A rotten smell of gastric gases. Gas formation in the intestines, causes and treatment

Increased gas formation - The problem is familiar to every adult person, in addition to unpleasant sensations, meteorism causes spiritual discomfort. If you know the main causes of bloating, you can easily get rid of the disease, this medicinal drugs, folk remedies and proper nutrition will help.

Remove the strong gas formation in the stomach helps medicines and folk recipes

Causes of increased gas formation

The process of gases is correct is correct in medical, it is accompanied by sharp sounds and unpleasant odors. Adults and children suffer from increased gas formation, sometimes it is enough to adjust the diet to get rid of bloating and meteorism.

The main causes of meteorism

People who love to talk during the food often suffer from increased gas formation, absorb the intestines on the run - the air is incorporated.

Why leave gases:

  • passion for products that enhance the fermentation process in the intestine, or well combined with each other;
  • in men provoke a meteorism can carbonated and alcoholic beverages, against the background of a dense dinner there is a night meteorism;
  • hypodynamia;
  • dysbacteriosis, inflammatory processes in the organs of the digestive system, congestive phenomena in the liver;
  • worsening intestinal motility;
  • the presence of neoplasms of various origins on the intestinal walls, which prevent the normal exhaustion of gases.

Swimming is often diagnosed in the elderly - the peristalism deteriorates with age, the number of enzymes that are required to digest lactose are reduced.

Gaze can be released due to neoplasms in the intestine

What products can provoke a meteorism?

The cause of meteorism often becomes use of products that provoke enhanced gas selection in the intestine.

List of gas-generating products:

  • fast food, oily, fried food, products with high preservatives;
  • meat;
  • bean vegetables;
  • all kinds of cabbage;
  • black and rye bread, baking baked;
  • chocolate, coffee beverages, carbonated water.
To avoid meteorism, you should not drink food - it follows half an hour before or after receiving food.

Pancreatitis causes bloating

Abdominal pain, meteorism and strong gas convention almost always occurs after operations, which are carried out by a laparoscopic method. This is due to the fact that during the intervention in the abdominal cavity is introduced a lot of gas, usually all unpleasant symptoms disappear in their own after a week.

Bloating during pregnancy

Frequently uncontrolled gas release in women during pregnancy is associated with the hormonal perestroika of the body - with raising the level of progesterone, there is a relaxation of all smooth muscles, constipation and bloating arise.

Pregnant women decreases the number of pancreatic enzymes, food is worse away, the fermentation process in the intestine is enhanced. As the fetus grows, the uterus increases - it begins to put pressure on the organs of the digestive tract, which negatively affects their functions.

Growing fruit presses on internal organs, causing gas formation

Some doctors believe that the meteorism in pregnant women can be caused by the fact that the baby boosts in the womb.

The bloating of the belly is a frequent sign of PMS, against the background of hormonal imbalance at the bottom of the abdomen, liquid accumulates. To minimize the risk of meteorism, 7-10 days before menstruation should be completely abandoned from tea, coffee, chocolate, salty and sharp dishes.

Causes of increased gas formation in children

Breasts often boost - this is due to the fact that in the process of sucking they swallow a lot of air, flatulence may occur against the background of lactose insufficiency, dysbacteriosis. Often, high gas formation in the newborn is caused by intestinal colic - the child hurts to burst, it becomes a capricious, sucks with legs, you need to urgently consult a doctor, because such pathology is dangerous for young children.

Screaming - the main sign of the meteorism

Sometimes, at the octurium, extraordinary symptoms appear - insomnia, pain and burning in breast, failing in heart rhythm, weakness, migraine.

Approximately 900 ml of gases is located in the body of a healthy person - they are distinguished by microorganisms that live in the intestines, most of the gases extends during the defecation process.

To which doctor to turn

The diagnosis and treatment of meteorism is engaged, a nutritionist will help correct the diet. If the cause of high gas formation is stress, nervous overwork, it will be necessary. In suspected, the presence of tumors is necessary.


If he is constantly worried about increased gas formation, you need to visit the doctor - after collecting anamnesis and inspection, it will give direction for tests. The diagnosis mainly use instrumental and laboratory research methods.

Diagnostic methods:

  • clinical analysis of blood - on the presence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the digestive system indicates an elevated level of leukocytes, a decrease in the number of erythrocytes, low hemoglobin;
  • blood chemistry;
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs;
  • x-ray;
  • endoscopic studies.

The cause of constant gas release from the intestine can be worms, so it is necessary to make a coprogram.

To identify the causes of gas formation, the intestine ultrasound is carried out

Treatment of bloating and gas formation

To eliminate the signs of meteorism, various drugs are used, their choice depends on the cause of gas formation. As additional methods of treatment, the funds of traditional medicine can be applied.


