LED backlight in the interior, options, photos. Decorative backlight in the interior Using LED tape in the interior

At the present time, the LED tape in the interior is an integral part of the entourage. Just ten years ago, the light performed as a simple lighting of the rooms, and now it is real designer know-how, with the help of light you can create an unforgettable atmosphere and comfort.

To create additional decorative lighting or beautiful compositions, LED ribbons and fluorescent lamps are used. LED lamps are the best choice for lighting.

Main advantages:

  1. They are flexible and thin, you can cut off the desired length of the LED tape.
  2. Installation is not difficult, since there is a sticky tape on the back.
  3. A variety of colors and shades. Thanks to this number of colors, you can create and decorate any interior.
  4. There are also moisture-resistant lamps, they are perfect for the decoration of the pool.
  5. LEDs consume extremely little energy, due to which they are often used.
  6. Practically do not require maintenance.

The use of LED tapes in the interior for different purposes:

  1. Allocate with their help set locations in the room or highlight anything LED ribbon.
  2. Use for decorative decoration of any items.
  3. You can give the room a visual volume. For example, the installation of LED illumination under the frame of the ceiling visually increases the room.

LED backlight is an important part of the interior of the whole room, installing it, you can add beauty and originality. It also focuses on the selected objects and hides the shortcomings.

Ideas of application

Lighting apartment

LED tape is very well combined with other types of lighting. The ideas for their use are a great set. She gives the room an unusual interior. In case local lighting is enough, it should be used as an addition to the existing one.


The staircase highlights not only due to the fact that it is original and beautiful, but also for the safety of moving along it. Mounted LED ribbon in various ways: on the side of the steps, on each step, through one step, you can embed in the railing. Often use lighting with a motion sensor. It is extremely economical and very convenient.


The lighting or illumination of the wall allows you to visually change the size of the room, give the interior decorative look. The pictures, photos, walls and any materials on the wall are highlighted. Also for wallpaper decoration use LED wallpapers. They are very easy to use and mounting. They are also attached using reverse adhesive side.


This is a relatively new designer move, but it is rapidly gaining momentum. LED tape in this case will emphasize the structure of the fabric and give the interior a beautiful view. It is usually placed in a niche near the cornice.


It is highlighted by even less often than everything else, but still illuminated. LED cope with such a task very well, as they are flexible and easily attached exactly where they need. They make furniture special and emphasize its advantages.


In the kitchen, the LEDs are used in several versions:

  1. Diode tapes are used as a backlight for the working area. They are mounted under kitchen furniture.
  2. Sleep the kitchen apron from the inside. Usually make an apron of glass and highlight it with ribbon, in which case it turns into an independent lamp.
  3. Light glass cabinets from the inside.
  4. Zonap the room and distinguish specific zones or objects.

Living room small sizes

LED backlight is extremely universal, it is applicable to any kind of rooms, regardless of their size. When using it in a small room, it is desirable to immediately buy a dimmer to adjust the brightness of LEDs, as well as automatic on and down. With the help of the dimmer, you can give a room a more home, adjusting the shades and brightness.

If the room is equipped with a stretch ceiling, then it is not necessary to do without a LED tape. It will help add additional comfort and comfort to the room.

Rules for using backlight

When using LED tape, the type of interior in which it applies should always be taken into account. Say, for the whole apartment design in the style of country is not very suitable, but for the living room - quite. For the bedroom it is better to choose tender tones and shades.

It is important to be able to emphasize the beauty of each element. For example, the beauty of the metal will emphasize the white LEDs.

The main rule when lighting is to feel the measure. At the initial stage, it is important to plan and understand which and where the backlight is required.

How to make night lighting?

Duty lighting is an excellent option for any apartments and houses. This is primarily very convenient and reduces the risk of getting injury. To save it, you can not include everything at once, but to do it as needed.

For example, in the apartment, someone from the family go to bed early, and everyone else is trying to keep silence and peace, respectively, local lights do not turn on. In such a situation, LED ribbons are a wonderful way out.

The boundaries of the use of LEDs are limited only by fantasy. The installation of them is extremely simple and sustained even an amateur. Due to the wide selection of shades and colors, you can implement any ideas.

With the advent of LED lighting devices, many designers looked at the process of organizing lighting completely with a different, more interesting side. Today, work on the coverage of the dwelling can be safely attributed to the category of creative and laborious. After all, every day there are all new ideas and opportunities for organizing a truly unique light picture. As a rule, several types of lighting devices are used, which together create a unique, charming game of light and shadow. One of the in-demand elements, without which no modern design is done is. The scope of diodes is so wide that you can even find the LED grass for lawn on the Internet. However, this article will dedicate using LED tape in the interior, Share interesting ideas and advice, and also consider how correctly and, most importantly, securely attach it to the desired surface and avoid common errors during self-installation.

