Strengthening the rack of the balcony shovel. What is the estimate of the repair of a balcony or loggia? Example of estimates for repair of the loggia

In Soviet times, almost no one paid attention to the balcony. In other words, he is and okay. To many, he then served as a place for smoking or an area where you can accommodate, obsolete frost and atmospheric precipitation, items.

But time went, and the 90s came. And then more and more people began to pay attention to these extra square meters. Someone began to consider the balcony as an additional cellar, as it had to survive only at the expense of his crop. Someone from the balcony wanted to make an extra warm room in the apartment and use it, for example, for a cabinet. And someone decided to combine the summer room with an adjacent room in order to increase the size of the latter.

All desires described above are present in humans today. And their implementation, as it is impossible without converting the balcony to the loggia. And this requires some financial costs. The question is only: "What?"

In order to be entitled to how much money will be required to repair the loggia, the example of the estimates for this event is presented below.

The parameters of the loggia, taken into account in the estimate:

  • Area - 5.1 sq.m.
  • Ceiling height - 2.8 m.
  • Glazing of the loggia - 1.7x4.2 m or 7.14 sq.m.
  • Glazing from the room - 4.05 sq.m.


Example of estimates for repair of the loggia

Note: The estimate shows the average rates for Russia for 2015.

Planning the repair of your apartment, the owner sometimes, in the last place he thinks about repairing the balcony. It is understandable, money is often not enough money. But whether to postpone the decoration of this room for later. After all, the balcony can be turned into a full addition to our square meters.

Today it became popular expansion of the apartment area at the expense of the balcony, loggia. But not everyone knows which repair work for this must be performed. At the average alternating man on the insulation of the balcony, it is reduced to the banal glazing, filling the mounting foam and decorative plating.

In reality, everything looks much more difficult. One of the basic works is a literate insulation of the balcony. Without it, it is impossible to expand the living area without it, having received a full-fledged area of \u200b\u200brest, a small dining room or sports corner.

Today, the market offers a large number of insulation materials of various quality. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. These include:

  • polyfoam - foamed material having a cellular structure. Very light - convenient when installing. It does not withstand mechanical impacts, a solid scenery is required;
  • extruded polystyrene foam is thermal insulation having fully closed cells. Additional protection is required - direct solar rays destroy the top layer;
  • foaming polyurethane foam (PPU) is a rigid material, applied to the surface with a solid layer with a thickness of up to 60 mm. Big plus - no cold bridges. Minus - for spraying requires special equipment. It is impossible to conduct work independently.


This is just an example of a balcony in Vladimir. For a full calculation, taking into account your wishes and volumetric repair works, you need to exit a measurer. We work on weekends by prior arrangement.

Estrase - one of the most important documents from which the repair, construction or reconstruction of any object begins. Drawing up the estimates on the repair of the apartment - the mandatory procedure that is primarily necessary for the customer. This fundamental document must be prepared as an annex to a contract.

Order Repair of an apartment

The calculation of the estimates on the repair of apartments is made by a specialist - the estimator. For a start, our specialist leaves for repair venue, inspects the room, makes the measurements of the premises, meets the condition of the floors, the ceilings, walls, windows and doors, learns the individual wishes of the customer and receives a technical task.

Based on all the information received and made by the options of premises, project documentation and is drawn up with an estimate for the overhaul of the apartment. Without a estimate, you can do it, perhaps, only when you make small cosmetic repairs or partial interior update. But still, the estimate is always needed, a description of the types of works of the works tied in the estimate gives undoubtedly a number of advantages when working on a construction site during repair. Thanks to the preliminary estimate, the Customer receives detailed information on the list of types of works and materials necessary for repair, and also sees the accurate calculation of the value of these finishing works and materials.

Typical commercial estimation on it looks like a table of Excel format, in which the types of work are specified, units of measurement and cost. Our company enjoys the services of prototypes, we also constantly monitor prices for building materials, which allows us to significantly save funds.

You, as a customer, have the ability to control the course of work and the article of expenses. When choosing a contracting organization, the analysis of the estimates gives a complete picture of the cost of work, allows you to evaluate the professionalism of the contractor.

We can immediately tell you that the prices for comprehensive repair are significantly lower than on certain types of work. Each order is individual! The cost of services depends on the types of work and their volume. Moreover, the more volume, the lower the price for repair and finishing works.

Sample estimates for finishing works

№ / POS.