Before starting the reception of medicines, it is necessary to adjust the diet, abandon the carbonated and alcoholic beverages, smoking, chewing gum.

What to treat bloating:

  • enzyme preparations - festal, mesim, help improve the functions of the pancreas;
  • probiotics - Linex, Hilak Forte, eliminate the imbalance of intestinal microflora;
  • antibiotics - Furazolidon, Rifaximin, eliminate the pathogenic microflora;
  • prokinetics - Cerukal, Motilium, restore the motor functions of the digestive tract;
  • enterosorbents - polysorb, dimethicone, remove gas surplus;
  • spasmolytic - but-shpa, reduce the manifestation of pain syndrome;
  • waterproof pills - Espumizan, gastal, help to eliminate flatulence, which emerged against the background of overeating, changes in the diet, cost inexpensively.

If the cause of the blink was stress, then it is necessary to take sedatives - Persen, Novo-Passitis, Valerian.

Polysorb eliminates excess gases in the intestine

Folk remedies from gas formation in stomach and bubbania

Recipes of traditional medicine helps to fight unpleasant symptoms of flange, with isolated cases of bloating, they can be used as an independent means if the meteorism is frequent or chronic, it is better to use them together with drugs.

How to get rid of bloating at home:

  1. Grind 10 g of dandelion roots, pour 220 ml of cool water, leave overnight in a closed container. In the morning, strain, drink the whole portion of medication in 4 reception, immediately before meals.
  2. In 250 ml of water add 25 g of parsley seeds, hold on the steam bath for 30 minutes, cool, filter. Drink 15 ml of medication every 4-5 hours.
  3. Grind 10 g of dopeous seed, pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave in a closed dish for 3 hours, strain. Take 100 ml times at 8 o'clock between meals.
  4. Relief from the bloom of the abdomen helps a decoction of dill seeds


    Proper nutrition is one of the best ways to treat and prevent the abdomen.

    How to make a menu

    Eating sweet food after meat always leads to excess gas formation.

    Is it possible to restrain gases?

    When a person begins to finish in a public place, he is trying to restrain gases, but it is sometimes difficult to stop the bucks, because often gases are allocated involuntarily.

    It is possible to restrain gases, but it is not necessary - a strong deterrence can cause a bloating syndrome and spasm, which will only aggravate the situation.


    To avoid the development of meteorism and bloating, it is necessary to observe simple prevention measures, the main of which is the correction of the diet and the power mode.

    What you need to do so that there is no meteorism:

  • abandon detrimental habits;
  • control the weight, move more;
  • do not overeat, dinner 2-3 hours before sleeping with eating - it will help to avoid the release of gases in a dream;
  • during meals, do not talk, eat slowly;
  • useful several times a month to arrange unloading days.
You need to eat 4-6 times a day, dishes must have a comfortable temperature. After eating it is impossible to go to bed, it is better to walk in the fresh air.

Swimming and gas formation may occur due to improper power, but such symptoms are accompanied by some pathologies of the digestive system. If when changing the diet, the improvement lifestyle changes is not observed, it is necessary to consult with the gastroenterologist.

Gas formation - the process is absolutely natural. In a healthy person, they go through the rectum about 15 times a day. At the same time, the soulsion should not be. Gazes in the intestine with an unpleasant odor, which are constantly moving, can be a sign of the disease of the digestive tract. What to do in this case? How to treat malicious meteorism?

The so-called bunch, or the separation of gases, is not customary to discuss in society. That is why many concepts have no idea why this physiological process is needed. Some even believe that producing gases is abnormal. However, it is not.

Even a completely healthy person in the digestive tract constantly contains a certain amount of gas (approximately 200 ml). Throughout the day, he slowly comes out through the rectum, which is in common and called a bunch. On average, one portion of gas is 40 ml, and in the day they are numbered about 15. It turns out that it is about 600 ml of gases through the human body (norm - from 200 to 2000 ml).

Most of the gas (20-60%) is swallowed when taking food or conversation. It is nitrogen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. All of them do not smell, as well as carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen generated in the intestine itself. The stench of the produced gases gives ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, as well as traces of aromatic hydrocarbons - indole, mercaptan and scatol. The reasons for their elevated content can be the most different - from the eaten specific product to the disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main causes of increased gas formation

The bad smell of gas can also cause drinks such as beer and kvass, they enhance fermentation processes. It should be eliminated or rigid to limit the use of such products as:

  • bean, cabbage, radishes, onions;
  • pears, apples, grapes;
  • bread, snob;
  • pork, goose;
  • all cereals except rice;
  • milk and dishes containing it;
  • carbonated drinks, beer, kvass;
  • corn;
  • canned, marinades, pickles;
  • sausage;
  • mushrooms.