LED tape in the interior

Within the limits even the most unambiguously there is a suitable place to accommodate LED tape, which can be said about spacious private mansions ... those who once have already tried personally all the delights of the use of this element of decor, hardly can refuse themselves light With it literally all possible corners. After watching the amazing pictures on the Internet, where the tape not only helps to create bizarre illusions, but also performs a practical function, it instantly arises a desire to embody what they saw in his home. In addition to the fact that the diode tape is beautiful and stylish, it is also:

Concerning disadvantages The use of LED ribbons, then, perhaps, it is only one - a decrease in the brightness of the diodes after a certain amount of hours. Now about the ideas themselves regarding the use of ribbons in the interior.

LED tape in the interior of the hallway

The hallway in ordinary apartment buildings most often is a rather narrow and long space, an absolutely deprived source of natural lighting. Therefore, it is very important to make bright and uniform, without leaving no angle without attention. Successful idea will be the use of LED spotlights on the ceiling in combination with a ribbon that will do lighting divers level and different. Thanks to this approach, the room will visually seem more spacious, not so close and uncomfortable.

In the hall suitable place For fastening the tape will be:

  1. Doorway. This technique is very interesting, but it can not be found in, especially if the repair was performed without making a design project by a specialist. Therefore, if you want your hallway from the threshold to understand the guests that the hosts of the house are creative and extraordinary people, be sure to take this idea note. You can make a portal with several options. You can mount the tape only above the door. You can decorate the side walls of the opening, and you can decorate the entire door frame completely. The main thing is not too big brightness - with a smaller number of diodes and a big step between them. It is necessary in order for a person who is not blinded into the apartment. The backlight must be soft and muted. To achieve such an effect, it is necessary to use special aluminum profiles. Their cover is made of opaque plastic and is a scattering element;
  2. If your entrance hall is not cluttered with a large number of furniture, it is advisable to perform prepared backlight. That is, the use of plinths specially invented for such purposes. On their front part there are a chute in which the tape passes, and which is then closed with a special transparent bar. The design is almost similar to the usual one. By the way, if you decide to just glue the tape to the MDF Plintus or on the usual plastic plinth in the place where they are screwed and not to close the deepening plank, then immediately give up this idea. First, the unclosed tape quickly covers dust, which can lead to its bravery. Secondly, due to the lack of a protective bar, it will be very problematic to produce wet cleaning;
  3. If there is on the walls of the corridor, then placing the backlight inside throughout the perimeter, you visually deepen these elements. For consumer effect, the mirror panel can be pasted on the back wall. A composition of several niches will look very beautiful, which are highlighted with a multi-colored ribbon. The interior of this room will immediately become multifaceted and dynamic;
  4. Very often above the entrance door or above the door, which leads to the kitchen, from the hallway there are mezzanine. We all actively use such storage places that use very rarely. Naturally, the builders did not think that in such a place would not hurt the presence of a lampIn the role of which the LED tape will perform. It is bright enough to illuminate the most distant corners of the antlesole and, most importantly, does not occupy a useful space. And if you equip the design by the sensor, which will work on the opening of the door, to use such a lighting system is much more convenient;
  5. There is often a high-quality backlight between the hallway and the kitchen, which is not less than the antleesole. You can mount the tape as around the perimeter of the storeroom doors from the inside, directing its light on the shelves and their lower plane;
  6. Another useful way to use the tape will be installation in or an end for shoes. After all, even when the upper light is included, not the entire inner cavity of these furniture items is illuminated to the need.

When it comes to the above methods of applying the tape in the interior, it is very important to connect it independently. That is, each element should be able to turn on and work separately, and not together with the main lighting. In this case, it turns out to make the interior at the same time bright and functional.

Living room with modern backlit

, both spacious and requires special attention.

Such zoning can be applied not only in the living rooms, but also in other combined rooms. Also in the living room, the LED ribbon is actively used for Selection of certain elements. For example:

