If a woman begins to live work. Can a woman not work and be happy? Any choice implies consequences

Stamp to the passport, the ring on the finger and immediately the status of "housewives"? Or work on equal husband with her husband, sharing in the family budget? But then to clean the kitchen - together ...

What is the opinion of Men-Psychologists for this? We looked at the point of view of Yaroslav Samoilov, Lev Vozhevatov, Oleg Torsunova, Pavel Rakov, Mikhail Labkovsky and Sergey Kovalev.

Pavel Rakov

"A woman needs to work for pleasure, but not at the cement plant. She needs to be implemented in a society in some kind of feminine business, but not for the sake of money, but for the buzza: dancing, yoga, manicure, embroidery, creativity.

A woman needs to be able to be a manager in the family: to be able to hire workers (plumbing, governess), solve domestic issues. Otherwise, life will kill the family.

After it, of course. In second place - children, in third place - his friends and relatives. After all, that is why you change the surname.

All men in the first place - work, because it is so implemented. Woman should emphasize him and blow in the wings! "

Oleg Torsunov

"There are 2 reasons why women may be interested in this question. First: the husband makes it work, but she does not want. Second: Woman terribly wants to work, but she has heard that it is better to do personal life.

A woman can work because she has not only the "tooling eggs" function. The main thing is to remember: the most valuable is love. It should be in any sphere of life, whether it is a house, relationship or work.

Just imagine how the world would become, whether one men are in it? Responsible, targeted, assembled, where only working issues solve. But without love, good deeds and care.

And anywhere she did not do (business, family, personal life, children), the main thing is its opportunity to be in this case happy. "

Sergey Kovalev

"Most men in modern society are too weak to simply contain a woman under proper conditions. And they gladly shift the responsibility on women's shoulders.

But men want to see in a woman not only "90-60-90". In total, there are four female starts - four archetype images, which must be embodied in a woman:

  • Eva is the traditional custodian of the hearth. It's good to be exclusively "Eve", only if your husband is a stupid athlete. But "athletes" do not earn so much;
  • Wise Sofia - is always able to give advice from an intuitive point of view;
  • Elena is a seducer who drives men crazy. But alas, children do not wipe and diapers do not change;
  • Elected Maria - the embodiment of spirituality and morality. "Maria" is faithful to a man and constantly reminds him of this. After all, man is important to be confident in his union.

But the trouble is just that, even if you learn, you need a husband who combines: physical attacker data, the wisdom of the professor, the charisma idol and the morality of the saint. Sounds a little unreal, right?

Therefore, look for someone who has the same model, like you, and implement the qualities that are important. "

Yaroslav Samoilov

"For a woman it is precisely unacceptable - earn more or as much as her man. Then she can not feel protected, confident in his solid shoulder and male strength. And we will be honest, do you have a feeling of respect for such a partner?

It happens even worse: a man does not earn at all. And the woman allows him this, it still contains, regrets, comforts and tolerates. Only every patience comes an end. And then - an explosion of emotions, screams, discontent, although such sharp turns also do not fix the situation.

It is best if the woman works for pleasure, and not for the sake of survival. To twist the walls, build a career and develop a business - it means to work out male qualities. They are useful in society, but devastable in relationships.

Male must work, a lot. And women should be focused on the amount of energy. If it is much, it is difficult not to be active in society, sit at home and cook Lazagne. If smaller - a calm, measured life is suitable. "

Mikhail Labkovsky

"There should be nothing to anyone. If a woman obeys a man and dependent on him - she will not love her. If she earns - weak representatives are filled, because the strong lady will not be on the teeth. Wealthy men have such a woman, on the contrary, will cause a sense of respect.

In addition, for a woman, work is a certain freedom. For example, she needs new boots. She does not go to her husband with a request, it is ready to even take a refusal, and "tolerate" another season: not only physically, but also morally.

In case of financial dependence, a man understands: she does not go anywhere.

As a result: he is God-king, feeds and contains it, and she is nobody.

Yes, there is a problem that it is difficult for strong women to find a "suitable" satellite: a wealthy, successful, self-sufficient and capable of giving her freedom.

If, for example, after the birth of a child, a career craving remains, and not changing diapers, it is impossible to preserve yourself in everyday life. Do not kill at home or at work. Live, earn, give time to children. Without fanaticism."

Sergey Khokhlov

"Should not. But maybe if he wants. I believe, the main rule: "What a man earns is to spend together, the money of the woman is her own and she disposes of them at their discretion. Though it adds to the wallet, although spending a pedicure, cosmetologist and new clothes.

The work of the "Housewife" is also a huge work: cooking, cleaning, meeting men with work with a smile, hiking store, endless care for children ...

Because of stress, female energy will fall, as a result, the beloved can no longer be able to inspire and delight. This is the right way to parting.

It is impossible for a man to live at the expense of a woman. Otherwise, he will never get out of his knees, will not start his business and does not achieve success. In order for the partner to reach something - you need to stop sponsoring it, close family financial issues on your own and pull this cargo. Only so the man appears a chance to develop. "

Lion Lozhivatov

"Yes Yes Yes! Be sure!

There are several options:

  • on the "usual" job: office, business, its projects. But it is necessary to work so that this woman inspired, filled, developed and gave energy. Otherwise, if it is exhausted by an unloved occupation, he will not be able to inspire and please the man.

  • The second option: work on the "female" job: invested in a family, in relationship. What are the vacancies? Culinary art, massage, manual therapy, sexual skill, makeup and style skill, sport and everything connected with the aesthetics of the body, nutrition, psychology of relations, organizational directions, pumping stress resistance.

