Decorative materials for finishing the ceiling: how to bind the base. Features of the ceiling design in the living room Decorative ceiling design

The ceiling decor is originality in the design of the interior, in many cases - support for the selected style design style, and even the whole house or apartments, this is the sophistication and elegance, demonstrated to the whole world. Some options for the ceiling decor are designed to add the comfort of the room, calm and relax nerves, promote relaxation - are well suitable for the bedroom. Other options on the contrary - energies are added, call on action, contribute to creativity - living room, children's room, office. In addition, the ceiling decor is always unique in the design of the room, which is especially relevant for typical apartments. In a similar feature, people are most needed most, for whom unacceptable monottitude.

But there is one nuance that is able to wind many from the ceiling decor: this decoration is quite expensive. And you think you think about it: is it worth it? Maybe it's better to go somewhere on vacation with the whole family? However, if you make the ceiling decor with your own hands, you can also get the desired elegant uniqueness, and significantly save money, because you will have to pay only for materials.

When it comes to the ceiling decor with your own hands, the ideas are supreme, like an abundance horns.

Another thing: whether these options are suitable for you, can you implement them. But in order to answer these questions, it is necessary to first familiarize themselves with the various proposed professionals and folk craftsmen, with different options for the ceiling decor, ways to transform the place to hang the lamp into something original corresponding to its own spiritual impust.

There are several ways to make the ceiling decor with your own hands cheaply, which can be performed independently:

  • coloring ceiling in various ways, including textured
  • ceiling pasting with wallpaper;
  • ceiling processing with decorative plaster whole or partially;
  • decoration ceiling with vinyl stickers;
  • decoupage ceiling entirely or partially;
  • the screen painting of the ceiling is entirely or partially;
  • tillet drape cloth;
  • stucco on the ceiling;
  • bamboo scenery on the ceiling.

Any of these options can be implemented independently. However, in each of them there are nuances and difficulties, so that no one can perform all the options.

Perhaps you will have to stay on the easiest. But even the most simple variants of the ceiling decor are able to give the usual standard space uniqueness and sophistication.

Painting ceiling

Painting the ceiling is considered the easiest way to decor, accessible even to those who have never dealt with any repair work. Powered has an extra bonus: the painted ceiling can be subsequently decorated further, for example, make a stucco, decorate with vinyl stickers or screen painting. In addition, there are rollers with different patterns that can be applied to the stained surface.

In order to paint the ceiling, the following accessories will be required:

  • ans with a handle to equalize the surface "The usual sheet will not fit - it will be extremely difficult for them to rub small irregularities on the ceiling";
  • roller for soil;
  • paint roller;
  • brush;
  • cuvettes for soil and paint;
  • paint "It is recommended to use water-based paint";
  • priming.

Before proceeding to directly painting, a number of operations should be performed. The first of these is the leveling of the ceiling surface - the presence of small defects, various irregularities will negatively affect the quality of painting and, as a result, on the appearance of the ceiling.

For alignment, an imaging is used with a handle - it rubs the ceiling.

The next step is to apply soil. After the primer dries, you can start directly to painting.

Coloring can be made in different ways. A good effect gives the color of the ceiling in color, which coincides with the color of the walls - if the paints of pastel shades are used. High ceilings are bright colors contrasting with walls. In this case, the optimal option is light walls with a dark ceiling - such a combination of colors looks original and exquisite. For the children's room, a plasterboard ceiling with curly details may be an interesting option, while the parts are painted in another color than a common background. Soft calm tones are recommended for the bedroom, soothing and relaxing, preferably without patterns.

Ceiling pasting wallpaper

Ceiling pasting with wallpaper should be soaring if you want to get a bright drawing on the ceiling, or any patterns, ornament and so on throughout the ceiling area. If we are talking about a monophonic ceiling, then it is better to use paint. Also, you should not use textured wallpapers - this option is much easier to implement with the help of decorative plaster. But here is the painting of the ceiling - it's not a simple thing as I would like, and the wallpaper can well help create the desired decor of the room.

In order to wake the ceiling with wallpaper, you will need the following accessories:

  • stack with a handle to align the surface "same as for painting a ceiling";
  • roller for soil;
  • roller for glue;
  • cuvettes for soil and glue;
  • putty knife;
  • rubber roller;
  • glue;
  • wallpaper.

The first action is the preparation of glue: this is carried out in accordance with the instructions available on the package. Then the surface is aligned using sandwich, minor irregularities and defects are destroyed. After the surface is ready, wallpaper is prepared - the necessary pieces are measured and cut off, then the glue is launched and for several minutes "insist". After that, the wallpapers are glued to the ceiling, and a rubber roller is used to remove air bubbles that came under sheets.

Elegant small ornaments, both geometric and floral, look great in spacious living rooms in combination with light walls without drawing. But in the kitchens and in the canteens with light walls, the flower bright print is more suitable, optimally "flower glade", without pronounced repetitive ornamental elements. Contrast bands can be used with "broken" ceilings - such a color smoothes irregularities, it is very good to use the wallpaper of such a drawing in the attic rooms. With the help of the ceiling pasting, wallpaper can be visually expanded - if you use the wallpaper with a small ornament on the ceiling and one of the walls of the room. If the room has a non-standard geometry "For example, in the attic, where the ceilings of different heights, and in the middle of the room there may be a maximum height, and about the walls are significantly lower, it is recommended to use the same wallpapers for pasting and walls, and the ceiling - This will smooth the height differences.

Use of vinyl stickers on the ceiling

Vinyl stickers make it possible to achieve originality and elegance with minimal spending time and strength. In addition, the design stickers coming on sale is very diverse and able to satisfy any, even the most refined taste.

