The atmosphere helps to create a stylish kitchen. How to create a stylish atmosphere in a small kitchen

Let's talk about the psychology of color, his influence on our comfortable well-being and how we make your choice correctly, to create the most comfortable atmosphere.

It is no secret that with the help of color can be achieved very fine sentiment, atmosphere, image. Color can be selected, based on the psychological and physiological needs of each person. As psychologists found out, the relationship between the color and psychological state is very closely connected. For example, if we look at the color theory of the famous Swiss psychologist Max Lucher, we will see the relationship between the chosen by the color of man and its condition, mood.

What is relevant at the current time and in the future, affects the color selected by us, respectively, making a choice in favor of one or another color, we can understand the needs, the states that we prevail with us now and that we want to implement what we strive for . The color preference is directly the value for the diagnosis of emotional state and to harmonize the internal state, for example, through the method of color therapy.

The game is light, the correct location of each part in the house: wall color, ceiling, etc. - It all affects our emotional state. Many of us spend time at work, and coming home, want to relax, relax. Or, among us there are those who have an active character and wants to bring more bright, creative paints into their home.
What would be good at home, it is important to choose the right color palette.
When choosing a color to create "the very" atmosphere - it is important to know!
Colors and shades as a whole can be divided into cold and warm, bright and dark, bright and muted, that is, pastel.
Warm colors - create cheerful, lively, active mood.
Cold colors - create a calm, soft, cool mood. Cold colors are a good option for the bedroom, as they bring calm. Bright cold tones, in combination with contrasting bright warm colors - will be treated, and they will not let the eye bother.
A bright shade will add the sun into the room, and pastel colors will make the room in deep, in addition, all pastel colors, mirrorly expand the space.
The harmony of several tones of one color looks richer than one-color composition, for example, white and light blue, blue and dark blue, brown and beige.
If it is difficult to determine the color, use neutral shades - they will sound in unison with any interior. Take advantage of the prompts on design sites, color circle and tips on a combination of several colors at the same time.
If you plan to use interior paints, but did not decide with a shade, choose brighter colors, light color, easier to repaint in a shade darker or more rich. Using paints, you can implement creative ideas as an artist.
It is known that "taste and color, no comrade." What color to create the most favorable design, the atmosphere is best to choose you?

4 Steps to select a solution for creating the mood of your interior:

1. Determine your desire: what do you want? How do you want to interior? Imagine in what kind of atmosphere wanted to be, what sensations do you want to experience? Ease, calm, relaxation, lively cheerful or active condition? What is your character, what color gamma is suitable more?
In the first step, consider two important points: first - what do you want to see in your housing space, what do you want to experience, what emotions? For example, at the moment you may seem that it will correctly run the design in bright color to create a cheerful and active mood. But, do not hurry, think whether there will be such a design in the future, for a longer period, will there be a situation with the "brightly contrasting" tints? The second point, when choosing a color in the interior, focus on the long term.
To understand yourself accurately, take a sheet of paper. Divide it into two columns. In the first column, write your wishes for design: Color preferences, shape, type of materials, etc. Parameters that are currently relevant are interesting. Then, in the second column, representing that 2-3 years passed, think if the selected parameters are relevant, from the first column? If there is a doubt, some voltage, then think that it is important to take into account now, so that it was comfortable. If discomfort during the projection of the room for the future does not arise - leave the first option.
For clarity, use the Internet, with the inclusion of pictures, color palettes, etc.
Select photo options, interesting now and, options that are more relevant in a long projection. Choose the optimal solution for the final decision.

2. The opinion of other people is important: your environment, your family, friends or professional designers, masters.
If you live not one / one, then not to take into account the wishes of family members will not work - their opinion is also important, but if you clearly know what you want and why you want to make a certain way, you will be easier to implement your idea, bringing your arguments. Ask your opinions of friends who are familiar to what they advise, as they see, they can add interesting ideas to your piggy bank. Or, if you decide to use the services of professional designers, masters. Take into account the advice of experts, but do not forget about your idea you want to implement (live in an apartment, a house - you, not consulting specialists), orient their work around our goal.
After you get advice from other people, come back to your idea, add, adjust it if necessary (in some cases, something can change due to the specifics of the materials used, the premises existing free space, etc.).

3. Consider the possibilities, resources: what materials are the resources you need to implement the conceived?
Make the estimate, write a list of all possible alternatives that give a complete or partial solution to the issue of design, design. What is already and what you need to do, what else did not think about? What option is ideal, and is optimal to create a desired, comfortable atmosphere? What is critical in the question of changing design: time, materials, cost, attracting labor, etc.

