Air filter for home. Which air purifier for an apartment should you choose?

More and more people living in megacities or even in medium-sized cities are increasingly thinking about how to clean the air in their apartments from substances harmful to humans that can cause various diseases or allergic reactions. This problem can be solved by using one of the types of air purifiers, of which there are plenty today in specialized stores, for every taste and budget.

Which air purifier to choose for an apartment is a question that arises among all consumers who have decided to purchase this useful, and sometimes simply vital, device. Air purifiers, as a rule, are sold in specialized stores that sell climate control equipment, and they offer such a wide range that it is easy to get confused when choosing the right model. Therefore, before you go shopping, it is worth understanding all the advantages and disadvantages of devices that purify the air in different ways.

Main types of cleaners and their purposes

There are different types of purifiers on the market that use different operating principles, and each can solve certain air pollution problems better than others. The most important component in the design of air purifiers is the filter - the quality of cleaning the respiratory environment around a person depends on it. Having an idea of ​​the characteristics of filters and their capabilities, it will be easier to decide which one is more suitable for a particular case.

Devices with plasma (electrostatic) filters

Devices that purify air using a plasma filter, which creates an electrostatic field that attracts dust, have proven themselves well among consumers. The metal plates that act as a filter of this type are easy to wash, so they will not require replacement - this factor is also quite attractive to users.

The principle of operation of “cold plasma” - electrostatic air filtration

However, electrostatic devices are designed to remove a certain amount of dust from the air, which is 85-90%, and if there is too much of it, they may simply not be able to cope with it completely. Therefore, if better cleaning of the air masses of an apartment is required, for example, if allergy sufferers or people with asthma live in it, you should choose a device that includes several degrees of purification.

Devices – air ionizers

Ionizers are a complex consisting of several elements that carry out cleaning using different methods, so they are able to free air masses from various harmful impurities.

Air purification with this device is carried out in several stages:

  • A powerful fan installed inside the device draws in contaminated air masses.
  • Next, the air is pre-cleaned using a coarse foam filter, which traps large dust particles.
  • Then, in the air entering the photocatalyst filter, chemical and toxic substances are destroyed, and unpleasant odors are eliminated.

  • The germicidal ultraviolet lamp disinfects the air.
  • Further, the plates in which the electrostatic field is created retain the smaller dust particles remaining in the air.
  • Then negative ions generated in a special device are supplied to the air flow.
  • The last stage of the process, disinfected and dust-free air, is supplied to the room through the outlet grille of the device.

The advantage of air purifiers of this class is that they do not collect dust inside themselves, so the filter does not have to be changed, which will help avoid significant costs for servicing the device. It will be enough to periodically wash the metal plates and vacuum the pre-cleaning filter. However, when using this type of air purifier, it is necessary to carry out wet or dry cleaning in the apartment as often as possible, removing dust from the surfaces that settles on them.

Devices with HEPA filters

If high-quality air purification from dust is required, then devices with HEPA filters are the best option. The HEPA filter module itself (from the English “High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance”, that is, literally “highly effective particle retention”) is a special configuration of fibrous material folded into an “accordion”, with gaps between the fibers not exceeding a few microns.

A fan installed inside the device draws in air masses, which, passing through the HEPA filter, are completely cleaned of even microscopic particles of dust, bacteria contained in it, as well as pollen of various plants by almost 100%. Therefore, this type of air purifier is perfect for apartments where people with a predisposition to allergic reactions live.

The device is cleared of accumulated dust using a vacuum cleaner once a month, and the filter module is usually replaced once or twice a year, depending on its contamination and the quality of air purification.

Photocatalyst cleaners

Photocatalytic air purifiers, like the HEPA filter, include several stages of cleaning, so they can cope not only with dust particles of various sizes in the air, but also with dust mites and mold and fungal spores. But these factors are one of the main reasons for the manifestation of allergies in various forms.

This type of air purifier necessarily has a catalyst and an ultraviolet radiation lamp in its design, but in addition, the device can be supplemented with an ion generator, plates that create an electrostatic field, or a carbon filter.

Polluted air enters the device body through a pre-filter dust filter installed at the inlet, and most of the large dust particles, as well as animal hair, are retained in it.

Next, it enters a chamber where two factors interact - a catalyst and ultraviolet light emanating from a lamp, as a result of which the process of photocatalysis occurs, during which toxic pollutants in the air decompose into harmless substances such as oxygen, water and carbon dioxide . Thus, virtually no dust deposits accumulate inside the device, so it does not require frequent filter replacement.

An air purifier, the operation of which is based on photocatalysis, is able to cope with the following negative factors:

  • Phenol and formaldehyde fumes emitted from building materials from which furniture is made, for example, chipboard or fiberboard.
  • Exhaust gas entering the apartment through gaps in window openings if the house is located near busy highways.
  • Carbon monoxide and soot that can appear in the air when burning a fireplace or stove.
  • Tobacco smoke and persistent tobacco smell.
  • Dust containing various harmful microorganisms - viruses and bacteria.
  • Allergens of plant, household or animal origin.
  • Toxic organic compounds that can come from solutions and powders of household chemicals.

