multi-eyed -In front of the eyes walked the ocean, and broke, and thundered, and sparkled, and faded. The intentional use of a repeating union.
Oxymoron -Dead Souls. The combination is not combined by the meaning of words.
Parcelation -He saw me and froze. Surprised. Silent. The intentional division of the proposal for significant segments in the semantic attitude.
Rhetorical question, exclamation, appeal -What summer, what summer! Who did not curse the station caretakers, who did not scold with them? Citizens, we will make our city green and cozy! Expression of approval in the question of to attract attention;
Strengthening emotional impact.
Rows, pair of uniform members -Nature helps to fight with loneliness, overcome despair, powerlessness, forget the enmity, envy, the cunning of friends. The use of homogeneous members for greater artistic expressiveness of the text
Syntax parallelism -To be able to speak - art. To be able to listen - culture. (D. Likhachev) Similar, parallel building phrases, rows.
DefaultBut listen: If I owe you ... I own a dagger, I have been born near the Caucasus. The author deliberately informs something, interrupts the thought of the hero, so that the reader himself could think about what he wanted to say.
Ellipsis -Guys - for axes! (missed the word "took") Skipping some member of a sentence that is easily restored from context
Epiphara -I walked all my life to you. I believed all my life in you. The same ending of several offers.

Phonetic means: sounding

Decide the exam in Russian with answers.

Full, juicy, accurate, bright speech is most well conveyed by thoughts, feelings and evaluations of the situation. Hence and success in all endeavors, because it is properly built by a very accurate tool of belief. It briefly outlines what agents of artistic expressiveness are needed to seek the desired result from the world every day, and what - in order to replenish the arsenal of expressiveness of speech from literature.

Special expressiveness of language

A verbal form capable of attracting the attention of the listener or reader, to make a vivid impression on him through novelty, originality, unusualness, with a departure from the usual and everyday - this is a language expressiveness.

Here, any means of artistic expressiveness works well, in the literature, for example, a metaphor, sound test, hyperbole, personification and many others are known. It is necessary to master special techniques and methods in combinations as sounds in words and phraseologism.

A huge role is played by vocabulary, phraseology, grammatical system and phonetic features. Each means of artistic expressiveness in the literature works at all levels of language proficiency.


Here the main thing is sounding, a special based on the creation of audio images by sound repeats. You can even imitate the sounds of the real world - Twitter, instant, rain noise, etc., in order to cause associations with those feelings and thoughts that need to be caused by a listener or reader. This is the main goal that artistic expressive means should achieve. Examples of sound resistance contains most of the literary lyrics: there is especially good Balmont "midnight pore ...".

Almost all the poets of the Silver Age used sound pain. Lovely lines left Lermontov, Pushkin, Boratsky. The symbolists learned how to cause auditory, and visual, even olfactory, taste, tactile performances to move the reader's imagination to the experience of certain feelings and emotions.

There are two main species, the most fully revealing sound ideas of artistic expressiveness. Examples of Block and Andrei White, they used extremely used assonance - Repeat the same vowels or similar on sound. Second view - alliterationwhich is often found at Pushkin and Tyutchev - this is the repetition of consonant sounds - identical or similar.

Vocabulary and phraseology

The main expressiveness in the literature is trails that expressively depict the situation or the subject using the words in their portable value. Main types of trails: comparison, epithet, personification, metaphor, periphrase, limit and hyperbole, irony.

In addition to the paths, there are simple and effective means of artistic expressiveness. Examples:

  • antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, paronyms;
  • phraseologisms;
  • the vocabulary, painted stylistically, and vocabulary used limited.

The last item includes both Argo, and professional jargon, and even vocabulary, not accepted in a decent society. Antonyms are sometimes effective than any epithets: What are you clean! - Baby, fading in a puddle. Synonyms enhance the colorfulness and accuracy of speech. The phraseologisms are pleased with the fact that the addressee is heard familiar and faster comes to contact. These language phenomena are not a direct means of artistic expressiveness. Examples rather non-sociable, suitable for some particular act or text, but can significantly add brightness into the image and to the impact on the addressee. The beauty and liveliness of speech completely depend on which means of creating artistic expressiveness are used in it.