Such applied specific directions in which you can develop and help your man. He, in turn, will contain you.

A woman must inspire a man, relax, filling, entertaining. In any case, you need to work. Either for yourself or towards your man. "

What do you think?

Should a woman work?

A working woman in our society is considered the norm. And "sitting" at home (if it comes not about moms on male) causes a whole range of emotions from the overwhelming majority of people: bewilderment, pity, contempt ... Depending on the education of a person, he will or think about himself: "And how can you?", or directly tasked the housewife of his questions: "Not bored at home? Or just do you just find a job? Let's help!". Moreover, someone else's "Nothing" sincerely outragets not only men, but also working women. And yet, why some housewives do not seek to go to work at all, "how are all normal people"? Laziness, lack of abilities, low society - or is it completely different? Today we will talk about whether a married woman should work and bring money in a family along with his spouse.

Why do women work?

The percentage of working women in Russia is quite high, albeit lower than the employment rate among men: according to Rosstat for 2013, 59.8% of women aged 15-72 years have been employed in Russia (for comparison, men are 70, four%). An interesting fact: Higher or secondary special education have 63% of working women and only 49% of men.

Women's employment is connected mainly with the budget sector - teachers, doctors, social workers, communal services. As you know, the salaries of state employees are significantly less than employees of other industries. As for the leadership posts, in Russia, 28% of their number are occupied by women. Basically, it is the director of schools, head physicians of hospitals and a clinic, heads of small and medium-sized businesses. At the highest public positions and in the large business of women - units.

As you can see, the positions of the "weak" floor in the professional sphere, although they did not compare it completely with the masculine, still significantly changed in the XX-XI centuries. Modern women receive education and acquire by scientists by degrees, make a career or build their own business. The success in business and social spheres for the majority of us - both men and women - has enormous importance. This was not in Soviet times, then the desire to personal success was considered a negative phenomenon. Now it has become the norm.

The change in the women's role in society is sometimes even called the "quiet revolution of the XX century." A new type of women appeared: active, independent, purposeful. They do not dream of marrying a man who has secured, to do the house, give birth to children and live in complete comfort. The "emancipated" women usually belong to the middle class and have a clear life model: you first need to get an education, then "stand up to your feet" and only then you can afford to give birth to a child and to devote yourself to a family for a while. A common situation among girls aimed at a career is "civil" or "trial" marriages. Such cohabitation ends with a marriage of the present, or parting partners.

Personal achievements and careers for a woman are now considered no less important than the role of his wife and mother. However, frequent women's problems have become loneliness, difficulties in the time distribution between work and family, dissatisfaction with marriage. Yes, people have changed, but the ideal model of the family does not exist. Women, and many men, it is difficult to recognize: the wife cannot be at the same time a brilliant careerist or a successful business woman and at the same time carry on their fragile shoulders all the household and care for children.

Until 1991, only 5% of women talked about their desire to be a housewife, in case the husband can adequately provide a family. After the collapse of the USSR, the number of women ready to "sit at home" has increased to 30, and then up to 40 percent. But this happened simultaneously with the popularization of the concept of personal success. Therefore, young girls are striving for education, self-realization and development, and even those who in words dream of a "career" of housewives, in fact, often begin to think about returning to work already at the beginning of maternity leave. There is a direct contradiction in the consciousness of the current generation of women.

Nevertheless, why would a woman work? Why even with the financial opportunity to be at home, especially if there are children, women are arranged or returned to work?

  • Making money . This reason is called not only single mothers, widows, wives of people with disabilities or temporarily disabled men. The bulk of women working for money is the wives of men who work and earn. Another question is that the financial needs of the modern family are endless: apartment, machine, clothing, phones and gadgets, books and toys for children, visiting developing studios and sections for them. Many live "on credit." It is believed that a man alone simply will simply be able to provide a family, and the wife, "sitting on his neck", no more than the egoist.
  • "Everyone works, and I have to. How can you not work at all? " . This reason is the legacy of the Soviet (especially post-war) period. Girls know: it is necessary to work, still from their moms. And women whose children have already grown, just do not imagine a different life. What to do at home? And besides, they already have a decent work experience, and not to refine to retirement - it seems stupid.
  • Sincere love for his work . If a woman is truly passionate about his work - excellent! This gives her the opportunity to feel realized in all respects, and not just "pull the strap" at work, returning from there to be tired and irritated. And yet most importantly, in this case, that the value of even his beloved affairs does not outweigh the importance of the family.
  • Boring and uninteresting to sit at home , feeling of "degradation" in the role of a housewife. A modern woman lives from childhood in a completely different pace and conditions than its predecessors in the near past. Few people perceive seriously housewives. Most people have a certain image of the "real" woman in the head, which "and the horse will stop at the race, and will enter the burning hut" ... We have lost the culture in which the wife and mother is a keeper of a homely hearth, and did not work new. Therefore, women who were in the role of a housewife for a while (usually on child care leave), it is very hard to rebuild on a new way of life. It seems to them that they will miss the "present", interesting and important, and with longing waiting for the opportunity to return to the usual activity. Not even too beloved work seems more pleasant than home routine.
  • "We must work just in case. Like what " . Under the "every" case, most often meaning a divorce with a spouse. It is believed that the husband is a variable value, and judging by the statistics of divorces, this presentation seems reasonable. However, do not we confuse the cause and consequence? Our thoughts are materialized, and constant doubt in family well-being can lead to deposits.
  • To receive a pension . Well, and this is the reason. Although she sounds somewhat sad.

