In the raw form you can eat lomies. Lovers: Useful properties and contraindications for women and men

It is very similar to the smell of both plants. The plant is actively used in folk and in traditional medicine against many ailments. In this article, we learn in detail about the liver, as well as therapeutic properties of the leaves and the root.

Lovers: Chemical composition and nutritional value

- This is a flowering and fruiting plant, who managed to spread almost all over the world. Due to its rich composition, it is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. Roots and leaves of the plant contain:

  • organic acids (angelical, valerian, acetic and apple);
  • tannins;
  • resins and essential oils;
  • gum and fourocumary;
  • sugar and starch;
  • lecithin;
  • microelements and ascorbic acid.
Calorie Lismancy - 20 kcal. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:
  • proteins - 3.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 7.6 g;
  • fat - 0.4 g.

What is useful lovers

Therapeutic properties of the lismeer have a wide range of applications: with it is treated with diseases of cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, respiratory, urogenital systems. This plant has a number of useful actions:

  • wound-healing;
  • antiseptic;
  • expectorant;
  • healing;
  • painful;
  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • soothing.

During problems with the gastrointestinal grooves, pains in the stomach and intestinal colic are removed, improve metabolism. This property use nutritionists, including grass in the diet of their wards fighting over a weight - after the exchange processes are improved, it is easier to reset extra pounds.

With neurosis, hysterics and disturbing states of lomies actually acts soothing, normalizes sleep. The grass helps blood formation, which contributes to the strengthening and elasticity of vessels, with long-term use, eliminates Malokrovia.

Compresses and marks are perfectly lit in various types of wounds, ulcers and scratches. Content in parts of carotene is no less than in, so it is useful to eat it in food to restore the function of view.

Did you know? Lovers are not only a medicinal root, he was considered a magic plant in ancient. The brides of the brides were sewn of love-herbs in the wedding dresses, so that husbands all their lives just looked at them. And together with the sprigs of wormwood, the grass was considered a powerful faith against mermaids.

How to use lovers in traditional medicine

The roots of the plant are actively used in pharmacology as raw materials for drugs from the following health problems:

  • anemia;
  • swelling;
  • dropsy;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • impaired urination;
  • gout;
  • inflammation of the kidneys and bladder;
  • migraine;
  • qatar respiratory agencies;
  • rheumatism.

Important! Lovers In addition to benefit, it can be harmful: taking it as a medicine, you should be careful in dosage to people with the problems of ureters and kidneys.

In gynecology, drugs based on applied with inflammation of female genital organs, to normalize the menstrual cycle, relieve pain during critical days.
Also known is the benefit of the lismancy in the treatment of the reproductive system - both female and male (active substances in the composition stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic organs).

Homeopathic remedies based on loving are used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the throat and respiratory tract, neurosis and hysteria. Doctors recognize that winter celery with regular use in food significantly increases immunity.

Application Lismancy in traditional medicine (recipes)

In folk medicine, lovers have long been recognized as an effective medicine with a wide range of applications. The decoction of the root helps in the treatment of urinary problems, with diseases of the kidneys, like a diuretic and under menstrual pain.

Prepare it as follows: clouded for a day for a day (40 g) boiled in a liter of water about seven minutes. The decoction must be divided into five parts and drink during the day.

Important! It is believed that the root should not be boiled, because the constituent parts of the essential oil will disappear.

Lovely tincture - One of the basic forms of use in folk medicine. For the preparation take a teaspoon of the ground root, poured with a glass of boiling water, insist for half an hour. Infusion is taken to enhance the potency three times a day on the tablespoon.

Outwardly, this infusion helps to cure purulent inflammations on the skin, it is necessary to cook it in large quantities and dilute - used for baths with psoriasis, eczema, neurodimer.

Lovers brings significant benefits from pigment spots, the recipe is as follows: a teaspoon of ground roots and leaves poured 250 ml of boiling water. It is an hour, then for twenty minutes boiled in a water bath. A surplus decoction twice a day is rubbed.

Hair Mask: 20 grams of crushed dried root fill 250 ml of steep boiling water, in the thermos, let it brew 6-8 hours.