It is recommended to change the power mode. The number of food meals should be increased to 6 per day. Portions should be small, it is important to avoid overeating. In addition, you need to eat correctly, carefully chewing food, slowly, not talking. It is also important that dishes are warm. Especially useful to introduce such products in the diet as:

  • kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, prokobvash, sour cream;
  • non-large varieties of meat;
  • potatoes, beets, pumpkin, zucchini;
  • green tea, ripping rosehip and cherry;
  • boiled fish;
  • omelet, eggs sick;
  • rubbed rice porridge;
  • greens.

Meat dishes It is advisable to cook for a couple, stew or bake without adding oil. At least once a month, unloading days should be made, for example, in kefir.


In some cases, when adherence to the diet helps a little, the doctor may appoint drugs that reduce meteorism. These include:

  1. Plenochyteli - "Espumizan", "Bobotik", "Sab Simplex", "Infofol". They reduce the surface tension of gas bubbles, which leads to their rupture and lightweight.
  2. Sorbents - "Coal activated", "Enterosgel", "Polyfepan", "Smekt". Blow into harmful toxic substances, and then removed naturally from the body.
  3. Antispasmodics - "but-shpa", "spasp". Eliminate spasms, painful sensations, discomfort.
  4. Probiotics - "Linex", "Enterol", "Bificol", "Acipol". Contribute to the restoration of intestinal microflora, populate it with useful bacteria.

Many are shy of such a delicate problem as permanent separation of gases with an unpleasant odor. This is quite natural, in our society it is not customary to discuss this intimate process. However, come to a doctor with a complaint about meteorism - quite normal.

Perhaps you will only need to adjust the diet, and the increased gas formation will pass. And in the event of a disease of the digestive tract, consult with a specialist is especially important. Timely appeal to the doctor will speed up the moment of recovery and will avoid possible complications.

The delicate problem of excess accumulation of gases in the intestine worries many people. It manifests itself with the symptoms of the abdomen, the sounds of the hricters, the pain of a grapple-shaped nature due to the feeling of cutting in the intestinal loops. The combination of these symptoms is called flatulence. Meteorism is not a separate serious disease. It may arise as a single deterioration of the condition due to the use of non-peaks or unusual combination of products. But often repeated symptoms of meteorism for a long period of time are a consequence of violations in the digestive system.

What is a meteorism, why is a large accumulation of gases in the intestine?

When splitting in the intestine of proteins, fats and carbohydrates on nutrients for suction through capillaries in blood, the process of natural gas formation occurs. This is an ordinary physiological process, in which the activity of bacteria inside the intestine is accompanied by the release of gases (nitrogen, oxygen). With normal functional indicators of the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, the volume of gases does not exceed 600 ml during the day. They depart naturally, do not have a sharp smell and do not cause discomfort to man.

In the case where the volume of gases in the intestine exceeds 900 ml for one day, unpleasant phenomena begin to grow in the form of cutting, ration, a steady bloating appears, the gases are poorly. If the output gases have an unpleasant sharp smell, this is a consequence of intestinal microflora violations, in which bacteria dominate that distinguish many specific gases (for example, hydrogen sulfide).

Factors that contribute to increased gases:

1 deficiency in secretion of gastrointestinal enzymes;

2 Excessive eating rich in fiber and carbohydrates;

3 disorders of the intestinal motor activity;

4 abuse of carbonated drinks;

5 Simultaneous use of products in the wrong combination (fish and milk, meat and fruit);

6 Psycho-emotional disorders and stressful states, since the nervous system controls the work of the gastrointestinal organs.

Separate factors include a state of pregnancy, in which an increase in the volume of the uterus can be accompanied by squeezing the intestinal loops, which makes it difficult to disrupt the accumulated gases.

Symptoms and signs of meteorism, large accumulation of gases in the intestine

Where does the gases come from in the intestines? The intestine reacts to the increased allocation of gases in it with symptoms that cause a lot of inconvenience to patients and violate the usual rhythm of their lives. The painful sensations in the form of grapple-shaped attacks have different intensity, spread to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, often localized in the left and right hypochondrium. Pain provokes the pressure of an excess amount of gases on intestinal walls. Diaphragm, squeezing other organs, squeezing other organs due to the swollen intestines.

Symptoms of excessive gases in the intestine:

1 Feeling of cutting in the stomach;

2 intestinal discoloration;

3 drone sounds, "transfusion" of the food mass, ration;

4 okota, belching;

5 attacks of nausea with disorders of food digestion;

6 grasp pain with localization in the upper and lower abdomen;

7 constipation, diarrhea;

8 Gas yield accompanied by sound;

The state of the meteorism is characterized by cyclicality of manifestations: with a lot of relief, there is some relief, but through time the gases are accumulated again, the stomach is again swept, the bouts of pain repeat.

Causes of meteorism, why are gases in the intestine?

