Walking home plant. Ampel flowers for accommodation in Kashpo and their names

Many of us would like to decorate the walls of the house, the terraces, arbor hanging flower beds. We will help you to decide which flowers to put in a porridge on the street, because decorative plants relate differently to the level of lighting, watering, the neighborhood with other colors and care. Create in miniature the hanging gardens of the semi-amides, which the inhabitants of the ancient Babylon were so proud of, simply: it is enough to have a desire and some information. And seeds, seedlings and facilities for the care of plants will not be discussed.

PHOTO 1. Achimens is well carred into the porridge and blooms from the summer until the middle of the autumn.

Plants in suspended porridge with hanging garlands of colors please the eye, create a pleasant atmosphere, do not occupy a lot of space and mobile (if necessary, it is easily transferred to another place). That's just not all the flowers look good at the height, because we look at them from below.

Therefore, preference is given to climbing and falling plants.

True, for a more interesting color composition in the middle you can arrange low-spirited bush flowers.

Choose Flowers for Cachepo

The most common colors for porridge are:

Photo 2. Alissa is distinguished by very abundant flowering and gentle aroma.

  1. Achimenes (photo 1) - a gorgeous ampel plant with large funnel -ide flowers, which can be white, red, skiing-blue, purple, depending on the variety. Flowering period: from June to October.
  2. Alissa (photo 2) creates the impression of the colors hat. It has a wide variety of colors and a nice sweet scent.
  3. Balzamine (photo 3) is a completely unpretentious plant, but pleases its admirers all summer abundant blossoms in orange, bright red, pink, purple and snow-white tones.
  4. Begonia. Her ampels differ in the variety of paints, there are even two-color begonias. Prefers shaded areas.
  5. Pelargonium plusized. Her shoots can reach 1 meter, and bright inflorescences are at their ends. Very spectacular plant.
  6. Calibaho is used both as a monoculture, and in compositions with other plants. In the porridge looks like a gripped green ball with small fluffy flowers. Very loves warmth and light.
  7. Lobelia (photo 4). You will enchant her tender cornflower-blue flowers. More often it is used to create fragrances, but also the porridge only with ampel label looks very impressive. You can find lobelia with red, white and purple flowers. With its cultivation, one secret is used: the tops at an altitude of 2.5 cm should be segged.
  8. Nasturtium. Her sunflowers make a positive in our gray weekdays. Soothes can reach 2 meters, so it is very suitable for creating a "blooming wall" on the street. Nasturtium is a healing plant, and she also protects against pests.
  9. Petunia is the first in popularity of the flower for use in Kashpo. Its leaves are so magnificent that the kashpo is not viewed through them, but the visibility of a soaring green cloud is created with filled with flowers. The manifold of its shades allows you to create all imaginable and inconceivable color compositions.
  10. Fuchsia. Her hybrid varieties are perfectly combined with other plants, creating unique floral compositions. Favorite plant for decorating arbors and balconies.

Not only flowers can be planted in Kashpo. Strawberries perfectly feels in unusual conditions and even fruit. Only watering it should be more often than that that grows on the garden.

Comerate floral compositions

Photo 3. Balzam is a very unpretentious flower, it is enough to water once a week.

In the preparation of spectacular flower compositions in one porridge, the flowers should land, equally needing in the sunlight and watering. So, for example, the half love lobelia, nasturtium, pelargonium, Buckop, Ipomea, Code and Sansia. If the sun falls on the plot in the morning and in the evening, then you can combine begonias, balsamines, fuchsias and claysses. But it is not necessary to plant a balsamine and a surfing nearby.

From the bush species in a limited space, velvets, Verbena and Viola feel perfectly.

Ampelnaya petunias will be perfectly looking at Verbena, Pelargonia Zonal, Fuchuy, Balsamin, Lobelia, as well as ivy, Zelenchuk and Burdy Plushemal. For example, it seems to be inimitable, porridge with a cap from blue labelia and with falling down and put on numerous pink-colored pieces of deregularia.

Win in the overall impression of the composition from Calibao with ivy, Verbena, Lobelia, Fuchsia and Pelargonia Plusiness.

Do not forget about the main rules of suspended compositions: closer to the center of Casca there are plants with straight stems, and around the perimeter - falling species.

Showing a fantasy, any corner of a garden or dacha can be turned into a blooming oasis. With the help of a variety of cass, green walls, vases can achieve the effect of a bizarre garden that can surprise and delight the variety of color shades and aromas.

Some tricks for growing flowers in Kashpo

Photo 4. Lobelia is well suited for mounted cakes.

To create a suspended flower beds, ordinary garden land due to its gravity and rapid sealing from irrigation is not suitable. It is better to purchase a special soil mixture, preferably floral, which includes agroperlit.

Distance when landing depends on the selected colors. Better to focus on recommendations on bags with seeds, slightly reducing distance. If the flowers in Kashpo are supposed to be located in the shade, the landing can be more dense.

For normal conditions of watering from the surface of the soil mixture to the edge, the pot must be at least 1-2 cm. Watering plants is made daily, and on hot days - twice. Ampel plants speak well to spray them with water.

So that young shoots grow uniformly, you need to change the position of Kashpo once every 2 weeks towards the Sun.

Supporting plants (root and extractive) must be regular. In limited space, plants are especially sensitive to nutritional lack. Comprehensive floral feeders and hydrogel, holding moisture in the soil help them.

So that decorative plants in Cachepo did not lose attractiveness and continued to delight you with the violet of paints and greens, you need to pinch the elongated shoots and delay the dry flowers in a timely manner.

As you can see, the breeding of flowers in Cachepo is not a lesson for lazy. However, it is worth it: the effect of suspended flower compositions is achieved stunning.

In this article you can familiarize yourself with the catalog of the best indoor plants, their photos and names. Here are the exact descriptions of the set of indoor plants, as well as tips for the care of them. This catalog will allow you to choose a home plant, which is suitable for the criteria.

Houseplants are convenient the fact that wherever you live, in a private house, apartment or even a hostel, you can always raise a small flower in a pot.

After reading this article, you will get acquainted with the variety of indoor plants. You can also choose something suitable for you and your home, thanks to a large list with photos of room colors.

Classification of indoor plants

All domestic plants can be divided into 4 groupsEach of which is distinguished by its features and characteristics. Groups:

Top - 5 most unpretentious room flowers

Such plants are ready to forgive their owners their employment, a constant shortage of time, continuing to grow on joy. The main thing is to initially create the required conditions: if they are shadowless, you can settle in the rooms, windows overlooking the north, light-minded - in the solaries, ensure periodic irrigation.

- A very interesting room flower-tree, growing up to 60 cm high, belongs to the kind of succulents, has a fleece trunk, in which moisture accumulates about the supply, so frequent watering is not needed.

When adenium blooms, it is beautiful - the branches of the plant are ripe with flowers resembling something mean between lilies and roses of white, light pink or mixed color. It is placed on light windows, protecting from direct sunshine, the lack of watering indoors is easier than, while on the street.

Blooming Calanete

- Another of the beautiful blooming succulents, ready to grow in the "Spartan" conditions, without providing the owners. Quietly tolerates the reduced moisture content of the room, are not demanding to the composition of the soil, short-term drying to them experience easier than abundant watering.

It is desirable, of course, stick to the periodicity of watering, 1 or 2 times a month to feed Calanchoe with comprehensive fertilizers to ensure that abundant flowering is possible.

It is important! Calanchoe will suffer from the oversupply of fertilizer, especially during the cold months of the year, with fertilizer watering should be followed by the principle: it is better to undermines than to convey.


- Although the flower has an additional name "Women's Happiness", but courageously transfers the lack of humidity of the premises, ready to put up with scattered lighting, can do without irrigation to the week and more.

When his leaves begin to push, the spathifylum is satisfied with a slightly cool dumping in the shower room, it quickly moves away, continues to grow. Responsive for watering 2-3 times a week, actively go, blooms with beautiful white flowers similar to calila on high thin legs.


- fast-growing flower, does not capricious with slightly inappropriate temperatures. Flowers like this unpretentious, beautifully blooming plant, and breeders are actively working for them, annually with all new hybrids of the Decembrist, blooming orange, coral, lilac shades, so that two or three times the plant blooming two or three times for the year, it is enough to provide him with space with scattered light and watering As the upper bed of the soil linked.

