Selection and installation of blinds on the balcony. Rolled curtains on a balcony and loggia, tips on choosing Rolled curtains on plastic windows on a balcony

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Balcony is the most illuminated part of the apartment or at home. This is not only a big plus room, but also gives some inconvenience. For example, on a hot day from the balcony, the room adjacent to it is heated, the home plants are burned under the influence of direct sunlight, and the bright light from the lanterns interferes at night. That is why almost all modern balconies can see a variety of curtains. We will understand which curtains are best suited for accommodation on the balcony windows.

What is better: blinds or rolled curtains?

As the balcony and the loggia are a limited space, hang on the windows here tulle and classic curtains in the floor are impractical. The most successful and common options are blinds and. What do you choose from this?

Jalousie Rolled curtains
Materials - aluminum and plastic - rather durable and durable Plastic mechanism and fastenings are rarely broken, but the tissue curtain can break or lose aesthetic appearance
Replacing the bent or broken plates - a complex process requiring the work of the Master Replace fabric on a rolled curtain can be independently, and the cost of materials will be small
The lamella turns 360 °, which allows you to adjust the illumination of the room Separate curtains on each sash can be fixed at different heights, creating perfect balcony lighting
Collect all the dust that is very noticeable when closing the lamellae Quality rolled curtains are practically not attracted to themselves dust and wool
Resistant to moisture influence, so they are easy to wash and can be used on poorly waterproof balconies Require periodic cleaning with a dry way (vacuum cleaner, knocking dust, etc.), do not suit indoors with high humidity or leakage windows
Heated through the glass under the sunny rays Even in hot weather burning from the fabric curtains is impossible

See also: What to choose to protect the balcony from the sun?

Vertical blinds
Horizontal shutters

All who ever compared in the interior horizontal or vertical blinds with rolled curtains, mark a more aesthetic look of the latter. Most often, blinds are associated with offices, cabinets and government agencies, but not with cozy residential rooms and balconies.

A few more advantages of rolled curtains:

  • the versatility of the design is suitable for a wooden, aluminum or plastic window frame;
  • a large selection of materials, colors and patterns;
  • simplicity of installation and operation;
  • wide price range.

Of the disadvantages, it is possible to note only the decreasing angle of opening the sash and the impossibility of fastening on the sliding windows, but this minus belongs to the blinds, and to the Roman curtains.

After reconstruction, various types of light-protective systems are used to comfortably accommodate, among which rolled curtains are highly popular for a balcony.

The trading network presents a wide range of roles from various materials, suspended systems, movement mechanisms. To understand the variety of implemented models when choosing, their distinctive features, main varieties, installation methods should be known.

Types of light-protective systems

To protect the premises from solar and daylight, the following varieties of light-protective devices are used:

Curtains. Classic cloth curtains and curtains for the protection of rooms from day and sunlight have not yet lost their relevance due to the simplicity of installation, availability of materials, abundance of colors and textures. Usually, the window eaves hang a double system with translucent curtains for transmitting daylight and dense porters to screen outdoor illumination if necessary.

A special magnificity and a rich species give the room French curtains such as marquise, sewn from an expensive beautiful fabric in the form of a row with numerous horizontal folds. Usually, heavy curtains do not hang on the balcony, preferred with light air materials dissipating solar radiation and protecting from outdoor review.

The design with a history of several thousand years is lowered by a cloth window, which, when lifting it becomes waveled due to the rigid transverse rails placed in its structure. For consolidation, special eaves are used, which provide for the possibility of lifting, descent and fixing the canvas at the desired height.

. Horizontal and vertical blinds from separate lamellas are popular lightware systems for various types of rooms, ranging from residential rooms and ending with manufacturing workshops. The advantages of the blinds are their practicality - plastic lamellas are easy to maintain and have a high operational period, and some systems do not require care at all - they are embedded between the glazing facilities.

Rafower - A variety of blinds for external use, they are made of durable aluminum lamellae horizontal or vertical location, which are capable of performing protective functions when closed.

. The material of the manufacture of this type of light-census is a special rigid fabric, which is going to the harmonica to pass the light into the room. The advantage of Plisse is the ability to install in window openings of arched shape, another feature is permissible arbitrary location of the screen on the window. That is, Plissa is able to overlap the opening in the middle and from the middle to the bottom or the top, which is impossible to implement in other systems.

