Choosing a tool for cutting professional flooring. How and the better to cut the sheets of professional flooring? Disk for cutting proflist Bulgarian

The popularity of the material is due not only to its small cost, but also ease of processing. In this article, we will look at how to cut professional flooring correctly, so as not to damage its protective zinc and polymer layer. For cutting, you will need conventional tools, many of whom will probably have in any house. Since weighs a sheet of professional flooring a little, it is possible to cut it right on the spot.

Process and Material Features

Metal rolling with ribs in the form of waves, squares or trapezium is made of steel and aluminum with a thickness of 0.3-1.2 mm. Thick sheets with labeling "C" (walls) are used mainly to build fencing. The carrying professional flooring "N" and the roofing "PC" will be suitable for the arrangement of canopies and roofs. The "NS" brand is universal and used for the roof roofing of buildings and structures and the construction of fences.

Despite the ease of treatment, when cutting profiled sheets, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules in order not to disturb the surface of the galvanized and a special protective film. Otherwise, the material will quickly come into disrepair and start rust.

What is better to cut a professional flooring? Power tools:

Answer this question is uniquely difficult. Depending on the specific task: the thickness of the material, the shape of the cut line and the mounting features are used different types of tools. Much depends on personal preferences.


The prolonged exposure to high temperatures brings the greatest harm of the galvanized surface of the professional flooring. Displaced from the material in the heating process above 200-250 ° C, may also polymer or paint coating. The use of gas-powered equipment, as well as bulgarias with conventional disks for processing professional flooring extremely undesirable. Indeed, in the process of detachment and even the combustion of the coating quickly appears the edge corrosion - side cracks on the ends of the sheets.

Abrasive discs are able to heat the metal to 600 ° C. For acrylic, polyurethane or PVC coatings are dangerous and departing for a sufficiently large distance from a spark disc. Plus, after cutting with ordinary discs on the metal there are burstages that need to be deleted. Yes, and the tool during the pickle makes a lot of noise.

Bulgarian cutting is allowed only using cutting discs with smaller teeth. The edges after processing are sufficiently smooth, with minimal damage to the coating. However, in this case, in order to avoid the emergence of corrosion foci, it is worth it to be extremely careful and prevent overheating and sparking. By the way, noise with cutting discs are much smaller.

Disk for cutting professional flooring with a grinder

To work with the profiled sheet, it is necessary to purchase a special disk of a small thickness (no more than 1.0-1.6 mm) of carbide metal. It is intended for cutting profiled sheets. The edge after processing is obtained more accurate. Some specialists with diamond spraying discs are able to easily handle a pack of corrugated 10 sheets thick.


In the absence of a small amount of material with a small amount of material with a profile height, a small amount of material with a profile height of up to 20-25 mm is quite suitable. With a high wave it will tear the cloth. Yes, and the tool itself can quickly fail.

The leaf before starting work is fixed on the table (the usual goats are suitable) so that the edge is on the weight of centimeters 10 from the surface. It is more convenient to use a logs with a laser pointer - the line will turn out to be more even. It is tightly pressed to the sheet and cut through the planted line in advance. To avoid injury, professional flooring is only necessary to hold, and not fully rely on it.

A large number of professional flooring is difficult to cut more difficult, so professional roofers use it mainly to obtain figure cuts. Such fit may be needed with roof flooring in places of adjustment to smoke or ventrathrubs. To obtain longitudinal lines of a large length with the help of it, it will take much more time than when working with a grinder.

Important! Also, as in the case of a grinder, it should not be installed on large speeds. Otherwise, the coating of the professional flooring will simply fill.

Electronics for metal

Working with them when processing a thin 1 mm metal is quite convenient - they are not inferior to the grinder in speed. With a certain skill in a short time, electronics can be cut with a sufficient amount of material both in direct and along lines having a curved shape.

