Hold your beloved for many years. How to keep a man: universal instruction

In the article, I will tell you, expensive, how to keep the man "next to you" (tie to himself) forever.

First of all, when I say to keep (I mean not forcibly straightening / keeping, etc.? - It's just the essence). Hold in quotes. "Hold" a man you can only. No stamp in the passport (marriage), children, etc. I will not "hold" him if you can't herself. Remember this. How our father.

Tip number 1. Check yourself to high ranking woman

Most women are low-middle rank. These ranks \u003d extremely difficult to keep a man. Do not know how. Can not. Does not work. Etc. etc. They are thrown, they change them, etc. etc.

When a man throws a woman - a woman is guilty. Not a man. And vice versa. If a man throws a man \u003d a man is to blame, not a woman. Do not shift responsibility.

Nobody just from anyone \u003d does not leave. There was something wrong - with you. In you. This is logical. It is logical that you are not suitable for him, i.e. With something you do not satisfy, do not satisfy for some criteria. Natural selection operates (the most adapted won), so everything is logical.

And what was wrong there - the question is different. The reasons are really mass. About them, we will talk later than the same ...

Decent high rank women \u003d know how and know how to hold their men next to them. Although, in fact, they do not hold them - the men themselves want to be with them. So think what kind of level it is. Which woman you need to be that the man himself wants to be with this woman all the time ...

Conclusion: You need to pump yourself to a high ranking woman. Pour. Work on yourself. Plow. Worries. Daily. Systematically. Is it difficult? Work on ourselves \u003d Easy does not happen. It is a fact. What did you think, got into a fairy tale? It does not give anything easily. By clicking the finger \u003d neither ...

But! If you want the man himself want to be with you. Himself wanted to live with you next to all my life. If you want durable, happy, harmonious relationship \u003d you must be the appropriate woman! Not like the absolute majority of girls / women. Do you understand?

You should be a unique, decent, high ranking woman. Here is an article - "that a man is assessed in a woman." Learn her along and across and work on yourself. Otherwise, do not expect anything good.

So. Look. The main task in part with the choice of a partner is to minimize risks in life! Remember, this is how our father! This is your main task.

In order to minimize risks in life \u003d you should take a worthy and man!

Not a boy. Not a guy. Not my mother's snot. Not a teenager. Not boys. Not a man. Baby with eggs between the legs, etc. These categories \u003d because it is huge risks for you, and be sure - you will not get anything good with them (in terms of serious, long-term, happy relationships). 100% warranty.

Serious relationships should be built between a man and a woman. With young not walking guys who have no knowledge, there is no experience, there is no consistency (business, grandmothers), the correct values, beliefs, etc. Things \u003d nothing will come. It is a fact! Need a man.

Inside this category \u003d no man. There is no pumped strong, powerful, internal state. No rod. No character. No hardening. There is no self-confidence. Power. Energy. No knowledge, no experience, there is nothing. There are no grandmas, there is no business, consistency. There is nothing. He is a breakwater. In short, he has no other and call him. Loser. Jonah. He has not yet consisted as a person even ...

By the way, many remain those until the end of their days .. besides (in addition to the above), he is still young, he is not aflaid, and we are a man's polygamus, we want a lot of girls, a lot, the number, all the passters * AT, We all plant, well, imagine - what can be a relationship here?

What is the relationship here? Today he is with you, in the evening purely accidentally met the girl who is not averse to having fun \u003d and everything, Game Over. And tomorrow he is still there with someone, he does not restrain anything next to you when he is young, and hormones are not choking. What are the relationship here serious? ...

I'll tell you even so. You can try for him in everything, just to wear, be an ideal woman, ideal, give him everything - what a woman should give in full, etc. etc. In general, it is clear that there is no ideal at all, everyone has its drawbacks, but I generally speak, so, attention: ultimately, he is still young, and he may want females, more. As much as possible. He did not come back yet. Understand. It is not connected with you. That's what could be with a boy ... Let not at first, and more years later, it happens to many. As a result, and change / throw ...

In addition, what is the relationship here when he has nothing? No grandmacks. What is this man, without grandmothers?)) This is not a man. The main function of the peasant \u003d be the breadthrough. I have already told about it for a hundred times. Imagine myself where you will live? This man must decide. But, he has no home. And maybe there is no money at all, even on the feast. How will you live? Ends with ends to reduce? Do you need it? And who will feed you, wear, defend, etc. etc. Who! And who will take care of the offspring when it is? Even more money will need, because you are already three. ... In short, think about all this ...

In addition, 2, what kind of relationship here, when the man does not know anything, there is no knowledge, experience, etc.? A man must be the main relationship. He must be leading. Main. Leader. №1. What is the speech about, if there is a teenager, boy, girl with eggs, snot, etc.? Needed - man. Point.

You do not have the right to make mistakes in a partner. If you are wrong \u003d You will pay for it. You will be used, just tra * you and throw. As a result, you will walk by hand. And in the end, you already do not need anyone for hell. Because there is a natural selection. And you are already a second-round meat, not fresh outreaches, with wild ongoing mileage. Do you understand?

I'm not even saying that in our time is very relevant, the tra * is without protection and give birth to a child in a youngster. This is generally the edge of idiocy. And then, the Patcher (as it happens most often) gives the move back because the stsyt is not childish, and you yourself with a trailer in life \u003d only now you are looking for a man's norms.

