How to cover the windows from the sun with your own hands. What is better to close the windows from the sun? Metal and plastic interior blinds

Apartments, the balconies of which come to the south or southwestern side, in the hot summer days turn into "Pitch Hell". If you do not close the windows with reliable protection from the Sun, it does not save even air conditioning, especially since many housing owners refuse it in principle, due to dubious environmental friendliness, while others simply cannot afford it is purely from an economic point of view - it is not suichely Yes, and electricity consumes decently.

Therefore, it is necessary to think about how to close the windows on the balcony from the Sun, using the electrical appliances for cooling the room. If earlier the most correct way to create a coolness in a hot day was a wet sheet, fixed on the window, then today you can choose one of the modern methods of protection against a balcony of unnecessary heat radiation.

Learn a few simple models, how to make, from the new article on our portal.

To make sure that the range of models of various sunscreen devices is quite large, you need to consider options. However, first of all, a few words should be said about some features of this choice.

What color is it better to choose?

An important moment when choosing a curtain or other fixtures to protect the balcony from the Sun is their color, as it also affects the reflective effect.

First of all, it is recommended to abandon the dark color scheme, since such materials have a property of absorbing heat, so it will be not only dark on the balcony and in the rooms. Thus, there is a risk to get on the balcony instead of the desired coolness a small "sauna", in which it is absolutely impossible to be. Therefore, black, dark blue, burgundy, dark brown and similar colors should be avoided.

It is not necessary to close windows with curtains or blinds having bright warm colors - orange or yellow, they will "psychologically" to strengthen the sunlight, and will not create the right atmosphere.

In addition, the creation of harmony of color protective devices on windows with the rest should be taken into account

Types of sunscreens and materials

Due to the fact that the issue of preserving the coolness on the balcony of the apartment or at home is quite relevant, manufacturers make various shading options. Most of them have been invented for a long time, but today they can be found in stores in a reasonable and improved form.

So, to protect the balcony from direct solar radiation are used:

  • Curtains of various configurations and structures.
  • Blinds vertical and horizontal, made from different materials.
  • Marquises - Sheds above the window system.
  • Outdoor rolls.
  • Reflective foil and stained glass film.

All these materials or devices, in turn, are divided into types, which will be discussed below.

Curtains for balcony

To protect against the Sun and for decorative, the balcony uses various designs of the curtains - they can be chosen from a wide variety for every taste. It can be ordinary curtains, rolled or Roman curtains.

Curtains on the balcony

Hang on the balcony of the curtains, probably the easiest way, especially in those cases, if there is an opportunity to sew them yourself. They will close the balcony from the Sun, but only if the fabric is correct not only in color, but also in composition.

It is best for balcony curtains a material that is less susceptible to the influence of ultraviolet and high temperatures is dense cotton and linen fabrics without a picture, or having it on one side that the canvas should be turned into the room. The advantage of this method of shading can be called the fact that the curtains can be made in different ways, any configuration is especially important when.

curtains on the balcony

The "minuses" of this sunscreen can be attributed two essential factor:

  • Any fabric collects dust in its structure, which can only be removed by washing, so the curtains will often have to expose to this process.
  • The second point is that the curtains of ordinary cut look too simple and do not have a decorative effect, and those that are hung on the cornice and have numerous folds, look very rich, but visually reduce the already small balcony. Therefore, the latter is recommended to use on spacious loggias decorated in certain design interior styles.

Rolled curtains

Positively popular for use in balconies rolled curtains. There is a lot of varieties - according to the design and materials of the manufacture, but they received the name because when they were closed, the canvas folded into rolls.

They are easily installed and quite aesthetically look at the windows, as they are produced in various monophonic and multicolor versions - you can pick up any interior. The convenience of this type of curtain is that they can be easily lifted to different height from the windowsill or close the opening completely, adjusting the entry into the room the necessary amount of light. Another advantage of this version of the Sun protection is that the curtains do not visually reduce the premises, as they are most often installed exactly the width of the glass windows, almost without closing the frames.

Rolled curtains are made from various materials, which allows you to choose the option that is most suitable for a particular balcony and style of its design.

Fabric rolling curtains

If the rolled curtains are sewn from ordinary dense tissue, in one or more layers, then they are an even cloth that can be raised to the desired height and is fixed by pulling the cord. However, this option has a lot of "minuses" - it is gathered in the tissue dust, and therefore frequent washers, as well as the fact that their twisting will have to be performed manually.

The most popular appearance of modern rolled curtains is made from the Black Out three-layer polyester cloth having satin weaving. In the manufacture of this material is processed by acrylic foam, which gives it density, as well as special dust-repellent compositions.

  • The first layer of material facing the street is designed to reflect the ultraviolet rays, so it is most often white.
  • The middle layer is quite dense, and due to this the curtains can be light-tight, and the degree of impermeability varies from 5 to 100%.
  • The third layer turned towards the room, plays a decorative role. It can be monophonic, multicolored, or on the surface there is a certain drawing.

The uniqueness of this material consists in its ability to absorb radiation ultraviolet radiation by almost 100%, which corresponds to international standards for this indicator.

The most convenient design of the curtains from the material "Black Out" is called "Rollite" - it is fixed directly on the frame on top of the glass package, so the window can be opened on the ventilation both with the open and closed curtains.

It is impossible not to mention about the rolled curtains "Day-Night", which, depending on the degree of openness, can completely overlapping the light on the balcony, or in part in part.

This option consists of two canvases, the bands on which alternate - one of them is transparent, and the other has a high density. If it is necessary to fully sharpen the room, the canvas are shifted, with more dark strips overlap transparent, and the curtain becomes completely light-tight.

Bamboo rolled curtains

Bamboo curtains produced in the form of rolls are capable of creating a natural shadow on the balcony, and thanks to the structure of the material - to securely protect the room from overheating. In addition, such a model contributes to the interior a special note of exotic - especially organic against the background of such webs, indoor palm trees or ficuses will look.

This variant of the curtain sliced \u200b\u200bon the band and the bamboo-processed compositions, and the thickness of the elements constituting the canvas, can be different. They are fixed with each other with decorative threads.

The material has a special ease, strength, durability to ultraviolet and moisture resistance, therefore the service life of such curtains is sufficiently long. They are easy to operate - it is completely easy to regulate the admission to the room of the required amount of sunlight.

Rolled curtains are easy to install yourself

You can find a lot of interesting models of these protective and decorative devices. A special advantage is an opportunity. More about this - in a special publication of our portal.

Roman curtains

Roman curtains conquer more and more admirers, and maybe because they are easy to make themselves independently, having fabric and some non-slip fixtures.

For them, as well as when sewing ordinary curtains, it is recommended to choose natural linen or cotton fabrics - the synthetic material will be collapsed under the influence of ultraviolet, and all work on the manufacture will be done in vain.

The design of the Roman curtain differs from rolled in that when they open them, they do not twist into the roll, but are collected in the form of folds. This option is no less comfortable in operation, the curtains are also compact and aesthetic to the appearance. The choice of curtain thickness depends on the preference of apartment owners - they can be very dense or have one or another degree of light transmittability.

Roman curtains are made from bamboo straw, stitched with decorative threads. The bamboo, as mentioned above, perfectly protects the room from penetrating high temperatures and creates a pleasant shadow. In addition, the straw curtains are excellent decoration not only for the balcony, but also for any residential room.

If the Roman curtains are purchased in the finished form, then it is necessary to know that they can be on hand or remote electrical control. It is clear that the second option will cost much more expensive, and and for its installation it often has to invite a professional masters.