Epitheet and comparison

Epitheet is an application or add translated from Greek. Notes a significant feature, important in this context, using a shaped definition, which is based on a hidden comparison. It is more often an adjective: black longing, morning gray, etc., but there may be a noun epithet, adverb, adherence, pronoun, and any other part of speech. It is possible to share the epithets used on general-language, peopetic and individually copyrighted means of artistic expressiveness. Examples of all three species: Coffin silence, good well done, curly dusk. Can be divided differently - on the visual and expressive: in the fog blueNights insane.But any division, of course, is very conditional.

Comparison is one phenomenon, concepts or subject with another. Not to be confused with a metaphor where the names are interchangeable, both items, actions, actions, etc. must be called in comparison. For example: glow, like meteor. You can compare in various ways.

  • current case (youth solovyum. flew);
  • comparative degree of adverbs or adjective (eyes greater seas);
  • unions as if how etc. ( like a beast creaked the door);
  • the words similar etc. (your eyes similar to two fog);
  • comparative additives (Golden foliage spinning in a pond, exactly a flock of butterflies flies on a star).

In folk poetry, negative comparisons are often used: That is not horse top ...the poets often build quite large on the volume of the work, using one this means of artistic expressiveness. In the literature of classics, this can be seen, for example, in the poems of Koltsov, Tyutchev, Northergyn, Gogol prose, Privina and many others. They used many. This is probably the most popular means of artistic expressiveness. In the literature it is present everywhere. In addition, it also serves as a scientific, and journalistic, and conversational text with the same diligence and success.

Metaphor and personification

Another very widely used means of artistic expressiveness in the literature is a metaphor, which means translated from Greek - transfer. A word or proposal is used in a figurative value. The basis here is the unconditional similarity of objects, phenomena, actions, etc. Unlike comparing the metaphor more compact. It leads only to something that is compared or another. Similarities can be based on shape, color, volume, appointment, sensation, etc. (Kaleidoscope of phenomena, spark of love, sea letters, treasurer of poetry). To divide the metaphors to ordinary (general-language) and artistic: skillful fingers and Stars diamond trepid). In everyday life, scientific metaphors are already: ozone hole, sunny wind etc. The success of the speaker and the author of the text depends on which means of artistic expressiveness are used.

The variety of a trail similar to a metaphor - personification, when signs of living beings are transferred to objects, concepts or phenomena of nature: sleepy lay down Fogs, autumn day pailed and went out -the personification of nature phenomena, which is particularly often, it is less likely to personify the subject world - see Annensky "Violin and Bow", Mayakovsky "Cloud in the pants", Mamin-Sibiryak with his " good-natured and cozy physiognomy at home"And much more. Even in everyday life, we no longer notice the personification: the device says the air treats, the economy has shought etc. It is unlikely that there are ways better than this means of artistic expressiveness, painting speech more colorful than personification.

Metonimia and Sainpadoha

Translated from the Greek metonymy means renaming, that is, the name is transferred from the subject to the subject where the base is adjacent. Very decorate the story of the use of artistic expressive means, especially such as metonimia. Communication principle may be the following:

  • content and content: eat three plates;
  • author and work: branil Gomera;
  • action and its instrument: roof swords and fires;
  • subject and material of the subject: on gold rod;
  • place and actors: the city of Nois.

Metonimia complements the means of artistic expressiveness of speech, with it is added clarity, accuracy, imagery, visibility and, like no epithet, laconism. Not in vain, the writers and publicists are also used, she is filled with all the society layers.

In turn, the type of metonymy is synecko, translated from Greek - correlation, is also based on the replacement of the meaning of one phenomenon in the meaning of another, but the principle is only one - the quantitative relationship between phenomena or objects. It can be transferred in this way:

  • less for more (to him Bird does not fly, tiger does not go;drink Ryumakh);
  • part of the whole ( Beard, why are you keeping silent? Moscow did not approve of sanctions).

Periprase, or periphyra

Description, or descriptive proposal, translated from Greek - turnover used instead of a word or a combination of words, is perifraza. For example, Pushkin writes "Peter Creation," and everyone understands that he meant Petersburg. Periprase us allows us as follows:

  • denote the main signs of that subject we depict;
  • avoid repetition (tautology);
  • vividly the depicted;
  • posted by the text of the sublime palaticle, pathos.

