What DESU means. Desault: What does this word mean? Where and why use it? And not "desu" is at all

Japanese is an interesting and complex trickling of hieroglyphs, strange rules, incomprehensible adventure and inappropriate consoles. But it is only worth starting to disassemble its bases, as it becomes clear that one without any other. And it is necessary to teach everything in order, paying attention to even the most insignificant trifles. In Japanese, most narrative proposals end with the prefix "Desault". What does this word mean and why do it consume so often? Let's try to figure out.


So, what does "desu" mean on Japanese? In the literal translation, this word means "be". Completely, a question may arise: why the word "desu" appears in almost all offers? The fact is that in Japanese verbs do not have forms and numbers. Most of them are placed at the end of the sentence and are translated by the only word "desu" - "be".

In order to be clear, bring a small example.

あれ 新 新 です. (Are Wa Shinkansen Desu) - If you translate this phrase literally, then something like is: "That is, the train." In conversational Japanese, it will be perceived as: "This is a train."

In fact, the "desu" means nothing. This prefix gives the verbs of a neutral-polite shade. And since the Japanese mentality is considered politeness to be the main link, then this style of speech is most often found in everyday life.


What does "desu" mean, now a little understandable. However, this verb has several other use options. Those who learn Japanese, and those who just started to master the basics may notice that after the "desu" often cost particles. These particles are called "Gobi" and in the proposal they are responsible for the emotional background.

One of the most popular particles "ka". If it stands after "desu", the offer is questional. For clarity, we give a few examples:

  1. あれ わ 新 幹線 です か? (Are Wa Shinkansen Desu Ka?) - In the first example, this phrase was affirmative, but after the addition of the "ka" particle turned into a questionnaire: "Is this a train?".
  2. どなた です か? (DONATA DESU KA?) - Another example in the literal translation will sound like: "Who is?". This is a questioning pronoun, which is used when it comes to a person, perceived as a question: "Who is this?". Such an expression is more often used in polite, official conversation. For less official cases, it is customary to say: だれ です か? (Dare Desu ka?). The essence of the question remains the same, only the degree of courtesy changes.

Thus, the "desu" (which means "being") can appear not only in narrative, but also questioning proposals. But there are two more particles "Gobi", which can be found in Tandem with the "desu".

"Yo" and "NE"

Studying materials in the Japanese language for beginners, you can often meet the combination of "Desu NE". Often it appears in such phrases as:

  • わ, 畳 の 部屋 です ね. (WA, Tatami No Heya Desu Ne.) - Transportation Sounds simple enough: "This is a room with tatami." But it is worth paying attention to the prefix "VA" at the beginning of the proposals, which means delight or admiration from the seen. In turn, the combination of "Desu Na" - means that a person who admires the room with tatami, is not sure that the interlocutor shares his emotions.

Expressions of this kind are often found when conversing the Japanese with visitors. We all arrive in Japan seems to be a novelty, and for indigenous people - this is a common everyday life. It also works in the opposite direction: if the Japanese comes to someone else's country and talks to someone in his native language, you can often find a combination of "Desu NE".

And not "desu" is at all

Those who learn Japanese should be known that "Desu" (which means "to be") never pronounced completely. Due to the reduction of vowels at the exit, the word "DES" will be obtained. That is, when writing a word, it will consist of two syllables "de" (で) and "su" (す), but will read as "DES".

Due to the fact that people who popularize the eastern culture do not always have sufficient luggage of knowledge, many Internet users are mistaken relative to the right pronunciation.

To be or not to be

So, at this stage already learned the "desu", which this means "be". But what to do when you need to be ". "To be or not to be," the words of Shakespeare are suitable for consideration of this issue as it is impossible by the way.

The word "Desu" has a negative form of "de Va Arimasan", which in the literal translation means "is not". For example:

  • 山田 さん は生 ではあり ませ ん. (Yamada-San Wa Gakusei de Wa Arimasen.) - With full literal translation, it turns out: "Yamada-san is not a student." That is, the listener receives information that Yamada-san is not a university student.

The word "desu" is of particular popularity. It can be found in the original anime or manga, hear in the voice acting dubbers or remember after viewing some of the videos. But whatever meaning was given to the word "desu" is nothing more than a particle of speech. A peculiar analog of the point at the end of the sentence. And only because of this analogue, it is much easier to achieve understanding in a conversation, because the "desu" can "be" or "not to be", to ask, express emotions and provide additional information.