Thus, photocatalysis can be called one of the most effective ways to clean air from pollutants. In addition, a device of this class usually consumes a small amount of electricity, is environmentally friendly and safe, and requires minimal maintenance - cleaning with a vacuum cleaner once every six months.

The disadvantage of this air purifier is the excessive purification of air masses, that is, not only from harmful microorganisms, but also from neutral ones, since it is not able to distinguish between them. This factor can negatively affect the child’s immunity, so you should not get carried away with excessive cleaning of the rooms where children live.

Air purifier - ozonizer

An ozonizer is a device that purifies the air by releasing a small amount of ozone. Ozone is a gas, a derivative of ordinary oxygen, which in high concentrations is destructive to all living things, which is why it is used to destroy microbes and disinfect rooms. The gas arises as a result of the action of an electric discharge on oxygen, splitting it into atoms - this process is familiar to everyone, since it occurs naturally during a thunderstorm, and after it a characteristic ozone smell appears on the street.

The operating principle of the device is basically based on the natural phenomenon of the collision of oxygen in the air with an electric current, which occurs artificially in the ozonizer, resulting in the formation of ozone.

air purifier

There are different designs of ozonizers, which may differ from each other in some details, but each of the devices also has elements integral to them - these are ozone generators (they can also differ in design), a mains voltage to high-voltage converter and a fan.

This device is quite popular for use at home, as it can create a number of positive effects:

  • Disinfection of air masses in a house or apartment from pathogens, including mold.
  • Removing rooms from putrid odors.
  • Purification of drinking water from chlorine and harmful metals.
  • Cleansing foods such as fruits, vegetables and meat from antibiotics and chemicals.
  • Disinfection and removal of odors from refrigerators.
  • Ozone treatment of bedding, as well as underwear, shoes and even furniture.
  • Cleaning mold from air conditioning filters.

However, despite all the positive qualities of the ozonizer, doctors warn against overdose of its impact on the air environment around humans. It is recommended to use it carefully in everyday life, strictly adhering to the instructions included with it. Some experts advise using this device only at times when there are no people in the house.

Air purifiers with carbon filters

Air purifiers equipped with carbon filters belong to the class of fine cleaning devices and are capable of purifying air masses of various impurities, including gases. Typically, such purifiers are additionally equipped with a pre-purification element, as well as such as a HEPA or photocatalytic filter, since carbon filters are not able to efficiently clean the air masses of environmental pollutants, which abound in urban apartments. In addition to additional filters, ultraviolet radiation lamps are added to this type of purifier, which are a good barrier to biological contaminants in the air.

Carbon filters can be filled with fine powdered activated charcoal, which creates high resistance to air flow. It follows from this that it is better to choose air purifiers with a filter that contain large granules. In addition, a corrugated carbon filter is more effective for air purification than a universal mesh filter, as it has a larger absorption area for small and large dust particles. Therefore, when choosing a device, you need to pay special attention to this fact.

Carbon filters in purifiers are changed twice a year, otherwise they themselves begin to pollute the air - this is one of the characteristic disadvantages of devices of this class.

You should not install devices with carbon filters in rooms with high humidity, since carbon absorbs moisture well, “sinters” and quickly loses its flowability and, accordingly, its cleaning properties.

Hydrofiltration or air washing

Purifiers that use hydrofiltration or air washing work as follows:

  • Air masses from the room are drawn into the device using a fan.
  • Next, they enter the zone where, due to special rotary impellers with blades of a special configuration, they are mixed with water until an almost dispersed mixture is formed, and are cleaned from various impurities that settle in the pan of the device. Next, the purified air is separated and directed towards the outlet openings.

  • Typically, air washers have ultraviolet and photocatalytic cleaning functions that are activated when necessary. When they interact, the most effective result is achieved - the device removes viruses, mold spores and various odors from the air.
  • In addition, an air ionization module can be built into the general purification - it is negative ions that make the air cleaner and fresher
  • Purified and humidified air is supplied to the room.

Thus, such a device performs several functions - it humidifies the air in the room and removes small and large dust particles from it along with allergens, and also cleans it of foreign odors. The efficiency of air purification using such a sink is estimated at 85÷95%.

Humidifiers-air purifiers

An air humidifier is a device that creates an atmosphere in a room with the most comfortable level of humidity for a person by supplying purified steam. The device is configured by the owner himself, using the spray intensity regulator.

Humidifiers are divided into three types - ultrasonic, steam and traditional mechanical devices, but all of them also function as an air purifier. The operating principle of these devices is based on the evaporation of moisture or the formation of vapor as a result of ultrasonic influence. Most household installations of this class are capable of not only humidifying, but also aromatizing the air.

  • Ultrasonic devices are among the more modern options for humidifiers. They are equipped with a special ultrasonic membrane, upon contact with which water splits into tiny particles, thus turning it into cold or heated steam. Spraying of the formed steam is carried out using a fan installed inside the apparatus.

The device is absolutely safe in all respects, so it can be installed in a child’s room, especially since it operates almost silently. In addition, the humidifier is energy efficient and easy to operate.

air purifier for apartment

  • Mechanical humidifiers are considered traditional and the simplest in design. A certain volume of water is poured into a small water tank located inside the device body, from there it flows onto special humidifying cartridges, through which air is driven using a fan built into the middle of the device. When humidifying the air, it is also cleared of dust particles. An important disadvantage of such devices for many consumers is the fairly high noise level during their operation.

