Geotextile: Application at the cottage, description, reviews. What is geotextile, application and use in the country geotextile landscape use

Geotextiles invented in the first half of the 20th century. It was the first to be used in the United States and exclusively in construction. Later, the material began to use in Europe. In the USSR, its own version of this material was created. The universal properties of geotextiles allow it to be applied both for construction and for the arrangement of private home ownership and the country area.

Geotextile is called synthetic material of woven and non-woven type. The material of the nonwoven type consists of fibers that do not have structural weave. In the geotextile of the woven type of fiber is intertwined, as in ordinary matter. Geotextile fibers are made of polypropylene or polyester. Depending on the manufacturing technology, cotton, wool or other components can be added to it. The addition of these substances change properties depending on the scope of use. Geotextile is most often produced in rolls. Its species differ in different signs, the main of which is the composition of the fabric.

Depending on the material used in production, the properties of geotextiles may vary:

Geotextile consists of mononi or from a large number of segments. Products made of solid fibers are of greater strength and increased cost.

Methods of fixing fibers in the canvas

This parameter is also important to take into account when choosing a material, because the method of fixing the threads in the geo-solokne affects many parameters:

  • Woven - such geopologo has a structure similar to ordinary matter. Woven geotextiles happens from mononi either weave from a large number of fibers.
  • Nonwoven - it consists of threads that are not intertwined. Fibers are connected by pressing and temperature processing. Woven material stronger. Nonwoven has the ability to stretch significantly depending on the properties of the threads.
  • Knitted - in it the threads are intertwined with loops. The ability to stretch in knitted geotextiles exceeds the nonwoven version of the material. The strength of this species depends on the density of mating. At density above 200 grams, the strength is achieved not lower than the non-woven analogue.
  • Georers - such a type of geotextile consists of fibers intersecting at right angles and fastened thermal covering. This species has a more rigid structure than the others.

The separation by the method of fixing the threads occurs due to the need to obtain a product with various characteristics of strength, extensiveness and wear resistance. Each type of geomaterial is used in the area for which its properties are desirable. Nonwoven geotextile is additionally divided into three types of fiber:

For the consumer, the main value is density. Density is a geotextile fiber indicator, measured in grams per square meter. Geotextile is made of 15 to 600 grams density. The main strength characteristics and the scope of the material depend on the density. It defines many other characteristics of geotextiles:

Appointment and application of geotextile

Depending on the characteristics of geotextiles, its applications are different.

Application of canvas in country areas

When conducting construction works in the country area there is no need to use superpower and expensive material. The most common material for work in the country area is the material with a linen density of 150-200. This material is suitable for use in drainage systems, it is placed during the construction of garden tracks, it is suitable for landscape work.

When purchasing a geotextile of the selected density, it is important to take into account the characteristics of its size - the roll width and the number of meters in the roll. You need to select these indicators depending on the volume of planned work in order to minimize material waste.

Material for the construction of drainage

To protect the territory from the seasonal raising of groundwater, preventing the foundation of buildings, trees and shrubs, it is necessary to carry out work on the construction of the drainage system. The drainage system consists of drainage pipes laid in the gravel layer and wells. To prevent gravel gravel, geopolo is used.

After preparation of trenches for laying drainage pipes, the bottom of the trenches fall asleep with a small amount of gravel with a layer of 10-15 cm, after which the geotextile strip is placed in the trench, which ensures the closure of the trench bottom and its walls, while leaving free edges on the surface. In the resulting lie, the drainage pipes are laid in a gravel layer with a thickness of 25-30 cm. After that, it is covered with free edges of geotextiles. The whole design is covered with soil.

In this case, geopolo provides durability of the entire system and trouble-free operation. When choosing a geotextile for drainage, the filtering coefficient is important. The most suitable for drainage work will be a web in 150-200 grams of density.

