Accessories in the bedroom do it yourself. How to make an unusual decor for bedrooms

How to separate the walls in the bedroom correctly, want to know many owners of their homes. The bedroom from other rooms is distinguished primarily by its destination.

Here a person can retire, relax, gain strength for the upcoming labor day. How to separate the walls in the bedroom, which this publication will help to choose a color palette, the texture and their combination.

Tip: When placing the bedroom, you should pay attention not only to its grace and beauty, but also practicality.

The most popular options for wall decoration are:

  • Wallpaper. This is the most common type of room decor. The material can be like simple paper wallpaper and vinyl or even 3D. The species is selected depending on the purpose of the room. For example:
  1. it is better to take vinyl or washable wallpaper into the kitchen;
  2. in the bathroom - moisture-resistant so that the material does not absorb moisture;
  3. for children there are several options. It can be washable and lightweight paper wallpapers;
  4. in the living room perfectly looks textile, phlizelin, liquid, photo and 3d wallpaper, which depends on the design of the room.

Wallpaper can be:

  1. paper is not a durable way to finish the walls;
  2. flizelin wallpapers are suitable for paint. Possess environmental cleanliness, air is well passed;
  3. textile wallpapers, rather durable material having a large number of colors and structures, provides excellent sound insulation in the room.
  • Decorative stucco - This is a great solution to arrange your bedroom original. Paint can be:
  1. acrylic;
  2. mineral;
  3. silicate.

Depending on its type, technical quality, properties and appearance of walls are changing. The advantage of plaster is the possibility of applying it to various patterns, even a small number of proper smears with a spatula can give the room the original view. The disadvantage of the coating is the complexity in applying.

  • Plasterboard.
  1. no preparatory work is required;
  2. you can hide wiring, pipes, insulation;
  3. experienced masters are capable of premises to give a variety of bends, differences and other design solutions;
  4. quick fast installation plates.

The disadvantage of plasterboard is a decrease in the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the hollowness of the walls.

  • Wall panels.

PCB panels are more common in offices, commercial establishments. This is due to the fact that plastic is not natural material, it is rarely quite used in the bedroom or living room.

The material is simply fixed, in case of damage, any element can be easily replaced. An example of plastic bedroom design is shown in the photo.

  • Decorative rock.

Its price is high enough, and put the material on the wall independently, without the right experience, it is unlikely to succeed well, which is a minus stone.

This material:

  1. has high resistance;
  2. durable;
  3. natural;
  4. may give the originality of the room;
  5. stresses the statistics of the hosts of the room.
  • Painting.

It is used more often when the outdoor finish is at home, but indoors it will also be an excellent solution. A wide variety of colors, textures and species allows you to give the bedroom a variety of decor options. When using a curly roller or other special tools, you can easily turn an apartment into a piece of art.

The advantages of the material are:

  1. simplicity when applied;
  2. small cost;
  3. wide room decoration.

Disadvantages of painting - emphasizes all defects and irregularities on the walls.

Accent Wall - Last Time Last

Now more and more often in the design of the bedroom there is one wall of the room by another tint or pattern of wallpaper.

Accent is done - it can be:

  • Panel (see).
  • Moldings.
  • Wall murals and other finishing materials.

Tip: In a small bedroom, it should not be used on all walls with an active pattern. In this case, a rather small room will seem even more modest. Selection of one wall, for example, from the head of the bed, dilutes a monophonic finish in the entire room, as can be seen in the photo.

For the accent wall, the coloring of the wallpaper is often selected:

  • In combination of wallpaper palette with headboard and textile coloring for sleeping beds:
  1. bedspread (see);
  2. bed linen.
  • Under the color of the curtain or carpet coating.
  • If you need to dilute the trim of the bedroom at least one surface of another color, especially when performing in light, neutral tones of the rest of the walls.

The features of the accent wall are:

  • It visually helps pave the bridge between the absolutely white finish of the surfaces and the dark tone of the bed and its textiles.
  • Freshness and lightness will give the room a rich blue wallpaper color in combination with a large amount of natural lighting.

Tip: The location of the accent wall is not always necessarily at the head of the bed, it all depends on the interior of the room, where the window and doorways are placed and what taste preferences at the room owners.

  • Textile wallpapers with applying images are perfectly suitable for finishing the accent wall. Such a material does not harm the health of a person, it is easy to use it. The only drawback is a large price, which will pay off with more thank, with the right selection of textile wallpaper for the bed and windows, which will eventually make it possible to create a bedroom interior harmonious and relaxing.
  • The design of rooms with the manufacture of accent walls, suitable for the device maiden bedrooms. Very advantageously and with some naivety, elements of romanticism are found against the background of concise and simple finish.
  • Sometimes it is not required from an accent wall brightness or color activity, it is enough to choose a neutral palette and an unusual texture that is repeated in the items of the decor or textile for the bedroom.
  • A large and bright bedroom room withstands an active drawing on accent wallpaper, where shades are present in the trim and furnishings of the bedroom.
  • The original wall is performed, expressed in the structure of the wallpaper canvas, which is made of pieces of patterns, which makes the bedroom design individual and gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe owners of the room.

For those who want some diversity, individuality, you can perform such wall decor options:

  • Using the active colors of Moldings and wallpapers, symmetric segments resembling wall panels are formed. In this case, the bedroom is not overloaded with an excess color, and acquires an individual charm for the interior of the room.
  • Bright, colorful wallpapers can be used to design a niche in which the bed is located. Against the background of the snow-white or white wall decoration, this element will look refreshingly, to make the nature of the niche more interesting.
  • Add symmetry the bedroom and give brightness decor, made using bright striped wallpapers on which there are pictures.

How to pick up a color for painting walls

Of particular importance is painting walls in the bedroom. The design of the room can be the most different.