  • Steam appliances humidify rooms with hot steam, which is formed when water is heated to the boiling stage in a special insulated chamber equipped with a heating element with a non-stick coating. The disadvantages of such devices include very hot steam coming out, which can easily get burned, the noise of the humidifier during its operation, as well as high electricity consumption.

The positive qualities of a steam humidifier include the following:

- the ability to use it as an inhaler - some models of devices come with special attachments for carrying out such physiotherapeutic procedures;

— the device is undemanding regarding the purity and hardness of the water, so during inhalation you can safely add aromatic oils to it;

- the humidifier, with its high performance, does not require the purchase of consumables at all - ordinary water is enough.

  • Devices with a combined design combine a humidifier and a room air purifier. The fan draws in dirty air, which enters the rotating plastic discs built into the device, located in a container of water. In this department, the air is purified and humidified, and dust precipitates. Therefore, such devices require periodic cleaning and rinsing. The quality of air purification when using this device is 85÷90%.

Additional functions of air purifiers

Most models of air purifiers and humidifiers are equipped with additional functions that simplify and make the operation of the devices as comfortable as possible. These include the following functions:

  • Regulator of the intensity of the device.
  • Remote control.
  • Display for displaying information about operating modes.
  • Detectors that determine the level of air pollution, with which you can select the correct operating mode.
  • Aromatization and inhalation function.
  • A timer that allows you to set the operating time and even carry out specific programming of modes.

Criteria for choosing an air purifier

So, having figured out what types of air purifiers there are, now you should determine what you need to pay attention to when purchasing a device.

  • Any model of air purifier is designed according to its capabilities for a certain area of ​​the room, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to clarify this parameter.

In addition, you must immediately decide whether one or more air purifiers will be purchased, that is, the device will be moved from room to room or fixed permanently:

— If a separate purifier is provided for each room, then it is chosen exactly in accordance with its area.

— Provided that one purifier is used in different rooms, its power is selected according to the area of ​​the largest room.

— If you plan to clean a very small room, then you can use an air purifier designed for the interior of a car, since it has a fairly high power.

  • The second question to be answered when choosing an air purification device is what types of pollution the air masses should be freed from.
  • Next, it is advisable to immediately decide on the comfort of servicing the air purifier, that is, clarify which filter should be installed in it - a replaceable one or one that can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or rinsing under running water (the latter option will help to avoid unnecessary operating costs).

— If you decide to choose a non-replaceable filter, then you should purchase photocatalytic, plasma (electrostatic) air purifiers or ozonizers, ionizers, as well as devices with an air washing function.

— In the case where preference is given to a purifier with replaceable filters, you need to ensure that it is equipped with an ionization function. This factor is extremely important, since the air, going through the process of any filtration, loses not only harmful components, but also its beneficial qualities, that is, it becomes to a certain extent even dangerous for apartment residents, so it should be enriched with ions.

  • The air purifier will work effectively if you clean it or change filters on time. Therefore, you need to decide on the amount of time that can be allocated for its maintenance.

— If the device can be monitored daily, then you can choose a purifier with an “air washing” function or humidification. In such models, water is changed or added once every two to three days, and its quantity is checked every day.

— The electrostatic air purifier must be serviced once a week - the electrostatic plates, which act as a filter, attract dust particles, are washed.

— If it is possible to service the device only once a month, then you should choose a photocatalytic purifier, an ozonizer, an ionizer, or devices with replaceable filters, for example, with a HEPA filter - it will be enough to clean them from dust with a vacuum cleaner once a month.

air purifier Ecology

  • The next question that needs to be answered is how often will the device itself be used? It is advisable to use it constantly so that the air in the apartment is always clean.

— If the air purifier operates around the clock and you want to save on electricity, you should choose a device that consumes low power. This parameter can be found on the device packaging or in its data sheet.

— If the purifier will be used periodically, that is, turned off for a long time, then you should not choose a humidifier or “air washer,” since if there is water left in such a device and it is not cleaned in time, then the contents may “sour,” and this the smell will remain in the container for a long time.

— If the user is ready to strictly follow all the instructions included with the product - clean and dry the device in a timely manner, then you can choose any option with the required parameters.

  • Next, you should decide on the functions that the air purifier should perform - this is the most important criterion when choosing it.

Table of the capabilities of various air purification filters in neutralizing air pollution factors.