Geecan for garden tracks

The use of geometal under the garden paths from gravel, chips and sawdust will exclude the mixing of the material of the garden path from the ground and will provide a water lead. In addition, the geotextile layer will prevent the germination of weeds through the material of the garden path. Geopolite must be put on the ground correctly, as the fiber can have a different filtering factor with facial and reverse side. By laying the wrong side, you can achieve the opposite effect.

Horticulture and weed protection

The geotextile material of a small density of 17 to 100 grams is widely used on the gumper sites and giving. Such a canvas is also called agrofiber. The agrofibration is two colors: black and white.

Black agrofiber is usually used for laying in beds to protect against weeds. It ensures the heating of the Earth, skips all the moisture that falls on it. At the same time, such a fiber does not miss light. The absence of sunlight does not give to grow weed vegetation. Thus, it is black geotextiles from weeds. For grown plants in it make special holes.

Agribolok is used for greenhouses and greenhouses. Unlike film material, it ensures moisture penetration to plants and air circulation.

When using geo-solokna, its density affects the ability to protect plants and land from overheating and supercooling. The material of 17 grams density will protect the plants during freezing to -3 degrees, and the canvas density 40-60 is able to protect up to -10 degrees from frosts. The choice of geotextiles depends on the options for use.


The arrangement of garden tracks is an important part of the work on the creation of a landscape design of the site. Every year manufacturers offer more and more different types of coatings and materials intended for this purpose. The article will talk about popular now material for garden tracks - geotextile.


Geotextile (Geekanan) really in appearance is largely similar to the fabric canvas. The material consists of a variety of closely compressed synthetic threads and hairs. Geekan, depending on what basis it is made, there are three species.

  • Based on polyester. This species of the canvas is quite sensitive to the effects of external natural factors, as well as alkalis and acids. Its composition is more environmentally friendly, but polyester geotextiles is less durable in operation.
  • Based on polypropylene. Such material has greater stability, it is very durable. In addition, it is not exposed to mold and rotor bacteria, fungi, as it has the properties of filtering and removing extra moisture.
  • Based on multiple components.The composition of the canvas of this type includes various recycling: spent viscose or woolen things, cotton materials. This variant of geotextiles is the cheapest, but in terms of durability and strength, it is inferior to the other other types of canvas. Due to the fact that the material includes natural substances, multicomponent (blended) Geekanin is easily destroyed.


According to the type of canvas, the material is divided into several groups.

  • Medalmobilic. Such material is capable of passing water or moisture in directions along and across the canvas. At the same time, the soil clogging and extensive pouring are excluded.
  • "Doronit". This canvas possesses good reinforcing properties and a high degree of elasticity. Such geotican can be used as a reinforcing basis. Material has filter properties.
  • Thermofixed.This type of material has very low filtration, as it is firmly firmly fused with each other, the threads and fibers.
  • Hem treated.At the heart of such a canvase - the fused and at the same time highly compressed fibers. Geeking is very durable, but does not have the properties of filtration at all.
  • Building.It is capable of passing water and moisture from the inside out. Most often used for vapor and waterproofing.
  • Knitted with firmware. Fibers in the material are fastened with synthetic threads. The material is capable of passing moisture well, but it is relatively low, weakly resistant to external influences.

Application on the site

Geotextiles stacked in prepared trenches for tracks. It helps to strengthen the walkway and prevents the sediment of tiles, rubbents, stone and other materials.

Consider the order of work.

  • At the first stage, the contours and the size of the future track are placed. According to the outlined outlines, a recess of 30-40 cm is digging.
  • At the bottom of the dug trench, a small sand layer is stacked, which should be well dissolved. Then the geometry can be superimposed on the surface of the sand layer. The material must be placed in the trench so that the edges of the canvas enter the slope of the recess by approximately 5-10 cm.
  • In the joints of the joints you need to make a nest of at least 15 cm. It is possible to fasten the material using a construction stapler or a crosslinking method.
  • Next, a small crushed stone is embanked on the laid material of Geecadis. The rubble layer should be 12-15 cm, it is also thoroughly smoking.
  • Then another layer of geotextiles is stacked. A layer of sand with a thickness of about 10 cm is covered on top of the web.
  • On the last layer of sand laid directly covering tracks: stones, tiles, gravel, pebbles, onboard finish.

