What to fade a brick fireplace. How to choose the right material for finishing the fireplace

Facing options fireplaces

Options for facing the fireplace actually exists not so much. Indeed, in each case, it is not possible to apply any material. Here, the condition of functioning at high temperatures becomes the first place, not all components can be transferred to it, especially for a long time. Therefore, this question is attentive to this. With a decorative design, any material can be applied at all, but at the current think about the fuel, which will be used, because different types of fuel produce different combustion temperatures. It is also important to place the installation. If the fireplace is located in a room without heating or summer kitchen, it is necessary to bore it with a material that is well tolerating air humidity.

Before you choose how and how to bind the fireplace to see photos and videos on this topic and decide on the design. Also, many can pay attention to the installation method, you can entrust this case by the company, but note that, most likely, this work is not cheap. Having made a cladding with your own hands, you significantly reduce the cost of work and the whole design.

What facing is suitable for the fireplace?

Plastering the fireplace

This is a pretty traditional way, suitable for both furnaces and fireplaces.

Application of decorative plaster in the finish of the fireplace

  • Usually, such a finish is made by cement mortar, but you can also apply decorative plaster, it is more suitable for artificial portals. But with this material you can perform almost any pattern and give the portal the desired color.
  • This type of finish is quite simple to make it yourself.
  • With the right facing, there will be a durable construction that will serve not one dozen years.

ATTENTION: This finish is performed only after complete drying of the fireplace and shrinkage of the entire design. Something is sometimes added to the solution, it increases the service life of the plaster and significantly strengthens the surface.

  • The layer of plaster is best to apply on a warm surface. Protect the fireplace and give it to cool. Now apply the first spray layer. Before starting work, moisten the fireplace and then drying the solution will take place most evenly, which will exclude the formation of cracks.
  • The latter layer is applied to a completely dried surface with a different tool, the layer thickness should not exceed 5 cm.

Finishing plasterboard

Listing the types of facing the caminon should be overlooked from the field of view and trim from plasterboard. This material is perfect for decorative and electrical construction, but not applicable to the operating fireplace.

Options for finishing a fireplace plasterboard

  • The installation of such a material is made on a metal frame.

ATTENTION: When performing a frame, you should pay special attention to its correct configuration. Check it carefully, otherwise the fireplace will have an incorrect geometric shape. Use a plumb and a square.

  • Plasterboard sheets are bonded by self-drawing, you should not fix their jack, always leave a gap of 5 mm. After that, the seams are putting down and the joint is sized with a ribbon, which must be predetermined in the gypsum solution. With these actions, you will avoid surface deformation when heated.

Finish artificial and natural stone

Such a cladding is quite exquisied and looks stylish and rich. You can apply almost for any type of fireplace - it perfectly withstands the increased temperature.

  • The paper uses natural and artificial stone. The cost of the first option is much higher, and if you want to save, calmly choose the second. You will have a strong design that will serve not one dozen years.

Use a natural stone to finish the fireplace

ATTENTION: When applying such a material, special attention should be paid to the preparation of the base surface. It must be done flawlessly. This will largely determine the quality and service life of the entire design.

  • Any options for facing a fireplace stone can be performed in any room, an increased humidity and temperature differences will not affect it. Only if you apply a decorative stone, you should pay attention to the parameters of the elements. In the instructions, pay attention to temperature drop cycles. This value should not be below ten.
  • If you plan to apply solid fuel when furnace, then the masonry is made on the clay solution. Cement will not withstand the combustion temperature for a long time.
  • Before starting the installation, it should be properly and efficiently prepare the surface. After complete drying, apply the primer, it will strengthen the fastening of the surfaces.
  • When attaching heavy elements, always use metal hooks, they will be able to withstand the weight of the details, otherwise they can simply swim by the solution.
  • Never make the laying immediately without having experienced details. First, they laid out on the surfaces in a row and carefully seen with the help of a grinder. And only after that you can make a mortar mount.
  • Corners should always be checked with a coal and plumb. And the order is checked by the construction level, its length should be at least one meter. Remember, a deviation of 1 mm can turn into an accuracy of 1 cm in five rows.
  • With the use of this material, you will not have a question than to bind the fireplace furnace, the stone is perfectly used in any material of the manufacturer and finishing of the fireplace. In addition, it looks stylish and original.

Finishing the fireplace tile

This material is most popular when finishing the fireplace. Moreover, both decorative and acting. In the finish, such types are most often used:

  • Majolica;
  • Terracotta;
  • Porcelain stoneware;
  • Clinker tile.

Apply a fireplace tile

Such a finish successfully transfers temperature differences and increased humidity, so the facing can be made in a bathroom. For high-quality attachment, he should heed to the advice of specialists and comply with some requirements.