Main factors of air pollutionTypes of air purifiers and their ability to neutralize pollutants
Email And he. NERA Fk. Oz. Ugh. MV
Dust particles+ + + + - + +
Disinfection from harmful microorganisms.+ ++ ++ ++ + + -
Tobacco smoke- + + ++ - ++ +
Toxic fumes+ - ++ ++ - - -
Various household odors+ + ++ ++ + + +
Gases- - + + - + -
Soot+ - - + - - +
Allergens of household, plant or animal origin+ ++ ++ ++ + - +
Air humidification- - - - - - +
Email - edectrostatic; And he. - ionizers; Fk. - photocatalysts; Oz. - ozonizers; Ugh. - coal; MV - air washing
  • Another important factor is the noise level of the air purifier. In order not to cause discomfort to all residents of the apartment, you should purchase a device that has a night mode function or even a completely silent model. Such air purifiers include photocatalytic ones, ionizers, and those without a fan or with a fan shutdown function.
  • When deciding to purchase an air purification device, you must immediately decide on its installation location. On sale you can find floor, wall and tabletop options. It is better not to choose the latter if there is a small child in the house, or, as a last resort, pre-determine a place for him at a certain height that is unattainable for the baby. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the size of the device, since many floor-standing devices must be installed 150÷500 mm from the wall, and only such an arrangement will make it work effectively.
  • It is recommended to make a list of all the necessary functions and features that an air purifier should have, and with a ready list of requirements go to the store or online shopping sites.

Brief overview of air purifier models

Several popular models of air purification devices used in residential premises are given in this table:

Illustration, name of the device, country of originBrief description of the modelApproximate price level for April 2016

"Armed YS300"
A bactericidal air purifier is a closed-type recirculator that has a system of filters for various purposes and is additionally equipped with an ultraviolet lamp.
The device includes:
- carbon and HEPA filter, photocatalytic, disinfectant, promoting the decomposition of gases and odors;
- air quality sensor with automatic cleaning mode, i.e. the device is designed for independent selection of operating mode, which will depend on the degree of air pollution;
- filter change indicators located on the control panel, which will give a signal if it is necessary to change one of the filters;
- timer designed to be set for 1, 2 and 3 hours of operation;
- power regulator – three fan operating modes (fast, medium and slow). The greater the power, the faster the air purification takes place, but the operating process becomes noisier.
- size (H × W × D) 650 × 400 × 225 mm;
- weight - 12 kg; - power supply 220 V;
- frequency - 50 Hz;
- ultraviolet lamp with a power of 15 W, with a service life of 8000 hours;
- flow capacity - 275 m³/hour;
- noise level 60 decibels;
- level of air purification: from gasoline vapors 91.8%, from formaldehyde 86.9%, from volatile organic substances 90.7%, heavy substances 99.9%;
- the body is made of dielectric plastic;
- working conditions - from +10 to +35˚, humidity no more than 80%;
- has electrical safety class 2;
- designed for 100 m² of residential area.
21100 rub.

"Maxion LTK-288"
South Korea
"Maxion LTK-288" is an ionizer equipped with an ultraviolet lamp (models without UV irradiation are also available). In addition, the device is equipped with the functions of an electrostatic filter - it contains stainless metal plates that do not require replacement.
The device is capable of purifying the air from the following contaminants: viruses, mold, aerobacteria, tobacco smoke, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, unpleasant odors, dust, pollen, and reduces human exposure to electromagnetic radiation emanating from electrical appliances.
The device is equipped with night lighting, an indicator for cleaning metal plates, is economical in energy consumption, consumes 28 Wh.
The recommended operating period of the air purifier is 10÷12 hours a day.
Technical characteristics of the device:
- size - 835×260×197 mm (H×W×D);
- voltage 220V;
- frequency 50÷60 Hz;
- weight - 5.5 kg;
- the air purifier is designed for 82.5 m² of area.
13400 rub.

"AIC XJ-2100"
"AIC XJ-2100" is an ionizer and ozonizer equipped with an ultraviolet lamp and an electrostatic filter.
This air purifier is capable of partially or completely purifying the air from the following contaminants: harmful viruses and bacteria, odors, smoke, mold spores, pollen, dust, almost all allergens, suspended and particulate matter, carbon monoxide and exhaust, and others harmful to the human respiratory organs substances.
Technical characteristics of the device:
- size - 390×170×250 mm (L×H×W);
- weight - 1 kg;
- UV lamp power - 2 W;
- device power - 8 W;
- power supply -220V.
- The device is silent; designed for an area of ​​25 m².
This air purifier can also be used as a car air purifier, and its kit includes a special adapter for connecting to the cigarette lighter in the car, as well as a Velcro fastener.
4500 rub.

"Daikin MC70LVM"
"Daikin MC70LVM" is a plasma ionizer, equipped with a coarse filter, a photocatalytic system and an electrostatic filter.
Thanks to this protection, the air purifier is able to free the air masses from the following contaminants: dust, pollen, bacteria and viruses, mold spores, tobacco smoke and animal hair.
In addition to the cleaning elements, the air purifier is equipped with convenient device control functions - a shutdown timer that can be configured for 1, 2 and 4 hours of operation, automatic operation mode, sleep mode, air purity indicator, air pollution sensor, remote control and five power modes.
Technical characteristics of the device:
- size - 403×576×241 mm (W×H×D);
- weight - 8.5 kg;
- air exchange - 420 m³/h;
- device power - 65 W;
- noise level - 15÷48 dB;
- low power consumption.
37500 rub.