The Roman models of the curtains may differ in their design - one of them is fixed on the frame above the window of the window, and the other on the sash itself, but in the second case, the fixing bands of the frame are fixed on the edge of the glass package on the frame. If the curtains are fixed above the frame, then the sash will be opened less convenient, and it can easily damage the canvas.


A fairly common type of protection from the Sun is blinds. Vertical and horizontal models made of plastic, fabric treated with special compositions, metal and wood are presented on sale. Blinds can be monophonic, multicolored or with different patterns.

Most often in the balconies you can see plastic blinds, however, it should be noted that this particular material does not have the qualities that would contribute to reliable protection against ultraviolet rays, especially in cases where the balcony windows come out on the south and all day under influence Sun.

rolled curtains

Fissure vertical blinds have a higher density and more reliably protect the room from heating, since such material is not exposed to strong heating. With completely closed lamellas, the heat will not penetrate inside the balcony. If the fabric does not miss the light at all, you can choose any of the bright or bright shades of the blinds, but the dark colors do not need to choose.

Here you need to clarify the moment that both plastic and tissue options have properties to accumulate on their surface dust, which is quite difficult to remove.

Aluminum blinds create a more dense veil from the sun, but, as is known, any metal has a high thermal conductivity, and, heating itself, begins to give heat inside the room. Therefore, even if the blinds are white, they will not be able to fully protect the balcony from high temperatures.

The advantage is that aluminum lamellas compared to plastic and cloth are easily cleaning - they will be enough to wipe with a damp sponge, and then a soft cloth.

If the balcony is planned to equip a balcony, then the best option from all materials will be wood. Wooden lamellas practically do not heat up and protect the room from the sun. However, the qualitative version of these curtains will always have a fairly high price.

On the surface of wooden lamellas, dust is also going, but it is easy to remove it with a vacuum cleaner. As it is known, wood is an environmentally friendly material, so in the process of operation will not be distinguished by evaporation harmful to humans, even when exposed to high temperatures. Wooden blinds are usually left in their natural shades - it is better to choose a light color of wood for the balcony, as it is not only pleasant for the eyes, but also absorbs heat.


Another way to closer from the straight rays of the sun, wind, dust and noise is to install rollers on the balcony window that overlap it completely. (In Russian-language terminology, the name is often applied).

In addition, they will protect the apartment located on the first or top floor from the "unexpected guests". Roles have a design similar to rolled curtains, but they consist of numerous durable lamellae installed horizontally and bonded by hinged joints. In the closed state, this curtains form a solid cloth, and when they are opening, they are folded into the box, located at the top of the window.

Shutters are installed outside the window opening or from the inside, and the installation option can be selected for the taste of the owner of the housing.

If you need to solve several problems associated with the balcony window at once, the rollers are exactly what you need. To close glazing, it is recommended to choose a white-colored roller blind, which will not absorb the sun's rays.

Roles are made from different materials:

  • Aluminum provide protection against sunlight and atmospheric influences, which is especially important if the balcony is not glazed.
  • Steel rollers are heavier and durable. They are installed when they need to ensure the need to ensure protection against hacking.
  • Wooden options are perfect for protection from the sun and street noise.
  • Plastic roller shutters are light by weight and are quite capable of protecting the room from ultraviolet rays. However, choosing them, you should definitely pay attention to the quality of the material, otherwise the cheap plastic under the influence of UV rays will quickly collapse.

Thinking on the installation of this version of protective curtains to the balcony, you should not forget that they can be open completely, closed or opened from the bottom to the desired height. The rolls should not be installed in different positions, as is done in the blinds, and when a strong heat is behind the window, many prefer to close the balcony windows completely - if only she did not burst into the room.

Shutters can be closed and open mechanically, that is, manually, or have an electric drive that allows this process remotely. It is clear that the second option will cost much more expensive.


Another one, and, you need to say, a fairly effective way to protect the windows of the balcony from the Sun is special fabric light awens, called marquises. A similar shading option can be used both on the outdoor and a glazed balcony or loggia. The advantage of this method of protection against the Sun is that along with the skeleton of the window, air can act in it, namely, it allows you to create a comfortable atmosphere in the premises.

Depending on the design of the balcony, different marked configurations are selected. For example, awning in the form of a visor, low enough lowered to the window frame, as shown in the first photo. In the second embodiment, the marquises are made in the form of rigid frames that tissue canvas are stretched. The frames are installed on a special hinge mechanism, which allows you to raise them to the desired height at an angle or install vertically, completely closing the windows.

If necessary, you can order a combined version of marquizes, which will include the mechanism of rolled curtains and the frame for pulling the awning - it will rise and fall at a certain height as the tissue tensions. Such a system is often called "on a broken elbow".

Each existing modern designs can have an electrical drive that allows you to adjust the awnings using the remote control. In addition, if desired, you can equip the system with sensory sensors of ultraviolet radiation intensity and air humidity. As a result, the "smart shading" itself will choose the desired angle of the shovel of the visor.

To create a carcass of the marquise, durable and light aluminum alloys stained with a powder method are used. As for the fabric, it is made from reliable acrylic threads that combine the necessary quality for the awning - this is resistance to burnout, lightness, strength, waterproofability and ability to repel dust and dirt.

Marquises installed on the balconies look very extravagant and aesthetically create real summer shading and support the appropriate mood.

Sunscreen film

One of the least costly way to protect the balcony from ultraviolet rays is sticking on glass. These coatings are divided into four types and are somewhat different from each other.

  • Films with a mirror reflective surface, fixed from the inside of the room. This type may have different degrees of light, and directly depends on them, as far as the balcony and the room will be light.
  • Another type of mirror film is designed for installation on glass from an external side. Such a material option is designed to perform two functions - it is protection against ultraviolet and from glass winding, in the event that it is broken. Combined light and adhesive films most often have a mirror reflective surface and have a number of undeniable advantages, but the price of them is quite high.

  • Spared glass coatings are a heat-reflecting material consisting of a film on which refractory metals are applied by the method of ion exchange or magnetron spraying. This tinting glass material has excellent ability to reflect ultraviolet rays, significantly exceeding the possibilities of conventional films with a reflective mirror surface. Spared coatings are fixed on glasses on the side of the room, which is very convenient for self-installation. The most important lack of their lack of price.

Despite all the indisputable advantages of expensive films, the most popular is the simplest reflecting materials that are available at a price even for a family with a small income. Such films can be purchased in almost any supermarket or shop of household goods.

This film is glued from the inside on the moisturized window glass. And since it is worth it at all inexpensive, on the winter period it can be removed, and the next summer is fixed on the window new sheets of material.

Homemade paper shutters

Another available sunscreen is homemade paper blinds that any hostess can do. The easiest way to make such protective curtains from the usual most often after repair remains extra sheets of this finishing material, and without finding them, they are sent to dust into the closet, although there may be excellent blinds.

If the balcony is large, and the area of \u200b\u200bglazing is considerable, it is quite possible to purchase one or two rolls of the wallpaper you like, at an affordable price. To begin with, it is necessary to measure the height of the glass package and add 300 ÷ 400 mm to this value - this is necessary for the manufacture of folds. In addition to wallpaper, it will take a thread for firmware of shoes or a thin rope of the desired color, as well as two-way tape and conventional plastic clothespins for linen - they need to be prepared by the number of double-glazed windows.