The bright kitchen will acquire a unique sophistication if color bright stickers will be used on the ceiling. The ceiling in the bathroom can be decorated with stickers "under marble" or various marine motives. In rooms with a disadvantage of natural lighting, you can use acrylic 3D stickers with a mirror effect. And so on - you can fantasize unlimited. The restriction is only your own fantasy and taste preferences.

In order to decorate the ceiling with vinyl stickers, you will need a minimum of accessories:

  • rubber spatula;
  • vinyl sticker.

It should be noted that the ceiling should be smooth. So, if there are any irregularities and defects, you will have to apply a sandpaper with a handle - as in previous cases to eliminate the uneven ceiling. Also all places where stickers will be located, it is necessary to clean from possible contaminants. Ideal - if stickers are used after the ceiling was painted and did not have time to pollute.

Making sure that the surface under the sticker is ready, the mounting film is removed and the sticker is placed on the selected place.

Use for decorative plaster ceiling decoration

If you want to get a monotonous ceiling with a texture pattern, then it is optimally achieving this with the help of decorative plaster. It includes various components that allow you to achieve the desired effect, get a textured, embossed surface.

In addition, it is possible to use structural plaster, but in this case the relief itself will not succeed, it will need to be created using special tools with curly edges. However, despite the fact that labor costs in this case are higher than when using decorative plaster, but the "palette" is greater - you can create a greater variety of relief options.

For the execution of textured drawing on the ceiling with the help of plaster, the following will be required:

  • spatula with a smooth edge for applying plaster;
  • figure spatula or curly roller - if not a textured, but structural mixture;
  • skootor with fine skin;
  • paint - to blame the plastered surface "if necessary";
  • plaster.

The surface of the ceiling in this case is not at all necessary to deliver from any irregularities, like, for example, when painting or pasting with wallpaper. The only thing that will be needed is to clean the surface from any contaminants. Then - apply soil. After that, plaster is applied - this uses a regular smooth spatula. If the plaster is textured, then it remains to wait for its drying and then slightly "stroke" with a schocrotter. If the plaster is structural, then you will have to use a curly spatula or roller to achieve the desired textured effect.

When the plaster dried, the surface can be painted. You can paint the plaster in monophonic, and you can use contrast tones that differ from the main background.

Different tones and their intensity can create interesting effects. So, the golden paint applied to the foam sponge on the textured surface of the plaster, give the luxury room to the luxury baroque. The combination of decorative plaster with contrasting color with smooth wooden "Ramami" will create the effect of the picture - like palace painted plates. In this case, it is good to use point lamps - they emphasize the elegance of the composition. In the bathroom "Sea" tones create a unique effect.

Also, various drawings and ornaments can be created from the decorative plaster, but this, of course, is very difficult to do.

Decoupage on the ceiling

Most often decoupage is used for the manufacture of various souvenirs: boxes, keystones, original wooden boards for the kitchen and so on. Such large surfaces like a ceiling, with the help of decoupage, decorated rarely. But this does not mean that this method cannot be applied in this case. The use of decoupage turns the ceiling into the artwork.

If we are talking about decoupage with artificial formation "This option is ideal for premises in the country-style, as well as decorated in an antique style and the like", then the ceiling surface can not even align, it will only be enough to clean from dust and dirt. If a clear clear drawing is required, without failure and artificial formation, then the ceiling will first have to be aligned using sandwiches with a handle, then he was sweetered, primed and soldered to sand - that is, it is desirable that the ceiling is perfectly rock and smooth. Such work is quite laborious, therefore, the decoupage with artificial formation and loss is most often used.

To obtain images, you can use special napkins - there are a variety of drawings and compositions, for every taste and color. You can also use any drawing, printed on a printer or photo paper.

In order to decorate the ceiling with a decoupage, the following will be required:

  • isso "Napkin, photo paper, printer printout";
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • brush for varnish;
  • rubber roller;
  • water and sponge for applying "can also be used a spray gun."

To obtain a pattern with the effect of making the lacquer, it is applied to the selected ceiling location, the pattern is glued to it, and then stroked the rubber roller. After the workpiece dried, the top layer of paper is swollen with water and removed. After the drawing dries up, the finishing layer of varnish is applied to it.

Stencil painting on the ceiling

The most pleasant in the stencil is that it is not necessary to fulfill the magnificent drawing at all that it is not necessary to deal with painting, but even have minimal drawing skills. So about school failures in drawing lessons you can forget with a clean conscience. With the help of a stencil, you can create both monophonic and multicolor compositions, it all depends solely on your desire. Using a thick stencil, you can even receive bulk drawings. In this case, the drawing is created not using paint, but by the help of plaster or putty, which is applied to the ceiling through the spatula. Subsequently, such a bulk drawing can be painted.

In order to decorate the ceiling by stencil painting, the following accessories will be required:

  • stencil;
  • painting ribbon - used to secure the stencil in the right place;
  • objects for applying paint "(brushes, sponges, roller";
  • cuvette for paint.

A description of the work on stencil painting is simply, the performance is also easy, it requires only attention and accuracy. First, the paint is divorced in the cuvette, then the stencil is fixed on the selected part of the ceiling surface, well, and then through the stencil, the paint is applied to the ceiling. It is better not to swing at once with a brush through the entire ceiling, and a small amount of paint to cry in small areas - so you can avoid the flows and irregularities of the tone.

Ceiling Drapery Decoration

Upper the cloth creates a truly luxurious effect indoor. However, such a decoration of the ceiling is not suitable for all rooms. So, rooms with high humidity and / or temperature is better not to dramatically with a cloth. That is, you should not use drapery in bathrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. It is also not too successfully drapeted by the cloth in the children's room - too luxurious. But the living rooms and bedrooms only benefit from such design.