Why are gases in the intestine formed? The reasons that lead to the increased formation of gases in the intestine, the set. To two main categories include:

1 single manifestations of meteorism in healthy people;

2 symptoms of meteorism due to diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies.

The meteorism phenomena may occur among quite healthy people against the background of an irrational power mode, one-time consumption of low-quality products, air pumping during the food process. Other reasons include functional disorders in the work of the digestive system, as a result of which the intestinal microflora suffers or its motor skills (motor functions). Often it is associated with a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis).

What leads to excessive accumulation of gases in the intestine? Note the main reasons:

1 Aerophagia (air swallowing);

2 Use of certain types of products;

3 disorders of the normal process of digestion, as a result of which the remnants of poorly digested food are formed;

4 intestinal dysbiosis;

5 violations of secretion of enzymes;

6 disorders of the intestinal peristals (difficult movement of the food mass);

7 deviations of digestive functions from the norm due to the nervous voltage.

Aerophagia is an excess of excessive air into the digestive tract in the process of food. Sometimes the air goes through the esophagus and the oral cavity outside, and the belching is obtained. Sometimes, together with food, gets on into the intestines. It happens when a person quickly eats "on the go", poorly chewing food, talks a lot during the meal, or drinks food with gas. The ingestion of the air is not dangerous, and in the absence of functional disorders by the gastrointestinal organs, the air is derived from the body in a natural way. More often than others, increased gas formation contributes to the use of some products. These include carbohydrate-containing foods and food in which there are many starch and fiber. Carbohydrates contribute to fermentation processes, causing gas formation, so the use of sweets must be controlled.

What products can lead to the formation of gases in the intestine, to the development of meteorism?

The list of products contributing to the increased formation of gases:

1 fruit, sweets;

2 dairy products, especially in combination with bakery products;

3 cabbage (blonde, brussels, broccoli), legumes, potatoes;

4 carbonated drinks.

Available disorders in the process of digestion or lack of enzymes lead to the fact that part of the food remains undigested and not split to the necessary components absorbed into the blood. These remnants begin to decompose in the intestine, causing fermentation and accumulation of gases. Intestine dysbacteriosis is illustrating its microflora, when for one reason or another, the number of useful bacteria is significantly reduced. It activates fermentation and strengthens the activity of the flora that emit carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide in large quantities. Because of this, the gases acquire a sharp, unpleasant smell. Disorders of the intestinal motor activity adversely affect the promotion of feces, cause difficulties when they are eliminated from the body. In this case, the decomposition process is aggravated, which causes additional gas formation.

The constant accumulation of gases is fraught with a further strengthening of symptoms and in the absence of necessary treatment may be complicated by arrhythmia phenomena, pulse increase. The discreet loops of the intestines support the diaphragm and can cause squeezing the wandering nerve. Imaginary food residues, long-staying in the intestine, can cause the state of intoxication due to decay products. And this may entail the deterioration of the total state of the whole organism in the form of rapid fatigibility, the absence of appetite, depressive mood. Finding out the reasons for the appearance of meteorism helps to establish the correct treatment tactics and eliminate the intestinal gases.

How to determine the cause of accumulation of gases, diagnosis of meteorism

When meteorism arises from the case of the case, it is necessary to analyze its diet. Applying efforts, you can identify a certain relationship between the use of some products and the appearance of meteorism symptoms. To eliminate the problem, it is enough to exclude these products and increased gas formation in the intestine can be avoided. To establish the causes of sustainable manifestations of meteorism, it is necessary to undergo a number of surveys, including the diagnosis of possible deviations in the operation of the gastrointestinal bodies. Consultation of the doctor begins with a thorough examination of the patient and collecting his complaints. The palpation of the abdomen during meteorism usually reveals spasmated semen semen, when pressed to which the patient experiences painful sensations. The tension of the abdominal press muscle in the meteorism is not observed, it is more characteristic of the presence of an inflammatory process.

To assess the severity of the process and exclusion of serious diseases, the patient appoints the necessary surveys from the following complex:

1 Examination of the abdominal organs with the help of an ultrasound apparatus;

2 X-ray examination;

3 endoscopic surveys of the gastrointestinal tract (fibrogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy);

4 Laboratory studies (blood test, feces);

5 Conducting various types of tests (lactose-general test, respiratory hydrogen test, test for determining the acidity of kala).

