Essay "I love ordinary words, like unknown countries." Essay on the topic: "I love ordinary words, like unknown countries" D

Essay on the topic: "I love ordinary words, like unknown countries" D. Samoilov

Unknown countries ... The world is new, tempting, attractive. Different impressions, different thoughts and feelings. To see a new country is to open the door to the realm of different sensations, emotions, to the realm of your dreams, your dreams. To be somewhere means to give yourself the joy of knowing something different, special, unusual, to find peace and tranquility, harmony of the soul. A new country for us is a burst of delight and happiness, with which we plunge into a dissimilar, unusual, sometimes strange life.

But why does the author of these lines compare the pleasure of visiting unknown countries with the feeling that arises in us at the sound of long-familiar words that we hear every day, which are an integral part of our life, of our entire existence?

Is it because each word contains some deep meaning that is understandable only to us, is it not because the word is a kind of art, something beautiful, something that we own every day, although we are not always able to appreciate and enjoy ? Then how happy the person can be who will discover the harmonious, not yet fully explored, experienced, but infinitely dear, dear to us world of the word! The same heady feeling of novelty, something amazing, as when traveling, when the shore appears in the distance and the heart stops with anticipation, sweet anticipation to beat again with renewed vigor.

The gift of owning a word is a talent that we must value in others and improve in ourselves, because it is the beauty of words that can sometimes work miracles with us: convince us, comfort, calm, cheer, inspire. Words are speech that we hear every day, without which we cannot imagine our existence, although in the more usual sense of the word these are books, since most often they give us the opportunity to fully experience the beauty of our native language. “I love to read what is well written” - this phrase can often be heard from true connoisseurs of the language. Because it is with the help of words that we can recreate pictures that are close to our hearts, that excite us: a fallen birch and thickets of wild raspberries, an endless sea and a chain of high mountains extending into the sky, and not only nature, but also people, their true descriptions, which make us love or despise them, proud or harshly condemn them.

But sometimes, in order to understand all the magic charm of the language, “you need to deeply love and know your people to the bone, feel the innermost beauty of our land” (Paustovsky). This means that the language and history of the people are inextricably linked, merge together. Indeed, it is impossible to appreciate all the charm of our language without knowing, without plunging into this unusual, dissimilar, special Russian land. Homeland. But awareness of the word is not a mean knowledge of the characteristic features of Russian people and Russian history. The Russian language opens up to the end in its truly magical properties only to those who want and know how to appreciate beauty, to find it in unpretentious, simple things, to those who are able to think subtly, feel, experience, see things in a different light and, most importantly, to believe that language is our wealth, a thing that is not subject to time. We laugh and cry, rejoice and suffer, live and die, and our native land remains together with its traditions, culture, customs and, of course, the language that

for centuries it has given us, shares its magical, witchcraft, unique charm, teaches us to feel the euphony, the harmony of an ordinary word.

There are many amazing things and activities in the world. Probably, life is good because you can make some small discoveries for yourself every day and be practically happy from this. For example, as soon as I began to realize everything that is happening around me, I never cease to be amazed at the beauty of the world and the creations of the human mind. For hours I can watch the play of sunlight on dew beads on the leaves of trees. With bated breath, I look at the dance of shadows on the floor and walls in the evening, while creating the most amazing pictures in my imagination. And the rainbow, the sound of the shower, the cheerful crackling of firewood in the stove? !! Isn't it a miracle? And a camera, a miracle of technology, helping to capture the moments of beauty ?! And then the computer, the Internet ... and many other modern "things" that demonstrate the unique capabilities of a person. But I confess: lately I began to find pleasure in another occupation. I like to watch the words. After all, the most important human invention is the word.
I never thought it would be so interesting. It turns out that a word can shine, and thunder, and cry ... You just need to be able to use it and at the right time "turn" the right side.
Let's take at least the ordinary word "hello". At first glance, nothing special. Hundreds of times each of us himself pronounced it and heard it from the mouth of another. But have you noticed how it sounds and "works" depending on who it is addressed to? My observations are what they showed me. Here you meet a person whom you respect very much. You utter the word in full, trying to pronounce it, without missing a single sound: "hello-h-st-vt", while I already see how my head lowers in a slight bow, and it seems to me that the word turns into an arc along with tilting the head. The sound [v], which, according to the rules of the modern language, should not be pronounced, in my opinion, suddenly occupies the highest position in the figure. From this, the usual combinations of sounds in the word sound, it seems to me, like a healthy song. It is no coincidence that this word has a common root with the words: health and health.
Now let's imagine a different situation. You see a person you don't respect. By the rules of etiquette, we should greet him too. But what do we hear: “Hello,” we say briefly and move on. Pay attention, in this word, in my opinion, there is no longer the slightest movement of the soul. The truncated shape does not allow us to enjoy pleasant and familiar sounds. It seems that the word has faded, died out, "shrunk". Where did his greatness and beauty go? And this is all soft [with , ], which gave the word a touch of disdain and absolute emptiness! And the song that was originally present in him is no longer heard at all.
This is just one example of how an ordinary word changes. Think, how many more ...
I would like to end with the words of K.D. Ushinsky: "... Inheriting the word from our ancestors, we inherit not only the means of transmitting our thoughts and feelings, but we inherit these very thoughts and these feelings." So let's cherish our native word!