- undemanding, easily breeds, also blooms all year round with the most different shades - it is one of the most popular room colors. A plant for long-term flowering is quite bright light just a few hours per day, they will be ready to accept it if it is determined to the far corner. After the lack of moisture in the vazon does not start, relieve only the bottom leaves, reducing the evaporation area. With sufficient irrigation, the leaves return their elasticity, it is desirable that the soil is wet constantly.

Curly room lianas

With the help of climbing room plants used in vertical landscaping, due to their flexible long stems there is an opportunity to create unique interior compositions and decorate their home. Liana do not occupy a lot of space, as they can be given to their dense-abutting stems, they are tested to the support, allowing the ability to noise, creating a rainforest atmosphere.


- Liana with interesting, inimitable beautiful complex colors, real exotic in room crop production. It is impossible to describe it with words, so unusual flowers at the plant.

What is surprising, this multi-meter liana is easily leaving, quickly grow up, relatively unpretentious, likes to enter sunlight, requires annual trimming. The blooming flowers live just one day, but they bloom new ones. If passiflorore create suitable conditions, it will throw it enough to fall in love with her flowers.

It is important! Skes of passiflora must necessarily need supports, with their help stalks are sent to the desired side: the stalks are quickly treated, it is important not to miss this period.

- Also very beautiful liana, blooms with lilac or white flowers resembling bells. The plant looks very decorative, quickly grows up to 5 meters, but in the first year it does not bloom intensely, gaining strength for the future season.


- Overseas miracle, curly flower with dark glossy leaves and white, as if porcelain colors in the shape of asterisks. If behind Stefanotis, it is properly to care, his liana grows up to 6 m, densely abusive vacations can be placed vertically using a wall lattice, decorating windows, walls, from several colors you can arrange a kind of scent. In the heat likes to water and irrigated, the winter months prefers content in the coolness.

Thomson Clerodendrum

- Powerful, rapidly growing and original blossoming liana, the flower also has beautiful large leaves of emerald color, so it is worthy to decorate anyone, even the most exquisite home interior.

Clerodendrum's scourge grows constantly, they have to be quenched from time to time to somehow limit in growth (if the size of the room is required). For even greater decorative, the flower can build supports in the form of a pyramid or arch, a ball, and send shoots along them, fixing them.

Cleodendrum lighting need scattered, watering - very frequent, up to several times a day to compensate for moisture, which foliage evaporates.

The most persistent and not perturbed ampel bedroom plants

A group of ampels combines the presence of a flexible long stem, which will be fluttered over the surface or spotting support. Mix three types of ampels:

  • succulents;
  • blooming;
  • decorative deciduous.

Most of them are brought from hot countries with a dry or humid climate, you need to correctly choose the place of their permanent location so that adaptation to the local room conditions is less painful for them. Creating conditions close to natural, the flower plant will have a chance to have a beautifully growing and developing plant in his house.

It is important! From the moment of the start of the bootonization of ampella flowers, except for watering, no longer conduct no care procedures.

For symmetric development of the plant, it is advisable to periodically rotate with different sides to the light, the more often it is to do, the appearance of the plant will be harmonious.

Hoya Carnose

(Wax Ivy) - A sample of decoratedness, does not disappear even in the northern rooms, due to the ability in multiple leaves to accumulate a sufficient stock of moisture, quietly for months costs without watering. Transplants in new vases are needed only when there is very little place in the former pot.

With normal care - light, watering ordinary and with the addition of nutrient elements - very beautiful, with dense falling weaves covered with umbrella inflorescences.


- One of the most simple and unassuming care, can survive on the closet in the far corner of the room, where it almost does not get sunlight, bypassing for a long time without watering. It can safely transfer an excess of moisture, draft or foolot.

Only it is unlikely to start a flower to create extreme conditions to him, let it be better minimal, but care:

  • every 7-10 days watering watering water;
  • once every 2 weeks feeding;
  • periodic reassessions on time;
  • preferably rare bathing under the shower.

It is important! The fact is that chlorophytum (which is understandable from the title) - an excellent absorber of all harmful substances in the air so that the process of cleansing is intensively, the surface of the chlorophyteum leaves is better to contain clean.

Flowers of plants are formed at the edges of long shoots, in shape resemble white little stars.

Fuchsia ampelnaya

- Elegant, cheerful, as if illuminating around himself the space by descending whole cascade with stems, on the edges of which bright flowers are located. Fuchsia has a long period of flowering, almost half a year she is ready to give joy and mood.

The plant can grow in a half, care for many varieties is simple, which does not require the cost of strength and time. It will be very elegant to look in the suspended baskets and porridge, the two-color fuchsias look especially charming.


Catalog of room colors

Consider the names related to the decorative-deciduous, which appreciate the beautiful leaves, as well as decorative-blooming, capable of boasting beautiful bloom.

This is a shrub that attracts its exotic appearance. He has a rosette of leaf with straight stems, turning over time in the barrel. Depending on the type and age can reach three meters. Leaves of this home plant juicy green outfit. Drazena with proper care in indoor conditions will be able to exist up to 15 years. Types of drazes:


Refers to coniferous cultures. Not demanding in care, it is easy to fit in a new place. He is very light and not afraid of sunlight. In case of insufficient illumination, the cypress may die. Does not tolerate drafts and strong wind, but the room where it grows is required to venture regularly.

The plant loves moisture, so it should be sprayed, also near the pot you can put the tank with water. Cypress it is necessary to regularly water, Watching this every day to prevent the dryness of the soil. In winter, it is possible to water at least less often in order to prevent the root rotting.

Kiparis in May - September needs feeding fertilizers. It can be purchased in specialized stores.

Decorative-flowering indoor plants love due to fine colors. They are also among themselves differ in appearance, according to the requirements for the care, by smell. Examples of decorative flowering: SENPOLIA, ACACTION, ANTURIUM, and others.


These indoor flowers are almost perfect, because they bloom almost all year round, mostly, without occupying a lot of space on the windowsill. Colors colors setThere are both tender shades and bright screaming. So that violets bring joy to their blossoms need to create the necessary conditions. Senpolyma care rules:

  • observe the temperature at which SENPOLIA is growing, is 21-22 0s.
  • saintpolia do not tolerate drafts.
  • great on windowsill with Western and East side.
  • watering is produced by the water and in the pallet or so that the water does not fall on the leaflets.
  • watering to exercise as the soil grain.

Bottom leaflets and blended flowers are broken. If in the spring of SENPOLIA gave the second outlet, then it must be cut and put it into the water.


He has a shortened stem that can be overhead or underground. Listers of green color, reaching the lengths of 15 cmand widths of 7 cm. Flowers are a variety of color. Anthurium Care Rules:


This is a basic indoor plant with a short root. Views:

  • spathifulum cannoliste - it differs from the other species of the beautiful flavor of the flower. He is juicy green. Flowers spring-winter period.
  • spathifulum abundantly, can bloom throughout the year.
  • spathifulum Willis is perfect for growing in room conditions.
  • Spathifylum Heliconieline - large enough, reaches a height of up to 1 m.

Spatiflow care rules:

  • the room culture suits the scattered light, because the straight rays of the sun cause burns on his leaves.
  • heat-loving plant. In the summer, the temperature is needed - from 18 to 25 0s. In winter - no less than 14 0s.
  • does not tolerate drafts and cold air.
  • watering to exercise as the upper layer of soil drying up, in the spring and summer period to water abundantly, and in the fall and in winter it is reduced only once a week.

Houseplants, photos and names of which you see below, belong to the decorative-flowering potted type. Difference from the previous species The fact that such indoor flowers will be able to spend only a short period of time in residential areas. If the plant begins to flex, the days of this flower are already considered.

Only some of their views can be saved. Therefore B. farming of plants throw out some preserve, Moving them in a coolness, while others can be saved in the form of bulbs until the next landing.

The shortness of life of such cultures is the most important drawback. These include flowers such as Azalea, Chrysanthemum, Puancetia, Gloxinia.


It is considered an evergreen branchy beautifully mixing dwarf plant. Views of statione Azali:

  • azalea Indian. The height of this ever-green bush is up to 50 cm, the leaves are small, not more than 3.5 cm.
  • azalea Japanese reaches a height of 50 cm, it is with white shiny leaves, which is smaller than the previous one.

Basic rules for care of room azalia:

  • she is perfectly suitable windowsill on the east side. The main thing must be remembered that the light should be scattered.
  • it is not a warm-loving, therefore, 15-18 degrees are sufficient, and when the temperature is bootonized, the temperature should be 5-6 ° C below.
  • it needs sufficient humidity, for this plant is sure to quite often spray slightly cool water from the spray. When Azalea blooms, it is necessary to spray neatly, as from water, tender flowers can darken, exit the situation with water placed around.
  • watering should be regular, abundant during flowering.
  • do not allow overflow to avoid rotting rotting.

