Remote temperature monitoring. How remotely can be controlled by the temperature of the residential premises.

Quite often the situation occurs when the temperature monitoring is necessary. This is useful for remote objects: greenhouses, warehouses, cellars, etc.

To solve such tasks on the market there are many different solutions from serious industrial to domestic ones. We will not consider the first, because They are complex in sales, roads, and redundant for household problems. Decisions easier either use outdated and not perfect in terms of safety data transmission technology on SMS, or fairly expensive, are not convenient, and, most importantly, have paid web services.

Therefore, we have created our own project, thanks to which each of you can organize a remote temperature monitoring.

Our decision is budgetary and consists of two components:

  • Constructor set to create a transmitting device
  • Free Web Service for Remote Control and Temperature Control

Constructor "LS Monitoring"

The "LS Monitoring" set is created on the basis of the Arduino platform, which makes it easy to learn.

Generally speaking, you can make a remote control system from a designer by complementing it with the necessary sensors. For this we released.

But the training example in these lessons is the creation of a system for remote control of temperature.

Although the designer has educational purposes, the device for transmitting the temperature can be collected from it simply according to the instructions without going into theoretical details.

You can also connect the heater (for example, an electric furnace) or cooler (for example, a fan) to the resulting device, so that you can not only view the temperature, but also to affect it remotely.

It is very simple, because when assembling the designer, you do not need to solder anything! Everything is collected using special connectors and wires for macating.

Web application for remote control temperature "LS Cloud"

The second component of the temperature monitoring system is a web application.

Our application "LS CLOUD" is free and it is not necessary to use it with our set-designer.

If you are able to develop a device for transmitting the temperature - you can use the capabilities of "LS Cloud" as a web interface for viewing data. How to transfer data to our service can be read.

"Ls Cloud" has the following features:

Adding an unlimited number of devices

Setting 4 threshold temperature values \u200b\u200bfor alert

The device can be assigned the upper and lower warning and emergency temperature thresholds.

User alert by email and sms when switching temperature through specified thresholds and device accidents

When the temperature is output from the specified limits, the system generates warning and alarms and sends them to the user on SMS and Email.

Controlling remote device

As already mentioned, the device collected from our set-designer has a relay to connect any device (for example, a heater or, on the contrary, cooler) to maintain the temperature at the right limits.

Through the LS Cloud application, you can remotely enable or disable this device.

Display temperature on the schedule for the selected period of time

LS Cloud provides a storage of temperature data for a long period of time. According to this data, the application builds a schedule.

The user can arbitrarily scale the graph and view the temperature for any time period.

Tracking a communication status with a remote device and notification of the user in case of its cliff

The message status is displayed as an antenna opposite each device.

and in the data viewing area of \u200b\u200bthe device on the right side of the screen

In the device settings, you can set the timeout time - the time during which the device must be guaranteed to contact the server.

For example, our "knocks out" to the server once every three seconds. We specify a timeout of 10 seconds. If during this time the device never happened to communicate - it means something scary happened to him.

With a weak signal level, you can increase the timeout time.

Upon exceeding the TAMAUT, the system is notified by the user on breaking communication with the device.

Maintaining an event log on server

The application automatically leads the log of all events and accidents in the system.

You can get acquainted with the LS Cloud web application by. Password and login to access the test account are listed on the main page of the application.

Order Set-designer "LS Monitoring" can be.

Sometimes it is useful, but in some cases it is necessary, find out the temperature in the house, in the country and, if necessary, manage it remotely :

Air temperature inside, in different rooms

Fluid temperature in heating system (heating boiler)

Air temperature on the street, suddenly you are in another city.

What is temperature?

Temperature is information in electronic form, which must be transmitted by distance. Of course, this can be done using the GSM cellular communication using SMS or via the Internet, there are no other options, because it is required to control and control from any location.

Options for performing a temperature control problem

1. If there is a full-fledged Internet with a Wi-Fi router, then there are no problems, you need to install the thermostat with Wi-Fi. Through the mobile application of the smartphone or the PC program, you can get all the necessary information, monitor, and if necessary and manage. In this case, there is no need to pay for additional SIM cards that are inserted into the thermostats.