Need immediately a man! And a decent man. Here is the article - "that a woman is assessed in a man." Examine it. There I am telling what a decent rank man is. One who needs you!

But! I immediately pay attention. To be with such a worthy man \u003d you sama must be a decent woman. For every creature on a pair and they get them as they themselves. Otherwise. That's why, at the very beginning - I said (gave advice) to pump myself to a high ranking woman.

Number 3. High quality and regularly close men's needs

If a woman be very competent with a man, behave correctly \u003d a man will be with her himself. He will choose you. 98% of cases that he is yours. Fact!

We, men, have needs. Here is the main article: "What a man needs from a woman." Examine it along and across. There, I tell what the absolute majority of girls do not know / does not understand, namely: what is needed by a man (what are our needs, that we are important), how to behave with a man so that everything is with a bang to flourish the durable harmonious and The most importantly happy relationship.

Briefly, here they are (male needs):

  • 1) high-quality regular (over time, diverse) with * ks
  • 2) 100% loyalty (devotion) man
  • 3) Support. Care. Lask. Tenderness. Vera. Inspiration. (for all this is capable of feminine)
  • 4) attention man
  • 5) Men value
  • 6) Maternity function
  • 7) Hostess function
  • 8) And all that he lacks (not enough). This is already you visible what is there and how. You should feel it, know, see. But! At a minimum (necessarily), qualitatively and regularly close those 1-7 needs.

The rule is such that if you go to your man all that he needed \u003d he does not go from you. He is yours. That's why, relationship is daily work. But, but the man does not come to mind to throw you, look for something on the side, change you, look for another woman, etc. Because he will be with you in prosperity. Everything will arrange. Everything will be fine. Do you understand?

This is the first. And secondly, the woman needs to make this man that her man felt like a man - next to her. Your man should feel like a man - next to you.

For this, you should be a feminine woman. This is one of the key rules of the relationship between M and w. This is the key rule - allows a man yourself to be, with this woman.

3.1. (addition) is also important balance in relationships!

Success in relationships in many ways (I would say, first of all) depends on how partners are assessed by each other! How do you have a friend regarding each other.

If you briefly, you are a woman \u003d should not invest a lot of resources in a man (time, money, strength, energy, etc.). Simply put - a lot of things to do for him / for him, if this is your man \u003d really does not invest anything in you. This is called - the game in the same gate (imbalance of relationships).

The imbalance of relationships - puts the cross on this relationship. 100% you guarantee. Therefore, the game (relationship) should occur on two gates: you somehow incur in it (you do something) \u003d He is somehow embedded in you (I did something) \u003d and so indefinitely. There must be uniformity. Balance. 50/50.

In no case, it is impossible that you are inserted and invested free \u003d otherwise your significance (value) for a man is lost and with time \u003d everything, he does not appreciate you, you do not respect you, in fact, your legs wipes, etc., in general This is a Game Over. So think ...

I talked more about this in the main article: "Do not play one gate."

№4. Your uniqueness (as a person) for a man ...

This item, in my opinion, is the most important. №1,2,3 - extremely too (do not fail if it is wrong), but this one \u003d the most decisive (ultimately the result).

Over time, with the course of development of relationships \u003d partners more and more recognize each other. This allows you to start in some sense - to be friends. And friends are not thrown. With them comfortable and good.

Another thing is that between men and women \u003d there is nothing in common. We are completely different. Really from different planets. Read more read in the article: "The difference between a man and a woman." Therefore, it is quite difficult (to be friends). But! Be sure to, you, darling, must be an appropriate woman. With you should be interesting. You must be well developed. Smart. Wise. Interesting. Etc.

High rank men this \u003d smart men. Believe. They need a female corresponding to them. With the "TP" there, which, in addition to the instramp and the glek on the mind \u003d nothing, no one will build anything. These dolls are just done that the tra * Aute and throw for more with them "catch" there is nothing ...

Here you are important. As a woman. As a person. Who are you. What are you like. What are your worldview in life, looks, interests, hobbies, do you have a passion (hobbies) than you do, how do you live, what are you doing, do you intell, your intellect, your upbringing, IQ (social, emotional, logical), thinking, behavior, etc. etc. Do you understand how important all this is? Work on yourself. Work!

There are women and beautiful, and feminine \u003d But, inside them Puuustoooth. BLACK HOLE! They are not interested, nothing to talk about, really, about something serious, important, etc. There is no brains, or not enough thinking, logic, brain, and you feel it - that she is far from you, and everything is no longer a good ...

And there are quite smart \u003d but at the same time with a man \u003d completely different values, interesting, hobbies, classes (in general, different individuals) and, accordingly, even in this case \u003d is unlikely to come out.

A decent man \u003d wants the appropriate female. Point. Because if at the initial stage of relationships, those all needs, incl. Cool with * COP is the main tool for binding a man, then over time, the same with * COP loses its paints, and something else needs. Something bigger. Do you understand? Something else is this item. It's you like a person! If you are "as individuals" \u003d Game Over. That's all.

This is what it is important ... points of contact. How well do you come to each other, do you have joint values, interests, hobbies, is your thinking, worldview in life, etc. Are you equal to approximately each other, or you t * will, and he is smart or vice versa, he is a call (and you are not), etc., there is no other way, if you are completely different \u003d what a relationship ? It is impossible to come together when different values, interests, you are different, incl. Your features, such as intelligence, IQ, etc.