Cacti is a separate area of \u200b\u200bindoor crops that delight the flower for their unpretentiousness.


A large cactus with a dark green stem in the shape of a ball or cylinder. The main thing honors from all other cacti is the presence of papillas from which needles appear. The roots are usually on the surface, only the root system in the center goes deep into the center. Cactus types Mammilia:

  • Mamilyariya Shid - miniature appearance, shape in the form of a bowl with a diameter of 4 cm.
  • Mummilia Large - this species is distinguished by its large sizes, up to 30 cm high.
  • Mammilia Snow Whole - also a fairly large look.
  • Mummilia Teresa - This type of cactus has very large flowers reaching 3 cm in diameter and, as a rule, they have a purple color.
  • Mummilia Kolyaches - This medium-sized cactus, more often not branched in the form of a cylinder.

Basic rules of care:

This is classic cactus with a stem in the shape of a ball, cylinder. The flowers have yellow, pink, white, red. Types of Lobivia:



Now koleus is at the peak of popularity as a decorative indoor and annual garden plant. Koleus became demanded after many of his varieties appeared with a variety of shape and coloring leaves. Koleus in appearance, resembles ordinary nettle, but only with beautiful velvety leaves, for which this plant is called "multicolored nettle".

Varieties of coleuce

In the new varieties of flashes, the leaves may be cuts that are expressed by wavy or gear edges. The color of the leaf of the coleut is striking the imagination, this is the brightest plant among the volatile houseplants. There are homogenous yellow-lemon to barded and almost black varieties of coles, or two, three-colored leaves with contrast residences, bright border and diverse stains, stripes, dots. Koleus beauty of their leaves elicite any flower on the windowsill or in the garden.

Many love Koleus for the ease of its cultivation, unpretentiousness and speed of growth. Flowers Koleus is incredibly, corpid inflorescences at the ends of shoots with small blue flowers usually remove so that they do not weaken the plant.


Dwarf tree kumkvat or Kinkan many grown at home as a fruiting citrus indoor plant. Kumkvat looks very attractive, it looks like a bonsai or a mini-tree in a pot with evergreen crown and small golden orange fruits.

The fruits of indoor kumquat can be eaten, unlike most citrus, they eat them together with the skin, it is soft, sweetish, with a strong refreshing aroma. Some of us in the winter during the ripening of Kumkvat prefer to buy instead of juicy sweet oranges and tangerines the small fruits of this citrus, which are not inferior to other citrus fruits in the content of vitamins and useful substances. In the fruits of Kumkvat, many vitamin C, essential oils and pectic substances, thanks to them, this fruit will protect you from the cold, will cure cough, remove the tension, stress, will increase the tone and improve the digestion process.

Growing at home Kumkvat Give you not only aesthetic pleasure, but also useful fruits. Motherland Kumquat is Southeast China. From Chinese Name of this plant means "Golden Apple".


Flowers Alstromeria Very similar to lilies, they are as large, bright, with silky petals with a pattern of speckle and long protruding from the center of stamens. Many call the Alstromeria Flowers "Lilia Incas", as it comes to this plant from South America, the mountainous regions of Peru and Chile. Flower stores sell alstromeria flowers in the cut, of which wedding bouquets often make up, but in the gardens or as indoor plants, alstromeria flowers are rarely growing due to a lack of knowledge of the care of this plant.

In total, the genus Alstromeria (Alstroemeria) Includes about 50 species of plants. Alstromeria has roots with thickens in the form of tubers, from the kidneys they grow up the reprehension of flexible stems covered with dark green lancetony leaves. On the top of each escape, loose inflorescence is formed, which can carry from 4 to 15 flowers. Alstromeria flowers depending on the type and variety can be white, yellow, orange, pink, purple color. Some flowers have 2-3 petals of another shade and drawing of specks or strokes.


Zamiculkas Zamielistic - Decoratively deciduous indoor plant, which many call it "Dollar Tree" and grown in the house as a symbol of well-being. Zamiculkas Zamieliste belongs to the family of the aroid, but in many respects differs from related plants to it - monsters, diffenbahia, alocation.

Long (up to 1 meter) Curved pasty leaves from Zamiculkas grow from underground tubers. The leaves at the base are thickened, and on the top of them, the brilliant regular leaflets with a pointed tip are contacted. Grounding, Zamiculkas forms a lush bush from unusual fan leaves, the original appearance and unpretentiousness of this plant made it popular among room plants.


Traditional indoor plants perfectly decorate the interior, but do not cause so much interest and attention as rare exotic flowers from the Bromelian family. Plants from this family at home rarely are rare, often use unpretentious species - gucksia, echume, tillandsia, but there is another no less effective bromelian plant with a decorative rosette of the leaves and the original inflorescence.

Rod Bilbergia (Billbergia) Includes about 60 species of plants, they all grow in southern and central America, like epiphytes on trees, snags, and on Earth or between crevices of stones on the slopes of rocks. This genus was studied by Swedish Botany Vilberg in the 18th century. Many types of Bilbergia are grown in botanical gardens, greenhouses, but there are endless species adapted to ordinary apartment conditions.


Unusual houseplants of exotic beauty attract the attention of many flower water and simply indoor plants.

Precious orchids

Precious orchids They are not grown for beautiful spectacular colors, these plants appreciate for unique leaves. Precious orchids are exotic plants, they are not often found in flower flowers, collectors grow them, providing them with special care and content.

Leaves of precious orchids They have a velvety surface, they can be light green or almost black, and leaf bodies look like sparkling golden, silver or reddish lines, as if the pattern was cast from precious metal - gold, silver or bronze.

At home, most often grown precious orchids from the genus Ludysia (Ludisia.) or hemaria (haemaria). These decorative deciduous orchids have become popular, as they are unpretentious, unlike orchids with velvety leaves from other childbirth. Ludius can grow even a novice flowerflower at ordinary homely near the rest of the room plants, and all other types of precious orchids require increased air humidity. The most common view - multicolored ludisia (Ludisia.discolor)it has several varieties with various colorful leaves from bright green to dark almost black.

Tetrasigm Vuan

Liana tetrastigm at homeit is not grown as often as other curly indoor plants - monster, phylodendron or sinonium. Perhaps the mass spread of the tetrastigm as a room plant did not receive due to fast and powerful growth. In natural conditions, the stalks of Liana can grow up to 50 meters in length, of course in the room the plant will not reach such sizes, but in a short period of time, many lush greenery increases.

Tetrastigm is more suitable for gardening spacious halls, lobby, offices than small rooms in the apartment. For landscaping of public premises, the wing plant of the tetrastigm is also recommended due to the fact that this liana is unpretentious, does not require the creation of special conditions and easy to care. The powerful rapid growth of the bounding shoots contributes to the vertical landscaping of the walls, the columns, you only need to direct them on stretched twine along the surface. Also, using the tetrastigm plant, you can create green screens that can serve as the separation of the room on the zones. Green corners in public premises create a favorable climate, contribute to the improvement of the emotional and physical condition of people.

Rowley Head "Green Beads"

"Emerald beads" - so called decorative room Plant Rowley Head. At first glance, "green beads" hanging from pots may seem artificial, in fact it is a living plant of succulent, which grows perfectly at home while complying with the rules in care and content, they are almost the same for all succulent plants.

  • Rodgone (Senecio.) Includes more than 1,500 thousand species of plants, they all relate to the family of comprehensive.
  • Since the bands are growing in different climatic zones, these plants are diverse in appearance, among them there are beautiful plants, unusual succulents, half-workers and small trees.
  • About 30 species of plants from this kind are used in decorative flower growing and indoor culture.

As a room potted plant, it received the greatest distribution, it is grown in an ampeline form in hanging baskets or on high stands, shelves so that the filamentous long stems covered with green beads loosely hung down.

Flower of the bride and groom

Curly room flowers

Among curly indoor plants There are many beautiful combating species, they can be used in vertical landscaping of the interior, spectacular flowers decorate long stems, directed by support or freely falling down when growing in ampel form.

We call the curly houseplants, which form long flexible stems.

