Deflector on chimney: we make and install it with your own hands. Wheel for chimney do it yourself - drawings karting drawing of the deflector on a square chimney

Have you ever noticed on the roof of the neighbors a special cap over the chimney? This is a deflector. In the literal translation, this word means "reflector". In fact, the deflector is a short tube, a shell, which is usually mounted on the head with an umbrella and is designed to protect the upper seams of chimney from a strong wind. And another deflector for chimney is also called the smoke or a flugyant, is an old architectural element. Some of his options and to today remain a real work of art. Why not embellish them and your pair?

What is a deflector and why is it needed?

By itself, the deflector enhances the thrust by deflection of air flows. Here the wind simply encourages an obstacle, and there is a low pressure zone. This is how the thrust is enhanced.

Special studies have shown that when using even the conventional deflector of the efficiency of any chimney increases by as much as 20%! But he still protects the pipes from entering them snow, rain and vegetable debris, which can spread the wind. Moreover, the deflector works well in any conditions - regardless of howver the wind blows.

Let us closely consider the principle of the work of the deflector. The air flows are embarrassed into its outer surface, flow around it and create air loss. In physics, the phenomenon is called the Bernoulli effector - when the air moves quickly and envelopes the barrier, it is discharged, and this process is significantly increase in the chimney.

If you have a reverse thrust in the chimney, we advise you to get acquainted with the article

Most Popular Types of Deflectors

Modern deflectors are:

  • With a flat immersion;
  • With the opening lid;
  • With a forcep roof - two slopes on the pipe;
  • With a semicircular imagine.

Flat-topped with copper often put a deflector at home, which are built in modern style. But for modern buildings, the cap is more suitable with a semicircular impurge. From the twentiest roof, they best protect the chimney from snow.

Mostly, the deflectors are made of galvanized iron sheets, although in recent times we can still see such deflectors in which metal is covered with enamel or even a layer of plastic.

  • Cahga's deflector;
  • "Chimney tooth";
  • Grigorovich deflector;
  • Spheroid deflector with rotation;
  • Open Astato;
  • Round Deflector "Voller";
  • Star "Shenard".

The most common today is the deflector of the TsAGI. Let's look at its structure:

  • Inlet nozzle;
  • Diffuser;
  • Case of the deflector;
  • Brackets;
  • Umbrella.

Today, the domestic model of the smoke tooth deflector is also popular. Insert it needs a door towards the smoke collector. It looks like this: we turn one edge on the wall, we raise the second and omit in place. For convenient installation, remove the futurture plates from the rear and side walls. You still see two handles in front of yourself - they are called "cold hand" and is designed to manage and adjust the work of the furnace.

Chose the model? And now let's look at how you can make a deflector for chimney with your own hands - for your steam room.

How to build a deflector yourself?

The deflector has its own parameters. Thus, its height should be 1.6-1.7 from the inner diameter of the chimney channel, and the width is 1.7-1.9. Diffuser width - 1.2-1.3. But first, let's decide on the material from which it will be made:

  • Copper;
  • Galvanized iron;
  • Stainless steel.

Why copper, if this is such an expensive material? The fact is that the deflector is located in one of the most inaccessible places of the bath, and therefore it does not have to be repaired, it is better to make it most resistant to atmospheric phenomena. And copper in this regard is the best.

And here's how you can make a deflector:

  1. Draw on the cardboard to the scan of all major parts, such as the cap, diffuser and the external cylinder.
  2. Transfer everything to the metal and cut out with the help of scissors for metal along these patterns.
  3. Connect the details with each other with rivets, bolts or welding.
  4. Make the brackets from the metal strip - they will fasten on the surface of the cap.
  5. At the cap attach the reverse cone.

The deflector itself must first collect, but only then to install on the roof. We first put the lower cylinder and fix bolts and nuts. With the help of clamps fix on the lower cylinder, the diffuser, and on it - the cap with the reverse cone.