  • Do not shit IQ intelligence (mind) \u003d goodbye
  • We behave like TP \u003d goodbye
  • Not sociable (nothing to talk about, you can't support the conversation.) \u003d Goodbye
  • We lead as chamier - goodbye
  • Brass (already spoke earlier) - Goodbye
  • Smoke (already spoke earlier) - Goodbye
  • Boring, not fun (not pumped IQ emotional) \u003d bad, no longer ...
  • Passive in life (there is no hobby, interests of the addplay) \u003d bad, no longer ...
  • There are no common interests, values, etc. \u003d Do not come, alas ..
  • Etc. It's all so, superficially examining, without deepening right into everything (the main thing is to understand the essence)

№5. Oreday (Rutin, boredom, longing, predictability)

This is the last item. In addition to the man, and the woman should largely take the initiative in everything. Diversity. No routine. Boredom. Togun. Ordinaryness. In no case should not be.

Over relationships you need to continuously work (in addition to closing each other's needs, work on yourself, the development of trust and other components), constantly work, constantly, even if a man is already yours. And on the contrary, your woman is. Do you understand? In relations, it should not be all boring, everything is trite and everything is predictable, otherwise failure, separation, quarrels of treason, etc..

You do not need to simply exist next to each other.

In relations, something new, unusual, etc. should always occur. Let not every day (I think everyone understood the essence), but should be! Vital. It should not be all boring, sad, predictably, routine, longing, etc. Always be creative-active, not passive.

With uv, administrator.

Today is the century and, unfortunately, not only in technology. Relationships also occur literally at the speed of sound: from love to rupture, few months can take place. And so I want real happiness, joy, love. To live a soul in the soul and die one day. How can you and need to keep a man? Conquer him to carry yourself? This is a million task. And only very smart women cope with it.

  • Why is it so hard to keep the desired man today? Why does the relationship, only starting, right there?
  • Why not hold the man with a child, sex or delicious food? Why not need to rely only on it?
  • How to fall in love and keep a man for life?

Women's happiness often holds on male shoulders. And here the problems arise. We, as in the song "For ten girls on statistics, nine guys." That is, a free guy has to fight. Conquer, keep a man is not easy.

How to do it?

Many people think that the whole thing in beauty - rushed into his head in fitness, all the time spend in beauty salons. Others are confident that a man can be attracted to delicious food and children. Third - do focus on the development of their own mind and giftedness.

But there is no single answer - because today, in the modern world, to hold the man nearby you need to know the modern secrets. Yes, and men are different.

Why keep your beloved man so hard?

Why is everything so difficult today? Why can not live like it was before? This question is often asked girls who cannot even tie the first relationship. Sitting at home at the window, they listen to Mom's stories and grandmothers about how easily and simply, in the days of their youth, they found guys who only returned from the army. They did not need to even think about how to keep a man. At the age of 20, everyone was married, they gave birth to children, built the future. And now - everything is wrong.

Now really "everything is wrong", but you should not be so categorical. And in the past, not everything was good, as it seems to some of us. Not every girl got a man of dreams, the overwhelming majority agreed to the best option from the nearest environment. If you understand critically, today today is much easier and easier to find a man, conquer and keep it. Through the Internet, you can find yourself a couple of even in another area, at least in another city, at least behind the ocean. There are no restrictions, the main thing is that people liked each other.

However, in fact one flaw In modern relations there. And it is significant. These are their speed. Actually, today the whole world is very fast, literally fleeting. We all run somewhere, do everything on the go, strive in development. And this is reflected in the relationship in the first place: no one wants to invest, no one is patient. After the first quarrel, the man arises the thought of "oh, oh well, another I will find, I don't need these problems." Fast sex leads to a very rapid cooling of feelings. Couples split increasingly without even reaching the most sad 3 years. There is a feeling that yes, it is necessary to hold a man, make an effort, do something. And again a big mistake will look back and take from past generations, as they did.

You can keep a man with a child! Just why?

Of course, women have always had little tricks that they used. For example, to keep a man with a child almost the most ancient invention of the most enterprising out of us. Everywhere is not going anywhere, "from the submarine", if there is already pregnancy. Will have to marry. Another option is to hold a man with sex.

Options mass, but they are all hopelessly outdated. It used to quit a girl with the belly was ashamed and terrible, and today - in the order of things. Yes, it is not even about to throw it, it will help, pay alimony, but it will not be possible to keep a man in such a way.

The exclusivity of sex also does not play the role that was previously. Pornography was banned, going beyond the result was ashamed. Today, the borders of admissibility in sex greatly increased, it is literally anything - even on the chandelier, even in the forest. This is no longer surprised. Therefore, even think about how to keep a man only sex is not worth it - this good can give him any other.

For delicious food, you can go to a good restaurant and no home food will be compared with those dishes that cook the chefs of the highest category. Going on football He can with friends, a good sweater - buy in the store. This is not all right. It can not hold a man nearby. This is too little. It's time to go to the next level of relationship.

Hold your beloved man all life

Today, each person needs an understanding of his desires. It seems that it is so easy - to understand a man, take it sorrows, together with him to be glad. And that's it. In the modern world, where each other is an object of a carriage and a wolf, even just sincere interest attracts a man to a woman. And this participation - as if she sticks him to her. This is guaranteed to conquer and keep a man.