4. What should I do? Terms? Conditions? When are you planning to start and finish work? What will be the first step and where will you start?
So, determine the personal goal, based on your preferences, then, collect opinions of members of your family, friends, acquaintances or experts. Adjust your goal from accounting for wishes, recommendations, from other people. Make an estimate of the work. Determine the terms and timing.
Remember about your expectations and the intended goal! You are the architect of your mood!
Focus on the plan, as an experienced designer and designer, create a comfort, embody your ideas in life!

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A small kitchen can be a real sample of style and efficiency with simple transformations. Although, as it may seem at first glance, in a small kitchen will always miss the space, in fact, with a reasonable approach, a small kitchen can be very functional.

The smaller room size means that the hostess will need to do a smaller number of steps between the sink, stove and refrigerator, which means an additional opportunity will appear to decide how to save time on homely troubles.

In order for a small kitchen to look and become more, you need to work on three important aspects: storage space, lighting and kitchen appliances.

First of all, try to give preference to smaller kitchen appliances. In the model ranges of household appliances manufacturers, not only volumetric devices, but also refrigerators, plates and dishwashers smaller dimensions are presented. Perhaps a worthy place in a small kitchen will also take a refrigerator bag. Think: is it possible to replace a large device for the preparation of four toasts to a small toaster, in which you can fry two pieces of bread?

The color solutions for a small kitchen are best choosing in bright colors: cream, beige, salad or blue. This will allow visually expanding the space. To create a cozy atmosphere, an option for performing wall-mounted kitchen cabinets with glass facades is performed. To save such a precious space that have kitchen cabinets, frying pan and pans can be placed on suspended structures, adding an additional highlight to the interior.

Floor racks to the ceiling for storage of dishes will allow the use of space with maximum benefit. The backlight of the lockers will allow you to visually increase the space. To make the floor it is better to choose a tree or a tile of several shades. Such decisions make space look wider than it really is.

Spend a thorough revision of the available kitchen appliances. Are you often using a processor or coffee machine? Most people actually regularly enjoy half the kitchen appliances; The rest is prepared by the fate of eternal storage on the shelves of lockers. Removing unused devices, places in the kitchen you will significantly add, freeing the space for such a useful thing in the farm, like a homemade minipivation. Use the most natural lighting: massive curtains on the window in the kitchen do not allow the daylight to penetrate the room.

Recently, candles, blankets, coffee and other cozy attributes of life captured the hearts of people around the world. What was familiar, it became almost the most important in the life of everyone. Comfort question has become a priority in all aspects of life, and everyone wants to create himself. In this article we will tell you what to navigate and how to apply your creativity.

For the first time, the word HYGGE appeared in a conversational Danish language at the beginning of the 19th century. It translates as "well-being, welfare", that is, a special atmosphere, which is tightly connected with the state of happiness. In Denmark, the issue of creating an atmosphere of coziness and security is in the first place, as this is a country in which there is extremely few sunny days, quite often come rains, strong winds blow and tightening winter. The Russian climate is not very different from the Danish, so the lifestyle Hyugge is so warmly loved in our country.

In more detail about Hyugge wrote in his book "Hygge. The secret of Danish happiness "Michael Viking, who is convinced that happiness can create everyone himself, that it directly depends on the surrounding atmosphere, attitude to life, and to her in it.

"Hyugge-" is not written, but feels ""
Michael Viking

Hyugge atmosphere

In the new direction, much depends on the details, the little things that create warm sensations, feelings of peace. It becomes relevant to the use of creativity, in the design of textiles, lighting, cooking, clothing and the use of eco materials. Handmade-things are not replaced in Hyugg.


Knitting occupies a special place in the Danish style, as it creates a pleasant tactile and visual sensation that gives more comfort and heat. It can be plaid, sweater, socks, scarf, hat, rug.

For use, natural materials are taken, such as wool, cashmere, alpaca, cotton, bamboo. The color gamut is chosen by the one that is as close as possible to nature - it is gentle and pastel shades of pink, green, brown, sandy, heavenly, blue, yellow, lilac.

Tough wool plaid


Embroidery serves the decoration of things. This type of needlework gives a strong woman elegance, notes of romanticism and flirt. Its use is so diverse that it is limited only to the fantasy of the wizard. For example, embroidery is good in just, pillows, blankets, paintings, tulles, collars and buttons.

It would be appropriate to use such types of embroidery as: a classic counting cross, a smooth, embroidery with ribbons, in Brazilian, beads. In Hyugga-style, minimalism and natural motives are popular, so those plots that personify the world surrounding are taken. They may be snow, birds, branches of trees, flowers, inscriptions, landscapes, etc.

Embroidery stitch


The food must be not only delicious, but also beautiful. It is not an end result, but the cooking process itself. The assistants in this case can be friends, relatives, since the common cause does not only unite, but also pleases doubly. Food becomes a platform for creativity of all who participates in the process of its preparation.

The main rule in Hyugge is to make meals, which not only looks beautiful, but also cooked with the soul. It is important to enjoy every piece, appreciate the pleasure of food.

