Vacuum installations for milking. Milking Facilities for Cows: Types, Device, Characteristics

To create a permit during the operation of the milking machine, air plans consisting of a vacuum pump, a vacuum ballon receiver, a vacuum controller, a vacuum meter, pipelines with reinforcement and engine, which are divided into rotary, piston and ejector. In turn, rotational vacuum pumps are divided into padded, waterproof, type ruts and others. Rotary vane vacuum installations of the VHU-60/45 VKN-3 water pumps were obtained the greatest propagation on the farms, WNH-6, WNG-12.

The principle of action of ejector (inkjet) pumps next. When the liquid (or gas) flows through a pipe having a narrowing, the pressure in the narrowing turns out to be lower than in the other parts of the pipe (if the flow rate in the narrowing does not reach the speed of sound). For the first time, it was established by the Italian physicist J. Venturi (1746-1822), by whose name was called a tube based on this phenomenon. If the pumped volume is to attach to the pipe at the site of its narrowing, then the gas from it will switch to the area of \u200b\u200blow pressure and carry the fluid stream. Ejector (inkjet) Installations are attached on the tractor exhaust pipe and the vacuum is created at the expense of the high-speed flow of exhaust gases.

Rotary blade vacuum installation of the UU includes (Fig. 2.2) Electric motor 1, vacuum balloon 3, Vacuum regulator 4, vacuum meter 6, vacuum pipe 5, vacuum pump 2. When the electricity is frequent, the electricity can be completed with a backup engine 7 of internal combustion. The unified UVU-60/45 pump operates with a vacuum of 53 kPa with air purity 60 and 40 m 3 / h. To obtain the desired flow, the frequency of rotation of the rotor by setting the pulleys of different diameters per shaft of the electric motor is changed.

Fig. 2.2 General view of the vacuum installation UV 60/45

The pump vacuum plate-rotary is designed for operation in areas with temperate climate outdoors in the range from minus 10 to plus 40 0s and height above sea level no more than 1000 m, produced in four versions.

Inside the cast-iron cylindrical body 22 (Fig. 2.3) with a ribbed surface for better thermal insulation rotor 17. The rotor has four grooves in which the textolite blades are freely moved. The rotor rotates in ball bearings 14 installed in the seating holes of the covers 12 and 19 located eccentric Regarding the axis of the body. Bearings from the inner cavity of the pump are closed with washers 15. For the orientation of the covers relative to the housing when the pump is assembled, the pins are installed 5. The direction of rotation of the rotor is indicated by the arrow on the pump housing. Depending on the execution, the pump has one or two output end of the rotor.

In the middle part of the cylindrical body there are exhaust windows that are connected to the frame exhaust pipe. The silencer is planted at the end of the exhaust pipe, the housing of which is filled with a glass gamble to delay the spent lubricant.

The technological process of operation of the vacuum installation occurs as follows. When rotating the rotor 17 (Fig. 2.3), the blades 16, under the action of centrifugal forces, pressed to the housing 22, and form closed spaces bounded by the rotor 17, the housing 22 and the end walls 12 and 21, the volume of which in one turn is first increased by creating a vacuum between The blades on the suction side, and then decreases. In this case, the air is compressed and displaced into the atmosphere through the outlet.

For lubrication of bearings and rubbing surfaces, the pump is equipped with a wick-type oven, which provides uniform and continuous oil supply to the pump.

The oilbox consists of two main components: glass 5 (Fig. 2.4) with a capacity of 0.6 l and cup 2. The oil is poured into a glass, which closes with a lid 7 and fixed on a cup of arc 6. From a glass, oil flows into a cup until While its level does not reach the top of the wedge-shaped cutting of the cover tube. Oil level in the Oil Oil Oil Execution Cup 10.020 is not regulated. Oil level in a cup of Oil Oil 12.000 depends on the length of the protruding end of the tube and must be in the range of 13.18 mm. When the oil level decreases, the air enters the glass through the cutout in the tube and the oil flows until the installed level reaches.

The lubrication process occurs as follows. From the cup of wick oil 3 enters the oil-conducting channels and under the action of pressure differences in the oil and pump on the hoses 9, the holes in the covers 12, 21 (Fig. 2.3) enters the ball bearings 14, through the channels of the washem 15 in the Rotor grooves 17, lubricating Surface blades 16, housing and pump covers. Next, the oil flows the air is thrown through the outlet of the pump.

Masilee provides oil supply to the pump with a flow rate of g / m 3 of air, which corresponds to the expiration of oil from a glass when setting the installation by the value of one division on average for 1.5 hours of operation of the vacuum installation with a capacity of 0.75 m 3 / min , and on average for 1.1 hours for vacuum installation with a capacity of 1 m 3 / min.

Control over the intake of oil into bearings is made visually through plastic hoses, and the total consumption is on decisions on the glass.