"Shivaki SHAP-3010R"
"Shivaki SHAP-3010R" is a combined air purifier that includes in its design the following air purification elements: HEPA filter, photocatalyst, ultraviolet lamp, ionizer, coarse filter.
Thanks to a large number of barriers for contaminants, the device is able to clean the air from viruses and germs, pollen, smoke, dust, toxins and makes the air fresh.
The air purifier has a touch display with a timer and temperature sensor. Thanks to the presence of a monitor, the purifier can be controlled using a remote control.
The device can be installed on a horizontal surface or mounted on a wall.
- dimensions 300 × 430 × 140 mm (H×W×D);
- device weight - 4.5 kg;
- air exchange - 200 m³/h;
- maximum power consumption - 38 W;
- noise level during fan operation - 46 dB;
- three operating modes.
14900 rub.

"AirInCom XJ-3800A1"
"AirInCom XJ-3800A1" is a comprehensive air purifier. It includes several levels of air purification using different technologies - a coarse filter, photocatalytic, electrostatic, carbon and HEPA filter, ionizer, and ultraviolet lamp.
This device purifies the air from large and small dust particles, perfectly absorbs gas compounds, decomposes harmful, toxic impurities into harmless elements, making the air fresh and clean.
The air purifier is equipped with additional functions that facilitate its operation, these include:
- five operating modes of the device - night, medium, high, low and auto;
- sensors for filter replacement, air pollution, as well as dust and allergens in the air;
- timer that sets the operating time;
- remote control.
Air purifier specifications:
- size - 343×255×610 mm;
- weight - 6.8 kg;
- device power - 80 W;
- air exchange - 360 m³/h;
- fan noise level - 20 dB;
- the air purifier is designed to clean air over an area of ​​up to 50 m².
16500 rub.

"Ballu AP-430F7"
“Ballu AP-430F7” has a seven-stage air purification system, composed of filters and technological modules of various types, which include a coarse filter that traps large particles of pollution, a carbon, photocatalytic and HEPA filter, an ionizer, and an ultraviolet lamp.
Thanks to this design, the air passing through the device is cleaned of the following contaminants - dust, animal hair, elements that cause allergies, mold spores, viruses, dust mites, smoke, formaldehyde and unpleasant odors.
Additional functions for comfortable operation of the device:
- automatic determination of the level of air pollution and filters;
- timer for setting operating time.
Technical characteristics of the device:
- purifier size - 366×308×188 mm (H×W×D);
- mass of the purifier - 3.96 kg;
- power - 56 W;
- power supply voltage – 220 V;
- the device is designed to purify air over an area of ​​up to 20 m².
4000 rub.

As you can see from this table, air purifiers are mainly produced that are equipped with several stages of air purification, since only in this way can the maximum effect of a clean home atmosphere be achieved. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the issues of what contaminants each filter is designed to remove, and choose the version of the device that has all the necessary protective properties.

This information will help you make the right choice and not get lost in the wide variety of air purifiers on sale.

At the end of the publication, a short video review of a modern multifunctional household air purifier:

Video: Air purifier with humidification function SHARP KC-850E

The article examines in detail such a useful device as an air purifier for an apartment: what type of device to choose for your home, types of existing designs, their classification, functional and technical features, advantages and disadvantages, rating of the best models on the market, reviews and prices. The text provides useful recommendations for choosing a quality household appliance.

The cleanliness of indoor air has a strong impact on a person’s well-being and health. People suffering from allergic reactions and bronchial asthma are especially sensitive to pollution. In such cases, it will not be enough to buy a humidifier; an air purifier will be an excellent addition to it in the fight for comfortable living conditions in an apartment or house.

Most devices are designed to combat popular household allergens:

  1. Dust – dust particles by themselves do not pose a serious threat to humans. The danger lies in the ticks living in them, protein particles from pets, fungal and mold spores.
  2. Pollen – pollen from plants enters the house through windows. This type of allergen is a seasonal problem, but the effects can last almost a year.
  3. Dander and pet hair – pet hair is also not dangerous to humans; the harmful effects come from the protein that is produced by the pet’s body and attaches to it.

Air purification is carried out through special filters that retain allergens inside the structure. Devices are classified by purpose and type of filter installed inside. There are air purifiers on sale without replaceable filters. They are less hygienic than devices with a replaceable filtration system, but they are less expensive.

Note! No purifier can completely remove all types of allergens from the air. But high-quality devices can cope with most of them. In stores you can purchase universal devices that include the function of humidifying and purifying the air.

Air purifiers for apartments with plasma filters

The cleaning process is based on a plasma filter. It forms an electrostatic field that attracts dust particles. This type of device is quite popular among consumers. The filter is made of metal plates that are easy to clean and do not need to be replaced. Just rinse them under running water.

However, these devices are not as effective as dust purifiers. The capabilities of the electrostatic (plasma) device allow it to cope with only a certain amount of dust particles. Only 80-90% of contaminants can be removed from indoor air.

If there is too much dust in the room, the device cannot cope with high-quality cleaning of such volumes. For this reason, to more effectively clean the air masses in the house, you will need a device with several degrees of purification. Allergy sufferers and asthmatics are better off looking for another option.

Most modern air purifiers are equipped with

Air purifiers for home with ionization function

Air purifiers with ionization function are a whole complex. The device includes several elements that perform cleaning in different ways. This ensures a high degree of purification of air masses from various impurities that can be harmful to humans.