You can make such curtains in a few hours:

  • The required length of the canvas is measured. The width of the blinds must be 15 ÷ 20 mm more glass width so that there are no gaps in which ultraviolet rays can penetrate.
  • The width of the fold is determined - to its taste.
  • In order for the folds to be neat, it is best to mark the web markup, reading flat lines on the line.
  • Then, on the markup and on the line, the web is bent into the folds, and when it is folded, in this form you need to fix it on both sides.
  • After that, in the middle of the resulting band, the "harmonica" shell pierces a hole in which the thread or rope is stretched. Sometimes, retreating from the edges of the strip of 80 ÷ 100 mm, two holes are pierced, in this case two ropes will be required, but the easiest option is to do one.

  • At the top of the blinds, the rope is fixed by the usual scotch, and then the entire width of the curtains is pasted double-sided tape.
  • At the bottom of the web, the two-way tape band is also pasted, then the protective film is removed from it and one of the folds gluits. It will take away the bottom of the blinds, but at the same time will leave him flexible, which will allow him to give him a form of Werera, collecting and consolidating in the middle of a few lower folds of the clothespin.
  • To the top of the curtain frame is also fixed on double-sided adhesion.

Of course, such blinds are not too durable, but one summer season they will stand easily.

The same, well-stuck it and poring the cloth into the folds. This version of the curtain will last longer, but after washing, they will again have to stumble and dig. The denser the wallpaper or cloth will be, the less the sun will penetrate the balcony.

So, if you wish, you can always find the ability to protect the balcony windows from direct sunlight, without which the pipe can do with the onset of summer heat. Options for various materials and fixtures are so many that of them will definitely fit the appropriate and design, and at the price.

Well, for lovers of independent creativity - another interesting version of homemade blinds from remnants of unnecessary wallpaper

Video: how to make beautiful shutters on the windows

31.5.2016, 18:56

Greetings. How can you close the windows on the balcony of the apartment from the sun, and then boil. Only foil foam came to mind. Maybe some film is there for paste glasses?

31.5.2016, 20:05

Air conditioning Are you fighting?

31.5.2016, 20:34

Yes. We dislike him. But, thank you for the option, I did not even think.

31.5.2016, 20:42


31.5.2016, 22:20

And blinds?

31.5.2016, 23:48

mihailka. I did Foil Foil, which is sold in regular stores in rollers.

Welcome glass with simple water and foil is well attached.

thank you, I will try.

We need a temporary option, for 1-2 years and only 2 glasses, so the blinds seem unnecessary, but thanks for the option, maybe in the future. From the road a lot of dust flies. Blinds will quickly get dirty and they still close the review ... it will be necessary to think.

Straw blinds! Installation from the street - improves efficiency! Tested on personal experience in the conditions of the sunny side (from noon to sunset) of the 4th floor!

they still close the review.

Welcome glass with simple water and foil is well attached.
thank you, I will try.

Automotive tinting film.

Paint paint)))

Plywood stick))

kit a bar under it to make a canopy from the fabric from the outside of the door, when it is not necessary to twist up and fix the rope once there is no money for modern solutions)) Quickly, just, for nothing)))

The foil do not close the review at all!?

It was in mind that a temporary solution is required, which can be removed. Blinds in this case will be used by a small percentage of time, and it is much more expensive.

Foil will still skip light. And the balcony will be basked and at the expense of the brick, which in the summer warms up. It is necessary such blinds outdoor, so that not only the window closed but also brickwork. Or Konduk, but with him a child can get sick.

The goal of the whole ventilation so that the balcony is not heated. If the light is reflected, the heating will decrease. Foil and huilt foam seems to me in this case the best option. It is a little easy to install and remove. Penka in this regard is easier, as it can be used repeatedly. Foil only 1 time.
It's more difficult to establish blinds outside and it is not entirely clear how to open and close them. Blinds inside will collect dust and dirt.
The closing of the balcony from the Sun is required to accommodate a child there until six months.

It was in mind that a temporary solution is required, which can be removed. Blinds in this case will be used by a small percentage of time, and it is much more expensive.

do how I painted you from the inside, there is nothing more simple instead of a cloth you can use any)

do how I painted you from the inside, there is nothing more simple instead of a cloth you can use any)

Foil will still skip light. And the balcony will be basked and at the expense of the brick, which in the summer warms up.

The rag will heat up and collect dust. On each window, twist the rag under the ceiling (2.5 meters) is uncomfortable.
It is easier to use foil foam fixed in 4 places with pieces of crepa.

foil foam will definitely not skip light. I think that the foil should not. Brick, which is outside (I have a brick, if that) I will not close, but inside the balcony just should not be heated if the sun is not to fall. Now the situation is such that the balcony is hotter than in the room.

You came here to ask or tell us how it is necessary? Once again I repeat the latter, take your film and do since I painted the crepe, you can leave on the checkout as a gift) And if there is no hands, the ass with a creet, scotch, plasticine and other Labuda)))

Straw blinds!

We will clarify - not straw blinds, but straw rolled curtains!

It's more difficult to establish blinds outside and it is not entirely clear how to open and close them.

Installed simply - self-pressing to the frame of the window, they open the same right - they pull over the rope and they are folded!

foil foam will definitely not skip light. I think that the foil should not. Brick, which is outside (I have a brick, if that) I will not close, but inside the balcony just should not be heated if the sun is not to fall. Now the situation is such that the balcony is hotter than in the room.

If the film does not pass the light, then you will have darkness in your apartment. It will delay only some percentage of light. The brick is heated and inside if the light is released outside, as it has thermal conductivity. On the balcony, the masonry goes into one row and warms up quickly quickly, it does not have time to cool overnight, so it will still be hot on the balcony than in the apartment, even though you are a film on the windows.

If the film does not pass the light, then you will have darkness in your apartment. It will delay only some percentage of light. The brick is heated and inside if the light is released outside, as it has thermal conductivity. On the balcony, the masonry goes into one row and warms up quickly quickly, it does not have time to cool overnight, so it will still be hot on the balcony than in the apartment, even though you are a film on the windows.

Therefore, it makes sense to close 2 glasses (50% of the whole area) and see what will change. Light will be enough. The main heating goes from the brick, which is inside the balcony, outside it is blown away by the wind and cools, and inside the balcony it is like a battery, the effect is like in a greenhouse.

advised the thermal insulating film for windows.
It is transparent and delays the ultraviolet, which seems to be heated objects inside the balcony. It will not be scary to leave the child under the sun. The question is how much it costs and where it is for sale. It will be useful in summer and winter.

air conditioning Are you fighting?

Air conditioning money stands and electricity eats.

foil foam will definitely not skip light.

The one I tried, percent 20 passes. But still the effect is good. I do not know how she has durability.

The main heating goes from the brick, which is inside the balcony, outside it is blown away by the wind and cools, and inside the balcony it is like a battery, the effect is like in a greenhouse.


From this film will not save. Brick, which inside and outside the same. If on the street heat and brick in the sun, then the wind does not cool it.

even if so, the external bricks will not cool the wind. But the film is designed to ensure that the energy of the sun does not heat the bricks inside the balcony. Thus, it is possible to reduce the heating rate of the balcony and it is possible to reduce the temperature inside. In the morning on the street, in those places where the sun did not have time to get, cool enough. It was thought that protected from a solar stream can be created on the balcony shadow.
Brick has a low thermal conductivity.
It turned out that the colleague has been using such a film for several years. He says that the effect is, it is not expensive. I will try to buy and try.

In a magnet, the film is sold for windows from the Sun, really I do not know how much helps.

check, thanks.

I also have a loggia of 6 meters in the south-east. The sun shines from sunrise to 2 days somewhere. At the same time, I close the blinds at this time with open windows that generally solar light are missing. And at the same time on the balcony anyway is hotter than in the apartment. So only Condishn will save. You can probably put a mobile air conditioner to the balcony.