  1. Liana in nature grow mainly in the forests, due to their form of growth, their long shoots rise up trees and branches, striving for sunlight.
  2. In our homes, there are often enough space for large bedroom plants, but curly flowers do not occupy a lot of space, and thanks to the long-pitched stems, they are well enliven and landslide the interior.
  3. Curly room flowers create a rainforest atmosphere in the house, which is associated with us with thick greens and hanging plants.
  4. When choosing a closing room plant, first examine the requirements in the conditions of detention and the care of each type.

Many lianas come from wet rainforests and require appropriate care, but there are unpretentious plants with long skewers, growing which even inexperienced flower water can grow.

Ginur - Flower "Blue Bird"

Ginura - Decorative Industrial Plantwhich is sometimes called the "blue bird". The leaves of this flower are covered with purple-purple hairs, such a omission gives the plant velvety violet shade, like a velvet tissue.

Decoratively deciduous plants with beautiful floods always attract attention, they create a feeling of softness and comfort. The spectacular giner with velvet chopping the original purple shade is a fashionable plant for decorating the interiors, its velor leaves are perfectly combined with rich fabrics and user drapery. The advantages of the indoor flower of the Ginuro complements the simple care and unpretentiousness of this plant during the cultivation at home.

Potted flower exam

Cute mini-flower bed forms on the windowsill potted Exam Plant. Flowers exam abundantly within three to four months all summer to autumn. Numerous small flowers with yellow anthers in the center, as sprinklers screens on the emerald greenery of the plant. Flowers are preserved for long, but due to the large number of newly generated new buds, flowering continues all summer. So that the beauty of the exam does not weaken, constantly remove the faded flowers and feed the plant with fertilizer for flowering plants. Exam flowers are white, blue and purple painting, they also have fragrant fragrance.

Genus exam (Exacum) There are about 30 species of grassy plants, but only one species is grown in indoor culture - pRESIDENT exam (E.affine).

This compact plant does not exceed 20-30 cm height, its stems are very branched, with proper chipboard, the plant forms a lush green hat. The stems are covered with brilliant oval leaflets with a length of 2.5 cm. Flowers are small in diameter about 1 cm, the brightness they give the speakers in the center of yellow stamens.

Dionee or Venus Mukholovka

Exotic connoisseurs often acquire amazing and original insectivore room plants. Unusual leaves has dionee or Venus MukholovkaThey ends with green trapping, similar to the indulgent mouth with sharp teeth, which literally catches insects.

Each continued dionee leaf, growing from the root, ends with two semicircular plates, with long sharp teeth along the edge, and inside they are covered with bristly hairs and produce fragrant nectar attracting insects.

  • The plates are connected by a mobile vestion when the insect, such as fly, sits inside the traps and touches the hairs, the records for a fraction of a second, locking their victim to the teeth.
  • After that, inside the gland trap, the corrosive fluid and the plant absorbs the necessary substances from the decomposing insect.
  • Digesting the insect, after a while the plant trap opens to catch a new prey.


Flowers violets Always and remain popular indoor plants. Indoor violets are small leaf outlets from velvety leaves, over which tender flowers bloom. Easy care for violets at home, light reproduction, as well as compact size and beautiful flowering - the main advantages of this room plant.

Flowers violet description.

In indoor culture, violets are grown for more than 100 years. The first exhibition of violets took place in 1893, where this plant was demonstrated in all its glory.

The birthplace of indoor violets is Eastern Africa, so the plant received the nickname "Uzambar violet". The Latin name of this Satepolia flower, given in honor of the Saint-Field, which brought pretty purple flowers to Europe from Africa.

In the homeland, violets grow under the shadow of the trees along the rivers along the rocky shores. Since among the stones a little fertile soil, these plants acquired with fleshy leaves, in which the stock of moisture accumulates, and the omission protects it from evaporation.


Philodendron You can consider the king of the room Lian. This plant is often used for vertical landscaping of interiors, directing a long Lian on the support, a grinder, a wall, or, placing a pot high, shoots drowned down as an ampel culture

Philodendrons were grown as a house plant in the Victorian era.

All types of phyloodendrons have spectacular leathery leaves, these plants can be divided into large and medium. Large-size philodendron with large leaves will look good as a single floor plant for decorating spacious room, lobby, winter garden. Filodendrons with medium and small leaves can be placed on the shelves, stands or in compositions with other room colors.


Potted flowers Kalanchoe All year round are sold in flower shops. Such a flower in a pot can be given instead of a bouquet and a plant will delight its mistress in bloom for several months, and with proper care, it will bloom in the second and for the third time.

  1. Kalanchoe family refers to the Tolstank family and includes about 200 species of succulent plants. Calanechoe are a relative classroom or money tree, crawls, Echeveria, Eonium.
  2. Types of calangean are diversified by appearance, there are plants that take wood shape or grow as ampel plants with hanging shoots.
  3. At home, several types of calangean are grown, they can be divided into the prescription on therapeutic species and decorative.
  4. Decorative types of calangean in turn are divided into decoratively deciduous and beautiful-flowering. Big popularity acquired blooming types of calangean, they are the topic of our article.

Tech flower Language or Sansevier

Flower "Techin Language", And in a scientific SanSewer lives in almost every home or office. This popularity has acquired such popularity thanks to its original beauty, and due to the incredible qualities of the survivability, this flower will grow even with the smallest care. Strengthening leathery leaves with a pattern of strips make this plant special, unusual, on associations there are other names of this flower - "sicky tail", "snake skin".

Botany still in the 17th century appropriated the name of Sanseviera, in honor of the Italian Count Sanseviero, who had a large collection of these plants.


Room Flower Wallota Looks like a beautiful Lily, blooming at the end of the summer - early autumn, so sometimes it is called "Autumn Lily". Bright coloring and beautiful Cupoid form of colors causes admiration. Many flower products know Vallota as a beautifully mixing perennial indoor plant, unpretentious at home and easy to care.

This bulbous plant is a relative of Amarillis, also has a seasonal development cycle associated with a change in conditions in a natural habitat. The homeland of this plant is South Africa, where the dry and cool season is replaced by a warm rainy period, during which there is a growing bulb.

Rod has only one species - vallota beautiful (Vallotta.speciosa) or Wallow Purple (V.Purpurea.). At home, this flower is grown from the 17th century. Natural colors of valve colors bright red or purple, now you can buy a variety with white, pink and red with a white center with flowers.



Aihrison (Aichryson) - a room flower, otherwise the people are called the "love tree and happiness", is a small shrub from the Tolstanka family, a diameter of 20 - 30 cm, reaching a height of 30 cm.

In nature grows in the cracks of the rocks, in most cases on the Canary and Azores, as well as the island of Madeira. One species is found in Portugal, and in Morocco. The total number of species is about fifteen.

A distinctive feature of Aiihrizon is the form and shape of its leaves - succulent, fleshy, dark green, covered with a fly, with white short hair, they seem to be in the fur coat. For the unusual form of leaflets, reminiscent of hearts, two beautiful folk names attached to it - "Love Tree" and "Tree of Happiness".


Abutilon (Abutilon) is an unpretentious evergreen shrub of South American origin, a very popular as a pot or permanent plant. Belongs to the Malvacea family (Malvaceae). This indoor flower can be used as a miniature bonsai tree.

  1. Biological description of Abutloron "Abutilon" translated which is important as a "giving shadow".
  2. The name "Room Clay" justifies its Russian name, as it has very similar leaves with maple.
  3. Multiple hybrids are found with the most unusual finger-omese leaves.
  4. As a rule, they are strongly cut, green painting, most often rough, not smooth.
  5. Elegant stripes, yellow strokes, white spots so bizarrely cover the sheet plate that sometimes it is impossible to notice the background on which they are located.

Flowers are more or less large, the bell-shaped shape is very interesting, terry or semi-world, may be simple, being hybrid origin, are already far from natural orange coloring. They can be solitary or pairwise, but always drooping flowers having long flowerwomen.

The abutilon of wild species is the raw material for the production of ropes and hemp, burlap from the fibrous mass, so another peopol name of this plant is a "cannket".

And one more interesting property of the plant: large sheet plates evaporate a lot of moisture, which allows you to increase the humidity and improve the microclimate in the room.


Aglionma (Aglaonema) - a bushy houseplant related to the ARAID family (ARACEAE). The origin of Southeast Asia (from Northeast India to New Guinea). For the first time, this decorative flower of Aglarion was found in the forests of Malaysia at the end of the XIX century. Most species are distinguished by the vitality and the ability to adapt to the most, at first glance, not suitable conditions for growth and development.