  • Thoroughly and efficiently prepare the surface. It should be completely cleaned, the seams should be deepened by 1 cm, this will allow quality to hold the material.
  • Before starting installation, be sure to sort the tile by its size. Make two packs. In one of them there will be the greatest number of elements, it is from it that should begin work.
  • Make a complete layout of elements on the floor to a natural value. Encode a row and well support the elements for this, use the grinder. And only after that you should make a mortar mount.
  • During operation, the solution can fall on the facial part of the tile, you should immediately delete it. After some time, it enters into the surface, and then remove the spots will be much more complicated.
  • During the masonry in the seam, a solution will fall, it should be removed by the angle of a spatula, otherwise you can after drying, making clean, just break the tile.

Now you know what the fireplates do, the instruction on the attachment of almost any material is on our website. The most important thing is not to hurry and do everything neatly according to the instructions, and soon you can admire your new beautiful fireplace!

Video: examples of finishing the fireplace with their own hands

This question is interested in homemade craftsmen who have decided to fulfill the furnace or fireplace. It is also very relevant for everyone, who has a stove heating in the house. The decoration of the focus with a simple plaster is not distinguished by high aesthetics and after a decade of operation asks for replacement.

Of course, cracks and separation of the finishing layer can be repaired. However, after such a procedure, the stove looks not the best and in a short time again begins to crack.

We will tell you than to bake or fireplace so that they look great, they have not demanded a long time to repair well.

Selection of materials for facing furnace or fireplace

The principal difference in the decoration of these heating structures is not. All that facing the oven is suitable for the fireplace. But the requirements for finishing materials in both cases are quite concrete:

  • High thermal resistance;
  • Good thermal conductivity (thermal return);
  • Mechanical strength;
  • Solid grip with solution;
  • Aesthetic look.

You do not have to invent a new type of facing. Practice of the furnace offers a lot of options for performing this work and materials for its execution.

Professional masters are used for finishing furnishings and fireplaces such materials:

  • Brick;
  • Ceramic tile (terracotta or majolica);
  • Tiles;
  • Natural stone (marble, basalt, sandstone, slate, granite).

In recent years, artificial stone and talco chlorite have joined them.

Brick facing

If you are satisfied with the aesthetics of ceramic bricks, then use this cladding material. The most difficult question is the protection of the heated surface from cracks in this case does not occur. Brick facing stands on a general oven foundation and does not require the use of the reinforcing grid.

The furnace furnace in the house with the help of facial bricks can be carried out simultaneously with the masonry. This material is well suited for improving the appearance of an existing design. Contrast colors and curly details are pleasantly transforming the view of the ordinary stove.

By beauty, the fireplace brick facing is not inferior to expensive mramor or granite.

Brick decoration is well suited for metal furnaces. Here between the steel case and brick facing use ballast snowing from dry fine sand. It protects the masonry from the deforming expansion of the hot metal and moves well thermal energy.

Ceramic tile - option for soft heating

The tile of glazed ceramics is a very popular and inexpensive way to facing furnaces and fireplaces. The only limitation for this material is the surface heating temperature. The tiles do not have powerful hooks and lock connections for resistance to temperature deformations. Therefore, do not put it on the furnaces that are very hot when working. For fireplaces (weak heating facade) it is suitable optimally.

Ceramic clinker tile is an excellent "simulator". With it, you can "create" any kind of finish: under brick, tie, wood, granite or marble.

Those who are looking for an original and inexpensive solution for facing a fireplace or oven, we advise you to try a combination of decorative bricks and ceramic tiles.

The combination of smooth and rough texture, dark and light tones will give the hearth pleasant charm and charm.

Tiles - experience of centuries

The furnace masters have long been looking for a way to protect the finish from temperature deformations until the tiles were invented. In fact, it is an ordinary clay tile, but a special "volume configuration". On the back of the tiles, there are special protrusions - RMSP. They serve to connect tiles among themselves and ties with a masonry array.

Styling of tiles lead simultaneously with the construction of a furnace or fireplace, a number of over. So it turns out a durable self-supporting wall. With the main masonry, it is associated with wire "mustache", laid in the seams between bricks.

Between themselves, the tile tile is connected using steel brackets. With a brick wall of the furnace, they binds not only wire, but also the solution laid in the RMS and into the space between the tiles.

Facing technology with tiles differs from a conventional chimney. First, they put a number of tiles, fix them between themselves and clog the rumba with a clay solution. Only after that, the brick wall of the furnace is closed close to them.

The richness of the decor and the color range of chimneys is striking imagination. Therefore, finishing with this material is often equal to high art.

Natural and artificial stone

Natural stone meets all the requirements for finishing stoves and fireplaces. It resistantly tolerates high temperature, has a dense fine-grained structure and therefore it moves well. This material is extremely durable and environmental.

Beautiful texture and natural color scheme - undoubted advantages of stone tiles. The only minus of natural material is a high price. Homemade masters today have an economical alternative in the form of an artificial stone. It is technological in the finish and is not inferior to natural heat resistance, strength, beauty and ecology.