Should a woman work: the opinion of men and women themselves

Our society consists of a variety of people, and cannot be said which family of family relationships from the above is uniquely socially appreciated:

  • well earning husband and wife-housewife;
  • family in which a man and a woman earn and women;
  • husband - "minider" and a wife who is engaged in a favorite thing, but not for the sake of money, but for the soul.

Usually the question: "Does a woman work?" First, it causes a certain stupor in people. After all, there is something to think about a smart person.

According to the statistics of the portal Superjob.ru for 2010, 54% of Russians are confident: a working woman may well be an excellent wife and a caring mother. We are convinced of the need for a woman's 44% of men and 62% of women. "Family is not a slavery of a woman, but a partnership," the ladies comment. 34% of respondents are confident that Emancipation harms a family embezzlement. It is significant that men-opponents of women's labor are more than 43% against 27% among women. "Violation of the laws of nature" Emancipation is predominantly male older generation (62%) and earning more than 45,000 rubles. per month (48%).

We give a number of statements about the role of a woman in the family found on the Internet forums. First men:

"The wife must do the house and children". Victor, 33.

"The woman should work if he loves his profession. For the sake of money a man should work ". Vladimir, 33.

"A woman should work, at least, in Polish, otherwise it will go crazy from idleness". Oleg, 44.

"We must work both. General contribution to one thing - this is a family ". Gregory, 43.

"Most smart men housewives begin to bother with time, because in addition to children and TV shows, they are not talking about.". Lion, 33.

"A man ideally must provide a family, but a century-old practice has shown that the average man cannot achieve this ideal.". Evgeny, 39.

"If you want - let it work. No - and optional ". Igor, 52.

"It's better to work better - it keeps in a tone. But on the "free" work - creative or educational. And not 8 hours a day. ". Sergey, 53.

Such a variety of opinions can be seen in the comments of women:

"A woman should work anyway. It does not matter whether she has a child or not. Otherwise, she just swears from the useless seating at home! And it doesn't matter what kind of work, in the office or part-time job ". Yulia

"If there is an opportunity and the husband does not mind, then the woman itself can decide how to work and whether to work at all. The main thing is not to go down, do not turn into a free housekeeper ". Alena, 42.

"By and large - probably, no one needs anything to anyone, just everyone decides for himself, as it is more comfortable, and God for himself, so that this choice was, and it was not necessary to force himself to work if it didn't want it, on the contrary,". Lidia

"Children and careers are incompatible". Maria, 31.

"Each family is different. If the husband fully provides his wife and children, then his wife is not necessary to work. Just if she wants! But if problems with finance and do not need to sit on the decree - you can work and work! ". Irina

"For me personally, the pleasure of having my own money is unlikely to be replaced by pleasure to sleep longer. The seat of the house with children (I do not mean the baby) - it is hard work, very heavy and responsible. Work at work is much easier, and money is also paid for it. ". Catherine

"A husband can get under the tram or go to another. And then what? I do not understand people voluntarily falling dependent on another person. It's scary! ". G., 33 years

"If a man does not contain a family, then he is not a man". Yulia

As you can see, both men themselves, and women themselves have a variety of views about whether a woman is worth working. It is impossible to say what choice is correct - to be a housewife or still working a woman. Each of the exposed points of view has the right to exist. Ideally, families should be created by people equally thinking, in particular, on the topic of female employment. Then there will be no conflicts associated with the desire / reluctance of a woman to work, while her husband does not understand her needs.

Should a woman work: psychological aspects

The question is whether the woman needs to work, usually arises from those representatives of weak gender, which work, but belong to their own workplace without much delight, feel behind work tired and exhausted, believe that work prevents them from care of the family. If at the same time the woman gets a high salary, this fact, what to hide, a little asks the negative moments of "work at work". However, in some families, the income of his wife is not a substantial share of the family budget, and the husband is in principle not against the spouse that the spouse does not work. There are men who persistently convince wives to settle at home. Especially if there is a child or several children in the family. And the woman, on the contrary, rushes into labor feats, it is boring or hard at home.

Consider the standard situation: both spouse are alive and healthy and are not in any extreme situations (such as urgent collection of money for the treatment of relative or repayment of a raised credit with huge interest). Husband is working, and in the family there are already children. Can a woman not work in such a situation?

Instead of loud statements, we will imagine the standard routine of the day of the working woman. In the morning, she needs to wake everyone, feed, "distribute" children in the kindergartens and schools, to get to work in time. Then - a standard 8-hour working day with a lunch break, during which some particularly zealous ladies also have time to work. The evening of a working woman is the most interesting. After work - Most home, through the store, where you need to buy products, and perhaps through a kindergarten to pick up children. Well, if a part of these actions takes on her husband. But the dinner houses will all be waiting for Mom, and the woman has to quickly prepare something simple or warm up yesterly. After dinner - communication with children, urgent business at home and ... complete exhaustion. When the children fall asleep, the husband will most likely require the fulfillment of a marital debt, and the forces and desires of his wife, for sure, not at all. She or refuses, receiving charges and reproaches, or agrees, but no sincerity in the manifestations of the love of the speech does not go. And the next day everything is repeated. Fortunately, a woman has two days off. But they are usually spent on the fulfillment of emergency household cases.

Women are amazing creatures. They are gentle and sensitive, emotionally perceive everything happens to them. It is difficult for a woman to constantly overcome obstacles, move from one goal to another - her psyche in such conditions is depleted (while a man has such conditions even useful, he "harnesses", stronger). But a woman does not allow a congenital tendency to self-sacrifice, patience and, moreover, tough competition in the labor market.