In a magnet, the film is sold for windows from the Sun, really I do not know how much helps.

Bought. It is 20 rubles discount. 1 roll. 3 meters by 60 cm. Almost enough for 2 windows (windows 70 cm in width). In the morning the effect is very felt, until it has not heard. You can stick beautifully, but they say it is difficult to tear off. Therefore, attached to the crepe. The film translucent, extinguishes heat well, behind it almost as in the complete shadow. The result is still very pleased. I will do in another room and on another balcony, I think that the effect will be, as all windows in the southeast and heats up the whole apartment.

The owners of balconies, which are most of the day in the shade, appreciate every ray of the sun. Owners of apartments overlooking the southwest and south, tired of radiation of the scorching shone and use a lot of effort to make air to the cooler. Consider how to close the windows from the Sun on the balcony, and choose the most effective ways of protection.

In winter, the microclimate on the glazed balcony depends entirely on the degree of thermal insulation and the possibility of connecting additional heating devices. You can create a comfortable atmosphere and live quietly on extra square meters.

In the summer, the situation changes to the opposite. If you do not care in advance about dense curtains or similar protection, the situation will be unsuitable for life. With a "room" street temperature + 20-25 ° C, resting or working on loggias is very pleasant, but the tenants will wait for unpleasant surprises:

  • dry hot air - the closed room warms up to + 40-45 ° C;
  • lack of normal ventilation, if swing / sliding structures are not enough;
  • bright rays of the sun, preventing reading, knit or just nice to spend time.

In such conditions, neither a person nor an animal can be located on the balcony. The atmosphere for stay is very complicated, so you should drag the windows or pick up another way to disguise the glasses. Of course, you can install air conditioning, but additional noise and accounts for electricity will not be added optimism, and the equipment itself costs a lot of money. In addition, the rays of the sun will still shine in the same way.

Selection of glass packs

One of the best, but more expensive ways to increase comfort - the installation of "right" double-glazed windows. There are constructions of windows that combined the quality of energy-saving and sunscreen type - multifunctional. You do not have to invent, how to close the balcony from the Sun is enough to choose a practical glazing.

Simple glass, from which one and two-chamber blocks usually produce, cannot effectively reflect heat. As a result, all surfaces on the balcony, including the glass themselves, are strongly heated. Everything is different with mirror counterparts: they reflect part of the heat, so that the microclimate of glazed premises is improving.

Multifunctional Alternative Design Scheme

In terms of heat reflection, multifunctional packages are similar to mirror. In the process of manufacture in special conditions, under the influence of the electromagnetic field, very thin layers of other elements are applied to the usual glass, including Nichelchrom, silver, titanium.

The protective coating on the structure is similar to the puff pie, each layer of which is measured in nanometers. Unlike the mirror, the multifunction glass remains transparent, but one of his side (outer) reflects the heat of sunlight.

Sample of the original glazing - with the impost

Advantages of a multifunctional balcony design:

  • preserves a comfortable microclimate indoors;
  • helps to hold a stable temperature;
  • does not shadow the inner space;
  • fully saves the colors of the landscape outside the window.

As a result, there is no such summer Beach on a hot day with 100 percent natural lighting, as intolerable heat. And in winter there is a reverse effect - 95% of heat from the apartment returns back and does not leave the room. This means you don't have to spend the family budget for additional "Street Warming". The cost of multifunction glazing will cost approximately 2 times more expensive compared to the usual.

Traditional methods for creating dimming

Often the need for protection occurs when the glasses are already installed. It is necessary to think that hang to the balcony from the sun, so that the level of comfort rose and did not suffer the interior. The best choice is to create a veil of traditional curtains or blinds. Their assortment is simply huge, so we will dwell only in popular views.

Option # 1 - Curtains

Under the curtains, we will keep in mind and curtains with curtains are traditional types of textile products that are fixed on a cornily or special fasteners. The easiest view is the curtain of lightweight material, spreading in different directions. They can be quickly sewn independently if there is a sewing machine.

One of the ways to build ordinary curtains "in the floor"

If you choose the right color, think over the assembly method - you will get a beautiful solution for creating a traditional interior. On a small square, short curtains are usually chosen for the balcony from the Sun - they close only the glazed part, without interfering with moving.

In addition to the classic type of curtains, the basis of which are rectangular pieces of matter, you can use more original models:

  • japanese;
  • roman;
  • french.

Lovers of the East and minimalism will like Japanese curtains - straight, laconic pieces of textiles, for the installation of which a multi-level cornice is needed. The peculiarity of products is that they cannot be collected and tie as classic curtains or curtains from Tulle. To open the window, you should move the scope, reminiscent of a flat negligent panel, aside.

Method of fastening of Japanese curtains on the cornily

To the canvas remained smooth and stretched, the weightlifier is fixed in the lower part - a metal rod. The main advantage of Japanese curtains is an original, stylized appearance, and minus is the inconvenience of use in close space. They are recommended to use only for panoramic glazing and on an area that allows you to freely move the panel.

Unlike Japanese models, Roman is almost perfect for the balcony. They can be made from a dense, textured material that does not miss the sun's rays. A convenient textile raising mechanism up separate fragments allows you to create the desired degree of lighting.

One of the options for assembling the Roman curtains

The canvas, most often dense, fixed in the top of the glass packs. It can not be pushed aside - if necessary, the corter is folded, raising up. The cords on which the entire design is kept in the fabric or just hang from the outside. In the latter case, wide ribbons are used more often, which are tied by bows.

Bamboo models - Easy, comfortable in use, environmentally friendly

Roman curtains are narrow and wide, long and short, dense and lungs. The fabric is chosen depending on the required level of protection of the balcony from the Sun, as well as on the basis of the style features of the interior.

French models are now used less often, as they are not very practical. However, for premises with a design in a romantic style and a large number of colors, they fit perfectly. Recognizable elements of French (like Austrian) curtains are small cross folds, a frequent assembly.

Translucent models look beautiful, but they will not protect against bright rays

Often, to visually increase the space of typical sizes, weightless tulle to protect the balcony to the balcony. This is not the best solution, since a thin tissue skips the rays of various ranges. As a result, the interior items are heated, the air temperature rises, and beautifully decorated double-glazed windows are not saved from the heat.

Option # 2 - Blinds and shutters

A more dense and thorough alternative to textile curtains - vertical and horizontal blinds from the sun on the balcony. The photo demonstrates how appropriate they are attractive, despite their technicality.

Bright vertical blinds to create a mood

For the manufacture of lamellae use various materials:

  • plastic;
  • treated textile;
  • wooden planks;
  • bamboo;
  • aluminum.

If it is required to make the room cool, then metal products are better not to apply, but the tree and natural textiles will fit perfectly. Along with the monophonic, colored models painted in neutral colors, there are many solutions with decorative finish: with a spraying of different shades, with the printed 3D images or a black and white photo.

Environmental clean but dear wood

The disadvantage of horizontal blinds is their ability to quickly accumulate dust. The problem is solved with the help of a vacuum cleaner and timely wiping a slightly moistened with a cloth. Fabric and wood are treated with compositions that retain their properties with high humidity and exposure to ultraviolet.

Vertical models are polluted slower, but also require regular care. For the balcony, it is better for short, closing only the glass part of the blinds, since the long take away the useful space and simply interfere.

Blinds to the windowsill - beautiful and practical

If the budget allows, it is better to acquire products from natural materials containing plant fibers. Natural textiles does not highlight harmful substances when heated, which you can not say about polymers. Although manufacturers insist on the absence of harm from plastic models, only natural gives a 100 percent security guarantee.