The manufacture of artificial stone is not associated with time-consuming sharp, grinding and polishing. Modern pressing and firing clay technologies make it possible to obtain complex curly elements that are not inferior in appearance expensive products from natural stone.

Thanks to the creation of heat-resistant mastic, the finish of the fireplace has become easier and does not require the use of mortgages. Therefore, it is actively mastering her home craftsmen who wish to compete with the famous masters.

Talco chlorite - sounds beautiful, but is it profitable?

Well organized marketing company works wonders. Therefore, enthusiastic reviews about Talco Chlorite sounds everywhere today. This is an ordinary volcanic breed, heavy, durable and heat-resistant. What it is better than basalt, granite or sandstone you will not answer no one. But in price, it is not inferior to an elite mramor delivered from Italy (from 7,000 rubles per 1m2).

While Talco chlorite "gothes" only in the baths and saunas, where they are faced by Kamenka. It is possible to use it for finishing a fireplace and an oven, but there are more economical options.

The color gamut of this stone is quite poor. It predominates pale gray and greenish shades.

Wood - not only stove fuel, but also a beautiful finish

Wood never excluded from the category of finishing materials for fireplaces. This material does not conduct warmly, so you need to use it limited and competently, applying as an emphasis of the facade decor.

In the heating furnace for wood there is also a corner. Here it can be used to decorate shelves, decorating corners, laying and shops.

Facing the oven and fireplace with your own hands

We will look at an easy version - the facing of the existing furnace with ceramic tiles.

The finishing process here consists of the following operations:

  1. Surface preparation;
  2. Installation of steel grid;
  3. Plastering the grid;
  4. Tile finish.

High-quality facing of the oven tile will not work if the surface will not be released from the old plaster and dust. Seams between bricks need to be cleaned from a solution to a depth of 5 to 10 mm (for better adhesion with a solution or glue).

Now the entire surface of the furnace, where the tile will stand, you need to tighten with a fine steel mesh (cell 15x15 mm). For its attachment, a dowel with washers are used. They are scored not in the laying seams, but in the holes drilled in a brick. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Dowel Topial, it is more common, since the greatest temperature deformations occur there. After installing the dowels, they stretch the grid.

Facing the furnace begins with their own hands from the first lower row. Here the tile is fixed on the heat-resistant mastic or heat-resistant glue strictly by level. For applying glue uses a standard toothed plastering spatula.

Pushing the tile to the masonry, it is aligned horizontally and vertical, achieving a uniform distribution of the solution. If the tile is quite thick, then a hammer with a rubber brick is used to seal it. For fine facing the best mounting tool - hands. Plastic crosses are used to obtain a smooth seam. The correct installation of each row is controlled by the level and plumb.

Having finished the cladding, take a break for 2-3 days so that the glue gained marching strength. After that, it is embarking on the seams, using a dry cement-polymer mixture and a rubber spatula.

The fireplace in the house or apartment is a sign of luxury, and the detail of the interior, the doning comfort, peace, warmth. And what romantic evening without fire? And then, the fire is one of those things to which you can watch infinitely long. Inspired and already engaged in arrangement of the fireplace?

Leave the installation of professionals, and think about how to separate the portal for the fireplace so that he fit into the interior of the room and was hardly the central element.

The fireplace can be any - gas, electric, on biofuel, natural, even imitation. And it can be placed in the corner, in the wall or by the wall, to be island. Any of them is beautiful.

The main thing is that the fireplace itself, and the fireplace shelf, the portal, the fireplace accessories were chosen with taste and looked at harmoniously.

In the meantime, the fireplace is mounted, there is time to think what will be the finish of the fireplace portal. You can use different materials.

  • Brick.
  • A tree in the form of a solid array, lining or panels.
  • Decorative stone - artificial or natural.
  • Lrack.
  • Plasterboard.
  • Stucco.
  • Ceramic tile.

Tip: All materials must be fire-resistant, and drywall and wood are impregnated with special compositions that prevent combustion.

Before moving on to the finishes of the portal, it is worth considering both the fireplace height, and its width, location.

  • Style of fireplace and portal. They must be combined. In many respects it depends on finishing and location.
  • Location and size. If the hearth is at the very floor, it will also fit narrow, and a wide model. But wall fireplaces or those that are raised above the floor must be wide. The exception is island fireplaces that are not tied to any of the walls.
  • The portal is associated with the design of the fireplace and its task - to emphasize this. If the fireplace itself acts, then the portal should be with the fireplace on the same level, otherwise all the beauty of the open fire will be lost.
  • Proportions. Consider not only the hearth itself, but the surrounding space. So, for an outdoor fireplace, free space is right in front of him. If with this tension, preferentiate a wall model. In addition, it is necessary to withstand the proportions and size. The classical ratio - when ¾ of the entire height of the portal occupies a fireplace and ½ of its width.
  • Do not pre-build a portal in advance, not having another real model of the fireplace. It happens that or dimensions do not correspond to the specified on the site, or you can simply miss various trifles when installing it - wiring, chimney, fastening. Yes, and with the design you can guess in the shade, material. Conclusion - with a ready-made, already installed fireplace to deal easier.