Whatever changes occurred in the world, the female entity does not change. In women, another type of thinking and mental reactions than in men. A woman is easier for a quiet work that does not require "jerval" efforts, it can easily keep track of many simultaneous processes, has excellent organizational abilities. Men are not given: they are more straightforward, dynamic and focused on one performed action.

If a woman spends most of the day at work, makes a career and works predominantly because of money, her psyche has to be rebuilt on the "male" type of mental reactions. As a result, the woman becomes an excellent "workshop", it may well become very successful, but inevitably loses femininity and the ability to give warmly close. That is why a woman should not work, like an eye, if she wants to preserve his female entity.

Should a woman work in terms of history and religion?

In search of a response, whether a woman should work or be a housewife, you can turn to historical facts.

There were never equality between men and women. When a primitive society passed to the step of hunting and gathering, a male role was reduced to the development of new territories in the search for wild animals, a shepherd business. Women followed the cultivation of wild cereals, they watched the children and were tied to one place. Their place in society was higher than the place of men - it was time for the matriarchate.

With the occurrence of ownership of a man occupied a dominant position in kind. Since then, before the late Middle Ages, women had smaller, compared to men, rights, have always been "with her husband." They led a household or helped husbands in work. The labor activity of women was connected mainly with the house and child care, but the poorest usually had to work, despite the floor.

The change in the role of a woman in society is associated with the beginning of industrial revolutions, the emergence of feminism and the so-called Emancipation. The USSR became one of the first countries, legislatively consolidated the equality of floors (in 1917). Women from now on, there was equal rights with men for "receipt of education and training, in labor , in remuneration for it and promotion on work, in socio-political and cultural activities<…>" It was assumed to create conditions "allowing women combine labor with motherhood " In other countries, the legislative consolidation of "equal rights of floors" occurred at about the same time (the beginning of the twentieth century).

It should be understood that Emancipation was not aimed at the present equalization of women in rights with men. Yes, there were dissatisfaction with their position with their position, but they hardly dreamed of getting into the bone work. See what we have now. The woman gives birth and raises children (and you need to give birth in time, age does not wait), seeks to get an education and earn on a par with a man, and also performs work on the house. Moms inspire daughters since childhood: "It is necessary to work! There is a husband today, tomorrow there is no ... ". Men are very convenient for men: women serve them, earn, and even dream of getting married to get to this "slavery".

Perfectly feels the system that has received many new working hands. Yes, in the military and post-war time without it it was not to do, but now the war ended ... In addition, you can pay for women, by virtue of the established installations, it is possible less than men. Do you still think that feminism and emancipation were needed by women?

Let's see what is talking about the women's role in the family Religion.

In Orthodoxy, an example for imitation to all women is described in the Bible (Proverbs 31: 10-31):

"Who will find a virtuous wife? The price of her above the pearls .... miners wool and flax, and hunting works with her own hands. She, like merchant ships, from afar mining her bread. She gets up even at night and distributes their food in their house and the urgent maiders. She thinks about the field, and acquires it; The vineyard does not impose from the fruits of the hands of their hands ... She feels that her occupation is good, and - the lamp does not go over and at night. It stretches his hands to the spiner, and her fingers are taken for spindlers. She opens his own poor, and his hand serves the needy. It is not afraid of the chairs for his family, because the whole family is dressed in double clothes. She makes them carpets; Veson and Purpur - her clothes ... She does covered and sells, and the belts deliver the merchants Phoenician ... She watches the household in his house and does not eat a feast bread. "

As you can see, the Bible calls agriculture, the control of the life of the whole house, needlework. We are not talking about the idleness, God does not encourage lazy to men or women. However, we are not talking about hired work in someone else's house.

Consider as much as the answer is given to the question whether a woman should work in Islam.

Koran asserts unambiguously:

"Men are trusted women, because Allah gave one of them an advantage over others and because they spend out of their property."

It is impossible to say that in Islam women are forbidden to work. BUT! Women's duty is to be a mother and wife. Woman working is not obliged, she is created by Allah for another. The husband must provide family, work, even if the wife is rich. Woman, if desired or need, can work, but in compliance with a number of conditions: to have the consent of the spouse, hide the body, behave chawraternly, not to stay with an outsider man alone in the room.

Woman ... should not work?

If a woman does not want to work, but seeks to completely devote himself to the family and children, they usually watch it. And this is despite the fact that the question should be a married woman working in principle, still remains unanswered. On the one hand, to preserve femininity and inner harmony in the conditions of a constant race for money, career and success is very difficult. By giving the strength of work, we inevitably not like the family. On the other hand, there are modern realities, which are not going anywhere: a common family model (both spouses work, children at this time are in the nursery, kindergartens, schools), financial difficulties, "habit" women work, even if it is Do not like too much.

Housewife - phenomenon, at our time, rare. Why don't these women want to work? Perhaps they understand: on their shoulders and so lie the most important concerns - creating comfort, cooking (with love, and not in bustle), classes with children and other true women's affairs. Believe my husband and inspire him - it is also a considerable one. Of course, the real mistress of the house is not the woman who sends from the morning to "workplaces" in the morning, and herself sits in classmates for a whole day.

True housewife does not just work at home; Its work is necessarily complemented by its personal development, hobbies and hobbies. And if they started to generate income - great! So, this wise woman turned out to combine everything.