Then the mixture to strain, rub into the skin of the head, the remaining moisten the hair along the entire length, wrap the head with a towel and leave for an hour. Winged warm water without applying shampoo.

Infusion for rinse throat: a tablespoon of grinding root is poured with boiling water 150 ml, the hour insist. Before rinse, it is slightly heated, carry out the procedure three or four times a day.

How are lovers in cosmetology

Lovel-grass applies not only in medicine - it is more than useful in cosmetology. The decoction of the plant is used to restore weakened and lumps: the grass gives the hair a healthy shine, silkiness and pomp.

Women's essential oil are used as aphrodisiac. In perfumes it is often used as a fragrance, and in SPA-salons - as an ingredient for aromatherapy and in massage procedures. In the cosmetic industry, winter celery is part of deodorants and antiperspirants.

A decoction of crushed root Lovely helps to get rid of pigment spots, and the head applied on the skin - to stimulate hair growth.

The antimicrobial action of grass makes it useful in foot baths when skin problems, as the plant is actively fighting with fungi.

Extract is added to the extract of the lismarity in the means of cleansing the skin of the face and neck, in antiseptic face creams, hands and feet. Funds based on grass perfectly cope with acne and guns.

The ability to ensure good blood circulation helps to relax and relax after a fifteen-minute bath.

Lovers and cooking

Thanks to its spicy aroma, the grass is not the last ingredient in cooking, moreover, and the roots, and the seeds are loving is worthy of use.

Roots are used as a spice in the form of powder or crushed. It is grated, it is perfectly combined with other vegetables in, sauces to the second dishes, in addition, the aromatic oil is prepared from it. From the young fresh rhizomes are cooking and jam.

Stems and leaves go to salads, first and second dishes, sauces and seasonings for meat, bird and fish. Winter celery is popular in various oil and cheese mixes and snacks.

The leaves are often used as a spice in spicy desserts, added to the marinades. The top of the plants and the seeds give an interesting shade of taste with pickles. Lovers have long been included with nutritionists in the Diet menu - therapeutic and weight loss.

How to prepare roots and leaves lovers

Blooms in June, sometimes c - depends on weather conditions, the ripening of seeds occurs in September. In the first year after landing, only the leaves collect, using their fresh season and harvesting for the winter as seasoning.

Lovers - belongs to those unique plants that a person only once having learned about its properties, uses his whole life.

The grass is as rich in healing elements, so much and universal in use.

It can be eaten - it is a surprisingly thin spice, prepare on its basis water and alcohol infraces, decoctions, nastains for baths, to be treated with milky juice and casicia of the leaves, use the root.

Lovers stands on the guard of the beauty and human health many hundred years, but for all past century, Lekary did not find him a worthy alternative for healing from some ailments.

Spice, except for use in gastronomy and medicine, is able to decorate any site, it is necessary to plant it at the flower bed to be able to enjoy the type of decorative carved leaves, their taste and benefit.

In the title of the plant, the link is clearly traced with love: "Lovers". And this is not just a coincidence.

It is believed that the grass is excellent Aphrodisiacwho guarantees a man strength and endurance, and the woman makes particularly attractive for the opposite sex.

In the old days, the girls who gathered under the crown, especially in the hem of the wedding dress, sewed a beam, so that they could be overwhelmed to themselves to themselves.

Interestingly, even in foreign languages, there is a sound similar to the word "love": "Lovage" or "Love Parsley" - say the British, "Liebstock" - Germans.

Today, lovers are the fragrant seasoning and a proven drug. It contains rare beneficial chemical compounds that can strengthen health and help in treating diseases.

Lovers are especially rich in essential oil, potassium salts, coumarines, resins, tanning substances, gum and other important components.

There are many therapeutic abilities in the lustry, among which are basic - these are regenerating, anti-inflammatory, invalid, stimulating, antibacterial and others.

In alternative medicine with the same frequency, the ground part of the plant is also used, and rhizome. And then, and other raw materials can be taken fresh, and you can dried.

2. The decoction of the roots and the stalks of the plant is practiced as a diuretic, thinning wet, toning composition.

3. Stimulates digestion, used in the absence of appetite, relieves gastric inflammation.

4. Love Parsley Essential Oil - Powerful Aphrodisiac, which is equally effective for both men, and for women. The strong semi treatment is capable of returning men's strength and endurance, solve the problem of early seeds.