And now consider the options for finishing the portal of the fireplace from various materials.

What material for finishing choose?


The brick finish of the portal is suitable for the interior in the style of country, Provence, Loft.

The finishing brick should be high-quality, without chipping and cracks. It is preferable to use the brand 200 and above.

The color is selected and under the fireplace itself, and under the style of living room - white, red, red-orange, etc.

Would you like to make a brick portal yourself? The video will help you.

A natural stone

Expensive interiors - classics, ampir, baroque, modern, must match the fireplace.

Marble, granite and other durable, beautiful breeds - such a stone is used to finish the fireplace.

The fireplace from marble is expensive, from the cobblestone - originally.

In working with this material there are subtleties.

  • Weight. It is significant, so before installing the fireplace it is necessary to strengthen the floor under it. The foundation should be several centimeters to exceed the width of the portal and the depth of the fireplace.
  • It is durable, beautiful, refractory, almost eternal.
  • Large pieces of stone can fall off during the installation, so use the hooks.

This is an expensive material, but the result is worth it.

Fake diamond

If you are confused by the weight or cost of natural stone, you can take artificially. According to beauty and in quality, it is almost not inferior to natural material.

Portal from decorative stone. Find 5 differences.

Artificial stone is mounted on the frame and the construction grid. But the firming foundation is not necessary. By purchasing material, make a stock of 10-15%. It will be needed for finishing the corners, frieze, possibly shelves over the fireplace.

The beauty of the portal finish with an artificial stone is that it has enough color variations, structures, textures. At the same time, it does not release toxic gases and unpleasant odors when heated, since it is made from environmental materials.

Yes, and the stying with your own hands for everyone. Doubt? Video instructions to help you.


The portal of plasterboard will fit into modern interiors. His styles are High-Tech, Art Deco, minimalism.

For such a design, the framework will be needed to which plasterboard sheets will be attached. Subsequently, the portal is covered with paint, mosaic, plaster, artificial stone, smearing.

Important! Remember that this material is not suitable for fireplaces with natural fire. Despite the impregnation, he is not able to withstand the heat.


For decoration, you can use both wood panels and a carved tree from a solid array. In the first case, the fireplace will fit into the style of Loft, Modern, Country. In the second case, it will be the decoration of the classic interior.

Fireplaces from a solid wood array or parquet board equally eco-friendly.

You can lay out a fireplace from a parquet board or stripping it. If you are using a tree, do not hide its texture. The more noticeable, the smoothed swirls, annual rings, the most beautiful and unusual portal will turn out.

Important! The tree must certainly be well dried and saturated with a substance providing refractory material.


Ceramic facing of the fireplace - neat, practical and universal. Such a portal is suitable for natural, and for artificial fireplaces.

The basis for the portal is a frame of a chipboard and profile. And the finish itself resembles a tile laying in the bathroom or in the kitchen - a solution or glue, beams, grout.

Gypsum lepnel

If there is already a ready portal, then plaster elements are attached - eaves, semi-column, moldings, pilasters.

Note that the plaster stucco is pretty heavy. Therefore, the frame should be durable to withstand this weight.

Polyurethane modeling

In the modern interior, a polyurethane analog of plaster stucco is allowed.

True, it is desirable to use it only in false fireplaces. Open fire not only can conquer this beauty, but also will cause fire.


If the fireplace is built into the wall, then the finishing of the portal is not complicated and similar to the usual wall decoration.

Fireplace country houses have always been very popular designs. In any case, any owner thought about building a fireplace in any room. Someone built a real one, someone is limited to a false option - this is a matter of taste. Still, there were already those times when, among other things, the fireplaces performed the important function of the heating of residential space.

Each of the options looks great, very original, creates a comfort in the room - and in general, a very soulful atmosphere - everything will agree with that. That is why the decorative finish of the fireplace is an important aspect of housing cladding, you can not even argue with this.

How to separate the fireplace today best, what are the options here? Materials are many, all of them are diverse. Let's talk about this topic in more detail - and you will definitely find something interesting for yourself.

Materials for the construction of fireplaces

Build a fireplace in a country house today you can with the help of different materials - options abound. But in ordinary urban fireplaces there are such designs - this is quite normal.

So, in a private building, use:

  • Gas blocks;
  • Foam blocks;
  • Brick.

Such building materials are good with their refractory. They react perfectly even on very high temperatures - because of this, they are chosen.

In a situation where the fireplace is built of brick, the red material is recommended for use. He preserves very much warm, looks more beautiful, aesthetic.