  1. TV-zone illumination, namely the TV itself, began to be used not so long ago, but instantly won many fans. The diode tape is attached to the rear surface of the TV screen as close as possible to the edges. Due to this, the glow covers a large zone on the wall to which the TV is mounted. Especially spectacularly looks like a backlight in cases where the color tape is used or when the wall has a factor pattern. Each irregularity instantly becomes more pronounced and noticeable;
  2. With the help of a diode tape of warm yellow color can easily imitate the light from the fire in the fireplaceMade with your own hands. - The pleasure is not cheap. Therefore, more and more often can be found in the interior that can only remind the portal itself. Even such a small similarity is enough to make a little warm and comfort in the interior. Often in the zone where firewood should burn, put candles. This method is not entirely safe. Therefore, it is better to highlight the furnace with ribbon, but so that it is not visible. The effect will be what you need!;
  3. A favorite element of all interiors in or mixed-style is a wall, lined with another stone view, simply can not do without additional backlight. After all, it is with its help that can be emphasized the contour of each individual pebble and make the wall "alive." The tape can be placed both under the ceiling and. And it is possible and there. The difference between the wall with illumination and without - colossal;
  4. If you like painting and prefer use paintings for interior decorationBe sure to take care of setting them in the most advantageous light and pay attention to them. Special lamps for paintings will undoubtedly look stylish and perfectly perform their function, but the cost of them sometimes scares. You can do and conventional diode ribbon, sticking it along the contour on the back of the picture, as in the case of a TV. The light will not be in the eyes when someone from your guests will want to admire the work of art, but will be quite bright and noticeable;
  5. An interesting effect can be achieved by highlighting. Moreover, the tape can be glued both on their lower plane and on top, or by perimeter. The main thing is to have a light source closer to the wall so that the light is gently projected on it. Such shelves themselves will act in the role of decorative elements, therefore, it is not necessary to rage them with various vousels, and one should not be other trockers. One, two subjects - no more. And even better put your favorite photos in the glass framework;
  6. Many of us love books very much and even boast the presence of your own, though small, home library. Most often, the books are placed on the open-type rack. By itself, this element is very saturated, as it is a diversity of colorful binding. In this regard, designers recommend using decor items in rooms where there are such racks at a minimum, or even completely refuse them. It is much better to put the final touch, adding the shelves with books backlight. The tape can be used both monochrome and color. You can highlight the sections with different colors in a certain order - in a chess, diagonally, vertically etc. In general, rely on your imagination;
  7. It is impossible not to mention about illuminated window opening, namely . The tape is placed in such a way that the diodes are directed down. At your request, you can glue the ribbon both before and behind the curtains. Depending on this, you will get different intensity of the glow. When you backlit in front of the curtains, you can additionally emphasize their beautiful texture, do not forget about it and do not miss the opportunity to add luxury with expensive textiles;
  8. Illumination of the sofa or creates the effect of the fact that the furniture is boiled above the floor. Especially if furniture items are low, landed. The backlight on the sofa can be placed both behind its back, so that the light falls on the wall and at the bottom of the base. If you decide to highlight the coffee table with a glass countertop, remember that by placing the ribbon diodes down, you will make it the visible back. It can spoil the aesthetic appearance of the tabletop. Therefore, it is better to mount the ribbon on opaque areas;
  9. Like an entrance hall, the backlight of the wall niches in the living room will be a very successful idea. In addition, if the doorway in the room is made in the form, you can safely decorate it with a ribbon, thereby paying attention to its elegant bends;
  10. You can add soft backlight that are an integral element of the living room in. Only in no case glue the ribbon along the column column. It is better to put it at the very top under the ceiling around the column;
  11. Various bends of walls, decorative protrusions or geometric elements will look much more expressive and deeper with additional backlight;
  12. Multi-level apartments or living rooms in private houses have such an element as a staircase. And for you it should be an excellent web for creativity. Middle ways. It is worth noting that this not only looks spectacular, but also reduces the risk of injury. The main thing is to have a ribbon so that when you looked at the steps, her light did not blind you, but only created a soft backlight and pointed the path. Choose different colors, coordinating them with the color of the surrounding walls or coating steps. Decorate the railing, ends of the steps or lay the ribbon in special plinths, in general - dare!;
  13. It is impossible to leave ignore illumination of the ceiling archbut. The options for placing the tape in this case are a lot. The effect that you will receive as a result depends on this. About how to fix the tape to the ceiling, we will talk a little later.

Do not use all the ways at the same time. Maximum two or three ideas within the spacious premises, and no more than two in the interior of a small room.

LED tape in the interior of the children's room

This room should be very calm, weathered in warm pleasant shades to have, especially if your child is excessively active. Use bright lighting is permissible only in the gaming area or in the area where developing classes are held.

Ideas on the use of tape in the bedroom interior

Just as a children's room, a bedroom is primarily a place to relax, relaxation and peace. Excessively bright light will irritate the nervous system, and provoke its activity. Therefore, LED backlight must be used from caution.