However, the metal scissors often wrap the edges. Therefore, after processing, there may be a straightening of sheets with the help of a queen. If it is not at hand, the edge is poured with a conventional hammer, pre-laying a wooden gasket.

The ideal option for cutting is the carpent scissors. In fact, it is a cutting press in miniature. Since the cut line goes immediately in two directions, the professional flooring is not deformed. You can start work even from the middle of the sheet. To avoid the appearance of the burr, before starting work, the scissors are regulated in such a way that the tool is rotated at 90 ° to the lines of the line. However, the tool is expensive, and they are mainly organized by professionals.

Electric circular saw

The speed of the hand saw 2 times less than the grinder, so the metal in the processing process is almost not melted. With this power tool in a short time, you can cut a sufficiently large amount of material.

Electrical saw, as well as a grinder, it is necessary to equip a disk for cutting professional flooring - they are sold in all construction stores. There is also a special cutting table. When working, you should act carefully - the saw forms a large amount of chips, which can fly away at any time. In the absence of work experience with her, it is better not to take for cutting.

Tip! To fit the profile, the use of nozzles for a drill is allowed. It is quite capable of cutting small amounts of corrugated in hard-to-reach areas.

Hand tool for professional flooring

In addition to power tools, there are still manual. It is difficult to work with them and slowly, but manual tools have its advantages. They may well come in handy with small amounts of work or the need for a neat cutout.

Hoven for metal

Professionals are often used for cutting profiled sheets of this tool. Of course, working with her a little more costly. But cutting hacksaw has a lot of advantages:

  • slices are perfectly smooth, without chipping and do not require additional processing;
  • it can even cut even the thick sheets without any problems;
  • to the place of installation does not need to lay the cable - electricity in this case will not be required;
  • the hacksaw is safer than any power tool, and the non-professional will be able to work with it - the likelihood of injury is much smaller;
  • large physical force during work is not required: it is quite possible to cut the sheets for the roof.

To work, you will need a table and fixtures for fixing sheets. Otherwise you have to take the assistant who will hold the professional flooring.

Important! Cuts are performed only in a straight line. The curvilinear lines are better to make scissors.


With this tool, it is possible to perform sections of any form, including curvilinear. But the manual jigsik is much smaller in size than the hacksaw, so it will have to cut for a long time. Perhaps it can come in handy only for the processing of short curvilinear sites. As in the case of an electrolovik, the restriction is the wavelength. With a profile above 25 cm edge will rotten uneven and will look torn.

Scissors for metal

This tool may be needed to obtain curvilinear sections. It is permissible to use it for processing a small number of thin-walled sheets of professional flooring. However, in any case, the cutting process will be longer than when working with power tools.

The only advantage of metal scissors is the complete preservation of the coating during processing. But it is better to use them as an additional tool in the event that the edges of the waves are proced. Perfect option - Slot scissors. Cutting and knife do not have a special head that allows you to get the exact res.

How to protect cut edges from corrosion?

Even with the use of special tools, the edge of the professional flooring after cutting needs additional processing to protect against oxidation. To do this, it is possible to cover the edges of the sheets with a special composition (mastic or primer) or to scroll through the cutting line of anti-corrosion paint, similar to a shade with the color of the protective layer.

Professor has a lot of advantages, one of which is the simplicity of processing this material. Since the profiled sheet has a small thickness and weight, it can be adjusted directly on the construction site. And for this you do not need to acquire a special machine for cutting a professional flooring, a fairly portable hand tool.

But despite the seeming simplicity, the cutting of the professional flooring has its own characteristics. This is explained by the fact that, in contrast to the usual sheet metal, the profiled sheet is a puff pastry from a metal base and multilayer protective-decorative coatings.

The structure of the profiled sheet with a polymer protective-decorative coating

The destruction of protective coatings during cutting of the professional flooring will inevitably lead to active corrosion and will significantly reduce the service life of the structures from the profiled sheet. Therefore, it is very important to know how to cut professional flooring properly, in order to prevent significant damage to the zinc layer and protective color.