Rolls (Rolls, Rollstitch) - a cassette curtain from horizontally arranged aluminum lamellas and vertical guides, which, when opened, twisted into a roll. The process of moving them (rotation of the shaft) is usually controlled by an electric motor. The system is used outside and is mainly designed to protect against penetration on objects, along the way, performs light-protective functions, sometimes rollers put indoors instead of doors.

Rollers. It is a vertically hanging tissue with a weighting agent on the bottom edge, it is winding on top to the horizontal drum by a manual or electromechanical way. The system is highly popular in view of its practicality - takes little space, it is capable of working on sash down at the angle.

Reflexol (Latin - Reflective Sun) - a type of rolled curtains with a canvas made of high-strength polyester or polyvinyl chloride is usually used outside of the light-protection of the premises, effectively resists atmospheric precipitation. The reflexes canvas are wound on a horizontal protective camp with a manual or electromechanical manner, aluminum guides are placed in its edges.

Varieties Roller for Balcony

Despite the simplicity of design, all rolled curtains on balcony windows implemented in trade or custom-made, have the following differences:

  1. According to constructive execution. In simple systems, the linen is freely hangs from the top horizontal shaft. In more complex structures, the shaft is closed by a box, and the side edges of the matter are placed in vertical guides - thanks to this curtain can descend with lowered down window sash.
  2. By type of management. In simple systems, lowering and lifting the canvas is carried out due to the displacement of the plastic chain manually. In more expensive devices for the movement of the shaft, the electric motor corresponds to the inclusion of which manages a separate rendered switch or remote remote control.

Many roller model models have a spring mechanism of lowering without a side plastic chain - it significantly improves the ease of use of the system on inclined flaps.

  1. By material of the web. All materials used for the manufacture of roller beans can be divided into the following groups:
  • Natural. Includes flax, cotton, satin, thin bamboo plates, often fabric structure are impregnated with antibacterial, fire-fighting or antiple compositions.
  • Artificial. Polyester, viscose, polyvinyl chloride, fiberglass - the main synthetic materials used in the manufacture of curtains. Their benefits of natural - high service life and resistance to burnout in the sun, strength, simplicity in care.

  1. By appointment of the web. Users used in rolling curtains can be divided into the following groups:
  • Translucent - designed to protect against the direct rays of the sun during the daytime, dispel the light, preventing furniture and sexual coating from fading. Usually used on balconies, kitchens and in the living rooms.
  • Blackout - a dense light-protective cloth, designed to completely protect the room from the penetration of daytime and sunlight. The rollers of this type are often placed in bedrooms or home theaters. Curtains Blackout may well be placed on glazing outdoor balcony frames if the room is used as a recreation area, and plasma is hung on the side wall to view television channels.
  • . The canvas is alternating horizontally spaced transparent (translucent) and dark light-protective strips like zebra. When moving, the light-tight fragments occupy space transparent and can completely overlap light.

  1. By the method of deduction when tilting. The main advantage of Rollštor is the ability to hold on the sash when it is lowered. To do this, use the following methods of mounting the canvas:
  • Place its side edges into vertical guides.
  • Fasten from the bottom to the matter, the weightlifier with the ears, which paste into the vertically stretched fishing line on the sides of the curtains.
  • Screw the magnets at the bottom to the sash and use a metal weighting agent, which, when lowering the curtains, is attracted to magnetic retainers.

  1. By way of installation.Rolled curtains on aluminum, wooden, can be mounted in the following ways:
  • They screw on the tapping screw at the top to the frame frame of the plastic brackets, in which the rotating tube is inserted to wind up the canvas. The main disadvantage of the method is damage to the surface of the profile when it is drilled under the screws.
  • We cling to the top edge of the s-shaped plastic brackets for the hold of the shaft, which are additionally attached to the adhesive. Then installed a hollow tube with a chain or spring mechanism.
  • In rare cases, the brackets are glued to the profile of the frame on bilateral tape (such fasteners are implemented in the trading network), however, due to the weak fixation on the sticky glue composition, the use of such systems is limited by weight of the roller.

There is another variety of Roller, in which the canvas are made from thin horizontally located and interconnected bamboo stems. When climbing, they are not wound on the upper drum, and they themselves twist into the roll using the rope and are then fixed in the upper position.