Periprases are not politically disabled in a business and official style, in the rest are found as much as you like. In colloquial speech, it is most often neighboring with irony, merging together two of these means of artistic expressiveness. Russian language is enriched from the merger of different paths.

Hyperbole and lithota

With an exorbitant exaggeration of the sign or signs of the subject, actions or phenomenon, it is a hyperbole (from Greek translates as exaggeration). Lithota - on the contrary, the denial.

Thoughts are attached to an unusual form, bright emotional color, convincing evaluation. It is especially well helped to create comic images. Used in journalism as an essential means of artistic expressiveness. In the literature without these trails, too, do not do it: rare bird Gogol doltitonly until the middle of the Dnieper; tiny cows At Krylov and a lot of things in almost every work of any author.

Irony and sarcasm

Translated from Greek this word indicates pretense, which fully corresponds to the use of this trail. What are the means of artistic expressiveness need for ridicule? The statement should be opposite to direct meaning when quite a positive assessment hides the mockery: smart person - Appeal to the donkey in the bass of the wing is an example. " Non-optimability of the hero"- The irony used within the framework of journalism, where quotes or brackets are most often set. The means of creating artistic expressiveness it is not exhausted. How irony is highly used - evil, stinging - quite often used sarcasm: contrast between expressed and implied, and also intentional Exposure implied. Complete, sharp exposure - His handwriting: I usually argue about the taste of oysters and coconuts only with those who eat them (Zhvanetsky). The algorithm of sarcasm is a chain of such actions: a negative phenomenon generate anger and indignation, then the reaction occurs - the last degree of emotional openness: folded pigs are worse than hungry wolves. However, it is necessary to use sarcasm as carefully. And not often, if the author is not a professional satirist. The carrier of sarcasm most often considers himself smarter than others. However, neither one satirika did not have to get love at the exit. She herself and her appearance always depend on what kind of artistic expressive means are used in the evaluating text. Sarcasm is a murderous powerful weapon.

Non-societies of language vocabulary

Give speeches the finest emotional shades and expression help synonyms. For example, you can use the word "race" instead of "run" for greater expressive power. And not only for it:

  • clarification of the very thought and transfer of the smallest semantic shades;
  • evaluation of the depicted and copyright;
  • intensive increase in expression;
  • deep disclosure of the image.

Also, antonyms are also a good expressive means. They clarify the thought, playing in contrasts, more fully characterize this or that phenomenon: glossy waste paper, and truly fiction - streams. Antonyms occurs and widely demanded by the writers - antithesis.

Many writers, and just notebooks willingly play with words that match the sound and even by writing, but having other meanings: cool guy and cool boiling water, as well as steep coast; flourand flour; threein the diary I. three Carefully stain. And anecdote: listen to the bosses? That's, they dismiss ... and fired. Omographs and mistons.

Words similar to writing and sounding, but having absolutely different values, are also often used as punisle and have sufficient expressive power with a clever use. History - hysteria; mother - millimeter etc.

It should be noted that such not fixed assets of artistic expressiveness, as synonyms, antonyms, paronyms and homonyms, are not used in official and business styles.


Otherwise - idioms, that is, phraseologically finished expressions, also add orapist or a writer of eloquence. Mythological imagery, high or spoken, with an expressive assessment - positive or negative ( small fry and zenitsa Oka, wash the neck and sword of Damocles) - All this enhances and decorates the image image form. Salt phraseologism - a special group - aphorisms. Deepest thoughts in the shortest execution. Easy to remember. Often used as other means of expressiveness, the proverbs and sayings can also be attributed.

So numerous and diverse that without dry mathematical calculations can not do.

Wandering on the catches of the megapolis theory of literature, no wonder to get lost and not to reach the most important and interesting. So, remember the figure 2. Two sections need to be explored: the first trails, and the second - stylistic figures. In turn, each of them branches himself into a lot of alleys, and in all of us now there is no opportunity to pass. The trail is derived from the Greek word "turn", denotes the words or phrases in which another, "allegorical" meaning is invested. And thirteen trop-lane (most basic). Rather, almost fourteen, for and here art bypassed mathematics.