Ultrasound, X-ray diagnostics and endoscopy make it possible to identify organic pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, cysts, tumors). Laboratory methods help detect a functional disorders. Blood test makes it possible to determine the presence of inflammatory processes. A large informational picture in the study of increased gas formation can give a copron, which combines physical and chemical analysis of the feces. When studying the feces, the microscope detects:

1 color change, consistency;

2 absence or presence of a specific smell;

3 remains of dietary fiber and untapped products;

4 Availability of hidden blood, mucus, pus;

5 Presence of Helmint Eggs;

6 Presence of bilirubin, neutral fat, starch.

A copron in a complex with other studies helps an experienced specialist differentiate a number of diseases. For example, when chronic pancreatitis, the feces may have a gas-like consistency, with ulcerative diseases of Cal, it acquires the type of small lumps ("sheep" feces) due to the spastic state of the organs, and the mucus and the pussies are detected during colitis. Glice invasions are dangerous by the productivity of helminths, which cause violations of intestinal functions and intoxication of the body. Biochemical blood tests are able to identify deviations in the liver functions. Reducing the level of production of bile violates the process of digestion, food is not completely digested, gases are formed.

Tests are indirect diagnostic elements. For example, a lactose-bearing test is carried out in order to determine lactose failure, due to which milk use is fraught with excess gas formation. After conducting an integrated examination, the doctor determines the tactics of treatment to eliminate the problem of increased gas formation.

What to do, how to get rid of gases in the intestine, treatment of meteorism?

The first step towards the elimination of increased gas formation is the revision of the diet. It belongs to the exception of some products and tracking problem combinations in dishes.

Caution should be consumed:

1 All kinds of sweets;

2 legumes;

3 fruits (it is better to eat in a separate meal);

It is recommended to give preference to stew and booze meat and vegetables. Tea and coffee is better to replace herbal chasters contributing to the improvement of digestion. It is necessary to abandon chewing gum (contains sorbitol).

How to get rid of accumulation of gases in the intestine? Therapeutic therapy is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and includes:

1 Removing the main symptoms;

2 Treatment of diseases, against the background of which there is a meteorism;

3 WARNING Gas formation.

What to do in the formation of gases in the intestine. As a means that reduce the painful sensations, drugs are prescribed, removing intestinal spasms (drootaverine or but-shp). Enzyme failure is replenished by the reception of pancreatin, mesima and other enzyme preparations. Dysbacteriosis is treated with useful bacteria that populate the intestines. These include a number of probiotics: Linex, acipol, bifiform. When problems with constipation and weakness of motility are prescribed: Senedexin, Duhalak, Glycelax, candles with a laxative effect. To reduce the manifestations of intoxication of the body, the appointment of sorbing drugs is shown: activated carbon, enterosgel, athoxyl. However, they cannot be used for a long time, since sorbents remove many useful substances from the body. In the absence of serious diseases, with the manifestations of increased gases, you can cope with people's methods. Widespread applications received decoctions from dill seeds (fennel), anise, cumin, as well as mint and chamomile tea. The delicate problem of accumulation of gases in the intestines is completely solved with the responsible and attentive attitude towards its body.

Silver, escaping from your rear pass, sometimes can have so much caustic and stinking smell that they can knock down the moose. Birds are beginning to fall from the trees, and foliage and flowers start. What is the reason why the stench of your farting to so much? After all, there are cases when you bunch, but the smell is not at all or it is practically not noticeable. Well, in this article we will try to answer this question, which by the way is interested in a fairly large number of people. Why bunches stink and from which the intensity of their vony depends.

What depends on the intensity of the swords?

Before answering this question, let's understand a little with the basics and processes of the digestive system and some chemical reactions. Gases appearing in our body are produced directly in it and come from outside. When you are talking or chewing, the air falls into the esophagus. Also, in consequence of food digestion, they enter into a chemical reaction with gastric juice and gases are released. Then the digested products come out of the stomach in the intestine, where the process does not end only with deliverance from digested food. There is a suction of liquids in the intestinal walls. Also, the intestine contains a sufficiently large number of bacteria, which in the process of their livelihoods allocate a significant amount of gases. In more detail, the whole process of gas formation and allocation we described in the article.

The main part of the answer to the question - why bunches stink

So, we found out where gases are taken in our body. But initially gases do not smell. Then from where it takes? Now directly about the main thing - why bunches stink. The Great Science of Chemistry will help us to answer this question. The smell in our bunches appears due to the content of such gases in them as mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide. In both of these gases there is a sulfur compound, which in the reaction gives the smell. As a famous hydrogen sulfide has a smell of rotten eggs. That's precisely because of its content, the bunch stinks a rotten egg. Also, the unpleasant smell of our perdeal cause substances such as indole and scatol. Skatol is still referred to as fecal gas. Both of these compounds are present in human excrement and intestinal channel. These gases are more beginning to form when digesting protein food. As you can see to wove the Books, the content of caustic gases leads, the formation of which depends on the products used in food.

It happens that before your penalty did not smell anything, and recently stinks quite strongly. Some people begin to bind it with any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Although it may not be quite so. Almost everywhere when diagnosing faults, the most banal things are checked, which primarily lead to the diagnosis described. For example, a computer master to a question why the computer does not turn on, can ask - and you turned it into a socket? And believe me in some cases this is the reason or it lies somewhere in this area. We will go along the same way. First of all, remember whether your diet has changed. You may have to use products containing sulfur in large quantities, which, in turn, with a reaction with other inert gases, causes an unpleasant smell.

