What is the difference between vinyl siding. Choose what siding is better to purchase - acrylic or vinyl? Acrylic Siding - a new and improved vinyl modification

To understand what better to use siding, acrylic or vinyl, it is worth examining the main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of panels from both materials.

Vinyl siding for facade facing

Polyvinyl chloride is used to produce this material. By 80%, this product consists of vinyl, the rest of the volume occupy various additives, improving the properties and characteristics of the material. This includes stabilizing additives, various painting pigments and modifiers, providing the stability of the product to external negative factors.

These and other additives allow you to get a rich color, matte or glossy surface, improve the elasticity and elasticity of the material, as well as ensure its durability.

Views and characteristics of vinyl siding

Externally, the panel can be made with imitation under the shipboard, the trim under the "Christmas tree" or a log wall. In addition to the finishing material, to cover the facade of the vinyl siding will have to get a complete set of challenges, without which the installation of panels is not possible. These include:

  • starting profile,
  • finish bar
  • outdoor and inner corner
  • end and connecting profile,
  • sophytes for covering the roof of the roof.

Note that the thickness of the wall vinyl finishing material may be within 1-1.2 mm. For greater reliability and durability of the facing, it is recommended to buy vinyl siding with a thickness of at least 1.1 mm.

Benefits of cladding vinyl siding

The material is characterized by high resistance to moisture and solar radiation. Vinyl siding withstands temperature range from -50 ° C + 50 ° C. It is also resistant to aggressive impact of moderate alkalis and acids.

Vinyl siding is resistant to damage, well withstands medium and small force mechanical effects. The material is not stratified, it is not cracking, it does not appear on the surface over time. Even with long-term operation in conditions of high humidity, it is not subject to corrosion and rotting, insects and rodents also do not spoil it.

The panels are easy and quickly mounted, and it can be easily made with your own hands, as special skills and equipment are required for installation and fixation. Installation of vinyl siding can be performed at any time of the year.

Also, the advantages of this material include:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability (up to 30 years);
  • dielectric properties (no electric current);
  • there are no combustible and toxic components in the composition;
  • easy care (wash water);
  • the ability to equip the ventilated facade and avoid the accumulation of condensate for the material;
  • no special service and repair required.

Disadvantages of vinyl siding

Under the influence of high temperatures, the material of vinyl siding begins to melt. If the panel has been fixed without compliance with the rules of installation, then in the process of temperature fluctuations, it can argue or even crack.

If you have to install vinyl siding at temperatures below -10 ° C, consider that the panel becomes fragile and can crack when cutting or during the installation process. To avoid the challenge to cut the material better than the grinder.

Acrylic Siding for Facing Facing

To understand what is the difference between acrylic and vinyl siding and make a deliberate choice between them, it should be understood in the features of the characteristics and properties of the acrylic panels. The acrylic panel consists of two layers of polymer composites that are manufactured by coextrusion.

One layer is an acrylic polymer. Due to this, the panel material becomes resistant to high temperatures, sunlight and retain their color unchanged for a long time. In acrylic siding, the degree of glossy shine surface varies within 60-90 units.

In addition to acrylic, the following components are included in the production panels:

  • dyes to obtain a certain shade;
  • antipirens for protection against fire;
  • titanium dioxide for color fixation;
  • various modifiers to increase the mechanical strength of the panels;
  • a number of special chemical components to ensure the elasticity of the material;
  • antistatics to protect against static electricity accumulation.

Depending on the necessary appearance, you can purchase acrylic panels with imitation to the shipboard, vertical products and elements that imitate a block house. The panels for the shipboard board are made by a length of 3.66 m and a width of 23 cm.

Vertical acrylic siding is produced with a length of 3.1 m and a width of 20.5 cm. Products under a block house can be found 3.1 m long, and the width of the single panel will be 20 cm, at the double element this value will be 32 cm. Thickness of all acrylic panels The same is 1.1 mm. At the same time, their surface may have different color and texture.