Is it possible to cut a professional flooring with a grinder?

The greatest harm to the protective coating of the professional flooring causes warming up to a high temperature that occurs during the cutting process. Therefore, the application for these purposes of gas-repellent equipment is completely excluded. For the same reason, it is impossible to cut a bargank professional flooring.

The fact is that when cutting with a high-turn tool with abrasive circles, the metal at the scene is simply burning. Together with it, the protective coating is burned, and not only along the cut line, but on both sides of it. The width of the damaged area is usually 3-5 mm, which leads to the occurrence of the so-called edge corrosion.

Metal cutting with a grinder - due to heating and large number of sparks, this tool cannot be used for professional flooring

In addition, the sparks are also dangerous and departed from under the abrasive circle. Due to the high temperature, they can damage the polymer coating at a distance of several tens of centimeters from the section of the section.

Cutting professional flooring is possible only in one case - if before cutting the professional flooring, replaced the abrasive circle to the cutting disc for a profile with small teeth. However, even in this case, it is not recommended to use this tool, since such a measure will simply reduce the amount of damage, and will not remove them at all.

How to cut a professional list to maximize the protective properties of its coverage?

Many builders prefer to use the electrical saw on which the cutting disc is installed. This tool has several advantages:

  1. The speed of rotation of the disk saw is almost 2 times less than that of the angular grinder, so the metal of the professional sheet under the action of the disk tooth for cutting the professional flooring is not mowing, but is removed as small sawdust.
  2. Ability to quickly cut a large number of sheets
  3. You can buy a disk for cutting a professional flooring in any construction supermarket, in the same departments where abrasive cutting circles are sold.

Disk saw for cutting professional flooring - smooth cut, minimal heating and missing sparks

However, the use of an electric tool with a rotating circle should be very careful because the metal pieces formed during cutting can cause injury. Therefore, this tool requires certain skills to work with it and is not suitable for beginners.

If you need to cut a small number of sheets, then you perfectly suit the classic cutting tool for cutting a professional sheet - manual hacksaw for metal. It is extremely easy to use, makes it possible to make an absolutely any form and is safe even for a person with zero construction experience. Of course, it is possible to get injured from using manual hacks - however, this outcome is extremely unlikely compared to other tools.

But this method has its drawbacks. The main one is the high time spent on work. In addition, a special table will be needed for cutting a professional flooring.

Another option is the use of a manual or electrical saw. Using them, the work will be performed faster, however, you can cut the professional flooring only in a straight line.

In contrast to the previous method, the cutting of the proflist with an electric bike allows you to perform curvilinear cuts of any form. Such fit is often necessary when installing roofing coatings in places of passage through the roof of the ventilation and chimneys. However, before cutting a professional sheet with a manual or electric jigsaw, you need to carefully make the markup of the sheet so as not to be mistaken with the size of the cuts.

The disadvantage of this method is that the cutting of professional flooring is possible only at a profile height of no more than 20 mm. When cutting up higher profiles, the blade is rotated metal and often breaks.

Finally, if you need to fit the profiled sheets of a small thickness, you can use scissors for cutting professional flooring. It can be both ordinary manual shears for cutting sheet metal and special electrical scissors for cutting a professional leaf.

The scissors for the professional flooring can be three types - it is cut, knife and spline. The most neat incision is obtained if you use slotted scissors for a professional sheet. They are equipped with a special head that allows you to make an exact incision without any deformations and distortions.

Cutting scissors for cutting a professional sheet - as well as for all other tools for a good result, a preliminary markup of the cut line is required

Among professional builders are very popular electronics. They are considered one of the most convenient tools for cutting the proflist.

In addition to ordinary manual and electropitles, carving scissors are also used. They cut a profile sheet by two parallel direct, which helps to do without disinfecting the sheet. Before cutting professional flooring, with the help of a special handle, the matrix holder can be rotated at an angle of 90 ° to the cut line. This allows you to cut a profile curved at a right angle, without sowing.