  1. The picture that one of the first appears after the request "LED tape in the bedroom" is the bottom of which is decorated with a ribbon. So why not? Especially if your room is decorated in. Even if the bed is not equipped with mirror panels around the perimeter or does not have a special design, which creates the effect that it hangs in the air, the effect of the ward will still be achieved. Plus, this is an additional light source, soft and pleasant;
  2. The tape can be used instead of wall lamps, placing it with the head of the bed. Especially if the bed is installed in a specially provided niche. The reading process will be very comfortable. And the consumption of electricity is economical;
  3. The dressing table must have a bright source of light, which will not miss any trifle during fees. Diode ribbon can be pasted around the perimeter of the mirror;
  4. Create a soft light source will help the backlight of the cornice;
  5. If a balcony or loggia is adjacent to the bedroom, which in principle do not need bright lighting, it is advisable to use a diode tape for their backlight. And when you need to create an intimate atmosphere in the bedroom, it will be possible to include the light only there and maintain the curtains;
  6. Most modern interiors do not do without. To illuminate each section, you can also use LED tape.

Backlight in the bathroom

This room is certain. That is why the right decision will not only be the use of finishing materials in bright colors, but also filling it with a sufficient amount of light. It is important to choose the right temperature of the light. Cold white is not suitable for these purposes. Only neutral or, in extreme cases, a warm spectrum. So, where it is appropriate to use the tape:

  1. Of course, not only beautiful, but also rational, there will be sticking ribbon on. After all, there are no ware on mirrors with already built-in LED backlit. Their cost is sometimes simply unjustified, so much more economically use our idea. The tape can be placed both around the perimeter and only on the side or on the upper and lower edges. In any case, you will be convenient and apply makeup, and perform other procedures;
  2. It looks very interesting around the perimeter of the floor. Such a soft glow will be comfortable for the eyes even at night and will slightly expand the space;
  3. The same can be said about the ceiling illumination in the bathroom;
  4. Recently, highlighting has become very popular for various plumbing. And it is not only a bathroom illumination, which is located on the protective screen, but also about the sink illumination by the method of sticking the ribbon to its lower plane around the perimeter, as well as the lighting of the toilet bowl. It is beautiful or not - judge by the photo yourself;
  5. Definitely effectively it will look if you are using a plumbing fit;
  6. Just sin not to decorate in this way. The effect of the guy will be achieved at the maximum;
  7. You can also highlight wall shelves, if any.

When organizing a backlight in the bathroom with a LED tape, do not forget that this room with high humidity. So, the tape must have a corresponding security class. And again - do not try to use all the ideas at once within this modest room.

Using LED Tape In Kitchen Interior

In this case, the most fully combined both decorative and practical parties to use the tape. SAME popular mats For its installation are:

  1. Definitely leading position should be given with a tape. In this case, it is also worth using moisture-proof varieties. You can stick it both on the lower plane of hinged cabinets and the wall using special profiles. An interesting effect can be achieved if the kitchen apron is backlit;
  2. Each kitchen cabinet, both mounted and retractable, can also be made more convenient to use if you provide a sufficient level of lighting. You can equip the system with sensors that react to opening;
  3. If indoors in special

How to fix the LED ribbon to different surfaces

After we looked at so many beautiful and practical ideas on the use of the tape, you need to take care that your backlight simply does not jump behind the surface in a few days. There is not so many fastening options:

  • Almost the entire tape is equipped with a sticky layer. This was taken care of. In order to glue it to the desired plane, it is enough to separate the protective layer for several centimeters, press gently tape, and then gradually move to the end. With this installation, it is very important to qualitatively prepare the surface - get rid of pollution, degrease, wipe dry and immediately glue glued until the dust fell up. It is possible to use the "native" sticky layer only once. Therefore, in advance, think about the location of the tape. The second time it simply will not stick. In principle, this method allows the tape to stay even on rough surfaces;
  • But often the above method is a short-lived and tape with time begins to slow and simply disappears under its own weight. This happens either due to the fact that the surface has not been prepared properly, or the sticky layer itself was not very good quality. Sometimes the cause of the ribbon storage can be caused by the seller. If she for a long time lay in a cold warehouse, even the highest quality scotch will lose its properties. It is enough just to take advantage of the new scotch, which is glued first to the ribbon. It is better to use products that has marks "ZM" and acquire it from proven sellers, since there are many fakes;
  • If the tape is long and has additional moisture-proof protection, the probability of its dug is higher. For reliable fixation, you can use the superclay in the form of a gel, which is to be applied point, with an interval of 3-5 cm. The rest of the space will firmly lie down to the plane using the native sticky layer;
  • If aesthetics are not important - you can use clamps for fixing the tape;
  • The most reliable method of fixation is the use of aluminum profiles that are cut-in, overhead or angular. This allows you to mount the ribbon in any places;
  • If a powerful tape is installed, it is necessary to pre-glue a foil tape to the surface that will serve as a heat removal screen, like aluminum profiles. That is why it is impossible to use ordinary plinths to accommodate the LED tape in them. She just will warm himself;
  • Installation on. This is one of the ways to secure the backlight for the ceiling. The pictures below show the schemes of the correct location of each element.

