Water seal: an essential tool for every winemaker! Do-it-yourself water seal for fermentation How to install a wine water seal.

One of the stages of preparing a wine drink at home is the period of rapid fermentation of the wort, that is, the starting wine material. During this process, enzymes secreted by the yeast actively help convert sugar into alcohol. At the same time, a rapid release of a number of other substances, including aromatic ones, occurs. In order to prevent oxygen from entering the wort, a wine water seal, which is a type of fermentation tongue, is placed on the neck of the vessel.

Necessity of application

Is it possible to do without this device? According to experts, in the initial stage of wild wine, or, as it is sometimes called, fermentation, it is not so necessary. At this stage, carbon dioxide, intensively released from the actively fermenting wine material, simply does not allow outside air to reach the surface of the must. The pressure it creates at the outlet of the neck protects the product from the oxidative process, which under unfavorable conditions can easily cause the formation of acetic acid. Nevertheless, in order to reduce the risk of technology violations and prepare truly high-quality wine, it is best to use a water seal from the first days of fermentation. This will protect the wort from acetic souring if wild yeast found on the skin of the berries was used instead of pure yeast.

In order to build for wine, you can use a rubber tube about half a meter long and with a diameter of 0.5-0.8 cm. The first end is passed through a cork, wooden or rubber stopper so that it extends 10-15 mm into the bottle, and the second is placed in any vessel (for example, in a regular glass) into which cold water is poured. The plug should fit tightly to the neck, and there should be no gaps between the tube and the hole. To make the structure airtight, melted wax or plasticine is usually used. If the farm does not have a suitable tube and stopper, you can also use a blood transfusion system (sold at any pharmacy) to make a water seal. A thick needle is used to pierce the lid that covers the container with the wine material, and the opposite end is placed in a jar of water.

Alternative solution

If necessary, the water seal for wine can be replaced with improvised means. This is allowed in the case when, instead of a weak table wine, a stronger dessert wine is prepared and pure wine yeast is used. Thus, a water seal for wine can be replaced with a cotton plug that tightly closes the neck, and if the fermentation process takes place in an oak barrel, then the outlet hole is completely covered with a grape leaf. In addition, at home, a flat glass plate is sometimes used. When the pressure of carbon dioxide becomes too strong, it rises, releasing gas out, and then falls again and does not allow air to get inside.

Winemaking and moonshine brewing consist of many stages, one of which is the preparation of the mash and the proper organization of fermentation. At this stage, bacteria actively multiply and carbon dioxide is released, which must be removed from the container.

This is why a water seal is needed; it is a mandatory device, without which it is impossible to ensure a full fermentation process. This article will tell you how to make a water seal for mash with your own hands, and also describe store-bought versions of such devices.

The fermentation process involves converting sugar into alcohol, which enables the presence of yeast. It is characterized by abundant emissions of carbon dioxide, and if it accumulates, it will soon lead to an explosion of the container.

The water seal removes carbon dioxide and prevents oxygen from entering the container.

The problem is that you cannot simply open the lid on the fermentation tank; in this case, oxygen will penetrate inside, under the influence of which a number of microorganisms will be activated, converting alcohol into acetic acid. In addition, harmful bacteria can enter the mash along with oxygen, which will negatively affect the quality of the finished product or even ruin it.

A water seal is needed to remove carbon dioxide from the container, while preventing the access of oxygen and harmful bacteria to the mash. For this reason, such a device is simply necessary in order to ensure high-quality fermentation.

Types of ready-made water seals

The water seal can be easily purchased at specialized sales points or ordered from an online store.

These devices can have different designs, as a rule, they come in two types:

  • Collapsible. The device consists of two flasks inserted into one another. The advantage of this design is its small size and ease of use.
  • Two-chamber. In essence, such water seals are curved tubes with compartments connected in series into which water should be poured. An elastic band is attached to one end of the tube; it acts as a seal. At the same time, you need to monitor its condition, since it dries out over time, and replace it in time.

A water seal can be purchased at a specialty store.

On a note. The cost of water seals ranges from 100 to 300 rubles, and almost everyone can afford such a purchase. Therefore, if you do not want to spend time creating a design with your own hands, it is better to purchase a ready-made model.