The name of the genus "Aglaonema" translated from Greek means "aglaia" - "shine" and "NEMA" - "stych" - due to the presence of shiny stamens in individual species. About one and a half years ago, Aglaionma (Aglaonema Schott) was first described by the Austrian Botany and director of the famous Vienna Botanical Garden H. Schott.

  1. Aglanion is valued due to beautiful ornamental motley leaves, having an intricate drawing (see photo). This plant is very similar to the Diffenbachy.
  2. By purchasing Aglanoma for home flower growing, you can be sure that it will always please the eye with freshness of green leaves.
  3. The plant's care is very simple, it is not completely demanding about lighting, so even a beginner flower industry will successfully cope with its cultivation.
  4. More demanding to lighting - multiple shapes with a plurality of light silver spots, for example A. 'Silver Queen', A. 'Silver King', A. 'Maria Cristina'.


  • BEGONIA (Begonia L.)
  • Begonian family (Begoniaceae).
  • Motherland: Tropics and subtropics of Asia, Africa and America.

There are many types of begonias and they are all beautiful in their own way. These are perennial, grassy plants or low semi-stabiliques with bright colors, diverse in shape and coloring stems and leaves that have several beds shape. Begonia forms flowers incorrect, same-sex, single-dollar. Neeval perianth leaves, brightly painted; Fruit - box. Most of them bloom all summer, but when creating good home conditions, begonias can bloom in autumn and even in winter.

The classification of the begonia is very interesting, which can be divided into groups, each of which implies a certain method of reproduction, common, combining into groups of their signs (albeit different types), and therefore it is easy to determine in what care is one or another home begonia in need ( See the example of a domestic and foreign classification).

Gardenia - Jasmine Beauty

GARDENIA (Gardénia) is a surprisingly beautiful tropical plant from the Marines family (Rubiaceae). Received its name at the end of the eighteenth century in honor of the American botany Alexander Garden and, thanks to his beauty, the love and admiration of the amateur flowers of the time won.

It is not surprising that already in the nineteenth century, Gardenation could be found not only in her homeland in the rainforests, but also the gardens, the greenhouses of the United States, England, Scotland. She even began to be called a "petty flower", because beautiful white or creamy flowers of Gardenia were very often decorated with a loop of fructs and tuxedo gentlemen. True, in the twentieth century, Gardenia for some reason was not popular. But now this beautiful flower again gained attention and recognition of indoor plants. But that the Gardenia in our homes and gardens remains as beautiful as in his homeland, you need to get acquainted with it ...


HIBISCUS (Hibiscus) - extensive genus of plants from the Malvic family (Malvaceae). Includes from 150 to 200-220 species growing mostly in Southeast Asia - Indonesia, South China, Haiti Islands, Fiji, Sumatra, Java, Sri Lanka. Rod wears an ancient Greek name rose rose Alcea Rosea L.

As a rule, Hibiscus is evergreen or leafy shrubs and trees, but there are also perennial and annual herbs.

  1. Among them are wild and alignment plants. There are luxurious copies of foreign hybrid hibiscus, well-known in different countries of the world.
  2. For a big love for moisture in America, one of the species is called "Swamp Mall".
  3. There they form whole thickets on wet floodplain meadows, lush-covered with flowers.
  4. Hibiscus has many names - carcade, red rose, red sorrel, ox, Kenaf, Rosa Sharon, Malva Venice, Chinese Rosan.
  5. The Chinese rose has become one of the spectacular indoor plants that can be grown in large pots or beautiful vases.
  6. Charming single flowers are simple, semi-grade or terry - can reach 16 cm in diameter. The color color spectrum is very diverse: from bright red and raspberry to orange and yellow.


Kislitsa (genus oxalis) - an extraordinary simplicity of a plant, which in nature forms the cover of a shady wet forest, and indoors are a room flower, resembling a flock of butterflies sitting on the window. For a peculiar form of a sheet, personifying the Holy Trinity, the Irish chose a shadower (acids leaf) as a national symbol and placed on their coat of arms.

The birthplace plants are the tropics and subtropics of all continents. Today, the dense thickets of acids can be found in the forests of South America, Africa, Southern Europe, as well as in the fir forests of the middle strip of Russia. Jesters - a plant with an acidic taste of the leaves, which in the people is also called the bold cabbage. And really, the leaves of the acidic contains the salts of oxalic acid, rich in carotine, vitamin C and edible ... - "Hare Kapustka"

This herbal one-year or perennial plant belongs to the family of acidic, numbering about 800 species of sourness. Today, some kinds of acids are cultivated as indoor plants: to. Depend, to. Marzius, to. Ortgis.

Leaves in the form of hearts, the next, most often troops on long stems. Their color varies from green to brown-red, with an unusual pattern, sometimes two-color. Collections of acids forms from April to October with regular five-meteless or star flowers of various colors.


Monster (Lat.monstéra) - Having worn decorative liana, simply called our plax, the genus of the Aoid family, has long been decorated with our interiors as a soliter. In favorable conditions, especially in winter gardens, the plants of the Monster can reach 3-5 m in height (see photo).

Motherland - Tropical forests of South and Central America. In the south, the area covers almost the entire territory of Brazil, and in the north includes the Yucatan peninsula and most of the territory of Mexico. In the XIX century, Monster was brought to Southeast Asia and was successfully introduced there.

At the beginning of the XVIII century in Europe, there were legends about gigantic killer plants that are found in South American Debries. Thanks to such legends, Monster was named, in Latin "MONSTRUM" - "monster". According to some other data, the name "Monster" comes from the Latin "MONSTROSUS", i.e. "Amazing", "fancy".


  • Family: Cywea (onagraceae).
  • Motherland: Tropics of the New World.

An elegant plant is called a dancing flower or a ballerina, a "Japanese flashlight", and someone her flowers can resemble the flutter of exotic butterflies. Numerous lush flowers with beautiful "skirts" please us with bright colors throughout the summer - see photo Fuchsia ...

This extraordinarily popular and beautiful-flowing culture was bred by the French nerd by Charlel Plumiere in the distant 1695. But the name of his flower Fuchsia is obliged to German scientist - Dr. Leonart Fuchsu. In fact, the class of fuchsius comes from IV weeds.

Being brought from Chile to England at the end of the XVIII century, this subspecies was obulted and quickly spread over Europe. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, more than one hundred varieties and fuchsia hybrids differ in the size of flowers and their color is derived.


Hoya (HOTA) is one of the most common and fast-growing indoor blossoms Lian. Often grow it called "wax ivy", often not imagining that this is a plant. Hoya received its name in honor of Thomas Hoy's English gardener (English. Thomas Hoy, 1750-1822), which worked for the Duke of Northumberland for a long time, mostly in Oranges with tropical plants.

This is a big genus of evergreen tropical plants (lian or shrubs) with Milky Juice, the family of the Lasting, the origin of which is South and Southeast Asia, the West Coast of Australia, Polynesia. Most of Hoya species grows in a parel, using wood plants as a support.

This blooming Lian Hoya (Wax Ivy) has long been appreciated by gardeners, in particular at home in Australia, where many of its varieties were bred. Many are cultivated as decorative plants, but some species are so effectable, for example, like Hoya Macgillivrayi (Hoya Macgillivrayi). In my homeland, this is a powerful wound plant with juicy glossy evergreen leaves and beams of large cupid flowers, strongly smelling at night. With proper care, homely hauy blooms abundantly and long.



  • Aloe leaves:long, triangular, green, with a bluish chip. Aloe leaves Striped marble or with whiten pustulas, on a vertical stem, which forms some species forms a real barrel, or assembled into the root rosette. The edges of the leaves are smooth or with a tooth.
  • Aloe flowers:in summer, tubular, green, orange, yellow or red, collected in spikey inflorescences.
  • Aloe location:on bright, but not burning the sun.


  • Bifrenaria (lat. Bifrenaria)- Epiphyetic orchidsClose to Likastam. Bifrenaria (lat. Bifrenaria)- Epiphyetic orchidsClose to Likastam.
  • Bifranarium leaves:30 cm long, one at each pseudobulb. Pseudobulby bifrerenarium They have longitudinal grooves and pressed to each other.
  • Bifrene flowers:in spring, 1 or 2 fleshy, very fragrant flower with a diameter of 7 - 8 cm.
  • Bifrenery location:by the window, on the sun itself.