5. Another plant treats impotence, smoothes negative manifestations of male climax, Returns libido.

6. Alcohol tinctures on the liver "on the shoulder" inflammation of gouty cones, rheumatism, arthritis.

And the reception of the lisher inward contributes to the removal of uric acid, so it helps to treat these diseases in all directions - comprehensively: anesthetics, relieves inflammation and eliminates the cause.

7. Infusion liste, as a rinser, strengthens hair, gives them a healthy shine.

8. Good help in the treatment of diseases of the upper bronchi departments. Its antibacterial and relief properties are indispensable in the treatment of sinusitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, angins and other infectious diseases.

9. Removes swelling, reduces the load on the heart.

10. It has secure sedative properties. For the treatment of neurosis of varying degrees of complexity, long-term reception courses are appointed.

11. Also, the plant is known to heal from alcoholism.

12. Lovers - one of the best plants to make the skin beautiful, clean and elastic..

He pulls up, smoothes wrinkles, tones. It is part of various masks and lotions for face, body and hair. Having on the site of the lomarity, you can not carry a cosmetic with you.

13. Used to normalize hemoglobin levels in the blood.

14. In addition to sedative action to the nervous system, the heart soothes, normalizes rhythm, strengthens the muscle.

15. Ensure pain of neuralgic origin.

16. Cashitz from greenery Lismancy is used for healing of bedside, purulent wounds, burns.

17. The plant effectively eliminates various skin rashes, as, for example, dermatitis, psoriasis spots, allergic rashes.

18. Heals inflammation in bile and ducts, normalizes the outflow of bile and liver function, intestines.

19. Eliminates the problem of constipation, meteorism, bloating. Promotes secretion of pancreatic and gastric juice.

20. Assigns with urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cystitis.

21. Lovers helps not only men in the treatment of sexual disorders, but also women.

The plant contributes to improved blood circulation in the field of small pelvis, enhances blood flow to the ovaries. Improves well-being during menopause, with irregular and scant menstruation.

22. Used as a prophylactic agent from ophthalmic diseases. Carotene, which is contained in the leaves of the plant, restores visual sharpness, relieves the load from the eye.

It is impossible not to mention the benefit of a lismancy as seasonings. He is able to transform even the easiest salad or snack with his taste, and at the same time give the body part of its numerous useful components.

Lovers - contraindications

Like most herbs, listeners do not apply during pregnancy, as it is able to significantly increase blood circulation.

It can not be prescribed to women who have uterine bleeding or too abundant menstruation. Do not apply in pediatrics.

It is still important to know the timing of the preparation of healing raw materials. Lovely root can not be harvested before flowering, since during this period it accumulates a huge amount of toxins disappearing after a bunching.

Zorya, Dudechik, Winter or Mountain Celery, Love-Grass, Lovely Potion - All this is lovers, whose healing properties have been praised in epics and legends. In Russia, it was considered the only plant that could return men's strength and ignite love in the heart. The British are called his love parsley.

Lovers - Plant Description

In Europe, for many years, this plant was used as a female Aphrodisiac, in Russia, the recipes of love potions knew only the signs. Until now, the tradition has been preserved to bathe babies in such a decoction to grow healthy and beautiful. Lovers Therapeutic properties retains, regardless of the place of growth, Iran is considered his homeland, although it is found anywhere in the world. Unpretentious, it grows well even in the shade, has a strong aroma and bright taste.

Those who decided to stock such grass, it is important to know how lovers looks like when it can be collected. It blooms from June to autumn, beautiful umbrellas, the plant is very loved by bees.

Specific traits:

  1. Inflorescences - white, small.
  2. Stem juicy and dense at the base, height up to 2 meters.
  3. Large leaves, half-disseated.
  4. The root depth can reach half the meter.

Forest Grass - Medical Properties and Contraindications

This plant is still referred to as mountain celery, the beneficial properties have long been used in cooking, the hostess was added dry grass in decoction and soups. This powder was even taken in campaigns of warriors for the treatment of wounds, and a pinch of an empty stomach helped to easily overcome long transitions. For which the plant was called with a niesel - a means of 9 diseases.