The poetry of David Samoilov is the embodiment of noble simplicity. There is neither poverty nor primitiveness in it, which could indicate a lack of talent - it is just that themes, clear and deep, like life itself, do not tolerate either pathos or sophistication.
Samoilov does not play with the word and does not admire it, endlessly turning in search of new shades and reflections, but rubs him, seeking to restore its former transparency:

And I realized that the world does not
Worn words or phenomena.
Their being to the very depths
The shocked genius explodes.
And the wind is more unusual
When he is the wind and not the wind.

I love ordinary words
Like unexplored countries.
They are understandable only at first
Then their meanings are vague.
They are rubbed like glass
And this is our craft.

This is the only way one can write about the war - simply, but so piercingly that every phrase resonates with pain. “Words smell like gunpowder for a long time. And the pines also have trunks ", - from the endless despair and bitterness of these lines for a second interrupts the breath. No unnecessary epithets, no frills - concentrated suffering that fits in two simple sentences. This is art - or maybe more than art.

But Samoilov writes not only about the Great Patriotic War. There are no less poems about old age in this collection, and each is filled with quiet bitterness, at times bordering on irony. The unhurried sadness of the time, when half-forgotten memories come to life, and youth becomes closer and further at the same time, sounds calm and clear.

It's strange to grow old
Very strange.
What is desired is not available.
But the disembodied is weighty -
Thought, love and the distant echo of thunder.
As heavy as copper coins
Tears, rain. Not in silence, but in ringing
Someone's fates are threaded through me.

Beauty and death, love and poetry, autumn, autumn, late autumn, when somewhere in the heavens snow is born - all this is in Samoilov's poems, but most of all there are images in them. Long gone poets and tsars, heroes of other people's books speak and breathe, passed through the prism of the poet's perception.
Perhaps, it is the poems dedicated to historical figures that I love most of all in Samoilov. The incomprehensibility of genius and inspiration, the incomprehensibility of the desire to live, tragedy, everyone has their own ... Living faces painted with just a few strokes, instead of the canonical portraits: Pushkin, Pestel, Zabolotsky, Igor Severyanin, Blok, Mozart, Ivan the Terrible ...

Lines full of admiration for the world (" A cloud was lilac, an avalanche, advancing on the fences. This riot was called Laxtigalas Street, Solovyina Street ..."), In this collection alternate with full of despair (" The soul was a stranger, but it did not hurt. He was not cold himself. Something was icy about him»), Light - with difficult for perception, - different poems of different years. But they are all - each in its own way - beautiful.


And I, like a violinist,
I press it to myself.
And the hair streams down the shoulder
Like dumb music.

She's like a violin on my shoulder.
What does a violin know about high singing?
What am I about her? What is a flame about a candle?
And the Lord himself - what does he know about creation?

After all, the highest gift does not recognize itself.
And beauty is higher than gifts -
She shows herself without trying
And he does not get tired of giving himself.

She's like a violin on my shoulder.
And the meaning of her harmonies is very complex.
But it is intelligible to everyone. And everyone is tormented.
And for her, no one is an outsider.

And, turning away from strife and worries,
We listen in a moment of enlightenment
That long and slow singing
And we recognize in him the highest meaning,
Which does not recognize itself.

Unknown countries ... The world is new, tempting, attractive. Different impressions, different thoughts and feelings. To see a new country is to open the door to the realm of different sensations, emotions, to the realm of your dreams, your dreams. To be somewhere means to give yourself the joy of knowing something different, special, unusual, to find peace and tranquility, harmony of the soul. A new country for us is a burst of delight and happiness, with which we plunge into a dissimilar, unusual, sometimes strange life. But why does the author of these lines compare the pleasure of visiting unknown countries with the feeling that arises in us at the sound of long-familiar words that we hear every day, which are an integral part of our life, of our entire existence?