External analog of blinds - rolls, they are rolling shutters. Panels consisting of metal lamellas close the glazed part of the balcony completely. They protect from hot sunlight, dusty air, street noise and even hackers.

Sample of good quality, high-quality rollers

If necessary, the metal movable canvas is collected in the box installed above the window part. Thanks to the hinge design and automation, modern designs are easy to control: just press the button so that heavy curtains quickly rose or, on the contrary, dropped.

Non-flat device rollt

There are several ways to install the box: from the inner and outdoor side, with embedding in the wall and in the form of a lining. What type it is better to choose, specialists will advise. We do not recommend installing outdoor models yourself, it is dangerous and unprofessional. For rolling shutters to work perfectly and "listened" to their owners, it is better to choose installation fixed by the warranty.

Rollers have several drawbacks that can cause reliable protection. They completely cut off the sunlight, so in the closed state plunge the balcony in the dark. In addition, the metal heats up, transmitting heat windows, which means that in the heat such protection can bring.

Paper blinds do it yourself

There is a way to protect the balcony from the Sun quickly, and most importantly, economically. To create a homemade, paper will need paper, better dense, but well bending. If after cosmetic repair, the wallpaper remained, they can also be launched in the entrance, then the blinds are "cheerful": with ornaments, flower or abstract pattern.

Simple paper can also look elegant and worthy

In addition to wallpaper, it is necessary to prepare several clothespins, a durable cord, sharp awl, double-sided adhesive tape.


  • cut the paper with stripes that a little more glass part in width;
  • measure the width of the folds - they must be the same;
  • bending the strip "accordion", we take off at the ends of the clothespins;
  • we plan the center and pierce all the folds of the selection;
  • take the cord into the holes, we are tightened;
  • the edges of the lower folds glue to the fan.

Then we glue the curtain slightly above the windows on double-sided adhesion, which can easily withstand paper.

Wallpaper Blind Making Scheme

Paper can be replaced with a cloth or a synthetic mesh, but a thin or porous fabric will no longer protect from the roast sun. Paper curtains honestly serve one season, and by the next fly you can already purchase a permanent, more reliable model.

Option # 3 - Rolled Curtains

Rolled curtains resemble shovers, only they are installed on the inside, and more often - separately on each glass unit. These are dense, vertically directed polymer strips hiding in the upper box. The lifting of the web usually occurs manually, with the help of a plastic "chain", like traditional blinds.

It seems to be simply minimal, but at the same time exquisitely

This is one of the more practical options suitable for protection from the heat. If you have not yet decided how to darken the balcony from the sun, be sure to consider this decision.

Pluses with rolled curtains enough:

  • occupy a minimum place;
  • create a cozy atmosphere;
  • serve as a barrier for sun rays;
  • convenient in management and care.

It is worth mentioning about the variety of models. Factories and private companies make rolled curtains to order, so provide a rich choice. You will be offered volumetric catalogs with samples in which the material is divided into classes, depending on the density and other characteristics.

Promotive owners think in advance important solutions, so immediately ordered the toned double-glazed windows. But much more often the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating protection from the heat comes later when plastic frames are already standing with ordinary glass. Fortunately, there is a large selection of polymer films that glit on the glass to create a barrier for hot rays. You can buy a film for the balcony from the Sun in the Stroymarket or order on the Internet.

Sunscreen sticker independently

Practical types of products for domestic use:

  • for stickers from the inside, with different levels of light transmission;
  • for external installation, anti-vandal and especially strong;
  • spaten coatings are expensive, but effective.

Tinted films perfectly reflect warm and scatter light. Rays no longer blind eyes, and the temperature decreases somewhat. But the quality of protection will increase if, along with the film, use the curtains protecting from the sun exposure to the balcony, creating a yield, a cozy atmosphere.

Indoor Flowers for South Side

The flowerflowers are closely familiar with another way to create a fevering - using well-developing plants for the balcony. Any indoor flowers will not fit, it is necessary to choose varieties specifically derived for the south side. Since you need to create vertical landscaping, you should stay on ampel, curly, giving long shoots or lush plants.

If you need to create a darkening of a certain zone, conventional potted flowers will be suitable

To create a tight veil of leaves or stems, you can make a shellf, and it is better to build a shelf with rare, different cells. In the process of growth, the flowers will increase in volume, closing the glass with a green mass of foliage and creating a pleasant half. It turns out a kind of summer garden.

Here are some heat-resistant balcony crops:

  • hibiscus;
  • saltra;
  • passionflower;
  • lobelia;
  • pentas and others.

Among the heat-carrying cultures there are finely flowering plants, flowers with large buds, with large flat leaves, curly stem. But all of them need constant watering and spraying, so during departure they need to be removed from the shelves and put in the shadow.

Marquises - Dense visors and awnings

The citizens are less likely, the country residents are more common in the marquises - structures from the frame and dense material, blocking the sun. If you install the awning, you do not need to search than to take the window from the sun or what to hang the curtain. When heat occurs, it is necessary to lower the visor from the other side where the rays are directed.

Marquise with lifting mechanism

Installation We recommend to entrust professionals, as it is produced outside, so it is dangerous for mounting yourself. When choosing a material, pay attention to the density and waterproof coating: straightened marquise can be protected not only from heat, but also from rain.

Video: how to close the balcony from the scorching sun

What to take into account when installing a rolled curtain:

Nuances of traditional blinds:

Installation of sunscreen film:

Flowering plants care tips:

The choice of methods of protection against ultraviolet and infrared rays is great. If you skillfully pick up one or two options, even on the hottest day on the balcony there is a comfortable microclimate. Flowering plants, awnings, films and curtains - set solutions. Your goal is to correctly evaluate the surrounding environment and choose a way that does not hurt the interior.

Read 10 min.

Balcony is the most illuminated part of the apartment or at home. On the one hand, the bright natural light helps create a joyful and cozy atmosphere in the dwelling, but on the other can deliver many problems. This is especially true of the houses whose balconies overlook the south: the midday sun together can create a real steam room on a closed balcony or loggia.

That is why it is important to choose the right to protect against the sun on the balcony windows. What devices will help in this matter how to make them with their own hands and what other factors affect the coolness in a closed room, read in our article.

How to create an atmosphere of coolness on a glazed balcony in the heat?

Much attention should be paid to color and material of curtains, blinds and other devices for hiding the windows from the sun.

Choosing a color gamut, better adhere to the following rules:

Thus, the general rule will look like this - light cold shades will be suitable for protection from the Sun.

As for the materials:

Of course, there may be exceptions. It all depends on the location of the balcony, the intensity of sun rays, the interior design of the balcony and other nuances.

Sunscreen options for balcony windows

Fixtures for shading of sunlight on highly illuminated balconies can be completely different in both the design and appearance. Some of them are known since a long time, others are easy to make with their own hands, well, some are the latest trends of design solutions.

In general, you can distinguish five different groups of devices:

  1. Various curtains and curtains;
  2. Different types of blinds;
  3. Window canopies called marquises;
  4. Roller shutters;
  5. Stained glass, foil or shadowing film.

Each group in turn is divided into species.

So the choice of shaded fixtures in the end is a difficult task with which you can cope only after studying all possible options.

Curtains and curtains for balcony windows

The curtains are the traditional and most popular option for closing windows from prying eyes and sunlight. The modern market is a huge selection of curtains of various designs.

Classic curtains

Properly selected suitable fabric can make ordinary curtains with an excellent to get rid of the summer heat on the balcony. Natural cotton and linen fabrics are perfect in this case.

Pluses of the curtain:

  • availability and the ability to sew yourself;
  • the ability to select the option suitable for any style of the interior.