Fig. 2.3 Vacuum pump:
1.20 - bolts; 2, 15 - washers; 3 - lock ring; 4 - pulley; 5 - pin; 6 - sword; 7 - screw; 8, 22 - covers; 9 - plug; 10,11 - gaskets; 12 - right lid; 13 - cuff; 14 - ball bearing; 16 - blades; 17 - rotor; 18 - body; 19 - left lid; 21 - sleeve; 22 - housing

Ensuring the required oil consumption during operation is performed by periodic clearance of oil-conductive channels in a cup 2 (Fig. 2.4) and plugs 4, washing wicks in diesel fuel or change in the amount of threads in the wick, and for the welfal oil 12,000 also by changing the length of the protruding tube.

To eliminate the possible reverse rotation of the rotor and the blades of the blades, when the electric motor is turned off, the connection of the pump inlet with a vacuum conductor is carried out through a safety valve.

Fig. 2.4 Maslenka ATC.10.020:
1 - bracket; 2 - cup; 3 - Fitil; 4 - traffic jam; 5 - a glass; 6 - arc; 7 - cover; 8 - gasket; 9 - Hose

Fig. 2.5 Vacuum Regulator

The vacuum balloon 3 (Fig. 2.2) smoothes the ripple of a vacuum, inevitably occurring during the operation of the pump, collects moisture and milk that fell into the vacuum wire, and is also used as a drainage container when washing pipelines. When the pump is running, the lid of the vacuum cylinder should be tightly closed.

Vacuum controller 4 (Fig. 2.2) supports a stable vacuum in vacuum wire. It consists of a valve 1 (Fig. 2.5), springs 3, a set of cargoes 4, damping plates 5 and indicator 2.

Vacuum controller works as follows. The force acting on the valve 1 from the bottom due to the difference between atmospheric and vacuum pressure in the vacuum wire raises the valve up, overcoming the weight of cargo 4. As a result of this, atmospheric air begins to enter the vacuum wire. The magnitude of the vacuum at which the valve is raised 1 is set by weight of the load 4. The magnitude of the air flow through the vacuum controller is monitored by indicator readings 2. At normal flow, the indicator 2 arrow must be in the middle position. To mitigate the vibration of the load 4, they are suspended on the spring 3, and the demumping plates 5 are in the oil layer.

Water soluble machines of the VNG type are designed to create a vacuum in closed devices and systems. Made in two versions: VNN1 - with a nominal pressure of suction 0.04 MPa; WD2 - with a rated suction pressure of 0.02 MPa.

VVN type machines - liquid-ring with direct drive from the electric motor through an elastic coupling.

Water soluble installation of WMN-12 consists of a watershaft machine 4 (Fig. 2.6), having a drive from the electric motor 1 through the coupling 2. All this is placed on the foundation plate 3.

The water soluble car consists of a cylinder-cylinder 2 (Fig. 2.7), closed with the ends of the lid-refishes. In the cylinder eccentric there is a paddle wheel 1, fixed on the shaft. The lobster shaft yield is sealing with a soft padding. The water supplied to the car nourishes the water ring 7 and creates a hydraulic shutter in the glands. The shaft rotates in the bearings located in the housings attached to the refishes.

Before starting to work through the suction pipe 5, the car is filled to about the axis of the shaft with water. When starting, the centrifugal power fluid is discarded from the rotor sleeve to the housing. In this case, a liquid ring and a sickle space is formed, which is a working cavity. The working cavity is divided into separate cells, bounded by blades, a sleeve of the wheel, the front-line and the inner surface of the liquid ring. When rotating the wheel, the volume of cells increases (in Fig. 2.7 rotation clockwise) and through the suction window 6 is absorbing gas. Then the cell volume decreases, compression and pushing the gas through the injection window 3. Through the injection pipe 4, water is ejected together with the gas. To separate water from gases and its collection directly on the discharge nozzle in vacuum pumps, a water separator with an open overflow pipe is installed. To separate water from gas in VKN-12 vacuum pumps, a direct-flow separator 5 is used (Fig. 2.6). The direct-flow separator is an unintended vessel with a volume of about 24 liters with integrated inside the multilobbing grille, by means of which a gas-liquid mixture is separated from the pump. It provides a practically complete separation of water from gas with all possible modes of operation.

When using the machine as a compressor to a drainage nozzle of the separator, a drainage is joined, providing a drop of water without a gas leakage.

The advantage of the waterproof vacuum machines in front of the blade vacuum pumps is that the rotor does not concern the stator walls. However, when rotating the rotor, the water temperature increases in the pump stator, which reduces its feed. To increase the stability of the pump of the pump, the installation of a special water cooler is provided.