  • A bedroom for a young couple must necessarily have several colors. What will allow you to give the room a liveliness, but a young even intensity. In this case, the styles during the design of the bedroom may be dark or light, which depends on the orientation of the room relative to the parties.
  • For a couple who lived together for a long time, the walls of the walls should be performed in several colors, which will help dilute all the usual.
  • From other people are distinguished by intellectuals of the restraint and complexity of the perception of the surrounding world. Their bedrooms are advisable to decorate in soft cold colors. To do this, the blue bed tone is suitable.
  • For workaholics and people engaged in physical labor, it is recommended to paint the walls in green shades.
  • The children's bedroom needs to be issued using pastel colors and combined with each other. Almost any non-aggressive colors are suitable here: soft pink, blue and other shades acting on a child soothing. The main thing is not to use a large number of brown, it contributes to aging.
  • Quickly reduce sexual activity Salad, and orange color to thin people will give appetite.
  • Combined with alive colors help establish mutual understanding.
  • Purple walls will help to give a bedroom spirituality.

Modern tendencies

In our country, the tradition of decorating the walls of the carpet remained until the beginning of the XXI century. But today, preferences are given to completely different options for decor, for example: wall painting - both manual and screen.

Of course, the drawing in the bedroom on the wall, performed by a professional artist, pleasure is not like.


  • Several simplifies the task of structural plaster or paint. With their help, masterpieces can also be born in the hands of a good master. In some embodiments of these materials, the artistic effect was initially laid out by the manufacturer, and does not depend on the human imagination. This idea allows you to decorate the walls with your own hands, without resorting to the services of specialists - the main thing is to clearly follow the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Today there are a lot of other, more affordable materials. Take at least a photo printing or 3d effect. It can even be the usual wallpapers, but with an interesting, pronounced pattern or relief. As a budget decor, interior stickers can be used for the wall of the bedroom. It turns out both original, and inexpensive - this design option can be seen in the photo below.
  • The tendency to use images in the decoration of walls and ceilings, in modern interior architecture is indicated by the term "art design". Only in it, not a manual painting, plaster and tapestries, but photographic images and panels are used to decorate the walls.
    Art design is avant-garde art originated in the 20th century. It imposed an indelible imprint not only for visual and applied art, but also on the interior design.
  • The ancestral art design was the attic style of Loft, appeared in New York, at the very beginning of the century. Over time, he spread around the world, and influenced even many ethnic styles.
    Where is such popularity? Initially, in this style, huge, often multi-level facilities of the former factory workshops, which the creative intelligentsia of all the masters were chosen for work and permanent residence.
  • These rooms have adapted for housing, as they could. There were no money from most inhabitants such apartments, and huge areas of walls with high ceilings were not possible to plaster. They were simply stuck in what came under hand: posters, newspapers, comics, posters from magazines. Only the floor was delighted, the paintings were put on the walls along the walls - that's the whole design.
  • Such apartments were not subjected to redevelopment. In one room, it was necessary to function and the living room and the bedroom, and the kitchen. In order for them to somehow separate visually, in one zone of the wall could be sealed, and in the other - remain intact. Actually, the currently fashionable trend of use in the design of the rooms of an inextentive brickwork, takes its beginning from there.
  • Although the tastes of housing owners in a hundred years have changed somewhat. If during the element of the style of Loft, the brick laying of the walls was old, today it, as a rule, although not plastering, but stains, while maintaining the relief. This bedroom design can be provided in the process of building a house using facing bricks for masonry.
  • In addition, there are many other materials representing the perfect imitation of the brief side of the brick: clinker and hyper-tile, decorative stone, some types of facade facing. Their use allows not only to get rid of the need for time-consuming stripping and putty the old brick wall, but also to get the same effect on the walls of the panel, shield, or block house.
  • The main motto and meaning of LOFT was initially low cost. But, by the middle of the last century, this style, the efforts of famous world designers, from the budget version of the housing, turned into an elite. The high cost has never contributed popularity in the people, so his interest in Loft over time is a bit. The real boom in art, including interior design, occurred in the 50-60s. It was a period of nucleation of pop art style.
  • He had a lot in common with the initial version of Loft, for which the Spirit of Time also imposed his mark. It was the heyday of atheism, and on the walls, instead of the images of the gods, portraits of idols appeared. So, posters and posters returned to the interiors, but now they were beautiful photographs of popular singers and dancers, Hollywood actors and ballet artists.
  • In addition, the walls could be decorated with any healthy objects: from plastic containers, to vinyl records. Designers of that time tried to prove the people that beauty can be seen in everyday things. It was then precisely for the design of the walls began to use graffiti, and traditional painting gave way to abstract. Moreover, the colors were used the most avant-garde.
  • There were no clear boundaries here - most often, the interior was a kind of cocktail, where the concepts of different styles were mixed. In addition to non-standard materials and colors, unusual forms and images were used. But at the same time, the composition itself and its art detail differed in high quality.
  • With the advent of all new achievements of technical progress, several new architectural styles originated in the 20th century: Fusion, High Tech, Techno. In the interiors, unprecedented materials, structures, lighting devices, household appliances appeared in the interiors.
  • All these styles are based on the mixture of concepts of different styles - did not exceed the style of Contemporary. He originated at the very turn of the XX and XXI centuries, having fought all the most practical, thoroughly thoroughly and frankly cheap.

Here and simplicity of minimalism, and the respectability of the classics, and the practicality of Loft. The main thing is that it is suitable for the design of the studio room and for a small bedroom in a typical apartment building.

How to decorate the walls in the bedroom

Almost every person can stick wallpaper on the walls, spend painting them. But it is not possible to hold the right thing, and the main competent decoration of the rooms may not be.

For registration of already saved or painted walls in the interior, you can use:

  • Pictures. They give the bedroom an interesting interior, but only in the case of their combination of color with a common design. You can decorate the walls with paintings with your own hands. The main thing to have a sense of measure and taste, and the pictures can be purchased ready or made yourself.
  • Wall mural. Such decor elements help to create a special atmosphere in the room due to natural images of nature.

Photo wallpapers decorate children's bedrooms. For this, the favorite characters from cartoons and fairy tales are used. The baby will be very comfortable to live among his favorites, on which he wants to be like.