2. Not everywhere there is an Internet. Therefore, the output can be found in the use of GSM thermostats, control modules. Producers of this equipment a lot.

To know which one should choose, it is necessary to understand the principle of its work.

How is the GSM thermostat arranged?

Recently, this device was allocated to a separate group due to its demand in the market. The beginning of everything put the usual GSM alarm system, a block to which you can connect various sensors: motion sensors, fire detectors, gas leakage sensors, water leakage, including temperature sensors.

Now, by finalizing this block, some software functions, a relay, complied with a pair of thermometers position as a temperature control device, in particular a boiler.

The principle of operation is quite simple:

We specify the values \u200b\u200b(thresholds) of the temperature on it and get:

Messages about changing the temperature below or above the specified threshold in the form of SMS messages.

At the same time, they are included (relays are closed), associated with a heating gas boiler or freezer, depending on what is required. A kind of climate control, as in the car. The only difference is that we receive SMS notifications. Although all this can be done in manual mode (to close the relay) using SMS commands.

How does a GSM thermostat work?

Averaged principle of work such:

It is possible to get information by sending a request (SMS command), the response comes with a temperature value with SMS

It is possible to obtain a state in SMS times a day or on schedule automatically, the alert function is programmed in advance, the thermal sensors are installed on a certain temperature. The system calls or simply reports, for example, that the temperature in the country fell below the level of +5 degrees.

Thus, the principle of operation from different manufacturers is the same, and the details have difference. The main thing is that they arrange to request.

What to choose a GSM module when buying?

1. which performs the functions you need:

Supports the desired number of thermometers at the same time (for example, 2, 5, 10 ..)

Informs a call or sms (as convenient)

The number of phones for alert, usually 5pcs I support everything

If you need for a boiler, then compatibility with this boiler model

2. What manufacturer to choose? If you do a firm or master, gives a warranty on the thermostat, it will trust him.

If you decide to install yourself, or the master is not confident in choosing, you can take the most popular selling models that are produced from 5 years.

As a rule, all the novelties are "raw", something can not work like this, there may be a failure or something overrigent.

What does it look like? For example, so:

What elements are the GSM thermometer (thermostat) of different manufacturers:

2. Board with details

On the board there are 2 main details: the controller (brains) - the Atmega32A chip (or similar) and the GSM SIM900 microcircuit, possibly another manufacturer, which is responsible for communication.

Composite elements of the thermostat GSM card

The location of them on the manufacturer's board 1

Location at the manufacturer - 2

Thus, if the devices are made from the same parts, then no fundamental difference.

Choose those manufacturers who give a more convenient guarantee if the device is output.

This description is over.

Specifications and composition of the system:

1.GSM module.
2. The number sensors are digital with a measurement range -50 - +100 degrees, accuracy 0,5Worradus.
3. Electricity element to disable electricity 220 volts in the country.

4. Possibility to additionally install an uninterrupted power supply and battery to the system so that the system worked for a day without electricity.

5. You can connect up to 5 thermometers.

6. The cable from the block to the thermometer can reach up to 20 meters.

Cable Mark 4x0.5

8. Additionally: It is possible remotely - on the phone to include any electric load in the house, for example, an electrocalorifer.

An article from the archive on this topic:

The most relevant issue is the temperature control in the home heating system at winter. Since not all in the heating system is filled with anti-plating liquid. Very often it uses simple water. And as is known from the laws of physics, with drewed temperatures it has to freeze it. But everything would be nothing, but in the transition to the state of the ice there is an extension. As a result, the strongest metal pipes are rushing in the literal sense. Therefore, many think about how to make the heating system warn about stopping the boiler or shutting down electricity.

To do this, the electronic thermometer connected to the GSM module with the SIM card is installed in the cottage. This module is an analogue of a mobile phone that transmits the information to the dacha owner or plumbers serving the Cottage about an emergency - simply lowering the temperature below the specified level, for example +20 degrees Celsius on water or +5 degrees through the air inside the house.