Fig. 2.6 General view of VKN-12 vacuum pump

Fig. 2.7 Water Circuit Machine Scheme

The main parameters of the applicability of the waterproof machines are presented in Table 2.1.

2.1. Indicators of water soluble vacuum machines
Indicator Size
WNG-3. WNG-6. VNN-12 VNN-25
Performance at racy pressure of suction, m 3 / min 3 (2,7)
12 (10,8)
25 (22,5)
Nominal vacuum pressure from barometric pressure,%
60 (80)
Maximum vacuum from barometric pressure,%
Specific water consumption on nominal mode, DM 3 / s
0,13 (0,2)
0,3 (0,47)
0,5 (0,75)
1,0 (1,5)
power, kWt 13
Mass, kg.
Note: In brackets are given values \u200b\u200bfor vacuum pumps of execution 2

Fig. 2.8 General view of the WVV-F-60D Vacuum Vacuum Installation:
1 - vacuum pipe; 2 - fuse; 3 - pump; 4 - water tank; 5 - electric motor; 6 - exhaust pipe; 7 - discharge nozzle

Installation Vacuum Wilk Film UVV-F-60D is designed to create a vacuum, used to complete the milking settings of all types. The installation is not intended for pumping aggressive gases and vapors.

It consists of a waterproof vacuum pump 3 (Fig. 2.8) with an electric driven 5 (with a capacity of 6 kW) installed above the water capacity 4. The vacuum pump is connected to WowUume 1 through the fuse 2. The residual air along with water through the pipeline 6 is released from the room .

The main technical characteristics of the WVV-F-60D vacuum installation of the Vacuum installation are presented in Table. 2.2.

2.2 Main technical specifications UVV-F-60D installation
Name of parameter and units of measurement The value of the parameter
Performance at h \u003d 50kpa, m 3 / h
60 ± 6.
Power consumed at nominal mode, kW 4 ± 0.4.
Limit residual pressure, kPa
15 ± 5.
Overall dimensions, m
Mass without water, kg
The volume of fluid poured into the water separator, DM 3
Conditional passage with nozzle, mm

For some processes, a very large speed of pumping is required, at least not at very low pressures. These requirements are satisfied with the two-engine volumetric pumps type Ruts blower. The diagram of such a pump is presented in Fig. 2.9.

Fig. 2.9 Scheme of a two-engine pump type RUTS

Two long rotor with a cross-section, reminiscent of the eight, rotate in opposite directions, not in contact with each other or with the walls of the case, so that the pump can work without lubrication. There is no need for oil seal, because very small gaps between the fitted parts of the structure.

The rotor rotates with a frequency of up to 50 s -1, and high speed of pumping is maintained before pressures of order of one million atmospheric. Each rotor can have two or three couch.

Although such pumps are capable of working with direct exhaust into the atmosphere, an auxiliary rotational oil pump is usually installed at their output, which not only reduces their limit pressure, but also increases the efficiency, reducing the power consumed, which allows you to manage a less complex cooling system. Auxiliary pump that transmits the same gas mass, but at higher pressures, can be relatively small.

The popularity of agriculture among the population is growing again, and the content of livestock for many residents of the private sector is considered the norm. Together with this and buy homemade fresh milk becomes easier thanks to the content of cows in private farms. For small possessions with one or two cows, the optimal option for maximum profits is the hand-made daisy of the livestock. In the case of an increase in the number of livestock, additional assistance will be required. To do this, you can hire workers who will make several cows for a fee, or purchase a milking machine. Milking installations pay off quickly quickly and soon completely come out in plus, unlike workers who will always be required.

Varieties of devices

To date, milking installations may differ:

  • appearance;
  • capacity;
  • feature design and so on.

Given all the distinguishing features of each device, it can be determined that all of them are combined by the principle of work. Each separate installation is equipped with a small pressure. Also, they all have the ability to attach to with rubber suckers or special clamps. The last option is simpler in operation and does not cause absolutely no problems in any farmer. As a rule, all the time the doomie takes several minutes, and they do not require any labor costs from humans. Milk is joined in a special container, after which it can be used for further processing or implementation.

Decision on technical specifications

All types of milking installations can be divided into the following criteria:

  • by type of milk capacity;
  • in the number of parallel served cows;
  • by type of pump;
  • by the number of clocks.

In order to make the right choice in favor of the milking installation required for a specific case, each item should be disassembled.

By type of milk tanks

In fact, in any case, milk always falls into the container prepared for this. The only difference in the fact that this capacity is and whether it is part of the milking machine itself. Installations are most often used with built-in bids that are ideal for the milking of small livestock. For large farms there are milking equipment that collect milk at once with several cows on pipes in one large capacity. At the same time, the container itself can be in the next room, and the number of simultaneously serving cows is the following characteristic.