Most often, the cloth decoration is carried out with the help of strips pulled either along or across the entire ceiling area. Also used to use the radial version of the drapery, while the center is the lamp or the "button", which is tested with a cloth to enhance the effect. Recently, the frame-covered frames have begun to enter, which for greater sophistication are complemented by backlighting point luminaires. Sometimes the frames are tightened with silk cloth and samples in the technique of batik - but for such a decor you need additional knowledge and skills.

In order to fix the cloth on the ceiling by strips, several ways are used:

  • the fabric is fastened directly to the surface of the ceiling or to the installed frame, raiks using lipukets;
  • the fabric is attached to the rakes with a pneumatic car;
  • the fabric is attached by special clips "just like stretch ceilings".

When drapeting, the cloth of the entire ceiling area saves time for preparatory work - the ceiling does not need any preparation, removing irregularities and so on. It is recommended to remove dust and dirt from the surface of the ceiling. If only part is draped or a suspension frame with a cloth, which is closed only part of the ceiling surface, the rest of the surface must be processed to be combined with fabric drapery. Paint can be used, pasting wallpaper, decoupage, and so on - any method of decorating the ceiling, up to a conventional monophonic bliss.

Decoration of ceilings stucco

The stucco has long been the traditional way to decorate the ceilings. The stucco was used since ancient Greece and ending with our time - this option is always popular. The simplest way to decorate the ceiling with stucco is the creation of a socket over the suspended lamp in combination with baguettes or moldings around the ceiling perimeter. An interesting solution is to use contrasting color together with a stucco ceiling outlet.

If you wish, you can decorate the stucco all the surface of the ceiling, but in this case it is not recommended to use stucco decorations on the walls, otherwise the room will be overloaded with stucco, which gives the opposite effect - a regular banal chain is obtained instead of exquisite and luxurious elegance. Therefore, with an abundance of stucco, you need to be very and very careful.

The stores offer a wide range of different parts to create ceiling stucco, with some pretty lungs and can be attached to the ceiling with the help of PVA glue. Heavy elements "For example, sockets" are attached to the ceiling with special mixtures. For very heavy elements, a dowel-nails are used, which are then masked by plaster.

If the assortment list of stores does not suit, you can make stucco parts from the gypsum yourself, but for this you will need molds.

Ceiling decoration using bamboo scenery

Asian and Egyptian style decor, the Asian and Egyptian style decor, not only the walls, but also the ceiling space. The stores are offered ready-made braided modules from bamboo, which can be installed both on the entire ceiling area and partially, in combination, for example, with plasterboard or other versions of the ceiling finish. It is strictly not recommended to mix bamboo sceneries with such options as stucco or decoupage.

You can also use bamboo stems, and not ready-made modules. At the same time, the stalks are recommended to split in half and glue them with the help of PVA glue. Whole bamboo stems are collected in the grid with a twine, then such a grill is fixed on the ceiling.

When decorating the ceiling with a bamboo, you should consider the overall design of the room, the design of walls, gender, and even furniture, which is located in this room.

In addition to the above basic options for decorating the ceiling space, others can also be used. For example, put a mosaic on the ceiling - craftsmen lay out real multi-digurial paintings using both wine and plastic colored plugs.

In Khrushchev and other buildings of the Soviet era, low ceilings are considered a large problem, which, unfortunately, cannot be corrected by technical methods. If you are constantly experiencing a shortage of space, then you are recommended to visually increase the height of the room, contacting some design techniques. Today we will talk about how to make a low ceiling and add spaces above your head at least visual.

The problem of low ceilings

Three components of the city apartment are walls, gender and ceiling. In this combination, the ceiling can serve as a background or act the main accent. With the help of a competently trimmed ceiling, you can reduce or increase the space of the residential room, create a chamber or solemn atmosphere in the interior of the apartment.

For most old planning apartments, low ceilings are the usual phenomenon. The height of the ceilings in Khrushchev's apartment is close 2.4-2.5 meters, and it has some moral pressure on the inhabitants, not to mention the visual component of the issue.

In small rooms, such as a bathroom, entrance hall and often kitchen, low ceilings are not particularly noticeable and the real problem may not be made up. Just in a small room, the person will have to throw a head very much so that the ceiling is in the eye, and only then it will pay attention to it.

In more spacious rooms it is desirable to take steps to admire the ceiling and attracted attention. It is simply impossible to cope with this disadvantage only by technical methods. Nevertheless, there is nothing impossible in the design, so even such a small apartment can be brought into a stylish proper look. Make it through different techniques that relate to the design of a low ceiling and walls, the choice of lighting sources and decorative elements.

Finishing low ceiling

Most urban residents are not lucky who live in spacious apartments with a high ceiling. The first thing is that it is recommended to start in this situation - finishing a low ceiling. It must be produced in accordance with some rules.

Glossy ceiling

Low ceilings in height can be arranged using a glossy stretch of cold shade. For the visual lifting of the ceiling surface near the walls, the ceiling is made slightly lower, the form of a reduced ceiling can be any. The use of light shades makes a ceiling surface that is painted in such colors visually more distant.

Well looks light pearl and white and gray tone. Serio and light blue shades will also be prioritized if you have very low ceilings in your house. The objects and surfaces of green and blue also visually seem to give the ceiling from the viewer. But in any case, remember that the walls indoors with a low ceiling should be placed in a brighter than the ceiling, which positively affects the perception of the height of the room.