Also in construction actively apply such solutions:

  • If there are no options, you can always use white brick. The decorative finish of the fireplace in this case can also be made brick. The master can use the brick of different shades - there is nothing complicated. Just in the concrete solution, those or other painting special substances are added - the result is impressive;
  • When the design is built from aerated concrete or foam blocks, it's time to think about - than to separate the fireplace, because without a special facing it will not look in the best way. Materials are beautiful, the heat is perfect, but there are aesthetic terms over what to work.

Please note: such materials are large enough - so if you make an error in calculations, the fireplace may turn out to be very large. If this moment is critical, calculate everything in advance.
  • The master must also remember that fireplaces usually have chimney. In case you make a false design, this element is decorative, so anyone can cope. But if the fireplace is real - without high-quality and working chimney it will not do. Bringing combustion products is vital;
  • For the construction of the chimney use the same brick - it is the easiest. The design assumes the presence of a damper - so that the fireplace has enough air - then the combustion process will be more productive, high-quality
  • Build fireplaces from natural stone - the task is expensive, but if there is a means there is an excellent option.

Special, if you create a real office in a country house, hunter room or room.

Features of fireplace floors (interior decoration)

If you are interested in what you can finish the fireplace, you should also learn about the other: what is a firebox. The fireplace is a place where solids are burning - it can be firewood, coal or some other fuel. The decorative finish of the fireplace also includes work with the furnace, but about it in detail below.

To separate this part of the structure, today is used:

  1. Brick;
  2. Plasterboard sheets;
  3. Natural stone.

Facing plasterboard

  • You can really use plasterboard sheets in order to sheathe the fireplace furnace (after all, such a material can even be durable). But, only if the work is carried out with a false fireplace. However, exceptions from the rules are also allowed. In the drywall, it may be necessary if it is necessary to align the surface in the furnace;
  • Only special material can be used in the works of this level - moisture resistant plasterboard. Some other one here is not recommended;
  • In the process of work, it is also worth paying attention - if such a material is used, the volume of the furnace can significantly decrease. This is because the fastening of the sheets is performed on the frame (of course, metallic). Its on the surface are made from a special profile.

What is used in order to perform installation work:

  • Needed material directly;
  • Metal profile;
  • Sculpture and self-tapping screws.

And now in detail about the installation:

  • During the work, some difficulties may arise - especially their probability is great when there are places in the fireplace, access to which is difficult. That is why it is recommended to work a screwdriver (a tool that functions using batteries);
  • The fireplace of the drywall is usually trimmed when the firebox size needs to be reduced to a large extent. This happens when the fireplace has a large size - and the owner wants to correct the situation;
  • If you decide to use the sheets of such a material, it is important to consider internal finish in advance - so that the material can be protected from the destructive effects of fire and high temperatures.

In this you will definitely help:

  • Decorative stone;
  • A natural stone;
  • Ceramic tile (used far from often, rather an exception).
When the firecard can be faced with plasterboard, it usually does not occur difficulties. First, the material is mounted, then it is started to finishing work (there is also a fully enough of your own forces).

We use brick

Usually bricks are used in the situation when the fireplace itself is built from this material. The furnace in this situation is erected together with the rest of the design, there is no need for an additional decorative decoration.

In addition, the brick is chosen in the case when the entire fireplace design was made from another material - which could not cope with the temperature effects (or simply easily flamming, does not tolerate heat).

Such materials are:

  • Wood;
  • Plasterboard, which is not fire-resistant.

From the brick lay out the chimney, the very furnace itself is inside the design. And in order to provide maximum safety, it is important to withstand a certain distance from the fireplace box to a facing brick layer. This interval should be at least 200 (and even better - 250) mm.

Facing ceramic tiles

If the decorative finish of the fireplace is exactly what you are interested in, you can not pass by such a wonderful material as a ceramic tile.

In general, it is rarely used for the interior finish of the furnaces, they are fixed only on the surface that is flat (usually on drywall, above has already figured out that its installation is not such a difficult task).

Run the installation of ceramic tiles you can easily, if there is a hand:

  • Concrete solution;
  • Two spatulas;
  • Finishing material;
  • Cross-shaped plastic beacons (needed to be smooth).

Features of the use of ceramic tiles:

  • The material is very fire-resistant. To mount the installation qualitatively, it is best to use special building glue or concrete solution.
To be beautiful, the distance between the tiles should be uniform. It is for this that it is worth using cruciform beacons - they are installed between the elements of the finish. They are not expensive.
  • When the installation work on the tile installation is made, the seam is usually masked - for this there is a special decorative puttage (maybe different colors - you can easily find the desired). In general, nothing complicated - the result will be great.

Decorative Foreign Finish Fireplaces

Since the fireplaces can be both real and solely decorative (work with certain electrical devices) - finishing options differ radically. Of course, when the fireplace is only imitation, a completely different approach to the facing process.

What kind materials for finishing fireplaces and furnaces can be used? Here is the list:

  1. Glass;
  2. Wood;
  3. Marble;
  4. Porcelain stoneware;
  5. Plasterboard;
  6. Decorative stone;
  7. Ceramic tiles;
  8. Fagot decorative.