Name of works



Price, rub

Amount, rub

Dismantling work, garbage removal


Cleaning of walls to concrete (from wallpaper, shtakleki)

Cleaning the ceiling to concrete (in / uh paint, putty

Cleaning floor to concrete (from old coating)

Other disasters

Dismantling of plinth

Taking out the trash

Removing construction trash

Electrical work

Wiring of electrical, telephone and television networks in the walls and ceilings

Installing outlets, switches, point lights, automata

Stuccoings of walls and alignment of the floor (screed)

Grinding on concrete of walls and ceilings

Leveling ceilings (improved plaster)

Alignment of walls (improved stucco)

Painting works

Plotley Wall

Plotchevka Ceilkov

Wall pasting vinyl wallpaper

Coloring ceilings with water-level paint in 3 layers

Purification and painting of pipes heat-resistant paint

Carpentry work

Laying the ceiling karnis, spitting and painting (foam or polyurethane, width up to 3 cm)

Tile work

Ceramic tile laying on the floor


Cleaning multiple over repairs and at the end of repair

Total finishing work:





Sample estimates on rough material

№ / POS.



Price on the estimate, rub

Amount by estimate, rub

Materials on the main estimate

Mixture plastering "Rotband"

Betonokontact Blend, 5kg

Insulating tape

Installation boxes

Cutting boxes

Alabaster G-5 (gray) by 20 kg

Copper wire in dual insulation PUNP 3x1.5

Copper wire in double insulation PUNP 3x2,5

Spatlewing "Witonite-LR" (Fin.)

Ready Finish Plotchevka Stitches (Sheetrock) 5.6kg (3.5l) Ready putty

bucket 3,5l

Grounding of deep penetration, canister 10l

Paint Water-level on latex basis Finkolor Euro-7, White matte 9l

Adhesive for tiles Flisencleber Knauf (Fliesen Knauf), 25kg

Polyethylene rolled 3 m wide

Dowels, screws, screws, nails, bolts, etc. Fasteners

Consumables and auxiliary materials, one-time tool

Total for construction and finishing materials

Transportation costs, loading, overhead, unforeseen expenses, depreciation of the instrument, drawing up the estimates, etc. From the cost of materials

Total transportation costs and other expenses

Dismantling, construction and finishing works, garbage removal

Total estimated costs






For approximate calculation of the cost of repairing the premises, use our online calculator. On our cost center calculator online, you can consider the approximate cost of repairing work with draft materials. It is enough to choose a type of repair. (Cosmetic repair, overhaul, renovation), choose the name of the room in which you are going to make the repair, then enter the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in square meters by floor, and the rest Calculator online Everything calculates himself and gives in the column TOTAL Exemplary cost of your premises repair.

Calculator room repair cost - online

If you do not want to manually count the floor area or you, something did not understand with the description of the calculations, then you can take advantage our calculator and calculate floor area or ceiling automatically.

It is necessary for the calculation measure meters length, width of the roomand make data in order by filling out the form and you automatically get the calculation square floor or ceiling Square meters.

Floor Square Calculator Calculator

N.we will be loaded you with tedious mathematical calculations. You only need to measure the basic parameters, and the wallpaper calculator itself roughly calculates the desired number of wallpaper on your room. Those who want more accurate calculations and measurements can read the above article How to calculate how much wallpaper need.

A sample of the finished estimate for repair and finishing work in the apartment with a total area of \u200b\u200b64 m2 new building at the address: LCD "MKRFIN-Potapovo 3A".

Estimation number 4 for repair and finishing works

Estimation for the purchase of draft materials

Name of works Units. change Number of


in rubles.


in rubles.