On the photo it is such a device. It consists of a plastic box with a GSM module, an adapter unit and 2 thermometers. The removal of one thermometer is 10 cm from the block - it measures the air temperature. The second thermometer on a 2-3 meter long cable. It can be fixed on the heating pipe. No installation system does not require. Included in the outlet, and everything worked. Inside already installed and configured sim card.

Security alarm for giving - the choice of prudent people who value the calm and security of their family. But some people would prefer to be robbed twice, instead of their cottage burned down. And if you were set before such a choice, what would you stop? The first option is considered more "humane", since not all values \u200b\u200bin the house are lost forever. However, do not forget that both the fire and robbery are more than unpleasant things.

Installing the alert devices in the country It will help protect your home and from the deposits of fire, and from criminal actions of robbers. You can find the temperature in the country too.Thanks to new technologies that are actively implemented in the production of various types, there are many ways to provide the highest level of security at the cottage. Modern house sensors It can be called "intellectual", as some of them are thus attached to communication devices, which, in case of an emergency, the signal of the incident is transmitted to the control panel of the security services that react immediately.

Installation of the security systemprovide you feeling calm for your property when you are away from giving. The price range on the proposed security devices is quite wide, so you can always purchase the necessary equipment in accordance with your financial capabilities.
Your safety is only in your hands. And if, due to any circumstances, you cannot afford the installation throughout the cottage, take care of at least some of its sections. Alarm for giving at least to be represented by sensors that are installed on the doors and windows. After all, each robber first tries to penetrate the house through window or doorways. Some species for giving make a loud beep, thereby scare away the robbers, others - will immediately ignite you or the relevant security services

We all know that harsh winter makes us think about the safety of the heating system in the house, and how to do this I will tell you today.

To help country property owners have systems to monitor the temperature regime in the house. Namely, these systems allow you to recognize the temperature in the room at any time where the device with a temperature sensor is installed, as well as set a specific critical temperature at which the device for the message SMS or call will notify the owner that the temperature reached this threshold and it's time to take measures .

There are also systems that themselves can control heating equipment, focusing on all the same temperature thresholds. Those. The device obtaining information about the temperature from the connected thermal sensor submits the decision on the inclusion or disconnection of the heating equipment. For example, we install two temperatures in the device: the lower threshold is 10 degrees, and the upper 20 degrees, it turns out if the temperature dropped below 10 degrees, the appropriate output and the boiler turns on, the heating of the room begins, after reaching the temperature of 20 degrees, the device understands That it's time to turn off the boiler. Thus, we can specify that the temperature thresholds that are needed to maintain the heating system in working condition. Also these systems allow you to significantly save energy resources.

The principle of work I think more than understandable and the benefits are obvious. If you want to save money and save the performance of the home heating system In working condition all winter, you simply need to install such a simple instrument.

Now stop it is on the devices that perform the function of the thermocontrolle, their sufficient quantity and all of them differ in their characteristics.

The sensor will give to know the owners of the house from the decrease in temperature below the set threshold, will notify the shutdown / turning on the electricity, as well as allows you to find out the actual temperature value at any time via SMS. Even the balance of the SIM card installed in the sensor you can recognize remotely. Therefore, if you need, you only need to control the above, then it is better not better than the device, especially since the price for this sensor is still 4800 rub.(Especially for the state. structures - there is no microphone in it, do not waste state. Money for control purchases)

  • DeviceMEGA SX-300 LIGHT - This is a compact device with the possibility of connecting to3 thermal sensors at the same time What allows you to control the temperatures in 3 different places. For each thermal sensor can be setits temperature mode And its own algorithm for additional equipment, there are 3 outputs for connecting, respectively, 3 control devices. Programming very flexibly using a computer or SMS commands. Can perform security features.Price 5290 rub.

  • And finally, probably the most functional device To control the temperature MEGA SX-350 LIGHT. Sophisticated and sophisticated systems we make it on it. Briefly connect to 10 thermal sensors, 6 outputs for executive devices, all outputs (i.e. devices connected to them) can be controlled from the phone, they can all be involved in a thermocontrol. It is very flexible to configure, a clear voice menu of the device allows you to not get involved in control. In addition, the device provides many security features for every taste. Price 6350 rubles.