Advantages and disadvantages

The pluses of the material include the following characteristics.

  • Garden paths and paths between the beds become stronger, resistant to blur and destruction. They will be able to withstand a much larger mechanical impact and load.
  • The canvas prevents the growth of weeds through the coverage of the track.
  • Geotanny helps to strengthen the soil in the slope areas.
  • Depending on the properties of a specific type of canvas, with the help of geotic, it is possible to achieve moisture filtering, waterproofing, drainage properties.
  • Prevents the passage of the track, as the layers of sand and crushed stone are held from settlement into the ground.
  • The canvas can maintain the optimal level of heat exchange in the soil.
  • Quite simple and easy-to-fit. Making a track can be done even on their own, without the involvement of specialists.

Not without minus.

  • Geotextile poorly tolerates the impact of direct sunlight. This must be taken into account when storing the material.
  • High strength types of canvas, for example, polypropylene geotextiles, have a relatively high cost. It can reach 100-120 rubles / m2.

  • The most durable type of geotextile is a canvas made on the basis of propylene fibers.
  • The material with an admixture of cotton, woolen or other organic components is flawed faster. In addition, such geotaper practically does not perform drainage functions.
  • Geotextile varies in density. Suitable for the arrangement of tracks in the country is a canvas whose density is at least 100 g / m2.
  • If the site is in the area with an unstable soil, it is recommended to use geekan density from 300 g / m3.

So that after the work there was no extensive cropped material, it is desirable to decide in advance with the width of the tracks. This will allow you to choose a roll of the desired size.

Let's talk pro geotextiles - What it is and is used. But accentuate attention not only and not so much on the direct functions of this technical material, but on how the geotextiles can be applied in the country. And his applications have many, and most of them dackets came up with themselves.

it says that:

  • the material is really convenient and can be used in different ways;
  • our people are inventive and always willingly go to experiments.

And, most importantly, these experiments lead to a successful result and take root in everyday life. And this is the most convincing confirmation of a successful solution. Read - To know, too, how to use geotextiles in the country and not only.

What is geotextile: composition, functions, opportunities

Geotextiles - This is a kind of synthetic building material from polyester, polypropylene or blended (wool plus x / b) fibers. Depending on the method of fastening these fibers, geotextiles is woven and non-woven. In the first case, threads are used with a thickness of 1-3 mm, in the second - mononite or trimming fibers are combined with thermal and / or a needle-free method. These materials and technologies give geotextile its characteristic properties:

Geotextile strength is estimated by the discontinuous load of up to 1000 kN / m?. To illustrate this property, it is enough to say that geotextiles is used when laying highways: as the lower layer of the track, this material keeps the upper coatings and keeps the soil from displacement, deformation, sedimentation.

Durability. The warranty period of geotextiles, according to the calculations of manufacturers, is decades. This is the period during which the properties, shape, the size of the canvase will not change.

Stability. Geotextile does not change the form when laying, it does not break, it does not stretch, neither moisture, nor high or low temperatures, nor corrosion. And he is simply not interesting to rodents, because it is unbearable.

"Breath". The properties listed above do not prevent the penetration of water, air, nutrients through geotextiles. At the same time, the weed plants and the roots of cultural plants cannot penetrate the geotextile. It is these qualities that make it possible to widely use material in agriculture and in private households.

Safety. Geotextile does not cause any harm to the environment. Its fibers are stable, durable and under no circumstances (for a long time of operation, the effects of external factors, deformation, etc.) do not emit chemicals.

Economy. On the one hand, geotextile is cheap. On the other hand, it is spent economically (in one layer, respectively, the area of \u200b\u200bthe covered surface). Moreover, once laid geotextiles will last for many years. It all makes a geo-fiber truly affordable and advantageous material.