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether a woman should work or she should make a choice in favor of the family. Any unambiguous answer to this question can be challenged. Let's just say: all people, including women, must - first of all, to be happy. For most women, the main component of happiness is still a family. Do not forget about it in pursuit of other values. What about work? Wonderful if it is and really brings joy, do not take your time in loved ones. And if not, maybe it's time to decide on change?

So, consider one of the delicate questions of our time, which does not give rest to representatives, both strong and weak gender - should a woman work. The opinion of the psychologist, the opinion of men of different ranks and the opinion of the women themselves - the analysis of these three components will allow you to get several views, in each of which you can find a certain answer. It is worth remembering that the attitude to work is individual, so one should not count on the result, the equally satisfying the opinions of each. Baister!

What is meant by this word? Cleaning home or shift behind the machine? Cooking dinner or writing a report in the office?

In the cave times there was a clear distribution of responsibilities. The man performed all the tasks that were put in front of human individual outside his cave - hunting, fishing and defense of the settlement. A woman was engaged in those cases that were required to exercise while in the house (cave or hut). In rare cases, the weaker sex representatives left the walls of their asylum to make a collecting or searching for water.

This alignment existed relatively until recently. And such a question, as "whether the woman needs to work" in general, did not arise.

A sexual evolution took place closer to the beginning of the 20th century, which caused a lot of changes to the life of a person. The woman increasingly began to occupy posts assigned to men. A fine sexual representatives appeared, attending patients working in factories, and even flying on airplanes.

The essence of this reflection is to carry out a clear face between the definitions of a woman-housewife and a woman worker. The first option is a normal phenomenon. The second - to this day becomes the cause for various kinds of discussions. Is it worth working as a man, or her place "at the slab"?

Fall of the feminist curtain

Before proceeding with the search for an answer, you need to note the following phenomenon - until recently, a variety of female representatives from the skin came out, in order to prove their own significance, as well as independence. Sometimes it came to such an absurd, as the opinion "Woman does not need a man", which is dominant.

As practice and years of research showed, feminism seems to be another ridiculous phenomenon in history, and nothing useful to be ideologists.

To some degree of feminists began to achieve the desired. There were women able to survive offline. They managed to follow the economy, raise children and build a career. But all this lasted for a short time. Soon, the office of psychologists began to be frequently visited in view of the increased cases of women's depression.

The result of feminism was consent to the oldest truth - "a woman without a man is hard."

Still, it can be noted that there are several units, to this day, cope with without male care, and who have not got a client's VIP card for a reception to a psychologist. But bring them as a bright example, in finding a response to the question specified at the beginning of the article, the question is inappropriate.

Psychologist's opinion

First of all, it should be paid to what professionals think about this. Should a woman work? The opinion of the psychologist for this question is simple - should not! But completely capable.

A modern female representative is entirely able to take a place for men, and perfectly master his profession. From a woman can get a good specialist:

  • Driver
  • Lawyer
  • Programmer
  • Economist

Even in a military business, a woman was able to realize his potential. And it is not only about staff posts. For example, there are many female representatives serving in the parts of the Airborne Forces.

The woman is able to master the male profession is clear. Right question - what is it for? What goals do she pursue, acting on this, or other position?

What is the work for a woman?

The motive of admission to work - this moment is determining in the search for an intelligent answer to the question "whether the woman needs to work." Psychology of a weak floor representative is extremely severe discipline, and requires a special approach in learning. If you understand that a woman is haunted in work, then you can determine the relevance of this classes in her life.

Work for a woman is:

  • Self-affirmation - as a rule, it is characteristic of those who have not achieved success in personal life. Or vice versa - if the woman puts on the feet of children, tired of her husband and, in general, nothing burdened, she finds himself in building a career.
  • The need - a woman is a living creation, which means it wants to eat, drink and fall asleep in warm. Especially, in the interests of the well-being of her Chad. If the man in the family is missing, or there is little sense from him, then the "Dad Carlo" regime is activated by a weak floor representative.
  • Help - often the situation occurs when harmony reigns in the relationship between her husband and wife, but this cannot be said about their financial position. In a similar case, the woman begins to work in order to help link the ends meet.
  • Stressing significance - this approach to work is temporary. It is not aware of the woman's plans, but she tries, thus, to prove to a man that she also contributes to the family building.

To the question "Can a woman work" can be answered immediately - maybe! As for such a curious moment, "Does it need it?", The answer is also ready - it is necessary if circumstances undermine this. Now should consider an equally delicate question "can she achieve career and is it worth it?".

Career with the eyes of a woman

Female representative may well achieve success at work. Moreover, it is often that the chair of the head occupies the woman. But that, and another in 80% of cases, it is possible only under one condition - there is no personal life. Otherwise, it simply breaks between the components as "family" and "career". As a result, the top widespread the first option.

A woman, in contrast to a man, is not able to abandon the time of the house and the second half for the sake of career growth. Her nature simply won't let her. If a child is waiting at home, then there can be no delays in work and speech.

Therefore, it can be concluded - if a woman has a personal life, the chances of building a career are minimal. In the absence of a fair sex representative becomes a serious opponent on the way to the chair of the chief.

The concept of "case"

Often confuse such terms as "occupation" and "work". The bottom line is that many women in addition to home activities are fond of any matter that is very difficult to call work, but also difficult to bring the category "Hobby".

It can be plant cultivation, needlework, painting, etc. If these classes bring to mind, then they can also bring profits. In this case, the "case" becomes the source of income, which equates it to work. It is possible that it will occupy most of the time that it can cause questions from the second half of the type "or whether it is necessary?"