Flueman-deflector: the last word of technology

This is such a special device that the body rotates simultaneously with the currency-deflectors curved on it. And those are connected to the bearing assembly. At the top of the vane, which allows the whole design to always be "in the wind".

How does this thing work? It is quite simple and brilliant: the air flow passes in the space between the visors, accelerates and thereby creates the area of \u200b\u200bthe vacuum. As a result, the thrust in the chimney increases, the fuel in the furnace burns well, and the air exchange is improving - if ventilation is also created. Such deflectors are good to prevent reverse thrust, sparking and flame breaking.

You can make such a miracle of technology and yourself! Then simply the design itself attach the chimney with a ring with a rings with a bearing node. A high-quality influx of fresh clean air and a good removal of combustion products is the main secret of good work furnace and light steam!

In modern smoking systems, so-called deflectors are used - special devices that allow you to increase the craving. They are several types - the deflector of the TsAGI, the griranovich deflector, the deflector of Hangzhenkova and a number of others. In addition to increasing the thrust of the smoking device, the sparks are quenched and not allowed to fall into the chimney of the Musor and atmospheric sediments. In addition, these devices have a pleasant aesthetic appearance and serve as an element of the roof decor. Such devices stand in the stores are quite expensive, so it makes sense to make a deflector for chimney with your own hands with sufficient skill and skill.

Deflectors for any diameter

How the deflector works and works

Before how to make production and installation of a deflector, we learn about its device and principles of work. The device has three main details. Cylinder, diffuser and cap (called also an umbrella). More on it can be installed ring removal. The variants of the deflector are the most diverse, differ from each other in shape and size, only they work almost according to the same principles. What are these principles? The upper cylinder stops the streams of air, they fight into it and later surround. Some proportion of air flows, climbing the top, picks up walking flue streams and sucks them. Traction increases. Moreover, it does not depend on the direction of the wind. Traction will always be good.

The upper cylinder has a slit, thanks to which the flue stream is suckeding. Thanks to these principles, the deflectors have gained popularity in the product market products, as well as at the expense of other positive qualities.

Types of deflectors

The principle of operation of the deflector is based on strengthening or creating additional thrust due to its design. By experiments, a certain number of types of such devices has been obtained. The most famous species is the deflector of the TsAGI, named so by the name of the institution, which he developed (Central Aerohydrodinamic Institute named after Zhukovsky). His principle of operation is a strengthening of thrust due to thermal and air pressure and pressure drop, which occurs at a distance of two meters from the roof. A hidden installation in the channel is allowed, because the use of a deflector is greater in the ventilation systems. In the manufacture of the device, a stainless steel or galvanized steel is used, it is produced by a cylindrical shape. The following appearance is called a round volley, it looks like a design with the previous one, although there are a couple of small differences at the top. Material for its manufacture serve copper, galvanized and stainless steel. Applied in the baths. The third appearance is called Grigorovich's deflector, which is similar to the deflector of the TsAGI. Only he is improved. It is placed on sites on which low wind prevails. The thrust of such a roof deflector is excellent even in the calm.

Another kind of drawing deflectors is the view called "Tarbed Astato". Different with efficiency and simplicity design. Design type - open. Provides cravings with any wind. Production material - galvanized and stainless steel. The following type of smoke pipe deflector is named H-shaped due to its form. It is noted reliability regardless of the direction of the wind. Move stainless steel. Another type of deflectors for the chimney system is called a deflector-vane. The material for the manufacture is stainless or painted carbon steel. And the last type of deflectors on the chimney pipe is a deflector called rotating, thanks to its design. It is able to rotate in the direction of the wind, manifests effectiveness to protect the chimney from garbage and moisture, is well suited to the chimney of the gas boiler, but does not function with windless weather or in case of icing. Folk crafts, having studied the design of such devices, have already learned how to produce them on their own in domestic workshops.