But the problem is what understanding a man It is no longer possible to provide simple actions. It's complicated. Really difficult.

  • It is impossible to just sit, look into his eyes, listen about his problems at work, and at the same time think about your desires.
  • It is impossible to walk with him with him, but at the same time it is offended to look at your broken nails and whining "you do not pay me attention, I went with you, and you just look at your field."
  • You can not imitate orgasm in sex, moaning and squeezing, and the borders can count points on the ceiling itself.
  • It is impossible to be peaceful and wait until he thinks that he needs to ask for forgiveness.
  • It is impossible to shout, download the rights, to demand attention, reaching the hysteria.
  • Etc.

You can only keep a man near yourself if you really understand his desires. True, as if these wishes are your own.

And the second important moment - to hold a man can only woman welcome. This is not only a sex factor, but a totality - the desire to be together, spending time, eat, communicate, work, in the word to be one. Such a woman becomes for her man a guide, a kind of "gingerbread", behind which he goes to the development, accomplishment, achievements.

If a woman understands her beloved, and is also a desired object for him, then she does not even come to mind that a man needs to be held near himself. He and she - always hold each other by mutual attraction. By the way, in such respects everything else is attached:

  • delicious food is preparing with pleasure (not to keep the man after dinner, but to make a pleasant), sweaters fit and much more,
  • there are joint hobbies, but not through violence, but through true interest,
  • sexual relationships become really bringing pleasure
  • etc

When we ask us how much we are together, I always say as it is - 15 years. Usually after that, the interlocutor looks incredulously at me, and I add - I'm 29, we are together from 14 years old.

Many are surprised, but I do not see anything strange or amazing about it - we love each other and carefully working on our relations. Quite often, I ask the question of how to keep your beloved man throughout life.

I decided to answer all questions to once by writing a short instruction that would help women save relationships.

In general, it seems to me that far from every man you can save relationships for life - people change, they have new interests and desires, as well as much more. And sometimes some relationships are immediately doomed to the failure - there is not something that is not to keep, here it is impossible to make sure that it will be next.

In my opinion, it is best to think right away, what kind of relationship you need is for life, or just pass the time. And already on this basis, you need to look for a man - it is likely to get the desired result.

How to understand that a man is tuned for long-term relationships:

  • it easily plans the future;
  • he is responsible for the words;
  • he is ready for a dialogue;
  • you are good together;
  • he knows how to talk about problems;
  • he is ready to live the same life as you.

If you are interested in long-term relationships, it is better to avoid in love guys who are dragging every skirt. Any girl has such a guy on accepting (or just among friends), who speaks great love to every girl, but at the same time, neither one of them has his relationship for more than six months.

In my case, such an opportunity was not to watch a person - after all, in 14 years, any romantic relationships seem to be eternal. However, I can say that already then my future husband was responsible, executive and faithful person (which, by the way, attracted me to him).

Work on relationship

Girls, never get tired of repeating that relationship is work! Want to understand how to keep your beloved man - work on yourself and over your relationship! It is best to do that together, then it will be more. Relationships should give a person everything he wants.

If your man is focused on a quiet family life, then arrange a small paradise at home - always clean, it always smells like baking and quietly, my wife is clever, children are fed and playing.

If a man wants to remain an eternal lover (like, for example, my spouse), then do the same as I - periodically indulge in his exciting passionate nights, leave romantic notes in his pockets, flirting in all - our relationships are held on the fact that My spouse conquers me year after year.

Everyone needs freedom

Do you need freedom? Your man is also needed. Do not fill all your life with each other, leave a place for hobbies, hobbies, some classes that you do separately. You should not arrange scandals, forcing him to choose him between friends and you - he is already near you, he loves you, which means you can safely let him go to do what he wants.

We have different hobbies with my husband (of course, there are generals), and therefore we try to plan your time so to do our own business - it seems to me right. He is not averse to skip whiskey with friends, I do not mind to go with girlfriends in the spa or shopping.

What else is important - to pronounce everything that seems important to you and vital. I am sure that if people can sit down and talk normally, everyone will be fine with them - do not even worry.

The main thing is the person

Here I always meet the abyss of misunderstanding, because almost every woman wants to change her man. No, girls, I understand everything, we all wish you happiness with our loved ones, and we try to change their lives for the better, but by a big bill - we love the person in them, and this person should remain preserved.

It hurts me to see when the girl marries a merchant and Balaguore, who has always been a soul of the company, and then begins to spoil it. First, the boy is less likely to meet with friends in the beloved pub, then he refuses hiking to the gym - Because his girl seems to be doing there too much time, then he scores on a weekly airsoft, and what do we end up?

From a beautiful state man with fire in the eyes, a person turns into a bald puzzle uncle, who is only interested in the cost of tomato tomatoes at the subway. I would not like to bring my husband to this, so those changes that I neatly put in his life do not change the main thing - its essence.

Similarly, I can say about myself. My husband loves me for what I am - and I am smart, I can be beautiful and very judicious. Therefore, I do not allow myself nonsense, I do not allow myself to walk around the house with a fruishing, and first weigh all my words before starting to reflect. In the end, he loved me exactly what would he love me another?

Plotful joy

Heh, not too often talking about it, but I still try. Less frequently, the men leave those wives with whom they have something to talk about and with which good sex. In fact, you can be hysterical, spontaneous, "your boyfriend" in jeans and wrestling, but if you make it happy in the bed - he will not go anywhere.