First section: Trails

1. Metaphor. Find similarities and transfer the name of one item to another. For example: cherry Tram, Trolleybus Beetle. Metaphors are most often negotiated.

2. Metonimia. Also transfer the name, but on the principle of adjacency, for example: i read Pushkin (Instead of the name "Book", we feature the "author", although the poet's body, too, have read many young ladies).

2a. Synecdoche. Suddenly - 2a. This is a kind of metonymy. Replacing on the concepts. And by multiple number. " Take care of a penny"(Gogol) and" Sit down, Lumina"(Mayakovsky) is according to the concepts, instead of money and the sun." We retrain in the manager"(Ilf and Petrov) is in numbers when the only number is replaced by multiple (and vice versa).

3. Epitheet. Fashion definition of the subject or phenomenon. Examples of the car (already an example - instead of "a lot"). It is expressed almost any part of speech or phrase: leisurely spring, beauty-spring, smiled in spring etc. The means of artistic expressiveness of many writers are completely exhausted by this trail - diverse, Canaly.

4. Comparison. Always twisted: the subject of comparison is the image of similarity. Most often alliances are used, "like", "exactly", as well as prepositions and other lexical means. Screaming Like lightning; silent like fish.

5. Protecting. When inanimate items are endowed with a soul when violins - Sing, trees - whisper; Moreover, completely distracted concepts can also come to life: lying, longing; Talk at least you with me, seven-terrain guitar.

6. Hyperbole. Exaggeration. Forty thousand brothers.

7. Lithot. Understatement. A drop in the sea.

8. Allegory. Through specifics - in abstraction. The train left - So the past is not to return. Sometimes there are very long-long texts with one unfolded allegory.

9. Perphrase. You walk around and about, you describe the noticeable word. " Our all", for example, or" Sun of Russian poetry". And just pronounce - Pushkin, this with this success is not every will.

10. Irony. Thin mockery when words with converse .

11. Antiteza. Contrast, opposition. Rich and poor. Winter and summer.

12. Oxymoron. Combination of incompatibleness: live corpse, hot snow, silver curtain.

13. Antonasa. Looks like a metonymy. Only here necessarily appears the name of the own instead of the nine. Croesus - Instead of "rich".

Second section: Stylistic figures, or speech turns that enhance the expressiveness of the statement

Here we remember 12 branches from the main prospectus:

1. Graduation. The location of the words is consistent - by significance, by increasing or decreasing. Kreferedo or Diminuendo. Remember how to smile at each other Koreiko and Bender.

2. Inversion. The phrase in which the usual order of words is broken. Especially often adjacent to irony. " Where, smart, you wander your head"(Wings) - there is also irony.

3. Ellipsis. From the inherent expressivity "swallows" some words. For example: " I am going home"Instead of" I go home. "

4. Parallelism. The same construction of two or more offers. For example: " Then I go and sing, then I stand on the edge".

5. Anaphor. Unity. That is, every new construction begins with the same words. Recall Pushkin "At Lukomorya Oak Green", there is a lot of this good.

6. Epiphara. The repetition of the same words at the end of each construct, and not at the beginning. " Go to the left - you will die, go right - you will die, and you will go directly - you will definitely die, but there is no road."

7. Nezuzuzie or Asintendon. Swede, Russian, it goes without saying that she rubs, rolling, cuts.

8. Multi-eyed or polysindone. Yes, too, it is clear: and bored, you understand, and sad, and no one.

9. Rhetorical question. The question that is not a waiting response, on the contrary, implies it. Have you heard?

10. Rtoric exclamation. Very much enhances the emotional heat of even writing speech. The poet died!

11. Rtoric appeal. The conversation is not only with inanimate objects, but also with abstract concepts: " What you stand, swinging ...", "Hello, joy!"

12. PARS. Also very expressive syntax: That's all. I finished, yes! This article.

Now about the topic

The theme of the artwork, as the basis of the subject of knowledge, lives on the means of artistic expressiveness, since the subjects of creativity can be anything.