By the number of parallel served cows

It should take into account first of all the previous item, since milking equipment for private small livestocks are not able to serve several cows simultaneously. They are designed to work only with one burenkaya or at best with two. Large devices for farms are capable of simultaneously milking several dozen cows. Of course, the cost of such a device will be appropriate, but, working with large volumes, save it on other things and much more, so the benefit is obvious.

By type of pump

This classification distributes all milking equipment for cows into three types. Pumps can be:

  • rotary;
  • piston;
  • membrane.

The last option is most popular, since its price is the lowest compared to the pumps of another type of action, while such a device is capable of working simultaneously with a small amount of cows. It turns out that milking installations, the device of which is based on - the optimal budget option for individual use.

For the simultaneous service of a small livestock of cows, it will be necessary to purchase a more powerful apparatus on the piston pump. Of course, along with high power, he has one solid disadvantage - the device during operation is very noise, which can concern the burenok. Also for minuses, some include its dimensions.

The best option for silence during the milking and high performance installation will be the device with they are additionally subdivided on dry and oil, but in any case they will be the best compared to other types.

By the number of clocks

The power of the unit and its weight depends on their quantity. Three-dimensional, of course, massive, but at the same time more productive, while the two-stroke - on the contrary.

Division on the principle of work

All the characteristics of the milking installations determine their operation based on the creation of a vacuum, in which milk is delayed from udder. At the same time, the vacuum may be in the installation constant or frequently changeable, due to which it comes.

In the first case, the delivery of milk is carried out in a matter of minutes and very high quality, not leaving a drop, while completely safe for the cow. The devices with such a principle of action are expensive, and the vacuum in them is created using a centrifugal pump or a pulsator. In another version of the vacuum in essence and no, and the milking is carried out due to the movements of the piston pump. It is he who creates jumps of pressure that ensure the dimming of milk. Such aggregates are noticeably cheaper, but the quality of their work is not always perfect.

Possibility of movement

Depending on the dimensions, the device can be classified as a mobile milking installation or stationary. The latter today are used very rarely, since it is very uncomfortable to work with them. Mobile devices are additionally equipped with small wheels and can be used with different dimensions of the farm. They are easily moved around the farm and easy to use.

Real consumer reviews

From the above, it follows that it simply does not make sense to acquire this installation in the presence of one or two cows in the economy, the reasons for this are many and first of all - long payback period.

For servicing the greater livestock, the benefit in the acquisition of the apparatus is obvious. First of all, the device quickly pays off. It also contributes to obtaining more free time for a farmer, which was previously spent on the manual to do all cows. Given the speed of work together with simplicity and practicality, you can cut the working personnel previously involved in the milk. This will further reduce the cost of paying salary to employees.

The positive qualities of milking devices include the high quality of their work, which allows in a short time to get absolutely all milk from the cow.

Of course, there is also a lot of displeased acquisition of such an aggregate. First of all, many make up the high cost of milking installations. In addition, negative feedbacks may be provoked by the wrong selection of the device for a particular economy. Since their varieties are very much to choose the appropriate, you should consider all their features.

Of course, the purchase of a milking machine must be accompanied by a preliminary consultation of a professional or at least an independent study of all the characteristics of this type of technology. Therefore, before purchasing the installation, weigh everything for and against. And the most important thing is to calculate whether you are fully purchased from the device.

Machine milking is used on milk-commodity farms and complexes. It is beneficial even in small farms, which contains 5-10 animals.

This technology significantly increases labor productivity, improves the quality of milk, facilitates human labor. The main mechanism that is used in it is a milking installation.

Milking installations

The installation is a set of milking equipment, which includes a vacuum pump with an electric drive, a vacuum balloon (receiver), a regulator, pipelines and a milking machine, in an amount of one, two or more. There are also washing systems and primary processing units of the resulting raw materials. The work of all industrial and household installations is based on the use of vacuum. Vacuum is created using a pump membrane, rotor, centrifugal or piston type. The pulsator serves to direct the vacuum at the right time in the appropriate glasses cameras, thereby ensuring the alternation of the clocks.

Milking machines

The milking machine is a device for producing a milk from the udder cow or another animal. The milking machine for cows consists of a pulsator, a manifold, buckets (16 - 40 l), hoses and milking glasses (4 pcs.), Which are the main working nodes. Each glass consists of two tubes: the outer metal and is a rubber (more modern version of the metal case and two nipple rubber tubes, external and internal). The space between these tubes is called an intermedine chamber, and between the rubber (inner) tube and the nipple of the animal - a hydrocarbon chamber.

The milking apparatus for the goats is arranged similarly, taking into account the biological features of the animal (it is only 2 glasses).

According to the method of issuing, the devices are divided into three- and two-strokes.

