How to separate the walls in the kitchen: an overview of the most practical and comfortable options. Finishing materials for the inner walls at home with what material to strip the walls

Natural wood is a very popular building material that will never come out of fashion. Wooden houses are also actively erected today, as and 100 years ago. On the rules of selection of finishing for their walls, we will talk in this article.

The best facing materials for walls - what to choose?

To qualitatively, sheathe the walls in a modern wooden house, it is necessary to choose cladding materials with many factors. The region of the location of the residential facility should be taken into account, climatic conditions in the field, as well as the intended rules for the operation of the structure. In a small summer cottage, used only in summer, you can simply paint or cover the walls with varnish while retaining your money.

For residential buildings in which owners live all year round, we recommend choosing more expensive, attractive and reliable facing materials. The convenience of operation of the structure, its functionality and aesthetics depends on the quality of interior design. By investing in more strength and money, you can achieve the best results. Among the most suitable finishing materials, it is customary to allocate cladding of natural wood. Their use allows you to keep the visual attractiveness of the tree and organize in the rooms favorable to the life of people microclimate.

  • wooden lining;
  • block house;
  • different panels;
  • plasterboard.

These facing options are most in demand, as they allow you to create in rooms perfectly smooth walls, differ in simple installation and do not require before installing the pre-alignment of the lined surfaces. To pick up an optimal finish, it is necessary to take into account not only the features of the house, but also the individual characteristics of the internal rooms, for example in the kitchen and bathroom walls need to make up materials, resistant to high humidity, and for the living room and bedroom the most important is the visual appeal of the finish.

Walls and facing materials may also experience a weight load, due to the decorative elements installed, furnishings, lamps and other things. The load should also be taken into account when choosing finishing so that in the process of operation, the facing layer is not destroyed and for a long time kept its technical and visual characteristics.

Wooden lining - the most important advantages of natural finish

The lining is an ordinary wooden board with special fastening grooves, allowing the most tightly customized individual elements of the wall cladding when making mounting. This finishing material retains all the features, advantages and disadvantages of natural wood:

  • wide palette of colors and textures;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • high-quality sound absorption;
  • long service life with proper installation and high-quality care;
  • fear of high humidity;
  • exposure to biological infection (fungus, mold);
  • fire hazard.

Given these features of the lining, with its choice, give preference to models that have good protection against moisture, covered with special means that prevent wood contamination with mold and reduce its flammability. The surface of the lining can be both smooth, well-processed and untreated. In the second case, after installing the facing will have to, independently protect the boards from negative effects and to cover varnish.

Special attention in the study of the market of lining should be given to the wood species, from which it is made. If any materials are suitable for dry residential rooms, then it is better to choose a board from linden, alder and oak for wet premises, and not coniferous rocks. The correctly selected and competently installed lining is distinguished by universality, practicality, environmental friendliness and attractiveness. With it, you can decorate any room in a residential wooden house in full compliance with design ideas and user preferences.

Plasterboard - modern and affordable

Plasterboard for decoration of wooden houses is not as often as lining, but it also allows you to effectively hide the construction defects and elements of engineering communications, it has a small value and makes it possible to place an additional layer of insulation from the inside of the wall. Another advantage of plasterboard is that it is able to absorb and give moisture, and this is extremely positively affected by the internal microclimate in the premises.

Plasterboard is usually used to design residential properties in modern design styles. The sheets of this material can be bent, giving the walls and corners any convenient shape. In order for the lined walls for a long time to retain their visual qualities, they should be additionally protected from rodents. Many large manufacturers impregnate plasterboard sheets with special chemicals that scare mice, rats and insects.

On the market, plasterboard sheets are presented in a wide range:

  1. 1. Wall plasterboard. Used to clamp surfaces in rooms with normal humidity.
  2. 2. Moisture-resistant plasterboard. Suitable for the walls of the walls in the "wet" areas of the house.
  3. 3. Refractory drywall. It is used to design rooms with strong temperature differences and an increased risk of fire.

Any type of drywall can be purchased relatively cheap and quickly install on the walls yourself. Easy and high installation speed is ensured by large. The lined surface can be additionally painted or plastered.

Gypsum can only be used for cladding surfaces in the houses that have passed the shrinkage process, and all the same, when installing, the floor and the ceiling should be made, considering the tendency to expand under the influence of temperature. Due to the brittleness of plasterboard sheets, they can simply break or break in seasonal temperature changes.

Types and characteristics of wall panels

In stores today you can find a large number of wall panels made from different materials. Most often for the design of private wooden houses use panels from MDF, DVP, plastic, bamboo and glass. DVP panels are most popular and diverse. For finishing at home you can use:

  • pattern panels;
  • tile;
  • leafy.

The main advantage of the DVP panels is their availability and strength. They are attached on the walls using self-tapping screws, thanks to which the facing is able to withstand even heavy loads. On the lined fiberboard panels, you can easily hang various shelves, lamps and decorative elements. For the panels of this type in the market there is a suitable accessories and a handling for decorating joints. Under any panels you can choose moldings, plinths, corners, platbands, etc.

MDF panels are characterized by good moisture resistance, low cost, ease of installation and environmental cleanliness. Thanks to the strength and resilience, they are customary to use for the design of walls in the bathrooms, kitchens and bathrooms. Products are distinguished by a large variety on the market and visual appeal, that is, with their help you can beautifully arrange all the "wet" zones in the house.

Widely used in repair and modern glass panels. They allow you to create a unique design in individual rooms at home, corresponding to tastes and user preferences. It is best to use glass panels not as a wearing walls, but as inserts adorning the room. Fully walls with glass panels are drawn up only in functional rooms: bathrooms, kitchens and others.

Glass panels can be made of colored materials and have not only smooth, but also a corrugated, covered with patterns and volumetric images.

SMP () are well suited for the design of walls in log houses. Such facing materials have good flexibility, when installing, the allowable radius of the leaf curvature is about 3 m. That is, the risk of damage to this finish during the operation of the house is almost zero. SMP is characterized by ease, resistance to moisture and refractory. Due to the large sizes, they are used not only for finishing surfaces, but also to create fine interior partitions.

Block House - Is it worth his money?

The block house in its visual characteristics is practically no different from the ordinary wooden board, however, has a convex cylindrical shape of the front side and treated ribs for simple and quick installation. It is the perfect material for the design of walls in wooden houses, it allows you to maintain a microclimate favorable room in the design rooms and can be mounted by the owners themselves. For interior decoration, it is customary to use lamellas with a thickness of up to 25 mm, which are fixed on the crate.

Experts recommend purchasing a block house for finishing wooden walls with a 10% margin. Buying too much facing will increase the cost of repair, but it is necessary for high-quality finishes. If the block house is not enough, you will have to just go to the store for a new batch of materials, which may not match the already installed boards.

The walls are decorated with aesthetic, but require careful relationship during operation and continuous care. You will need to regularly clean the lined walls from dust, and also to update the lacquer coating once every 1-3 years. Repair of walls should include not only the installation of the crate, but also laying the inner heat insulating layer, on top of which a block house is hung.

The plating from block house looks like a cutting surface with unlanted walls, and therefore it is so attractive and popular. To decorate the walls, it is necessary to use the decor corresponding to the rustic style of the interior - forged products, carved accessories, beams, etc. Proper decoration is just as important for the attractiveness of the rooms, like the competent selection of facing and installation work.

The cozy atmosphere in the country house is a pledge of a comfortable pastime away from a noisy city. In building favorable conditions for recreation Not the last role is played by the interior of the walls of the country housing, which can be performed in various ways.

At the same time, not all owners can afford to buy expensive materials in order to put in order to give a gift that encourages them to look more budget solutions.

Options for wall design

Construction market pedit from various offers, forcing the modern consumer pretty breaking his head over the choice of finishing material.

Some stop the choice on the easiest and most affordable ways which are suitable for finishing the old country house and new houses, which will be discussed below.


To implement this finishing option You can use different types of paints (See Picture), among which the most common waters and acrylic materials are the most common.

The advantages of this method of finishing:

  • painting is a very simple procedure that does not require special skills and tools;
  • the painted surface can be easily repainted in another color;
  • immense choice of colors and shades;
  • ease of cleaning and disinfection.

Now about the disadvantages:

  • before painting the wall requires careful preparation, since in the presence of a rough surface of the paint will lay the uneven layer, which will lead to the formation of detachments;
  • the painted surface needs a systematic wet cleaning;


Installation of plasterboard will allow not only ideally align the walls In the room, but also to put between sheets and the main wall heat insulation material, if there is such a need.

Advantages of using drywall:

  • fast and easy installation;
  • the ability to build structures of any complexity;
  • plasterboard makes it easy to disguise wiring and various communications;
  • the possibility of finishing with various finish coatings.


  • the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room is reduced;
  • low resistance to mechanical effects;
  • the need for additional putty of seams and joints after installation, as well as putty material throughout the area;
  • plasterboard is afraid of high humidity, which negatively affects the service life of the material.

the cloth

This method of finishing often used in old daysAnd now he received the second birth. For wall covering, both natural textiles and artificial materials are used.

the cloth Fasten in various ways: glue, as ordinary wallpapers, stretch into pre-constructed wooden frames, which are then installed on the wall, fix to the wooden wall with a stapler.

Benefits of the method:

  • there is no need to level the wall (except in cases where the cloth is glued instead of wallpaper);
  • resistance to various mechanical damage - textiles simply stretches under load, without subjected to breaks and cracks;
  • the room acquires a special chic, thanks to the texture of the material;
  • fabrics for decoration of walls are made in a wide range, so there are many options for choosing, as well as the possibility of combining material with curtains and bed linen.


  • the fabric absorbs a large amount of dust, so the material must be regularly vacuuming;
  • textiles quickly loses its appearance, easily dumps and rubs.


Traditional option that provides modern consumer wider range of possibilities than in the old days.

Today you can purchase not just paper wallpaper But vinyl, duplex, phlizelin, textile and other types of materials.

Advantages of wallpaper sticking:

  • the walls require less thorough preparation in contrast to the same painting at which even the smallest cracks and irregularities need to be chopped;
  • a large selection of material of various types;
  • the possibility of independent finishing works in the presence of minimal skills.


  • the need to replace wallpaper (except liquid) in 5-7 years, as they quickly lose their appearance;
  • susceptibility to mechanical damage;
  • difficulties with removal of pollution, even if it comes to washing wallpaper.

Wall panels

Wall panels - products intended for decorative wall decoration. May be made from various materials (Chipboard, fiberboard, PVC, wood) and a different form - in the form of plates, sheets and plates.

Mounted like plasterboard on the frame, which in this case can be both steel and wood.