Of course, you should not shift the focus in some one side, but still you need to remember that the night cuckoo is here for several centuries as a day cuckoo.

Care and attention

It seems to me that it is very simple, but in fact, many of my friends do not do it, and I want to emphasize this separately. About a man needs to take care. NEED TO. And he should also take care of you too, because otherwise it is no longer a relationship, and the hell knows what.

Try not to criticize it thoughtlessly, or do it as soft as possible - the condemnation is clearly not the reaction that he needs.

How does this happen from us? As I said, we have a very romantic relationship, we are constantly flirting, we are constantly seduced by each other. However, there is life, right? In everyday life we \u200b\u200btreat each other as children - and it seems to me that this is the best option.

I am always warm and confidentially listen to how he has things, he shares absolutely everyone with me (even by what kind of beauty is a new secretary at his chef), I am always ready to come to his aid, in any situation. He answers me the same - he tries not to argue with me on trifles, sophisticated and diversely indulges me, and also ensures that I am happy every day.

I think every smart woman will find an approach to her man and they will be happy, in any case, I sincerely wish you.

In the relations of many steam, such a difficult period occurs when one of the partners begins to think about parting. If it happened that the role of such a "inflatable" was your chosen, but you yourself do not want a break, then try to take some steps to preserve or resume his feelings.

When the relationship is on the verge, how to keep your beloved man

Men Aries

Representatives of this sign are very extraordinary, and boredom or routine in a relationship can push them. You should diversify your joint leisure time, while avoiding obsessions and reproaches. Also remember that Aries feed weakness to strong and successful women, and if you are such, then it is probably a man will not leave you. If you often seek it for help, the Aries will take such behavior as a manifestation of weakness, and it will not benefit. Such a man likes to seek a woman, so it is sometimes important to be a bit inaccessible, make him doubt that you are conquered.

As we have already mentioned, representatives of this sign like a variety, and this applies not only to leisure, but also to your behavior, appearance and other things. Try to be different more often, and then you will definitely be interesting to your chosen one.

Men Taland

Taurus do not like to rush the events, so the hurry in relations with them. They also do not like when they make impressions of other men with them, as their faiths are failed - they do not like to jealous. In addition, it flatters them when they are listening to their opinions. If conflicts arose in your relationship, then think - did you disagree with many significant solutions for yourself. Wanting to save harmonious relationships with a representative of this sign, more often wobbly, praise it and support it. In most of them, they do not like when their chosen looks defiantly or vulgar - pay attention to it.

Men twin

Basically, Gemini Men are essential to saturated sexual life. It is also important for him that there were topics for conversations with the beloved, so the more "enlightened" you will, the brighter will be your relationship. Surely, such a man will appreciate if there will be a place for flirting and easy intrigue. It is important to understand that the twin is easier to attract than to hold. If you make a variety of sex life and leisure, then make it much easier. Also try not to limit his freedom.

Man of canceca

The representative of this sign is extremely injured and sensitive. Remember that he painfully reacts to criticism and jokes about any particular features. Comfortable all to him with a practical and leaning woman. In addition, he appreciates in the opposite sex representatives and attentiveness. This sign can be called very family, and the choice of elects it refers quite seriously - often the guideline in this difficult thing for him is his mother. Most likely, he will appreciate the woman's economic activity - it is important for him that the houses were clean, and there was a fresh lunch on the stove.

Male Lion.

Most of all representatives of this sign do not accept the criticism of their actions. Lions love to be the center of attention, and they are in taste active and energetic women. However, a man should see that it is he who remains the leader in your relationship. He likes when women show admiration in his address. Do not limit his freedom - it will undoubtedly appreciate it.

Men girl

Men-Virgin is very wounded, and are not acceptable when their chosen shows at least any interest in other guys. He liked partnerships. He also appreciates when his help or participation in any acts notice, and thank for it. Representatives of this sign like to lead intelligent conversations, and if you are strong in this, then you will probably stay an interesting one. In addition, a male-virgin is important that his partner is clean - otherwise conflicts may occur on this soil.

Men Scales

Male scales prefer strong and at the same time gentle women. Also, it is also essential for him, as its chosen looks like - her kind should be flawless, without any hints for inconsistencies - the person who decides to associate his life with such a man, it is worth considering this moment. In addition, if you want to keep the relationship with him, it is worth it to be more tolerable to change his mood, and remember that it does not accept moral pressure.

Men Scorpio

In order to keep the partner's interest in relationship, you should consider that it attracts mystery and intriguing behavior in women. Modest and shy women are less interesting to him. It is also important to remember that scorpion is injured, although it tries to hide it. It is important for him that his chosen is sexually attractive and periodically showed activity in his seduction. Scorpion needs to demonstrate diligence in his affairs, but not to be overly obsessive. Remember that he appreciates frankness and does not tolerate hysteria in women.

Men snakesman

A distinctive feature of the snakes is a thrust of change, and if his companion will not share his interests, then it is probably quite quickly, this relationship exhausted itself. It is also worth noting that the representatives of this particular sign are very hot-tempered and, sometimes, may be very aggressive, therefore with women prone to scandalous behavior, they are not on the way.