  • You can also perform hidden backlight of the stretch ceiling. The effect will be just amazing. To do this, you need to attach a tape with the help of special brackets from the plane of the main ceiling, and then pull the PVC film. Place the tape in such a way that it formed a specific pattern.

Typical montage errors

The installation of a diode ribbon is incorrectly quite difficult, however there are such non-traditional attachment methods that are better to avoid:

There are many ways to make the interior of the apartment brighter and spectacular. Use of decorative wall decoration and ceiling, niche and fireplaces, etc. But with a detailed consideration it turns out that sometimes you can decorate the decorative components of the interior. And the LEDs in the interior of the apartments are perfectly helping. This method is becoming increasingly popular, and serves as a replacement for conventional traditional lighting.

In the bathroom you can hang small chandeliers

Decorative backlight can be installed anywhere

LED backlighting bed decorative backlight

Designers have long preferred the use of LED backlighting to decorate the interior of houses and apartments. If most recently, the LED backlight of the interior could afford wealthy families, due to its high cost, then in our days the situation changes rapidly, and the cardinal way. Yes, and the effectiveness of decorative illumination in the interior has changed significantly. This allows the use of LED lighting elements everywhere. In the kitchen, in the hallway, in the children's room.

The presence of a variety of and saturated shades of LEDs allows them to be used to zoning premises by means of light. A soft and cozy lighting helps to provide a comfortable, calm and pleasant atmosphere as in the children's room so in other rooms at home. And thanks to the flexibility of LED tapes, to realize any designer project and fantasy will not be difficult.

Decorative illumination is particularly beautiful in modern design.

The backlight must be chosen by the interior color.

The most effectively the LED tape looks at the transmitting light of structures and objects. It allows you to create unusual forms, giving the room a charming environment. The use of LED backlight in the interior of the premises gives usual things and subjects located in the room, new looks. Thanks to this, the atmosphere becomes unique, amazing and unique.

Steps can be equipped with decorative illumination

On the ceiling can be installed LED plates

Very beautiful backlight will look in the corners of the room

Its uniqueness is explained by the possibility of an unlimited spectrum of application. Easy use, flexibility, low weight is important in the popularity of LED tape.

Options for using LED backlights in the interior of the house:

  1. lED backlight ceiling;
  2. lED backlight mirrors;
  3. lED highlighting of eaves and curtains;
  4. illumination of stairs and steps;
  5. backlight frames for photos and paintings.

As a rule, the best place for mounting the LED ribbon is recesses and niches, on interior items. They are placed so that they are invisible, and the unobtrusive glow gives mysteriousness and magic. In places where light light needs, it is very convenient to use the LED lighting. For example, on the stairs, the LED tapes will help to illuminate the steps, improve the convenience and at the same time the staircase itself will be beautifully illuminated.

In the interior of premises decorated in style, high-tech and minimalism, the use of LED backlight is simply necessary.

Usually, decorative backlights are made with a stretch ceiling.

Small lamps are built into some kitchen furniture

LED highlighting photo frames and paintings

Acquisition of frames for photographs with illumination in the store sometimes it is costly. Or it is impossible to purchase the framework of the desired size. Then you can arrange frames for pictures or photos yourself. Easy to install LED tape will help get the desired result, the original interior object and an additional light source.

Decorative backlight can be embedded in picture or wardrobe

Especially beautiful will look backlighting the room at the corners

Night the kitchen will look even better if you make such a backlight

LED backlight of the eaves and curtains

Using LED strips can be beautifully beat the curtains. Focusing on your taste or listening to the councils of specialists, you can add curtains from a lightweight fabric or heavy noble material. The tape is mounted on the fabric both on top and at the bottom of Gardina. Especially stylish will look tape, selected, taking into account the color and style solutions. Color is selected for any material.

Usually decorative lights are installed with the stretch ceiling

In the kitchen, you can install highlighted photo wallpapers

Lighting staircases

Owners of private houses resort to decoration of steps located in the aisles and transitions leading to the upper floors, attic, etc.

Such a solution helps to solve three tasks at once.

    Security. Especially important is in homes where there are children and older people. The use of such lighting will give the space of fascinating beauty, and the movement on the stairs will be more secure.

    Additional element of the decor of the staircase or its parts.

    Saving electricity when using LED ribbons will be noticeable, even in comparison with the energy-saving lamp.

The options for fastening the LED backlight are quite a lot.

    Around the perimeter of the stairs.

    in her corners.

    In the center.

The ladder decorated LED backlight can be the pride of its owners.