Mirror ceiling

The dream of many owners of Khrudezhevok is a mirror ceiling that creates an illusion of infinity. But the real mirror on the ceiling is not the safest design. Ideally, it should be a suspended construction, which consists with a metal frame and small mirror panels in size, which is fixed on it.

Alternatively, you can use a mirror strip instead of a border. The mirror located in principle to the ceiling can create an interesting optical effect and add volume to the room. The mirror at such a height will not be bored with your reflections.

Instead of a real mirror in our time, mirror polystyrene panels are often used. Installing a similar design of the ceiling in a low room will lower a few centimeters down, although this deficiency levels the illusion of the doubling of height, because the second floor with a transparent floor is "present". If there is an opportunity, such a solution can be selected for the living room, hall, kitchen or bathroom.

Volumetric ceiling

If the apartment has low ceilings, the volumetric ceilings will help to make them visually higher. Above the ceilings of the cable type may appear. You can use not very large moldings by gluing them into the surface transversely. Moldings should be lighter than space inside the resulting rhombuses or squares. This space is recommended to be painted in a darker and cold color - the ceiling in this case as if it will deepen.

Try not to use the ceiling stucco decor, which visually makes it even lower. In extreme cases, you can use only thin stucco, specially designed low ceilings.

Other techniques

If the design of the room is allowed, the low ceiling is visually lifted using the arrangement on the ceiling of beams. At the same time, the beams need to be painted in white or other light tone, and the ceiling itself is in the smoky darkened color, then it will be visually rushing up.

The original method of visual raising of the low ceiling is to use in the interior of decorative painting and the so-called "fraudulent" technique. It is this technique that will make the surface in the landscape, which goes into the perspective, into exotic flowers or something like that, allowing you to visually change the scale of the room.

Spectacular reception that is suitable for the children's room or bedroom: wall decoration and ceiling with ceiling pattern. The border between the wall and a low ceiling in the house should be blurred, so the top of the room will seem endless.

Lighting for low ceiling

An important factor that affects the height of the ceiling is considered to be the light that is a good assistant when creating optical illusions. Therefore, it is so important to choose the correct lamps for low ceilings.

Here are the main techniques that should be followed when making low ceilings:

  1. Provide more light. The brighter there will be a light, the higher the ceiling.
  2. It is better to use lamps that guide the light is not down, and up. It is possible to remove the pressure from the stretch ceiling using the installation along the perimeter of the room of several lamps-shed, the plafoons of which are directed by the hole up.
  3. Include local light sources in the design of the room. Similar light accents are able to create a cozy atmosphere and distract attention from low ceilings. Bright light expands the visually the rest of the less lit part of the room.
  4. Raise the walls and low ceiling will help the backlight, which is installed at the floor level.
  5. A good option in the design of a low ceiling room is considered a refusal of bulky suspended chandelier in the center of the room. Better lighting is distributed over the walls of the room.
  6. But when it is still impossible to abandon the chandelier, then give preference to a small flat plate lamp, the room will become visually much higher. Additional sensation of freedom and air is able to give a special chandelier for low ceilings, which has the kind of dome.
  7. You can increase the height of the ceiling using the backlight of the suspended ceiling.

Wall finish options

When making a low ceiling, a wall decoration, which will help optically increase the height of the room:

  1. The simplest solution is to use wallpapers with a vertical pattern. It is important to remember about the measure. Bright wide strips around the room will not help, they are more likely to give some "squat". It is best to apply a non-market and nonsense drawing. It may be not only a strip, but also a vegetable or geometric ornament. And if you want bright bands, then in the design of them it is recommended to include accents, in the relevant place, for example, to highlight some functional zone.
  2. For a visual increase in the height of the low, you need to paint the walls or stick the wallpaper close to the ceiling surface, as shown in the photo of low ceilings. Wide borders in the tone of the ceiling "steal" at the room height, so they are better not to use, or paint into the tone of the walls, or use very narrow borders.
  3. To increase the height of the room, add the heights of the walls - let them "enter" to the ceiling surface. To do this, you should paint the low ceiling in the walls in the color of the walls, or wallpaper glued, starting from the ceiling. The size of the strip on the ceiling that you "give" the wall will depend on the size of the room. What they are more, the ceiling can be used more. But in any case, it is not necessary to take more than 30 centimeters from the ceiling. In small rooms enough and 5 centimeters. But in too small rooms (up to 12 square meters) such a reception should not be used.
  4. To "Games with Color" include this technique: you can paint the ceiling in a similar color as the walls, but lighter to several tones.
  5. The stylists have the following rule: "Do not hide the shortcomings, but emphasize the advantages." The same trends are applicable in the design of apartments. To distract attention from a low ceiling, it is worth attracting it to another object, for example, to the floor. You can cover it with a brilliant or glossy varnish. This gives the floor depth, and therefore, the volume is added throughout the room. You can use glossy tiles or other material that has reflective properties.

Furniture and decor elements

How to make a low ceilings, we looked at, now it should be sorted out what to choose the furniture and decor elements so that the ceiling height seemed acceptable. Preference must be given to high and narrow cabinets, racks and racks, while it is better to abandon the bulky furniture in favor of more neat and minimalistic.

Vertical elements in the interior structure structures elongated spaces and correct the proportions of the room.
If you add small chairs and low coffee tables to the above large furniture and headbags, then such games in contrasts will create the impression that the ceilings in the room are quite decent height.

If you increase the height of the doorway, make the doors almost to the ceiling itself, it will help to visually lift ceiling overlaps. Excellent alternative - "Building" the door with the addition of adding framugue. Sometimes you can even refuse to use the interior door, replacing it with a high arc made of drywall.