  • Mirrors Create multiple repetition, which increases the room.
  • Clock Unsure emptiness from the room.
  • Vinyl stickers (cm. ). These elements are quite accessible and give owners great opportunities for creativity. If there is a large number of different photos in the house, they can be placed on the walls, and stickers from vinyl will be a kind of framework. The most suitable option for the bedroom is the wall decoration with vinyl colors, monophonic or multi-colored.

Tip: When using vinyl stickers, it is necessary to comply with the rule: they must be placed at the head of the head. These can be seals, not large animals that give comfort.

Familiar word drapery

How to reorganize the wall in the bedroom by other materials? The question interests many and it is far from idle. Enjoy good ideas to get an exclusive room, people are capable of exquisite taste and fantasies, so they try everything.

Warm walls with tissues instead of wallpaper, and this method has received the right to life along with the name - the drapery of the walls. Walls acquire a soft surface, pleasant to the touch.

To the positive point of this option include the exclusion of work on leveling irregularities on the wall and sealing cracks. The fabric will hide disadvantages and irregularities, although each decides itself, how to perform preparatory work on the wall surface, because you do for yourself, and not for someone else's uncle.

Methods for fastening the fabric to the wall:

  • With glue, which is applied to certain places. This method allows you to save the size of the room. The surface of the walls is prepared by the appropriate way, that is, for itself, nevertheless, a thin fabric is able to hide small defects of the base and you will not argue with it.
  • The instruction contains recommendations for the use of glue for tissues, so you need to contact the proven adhesive compositions and trust specialists.
  • Apply glue to the entire surface does not make any sense.
  • The glue is distributed around the perimeter, paying special attention to places around window and doorways, which are also treated with the composition.

ATTENTION: The magnitude of the adhesive band is at least 10-20 cm to obtain a positive result.

  • The sequence of operations does not differ from the mounting on the frame and starts with the top of the canvas. Poropolone roller rolled the surface.
  • Then one of the parties is glued, on the choice of the working, and the pause is withstanding to dry the glue.
  • In the photo it can be seen how the fabric can deform and lie down, if you break the technology.
  • After completion of the work, it should turn out to be smooth, without folds the surface of the wall with a coating of the fabric.
  • Many left the use of adhesive mixtures and prefer special sticky ribbons, one bar, which is glued to the wall, and the second on the fabric.
  • Combining these bands allows you to press the material and fix on the wall, which allows in the future the fabric is easy to dismantle for washing and cleaning. It is impossible to be silent about the briefness of such a design.
  • Combination of fabric with wallpaper allows you to get a minimum of seams that are placed in distant, invisible bedroom locations, but the decor gives the room to pacification and peace.
  • Another options - the application of the frame from the rails. They are attached with a stapler for furniture there, where glue is applied.

Lovers of an artistic letter

A way is offered when the question is how to decorate the wall in the bedroom for people with artistic skills is not considered.

They just remember the frescoes, drawings and painting:

  • The frescoes are rooting deep into centuries, it is enough to remember the ancient Italian styles and her great artists.
  • The walls of the walls may contain plots of paintings, nicely adding the interior design of the bedroom, but also labor in them will have to fit nevers.
  • Fans of painting a place for frescoes are chosen in a secluded place, which is a bedroom. Professionals exhibit their work for everyone, without fearing to be incomprehensible.
  • Others will not bother the selection of paints and drift themselves with work when there is 3D graphics that provides unlimited possibilities for fantasies.
  • Viewing such an image at a certain angle gives volume, and on the wall you can achieve a stunning and unique effect, which will turn any room into an exclusive one.

Attention: 3D graphics can have a negative mood and psychological impact, so it is necessary to accommodately approach the choice.

  • Many drawings can visually affect the size of the bedroom, increasing or reducing the room.
  • Considering that the surround effect is manifested at a certain angle, the place to view is selected at the entrance to the room, on the bed or in the chair.
  • The decor of the bedroom walls is performed using gypsum. It allows you to get different patterns and is perfectly painted in different colors.
  • The task is more simplified, if using foam.
  • An example is school stands with inconceivable design, where masterpieces with bulk effects are made from the foam from any point of viewing.
  • The decorative tile, partially glued onto the wall, when it can be drawn in it, is used in the decor.
  • Pictures are created on a low putty, and when it dries, the image will remain on the wall for a long time.
  • In this version, liquid wallpapers can be indispensable, which is where there is a scope for fantasies.
  • The simplest and most common method include appliques on the wall from the remaining wallpaper.
  • The faces of the readers who have remembered the tear figs like the patterns of wallpaper, unusual flowers or geometric shapes have been revived.
  • The wall decor exists not one century, allowing from time to time to feel like a real artist, if there is no creative vein, then you can contact the services of specialists.

How to make a soft wall decoration

The drapery of the walls is a cloth - one of the richest breakdown options.

The soft wall in the bedroom can be performed:

  • Cloth. This is the most acceptable option for independent finishing. For the walls it will take durable and wear-resistant fabric, not sagging over time, not stretched. In this case, the upholstery fabric for furniture is suitable, which has a variety of colors and design.
  • Leatherette. This option is much more expensive than fabrics. There are some limitations when using heavy material. It will be necessary to restrict ourselves to the formation of soft tiles fixed on the entire wall surface, you can use the style of the capitone.
  • Leather. It is presented even more requirements when used. All stages of work will mainly be the same as when forming a surface with the use of leatherette and soft tiles.

For soft finishes, the manual requires picking materials for fillers.

They can be:

  • Porolon. With it, you can get a sufficiently thick layer of filler, which means softer walls. Using it, you can make a reliable layer of up to six centimeters thick and more. It is only necessary to decide how soft should be the walls.
  • Sintepon. Such material will help the surface to make uniform. Mount it is a little easier than foam rubber. Best of all it is suitable for finishing the whole wall. Laying the material is made by strips, and its fixation is the same as the tissue itself, a stapler or nails. The weight of the Singisterboard is less than in the foam rubber, it does not respond and is not deformed. This option is suitable for the formation of the wall in the headboard or for the full cover of the entire bedroom.
  • How to arrange and what design to choose for the bedroom, tells the video in this article.