How to get rid of swinging the bows or reduce it?

Above, we have already talked about why the bunches stink are caustic gases. And they, in turn, have the property to be absorbed into the intestinal walls. If you do not immediately boil, but hold your perdeal, then it returns back. Gazes in turn do not go anywhere. But since our bunch contains caustic and inert gases. And the caustic gases, in turn, have a feature to absorb, then they are absorbed into the cavalous masses and the intestinal walls. As a result, only inert gases will remain, of course not in its pure form, but the content of caustic gases will be less. And if you restrain your bunches for a while, then later they will have less stinking smell.

You can also resort to the help of special underwear, which absorbs odors. And if you are riddled in the presence of other persons, they do not teach your stinking bunch.

Why are quiet warm bunches stain stronger than loud?

First of all, let's answer the question why are the bunches are warm? The answer to this question will entail the answer why they are strung to a greater extent. Most likely, many of you noticed such a fact that smelly and quiet bunches can be sufficiently warm. What is it connected with. We have already said that stench appears in the activity of the bacteria of our intestines. As a result of the vital activity of the bacteria of our intestines, smelly and caustic gases are formed, and heat is distinguished. Gas bubbles that are formed in the intestines have small sizes and sisse these bacteria. Therefore, they are warm and smelly. Why are they quiet? As you already know, our perception contains inert and babies. Crash has a feature to dissolve or soak, and inert not. So a quiet bunch strongly stinks for the reason that the content of the caustic gas in it is much, and the inert, which is responsible for the volume and pressure force less.

It follows from this that loud bunches are staggering to a lesser extent for the reason that they have a large content of inert gases and smaller caustic. So you answer. And if you will not give a perdeal to the will for a long time, then inert gases will become quite a lot, and the caustic gases are absorbed into the intestinal walls. After that if you are sharply paunted, the bunch will be loud and not stinking. But you can try.

On this, the dear reader, our fascinating journey to the world of stinking buys ends. We hope the information you read in our article will be useful to you, and you can apply the knowledge gained in the right direction. We wish you success. Relief!

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Most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied by such an unpleasant phenomenon as increased gas formation or meteorism. Excessive accumulation of gases in the intestine can signal problems in the operation of the digestive system and indicate the development of certain diseases.

Many are shy of these manifestations and postpone a visit to the doctor, writing off discomfort on the error in nutrition. Nevertheless, find out the cause of the meteorism that gives significant inconvenience to the patient and the people around him, and it is necessary to begin treatment.

Reinforced gas formation may be observed when eating food with a large content of fiber or overeating. These factors lead to a violation of the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract and the emergence of a specific problem that many patients are shyless to discuss. Normally, about 0.9 liters of gases produced by microorganisms are necessarily present in the body of a healthy person.

In normal operation of the digestive system, only 0.1-0.5 liters of gases are derived from the intestines during the day, whereas with meteorism, the volume of exhaust gases can reach three liters. Such a state of involuntary emissions of sall gases, accompanied by sharp characteristic sounds, is called Flatus and indicates dysfunction in the digestive system.

Intestinal gases are produced from five main components:

  1. oxygen
  2. nitrogen,
  3. carbon dioxide,
  4. hydrogen,
  5. methane.

The sulfur-containing substances produced by the tald bowel bacteria are attached to them. Conduct the problem and get rid of gases in the intestine will help the understanding of the reasons that cause this phenomenon.

Crop the accumulation of gases in the intestine can many reasons:

  • The meteorism gives the use of products causing fermentation processes in the body (kvass, beer, black bread, tea mushroom).
  • If products contributing to the formation of gases in the diet. It is cabbage, bean, potatoes, grapes, apples, carbonated drinks.
  • Increased formation of gases is celebrated in people with lactose intolerance and caused by the use of dairy products.

In addition, meteorism often occurs with different pathological conditions of the body. This can be intestinal dysbiosis, acute intestinal infections, irritable intestinal syndrome or sickness gastrointestinal diseases like:

  • chronic pancreatitis,
  • cirrhosis of the liver,
  • colitis,
  • enteritis

In some cases, the symptoms of gases in the intestine cause disorders of the nervous system and frequent stressful states. The cause of discomfort may be a rush and excessive ingestion of air during the meal (Aerophagia).

Conduct excess gas formation is capable of dysbiotic causes arising from violation of normal intestinal microflora. In this case, the suppression of normal bacteria (lacto and bifidobacteria) by bacteria of the conditionally pathogenic microflora (intestinal wand, anaeroba) occurs.