Ergonomic. Geotextile has a small weight, so it is easy to lay a manually laying by one person. In production, it is packaged and then sold in the form of rolls. The desired fragment is easily cut with a knife.

Universality. The above properties make geotextiles multifunctional so much that it is difficult to find the sphere in which it could not be applied.

Geotextile applications In industry and in everyday life are very diverse, which deserves a review in a separate part of the article.

Multifunction of geotextile and its scope

There are not many materials that would be so universal as geotextiles. And the scale of use is also very different in the area, and in importance:

  1. Building. Geotextile is indispensable when creating roads (automotive, iron), sidewalks (laying of pavers and figure paving slabs), (any buildings and structures) and even take-off stripes. To this end, nonwoven geomaterial is used.
  2. Medicine. Two- and three-layer geotextiles are an inexpensive disposable material for the manufacture of bed linen, medical clothing and other consumables. Hygiene facilities - related industry. Napkins, children's diapers, tampons and gaskets are also a kind of geotextile.
  3. Packaging. Bags that are additionally invested in boxes with clothing, shoes, accessories, appliances, also consist of a variant of geotextile material.
  4. Furniture. Upholstered furniture, mattresses, pillows often contain geotextiles in their upholstery as one of the layers.
  5. Appliances, household and not only. Geotextile fabric serves as filters, membranes, etc.
    Agriculture. The material is suitable for underground, ground (drainage, filter), and for aboveground purposes (shelter of greenhouses, protection against birds).

In the past all the listed the tasks were implemented With other materials. But with the advent and propagation of geotextile, preference is given to this modern and functional material.

How to use geotextiles in the country?

if you love Conduct time in the country area and improve it, you will find many options for using geotextiles at all stages of work. For example:

  • ,: To strengthen the soil on inclined sites, breakdowns of lawns and flower, laying the access road and decorative tracks.
  • Pouring the foundations of the house, garage and any other buildings: for heat and waterproofing, protection against plant roots, etc.
  • Water pipe: Geotextiles is located on the bottom of the trench under the crushes and pipes.
  • Artificial reservoirs. Geotextile laid on the bottom of the pools, fountains, ponds.
  • Tile: Geotextile under the paving slabs prevents its destruction, because it does not allow weeds to penetrate the bottom.
  • The fight against weeds on the beds: geotextile is steel under a layer of fertile soil and at the same time serves as insulation and drainage material.
  • Trees landing: Splanted in the well under the seedling geotextile on the one hand - protect the roots from pests, on the other hand - will not allow the roots of the growing tree to grow excessively.
  • Claus protection: geotextile canvas are covered with plants for the winter to protect both cold and snowfall.
  • Decorative landscaping: in particular, geotextiles are used to landscap the roofs, because it protects the roof and at the same time prevents the mixing of different types of soil.
  • Web will not need if you immediately plant strawberry bushes (for example) into the holes in the geotextile canvas, which are covered in the garden.

Application of geotextiles The country helps not worry about many typical gardening problems. With it, you can forget about the washing of soil, the fight against weeds, sliding the soil.

Moreover, now, when you know so much about geotextile (what it is and how it is used), you can find our own ways to apply this accessible and useful material.

And for the most curious, we suggest familiarizing with the video about geotextiles

Gardeners and summer residents constantly use the innovations of the industry for the decor and facilitate work on the garden plot. Among the many progressive materials, the most popular today was the use of geotextiles in gardening. As the functions and capabilities of this tissue allow it to be used in the arrangement of the house outside the city or garden plot, we will find out together.

Types and properties of geotextile fabric

Geotextile - synthetic material used in construction, industry and gardening for work with the soil. There are three main types of geotextile fabric:

  • Needlecable geotextile. It is made from polyester fibers with a needle-free way through the base of the web. Such material misses well moisture, but has medium strength characteristics. Used in gardening and cottage arrangement.
  • Thermocoupe geotextile. This species is fastened by a thermal method, therefore it has smaller moisturefront abilities, but has high strength. Widely applicable in construction and land.
  • Knitting-firmware geotextiles. Fibers are fastened by the threads of the binding method. Such geotextiles is very durable, but if the fastening thread is damaged, everything can be blossomed. It is used in farm and construction only in Russia.

