Gas silicate or aerated concrete blocks pros and cons. We will learn about aerated concrete blocks: pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages

In the modern construction market, there are many materials for the construction of houses. One of the best for the construction of private housing today is aerated concrete. Why? Explained in this article.

You will learn:

  • Pros and cons.
  • Dimensions, prices per piece / masonry.
  • Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for laying.
  • Tips for choosing an adhesive: price, consumption.
  • What should be the thickness of the wall.
  • The advantages of aerated concrete partitions.
  • Physical characteristics.
  • Application.
  • Production of aerated concrete blocks.
  • Reinforcement.
  • Expert reviews regarding the quality of materials.
  • Five more facts you didn't know.

Aerated concrete blocks: pros, cons

Consider the main pros and cons of aerated concrete blocks.

  • The light weight of the elements significantly lightens the load on the foundation, therefore, reduces the cost of laying it.
  • Price. Building a house from aerated concrete will cost significantly less than from other wall materials.
  • High thermal insulation properties. They allow you to save on heating and insulation materials.
  • Excellent soundproofing. It is caused by the high porosity of aerated concrete blocks.
  • Versatility. Aerated concrete lends itself to grinding, drilling, sawing. The flexibility of processing options allows you to carry out projects of any configuration.
  • Perfect geometry. High-tech manufacturing allows for the production of large, even blocks of precise dimensions, which minimizes deviations and inaccuracies.
  • Frost resistance. Aerated concrete blocks have an F-50 frost resistance index. This means that the material can withstand 50 freeze-thaw cycles.
  • Fire safety.
  • Environmental friendliness. They have a minimal background radiation, which makes being in aerated concrete structures safe for humans. The raw materials and the final product are harmless to nature.
  • Biological resistance. Aerated concrete blocks are not damaged by rodents, various microorganisms, insects. The formation of green plaque is possible with constant contact of structures with water.
  • It is easy to calculate how much material you need.
  • Cracking. A situation is widespread when non-observance of all the rules for installing the foundation leads to the formation of large cracks and microcracks.
  • Interior decoration. Manufacturers recommend gypsum-based plastering materials. They can lead to cracking. To avoid this, additional reinforcement with a mounting mesh is required, which increases the cost of the building.
  • It requires efficiency and a strict sequence of internal and external work: first, interior decoration is performed, after - the exterior walls are finished.
  • Fasteners are not securely attached. You will have to use special mounts if you need to hang something heavy.
  • Fire resistance. Despite the fact that aerated concrete does not burn, it tends to explode if it is near a source of high temperature for too long.
  • Complexity of architectural calculations.
  • Relatively low strength.

Dimensions, price per piece / masonry

There are many sizes of gas blocks. Factory products in accordance with GOST there are: 600-625 mm long, 250 mm high, and the width sometimes reaches 400 mm.

How much does aerated concrete cost? The specificity of the material allows you to adjust the dimensions of aerated concrete blocks, and the price per piece varies, since the cost depends on the strength, density, manufacturer. On average, manufacturers ask for about 3700 rubles per cubic meter a block with dimensions of 600x300x200 mm or 600x400x250 mm.

For example, a plant for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete, gas silicate AeroStone sells aerated concrete block 600x400x250 mm for 2700 rubles 1m 3.

Kcella-Aeroblock-Center CJSC produces aerated concrete under the brand name YTONG... It is the largest plant in Russia and is extremely popular on the market.

The price of aerated concrete from this manufacturer fluctuates around 4700 rubles.

Professional work on laying aerated concrete will cost from 1200 to 3700 r / m³.

Aerated concrete structures are distinguished by simple masonry technology. With our instructions, you will master the laying of aerated concrete blocks with your own hands.

DIY masonry: step by step instructions

Successful construction begins with a competent choice of aerated concrete blocks... There are blocks of different density, it is denoted by the letter D. The density depends on the nature of the building:

  • D300-D500- structural models.
  • D500-D900- the best structural and thermal insulation models.
  • D900- used exclusively for thermal insulation.

Video: how to lay blocks correctly

A list of necessary tools, recommendations for preparing masonry mortar, applying glue to gas blocks, preparing a block for operation, sawing additional blocks, ways to save on construction - all this is seen in the video: step-by-step instructions for laying aerated concrete blocks with your own hands

How to choose glue, price and consumption

Choosing a glue for aerated concrete blocks. Price and consumption depend on the brand and characteristics of the material.

It is better to choose an adhesive based on the required width of joints, consumption and price.

Among the famous brands of adhesives for aerated concrete, we can compare the most expensive and the most budgetary ones.

Glue cost Ceresit CT 21(+ "Winter") is 300 rubles for 25 kg dry material. Consumption of glue - 2.6 kg per 1 m² when covered with a layer of 2 mm.