Symptoms of increased gases in the intestine (meteorism)

The main symptoms of excess gas formation:

  • Characteristic stomach pains, a feeling of cutting and a constant feeling of discomfort. Painful sensations causes the reflex spasm of the intestine walls, occurring when stretching its walls with increased gas volume
  • The swelling of the abdomen, manifested in increasing its volume due to the accumulation of gas
  • Extermination caused by the return flow of gas from the stomach during dysfagia
  • The rumbling in the abdomen arising when mixing gases with liquid bowel content
  • Nausea accompanying digestion failures. It occurs when the formation of toxins and increasing content in the intestine of food digestion products
  • Constipation or diarrhea. Increased gas formation in most cases is accompanied by similar stool violations
  • Flatulence. The sharp yield of gas from the rectum, accompanied by a characteristic sound and an unpleasant hydrogen sulfide smell.

Common gas symptoms in the intestine can manifest themselves with a rapid heartbeat (read the article:, arrhythmia, a feeling of burning in the heart of the heart. Such states provoke the patching of the wandering nerve of the swelling intestinal loops and the aperture offset up.

In addition, the patient caused by the body intoxication and depressive states with mood drops. There is a constant overall making as a result of incomplete absorption of nutrients and improper intestinal work.

Many gases in the intestine - what causes characteristic symptoms?

Strong gases in the intestines cause foods rich in carbohydrates, food fibers and starch.


Of the carbohydrates, the most strong provocateurs are:

Alimentary fiber

It is contained in all products and can be soluble and insoluble. Soluble food fibers (pectins) in the intestine swell and form a gel-like mass.

In this form, they reach a thick bowel, where the gas formation process occurs when splitting them. Insoluble dietary fibers pass through the gastrointestinal tract almost unchanged and the increase in gas formation does not contribute.

Almost all products containing starch enhance the formation of gases in the intestine. Many starch contains: potatoes, wheat, peas and other legumes, corn. The exception is rice, which contains starch, but does not cause blinking and meteorism.

How is diagnostics?

With complaints of the patient on the fact that he is constantly gases in the intestine, the doctor must eliminate the presence of serious diseases, for which a comprehensive patient examination is carried out. It includes physical examination, i.e. listening and tapping, and instrumental methods.

Most often conducted a radiography of the abdominal cavity, with the help of which the presence of gases and the standing height of the diaphragm is revealed. To estimate the amount of gases, the rapid introduction into the intestine of argon is used. It is possible to measure the volume of intestinal gases displaced by argon. In addition, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • FEGDS - Inspection of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract with a special flexible tube with lighting and a miniature chamber at the end. This method allows you to take a piece of fabric to research if necessary, that is, to make a biopsy.
  • Colonoscopy. Visual study of the large intestine with a special device with a camera at the end.
  • Coprogram. Laboratory research, feces analysis for enzymatic failure of the digestive system.
  • Sowing Cala. With this analysis, the presence of intestinal dysbiosis is revealed and disorders are confirmed in the intestinal microflora.

In chronic belching, diarrhea and unmotivated weight loss, an endoscopic study can be appointed to eliminate suspicion of intestinal cancer. In patients with frequent flange (gas release), nutrition features are carefully studied in order to exclude products provoking swelling and meteorism from diet.

With suspected lactose insufficiency, lactose-general tests are prescribed to the patient. In some cases, the doctor may assign a study of the daily diet, during which the patient must conduct a patient within a certain period of time in a special diary of the record of his daily diet.

With a patient's complaint that gases in the intestines are not deployed, frequent swelling and sharp pain medicine must conduct a survey, excluding intestinal obstruction, ascites (liquid accumulation) or any inflammatory gastroincing diseases.

Careful examination, correction of the diet, the elimination of provoking factors causing meteorism, will allow you to answer the question of why the gases in the intestine are formed in excessive amounts and what measures to take to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon.

How to treat a strong accumulation of gases in the intestine?

Complex treatment of meteorism includes symptomatic, etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy. But it should be remembered that if the cause of the formation of excess gases is the disease, then first it is necessary to treat the main disease.

Symptomatic therapy should be aimed at reducing pain syndrome and includes the use of antispasmodic agents (drootaverin, but-shpa). If the meteorism is caused by aerophagia, take measures to reduce air swallowing during meals.

Pathogenetic therapy struggies with excess gas formation with:

  • Sorbents that bind and remove toxic substances from the body (enterosgel, phosphhalugel). Such adsorbents as activated carbon are not recommended for long-term use in connection with pronounced side effects.
  • Enzymatic drugs containing digestive enzymes and improving the operation of the digestive system (, pancreatin).
  • The defoamers who destroy the foam in the form of which gases accumulate in the intestine and improve the suction body's absorption. This group of drugs affects the intestinal motorcycle and has a strong windy action (dimethicone, symmetics).