  1. Due to the built-in fan, contaminated air masses are drawn into the structure.
  2. The foam filter performs preliminary coarse cleaning, thereby trapping large dust particles.
  3. Air flows are forced through a photocatalyst filter. There, toxic and chemical substances are destroyed, as well as unpleasant odors are eliminated.
  4. An ultraviolet lamp with a bactericidal effect disinfects the air.
  5. Plates that create an electrostatic field filter out small dust particles from the air.
  6. A special device generates negatively charged ions that are transferred to the air.
  7. Through the outlet grille, the air that has been purified and disinfected returns to the room.

Helpful advice! When using this air purifier for dust at home, you need to perform dry and wet cleaning more often. This is done in order to remove dust settled on the surfaces.

The operating principle of this equipment is at the same time its advantage. The device does not accumulate pollution inside itself, so there is no need to regularly replace the filter system. Thus, the owner of the device will avoid additional costs for its maintenance. Metal plates are easily washed under running water. To keep the pre-filter in working order, simply vacuum it.

Features of air purifiers with HEPA filters

If you need to perform high-quality air purification from dust particles, the best air purifier for an apartment will be a device equipped with a HEPA filtration system. The name is an abbreviation for “High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance,” which literally translates from English as “highly effective particle retention.”

Such devices have a complex configuration and are a kind of accordion consisting of fibrous material. The filter density is so high that the gaps between the fibers are only a few microns.

A fan is installed inside the devices. It draws air masses inside an air purifier with a HEPA filter, where the flows are cleaned not only of microscopic dust particles, but also of bacteria living in it, as well as plant pollen. The efficiency is almost 100%. For this reason, this type of equipment is considered one of the most optimal options for apartments where people prone to allergies live.

Helpful advice! In order for the device to maintain such high efficiency, it should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner at least once a month. The filtration module is changed 1-2 times a year. The frequency of this procedure depends on the quality of air purification and the level of contamination.

Specificity of photocatalytic air purifiers

Just like devices with a Nera filter, photocatalytic purifiers perform step-by-step cleaning. Thanks to this, the equipment copes not only with removing dust particles of various sizes from the air, but also with the elimination of mold spores, mildew, and dust mites. These factors are the triggers of allergies.

This type of device is necessarily equipped with an ultraviolet radiation lamp and a catalyst. In addition, the design contains ion generators, a carbon filter and plates that form an electrostatic field. When contaminated air enters the device, it is pre-cleaned using a dust filter located at the inlet. It traps most large dust particles and pet hair.

After this, the air masses enter the chamber, where they are exposed to ultraviolet light from a lamp and a catalyst. As a result, the process of photocatalysis starts. During this process, toxic pollutants in the air are broken down into harmless substances. In other words, the output is carbon dioxide, water and oxygen. After this procedure, there is almost no dust deposit inside the device, so there is no need to frequently replace the filter.

Why is it profitable to buy a photocatalytic air purifier for your apartment?

Many buyers prefer to buy a photocatalytic air purifier for their home and there are several reasons for this:

  1. Removal of formaldehyde and phenol fumes emitted by building materials. These materials include fiberboard and chipboard, on the basis of which furniture is made.
  2. Elimination of exhaust gas entering the house from the street through window openings. Relevant for city apartments in houses located near highways.
  3. Effective removal of soot and carbon monoxide in homes where residents use a stove or fireplace.
  4. Elimination of dust along with the harmful microorganisms it contains (bacteria and viruses).
  5. Air purification from allergens of animal, household, and plant origin.
  6. Removing organic compounds that evaporate from powdered household chemicals and solutions.

Note! Devices of this class are most often characterized by a low level of electrical energy consumption. They are environmentally friendly and safe. At the same time, the cleaners require minimal maintenance. It is enough to only clean it with a vacuum cleaner once every six months.

Taking into account all of the above, it becomes clear why it is so profitable to buy an air purifier for an apartment, the basis of which is the process of photocatalysis. On the other hand, cleaning efficiency, which is one of the most important advantages of these devices, can be considered as a disadvantage.

During the process of passing through the structure, the masses are cleaned so thoroughly that at the outlet there are no microorganisms not only harmful, but also neutral for humans. The device simply cannot distinguish one from the other. Subsequently, such sterile air can negatively affect the immune system of children. For this reason, you should not perform too thorough cleaning of the premises where children live.

Ozonizers as air purifiers for allergy sufferers and asthmatics

An ozonator is a device designed to purify the air by forming a small amount of ozone. Ozone is a gas that is part of ordinary oxygen. In high concentrations, this element has a detrimental effect on all living organisms, so it is widely used to disinfect rooms and destroy germs.

Related article:

Which is the best humidifier for a children's room? Types of designs, their advantages and disadvantages, operating features.

The gas is formed when oxygen is exposed to an electrical discharge. As a result, splitting into atoms occurs. A similar process occurs in nature when there is a thunderstorm outside. You can smell the characteristic ozone smell in the air. It was this natural phenomenon that formed the basis of the operating principle of the device. In it, electric current and oxygen collide artificially.

Note! There are many air purifiers for allergy sufferers that work on the principle of ozonizers. But all these devices have similar key components: mains voltage converters, ozone generators and a fan.