Pluses of panels:

  • relatively simple installation;
  • the capacity of the equipment of the wall with sound insulation, which is stacked behind the panels;
  • no need to level the walls before installing;
  • ability to dismantle panels for use in another place.

Minus such a method of finishing consists in decrease in room sizeSince the doomlet to which panels is installed is a lot of space.

How to choose the case?

When choosing a material you need be sure to take into accountWhat are the walls that are subject to finishes.

For decoration of brick walls of the country house, the most suitable material - wet plaster, given the fact that in winter, the room will not be heated. Therefore, other materials (such, for example, as plasterboard or wallpapers) can quickly come into disrepair on a cold brick wall.

For decoration of walls from aerated concrete, it is best to use both plaster and finishing with frame materials (plasterboard, lining). It is worth only to take into account that for aerated concrete, due to its features, gypsum plaster is best suited. If the structure is located in the area with a harsh climate, then under the plasterboard it will be necessary to lay a layer of thermal insulation.

The distinctive feature of foam concrete - gyroscopicity (ability to absorb moisture), so for the interior decoration of walls from foam blocks it is better to use a steamproof material.

The frame house is best separated from the inside using OSP plates - one of the optimal options. The stove enhances the rigidity of the frame and improves moisture protection and thermal insulation properties Buildings. As a finish finish, both wallpapers and paint can be used.

Walls made of glued timber. Despite the fact that the walls are made of timber, as well as a log house and a log cabin by themselves have a quite aesthetic appearance, Some still resort to extra finish. Often it is connected with the desire to insulate the structure.

Here on the revenue comes all the same plasterboard or wall panels, allowing to hide heat insulation material under decorative facing.

Walls of a rounded log in a wooden structure. In this case, the method is suitable for fans of natural wood. wooden wall cover with transparent varnish.

For those who do not impress this option, there are other methods of finishing walls of a wooden house, among which are the most common:

  • pVC facing panels or slabs;
  • siding finish;
  • installation of wooden lining or Haus block.

However, it is worth noting that the last two options can hardly be called budget.

Finishing at home inside under the tree do it yourself

One of the original finishes, allowing the walls of natural wood to give the walls - using special wood wallpaperwhich are made from various wood species.

By the installation method, they are practically no difference from ordinary wallpapers, requiring only the use of a special adhesive mass. But such pleasure is not all for his pocket.

A more popular way to finish the house under the tree - installation of block house, this option it will cost you cheap and has aesthetic appearance.

Before installing it is necessary withstand the material indoors for 2 days. During this time, you can prepare the wall - if it is not even, it is necessary to align it with plaster. After that, a wooden framework is built from bars to install a block house.

Installation of block house is performed from the floor to the ceiling, in the process the material is fixed to the frame of self-drawing, Screwing them into the base of the spike, which is equipped with each individual item product. Blockboards block houses connect among themselves on the principle of spike in the groove.

Upon completion of the installation work, the surface can be covered with transparent varnish or varnish with the veil.

Finishing at home inside Block House: video lesson.

Selection of material for internal sheat wall The wooden house has an important meaning to create a comfortable interior and a healthy microclimate in the home.
In any case, when building a house or repair it is worth deciding that it is preferable:
- plastering of walls (with pre-cleaning them from old coatings) - "wet" method;
- "Dry" method - lining of walls with sheet materials, or, as an option - panels with panels: plastic, from MDF, wooden, etc.
The wet method is characterized by labor and material intensity, large amounts of dust and dirt. It can be stopped if residents and furniture left the repaired premises. But, but, when plausing the walls will become monolithic, insects and rodents will not be able to start.
A dry way is faster and cleaner - you can simultaneously repair the room and live in it. To protect the walls from penetration under the insect panel and rodents, it is impossible to leave between the wall and the covering of empty spaces, laying their materials with which the rodents are not friends, for example, basalt cotton.

For the inner skin of the walls of wooden houses, predominantly leafy materials are usually used (Fiberboard, plasterboard, etc.), wooden lining or various polymer panels.
This method of finishing reduces the size of the room, but this method can be insulated the room and strengthen it with noise protection.
When choosing materials for the dry method of finishing, it is necessary to take into account the functional purpose of the premises and the operational properties of the material used.
For example, in residential rooms it is desirable to apply plasterboard plates with subsequent pasting them with wallpaper or coloring adhesive compositions.
Not suitable for residential premises Plastic and wallpapers with artificial component, as well as materials made using resins and formaldehydes, which, under the influence of sunlight, can be separated toxic substances.
By purchasing materials should be followed by the marking where it is indicated: E1 (intended for residential premises), E2 (for hallways, kitchens, toilets, utility rooms) or E3 (for industrial premises).
To finish the walls and devices of the suspended ceilings of the corridor and the front at a significant height of the room, you can use chipboard or fibreboard, Phaneur, all kinds of wood and panels offered by modern trading.
The finishing of the premises where high humidity is possible is recommended to perform waterproof materials, for example, bathrooms are used with plastic panels for protecting walls from high humidity. These materials are suitable that they are not afraid of laundering with a rigid brush and detergent.
You can talk about the advantages of certain modern finishing materials. A good finishing material is the wood, which, with an economic, aesthetic and from a biological point of view, is not equal.


Wood easily cuts, plane and grind. It has a wide palette of color shades and textural patterns. In addition, it has good heat and sound insulation, and when skillful and the correct attachment will last for many years.
The energy of wood favors improving the mood, creating a comfortable atmosphere, although among different wood breeds there are various energy flows in the direction and intensity. For internal works, there is a special assortment of lining, which has a different width and profile.

A distinctive feature and, at the same time, the dignity of the lining is its practicality and versatility. Installation of the lining can be carried out both horizontally and vertically.
For the manufacture of lining, it is better to use a thoroughly drying tree, the surface may remain untreated, and it can be perfectly smooth - it all depends on the wishes of the host of the room, the fancy of the designer, the interior style. With regard to versatility, the lining is really a unique material.
Choosing the wall paneling and the tree of the tree, from which it is made, oriented, first of all, on the type of room. So if the room is ventilated and "dried" regularly and sufficiently, then you can stay almost on any rocks that like. On the contrary, when finishing baths, saunas, bathrooms, bias oriented on deciduous wood - oak, linden, alder ...

EurovandaDespite the external associations with the above clap described above, is a practically new European "invention." From the lining, this finishing material is distinguished by a number of tangible advantages.
The first is a compliance with tough European (first of all - German) quality standards, which in itself is a convincing argument in its favor.
Evrovagonka is additionally equipped with a moisture and ventilation system in the form of a furrow specifically provided for this purpose. Such a solution allows to provide increased durability both the wall tag and the main wall of the house. Conservation is also eliminated, due to the swelling of woody fibers in high humidity.
The perfectly smooth and pleasant to the touch surface of the Eurolution in production is covered by special compositions, which allows not to carry out its additional processing, as in the case of regular clapboard. In this case, the texture of the tree, unique for each breed, remains in the spotlight.
Due to its unique decorative properties and composition, high-quality Eurovantia creates a healthy microclimate in the house, comfort and special comfort.

Plastic lining It has a huge colorful spectrum, thanks to which interesting color solutions are achieved. Behind the walls, covered with plastic lining, it is easy to care for, it is very easy to mount. At the same time there are disadvantages - plastic is subject to easy mechanical effects, which means that such a lining of the clapboard will not last long, and its low environmental friendliness.

Block house
Blockchaus - excellent building material. If you need to create a rustic-style interior or shelter outside a country house or a cottage - you need to buy a block cham.

This name received decorative lining, which is used to finish the premises inside and outside.
Blockchaus is a blackboard with a cylindrical outer surface and a ridge-groove fastening system. As a result of the installation, a surface imitating a log layout is obtained.
The blockochus is mounted simply and quickly, and thanks to the perfectly treated surface decorated with a block mobile, the surface looks very beautiful.

Produce a block house of wood coniferous rocks. They are little exposed to the exposure to the external environment, environmentally friendly, has excellent thermal insulation properties.
There are several varieties of this material, which differ in the quality of the surface and, accordingly, at a price. The block shake of the Extra variety has a completely smooth surface. It does not allow defects on it: chips, cracks, knots.
Wood for the production of this variety of blockhaus passes manual sorting.

Cheaper variety - "Classic". On the surface of the blockhaus, the presence of bitch is permissible.
Grade "Economy" has a slight amount of dropped bitch and small cracks on the surface.
Blockchaus is used to finish the surfaces of any type: brick, concrete, block, wooden. When the facades are trimmed, a wider blockhouse is used, narrow goes to the decoration of small buildings. The surfaces decorated with a block mobile will serve for a long time without losing its appearance and properties.
The price of a blockhaus is quite reasonable, which makes it even more popular. Without high costs with the help of blockhas, you can radically change your home, separating it in the best traditions of Russian national housing.

Stove (Chipboard) is made by hot pressing of wood chips with binding thermoactive resins, which make up 6-18% of the mass of chips. The resins are environmentally unsafe, as they contain a harmful formaldehyde.
By the content of this substance, the chipboard is divided into classes E1 and E2. The class E1 is more environmentally friendly, it is allowed to use even children's furniture in the production. In general, lined chipboards do not harm health, only open edges are harmful effects.
New technologies make it possible to produce SUPER Class plates, which for all sanitary standards are considered safe. In general, the material is characterized by a fairly high density, low cost and ease of processing.
The chipboard is chopped with walls, roofs, manufactured partitions, floors, are used as a base under linoleum and carpets.
Advantages of chipboard:
- Wide range of colors, drawings, thickness;
- easily processed;
- Uniformity of the structure
. Disadvantages of chipboard:
- poorly holds screws and nails, especially when re-assembling;
- vulnerable to moisture;
- Contains carcinogens (for example, melamine).

Warfather plate (Fiberboard) or organitis - structural wood material made by grinding and splitting of wood (or other vegetable raw materials) into a fibrous mass, casting from it plates, their pressing and drying.
Distributing DVP: Superior, solid, semi-solid, insulating and finishing, insulation.
To improve operational properties, additives are introduced: hydrophizable substances (paraffin, rosin), substances that increase strength (synthetic resins), antiseptics.
There are 2 methods of production Fiberboard:
- wet - without adding a binder;
- Dry, requiring an introduction to chopped wood 4-8% synthetic resin.

With a dry method, the fibrous mass is dried before molding.
Various emulsions (paraffin, resin, oil) and precipitators (sulfate aluminum) are introduced into the fibrous mass to impart water resistance. Plates are molded on casting machines. Sizes of plates (in mm): length from 1200 to 3600, width from 1000 to 1800, thickness from 3 to 8.
Laminated organic is also available, which has a solid beautiful front side.
Fiberboard is used in housing and industrial construction for the heat and sound insulation of the roof, inter overlooking, walls, for decoration of premises, etc. Especially widely used in low-rise, settlement and rural construction, in standard home-building, as well as in the production of furniture and containers.