Use roots, leaves and seeds, from worms kids are recommended to give fresh stalks. The leaves still remove the headache, in the dry form of the gastric and blood purified teas are brewed.:

Lovers - grass containing a huge set of substances such as:

  • organic acids;
  • vitamins;
  • essential oils;
  • torpineol;
  • cineol;
  • serutenpences;
  • starch;
  • fourocumary;
  • cubilant and minerals.

But despite the fact that there is lovers therapeutic properties from many diseases, not everyone can apply it. Medicines based on it are prohibited at:

  • internal bleeding;
  • ulcer of the stomach or intestines;
  • kidney diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • allergies;
  • individual intolerance.

Lovers - Medical Properties and Contraindications for Men

Potions from this grass became famous as the best love spells, what a lot of stories were written about. What is the root of lovers, therapeutic properties and contraindications knew the characteristics and experts of herbs well, especially regarding the return of male strength. Pulling the root is needed late in the fall, before frosts.

The researchers have long wondered: for men lovers - benefit or myth? It turned out that drugs based on it really improve potency, reliant symptoms with men's menu. More effective is the alcohol tincture. But there are some restrictions.

Drinking medication can not with such people who are frequent in men, like:

  • kidney disease in acute form;
  • inflammation in the ureter;
  • the aggravation of hemorrhoids.

Lovers - Medical Properties and Contraindications for Women

Family root Therapeutic properties spreads on women, the decoctions from it help to establish blood circulation in a small pelvis, establish the work of the sexual sphere. Infusions with another concentration are eliminated from pigment spots. More in honor of the ladies essential oil, which in the world is recognized as aphrodisiac, it is often used during massages.

Contraindications for use other than those listed diseases are limited:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

Lovers - Medical Properties and Application

Lovers recipes numbers dozens, considering that they use almost all parts of the plant. But there is one thing, an exception is extremely important. When the beloved grass is preparing for flowering or completely bloomed, it is strictly prohibited from it! During this period, the flower accumulates hazardous substances and becomes poisonous.

During the rest of the time the healing force of the flower saves. It works fine, like a diuretic, expectorant, settles the production of gastric juice.

If you explore the lomies, the use of it is very wide:

  • at edema;
  • headache;
  • heart disease;
  • anemia;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • gout;
  • meteorism;
  • the problems of the stomach and intestines;
  • pain;
  • insomnia.

For many years, women convey to each other recipes of infusions and decoctions, which help heal alcoholism, and to save many of the dependence of their men. Lovers medicinal contains a lot of potassium salts, together with tanning substances, essential oils and antioxidants, a mixture is obtained, which over time causes a man a disgust to alcohol. The decoction also removes toxins from the body.

Alcoholism Recipe


  • dry root - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water - 300 ml.

Preparation, application

  1. Grass pour boiling water, mix.
  2. Cooking 10 minutes on a small fire.
  3. Cool, strain.
  4. Drink 50 ml every morning.

Lovers for potency

What brightly shows lovers therapeutic properties for men and caused the interest of Varcarai, and later - researchers who opened a wide range of this plant. You can sprinkle dry grass, like spice, not only in dairy products. But more reliable - tinctures that will return sexual arousal for a very short time. The characteristics note that with these decoctions and sexual intercourse becomes longer due to improving the circulatory current. For the complete effect of drugs, you need to drink a course.

Recipe Tincture for Potency


  • dry root - 20 g;
  • alcohol - 1 tbsp.

Preparation, application

  1. Dry crushed root pour alcohol.
  2. Remove in the cold for a week.
  3. Take 30 drops for half an hour before meals.
  4. The course is designed for a month.

Lovers for gout

Lovers Therapeutic properties exhibits both gout. This is an excessive urinary acid deposition in tissues, when not only joints, but also kidney, ligaments, liver suffer. Infusions are used for compresses, baths, on the same recipe the remedy is brewed from skin diseases and ulcers. In the process of treatment, mining celery not only copes with the gout, but also regulates the work of the heart, removes the operation of the stomach and intestines.