Three-dimensional milking machines

The first group devices are operating according to the following scheme. During the first time (sucking), the vacuum is created in both chambers, intermedine and suspension. The nipple is drawn into the glass and the milk is issued. With the second tact (compression), the vacuum is given only to the hydrocarbon chamber, and in the intermediary - the pressure is atmospheric. Nipple compressing. There is no vacuum on the third tact (rest) in both chambers, the nipple is resting in a natural position, the blood circulation is restored in it. By time, the clocks are distributed as follows: 1st - 60%, 2nd - 10%, 3rd - 30%. 60 pulsations are performed in 1 minute.

Two-stroke milking machines

In the two-stroke apparatus, rest is not provided, there is only sucking and compression. Here, 80 pulsations are held in a minute. Two-stroke devices are more productive.

However, they have a higher probability of cow disease with mastitis with untimely decisions of glasses. Three-stamped better correspond to the natural process of sucking udder calf. They are more intensely stimulate milk-producing, contribute to the uncommon and increase in animal productivity.

Ruff installations can be mobile or stationary. Collection of milk - in the bidones (buckets) or milk pipeline. At the first embodiment 1, the operator serves 16 - 20 individuals, at the second - up to 50 or more. Cows during milking are located in stalls or machines. In the latter case, the process occurs in special halls or on sites, possibly using robots. By the number of cows in the machine, the installation can be individual or group. Machines are divided into movable (conveyors) and fixed, can be located in different schemes: parallel, radial, sequential or at an angle. The domestic installations are given the same milking devices, with the choice of the most suitable of several standard types and varying degrees of mechanization.

The milking time of one cow is from 4 to 6 minutes. The interval between milking should be at least 5 hours. And not more than 12 hours.

Mobile milking installations

Mobile milking installations with milk collection into the bidones are mounted on the support frame, which has one or two knobs and two wheels for ease of movement. They are designed for simultaneous milking one or two individuals. Designed for individual and small farms with the optimal size of the herd in 5 - 6 animals. Some models, for example, argot, equipped with piston engines, work on a simplified scheme. In them, the vacuum is created due to the movement of the piston, and the ripple in the system provides a ball valve.

Stationary installations

Stationary milking facilities in stalls are used in cases of a binding, stall-camp or stall-pasture animal content. Milk is collected in buckets or milk pipeline, after which it is sent to the primary processing (cleaning, cooling) and temporary storage. Advantages: Animals do not need to move to places of milking, there is a more convenient approach to them.

When milking in the bucket, a set of technical means is minimal and inexpensive. Disadvantages:

  • Large labor costs (1 milk accounted for a maximum of 30 goals).
  • The density of somatic cells and bacterial dissemination increases, and the amount of the milk decreases, the cost of milk falls.
  • When transferred and overflowing in tanks, the raw material is in contact with air (often infected), sanitary requirements are violated.
  • With milking technology in buckets, outdated milking devices (Maiga, Volga) are usually applied.
  • It is hard to control the productivity of each cow.

When collecting milk in linear rocker, raw materials are not in contact with air, due to which sanitary and hygienic conditions are improved. Labor productivity rises. One milkman can serve up to 50 heads on a system with pneumatic pulsators and up to 100 - when using modern milking machines, which are automatically disconnected and shooting glasses.


  • In the process of transportation to the tank-cooler, milk loses from 0.1 to 0.3% fat.
  • Increased staff requirements.

In farms with a non-flexible cow system, milking chairs are used. Abroad, their share among the settings of different types comes up to 90%. The most common types: tandem, Christmas tree, parallel and carousel.


Cows are parallel to the milking pit. The milking machine is connected to the side. The number of animals served - 50-250 heads. In Russia, it is rarely applied.


  • Good housing overview, easy reading ear tag.
  • It is convenient to automatically hand out the crust.
  • Each animal comes and comes out individually, the group is not obliged to wait until they serve the most rigorous cow.


  • The front of the milking is very large, 260 cm per person, because of this, the intensity of the damper is reduced.
  • Long milking pit and, accordingly, the room requires large costs of construction.
  • Expensive equipment (per 1 post).

Christmas tree

Universal and inexpensive technology. Animals are put to the milking pit at an angle of 30 or 60 degrees. In the first case, the milking front is 110 cm, in the second - 80 cm. The device is connected, respectively, on the side or rear. Animals overlook one or group. The dairy line is located below, while each post is installed "its" milking machine. Or from above (top swing), then one machine works for 2 posts. The number of animals served: from 150 to 600 (top swing - up to 1000) heads. To date, this is the most common type of the milking hall, both in Russia and abroad.


  • Small milfness front.
  • Cheap equipment.
  • Wide size row.
  • A large number of process organization options makes it possible to take into account production conditions.


  • The maximum number of animals served is limited.
  • The operator is not intensively operated.