Telescope intuition

The main thing - the artist should consider thoroughly, looking at the intuition telescope, what he is going to tell the reader. The image is also amenable to all the phenomena of the human life and the life of nature, animal and vegetable world, as well as material culture. Fantasy is also an excellent subject for research, from there on the page of the text, the gnomes, elves and hobbits are flying away. But the main topic is still the characteristic of the peculiarities of human life in its social essence, whatever terminators and other monsters on the expanses of the work are nourished. And no matter how the artist escapes from current public interests, he will not work with his time. The idea, for example, "pure art" - also the idea, right? All fractures over the life of society are necessarily reflected in the subject of works. The rest depends on the fighters and dexterity of the author - what means of artistic expressiveness it will choose for the most complete disclosure of the chosen theme.

The concept of a large style and custom style

Style is primarily a system that absorbs creative handwriting, the characteristics of the verbal system plus the subject image and composition (plotting).

Large style

The combination and unity of all visual and figurative means, the unity of content and form - the formula of the style. Eclecticism does not convince to the end. A big style is the norm, expediency, tradition, this is the hitting of the author's feeling for a long time. Such as Middle Ages, Renaissance, Classicism.

By hegel: three kinds of big style

1. Strict - from harsh - with the highest functionality.

2. Ideal - from harmony - filled with equilibrium.

3. Pleasant - from domestic - light and flirty. Hegel, by the way, four fat volumes wrote only about style. In a nutshell, it is simply impossible to designate such a topic.

Individual style

Purchase individual style is much easier. This is a literary rate, and deviations from it. The style of artistic literature is particularly visible to detail, where all the components are poured into the image system, and there is poetic synthesis (again, the silver curtain on Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova).

According to Aristotle: Three steps to gain style

1. Imitation of nature (apprenticeship).

2. The manner (we sacrifice the truthfulness for the artisticity).

3. Style (loyalty of reality with the preservation of all individual qualities). The perfection and completeness of the style are distinguished by works with historical truthfulness, ideological orientation, depth and clarity of problems. To create a perfect form, appropriate content, the writer needs talent, ingenuity, skill. It should rely on the achievements of predecessors, choose forms that meet the originality of his artistic designs, and for this it is also needed by a literary, and a communal horizon. A classic criterion and spiritual context is the best way and the main problem in gaining the style of current Russian literature.

Tools of speech expressiveness - These are speech turnover, the main function of which is to give the tongue of beauty and expressiveness, versatility and emotionality.
Fonetic (sound), lexical (associated with the word), syntactic (associated with the phrase and proposal) of the means are distinguished.
Phonetic means of expressiveness
1. Alliteration - Repeat in the text of consonant or identical consonant sounds.
For example: G.about roD G. rabile, G. reB, G. rabstal.
2. Assonance - Repeating vowels. For example:
M. e.lo, M. e.lo on sun e.y z e.mL.
In Sun. e. Limits.
St. e.cha Mountains on the table e.,
St. e.cha burned ... (B. Pasternak)

3. Onomatopoeia - Reproduction of natural sound, imitation of sound. For example:
How do droplets lead about ride
And at all night, everything is zokay yes ride
Stucha under one nail
That's where, then there, then in that entrance, then in this one.

Lexical means of expressiveness (trails)
1. Epitheet - figurative definition characterizing property, quality, concept, phenomenon
For example: golden Grove, Cheerful Wind
2. Comparison - comparison of two items, concepts or states that have a general feature.
For example: And birch stands as big candles.
3. Metaphor - The figurative meaning of a word based on similarity.
For example: Blue sky site.
4. Elimination - Transferring human properties to inanimate objects.
For example: Sleeping a cushion in a white cape.
5. Metonimia - replacement of one word to others based on the arrangement of two concepts.
For example: I ate three plates.
6. Synekdokha - replacement of the plural number is the only one, the whole, the whole instead of the part (and on the contrary).
For example: Swede, Russian Cool, Rubit, cuts ...