Decorative backlight combines with any design

Decorative backlight in the kitchen looks very beautiful

Decorative illumination in the corridor in modern style

Using the backlight for plinths.

Traditionally, the top light is used to illuminate apartments. Modern designers offer to use the backlight of the plinths. The use of LED backlight thus allows you to create unusual interiors and conditions for a comfortable stay. Economical LED ribbons are not braid, but in some, special cases allow the room a light, romantic situation. Multicolored, uniform lighting at the bottom of the room is particularly impressive in large rooms.

The backlight is perfectly combined with a tree in the interior

Illumination can be installed not only on the ceiling and walls, but also in cabinets and furniture

Hidden backlight interior. This is a beautiful and new-fashioned reception of designers. LED lamps are an ideal solution to such a task. This technique is applied for the following purposes:

  • illumination of shaded places on furniture, storage rooms and other interior items;
  • ceiling backlighting to impart a visual effect;
  • illumination of windows and curtains;
  • contour illumination;
  • attracting attention to individual elements of the interior method of their backlight.

LED tape has another name in the ranks of specialists in the field of interior creation. Flexible neon, it is LED ribbons and cords. It is flexible, sold in rolls. If necessary, it can be cut. The angle of luminosity of the LEDs is 120 degrees. The use of neon signs in the interior is a new trend of decorative lighting.

Decorative backlight performs two functions at once: illuminates the room and harmoniously complements the design

Backlight of decorative elements on the wall in the living room

Modern design of combined kitchen and living room with decorative illumination in the interior

But, despite all the advantages, the soft, multicolored glow of LEDs will have to, by the way, not in every interior. Ethnic style (Country, Japanese, African, Bocho style) will only lose from using such a backlight. This new, high-tech equipment will have to be more than ever, by the way, in the interiors in the style of futurism, High-tech and whether minimalism. In classically decorated premises, LED backlight will also look inappropriate. Oddly enough, in retro style, you can use modern LED backlighting in combination with Retro Edison Bulb. The lamp in combination with a color cable in the foreground can be a real pearl of the interior. The relationship of antiquity and modernity, a sign that humanity develops in the right direction. The concept of application of such an option is based on the principles of minimalism.

It will be especially pleasant to watch movies in the home theater with decorative illumination

Decorative ceiling light in the interior of the Living Room in the style of Provence

LED tape-ideal option for zoning the indoor space of the room into several functional zones. You can use this technique in the kitchen, in the children's room, in the bedroom, etc. A wonderful way to divide into several zones a small apartment studio. Various light gamma helps to establish an invisible border, and at the same time visually increases the space. With a pleasant blue backlight, you can highlight the working area. She does not tire the eyes, and stimulates performance. Recreation area can be designated soft yellow or green. It will help to relax, remove the nervous tension and sleep well.

Video: LED backlight do it yourself

A new level of light design management, creation of a cozy or romantic atmosphere, various color design of space. At the same time - complete safety in the use, energy savings and lack of harmful flicker, sometimes imperceptible, but fixed by the human eye. All these features combines LED tape in the interior! We read an article and learn more about this contemporary miracle!

  • For what premises does it fit?
  • General lighting
  • Backlight of furniture
  • New solutions

"For what premises does it fit?"

LED ribbons are used in all possible spaces - from shops, offices, industrial premises, pools, country houses, apartments and cars.

By virtue of its safety and lack of ability to heat up, they are ideal for children's rooms. You can not worry that the baby drops the desktop lamp or lamp - after all, even soft childrens do not guarantee that it will not break. And the LED tape can be attached to the inaccessible child height.

Another nuance - all LED tapes are two types - those that are suitable for use in rooms with high humidity and those in respect of which it is impossible. This can be found out by looking at the labeling on the package - the degree of moisture protection should be indicated there. If the number is at least 65 - boldly use the tape for the lighting of the bathroom.

And now let's look at specific examples and solve, in the interior which room of your apartment it will fit better!

"General lighting"

The LED tape in the interior is easily combined with other sources of lighting, from point devices and chandeliers do not have to refuse. Although its brightness is quite enough to illuminate a small room, the ribbon can only be used as an elegant touch.

  • The owners of the next room were accepted, highlighting the arcuate deepening, because it's a shame if the design created with such labor will remain unnoticed. Flexible tape allows you to accurately repeat the geometry of any surface, it can not only bend, but also to cut, so that no corner can be left without attention.

  • The following example is especially relevant for the niche of the wrong form. Imagine what you did in the ceiling the original deepening, decorated it with frescoes or patterned wallpaper - but when the chandelier is turned on, it is unimpledly illuminated, and looks like a blurred spot, not a stylish accent? So that this does not happen, glue the LED ribbon along its perimeter. In the living room in the photo below designers masterfully solved this problem. We see that the drop-shaped deepening is saved with golden wallpaper, and the lamp is not able to fill it in due measure. Only this room is highlighted with spotlight - with all the rest, the tape copes.