The window is also recommended to pull up. At least visually. You can achieve this effect by purchasing light translucent tulle. Curtains for low ceilings should be chosen long. Gardina must be suspended directly under the ceiling itself. Well, if at the same time a little cloth will lie on the floor. Vertical folds on the curtains, vertical patterns or stripes also contribute to an increase in height. In the kitchen on the same principle it is worth using vertical blinds.

The design of the room with low ceilings should consist of the items of the vertical elongated shape - mirrors, flooring and VAZ. Installing the wall and wall elements - radiators, paintings and aquariums should be accomplished slightly above their normal location.

Thus, the low ceiling is a kind of character of housing! The design of the low ceiling can be charming and cute, and may be injected with a sensation of a closed space. All in your hands! And finally, remember what you can not do in the room with a low ceiling: you can not share wallpaper with wallpaper or borders, as any horizontal is contraindicated, it is impossible to use a large pattern wallpaper, you can not hang a massive chandelier.

If earlier it was enough to just whiten the ceiling or paint it with water-level paint, then now people seek to make the ceiling with original and unique.

The decorative ceiling makes the room original and beautiful.

The presence of a large selection of modern materials allows you to make a ceiling with your own hands and make it not only attractive, but also exclusive, as not in other houses.

There are various types of ceiling decor, consider the main and most popular variants of the decorative ceiling.

Applying decorative plaster

This type of decor is characterized by high strength and durability, as well as it is environmentally friendly. The decorative ceiling of plaster well protects it from high humidity, the presence of special impurities gives plaster with high thermal insulation properties, resistant to moisture, it is not covered with mold and fungus.

The specified material is represented in the widest color range and can have a different texture. Properties and appearance of such a decorative ceiling will fully depend on fillers and additives that are included in its composition.

The composition of this coverage may include such elements:

Decorative plaster is characterized by high strength and durability.

  • as a binder element, acrylic or polymer is used, their disadvantage is low wear resistance;
  • the presence of such a binder, as an epoxy resin or polyurethane, extends the service life of plaster, but if there are high temperatures, these elements may highlight harmful substances;
  • how the filler is used by crumb quartz or granite, it makes the composition of wear-resistant, the texture of such a coating can be smooth or rough;
  • the presence of marble crumb will help to put the roughness plaster;
  • it consists of drugs to give more dense structures, preservatives and antiseptics, thanks to which such plaster has high thermal insulation and antiseptic properties.

When choosing plaster for a decorative ceiling, you need to pay attention to its invoice, it can be:

  • large-factor - grains size 3-5 mm;
  • mid-Packet - 1.5-2.5 mm;
  • fine-fucked - 0.5-1 mm;
  • thinofactic - the size of the granules is less than 0.5 mm.

Large-factor decorative plaster - grains size 3-5 mm.

Usually in stores selling a ready-made composition of white, which can be painted in the shade you need. At first, the specified material is applied to the surface, and then special spatulas, scallops or rollers are used, with which they make relief.

If the texture plaster is used, then the relief is not necessary to do. Due to the composition of the mixture, you immediately get a flat ceiling, which, after drying, it will be necessary to paint in the desired color.

It is quite difficult to apply decorative plaster on the ceiling, and without having due experience, it may not immediately be possible, so it is better to use textured plaster. Subsequent coloring is recommended to perform dispersion paint. Before applying a decorative ceiling using this material, it is necessary to prepare its surface well, since this finish does not hide the existing defects.

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We make a decorative ceiling using stucco

Many people do not want to finish the ceiling with the use of popular modern materials, and then you can use stucco. Such a decision will make it really an individual and unique solution, usually stucco used when the room in the Rococo or Baroque room is cleaned. Now you can buy ready-made items, and you will need to just glue them and paint into the right tone.

Decorative ceiling using stucco is usually done in the rococo or baroque style.

Many people make stucco from the gypsum on their own, for this take a dry solution or alabaster, it is well kneading and mixed with water. There should be sour cream-like consistency, the mixture is poured into a special shape and tram with a spatula.

It is necessary to give a good dry product well, only then it is getting out of the form and processed with the help of sandpaper. PVA glue uses for gluing. During the installation, joints are formed, which are filled with PVA-based putty, after drying the joints are treated with sandpaper and color the entire surface.

Modern stucco is often made from polyurethane and polystyrene, these are elements such as moldings, sockets, borders, etc. They are easily installed, for this use special glue. After it dries, everything is painted in the desired color. For products from polyurethane, any paint is suitable, and for polystyrene products, only water-based paint.

Often when painting use pearl paints that change their color depending on the lighting, they apply them with a spatula, sponge, sprayer, roller or brush.

The effect of the antiquity can be made only on polyurethane or plaster stucco, it is necessary to use paint, based on which lime. For applying paint, you need a brush with a long pile.

The effect of antiquity is made on plaster stucco.

The effect of watercolor is achieved by applying two colors. First apply the main layer, and when it dries, it is covered with another layer. To simulate wood, you need to use a special roller.

Depending on the selection of the material for finishing the ceiling you will be needed;

  • long pile brush;
  • special rollers;
  • pistol sprayer;
  • sponge;
  • putty knife;
  • paint, stucco, glue.

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Use for decorating wallpaper ceiling

The ceiling can be decorated with any wallpaper, but it is better to use dense, since they except the decorative function allow you to break small defects.

Most often use phlizelin wallpaper, they can be washing and ordinary. Textile wallpapers have good sound and thermal insulation, but they absorb smells and dust, so it is not suitable for all rooms. Now you can not just buy high-quality photo wallpapers, but also order their drawing at their discretion.

Wallpaper is very popular from natural materials. The paper is the basis of the paper, and the fibers of the cane, bamboo, jute, etc. are glued on top. It looks good with a bamboo or palm tree, these are natural lamellas pasted on a tissue basis.