Independent manufacture of deflector

Given the considerable prices for factory devices, you can try to make a deflector ventilating with your own hands, applying some efforts. It turns out that if you make a deflector of the TsAGI with your own hands, you can save up to $ 40! It is only necessary to purchase a galvanized steel sheet, have the necessary tools, some material and desire. Independent production of the smoke deflector device provides for the use of: rules, roulettes, a set for drawing, marker, painting, metal scissors, drill, drills, flouring screws or a rivet, press-washers by 15 millimeters. The metal sheet will also need (galvanized, stainless steel, etc.) for attachment, it will take the use of a girlfriend - aluminum, studs, etc.

How to calculate dimensions

The most important stage in the work is the calculation of the deflector. Calculations of the drawings will be associated with the current parameter - the diameter of the channel D. The drawing of the deflector is shown here.

Deflector Device Scheme for Independent Production

According to the table, it is possible to calculate a simple deflector, pushing out from the size of the chimney pipe diameter (channel D).

How to carry out calculations on this data? Suppose, the diameter of the chimney pipe (channel d) is 20 cm. From here we carry out calculations:

The diameter of the lower diffuser is 2 D. Hence the 2 × 20 \u003d 40 cm;

The diameter of the upper diffuser is 1.5 D. Hence the 1.5 × 20 \u003d 30 cm;

Diffuser height 1.5 D. From here - 1.5 × 20 \u003d 30 cm;

Blowing pipe into diffuser 0.15 D. Hence the 0.15 × 20 \u003d 3 cm;

The height of the cone 0.25 D. Hence the 0.25 × 20 \u003d 5 cm;

The height of the umbrella 0.25 D. Hence 0.25 × 20 \u003d 5cm;

The height of the reverse cone 0.25 D. Hence 0.25 × 20 \u003d 5cm;

Clearance umbrella and diffuser 0.25 D. From here - 0.25 × 20 \u003d 5cm.

Making a deflector

So we spent the calculations. Now the question arises - how to make such a device? From the cards, we cut the design elements of the device and try to connect them as they will connect to the finished device. If everything connects normally, carry cardboard on sheet metal. We put the carved parts onto the sheet and with the help of the marker we draw them on the metal. Using metal scissors, crumbling the details of the future device. In areas where the metal was cut, we fell into its pliers and tap with the help of a hammer. In the sections of bends, we split the metal sheet in order to make it thinner. The diffuser is folded in the form of a cylinder, the edges are drilled and rushed. Then we carry out the riveting of the upper and lower cones. Due to the larger size of the upper cone, if compared with the lower cone, the edge of the upper cone is used to fix them. In it cut out six paws and bend. Before collecting an umbrella to the lower cone we make the installation of studs for fasteners to the diffuser. When attaching to the legs, they set them from the outside on the riveting. The diffuser is bonded with umbrella stud or aluminum plates. For studs there is a manufacture of loops to a deflexor case. At the same time, the hairpin is enveloped using galvanized steel flap and the holes for mounting are drilled with it.

Installing a deflector

Collecting the device, carry it out. Specialists advise to remove the top of the pipe and make installation on the workbench. Then the already assembled design is installed on the roof on the chimney. Fasten with spills or paws. Fastening should be securely, since the device is subject to strong winds. When fixing the device on a ceramic chimney or made of bricks, the use of transitional pipes is provided. For the smokers of fireplaces, the use of legs or steel backups is provided. Devices are used for furnaces operating on solid fuel. How is the installation of the device? First we carry out the installation of the inlet pipe by drilling the body and the pipe. Mount it on rivets or bolts. The diffuser funnel is attached to the brackets of the nozzle. There is an option to replace brackets by clamps. Finally, we hold fasteners of the cap of the deflector to a truncated diffuser cone using bolts or rivets. Of course, a deflector made with your own hands will not have aesthetic look. But he will make a lot of benefit. First, the thrust will increase by 15-20%. Secondly, the device will protect the roof from the sparks on it. Moisture and garbage will not penetrate into the smoke hole. Thirdly, the deflector will replace 1.5-2 m tubes. The feasibility of installing such devices on chimney systems has been proven for a long time. Currently created many types of similar designs. All of them serve as an increase in chimney thrust, prevent falling into the smoking and garbage chimney, as well as the fire safety of the building. The market is replete with various types of deflectors. What kind of device to choose - should be your solution. But whatever the design of your deflector, the advantages of its use can be felt in the nearest first winter.