Ceresit CT 21 glue

One of the cheapest options is glue from Bonolit... Retail price is 220 rubles / 25 kg, but its consumption is not inferior to the more expensive brand and is equal to 2.6-3 kg per 1 m².

glue for aerated concrete blocks

What should be the thickness of the wall

The choice of wall thickness from aerated concrete blocks raises many questions. Ambiguities arise from differences in theory and practice of use aerated concrete.

The optimal wall thickness of aerated concrete blocks for a house in central Russia varies depending on the density of the block and the purpose of the structure.

The following wall thicknesses are regulated by manufacturers:

  • At density 400k kg / 1m 3 wall thickness recommended 375 mm.
  • Density 500 kg / 1m 3 - 300 mm for a single layer wall. Such a wall does not require additional insulation.
  • Thickness is shrinking up to 150-250 mm if the house is not in use during the winter.

Advantages of aerated concrete partitions

Despite all the pros and cons of aerated concrete blocks, it has all the characteristics important for interior partitions.

Aerated concrete partitions have a number of advantages:

  1. Variety of shapes. The ease of processing of this material allows for the most unusual geometric solutions.
  2. Excellent soundproofing of the premises: up to 52 dB.
  3. Relatively low price for building materials.
  4. Ease of chipping- allows you to hide the wiring.
  5. Fast finishing is ensured perfect surface smoothness blocks.
  6. Do not shrink or deform.

physical characteristics

Let's analyze the main properties and technical characteristics of aerated concrete blocks:

  • Size and shape. In addition to little popular shapes and sizes, aerated concrete blocks are most often found in the form of a smooth block with dimensions of 500-600 mm in length, 200 mm in height and from 75 to 500 mm in thickness.
  • Weight and density. Aerated concrete blocks are a lightweight material compared to other wall materials. A block with a density of D400 weighs about 400 kg per 1m 3. So, the density of the gas block also indicates its weight.
  • Thermal conductivity... The thermal conductivity coefficient of an aerated concrete block with a minimum density of D400 is 0.13 W / m2. This is enough to reliably protect the room from the cold. In addition, this quality allows you to save on heating.
  • Strength- one of the disadvantages of this material. The D700 material withstands a pressure of 15 kg / cm², which is several times less than the strength of alternative materials.
  • Fire resistance limit. Gas blocks are classified as non-combustible materials, that is, they do not burn by themselves. Moreover, they are not subject to destruction within two hours of exposure to direct fire on them.
  • Environmental Safety. The main raw materials for gas blocks are cement and sand - these are natural materials with a minimum radiation background, which allows us to speak about the harmlessness of such products for nature and humans.
  • Life time. The peculiarities of production allow some manufacturers to give a guarantee for 80 years. This means that in practice, such gas blocks can last much longer.
  • Load bearing capacity. Gas blocks of the D500 brand are used in the construction of load-bearing walls in buildings up to three floors, which is quite good for products of such a small weight.


The range of application of aerated concrete blocks is quite wide:

  • they are used in the laying of walls and partitions and are recommended for the construction of cottages. But remember that of them, it is really possible to build higher houses;
  • often a foundation is erected from aerated concrete, this nullifies movement any walls;
  • erection fences from the gas block is distinguished by its low cost and ease of installation;
  • aerated concrete has the best characteristics for building a bath;
  • suitable for construction garages, agricultural buildings, gazebos.

Production of aerated concrete blocks

The transformation of lime, cement, quartz sand, aluminum paste and water into aerated concrete takes place in several stages, using special equipment:

  1. The sand is prepared inside ball mills.
  2. The gas concrete mixer mixes the feedstock: lime, cement and sand. Water and aluminum paste are added just before pouring.
  3. The finished mixture is poured into molds.
  4. Lime and aluminum paste react and produce hydrogen. It forms bubbles with a diameter 0.5-2 mm throughout the block.
  5. After two to three hours, the mixture hardens and hardens. divided into blocks of equal size.
  6. The outer surface of the blocks is sanded, the blocks are pressed against each other.
  7. Raw blocks are sent into autoclave.
  8. The finished blocks are sent for laboratory tests and check for compliance the specified parameters.
  9. Blocks carefully pack and sent to be stored in the warehouse.


Is it necessary to reinforce? Aerated concrete is practically unable to withstand bending loads, which leads to the formation of microcracks around window and door openings. Due to the heat-conducting properties, temperature-shrinkage cracks may appear.

Reinforcement of aerated concrete is made in order to to prevent and avoid these troubles. The technology of reinforcing aerated concrete contains the following principles: the first row of masonry, long walls, every fourth row, window, doorways, and supporting elements for the roof must be reinforced.