Advantages and disadvantages of rolled curtains

Roller blinds on the balcony are used by good demand for the consumer due to the following features:

  • The canvas used is highly decorative, you can easily pick up any color, an invoice suitable for design to the interior of each room. The design of the Roller with the placement of the canvas inside the window sash harmoniously fits into the window block.
  • In the trading network, depending on the width of the web, several groups of roller curtains are implemented, so if the consumer has a typical window frame with standard flaps or a balcony door, the choice of suitable product will not cause special difficulties.
  • Price Rollster depends on the size of the web, the fastening system, the type of rotary mechanism. A simple product on the standard window sash Mini sizes can be purchased for the amount of 400 rubles.
  • Rolling curtains are easily mounted on, plastic, with their own hands without using a special construction tool. In most cases, only a cruciform screwdriver takes place during installation.

  • Roller mechanism for folding curtains, unlike other light-protective systems, you can hang on the window sash, horizontal upper slope, vertical wall above and ceiling - it expands the system functionality and provides the consumer more opportunities to select the optimal option for placing the device.
  • With the help of Rollshtor, it is easy to achieve complete darkness in the room - for this use a dense light-tight canvas and vertical guides in which its side edges are placed.
  • Since rollshtors can be attached to the sash, their canvas does not go out for the wall plane, in which the window unit is installed - so the device does not take away the space indoors. Sometimes rolled curtains are rationally placed on the ceiling, and not in the window sash (with sliding frames, such a fastening is not able to completely close the glazing) - in this case, the web can be closer close to the profile frame, and it will not take off the useful area.

  • Due to the ability to automatically control the rolling system using an electric motor, you can use electronic blocks with remote controls, as well as program the opening and closing time of the curtain roll. In some systems, the control electronics is associated with illumination and temperature sensors - this allows you to automatically adjust the position of the web depending on the parameters given.
  • It is easy to care for the web - it has a smooth smooth surface, thanks to the impregnations natural materials moisture resistant, and synthetic is not afraid of water by nature.
  • If a curtain roll is greater than the width of the desired size, it is easy to reduce it with your own hands, having cutting a curtain on one side with scissors or painting knife, and scuffing the extra section of the aluminum tube with a metalwork.

Criterias of choice

Choosing rolled curtains on the loggia or balcony, the specific conditions for their use should be taken into account - high humidity, temperature differences, prolonged exposure to direct solar radiation, the presence of street dirt and dust in the air. To choose the right choice of Roller, the balcony is guided by the following considerations:

  • When the cloth is steadily resistant to the factors harmful to the structure, then there are no certain requirements for its color, texture, traffic, if it likes the owners. The basic condition is a combination with the interior of the room and functionality. That is, if the balcony or loggia is used to relax with watching video images on the plasma screen, it is better to use the day-night or blackout cloth for blackout. In other cases, there are enough translucent materials that do not reduce the illumination in the adjacent room.
  • When used on a balcony or loggia of swing windows with an inclination for ventilation, the design of the curtain rolls of mini is used, which are fixed inside the sash.
  • Roll curtains on the balcony It is advisable to choose with a web from synthetic materials - they are more resistant to harmful environmental factors, it is easier to care in contrast to natural tissues.
  • If the balcony room is a long time under the influence of sun rays and an increased temperature causes discomfort, practical use of curtains with a reflective surface.
  • When choosing a web take into account the placement of the balcony: if it is located on the sunny side, use a translucent canvas with high density and low traffic lights, on the shaded part of the house hang on the loggia or balcony of more transparent low-density rolled curtains.
  • When determining the color range, the designers are recommended to select the tone of the web for several shades darker or lighter the main color of the balcony walls.

Rolling curtains are a practical and inexpensive option for protecting balconies and loggias from outdoor review, daylight light and solar radiation. It is easy to install them with your own hands, and the ability to electronic control and programming modes of modifications with a built-in electric motor makes them use convenient and functional for any user.

Modern balconies and loggias in homes often turn into full-fledged premises for recreation - albeit small, but comfortable and cozy. Due to the features of glazing, the space is reliably protected from negative natural phenomena. To make it shadowed and enjoyable for use at any time of the day, you canbuy Balcony Blinds. Apartments located on the south especially need to protect against annoying sunlight.