Dismantling works
1 Ceiling seams (rusts) p.M. 8 150 1200
2 Dismantling outlets, switches, lamps pC. 12 75 900
3 Disassembly pC. 1 650 650
TOTAL: 2 750
Construction works
1 Laying partitions from puzzle blocks or foam concrete to 100 mm thick sq.m. 5,8 420 2436
2 Metal jumper device p.M. 2 280 560
3 Bath screen device from blocks PC. 1 1100 1100
4 Pair-thermal insulation device ("Penofol", "Penoplex") Balcony - floor, ceiling, walls sq.m. 27 360 9720
5 Device of coating thermal insulation "actor" sq.m. 0 180 0
6 Device waterproofing of joints adjacent to the street sq.m. 6 185 1110
TOTAL: 14 926
Plastering work
1 Wall plastered (for lighthouses) to 20 mm sq.m. 25 385 9625
2 Alignment of walls (a rule) up to 10 mm - Rooms, Kitchen, Corridor, Storeroom sq.m. 154,5 200 30900
3 Ceiling leveling (a rule) up to 10 mm kitchen, corridor, storage room, balcony sq.m. 28 250 7000
4 Sealing ceiling seams (rusts) P.M. 8 150 1200
5 Primer surfaces (2 layers) ceiling, walls sq.m. 0 60 0
6 Finish grinding surfaces - ceiling, walls sq.m. 0 45 0
7 Puttlefish ceilings under painting (complex work) Kitchen, corridor, storage room, balcony sq.m. 28 350 9800
8 Coloring ceilings in / e paint 2 times sq.m. 28 180 5040
9 Pluttle of walls under painting (complex of work) sq.m. 154,5 280 44805
10 Painting walls in / e paint 2 times sq.m. 154,5 140 21630
11 Watching window slopes up to 300 mm P.M. 15 260 3900
12 Puttail of slopes under the color (complex of work) P.M. 15 280 4200
13 Coloring of slopes in / e paint 2 times P.M. 15 180 2700
14 Installation of paint corners of arched with sealing of seams and joints P.M. 22 65 1430
15 Pipe color diameter up to 50 mm P.M. 26 120 3120
TOTAL: 145 350
Carpentry work
1 Installation of the door block (ready-made) PC. 5 3000 15000
2 Device of rush ceilings (up to 10 sq.m) sq.m. 4,4 880 3872
3 Installation of plastic window sills up to 300 mm P.M. 4,5 750 3375
TOTAL: 22 247
Tile work
1 Wall facing tiles (250-250 mm) bath, toilet sq.m. 25 850 21250
2 Setting the hatch PC. 1 418 418
3 Tile hatch device (with installation of the mechanism) PC 1 1100 1100
4 Laying tiles on the floor (300-300 mm) bath, toilet, balcony sq.m. 10 700 7000
5 Drilling holes in the tile PC. 12 160 1920
6 Grouting seams of ceramic tile (monocolor) sq.m. 35 100 3500
7 Tile thresholds P.M. 1 1000 1000
TOTAL: 36 188
Device floors
1 The device waterproofing floors in the bathrooms sq.m. 4,4 185 814
2 Device of a leveling screed up to 3 mm sq.m. 54,4 150 8160
3 Laying of laminate (with a substrate) sq.m. 54,4 280 15232
4 Installing the thorought P.M. 3 150 450
5 Installing plinths P.M. 65 130 8450
TOTAL: 33 106
Ventilation works
1 Box in the ventilation box PC. 1 319 319
2 Installation of the ventilation channel (up to 2 m) PC 2 1650 3300
3 Installing the fan (with connected) PC. 2 308 616
TOTAL: 4 235
1 Alteration of the heating radiator PC. 3 4500 13500
2 Installation of heating radiator PC. 3 1500 4500
3 Removal / installation of the radiator for finishing works (without dismantling the bracket on the finished place) PC. 3 500 1500
TOTAL: 19 500
Plumbing work
1 Temporary water supply device Kombl 1 1650 1650
2 Santechnic Strain Device P.M. 6 600 3600
3 Sealing plumbing strokes P.M. 6 120 720
4 Installing a fine filter with pressure regulator PC. 2 1400 2800
5 Collector Installation (Work Complex) PC. 2 2000 4000
6 Laying pipes CGV (M / Plast, P / propylene, n / ethylene) P.M. 26 270 7020
7 Laying sewer pipes (PVC) P.M. 5 330 1650
8 Thermal insulation of pipes P.M. 26 50 1300
9 Installation of a cumulative water heater (boiler) PC. 1 3300 3300
10 Installation of toilet "Compact" PC. 1 2805 2805
11 Installing "Moydodyra" PC. 1 3000 3000
12 Installing the mixer PC. 1 850 850
13 Installation of hygienic soul PC. 1 850 850
14 Installation of towel rail PC. 1 3300 3300
15 Bath installation PC. 1 3700 3700
16 Installing the bath mixer on the rod PC. 1 1250 1250
TOTAL: 41 795
Electric installation work
1 Strain device up to 30x30 mm P.M. 16 275 4400
2 Grounding Strain P.M. 16 35 560
3 Cabling P.M. 255 50 12750
4 Installation of pickling (with a nest device) PC. 33 300 9900
5 Installation of distribution email of the invoice PC. 2 650 1300
6 Installation of protection machines, Diff. Automatic, Uzo PC. 12 250 3000
7 Setting the outlet, switch PC. 30 130 3900
8 Installation TB, Telephone, Online Sockets PC. 3 180 540
9 Installation TB, Telephone, Internet splitter PC. 1 280 280
10 Installation of built-in (point) lamp PC. 6 200 1200
11 Device electric. Plight floors sq.m. 2 750 1500
12 Installation of the relay of warm floors PC. 1 350 350
13 Places of installation of electricians (without project) PC. 33 35 1155
TOTAL: 40 835
Total work: 360 932
A total of estimates number 4: 360 932

Table No. 1 of the flow of black material.