When designing walls of the bedroom, modern high-quality materials should be selected, which will suit the nature and taste of the owner of the room.

The decoration of the walls is usually the final stage of construction work. In such a situation, at the design stage, the color and stylistic solution is determined, the materials are selected, the necessary workpieces are made. If we are talking about the need to change the old interior, or the transformation of the appearance of one or several walls without conducting large-scale repair activities, you can take advantage of creative ideas and independently make the original notes into the decorative solution of the room. On how to decorate the walls with your own hands, based on fashion trends, further in our article.

Decor of walls by prudent materials

In the presence of skills to work with scissors and paints, quickly make decor for walls with their own hands You can from ordinary items.

Decor of bushings of toilet paper

  1. Collecting cardboard bushings remaining after using toilet paper, they are slightly flattened and cut into equal parts, each of which will subsequently become a flower petal.
  2. Now, from sliced \u200b\u200bpieces, you need to make a single composition. For this, all elements are glued together with lateral planes, then they give them the necessary shape and painted in the desired color. Elegant paper Decor Ready.

It's important to know! The unusual design design of the wall in the house with classic is always popular. Even with minimal financial investments, you can recreate in the interior or hallway a noble atmosphere, making bricks from cardboard and painting them in the desired color.

Textural painting of walls

Textural wall painting is used to give them relief and creating a bright accent in the interior. When working, it is possible to use various technologies with which you can transform any room in accordance with your taste.

When using texture color technology, the surface does not need alignment, thus replacing a certain segment of the wall, is possible at any stage.

Below are practical advice that will help quickly and qualitatively reorganize the walls, having received an excellent result.

Preparatory work

For best results, before starting work, walls are putty in one layer, good slimming, then the paint is covered on an emulsion basis. Texture paint is applied to the surface in three ways.

  • Wet method - use of fabric.
  • Dry method - use of the brush.
  • And the last method is the pumping technology "rolling" texture tissue along the wall or ceiling in the same direction.

Texture technology texture:

  1. To begin with, the walls are cleaned of the old painting composition, all the cracks are closed, the place of the shtlocking is polished, after which the surface is covered with a special primer.
  2. Next, to create a sample tone, the base layer of paint is applied. Usually it uses acrylic paint in bright colors (light gray, beige or white). The paint is applied by a regular roller, which can be purchased at any construction store.
  3. After applying, it is necessary to wait for the paint to grab and only after that begin to create picturesque textures.
  4. The glaze on the wall is applied using a mahow brush, pushing the tips of the bristles in the fresh coating, so that a clear structural trail remains on the surface. In order for a deep drawing, it was not lubricated, it is recommended to clean the bristle brush as often as possible.
  5. Depending on preferences, the brush can be replaced with the fabric, the fibrous structure of which will change the texture of the wall, giving it an interesting and unpredictable pattern. Special attention should be paid to the corners, they must be perfectly smooth. For the butt finish, it is best to use small brushes.
  6. After the glaze is completely dry, it is necessary to apply varnish in several layers or to cover the surface with transparent icing without its textural processing. Treatment of floor bands to ceiling in one reception, it is recommended to do together.

Execution of such a type of work is available even to lovers, but to achieve excellent results will need perseverance and patience.

Wall photo gallery

Registration of one of the walls by photographs - introduces a sense of family unity to the interior, creates a special mood, awakening the most kind and light feelings.

It can be large portraits, genre scenes or ordinary frames captured from everyday life. It looks great, a collage that allows you to accommodate many images. If you wish, it can be done thematic, devoting a significant event, an anniversary date or one of the family members.

Volume Photos - Elegant Supplement of Modern Interior

Photos within Different dynamism gives the interior of various sizes. For example, the space is more conservative and static - the wall design is a rectangular framework, which are located in a strict horizontal in one or more lines. Combines this composition into a single whole - the color shade of the frames.

You can move away from the usual way to place photos, decides the wall with a stylized stem image, successfully placing portraits of household on its branches, creating a whole genealogical tree.

The interior of sophistication and uniqueness will help the photos that are not framed by the framework, but glued on a tight piece of juicy shades, echoing with the color motives of the other objects. They are fixed on stretched cords, fishing line, chains.

The wise quotes, important wishes, monogram written on high-quality tight paper with elegant font and framed by a gilded frame will be emphasized and romanticically. They are located next to photos or on an adjacent wall, creating a space permeated with a rhythm.

Important! If the wall area is small, it is not necessary to create a large composition at all. You can put one photo on a narrow glass shelf, it is advantageous to highlight it with a beautiful backlit.

Volumetric elements

The architectural decor completely changes the surrounding space, becoming the center of the entire premises. Having a free wall in a spacious room, with the help of volumetric elements, you can turn it into a cozy corner of the rest, aligning it with the exhibition of your favorite collection things.

Having arranged from a shallow falseland, designed built-in decorative, small niches with glass and soft backlight. Submitted objects placed in such niches, with such light attract attention. Decorate the fireplace will help the portal with antique semi-column and imitation of stucco.

In order not to break the harmony, the color solution of the front planes is selected under the overall style of the interior. It looks like a color stylized for noble marble.

Frames as decor element

Create an amazing world of aesthetics allow the framework from which the glass is cleaned, and the cardboard choke into bright colors or removes at all. Material and colors of framing is selected for a specific style design of the room.

  1. The classic entourage will easily fit rigorous in the form of rectangular products made of noble woods.
  2. In the style of Provence, it looks harmoniously with smooth lines and rounded corners.
  3. For eclecticism, you can pick up the framework of one shade, but a variety of forms and configurations.

Another embodiment of the wall decor will be a single form of the framework, but with different color and material texture.

Empty frames are combined in various combinations and forms. They can create strict horizontal, vertical, move diagonally. Of the small frames create geometric shapes or dynamic curved lines.

An interesting stylish image occurs if several frames are fixed in one image, breaking it into several fragments.

Using pictures

Create a certain mood is possible with the help of paintings that have long been a win-win option. registration of walls.

Wall decoration in style will support images with clear ordered lines on an acromatic background. They must have a simple framing without excessive decorative elements.