How to make a water seal with your own hands: popular methods of making a device

A water seal is a simple device that is easy to make yourself. The most common methods are described below.

Classic version

To make a device for removing carbon dioxide in the classical way, you will need the following materials:

  • jar;
  • lid;
  • flexible tube,
  • material for sealing (wax, paraffin, plasticine or silicone glue).

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Make a hole in the lid that is the same size as the diameter of the tube.
  2. Insert the tube and seal its insertion site.
  3. Close the fermentation tank with a structure, and place the free end of the tube in a jar of water.

Attention! To create a water seal, you should not take a tube that is too thin, since the foam released during the fermentation process can clog it.

The advantage of this design is that it is a kind of indicator with which you can determine that fermentation is complete. This will be indicated by the absence of bubbles in the jar of water.

You can make a water seal yourself from a flexible tube and sealing material.

Water seal with outlet

The fermentation process is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. To get rid of this problem, you need to slightly improve the classic version of the water seal and make it with a drain.

This can be done as follows:

  1. Fill a glass jar 1/3 full with water.
  2. Punch two holes in the lid.
  3. In the first, install the hose that comes out of the fermentation tank and place it in the water.
  4. Take the tube out of the second hole and take its end into the sewer pipe. Thus, the unpleasant odor will not penetrate into the room.

When using this design, you must ensure that the second hose does not touch the water in the jar.

Cotton plug

To create a seal you will need sterile medical cotton wool. It must be compacted tightly into the neck of the tank so that there is no free space left.

Such a simple device will allow carbon dioxide to escape without allowing oxygen to enter. However, a cotton plug cannot be called completely sealed.

The water seal can be made from ordinary medical cotton wool.

Another disadvantage of this method is that when using it it is very difficult to determine the end of the fermentation process. For this reason, cotton wool is used only as a last resort, in the absence of other options.

Device for removing gas from a rubber glove

This design cannot be called a water seal in the full sense of the word, because water is not used. However, this method is very popular.

To work you will need:

  • thick rubber glove;
  • electrical tape or rubber band;
  • thin needle.

The glove is placed over the neck of the container, secured with electrical tape or an elastic band, and several punctures are made with a needle.

On a note. You can use the glove to determine when the fermentation process is complete. Its end is characterized by the fact that carbon dioxide ceases to be released, and in this case the glove is deflated.

Water seal from a dropper

To make a water seal from this medical device, you will also need a plastic lid and a jar of water.

To make a water seal, you can use a dropper system.

You need to do the following:

  1. Close the fermentation tank tightly with the lid.
  2. Insert the needle from the dropper on top.
  3. Place the tube in a container of water.

The end of fermentation can be seen in the same way as when using a classic water seal. If the water in the jar has stopped bubbling and gurgling, the process is complete.

Device consisting of a dropper and syringes

This water seal is an improved version of the previous one.

In order to make this device, you will need the following materials:

  • dropper;
  • 10 and 15 ml syringes;
  • twine, rubber band or tape for fixation.

The water seal must be assembled in the following order:

As is clear from the above, it is not difficult to make a water seal with your own hands using any of these methods; even a beginner can handle it.

This video shows a detailed process of making a water seal using improvised materials at home.

The fermentation process is used in the preparation of kvass, wine, beer, and home brew for moonshine. It occurs with the participation of thermophilic yeast cultures, which decompose sugar into alcohol, water and carbon dioxide. In the case of drinks containing a small amount of alcohol (kvass, light cider), fermentation is necessary to obtain a characteristic taste and CO2, which carbonates the liquid. With alcoholic beverages, the resulting flavor composition is also important. Most recipes for alcoholic beverages that require fermentation of raw materials contain a mention of a water seal.

This device does not allow air into the fermentation tank, releasing the resulting carbon dioxide out.

Water seal for fermentation

Which drinks require a water seal to produce?

  • : a water seal is required, without it the wine will turn into vinegar;
  • : a device to prevent air from entering the wort is necessary. Otherwise, the beer will have an unpleasant sour taste;
  • kvass: a seal is not needed, but you can cover the neck of the fermentation container with a cotton swab, although some still use special devices if they are at hand;
  • : despite clogging the drink before the end of fermentation, it is still a good idea to place the fermentation container under the water seal just in case;
  • mash: there is still no consensus on mash for making moonshine and other strong alcoholic drinks. Some experienced moonshiners believe that a water seal is not needed, while others absolutely recommend using it. The mash placed under the water seal will be able to wait longer for distillation and will not sour

Do-it-yourself water seal for a bottle

Making a water seal for fermentation with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems. Today you will learn how to build the desired structure.