7. Allegory - allegory; An image of a specific concept in artistic images (in fairy tales, bass, proverbs, epics).
For example: A fox - allegory of tricks, hare - Cowards
8. Hyperbol - Exaggeration.
For example: Two hundred years have not seen you.
9. Lithota - Understanding.
For example: wait 5 seconds.
10. Perifraza - retelling, descriptive turnover, comprising an assessment.
For example: Tsar Beasts (Lion).
11. Kalambar. - The game of words, humorous use of the meaningfulness of words or homonymy.
For example:
Sitting in a taxi, asked the dachshund:
"For travel what a dachshund?"
And the driver: "Money with dachshund
Do not take at all. So-s! "
12. Oxymoron - The combination of opposite words.
For example: write silence, hot snow
13. Phraseology - Sustainable combinations of words.
For example: easy talent in the ground.
14. Ironya - Thin mockery, consumption in the sense, opposite to the straight.
For example: Did you sing everything? This is the case: so look, babes.
Syntactic means of expressiveness (stylistic figures)
1. Inversion - violation of the direct order of words
For example: We were waiting for you for a long time.
2. Ellipsis - Skipping a member of a sentence, often faithful.
For example: We sat down - in the ashes, hails - in the dust, in swords - sickles and plows.
3. Mistot - Interrupted statement, giving an opportunity to speculate, reflect.
For example: I suffered ... I wanted a response ... I did not wait ... I left ...
4. Question Proposal - Syntactic organization of speech, which creates a manner of conversation.
For example: How to earn a million?
5. Rhetorical question - The question containing a statement.
For example: Who can not catch it up?

6. Rtoric appeal - Allocation of important semantic positions.
For example: About the sea! How I missed!
7. Syntax parallelism - similar, parallel building phrases, rows.
For example: Be able to ask for forgiveness is an indicator of force. Be able to forgive - the indicator of nobility.
8. Graduation - The location of synonyms according to the degree of increment or weakening of the trait.
For example: Silence covered, silent, absorbed.
9. Antiteza - Stylistic figure of contrast, comparison, contrasting opposite concepts.
For example: Long hair - the mind is short.
10. Anafora - Unity.
For example:
Take care of each other,
Goodness warming.
Take care of each other,
Do not take offense.

11. Epiphara - Repeat end words.
For example:
Forest is not that!
The bush is not that!
Drozd is not that!

12. Parcelation - separation of sentences to parts.
For example: Man came. In a leather jacket. Dirty. Smiled.

Fine-to-expressive linguistic artistic literature includes:

Epithet- artistic and shaped definition of some kind of object or phenomenon.

Example: sadness - "Inexpressible",eyes - "Huge",may - "solar",fingers - "The finest"(O. Mandel Staff "Increasing Sadness ...")

Hyperbola- Artistic exaggeration.

Example: Earth shakelike our breasts;Mixed in a bunch of horses, people, and salts thousands of gunsMerged into excessory ... (M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino")

Litotes- Artistic understatement ("reverse hyperbole").

Example: "The younger son was rising with finger ... "(A.A. Ah-Matov. "Lullaby").

Trails- Words or phrases used not in direct, but in a figurative value. Topes include allegoria, Allusion, metaphor, methonymy, personification, periphyra, symbol, symphora, synindoha, comparison, euvfe-mism.

Allegory- Allegory, an image of an abstract idea through a specific, clearly represented image. Allegory is unambiguous and directly indicates a strictly defined concept.

Example: a fox- trick, wolf- cruelty, donkey -nonsense (in bass); gloomy Albion.- England (A. S. Push-Kin "When you join the hand again ...").

Allyusia- One of the paths, which is used to use a transparent hint on some good, from a good household, literary or historical fact, instead of mentioning the very fact.

Example: Mention A. S. Pushkin about the Domestic War of 1812:

Why? Talk: for either,

What's on the ruins of flaming Moscow

We did not recognize the impudent will

Togo, under whom you trembled?

("Russian slanders")

Metaphor- This is a hidden comparison based on some signs common to compared, compared subjects or phenomena.

Example: Burns east glow new(A. S. Pushkin "Poltava").

Elimination- endowing the objects and phenomena of non-wildlife by the features of a living being (most often a person).

Example: "Night of Gustel, flew next, grabbed the racing for the raincoats and, harvested with their shoulders, exposed deceptions(M. A. Bul-Nakov "Master and Margarita").