  • And in this small cozy living room use LEDs to create a chamber atmosphere. Included with a ribbon It is worth purchasing a dimmer - a device, to control the brightness of the lamp, setting the modes of slow darkening and extinction, the ability to automatically disable the light at the right time. So you will display light management to a new level. Place for recreation is converted to the flickering disco-hall with one click on the button!

  • And of course, you can not do without LED tape, if attachments are present in the interior. They are often used with non-standard layout or too high ceilings, as in the following photo. Spotlights are pretty energy-intensive, and they will need them quite a few square. And here you can restrict ourselves to just a few pieces, and the main source stretch over the surface of the beams.

  • In the bedroom you can use it as a backlight of the niche from the head of the bed, if any. And you can stick it straight between the bed and the wall, or the bedside dresser, then the need for a separate sconium will disappear.

Set up the most delicate lighting mode, and your eyes will be comfortable. Or select a playful future color, as in the photo below.

"Furniture backlight"

LED tape has a low voltage - only 12 volts, and practically does not highlight heat. Together with fire protection properties, it allows it to be used to illuminate shelves and cabinets, as well as places with poor ventilability.

  • A spectacular solution is to mount it on the bookpoint or shelf. You can separately highlight the most significant accessory - for example, a statuette or photo, or allocate the entire shelf at once. And we have already spoken about the importance of the right environment of art objects.

By the way, many praise the LED ribbon in the interior as the backlight of the cabinets from the inside. To keep the top light every time in the room, use this little cunning.

  • It is also indispensable for comfortable coverage of the working area in the kitchen - after all, each mistress knows how important the lamps do not blind eyes and distorted the color of the products. And even when it is constant work on food reserves, it will not work warm - while the owners of standard incandescent lamps often complain of melting of sweets stored in the cabinets.

  • If the doors of the kitchen cabinets are decorated with colored glass, stupid to miss the opportunity to make them similar to fabulous. The kitchen will take the front view and will look especially elegantly at night. The only thing - it will be difficult to stay from the temptation to pour yourself a third cup of tea and put it with a book on an extra watch.

  • Fashion games with reality - make furniture as if soaring in the air, due to illumination of its lower part. Original, and brings the association with a bar counter in a cafe. If the rhythm of the nightlife do you like, add this extraordinary emphasis in your interior.

"New solutions"

  • LED tapes in the interior of museums and exhibition halls are found everywhere. The case in their ability to radiate a clearly directed light and not affect the correct microclimate around the product. So you can not be afraid to hang under her the most expensive to you, they almost suffer from such a neighborhood.

  • Allow your imagination to go further on - after all, any horizontal surface is good for the installation of LEDs. Have you been picked up a beautiful textile on the windows and now crazy about your luxury curtains? Organize them a decent framing, placing the ribbon on the length of the eaves. This option will accurately allow you to give a person with an outstanding taste!

  • The following idea for its use is aesthetic and practical equally! The backlight of the staircases in a two-story apartment or house is also concern for your safety. By the way, as we see, the tape can be not only monochrome - thanks to the use of RGB technology, there are thousands of shades that your interior will enrich.

The most pleasant thing in all this is that the LED tape in the interior does not require special skills for its installation - you can easily handle the task yourself. In addition, it is suitable for multiple installation, which gives you the opportunity to replay the space at any time. And last - the price for it is far from the fabulous, and its service life is up to 10 years, which makes the acquisition of extremely profitable.

Modern interiors can not be submitted without the use of illumination elements. And if quite recently the appointment of a variety of lamps was only the lighting of an apartment or at home, now the light acts as the main designer and the creator of the unique appearance and the atmosphere of the room.

As a source of light, LED ribbons, duralite cords, luminescent lamps are used as a system. The optimal choice in this case will be the use of LED tape.

Advantages of the use of LED tape:

  • they are flexible, thin, they can be cut. This allows you to reliably hide the ribbon from the eye in almost any design;
  • most often, tapes are produced on a sticky basis, which makes them installation extremely simple;
  • it is possible to use ribbons with special controllers for mixing colors and creating almost any shade;
  • the intensity of light can be adjusted using a dimmer;
  • along with conventional ribbons, moisture-resistant options are produced that can be used for basin or jacuzzi highlighting equipment;
  • lEDs are inherent small power consumption, due to which it is possible to leave the backlight on for a long time;
  • do not require maintenance due to a long service life.