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The system that removes the smoke from heating devices and appliances is considered one of the most important components of the heating equipment, which is equally important and comfortably and comfortable in the residential building.

The correct chimney system performs two main functions: the removal of all the elements released during the combustion of the fuel, and the correct and high-quality influx of air. Special attention should be paid to those smokers that do not have a compulsory superior, which makes it give to pay more time to the calculations and construction of such systems.

The main problem of their problem can be considered strong air flows in the environment, which violate the traction and the correct operation of the chimney. This leads to the wrong operation of thermal type generators and smoking the dwelling or boiler room. It is possible to fix this trouble with a deflector on a chimney, which is able to adjust the craving and extractor in an unfair system.

Possible problems associated with the smoke of the system

Most often, the smoke of the chimney system happens for the following reasons:

  • strong wind gusts, as a result, the air under strong pressure penetrates into the pipe, which causes reducing the force of the thrust and smoke the residential premises;
  • too narrow smoke pass, which is not able to provide the system with the desired level of thrust;
  • the insufficient height of the lifting of the chimney pipe, which does not allow the necessary pressure and the strength of thrust in the pipe.

Statistical type deflectors are designed specifically to solve all these problems, allowing chimney to work extremely correctly and efficiently. The use of this system element is relevant for private or collective ventilation and chimney systems. As a rule, there are no restrictions on the use of this auxiliary device if the place of its location does not interfere with other functions of the chimney.

Appointment and use of deflectors

As a rule, the chimney systems are considered the most important element of the entire heating system, because it is the work of the chimney affects the combustion process of fuel and the removal of all combustion products from the system and the house in particular.

The entire process of operation of the heating boiler depends on the high-quality influx of air and from the complete output of smoke from the system. Without a proper amount of oxygen, the combustion process is impossible, and the residues of products in the residential premises can decently harm the health of tenants.

In order to organize the right level of thrust in the system, you need to know some of the characteristics of the chimney, the device and the organization of which should be correct. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the desired section of the pipe, intended for the inflow and removal of air. An important factors can be considered the height of the chimney and its configuration. Now consider these requirements in more detail.

The choice of the desired section directly depends on the power of the heat generator. The chimney channel itself or the passage must be vertical type and fairly direct so that air stoppers are not created during operation.

The height of the pipe should not be less than 0.5 m above the skate element of the roofing design.

In the case when compliance with these requirements did not give a tangible result, it is worth resorting to the use of a deflector, which is mounted on the upper part of the chimney pipe.

The principle of operation of the deflector is to use the wind as an additional tool in alignment or strengthen the level of thrust in the system. Externally, it looks like this. A part of the system is installed on the end of the pipe, which has a larger inner diameter than the chimney itself.

Strong wind allows you to create a sparse-type space in a deflector, into which all combustion products remain in chimneys are moved.

Among other things, the deflector has additional useful functions that are positively reflected throughout the work of the chimney channel. With this element, you can save the system from rainwater and snow in it in winter. As a rule, it helps the system to function efficiently in any weather.

Varieties and principles of device and work of deflectors

Deflectors can be performed in several conventional configurations and structures:

  • tsAG type deflectors;
  • round type deflector (volley);
  • grigorovich design deflector;
  • open and n-shaped deflector.