Recipe infusion from gout


  • dry root - 5 g;
  • water - 1 tbsp.

Preparation, application

  1. Peel on low heat for 15 minutes.
  2. Insist 3 hours, strain.
  3. Drink 1 tbsp. A spoon four times a day, half an hour before meals.

Lovers for women is not in vain considered to be Afrozodiak, because the plant willingly shares the amazing aroma. Some women use essential oils instead of perfume. In the old days even there was a belief, allegedly a girl who bathes in the brave of leaf of love-herbs, will be much more beautiful and worse will marry. There are decoctions and an anesthetic effect, so it is recommended to take them in menstruation.

Menstruation Recipe


  • dry root - 6 g;
  • water - 1 tbsp.

Preparation, application

  1. Ground root pour water.
  2. Boil, pecking 10 minutes.
  3. Insist 4 hours, strain.
  4. Drink 1 tbsp. Spoon three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Lovers for hair

For many years, the girls appreciated another ability, which the lovers showed - therapeutic properties for hair. The decoction helped heal the weakened and notched strands, gave them a pomp, shine and silkiness. Essential oils Modern women are added to rinsing balm, the effect is saved.

Recipe for hair


  • dry root - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 2 liters.

Preparation, application

  1. Ground root pour boiling water.
  2. Three hours.
  3. Rinse hair after washing.
  4. You do not need to flush.

Lovers for face

Used lovers, his therapeutic properties not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. In perfumes - as a fragrance, in aromatherapy - as a sedative. The plant and B perforated well, creams with extract are famous for a strong antiseptic effect. Frequently applied lovers from acne, relieves inflammation, skin itching, successfully fighting with guns and even lightens.

Skin scaffold recipe


Among the perennial plants, lovers have long been standing out by miraculous medical properties. Among the herbalists there are several of his names: "Dudechnoye", "Luffle", "Powered", "Dawn Grass" All this is a long-term branching bush that achieves in favorable conditions of two meters. Often it can be found in dachas like a decorative decoration of the site. His large, glossy leaves please us in the summer of their greens.

Folk Medicine uses the enormous potential of lovers for the treatment of failures in the work of the body, food and aromatic grasses are used in cooking. Lovers rich in minerals, vitamins, potassium salts and essential oils are characterized not only by bright aromatic qualities, but also differs with useful medical properties.

Lovers - 13 healing properties

  1. Natural Anti-Allergen

    Significant content in the chemical composition of the lovelist of a quercetin, which protrudes the natural inhibitor of histamine, allow the presents from the plant to reduce the manifestations in the body of allergic reactions that cause itching, eye tear, nose, and runny nose. Emphasizing the symptoms of allergies, listeners has not only soothing effect on the action of allergens of different types, but also eliminates inflammatory processes caused by allergens.

  2. For skin care

    Lovely essential oil is used as a component of creams and ointments for the skin. With a soothing property, such cosmetics reduce the manifestations of symptoms of chronic psoriasis, and the anti-inflammatory qualities of lovers are able to eliminate changes in pile structures - acne. Lotions and tonic on the basis of plants activate the influx of blood to the skin cover, increase its tone, confront the formation of wrinkles and improve the appearance.

    Four ancestors have added amateur champs to the font for newborns. And in our time, pediatricians are recommended to use it a favorable effect on the skin of kids, eliminating dermatitis and diameters. Taking baths with the addition of amateur extract will have a healing effect, improving the condition of the skin.

  3. Help with respiratory diseases

    In the recipes of traditional medicine, ragners from the plant are recommended as a means aimed at the treatment of bronchitis and respiratory diseases. Possessing an expectorant effect, they help to derive the accumulation of sputum and mucus from the lungs, increasing the inflow of oxygen in them. This quality lubeer has a chemical component of the Eucalyptol, which has a soothing effect, contributes to rapid recovery. Already within 4 days after the start of reception of decoctions and inhalations with a lover, positive changes are observed in a patient's state.

  4. Antibacterial property

    Scientific studies of phytotherapists confirm the ability of lovers to resist various pathogenic microorganisms capable of providing inflammatory processes in our organism. Possessing a pronounced antibacterial property, the plant can withstand the intestinal stick, salmonella and a number of other dangerous infections.