Compared to Christmas tree, this is more industrial technology. The age of milking is 70 cm. The operator is maximally protected. A mandatory quick exit organization is required. The number of animals served is from 500 to 1200 heads. Therefore, in connection with the consolidation of farms, this model is becoming increasingly popular.


  • Small milfness front.
  • Intensive operator work.
  • The cost of equipment (per unit of performance) of the same order as in the Christmas tree.
  • Wide size row.
  • The frame design is more durable, since it is designed for intensive work.


  • The room should be wide.
  • High requirements for the shape of the animal.


This is the milking room of the conveyor type. Animals are located on a rotating platform, in the posts in a circle, heads to the center. The operator can be in the center of the platform ("rotating Christmas tree") or outside ("rotating parallel"). The milking front is reduced to zero, as the cow itself approaches the operator, which connects the devices while remaining in place. Rotating parallel is better suitable for intensive work with large livestock. The rotating Christmas tree is a classic side connection of the devices and better visualization. It is used for conveyor production on a small livestock.


  • Stream technology with high intensity of work.
  • Maximum performance per unit time.


  • Increased requirements for the preparatory stage of construction, as well as the equalization of animal indicators on the structure of udder, dairy and productivity.
  • Relatively large costs for 1 post.

Millet robot

The most modern type of milking equipment, which only begins to gain popularity - robots. The first industrial model appeared in the Netherlands in 1992 (Lely NV). The milking robot is a hand capable of performing movements in three dimensions in the milking box.

The kit also includes:

  • Cleaning system of udder and nipples.
  • Libra.
  • Mechanism for putting on and removing glasses.
  • Control sensors.
  • Identification device.
  • Computer with appropriate software.

The man does not participate directly in the process in the process. The cow itself determines when she needs to go to the milking box. With the help of a special chamber, it is possible to recognize any form of udder and find the location of the nipples even in restless individuals. One robot serves 60 - 70 cows, pouring about 2.5 tons of milk per day.

Types of robotic systems:

  • One box with one robot hand.
  • Several boxes with one robot for service all.
  • Several boxes with the same number of robots combined into one system.

According to experts, by 2025, the farm with the number of animals 50-250 goals will switch to the use of milking robots.

When choosing milking equipment, you must pay attention to the following conditions:

  • Milking speed and bandwidth (performance).
  • The price is not only a milking installation, but also its maintenance.
  • Unification of the aggregate and its maintainability. The ability to replace nodes and consumables.
  • The intensity of the operator is how long it goes to maintain 1 individual.
  • The availability of service and personnel of sufficient qualifications.
  • Compliance of the unit of animal content type - bindish, dusty.

Milking equipment is not a whim, but the need. Without it, it is impossible to organize the effective operation of the milky-commodity farm. When buying an aggregate, in each case, it is necessary to be guided by the rule that says: no good or bad millet installations (they are all good), there is a correct or incorrect choice.

Vacuum systems
Vacuum production is one of the key moments for the proper functioning of the milking installation. Vacuum generating and control systems must guarantee the protection of the animal health.
Vacuum is used at different stages of milking:

  • Milk movement during milking
  • The work of vacuum pulsators who guarantee massage movements by alternating phases
  • Milk milk pumping in a tank cooler
  • Provides valves in many parts of milking equipment.

Milking equipment should have a suitable, stable and uninterrupted level of vacuum in order to avoid excessive stimulation of nipples. Thanks to special production procedures and rigorous control of Milkline, vacuum pumps are guaranteed, with equal power consumption, high flow rates without prejudice to the reliability and durability of milking equipment. Milkline vacuum installations can satisfy the requirements of any milking installation. Compact and practical design Milkline settings "allows you to easily mount and maintain vacuum stations.

Vacuum stations are divided into three groups:

- Immobilable / dry blade installations with a capacity of 150 to 250 liters per minute. This is the easiest view of vacuum stations and they are used in small farms. The vacuum pump does not require oil and the consuming part in such pumps it is just graphite plates / pump blades that wear out and change as needed. The usual service life of the blades is 3-4 years. Such installations are set on mobile milking devices, which can simultaneously serve a maximum of 2 heads. Either you independently construct your own stationary milking machine.

In this embodiment, the vacuum station is used as a frame for the milking machine. Depending on the type of mobile milking (on 1 or 2 cows), they put the corresponding pump. Replaceable graphite platinum pumps have a GRAPHITE or PM4 graphite designation.

Oil plants with a capacity of 250 to 3000 liters per minute. The most common and frequently found in farms with milking halls or linear milking installations. It is also used to ensure uninterrupted vacuum to milking devices through vacuum pipes. Here, the calculation of the vacuum station required to you is: 200 liters per milking machine. Consider and order the necessary you. The pump is considered reliable, but requiring careful relationship in terms of replenishing lubrication. Also the consumage part of the pump is kevlar plates of the rotor of the vacuum pump. Marking PM16 Kevlar, PM20 Kevlar and PM30 Kevlar. Eternal electric motor.