Well, perhaps all the most popular devices that perform the thermocontrol function that our company offers. There are, of course, in the market and others, but we will not judge them, as they stopped for themselves, because during the years of work they showed themselves only with a good side, convenient to use, installation and programming, it shows the experience of setting hundreds Devices for our customers and grateful feedback.

In this article, I did not stop in detail on the security functions of the instruments, because the task was today to consider the thermocontrol function, which in this period is the most relevant for our customers. I hope this article will help you decide that the temperature control system is necessarily needed to reduce your expenses and for your personal peace about the home heating system as a whole.

In general, I wanted to write a lot and in detail about each system separately, but I think, to understand a more brief description in this article it will be more appropriate.

And I want to note separately that each device has your definite nuances which you also need to pay attention when choosing a system, so it is necessary contact our experts for advice.

Initially, be sure to decide that in general you want from the whole system!

Do you have a country house, and are you interested in efficient control of temperature parameters? It turns out that currently there are several more or less effective ways, thanks to which the temperature in the country can be controlled.

The ability to control the temperature in a country house guarantees a number of significant advantages that we will tell in this article. Well, of course, we will consider the most relevant technology to date, allowing such results to achieve such results.

What is the purpose of the remote control systems of temperature parameters

By setting special equipment by which the temperature for the cottage will be adjusted, it will be possible to achieve the following results:

  • Ensuring comfortable parameters of moisture content in the air (moisture content is the ratio of temperature and humidity indoor).
  • Ensuring greater duration of the operational resource of the construction site.
    It is no secret that sudden temperature drops and excessive humidity in the cold season is the priority cause of frequent cosmetic and rehabilitation repair. The operational adjustment of the temperature indicators allows to prevent the appearance of mold on the walls and extend the operating deadlines without the need for repair work.
  • Ensuring the rational spending of energy resources and, as a result, saving money.
    In order to provide optimal parameters of moisture content in the air, you can install a gas boiler or electrical heater and exploit them without a break during the cold season. But, as a result, the account for consumed electricity or gas will be impressive.
    You can do otherwise and apply the system in conditions of a country house, which will include air heating precisely when it is necessary. As a result, the consumption of energy resources will decrease at times, which will save a certain amount of money.
  • Ensuring the safety of the construction object.
    As already mentioned, you can apply continuous round-the-clock heating, even when you are not at home. But, on the one hand it is not suiced, and on the other hand, it is unsafe, since the heating equipment operated in the absence of a person can represent a potential danger.
    Otherwise, the situation is when you receive reliable data on the room temperature at a distance and, if necessary, you can adjust this data to the direction of increasing or decreasing.

So, now we know what advantages guarantees remote temperature control. It remains to consider technologies on the basis of which this control is carried out.

GSM-based technology

Provide effective control of temperature parameters in the room, you can apply GSM thermometer for cottages and special temperature sensors. The use of such technology is a relatively new development that is becoming increasingly distributed, both in our country and abroad.

Using modern GSM systems, you can not only get real information about the room temperature, but also remotely control these parameters, bringing them to the desired value.

The functioning of the remote control system is as follows:

  • The system of the system, through an SMS message via GSM cellular channel, receives information about the values \u200b\u200bof the controlled parameters and, if necessary, via the message sends the control command.
  • A system consisting of GSM thermometers and alarm sensors, sets optimal temperature parameters from the user's point of view and supports them during the time of the specified time.

Remote temperature control is a progressive technology that is actively used in modern smart home systems.

Important: Mandatory condition for the effective functioning of the GSM - thermometer is a stable electricity supply.
If the supply of electricity is carried out with interruptions, you will need to buy or rent a diesel generator for giving.

At the moment, the following GSM-thermometers are presented on the market:

  • modifications with an integrated thermal converter;
  • modifications with the external location of the thermal converter.