Fiberboard soft or softboard

Soft fiberboard or softboard, made of wood fibers of coniferous rocks. The process of production of this material consists of three main stages. The wood is first cleaving, and then the resulting fibers are to be treated and pressing, resulting in a fiberboard soft plates.
Soft Fiberboard has a low thermal conductivity (0.042 W / m * k) and a sufficiently high specific heat capacity (2,3CH / kg * k).
As a result of this combination, the most (70%) of the material takes air, which is known, is a good heat insulator. As a result, the price of fiberboard is much lower, but reliability in work is similar to such a tested building material as a tree.

Consumers who applied the thermal insulator, in responses consistently mention that it works on the principle of a wooden house, while maintaining heat in cold weather, and in warm - coolness.
An additional advantage of the softboard boards is a reliable protection from the formation of mold due to the high vapor permeability of the material. This means that even in baths, saunas and other rooms with high humidity you can use a softboard.
All feedback on the likelihood of the use of this heat and sound insulator is only positive. The use of fiberboard plates are soft, the price of which is lower than other thermal insulation and finishing materials, is also beneficial for the reason for significant savings on special antiseptic coatings to combat mold, and due to the longer service life more than other materials.
In the production of DVPM (soft), the use of the binder is optional, since lignins (natural substances are included in the wood), at high temperatures glue the wood ground.
As a result, a fibrous plate is obtained by a frame that resembles felt with good thermal insulation properties. The stove is strong enough, attached to the walls with various household adhesives directly to the surface of the walls, or on the frame of the bar with a construction stapler. Suitable for subsequent pasting with wallpaper or painting.
The areas of use of the material are quite varied: finishing works, sound insulation of walls, roofs and facades.
Solving the tasks immediately, this universal material can be used in repair and construction work: soundproofing substrates for floor coatings, inter-storey partitions, wall decoration, ceilings, facades, thermal insulation of rooms, etc.

MDF - Wood coat of medium density or fibreboard of dry pressing stove. MDF from English (Medium Density Fiberboard).
It is manufactured from wood chips, a dry pressing ground with a dry pressing method, at high temperatures and pressure with the addition of a lignin substance, which is contained in natural wood. Lignin makes this material environmentally friendly and sustainable fungi and microorganisms.
MDF plates are thick from 3 to 30 mm and laminated by plastics, they are lacquered or veneered.
By moisture resistance and mechanical characteristics of MDF excellence natural wood and chipboard. Also, MDF is 2 times more stronger and better holds screws.
The MDF is used to decorate the premises, for example, in the form of wall panels or laminated flooring - laminate, in the manufacture of furniture, acoustic systems. MDF has a homogeneous structure, easily processed, very durable.

The advantages of MDF:
- fire resistance;
- bioscistance;
- High strength;
- A wide selection of colors and patterns due to coating with films and veneer.
Disadvantages of MDF:
- extremely vulnerable to moisture;
- burning with the release of poisonous smoke;
- badly holds screws;
- Pull-shaped sawdust formed when processing and sawing plates, harmful to health.

Oriented chipboard (OSP - OSB)

The oriented chipboard is made by pressing chips with a thickness of up to 0.7 mm and up to 140 mm long under high pressure and temperature using a small amount of gluing resin.
OSP-slabs are 3 times more stronry of chipboard and MDF-slabs due to the lion of chips longitudinally in the outer layers and transversely in the internal.
With such a strength of the OSP - the material is very flexible and perfectly used in construction and finishing works.
OSP-plates of various thicknesses (from 6 to 30 mm) are crushed by attic, ceilings, walls, made of black floors, formwork, wall panels, fences and collapsible structures.

On the floor under laminate, the finest plates are usually used - 6 and 8 mm thick, for structures and formwork are thicker - from 10 mm.
OSP-3 is a stronger variety of this material used in low-rise construction in conditions of high humidity.
Also, due to the original texture, the OSP is a favorite material for decorators and designers for finishing interior.
A sufficiently spectacular design of the ceiling or elements in embedded furniture is quite effective.

Along with conventional OSP plates, there is also an OSP-tipped - a stove with processed knockers - a comb, from 2 or 4 sides.
Advantages of OSP:
- strength relative to other plates used;
- moisture resistance higher than the chipboard and plaster;
- Wide size row;
- Cheaper chipboard;
- It holds the screws well, even when repeated screws.
Disadvantages of OSP:
- It is treated worse chipboard due to the inhomogeneity of the structure;
- dust released when cutting UPS, irritates the mucous membranes of the nose, eye;
- Contains formaldehyde, especially it is much in moisture-resistant plates.

Plasterboard (GLC)

Plasterboard is rightfully considered one of the most popular materials for alignment of walls, ceilings and floors, devices of interroom partitions and even decor elements, such as arches, columns, spheroids, multi-level ceiling coatings, etc.
The main component of plasterboard sheets is a gypsum filler and this determines many positive qualities of building materials.
Plasterboard is chemically inert, its acidity is about equal to the acidity of human skin, it does not contain and does not distinguish into the external environment harmful chemical compounds.
The standard plate is 93% composed of two-wheel gypsum, 6% of the cardboard and another 1% falls on superficial substances, starch and moisture.

The fragility of the panels makes it difficult to transport them, loading and unloading. For the same reason, HCL cannot withstand significant physical exertion and is not recommended for alignment of floors.
Suspended plasterboard ceilings can withstand weight no more than 4 kg per square meter, while stretch ceilings are capable of carrying a load greater than 100 kg on the same unit area.
A variety of or more modern modification of a simple sheet of plasterboard serves as painted or laminated plasterboard, gypsuminyl or plaster - drywall color, with vinyl coating.
This is a fundamentally new material that has an initially exclusive appearance with a wide selection of decor. It is used for the inner lining of the walls, for firing window slopes, creating partitions, showcases and exhibition racks, without additional finishes.
These environmentally friendly non-combustible panels are a gypsum plate, which is placed on both sides with a special cardboard.
They have perfect geometry and are used for the device of internal partitions and binder ceilings. Supplied in sheets 2700 (3000) x 1200 x 12 mm.
Special brands of drywall for wet (bathroom) and fire hazardous (wall by the fireplace) of premises are available. They are painted in "signal" colors - red and green.
There are plasterboard and high plasticity (thickness 6 mm, width 900 mm) to cover the rounded walls. Based on the drywall, the sandwich panels with the thermal insulating layer of polyurethane foam (up to 50 mm) are manufactured. They are used already for the inner sheatting of the outer walls without subsequent insulation and vaporizolation.

This significantly reduces construction terms.
Advantages of plasterboard:

- Easily processed: cuts, drilled; - It does not burn, but with significant heating collapses;
Disadvantages of plasterboard:

- a large vulnerability for moisture even moisture-resistant varieties; - poorly tolerates low temperatures and significant temperature differences;
- Suitable for interior decoration.


Gypsum - practical, modern and environmentally friendly material, as it is made without the use of toxic substances from natural gypsum, which does not carry out electricity and does not smell. Gypsum meets all the requirements of fire safety.
The puzzle plaster plate (PGP) is the main material when designing partitions, suspended ceilings, various decorative protrusions. Used to level the ceilings, walls, "firmware" of communications systems.

Gypsum is moisture-proof and standard. Standard is used in buildings with normal humidity. For raw rooms, plates with hydrophobic additives are designed. Such plates are easy to distinguish with a characteristic green color.
Advantages of plaster:

- environmental and sanitary safety;
- Easily processed: cuts, drilled;
- little combustible material, gramifications class G1;
- relatively cheap.
Disadvantages of plaster:
- Low strength, fragility;
- A large vulnerability for moisture even moisture-resistant varieties.

Hypus fiber leaf

The gypsum fiber leaf (GVL) is a modern environmentally friendly material with excellent technical characteristics. It is made using a semi-dry pressing of a mixture of gypsum and cellulose waste paper.
According to its physical properties, the gypsumole sheet is quite durable, solid material, which is also famous for its refractory qualities.

The gypsum fiber leaf, due to its versatility, was very widespread in the construction sector. It is used for the device of interroom partitions, screeds of floors, suspended ceilings, wall cladding and flame retardants.
The GVL for the floor is popular with popularity, which serves to assemble the base of the floor covering, as well as the facing option, with which they are trimmed, for example, wooden surfaces, due to which their fire resistance increases.

Depending on the application of the application, dry-fiber sheets are divided into two types: GVLV (moisture resistant) and GVL (ordinary).
The advantages of gypsum fiber sheets:
- GVL compared with the GLC makes it easier to carry cutting in any direction, since uniform in composition;
- higher strength due to the reinforcement of cellulose fiber;
- Increased noise insulation.
Disadvantages of gypsum fiber sheets:
- less durable to bend than GKL;
- less adapted for interior decoration than GLC;
- The need for pre-treatment before painting.

The cement-chipboard (CSP) is the perfect material for outdoor cutting of the frame and partitions in wet and flammable rooms, serves as a good leveling base for any flooring. It has a solid and smooth surface, plastering and stalled with tiles, sawing with hacksaw, non-flamm, resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations.
Supplied in sheets of 3600 x 1200 x 10 (12, 16, 20 and 26) mm.

Plywood is one of the most common materials widely used in construction.

The production of plywood occurs by gluing several layers of peeled veneer with phenol formaldehyde resins.
For this purpose, tend to use a birch or coniferous veneer of a small thickness. Selecting these breeds is due to their widespread in our forests. In Europe, New Zealand and some other countries for the production of plywood of different varieties are widely used by oak, maple, rhine and even a pear.
Bonding veneer is carried out under pressure at elevated temperature. The resulting sheets are cooled, and after a short departure, they are collected in packing 10 or 20 pieces.
Depending on wood and glue, which are used in the production of plywood, it is classified on:
- plywood of increased moisture resistance (FSF);
- Plywood medium moisture resistance (FC);
- Bakelized plywood (BF).

Plywood laminated - It is a papers lined with a papers with a papers of Phaneur.