Psychologists for this account adhere to a single opinion - if a woman has a favorite business (also bringing income), then it is impossible to prohibit it to deal with it, as it will be regarded not otherwise than the attempted person. An exception can make a complete abandonment of home affairs for the sake of the hobby. If so, it should be seriously involved in the arrangement of priorities.

The appearance of a hobby in a woman, in most cases, is a good sign. Do not hinder this.

It's time to approach the most delicate problem - what do men think about this? After all, until this point, the question was considered from the female position.

Male opinion: for

Many representatives of the male component of the Earth leaves the question "Should a woman should work." The opinion of men on this score is diverged. A lot of those who look positively on this phenomenon, because it allows:

Observe financial prospect

If a man works - it's good, but, in most cases, this is not enough to cover all accounts. Therefore, the contribution of the second half allows you to extremely facilitate the situation. Ideally, if a woman will work, but it will not spend a lot of time on this lesson, in order to engage in their home affairs. Paradoxically, but even with simultaneous workload at the work of both spouses, household matters still remain on his wife.

Rest of each other

If the first months of marriage is a happy time, when I don't want to part with your loved one as a pretext, then over the years, the time you can spend away from him, it becomes the weight of gold. Thanks to the work, it is possible to relax from your spouse. This is especially important if it has qualities, in common, characterized as "saw".


Few men appreciate personal views on life prevailing in a woman. Nevertheless, there are such individuals of male sex, which is not still on the realization of the potential of their chosen. They understand that it is best to reveal yourself at work. If a woman not only took place, like a wife and mother, but also engaged in a loved one, then there will be no problems with her in everyday life (folk wisdom).


There are men who are not only attractive appearance and the appropriate character in the sententent. Some important and what she is doing. If a woman succeeds not only at the slab, but also at work, it becomes a noticeable advantage.

Approving the attitude towards women's employment outside the house appeared relatively recently, and it was far from all representatives of the male component of the civilized world. There are many dissatisfied.

Male opinion: against

As already mentioned, there are individuals of male, which categorically do not want to listen to that their woman worked. There are also those who deny labor activity in life not only by their, but also any other representative of the female component. Causes of this:

Conservative View

It is difficult to say when the opinion about the women's uniform, but in the consciousness of many men it was reliably crushed roots. Female place at the slab; Women do not know how; Not a Babskoy this thing - all these, and many other expressions can be heard from adherents of this opinion. Naturally, none of them concerns her work activity in the walls of the house. And it does not matter what she has to be done - there is a clock at the slab or carry buckets with water.


A man can drive not only to a particular person. It can build a number of hypotheses on this account relative to the intangible objects. Including work. Fortunately, many of them find an excuse from the fictional suspicion of the "wife and boss", "wife and colleague", "wife and someone else there." If a woman does not fulfill a certain business in mind due to the delay at work, it will be a reason for the conflict.


As already mentioned, there are many women reaching heights at work. Moreover, what are not available for its second half. Not all male individuals are able to accept the fact that the wife bypassed them, and it becomes a reason for discontent, as well as various hypotheses (the example of which was given above).

As it can be noted, there was not a single actual point in this list, which would answer the question "Why a woman cannot work." Nevertheless, any of them serves as an argument for thousands of scandals, every day. A rare case, when a negative attitude of a man to female employment is justified - this is a complete indifference of the spouse to their home obligations in view of the career thirst.

When a woman may not work

As a rule, a finest representative excludes the relevance of work outside the walls of the house in two cases:

  1. She is a housewife - cooking, child care and room cleaning require a lot of time. If a man is able to cover all costs one, then you can completely surrender to household liabilities.
  2. The princess woman is a case when a woman marries a rich man. Write and seek career just nothing. Especially when you can put your loved ones for days.

In other cases, the need to work becomes obvious.

Housewives be indecent. On women who decide to leave work, today look with contempt and extreme disapproval. I am not talking about moms on maternity leave now ... Fortunately, in our country, most young mothers sit at home for three years. But if the kid has already grown a little (or vice versa, not yet born) ... Should a woman work?

I do not think that every woman should be demolished and devoted to their lives to homemade. If you love your job, and your work does not prevent you from take care of your family members - it's great! But if there is no such work ... Why should a married woman work? And why in modern society everyone believe that a woman should work on a par with a man?

Why do we think a woman should work?

There are several common stereotypes for it:

  1. We believe that sitting at home is a hacktur. This is a sign of laziness. Sign of degradation. We believe that all people should work, since we ourselves are working... And otherwise ... why can they, but I can't?
  2. We believe that there is never a lot of money. And if the family does not seek to become even richer, it talks about the negligence of her members. Mother should do everything for the good of his child. That is, make money on good books, toys, study in the best gymnasium, as well as on new computers and iPhones. If the woman does not do this, it means that she does not care about the development of her child. She does not bother that the baby will receive a hardest psychological trauma from the fact that all his friends have two ae-pads, and he has a single one.
  3. Men are interesting only successful women who are actively moving through the career ladder and are creating great things. The housewife will quickly bother, because how can you develop, sitting at home?!
  4. And if the husband leaves the family, what will housewife do?! Without work, without money, I can only cook the borsch and washing the pans?!
  5. And even if the husband does not leave ... Such a woman will always depend on it. She will have to humiliate money on a dress and a new manicure ... There is nothing awful than to be dependent on your own husband! Therefore, definitely, the woman should work!

Serious arguments, right? But I have something to answer them ...

Why almost any married woman can calmly sit at home without work?