Men Sagittarius

This man does not like to talk a lot about what feels, so do not demand eloquence from him in this regard - it is easier for him to demonstrate his attitude actions. Please note that he doesn't like excessively emotional women - if you have such a feature of character, over time it will begin to repel it. He likes the Officials that are easy to rise and do not suffer from excessive complexes. It is important to remember that he does not like when a woman clearly encroaches his freedom. In addition, he appreciates the elected ability to demonstrate affection and care - otherwise the relationship will be cleaned.

Men Capricorn.

This man is often very restrained in the manifestation of his feelings - take into account this feature and do not conine him for her. It can push the critical comments to his close people, and it is also important to remember. He does not like a woman who is characteristic of causing behavior and also extravagance - more impressive modesty and simplicity. When choosing a life companion, he draws attention to its business and maternal qualities.

Men Aquarius

Aquarius can push the woman who will try to manage it. At the same time, it is important for him that his chosen can be a good friend for him. He does not like unnecessary conversations about feelings, and in a woman it can attract mysteriousness and brightness. He liked himself independent women who have their own opinion.

Men fish

Having entered into relations with a man-fish, remember that this sign has high sensitivity and varying, and it is important for him to be considered. If a woman does not show an obvious care for him, he can hurt it to indifference. Such a man often flies in the clouds, "forgetting about the material side of life. He likes mysterious and romantic women.

Methods to keep a guy in relationships at a distance

Invisible presence

Despite the fact that you are far from each other, you should feel a young person that at least invisibly you are present in his life. How can I do this? In the era of social networks and mobile phones it is not at all difficult. Wish him good morning, good night, interest him, share news from your life. Thus, gradually in it is rooted the feeling that you are even closer to those people whom he sees daily.

Photo, video

Periodically send your photos and videos beloved. These messages must cause positive emotions. Choose your best pictures, also pay attention to your appearance before shooting video. The guy should see that you miss him, but at the same time you have your own bright life in which you "sparkle" like a star. In your situation, a little jealousy does not hurt. Thus, over time, you will not think about how to keep it, and he will be afraid that such a bright girl did not leave for another.

If it so happened that your beloved turned out to be a married man, but at the same time you do not want to let him go from your life, follow some recommendations.


Most men sees their wives in a different form - festive, everyday and rather unsightly. You should always be "at the height." Carefully take care of yourself - be careful about your wardrobe, take care of your hair and skin, do not forget about a pleasant perfume. At the same time, all your tricks should be invisible to the chosen one, even if they are hard for you - let him think that such a casual kind for you is quite natural.


In communicating with a married man, show your most winning qualities. Passionate sex is, of course, good, but if you want chosen to also perceive you as a potential life companion, you should not be limited to this. If you meet in your territory, take care that you have always been clean and cozy. Do not forget about delicious diverse dishes.

Do not arrange scenes of jealousy

Surely, sooner or later you will begin to upset the fact that after the meetings with you, the beloved still returns home to the spouse. And yet try to relieve your feeling of jealousy, because, despite the fact that he goes to his wife, he continues to change it with you. At this stage, you can not put forward the requirements - it will only repel a man. Time spent in separation, use with benefit - Improve your appearance, come in interesting places and so on. In this case, with a new meeting you will be, what to tell a man and how to surprise it.

Forget about reproaches

In a relationship with a married lover, be mild and feminine - forget about scandals and reproach. Thus, most likely, you will be distinguished on the background of his spouse. Become a quiet harbor for him, and most likely, by this you will make him think about it - not to make you the only woman in his life.

What to keep a man next to life

If you are convinced that this man is exactly the one who needs you, and you would like to spend your whole life with him, pay attention to some tips.

Conquer and keep by conquering his heart

Surely, a guy, whose heart will be conquered by you, will not want to leave you under any circumstances. If you can easily find a approach to him and fall in love with yourself, then this gives you some guarantee that he does not wish any other relations with other women. To do this, it is necessary to carefully examine the nature and nature of the chosen one - just so you can "pick up the desired keys" to His heart.

Hold a man by the power of his love

Many men need love so much that, even without experiencing similar strong feelings, they are ready to stay with her until the end of life, not believing that someone else will love him as desperately. This is especially applicable to guys who felt the shortage of maternal love in orphanage. If he sees you love him, like no other, then even if he gets up to "look left", then he will return to you anyway.

Conquer with the help of magic if he wants to part

If a man wants to break the relationship, try to resort to the help of magic. Many women are convinced that it was this that helped them to keep marriage. You can find the corresponding spell on the Internet, or ask for help to some vigorous. Nevertheless, remember that some subsequently regret the like decision, considering that unnecessary problems have accounted for themselves.

Hold, engage in family bonds

The man is easier to get away from the girl with whom he meets than from a legitimate wife. Sometimes, a decisive factor may be banal lazy - the reluctance to mess with documents for divorce and so on. In addition, marrying a woman, a man subconsciously feels that he made one of the most serious elections in his life, and he tries to stick to him.

Hold, give birth to a common child

Not everyone approves such "female tricks", and yet it is difficult not to recognize that, sometimes, they still turn out to be very effective. In the consciousness of most men, the view is rooted that if a woman gave him a kid, now they are a real family, and the family is not good. Nevertheless, remember that not all male representatives adhere to this opinion, and if you independently accept the decision to give birth to a child, it is possible that you will have to do it alone.

Often, men do not want to break relationships with a woman due to the fact that their too much binds. Unfortunately, it is not always about love feelings, and often everything is much more prosaic - a loan or common property, however, if you wish to keep a partner at any cost such a way can also approach.