Is it possible to do without a water seal?

When making kvass and other homemade fermented drinks, other methods of limiting gas exchange are often used. The two simplest and most common:

  • cotton swab;
  • medical latex glove.

Water seal made of cotton wool

The first option is used if it is impossible to attach a rubber glove to the neck of the fermentation tank, and there is no water seal at hand. Also, a cotton swab is quite acceptable when fermenting kvass wort. Kvass is made quite quickly and is hermetically sealed in bottles before all sugar-containing raw materials are processed into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Aerobic (requiring oxygen to function) bacteria that convert alcohol into vinegar simply do not have time to get into the fermentation vessel.

Good to know: drinks that do not require oxygen-free fermentation are also useful to prepare in bottles covered with a cotton swab. It prevents fruit flies and debris from entering the dishes.

The glove is used in home winemaking and mash preparation quite often. It does not require any skills or knowledge; you do not need to cut, glue, solder or drill anything. Simply place it over the neck of the container and secure with an elastic band or twine. You need to make holes in one or more fingers of the glove with a needle. Due to the elasticity of latex or rubber, the holes will not let air into the bottle or flask, but the accumulating carbon dioxide will create pressure and come out.

Water seal from a glove

But is it worth making do with half measures if you can make a water seal for fermentation with your own hands with minimal labor (photos and videos of the process can be easily found on the Internet).

The simplest water seal from a half-liter jar

To construct the device, a minimum of materials and labor will be required, but it will perform its task perfectly.

Necessary materials:

  • glass or plastic jar with a volume of 300 ml to 1 l;
  • a thin hose or tube made of silicone or rubber (other polymers can be used, provided their use is approved for food);
  • a lid or rubber stopper for the neck of the fermentation container.

Water seal from a half-liter jar


  • you need to make a hole in the lid or plug according to the diameter of the selected hose or tube;
  • pass the hose into the hole made so that its end is located at the very top of the fermentation vessel;
  • seal the connection with silicone sealant or hot melt adhesive;
  • lower the free end of the hose into a jar filled half or a little more with water.

The resulting device is not particularly compact, but it is absolutely functional. The accumulated carbon dioxide overcomes the resistance of the water column in the jar and comes out, and air from the outside cannot get into the vessel with the fermenting wort.

Compact water seals for fermentation from a syringe and a dropper with your own hands

The classic homemade product is not compact, although it does not increase the height of the fermentation tank, unlike purchased models. To get a small but fully functional device, you can use the following option given below.

Water seal made of two disposable syringes

To get a working device you will need:

  • two syringes (plastic), which can be purchased at any pharmacy;
  • silicone or rubber hose of suitable diameter;
  • insulating tape.

In addition, if the diameter of the syringe nozzle and the selected hose do not match, you may need an adhesive compound or regular plasticine to seal the connections.

Water seal of 2 syringes


  • drill the lid of the fermentation tank, obtaining a hole that matches the diameter of the syringe;
  • insert the syringe into the resulting hole with the nose up, seal the joint as necessary;
  • attach the second syringe with the nose down to the first one with electrical tape, connect them with a hose;
  • pour a few milliliters of water into the second syringe.

When constructing drip valves, the necessary part is most often the hose itself. It can either be immersed with the free end in a can of soda, or used to construct water seals of various designs, combining them with various materials.

Silent water seal of very simple design

During fermentation, a large volume of carbon dioxide is released, which, passing through a device to ensure oxygen-free fermentation, produces a characteristic sound - a rather loud gurgle. Not everyone likes this noise, so one craftsman came up with a silent water seal for fermentation; making it with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears.

Do-it-yourself quiet water seal

To obtain a water seal you will need:

  • rubber hose or silicone tube;
  • electrical tape for fixing the loop;
  • materials for sealing joints.