Marble and exterior cladding

  • The decorative finish of the fireplace marble is expensive, but a very beautiful solution, aesthetic. The design will gain a truly solid appearance - an excellent way for the owner to emphasize its high social situation;
  • Today you can buy already fully finished facing for fireplaces - there is a demand, it means that the proposal can easily find. Order on the desired size is also possible from professionals;
  • The master can use individual parts to assemble the facing.
Fine the fireplace is noted by marble - not the easiest task. This process is time consuming, in addition, it is worth remembering about many subtleties, trifles.

For instance:

  • Marble weighs quite a lot. Because of this, its installation on the wall is impossible if before that the surface was covered with plasterboard. However, this rule does not concern those decorative elements that the buyer is already provided in a fully prepared form;
  • Installation of such a natural stone is customary to do on a brick or some other surface. For this, a concrete solution with different additives is used, or a specialized adhesive agent.

What properties is marble? You can note:

  • Fire safety;
  • Fire resistance;
  • Durability;
  • Strength.

This also appropriate to add "practicality" - but many masters will argue about this. The fact is that this finishing material has a very "capricious" surface. It reacts very poorly to the impact of certain detergents, which contains abrasive particles.

In addition, spots can occur on the surface of the marble with time - but only when the material was processed poorly.

Finishing the fireplace plasterboard outside

How to separate the fireplace? Plasterboard? A completely successful option, especially since it is often common. Especially when electrograms are trimmed.

Process, in general, looks like that:

  1. First, with the help of profiles, the framework is made - fasteners of plasterboard sheets are made on it. After these sheets are plastered (this can help), then finishing;
  2. But here it is worth considering such a moment: the fireplace of the fireplace is also worth a plasterboard;
  3. Decorative stone or barbell - such options perfectly look outside. Installation of materials is very easy to the surface of the fireplace, especially if you use a specialized glue composition.

Wood sheat, glass application

It is no secret that the tree is famous for its beautiful texture. To propose a fireplace with such material - it is quite real, for this, the lining is perfect.

Installation of material is possible on any surface - there would be a desire.

And for mounting you need the following:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Self-tapping screw;
  • Wooden bars or skis;
  • The finishing material itself, without him anywhere.
Of course, it is permissible to use lining from wood only in outdoor finishing works, because this material is very easy.
  • So that the lining looked aesthetic and the material served you as long as possible, it is recommended to apply a special varnish on its surface after the installation will be executed.

In facing work, you can also use glass. In modern interiors, such material is very in demand.

Details about use:

  • How can I apply the glass in the fireplace finish? This occurs not so often - this is a fact. The fact is that this material due to high temperature can easily burst - and in such a situation there is nothing surprising;
  • So that such trouble does not happen, the decorative finish of the fireplace glass is made only by a special burnt thermo-material, which is able to withstand even the impact of direct fire or high temperature;
  • The fireplace glass is an interesting solution to make an aesthetic element to close the furnace. Also, with its help, interesting imitation of fireplaces are obtained (we are talking about false structures). Such options look unusual, very original, they will decorate any interior, add a highlight to your room.

Application of ceramographic

Such finishing material is relatively recently chosen in order to separate the fireplace. It is worth noting the following technical properties:

  • Porcelain stoneware does not burn;
  • Well tolerate high-temperature impact;
  • Recognized practical moisture resistant;
  • Installation work is carried out easily, without unnecessary difficulties.

In this way, facing fireplaces with porcelain stoneware is popular today..

That is, the reasons:

  1. The finishing material is fastened very easily, simple. The main thing is that the surface being processed is smooth. Align the best plaster, but can be used and plasterboard sheets;
  2. Porcelain stoneware on the surface is mounted by means of a special adhesive composition. Since this material is chosen when a decorative finish of the fireplace is needed, it is easily made at the factory.


As you have already become convinced - it is possible to separate the fireplace with different materials, there are plenty of ways. Watch the video about how professionals are coping with such work - they have exactly what to learn.

Today, fireplaces are mainly carried out only a decorative function, equip them to create a coziness corresponding to the atmosphere.

In an amazing way, the home furnishings are changing, if there is a volumetric power of fire fireplace in it. Everyone bowed under this power of calm and eternity, conveniently sitting in the chair, hiding the blanket and enjoying the burning lips of tea.

The fireplace today can accommodate in almost any home or apartment, because numerous finishing options fit into different interior.

Features of the internal and external decoration

The fireplace consists of a portal and a hearth. The focus is a place for burning or imitation. The portal also performs a decorative function and richly decorated with various materials. Each item requires a certain finish.

Tripartite Kaminov

According to many, the trilateral fireplace best shows the beauty of the fire and looks great in the house or apartment. It is a fireplace with a flue-ceramic window closed on three sides.

In most cases, Fallestin is used for the external finishing of the trilateral fireplace. It is less likely to see a similar model located in the center of the room. Foreign shapes are different. It may be a cube, pyramid, cylinder and other original options.