The only lack of tools data is high cost and, most importantly, an extremely narrow scope. If the cutting of the professional flooring is not your everyday routine, then buying the carred or electronics does not make sense.

Many roofers use such a tool for professional flooring as a drill nozzle. If there are certain skills and the use of battery drill, such a nozzle is very convenient for cutting and fitting the professional foot in hard-to-reach places.

Tool for cutting professional flooring

As you can see, the choice of possible tools is quite large, and each of the options is optimal for a specific situation and loses the analogues to another. Therefore, it is definitely to say that it is better to cut the professional flooring without binding to a particular task. How to cut a professionalist in each individual case solves a specialist, taking into account the complexity of the shape of the cut, the ability to access it and its personal skills and preferences.

How to cut a professional flooring with an electrolovka?

If you can't decide how to cut a professional flooring, we advise you to choose an electrolovka if you, of course, have no other tools already purchased. As a rule, this is the optimal choice for those who decided to independently do the installation of roofing in the country or the construction of the fence from the professionalist. It is desirable that he has a laser guide.

This tool is most versatile from what a professional committee can be cut without spending serious effort and the presence of special skills. In addition, it can be used for joinery, and in order to cut a few dry branches in the garden.

In addition, the electrolovka is very easy to maintain and use. The speed of work is high, the probability of getting injuries is minimal if the feck is broken - it can be easily replaced with ease, and even a beginner can cope with cutting. All these qualities make an electric bissor with a practically perfect tool for this task.

  • Try to tightly press the electrolybiz to the sheet where it is possible. This will reduce the risk of breakdowns.
  • Despite the fact that this tool for cutting a profile is sufficiently safe and has many mechanisms that protect a person from injuries, be extremely attentive. Hold the sheet by the edge, and do not learn about it with your hand. And even more so do not keep your hand on the cut line, even if the tool is still at a decent distance.
  • If you follow all these rules, it is easy to handle the cutting of the professional flooring yourself. And make it quickly and without serious harm to cover sheet.

    Corrosion Edge Protection

    Even the use of special tools for cutting for cutting does not guarantee full protection against damage to the coating of the corrugated floor. Only in profiled sheets of galvanized steel 1st grade of zinc coating thickness, the presence of molecules at the scene creates a barrier preventing metal oxidation.

    Therefore, in order to avoid reducing the life of the professional flooring, it is necessary to apply a special anti-corrosion mastic on the edges of the cutting edges. In addition, you can also paint these places in the color of the protective coating of the profiled sheet. The fulfillment of these simple requirements reliably protects the edge of sheets of sheets in places of fitting, ensuring the reliability of the profiled sheet during the entire period of its service.

    Professional flooring is today the most popular building material used in the conduct of various works: when building household buildings, garages, in the fencing of areas, when coating a roof, etc. From time to time, when performing such work, it is necessary to cut the professional flooring for the specified sizes. Although immediately should make a reservation, what to do this in the most extreme case. How to cut the professional flooring, to pay attention to how this article will tell.

    Types and sizes of corrugated.

    Features of cutting professional flooring

    To begin, it is necessary to understand that it is a professional flooring, why it is important to know what tool to produce it cutting, what features of this building material should be taken into account.

    Professional flooring is appreciated, first of all, due to its versatility in the application, wonderful physicomechanical characteristics, convenience in work and pricing availability.

    The profiled sheet consisting of galvanized steel coated steel is called the profiled.

    The polymer composition in this case is used for corrosive protection of the material. When cutting a proflist made not by the tool, the upper polymer composition may be damaged, which is why this building material is rapidly damped. The question is how to cut the professional flooring, many occur in the use of this material. Cutting a professional flooring only using a cold method of processing material, such effective methods as autogen, plasma, abrasive elements, etc. cannot be used, which are associated with high temperatures, as the protective coating is destroyed at the scene. Due to this reason, the tool is selected, which makes a neat cutting of the professional flooring.