Is it possible to keep the man you like after sex

This is quite possible with the following factors:

  • He really liked sex with you. If in the eyes of a man you find yourself just an ideal sexual partner, even if he initially did not plan any relationship with you, then, for sure, will revise my decision. For many men, sex plays great importance in life, and it is important for them that the woman corresponds to their expectations in this regard. If you do it, then, of course, the chosen one does not wish to part with you.
  • He is in love with you. If a man was initially in love with you, even before Intimate intimate proximity happened, then, most likely, sex only gives it to you, even if he did not expect a chosen one.

Is it worth holding a man if he doesn't love you

This question is asked by many women, and sooner or later, they still come to the conclusion that it is very difficult to be happy in a relationship with a man, who is constantly necessary to somehow hold. Thus, you will be constantly in tension, which sooner or later turns stress or depression. Agree, in such a state, personal happiness and mental harmony is very dubious. Most likely, you painfully depend on this person and in fact simply lose time with him. It makes sense to break this connection and send its energy to find a person with whom your feelings and thrust are mutual to each other. Also think about your self-esteem - whether it is not understated with you, it's not necessary to work on it. A woman with a healthy self-esteem still understands that she is worthy of loved her and that her relationship with a man is full. When you learn to treat yourself with respect, then you will have the strength to break the connection tormenting you.

Sooner or later, each of the women is asked by this question: how to keep the beloved man next to 7 ways. To give an unequivocal answer to all occasions, as you understand, it is impossible. However, psychologists, and life itself, developed and checked in practice many ways, how to express our love to men and thereby keep it for a long time, but perhaps forever. No wonder they say that women and men come from different planets: Women from Venus, and men from Mars. This is how the striking and sometimes irreconcilable differences and contradictions are expressed. But, there is also a legend that a man and a woman are two halves of one whole, once separated and scattered around the world. And since then everyone is looking for their halves. Find, truth is not all. And finding it, not everyone can hold. Perhaps, we are simply mistaken and deceive, taking a completely wrong person for your half.

But not everything is so tragic. In fact, genetics have proven that every five hundred people comes to the definition of "halves". This is a rather large number of suitable people. Therefore, finding your half, the challenge is coming to the fore: how to express your love to a man and keep it. There is such a saying: a man is smart from books, and Woman wise from nature. Therefore, each of us, having gained their love, has to show congenital wisdom in order to preserve it for many years and keep a man near himself.

It is said that men are polygamy from nature. Perhaps, the studied studies have proven that there are more alielubes among men than among women. But each of them has internal, characteristic of him for him, who loving their woman should instinctively guess and satisfy. If this happens, a man will be tied to such a woman on a subconscious level and will remain with it until his needs are satisfied. This means that a wise woman will forever be able to tie a beloved man to himself.

So, consider 20 ways to express love for a man.

Navigator in methods

1. A man by nature of his defender - cultivate it in it

Nature has distributed our roles like this: the woman keeps the hearth, a man protects a woman. If in all ages, a man would have performed a security feature - humanity would cease to exist. They preserved and spread throughout the birth, in which there were strong men who could protect their female and offspring. Of course, now the times have changed and women sometimes take on the unusual men's functions. But this will only harm themselves. Feminism, Emancipation led to the appearance of too much women who behave like men and men who are characteristic of women's features. From this ultimately all losing. Is it because so many divorces and lonely people?

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It is necessary to behave so much to show in your man the need to be your defender. Of course, one should not be absolutely helpless, but also too showing its independence and strength also should not. Let a man be your assistant, defender and hero. Sincerely admire his advantages and thank you for your help. Such relationships are called harmonious and they have a big chance to last long.

2. Support in a man its importance

A man by nature should be useful, necessary, meaningful. He must feel that he is indispensable that without him, figuratively speaking, you will disappear. Support, cultivate these qualities in it. Do not take too many features. Charge, of course, very delicately and unobtrusively, so as not to achieve a reverse result, it is fulfilling any task. And most importantly - do not forget to thank it after doing and emphasize its importance and significance.

3. Always interest the opinion of a man for each issue.

A wise woman always carefully listens to a man, agrees with him, but will do in his own way. But maintaining the significance of a man is simply necessary not to turn it into a repeater. Always advise with your beloved on all important issues to emphasize its important and sometimes decisive role in living together. It will strengthen its natural subconscious features of the leader and will only strengthen your relationship.

4. Silk are associated with femininity

No wonder the famous conquerors of men's hearts did not forget to indulge themselves with silk linen, satin and fur outfits. Smooth, soft, shiny fabric, which seductly tightens the female figure, emphasizing her beauty, causes a whole storm of emotions in a man. A woman closed into such outfits is inexorably attracts and entails. It subconsciously seems like a man as soft, smooth, tender, warm and desirable, how beautiful and seductive her outfits. Do not neglect this cunning. In addition, for example, wearing silk linen is also very nice. Immediately you start to move differently and feel yourself.

5. Girl in a male shirt

It has long been known - how to make a woman's shirt to her beloved. Sometimes, it happens when there is nothing more to wear in the morning, women are clothed in a shirt or a t-shirt of their man. And, as it turned out, just irresistible in it. Even when you are at home and you have something to wear, sometimes you pon the things of your loved one - it will only emphasize your fragility and tenderness. Then, I put it on this thing, your man with warmth will remember you in it. This will allow you to warm up your feelings.