Japanese is an interesting and complex trickling of hieroglyphs, strange rules, incomprehensible adventure and inappropriate consoles. But it is only worth starting to disassemble its bases, as it becomes clear that one without any other. And it is necessary to teach everything in order, paying attention to even the most insignificant trifles. In Japanese, most narrative proposals end with the prefix "Desault". What does this word mean and why do it consume so often? Let's try to figure out.


So, what does "desu" mean on Japanese? In this word means "be". Completely, a question may arise: why the word "desu" appears in almost all offers? The fact is that in Japanese verbs do not have forms and numbers. Most of them are placed at the end of the sentence and are translated by the only word "desu" - "be".

In order to be clear, bring a small example.

あれ 新 新 です. (Are Wa Shinkansen Desu) - If you translate this phrase literally, then something like is: "That is, the train." In conversational Japanese, it will be perceived as: "This is a train."

In fact, the "desu" means nothing. This prefix gives the verbs of a neutral-polite shade. And since the Japanese mentality is considered politeness to be the main link, then this style of speech is most often found in everyday life.


What does "desu" mean, now a little understandable. However, this verb has several other use options. Those who learn Japanese, and those who just started to master the basics may notice that after the "desu" often cost particles. These particles are called "Gobi" and in the proposal they are responsible for the emotional background.

One of the most popular particles "ka". If it stands after "desu", the offer is questional. For clarity, we give a few examples:

  1. あれ わ 新 幹線 です か? (Are Wa Shinkansen Desu Ka?) - In the first example, this phrase was affirmative, but after the addition of the "ka" particle turned into a questionnaire: "Is this a train?".
  2. どなた です か? (DONATA DESU KA?) - Another example in the literal translation will sound like: "Who is?". This is a questioning pronoun, which is used when it comes to a person, perceived as a question: "Who is this?". Such an expression is more often used in polite, official conversation. For less official cases, it is customary to say: だれ です か? (Dare Desu ka?). The essence of the question remains the same, only the degree of courtesy changes.

Thus, the "desu" (which means "being") can appear not only in narrative, but also questioning proposals. But there are two more particles "Gobi", which can be found in Tandem with the "desu".

"Yo" and "NE"

Studying materials in the Japanese language for beginners, you can often meet the combination of "Desu NE". Often it appears in such phrases as:

  • わ, 畳 の 部屋 です ね. (WA, Tatami No Heya Desu Ne.) - Transportation Sounds simple enough: "This is a room with tatami." But it is worth paying attention to the prefix "VA" at the beginning of the proposals, which means delight or admiration from the seen. In turn, the combination of "Desu Na" - means that a person who admires the room with tatami, is not sure that the interlocutor shares his emotions.

Expressions of this kind are often found when conversing the Japanese with visitors. We all arrive in Japan seems to be a novelty, and for indigenous people - this is a common everyday life. It also works in the opposite direction: if the Japanese comes to someone else's country and talks to someone in his native language, you can often find a combination of "Desu NE".

And not "desu" is at all

Those who learn Japanese should be known that "Desu" (which means "to be") never pronounced completely. Due to the reduction of vowels at the exit, the word "DES" will be obtained. That is, when writing a word, it will consist of two syllables "de" (で) and "su" (す), but will read as "DES".

Due to the fact that people who popularize the eastern culture do not always have sufficient luggage of knowledge, many Internet users are mistaken relative to the right pronunciation.

To be or not to be

So, at this stage already learned the "desu", which this means "be". But what to do when you need to be ". "To be or not to be," the words of Shakespeare are suitable for consideration of this issue as it is impossible by the way.

The word "Desu" has a negative form of "de Va Arimasan", which in the literal translation means "is not". For example:

  • 山田 さん は生 ではあり ませ ん. (Yamada-San Wa Gakusei de Wa Arimasen.) - With full literal translation, it turns out: "Yamada-san is not a student." That is, the listener receives information that Yamada-san is not a university student.

The word "desu" is of particular popularity. It can be found in the original anime or manga, hear in the voice acting dubbers or remember after viewing some of the videos. But whatever meaning was given to the word "desu" is nothing more than a particle of speech. A peculiar analog of the point at the end of the sentence. And only because of this analogue, it is much easier to achieve understanding in a conversation, because the "desu" can "be" or "not to be", to ask, express emotions and provide additional information.