Is it because each word contains some deep meaning that is understandable only to us, is it not because the word is a kind of art, something beautiful, something that we own every day, although we are not always able to appreciate and enjoy ? Then how happy the person can be who will discover the harmonious, not yet fully explored, experienced, but infinitely dear, dear to us world of the word!

Because it is with the help of words that we can recreate pictures that are close to our hearts, that excite us: a fallen birch and thickets of wild raspberries, an endless sea and a chain of high mountains extending into the sky, and not only nature, but also people, their true descriptions, which make us love or despise them, proud or harshly condemn them. But sometimes, in order to understand all the magic charm of the language, “you need to deeply love and know your people to the bone, feel the innermost beauty of our land” (Paustovsky). This means that the language and history of the people are inextricably linked, merge together.

Indeed, it is impossible to appreciate all the charm of our language without knowing, without plunging into this unusual, dissimilar, special Russian land. Homeland. But awareness of the word is not a mean knowledge of the characteristic features of Russian people and Russian history. The Russian language opens up to the end in its truly magical properties only to those who want and know how to appreciate beauty, to find it in unpretentious, simple things, to those who are able to think subtly, feel, experience, see things in a different light and, most importantly, to believe that language is our wealth, a thing that is not subject to time.

We laugh and cry, rejoice and suffer, live and die, and our native land remains together with its traditions, culture, customs and, of course, the language that has given us for centuries, shares its magical, witchcraft, unique charm, teaches us to feel euphony, harmony of an ordinary word.

10th grade student Alina Terskikh

The word is very amazing in nature. It has tremendous power that nothing can compare. Any word has its own history, and therefore even the most ordinary words hide the mysterious world of the unknown.



Municipal government educational institution

Gribanovskaya secondary school №1

Gribanovsky district

Voronezh region

"I love ordinary words, like unknown countries." (D. Samoilov)



10th grade student

Terskikh Alina


teacher of Russian language and literature

Tsygankova Tatiana Nikolaevna

The word is very amazing in nature. It has tremendous power that nothing can compare. The word can mortally wound, and it can heal. It can shake masses of people and spur entire nations to action. Isn't that surprising? In my opinion, words are full of secrets and mysteries. Any word has its own history, and therefore, even in the most ordinary and familiar words for us, there is a mysterious world of the unknown. I just want to follow the poet D. Samoilov to exclaim:

I love ordinary words

Like unexplored countries.

Why does a poet compare words to countries? Let's try to figure it out. People, using words, most often do not think about why this or that object is so called. But words do not appear just like that, they are the product of our thoughts, feelings, doubts, striving for something new. Words we call everything that surrounds us in this world, and they themselves are a kind, not yet fully explored world. And the main guide in it are etymological dictionaries that help to lift the veil into the mysterious land of words. Many of the words we were used to earlier had a different meaning. For example, the "city" was originally a fenced-in fortified refuge. "Island" literally meant dry land in the middle of a river, or a dry hill in the middle of a swampy plain. Curiously, "kiss" represents a rare instance of the imperative form that has become a noun. Scientists assume that it arose in children's speech from insistent demands ("kiss" and "kiss"!). And the word "weapon", it turns out, has the same root as "scold." According to etymologists, "abuse", which now means "to scold" in our country, in the old days meant "battle", "battle". And "take into account, requests, results" - expressions, according to experts, brought into everyday speech from trade, money circles. Yes, you are simply amazed at how many unusual things are hidden in the most ordinary words!

These familiar strangers live not only in etymological, but also in explanatory, derivational, orthoepic and other dictionaries, where, as in different countries, their own laws and rules reign. I think that these are not just dry reference books, but valuable, deeply interesting books that help to penetrate not only the country of seemingly most ordinary words, but also the history of an entire people.

Thus, the world of words is deep and immense, each word has its own destiny, and this destiny is linked by many threads with other words, and each word has its roots in the depths of the past centuries. So it turns out that even the simplest words can be compared with unknown countries, hiding in themselves various secrets that you just want to unravel.

Thinking about the mysterious, wonderful world of words, I wrote lines full of love and respect for the word:

Words, your world is not fully known,

The paths have not been traversed by all.

He is interesting, immense,

And everyone can get lost in it.

And so that this does not happen,

Take care, value the words,

And how beautiful the planet is

Their world will open then! ..