Why is it profitable to buy an air purifier for your home with ozonation: advantages and disadvantages

Air purifiers using the principle of ozonation are very popular. As household appliances, they can offer a lot of useful advantages:

  1. Disinfection of indoor air with complete removal of mold and pathogens.
  2. Elimination of putrid odors.
  3. Purification of drinking water from impurities of harmful metals and chlorine.
  4. Purification of food products from chemicals and antibiotics, for example, meat, vegetables, fruits.
  5. Elimination of unpleasant odors from refrigerator compartments and disinfection.
  6. Treating things with ozone (underwear, bedding, furniture, shoes).
  7. Cleaning air conditioner filters from mold.

Having such a large number of advantages, air purifiers-ozonizers are not without their disadvantages. Doctors recommend that you be careful when using such equipment in your home. Excessive exposure to ozone on the air that surrounds a person is not allowed. To avoid negative consequences from using the device, you should strictly adhere to the operating instructions that come with it. It is better if there are no people in the premises while using the device.

Features of air purification in an apartment using devices with carbon filters

Devices equipped with carbon filters belong to the category of fine cleaning devices. They can remove all kinds of impurities from air masses, including gases. The structures contain ultraviolet lamps that remove biological contaminants from the air.

Carbon filters themselves are not capable of high-quality cleaning of air masses from environmental pollutants, which are present in large quantities in city apartments. Therefore, it is recommended to buy a modern generation air purifier for allergy sufferers. In such models, additional photocatalytic or HEPA filters are installed.

Note! It is not recommended to use carbon filtration systems in rooms with high humidity levels. In such conditions, the material absorbs moisture well and quickly deteriorates. As a result, flowability is lost and, consequently, efficiency is reduced.

Carbon filters contain finely dispersed activated charcoal powder. It generates a lot of resistance when air flows through the system. Therefore, when looking for where to buy an air purifier with carbon filtration, it is recommended to pay attention to the availability of models with large-sized granules in the composition.

There are also devices on sale with a pleated and universal mesh filter. Corrugated options, due to their large absorption surface, are considered more effective in the fight against small and large particles than mesh ones. Filters are replaced twice a year, otherwise these elements themselves can become a source of air pollution.

Air washer as a humidifier and air purifier for the home

Air washing performs cleaning using hydrofiltration. The operation of the device is as follows:

  • the fan forces air masses inside the purifier;
  • passing through a zone with special rotor impellers, the air, due to blades of various configurations, mixes with liquid (water) almost to the point of dispersion. This is where the cleaning of impurities takes place, which later settle on the pallet. Air masses are separated and directed to the outlets;
  • There are additional functions that provide photocalytic and ultraviolet cleaning. Moreover, these options are enabled if necessary. As a result, air purification is so effective that it eliminates viruses, odors and mold spores;

  • the built-in ionization module is another advantage of modern models. Thanks to negative ions, the air reaches a high level of purity and freshness;
  • After this, the humidified and purified air is supplied back to the room.

Note! In the ratings of air purifiers and humidifiers for apartments, sinks occupy leading positions due to their versatility and the presence of a large number of functions. The devices not only remove large and small particles of dust and other allergens from the air. They can eliminate unpleasant odors, humidify and even aromatize the air. The efficiency of the devices is 85-95%.

What are the best air purifiers and humidifiers for home?

There are three types of humidifiers:

  • steam;
  • ultrasonic;
  • traditional (mechanical type).

All of them, to one degree or another, also perform the function of a purifier, despite the fact that the main task of these devices is air humidification.

In ratings of air purifiers, ultrasonic humidifiers are equated with devices that provide cleaning. Due to the ultrasonic membrane, which splits water into the smallest particles, heated or cold steam is formed. It is atomized thanks to the built-in fan. Ultrasonic devices are safe, virtually silent, economical and easy to use.

Traditional devices remove dust particles from the air while humidifying it. Cleaning is carried out by passing air through humidifying cartridges. Disadvantages of the design include high noise levels.

Steam humidifiers operate using hot steam. This type of structure is the least popular; if used carelessly, you can get burned. In addition, steam appliances consume a lot of energy and produce a lot of noise.

A Brief Review of the Best Household Air Purifiers and Humidifiers

The capabilities of the Atmos AQUA-1210 air purifier are enough to humidify and purify the air in a room measuring 30 m².

Advantages of the device:

  • ergonomic and stylish design;
  • high functionality;
  • air purification even from fine dust;
  • night lighting, which can be turned off if necessary;
  • efficiency;
  • aromatization function.

Note! The Atmos AQUA-1210 device works in 4 directions at once: cleaning, hydroionization, humidification and biological sterilization of air.

The Sharp KC-D61RW air purifier can treat a room measuring 48 m². It has convenient electronic controls. The maximum air purification speed is 396 m³/h.

The advantages of the device include a multi-level filtration system:

  • pre-filter;
  • deodorizing filter (washable);
  • condensate filter;
  • HEPA filter.

The device has three operating modes: ion rain, cleaning and moisturizing, pollen.

Using the Venta LW15 purifier and humidifier, you can treat an area of ​​20 m². The device is easy to use and has the following advantages:

  • water filtration system;
  • ability to adjust work intensity;
  • low noise level;
  • low fluid level indicator.