What is the backlight in the interior

Used in the interior of the apartment to achieve a variety of purposes:

  • selection using the light of a certain zone indoors or design element, for example, the highlight of the apron in the kitchen area;
  • decoration or decoration, such as mirrors or furniture items;
  • giving the placement of additional volume, height due to the backlight. So, the installation of the LED tape under the ceiling will visually make the room above;
  • creation of the necessary atmosphere in the house: festive, romantic, etc.

The backlight helps to create a unique interior, realize interesting design ideas, hide the lack of planning and emphasize attention on the merits. Refuse decorative lighting in the room - it means to deprive its fairing share of attractiveness and functionality.

Tip!When installing the backlight, it is necessary to pay attention to the harmonious combination of color of the tape and materials present in the interior. So, blue, white and other cold colors are well suited to the products of metal, but the wooden surfaces look more advantaged in warm tones of the backlight.

Basic use of backlighting

LED ribbons found their use to illuminate various interior elements. It can be cabinets, shelves from various materials, the design of the pool area in the country house, installing LEDs on the wall behind the TV, internal illumination of drawers or the creation of glowing compositions in the nursery. Among the main uses of the LED tape should be noted stairs and walls, furniture items, kitchen zone and curtain design.


The backlight of the staircase of the LED ribbon is not only an ornament, but also ensures the safety of movement in the dark. Set the LED tape in several ways: on the wall, side from steps; under each step or through one; along the entire length of the stage or, for example, only in its middle part; Built in the railing. The inclusion and turning off the backlight of the staircase can be carried out both with the help of a standard switch and using motion sensors. When using the last option, electricity is significantly saved, as the light turns on only if a person is suitable for the stairs.

It is very important to correctly send the flow of light on the stairs. Otherwise, it is possible to distortion of the shape of the steps, which is unsafe when moving on them.


The illumination of the walls allows you to visually change the size of the room, add the interior to the interior, to allocate various designs from drywall, for example, niches, columns, arches. With the help of LED tape, you can highlight the picture or photo, focus on the photo wallpaper or panel, emphasize the texture of the material for finishing walls, such as artificial stone.

In addition to LED tapes, LED wallpaper can be used to illuminate walls. They are a panel with a pattern, between which LEDs are fixed. Such wallpapers do not require sticking, they are attached to the wall with the adhesive tape. Produce such innovations of the company Oledia Philips. Products are absolutely safe, easy to maintain and allow you to create a unique and cozy interior.


Modern Designer Reception - Using LED Tape in Curtain Illumination. It allows you to achieve the effect of penetration of sunlight through curtains, emphasize the structure of the tissues and visually "break" the borders of the room. The best effect is achieved when the ribbon is placed in the niche for the eaves.


You can find application in any room and for LED backlighting furniture LED tape. With it, you can highlight the bed in the bedroom, create a romantic or, on the contrary, passionate atmosphere. The sofa or armchair highlighted in the living room will be like a "soar" in the air, which will give the interior of lightness and mysteriousness. The glass shelves, both open and in the lockers, in combination with the LED ribbon will create shining overflows of color and add attractions to objects, on them.


The following lighting scenarios are applicable in the LED kitchen:

  • the illumination of the working area with the help of LED tape installed under the top cabinets of the kitchen headset;
  • flipping kitchen apron from the inside. If the apron is made of glass or other transparent material, it turns into an independent lighting device. It looks very impressive;
  • lighting inside cabinets with glass doors;
  • creating an effect of a kitchen headset, by installing a led cap cabinets;
  • selection by the light of individual elements, for example, holders for glasses.

When planning decorative illumination in the room, it is necessary to consider the type of interior created. The use of non-ferrous in the apartments decorated in the style of classics, an ethnic or country is unlikely to be appropriate. The most winning here will look like lamps emitting warm yellow light.

On the contrary, in minimalist interiors, with elements of futurism and high-tek, you can give the will of fantasy and experiment with various combinations of colors. Although it should be noted that the most despicable cold and beauty of the metal will emphasize the white LEDs.

The most important rule when creating the lighting scheme is a sense of measure. Do not make a New Year tree from the apartment and highlight everything that is possible. At the planning stage, it is necessary to analyze all possible scenarios of lighting, to understand what is really necessary, from which it is possible to refuse without prejudice to the appearance of the room, and what will interfere with rest and relaxation.

Tip! To optimize the operation of the lighting scheme, you can use special devices - time relay. With their help, the backlight will be turned on and off at a predetermined time.

The use of LED ribbons in the apartment allows you to form an exclusive appearance of the room, expand the border, create the necessary atmosphere and mood. The possibilities of its use in the decorative lighting of the interior are actually limitless. And the ease of installation, the diversity of color solutions and durability leave far behind all competitors.