How GSM works - thermometer

  • The device is powered by remote or integrated battery case. Thus, the device operates effectively until the battery is discharged. After that, the battery in automatic mode begins to charge through the power supply.
  • Setting the device parameters is carried out with your own hands via PC via USB connector.
  • Depending on the brand and model of the device, it is allowed to work with one or another number of telephone numbers required to send messages.
  • Phone numbers from which the sensor setting is allowed are defined both when setting up using PCs and when configuring from the phone.
  • Depending on the modification and model, the device may provide an economical power consumption which the device functions from an internal battery for more than a month.
  • GSM - The thermometer comes with a user with specialized software that simplifies the use of the system.

Features of the application of remote thermostats

Thermal regulators of this type are set at a certain distance from heating equipment. The thermostat is set to the desired temperature, and the heating device starts working in this mode so that the specified parameters are constant with minimal deviations.

In the photo - a stylish thermostat that will decorate any room

The thermostat is controlled by the keys to duplicate controls on the heating device. The device is equipped with a digital display, which shows the indoor air temperature.

The advantage of this solution is that the price of a remote thermostat is an order of magnitude more accessible to the cost of GSM - thermometer. At the same time, through the thermostat, you can specify the parameters of the heating equipment for a few days ahead.

A significant disadvantage of such devices is the impossibility of a user alert at a distance of problems and failures in the work of heating equipment.

Important: The use of a special thermostat allows to provide optimal temperature parameters within a separate room or several adjacent rooms.
In this case, energy consumption becomes more economical, and the resource of heating equipment is longer.


If any questions remain and need more useful information, see the video in this article.

The heating remote control system allows you to control the air parameters in the house or in another object at a distance. Remote monitoring of temperature and the possibility of its change will suit the owners of country houses and cottages, where it is necessary to maintain a plus and in winter, even if no one lives there. This significantly increases the service life of furniture, wallpaper, household appliances (no high humidity, etc.)

The presence of remote control of the temperature of the room allows:

  1. Prevent a decrease in temperature below zero in the event of a heating equipment breakdown - the property owner learns about the emergency, therefore measures will take action.
  2. Save energy resources, supporting the minimum possible air parameters and warming up the house only to the host arrival. Savings reaches 50%!
  3. Save the resource of expensive heating equipment, exploiting it most of the time in a gentle mode.

Types of remote control systems heating

There are two types of remote monitoring systems for heating an object that differs in the method of transmitting information and commands:

  • through the Internet;
  • via GSM.

Consider these types.

Management via GSM.

This is the simplest view of the remote control of the heating system. The main element is the GSM thermostat (it is also called the GSM module). In essence, this is a computer that provides:

  1. Maintaining the values \u200b\u200bof the air parameters programmed in its memory in place of the week and the current time.
  2. Transfer SMS messages or a call to the phone number of information about the temperature and breakage of the heating system.
  3. Receiving SMS commands to change the mode of the operation of heating and their execution.

The GSM thermostat has a controller, which actually controls the heating equipment with connectors to connect temperature sensors in the rooms and outside the house and boiler (usually the portable sensors themselves are included in the control of the thermostat) and one or more SIM cards. In expensive models there is a socket for connecting to the Internet cable thermostat to expand the system capabilities. For example, organize dispatching, connect additional heating instruments. To enhance the signal, the thermostat also has a GSM antenna.

Remote control of the temperature of the country house through GSM is a common type of remote control of heating. His advantage is affordable price and work without a wired Internet in the house.


  • limited functionality;
  • you need to pay for a mobile phone connection.

Control using the Internet

Standard system equipment Next:

  • internet gateway, which connects with a home router;
  • thermostat with the programmer;
  • radio control boiler.

The owner of a country house (cottage, etc.) through a thermostat with the programmer sets the mode of operation of heating for a week. The same thermostat through the Wi-Fi network transmits information about the current temperature through the router to the Internet gateway, which sends it using a wired Internet to a computer (tablet, smartphone) at home. That commands (Installation of software) can adjust the specified mode of operation of the thermostat, which controls the boiler through its radio roll.

In an extended version via the Internet, you can control the work of several heating devices - boiler, radiators, the "warm floor" system, etc. To do this, you need to install the appropriate radio blocks. For work it is necessary to install a special application on a PC, tablet or smartphone.