Advantages and disadvantages of cladding acrylic siding

Of the advantages of this material for cladding the walls of the house, the following can be noted:

  • The material is quite durable and tolerate mechanical effects well.
  • The product retains its shape at high temperatures (up to + 80 ° C).
  • The material does not contain toxic and harmful components.
  • High degree of fire resistance.
  • Material is resistant to various alkalis and acids.
  • The surface of the acrylic panel does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet and the color does not change its shade over time.
  • The service life of the material comes to 50 years.
  • Acrylic siding is as easy and fast, as well as vinyl, mounted on the facade of the house. For this you do not need experience, complex devices and tools.
  • Over the panels from acrylic it is easy to care for. The walls are covered with such siding enough to wash with water from the hose once a year. No other service material does not require.

Among the disadvantages it should be noted that if you purchase low-quality acrylic panels, which is manufactured without compliance with the production technology, proportions of components or outdated equipment, then the quality of the facing will be very disappointed in the first year.

Since technological siding with a face layer from acrylic is a lot, there is always a desire to save, as a result, the product is purchased from the unscrupulous manufacturer. As a rule, negative reviews of household owners refer to such acrylic panels.

How to determine which siding will be better

To determine the best material for your operating conditions, tasks and opportunities, it is worth compare the characteristics of other siding in several indicators.

Lifetime. According to this indicator, acrylic siding exceeds vinyl, because it may be a long time limit. According to manufacturers, vinyl panels retain their properties up to 30 years, and acrylic products - up to 50 years. Especially noted by consumers high strength of acrylic siding in places of joints and fasteners. Also, thanks to the special technology of manufacturing panels from acrylic and components used, the material is less susceptible to temperature deformations, and therefore, it is preferable to cold regions.

Resistance to burnout on the sunlight. This factor affects the preservation of the presentable appearance of the facade cladding. Here again the advantage over acrylic coating, as it is more resistant to burnout and fading. The indicator of the stability of the material to the effects of ultraviolet depends on the concentration in the composition of the material of titanium oxide. It is more in acrylic siding, so the panel data is 10 times more resistant to burnout than vinyl.

If the house is located in the last-lit place, then the more reasonable will be the choice in favor of acrylic siding. However, if you are going to make a cladding of a white house, then the burnout indicator will not matter. If you plan to make a combination of light and dark tones on the facade of the house, then you can purchase vinyl siding for bright shades, and for dark-acrylic.

The impact of "chemistry". If your home is located in the area where there is a large amount of dust and soot in the air due to natural causes or due to industrial facilities nearby, you may have to often wash the house facing using household chemicals. In this case, it is best to make a choice in favor of siding with an acrylic facial layer, since this material is better reacting to processing with acids and alkalis.

Price. Vinyl siding is two times cheaper than acrylic material. Accordingly, the cost of component elements to the panels is also different.

Thus, it can be concluded that the main advantage of more technological and expensive acrylic siding compared to vinyl is that during operation on the facing of the house does not occur photodegradation of the upper layer from acrylic, it does not fade. Also durability and frost resistance acrylic exceeds vinyl. Otherwise, the characteristics of both materials are very similar. Builders agree that if there is no sharp need for savings, then acrylic siding will be the best option for lining at home.

Tips Masters


So that the oil paint does not fall when storing and so that the film does not form on it, put on the surface of the paint of the CRC of the LOW from thick paper and "fill it with a thin layer of olifa.

"Polyethylene film that covers a balcony or a greenhouse predes from the cliff with the wind of the BECHEV, stretched from both sides with about between 10-15 cm."

"To work with the concrete mixture it was easier, it is usually added to clay, but clay reduces the strength of the mixture. Add a spoonful of washing powder at the rate of water bucket."

"In order for the screw whose head is hidden behind the obstacle, did not rotate along with the tightened nut, you need to throw several turns of the thread or thin wire on it and slightly pull the ends. Due to the friction, the screw is well held on the spot. The ends of the thread on the fracture layer can be trimmed."

"Cut the tweeter pilot can be without coofer. It is enough to split the front side of the board in the center and cut off by a chisel or an ax of a semi-permanent size of the required size, after which again connect the halves."