One of the varieties of ancient wallpaper is such a material as a line. Its main advantage is high strength, so it has a long service life, it can be repeatedly repainted.

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Decorative ceiling - wood trim

For decoration, the ceiling by wood use bars, boards, panels.

To carry out the decorative ceiling decoration, boards, panels, bars and other wooden products can be used, this material has always been in demand, it is easily processed and is painted well.

For sale ready-made panels, in which the front layer is made of veneer of valuable rocks, and inexpensive rocks are used for the manufacture of other layers.

Such ceilings can be done in any room, but in those where constant humidity, it is necessary to make special ventilation gaps, and the surface is covered with special composition.

The use of wooden lamella for finishing the ceiling is distributed. They have low weight, easily installed with glue and have a variety of texture and coloring.

The ceilings can be covered with rolled out of round logs, laid up, clapboard or lined with boards. After installation, these materials are covered with rubbers and tinting compositions.

In the design of the interior of the living room, the ceiling decoration is of great importance. Properly selected tones, competent decor, beautiful lighting create a harmonious atmosphere and emphasize the overall style. To do this, it is not necessary to invest big funds and hire specialists - there are many interesting and affordable ways to finish with your own hands. Before you make a ceiling in the living room, you need to explore the main styles, choose materials and familiarize yourself with technology.

Classic style in the interior of the living room will never endure. It is necessarily bright colors, the right forms, exquisite stucco and beautiful chandelier. The ceiling itself can be multi-level or simple, and paint, decorative plaster and wallpaper fit as trim. The main focus make baguettes around the perimeter of the surface and additional accessories. To correctly complete the finish, you must first prepare the ceiling.

Preparatory process

The old coating is neatly removed, removed the paint and plaster, clean the surface from dust. Small cracks and defects are aligned with putty, and after drying it, these areas are treated with sandpaper.

If plasterboard mounting is planned, the additional surface treatment is not needed, but if the finish implies painting, sticking wallpaper or plastering, more thorough alignment will be required. For this, the ceiling is ground, covered with a uniform thin layer of putty, grinding. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one will dry. At the end, the finish putty is applied, the ceiling is once again and treated with a primer mixture. After such treatment, you can start decorative design.

The easiest to paint the ceiling; Paint need to choose a matte light shade. Even if the leveling of the working surface was very high-quality, there could be barely noticeable bulges or deepening, which under glossy paint immediately rush. But matte paint easily hides any defects. Typically, 2 layers require that the ceiling color is uniform.

If wallpaper is chosen as finishing, they should not have a catchy drawing and be too bright or dark. The wallpaper is ideal for white, light beige, cream shada with a smooth texture and barely noticeable drawing. And here decorate the ceiling by plaster in this case undesirable: The textured surface creates glare and dimming, which is unacceptable for classic style.

Ways to decorate

For the finish finish, the ceiling living room will need:

  • straight and curly cartoons;
  • markup pencil;
  • polymer glue;
  • clean dry rag;

All joints between the ceiling and walls must be closed with straight cartoons.. Start from the angle: glue with a narrow strip on the back side of each baguette, and gently pressed to the surface, closing the seam. Adopted glue carefully wipe so as not to stain the ceiling. There should be no gaps between cartoons, and if they are still formed, you need to fill them with sealants. The last baguette should be trimmed correctly for the edges coincide in the pattern.

In the center of the ceiling of figured cartoons, you can lay out the circumference of the right shape, as well as to fix the decorative outlet around the chandelier. If the living room is large enough, you can create an inner square of baguettes with curly angles on the ceiling, retreating from the walls 20-30 cm.

The gap between the first and second next to the plinth is often painted in another color, darker than the rest of the ceiling, and combined with interior elements. If ordinary baguettes replace stucco, the view will be much solid; In addition, such a decor looks great with gilding, which also gives the interior atmosphere of luxury.

Multi-level ceilings for the living room in the classic style decorated on the same principle: light colors, correct symmetrical forms, beautiful baguettes around the perimeter, competent lighting. Plasterboard designs allow you to hide the wiring, so you can use several lamps at once, placing them in the ceiling niches or around the perimeter of each level.

Minimalism and eco-style in the design of the ceiling

Modern living rooms are increasingly drawn up in the style of minimalism and eco-style, the basis of which are simplicity and naturalness of materials. To independently perform the trim of the ceiling, you will need quite a bit:

  • white or beige paint;
  • white matt varnish for wood;
  • wooden beams;
  • luminaires of simple form.

For eco-style, multi-level ceilings are not suitable, so the surface should be smooth and smooth. You should also use a glossy coating - a matte ceiling looks more naturally. The basis should be made white or beige, although a gentle blue shade is also possible.

When the paint is driving, several parallel beams made of wood are fixed on the ceiling, from one wall to another. It can be solid wood panels, then paint the surface is not necessary. The distance between the beams is chosen arbitrarily; Polishing the tree is not needed to leave the most natural look. Upon completion of the installation, the beam is covered with matte varnish of white. Last bar - installation of lamps.

The Japanese-style living room looks very unusual and sophisticated, and the ceiling design here plays one of the main roles. A distinctive feature of this style is a harmonious combination of a white base and a dark decoration of wooden plates, as well as the presence of Japanese symbolism. The easiest finish option: the ceiling in the living room is painted in white, then fasten the design of wooden beams, which divide the surface to large square squares.

The beams are painted in a dark brown or black color, covered with varnish. Decorative lamps with hieroglyphs suspend in places of crossing the beams. If the living room of small sizes, beams are recommended to replace with thin rails; They can be attached not from the wall to the wall, but only in the central part of the ceiling. One of the squares can be decorated with a sakura flowering sakura branch or a composition of several hieroglyphs.