Metonymy- The poetic trail consisting in replacing one word or the concept of another with the first causal connection.

Example: There is a museum of ethnographyin this city

Above the wide, as a Nile, a multi-water Neva,

(N. S. Gumilyov "Abyssini")

Synecdoche - one of the paths that is built on the detention of quantity; More instead of smaller or turnover.

Example: Tell me: Soon we WarsawWill preducive his law? (A. S. Pushkin "Borodino Anniversary")

Perifraz- The trail, which is based on the principle of a built-in metonymy and is to replace the word or phrase with a descriptive circulation of speech, which indicates the signs of not named directly subject.

Example: in the poem A. A. Akhmatova "The dark-free mats wandered along the alleys ..." With the help of periphrasis, A. S. Pushkin is pictured:

Here it was his triangne \u200b\u200band a rashpanny that guys.

Euphemism- Replacing the coarse, indecent or intimosity or statement by others, transparently hints for genuine value (according to stylistic orientation close to periprasis).

Example: woman in an interesting positioninstead of beretny rechangeedinstead of frustrated, borrowedunder that stole, etc.

Symbol- a hidden comparison in which the compaable item is not called, but is meant with a well-known share

variability (ambiguity). The symbol only points to some reality, but it is not compared with it one-most and directly, this contains the principal difference between the symbol from the metaphor with which it is often confused.

Example: I'm just a cloud, full fire(K. D. Bal-Mont "I don't know wisdom"). The only point of sin-tanning between the poet and the cloud is "pasty".

Anaphor (unity)- This is the repetition of similar sounds, words, syntactic and rhythmic repetitions in the on-chage of adjacent poems, stanza (in poetic products) or closely located phrases in paragraph or at the beginning of adjacent paragraphs (in prose).

Example: Ringlove, so without reason, Ringthreaten, so not for a joke, Ringswear so sneaking Ringwrite, so gossip! (A. K. Tolstoy "Kohl to love, so without a reason ...")

Multi-allu- Such a construction of stanza, episode, spa, paragraph, when all the basic logically significant phrases (segments) are linked to the same alliance:

Example: And wind and rain and megro

Above the cold desert water. (I. A. Bunin "Loneliness")

Gradation- gradual, consistent strengthening or weakening of images, comparisons, epithets and other means of artistic expressiveness.

Example: No one will give us a deliverance, Neither God nor the king and the hero ...

(E. Internship "INTERNATIONAL")

Oxymoron (or oxymoron)- A contrast combination of opposing words to the value of creating an ethical effect.

Example: "I love me pischnature. fading ... "(A. S. Pushkin "Autumn").

Alliteration- Reception of sounding, which gives the rows of verse or parts of the prose, a special sound with the help of repeating certain consonant sounds.

Example: "Katya, Katya," horseshoe horseshoes are caring on ... ". In the poem of I. Selvinsky "Chernozya Ka-Zakchka", the repetition of the sound "K" imitates the centrot of hoofs.

Antiphrasis- The use of words or expressions in the opposite of their semantics sense is most often ironic.

Example: ... he sang famous life color"Unfortunately in the highest years. (A. S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin")

Stylization- This is a reception that the av-torus deliberately imites style style, a manner, a poetic of some other well-known work or a group of products.

Example: in the poem "Tsarskoselskaya Statue" A. S. Pushkin resorts to the stylization of antique poetry:

Urn with water dropping, about the rock of her Virgo broke. Virgo is sad sitting, idle holding a shard. Miracle! Water is not sharpened, pouring out of the urn of broken, Virgo above the eternal jet is eternally sad sits.

Anthology- Use in the work of words and expression in their direct, direct, ordinary meaning. This is neutral, "prosaic" speech.

Example: Winter. What to do to us in the village? I meet the servant carrying me a cup of tea in the morning, questions: heat? Did the blizzard subsided? (A. S. Pushkin "Winter. What to do to us in the village? ..")

Antithesis- Artistic opposition to the appearance, concepts, regulations, situations, etc.

Example: Here is a fragment of the historical song "Selection of Er-Popha toaman":

Not clear falcons fluttered - they were gathered, came outGood well done ...