Making a water seal for fermentation with your own hands is not difficult. You just need to secure a piece of hose or tube in the lid of the mash container, fold the central section into a loop and secure it in this form with regular electrical tape. We drip a little water inside and get not only a simple, but also a silent device.

Some believe that tubes that are too thin are not suitable for making such a valve and other similar structures - rising foam can cause clogging of the hose. In fact, you just need not to exceed the recommended volume of mash in one bottle or flask. The working solution of sugar or berry juice, as well as any other raw material subject to fermentation, should not exceed two-thirds of the height of the fermentation tank.

Every winemaker requires special equipment. Some things can be purchased at a specialized store, and others can be made with your own hands. For example, using improvised means you can build a water seal. This article will tell you what it is, why it is needed, and how to make a water seal for mash from scrap materials.

Every winemaker knows that mash is used to make wine. When fermentation begins, sugar, under the influence of yeast, begins to break down into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. At the same time, there is so much gas that the container with mash cannot stand it and an explosion occurs.

To prevent this from happening, excess carbon dioxide must be removed from the container. If you remove the lid, the bacteria living in the mash and coming into contact with oxygen will begin to become active and convert alcohol into vinegar.

It was precisely to prevent the long-awaited wine from spoiling and turning into vinegar that a water seal was invented. A water seal is a kind of valve that removes carbon dioxide from the container. The water seal also prevents oxygen from penetrating back into the container.

The water seal works according to this principle: at high pressure in the container, excess gas escapes through the valve tube into the water, which prevents oxygen from getting back. And also, a water seal prevents harmful microorganisms from entering the wine, due to which alcoholic beverages begin to deteriorate.

As already mentioned at the beginning, a water seal can be bought in a specialized store or ordered online. There are several types of purchased valves:

  • Two-chamber. It consists of two chambers, one of which is filled with water.
  • Collapsible. Consists of two flasks. This type of water seal is small in size.

You can also purchase in the store a special plug with a hole for a water seal. This stopper is convenient because there is no need to make a hole in the lid of the container. And the rubber from which the plug itself is made will ensure tightness and will firmly hold the water seal structure.

The stopper for the water seal can be used from plastic beer containers. This cap is suitable for 10, 15 and 20 liter bottles.

The disadvantages of purchased equipment is the increase in the size of the mash in height.

How to make a water seal for fermentation with your own hands

Making a water seal with your own hands is quite simple. People have invented a lot of designs that perform the function of a water seal. . Below are the most popular ones.

Rubber glove

A cheap, but no less functional option for a water seal for wine. The glove is placed over the neck of the container, and then one of the fingers is pierced with a needle. To prevent the glove from falling off, it is secured to the neck with an elastic band or thread.

You can tell by the glove Is fermentation going on at the moment or not. When it is inflated, it means that an active fermentation process is underway. If it hangs, then fermentation is over.

Tube dipped into water

To make such a water seal for fermentation with your own hands, you will need a rubber tube and a container of water.

Creation stages:

  1. A hole is created in the lid into which one end of the rubber tube is inserted.
  2. Plasticine is molded around the tube. This is necessary to seal it and close possible holes.
  3. The other end of the tube is lowered into a container of water.

You can buy a tube for this purpose in a store. where water filters are sold or purchase it in the construction department. It is best to purchase a large diameter tube for the water seal. Thinner tubes tend to become clogged with foam.

Based on the above method, you can build a water seal, which, in addition to removing carbon dioxide, will remove the unpleasant smell of fermentation. To make such a water seal for wine with your own hands, all the steps of the above method are performed, with the exception of one. For the second option, use a container of water. This container should be closed with a lid with two holes. A tube coming from the container with the drink is inserted into the first hole. A tube is inserted into the second, which should be in a jar of water at one end and go out the window at the other. Thus, the specific smell emanating from the mash will not enter the room, but will be discharged outside.

Water seal for wine from disposable syringes

For this water seal you will need:

  • Syringe without a needle in the amount of 2 pieces.
  • Insulating tape.
  • The rubber tube is slightly larger than the syringe nozzle.

To create a water seal for mash It is necessary to make a hole in the lid of the container. Next, the first syringe without a piston and needle should be placed in the hole, with the nose up. The second syringe is attached to the first using electrical tape with the nose down. These syringes are connected to each other using a rubber tube or hose. Water is poured into the syringe, which is positioned with the spout facing down.