This coating is very effectively preventing moisture penetration, has a high resistance to the erasure and formation of mold and fungi, resistant to corrosion and destruction. This type of plywood due to lamination is sufficiently popular.
With the help of lamination, you can apply almost any drawing or imitation: oak, poplar, male, birch, nut, pine and larch.
Plywood advantage:
- high tensile strength and bending;
- perfectly sawing, drilled and bonded both nails and screws;
- relatively inexpensive material.
Disadvantages of plywood:
- the resins used in the gluing veneer contain a rather large concentration of phenolic compounds;
- flammable;

Glass-magnifying sheet

Glass-magnesium leaf or glass adhesive sheet (CML) white, reinforced with fiberglass, 40 percent is easier than GVL, flexible, durable, refractory, moisture resistant.
Thanks to the reinforcing fiberglass mesh, the CML may be bent with a radius of curvature up to three meters. High moisture-resistant qualities allow it to use it in rooms with high humidity.
Its qualities, allow it to be used on uneven surfaces and lowers the possibility of a fracture of the sheet during installation and transfer. In addition, this material is environmentally friendly, does not contain harmful substances and asbestos, does not release toxic substances even when heated. In contrast to the calcarer, the sample premium class will take care of the difficult-scale materials (NG).

With a sheet thickness of 6mm, it is able to hold the fire for 2 hours, withstands the heating to 1500 degrees. Sheet thickness: 3-20 mm.
The area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the glass magnium sheet is extremely high. As from the drywall, it is possible to make ceilings, walls and interior partitions.
Moreover, using glass adolescent sheets, you can finish outdoor facades of cottages and houses. CML - reliable base for any type of finish.

The new material is ideal for shower, saunas, pools - after all, the glass-like sheet is able to withstand high humidity, temperature drops and open fire. On the surface of the CML, you can apply a variety of powders, paints, adhesives. You can stick wallpaper, aluminum-composite panels, veneer, plastic, ceramic, glass or mirror tiles.
Facial (smooth) The surface of the sheets is designed for staining, sticking wallpaper, lamination and applying various types of decorative textures without prior, final spatlery and priming the entire surface of the material.
The back (rough) surface of the sheets is designed for a solid hitch when gluing piece facing and decorative materials (ceramic or tile, veneer, etc.), or the material on the walls and floor, the sheets of the sheets among themselves.

The CML can be attached to the fastening system, both from metal and from wood, as well as directly on the enclosing structure using glue.
Along with the usual glass magny sheets, laminated glass-like sheets with a varied pattern and the thickness of the outer coating have become increasingly began to appear increasingly.
Advantages of glassAgnesitis:
- moisture resistance - not exposed to deformation, does not swell and does not lose its properties;
- Fire resistance - magnesite panels non-combustible material;
- good sound insulation - 12mm panel for sound permeability corresponds to the four layers of twelve millimeter plasterboard sheet, or a brick wall thickness of 150mm;
- High strength and flexibility - can be launched with a radius of curvature from 25 cm to 3 meters;
- easier than similar plates from wood or gypsum;
- low thermal conductivity, can be used as an additional insulation;
- It can be used for finishing, both outside and from the inside.
Disadvantages of glass champion:
- more fragile than a dry-fiber leaf;
- when putting off the joints, it is necessary to use putty on chemical glues;
- Properties differ significantly depending on the manufacturer and class of CML.

Fibrolite stove

Fibrolite is a slab material manufactured by pressing special wood fibers (wood wool) and an inorganic binder (magnesian binder).
Fiber is obtained from the waste of the woodworking industry, as a result of processing on the wood-building machines. One of the advantages of fibrolite plates is a small volumetric weight.
Fiberit is distinguished by fire resistance: chips are impregnated with cement, and when exposed to fire, only soot is formed on them. The material allows various finishes options, easily attached to any designs with nails, screws, dowels, easily spawn.

Fibrolite plates are a difficult-scale, biostustic material that is used as thermal insulation, structural, heat-insulating and acoustic materials in building structures of buildings and structures with relative humidity of air no higher than 75%.
Ordinary fibrolite plates are produced with a thickness of 3-5 mm using as a binding gray cement. These plates are used for various kinds of thermal insulation, with a roofing device and plastered partitions.

Acoustic slabs are usually produced from fine wood wool (0.75-2 mm), which improves their appearance, do not close anything, and also cored in colors, harmonizing with the interior or are produced using magnesite or white cement instead of gray.
Composite fibrol panel is a two- or three-layer panel with a middle layer of thermal insulating material, for example, rigid foam or mineral fiber (mineral silicate wool).
The thickness of the middle layer typically ranges from 15 to 140 mm, although the external layers of fibrolite have a thickness of 5 to 20 mm. In this case, the level of thermal insulation increases significantly.
Advantages of fibrolite plates:

- ease of installation;
- good insulation;
- mechanically durable;
- extensive decorative features;
- good moisture resistance and fire resistance; - sound insulation;
- hygienicity, human health and environmental health;
- Do not spoil rodents and insects, does not rot.
Disadvantages of fibrolite plates:
- Small bend strength;
- Significant weight.
The inner covering of the walls of the house is the first step in the finishing of the premises in the house, which also provides additional thermal insulation of the house. The competent lining of the walls allows you to effectively make a final finish, getting the necessary comfort and a pleasant eye interior.

The wall decoration in the kitchen is a creative and complex process that sets the tone to the whole interior. The kitchen refers to premises with complex conditions. There is always high humidity, evaporation of moisture, the fatty raid is settled on the walls. Despite the presence of an exhaust, apron and walls should be maximally protected from the adverse effects of steam, fat and gari. That is why the requirements for the materials for decoration are high. If you dream about stylish kitchen facilities, the focus is focused precisely the walls of the walls.

Requirements and Facilities

Properly finished walls should be well and not to deteriorate under the influence of water. To finish the working area, you can use ceramic tiles, marble, washable wallpaper, waterproof paint, panels from MDF, decorative plaster. High requirements are presented to finishing materials. They should not ignite, highlight dangerous substances, but are obliged to absorb moisture and fat. Durability is the main condition for high-quality material for finishing.

A huge variety of textures, coloring allows you to create an interesting and unusual space. With the fact that the kitchen is divided into two main zones - the working and dining of the walls is carried out. Surfaces that will take on the main load can be made from stable materials, and for the dining area, choose a decorative finish.


Processing of the working area is practicality, reliability, ease of maintenance; Dining - comfort and beauty. Near the table, followed by the family appropriately choose a fabric wallpaper, photo wallpaper, plaster. The more creative designers will show, the better! Modern kitchen combines two types of finishes, which saves on materials and main work.

Types of finishing materials

A large selection of finishing materials allows you to create interesting interiors. Beautiful and original textures look luxurious on the wall of the kitchen. The huge plus of modern materials for decoration is relevance and durability.

Plaster. Popular material for decoration walls in the kitchen. It is easily applied, but it is expensive. Only professionals who have special skills and artistic taste can cope with it. The decorative plaster is of different types: fleet, venetian, polymer, water-based, silicate, structural, limestone, from marble crumb.

Before applying the plaster on the walls, the surface should be treated with a special primer. It looks plaster original and modern. Her plus is that it does not lose its relevance with time. The main advantage is perfectly clean, keeps a presentable appearance for a long time, does not fade.

Plates under stone. Non-standard, but the original solution is the design of walls with decorative or natural stone. This material creates a spectacular kitchen room. Plates naturally imitate the surface of the stone, they are simple enough. Self separate the wall with such plates easily, but certain skills will be required.

First you should align the surface before laying the material. Hold plates on glue, and the seams between the stones are maintained by a special solution. After laying the plates are covered with varnish. It simplifies the process of care.

Brick. If you dream about the cuisine in the style of "Loft", try using walls as a decoration, including apron, brick. It can be a decorative or natural brick treated in a special way. Fact material perfectly harmonizes with furniture with metal elements. It is refractory, wear-resistant.

Lining.Excellent option for wall decoration in the kitchen room. It is suitable only for the kitchen, it is better not to use it in other rooms. Wood treads are made of wood, glass, plastic and MDF. This material has a specific appearance, but it looks beautiful and stylish in the kitchen. The minus of this material is quickly flammable. Brown lining on the wall is well harmonized with light furniture.

Mosaic. It looks interesting and unusually fine mosaic on the wall. It can be a ceramic, glass, made of ceramics or glass. Mosaic looks like a small square. Many squares glued onto the wall in the form of a pattern or picture and create an impressive and large-scale effect.

Mosaic is more expensive than ceramic tiles. Thanks to aesthetic appearance, this material can be separated not only the working area, but also dining. In order to embody the designer idea, patience and time will be required. Plus mosaic - it is easily clean and serves a long time.

Plastic panels.A good way to make repairs quickly and cheap. Plastic panels are not afraid of fungus, mold, temperature differences, pests. This material hides the irregularities of the walls, it is inexpensive, so in great demand. For the kitchen it is better to use moisture-resistant, and not mirror plastic panels. A large selection of panels allows you to create an interesting and modern interior.

Wallpaper. Classic wall finishing. Normal wallpapers will not fit into the kitchen, so the processing is better to use the following types: liquid, glass, vinyl, phliseline.

Liquid wallpapers - new fashionable finishing material. They are sold in packages, not rolls. They should be dissolved with water before applying, and then cover the walls. Liquid wallpaper looks aesthetically, do not deform and do not scratch.

Gymelocoes are made of glass filaments. The resulting canvas stick as wallpaper on the wall. The advantage of the material: resistance to damage, fire safety, strength, reliability, environmental friendliness. They are glued to special glue and cost inexpensively.

Vinyl wallpaper is perfectly clean, resistant to humidity, are not afraid of dirt, soot, fat, sun.

Tile (ceramic tile).The working area in the kitchen can be separated by a stable ceramic tile or a fabric. This material is longer and durable. High temperatures do not affect it, the tile is perfectly clean, and a large selection of color and design adds it pluses in the piggy bank. Tile is smooth, matte, texture, glossy.

With the help of ceramics tiles, you can make a apron or part of the wall near the dining table. Designers do not recommend separating all the walls in the kitchen with this material, as it will look hard and narrow the space.

MDF panels. This material for finishing is environmentally friendly and durable. It is easy to work with it. Mounted panels from MDF to the crate, but cost more plastic. The panels for creating apron are excellent, they can also be made and wallpapers near the dining area. Make MDF panels from crushed wood waste, which are pressed into the stove. The obtained tiles are covered with a special film with different pattern, shade or color.

Parquet boards.Beautiful and original solution in eco-style. Parquet boards are often used to create a Scandinavian interior. Boards effectively fill empty space. Use the board not only for wall decoration in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom, living room, bedroom. Parquet board is well wash, wear-resistant, has an attractive appearance. The advantages of this material are environmental friendliness and aesthetics. The wood board on the wall looks luxurious.

Paint. The paint for finishing from the usual coating is distinguished by the composition, color, stability. When choosing, focus on the criteria. Choose acrylic paint. It dries quickly, perfectly clean, creates a protective film on the wall. Paint for finishing resistant to steam and humidity.

