Wardrobe options coupe with mezzles, models review. Cabinets with mezzanine above the door Sliding Couple with Antlesol Brown

It is no secret that suspended shelves are a very convenient invention, but they are not always combined with the interior. A good replacement can be considered a wardrobe with Antesol, capable of harmoniously fit in any house.

Buying a wardrobe with Antlesol - a good way out of the situation, if you have nowhere to store things. With its excellent capacity, it will help properly organize space.

Features and advantages

The wardrobe with the Antesol has its advantages:

  • Compactness and place saving;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Capacity at the expense of various boxes and shelves.

One of the most important properties of the mezzanine, except for multifunctionality, is that it is able to act on the visual perception of the height of the room. Of course, it is only visually, but sometimes this feature plays a very important role, especially for the room with a small area.


Andresol with a wardrobe differs from the properties of doors:

  • Sliding, which is extremely convenient, because the space is saved at the expense of such a door opening;
  • Swing;
  • Harmonic. Such a system can be found not so often, because its use requires free space inside.

Similar furniture with mezzanine can be purchased in stores in the already assembled form. It will not be difficult to find it, especially since today the furniture market presents a wide variety of all sorts of types of such models for every taste and wallet. If you wish, you can generally acquire a separate cabinet and shelves, and collect them on the principle of the antlesoli.

But the most trouble-free view is the furniture with side shelves, which can be installed in a niche. This is the perfect way out for those who do not know how to make a place in the apartment and not spoil the interior. With the help of an embedded in a niche of a wardrobe with Mezlesol, you can independently consider how much the shelves need you.


Types of panels of cabinets with Antlesol:

  • Wood;
  • MDF or LDSP;
  • Mirror;
  • Plastic;
  • Glass.

It is important to note that the panels made from the mirror or glass can be made in both the color range and be multi-colored or with drawing.

Special attention should be paid to small parts and fasteners. These parts should be characterized by good quality, durability and reliability. It is better not to save and not buy materials from plastic, they can break.


As it is known, Andresol is the lockers with the doors, which are located at the ceiling. Probably, many of you had to meet open shelves in houses, at the expense of which you can see all the things located inside. Usually the owners hold there seasonal clothes, boxes with shoes and many other things.

One of the most common ways of decoration is lighting. Typically, the lamps are embedded in a period of ceiling in such a way that everything that is required in the dark time can be seen.

An additional shelves of a variety of diverse shape can be attached to the side parts of the cabinet compartment with the mezzanine. Usually they are used as bookshelves as coasters under the pots with indoor flowers and all sorts of trifles. Inside the wardrobe can be placed compartments where it is convenient to store small things.

The wardrobe with the mezzanine is suitable for almost any interior. Despite this, when purchasing it is necessary to observe important rules: for example, think in advance for which room you purchase furniture - for a living room, bedroom, a corridor, what things you will keep in it.

Maybe you should decide to buy a small-sized cabinet with mezzanine, or, on the contrary, look at the model, the size of the wall. The last option is ideal for storing a huge amount of things in it. A big plus will be able to free the room from other furniture, shelves.

The dimensions of the mezzanine play a very important role. If it is wide and is not fixed with any design, there is a chance that the shelves will turn under the severity of things.

In practice, it is believed that one of the most convenient storage options is annezol, which is not divided into compartments. After all, then you will have the opportunity to put things in a large size. Be sure to look carefully at what quality has fasteners. It will depend on it, whether the doors will easily move after the furniture is collected.

It is believed that the most often the cabinet with the mezzanine is placed in the corridor. This is understandable, because it is exactly the room where we usually hold clothes that we wear off the season or extremely rarely. If you do not like to make a mess in other rooms, installing the closet in the hallway will be the perfect solution for you. In addition, in many homes in the corridors there are niches, at the expense of which the wardrobe with the mezzanine will be able to fit in the hallway. Thus, you will not take a lot of space, but you can get a thoughtful way to store things.

Ideas in the interior

Modern models are distinguished by a wide choice. Facades and doors can be performed in one color or decorating with all sorts of drawings. Supplement serve a large mirror or glass elements.