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    Tools for cutting Professional flooring: Hoven for metal, Lobzik, Scissors for metal, their advantages and disadvantages

    Cutting professional flooring is possible using the following basic tools, which make it possible to reduce the area of \u200b\u200bmaterial impairment:

    • hacksaws for metal;
    • a corner car (grinder);
    • metal scissors;
    • electropots;
    • manual or electric jigsaw;
    • manual circular saw.

    The material in our case is professional flooring. Each of the above tools used in more detail should be considered in order to cut a professional owner, revealing positive and negative sides.

    Metal hacksaw is one of the most common cutting tools of the proflist. It is safe, the cutting of the material in this case is completely manually, but without the use of significant physical effort, the cut line is accurate, without jar. Often this tool is used when working with a professional flooring having a small thickness. Of the disadvantages of the described tool, it is possible to name the impossibility with it to make curvilinear saws of the material and the mandatory presence of a special table.

    To cut the curvilinear, varying degrees of complexity, contours of the professional leaf use such a tool like a manual or electric jig. It is clear that the electrolybiz will significantly speed up and simplifies the execution of this type of work in contrast to its manual option.

    With cutting, the highest turns of the tool are set and the mill with small cloths is applied. It is necessary when working greatly press the material, especially with a transverse cutting. The height of the wave of the professional leaf should not be higher than 20 mm. When operating the electrolovka, it turns out a more sparing mode than when working with a grinder. The negative points of the tool can be considered certain inconvenience when cutting thin strips of the proflist, with a transverse cut, as well as with a corrugation height of more than 25 mm. Creating discomfort and strong squealing tool work.

    The next tool used during cutting of the professional flooring can be considered for metal scissors. They are manual or electric. The main condition for the use of such scissors is their high-quality professional sharpening. Scissors can easily cut off a small metal strip both along and across the waves. It is clear that the electric scissors for metal can produce work much faster and better. A tangible disadvantage of any scissors on metal can be called the production of the uneven cutting edge, which in some cases does not matter, for example, when when laying is closed by the next sheet.

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    Corcular saws, hand-made circular saw - Additional tools for cutting professional flooring

    In order to cut the professional flooring, often use a corner machine - a grinder with a special disk. It is important that this disk is thin (up to 1.6 mm) and had carbide teeth. After cutting, it is necessary to cut the place to paint paint in order to avoid corrosion. A very valuable quality of the Bulgarian is the speed of work, otherwise you can call more minuses than pluses. In places cutting with this tool of professional flooring, which is a multilayer material, it is heated and the destruction of plastic coating, zinc and all intermediate layers occurs.

    The edges of the material are obtained with jarbrins, partially burn out, damaging its protective polymer layer, and sparks that occur during work, easily burn the paint of the professionalist, which subsequently significantly reduces the use of this material. And, in addition, when working with this tool prevents strong unpleasant noise. In this regard, the cornerless machine must be used only in case of extreme necessity, and after its use, it is possible to eliminate all the negative consequences of its work.

    According to the importance of tools on cutting the professional sheet, a manual circular saw can be called, necessarily with a fine-faced victorious disk. The specified material is well cut by this tool and along, and across. However, for this you need to pre-make some devices. In order to avoid damage to the paint, the professional leaf when working should be made of plywood a kind of conductor. To do this, the center of the plywood cuts out a cutting landmark - a special groove. On the straignwork before starting work, there are points of cut, a plywood conductor is superimposed, and cutting. With proper preparation for work, the edge of the cut is obtained smooth and neat.

    Based on the fact that, when performing a cutting of the proflift, any of the above tools, a more or lesser extent, the integrity of the protective coating of the material in the field of cut is disturbed, which subsequently leads to the emergence of metal corrosion and a decrease in the operational period of the product. Compliance with some recommendations applied after cutting material will eliminate this drawback. First of all, it follows the place of cutting to process with special moisture resistant and anti-corrosion compositions, and then apply the factory or any other paint to protect against the climatic effects of metal seams.