  • Many housewives argue that households and child care are more difficult for any work. Therefore, dismissal from the office is not a sign of laziness. However, I still disagree with it. Personally, my maternity leave is made much easier for labor everyday life.. And most importantly, much more interesting, rich and more useful. Therefore, yes, I want never to work because of my laziness. But who prevents you from follow my example? If you are tired of our job duties, and home affairs seems to you creativity ... what's the problem?
  • Yes, after your dismissal in the family will be much less free finance. But do you need these finances? Is your husband really not able to provide you with everything you need? Usually people spend most of their salary on a variety excess: Dear technique, dear decorations, entertainment ... I do not say that you need to completely abandon all the material pleasures ... But you can easily limit your desires. Are these minute pleasures of your freedom, your interesting saturated life ... and your attention you could send to the family ... I wrote more about this in the article ""
  • On the degradation, I wrote in detail in the article ". Of course, it all depends on the person himself ... but the woman will find at home much more opportunities for developmentthan in the office, spending at work for 8 hours a day.
  • Many believe that the woman should work, so as not to stay at the broken trough after the divorce. On this I will say that if you regularly think about divorce, it will be difficult for you to establish with your husband really strong sincere relationship. The family is built on mutual trust. If you are not sure of your husband, you need to do something about it, this is not a normal situation. However, it seems to me that staying one, a woman-housewife will be easier to find a new husband. Since men configured to serious relationships, it is very important that they will work at home. And how will it be celebrated after work ... more about the relationship - "", ""
  • Music dependence is great! This makes a man with a strong, responsible and courageous, and a woman is weak and soft. Of course, not always. But if you have a good relationshipDo you have to humiliate? Usually the husband himself offers you a pleasant gift. Read more about relationships - see links to the previous item.

In what cases does a woman really need to work?

Yes, there are exceptions. We can not always afford to become a housewife. There are really difficult financial situations - debts, rental apartments, expensive treatment ... Sometimes a woman and the truth should work. But ... if you could see three years on leave to care for a child, it means not everything is so sad! So, without you, the world will not collapse ...


Summing up, let's say that the woman should not. More precisely, it should not work. And should not sit at home. But if a woman does not want to make money, she has the full right to become a housewife! Yes, she will have to face a misunderstanding of others ... But what ... To go its way is always not very easy. But what kind of happiness is to allow yourself to leave the Gray Wear Office, and devote yourself to my family, your home and your development!

In this article, let's talk about women who work (or want to work), seek to earn money (produce resources) and how it all affects them. Also, I will tell you how things are on the whole topic in high rank unions (between a man and a woman).

For those who do not know, the power of a woman is her femininity! It is a fact!

And the feminine woman does not strive to work and make money, to be a cooler of his man, be higher him, to dominate him, achieve large heights than the man itself, etc. etc. It is all meaningless for a truly feminine woman. Her power and purpose in the other!

And she knows about it and even drags (buzz). For a feminine woman - resource mining (incl. Money) is a man. A decent high rank man \u003d responsible for grandmother. It provides, feeds, dresses, protects, etc. etc. All responsibility (financially) lies on a man!

This happens in the patriarchal family. And with a decent man \u003d something else can not!

The woman at the same time sincerely rejoices and praises his man for his achievements, masculinity, successes, etc. She relaxes him, restores, gives pleasure and inspires / motivates even more achievements (vertices).

That is why, with a truly feminine woman - incredibly successful men. Because in many respects, the woman contributes to this, you know? And according to the result, the man himself, for the sake of such a woman - just the mountain wants to turn and turn - to be the best, successful, etc. etc…

That is, next to the feminine woman - everyone performs its natural natural functions. A man getter - miners resources, and a woman uses these resources. By the way, this is a natural process. So arranged evolutionarily. The feminine woman itself resources does not produce ...

Why do hey extract something? With her near a man. Minider. Which is all mined. Speech, first of all, about grandmas. Now, in our world, you can almost all (and feed, wear, defend, etc. etc.) and, accordingly, why still a woman engage in this garney? What for? What's the point?

Why a man who has grandmother \u003d still grandmother, from a woman? And vice versa. It's all, not only meaningless, but also for a woman is harmful. If a woman will perform a man's feature (extract) - she will lose his femininity, his incredible power, and hey is not profitable.

Because the power of a woman is the same femininity! This is a real statement of fact!

Men need a woman. Not a man. Or babe man. Hybrid. Need a woman! Feminine woman. Beautiful women - a lot. Feminine - units. And wins (in natural selection) the most adapted young lady. In the next issue, I will tell you about it! In the meantime, read ...

About career, work and women ... Strong, independent ...

A woman who thinks about where to take grandmother, how to feed yourself, his family, children \u003d cannot be feminine! Because it acts as a man. Men function.

Accordingly, with this situation, the woman loses himself, his femininity and becomes a guy. Because it performs a male role (function). Modern women (most of them) are babs of hybrids, in which femininity \u003d no and can not. Because they are engaged in unnatural actions (process). Perform male functions (role).

These are we, men, miners. We produce resources. In the entire history of human development, the man was and is - the minider (men produce resources). The woman (biologically) uses the generated resources for a man. So arranged evolutionarily.

But, as you can see, in the modern world, many women - failure, viruses, cockroaches in the head. Run to work. It has already become normal. I want to be strong independent of you. What it is? This is a virus.

This is, going, says that this woman will have problems in relationships. That she is not high ranking. But, the young ladies do not understand. I want to work. I want to want. To be strong. Independent.

Slave low rank thinking. Work ... high rank personals - do not work, they are not slaves. It is low-middle rank - work. The slave is wrong. Work from the word is a slave. Okay, the topic is not about it ...