But they have their own cons. For example:

  • the need for frequent cleaning of the curtain from dirt and dust;
  • limited selection of accessories in connection with the small space of the balcony;
  • as a result, a simple design.

By the ratio of price and efficiency, classic curtains on the balcony are a good option.

Rolled curtains

Rolled curtains were named because, if necessary, their canvas is going to roll and fastened at the top of the window or at any desired height. Materials and color solutions in this case are also a lot.

Pluses of rolled curtains on the balcony:

  • concise design, simplicity of execution;
  • convenient adjustment of the illumination of the room;
  • compactness.

But since most of these curtains are made of fabric, they can be found as the same minus as the curtains - the rapid pollution of the canvas dust. But this problem can be solved by treating their surface with dust-repellent compositions or choosing bamboo curtains.

The rolled curtains of famous producers have no such problems - specialists have long thought out all the nuances of their use, ranging from the optimal selection of the material, ending with a convenient coaching mechanism.

There are several varieties of rolled curtains, for example:

In terms of compactness and choosing interesting design solutions, this option is one of the best.

Roman curtains

In appearance, Roman curtains resemble the previous option. But their difference lies in the method of "assembly" of the canvas - Roman, unlike rolled, do not twist, and are assembled with neat folds.

Can be combined with conventional curtains

Production material - natural fabrics, bamboo canvas. Shopping options from good manufacturers have the same advantages as rolled "counterparts".

How to make such curtains do it yourself see in our video:


Another popular way to close the balcony from sunlight is to hang on the shutters windows. Their design allows you to easily regulate the level of illumination in the room, while they look stylish and modern.

Blinds can be:

For residential premises, the second option is most often used, since vertical blinds are often associated with an office style.

Blind material is also diverse:

  • aluminum;
  • the cloth;
  • tree, including bamboo.

Blind Reiki is very easy to clean from dust, nonwoven options can be washed under running water. They do not occupy a lot of space and have a convenient mechanism for opening-closing.

Outdoor rolling shutters

Rollets are quite expensive, but an effective way to close the balcony from light and extraneous eyes. Their system consists of a solid canvase, box for its folding and opening mechanism.

The material of the canvas can be any:

  • aluminum;
  • steel;
  • wood;
  • plastic.

Installed shutters outside the window, and lowered if necessary. The only minus of such a system is the lack of ability to regulate the scene of the room.

Pluses of roller shutters:

  • the possibility of ensuring protection against hacks;
  • the possibility of installing the sound insulation system;
  • full isolation of the balcony from the external environment.

The most optimal option is to use roller shutters on the balconies of the first floors, combining them with curtains or curtains from the inside.

Sheds or marquises

Fabric or light plastic canopies can be installed on both glazed and outdoor balcony.

There are two types of such a design:

There are also combined variants of marquises, where the frame can descend and rise to the desired height, and then rise at a certain angle.

Expensive systems are often equipped with the possibility of control from the console, as well as various sensors (illumination, air temperature, air humidity, etc.), which allow the visor to automatically change their position depending on the degree of comfort on the balcony.

Fabrics for awnings are not used ordinary, but from acrylic yarns. The canvas has high strength, resistance to various weather conditions and burnout in the sun.

Sunscreen films

Film for glass is one of the cheapest and simple ways to protect the room from heating under the influence of sunlight.

Several types of films can be distinguished:

The first option is the most affordable of all. It can be used, for example, only in the summer, and in winter it is removed from the glass, thus adjusting the seasonal room temperature and its illumination.

How to close the window on the balcony from the sun do it yourself

There are a lot of options for creating various curtains with your own hands. For example, the easiest - or. It will be easy to look like, while stylish if you manage to choose a good material and accessories.

Making rolled curtains with their own hands

In addition, it is possible to shake the windows by ordinary foil, dense paper files, stained in paints and nithery curtains with large chainsters from paper or tissue.

Such a film can be found in a shopping store

But the main thing is the price of the question. If you want to purchase a budget device to get rid of excess light on the balcony, you should resort to needlework tricks.

We offer you an interesting version of blinds for balcony windows of paper made with your own hands.

For this you need:

Blinds are collected using the same rope. The more denser the selected material, the longer this protection from the Sun will last. But, of course, more than one season, these curtains will not stand up - a more reliable option will be starchy and cloth-headed in places.

If you have questions, see our video instruction:

So, a variety of fixtures for shading balcony can be found on store shelves and on the sites of manufacturers. But besides this, many interesting ideas can be inventing independently, and bring them with your own hands. Homemade curtains or blinds will be not only a practical subject of interior, but also give the place of originality and characterity.

For ways to protect windows from the Sun, many owners of apartments and houses resort mainly in the summer season. When, such long-awaited rays of the sun in winter, in the summer they make discomfort in our dwellings, interfering in the morning to sleep, and in the afternoon there is a stern from the summer heat.

Therefore, at this time, it is rare to find unprotected windows of windows in apartments and houses, especially from the south side. Well, for those who did not have time to do this, we offer several ways to protect windows from the Sun and give them a brief description. So, we can weaken the action of sun rays in the following actions:

1. Produce tinting glass:

2. Application of curtains and sun protection curtains:

3. Using blinds.

Glass Toning Sunscreen Films

Glass tinting with sunscreen films today is the most efficient and aesthetic way of protecting windows from the Sun and applied to the glass both in the process of manufacturing the glass package and after installation. Last action can be done with your own hands.

Inner mirror The film is applied (glued) to the glass surface on the inside of the room and protects it from the Sun. The film is selected taking into account the color background of the interior and creates a common harmony of the design of the room.

Outdoor mirror The outer part of the windows is covered with a film and the glass unit is protected from the street. Despite the fact that the outer film is very limited in the color scheme (black and light metallic), the film has increased strength, but also serves to protect the glass from mechanical effects.

Spared film - This is a multi-layered film made on advanced technology by electronic metal spraying of a certain thickness, much less than the thickness of the film itself. The multilayer film perfectly delays ultraviolet rays, but at the same time worsens the illumination of the room.

The film is expensive and applying it on glass requires certain skills and is carried out with the involvement of specialists.

All the above properties combined combined filmwhich has a number of properties: protection against sunlight, shockproof and aesthetics.

Application of film on windows is carried out as follows:

  • The process is possible only in the absence of sunlight: in the morning or in the evening.
  • Before sticking the film, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the glass and degrease it.
  • Separate the film from paper and stick it into another wet surface, smoothing into any side of a soft rag or rubber spatula to "expel" air.
  • If the glass dried should be slightly moistened with water with a weak detergent solution.

Do not buy a cheap film and dubious sellers.

Application of curtains and sun protection curtains

The most patriarchal and at the same time popular and in our time to protect against sunlight, curtains and curtains are used. Especially when, for one reason or another, it is not possible to use a mirror film.

The main thing is, in this case, correctly choose the material of the curtains so that they were dense and at the same time perfectly fit into the interior of the room. Although they have some advantages, for example, they can be pushed in the absence of sun rays, that is, in cloudy weather.

There are several types of popular curtains and curtains that protect the room from the heat and creating a fabric in the room:

However, the curtains and curtains have one significant drawback: they accumulate dust and require periodic washing that, naturally, is absent when using mirror films.

One of the varieties of blinds and curtains are roman curtainswhich are made of very dense tissue, which not only effectively protects the room from the Sun, but also perfectly fits into any interior.

In fact, it is curtains, but folded as blinds in beautiful folds whose width is adjusted individually. They also "suffer" with a common drawback for all curtains, that is, the dust accumulate, however, it is easily erased and smooth.