The deflector itself has a design consisting of several separate parts. Such parts refers to the bottom type cylinder, diffuser and an umbrella. The diffuser has the form of a cylinder located in the upper part of the element, and the umbrella protects the chimney from rain and snow entering it. As a rule, deflectors are produced from galvanized steel steel, which eliminates the possibility of metal corrosion and such garbage.

The work of the deflector does not have any features in its concept that is not able to master even a novice master. Wind stream envelopes the whole deflector, facing him. This allows air to penetrate into the upper cylinder of the deflector, enhancing the thrust in the chimney and pulling the whole smoke stagnant in the system. Due to the intensive movement of the air inside the deflector, the thrust force increases several times.

The device of this element allows you to increase the thrust in even if the wind stream moves in the vertical direction. To do this, in the upper part of the cylinder there are special gaps through which air and penetrates the ventilation and chimney systems.

It is worth considering such a concept as the lower wind, which is able to make it difficult to remove smoke and reduce the level of thrust in the pipe. Because of such a stream of wind under the umbrella of the deflector, versatile streams of wind are formed, which clog the entire pipe.

Deflectors deflectors from low-type wind

Due to the presence of this feature of wind streams, the deflectors began to equip special protective devices, which contribute to an increase in the level of thrust in the pipe with any weather. To do this, inside the chimney, an axis is installed on two bearings located at different levels.

A semi-cylindrical type is installed on the axis, the vane and cover. It is such a design that protects the entire chimney from the effects of the lower wind stream.

After the direction of the wind flow changes, the vane is rotated by closing the chimney from the wrong wind stream. Thus, any direction and the strength of the wind is not able to block the path of the allocated smoke, and the thrust in the pipe remains the same power.

Do not forget that the deflectors are designed for the pipes of the circular section, which can become a problem in the presence of an old brick tube having a cross-section of a square type. In order to solve this problem, special nozzles perform the role of adapters.

In smokers with a large square cross section, which are built for fireplace heating systems, it is necessary to use adapters in the form of legs struts that connect the pipe and the deflector itself. Such legs are made of metal strips, which can be galvanized or qualitatively scratched.

Brick pipes need an appropriate transition with inquiry in the desired direction, which allows you to connect a round deflector and square chimney. In other words, secure this element of the chimney system is easy in the presence of any type and form of smoking structures.

The deflector is not necessary to buy in a construction store, because it can be easily easily made by its own hands. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the dimensions and shape of the element, after which it is possible to start the manufacturing process.

On leaf galvanized steel, it is necessary to draw upper and lower cylinders of the future deflector, which is easy to do with a conventional simple pencil. Cut the necessary items can be used with metal scissors that will easily cope with such a task.

As soon as these two parts are cut and processed with a file, which is required for high-quality docking of two edges of one part, you can start consolidating these edges. As a rule, for this apply the welding machine, bolts or rivets.

It should be immediately noted that it is extremely difficult to combine the preparation of galvanized steel with the help of the welding machine, because it is quite quickly burning thin metal. It is for this reason that rivets or small bolts are most often used.

The finished cone cap must be fixed on the top cylinder of the deflector. This is done with small brackets from the same sheet steel. Fix the brackets to the nozzle stands with rivets. You should not forget that mounting brackets are only on the outside of the deflector, so as not to create additional interference in its inner part for the correct air flow and smoke exhaust.

To the umbrella of the element, it is necessary to secure the cone of the inverse type. In addition, the assembly of all parts of the deflector should be performed directly on the pipe itself, which will allow you to high quality and secure each individual part of the design.

Otherwise, it is possible to connect the two elements of the system to connect to quality, which will subsequently cause the working capacity of the design and the whole chimney as a whole. In some cases, this design is simply impossible to make this design.

As a rule, this happens in brick chimns for which high-quality adapters or racks are required. From this we can conclude that it is much easier, it is more profitable to buy this inexpensive element of the system, than to try to make it yourself.