Important! If several small posters are selected, they are aligned on the same line.

The noble, ancient style Provence suggests the presence of paintings with the image of idyllic rustic landscapes or genre scenes, and stylized under a wooden frame with flawless varnish and threads, add a larger attractive interior.

The simplicity of modernity is made to the interior modular patterns, allowing you to create compositions in accordance with your own preferences. Stylishly combined red furniture and black and white paintings. Vegetable motives in beige tones are suitable for adherents of calm elegant solutions.

Mirror fantasies

The designer mirrors use special honor, especially when making the interior, as the space is visually expanding with their participation. When fixing under the ceiling throughout the perimeter of the wall of the mirror border, create an impression of a significant increase in the height of the room.

It is possible to put a sense of the holiday and freshness to the room, if there are small mirrors, framed by frames stylized under aristocratic marble or mysterious malachite on the free sector of the wall. Place them chaotic or in a clear order. Free layout makes rapidness, makes the interior more dynamic.

  • Beautiful carved frame with gilding turns the mirror in a bright emphasis of the classic interior.
  • For rooms solved in the style of high-tech, frame mirrors with a narrow chrome strip.
  • Eco-style will support deliberately rough bamboo or wooden frames.

Soft decor

Create an expressive image of the room, bring comfort and comfort to it allow soft panels. Their surface is created from textiles, skin or artificial fur. Gives volume environmentally friendly packing.

Such decorative elements most often draw up the wall in the headboard.

Create a thin and exquisite interior in the living room, if you cover the plywood sheets of the desired size with a noble cloth. Add an unusual east accent of a brocade or velvet with bright colorful ornaments.

Such panels placed on the wall visually allocate the guest zone where the chairs are placed, a table. A decorative fireplace will fit perfectly.

Owing sewing skills, it will be possible to execute decorative wall element in the unsaluing technique of Patchwork ( patchwork sewing). Exclusive knitted products are performed with crochet or knitting needles. Openwork or multicolor patterns, competently selected to the main interior style, give the room completed the author's appearance.

They are stretched on a round or rectangular basis and create a planned composite pattern. If necessary, use to enhance the overall perception of the frame.

Decorative paper elements

The walls can be skillfully decorated with butterflies, flowers created from paper - corrugated, peppercisters, papyrus. Light parts are fixed on double-sided adhesion and are easily restored or replaced by another decor. On the ground painted in a neutral color, the thinty paper parts form lines - horizontal, diagonal, broken, curves, concentric, vertical and others.

You can make them in joint work with children. Fixing on the fishing mugs that change the color saturation from yellow to orange tone or from the blue to the purple shade, it is possible to create a special dynamic atmosphere.

Use of plates

Special charm and sophistication for wall design in the interior Possess wall plates. Collectible products with painting are quite expensive. However, it is possible to make the kitchen solemnly elegant, if there are ordinary porcelain or plastic plates stick ornament fragments. It can be the magnificence of the sophisticated Gzheli or the majestic Zhostovsky painting. You can decorate the kitchen entourage with bright Gorodetsky motifs.

Having spent some time, it will be possible to decorate the plates with elegant pastel or contrast ornaments in the decoupage technique. Add mood and emphasize the special style of the room transfer to the plates of the ornament present on the curtains. For these purposes, separate fragments can be cut from the residues of the tissue and with the help of transparent varnish to fix them on the plywood mug.

Important! Plastic products from varnish can be deformed, so PVA glue is used to work with them.

Vinyl stickers

Quickly update the interior will be able to decorate walls ready-made vinyl stickers. Among the extensive range can be selected images with various color combinations, shape and sizes.

For example, the window drawing is expanding the room. The same purpose serves the appearance on the wall of the road, leaving the distance, fields and meadows or infinite outer space. Marine theme will be gorgeous in the bathroom. For home interior are not suitable for gloomy plots.

It's important to know! Vinyl stickers are easy to replace if the need to refresh the interior or make new notes into it.

Wall art

Ancientary painting is the most popular reception of wall design. In order for the final result to be honed with elegant, it is necessary to possess not artistic abilities, but also a rich fantasy.

The drawing is performed by tempera, acrylic, water-emulsion, oil paints. Having mastered certain skills, you can use the airbrush, can be used with pearl, fluorescent paints (Fig. 1).

Creative ideas for wall decor

  1. Amazing expressiveness and depth of the wall are attached 3D drawingsFor which at the first stage is performed from the gypsum mass of the embossed policies. Then they are beautifully painted. (Fig.2)
  2. The simplest reception of giving the monophonic walls of unusual color sound is striped apparel. The edges are stuck with painting scotch, which allows you to get perfectly smooth edges of the image. You can vary the width, color, direction of the strips. (Fig. 3)
  3. Connoisseurs wall painting Even without possession of art techniques, it will be possible to enter a special mood in the interior, if you use stencils. They do not need to be manufactured independently, as in specialized stores and salons a wide range is presented, allowing you to choose a planned pattern. (Fig.4)
  4. It is even easier to decorate wall planes with stamps. Preliminary a sketch is being developed and placement is done. This will avoid mistakes. Rubber serves material for stamps. There are foam and wooden products, as well as in the form of a roller. For home use, simple stamps are cut out of ordinary potatoes. (Fig. 5)

Beautiful decor for walls with their own hands is the ultimate result of great work, patience and perseverance.

(Fig.1) beautiful wall painting made with their own hands

(Fig.2) Volumetric 3D image of a musical violin, which remains beautiful to beat the drawing

(Fig.3) Bright strips on the wall

(Fig. 4) Using stencils you can get the original drawing on your wall

Flowers in the interior

Lovers of homemade flower growing often place plants on the walls using kashpo. If impose varieties are selected for these purposes, forming entire waterfalls descending down down shoots covered with foliage and flowers, it will be possible to create a magnificent vertical, reinforcing the perception of home and comfort.