Procedure for reinforcing aerated concrete:

  1. two grooves are cut on the surface of the block at a distance from 60 mm from the edges, not less;
  2. from the rods stuck debris is removed, dust;
  3. rods are placed in cavities;
  4. grooves are filled with cement-sand mortar or building glue;
  5. excess glue is removed.

Construction technologies are evolving along with the requirements that people place on living or working spaces. What the house is built from or what materials its interior decoration is made of, how safe and durable it is - all this is very important for a modern person.

Modern building materials must meet many parameters. Today, the buyer makes a number of mandatory requirements for the product:

  • environmental friendliness - sometimes the pursuit of cheapness turns into not immediately manifested diseases, because the category of more affordable building materials does not have an environmental passport and usually contains formaldehyde, phenol and other carcinogens;
  • ease of use or styling;
  • high wear resistance index;
  • frost resistance;
  • light weight;
  • incombustibility;
  • high index of thermal insulation parameters;
  • soundproofing;
  • affordable price.

Did you know?To have a good rest, a person needs to sleep in a wooden house- 6 hours, in a brick - 8 hours, in a multi-storey building made of concrete slabs - 12 hours. Aerated concrete house in this list takes second place after a wooden one. Scientists have found that a person will need only 7 hours to rest in it.

Almost all these requirements are met by aerated concrete - a modern building material that is classified as lightweight foamed concrete and is widely used in individual construction.

It represents blocks of different sizes made of aerated concrete, in which about 80% of the volume is occupied by gas bubbles.

In its production, only environmentally friendly ingredients are used. The main component of the mixture for future blocks is quartz sand (60%), lime and cement (20%), aluminum powder (0.5-1%) and water are used in equal parts.
According to the method of its production, autoclave and non-autoclave aerated concrete are distinguished.

The autoclaved concrete production process has the following scheme:

  • quartz sand is placed in industrial ball mills, balls are inside the drums, which grind the sand to a state of dust;
  • crushed sand, cement and lime are mixed in a special container;
  • water and aluminum paste are added to the dry mixture. As a result of the reaction of lime and aluminum slurry, hydrogen is obtained. It forms in the mixture (and then in the finished product) a huge amount of voids - from 1 to 2 mm in diameter;
  • the finished mixture is poured into molds, leaving its fourth part empty. At this stage, the mixture resembles yeast dough - after 2-3 hours it not only rises to the edge of the mold, but also has time to harden. The humidity in the room where aerated concrete is produced must be increased;
  • the solidified material is cut into blocks of the same size, the outer side of which is sanded;
  • after that, the blocks are placed in an autoclave, in which the steaming process takes place for 12 hours at a temperature of 191 ° C and at a pressure of 12 atmospheres. Autoclaving makes it possible to obtain such changes in the molecular structure of aerated concrete, which form an artificial mineral - tobermorite, which has unique performance properties, including increased strength and reduced shrinkage. Immediately after heat treatment, the material has a moisture content of about 30%, which decreases to 5-10% during the year;
  • finished blocks are packed and sent to consumers.

The production of non-autoclaved aerated concrete differs only in that the final product bypasses the autoclaving stage. It is a solidified porous cement-sand mortar, significantly inferior in quality to its counterpart.

Video: technology for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete

Types of aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete blocks differ in their purpose and shape.

Did you know?Aerated concrete is actively used by sculptors, because its lightness and affordable price allow you to create masterpieces with lower physical and financial costs. Thanks to this artificial stone, a whole trend in sculpture arose.-Ytong Art.

By appointment, they are:

By form:

Did you know?In terms of the use of this material, France and Germany are in the lead (80% of construction). In second place is Spain (55%). Conservative Great Britain also pays tribute to this building miracle - it ranks third in Europe for its use - 40% of construction projects were built from aerated concrete blocks.

The advantages of this product are many:

  • environmental friendliness - only natural ingredients are used in its production;
  • low price - this artificial stone is much cheaper than other building materials;
  • high strength;
  • light weight - allows not to attract additional equipment for construction and does not exert unnecessary and undesirable loads on the walls and foundation of the building;
  • provides good thermal insulation - this is facilitated by the cellular structure of foamed concrete;
  • ease of installation - due to the large block sizes, grips, grooves and ridges, the material can be easily transported and given the desired size;
  • thermal insulation - a layer of aerated concrete blocks placed on top of the facade of the house will ensure the preservation of heat in the house for many years;
  • soundproofing;
  • vapor permeability - the porous structure allows the steam to freely leave the room;
  • guaranteed quality - control and availability of a quality passport for products are required at factories;
  • fire resistance - it contains no combustible and combustion-supporting components.