The popularity of Gehotoani is growing due to its universal properties and capabilities:

  • High strength and resistance to external influences. Geoyolocked does not rot, it does not destroy from time and does not attract the attention of rodents and other pests. Thermal geotexture, as the most durable, is used for isolation, reinforcement and preservation of soil reservoirs.
  • Environmental harmlessness. Wet, warming up or superhalying and experiencing the effect of UV radiation, geotextile does not secrete chemical harmful gases or substances, does not decompose on the components harmful to the environment.
  • Water and air permeability. Geotextile - breathable water permeable material, so it is good for use in gardening as drainage, root limiters and weeds, separation of the site.
  • Easy use and efficiency. Geotextile is available to any average family at a price. This material is for sale in comfortable rolls, it is easy to cut and smoothly stacked.

High functionality of geotextile fiber makes it possible to use it in different fields of farm. Gardeners use agrofiber for a device of beds, flower beds, homemade reservoirs and fountains.

Geotextile is popular for use when mounting paving slabs. A geotextile tissue lay on the rubble layer, and the sand layer is falling apart. This prevents the mixing of materials and significantly saves their consumption. Tile falls easily and evenly without changing position with time

Planning a garden with a geotextile, you can solve the problems of the growth of the roots of trees, leaching the fertile layer of soil and the growth of weed plants on the beds

Geotextiles efficiently use for the design of the courtyard design, separation of architectural structures, recreation areas, strengthening movable soil covers and concrete floors

Preparations of geotextiles in the country

Option # 1 - Planning garden landscape

The use of agrovolock allows you to solve many problems that are found when planning the landscape and garden buildings:

  • This material can be reliably wasolate the foundation and concrete overlaps from hindering extra moisture and the destructive action of the roots of trees.
  • Geeking is widely used to curb movable soils and create the desired landscape of oblique areas.
  • Indispensable geotextile when creating garden tracks and lawns. The granite path will not be able to blur the rain, and it does not mix with the soil, if the geotextile canvas is fastened to the bottom layer. In the planning of lawn, geo-fiber is also used to protect against weed plants and simplify the care of lawn grass.
  • Save materials when laying paving slabs can also be used with geotextiles. To do this, it is necessary to focus on a flat gravel base, and then pour a small sand layer (5-10 cm). Now you can safely lay the tiled pattern.

For laying heavy pavers between the lower layers of sand and a special mixture, it is necessary to fasten a dense agrotectile. So mixing sand with other materials will be excluded, and the work itself will pass easier and faster

Option # 2 - Arrangement of artificial reservoirs

For the arrangement, home ponds and swimming pools it is very profitable to use agrofiber. The bowl of pools and fountains will be rested with geotextiles over insulating materials. Such a surface is well kept decorative stones and equipment for water bodies. Also, geotextiles are laid out under the stone steps of waterfalls to ensure more reliable insulation.

Geotextiles will be useful for creating a small pond with steps along which water jets will be drained. Bottom and steps lined with dense geotextiles and fixed by stones

The playgrounds around the reservoirs are favorably eliminated by the agrofiber layer so that the weed grass and roots do not harm the equipment and the pool bowl.

Drainage or plumbing systems on the site are arranged using geo-fiber. The trench is laid out the fabric, fall asleep crushed stone, mount the pipes and pack them around geotextiles along with the rubble

Option # 3 - Growing fruit trees and garden crops

And the most common use of agrovolock is observed in gardening. The cultivation of seedlings, the organization of fertile beds and flower, the root system isolation, the separation of landings and much more without the use of geotextile fabric does not cost:

  • If the bottom of the bed or a flower garden is to add agricultural, you will provide protection from weeds, good drainage and insulated effect plants;
  • A pit for fruit trees and shrubs can also be postponed to be geochanging, which will help solve the problem of growing roots and protect plants from pests;
  • To hide the landing and thermal-loving trees can be a layer of geotextile. It reliably will warm the beds and will provide the desired microclimate for plants in winter;
  • Geotextile can also be used to preserve moisture in the roots of fruit currants, strawberries, vegetables, Bakhchi. For this, the soil is covered with agricultural, in which small slits are done. Garden crops are planted in them. The problem of weeds is also successfully solved.