Table No. 1. According to the consumption of construction and finishing black material in the apartment with a total area of \u200b\u200b64 m2 new building at the address: LCD "MKRFin-Potapovo 3A".

Examples Samples Table Consumption Table Consumption



pc / m2.





1 Blend "Rodband" with a layer thickness not more than 2 cm 87 370 32190
2 Peskobeton M300 with a thickness of the screed layer no more than 5 cm 145 160 23200
3 Lighthouse plaster 0.6 45 40 1800
4 Lighthouse plaster 1.0 12 45 540
5 Betokontakt "Euro" 3 1350 4050
6 Primer "prospectors" 5 450 2250
7 Foam block number 5 in pieces 6 45 270
8 Foam block number 7 in pieces 84 55 4620
9 Plasterboard moisture resistant 12. 2 370 740
10 Putty gypsum "fogenfuiler" 1 750 750
11 Glue mounting for PERLFIX blocks 3 320 960
12 Adhesive tile "Flisen" 6 350 2100
13 Bulk floor "Students" 8 320 2560
14 Washing "Old" LR + 9 750 6750
15 Case "Oscar" 50m2 1 1150 1150
16 Profile 27/28 "Knauf" 6 100 600
17 Profile 60/27 "Knauf" 4 130 520
18 Finish putty "Pro Form" 1 1350 1350
19 Suspension "Knauf" 40 20 800
20 Film -150 density 60 50 3000
21 50/50 marked bar 3 200 600
22 150/20 Planed board 3 300 900
23 Durger bags 120 10 1200
24 Oscar Clapper Glue 1 1350 1350
25 Waterproofing the coating "Cerezit 65" 6 750 4500
26 Rule 2.5 1 500 500
27 Rule 2.0 1 400 400
28 Rule 1.5 1 300 300
29 Dowel nail 60/40. 2 250 500
30 Grid Facade 160 Density 1 1250 1250
31 Putty "Uniflot-Knauf" 1 1100 1100
32 Bucket 12 liters 2 120 240
33 Bucket 20 liters 2 180 360
34 Taz 60 Litrov 1 350 350
35 Scotch pulley paper 5 70 350
36 Packaging tape 2 70 140
37 Self-tapping screw 0.35 universal 2 130 260
38 Self 0.65 on wood 1 130 130
39 Self-tapping screw 0.75 1 130 130
40 Self-tapping screws 0.25 universal 2 130 260
41 Gallery corner galvanized 18 35 630
42 Alebaster in bags 1 280 280
43 Silicone in Tuba 1 140 140
44 Glue in the Fixall tube 1 420 420
45 1.5 crosses for tiled seams 4 100 400
46 Wedges for tiled seams 2 100 200
47 Cable Num 3 / 1.5 "Sevkabel" 100 35 3500
48 Cable Num 3 / 2.5 "Sevkabel" 150 47 7050
49 Cable Num 3/4 "Sevkabel" 36 82 2952
50 Cable Num 3/6 "Sevkabel" 5 95 475
51 Corrugation 16. 100 3 300
52 Corrugation 20. 200 4 800
53 Internet cable "FTP" 10 22 220
54 TV Cable "SAT 703" 40 25 1000
55 Cable telephone "KSPV" 10 12 120
56 Crab TV 1/3. 1 250 250
57 Insulating tape 1 40 40
58 Perflective 1 180 180
59 Lamp 150V. 5 40 200
60 Outputs on concrete 50 10 500
61 Machine 10 AMP. "ABB" 2 150 300
62 Machine 16 amp. "ABB" 3 150 450
63 25 AMP machine gun. "ABB" 5 150 750
64 UZO "ABB" 1 1250 1250
65 Differ machine 25 AMP. 1 1350 1350
66 Armature 12. 3 220 660
68 Lifting material "in tons" 8 1500 12000
69 Delivery of materials "Gazelle" 4 1500 6000
70 TOTAL: 147 787