Wooden tubes for screws are scattered and falling out of the village. Do not rush cut a new plug. Tightly pick up in the wall of the Kapron from the old stocking. Heated hot-powered DEM Suitable diameter. Sell the hole for the screw. The ravine Capron will turn into a solid cork.

"A carpentry level is not difficult to turn into a theodolite, providing it with a sighting device from a slot and flies."

"In order for two lanes of the linoleum to lay jack, it is convenient to use a self-adhesive decorative film by putting it, under the basis of whether the noleum."

"In order for the nail into the right direction and not bent when scored in a deep hole or groove, it should be placed inside the tube, fixing with mint paper or plasticine."

Before driving a hole in a concrete wall, fasten a little below the paper sheet. Dust and fragments of concrete will not fly around the room.

"To cut off the pipe exactly at a right angle, we advise you to drink it. Take a smooth paper strip and screw it onto the pipe along the dipping line. The plane passing through the chrome paper will be strictly perpendicular to the pipe axis."

"Spindle logs or wooden beams will help an easy when an intact - a segment of a motorcycle or cycling chain, up to a hook-entered on one side and fixed to the late Tom from the other side."

"In order for one one to work in two-handed saw, we advise you to use a simple reception: rearrange the saw handle from the top position to the bottom."

Cut the slate piece of the required size can be saw, but it is better to pierce the hole with a frequency of 2-3 cm on the line of the alleged section of the nail with a frequency of 2-3 cm, after which the slate is broken on the support.

"The best way to stick the tile to the wall: take bitumen, melt and drop only four drops in the corners of the tile. Prints on the dead."

The shaped holes in the manufacture of curly window cages are the most convenient to drink with a shovel with a sharpeble web.

"Production of stained glass - it's a long and difficult. You can make a quick imitation of stained glass. For this, it takes thin specks or rods of the vine, stick to the glass sheet, and then paint the glass and covered with varnish."

"If there was no dowel at hand, it can be made of a piece of plastic tube. For this, the body of the shares of the punched knob can be approaching. Scuffing a piece of the desired length, make a long cancer, approximately half, and a dowel is ready."

"It is known how difficult it is to hang the door, working alone. But it is enough to shorten the lower pin for 2-3 mm and will work much easier."

"Very durable, awesome and sufficient waterproof putty turns out of the bustilat, mixed with any powder - scrap, plaster, cement!, Sawdust, etc."

"If you need to screw in the ends of the chipboard screw, drill the hole slightly less than the diameter of the screw, fill the hole with the" moment "with the glue (only not epoxy!), In a day, screw the screw. The plate is not resolve. However, the resulting connection can be installed only through the load. day. "

"Fix portraits, photos, paintings in a wooden frame with glass is more convenient not carnations, but with the help of stationery ko-bent bent at right angles. The buttons are gently pressing open. Compared to nails, the danger split the thin frames up to a minimum."

"Wrap a screw in solid wood species is not so simple. If a chill is a screw for a screw for a screw, and it's screwed to rub it with soap, then after such an operation, work will go like oil."

In order to save time, the edge of the wallpaper can be trimmed with a sharp knife, without unfolding the roll. To do this, it is necessary to pre-align the ends of the roll and a simple pencil to circle outside the edge boundary. Working a knife, the roll must be gradually rotated in the coagulation direction.

For carrying in the home conditions of large sheets of plywood, a stack of La or thin iron is conveniently use the wire with a telem with three hooks at the bottom and the handle above.

If you want to cut into the distance in the distance of a round stick, this work is easy to perform it with a template. It is made of a metal tube with a groove in the middle. The diameter is selected so that the template slides freely on the stick.

It will be better to work with a hacksaw, if in the middle part of it, the height of the teeth is in the middle part of it.

If the front part of the machine is an arctic saw to attach the weight by weight of about a kilogram, then it will be easier to work. Cargo need to be removed, so that the saw can be broken and other works.

"The coating resembling wax can be obtained, painting the surface with diluted PVA glue. To get the desired color, you need to make glue with water, tinted watercolor."