If necessary, you can assemble into a roll and also straighten when the sun's rays are particularly active, as well as protect you from unwanted neighbors and passing the citizens passing by your windows.

Material storm fragile and therefore dust from them can be removed only with the help of a vacuum cleaner or dry veto.

Application Blinds to protect windows from the sun

Applying blinds to protect windows from the Sun is justified if you have not yet decided which of the above methods to suit you. Bamboo, plastic, wood and fabric can be used material.

Blinds are very convenient to use, mobile and quickly show their properties: when the windows are protected from the Sun and while the sun do not open access to daylight. In addition, even at that moment when the blinds are completely closed, the air flow is still present. Special care does not require protection: it is enough once a month to plunge them into the washable solution.

Sunscreen film

Most popular among all protective coatings for windows is used by the usual sunscreen film, which is very easily attached. As a rule, any material has both advantages and disadvantages, and this film is no exception.

  • With its help, it is possible to create a coolness in the room, especially for very hot days.
  • Using the sunscreen film, prevents the interior of the room.
  • There is no glare on the TV or monitor screen, which affects the creation of comfort when working or viewing the film.
  • The housing is not viewed by the street, therefore some privacy is ensured.
  • If you provide additional air conditioning, you can significantly reduce electricity costs.

  • If you glue the film from the sun on the windows, it will not only be ensured by good sunscreen, but also the percussion properties will increase. In addition, when breaking the window, the likelihood of injury is significantly reduced.
  • Due to the use of the sunscreen film, it can be saved on electricity in the fall and winter, since heat loss is significantly reduced.
  • When using such a film, its fire resistance is also important. It is worth noting that such protective coatings are capable of pulling the moment of thermal explosion, while the processed glasses are very simply broken from the inside. It is not necessary to be afraid that toxic substances will be released when melting the film, since this does not occur. In particularly responsible objects, where the requirements are increased regarding fireproof, it is recommended to use sunscreen films of second class fire resistance.
  • Another advantage of the reflective film is that it does not allow magnetic radiation in the room. This suggests that there will be no opportunity to listen to the room, which is also important in some situations.
Prevent the interior fading with a sunscreen film

Based on the list of advantages, it can be seen that sunscreen coatings are really considerable among most users.

The only disadvantage of the sunscreen film is considered the impossibility of increasing the access of light into the room under cloudy weather. If the speed can be simply removed to the side, then it will not work with the film.

What are the sunscreen films?

There are only four types of films to protect against sunlight, which are glued on the windows.

  • Mirror inner film. This material is fastened in interconnect space or directly on the glass on the inside. You can buy a product of any color with any degree of light transmission.
  • A mirror film that is attached from the outside, that is, from the street. Such a coating also protects the placement from the impact. The film can be bright or under metallic color.
  • Expensive high-class protective films are spatrated coatings that are fixed from the inside of the room. Such material is manufactured by special technology.
  • Combined type films perform the function of antospact protection and protection from the Sun. Such a product has several advantages, although it is relatively expensive.

Fastening options

There are three ways explaining how to close the windows from the penetration of the Sun with their own hands using the sunscreen film, while the most common is gluing the coating from the inside of the windows.

In the second case, the material is fixed in interconnect space. Such a film application technology is most often used at the factory in the process of making the window.

The third fastening option is to glue the film on the window from the street side.

Before deciding on the installation of the sunscreen film, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist. It is also important to take into account all sanitary and epidemiological norms of a particular product.

Sunscreen film can save the window from acts of vandalism

Rules for gluing film on the windows

Before you close the windows with a protective screen, you need to adhere to make several preparatory steps.

  • First, the window is prepared, it is well washed out by a special detergent. You should also remove the residues of the paint or glue if they, of course, are. That is, the surface for gluing should not have visible defects.
  • In mandatory, the window must be measured, only after that you can move to the cutting of the film. This manipulation is recommended to do with a blade or sharp knife.

  • After preparatory work, you should make a soap solution that will be lubricated the surface of the window. Sunscreen need to be applied only on the wet area of \u200b\u200bthe glass. The gluing process is carried out starting from above. The material is gradually smoothed by eliminating defects and bubbles using a plastic spatula.
  • If you plan to glue the film from the outside of the window, then you should consider that it should be as dense as possible.

Curtains as an alternative to film

If the option of gluing the film for some reason is not suitable, then you can hang on the cornco curtains of good density. Thus, the room will look comfortably and elegant, with good protection from the sun will be ensured.

Install rolled curtains - a good alternative to the film

Of course, such a design element is distinguished by the high cost and complexity of installation, as it is additionally installed eaves that are able to withstand heavy curtains.

It is worth noting that correctly selected curtains will give a special chic to the interior and complement the design of the new decision.

The indisputable advantages of sunscreen curtains should be attributed to the possibility of opening them to illuminate the room in cloudy weather.

What are the curtains?

Today you can find a huge amount of curtain varieties that differ in various characteristics. Despite this, you can allocate several types of such products:

  • ordinary curtains with tulle;
  • italian curtains that are not completely moved;
  • curtains with lining material, due to which the fabric does not fade, while protecting moisture;
  • french products that are equipped with separate sections.

In most cases, curtains are used in apartments, but this feature does not make the use of this product less popular.

Italian curtains pick up the interior style

Installation of blinds

A good option for protecting the room from the Sun is the blinds that can be several species.

The selection of blinds is great today, by type of installation of the closing element, they are:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • rolled;
  • plears, such a product resembles a folded harmonic;
  • with the photo of the pattern, in fact, these are vertical blinds with the deposited image. The picture can be from the external or inside of the product;
  • blinds in Japanese type, which in appearance resemble a monochrome screen. They can be used to protect the sun rays into the room, as well as as partition between individual zones in the room.

In addition, blinds may differ from the type of material that is used for manufacture. So, they can be:

  • denioney;
  • fabric;
  • multifactore;
  • plastic;
  • wooden;
  • bamboo.

Choose blinds - a modern and colorful way to protect windows from the sun

Other coatings for sun protection

In addition to the above varieties of sunscreen coatings, there are other products. For example, you can use the usual foil, which not only to protect against sunlight penetration, but also hobs your room from an extraneous eye from the street. This option is applied in exceptional cases, since most people are accustomed to give preference to a special film that can be glued without problems with their own hands. In addition, the foil can reduce the level of sun penetration into the room, and bright lighting plays an important role, for example, in the kitchen. In this case, you will have to take care of the additional lighting of the working area.

Often, you can find protective screens on sale. In folded form, they look like a roll, complicated in a box that is attached over the window. This method has some drawbacks, so rarely used in residential premises.

Methods of full shading

This is the easiest way to protect the house from sunlight. Made of dark and deaf tissues of the curtains will not miss any rayon.

Internal and external blinds

Closing windows with such structures is the most practical and universal way of protection both from the Sun and from prying views.

Made of plastic or aluminum lamellae, products reflect the light, not at all skipping it.

2. Outdoor blinds.

When you need easy protection from the sun

In this case, you can install some types of blinds, Roman curtains, marquises or protective film.

Conventional, Bamboo and Pleated Blinds

  1. Normal blinds from natural and synthetic materials.

Such products can be both horizontal and vertical.

2. Bamboo blinds.

  • Products skip soft scattered light and look perfectly in any interior.
  • If it is only required to split the light and no strong shading is required - bamboo blinds will be an excellent option.

These are products from pleated fabric, which dispels the sunlight.

  • Pluts-pliers sliding can be shifted down or up.
  • The product "Day-night" consists of two types of fabrics - translucent and dense. If desired, you can create a weak or strong shading.