The elegant form of pots serves as a decorative additional element that allows you to install floral compositions on narrow, practically imperceptible glass shelves. In such situations, priority is given to compact colors, selecting them on the shades of petals.

flowers. You can enhance the effect with the help of mirror elements placed on the wall of the potted pots. Such a reception expands the space, makes it unusual and mysterious.

Video: How to decorate the walls in the house

There are quite a lot of ways to design walls. Some of them are uncomplicated for independent execution, allowing them to quickly update with priest materials, and some will need certain skills. Successful to you alterations.

In the bedroom we relax, rest, so it is important that she gives joy, aesthetic pleasure, was filled with comfort and comfort. In the article, we will offer interesting ideas for the bedroom that will help create a beautiful and exquisite interior with their own hands.

We will tell you how to equip the room, how to choose textiles, decor and original design elements to create a cozy atmosphere of calm and harmony, photo ideas for the bedroom will help illustrate the most creative options.

How to equip the bedroom

Modern technologies and a huge selection of facing materials make it possible to realize the most incredible ideas of the bedroom repair. First of all, planning and zoning should be executed: make a drawing, designate placement of bed, tumb, cabinet, other items, if the area allows.

Ideas for style and color design

The main tone sets the walls of the walls that canvas for the decor. Therefore, you should choose a style, it will help determine the color solutions for the bedroom. Experts recommend executing space for sleep in a light, pastel palette, prefer muted colors and not use screaming shades. Under these criteria, many stylistic directions are suitable: Eco, Rococo, Italian, Ampir, Romanticism, Modern, Ethno-Design: Mediterranean, Provence, Loft, Minimalism.

Ideas Provence for your bedroom

There are ideas of bedroom design, in which you can not do without dark flowers and bright colors: Hightec, Pop Art, Art Deco, Gothic, Japanese, Moroccan, Arabic, Indian.

Bedroom High Tech, Stereoscopic Panel Specifies the Mood Interior

Ideas for walls

Wallpaper is the most sought-after material in the bedroom. It is better to use paper, textile, fliesline cloths, cork, straw, bamboo. They breathe and retain a special microclimate, the condensate is not formed under them, which reduces the likelihood of fungus.

Wooden panels are found in classic design, lining, block chamois - in a rustic, tile, modern corrugated and 3D panels - in high tec, brick and stucco are characteristic of ethno and industrial styles. Next photo ideas of the interior for the bedroom will help us demonstrate the most relevant combinations.

Wallpaper with a large ornament looks spectacularly decorated. Suitable for bedrooms of different sizes, but the active decor should be muffled with monophonic and calm items in the color of the wallpaper.

Ideas for the bedroom, photo, how to muffle the variety of monotonous fabrics, and the pursuit of monograms is a strict, graphic pattern on furniture

Beautiful and elegantly watchboard wallpapers on contrasts. There may be several combinations:

  • monophonic;

Photo of the cozy bedroom, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe scenery on the contrast and zoning of a small room

  • drawing and monochrome;

Designer bedroom ideas, photo, how to combine one-hand color with active decor

  • the canvas with the pattern, background and ornament in color are changed in places;
  • the geometric pattern (band, circle) is combined with monophonic wallpaper or each other;
  • vertical: bottom - dark color, top - brighter.

Idea how to decorate a high room

Tip: Interesting ideas can be found in wallpaper catalogs, borders and moldings are presented there for aesthetic design of the junction.

Bedroom design ideas, photo of a compact drawing, highlighting sleep zone

Wallpaper with embossed create an unusual 3D effect, the room acquires chic and individuality. But they are emphasized, a quiet color in the compartment with monophonic textiles is recommended for the bedroom.

Bedroom decor, photo textured wallpapers with visual volumetric pattern

In modern repairs, a fashionable tendency is traced to perform accents with decorative panels from plaster, plastic, polyurethane.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe bedroom design panels

As a rule, it is a sheet or slab material with a repeated ornament. Depending on the ideas for design, you can decorate a whole wall or part, lay out separate segments.

Gypsum models can be painted in any color.

In essence, this is a new reading of stucco, imitation of stone and brickwork, clapboard, timber, block-block.

Bedroom repair ideas, photo example, as traditional materials to use in a modern interior

Decoration of walls with wood is always stylish and relevant. New ideas of toning, painting and processing allow you to achieve interesting effects: formation, selection of texture, patination, staining in an unusual color, etc. Ideas are actively used in Provence, Rustic and Mediterranean directions.

Bedroom Idea with Stone Wall

Stone in the bedroom scenery is better to use dosage to emphasize the design. Combined with decorative plaster, wallpaper, wood, which delicately muffle the coldness of the stone texture.

Accents and zoning

Accents will help to highlight functional zones and decorate the bedroom. Ideas in the design arsenal abound:

  • the breakdown by moldings with the decoration of the inside by wallpaper of a saturated tone or with an active ornament, decorative plaster - the reception came from the classics;

Big surfaces are better broken into segments

  • modern idea - a niches of plasterboard with illumination and a beautiful decoration inside the design;

Highlightened plasterboard looks spectacular

  • framing by stone, colonoms, plaster stucco artistic painting, frescoes, photo wallpaper, an amazing prospect effect is created;

Figure with a perspective framed by stone or brick, gives a feeling of continuing space

Wallpapers with beautiful ornament, frescoes, artistic painting, photo wallpaper -syl tools in the scenery of bedrooms, can be used as an addition or as an independent decor element.

Idea for panoramic frescoes

For bedrooms, preferably landscapes, biblical motifs, macro shot of nature, cosmos, city scenes, architectural monuments and art.

Print backlight makes playing with new paints, depth and perspective appears

For boys - marine stories, favorite cartoons, for girls - fabulous characters and princesses.

Idea for small bedrooms

If there is a question how to equip a small bedroom, it should be focused on visual expansion and ergonomics of space. Design ideas are built on monochrome and small decor:

  • mirrors and reflective surfaces (gloss, glass) - break the borders;

Idea for a small bedroom - mirror wall

  • a narrow wall, plated by wallpaper with a horizontal strip, will seem wider;

The band is a strong visual way to change the proportions

  • a wide vertical strip not only lifts the ceiling, but also expands the space;
  • macroprint visually reduces furniture dimensions;
  • align the proportion of an elongated room will help a wardrobe, a dressing room, arranged near the end styles;

Mirror Idea for Built-in Cabinet

  • the long surface will be more accurate if it is broken into segments, combining: moldings / wallpapers, stone, brick / plaster, decoration.