Camshed fine-free vacuum stations. This is considered the most powerful and reliable. Such stations are made with working data from 2100 liters per hour to 4,300 liters per minute.

Sometimes it is required to replace the vacuumometer. Well, in general, he serves a long time, and in the age of cow enough.

Now the cost of lamellar vacuum installations:

Name and volume of the vacuum receiver, l Type of pump Performance, l / min Power, kWt Nutrition, B. Cost rub with VAT
PVU 20, 15 liters. (Vacuum installation for mobile milking and domestic homemade milking devices) plate-rotor 190 0,6 220 35000,00
PVU 45, 50 liters. plate-rotor 450 1,1 380 77000,00
PVU 95, 100 liters plate-rotor 950 2.2 380 114000.00
PVU 160, 100 liters. Plate-rotor 1600 3.0 380 134000.00
PVU 200, 100 liters. Plate-rotor 2000 4,0 380 142000,00
PVU 300, 100 liters plate-rotor 3000 7,5 380 161000,00

The vacuum system of milking installations is a set of interrelated pipelines and devices for creating measurement and adjusting vacuum. The elements of the vacuum system are: pipelines; Reservoir vacuum balloon; Vacuum pump; Devices for measuring vacuum and adjusting vacuum vacuum regulator. One of the conditions for increasing the efficiency of milking machines is to provide in the process of milking vacuum stability. Requirements for the design of the vacuum system: to reduce losses, thereby ...

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Lecture number 19.

topic: Vacuum Milking Installation Systems


Vacuum systems of milking installations and elements of their calculation.

Appointment and classification of vacuum pumps.

Basics of calculating the rotational vacuum pump.

Caring for milking equipment.


Belianchikov N.N. Mechanization of technological processes. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1989, section 2, ch. 7. §5.

1. Vacuum systems of milking installations and elements of their calculation.

The vacuum unit of the milking installations is a set of interrelated pipelines and devices for creating, measuring and regulating vacuum.

The elements of the vacuum system are: pipelines; Reservoir (vacuum balloon); Vacuum pump; Measurement devices (vacuum) and vacuum control (vacuum regulator).

One of the conditions for improving the efficiency of milking machines is to provide inprocess of milking vacuum.

Requirements To the design of the vacuum system:

To reduce losses (thereby reducing vacuum oscillations) The network should:

have a smallest length;

have minimal loss of air pressure in the system due to the most rational circuit and the optimal diameter of the pipeline at all sections of the network;

differ simplicity, reliability of pipe connection designs;

have the smallest number of turns and the minimum permissible number of reinforcement (cranes, valves, etc.).

Studies have been established thatthe higher the vacuum and the volume of space, and less than the length of the vacuum system, the better the design scheme of the vacuum system (from the point of view of the stability in it is vacuum).

Resistance in the air duct is divided into distributed (air friction of the wall) and local.

Pressure loss on overcoming resistance from friction of air on the wall of the pipes:

The resistance coefficient depends on the nature of the air movement in the pipe:

a) during laminar movement

b) under turbulent motion

Local pressure losses:

Air power consumption of the milking equipment is determined by the approximate formula:

where 1.35 is the imperfection coefficient of the pulsator and the collector, allowing air leakage; - frequency of pulsations, pool / s; - initial air volume at atmospheric pressure, enclosed in chambers and pipes of one milking device, m3 ; - coefficient that takes into account air leakage from the vacuum system of the milking installation due to insufficient tightness;n yes - The number of milking devices.

The coefficient is determined by the formula:


- leakage in pipe connections; - air supports between the nose rubber and the nipple; - air supports through milking glasses when dressing them; - Sumps with random dropping of hoses and glasses; - loss of vacuum supply in the hot time of the day due to lubrication lubrication in the pump; - loss of vacuum supply due to increased pump temperature with long continuous operation.

Thus, the total losses are approximately equal in the amount of air flow rate by the device. In this regard, the coefficient of increasing the supply of the vacuum pump is taken equal to 2 - 3, that is,

The degree of uneven air flow rate is determined by the formula:

where is the number of blades.

Pumps of type RVN - (4 blades) have an unevenness of 31%. To reduce the influence of which in the system it is necessary to include a vacuum balloon with a capacity of 20 - 25 liters.

The diameter of the vacuum is determined by the formula:

where is the full length of the vacuumprove, m; - the volume of air flowing through the pipeline, m3 min.

The required number of vacuum pumps to maintain a steady mode in the system:

where - the productivity of the vacuum pump at a given variable of vacuum.