Water seal for wine from a dripper

Creation stages:

If the lid on the container is plastic, then you can make a different design from a dropper. To do this, the bottle for transfusion of liquid is cut off and a silicone tube with a needle remains. The needle is inserted into the plastic cap of the bottle, and the cut end of the tube is inserted into the water. The fermentation process can be observed by bubbles in the water.

Materials of fermentation containers

The quality of the wine is also affected by the fermentation container. To choose a container, you must first decide on the desired volume. There are containers of 3 l, 10 l and up to 100 l in volume. For some, it is enough to buy a bottle with a volume of 3 liters or, while for others, a 20-liter bottle is required to make wine. To choose the volume, you need to decide how much wine you want to get in the end.

How to choose the right mash container with a water seal?

If you know how to choose the right container and make a water seal, you can easily prepare aromatic, homemade wine. Treat your guests to this drink and they will definitely be delighted.

Water seal for fermentation- this is a device that will definitely be needed when making wine or moonshine at home. It is necessary to control the fermentation processes, due to which the wort turns into alcoholic beverages. In industrial settings, complex systems are used; they are not necessary for home alcohol production. A water seal can be purchased at a specialized store, or you can also make it yourself using available materials.

The process of making any alcoholic beverage (wine or moonshine) is associated with the activity of yeast microorganisms. They use sugar for fermentation, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. The second component is the purpose of preparing alcohol, and the gas must be removed from the containers. If it accumulates in bottles in large quantities, it creates increased pressure and the glass may burst.

Bottle closures are installed to allow carbon dioxide to escape freely. They are a discharge tube, one end of which is in a bottle of alcohol, and the other in a separate container of water. There are also varieties where the process takes place without the use of water. There are several reasons why a water seal is needed and how it works:

  • removal of excess carbon dioxide to control the pressure inside the bottles;
  • preventing oxygen from entering the mash - in the presence of this gas, yeast enters fermentation reactions worse;
  • protection against pathogenic microorganisms that can enter containers with alcohol from the environment;
  • getting rid of the unpleasant odor that necessarily accompanies wort fermentation - at home this can become a problem;
  • control over the preparation of wine or moonshine - when fermentation ends, the release of carbon dioxide in the water seal (even the simplest homemade one) stops.

A water seal for mash is a necessary part that will allow you to prepare truly high-quality alcohol. The water seal device resembles a valve that operates only in one direction. It controls the removal of gases from the bottles where the wort is fermented. Without it, if you leave the container open, it quickly becomes saturated with oxygen. In its presence, the activity of aerobic bacteria is activated. The main reason why it is necessary to remove oxygen from the mash is to prevent oxidation and deterioration of the raw materials.

Purchased water seals

Water seals for wine or moonshine are sold in specialized stores. They will not cost much - even with the use of purchased devices, the cost of alcohol will be much less than its price in stores. In addition, they are designed to be reusable. The design of water seals may vary. Depending on their type and mechanism of action, there are two main categories:

  • two-chamber - a transparent tube with several thickenings (chambers) filled with water, as well as an airtight rubber seal;
  • collapsible - its design consists of two hollow chambers (flasks), one of which is inserted into the other.

Both types of water seals work well and can be used to make alcohol at home. The main selection criterion is convenience and personal preference. The only advantage of collapsible structures may be their small size compared to two-chamber ones.

How to make a water seal for mash

Making a water seal for fermentation with your own hands is possible. The main advantages of homemade structures will be their low cost and the ability to use scrap materials. They are slightly inferior in quality to ready-made devices, but are suitable for use at home.

In order to make a water seal yourself, you need to understand the principle of its operation. The main part of any design for these purposes is the one-way valve. It regulates the movement of gases, preventing oxygen from entering the container and carbon dioxide from leaving the container. If purchased devices work due to outlet tubes with cavities, then homemade ones can have any shape.


The easiest way to build a water seal with your own hands is the water type. For it you will need a long tube, which can be purchased at construction or hardware departments, at a fishing store or at pet stores. There are no requirements for this part - it just must be of sufficient length. You will also need to select a separate container (a regular cup will do), fill it with water and constantly maintain the liquid level. The last ingredient is a small piece of plasticine.