Such protection from the Sun is suitable for lovers of stylish interiors.

Completed from a dense tarp tissue awning from the Sun is a marquise. The design is attached to a durable metal frame outside the window.


Options with full dimming

With the help of separate types of curtains, you can provide reliable protection against the annoying sun.

In addition, there are many other paths, how to get rid of excessive light intake. Before choosing one of them, it should be carefully studied by selecting the optimally appropriate protection option. This will avoid possible errors and unjustified spending on defective protection.

Option 1. Curtain wrapping

Among the traditional ways to get rid of the Sun tanking dense curtains. This method does not require significant costs, and it will be easy to organize its application. Almost any owner of the housing can allow itself a similar dimming.

  1. The color of the curtain should be light - it will reduce the degree of heating the room and limit the passage of solar heat inward.
  2. Maximum protection will provide curtains like Blackout . The specifics of the three-layer tissue will not allow to pass the light, allowing the size as much as possible room and effectively reflect the sunlight.

If you hang the curtains "Blackout", the owners of housing provide themselves as reliable protection against the absence of excessive light inside the apartment.

  1. You can do without heavy porter and at the same time get a great darling effect if you use a combination of several protection options: the combination of the curtains of various density, structure, design will allow you to create an interesting version of the interior decor and will give the required protection from the surplus of light.

Heavy curtains in the home interior are used with caution, as they have a lot of flaws:

  • The passage of fresh air is seriously limited, which reduces the degree of air ventilation.
  • Heavy curtains are a good dust drive, which reduces air quality inside, and also causes to resort to frequent tedious washing.

At the same time, the presence of a dense curtain relieves the need for stitching windows.

Option 2. Blinds

The leader among all existing ways to limit the skip of light is curtains from lamellas (blinds). This option gained great popularity in the design of modern housing, as well as administrative, public premises. Window openings with them look spectacular, respectable, stylish. Blinds can be installed, both with external and on the inside. Depending on the needs of customers and a specific situation. The choice of choice is solved with the registration of several indicators.

Internal installation option

No wonder most real estate owners like to enjoy the benefits of blinds. With its popularity, lamella curtains are obliged to many reasons.

The first idea that comes to mind when thinking out the option of protecting the balcony space and loggia is the manufacture of stylish and practical blinds. However, for housing, this method is also no less effective. Lamaders will provide reliable protection against light and allow stylishly arrange the openings in the premises.

The advantages of this method include:

  1. The ability to easily adjust the incoming light flow. The rotation function will allow you to dispense incoming light and heat.
  2. Easy fixation in the window opening allows you to quickly solve the problem of superfluous light in the room.
  3. There are such a number of different variants of models that choose an organically inscribing in the interior design design will not be difficult.
  4. Blinds are easily combined with the traditional form of design in the form of a curtain, expanding the design opportunities.

In the protection of the inner space from an excessive curious eye, there are no equal shutters!

The disadvantages include small difficulties in leaving, cleaning the blinds. A large number of lamellaes that will have to wipe with a damp cloth, it is unlikely to call the cleaning process with light and easy.

Outdoor option

A little different things are dealing with the manufacture of blinds intended for installation outside. First, the requirements for the material used are others - the material of increased strength is needed. Secondly, the design contains wider lamelles. Otherwise, external systems have a lot of advantages, among which the primary place is protected from curious eyes and an effective means to control the volume of incoming sunlight or artificial outdoor lighting. Especially close the topic of such protection for residents of the first floors.

Even the brightest sun on the hottest day will not fall into the room, providing comfort to eyes, and improving the well-being located inside.

In the production of blinds, the most common material is a metal, in some cases a tree is used. The adverse effects of the external environment (rain, dust, snow, bright light) contribute to the rapid loss of the original type and are out of construction.

Option 3. Roll Curtains

Rolled structures to protect against light are no less likely among homeowners, and it is no coincidence. They are comfortable, practical, economical. Understand whether these devices are suitable for protection, it will help to study the virtues and disadvantages of these curtains.

The window we sing, decorated with the help of rolled curtains, looks stylish and effectively, and the installation does not take much time and effort.

  1. Fixing the roll design on the glass, the most dense fit to the glass is ensured, excluding even the slightest skipping rays through the side lumets. This is the optimal way to complete the sun.
  2. Due to the variety of modern rolled structures, you can not limit your fantasy, picking up the most suitable style, color, design option.
  3. In the market of rolled curtains, models are offered with the function of dispersion of light, light-growing, light reflection. The use of dust-repellent processing will solve the issue with caring for design and cleaning.

Organic inclusion in the interior is one of the advantages of such curtains.

  1. The choice of high-quality product will prevent overheating in the rooms, enjoying extra rays.

Rolled curtains are recognized by many premises designers as a better means of fast and efficient accommodation, not forgetting about increased functionality and practicality. If there is a skill and skill, you can independently make such wonderful sets.

Option 4. Film

Successfully limit the tolerance of the Sun film screen installed on the window structure, while retaining a complete overview of the external space.

The above options (rolled curtains, blinds, curtains) have a common drawback - limiting visibility through the window. In fact, the sun access also closes the overview of the street panorama. However, there is another way to limit sunlight - using rolled curtains.

It's a shame to close the window, if the view from it is distinguished by painting and rest. For this, you will have to abandon traditional curtains or other means that fully closing the window and use special screens.

For consumers there are several options for design windows, depending on the specific conditions, needs, room style.

The sunscreen does not mean the need to install an additional design. In essence, the screen is the film, neatly applied to the window glass. Practical lovers will appreciate the fact that the screen does not need additional cleaning and does not require specific care.

The screen provides protection against infrared rays, reducing the stream of heat from the street. At the same time, the lighting of the room does not suffer at all. In its taste, films of varying degrees of protection are selected. Some housing owners especially like mirror options, allowing not only to protect the house from the heat, but also prevent the views of the strangers inward.

Instructions for applying a film

An additional protection of the glass includes the positive features of the film - even at shock, the glass will not crush, but will stay on the protective film, protecting against the risk of damage to the fragments. Many owners, trying once to apply the screen, no longer refuse him. This serves as an additional confirmation of the exclusivity of the film as a material.


When the need for complete darkening is irrelevant, but the issue of creating obstacles to excessive solar effect is preserved. To make the window, several efficient and stylish solutions are partially provided:

  • Blinds from Bamboo. Designed for stylish interior design and creating scattered light.

This option looks stylish and luxurious, pleaseing the eye of the indoors.

  • . Dosage light of the Sun is the main purpose of these structures. The ability to control the height allows you to solve issues with excessive warmth and light.

The main plus pleated blinds is spectacular style and respectability. In the day-night models, a combination of material - translucent and dense, allowing you to choose the required dimming mode.

  • . They are made of tarpaulin of high density and are intended to protect against heat on hot days, keeping review. The design is installed on the outside of the window opening.

In fact, the design is a stylishly decorated visor, intended for salvation from the bright and hot sun in a pleasant saving cool shadow. The tilt and the width of the canopy is adjustable.

Despite the fact that such visors are often used in the design of private households, country cottages, they will be saved from heat and light and on the balcony. In some cases, marquises are installed on the walls of ordinary apartment buildings of the typical building.

  • . One of the known ways to decorate and protect the window. A distinctive feature of the Roman curtain is the ability to lift. From the advantages you can call compactness and easy operation.

The installation of such structures will provide coolness inside, and the internal arrangement will become more stylish and beautiful.


There is no only correct solution, universal for everyone. In some cases, the focus is on practicality. The other is paying attention to the degree of benefit. Each of the designs has from the Warves on installation and care, so the final choice remains always for the consumer.