For the Danish style, it is important details that please the eye, ranging from a beautiful apron, ending with an elegant spoon.

Tasty breakfast


Someone has a pleasant conversation in a cozy cafe with a cup of tea or coffee. Someone in the soul of evening walks along the flowering park with a loved one. For someone, it is important to spend time with relatives on a picnic in the park or in the forest.

But the beloved pastime of the Danes, it is to play with friends in board games, sitting near the melted fireplace, periodically drinking cocoa. Games are popular with the opportunity to play the company to five people, such as: scrab, Domino, Lotto, Monopoly, Citatomometer, Backgammon.

Game "Scrabl"


The main principle in Hyugg-style, it is environmentally friendly in everything, so a tree is often used in design. With this value, things are used with the history that can be used for years and which are moving from generation to generation. Therefore, artificially imparting ages of age or decoration with delicate drawings is very popular in Denmark.

Recipes of a cozy house from our permanent author Anna Mulan

Most recently, I moved to a new apartment. But the expected joy from moving did not experience. I could sit until the night in the beloved Starbucks: work, rest and inspired. There was more comfortable than at home. When I felt that I was already 80% conscious of coffee, I realized that it was time to return home.

Thought about why not pulling there? Why in a noisy coffee shop cozy? And in general, what little things do the house house?And here are the recipes of a cozy house, which is not exchanged for a cafe. Verified on personal experience.

Well, I decided to change in the house. But where to start? Read the smart book, magazine, view design training on the Internet, and maybe hire a designer? But from this apartment would not become more comfortable because the concept "comfort "Everyone has its own. This is something personal.

I started with a simple - from questions: "And what atmosphere in the house do I need at all? What feelings I wanted to experience in each of the rooms? "

Do not hurry to throw out the old and buy new furniture. The apartment will not be more comfortable. Ask a question: what do you want? And for each room, you will choose at least three symbol words describing the atmosphere that you want to create.

Very cool book on this topic ". It makes it clear that before starting global changes in the house - first it is worth sought in yourself.

My comfort prevented the things that I have not been using for a long time, and throw out a pity ("This is the same memory"). I am sure everyone came across this problem (our balconies - the temple of the memory of unnecessary items).The trash accumulates and dust for years. And old, already unnecessary, memories interfere with enjoy the present. By the way, on the topic of unnecessary things and order in the house we have a separate

Do not be afraid to throw off jars, flashers, bags in bags, boxes - what has not been using it for a long time. Yes, these things were once needed, but it was time for something really important and new.

Recently traveled in Sweden and drew attention to one detail: in each apartment, the windowsill stood a paper star-lamp. And the rooms and balconies were decorated with lights. I even had an atmosphere of home comfort and warmth.I then thought: "This is cool! And just abonyms. " M.we treat the light in the house superficially: hung the chandelier and at best, the lamp was set. And the light is a powerful taste that creates the atmosphere.

Each zone in the room is highlighting the light, do not allow dark corners. Put the flooring at the chair in which you like to read, hang bras over your favorite picture or photo, do not forget about the table lamp and a chandelier with a soft light.And, of course, candles are warm and vibrant light.

The best friend of the comfort is a light adjustment: install it on all light sources for the desired atmosphere.

Sofa is an interesting thing. He is like a gray cardinal: it seems not to be the foundation of the interior, but affects everything that is in the room.The sofa carries a large emotional burden - this is a place where you can relax and relax, chat with your relatives and friends, looked at the plaid to watch TV with the second half. To his choice, come seriously.

"Well, I buy some cheap at first," I mistakenly believed. My was uncomfortable and hard, moreover, quickly broke. I had to go looking for high quality and new to learn apartment.

Quality is expressed in beauty and convenience. When choosing, look at the accuracy of the seams, coating, and most importantly, on the filler. The perfect filling is the fluff with a thin layer of foam rubber.

Minute theory: LPU or latex polyurethane foam is an ideal solution. Unlike the simple foam rubber, the bubbles in which burst from the load (from this coating bent and loses the form), latex does not suffer from operation, and returns each time to its original position. This can be checked by sitting on the sofa. See how fast it will return the shape. Another faithful way is to ask the consultant or ask to look and touch the layer.

Do not skimp on a decent sofa - this is your comfort. We don't even have an article about this: "How to choose a good sofa?" And how to read it more - see below.

Plaid often travels from the room to the room on my shoulders. When I want warmth, I pull it out of the subsoil of the cabinet. But he can warm not only people, but also to give heat a whole room.

Reducked through the back of the chair or armrest of the Sofa Plaids as it were hint that they live in the room, it uses it. Cashmere, woolen, cotton, in a cage or strip. With them, any interior will be less domestic and alive.