It is worth reminding that only galvanized steel can be used to manufacture a deflector, which successfully resists the formation of rust, which adversely affects the term and quality of such an element of the system.

The deflector is a ventilation device for creating additional thrust, installed, as a rule, to chimney. In the manufacture of the system, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportion to the specified dimensions.


There are many varieties of fans, but the main types and their types are not very much: H - shaped, Grigorovich, TsAGI. Also, there is a so-called vane - the product for flue pipes, creating a working area for constant thrust, and there is a turbine type apparatus, creating an additional traction on the principle of tornado.


The deflector contributes to an increase in air flow speed to twenty percent. Its the second important function is the protection of the ventilation system from atmospheric precipitation, garbage, insects, normalizes cravings in heating channels.

Starting, it is necessary to clearly represent a work plan for yourself, have a drawing, calculations relative to the inner diameter of the duct, chimney.

Dimensions and drawings

Below is a table ratio of the size of the duct (chimney) to the dimensions of the deflector:

: Internal. Diameter: Height Def -: Width

: Chimney: lecturer N, mm: diffuser

You can resort to the formulas if the inner diameter does not suit the values \u200b\u200bof the table: d \u003d 2d

Reflector height \u003d 1.7 D

Umbrella width \u003d (1,7d ... ..1.9) D

Measurements to do very carefully, not to be lazy, risen. Important note - the pipe and the deflector must coincide in shape.

Making your own hands

For the manufacture of the apparatus, drill, tight paper sheet, galvanized tin, metal scissors, pencil or diaper.

At first it is necessary to make the pattern of the components of the product components - the cap, the diffuser, the outer cylinder.

From the grids we collect a deflector. If everything coincided, work can be transferred to the metal.

Paper patterns put on galvanized tin and get the hell. On the lines of Croy, we cut out metal scissors. Details.

The diffuser is folded and connect the edges with bolts or point welding, or clad. Places of bends are blurred.

The assembly of the external cylinder is similar to the assembly of the diffuser. The cap is collapsed on the cone, the edges are connected to a convenient way for us.

Twenty centimeters long and width of about seven centimeters are cut out metal strips, fenced with a hammer, attach to the cap. The umbrella is attached to the diffuser and the same strips and all this is inserted into the cylinder.

Grigorovich's deflector, if we decided to do it, complemented by the reverse cone and an increase in the protective umbrella to four centimeters in diameter.

To attach the reverse cone on a large cone, cuts are made at an equal distance of about eight petals and bend them inside. Thus, the reverse cone is attached in a protective umbrella.

If the system works in an aggressive environment, then it is better to produce a fan from stainless steel, plastic, metal-plastic, stiff material materials.

To the deflector, as for the invention, the Russian aircraft designer D. P. Grigorovich was treated. And the symbiosis of the design thought of mathematician A. F. Volpert with him.

At first they calculated the usual umbrella, with unusual properties. A. D. Volpert suggested putting a diffuser at an umbrella. Then, after testing in the aerodynamic tube, the deflector of the TsAGI was "born", so far the most reliable and distributed. The evolution of the hood led to the creation of a completely closed device operating in any conditions.

Atmospheric precipitation, dust, ice outside almost do not affect his work. Not scary and dynamic loads. The complexity of the design and assembly is the only flaws.

If you take for the manufacture of the product with your own hands, it would be good to learn some of the techniques of tin work - the connection to the fold, lying or standing, learn how to make patterns of details.

Long does not clog and retains a two-storey umbrella.

How to set the hood in the kitchen How to make ventilation in a private house How to install air conditioning in the apartment Coal and fat filters for kitchen exhaust

Good traction is the most important condition for the normal operation of any furnace. Most often, the problems with the burden are caused by wind, atmospheric precipitation and garbage, scoring chimney. The most convenient and simple solution in such situations is the installation of a deflector. This device does not give the wind to whiten the pipe, protects the chimney from the fallout and leaves, contributes to the free removal of combustion products. To correctly perform the installation of the deflector, you should read more details with the features of its design.