Cons of aerated concrete blocks

Although the list of advantages of aerated concrete is quite impressive, the material also has its drawbacks. The latter include:

  • low density (especially when compressed);
  • the ability to absorb and retain moisture;
  • the need to use special fasteners;
  • the appearance of microcracks and cracks in the masonry over time.

When buying building material, you can seek advice from the shop assistant, or ask for advice from friends who are familiar with this industry.

Video: what types of blocks are there and how to choose the one you need

Important! When choosing gas blocks, you need to correlate the purpose of use and the technical characteristics of the purchased product.

If you decide to choose gas blocks yourself, then you need to know the basic criteria for quality products. Each product advantage or disadvantage has a numerical expression:

  • thermal conductivity- the lower its coefficient, the warmer it is in the room. The coefficient is from 0.075 W / (m K) when marking the density D350 and 0.25 W / (m K) when marking the density D700;
  • density- the higher the brand, the stronger the product and vice versa - with lower marking, the strength indicators fall (but then the block wins in weight and, if possible, perform various construction operations with it). Typically, aerated concrete has the following density indicators: D300; D350; D400; D500; D600; D700; D800; D900; D1000; D1100; D1200 kg / m3;
  • strength- this characteristic is denoted by the letter M followed by a figure measured in kgf / cm2. It indicates the average strength value. How much the quality of the material can fluctuate is indicated by the B marking followed by a figure in MPa, indicating the guaranteed strength. The lowest strength class is designated as B0.35 (M5), and the most durable materials have a density index of 350-400 kg / m3;
  • refractoriness- aerated concrete is classified as a non-combustible product. Structures made of it can withstand a flame for several hours;
  • vapor permeability- this indicator determines the possibility of removing steam and moisture from the room. It is calculated in mg / (m.h. Pa). Vapor permeability directly depends on density: the lower the density, the higher the vapor permeability. With a density of D 600, vapor permeability will be 0.023-0.021 g / m * hour, D 700 - 0.020-0.018 g / m * hour, D 800 - 0.018-0.016 g / m * hour;
  • soundproofing- this indicator is calculated in decibels (dB). The higher it is, the better the sound insulation performance. The thickness of the walls and the density of the material from which the house is built also affect the noise insulation coefficients. The higher they are, the less sounds will penetrate into the dwelling;
  • the size- the permissible deviation from the declared one should be 0.5-0.8 mm. If this figure is higher, the product is a defect.

Storing aerated concrete blocks is not difficult, but it requires certain rules to be followed. When storing outdoors, you should first of all:

  • prepare in advance a flat, covered with crushed stone, platform;
  • take into account the peculiarities of the terrain - if it rains often, then the block storage area should be at a slight slope for the outflow of rainwater.

Important!You cannot store aerated concrete blocks by dumping them on a pile. This can permanently damage most of the product.

It should be noted that the blocks are not afraid of low temperatures. Therefore, even the coldest winters are not afraid of them.

If the original packaging has been opened, and some of the products have already been used, then the rest of the material in the printed packaging should be covered.

For this, a film, tarpaulin, roofing felt, pieces of old linoleum are suitable. In this form, the gas blocks can be safely stored until the heat and the beginning of a new stage of construction.
It must be remembered that the material is reluctant to release water. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that precipitation (rain, snow, melt water) does not initially fall into the materials. For this, the pallet of the packaging must be at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground. It is worth checking the reliability and integrity of the shelter (film, tarpaulin, etc.).

The presence of a canopy facilitates the already uncomplicated storage of gas blocks. Here it is worth fearing only melt water, therefore, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of finding the material at a sufficient height from the ground.

Aerated concrete is a modern building material. In addition to its environmental friendliness, affordability and other advantages, it is perfectly combined with other materials, and is used in construction work of any complexity (even in sculpture).

Its versatility is in increasing demand and allows us to call it one of the most demanded and popular building materials on the modern market.

Many people, living in small apartments, dream of building their own home. Gradually accumulating financial resources, they come to the idea of ​​starting construction. This is a responsible decision. How to start to carry out the task at hand? What material should you give preference to? We recommend building a house from a gas block. This will reduce the estimated cost, as well as greatly simplify the construction process. The gas block surpasses traditional brick and wood in its characteristics, ensuring the stability and durability of a private house.

DIY aerated concrete house: construction features

Getting ready to build a house from aerated concrete blocks - we study the standards

Thinking about how to build a house from a gas block, you need to study the regulatory framework:

  • provisions of state standards;
  • requirements of building codes and regulations.

Regulatory documents contain technical information related to the construction of a gas-block house:

  • technical requirements for aerated concrete used as the main building material;
  • requirements for the design and construction of walls of buildings from porous concrete blocks;
  • characteristics of steel reinforcement used to increase the strength of gas-block walls;
  • recommendations for the construction of the base of the building, ensuring the stability of the structure.