Matte well hide disadvantages of walls and irregularities. Using paint, you can create an interesting space. Before you begin to paint the wall surface, it should be prepared - align and primed. Well suited for processing water-emulsion paints. They are easy to wash and repaint. The paint is applied to the surface in several layers.

Interesting decorative reception - bright furniture and bright walls or contrasting furniture and light surfaces.

Glass panels.A rare and unusual way to finish the walls in the kitchen room. Such panels can be used to process both the working area and dining. This material is beautiful and wear. Glass can be interesting to decorate, apply a drawing, pattern or photo on it. This means that the kitchen will acquire exclusivity.

For the manufacture of glass panels use reliable armored glass, which is difficult to damage. It is easy to care for glass panels, they are not afraid of moisture, temperature drops, mold and fungus do not apply to them. With glass panels easily removes fat and dirt with a damp cloth. This is a durable and beautiful material.

Metal finish.Metal externally and in fact a heavy material that is difficult to present in the interior. But today it is often used to organize spaces in the style of minimalism, "High-tech" or "loft". Metal panels are strong, reliable, fire resistant. They are easy to care for them (wash and clean).

How to choose

In a private house, it is better to use natural and textured materials. These include wood, stone, lining. In the small kitchen it is appropriate to use a mosaic for finishing a working area or plastic washable wallpaper. If you choose the right color and drawing, as well as the manufacturer, such wallpapers will serve at least ten years.

In the apartment it is appropriate to the tile, paint, plastic and MDF panels. If the repair is set in "Khrushchev", it is important here to carefully approach the processing of the walls. The kitchen room in such a small apartment is easy to do even less if it is incorrect to choose the finishing material. For example, parquet panels, tiles on all walls, lining, brick will take space. It is better to use wallpaper or paint.

In the matter of decoration of walls in the kitchen in Khrushchev, it is important to approach the choice of color. Well, if it is bright, neutral shades: gray-blue, beige, white, light green, lemon. The space should be mostly organized. Do not overload the kitchen with details, unnecessary interior objects. Small technique, if possible, hide in a niche or cabinets.

It is necessary to approach individually. Consider not only fashionable interior and design trends, but also your own budget. Remember that the finish may look modern and stylish, even if you allocate a small amount for repairs.

Finishing with your own hands

For independent wall decoration, it is better to choose simple materials with which it is easy to work. Among them, wallpaper, plastic, paint, ceramic tile. Walls in the kitchen - a universal platform for work due to the large selection of materials.

Any repairs begins with the release of the room from furniture and all items.

The next stage is cleaning the walls from old wallpaper, paints, tiles or plaster. This occupation is exhausted, but further repairs will depend on its performance. If you need to remove the tile, use the perforator or wobble hammer with a flat nozzle.

Then the walls must be primed. This stage provides a reliable adhesion of finishing materials with a wall. The wall is stuffed with a roller. After the surface is driving, apply the first layer of putty on the wall. After drying it, the second and finishing layer is applied. When the wall is dry, it should be rejected again to make it easier to decorate in the future.

The next stage is finishing. The most common options are painting, tile, plastic siding, wallpaper, plasterboard, decorative plaster.

In order to embody any idea of \u200b\u200blife yourself, a layout or project will be required. It is necessary to do the measurement of the room - length, height, width, take into account the set of nuances. If the repair is done from "zero", the help of professionals will be required.

Ecological style

The most eco-friendly style is Scandinavian. The walls in the Scandinavian style are separated by a parquet board. However, designers advise you to choose a contrasting finish option, otherwise the kitchen can be turned into a box.

The combination of dark wood and light furniture, separation of partitions into two horizontal parts - an interesting version of the decor. The lower part is frozen by wood or plastic, and the upper wallpaper under painting. This option resembles an English style. The kitchen partition can also be processed by MDF or glass.

The best material for eco-style is a tree. Organic in the style fits the lining, stone. All four walls can be treated with these materials, taking into account that the material will be light, and not dark. Appropriate and most organically, the Scandinavian interior fits into the kitchen of the country house.

The classic style of finishing walls of kitchen walls is gaining popularity with modern items. In this case, glazes are perfect for repair.

Modern materials and creative ideas in combination give interesting and unusual results. White and dark color, calm and bright shades, tenderness and contrast - it is beautiful and stylish. Do you dream to transform kitchen space and not spend money on repair? Everything is possible due to the manifold of materials for finishing. Pay attention to the original interiors and try to implement an idea of \u200b\u200blife.

White wall and furniture in tandem with a dark wall, horizontal imitation of a parquet board gives the kitchen lightness and style. Weightful curtains, metal lampshade, glass table, white chairs of simple design - perfect space in the style of minimalism.

White furniture in the kitchen is a modern trend. Excellent combined with snow-white furniture contrasting walls. For example, a floral pattern wallpaper looks organically and give a feeling of comfort.

An excellent example of decorative brick dining area. Wall mural will bring the country element to the kitchen. Clear lines of the working area, white color, the backlight is perfectly harmonized with a walled wall on the contrary. Green plants will add naturalness to the room.

The decoration of walls in the apartment, the options for which it is necessary to pick up for each of the rooms individually, should take into account their functional destination. By choosing in favor of this or that material, you must definitely pay attention not only to the appearance, but also on other important characteristics. In addition, the interior of each of the rooms I want to make a special, unlike others, but it should be remembered that their design should elaborate among themselves and create a common harmony in the entire apartment.

Today the market is literally "flooded" by building materials, and it is quite difficult to stop on any one. Therefore, it is worth understanding which one is better to choose for a particular room.

Criteria for selection of wall decorations

So, creating a project finishing project and choosing the walls of the walls, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • Environmental safety material. It should not distinguish toxic substances into the environment during its operation.
  • The finish should not be an allergen for people living in the apartment, especially in cases where some of them have a predisposition to such reactions.
  • Mounting technology (applying) finishing material. It is especially important to take into account when the cost of repair is limited, as the work of masters, perhaps it will cost even the cost of the material itself. Therefore, in such circumstances it is desirable to choose a finish from which you can cope and yourself.
  • One of the most important criteria are the technical and operational characteristics of cladding, such as hygroscopicity, abrasibility, resistance to temperature differences, affordable ways to care for trim and others. Each of the rooms requires a special approach:

- For example, choosing cladding for the walls of the bathroom, toilet or combined bathroom, as well as kitchens, you should pay attention to its resistance to moisture, the appearance of mold colonies, on the possibility of regular wet cleaning.

- For an adult bedroom and children's room, you need to choose environmentally friendly breathable wall coverings that do not attract dust.

- Walls of the hallway, the corridor and the living room require finishes by more durable wear-resistant material, as they are passing or most often visited by the premises.

  • And, of course, the aesthetic side of the question. It is recommended to think about the design of the rooms in such a way that they complement each other and were combined with one interior style.

An important and color solution. For example, for the bedroom it is better to choose calm pastel colors, and for rooms where natural lighting is missing, a light color finish.

Despite the large range of finishing materials in the construction markets, the most popular finishes remain such as traditional wallpaper, plaster and paint, wooden lining and ceramic tiles. From facing, relatively recently included in fashion, you can call laminated or plastic lining, as well as artificial stone.

Wallpapers - Traditional decoration of the walls of the apartment

Wallpapers can be called the most used wall finishing option, as they are suitable for almost all rooms and have an affordable price. Therefore, we can safely say that in 85 ÷ 90% of cases of the wall of modern apartments are precisely by them.

The benefits of this material above other finishes will be treated:

  • A large range of types of wallpaper allows you to choose them for any of the rooms, according to aesthetic design, manufacturing material, and at cost. For example, paper or liquid wallpapers are the most affordable option. The remaining species, such as vinyl, phlizelin, textile, and canvas from natural materials are more expensive finishes. True, in some cases, despite the high price, wallpaper can have not only positive, but also negative qualities.
  • The simplicity of gluing cloths on the wall allows you to work yourself and save a fairly decent amount.

Classification of wallpaper

Wallpapers are classified according to different qualities, which will depend on which option to choose for a particular room. Such criteria include moisture resistance, surface structure and pattern, as well as material density.

On operational qualities

Resistance to moisture and regular cleaning

For this quality, the wallpaper is divided into ordinary, unstable to moisture, moisture resistant and moistureproof (washable).

  • Normal wallpapers. These include paper options that do not tolerate moisture and when it is raised in the room, they begin to breed. You can remove dust from them only with the help of a vacuum cleaner. They glue them only in dry rooms, where there are unlikely strong evaporation.
  • Moisture-resistant wallpaper.It can be paper wallpaper with moisture-resistant coating. They can be wiped with soft wet cloth, but no wash will not work. Such material is also not used to finish the kitchen or in the bathroom, as it will not withstand high humidity and numerous cleaning.
  • Washable Well tolerate wet cleaning with the help of sponge and detergents, so they can be finished with a kitchen room or toilet. In the bathroom, the room is not recommended to use them.
  • Moistureproof wallpaperwith proper blowing on the wall, it is capable of withstanding the increase in moisture and wet cleaning, as they have a coating that does not pass to the base to which it is applied.
Surface texture and coloring of wallpaper

Wallpapers vary on the texture of the top layer. They are smooth, with a pattern applied to the surface, with a deep or small relief obtained as a result of embossing the coating of the canvases.

Wallpapers are made in a monophonic version, with a chaotic pattern that do not require fitting sheets, as well as with a clear ornament located with a certain step (rapport). By purchasing the latter, you need to know that the drawing of neighboring canvases will have to be customized, so they must be bought with a margin.

Table of wallpaper types in different criteria:

Type of wallpaperSurface structureNumber of layersStrengthMoisture resistance
Paper Smooth and embossedSingle-layer and two-layerFragileIgnorant
Vinyl EmbossedTwo-layerDurableMoistureproof (washable)
Fliselinovye Smooth or embossedTwo-layerDurableMoisture resistant (washable)
Textile Relief, embossedMulti-layeredDurableIgnorant
Metal ReliefMulti-layeredDurableMoisture-resistant

Prices for flieslinic wallpaper

fliselinova wallpaper

Density of material

For this quality, the wallpaper is divided into light and heavy. It is possible to include paper and flieslinic options, to heavy - vinyl, fabric, as well as canvas from natural materials. Those that have a density indicator of 110 g / m² and more, and with them it is rather difficult to work, especially in cases where irregularities are present on the wall surface. No less difficult and thin paper wallpaper are glued, as they quickly wound up and can break them when smoothing them on the wall. Therefore, the most optimal option for the wizard without experience to choose the wallpaper of the middle thickness.

Durability of wallpaper

Depending on the type of wallpaper, they can serve as 4 to 10 years, but subject to certain conditions:

  • The correct technology of stickers were caulated on the wall to which it should be well prepared to prepare the surface, aligning it and carefully acquainted.