Standard device includes three main elements - cylinder, diffuser, protective cap (umbrella). Additionally, the design is equipped with ring abnormalities, which are located at the bottom and around the diffuser. There are several varieties of deflectors that differ in the form, dimensions and number of elements, but all of them, regardless of the species, work according to one principle.

The design is installed at the very top of the chimney and creates an obstacle to air flow. When the wind strikes the wall of the cylinder, it loses its strength and is broken into a plurality of small air flows of weak intensity. Some of them rises through the case and captures the smoke coming out of the pipe. This is exactly what increases the thrust in the chimney channel.

Due to the absence of curvatures, smoke and carbon monoxide, do not fall back into the pipe, and completely output. In addition, the deflector prevents the pipe clogging through the top and performs decorative functions.

It has been proven that after installing the deflector, the efficiency of the heating device increases by 15-20%. Of course, the deflector itself will not give anything if the chimney is not installed enough or incorrectly selected the cross section of the coupling pipe. It matters and the location of the pipe on the roof.

Prices for deflectors

deflector on chimney

Types of deflectors

Type of deviceCharacteristics

The most common option. It has a cylindrical shape, is made of stainless steel or galvanized steel. Connection type - nipple, flange

The design is similar to the deflector of the TsAGI, but has small differences in the upper part. It is made of galvanized, stainless steel and copper, most often used for chimneys in the baths

Advanced version of the TsAGI is designed for areas with predominant low wind. Provides good traction even in windless weather

Very efficient and simple design of open type. Provides high-quality cravings regardless of the direction of the wind. Made from galvanizing and stainless steel

Reliable design, effective for any direction of wind. It is made of stainless steel, the connection is performed using a knob on the device pipe

A device with a rotating housing and fixed in the top of the vane. It is made of stainless steel or painted carbon steel

The device rotates only in one direction, effectively protects the chimney from clogging and precipitation, is excellent for gas boilers. Does not work in the calm and under icing

The main differences are in the form of construction and the number of components. Material for the manufacture of such devices is stainless and galvanized steel, less often copper. In form, they are cylindrical, square, round, open and closed type. The devices of one species may differ in the upper part: some products are performed with a cone-shaped umbrella, others have a double or hip roof, the third is made flat or with decorative figured elements.

The diameter of the deflector varies in the range of 100-500 mm, the width of the diffuser from 240 to 1000 mm, the height of the structure - from 14 to 60 cm.

The device is attached to the chimney with the help of brackets, clamps, bolts, using the sealing tape. For manufacture, it is used with a thickness of 0.5 to 1 mm thick, depending on the diameter of the deflector itself. Additionally, the device can be equipped with a brawler if there is a risk of roof fire.


The location of the deflector directly affects its efficiency. When installing the design to the chimney, certain conditions should be observed:

Self-making device

To work, you will need:

  • a leaf of galvanized or stainless steel with a thickness of 0.5-1 mm;
  • scissors for metal;
  • riveter;
  • drill;
  • tight paper or cardboard sheet.

The most important stage is drawing up the drawing. To do this, it is necessary to measure the inner diameter of the chimney and calculate the parameters of the product on the table.

If the internal diameter of your chimney differs from the above parameters in the table, the calculations are performed as follows:

  • the diffuser width is 1.2 D;
  • the width of the protective umbrella - 1.7-1.9 D;
  • the total height of the structure is 1.7 d.

And measurements, and calculations should be as accurate as possible so that it does not have difficulty in installing the design and its subsequent operation. If the pipe has a square cross section, then the deflector must be made square, although the cornering of the case slightly reduces the efficiency of the device.