  • Oriental hyacinths (lat. Hyacinthus orientalis) - Perennial unpretentious bloomingbulbous plantsis grown at home for flowers.
  • Leaveshyacinths: 15 - 35 cm long, straight, slightly concave, light green.
  • Flowershyacinths: Large, up to 20 cm Inflorescences - Fragrant flowers-bells, diverse color, on a fleshy flowers.
  • Locationhyacintes: Eastern or North Window. Do not put on 1 m from the window.


  • Hippeastrum (lat. Hippeastrum) - Perennial flowering bulbous plants.
  • Leaves Hippeastrums: 30 - 50 cm long, light green, long, fleshy, arcuate, develop in pairs after the appearance of flowers.
  • Flowers Hippeastrumov: The bottom of the full bloom carries 2 - 4 funnel-shaped flower to 15 cm in diameter consisting of 6 petals, pink, white, bright red, two-color. Hippeastauramaflower 2 - 3 weeks.
  • Locationhippeastrumov: near the window, with shading from direct sunlight.


  • Top Cordilins (Lat. CordyLine Terminalis) -shrubs close to drazes. Cordilins of the topform the crown on the short trunk. The lower leaves fall out with age.
  • Cordolina leavesupper: Lanzetoid, dense, 25-40 cm long, with green, red, creamy and purple spots or strips depending on the species.
  • Flowers Cordolinatop: 10-year-old plants in summer you can see a long bloomer with white fragrant stars-flowers.
  • The location of Cordolinatop: cordolines of the topwith green leaves can stand in poorly illuminated places, color varieties require greater light.


  • Crocuses (lat. Crocus Hybrides) - These are small perennial tuberukovukovic bloomingplants. Crocusesit can be grown both at home and on the street.
  • Leaves Crocuses: Long, pointed, thin, white and green stripes, appear before flowers.
  • Crocus flowers:wide cups of 5 petals, with orange pestle and stamens, purple, blue, blue with white streaks, white, pinkish-lilac.
  • Locationcrocuses: near the light window.


  • Narcissus (lat. Narcissus) - bulbous early bloomingplants. Daffodss It can be grown both at home and in the garden.
  • Narcissus leaves: 15 to 60 cm long, narrow, reprehension, often slightly concave.
  • Daricissus flowers: On a long flexible flower, one or more flowers consisting of a tubular crown, surrounded by 6 dollars near the flower bed, forming the similarity of a whin, white or yellow. There are pink and orange flowers.
  • Locationnarcissus: Straight sun rays.

Rooms room

  • Rooms rooms (lat. ROSA)- branches

Flowers are a delightful creation of nature, capable of becoming a decoration of any home and plot. It is clear that you want to admire their beauty not only to owners of your own garden or house with a veranda, but also to residents of apartments. Therefore, on balconies and window sills, flowerfields can increasingly be seen vases and pendant pots with ampellace flowers. Choosing Ampel Flowers for Cachebo, many people are focused only in the photo and beautiful names, without thinking about the fact that a certain care is required for different types of plants. As a result, grow a healthy flower does not work. From this article you will learn what flowers are called ampels, what are their distinctive features and how to create a flowering corner at home.

Ampel plants with flexible and long stems are not able to stick in a vertical position. Because of this feature, such colors in nature are most often steaming on the ground, and at home they need a support or suspension. What are these plants won the hearts of flowerflowers?

  • One of the main advantages of ampel colors is their ability to grow rapidly and bloom throughout the warm season;
  • Such flowers can be grown almost everywhere: in the garden, on the open veranda, on the glazed balcony and even in the room on the windowsill;
  • Suspended pots do not occupy a lot of space and look beautiful from any angle. Such a flower garden will become an excellent interior decoration;
  • Some species can bloom even in the cold season, if creating greenhouse conditions for them. This is a glazed balcony or a living room;
  • Ampel plants often do not require constant careful care. For them, it is enough to create comfortable temperature conditions, not forget about watering and seasonal feeding.

In addition, these flowers have a very diverse color, so that any site with them will play with new colors.

Plants up to half a meter are considered short, they are used to create flowerms, borders, alpinarians. They are…


Ampels are distinguished by a huge variety of species. Among them are found both annuals and perennial cultures, growing in light or in the shade, drought-resistant and loving moisture. In general, they can be divided into three extensive groups.


Succulents have a property to store water in the tissues of leaves and stems. It is thick and dense, fleshy stems and leaves that distinguish this group of plants from the rest. In the care of succulents unpretentious, they do not need frequent watering, but they are lightheaded. Among ampel sukkulents are most common:

  • Sedum or Coid. The species of this plant are very much, it is unpretentious and distinguished by unusual forms. As an ampelnaya, you can use Morgan's cleans, burgito and others.
  • Aporokactus Pletoid or Cactus "Rat Tail". It can be originally tied up or leave the stems and. From afar, this plant resembles a green octopus tentacle;

Aporocactus Pletoid or Cactus "Rat Tail"

  • Woodwood Creek, distinguished by pale-red stems and dark green leaves with white streaks, is a popular indoor plant;
  • Rouley's sludge is distinguished by the fact that small "balls" grow on its stems, which can cover a very large area. It looks original on the windowsill and alpine slides;

Head Rouley

  • Ripzalis Cassut (empty) - a bright beam of greenery in a pot. They are good to decorate the pots on stands in the house, window sills and bar racks. Like all succulents, is unpretentious in the leaving plant.

Flowering plants

The most common blooming ampel plants are:

  • Fuchsia. Perennial with very unusual bright colors similar to openwork Chinese lanterns. This is a rather unpretentious indoor flower;
  • Pelargonium ampel or ampel geranium. Thanks to long flowering and ease of care, this flower is quite popular. Geranium loves heat, light, free space;
  • Achimens, another name is a circular divider. Similar to phlox or petunia flower with flexible stem. Observe the light mode for this flower, depending on the stage of its growth. It also requires regular abundant watering and compliance with room temperature;

Achimenes (trench-made)

  • Columnaya. This flower in the people was called "room orchid", despite the fact that he has nothing to do with orchids. Pretty demanding culture, without proper care, it simply will not bloom. She needs good lighting without hitting the leaves of direct sunlight, high humidity and absence of drafts. Flowers orange yellow and bright red flowers.
  • Petunia Ampelnaya or one of its Surfinia variety groups. It blooms plentiful with good lighting, withstands the temperature decay to zero degrees Celsius, but it is necessary to water it daily. Flowers of this plant are large, bright. It has many varieties of various shades, from dark purple to bright white, rather common is a gentle pink color of this plant. This is often found in the photo of summer flower. The light and thermo-loving plant prefers drum or sampling soils.


Decorative culture

Despite the fact that such ampels bloom are not clear, they have an unusual look and look perfectly in Kashpo:

  • Hanging zebrina (Tradesania). This name Zebrina received because of white and silver strips on the leaves. This striped plant combines dark purple, green and light colors and looks very unusual in Kashpo. His advantage is unpretentious, so the Tradecation is suitable even to novice flowers;
  • Crested or Kapsky chlorophytum. It is one of the most popular indoor plants. Lush bush long striped or green leaves looks great in the suspended pots. Flowers chlorophyteum with small flowers similar to lily, which makes it doubly unusual;
  • Ficus creep. This culture with saturated green leaves and elastic shoots almost does not require care than and deserves its popularity among room plants;

PlexTrans South (Scandinavian ivy)

  • Plextranus South, for his curly stems received the National name "Scandinavian ivy". Leafs of this plant are really similar to Ivy. Requires abundant diffused lighting and frequent irrigation;
  • Asparagus, also called asparagus. Light green shoots of this plant seem to be air clouds planted in flower pots. Demanding to light, but not capricious to temperature drops;
  • Dichondra ampel, often referred to as silver or emerald waterfall. Stunningly looks on the alpine hills, arches and walls of houses. A large number of small leaves on the branches of this plant, a cascade of descending from top to bottom, resembles a green waterfall.

We pick up

When choosing a place for seedlings of decorative crops at the cottage, as well as the optimal location of flower pots in the apartment, the features inherent in each of the types of ampel plants should be considered. For example:

  1. Shadowish plants are Balzamine Ampel, Ampel Viol Viol and Open Nolan;
  2. Not afraid of sunlight Petunia, Verbena, Bidensen and Moorish Binds;
  3. Moistureless - suthers, scene, indoor Balzamine and Dichondra;
  4. Transfer drought Verbena, Pelargonium and various succulents;
  5. Sustained to the gusts of the wind sink suspension.

It is also necessary to observe the rule for ampel plants, according to which it is impossible, for example, plant moisture plants along with succulents, and the teen-born with those that need bright lighting.