    Thus, after all the above, it becomes clear that when holding construction works, it is possible to cut the professional flooring with various tools, each of which has its drawbacks and dignity. When cutting large volumes of material, it is best to use electrical tools, with small - you can use manual. From the right choice of a tool for working with profiled sheets will depend on the long life of their service, reducing financial costs, speed and quality of work.

    • When building a roof from a professional flooring having a complex form, or when the adjoint device, as a rule, the need for cutting roofing material occurs. Processing quality: source geometry of the professional leaf and the safety of the protective coating depend on the tool used.

      All who are going to paint professional flooring, are interested in how not to lose the consumer qualities of the products being processed. To do this, first of all, you need to choose correctly than cutting professional flooring. An error may threaten, the smaller, uneven edges of the cut. And if you somehow can be cope with it, then the burned zinc and polymer coating, as a result of the overheating of the metal during the cutting process - another question.

      The tool for cutting professional flooring must comply with certain requirements: do not contain abrasive substances, for example, a grinder or not to apply high temperatures in the process of cutting, as say, autogen.

      Metal producers do not distribute their warranty in cases where the cutting of the professional leaf was made not by the tool, let's say if the Bulgarian with a diamond or abrasive disk was used.

      Features of cutting steel profiled flooring

      In essence, metal products have nothing like a galvanized metal sheet most often with a special coating having a special profile. The complexity of choice than cutting the profile is due to the presence of a protective layer that should remain saved when cutting the professional sheet with their own hands.

      The polymer layer is not distinguished by the heat resistance, therefore is susceptible to thermal effects. Therefore, when choosing a cutting option, preference needs to be given to cold methods.

      In addition, it will be necessary to process the sections of the cutoff, which will ensure their moisture resistance and resistance to corrosion. Usually, a special factory dye is supplied with the material, which is used for rapid edges left after cutting.

      On a note

      Even when processing sections of ordinary paint, it is possible to achieve a proper degree of protection of a sheet of corrosive and various natural factors.

      How to cut a metal profile

      We highlight possible options than and how to cut metal products: use

      • power tools;
      • manual tool;
      • Machine equipment.


      The safest version of the cutting, in which the integrity of the decorative protective layer is preserved, this is the use of a conventional hacksaw for a metal due to the lack of thermal exposure in this case. In addition, work with hacksaw does not take much time, since corrugated sheets do not have much resistance to cutting, and cutting does not require considerable effort.

      The main disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of using its use when staging complex forms. The hacksaw does not suit the processing of sheets, the wave height exceeds 25 mm. Moreover, it is impossible to perform deep cuts with this tool. Work with it requires a special table or reference surface.

      On a note

      For cutting curvilinear complex forms, the jigscription (electric or manual) is suitable.

      Can the Bulgarian be used

      Manufacturers Strumbering do not recommend processing proflists with a grinding machine, better known in everyday life like Bulgarian. However, in practice, cutting this tool is quite possible. Following certain rules, it is possible to fully appreciate the obvious advantages of this method.

      It is important to understand that problems with this tool arise when using abrasive (diamond) disks and at high cutting speed. Therefore, negative consequences of material processing can be avoided if working with a hard-floor cutting with special discs with solid alloy teeth, which are located on the edge of the circle, and correctly pick up the number of revolutions. These discs are quite thin, their thickness ranges in the interval from 1 mm to 1.6.

      The use of a grinding machine can significantly increase the speed of installation, especially since the sheets can be cut at 10 pieces at once. True, some skills are needed for cutting packs. This method of cutting allows you to get the desired geometric configuration, including an arc with a certain radius.