For those who are constantly leaving for thoughts about the fireplace, but there are no possibilities for its placement in the apartment, false fireplaces were invented. They do not have a focus and fire, so they are the safest.

Why do you need a false fireplace? All for the same comfort. For example, such a design can be closed in the non-distepetic type of batteries, place a heater for additional heat, use as a stylish shelf, arrange candles or supplement the cozy interior.

For the basin of the fireplace, drywall are most often used, decorated with wood, artificial stone, decorative brick or ceramic tiles.

Artificial fireplaces

In most apartments, put the fireplace with a real fire - the case is problematic and, as it turns out in practice, unreal. Indeed, it is much safer and easier to save the soft light of the real fire for the country house. For an apartment, an artificial fireplace will be the optimal solution.

For his finishing, they serve the same materials as for a false fireplace, because it does not constitute a threat and any danger, working from the outlet. Plasterboard, brick, tile - here, options for finishing artificial models.



Marble is one of the most noble materials for finishing various types of fireplace. Probably, so today it enjoys special popularity.

It is worth saying that marble can be used to build the entire design of the fireplace, and you can add a finished fireplace in the form of a cladding. For the first case, the brown stone is used, for the second - plate. The thickness of the facing plate is no more than 1 cm.

The advantages of marble finishes:

  • pure material that does not release harmful substances when heated;
  • high strength;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • does not respond to high temperatures and their differences;
  • the price varies depending on the naturalness of the marble;
  • possesses aesthetic appearance;
  • relevant for any styles.

Marble can be artificial and natural. According to experts, this is the case when the substitute surpasses a natural competitor. So, artificial marble has ease and plasticity, it is easy to strengthen on any surface, be it brick or plasterboard. A large weight of natural material requires professionalism and fundamental to the foundation of the fireplace.

Not enough about the beauty of marble. Indeed, subtle streaks of contrasting colors can not be confused with any other stone. The color palette is multifaceted here. Pink with black, gray with white, black with yellow tones will fall to taste the most picky aesthetes.


The fireplace from the tree finishes looks very warm and cozy. However, this material has its advantages and disadvantages with which it is important to get acquainted to get the best result.

So, the tree in the decoration is used only for false fireplaces, as well as with an artificial flame, because it is no secret that wood is easily flammable material. In addition, the wood should be used in residential buildings and permanent heating apartments. Country wooden house with a gorgeous fireplace from wood - a dream that is not able to come true. The tree accumulates moisture, and later cracks appear on it.

And even if the wooden fireplace is in a permanent place of your habitat, it is important for it to follow, and not just wipe from dust with a damp cloth. Certain means for wood processing, periodic surface update is the key to a beautiful fireplace for many years. Unfortunately, without proper care, wood rapidly darkens, loses its gloss and presentable look.

The tree weighs a little, so the finish of the fireplace can take place both personally. In addition, you can decorate the model stucco, give various shades with natural material. The cost of cladding is different and varies depending on the type of wood.


The design of the fireplace natural stone is expensive, so it is often an artificial material in order to save buyers. The best of them is rightfully considered to be porcelain. The material has high strength and resistant color, because the color mineral pigments are added directly to the mixture for cooking. With the help of porcelain stoneware, it is possible to create an effect of natural marble, granite, coil and other valuable rocks of stones.


For a real and artificial fireplace, you can use various materials, so one of the most durable is a brick. Surprisingly, this usual material can easily compete on the aesthetic characteristics with a natural stone. For decorations use ceramic bricks.

Bricks of various colors, glossy and matte can be laid directly during the masonry of the fireplace itself, and they can after construction. Brick is not susceptible to temperatures, and also does not have the properties to crack, which is especially important for country houses.


Fireplace with tile finish - interesting, but a rather rare solution. And it's all in the special preparation of the surface for the facing, because the small mosaic can repeat any irregularity.

Features of finishing with mosaic:

  • no moisture is afraid;
  • does not react to temperature differences;
  • can be executed from glass and tiles;
  • suitable for modern design fireplaces.

Deciding to the choice of mosaic as a finish, it is important to learn from the supplier its composition, because some options are created exclusively for artificial and false fireplaces.


Himalayan Sol.

Himalayan salt is a unique natural material from a native of Himalayas with a pink tint. Today, this material is actively used in apartments, for example, as salt lamps, wall decorations or fireplace. What did he deserve such popularity?

Advantages of the Himalayan Salt:

  • the ability to absorb excessive humidity in the apartment in the unheated season;
  • the possibility of using the room and humidifier as an ionizer;
  • original appearance;
  • the possibility of use for any type of fireplace;
  • antimicrobial action.

The effect of the Himalayan salt is great, because no wonder the salt caves and the visit to their whole family is gaining all the most popular. According to owners of this unique material, colds and diseases bypass at home, and therefore, you can think about its purchase. In the aesthetic sense, crystals have stylish radiance, which perfectly emphasize the languages \u200b\u200bof the flame, as well as additional lighting placed by the fireplace.