"Make a cover on the blade topora-easier simple. A piece of rubber tube is taken, it is cut along and put on the blade. From scabbing it protects the ring carved from the old car mobile camera."

"Do without clamps when gluing wooden frames will help the linen cord. You should wear four short loops on the corners of the frame and two long pulling the frames diagonally. Corners are registered with sticks that curly medium loops."

"How to make silence a violin floor? Between the flooring you need to drill a hole at an angle of 45 ° with a diameter of 6-8 mm, to score a wooden pin in it, lubricated with joinery glue, Cre on a chisel protruding end and sharp the surface of the floor."

"To facilitate the flooring of the floor covered with varnish or paint, swallow it with an iron through a wet cloth - and work one hundred is no easier."

"A small rotation on wood can be eliminated so: the affected wood is removed from a healthy layer, and then peeped with a 10 percent solution of formalin. After drying, the area is covered and painted."

"Door hinges will not creak if they are lubricant on time - this is a long-known rule. But you can do without lubricant. To do this, make a puck of plastic traffic jam and put it on a loop pin."

"Fabying the door latch because of the breakfast of the spring can be repaired as follows: the role of the spring will be successfully carried out by the riser of the rubber tube with a diameter of 15 mm or a piece of elastic re zea, installed between the rigle and the latch enclosures."

We offer a simple device for fixing the window frame in the open position: a wooden or plastic plate, in which a series of holes for the shatter are drilled. Plate Creates to the window box with a screw.

"Cut in a sheet material a large hole can be about a simple way: to hold the nail into vice (it will serve as a axis) and the fragment of the drill (it will be a cutter). The circumference is cut by the leaf of the sheet around the axis."

Production technology is constantly developing and improving, and the construction market offers the consumer more and more new developments in the field of building innovation. The price of new generation materials, naturally, above. And I would like to know whether it is necessary to overpay for one or another material.

Suspended facade systems - facade facing features

As you know, siding is the panel for facing the facade, basement or front of the house, made of a variety of materials. The finish is mounted on a special crate with metal galvanized suspensions or screws. On the Internet, there are many video materials with the instructions for installing suspended facade systems.

There is a large selection of siding options for finishing private houses:

  • Wood;
  • Metal;
  • Base;
  • Aluminum;
  • Vinyl;
  • Acrylic.

You can confidently consider vinyl siding with certainty the most popular and inexpensive finishes. Relatively recently there was a new version of this type of facade cladding - an acrylic analogue of the external finish.

So what material is preferred? Siding vinyl or acrylic - what is the principal difference between these finishing materials. We will try to carry out the comparative characteristics of these two facing options.

Vinyl siding for external facade cladding

This accessible and inexpensive construction and finishing material can be found almost everywhere.

The following characteristics can be attributed to the merits of the material:

  • High-quality vinyl siding does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet.

Important. There are only twelve shades of siding from foreign and domestic manufacturers who have a matte, inadequate color, imitating a cut of natural wood or decorative plaster. This material is processed by zinc oxide, which ensures color stability.

  • The best vinyl siding at the cost of percent is thirty higher than this line of finishing materials for the facade. At the expense of additional additives - fixers and plasticizers, the value of the material naturally increases. But also durability, and strength also increases;
  • This finishing material has a small weight. Therefore, when finishing the facade of old buildings does not carry additional load on the walls and the foundation of the house;
  • Vinyl siding is not affected by moisture, and the features of the installation of the material allow you to warm up well and water and the walls and the foundation;
  • Facing can be performed with their own hands, thereby significantly saving funds on the installation work.
  • Warranty from the manufacturer on this type of facing reaches fifty years. Therefore, it is better to be determined which vinyl siding is to trust manufacturers who have proven themselves in the construction and finishing materials market. As well as those sellers who provide all certificates of conformity to the proposed products.

Important. Vinyl siding becomes fragile at temperatures of twenty degrees below zero. But manufacturers work on this disadvantage and in the construction market you can already find vinyl siding, resistant to low temperature modes.