Features of choice

What better blinds on the balcony To choose exactly to you depends on different factors, but, first of all, on operating conditions and interior solutions. Thus, a constantly scoring sun can quickly bring the wooden lamellas, and aluminum planks, despite their practicality and resistance to adverse effects, will publish a typical knock in the premises with drafts.

This type of curtain is easy to leaving and durable. Features of the mechanism provide convenient adjustment of the intensity of the light feed. Designer design can be calm and unobtrusive or play the role of a bright accent - a choice of homeowner.

Varieties of structures

Optimal options are considered horizontal, vertical androlled curtains on the balcony. Models with horizontally located planks are a classic, characterized by aesthetic and ease of use. They do not occupy a lot of space. Can be performed from plastic, wood, metal, durable fabric.

Products with vertical lamellae look good on spacious loggias, because on small squares they grind precious meters. Undoubted plus - attractiveness and elegance. Made predominantly from tissue - natural or synthetic.

What enhances comfort

To the curtains performed the functions assigned to them in full, it is desirable to provide some features that increase the comfort of the use of products in the balcony space:

  • Cassette type of execution. Guides fix the web regardless of the presence of a draft or tilt window. When choosing free-friendly products, you need to be prepared for the fact that with the blows of the wind they will be waving.
  • Installation blinds on a balcony without drilling. Light canvases do not require durable fasteners - it is enough to choose a design that can be glued to two-way tape or hang onto brackets. This installation will provide free opening of the sash.
  • Antistatic impregnation, repelled street dust and preventing its accumulation.
  • Tight fit to the window. It increases the light and leaves the windowsill is functional.

In the Sunlock online store catalog you will find any models on the balcony, including equipped with

When choosing a roller, some nuances should be taken into account:

  • For small balcony windows, it is better to choose rolled products with large prints and drawings, and for large, on the contrary, smaller patterns and ornaments are suitable.
  • You should not use the curtains of too dark colors, for the design of the balcony, located on the sunny side, since such webs will contribute to the heating of the room.
  • For a poorly illuminated balcony space, a low-density tissue is suitable.

Svetonmetrity rollshtor

Roll lights for light-resistant ability are divided into several types:

  • Translucent. Have a sufficiently small density and skip light well. As a rule, they are more often used as a decor of the room, and not to protect against the sun.
  • Reflective. Thanks to a special impregnation, reflect ultraviolet rays. These models are especially suitable for balconies located on the south side.
  • Scattering. Create an effect of light dimming and gently dispel the light passing through them.
  • Day night (zebra). Very popular models. Alternating dense and transparent stripes allow it very convenient to adjust the degree of lighting on the loggia and the adjacent room with it, such as kitchen, bedroom or living room.
  • Full protection from the sun. Provide maximum dimming and completely cut off the sunlight.

In the photo Rolled Curtains Day-Night White Color on Loggia.

Frame material

The main types of fabrics that are used for the manufacture of rolling curtains:

  • The cloth. It can be a variety of fabrics, for example: flax, cotton, jacquard or silk. Especially known and popular such material as Blackout. It is used when complete protection from the sun is needed.
  • Mixed fabric. It imitates and externally does not differ from the natural analogues, but at the same time it is significantly superior to these products on wear resistance.
  • Natural materials (jute, bamboo). Durable, practical rollers from jute or bamboo, very easy to leaving and distinguished by high ecology, thanks to these qualities
  • Polyester / PVC. Moisture-resistant material with a long service life. Products and polyester, perfectly absorb and reflect the sun's rays.

In the photo tissue colorful rolled cloths in the balcony interior.

Color spectrum

For registration of such a small room, the choice of color has an important role.


Add tenderness and comfort to the balcony space. Rolled curtains of a beige shade, markedly refreshing the room and make it much lighter.

On the photo balcony and beige rolled curtains, decorated with vegetable patterns.


Charges energy and positive. Brings in the loggia amazing purity and extraordinary freshness.


Add light, lightness and volume. White rolled curtains will look stylish and elegantly in any balcony space.

Design and drawings

Rolling canvas, decorated with spectacular and original drawings, transform the loggia and give it uniqueness.

Flowers and vegetation

Vegetable and floral motifs form a very gentle and exquisite design. Add to the atmosphere of the romanticism balcony and create a spring-summer mood. When designing a window with a curtain with such a print, first of all, you need to pay attention to the size of the balcony or loggia, as large flowers will be more appropriate in the spacious room.