Step, Nos.DescriptionIllustration
Step 1.The paper performs the drawing of the details of the deflector in full size and cut.
Step 2.Billets fasten and try on each other. If all the elements coincide, you can start the disclosure of the galvanized.
Step 3.Templates are unfolded on galvanized, carefully rub the marker, cut out with scissors for metal. On cuts, the metal is sweeping on 5 mM passatages and fell into the hammer.
Step 4.In the places of bends, the metal must be opened with a hammer to make the edges of thinner.
Step 5.The discharge of the diffuser is cooled with a cylinder, drill holes for fasteners and connected by bolts or rivets. You can use and welding, but not only arc, and semiautomatics so as not to burn metal through.
Step 6.The external cylinder makes the same way. Next, the cap is minimized by the cone and also combine rivets or welding.
Step 7.From the galvanized, 3-4 strips of 6 cm wide and up to 20 cm long. The strips are sweeping from two sides along, closed with a hammer over the entire length. From the inside of the cap, retreating from the edge of approximately 5 cm, drilled around the circle the desired number of bolts under the bolts. Fix the strips of galvanizing on the cap and give them a P-shaped form.
Step 8.With the help of these homemade brackets, the cap is attached to the diffuser, and then insert the entire design into the shell.

If in the design there must be a reverse cone (the grigorovich deflector), the diameter of the protective umbrella is made by 3-4 cm more than the diameter of the cone. After assembling both elements, the cone is applied from the inside of the umbrella and drive around the perimeter with a marker. Then they make two cuts on the protruding part of the umbrella and sweep the resulting strip inside. In the same way, another 6-8 strips are made at an equal distance from each other, bend them inside and reliably fix the reverse cone without additional fasteners and welding.

To the diffuser, the cap with a reverse cone is more convenient to fix with construction studs. To do this, three holes around the circle are drilled before installing the cone on the umbrella, the ends of the studs are inserted and the nuts are twisted. Then we put on top of the umbrella, the cone is fixed in the method described above. In the upper part of the diffuser, from the outside, stick the hinges from tin or aluminum and insert the lower ends of the studs. Such a design withstands the strong gusts of the wind, serves a long time and reliably.

Such a way can be collected by a deflector of any type, the main thing is to make the right drawing. The only difference will be in the amount and form of details. The finished device remains only to mount the chimney.

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Installation of deflector

You can set the design in two ways - directly to the chimney and on the cut pipe, which is then put on the smoke channel. The second method is much more convenient and safer, since the most time-consuming process is performed below, and not on the roof. Most factory models have a lower nozzle, which is simply worn onto the pipe and fastened with a metal clamp.

Fastened Deflector - Photo

To install a homemade deflector, you will need a tube cut, a diameter of a little larger than the diameter of the chimney, and threaded studs.

Step 1. At one end of the pipe, retreating from the cut 10-15 cm, mark the circumference of the drilling site under fasteners. The same labels also put on a wide part of the diffuser.

Step 2. Drill holes in the diffuser and the pipe, try the elements to each other. The upper and lower holes must accurately coincide, otherwise the fasteners will not be able to install exactly.

Step 3. Drops through the holes of the studs and fix them with nuts on both sides on the diffuser and on the pipe. Screw nuts should be uniformly so that the deflector body is not deformed.

Step 4. Raise the design to the roof, put on the chimney pipe and fasten the clamps.

It is very important that on this site there is no gaps between the elements, and therefore it is necessary to delay the clamp very tightly. Additionally, you can process the joint along the perimeter with heat-resistant sealant.

Installation of such a deflector is a bit different, as its design has certain differences. First, three holes are drilled in the smoke tube at one level under the mounting bolts. A ring part of the device is inserted into the chimney slice and fixed with bolts. Next, the axis is inserted into the ring bearing, the cylinder is dressed on it, then the fluger canvas, protective cap. All items are connected using brackets or rivets.

When choosing a deflector with a vane, remember that bearings require regular lubrication, otherwise the device will not rotate. It is also impossible to allow icing icing, and knock down, as soon as it appears.

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Video - Chimney Deflector

Video - making a deflector with your own hands