    Info and loving champs are used as an auxiliary therapeutic agent in infectious diseases: angins, sinusites, laryngitis, pharyngitis. Along with the antibacterial effect, they show themselves and as a coating agent capable of becoming an alternative to drug antibiotics to some extent, while not making a significant damage.

    In many Slavic nationalities, use in the bathhouse from lovers is an ordinary phenomenon, because its natural antibacterial qualities helped to quickly get rid of the cold and well.

  5. Help digestive tract

    Anti-inflammatory quality spiced grass gives her the opportunity to act a universal means to normalize the activity of the stomach, leading the work of the entire digestive system into a normal state. Extracts of lovers have a favorably affect a whole list of internal organs associated with the digestive process. They are able to stimulate appetite, improving the secretion of gastric and pancreatic juice, eliminate the belching, the sensation of gravity of the stomach after meals, remove spasmodic pains, contribute to the excess of excess gas formations with elevated meteorism.

    The roots of the plant in the form of tinctures are used as a soft laxative, and as a means of helminths, and the essential oil of lovers will eliminate food intoxication.

  6. Normalizes cardiac activity

    Failures in the work of cardiac activity on statistics are the most serious diseases, since they have sufficiently high deaths. The beneficial properties of the lismequance used in decoctions and infusions are able to significantly maintain the work of the heart. Strengthening the heart muscle, they clean the blood, will remove the swelling, increase the testimony of hemoglobin, helping the heart work well and rhythmically.

  7. Eliminates nervous disorders

    Nature awarded lovers a kind of aroma, his smell of leaves is impossible to confuse with any other. Essential oils of grass will help relieve irritability, eliminate chronic fatigue and insomnia, normalize the work of the nervous system. With headaches, it is recommended to apply fresh leaflets on the forehead and to the temples, such a not complicated procedure will bring calmness, and the fragrance of the grass will calm down after a busy working day.

  8. At the "guard" of immunity

    It is from the fortress of immunity that depends often, whether we support. Those who enjoy in their diet ragners of grass take care of strengthening their immune system. After all, the natural power of lovers can replace chemical antibiotics, maintaining the forces of the body during seasonal diseases and colds. If there is no possibility to cook champs, you can soak the leaves of the plant on the water bath and breathe it with essential oils, or add it to the birch broom.

  9. For male health

    Lovers are rightfully considered the strongest Aphrodisiac. Tea with plants leaves will help men to improve potency and increase sexual desire, favorably affecting male health. He will have invaluable help and with alcoholism problems. The infusion of the root of grass in the calculation of 250 g by vodka and the Laurel sheet, infused about two weeks will help get rid of thrust to alcohol. It is enough to drink one glass that would acquire the therapeutic effect of persistent disgust to alcohol.

  10. For female health

    Help lovers and women during preparation for the passage of menstruation. The components of the nutrients will help to get rid of the bloating of the abdomen and painful symptoms during critical days. It is advisable to drink tea with plants extracts with scanty menstruals, thereby not. Such a drink will strengthen the blood circulation in the field of small pelvis and restore the cyclicality of the "critical" days.

    However, it is important to know that during the menstruation period to use brazers, teas and infusions with lisiquants are not recommended.

  11. Warns the formation of kidney stones

    Lovers, having a soft diuretic property contributes to the process of urination without loss of electrolytes, gently cleaning the urethra and prevents the formation of renal stone disease. This is especially important to people suffering from the deposition of stones in the kidneys and the bladder.

  12. Prevention Arthritis

    The ability of a spicy plant to stimulate the removal of uric acid from the body, is an important quality in the treatment of diseases such as gout, arthritis and rheumatism. Family-based tea removes rheumatic joints and facilitates the patient's condition.

  13. Application in cosmetology

    Many cosmetic songs of perfume contain spicy loving essential oils. If you wish to enjoy the smell, it is enough to lose between the palms of the leaflet, torn off the bush. After that, the palms will have a long aroma for a long time. At home, it is helpful to pamper yourself rinsing hair from a loving brave, after the main washing, make ice cubes for morning wash, make a bath for hands. After such procedures, the state of strands, the skin of the face and hand will significantly improve.