Sliding wardrobes with meresers can be installed in almost any room. Despite this, when choosing furniture, it is better to always take into account the fact that it should be combined with the style in the interior. Do not properly mix different styles. If you are not quite sure that you can handle your choice on your own, better contact the designer for help. He will give you the right tips and help make a worthy choice.

During his life, a person acquires many different things. Some of them are in constant use, and some are rarely used. It is important to properly place these things in the house, so that everything lay in their places, there was no location of the room. By installing the wardrobe with the mezzanine, you can organize the correct storage of things, especially if we are talking about small rooms.

Andresol is an extra shelves located in the ceiling part of the room. Since access to them is somewhat difficult, it is convenient to store things that are needed rarely. Separately, the ceiling shelves cannot be called attractive, and the wardrobe with the mezzanine, and the difference compensates the interior of the completed look, and the room visually becomes higher.

The main advantage of the cabinet with the mezzanine is functionality and saving space. But this is not all the advantages of this type of cabinet furniture.

The main advantages of such structures:

  • harmonious combination of almost any interior style;
  • more space for storing various items and things;
  • compactness;
  • visual increase in the height of the ceiling;
  • comfortable use.

The disadvantage can be allocated only one - difficult access to the upper shelves. This problem is easily solved and against the background of many advantages is practically not noticeable.

Additional features

The top shelves of the cabinet coupe may differ in their practicality and relevance. If the antlesoles will be stored non-seasonal things, enough shelves have a height of at least 30 cm. And for storing there more overall objects need to make the shelves higher.

In addition, the cabinet with the mezzanine is equipped with additional elements that will make it more functional:

  • retractable boxes in which you can store folded clothes, not experiencing that it will come true;
  • rods, trousers and tie holders;
  • stands for shoes;
  • baskets.

Setting the backlight on the upper shelves will help properly arrange accents in the interior, making the room more spacious. The use of additional elements simplifies the life of each mistress. Therefore, it is important to think over everything before installing furniture. Before making the final selection, you can view the photo or consult with professionals that will be able to prompt the right decision.


Capped cabinets with ceiling shelves can be placed in any room. But it is from the location that their design depends. Do not forget about the overall design of the premises - the cabinet furniture should be organically fit into the interior. And if the identity of rustic houses in the design is in design, then in this case the wardrobe in the country style will be the perfect option. Features of the combination of different styles can be viewed in the photo of ready-made design solutions:

  • the hallway room is rarely spacious, and the furniture selection for it should be done especially carefully. It is in the hallway that you need to find a place for outerwear and shoes, and even for such objects as skiing, sledges, travel bags, suitcases, and so on. Therefore, the cabinet with the mezzanine will be especially useful because the empty upper zone will be used. To visually make the room more spacious, it is necessary to choose furniture of light tones;
  • the mezzanine in the bedroom does not have to be closed - the open shelves will fit perfectly in the interior, on which bed linen will be stored, warm blankets and other things. This design can even be placed from the head of the bed - then the maximum of the useful area will be preserved in the room. In the photo you can see different options for the mellier for the bedroom, the final choice depends on personal preferences;
  • the cabinet with the mezzanine above the door is suitable for the living room. If old magazines and other unsightly things are stored there, the doors can be made deaf. But for the storage of the family library, open ceiling shelves are perfectly suitable or with the doors made of transparent glass.

The wardrobe with the mezzanine is suitable for installation in any room. Especially profitable such furniture looks in small-sized premises with low ceilings.

In the living room

In the hall

In the bedroom

Basic selection criteria

The practicality of any furniture largely depends on the correctness of its choice. Cabinets with ceiling shelves are no exception. At what moments you should pay attention to, choosing a wardrobe in the Country style or in any other style:

  • the type of mechanism closing the door - for sufficiently large rooms, you can safely choose swing structures. The advantage of this option is an attractive appearance and a combination with most interior styles. For small rooms, it is better to choose roller mechanisms (coupe);
  • the mezzanine can be visually separated from the main area of \u200b\u200bthe cabinet or to be a continuation, having a common door canvas;
  • the number of shelves and boxes, their depth and size. To correctly pick up all these parameters, you need to think in advance which things will be stored in them. The height of the mezzanine can also be different - if it reaches the ceiling, then there will be more places, but access to the highest shelf will be difficult;
  • quality of fittings and fasteners. They must be durable and hardy. Plastic fittings are more accessible in price, but its service life is very limited;
  • case material - more elegantly they will look at the panels of valuable wood wood. But also MDF, chipboard or chipboard raw materials, made in accordance with technology, in its characteristics practically does not inferior to expensive natural material;
  • and one more important point - a new subject of the interior should be organically fit into the overall design of the room. In order to avoid annoying errors with the choice, you can use the help of professionals who will be able to visualize each of the options under consideration. After reviewing the photo of the finished solutions, it is easy to determine the most suitable one.



A feature of the wardrobe, in contrast to simple, are sliding doors. Along the edge of the top or bottom of the cabinet, metal rails pass along which the door is moving to the right and left. In this case, the door moves either over, or behind the neighboring. Thus, at times it is possible to open only some zones.

The wardrobe with the sliding doors is very convenient for small rooms, for example, hallways and bedrooms, since it does not have to use additional space. At the same time, it looks aesthetically and modern.

A high-quality wardrobe with a good assembly provides smooth and easy movement of doors on rails. Therefore, buying it, pay attention not only to the quality of the material, but also on the quality of the assembly of the structure. Incorrect assembly can cause a number of inconvenience and a decrease in the life of the product.

Andresol is shelves hanging under the ceiling. In high rooms, it is hard-to-reach zones, to which it is difficult or impossible to reach their hands.

The placement of shelves under the ceiling saves space, in such places they are stored, which are rarely used or not used at all. It happens: and we do not wear it, and throw out a pity - take and throw everything on the top shelves, suddenly it will be useful?


The shelves hung under the ceiling - it is convenient, but it looks harmoniously in the room. In order for them to look good, you need to think over the furnishings and interior design as a whole.

A good solution will be a wardrobe with the mezzanine, which will look aesthetic in any room. This design vertically separates space from the floor from the floor to the ceiling, simplifies the appearance of the room and visually makes higher.

The design of the mezzanine may differ from the cabinet itself. For example, an excellent option is a wardrobe with three sliding doors, on top of which the mezzan can have two and three, and more zones.


Traditionally, Andresol is the ceiling lockers with the doors. But today it can be cabinets, and simple shelves, and square outdoor zones.

Perhaps many have seen open shelves, thanks to which all those inside the items and items become visible. It can be things on hangers, shoes and any other items.

You can find mirrors on the doors of the mezzanine, which will reflect the upper areas of the room.

One of the popular scenery options of the mezzanine is lighting: in the interval near the ceiling, the board decorated under the overall design, in which the lamps are embedded. Thus, in the dark, the entire design can be covered.

Also interesting options are the corner wardrobes of Millennium and cabinets with separate meresers, which can represent open and closed structures, have different color, etc.

Additional shelves of different shapes are attached to the side sides of the cabinet. These places are ideal for books, colors and souvenirs.

Inside the wardrobe can be added extra compartments for small things, laundry baskets, tie clips and much more.

How to choose

A simple wardrobe with Antlesol fits into most interiors. To choose, it is necessary to take into account some moments: for which room it is needed - living room, bedroom, or hallway, for which things it is intended?

The wardrobe with the mezzanine is a reasonable and convenient way to organize things that is suitable for accommodation in children's, living room or other rooms. Andresol is a design with additional shelves using all the free space above the wardrobe to the ceiling. Its use allows you to store seasonal clothes and other low-usable things that used to be simply welded on the top of the cabinet in boxes or nodules.

Good choice for small apartments

The wardrobes with the mezzanine can be called universal, because they look good and in the bedroom, and in the living room. You can select several advantages of this design:

  • Organized storage of rarely used things.
  • Construction strength.
  • The choice of artistic and color decisions in the design of the facade.

The Ronicon factory sells not only ready-made solutions, but also to the manufacture of furniture, taking into account the parameters of the apartment. At your request, a constructive basis may include more or less section departments. The appearance of the top compartment can repeat the overall design of all furniture, but may also differ. For example, if the facade with mirror inserts, then the upper part can be made deaf, made of the main material (LDSP, MDF, wood massif).