Acrylic Siding - Novelty in the field of materials for finishing facade

What finishing material is better - vinyl or acrylic siding? Progress does not stand still, and manufacturers are constantly improving the technical characteristics of materials. Siding based on acrylic is much stronger than vinyl counterpart - this is its main and indisputable advantage.

Instructions for the installation of acrylic siding allows its use in low temperatures - up to minus fifty degrees, but this property declared by the manufacturer has not yet been confirmed by consumer reviews. In addition, impact resistance and stability of the material to wear fifty percent are higher than that of the materials for the finishing of the vinyl-based facade.

Acrylic siding is made to the composition of the ACRYLNITRIL-STYROL-ACRYLESTER (ASA) polymer (ASA), which ensures the resistance of the finish to the effects of ultraviolet. As a result - the material does not lose its color for a long time and is not deformed under conditions of high temperature mode.

The photo shows that the structure and color of the material is much more interesting. In addition, the panels have a glossy surface, which gives a facing an elegant and respectable look.

Comparing the characteristics of vinyl and acrylic siding, it can be concluded that the decoration with the addition of acrylic is more durable and durable. Determining which material for facing the facade, prefer vinyl or acrylic siding, is primarily guided by the operating conditions of the material.

Relatively recently, siding has become one of the popular facade finishing materials. As a task of this cladding, the decoration of the outer walls and the protection of their surface is. With it, you can hide the shortcomings of a rough base and ensure condensate removal.

If you solve the question of what siding is better - acrylic or vinyl, reviews about it should read. Of these, you will be able to find out that today there is a huge variety of colors and siding textures, which allows you to make the building individually. This material is one of the durable, and it is ready to serve for 30 years and more.

It is easy to install with her own hands, and just to care for him. The advantages of this facing a great set, and the range is huge, in connection with which consumers often face a problem when choosing. Having visited the store, they are asked about what siding is better - vinyl or acrylic.

By what criteria make a comparison

At the moment, the cost is no longer a major factor when choosing building materials. Specifications are characteristic as the main parameter. Before deciding which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic for a private house, you need to pay attention to the following features:

  • durability;
  • aesthetics;
  • resistance to temperature differences;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to external phenomena.

As for durability, the material after installation for a long time must maintain its original appearance, as well as the immutability of the qualities. As for the aesthetics, it is better to select siding under the exterior design. If you solve the question of what siding is better - vinyl or acrylic, it is necessary to pay attention to how well the material tolerates the temperature differences that can not only be seasonal, but also daily. With a sharply continental climate for 24 hours, the temperature can be greatly changed. It is important that the finish is resistant to atmospheric phenomena. You should pay attention also to ease of installation.

Is it worth choosing vinyl siding

This material is made of high-quality polyvinyl chloride. The panels are usually two-layer, their inner surface differs by impact resistance, while the outer-high degree of resistance to burnout. If you can not resolve the question of what siding is better - vinyl or acrylic, then you should pay attention to the strengths of the first of the articles mentioned, like:

  • ease of installation;
  • no need to update the coating;
  • resistance to ultravioleti;
  • molds and fungus's infertility;
  • reduction of cladding costs;
  • unpretentious care.

As for the ease of installation, it is complemented by unpretentious in operation. The finish can be installed on any framework, and due to the insignificant mass of the panel do not have a strong impact on the foundation. It is also convenient that fasteners are supplied included, as well as installation instructions.

When consumers decide what siding is better - vinyl or acrylic, they pay attention also to whether there will be a need for periodic finishing updates. As for vinyl siding, it does not need to be tangled during operation, which distinguishes it from wooden panels. The manufacturer ensures that the initial appeal will be maintained for 10 years at least. And if you choose the best siding, it will be ready to last up to 25 years.

Additional pluses of vinyl panels

The material described above almost does not fade, it is resistant to destruction when exposed to high and low temperatures, as well as to atmospheric precipitation and wind. This material can be operated with a wide range from -50 to +50 ° C. If you think about the question of what siding is better - vinyl or acrylic, then you should get closer to everyone with each of them.