I understand that a woman is a person (person). I'm not saying that you are, dear, should sit at home, days, borsch cooking and vacuuming)) to be stupidly a housewife. Not. I do not understand whelly, I am not from those hassle, distributing the world on black and white \u003d you have your own life, your business, plans, dreams, ideas, ideas, friends, hobbies, entertainment, classes, hobbies, etc. etc.

But, the primary female components are - you are myself, a man, a house and family. If you do not cope with these paramounts (with your natural, natural functions (roles)), where are you still doing something else? Shout? Where to? There will be only problems! In a relationship!

Grandmothers \u003d you should not worry at all. AT ALL! You want to do something \u003d Execute, but in your pleasure, what brings you happiness and that will not destroy the primary components. Grandmas \u003d This is a man's function. With decent (high rank) there are no problems. He takes care of everything.

Or, now, one of the reasons why women work ... because their men are women with eggs between the legs \u003d which cannot fully fulfill their natural natural functions. Accordingly, they cannot allow their women happy and feminine.

But, dear, it suggests that you are low ranking and surround you, respectively, the same males ... Therefore, it is not necessary to shift the responsibility for men - it's not worth it, the problem is in you!

The main task of a woman is to find and drop a high rank decent man. Right man. That all this understands what I tell, here and now. Which quality performs its role (function), is a good hotter. Etc. etc. but it is so hard. Because the absolute majority of men are low-middle rank. And they have everything through the ass.

With high rank, you, a woman, win in a natural selection, you survive in an evolutionary race, because next to you - the main resource in your life is a worthy man.

Because it is a worthy man who will provide, protect, help, protect, feed, wear, etc. etc. You and offspring. But so that this you happen - you must be a highly ranking decent woman. For each receive exactly what \u003d who himself is and deserves himself.

And how I said earlier, a feminine woman - understands all this. It understands that her strength and purpose in the other. The feminine woman - can do what hey like, gives pleasure, buzz, happiness, but does not forget about the main (about the main primary roles (functions). The main primary roles (functions) - in the first place. They are most important. They are important So that the relationship does not fall apart and were strong, happy and durable.

The answer to the mega-popular question ...

And what will happen if a man leaves me? What should I do then? How to live? BUT? Author. This is one of the most popular questions. The fact is that the absolute majority of women (ta and men in principle) - low-middle rank. And this question is just the same from low rank women.

Because worthy of high rank women \u003d such stupid questions do not ask. There is no such thoughts, because - worthy of high rank women know and know how to "hold" their men. Although, in fact, they do not hold them - men themselves want to be 🙂

And now the reverse side of the medal (take into account this) ...

Girls, girls and women \u003d which in general, never worked in life \u003d And live for someone's account, for example, mom, dad, etc., or there is a dumping (they have a mutual exchange, she has a gap, and he hey grandmother), etc. - They, these young lady \u003d do not know the price of labor, money. And with such a young lady \u003d the relationship cannot be built!

And it is impossible because these young ladies are not will be able to appreciate what a man will do for them. Because she does not know what money makes money, what is work, works. Do you understand? She lives on everything ready, mom with dad \u003d all hey give. God has for the sinus. Or there dips everything. The essence does not change.

Whatever the man does not try, it will not appreciate it from the leather. Neither hell. At all. Because she does not know the price of labor and money or even worse - she lit up ....

You feed her, you will wear it, all the responsibility for you, etc. etc. And she does not appreciate it. Do you buy gifts, do surprises, somehow incur, try, etc. etc. \u003d It is all worth a decent money, takes time time, etc. Resources \u003d But, she does not appreciate it at all. Zero for mass.

And not appreciates because the work does not know (money). If I knew what kind of work, it works, work, making money \u003d she would have appreciated everything. And so, this person is used to that hey everyone gives (and she does nothing), and she lives for someone's account, feed it, sing, dress, mother-dad, etc. Or these major, dumping, make hey gifts, iPhones, jewelry, cars, pile of flowers, etc. etc. And she lit up!

God forbid to build relationships with such a person. Massenger once another \u003d yes for God's sake, if you want. But, on a gentle something with such a person \u003d Yes, God forbid you, you will make it worse. Believe the word.

Therefore, the girl, you should and through it: to know the work of the work (money). This is the same thing! Otherwise \u003d relations in principle not to be, there will be a real meat, it will be very bad in the relationship, and believe in the word, not one worthy of a high rank man \u003d will not tolerate you. 100% warranty!

Girl / Woman who knows the price of labor (money) \u003d will appreciate a man!

There can be no other way. She will appreciate a man for everything. For the fact that he feeds her, clothes, protects, tries for her, put in it, etc. etc. Otherwise. 100% warranty.

Well, here, look. Example to you (in gifts). If the girl earned earlier, 100-200 dollars a month (working all day), and you took and made hey a gift for this amount \u003d Yes, Yu-May, she will be happy to heaven, she will appreciate it very high, maybe even pays )) Unlike those all who do not know the period of labor! It will even appreciate the small bouquet of flowers, especially if you also serve it correctly (call emotions). And so, by those individuals who lived and live on some other way or generally lit dolls (do not know the price of labor, money) - they are at least a million roses Dari \u003d a sense of zero.

I finish these lines (initially, in the article \u003d I forgot about it, and published without - this is my jamb).

But, friend, do not repeat other people's mistakes. If you read it. Pump (develop) yourself to a high ranking level (start from here) and look for the same worthy woman. Successes!

With uv, administrator.