Truly, luxurious fireplaces are obtained as a result of finishing with tiles. And it is not surprising, because in the Middle Ages, the temples and palaces are richly decorated with this material. The composition of the testes is simple, most often representing terracotta clay. Tiles are suitable for any kind of fireplace, while it is necessary for these models. Cast-iron furnaces are needed.

Another advantage of this material includes its multifaceted. Thus, the glazed tiles are filled with glossy glitter and resemble glass, unhappy - similar to clay dishes.

Tiles admire in classic, modern and vintage styles. The rich painting makes each tile in unique, and the fireplace acquires a unique appearance, becoming the main emphasis in the interior of the house.


Another excellent natural stone used for finishing the fireplace - Onyx. It is impossible not to know it, because smooth transitions, stripes and stains, and in addition, transparency belongs only to him - a stone worthy of admiration. The transparency of Onyx became a fashionable trend in the decoration of the fireplace. Using the backlight of various colors helps in the whole latitude to reveal the beauty of the material, however, and without such onyx looks unmatched.

Continuing the subject of the advantages of ONIx, it is impossible not to note its durability and strength. Such a choice will certainly please their owner for a long period of time. And onyks - a limited natural resource, which means that the facing of the fireplace will become not only a stylish addition to the interior, but also with a useful investment of money.


Granite is one of the most durable materials for finishing the fireplace. His color palette will conquer picky critics, because starting from white tone, goes into red and purple, and ends in black.

Granite is a confirmation of the status of the owner of such a fireplace. In connection with the labor-intensive production of the price of it is high, so often the choice falls on artificial stones. Nevertheless, granite remains a popular material for finishing real and artificial fireplaces.


Finishing with the help of foam concrete blocks is ideal for false fireplaces, as well as artificial models. The present fire for foam blocks is contraindicated.

This material will delight the simplicity of work, because it is cut in shape with an ordinary hacksaw. As a decor, they are applied as a decor, so, when applied using a sponge to light, a unique sporish surface appears. Also, an acrylic paint is used to obtain a presentable species.

Fibro cement panels

Fibro-cement panels are cement-fibrous material used in the decoration of houses, fireplaces, stoves and parots.


  • long service life;
  • democratic value;
  • a variety of imitation of various surfaces: brick, wood, metal;
  • tolerability of temperatures from -80 to +80 degrees, so - They are ideal for artificial fireplaces.


Designers even metal could organically enter the finish of fireplaces. First of all, this material perfectly withstands the neighborhood with hot surfaces, which cannot but please the owners of the real fireplace.

Metal varieties for cladding:

  • polished steel;
  • a textured rusty panel often becomes a choice of designers;
  • patinated metal;
  • copper.

Metal plates can be arranged asymmetrically with respect to the floor, as well as transformed into intricate forms.


The tile is plates of burned clay. For finishing artificial and false fires, any tile is suitable for this - it is important to take into account some conditions. Thus, the tile must be dense and have small pores, because large from the fire will quickly darken and lose a presentable look.

Suitable types of tiles for real fireplaces:

  • terracotta;
  • majolica;
  • heat-resistant clinker tile;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • tiemas.


Natural material called "Slanets" is relevant for finishing real and artificial fireplaces. Its appearance will be comparable in beauty with marble, because the composition of this stone is unique. Quartz and mica, which are included in the material fill with an amazing shine, which is revealed when the flame language is playing.

The sawn stone and "wild" are equally relevant. In the first case, the owner of the fireplace gets a glossy smooth surface, in the second - convex and very relief.

The slate is perfectly combined with other materials. For example, marble combined with shale is ideal for classic models, Modern style will decorate a fireplace with a shale and sandstone trim.

Liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpapers are often referred to as "silk plaster", because their composition, indeed, can include silk, cotton, cellulose. Material is distinguished by stucco lack in the composition of sand.

Artificial fireplaces are often decorated with liquid wallpaper, because their design and decorations can be thought out to the smallest detail and update at any time, in addition, the entire finish can be made independently. And with liquid wallpapers, you can create a virtually any surface that imitating the natural stone.


Wanting to create a truly unique fireplace finish, pay attention to the decoration of the bas-relief. The bulk surface with the pattern is the exclusive work of the designers, because all the finish occurs manually, and therefore, there are two absolutely identical fireplace.

Bas-relief can be executed by plaster. It is he who prefers newcomers, because the execution of the bas-relief master is expensive work.

To add brightness, the bas-relief use paint and halftone game. However, according to experts, with proper lighting, the type of bas-relief without painting looks no less luxurious.


Decorative finish of the fireplace glass is a rare, but very attractive solution. For real fireplaces, only a special obedient thermal material can be used. He is not afraid even direct fire, so it often finds use as an element for closing the furnace.