For example, the first is not afraid of mold, does not rot over time and does not rust. The material does not conduct an electric current, which is especially relevant for separate buildings. For the facing of the house, vinyl siding will be spent less means than when using other types of finishes, such as wooden lining, which must be periodically tinting, and the facing itself costs 1.5 times. Vinyl siding is unpretentious and easy to care, but it should be compared to the full picture with an acrylic variety of this decoration.

Is it worth choosing acrylic siding

The above and acrylic siding are similar in characteristics, but the latter is made on another technology. Acrylic panels have absorbed all the advantages of the vinyl fellow and have many other advantages, among them should be allocated:

  • high strength;
  • ability to preserve the form;
  • immunity to solar radiation;
  • confronting chemical solvents;
  • almost complete fire safety;
  • long service life.

Sunny effects acrylic panels are less susceptible and perfectly transferred exposure to direct ultraviolet rays. Its strength products are not reduced during the entire period of operation. In places of attachment, there is no weakening.

When exposed to high temperatures, the initial form of products is saved. Geometric dimensions will be stored even at +85 ° C. Solvents can fall on the front surface, which products are not afraid. Therefore, they can be careed even with synthetic detergents.

If you, like many other consumers, decide what siding is better to choose - vinyl or acrylic, one should consider each of them. For example, the latter is almost not lit, and when the flame is exposed to the minimum amount of harmful substances. The cost of facing the walls by this siding will be higher than when using vinyl panels, but acrylic products are ready to last much longer, they will preserve up to 50 years and more, so the ultimate benefit is obvious.

Additional facts in favor of vinyl siding

Vinyl siding is positioned as inexpensive and easy to install material. It can be found almost everywhere today. Among his additional features, natural shades should be allocated, which are represented by 12 options from domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Products have inappropriate matte colors, imitating natural cut wood. You can choose vinyl siding and in imitation of decorative plaster. This material has an outer surface from zinc oxide, which ensures color stability.

It is impossible not to mention an insignificant weight. When finishing the facade of old buildings, it is better to use vinyl siding, which will not provide additional load on the foundation and walls of the house. Such cladding is not exposed to moisture, and the features of the installation are to be able to install additional layers of hydro and thermal insulation.

Siding is actively used to cover structures and residential buildings. In addition to aesthetic attractiveness, this material ensures efficient reliable protection of walls from exposure to external factors. This type of finishing makes it profitable to block old flaws in the decoration, as well as prevent the appearance of condensate on the walls.

The modern market is saturated with a huge selection of finishing materials, among which vinyl and acrylic types of siding occupy a noticeable niche.

What is better to choose? Let's try to answer this question.

Vinyl siding characteristic

This finishing material appeared in Russia in the 90s of the last century and continues to rapidly gain popularity, being the most popular in the domestic market. The vinyl siding is based on PVC (polyvinyl chloride), which is actively used by consumers due to the fact that it has a lot of useful properties, including:

  • chemical inertness;
  • manufacturability;
  • moderate value;
  • resistance.

The most popular panels from vinyl during the construction of cottages or small residential buildings.

Vinyl siding is a set of type panels that are attached to each other on the principle of the designer, snaps with special locks. They are attached to the walls of anti-corrosion nails or self-tapping screws.

Classification and marking

Vinyl panels are monolithic homogeneous PVC sheets, which are given a specific form. The size of the lamellas can reach almost 4 m in length, and in height - up to 255 mm. In this case, the thickness of the material is slightly more than 1 mm.

As for the column palette of the siding panels, they can be pastel, white or color. In total, about 20 of their shades are presented in the modern market. Which is better? Pastel panel siding is the most popular, since it is ideal in terms of price - quality.

The panels of saturated colors, as a rule, are much more expensive. This is due to the addition of special substances that prevent UV burnout in them in the process of producing special substances.

Form factors for vinyl siding-panels can be s - single, D - double or t - triple: it all depends on the number of reques bonded.

The numbers standing next to the designation indicate the width of the working panel in inches. As a result, the marking of vinyl panels has something about this type: T3 is a panel with a triple break, in which the thickness of each of the plates is 3 inches.