How to lay geotextiles in the country

In construction, before work with geotextile fiber, the soil is thoroughly aligned and fall asleep with a layer of sand and gravel. For garden work, a clear leveling and planning of the basis is not required, but some points need to be taken into account yet.

In order to effectively lay out the garden tracks with tiles, geekan fell on the lower layer of rubble. From above, sand or dry blend of glue for tiles is falling asleep. Now you can easily and smoothly lay out the sidewalks of your garden.

Method # 1 - Laying geo-solokna for beds and flower beds

For the formation of beds and flower beds, the layer of land is removed by 30-50 cm. The bottom of the future flower beds or the garden is covered with sand by 5-10 cm and is laid out by the agrofiber so that its edges covered the entire ditch, leaving the surface layer of the Earth. The rest of the beds are then stacked: drainage (if necessary) and chernozem.

Significantly increase the yield of strawberries garden will help agrofibra. It is necessary to cut out small holes in it and lay out the material on the prepared soil. Fruit bushes are planted into the holes. Earth and roots are so kept moisture, and weighing plants cease to disturb landing and hosts

Method # 2 - Installation of geotextiles for country water bodies

A layer of gravel and sand is poured into the prepared pit for the bowl or pool. A high-quality waterproofing material is laid out and from above - geotextile fiber.

The creation of water bodies in the garden plot is also not necessary without geotextile tissue. So, you can create a real mountain stream with a bottom of the decorative stone, if the waterproofing layer is fastened to the waterproofing, and on top to cover it with beautiful stones

Now you can decorate the bottom of the pool with granite or pebbles. The capital pool with finished finish can also be used by geo-solok, if you want to decorate the bottom of stone or glass boulders, pebbles, granite or multi-colored stones.

Geotextile - inexpensive innovative material, which will help create a unique design and impeccable landscape of your garden. The affordable price and simplicity of work with agrofiber makes it particularly attractive for gardeners who do not have construction skills and special equipment. Working with geotextile fabric in the garden is new opportunities for the modern dachank.

The modern world is very demanding for the characteristics of materials. Everyone tries to choose something better, innovative, reliable and natural. That is why manufacturers are increasingly moving away from synthetic products, or offer excellent natural substances substitutes. This applies to almost all spheres of life, ranging from household, life, and ending with construction products. One of these modern materials that combined the properties of natural products and high technology has become geotextiles. Its main purpose is water filtering and soil separation. It will not be replaced when working with any types of soil, perfectly holds and strengthens the slopes, and is also used in the construction of dams. The article will deal with the use of geotextiles.

Geotextile is considered an optimal choice in cases where it is necessary to mount any hermetic underground structures and not worry about the fact that sharp stones will be able to break through the protective layer. The product is used when building buildings and houses, roads, landfills or other underground storage facilities, as well as a variety of other structures.

There are several types of geotextile by the method of manufacturing. It is worth the classification of this material in more detail and its main properties.

Geotextile canvas, species and characteristics

The geotextile is made to call a nonwoven fabric of synthetic fibers, externally very resembling fabric. It is produced in large rolls, and is produced from polypropylene or polyester fibers, which are pressed, forming a single structure. The product is distinguished by a small value, but at the same time, excellent performance and long service life.

The scope of application of the material is quite extensive, it is used in construction and in the furniture industry, in horticulture and in the household. Geotextile canvas can be divided by the scope of application.