Modern interior is interesting for unusual forms of structures, exotic colors and vegetable prints. For ceiling design, there are many options such as simple and sufficiently complex in execution. A multi-level ceiling is best suited for the living room of large sizes, where each level has a special shape and another shade. Often, stained glass inserts and original lamps are used.

To make a ceiling with your own hands in this style, it is not necessary to spend the means and strength to create complex designs from drywall. It will be enough for acrylic paint of different colors, a stencil with a floral ornament and an unusual chandelier form or lamps. The base should be white; In one of the corners of the ceiling with the help of a stencil draw a drawing of bright paint. Well, if part of the figure descends on the wall, as if connecting two surfaces. You can draw a floral composition around the chandelier, but necessarily a fantasy form and asymmetrically.

Also, an excellent result is obtained by thin baguettes: baguettes from foam are glued to the ceiling, constituting an asymmetric geometric pattern. These can be parallel lines of different lengths, divergent rays, a variety of squares, triangles or circles and curls. The pattern should be closer to one of the corners and occupy a certain part of the surface. Special attention should be paid to the selection of lamps: they must have a modern view, non-standard form and small sizes.

Other options

If the living room with the style is difficult to decide, such a decor should be applied to the ceiling, which would have harmonized with a common interior and at the same time expressed individuality. You can share the surface to zone and paint them in different colors with smooth transitions. It is enough to take 3-4 muted shades to make the ceiling attractive, but not catchy and screaming. Bright saturated colors are better used in other rooms.

Cute and homely looks a living room with ceilings that are saved by the same wallpaper as the walls. Wallpaper for this you need to choose with a pattern of medium sizes, not too bright, better two-color. Perfect geometric pattern on a light background. So that the ceiling and walls do not merge, the beautiful white baguettes must be glued along the perimeter.

The described methods are the most simple. Showing fantasy, you can supplement these options or create your own. When placing the ceilings, it is very important to show a sense of measure, and it is better to leave empty areas than to fill them with unnecessary elements. The jet of the decor will never be able to decorate the interior, but minimalism in the details, accuracy and thoughtfulness in the design will make it possible to create a real comfort and harmony!

Video - how to make a ceiling in the living room

An important moment in the design of the room is the ceiling design. If you do not pay the ceiling coverage due attention, the space of the room will not be harmonious. There are many ideas for designing ceilings in rooms of different purposes. You can choose the option that will fully comply with the aesthetic preferences and financial capabilities.

Ceiling design in the kitchen

Many live in apartments whose area does not allow to implement all the ideas of the repair and design of the premises. But there are many possibilities of visual increase in space with modern materials and lighting devices.

Thinking about the design of the ceiling in the kitchen, it is necessary first of all to take into account the features of this room, associated with its destination. In this room, elevated humidity, splashes, dust and dirt are inevitable. In this regard, it is necessary to choose this option to finish the ceiling so that its surface is easy to deteriorate.

This requirement corresponds to tension, drywall, plastic, rush ceilings. The design of rubber and plastic is determined by the pattern and texture of the selected material. But in the case of tension and plasterboard, you can choose an option for design. It should be noted that the smaller the ceiling of various protrusions and recesses, the easier it is to care for it. This rule refers to any type of surfaces, but for the kitchen is most relevant.

Standard solution: device. At the same time, the GLC is painted, and do not be covered with wallpaper or other finishing materials. The backlight performs two tasks at once: works according to its direct purpose (illuminates the room) and decorate the ceiling due to stylish decorative elements of the embedded luminaires.

Nowhere else in the apartment does not hide so many aromas, the temperature does not change so much, the humidity does not fluctuate. Therefore, the ceiling coverage here should be suitable for it. More detailed about what should be the ceiling in the kitchen, read.

Selection of color for ceiling in the kitchen

When choosing interior elements (furniture and household appliances) it is important to take into account their functionality, ergonomics and practicality. When choosing a ceiling design option, the most important thing is to choose the right color or combination of colors and shades. They will create that atmosphere that corresponds to the function and style style.

Basic selection parameters:

  • in small areas, light colors are desirable, visually increasing the height and proportions of the room;
  • in spacious premises, contrasting with tone furniture, decorative inserts and strips are possible.

When choosing a color solving ceiling in the kitchen, it is important to know that:

  • red and orange tones contribute to the excitation of appetite;
  • lemon belong to creative tones, so it, in combination with the basic color of the room, is able to emphasize the sophistication of the interior design;
  • white and blue are refreshing colors, but they give the kitchen some "coldness", therefore acceptable only in spacious areas in space;
  • do not abuse white, otherwise the kitchen will create an impression of an office or medical room.

Table. The effect of color on the emotional state of a man.

ColorsWhat impact is provided
WhiteMost often used for ceiling. Creates the impression of a large, clean and light space. Refers to a category of neutral colors, but in residential premises the abundance of white is undesirable. It is appropriate in office and medical facilities.
Gray, Blue, Blue and Shades of these colorsCategories cold colors. Press the place of strictness and conciseness. Frequently used in a complex with contrasting colors. Unwanted in the design of ceilings bedrooms and children. Appropriate in living rooms, cabinets, in kitchens.
Yellow, Orange and ShadesCategories warm colors. Create a cheerful mood, visually increase the room space. Can be used when placing ceilings in residential premises of any destination.
Black, brown and shadesIn the design of the ceilings are used as additional, not basic colors. The most successful combinations with white and shades of warm tones.
Lilac and shadesDepending on the tone and saturation of the shades, it is also warm and cold colors. It is not recommended to make a ceiling completely lilac, regardless of the shade used in the design. This color is most successful in combination with white, yellow, purple.