Alpine slide - a flower garden, personifying harmonious unity of living and inanimate nature. As in the real Alps, ...

Compositions from ampel colors you have at home

Ampel flowers for the garden need to plant on large raised flower beds, on the Alpine slides or put the pots with them on decorative stands. Best of all on the lawn or among the trees there will be gardens flowers in bright color, for example, red or blue. For growing on the street, it is practical to choose perennial plants.

Ampel flowers for the balcony are better to choose from annual species with a long period of flowering. For example, it can be ampel geranium, fuchsia, petunia, which is needed from late February to mid-March. Floral compositions of pastel shades will look at the glazed balconies and loggias. Exposing flowers on the balcony, also with a good option will have a pleasant fragrance.

Ampel flowers can decorate any corner in your home or garden. Especially original will look at Dichondra, Aspargus, or Rowley Headbands.

Ampel plants can also be used as vertical landscaping. For example, they will look great on the wall of the house or arbor. To do this, choose those types that are not required careful care.

Correctly causing and choosing suitable places for seedlings of ampel plants, you can make unique compositions that will please our bright flowering and beauty forms.

Original design of the garden using suspended porridge is becoming increasingly popular. Ampel flowers have not only a decorative appearance, but also poetic audible names: Surfinia, Gubastic, Verbena, Petunia, Lobelia. In this article - an overview of ampel plants for suspended compositions with descriptions and photos.

Flowering plants with long stems are not able to keep the weight of the green mass, so drip down or require support. High decorative qualities of these floral crops, flowering during the summer period, a variety of paintings and the uniqueness of the flower forms, allow landscape architects to widely use these plants to create unique garden compositions.

Very often, pendant porridge form from several types of ampel plants that replace each other in flowering timing. Plants with green leaves of different tones are selected, as well as volatile varieties of ampel plant. By making the colorful compositions in suspended porridge, it is necessary to choose blooming cultures in color - it is very important to achieve a harmonious combination.

Cachepo with bright colors will decorate any garden plot

Ampelized compositions can be decorated with open courtyard verandas, terraces, arbors. Cachepo with a drop-down cascade of bright colors in small cozy courtyards, patio, large gardens and urban parks.

Creating a picture of flowering hanging baskets, you can constantly update the garden design by changing the composition of the curly plants. The most unpretentious areas of the garden can be quite possible to revive with the help of a blossoming oasis of bright ampels. Winter gardens and insulated loggias decorate the blooming cascades of bright plants, which are well developing in warm rooms in winter.

Attention! Ampel plants are absolutely undemanding in care, even a novice flower descelon can cope with their cultivation.

Conditions for ampel cultures

After arranging outboard flowering gardens, it is very important to create suitable conditions for the ampel plants themselves, among which there are light-loving and shadowless varieties. Forming a suspended basket, it is important to choose cultures with similar cultivation conditions.

In bright Sun feels great lobelia, plus-pelargonium, verbena, dichondra. Petunia is a universal plant for vertical landscaping, the plant makes a bright light and a half.

Pelargonium plush-domed

For growing in the shade there are special cultures, the queen among whom is a begonia of the tuber. Ampel varieties of this plant with small leaves and huge colorful flowers, look perfect in any corner of the garden. Begonia can be planted not only in suspended porridge, the compositions of these plants are ideal for vases in high legs.

Council. Among the ampel cultures there are moisture types and drought-resistant. It is important to choose the components of a plant variety of plants, taking into account this aspect.

It is impossible to plant ampel cultures on windy places - the leaves and petals are quickly losing a fresh look and lose decorativeness. It is best to have decorative kashpo under the protection of walls of buildings or decorative landscape structures.

It is very important to choose the right to choose the height of the laying of blooming pendants - they should not interfere with the movement of people, the flowers should not be injured with clothes and bags of passersby.

Assortment of ampel plant

Assortment of ampel plant expands the year from year, breeders offer ampel forms familiar to all blooming crops, such as lion zev or verbena. Many people are familiar to many people, now you can purchase for suspended baskets in ampel form.

Lion zev ampel

Ampel varieties of lion zea are ideal for decorating suspended kashpo:

  • The variety of paintings is an ampliest lion zev painted into the pure tones of yellow, orange, raspberry, white colors. There are varieties with two-tone color.
  • The fragrance perfume resistant is the greatest advantage of the lion's oz. Surprisingly thin fragrance, which exudes anti-crunch flowers, will not leave anyone indifferent.
  • Resistance to weather conditions - the lion's zev does not lose the color of the flower coin when growing in the shade or on the bright sun; Flowers are not spoiled when rain droplets hit; Flowering lasts before the onset of stable autumn frosts without losing decorative qualities.

New varieties of ampel Verbena are amazed by huge sizes of bright flower baskets. New breeding varieties are often painted in bright tones of red, lilac, pink colors, some varieties have a bright white eye in the center of the flower. In a contrast background, a white middle of a charming flower looks contrast. Verbena does not fade into the sun, when removing old switched baskets, a new bouton formation and a repeated flowering wave is stimulated. The plant can delight with bright colors until the autumn, which allows to reduce the cost of the attachment of new plants into the baskets in return to the swords.

Petunia ampelnaya hybrid

And the most common culture for growing in suspended baskets is petunia. The wonderful aroma of petunia colors is enhanced in the evening and night time, so the evening garden is full of inexplicable mystery and charm, if only petunia is growing. Color whines have a simple and terry shape, painted in the tone of purple and rubbing, there are varieties of amethyst and white color, two-color and bordered. The variety of varieties of ampel petunia has no limit.

The grained family belongs to the Surfinia, close relative of Petunia, which is more resistant to disease, has a powerful stem and is distinguished by abundant blossom. Surfinia is presented in the ampel kingdom of miniature varieties and giant plants - some varieties of ampels are not achieved in a length of 15 cm, others are pulled up to 2 meters. The main feature of the plant is abundant flowering. Soothes are just sleeping with multi-colored bells, forming a flowering waterfall.

The following varieties of ampels are the greatest popularity:

  • Burgundy - a huge branched bush. Completely covered with red flowers of an amazing shade. The plant is very bright, powerful, grows perfectly on the street, has powerful shoots that do not break in the wind.

Surfing ampelnaya
  • Hot pink - the petals of this variety are painted in caramel-pink color with thin streaks of thick raspberries. The flower has a wave bend of a whisk, very gentle and touching.
  • Table White - Snow-white bell colors can be used for a variety and decoration of any ampel composition.
  • Elou - Hybrid Surfinia grade with gentle yellow flowers, which are good in mono landings and fit perfectly into contrast compositions.

The range of ampel plants is so wide and rich that you can always choose the most ideal option for any solution in the design of the garden. Combining different ampel floral cultures, you can achieve a unique charm when decorating vertical compositions in the garden and on the balcony.

For the first time to grow in pots or greenhouses, unusual and beautiful-flowing plants became in the era of great geographical discoveries. Today, indoor flowers, a catalog with photos and the names of which can be accommodated in several cabinets, passionate fascination of millions of people around the world.

Photo and names of decorative indoor plants

Decorative plants are valued for flowers of various shapes and colors, unusual foliage, varieties of forms, including reprehension, peeling and ampel, grassy and tree. Indoor flowers may have a local origin and be the rest of the world's most distant corners. Such plants differ not only by the appearance, but also with habits, require different conditions of content and care.

Someone is passionate about succulents, someone is more interesting to watch the growth of epiphytes. Although it is almost impossible to get acquainted with all kinds of domestic flowers, their photos and names are almost impossible, a brief catalog will become a great help when choosing a "green pet" in the shower.


Evergreen shrub, easily carrying crown formation, blooming from the end of spring and mid-autumn. Numerous varieties and hybrids of the indoor flower prefer a half-life, responsive to care, giving their owner a lot of white, yellow, pink, raspberry "bells" with a diameter of up to 10-12 cm.

To restore the strength, the plant requires a cool wintering at 12-15 degrees.


The photo and the name of this home flower in the pot became famous thanks to the famous film "Leon". Today, the herbaceous perennial is popular thanks to the motley leather foliage of broad-sized shape and unpretentiousness when maintaining in room conditions.

In the color of the leaves of different types and varieties are not only green, white and silver tones, but also bright pink and purple paints.


Among the home plants fern are not uncommon. Herbatous evergreen cultures attract attention to carved Wijah and endurance. One of the most popular ferns - Adiantum, whose young wii are gracefully rolled and have a pinkish-cream color. In the house, the flower requires halftime and cool content in winter.