On the photo a balcony with rolled curtains, decorated patterns in the form of flowers.


Simple, but at the same time a very interesting solution. Such a print differs, not only aesthetic attractiveness, but also has the ability to visually adjust the space, to make it higher or wider.

Patterns and ornaments

Add contrast loggias and visual interest. Various intricate patterns and ornaments are able to transform even the most fonduous room.

With photo printing

One of the most original design solutions. Photo printing on rolled curtains, allows you to make the interior bright, colorful and give it a unique and special appearance. Different images of animal, natural landscapes or cities, determine the mood and set the unique, own style.

Registration of non-standard windows

When making rolled curtains, it is important to take into account the features of the window frame and the functionality of the window itself.

Roll curtains on a balcony with sliding windows

For the unimpeded functioning of each sash, it is better to choose models that are attached to the ceiling.

Panoramic glazing

Rolled curtains are best suited for such an open space and sun space. Thanks to its compactness and conciseness, they are in the folded state do not spoil the magnificent panoramic view, and in the deployment - the premises are hiding perfectly.

In the photo of white rolled models on a loggia with panoramic glazing.

Ideas at the place of attachment

Also, the types of rolled curtains are played by an important role, the most common are:

  • On the window frame. Looks very aesthetically. This mount significantly saves the place on the loggia and is a very convenient option for folding plastic windows.
  • To the ceiling. Rolled curtains with a fastening on the ceiling are suitable for high window openings or for sliding structures.

On the photo is a glazed balcony and a brown shade rollers with an attachment option to the ceiling.

How to fix?

Rolled curtains have several types of fastenings that allow them to be placed not only on the window opening, but even on the door, for example, with the help of self-samples, velcro, plastic or metal spring brackets. The following is a step-by-step instruction, how to hang the rollers for velcro:

  1. Treat the plots of the balcony frame, which will be fastened, a special degreasing agent.
  2. Heat sticky tape with a hair dryer.
  3. Remove the protective film.
  4. Put it tight and glue it to the surface of the glass package.

Look more video mounting curtains.

Photo in the interior

Rolled curtains are the perfect option for the balcony. They are perfectly protected from the Sun, the dust does not accumulate and have high functional and decorative properties.

Sometime, the balcony was like a storage room, everything that was sorry to throw, but at the same time it fell under his feet in the apartment, sent there. Now the balcony, as a rule, serves as a place to relax, where in the summer time you can conduct friendly conversations until the night. What is an important component of the interior almost for each of the balconies? That's right, of course the curtains! When it comes to windows, it is important to go to the selection of curtains. Make a balcony more stylish, as well as visually increase its area, our curtains will help.

More about the rolled curtain

At the moment, the market presents a whole set of rolled curtain models perfectly suitable for the balcony. The responsible approach to the process will help not be mistaken in the choice, be sure to consider such factors as:

  • Size and shape of the balcony;
  • Features of glazing balcony.

Main error when choosing curtains - hurry. Incorrectly selected curtains, can very quickly come into disrepair, for example, to break.

For a modest size of the balcony, a great solution will be mini curtains, which are also ideally suited for rotary plastic windows. If the balcony has a "deaf" windows, then the optimal option will be wide curtains, such systems are attached under the very top (those cases where the ceilings are too high).

An important advantage of the rolled curtains is the fact that they can be set exactly on the height that is necessary for you. The product will be easy to use, and it will not interfere with indoor plants. In addition, to the number of undeniable advantages of such curtains includes compactness. In many ways, thanks to the features of its design, such curtains can provide the premises the necessary lighting, thereby visually increase its area.

Care for rolled curtains on the balcony

Care will not cause special difficulties, in their production there is a special dirt-repellent material, and their cleaning is not more difficult than cleaning up the soft furniture.

The rich choice of rolled curtains on the balcony allows everyone, even the most demanding buyer, find a suitable model. The market also offers many fabric options. For regions that are not spoiled by the Sun, transparent models are provided. Residents of the South can acquire models from special dense tissues that will not allow even the brightest rays to penetrate your territory.

It is important to remember that if you are not sure what you know which curtains to choose to a balcony, and also, if you do not have accurate information about the parameters of the windows, it will be more correct to consult with specialists. Professionals will help you choose the optimal option for your balcony!