Etiotropic therapy is struggling with the reasons that cause gases in the intestine:

The safest drug with increased gas formation is espeamizan, which has no contraindications and can be assigned to people of elderly, pregnant and lactating women, as well as patients with diabetes mellitus.

The most important factor in the fight against meteorism is a diet. To eliminate uncomfortable phenomena, nutrition correction is necessary and the refusal of fatty products is necessary, which will help the food faster to absorb, and the gases can not linger in the intestine. On how to eat right in the formation of gases in the intestine, we will tell you more.

How to eat with meteorism: diet, if you have elevated gases in the intestine

First of all, it is necessary to find out which products are caused by excess gas formation and in the future these products are avoided. In some patients provoke meteorism can flour foods and sweets, others - fatty and meat dishes. With fear should be treated with products containing a large amount of fiber. It:

  • black bread,
  • bean cultures
  • citrus,
  • cabbage,
  • fruits,
  • berries,
  • tomatoes

Try to carry out an experiment and exclude from the diet one of the following products:

Depending on the result, it will be possible to understand what it specifies the occurrence of an unpleasant phenomenon. Try not to use vegetables and fruits in raw form. Vegetables are better to cook or stew, fruit use to prepare compotes or mashed potatoes.

Try for two weeks to abandon the use of solid milk, ice cream and milk cocktails. If such a diet is effective, it means that the cause of meteorism lies in the intolerance to the lactose contained in the dairy products and from their use is best abandoned. If there is no lactose intolerance, it will be useful every day to eat yogurts, kefir, cottage cheese, cook viscous porridges on milk in water with water.

It should be abandoned by the use of carbonated beverages, kvass, beer, which cause ferment processes in the body. To eliminate the dysfagia, doctors recommend that there is no hurry, thoroughly chewing food.

It is necessary to abandon the use of chewing gum, since in the process of chewing, an excessive amount of air is swallowed. Try to avoid products containing sorbitol (chewing gum without sugar, dietary food, dry breakfasts), refuse whole grain and black bread.

To get rid of constipation and maintain the normal intestinal operation, it is necessary to eat products that contain an unsecured fiber, such as ground wheat bran. It is important to exclude alcohol consumption and try not to overeat, taking food in small portions several times a day.

Do not eat fat and fried meat products. Dietary meat you need to cook or stew. It is worth trying to replace the meat with low-fat fish, and strong tea or coffee - herbal influences. It is best to adhere to the principles of separation nutrition and eliminate the simultaneous intake of starch and protein food, such as potatoes with meat.

Danger can represent unfamiliar exotic dishes, unusual for stomach (Chinese, Asian cuisine). With a similar problem, it is not necessary to experiment and better give preference to traditional national or European cuisine.

It is useful to arrange unloading days for the stomach. This will restore the work of the digestive system and will help get rid of toxins. In a unloading day, you can boil some rice and there is it warm, small portions without salt, sugar and oil. Or unload with kefir if there is no intolerance to dairy products.

In this case, during the day, nothing is recommended, but to drink only kefir (up to 2 liters).
To activate the intestine and improving his motility, doctors recommend to make daily walks, walking more on foot and lead an active lifestyle.

Folk medicine from a strong gas content in the intestines: what to do?

Folk recipes give a good effect when accumulating gases in the intestine. Decorations and infusions of medicinal herbs help to quickly get rid of the unpleasant illness.
Fennel. This medicinal plant has such an efficient and soft effect when eliminating gases that his infusion is given even to small children.

To eliminate constipation leading to gas formation, you can prepare a mixture of dried fruits and grass of SENNA. To do this, 400gr Kuragi and prunes without bones are sealed with warm boiled water and leave under the lid at night. In the morning the mixture is passed through the meat grinder, 200g of honey and 1 tablespoon of dry grass of the hay are added, the mass is well mixed. Store in a closed dish in the refrigerator. Take two teaspoons overnight.

They will help to get rid of gases in the intestines of the enema with a decoction of daisies. To prepare a decoction, one tablespoon of dry flowers of daisies is poured with a glass of water and tomatov on slow heat for about 10 minutes. Give the brave to cool, flicker and dilute this amount of liquid with two tablespoons of boiled water. The enema is made daily before bedtime for 3-5 days.


So, what conclusions can we do? Such a phenomenon as the accumulation of gases in the intestine itself is not a disease. But if excess gases worries constantly and is accompanied by all spectrum, constipation or diarrhea, pain in the stomach, inexplicable weight loss, it is necessary to seek medical attention and pass a thorough examination to eliminate serious diseases.

If, during examination, the suspicion of other diseases disappear, the meteorism is easily eliminated by changing the diet, proper nutrition and intake of drugs appointed by the doctor. Observe all medical recommendations and be healthy!