The air purification performance of the device is 120 m³/h.

Prices of air purifiers for apartments with humidification function:

Device model price, rub.
Atmos AQUA-1210 4900
Venta LW15 14790
Sharp KC-D61RW 24200

Which air purifier to choose for an apartment: reviews and recommendations

Basic criteria for choosing an air purifier:

  • power level - the larger the area of ​​the room, the more power the unit should have. At the same time, energy costs increase;
  • service area - this indicator is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. The device must cover the intended treatment area of ​​the room, otherwise the air purification will be incomplete;

  • type of control - devices with mechanical control belong to the budget category of devices. Purifiers with electronic control allow you to create a work program that will meet the needs of residents;
  • type of power supply – power supply can be battery-powered or mains-powered. The presence of a battery is considered an advantage, especially if the house has frequent power outages;
  • noise level – the maximum permissible limit is 35 dB. Despite the fact that manufacturers set this figure to 65 dB, it is recommended to buy less noisy models;
  • dimensional parameters – for small rooms, compact and stable device options should be selected. They are convenient and easy to carry from one place to another.

Note! Most reviews confirm the fact that many buyers prefer devices with additional functionality. Such options include ionization, ozonation, UV lamp, the ability to adjust speeds, indication of filter contamination and switching on, timer, remote control, aromatization.

Many users choose smart models of air purifiers with advanced functionality

An air purifier for the home is a device that can be used to remove dust microparticles, bacteria, other microorganisms and allergens from the surrounding atmosphere. Cigarette smoke, pet hair, plant pollen, and unpleasant odors of various origins can negatively affect health, and with poor ventilation this issue is especially acute. It is the air purifier that filters air masses.

Criterias of choice

Before buying an air purifier, you need to evaluate the following parameters of the device:

  • quality of air purification. The effectiveness of a home air purifier depends on the type of filter it contains. The highest performance in this regard is demonstrated by devices with a HEPA filter or photocatalytic filter. These devices are ideally suited for installation in a home where people with asthma, allergies, and small children live;
  • performance of an air purifier for an apartment. When choosing a device, you need to take into account the area of ​​the room in which you plan to install it. The indicator is calculated in such a way that at maximum speed the air purifier can drive through the entire volume of air in 2-3 hours or less;
  • noise level. The larger the filter area of ​​the device, the quieter it will work. Many models are equipped with several operating modes; by default, the main and constant mode is the lowest and, accordingly, the quietest.

You can buy an air purifier with delivery in Moscow and other Russian cities in the Eldorado online store. Applications are accepted by phone or through your personal account. The price of an air purifier largely depends on the brand of the manufacturer and the functionality of the device.

Air purifiers: who needs them?

To provide homes with fresh, clean air in poor environmental conditions of the city, household air purifiers were created. In a short period of time, the developers equipped air purifiers with a huge range of different filters capable of high-quality filtering of air. It seems that if you think about it, is a household air purifier really so necessary for people?

Cities and towns are constantly being landscaped, thousands of trees and shrubs are being planted, and flower beds are being planted. Logically, the atmospheric mixture should be clean. But statistics stubbornly claim that the number of allergy sufferers is growing every year. The reason is not only poplar fluff, but also major contamination - animal hair, dust, viruses, bacteria, unpleasant odors.

Why purify indoor air?

The environment around us, the air we breathe, concrete walls heated by the sun, smog - contain many harmful substances. Their content in the atmospheric mixture is an order of magnitude higher than the permissible standards for normal human existence. Caring about the condition of the air we breathe, the health of children, and maintaining immunity, we strive to protect ourselves and our environment by purchasing a room air purifier. This compact desktop device, which is very inexpensive, will help you avoid many health problems.

Everyone knows that near highways and residential buildings the level of pollution with nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide exceeds its norms by 10-15 times. The atmospheric gas that surrounds us contains an incredible amount of harmful substances. Their large list includes skin scales and hairs, particles of ordinary dust, fungal spores, eggs and dust mite particles. A home air purifier can be useful in literally every apartment.

Without thinking, people fill their apartments with materials such as MDF, chipboard, various paints and other similar things. Artificial products made from mass-produced waste wood are directly responsible for the smell of “newness” after renovation, because they fill the air with toxic pungent fumes, filtered by an air purifier. If you do not purchase a purification device, then the air in a residential building becomes unsafe for human life, and even more so for allergy sufferers. It's up to you to decide which air purifier to choose, but the fact that it is necessary is obvious.

Offers for air purifiers from the company website

Our online store has a wide range of air purifiers available. Premium and economy class devices from trusted developers are at your service. It is difficult to choose the best brands from them, since all these brands have earned good user reviews:

  • Neoclima,
  • Airfree
  • Ballu,
  • Timberk,
  • Atmos,
  • Daikin,
  • Boneco,
  • Stadler Form,
  • Dyson
  • Faura,
  • Hisense,
  • Hitachi,
  • Termica.

Among them, everyone will be able to choose and buy the most suitable model, especially since many devices have a price that is affordable for a wide range of consumers. If you live in Moscow, the product will come directly to your home, and a company specialist will install it and tell you how to use this device.