      We note some features of working with the grinder:

      • The sheet during cutting is exhibited on lining, placing them at a certain distance from the surface of the Earth or the table, where the cut is performed. Otherwise, the disk will "chain" for it and at the same time either raises the cloud of dust, or the desktop will deteriorate;
      • If a small Bulgarian is used for cutting a profile with deep grooves, then the sheet does not work to the end - it will have to flip over to the other side. Therefore, when choosing a grinder, you should consider what should be the maximum disk diameter to complete the cutting of the sheet installed on the lining, in one pass.

      Scissors for professional flooring

      If you are looking for than cutting professional flooring, if you need to cut down thin stripes, then you need special scissors. The tool edges are perfectly sharpened, which allows you to cut a sheet across the wave.

      The cutting of the material along difficult the features of the structure of metal products, its greatest flexibility in the longitudinal direction.

      Scissors for cutting professional flooring make it easy to cut the material, without damaging the protective coating. When using them, I can remain uneven cut, which when installing the roof will block the neighboring professionalist.

      Manual scissors

      They are used if you need a figured cutting of a profiled sheet or the volume of upcoming works are small. This tool, which is also inexpensive, allows you to form roofing elements of a complex configuration. Manual scissors of different models differ in such parameters as

      • cutting edges;
      • The configuration of the blade - it can be direct or bevelled;
      • Design, say, the presence of a mechanism of fixation and another.

      The material during cutting is installed on the platform that is collected from bars. Their quantity should ensure distance from the surface of the floor (land) to the platform should be enough to prevent noise of scissors.

      To begin with, the pumping cuts and check how deformed the edges of the sheet are.

      Only then proceed to the final processing of the professional flooring.

      High scissors

      For greater accuracy, cutting scissors are used. They work on the principle of office holes, punching point holes with a small diameter. In the process of working with this instrument, metal products hold on weight. The working head of the tool is inserted into the hole, it is pre-form using drill. Metal makes himself a punch. To bring it in motion a fairly simple press on the handle. After the formation of each hole, the working part of the scissors continues to move in the direction of the cut.

    When choosing a professional flooring, special attention is paid to its length - to avoid transverse joints, it should exceed the size of the roofing slope. Due to this, it is possible to improve the roof protection against moisture penetration, as well as simplify the procedure for its laying. In case of exceeding, the material is adjusted - clipped according to the desired parameters.

    Short sheets of professional flooring is better placed horizontally rows, starting from below and reach the skate. Not depending on the choice of direction (right to left or vice versa), the subsequent sheets are put on top of the previous ones and are attached to the crate.

    Where there is a docking of sheets on the skates, the lowering level should be at least 200 mm, and bituminous sealant is applied over the junctions.

    Those who perform the installation of roofing material themselves should take into account that there should be a small gap (20-40 mm) for ventilation of the undercoal cake between the handset and thermal insulation layer. Next to the skate and on the next 1.5 meters from it, the sheets must be attached double fasteners, that is, not only to the crate, but also to run.

    When repairing the roof of any design, the sheets should be placed in parallel eaves with a batter of 40 mm, that is, the leaf should still be frightened to it.

    Neighboring nearby sheets are attached with one self-tapping screw. When laying a roofing coating, as well as when fitting the material for the necessary parameters, you need to be extremely neat so as not to damage the protective sheet sheet. If, at the end of the installation work, large skes are noticeable, the metal cutting cutting is performed to remove excess material.

    How to fix the professional flooring?

    Material when laying on a wooden crate is attached by self-drawing at the rate of 6-8 fasteners per 1 kV. m.

    Also follow some of the well-known rules:

    It is not recommended to screw the screws "hijling", so the hole is drilled by a drill with an increase in the diameter by 0.5 mm from the value of the self-press. The mount should be made strictly at a right angle with a tight pressed sheets to the crate. If you need some changes, you should decide in advance how to bend professional flooring, because at this stage the design is shifted, or the seal is shifted, then the through hole is formed when attaching a self-built.