Minor emphasis can change the geometry and mood of the bedroom

  • diode illumination hidden by cartoons will create a height feeling;
  • a wall niche, turning into the ceiling, unites the space and highlight the bed zone.

Combined structures combine space

Tip: In the small bedroom it is recommended to order built-in furniture, it is compact and roomy. Designers will develop an ergonomic and beautiful headset, which will allow maximum use of the square.

Idea for a dressing room, the curtain will hide the inside and does not rise in the bedroom

To organize several functional zones immediately will help the wall with a built-in desktop. Under the window, a small silestone is often attached, a banquette can be replaced with a drawer stylized under the chest with a sidewa lid.

Working area idea for a small bedroom

It is advisable to use vertical surfaces: shelves, suspended lockers, pencils.

Practical idea how to maximize areas

Ideas for combining bedroom and living room

Often there is a room for recreation to load additional functionality. The ideas of zoning living room-bedroom are based on maximum ergonomics.

Built-in furniture and niches from drywall - this idea will save space

In the elongated rooms optimally build a partition that separate the bed from the sofa area:

  • racks of pipes and glass, LDSP, Tree;
  • gypsum constructions are solid or with shelves niches;
  • glass screens made of art glass;
  • openwork partitions made of carved wood, forging;
  • sliding systems.

Wardrobe Partition - Functional Idea Enter Square

For small bedrooms optimally fasten the garardine on the ceiling and hang curtains, a good solution will be shirma, on the one hand you can make hooks for clothes.

The idea of \u200b\u200bzoning: a curly ceiling in a coupe with curtains blurces the boundaries of the combined bedroom

In the elongated and dark bedrooms, the partition is better replaced by the podium with a pull-out bed.

Multifunctional Idea for Little Bedroom

Furniture-Trasformer Significantly saves the bedroom space

In the nurses, to free up the place, install a bunk headset.

Compact idea for headset in children


Textiles adds a raisin, sets the mood. Choosing fashionable curtains for the bedroom, should be guided by the rules:

  • monochrome, calm decoration - textiles bright, can be on the contrast, with an active pattern;

Beautiful textiles decorate the bedroom

  • intensive decor of the finishes - curtains, covered in a calm, monophonic palette, pillows and upholstery can be selected for the color of the pattern;
  • little bedrooms are better to withstand in monochrome, the simple finish is complemented by a stinging one-photon fabric in the same gamma;

Gourmet Textile - Bedroom Decoration

  • short and neat curtains: Roman, French, Austrian - easy and air, is released by space under the window;

Idea for windows, compact curtains do not overload the interior

  • massive, multi-layer curtains with Falda and bulk lambrequin made of heavy tissues are good for the scenery of windows in large rooms.

How to decorate the bedroom

There are other spectacular techniques that will help to decorate the bedroom. Beautiful facades for the cabinet: art glass, colored mirrors, engraving and sandblasting, stained glass windows, enamel on glass, combined sash.

Idea to decorate room furniture

Exquisite wooden headsets from valuable wood, lacquered, silver, gilding, inlay, a typical pattern in themselves will be decorating the bedroom.

Gourmet Furniture - Raisin and Bedroom Decoration

Forged furniture and decor elements are not cumbersome, will serve many decades.

Forged headset looks easy, relevant idea for small bedrooms

Another aesthetically functional decor of the bedroom is a fireplace. Speech on imitation: Falsh portal from stucco, bio and electric. Such a replica will decorate the interior, an additional shelf and a heating device will appear.

Fireplace portal from polyurethane or gypsum can be built with your own hands

Decorate the bedroom and beautifully decorated headboard bed: uterus, openwork grille, cavalry on racks, curtains on mencil, attached to the wall or on the ceiling.

Idea for openwork headboard made of grille

Ideas for bedroom do it yourself

Manual decoration always looks sophisticated and individually, allows you to show your creative potential. We will tell about ordinary ideas, how to make a bedroom decor with your own hands, refresh advice by photos:

  • contour graphics (color and monotonous) - the template is translated into the wall, the contour will be burned, filled with acrylic paints;

Bedroom decor, photo, do it yourself you can perform painting walls with a simple pattern

  • stickers can be bought in the store, as well to order your favorite idea in the workshop;

Stickers - bright idea for interior

  • stencils and stamps, paint is applied with a sponge, so that the outlines are neat;

Stencil - an easy way to apply drawing

  • applications;

Applique can be cut both from monophonic and colored paper.

  • mosaic or panels from girlfriend - always original;

Idea for panel - ornament from twisted paper

There are still many interesting ideas for the bedroom you will find in the photo galleys.

We picked up simple and practical tips for design, which are suitable for typical apartments and for a bedroom in a private house.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Bedroom - a place of rest. Nothing should remind of work, office weekdays. If it is not possible to remove a laptop or a computer table, you need to zonate the space, separate the working area with the help of the screen or place it behind the cabinet.

In the bedroom it is not a place for business securities and accounts, otherwise it will turn into the office. Everyone wants to have a cozy, warm room, where you can relax after a difficult day, distracting, to forget about problems and concerns. To create a dream room, a designer is not necessarily called. It is possible to independently fulfill its desires, ideas. It should be borne in mind that the decor of the bedroom should be directed to the creation of a benevolent, pleasant atmosphere.

Color spectrum

The color of the walls in the room will affect the overall well-being, mood. Yellow creates a feeling of happiness and satisfaction. Green is associated with nature, foliage of trees, he is neutral.

Blue color resembles a blue sky, causes calmness, peace. Blue is not a place in the bedroom, you can fall into depression. But the walls, even painted in the correct color, without decorative elements seem boring and bare. Small skills in drawing, the ability to keep the brush in your hands will help to correct the situation and make the wall decor in the bedroom original and spectacular.