  • When purchasing wallpapers, you should pay attention to the icons icons located on the package, which will indicate how this type of material is properly glued, and what characteristics it has.

  • After sticking the wallpaper, they need to succeed properly. This process is carried out at closed doors and windows, without drafts, in the room there must be a temperature of approximately +25 degrees. It is impossible to use heating devices or fans to speed up drying, as the work can be spoiled, and it will have to do it from the very beginning. Properly dried finish will serve a long time without repair.
  • It is very important to choose the appropriate adhesive composition for a specific type of wallpaper is also one of the factors that ensure reliability and long exploitation of wall cladding.

Now that general information about this material is obtained, it is worth considering each of the types of wallpaper in more detail.

By material manufacturing

Paper wallpaper

Although manufacturers are designed and made absolutely new types of wallpaper, paper remains in demand. Explained, apparently, the fact that it is environmentally friendly, "breathable" material and perfectly suitable for decoration of residential premises with a normal level of humidity. Modern options for paper wallpapers are quite varied in color scheme and ornamental design, so some, high-quality samples cannot be distinguished from more expensive material. The operational period of this type of finishing is from 4 to 10 years, depending on the production technology and stickers on the wall. Imported wallpapers are considered more durable - they are less sensitive to ultraviolet rays, so they retain their original view longer.

The main disadvantages of this species can be called low strength, a rather complicated sticker process on the wall, as well as the impossibility of using wet cleaning to them. Therefore, they are not recommended to use in the hallways and corridors, as well as on the bottom of the walls in the children's rooms, as they will not serve in these zones for a long time.

It should be noted that the paper version of the canvas may consist of one or two layers. Some wallpaper are designed for staining and are able to withstand up to 15 layers of paint, while others have impregnated with moisture-repellent composition. True, wallpaper with similar qualities have a higher price.

This photo presents paper wallpapers in bright gentle colors that can be used to finish the walls of a bedroom, children's or even living room if they are suitable for the selected interior style. It is clearly seen here that the wallpaper of such colors can add light into the room, increasing it visually, and also giving it accuracy. This finish will have a positive effect on the mood of the residents of the apartment, creating a favorable microclimate.

Another option to use paper wallpapers having a deeper color, perfectly suitable for the design of the walls in the "English" style. This material is more restrained by shades and has become a good background for furniture items with light trim, and also successfully harmonizes with a natural tree color. Such wallpapers give the room comfort, but at the same time, as they comprise space, so it is better to apply them in the rooms, the windows of which go to the south, which is why there is too much sunlight.

Fliselinova wallpaper

Fliselin is made of cellulose, which is 70% of the total material volume, and the remaining 30% occupy binders. This material is characterized by high strength and wear resistance, and is also breathing.

Flizelin wallpaper can be divided into three types:

- those that are fully made of phlizelin;

- Flizelin-based canvas;

- the upper layer of fliesline, which is applied to the paper basis.

The first type consists of several layers, and all of them, except for external, smooth and smooth. The upper coating is most often relief and monophonic. As a rule, it is designed for repeated staining.

The second version of the wallpaper on the fliesline basis may have an outer layer of paper, textiles, or vinyl.

The third type of canvas is covered with foamed or by the usual layer of phlizelin. Such wallpapers are decorated with embossed reliefs, they are aesthetic look at the wall, amenable to wet cleaning and have a long service life.

Purely fliesline wallpaper or manufactured with paper with paper can be called environmentally friendly, "breathable" finishing materials, so it can be used for any of the rooms.

In addition, flieslinic wallpapers are able to hide small defects formed on the wall, and due to its elasticity the material does not break on the corners, as well as when expanding cracks on the surfaces.

Fliseline canvases are perfect for design kitchen, so quite often they have drawing of kitchen accessories, picturesque vegetables, fruits or plants. In the interior presented in the photo, wallpapers are used with the image of decorative plates, which were previously used as decoration for walls and kitchen shelves. The wallpaper is perfectly combined with a selected color and style of curtains, as well as furnished, installed in the dining area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen.

In this case, the wallpaper is used to finish the walls of the Cabinet or the living room. If you carefully look at this interior, you can make sure that every detail is important in the room, and they create a conceived style in the complex. Object furniture, window frames, indoor plant - everything perfectly harmonizes with a color solution, as well as an ornamental pattern of selected wallpaper. Calm shades of all elements of the composition contribute to the equilibrium of the mood and create a favorable atmosphere for both recreation and work.

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpapers are very popular, which relatively recently appeared in the construction market. The canvases consist of two layers - the lower (paper, flieslinic or textile) and upper, consisting of polyvinyl chloride, which has an embossing of a certain pattern with the corresponding color design.

Most of all the users loved one of the types of these wallpapers, called "silk-screen", as the upper layer imitates silk threads, and not only with its structure, but also a characteristic gloss.

Vinyl wallpapers have amazing decorativeness, resistance to ultraviolet rays, mechanical exposure and pronounced moisture resistance.

The disadvantages of the finishing material include the complexity of its sticking. It can be noted and a peculiar smell that comes from cloths in the process of their installation and at the beginning of operation, but some time after it is completely weathering. Be that as it may, vinyl wallpaper cannot be called environmentally friendly, in addition, they are poorly passed by air, so it is not recommended to glue their indoors with high humidity, and otherwise mold may form under them. Well, they are suitable for the design of living rooms, hallways and corridors, where the surfaces must have solid protection.

Silkography is suitable for decoring halls in the palace style. With high-quality sticking of cloths on the walls, they will be difficult to distinguish from natural silk. It is this effect that creates a rich decoration of surfaces, and will only be able to pick up furniture made in the same style as well as the necessary accessories - and the room will acquire an unrecognizable appearance hit by its magnificence and gloss.

There are still few styles in which this type of wallpaper will fit well. These include such as "Provence" or "Country", as the floral patterns used in the design of the canvas are exactly what is characteristic of these design directions. If you wish, you can pick up the wallpaper made in calm or, on the contrary, bright bright colors - this factor will depend on what mood is planned to be created in the room.

Textile wallpaper

Textile canvases consist of two layers - the bases consisting of paper or phlizelin, and the outer layer of the fibers intertwined into the pattern or the finished natural tissue - it can be cotton, flax and silk, as well as a mixture of different materials.

Textile wallpapers have a number of advantages over other finishes, but also has its drawbacks. To their positive qualities, you can safely attribute the opportunity to absorb extraneous noise and keep warm inside the room. Fibers are processed by special compositions that make them inert to ultraviolet rays. Since natural raw materials are used for making purposes, the finish is an environmentally friendly material, and Len has also bactericidal properties.

Vellar wallpapers, having a velvet surface, which creates a special chic in the room, since their color looks deeper and saturated.

This finish and synthetic threads are produced, which are fixed on the foam rubber - this material is used in those rooms where it is necessary to create good sound insulation. But it is still not recommended to apply in residential premises.

The process of manufacturing textile wallpapers is quite complicated, which is why, as well as due to the use of natural raw materials, they have a fairly high price.

This type of finish cannot be called popular both due to high cost and due to the property of accumulating dust, which is detrimental to people who have a predisposition to allergic reactions.

Do not use textile facing in the kitchen, as traces of vapors and smells of this room will inevitably remain inevitably. She does not work for a bedroom or children's room - no extra dust is not needed. Wallpaper can be applied in the living room, if there is a desire to create a rich exclusive interior with deep shades.

What wallpaper is suitable for sleeping?

For this premises, it is necessary to pick up the finish, taking into account its specific features - it should have a full-fledged rest and be completely harmless. Nuances - in a special publication of our portal

In addition to these, the most popular types of wallpaper would like to mention other, which in some cases are indispensable.

Photo wallpaper

Wall mural can be made of any material mentioned above and are used often enough to create a specific accent in the room. This type of finish is capable of visually expanding the space of the room, since almost all images applied to them have a 3D effect. It can be a city landscape, natural corner or floral romantic motifs. Each option is able to transform interior and set the desired style direction.

Liquid wallpaper

"Liquid Wallpapers" are suitable for those who love to engage in creativity, and also want to save on the works that can make anyone, even an inexperienced master. It is impossible to spoil this material, since if it was not possible to reproduce the intended pattern from the first time, the process of applying the mass to the surface can be easily repeated, removing the layer of the composition with the wall and adding some water to it.


The linker is a paper-based wallpaper, which is applied with a relief from chlorvinyl or laneoxic mastic, mixed with wood flour or other filler. This finish has the type of stucco and is able to disguise the shallow flaw on the wall surface. Thanks to the outer coating, it is easy to care for the finish, wiping with a wet cloth.

Jute wallpaper

Jute wallpapers are made on a paper or tissue basis - this is a natural material that can significantly improve the microclimate in the apartments. This finish is perfect for a bedroom, a children's and living room, it is durable and durable, as well as quite aesthetic, but not suitable for all styles. Therefore, if it is decided to apply such a material to decorating the walls, it is worth thinking well the rest of the room design and pick up the appropriate furniture items for it. Wallpapers are made of natural raw materials, so the price of them is quite high.

Glass equipment

Fiberglass wallpapers are made from natural environmentally friendly raw materials, such as lime, quartz sand, dolomite and soda. Fiberglass canvas are not a favorable medium for the formation of mold and other microorganisms, they are vapor permeable and do not cause allergic reactions, and in addition, the material has dielectric properties. Thanks to all these qualities, these wallpapers can be applied to finishing any of the rooms, including indoors with high humidity. Very often, this type of wallpaper is designed for further painting.


The plug is a unique finish capable of insulating and soundly insulated the room, as well as create a favorable microclimate for apartment tenants, as it is an environmentally friendly material with antibacterial properties. Cork wallpaper stands for mechanical stress. They have soft ocher shades, on which "looks" rests ", so the walls of the walls will be the perfect option for the bedroom and the children's room, as well as an entrance hall or living room. The price of cork finish is quite high, but its durability and unique properties - it is quite justified.

How to glue the wallpaper?

If such a style of wall decoration is selected, then it is necessary to determine the number of wallpaper for pasting. For this, our portal has a special. Well, the nuances of practical work with such a finish are covered in publication.

Original Finishing - Decorative Plaster

If the design of the walls of the apartment is planned exclusive, then a decorative plaster is suitable for this purpose, which can take a wide variety of forms. Work on applying to the surface of this decoration - the process is creative and requires the skills of the skills not only plaster, but also the artist.