The standards also contain requirements for thermal insulation, noise protection, as well as a set of other issues that are inextricably linked with the construction of aerated concrete house. Do-it-yourself construction of houses from aerated concrete requires the study of standards.

Gas block house - advantages and disadvantages

Building a house from aerated concrete

Aerated concrete blocks, successfully competing with other building materials, have a number of advantages and, at the same time, have weaknesses. The properties of aerated concrete affect the construction technology, as well as the operational characteristics of the aerated concrete building.

Consider the main advantages of the material:

Thanks to the indicated complex of advantages, many developers carry out the construction of houses with their own hands from aerated concrete. Along with the advantages of gas blocks, there is a disadvantage - the ability of an unprotected cellular array to absorb moisture. The increased humidity of the aerated concrete material causes the development of mold and is the cause of freezing.

Having studied the properties of the material, we can conclude that aerated concrete blocks are a good option for building a private house.

We are planning to build a house from aerated concrete with our own hands - where to start work

Before starting construction work, it is necessary to carry out geodetic surveys and determine:

  • soil characteristics;
  • ground water level;
  • the depth of freezing.

Based on the results of the survey, a construction project is developed, documents are prepared, and a permit for construction work is issued. You can use a typical project for the construction of a private house or order the development of professional designers.

DIY armopoyas for aerated concrete

Standard project contains:

  • floor plans with sections;
  • foundation drawings;
  • documentation for the rafter structure;
  • strength calculations;
  • consumption rates of materials.

The project documentation also contains information on the implementation of finishing activities.

How to tie masonry when building a house with your own hands from aerated concrete

The construction of the walls of a gas-block building is carried out using the following compositions:

  • cement mortar;
  • special glue.

Developers face the question of what is better to use for laying blocks. After all, each composition has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of using glue:

Disadvantages of the adhesive mixture:

  • release of toxins upon drying;
  • increased, in comparison with cement mortar, cost.

Benefits of using a cement mixture:

  • ease of preparation;
  • affordable price.


  • height differences when laying blocks;
  • increased solution consumption;
  • the formation of cold bridges after solidification.

Having analyzed the structure of aerated concrete, you can make the right decision - to use glue. After all, the blocks are characterized by increased porosity and hygroscopicity. The cellular array accelerates the absorption of moisture that is present in the cement slurry. As a result, the cement composition loses its working properties, impairing the strength of the masonry. The adhesive mixture is devoid of these disadvantages. It is applied in a thin layer, which helps to save the binder composition.

Concrete mix for aerated concrete

We build a house with our own hands from gas blocks - preparatory measures

The construction of the block structure is preceded by preparatory work:

  • supply of electrical energy to the working area;
  • preparation of a place for storing gas blocks;
  • organization of a warehouse for building materials and tools;
  • delivery to the site of equipment, inventory, building materials;
  • study of the design features of the future building;
  • familiarization with work methods;
  • organization of safe working conditions at the site.

During the preparatory work, the requirements of the project as well as the temperature conditions should be taken into account. In hot seasons, at temperatures above 25 ºC, water will be required to constantly wet the surface of the blocks.

We are going to build a house with our own hands from a gas block - we are preparing tools and equipment

The list of materials is limited to three items.

Laying of foam concrete blocks

It will take:

  • gas blocks;
  • glue;
  • fittings.

You also need a tool:

  • a drill complete with a mixing attachment;
  • container for the preparation of glue;
  • "Grinder" or metal saw for cutting reinforcement;
  • wall chaser for making grooves for reinforcement;
  • a brush for cleaning the strobes and surfaces from dust;
  • a rubber mallet designed to settle blocks;
  • aerated concrete planer or grater, accelerating the leveling of the surface;
  • a file that allows you to adjust the size of the block;
  • flat and notched trowels for grouting and glue application;
  • cord, level and plumb line for quality control of masonry.

To eliminate minor irregularities, you will also need a sanding board.

Do-it-yourself construction of houses from aerated concrete - technology of work

Aerated concrete house foundation

When building a house with your own hands from gas blocks, it is important to follow the given sequence of technological operations:

  1. Determine the need for materials. Dividing the total area of ​​the walls (without openings) by the area of ​​the side surface of the block, we obtain the required amount of material, which should be multiplied by a safety factor of 1.05–1.1 and rounded up.
  2. Select the type of foundation. Choosing between a monolithic and a tape base, it is worth giving preference to a tape base. It is necessary to dig a trench according to the marking, install the formwork, fill in the gravel cushion, place the reinforcing cage in the formwork and pour concrete.
  3. Construct the basement of the building. The basement can be a continuation of a concrete foundation, rising above the zero mark by 0.5–0.6 m, or it can be constructed of bricks laid in four rows on the waterproofed surface of the foundation.
  4. Build an aerated concrete box. Lay the first row of gas blocks, starting from the corners, check the levelness of the level. Cut a groove in the center of the bottom row, clean it and lay the reinforcement. Lay the next rows on top of the adhesive, reinforcing every 5 rows.
  5. Reinforce the masonry in the area of ​​the openings with reinforcement. Reinforce openings for the installation of window frames and door frames with a steel profile at the top. When installing the corners, provide a supporting surface on each side of the opening of at least 15 cm.
  6. Build an armored belt, install an interfloor overlap. To pour the armored belt, fix the formwork elements at the upper level of the masonry, lay the reinforcing grid and fill it with concrete. The floors can be made of wood, as well as of aerated concrete slabs and hollow core panels.
  7. Install the roof structure. To do this, assemble the truss, fix the crate, attach a waterproofing coating to it. It remains to install the roofing, for which you can use a variety of modern materials.

Aerated concrete house - start of construction

At the final stage of construction work, installation of window and door frames is carried out, external cladding is carried out, as well as work on internal improvement.

We build a house with our own hands from aerated concrete - work schedule

The total duration of the construction cycle consists of the duration of the individual stages of work:

  • the construction of the foundation will take 15–20 days, but it is advisable to start it before the year of the beginning of construction, so that the concrete will acquire strength;
  • the construction of the box of the gas-block house and the construction of internal partitions will take 3-6 weeks;
  • the construction of the truss structure and the fastening of the roofing material to it will require 2 to 5 weeks;
  • installation of doors and windows in openings, laying the floor and work on thermal insulation will take up to one month;
  • for the facade finishing of the foam block structure, it will take no more than a week, depending on the materials used;
  • to dissolve communications inside the building and connect them quickly - in a period of 2 to 4 weeks;
  • the duration of the event for interior decoration depends on the requirements of the owners, as well as the characteristics of the finishing materials used.

If you perform construction work on your own, the construction of an aerated concrete building will take up to six months. By entrusting the construction work to professionals, you can complete the construction at an accelerated pace within two months. The duration of construction activities is determined by the complexity of the project being implemented, the level of mechanization, the degree of training and the number of construction personnel.


Having carried out the construction of a house with your own hands from gas blocks, you can realize an old dream of your own home, as well as master the skills of performing construction work and significantly save money. Gas blocks have increased performance characteristics that ensure the stability, reliability, strength and durability of the aerated concrete building. It is worth thinking about how to decorate a house with your own hands from aerated concrete in order to give it an original look.

Aerated concrete is one of the types of foamed concrete. It has always been considered that the best natural heat insulator is air. The manufacturers of this building material took advantage of this knowledge and produced blocks that have low thermal conductivity and have a porous structure. Thanks to it, air is retained inside the material and retains heat inside a room made of aerated concrete.

This material is not new to the construction market. Aerated concrete was used in the last century, but development in this direction was suspended. Today this material has reappeared, and the production of aerated concrete is taking on a huge scale. Aerated concrete has a number of undeniable advantages over other construction analogues.


The popularity of this material is growing every year thanks to its:

  • Low weight... Because of this property, aerated concrete does not exert a strong load on the foundation, thereby protecting it from destruction. In addition, its transportation and installation does not require large labor costs. Building from this material is quick and easy. It is not for nothing that construction firms quickly build cottages, which are also quickly sold out. Aerated concrete made by the autoclave method is characterized by increased resistance to seismically active vibrations.
  • Good thermal insulation... Its structure allows you to save on heating the house in the winter. And in the heat, the material is able to provide coolness for housing. A wall made of aerated concrete comes out at a cost much cheaper than a similar brickwork with the same thermal insulation properties.
  • Large sizes... Aerated concrete blocks have impressive dimensions compared to the same brick. This property allows you to build walls at a record speed. The presence of elements with grooves eliminates the appearance of gaps at the joints of the blocks, this leads to a decrease in the cost of wall cladding.