    For convenience, twist the screws can be screwdrome or drill. Screws are made of a special material, so they are easily attached to a metal crate.

    It is forbidden to navigate the nails professor, because with strong gusts of the wind they easily come off. If you need to shorten the length of the sheet, then you can use a grinder into which a special disk is inserted for cutting a corrugated floor, and avoid gas cutting and welding of material.

    Features of fastening of material in hard-to-reach areas:

    • Where professional flooring is stacked near the vertical surfaces (pipes, walls), butt plates are mounted.
    • The design of the skate element must also be securely fixed using the seal.
    • When laying the coating with a thickness of up to 0.7 mm in order to avoid random damage to the roof, you will need wooden frames and special shoes, it will not be superfluous and a rig for metal products that is offered on the market along with the other components.
    • At the final stage, professional flooring is cleared of garbage, chips, scratches and cuts are stained.
    • After 3-4 months, check the quality of the fastening of the screws, if necessary, pull them out.

    Technology cutting professional flooring

    According to the structure, professional flooring is similar to a tin sheet, but has some features in the installation technique, in particular, it concerns questions about how to bend metal and correctly cut it.

    Since the material consists of a metal base and a special protective coating against corrosion exposure, then during its cutting, it is necessary to ensure the integrity of this layer.

    When choosing a method of sawing the coating, its stability is taken into account only to low temperatures, that is, it will take a cold method of cutting. As a rule, it can be scissors for cutting professional flooring and other tools that will be convenient to the developer and will be able to comply with the requirements.

    Naturally, cutting with plasma, autogen and other similar tools is not suitable due to the high temperature of work. The same applies to abrasive methods that destroy and harb material in cuts.

    So, what is optimally suitable for cutting professional flooring:

    1. Hoven for metal is the safest tool for working with a professional flooring. Despite the fact that the entire procedure will be performed manually, it does not spend a lot of time, because the material is easily cutting, while the protective coating remains intact. The disadvantages of such technology include only the inconvenience of working with complex forms, which requires a special table.
    2. If you need to get more complex curvilinear forms, then it is better to find a jigsaw anything. The tool can be both electrical and manual. The electrolovik contributes not only to the simplification of the process, but also the rapid cutting of the sheets of the desired size, considering the original.
    3. In the building materials market, hand and electrical scissors are offered for professional flooring, which, although they do not enjoy in great demand among professional masters, but perfectly cope with the task when cutting metal sheets. Since it all depends on experience, newcomers can be disappointed in this instrument due to the formation of uneven edges of the material. You can correct the situation, covering such an edge as the next sheet.
    4. An indisputable advantage of all listed methods for processing the material is cutting with the help of a grinder, but not with an abrasive disk, as already mentioned earlier, but with a special disk for a profile. It will also help in those cases, if you do not know how to make an arch from metal products, and how to use the tool.

    The disk provides a thin and delicate cutting, which is achieved through the use of a strong alloy for its production. Durable teeth do not break and do not be bent even with long-term work with the metal.

    As soon as the tool is selected, you can go to the description of the cutting process of the corrugation. It should be noted that even professional builders cannot preserve the integrity of the protective layer, which is why the life of the material is significantly reduced.

    The equipment that was described above contributes only to a decrease in the destroyed area. Recovery material is not subject to restoration, especially if professional flooring is bent, but to reduce the adverse effects, it is possible to cover the location of the cut by anti-corrosion and moisture-resistant composition.

    How to cut a barrage made up, look at the video:

    After completing the cutting and processing of the roofing sheet, it is painted with factory paint, which, as a rule, is included with the material. If such was not discovered, you can buy paint in the canister in accordance with the roofing texture. This method of protecting seams from negative factors is even easier and more convenient than traditional staining.

    Observing the basic rules of work with the professional flooring, including laying and fastening, as well as cutting and handling of sheets, one can achieve a good result in the form of high-quality and reliable roofing (read: "").