The plaster is translated from Italian language literally as "alabaster" or "gypsum", since it is from these materials that it is most convenient to create reliefs of different depths. In addition, when frozen, these materials can be corrected by the cutters. Today, different solutions are used to reproduce on the wall of volumetric patterns, mainly the same as used for conventional surface alignment. The mixtures are made from cement, lime and sand, sometimes fillers are added in the form of granules of different fractions - their role is performed by stone crumb, quartz sand or fibers of different origin (cellulose, fiberglass, etc.).

Plastering formulations are sold at a finished form or are compiled independently, they can be already involved and packed in plastic buckets or need to be created before work. Each master chooses for itself the option with which it is convenient for it.

Decorative plaster - Views

Plastering mixtures are used to align the walls, which is a traditional way to prepare surfaces for painting or sticking wallpaper. In addition, there are species that are intended to create on the surfaces of a decorative finishing coating.

Plastering formulations are finely dispersion powder or a ready-made mass, completely homogeneous or with splashes. The plaster is divided among themselves in two criteria - based on which it is made, and relief.

According to the binder, the mixture can be of the following types:

  • Mineral The composition binding for which is cement or gypsum. This type of finish is made in a dry mixture mixed before carrying out work. Mineral finish on a cement basis is suitable for the bathroom or even facade work, as it persists tolerate the effects of ultraviolet rays, high humidity and is an environmentally friendly material. Gypsum, as a rule, is intended for internal work, for premises with a normal level of humidity.
  • Acrylic The plaster mix is \u200b\u200bmade on the basis of acrylic resin, which provides it with elasticity, so it is comfortable to work with it. Plaster sold, packed in plastic buckets, it does not need to be kneaded or diluted.

This material has low vapor permeability and ultraviolet resistance, so the composition is limited to use - it is undesirable to separate the rooms with high humidity, as well as the facade part of the structure.

  • Silicone The mixture is made on the basis of synthetic resins and can be applied both for internal and external finishing works. The material has high resistance to ultraviolet, has moisture-repellent properties and does not attract dust.

Such a mixture is sold in the finished form in plastic buckets.

  • Silicate plaster It is produced on the basis of liquid glass and therefore has high strength, resistance to external influences and the appearance of mold. The material can be applied in rooms with any conditions of humidity, and is one of the most reliable and durable coatings, the operational period of which reaches 50 or more years.

Also, the plaster can be divided by external aesthetic data, or rather, in the depths of the relief, which can perform above the wall surface from two to 10 and more than millimeters.

Prices for decorative plaster

decorative plaster

  • Relief textured The plaster is applied to the wall in different ways, depending on the desired result. The volumetric pattern can differ significantly, to be smoothly distributed over the entire surface, stand out by single fragments or consist of several elements, as well as be the whole pictures with different subjects.

The most common homogeneous texture patterns are such as "fur coat", "lameas" and "koroed", which are used for the inner and external wall cladding.

It is quite aesthetically viewed on the wall such views is homogeneously distributed along the wall of the mixture, as a roller, which has in its composition fillers of mineral origin of various fractions in 1 ÷ 2.5 mm. With these granules on the surface and the desired embossed pattern is manifested.

  • Venetian plaster. This type of finish consists of several layers, and upon completion of the work does not have a pronounced relief, as it has a practically homogeneous texture. Visually wall, decorated in this technique, resembles a surface lined with marble. Work on the application of cladding requires special skills, as the process consists of several labor-intensive stages, each of which matters to play the desired pattern. Such plaster is used in the interiors decorated in classic, antique or baroque styles.

Depending on the purpose, the wall surface can be made glossy or matte. A coloring pigment of the desired shade is added to the composition, which emphasizes the relief of thin, numerous layers, imitating the surface of the stone slice.

In addition to the visual effect of the "stone finishes", with the competent selection of the necessary shades, the Venetian plaster may look like a facing of precious metals. Most often, this option is used as a background for bulk thematic panels.

There are several more techniques related to "Venetian":

- Wet silk technique somewhat resembles the appearance of the "Venetian", but has an absolutely smooth surface, and the relief is migrated by the smears and the difference in color shades.

- Another option of plaster finish, which will become a real decoration of the walls of the room - "Sea Breeze".

Any of the above-mentioned walls of the walls will serve significantly longer wallpaper, although it will be a view that resembles a vinyl "silkographic".

Decorative plaster has a lot of advantages to which the following can be attributed:

  • The ability to use this finish in rooms with different conditions. The main thing is to correctly pick up the type of plaster.
  • The application can be applied to any material - on the purified and prepared surface.
  • Plaster capable of disguise wall defects.
  • It is possible to create a variety of relief drawings - it all depends on the fantasy of customers and the skill level of the artist.
  • Resistance to mechanical stress.
  • Environmental safety, durability and practicality of the coating.

Such a decor is good to use in a small room, which I would like to visually expand. Using the effect of the horizon, viewing through the imitated open door, may not only give the wall an exotic design, but also to create an impression of an increase in space.

It is richly on the walls of the finish, made in the techniques of Venetian plaster or "wet silk". Many apartment owners are trying to find wallpapers with similar textures, but do not forget that the canvas pasted on the walls have joints that will inevitably have to adversely affect the overall picture. In addition, even the highest quality desktop will serve a much smaller period than the masterfully applied plaster. Properly selected color solution of walls and furniture accessories is able to turn the room of a regular apartment in "Apartments of the Castle or Palace".

Decorative plaster - Is it possible to perform yourself?

It is possible, but, of course, if the owners have a "artistic veil". If a desire to apply your creative ability and independently arrange the walls of the apartment in one of the techniques, then you should become familiar with the relevant article of our portal.

Decorative rock

The decoration of walls with decorative stone is quite expensive, both at the price of the material itself and on the execution of works on the facing of surfaces. This factor can be called the only disadvantage of such a finish, since high performance characteristics allow it to use it in any room.

Probably, you should not use this material in small rooms, as the stone is able to visually narrow and "drag" the room. In case, after all, it is planned to issue a stone wall of a small-sized apartment, then it is best to perform a "torn" masonry in combination with a plastered wall.

For decoration, natural stone or artificial is used, which, if desired, can be made at home based on plaster or cement mortar.

Artificial stone is not necessary to buy!

Examine instructions, prepare the necessary materials, tools and accessories, even if you even make a pair of unsuccessful attempts - and it will go! How the process is carried out that allows you to significantly save funds - described in detail in a special publication of our portal.

Natural stone has a very high price, which is explained by the complexity of its processing. The artificial version of the finishing material is more accessible. Moreover, if the solution from which it is made is painted in mass, then the "stone" is not afraid of abrasion, but laid on the wall - almost indistinguishable from natural facing.

Artificial stone has a more diverse color gamut than a real natural material, which expands the possibilities of design of the premises. In the construction markets you can find artificial stone, imitating rocks, limestone, round sea boulders, brick of different colors and others.

Artificial finish is easier to stain, rather than a natural stone, so if desired, change the "mood" of the interior can simply take paint on a water basis and change the color of the masonry.

Stone decorative wall cladding has its advantages that also need to be assessed:

  • The finish has high resistance to temperature drops.
  • Both natural and artificial stone is not a fuel, so it is almost always used for facing fireplaces or their imitation.
  • Material racks to abrasion, so it is well suitable for decoration of walls in the hallway and corridor.

  • Due to the environmental purity of such a finish, it is also used to cladding the walls of bedrooms and living rooms.

Deciding to bore the walls in the apartment by any of the types of stone, you need to remember that they should not be abused, otherwise the interior will be "mergered", and the room will turn into a "cave", which is unfavorable for the human psyche. Therefore, in the use of this material it is necessary to observe the measure, and it will be better to combine it with one of the types of plaster.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tile is used to decorate rooms with high humidity and high traffic intensity. The apartment includes a kitchen, a bathroom, an entrance hall and a corridor.

It must be said that it is rare to meet the hallway, the walls of which are lined with ceramic tiles, although it will be there as if it is impossible, especially in cases where pets live in the apartment - a dog or a cat.

Today, a lot of varieties of ceramic tiles are presented in the construction market, which is designed for wall design - it is glazed, unlawed, clinker and porcelain stoneware.

  • Glazed tile - The most popular option for walls for walls, as it has a smooth glossy surface on which dust almost does not accumulate, which greatly simplifies its cleaning. Such a coating has a tile made by the double firing method to which Kottofort, Maitolika and Fayans belongs, as well as a single firing material - monocotture and monoporosis.

  • Insolved tileit has a matte surface and most often - deep red, brown, pastel purple or terracotta shades without additional pattern. However, some options are distinguished by a special luxury, due to their ornaments that have a coating, usually imitating precious metals - gold or silver.

The most popular tiled tiled cladding are such style collections as Cotto, Porkllanato Gress, Red Gress and others.

  • Clinker tileit is used for both internal and external finishes, since due to high temperatures in its manufacture, it has excellent strength and resistance to any external influences.

In apartments, this facing material can be used to finish the walls of balconies, loggias, hallways, as well as areas around real or imitation fireplaces. Clinker tile can be unlawed or have a glossy coating, but the second option is most often used for the walls.

  • Ceramographicit is manufactured from such components as quartz, spat and coloring pigments that are binding for which clay. The material is processed in special furnaces at very high temperatures and under greater pressure. As a result, it turns out non-porous monolith, having a high density and a beautiful pattern. The surface of the porcelain book can be polished, matte, smooth or embossed.

All types of ceramic tiles have a different coefficient of moisture absorption, and is divided into groups. Thus, the first of these includes products absorbing up to 3%, to the second - up to 6%, and to the third - up to 10% of moisture in 24 hours. Therefore, purchasing a finish for a particular room, it is necessary to pay special attention to this characteristic - the data about it is indicated on the packaging of the material.

For example, if the renovation of a bathroom or a combined bathroom is conceived, a tile that has a first group of moisture absorption, and any of the groups will fit for the hallway.

By design design, ceramic tile can be monophonic or have a certain pattern on the surface. In addition, flexible mosaic products are manufactured or made in the form of decorative panels.

Prices for alkyd paint

alkyd paint

A set of ceramic finish gathering into a single composition will become a real decoration of any room. Moreover, the color or ornamental solutions of this design version are very diverse, so you can pick up for any selected interior style.

Ceramic tile - one of the most popular finishing materials

If the reader chooses such a finish option, then we can help something. Special, and detailed cladding instructions - in a special article of the portal

Staining of walls

Today, it is not so often possible to meet in the apartments of the walls decorated with staining, as there have been a large number of new materials that do not require such a time-consuming surface preparation that is necessary under painting. Still, some designers prefer this type of finish, because it gives great opportunities for creativity.

Any paint will look properly if the wall is perfectly aligned and smoothed. To do this, you need to do a great job on the spatlement or the surfaces of the surface with plasterboard.