Plus such a system - this is the widest possible functionality:

  • control multiple heating devices;
  • provide individual parameters for each room;
  • providing full information about the operation of heating;
  • convenient reporting;
  • the possibility of dispatching.

Minus two:

  1. Technical - required wired Internet, which in many cases for country cottages and houses is problematic. Also need a router.
  2. Financial - the system is more expensive than the control version through GSM.

Weather dependent heating control

Regardless of how remote temperature control in the country is organized - with the Internet or GSM, in both cases it is possible to organize weather-dependent control. This implies the formation of commands depending on the parameters of the external environment. This establishes an external thermometer (sensor) associated with the GSM thermostat or a thermostat connected to the Internet.

Accounting for external factors saves energy resources for heating. The principle of saving is simple. The smaller the temperature difference outside and indoors, the less you need to heat the water in the heating circuit.

How to choose a gsm module

The main component of any remote control system of heating is a thermostat or GSM module. The market has a large number of models with different prices depending on the functionality and brand.

With an inexpensive version, choose models that have standard functions that we wrote above. More expensive GSM modules allow you to program the mode of operation of heating for a week.

Take into account the number of connectors for connecting the sensors. Their amount ranges from two to ten.

In the most expensive models there is a connector for connecting an Internet cable, as well as additional sensors - movements, smoke, etc. That is, the system also has the functions of protection.


The remote temperature control device using a GSM module or an Internet gateway is a modern and effective solution to the energy efficiency problem of the heating system. The existing equipment allows you to perform remote control of temperature in the house, regardless of the remoteness of the object and location of its location. As they say, there would be a desire. And the costs due to the permanent increase in the cost of energy resources (electricity, natural gas, etc.), pay off very quickly. For example, when installing budget equipment based on the GSM module, they can be blocked even for the year.

In addition, remote monitoring of heating dramatically reduces the likelihood of large losses due to leakage in the system or its defrosting.

Remote control of heating is convenient, modern, profitable!

Temperature sensors are used as part of security alarms or smart home systems. Their main function is to control the temperature indoors. Buy GSM Temperature sensor follows when the need to collect information and send it to the central alarm device. In the smart home systems, the device allows you to learn information about the climate indoors, which affects the automatic power on or shutdown. GSM-monitoring of the room, an integral part of which is alarm system with thermal sensors, allows you to most effectively save time and money owner. It is enough to purchase and install a SIM card, and connect the sensor to the electrical outlet.

What are GSM thermometers need for?

  • For remote control of all types of heating devices (electrical, gas or solid fuel boilers);
  • To control heaters (air conditioning, infrared heaters, warm floors and others);
  • To collect information about temperature and humidity.

If you believe the reviews of specialists about GSM thermometers and signaling with thermal sensors, it can be concluded that the temperature control and temperature control systems are the most modern ways to control the climate of the room. It is not only heating or air conditioning, but also the ability to filter air and moisturize it.

Why should I buy a GSM thermometer and alarm with thermal sensors?

  • The possibility at any time to get all the information about the temperature mode. Most models can be monitored through Android / iOS applications, which makes it possible to collect data in real time and use them;
  • The device can perform dozens of tasks in automatic or semi-automatic modes, eliminating the user from the need to manually monitor the temperature and climatic variables;
  • The price of the GSM temperature sensor seems quite low if it takes into account all possible ways to save electricity, water, gas, which are achieved by using the device;
  • In the case of the temperature of the critical mark (which you yourself are configured), the sensor will report this by sending an SMS message. In addition, the setting and control of the instrument can be carried out using SMS commands.

Do you have a country house, and are you interested in efficient control of temperature parameters? It turns out that currently there are several more or less effective ways, thanks to which the temperature in the country can be controlled.

The ability to control the temperature in a country house guarantees a number of significant advantages that we will tell in this article. Well, of course, we will consider the most relevant technology to date, allowing such results to achieve such results.