These indoor plants with flowers are white, pink, purple coloring are not conquered by all flowers. But when creating the right conditions and constant attention, unruly shrubs related to generous blossoms and long life at home.


Among the many species of room flowers, there are many crops belonging to the family of aroid. The people from the tropics of the southern hemisphere are invariably affect the magnificence of greens and a variety of forms.

When meeting a photo of decorative domestic flowers with the name "Alokasia" it is easy to see how these plants differ outwardly. And it is not surprising, after all, there are several dozen representatives of the genus, for example, fragrant, copper-red, these are unpretentious decorative and deciduous cultures, valued by amateur flowers.


Unlike alochanation loving moisture, all kinds are succulents capable of worrying drought due to the water accumulated in juicy leaves. As domestic flowers, aloe tree is more often grown or amelor. The plant height up to one and a half meters is decorated with long, seated with spiny leaves up to 30 cm long.

The value of the plant in a noncain moral and healing juice, which has a softening, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.


- Another representative of an extensive family of aroid, which has become a popular indoor flower. The characteristic features of the plant - underground stem, pointed heart-shaped dense leaves, holding down on high reprehension stiffs, and inflorescences, decorated with bright bedspreads up to 15 centimeters. The modified sheet is painted in bright white-pink, scarlet, greenish-purple tones.


Related culinary delicacy asparagus, as a room plant is distinguished by an unpretentious temper, an active growth and a long lifespan in a pot. Several species of this crop due to needle foliage, ampel or resembling a bush have long earned respect and love of flower flowers. The decorative effect of the plant complements rare, but memorable bloom. White flowers collected in the brush are small, but fragrant. After their fading, red rounded berries are formed.


Right from Southeast Asia is a decorative deciduous plant, the main attraction of which is large wide-lancing leaves up to 80 cm long . Flowers of this species are inflicted and even invisible. The chunks of reddish-brown or purple color appear at the earth itself.


Flowers in pots, in the photo, the people are called "Vanka Wet" or "Lady". , Burned on the windowsill of our grandmothers, loves moisture, light and warmth. An extremely unpretentious plant due to the presence of varieties is ready to please the flowering flowering of simple and terry flowers of various shades.


Begonia is a rare plant, which has decorative and leaves, and flowers. There are more than 1,000 cultural varieties and hybrid forms in the world, actively used for landscaping in the house and outside. Homemade flowers can differ in the way to breed, be bush or ampel, blooming seasonally or constantly.

The connoisseurs of decorative and deciduous crops highly appreciate the bright, nothing to do with the greens of these unpretentious, fast-growing colors.

Geno Room (Pelargonium)

Unpretentious, abundantly and long blooming pelargonium is the perfect room flower for beginners. The plant easily adapts to life in an apartment, amenable to forming, if necessary, renewed and is properly multiplied with a vegetative way. And the sea varieties of various shapes and flourishing will help create a unique atmosphere in the house and decorate the interior.


Perennial, relatives of the Garden Malva and, in the Russian conditions stuck as a room plant. Large blooming culture is grown as a shrub or strabamous tree. With proper care and supply of food is enviable longevity, it grows up to a height of 2-2.5 meters and regularly pleads the appearance of spectacular red, pink, coral flowers.


The bulbous perennial plant is popular thanks to simple care and incredibly bright flowering. It is accompanied by the appearance of powerful, up to 70 cm high, floweros with several simple or terry flowers. Coloring of the whites depends on the variety and can be a motley, white, pink, scarlet or dense-bugmer. The leaves form a furl root rosette, have a smooth surface and a pointed linear shape. In the fall of this type of room flowers, the period of rest comes lasting for several months and requires dry cool storage of bulbs.


Barghaty large bells and the same exquisite "soft" leaves of oval shape are characteristic features of a home flower in Gloxinia. A tuber plant with a wintering period for flowering requires a long daylight, nutrient soil and a wide pot.

Over one rosette of the leaves can simultaneously turn out several dozen spectacular flowers all shades from white to densely purple.


Municipality is drawn to himself thanks to the bright foliage, it does not have such a noticeable and lush inflorescence. Flowering, starting after 3 years, the landing field and lasts up to 3 months, means the close death of the parent plant, which should be replaced by rooted child sockets.


A decorative-deciduous plant with large leaves of different colors is relatively unpretentious, highlighted by a high growth rate and numerous natural and varietal forms. As in nature, the houses depicted in the photo in the pot of flower with the title should receive enough moisture, heat, nutrition and a lot of bright, but scattered light.


Accustomed in nature to truly "Spartan" conditions, in the apartment DRATSEN not Caprip. Several types of varieties are grown as domestic flowers, over time, forming a "tree" with a bare trunk and a cap of tough green or motley foliage on top.


Zamiculkas - a tuber plant from the family of aroid is often found in colonel collections, passionate about evergreen decorative and deciduous cultures. Unpretentious indoor flower height from 50 to 150 cm generates several powerful dense stalks covered with glossy oval-pointed leaves. Adult plants with proper care form milk-white inflorescences.


Encyclopedias and indoor catalogs and plant names often contain references to. Moreover, plants with such name are often included in the list of decorative, and medicinal crops. We are talking about different related kinds, interesting and wonderful in their own way.

General features of all varieties - non-durability, rapid growth, easy reproduction by all the most affordable in the vegetative ways and responsiveness to care.

Decorative varieties are affected by the puff of blossom, and the borious view of the calangean will help cope with skin and colds.


Clivia is an evergreen rhizome plant with a powerful roar rosette of long leathery leaves. During flowering, the plant produces a powerful blur with an orange-yellow bright wedges assembled on top into an umbrella. At home, the flowers hold more than 3 weeks.


Maranta is a low, often fluttering or ampel perennial with decorative foliage, on a single sheet plate combining shades of light and dark greens, purple and pink, white and browny tones.

Milia Mile

Milia mile in Russia is more famous as a "thorns". This unpretentious plant in nature reaches a height of 2 meters. In the pot of succulent with rigid, covered with long spikes stem and a bunch of leaves on the top is much smaller. The unusual appearance of the plant completes small inflorescences, born with bright bracts, in scarlet, pink, yellow and white tones.


Sansevieriya or Teschin Language for many years is a regulance of the windowsill. Unassuming home flower is popular due to rigid foliage, with a motley pattern or bright border.

- One of the most common room colors, but the cylindrical variety with pointed reprehensive leaves of the original form only acquires adherents.


His name is decorative home flowers in the photo are obliged to be a fleshy, resembling coins of leaves. Fat or "money tree" Excellent homemade plant, care for even a newcomer. For endurance and light reproduction, the flower is compared only with calangean. Even the fallen sheet will soon be rooted and gives rise to a new plant.


Tradesska is a great amplie flower for homemade cultivation. The plant has a rapid growth, high decorativeness, non-duty and light agrotechnics. The presence of varieties with motley foliage of different shades allows using a single culture to create unique compositions. The moisture lobby, amenable to the formation of the crown and is easily rooted in water or on the ground.


Faleenopsis or "butterfly similar" flower. This is the most popular orchid in nature is epipheit. At home, the flower is content with a special pot and substrate, unlike ordinary soil. A relatively simple care for phalaenopsis allows the novice lover of orchids to master all the features of these decorative plants.

Violet Uzambarskaya (SENPOLIA)

The Uzambarskaya violet at first sight conquers the view of a durable, assembled in lush foliage sockets, over which simple, semi-or terry flowers of the most bizarre forms and colors reign. Modern Satpolium varieties are calculated by thousands and represents giants and dwarf plants, monophonic and motley flowers, green leaves and greens with white or pink edge.


Catalog of room colors with photos and names of various types and varieties of ficuses can be published by a separate book. Today there are almost a thousand species of this plant, there are several dozen in culture, having a shape of a bush, tree, soil and even empel copies. The greatest spread received and rubbing.


- Leader among plants by air purification ability. But this is not the only reason for the popularity of the indoor flower. Necoprial and easily breeded in the house grassy perennial forms lush outlets from pointed lanceal leaves green or motley color. The feature of the culture is the flowers and daughters of the plant formed on long hanging shoots.


Among the homemade Lian Hoya occupies one of the first places for beauty and popularity. Evergreen perennial with long stems covered with dense "wax" leaves and umbrella inflorescences of fragrant starflowers, no one leaves indifferent. At the same time, the sprouted on the appropriate surface of ivy does not need special care and excellent for maintenance at home.

Video: 70 bedroom plants in my interior