About what is the thermal conductivity of aerated concrete 500 can be found in this

  • High strength... The autoclave method of production of the material gives it a stable structure. Under the influence of high pressure and temperature during the manufacturing process, crystals of microscopic sizes are formed inside the material, which ensure the strength and stability of the composition.
  • The small thickness of the walls of the building under construction... Even in the era of socialism, this material was used as insulation. This was due to its resistance to heat transfer. Over time, after additional tests, it was found that aerated concrete blocks with a density of more than 450 kg / m 3 are able to withstand the load from a building with a low number of storeys and they began to be massively used for the production of private houses. In addition, they significantly save space inside the house. For comparison: the minimum thickness of brick walls is 510 mm, and of aerated concrete only 300 mm. This difference is significant not only at the scale of the house, but also for each room individually.
  • Ease of installation. It is easy to work with such material and difficult to do something wrong. Using an ordinary tool, you can cut, saw and grind various shapes from it, which are necessary for construction. This does not require special knowledge and skills. The reliability of the construction is ensured by the grooves and ridges made on it. Very large types of it have special grips, with the help of which it is convenient to lay blocks.
  • Excellent soundproofing... Despite the porous structure of the aerated concrete wall, they absorb noise from the outside. This indicator is fully consistent with the established building codes.
  • Vapor permeability... The porous composition of the material helps to escape the excess water vapor, which accumulates inside the house during the heating season and not only. This indicator for aerated concrete is comparable to that of a tree. Air microcirculation will also occur naturally.
  • Convenience and speed of laying... For installation work from aerated concrete, it is not necessary to use cement mortar, it is replaced by an adhesive composition. Firstly, work with it is much faster. And secondly, it does not form cold bridges, like its concrete counterpart. In addition, glue goes much less than cement.
  • Fire safety... Gas blocks are non-combustible materials. They do not ignite from fire and do not allow it to spread. This property is due to the presence of pores in the structure of the material, which allow air to pass through well.
  • Cost-effectiveness... When building a house from aerated concrete, you do not need to additionally insulate it, and less natural resources are consumed during the heating period.
  • Environmental friendliness... Aerated concrete is made from natural raw materials. And although hydrogen is released during its production, this gas is non-toxic and does not pose a danger to people.
  • Easy workability... Manually give the blocks any shape using conventional tools.
  • Biological resistance... The surface of the gas blocks is not subject to decay, rodents, insects and microorganisms.
  • High dimensional accuracy... If the blocks were produced according to all requirements and on high-quality equipment, then their parameters are maintained up to 1-2 mm.
  • Wide nomenclature... There are various types of blocks, with ridges, grooves, handles, cutouts made on their edges for pouring cement into their cavity. The big difference in the parameters of the blocks makes it possible to build partitions and load-bearing walls from them.

What is the thickness of the internal load-bearing walls made of aerated concrete, you can find out from this

The video shows the pros and cons of aerated concrete blocks:

Properties Aerated concrete Foam concrete
Environmental friendliness

both materials are safe

Appearance differs in more accurate parameters and clear contours looks worse
Color grey black
Thermal conductivity matters less it is better
Strength indicator is higher below
Price more expensive cheaper
Soundproofing it is better worse
Shrinkage its low value, so the walls are reliably protected high rate, often leads to cracks
Frost resistance above worse
Installation made faster takes more time, as cement mortar is used
Material handling it can be given any shape with a hand tool difficult to process

As a result, we can say that each of the above materials is good in its own way. For high-rise and capital construction, autoclave or conventional aerated concrete blocks are used.

What price and size of aerated concrete can be found in this

The video tells how foam concrete differs from aerated concrete, what are the pros and cons:

You can learn about what manufacturers of autoclaved aerated concrete exist in Russia from this

Foam concrete is sometimes used for individual construction, but more often garages, summer cottages, and outbuildings are erected with the help of it. Aerated concrete, although not new, is a very popular material lately. It is used for the rapid construction of housing, thanks to it, entire cottage settlements are being built in the shortest possible time.

One of new building materials for the construction of a house is aerated concrete. Nowadays, it has become widely used in mass construction. To build a house from such material, it is necessary to determine which gas blocks have pros and cons. When the properties of aerated concrete blocks are studied, you can make a choice of material for building a house.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas blocks

The advantages of gas blocks include:

Lightness of material... This property allows you to reduce the cost of building a massive foundation, because the weight of a building made of gas blocks is much less than the weight of a building made of any other material. However, the foundation should not bend or shrink. In this case, cracks may form on the walls. The lightness of gas blocks facilitates their transportation, as well as supply to the work site.

Strength... In the process of exposure of the material to pressure and high temperature, the strength of gas blocks is formed in the autoclave. Crystals of calcium hydrosilicate are formed, and they give the material stable structure and strength.

Aerated concrete cannot be called the most durable building material, but given its low weight, it has a very high rate. According to the ratio "strength - lightness" - this is the best option for the construction of a private house.

Thermal insulation... This indicator is determined by the coefficient of thermal conductivity, the lower it is, the higher the thermal insulation properties. Low thermal conductivity does not allow heat to leave the room through the enclosing structures and does not let the cold through in the winter season, or hot air in the summer. Thus, a comfortable microclimate is formed in the house, where it is warm in winter and cool in summer. Due to the low thermal conductivity, heating costs and additional thermal insulation are saved. Manufacturers claim high thermal insulation, but in practice, not everything is so cloudless.