What is the purpose of the remote control systems of temperature parameters

By setting special equipment by which the temperature for the cottage will be adjusted, it will be possible to achieve the following results:

  • Ensuring comfortable parameters of moisture content in the air (moisture content is the ratio of temperature and humidity indoor).
  • Ensuring greater duration of the operational resource of the construction site.
    It is no secret that sudden temperature drops and excessive humidity in the cold season is the priority cause of frequent cosmetic and rehabilitation repair. The operational adjustment of the temperature indicators allows to prevent the appearance of mold on the walls and extend the operating deadlines without the need for repair work.
  • Ensuring the rational spending of energy resources and, as a result, saving money.
    In order to provide optimal parameters of moisture content in the air, you can install a gas boiler or electrical heater and exploit them without a break during the cold season. But, as a result, the account for consumed electricity or gas will be impressive.
    You can do otherwise and apply the system in conditions of a country house, which will include air heating precisely when it is necessary. As a result, the consumption of energy resources will decrease at times, which will save a certain amount of money.
  • Ensuring the safety of the construction object.
    As already mentioned, you can apply continuous round-the-clock heating, even when you are not at home. But, on the one hand it is not suiced, and on the other hand, it is unsafe, since the heating equipment operated in the absence of a person can represent a potential danger.
    Otherwise, the situation is when you receive reliable data on the room temperature at a distance and, if necessary, you can adjust this data to the direction of increasing or decreasing.

So, now we know what advantages guarantees remote temperature control. It remains to consider technologies on the basis of which this control is carried out.

GSM-based technology

Provide effective control of temperature parameters in the room, you can apply GSM thermometer for cottages and special temperature sensors. The use of such technology is a relatively new development that is becoming increasingly distributed, both in our country and abroad.

Using modern GSM systems, you can not only get real information about the room temperature, but also remotely control these parameters, bringing them to the desired value.

The functioning of the remote control system is as follows:

  • The system of the system, through an SMS message via GSM cellular channel, receives information about the values \u200b\u200bof the controlled parameters and, if necessary, via the message sends the control command.
  • A system consisting of GSM thermometers and alarm sensors, sets optimal temperature parameters from the user's point of view and supports them during the time of the specified time.

Remote temperature control is a progressive technology that is actively used in modern smart home systems.

Important: Mandatory condition for the effective functioning of the GSM - thermometer is a stable electricity supply.
If the supply of electricity is carried out with interruptions, you will need to buy or rent a diesel generator for giving.

At the moment, the following GSM-thermometers are presented on the market:

  • modifications with an integrated thermal converter;
  • modifications with the external location of the thermal converter.

How GSM works - thermometer

  • The device is powered by remote or integrated battery case. Thus, the device operates effectively until the battery is discharged. After that, the battery in automatic mode begins to charge through the power supply.
  • Setting the device parameters is carried out with your own hands via PC via USB connector.
  • Depending on the brand and model of the device, it is allowed to work with one or another number of telephone numbers required to send messages.
  • Phone numbers from which the sensor setting is allowed are defined both when setting up using PCs and when configuring from the phone.
  • Depending on the modification and model, the device may provide an economical power consumption which the device functions from an internal battery for more than a month.
  • GSM - The thermometer comes with a user with specialized software that simplifies the use of the system.

Features of the application of remote thermostats

Thermal regulators of this type are set at a certain distance from heating equipment. The thermostat is set to the desired temperature, and the heating device starts working in this mode so that the specified parameters are constant with minimal deviations.

In the photo - a stylish thermostat that will decorate any room

The thermostat is controlled by the keys to duplicate controls on the heating device. The device is equipped with a digital display, which shows the indoor air temperature.

The advantage of this solution is that the price of a remote thermostat is an order of magnitude more accessible to the cost of GSM - thermometer. At the same time, through the thermostat, you can specify the parameters of the heating equipment for a few days ahead.

A significant disadvantage of such devices is the impossibility of a user alert at a distance of problems and failures in the work of heating equipment.

Important: The use of a special thermostat allows to provide optimal temperature parameters within a separate room or several adjacent rooms.
In this case, energy consumption becomes more economical, and the resource of heating equipment is longer.

If any questions remain and need more useful information, see the video in this article.

Excellent article 0.