A water seal can be made using a simple scheme:

  • a small hole is made in the cap placed on the bottle of alcohol, the size of which coincides with the diameter of the tube;
  • then install the tube and secure it with plasticine so that the gas does not escape;
  • the free end of the tube is lowered into a container of water - thus, carbon dioxide comes out under pressure, and oxygen does not enter the tube.

The end of the fermentation process can be determined visually. Gas bubbles will no longer appear in the water in which the free end of the tube is located. There is also a way to improve the design and get rid of the unpleasant odor that is formed as a result of fermentation. To do this you will need another tube. One end of it is also placed in a glass of water (it should not touch the surface of the liquid), and the other end is taken to the sewer. In this case, the container with water is tightly closed with a lid with holes for two tubes, and then each of them is hermetically sealed with plasticine.

Shutter from a medical syringe

A more advanced option, which is similar in principle to commercial devices, is a water seal made from a dropper and two syringes. For such a design you will need two disposable medical syringes and a dropper (the most valuable element in it is the tube). Syringes can be taken in 10 or 15 ml sizes, depending on the volume of the container where the alcohol is prepared. The main thing is to connect these components in the correct sequence and securely fix them:

  • remove the syringes from the packaging, remove the needles;
  • print the dropper, remove the internal filter and cut off the first 3 cm of its length;
  • tape two syringes in the middle with tape so that they are directed in different directions;
  • put the dropper tube on the two syringe nozzles so that no creases appear on it (so that the movement of gases or liquids through the tube is not hampered);
  • one syringe must remain empty (gas will accumulate in it), and the second must be filled with liquid;
  • Place one of the syringes on the lid of the container and seal it tightly.

If it is not possible to make a water seal from syringes, there is a way to make a similar structure only from a dropper. You don't need to cut it or prepare it for this. One end of it with a needle is placed on the lid of a bottle or jar containing an alcoholic drink, and the other is lowered into a container of water. The principle of operation of this device is identical to a commercial water seal or the version with a long tube, but the design of the dropper allows it to be installed without the need for additional sealing. The cost of such shutters is much lower than the price of purchased devices.

Medical glove

One of the most affordable ways to make a water seal for mash with your own hands is with an ordinary medical glove. The method is widespread due to the low cost of consumables. This device is best suited for making those types of homemade alcohol that do not produce large amounts of carbon dioxide during fermentation. These include various wines, ciders and other drinks based on fruits and berries.

The algorithm for making a water seal from a glove is simple:

  • a disposable medical glove is placed on the neck of the jar containing the alcohol-containing drink;
  • the base of the glove is tightly tied with an elastic band or rope - this way you can ensure tightness and securely fasten the homemade shutter;
  • the top of one or more fingers must be pierced with a needle - gas will escape through the holes and the rubber will not burst due to excess pressure;
  • if the intensity of fermentation processes becomes lower, punctures in the fingers of the glove can be eliminated - just tie one finger in a knot, use a thread for tying, or apply a few drops of universal glue.

Using a glove as a water seal is a simple and convenient option. Based on its condition, you can control the intensity of fermentation processes. If they happen quickly, a large amount of carbon dioxide is released and it completely fills and inflates the rubber. The glove falls off when the yeast fermentation process ends - this means that the drink is ready for further processing.

However, the glove method also has its downsides. Rubber is not a dense enough material, so it is suitable only for situations where fermentation does not occur too intensely. Very often the gloves burst, which can cause oxidation and spoilage of the wort.

Water seal made of cotton wool

Another way to build a water seal yourself is with an ordinary piece of cotton wool. It is simply pushed into the neck of the bottle. However, this method is only suitable for short-term use. It is impossible to install it hermetically, so mixing of gases occurs very quickly. A cotton plug cannot be called a full-fledged hydraulic seal. It does not act as a one-way valve - both oxygen and carbon dioxide pass through this material easily. It is worth keeping in mind if for some reason you do not have a full-fledged device at hand.

Those who make a water seal for fermentation with their own hands claim that it is not inferior in quality to a store-bought one. It can be made from available and inexpensive materials. When installing them, follow the instructions carefully. If the shutter does not work correctly, the drink may lose its quality and the bottles may burst.