Soundproofing... The structure of gas blocks allows absorb sound waves, therefore, such a material has very good sound insulation, which meets all building codes.

Ease of handling... Aerated concrete products are easy to process. They can be sawed, drilled, or sanded with a hand tool without much physical effort. No, the need to buy any special equipment for processing the material.

Ease of installation... The simplicity lies in the low weight of the piece material and the presence of special grippers that allow you to conveniently carry the blocks. For better adhesion of the blocks, a groove and a ridge are arranged on their surface. Increases the installation speed with a thin layer of special glue, which is used for laying gas blocks, and their large dimensions; thanks to this, the structures of the building under construction are quickly erected.

Versatility... The ease of processing of gas blocks and their properties make it possible to use such material for the construction of walls, partitions, stairs, fences and many other structures.

Geometric parameters... The technology for the production of gas blocks allows for very precise block sizes. This is achieved thanks to the cutting of the semi-finished product and autoclave firing. After such processing material does not shrink... The block size accuracy makes it easy to erect the structure to the desired size. Dimensional deviation is ± 2 mm.

Resistance to biological effects... Mold, mildew or rot does not form on the surface of aerated concrete.

Fire resistance... Reinforced concrete does not burn and does not support combustion when in contact with open fire. The temperature during a fire is 600 degrees, aerated concrete is able to withstand twice the temperature (up to 1200 degrees). In fire conditions, aerated block construction up to 3 hours does not lose its bearing capacity.

Frost resistance... The frost resistance of the material is determined according to the corresponding brand, which is indicated by the letter "F", then the number indicating the number of freezing cycles is indicated. The gas block can withstand up to 35 freezes, which means that it can withstand more than 35 winters. True, in practice this cannot yet be verified, since the houses built from gas blocks are still quite young.

Comfort... Aerated concrete is a porous material, so a house made of aerated concrete can be safely called "breathing". This allows the air to circulate and the humidity level is controlled. And this contributes to the formation of a healthy indoor climate.

Environmental friendliness... Aerated concrete is an environmentally friendly material that remains so throughout its entire service life. It does not emit toxic substances and does not pollute the environment. In the manufacture of piece material, 5 times less raw material is used due to the porous structure of aerated concrete.

Pest control... Rodents or insects will not be able to settle in a structure made of such material.

Quality... Due to the complexity of manufacturing technology and expensive equipment handicraft production of gas blocks is excluded... In the factory, each batch of the product undergoes quality control, so all the declared technical characteristics of the material correspond to reality.

The gas block has a lot of advantages, but there are also enough disadvantages. Manufacturers usually keep silent about them or give rather scant information, but if a person is going to build a house for himself, he should know about the disadvantages of gas blocks.

The disadvantages of gas blocks are:

It is important to pay attention to all the pros and cons of the material in order to decide whether to build a house from a gas block.

Classification of gas blocks

Differences in shape:

Differences in purpose:

Today there is a lot of competition among manufacturers. Many companies have already earned prestige in the building materials market. The most famous are the Dutch company "HESS AAC Systems", "N + N", one of the pioneers in Russia "SIBIT", as well as "AEROS".

There are many other manufacturers that provide a full range of aerated concrete blocks. To purchase the required amount of material for building a house, you need to determine how many gas blocks are in 1 cube, since the sizes of the blocks differ. The following table will help you to correctly determine how much material you need.

Table of parameters of individual blocks and packaging.

Product Parameters Block volume, m 3 Package volume, m 3 Number of blocks in a package
Length Height Width
Gas block of the 1st grade. D400, D500 brands 600 200 75 0,009 1,8 200
100 0,012 1,8 150
150 0,018 1,8 100
250 0,03 1,8 60
300 0,036 1,8 50
350 0,042 1,68 40
375 0,045 1,8 40
400 0,048 1,44 30

Depending on the production technology and the proportions of the constituent components of the material, gas blocks have different physical and technical parameters. According to these technical indicators, each product is necessarily labeled.

Table of grades and their technical properties.

Physical and technical characteristics D400 D500 D600 D700 D800
Concrete strength class IN 2 B2.5 B3.5 AT 5 AT 7
Compressive concrete class B2.5 B3.5 AT 5 AT 7
Dry heat conductivity, λ W / m * 0 С 0,095 0,118 0,137 0,165 0,182
Thermal conductivity of wet material, λ W / m * 0 С 0,1 0,127 0,15 0,192 0,215
Frost resistance brand F35 F35 F35 F35 F35
Water vapor permeability, µ mg / m * h * Pa 0,23 0,2 0,16 0,15 0,14
Shrinkage, mm / m 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3