Pluses of material

Why siding from vinyl is so popular, explained by the following advantages:

  1. Non-hatching.
  2. Low ability to fire.
  3. Differs in budget value.
  4. Immunity to the effects of high temperatures (withstands the heat to 50 degrees without changing the color).
  5. Low toxicity of the material.
  6. High resistance to the effects of chemicals, fats, alkalis, detergents.
  7. Easy to care.
  8. Vinyl siding does not rot, does not absorb moisture.
  9. Wide range line.

Panels from acryla

Acrylic panels appeared not so long ago, but have already managed to conquer their place in the market. Like vinyl, they perfectly imitate sections of natural wood, can be horizontal and vertical.
To choose from two types of material and understand what is better, it is necessary to consider the characteristic differences between each of them, after which the final conclusion is made.

Acrylic siding is used to enjoy the walls of the building, as well as their reliable protection against various external influences.

These panels are made of acrylic polymers of increased strength and are dual or single, vertical or horizontal. The main differences between the vinyl panels in the chemical composition and used production technologies: when the acrylic siding is released, the extrusion and casting methods are used.

It is acrylic in the panel that makes it the most resistant to the effects of aggressive chemical factors. Although such panels are now used mainly in private construction, but probably soon their unique properties will be appreciated when finishing industrial structures requiring a high level of protection against chemicals.

Acrylic siding is represented by a wide color palette having some differences from vinyl. It is dominated by more saturated, bright or dark colors. Also, acrylic panels are distinguished by the variety of textures close to natural. All this opens up a huge space for the flight of designer fantasy.


Panels made with the addition of acrylic polymers possess the following properties:

  • the possibility of many years of operation without carrying out repair work (up to 50 years);
  • immunity to chemicals, harmful microorganisms;
  • low corrosion activity;
  • simplicity in montage;
  • biological inertness (the material does not attract rodents at all);
  • low heat-absorption;
  • excellent resistance to temperature drops (withstands the effect of heat in 60-85 degrees);
  • low ability to burn out the material (resistance to UV radiation);
  • sustainability of acrylic siding to ignition;
  • low toxicity;
  • environmental purity;
  • shockproof properties.

Factors affecting the choice of siding

To finally decide - which is better to choose the material, it is necessary to compare many important factors.

Naturally, the main issue is the material capabilities of the consumer. Vinyl siding is cheaper than acrylic about 60 - 80 p. per m. sq. Based on the square of the building, the amount in the end may turn out to be decent. It is also worth considering the moment that the components for vinyl and acrylic panels have a different value.

Considering the two options for the trim, it is important to take into account the climatic zone in which the building is located. If this is a southern countryside, constantly exposed to aggressive UV rays, then it is more expedient to separate the house with acrylic siding. If only a few sides of the building will be on the sunny side, it is quite enough to bind acrylic only them, and all other parts to have a vinyl panels selected in color. This will significantly save.

It should be remembered that American or Canadian siding will not lose its color and is not deformed for 50 years, while domestic manufacturers are guaranteed only for 10 years. As a result, all this affects the value of the material.

It is also necessary to take into account the quality of the frame, the founding of the house, the presence of insulation.

An important factor in choosing siding consumers consider the ease of its installation. In principle, the installation of panels from vinyl and acrylic differs insignificant with each other. The algorithm of work is almost the same. It consists of preparing a building, fastening the crates and directly editing the panels on the wall. Small nuances are marked only when fastened vertical or horizontal panels.

There is no difference in caring for the material between acrylic and vinyl. They are equally well cleaned with water sparing cleaning products and do not require constant monitoring.
Repair of panels are as easy as possible in the case with any panels: the deformed item is easily replaced with a new one.

If you do the final conclusion, defined between the two materials considered, and to decide which better, then in essence vinyl siding is inferior to acrylic only in UV stability. But at the same time it has a much lower cost.

The consumer will make the right choice, only putting priorities: disposable, but major costs or savings; The highest possible quality or standard.