The system of vacuum distribution in milking plants is deserved, in which each vacuum pump has its own purpose and is included in the vacuum line on their own. One pump serves to transport milk, another - for the operation of the milking machine, the third is to automate the milking unit. Such a distribution of vacuum pumps allows you to have a permanent level of vacuum in the system and ensures uninterrupted operation of equipment that works from vacuum.

2. Purpose and classification of vacuum pumps.

The vacuum pump is designed to create a vacuum (discharge) in the system by pumping out air.

Vacuum pumps are classified as follows:

1. By construction




In turn, rotary pumps are divided into 4 types:



With rolling piston;


2. By the magnitude of the discharge

Low vacuum pumps;

Middle vacuum pumps;

High vacuum pumps.

3. By appointment

- "Dry" (for suction of gases);

- "wet" (for suction of gas together with liquid).

4. By the nature of use



Until 1952, milking installations in our country were equipped with piston-type vacuum pumps. They were distinguished by large sizes and metal consumption; There were quick-circuit mechanisms - a crank-connecting mechanism and an air distributor mechanism.

Currently, rotary vane pumps of RVN brands - 40/350 were obtained on milking equipment - 40/350; UVA - 60/45; VTS - 40/130 and others.

Concept of rotational vacuum pump.

Such vacuum pumps can be obtained by vacuum of about 97 - 99%, mechanical kp. 0.8 - 0.9.

RVN productivity - 40/350 with vacuum 50 kPa is 11.1 dm3 / s (40 m 3 / h).

Unified Vacuum Installation of UVA - 60/45 can work in 2 modes: with vacuum 53 kPa to provide capacity 60 or 45 m3 / h (achieved by changing the rotor rotation frequency by replacing the pulley of the clinorem transmission to the electric motor shaft).

Waterfolse pump (WD) with liquid piston.

1 - exhaust pipe;

2 - vacuum wire;

3 - rotor;

4 - stator;

5 - water ring;

6 - water cooler.

No lubricants are required. The seal between the rotor and the stator is achieved by a layer of water.

Disadvantage : Low kp. (0.48 - 0.52); It can only work at a positive temperature.

The main characteristics of vacuum pumps are productivity, metal-intensity and energy intensity.

3. Basics of calculating the rotational vacuum pump.

The useful volume of suction chamber is determined by the formula:

where - the diameter of the stator;

- eccentricity;

- Rotor length.

With the number of blades and angular velocity, the performance of the vane pump is equal to:

M 3 / s.

or, m 3 / s.

4-curled (\u003d 4) vacuum pumps were most widely distributed, at \u003d 900 (That is, the blades are perpendicular to each other).


M 3 / s.

Analysis : Theoretical Performance of the Vacuum Pumpdirectly proportional to its geometric dimensions and rotor speed.

The performance given to the conditions of the vacuum in the system will be less. This decrease is taken into account by the pressure gauge:

where - barometer (atmospheric pressure, kPa); - Vacuum in the system, kPa.

The higher the< , а следовательно и меньше производительность.

In addition, the actual performance of the vacuum pump depends on the degree of filling the suction chamber, which is taken into account by the filling coefficient. The value depends on the design of the pump and is determined by the experimental path.

Then, the actual productivity of the vacuum pump (4-blade, at \u003d 900) Equal:

M 3 / s.

since a vacuum is used in milking installations from 350 mm.T.. up to 500, then; .

Power required to drive a vacuum pump:

KW or

where - torque due to suction resistance, nm; - angular rotor speed, rad / s; - Ph.D. vacuum pump and electric motor with transmission (\u003d 0.75 - 0.85); - Performance, m3 /from; - Vacuum value, PA.

Torque is determined by the formula:

where - the calculated value of the vacuum, n / m2 .

The dependence of the pump performance and power consumed from the angular speed of the rotor

The mechanical characteristics of the vacuum pump resembles a fan characteristic, and the load chart - parallel direct axis of the abscissa after starting

Load diagram.

The power required for the pump power depends on the size of the vacuum

4. Care for milking equipment.

In order to maintain in order of milking system, it is necessary to fulfill certain rules for the care and use detergents.


Requirements for them:

Possess high detergent properties;

Be harmless to human health;

Do not change the properties of milk;

Do not destroy equipment material;

Be cheap and convenient to operate.


High-grade detergents are used (main part - caustic sodiumNaoh. ); Moderately alkaline detergents; Neutral detergents and acidic agents (solution of nitrogen, hydrochloric and acetic acids) to remove the milk stone.


  1. Bleaching powder;
  2. Sodium hypochlorite;
  3. Calcium hypochlorite;
  4. Chloramine B.

The care process includes the following operations:

  1. Rinsing equipment with clean water;
  2. Washing with detergent solutions;
  3. Rinsing;
  4. Disinfection;
  5. Rinsing.

Embed CorelDraw.graphic.11.

Embed CorelDraw.graphic.11.

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