6. Man is not a bird in a cage

Never explicitly and openly do not encroach on his freedom. Forcibly in the cell a man can not hold. It is to lose freedom in marriage that many men are afraid. Forbidden fruit - sweet, and if there is no prohibition, then interest immediately disappears. In addition, do not attempt to force a man forcibly. Usually it fails, but the relationship is irrevocably spoiled. Do not prohibit it to follow some of the longcoming habits or hobbies. On the contrary, support it in this. If possible, divide it with it to his hobbies. It will only raise you in his eyes and strengthen your relationship.

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7. Do not overload it with your attention

Remember: disgust arises from overeating. Do not be too obsessive. A man and you also will not hurt to rest each other, get bored and get drunk, so to speak. Sometimes it is necessary to leave him one - to leave to meet friends or to go to relatives for a while. Let him get to miss and, besides, slightly jealous, think about how you without him there. Did you like anyone else? It is also necessary to let him go to the meeting with his friends, fishing or hunting. Finally, on football. A man needs to feel freedom and have their hobbies. Of course, it is good when you manage to divide them with him. But as in any case, you need to know the measure. Too often let him go too, so that the hands did not beat off at all.

8. Do not rush to marry

Most men do not want to marry, because they feel the unconscious fear of loss of freedom and the oppressive load of responsibility to the new family and exorbitant commitments. They are easier to remain irresponsible, careless and carefree. Show the trick, you will share with him your fears and experiences about the upcoming marriage, new concerns and responsibilities. Tell me that you do not plan to associate yourself with marriage uzami. It will help him relax near you and feel calm. And when the feelings are already strong, he will not be expensive.

9. Do not forget about the diversity

Remember that even the most delicious food in time comes. Do not cease to change. Enter in front of him in a new image (though, not always the men notice it). Surprise it with new knowledge or hobbies. Explore new talents. Develop already known inclinations. The main thing is to remain yourself - do not dissolve yourself in your man. Staying personality, you can be interesting to him.

10. Trust

If the relationship is good and correct - they should be built on mutual trust. It is known that if a man wants, he will find a thousand reasons how to achieve his own. But not to provoke it, you need to build your relationship on unconditional trust. Take a rule: do not rummage in your pockets, in the notebooks, phones, wallets. Do not invade its territory without an invitation. Demonstrate your trust - and to deceive you will be much more complicated by psychologically.

11. Cultivate its significance

Whatever confident and decisive seemed to be an externally, your man is still in the depths of the soul, he is overcome doubts. He simply needs to receive confirmation of its leadership qualities and talents. Do not forget to fine and unobtrusively praise him and give it importance and confidence in your own eyes. Be sure - after that, your man will forever stay with you, because you give it strength and instigate optimism into it. He will want to experience these feelings again and again.

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12. Emit joy

From sad depressive people, you want to escape quickly. In order for your man to do not have such thoughts, you simply have to radiate joy and optimism. If at home meets sullen and dull wife burdened with problems, it does not want to return to such a house. Therefore, remember that you are a woman and you are responsible for the climate in the house. Support a cheerful relaxed atmosphere, and to be in such a house will be pleasure.

13. Be the soul of the company

Every man wants to be proud of his woman. Not in vain say that the woman emphasizes the status of a man. Try to make a favorable impression on his friends. While in the company with his man, try to become her soul, remember by your unique personality. Be fun, relaxed, sociable. Do so that his friends are slightly envied the fact that he has such a unique woman.

14. Call him jealous

Here, the main rule is not to pass a stick. There are so jealous men that this method is simply dangerous. But in most cases it can be useful sometimes make him jealous and worry about you. After all, possess such a treasure as you would not mind any man. Keep it in Tonus - let it not relax.

15. Show your intelligence

Smart women cause respect. Men act more by the will of logic, so the intelligent interlocutor incites in it the genuine interest and excitement of the hunter. Such a woman is prestigious to possess, it can be proud of it. Show him that you are not alien to intellectual classes, even games. Having shifted his erudition in the unraveling of a banal crossword, you can grow in his eyes and only confirm the idea that your children will be as smart.

16. Confirm your status

20 ways to keep a man. Do not miss the opportunity to make an indelible impression on others when you are together anywhere. Let him understand - what treasure is possessed and will talk a little for its safety. After all, the rivals do not sleep. For the best woman, there were always battles between men. It will only spur your relationship and add them sharpness.

17. Create comfort

A man must feel at home with you comfort, peace, comfort, warmth. No matter how difficult for you did not occur at work - at home you must discard all your problems and meet your husband with an energy and sexuality. Yes, it's hard. But who said he would be easy? From such a house and from such a woman will not want to leave anywhere.

18. Make intimacy

It is believed that a man should not see too much and know about how a woman leads itself in order. All this is so. But sometimes it is useful, and even useful will be restored the veil of mystery. For example, cover your lips when it. It is believed that this process is intimate and see it is not allowed to everyone. This will make additional trust in your relationship.

19. Make things together

Try to make home business. As you know, the path to the heart of a man lies through the stomach. Strengthen this rule, if you can sometimes cook something delicious together. So he will bind all the pleasant anticipation and feeling from delicious food. It will give fire to your relationship.

20. Raise him

Try to notify its preferences in food, clothing, music, films, books, accessories, etc. Surround your life of these things. A man will always feel in his plate, he will be familiar and comfortable in such conditions.

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