And pillows! To be honest, I had only one. She lay on the bed, covered with a blanket, and performed one function - transferred to the world of dreams.Pillows are able to update and even change the interior. Place one on the chair and a few on the sofa, and the room will look at the new one!

But not everything is so simple. In addition to beauty, it is important here. If family members, friends, guests, sitting down, move or clean the pillows, then no comfort here and speech does not go. What a gorgeous will not be a pillow, first of all she should invite you to sit down.

Here is a couple of lifehakam:

pay attention to the pillows from the fluff - they are the most soft;

doubt the size of the pillow - make an error in the big part;

large squares on sofas (35-50 cm) , rectangular on the armchairs (30x40 or 40x65);

the color of the pillow must coincide at least three things in the interior (curtains, carpet, wallpaper, etc.)

Here is the formula for the comfort of the sofa \u003d plaid on the back or armrest + 2 identical pillows at the corners + rectangular cushion in the center. (More about the number, location and size of pillows in our)

A lot of useful advice on soft comfort is in the book "House, Cute House". I read it in one evening and inspired to buy new pillows!

The first thing that people coming into the house are noticeable is its fragrance. He remains in memory and creates the first impression. It is unlikely that it will be cozy in the apartment with a smell of damp or mold.

This does not mean that you need to buy a bunch of flavors and spray where it smells unpleasant. The bottom line is that the basic aroma should be created, which is always in the apartment - you feel it as soon as you go from the street home.

You can use the following:

aromatic mix

Convenient to use Sasha. Sasha - small pads or bags filled with natural materials: petals, branches, herbs, spices.

Such bags are packed throughout the apartment, and be sure to meet a pleasant fragrance after a hard working day.

aroma candles

Depending on the season or our mood we can change the smells of the house using aroma candles. They revive any room and are appropriate almost everywhere, except the dining table - there is a place of the smell of delicious food.

Be careful. From candles from cheap and low-quality materials, get no relaxation, but a headache. Choose from soy or coconut wax with natural components.

We noticed how the room transformed when there is a beautiful bouquet in it? Somehow immediately fresh, joyfully, cozy. But such transfigurations in the interior of the majority happen on holidays when the flowers are swinging in the house as a gift.

Here I love live flowers. They encourage the room and create a fresh flavor. Therefore, I adopted the rule to keep their homes all year round (about how to choose flowers, you can read). No one says that you need to buy huge gift bouquets. A pair of tulips, peonies or ordinary daisies - and the room becomes more cozy.

Another option is houseplants. With them such a home and well-groomed view of the rooms. Choose cute and fragrant plants: jasmine, daffodil, amaryllis, geranium, citrus.

Imagine, after a long repairs you go to the apartment. Do not know the house, everything is stylish and in a new way. Walk around the apartment as if by the museum, looking at every detail. Sit on a chic and soft sofa and look around. Everything seems to be beautiful, but youuncomfortable. And all because it remains to addhimself.

Photos, paintings, books, memorable things tell our story. With competent alignment of these items, it turns outliving house telling about the owner.

Making your home through:


This is what we love and let you admire. Through the books, we are able to tell about our hobbies, even without calling them. Therefore, you do not need to remove them in the boxes and keep in Chulana.

You can make stacks of books on the floor. You can position on the shelves, diluting them with candles, figures, photos.


I love live, random pictures. They accurately convey our emotions and state at the time of the past. It is these photos worth keeping not on a smartphone, but on the walls in the apartment. How to do it, read

Print, hang or put on any place in the room. Fill it with emotions.

Pictures and pictures

You are surrounding yourself with creativity that inspires.

Hang pictures on the wall or simply put on the table, the fireplace shelf, lean to the wall to create an atmosphere of carelessness. (How to do it, in the article "How to hang pictures without headaches?")

I recently revealed the magic of decorative mirrors. Stepping in IKEA between showrooms, I drew attention to one living room. She was air, fresh and bright. And all due to decorative mirrors in unusual frames.They were so aggravated by the luster reflected in them, that the room became very busy. The scattered light illuminated the dark corners of the space and it turned out very cozy.

Do you understand what I mean? Mirrors will not harm. Hang them on the wall instead of a picture, put over the fireplace or next to some kind of furniture, position between the pair of windows, above the sofa, over any shelf or toilet table.

If in the house of the fireplace, then 50% of the plan for the deception is made! Because the fire is warm, calm, peace, comfort.Alternative - electric fireplace: firewood is not necessary, it is impossible to burn it, there is heat.In general, if you can buy this magic thing - do not think!

These items helped me bring the apartment to a cozy ideal. But there is still an important detail - the comfort in the house creates his people.

Your comfort is you yourself and those emotions that you bring. Positive or negative, they charge every corner.

And here is the ideal formula comfort: spiritual sites with relatives and friends + love + 10 tips mentioned above and you will never exchange a house on a noisy cafe.