Decor of walls in the bedroom

The perfect way to decorate the room becomes fresco. Feature a picture that successfully will fit into the style of the room, you can feel like an artist and be accepted for business. Preliminary work - putty, primer will require labor and time, but the result is worth it. The fresco will give the room a special sophistication, originality.

But if the work is tight with the work, and I don't want to invite a specialist, you can go easier way - to use family photos for a bedroom decor. Persons of loved ones and native people will always carry a good mood. Photos are good because they can be changed depending on the time of year, events.


The final bar interior gives the window. Curtains have not only aesthetic function, they protect against noise and dust, aggressive sun. They can be on the tone of the walls, furniture, or stand out for a bright, contrast spot. The main criterion in choosing the desired curtains is your own taste. Amented by fashion trends, you can get a beautifully decorated, but not fit into the overall look, window.

An important element of the window decor in the bedroom becomes lambrene, it looks noble, majestically. Heavy brushes, pickups, cords strengthen the impression of stability, Quality. With the help of Lambrequin, you can successfully hide the disadvantages of the window opening. Original photo of bedroom decor ideas can be seen on this site page.

Photo of bedroom decor do it yourself

A small room will require special attention. It should not be joined here the elements of the decoration, otherwise it will seem very tiny, the decor of a small bedroom requires a special taste and sense of style. A small picture of the headboard, a few photos in the frames, wall lamps, mirrors visually expand the room.

The comfort of conditions for sleep and recreation significantly affects the daily human well-being. The quality of recreation depends on many details, important among them is the design of the bedroom. The interior of the bedroom should emphasize the intimate and pacifying atmosphere of this room. The uniqueness of the furnishings of the room, reflecting the inner world of its inhabitants, is important.

You can decorate the wall above the bed with the help of: mirrors, vinyl stickers, watches, photo wallpaper.

How to decorate the bedroom with your own hands, not referring to the help of designers? You can enhance the design yourself by changing the appearance of the most necessary items by making them refined. If the interior elements are also as functional as possible, the bedroom will gain a romantic, but unobtrusive aura.

Basic Decor Rules Bedrooms

In no case cannot be turned into a branch of a cabinet or office. There should be no objects that could remind about work. Documents, accounts, computer table must be in another room. Permissible presence of a laptop, but its permanent place should not be on or near the bed.

The entire decor of the bedroom should be directed to the maximum relaxation.

The comfort of bedrooms depends on the bed, the bed must be high quality and most comfortable.

It is necessary to exclude exciting and too vivid elements. But the boring bedroom should not be.

Relaxing eyesight and duplicately acts on the psyche green, beige and pastel tones. The soothing is considered blue and its various shades. Bed linen color should be harmonized with other elements of the interior. For greater aesthetics in bright shades, you can perform some accessories and decorations.

But the advantage should be given to beloved colors, creating an infant eye combination. Created by the principle of selection of shades can be duplicated in other rooms to disperse attention from the bedroom.

One of the ways to decorate the bedroom is the creation of a kind of "coordination center", a plot that will first of all attract attention and form a general impression about the interior. It can be a headboard bed, vividly distinguished against other items.

Above the headboard can be placed a LED tube, an expressive picture, a large photo or other decoration. But for a big picture, it is better to choose a thin frame so that it does not look at cumbersome. Tightening attention and original canopy, creating airiness and romanticism of the situation.

Visual increase in the bedroom

During the design of the bedroom, various factors are taken into account, including the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. If you have a bedroom of big sizes, then, decorating it, you can give complete freedom of your imagination. The sufficient volume of the room does not limit the sphere for self-expression.

But on a small area there is a danger to overstat the room with various elements of the decoration. Over time, the situation will begin to irritate the eyes, cause a feeling of discomfort and even affect the fortress of sleep.

Visually to expand the sleeping room will help the proper design of the walls. Wallpaper sticker with vertically directional patterns visually pulls the room in height. Wallpaper is better to stick not to all the walls, but in certain places. It is possible to separate the bedroom to zero using wallpaper borders for walls.

Increase the volume of reflective elements - mirrors and glass items distributing "bounce" of light. Wall lamps can be part of the wall design and create lighting, harmonizing the total color gamut. A large mirror can be hung on the cabinet door.

The carpet on the floor is not too bright colors will soften the visual sensation, but in small rooms do not hang carpets on the wall. On the walls, it is better to place images made using stencils, while with them should cross the patterns on bedding.

Printed fabrics must be combined with smooth color, it will not create gravity for the eyes. Scenery and decorations should not be placed in all parts of the bedroom, intelligently complicate them in one or two places. Their selection and combination should create the impression of a whole.

Saves space Installation of furniture, combining several functions. For example, the ottoman adapted for storing various things, or a bed with a box for storing bedding. Furniture upholstery, lockers and bed textiles should be chosen in one color scheme.

Bedroom accessories do it yourself

Regardless of the style chosen for the bedroom, simple accessories made by yourself will make the atmosphere of more lively and mental. For example, it will be easy to make decorative pillows with original colors, affixing the focus of a discrete bedroom interior.

If you can make embroidery, the mood of the room will always be in your hands without changing wallpaper or curtains. This decoration can be manipulated and with embroidery on napkins for bedside tables. If you master the decoupage technique, you can decorate the bedside tables and a wardrobe with original images.

It is quite appropriate in such drawings or photos performed by independently. The most organically looks landscapes and abstract images, but in unreacted colors. In the bedroom, nothing should distract from the main classes for which the room is intended.

Flowers and small plants lined with their own taste, enliven the situation and refresh the air. Flower pots can be made independently by keeping the line to individuality. But if you believe that the flowers at night take oxygen in a person, you can create compositions made of dry plants and stones.

Weighing gear of individual expression will be self-stitched curtains on the windows. This is a painstaking job, but the original author's design of the curtain can be the subject of your pride.

You can decorate the bedroom in different styles, but the selected option must correspond to the internal world of owners. The main thing is to find a non-standard solution that can ripen gradually, but as a result, even a slight touch can be a highlight of your interior.