Ceiling design style selection in the kitchen

In recent years, there has been popularizing the trend of cuisine in the "Rustic or Country" styles, "Hi Tech". In this regard, special requirements are presented to the ceilings of these premises: stylistic compliance and use in the finishing of modern materials.

Rustic style assumes the presence of wooden beams, bars or rails on the ceiling. It is possible not to use a natural tree, but imitating it with texture materials: self-adhesive films, wallpapers, plastic panels. With the help of overhead items, it is convenient to zonate the room. For example, split it into two zones - dining and for cooking.

The style of Hi Tech is characterized by conciseness and extravagant. In this design ceiling in the kitchen, steel, white, blue, black colors are preferred. Lines must be clear, overhead decorative elements must have harmonious proportions and a strict geometric shape.

Ceiling design in bedroom

When placing the ceiling in the bedroom, it is important to consider that this room is intended for rest and preparation to sleep. Therefore, bright "screaming" tones are inappropriate here and smooth transitions and lines are preferable.

To design the ceiling in the bedroom, you can use any of the modern materials: stretch films, drywall, wallpapers, polystyrene tiles. For stretch ceilings, it is recommended to choose a foam with a matte surface or embossed texture.

The color solution in the design of the ceiling in the bedroom can be the most different and depends on:

  • the side of the light on which the windows of the room overlook;
  • selected lighting option;
  • room area;
  • ceiling heights.

For bedrooms, the windows of which are south, can be used in the ceiling design. Any combination of colors and shades. Soft pastel colors are preferred for bedrooms located on the northern or western side of the house. With the help of color and decorative elements on the ceiling, you can not only zonate, but also emphasize the purpose of certain sections of the room. This technique is often used to visually highlight a bed.

The design bedrooms are more than in other rooms are appropriate. There are several options for designing surfaces in this style: from self-drawing stars with luminophore paints before installing high-tech lighting in a complex with tension films.

"Star Sky" in the bedroom

Luxurious and presentable living rooms today are just as relevant as in the past. But more and more often the owners of apartments and houses give preference to minimalism. Moreover, this style is beneficial not only from the point of view of financial savings.

He has other advantages:

  • ease and convenience of room care;
  • harmonious combination of furniture and modern technology;
  • the ability to complete the room with modules of furniture of different purposes.

The ceilings such living rooms should emphasize the climbing of the interior, so for their design use monochromatic materials and paints. Spectacular reception is a combination of bands of two harmoniously combined colors.

If the living room is most often used to communicate family members, not receiving guests, in this room you need to create a cozy relaxed atmosphere. In this case, stretch ceilings are relevant or patterned. It is important to carefully consider the lighting device. The optimal choice: central and over the ceiling perimeter. The first will be used as the main, second - as an additional atmosphere to create a more intimate atmosphere.

For living rooms, the main purpose of which is the reception of guests, respectability and harmony are important. In such premises are often mounted with stained inserts or relief surfaces of the plates. A special atmosphere of hospitality creates lamps hidden behind the suspended ceiling. Thereby ensures uniform matte lighting.

For living rooms are relevant. Moreover, you can choose any configuration of figures and niches. In the design of the ceilings of any premises, light sources cannot be placed. This fully refers to the design of the ceilings of the living room. Here, the lighting device pays special attention. As a rule, it should be fairly intensive. Therefore, in the premises of this type it is possible to use any color gamut, warm or cold.

Ceiling design in bathrooms and hallways

In small bathrooms and hallways, you can mount the ceilings of any type: plasterboard, stretch, rush, from plastic panels. When choosing a material, special attention is paid to the possibilities of easy care. The reason for the fact that in the bathrooms and halls, cleaning is required more often than in other rooms.

The ceilings in these rooms must, so the bright warm or cold tones are appropriate. In the bathrooms, since these are rooms with high humidity, special attention is paid to high-quality installation of light sources. Here are the most convenient suspended ceilings, followed by wiring and communications.

Among the various options for designing the ceiling in the bathrooms are the most attractive mats and plastic. They meet all the requirements for these premises: are aesthetically attractive, resistant to moisture, easy and quickly mounted / dismantled, have a wide range of colors.

Ceiling Design in Children's Room

Choose the right ceiling design in the children's room - not so simple task as it may seem at first glance. In particular, if this room is simultaneously game, bedroom and room for classes.

The only rule of ceiling design, which must be adhered to is the lack of dark, cold shades and glossy surfaces. With the color decision of the ceiling of questions, it does not arise about glossy, clarification is required: the reflective surface is inappropriate in the room where the child is preparing to sleep. This process can significantly stretch out in time, as it will look at the ceiling. This will lead to the intensification of the attention of the child.

If it is decided to mount the tension ceiling in the children's room, the optimal choice is the imitation of the night sky. Moreover, it is recommended to use this option in which the stars and planets are visible only when lighting equipment is turned on. During the daytime, such a ceiling is no different from ordinary.

In, simultaneously performing several functions, you can zonate the room with the help of a ceiling finish with materials of different colors and textures. Above the place for games, you can stick bright wallpaper with a multi-colored pattern, a zone for classes is highlighted using a plasterboard niche with built-in backlight.

Stretch ceiling in the children's room - "Bear on a balloon"

Whatever the design, it should be harmonized with the surrounding space and interior design elements - curtains, eaves, doors and windows. If there are doubts about the correctness of the choice of color or material, you can find the optimal solution, considering photos of various options for designing ceilings in rooms of different destinations.

Video - Ceiling Design Photo