Lovers - contraindications

Any plant can bring the human body not only the benefit, but also harm if it is used to use its properties thoughtlessly, without observing the dosage and precautions.

  • Lovers can not be used before flowering. During this period, its root is saturated with poisonous substances. Infusions and decoctions from it are not recommended for boiling.
  • It should not be bought extracts of grass in the markets, because it is not known how and when raw materials were collected. Prefer shopping in pharmaceutical kiosks, where it is clearly written when the grass is harvested.
  • It is not recommended to use lomies during pregnancy, uterine bleeding, exacerbation of hemorrhoids and with abundant monthly.

There are many other names in the plants. In the people, it is called Parliament, Dudechik, a dawn grass, celery many years or loved. Its stem at the base can reach 3 cm in diameter. Large leaves with a shiny dark green surface. After summer flowering, fruits ripening occurs. In September, fruits achieve full maturity. This is a perennial plant.

Application Loves

Interesting! Often, the plant is used in decorative, cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. Also used as seasonings for meat dishes and for cooking soups and salads.

All parts of the plant are used. From the sliced \u200b\u200bstalks are cooking. Seeds and green part are added when singing. The root and leaves go to the manufacture of therapeutic drugs. Not only folk medicine enjoys this plant, but also traditional. It is part of drugs intended for the treatment of heart, lungs and nerves.

For weight loss

If you intend to lose weight, you can use spices. They contribute to the normalization of the metabolic processes of the body, will be relieved from fat deposition. Lovers used as seasonings can affect the body, improving digestion.

You need to drink in the morning tea without sugar, boiled in the usual way from the dried leaves loving. But this is if there is no contraindications to the reception .

From alcohol

Empty of foot

For treatment, first of all, kidney performance is regulated. The decoction is taken in a volume of 50 ml three times a day from 10 days to one month. During this time, the kidney renew the ability to allocate urine.


Unpleasant pain in the stomach quickly eliminate if drinking tea from the lismaver. The digestion will come to normal after the adoption of such tea every other day. Therapeutic tea is preparing from dry crushed seeds. It is 15 minutes.

From impotence

Regularly drinking tea from loving will help men cope with.

In gynecology

The plant is applied in the treatment at which it is difficult to get pregnant. To eliminate this problem of the body, and cope with the depressive mood arising from this occasion will help infusion.

  1. 250 ml of boiling water fall over a teaspoon chopped with small pieces of the root of the plant.
  2. Boil composition on slow heat for ten minutes.
  3. Take 1 tbsp. l. Before the meal three times a day.

Important! Tea helps to improve the blood supply to the ovaries, restore the body and will contribute to the occurrence of pregnancy.

Pressure problems will not be annilate, if you take therapeutic agents based on a lismaver. Inflammatory diseases in gynecology are treated with such a decoction. Lovers contribute to the normalization and regularity of menstruation.

A long-stayed lovers were considered a strong aphrodisiac capable of shyly a man if adding this plant in his drink. This was the reason why he was called Lovers (from the word to love).

For hair

Its use helps to prevent hair loss, improve the structure, cope with the dandruff. Lovers are used in pharmaceutical and for home cooking. Care with their application should be regular, only on this condition can be achieved a resistant effect.

Damaged curls are coated with essential oil in the form of the finest film that prevents the negative effect on the hair. There are tubyl and minerals contained in the plant on the hair growth, and they are struggling with dandruff.

Important! Use tools based on or with the addition of a lismancy can be for all hair types. It is contraindicated only with the personal intolerance to the components included in therapeutic agents.

  1. To prepare hair care decoction, 1.5 liters of boiling water are required, in which you need to fall asleep 3 tbsp. Spoons of crushed root lubber.
  2. Boiling it for 30 minutes on fire, cool and strain.
  3. The washed hair should rinse the decoction.

Regular use will allow, get rid of dandruff and strengthen hair. It will be easy to comb.


If the formulation of the amount of therapeutic agent is non-compliance, lomies can be dangerous. Do not collect root to flowering. At this time, the rhizome is saturated with poisons and it is not recommended to use as the therapeutic potion prepared by the future. The greatest amount of therapeutic components in the roots when digging them late in the fall.