In construction stores, colorful compositions made on different bases are oil, enamel, silicate and water-soluble.

Water-based paints

For decoration of walls in residential premises, aqueous solutions are most often used that can already have the desired color or require adding pigment to form a selected shade.

White paint is purchased if it is planned to use several colors for staining. Then it's easier to buy a few kernels, which will be useful for painting.

Water-based paints may have different binders, but their unifying qualities are environmental purity of the solution, rapid drying and almost complete absence of smell.

  • Water-emulsion Paints can be called the most popular of all in this row due to their affordable price. They are made using polyvinyl acetate (PVA glue). The solution has good shelterness and adhesion with primed walls, so it is enough to apply two layers to obtain a smoothly painted surface. This paint is easily conserved by purchasing the desired shade.

Water-emulsion paints have an affordable price, and this also has become an important factor in their popularity.

However, the disadvantages should also be a surprise in the course of operation:

- impaired mechanical effects, so they are best used to dye the top of the wall;

- the paint does not hide the wall flaws, so before coloring the surface should be well aligned;

- The paint does not like moisture, and this suggests that it cannot be used in "wet" rooms and often undergo a wet cleaning.

  • Water-dispersion silicone The compositions have higher strength characteristics, so they are not damaged from moisture, do not lose the original color and are able to disguise the cracks on the wall surface with a width to 1.5 ÷ 2 mm. After applying paints on the wall, it forms a smooth vapor-permeable film, on which dust does not accumulate. This composition can be applied to painting walls in rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom and a kitchen.

The most important disadvantage of silicone paint is its high price, but the operational period of such a finish is much higher than other coatings.

  • Acrylic water dispersion Paints also have good characteristics. They are easily applied to the prepared surfaces and are able to disguise the cracks with a width of 0.5 to 1 mm, the racks for ultraviolet, vapor permeable and moisture resistant. The surface painted by these compositions is difficult to damage, and they are also amenable to wet cleaning with detergents. Of the disadvantages, it is possible to name lower shelterness compared to silicone solutions.

The paint has an affordable price, so the design of the walls will not be too expensive.

  • Decorative textured Paints make it possible to make the surface embossed. They are manufactured on acrylic aqueous dispersion with the addition of coloring pigments, as well as fillers with different fractions. From the latter and will depend on what pattern it turns out on the wall. Mineral additives and quartz sand are used as fillers.

A distinctive feature of these colors is their thick consistency, so they can be applied with a spatula, roller or brush. A factory on the wall will also depend on how the tool is applied to the wall. For better adhesion paints with surface material, the latter need to be well treated with primer, and then dry.

Compositions with additives are manufactured, which mimic the texture of suede or tissue on the wall, as well as pearl divorces. To work successfully, before its start, it is worth carefully learning the instructions for use attached to the package.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd paints are made on the basis of alkyd resins and the consistency resemble oil, but somewhat differ in their characteristics. This type of compositions of the racks to moisture, elevated temperatures and ultraviolet. The paint on an alkyd basis can be semi-masted, matte or glossy, so before purchasing it is necessary to determine what effect it is necessary to obtain as a result. This type of compositions has an affordable price, but he has a number of serious flaws:

- low vapor permeability, that is, they cannot be called "breathable."

- Paints are used mainly for metal and wooden surfaces - due to their components they give protection to these materials from external influences.

- Alkyd paints are diluted with turpentine, gasoline or white-spirit, having a specific smell, so staining should be carried out in a ventilated room.

- The painted surface over time loses the brightness of the color, but not due to burnout, and due to the properties of the paint, to acquire a yellowish tint.

Judging by the characteristics presented it can be concluded that these paints are not suitable for the walls of the residential premises. They are often used to bring in order of pipes and radiators of heating, but for this purpose, heat-resistant alkyd compositions need to be purchased.

Silicate paints

Silicate paints are produced on the basis of "liquid glass", therefore they have high technical characteristics that allow them to use them in rooms with high humidity. Silicate solutions have excellent vapor permeability, strength and resistance to any mechanical effects, so the walls painted by them can be cleaned using detergents. In addition, paints successfully confront the formation of mold and fungus, and thanks to the above mentioned qualities, it is perfect for the kitchen and a bathroom.

The "minuses" of these compositions should be denoted to avoid unpleasant consequences when applying them:

- During the process of paint coloring, evaporation harmful to health, so work must be carried out in a ventilated room, that is, with open doors and windows, and the respiratory tract should be protected by a respirator. After drying, the paint is absolutely harmless.

- Silicate paints have poor adhesion with a surface previously painted with paints on other bases. In addition, and the silicate layer in the future does not lay out the composition on the other basis. Therefore, the surface in both cases before the color will have to be deeply cleaning.

- Tinting can be made only by mineral pigments, and their color scheme is not too wide.

Oil paint

Oil paints are manufactured on the basis of natural and artificial oil. They are considered the most durable, since after drying the layer acquires excellent strength characteristics. Delicate compounds are manufactured and ready for use. Delicate paints are a kind of concentrate, which is divorced before applying the wall to the desired consistency. Oil compounds can be made on hemp, linen or sunflower olife - the latter provides paint faster drying compared to other bases. However, any of them dries up much longer than the other types of coloring compositions.

With the advent of modern paints, the oil version is practically not used for the design of the walls - it is more often used or for external economic work, or to cover pipes and radiators, as it is rather durable and thermos.

Emaley paint

Emale paints are made on the basis of varnishes. They can be polyurethane, alkyd, perchlorvinyl, melamine, nitroemals and others. Those compositions are distinguished by rapid grazing and formation on the wall quite a strong and smooth layer, so suitable for walls of different rooms.

When staining enamel makes a characteristic unpleasant odor, therefore the room where the work is carried out should be well ventilated. Maybe it became the main reason that such paints are infrequent for the interior walls of the walls.

So, the paint still remains in the "top" finishing materials for walls in the apartment. For staining the walls of corridors, the hallways and kitchens are well suited for water-based silicone and acrylic paints. You can wash the surface painted surfaces, as they are enough to be abrasion and moisture. It is not necessary to use the compositions on the surfaces of the relief in these premises - such a surface will be difficult to clean from plaque and dirt.

Difficult to choose paint?

Very detailed nuances are set forth in a separate article of our portal. And the special will help plan the purchase.

Decorative lining

The lining made of various materials is a popular finishing material for many decades, as it has a large number of advantages that are common to all types of this series - it is simplicity of installation and ability to mask the irregularities of the wall.

Traditional material for the manufacture of lining is wood. But today, in addition, it is made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and MDF, which are more affordable. All types of lining are suitable for finishing the walls of the apartment, the main thing is to correctly choose them on environmental friendliness and water resistance for different premises.

  • Wooden lining - This is a type of pinned profiled ideally processed board. It can be made of different breeds of wood and has a number of significant advantages:

- environmental friendliness;

- aesthetic appearance;

- creation of a favorable microclimate in residential premises;

- durability;

- low thermal conductivity;

- Additional sound insulation of walls:

- the material is easy to paint or vague;

- wooden lining easily to level the walls;

- Installation of material clean - without dust and dirt formation.

For interior decoration, the apartment is well suitable for lining, made of pine, larch, linden, alder, cedar, ash and other breeds.

The lining is suitable for any of the rooms, including for the bathroom. Remembering the fact that the wood is hygroscopic, when using it in wet rooms, it is necessary to carry out high-quality treatment with water-repellent compositions, both with external and on the back side of the boards.

Wooden lining is divided into fortitude as follows: the highest grade - "Extra", the first grade class "A", the second grade - class "B", the third grade class "C".

The cost of finishing from a natural tree is high enough, but she will serve a lot. If the wall has significant breaks, and you have to choose how to align it, then the wooden lining can be called one of the easiest ways to cope with this task.

  • PVC panels (lining) It can be called modern material, as compared to wooden trim, it has become widely used relatively recently, but has already gained quite great popularity.

Plastic panels can be fixed directly on the wall, provided that it is fixed, or on a frame crate, with which the wall surface is aligned.

PVC panels are great for decoration walls of the bathroom and bathroom, as they have the necessary qualities for the specific conditions of these premises. Here we will take the following:

- moisture resistance;

- ease of installation;

- the presence of an assortment of fittings that make a finish neat;

- aesthetic appearance;

- Easy care, including wet cleaning;

- panel strength;

- Wide colors and varieties of drawings, including imitation of the textures of various natural materials.

The "minuses" of plastic finishes include low resistance to accented mechanical effects.

Based on this data, it can be concluded that the PVC panels are used to finish the hallways, kitchens, balconies, corridors. Although manufacturers represent plastic panels with a completely harmless material, still plastic can not be called absolutely environmentally friendly, so it is not recommended to use it for decoration of residential premises, especially bedrooms and children's rooms.

  • Molding MDF. No less popular than PVC panels, as it has an affordable price and can be used in heated premises of balconies and loggias, as well as perfectly suitable for finishing the hallways and corridors.

You can find several varieties of this finishing material, which differ from each other by external coating.

- laminated A variant having a glossy smooth without rough surface. Most often, such a lining is used to finish the walls of balconies and kitchens, sometimes for corridors and hallways, covering it completely the whole wall or only the panel part.

- veneered lining That is, the MDF is covered with the finest cut of natural wood. For this, breeds are used with beautiful natural shades and textured pattern - a veneer of fruit trees (cherry and pear) is selected quite often. In addition to them, the veneer is made of maple wood, oak, pine, as well as more valuable and exotic rocks.

In the wall mounted on the wall, such a finish is indistinguishable from the lining made of natural wood, and sometimes it looks even more advantageous.

- painted tree - A variety of lining, which is very popular, as it can create in the interior the desired style direction.

However, a large "minus" can be called a rough surface, which makes a finish unprotected from dust and moisture. Therefore, the lining of the walls like lining is recommended only in dry heated rooms.

The advantages of any type of MDF lining can be attributed:

- material strength;

- ease of installation work;

- Low thermal conductivity.

The negative qualities of the finishes are the following points:

- dismisibility to moisture, so it cannot be used in rooms with high humidity;

- It is impossible to use frequent wet cleaning to this material, which means that it is not recommended to stoke by the walls not only in the bathroom, but also in the kitchen.

Having considered all the materials presented above, it is possible to conclude that the construction market is so rich in various finishes, which, given their characteristic features, you can easily choose the desired facing option for the walls of any room in the apartment, both on decorative qualities and the price. But before you go for the materials to the store, it is worth it to realize the quality of the walls of the walls and think about which of the options it will be better to look at the intended interior.

As a bonus, the reader is offered an interesting video formation with various wall finishing options in the apartment. Perhaps this will push someone to choose one or another solution.

Video: Interesting wall finishing options in the apartment