Each group of people who united through any sign, sooner or later, apply their own lexicon, allowing to maintain a conversation on common topics without long unnecessary explanations. So-called animeshniki, that is, anime fans, also did not avoid this fate. Sometimes their lexicon introduces involuntary listeners into a stupor. What is the "desu"? How to understand the phrase "Openning Kavaya Nia Desu"? And why this "Desault" arbitrarily appears in almost any phrase, which does not leave the opportunity to independently determine its meaning.

Where did the "desu" come from: anime slang

However, the "desu" initially carries a reinforcing and confirming meaning that needs to be respected in the pronouncing phrase. In essence, this is a verb bunch, literally meaning "be". In anime, the word "desu" is abused by some of the identities of a hysterical nature and comic characters. An excess of this word is used as an artistic reception, emphasizing the characteristics of the character.

What is "desu", and how to use it correctly?

From the point of view of animeshnik, especially the beginning, "desu" gives his speech the necessary Japanese flavor to go beyond its in a narrow circle. It is impossible to say that it is bad. Many after the starting attempts to figure out what "desu" is and whether it is necessary in this speech at all, begin to seriously study moreover, achieve excellent results.

In a conversation with the animeshniki "Desu" you can use to the place and not to the place, this word will suit almost anywhere, because it means anything. It does not have the slightest relationship to Academic Japanese, so we are a purely on the part of the connoisseurs of anime. In most cases, excessive "desu" does not annoy anyone, because neophytes sin them literally at every step.

"Kawai Nya Desu" and other oddities

The most common bunch of words in anime-to-tusovka - "Kavai Desu", "Nia Desu" or even together - "Nya Kavai Desu." What are we talking about? If you take over the translation of each word separately, it will make little clarity. "Kawai" - so usually talk about something very nice. The network often occurs in the wrong derived noun from the adjective "dear", looks like "Milashty" or even "mercy" in the meaning of "something very glorious and touching." So "Kawai" is the "Celence" of pure water. The word was used as a noun and immediately gave rise to the adjective "Cavayny". So touching cat is automatically kawai cat.

The word "nya" is closely connected with the theme of the quotes. In fact, so from Japanese is translated by the Cat "Meow". The same sound is taught the cat instead of our Kis-Kis-Kis. The word "nya" is used by animeshniks anywhere, anyhow and in any quantities. This is quite consistent with Japanese use. One of the former cat, manages only this word to issue long monologues, not deprived of meaning. And since the cats are cute, then the word "nya" is perfectly used as a replacement or addition to the word "Kawai". Also, the flow was received by the verb "nurse", in the sense of similar with the same verb education as "to kill" - that is, to die, touching something to admire and rejoice. From here, there was also a widely known adjective "Nyashny", mutating, in turn, in a brief noun "Nyash" (some cute and touching). All this can be pronounced with the prefix "Desault".

The most popular meme "Desu"

Like any sufficiently popular phenomenon, the animeus Japaunesses did not escape the transformation into the memes. The expression "Shield to do the desu" expresses quite a smart and even poisonous sarcasm for any reason, is used as a final argument in any disputes or excuses. It means literally "what to do" and implies that there is nothing to do here, it remains to be taken away.

In itself, the expression is the original alloy of Russian and Japanese, seasoned by a twiest-slang version of the question "What?", Which differs from the usual double-volume volume of the perplexation.

Relevance of using anime-stamps

Like any slang for a narrow circle, an aliens, a little applied to Jaena, is little applied in normal life. He does not cause such an obvious condemnation as a criminal jargon or the so-called "Bosyatskaya Argo", but to expect an understanding in response to slangov expressions would be short enough. Of course, not everything is so unequivocal with the word "Desu", the translation and the general value of which almost all people know, one way or another associated with the Internet community, even if they have no relation to the anime culture.

JapaJenia in memetics

I would like to note that not only anime fans use commodity phrases or images having Japanese roots. There is such an unrecognized science - MEMETIC, which studies the emergence and influence of memes as an information unit. According to memetic principles, any concentrated phrases, words or concepts become more capacious than ordinary explanations, if you need to briefly and compressed not only the opinion, but also an emotional shade.

What was the source of the word "desu"? Manga, Anime, that is, a few exaggerated works, designed for children, teenagers and young people. It is now the most active part of the Internet users, and time goes very quickly. The most famous daemetic Japanese, which splashed far beyond the limits of animetous parties, is the word "nyash", which is addressed to a very pretty girl, the Crimea prosecutor. MEMETICS can be considered Lzhenauka, however, it does not take the main thing - only one short word of three letters completely and exhaustively transfers the characteristics of the appearance of a public person. And with this nothing to do, "Desu".