  • Drainage geotextiles - Used for the device of the drainage system or for winding drainage pipes;

  • Furniture geotextiles - used for the internal upholstery of upholstered furniture and in the production of mattresses, as well as a protective layer during transportation of furniture heads;
  • Garden geotectic - In such capacity, it is used to create greenhouses, as it protects perfectly from frost, as well as from direct sunlight, in addition, very often they are covered with the ground around cultivated plants to reduce the number of weeds;
  • Construction geotextiles - Such a kind is used for construction purposes, for waterproofing the foundation or basement of the house, the pavement tiles are placed on it, and also used in the construction of roads;
  • Packing geotextiles - It is used as a packaging material for machinery, shoes, clothing and other substances and elements.

This classification does not give the concept of what the geotextile is created. So, according to the method of manufacture, modern manufacturers offer several basic types of geotextile material:

  • medleptic geotextileswhich can be enhanced by geoscales or duplicated by geomat;

  • thermople geotextiles;
  • woven geotextiles.

In Russia, most construction companies, and ordinary consumers prefer to use thermal geotextiles, while abroad prefer to use the needle-free. This is due to the fact that the thermal material though has high discontinuous loads, but in fact this characteristic does not guarantee long exploitation.

  • The thing is that such a canvas is not able to qualitatively filter water from the soil containing clay or fine sand. Particles clog the structure of the product, and the water does not pass inside, but blurs the upper layers of the soil. The needlecite geotextile has more elastic pores, through which fluid flows freely, even if we use material on clay soil.
  • This means that it is possible to apply thermoprene geotextiles only in cases where the soil does not have fine particles, that is, as a drainage system, as well as to strengthen slopes. While the needlecular geotextile is more versatile material, especially in cases of enhancing geoples.
  • Also distinguished by geotextiles made from polypropylene, which is as strong as possible, reliable and chemical impact resistant. And made of polyester, which is considered not so resistant to chemical reagents.

And one more type of attention, you can call the blended geotextile - it is produced with the addition of recycled (wool, cotton fiber, viscose), has a low cost, but, however, does not differ and great reliability. This is one of the most natural and environmentally friendly geotextile materials, which, unfortunately, in the process of operation quickly fails, as natural fibers are rotten from contact with water.

Medalobivable geomaterial

  • It can consist of both polypropylene fibers and from polyester fibers, they are connected with a mediocrous method. That is, the canvas is obtained by dragging the fibers with the help of a serrated needle through the layers of a special material. Thanks to such technology, the product perfectly passes fluids, but only along and across.
  • In Russia, a similar method is made by such material as "Dornit". It is based on polypropylene. It is resistant to mechanical exposure and high loads, not deformed during operation and has excellent strength. Most often applied in road construction, landscape design and to strengthen slopes.

Thermofixed geomaterial (nonwoven geotextile)

  • It turns out by fastening the fibers at high temperature. That is, the obtained canvas has increased strength, but it is capable of passing water in only one direction - transverse. As a result, it is not recommended to be used for the drainage device or in the road sphere, and optimally apply to protect from weeds and for laying paving slabs.

  • In Russia, geotextiles manufactures Technonol Company. The material is made by a mechanical method, and is fastened with thermal processing. The company is positioning its products as reliable and durable and proposes to use to strengthen the foundation, during the construction of pipelines, roads, to improve drainage and as waterproofing.

Teeth geotextiles

  • Otherwise, it is also called knitting-firmware, it also consists of polyester fibers or propylene, which in this embodiment are stitched by threads. This is the least persistent look of the product, as there is a risk of rupture of the material. As a result, the canvas becomes unfit, as it ceases to cope with the basic functions.

Advantages and characteristics of geotextiles

Geotextile material has many positive qualities:

  • universal in use;
  • resistant to rotten;
  • has high strength;

  • resistant to chemical reagents, both acids and alkalis;
  • has a long operational period and increases the service life of construction objects;
  • suppresses the growth of weeds;
  • prevents the development of soil erosion;
  • has filtering properties;
  • accelerates water removal;
  • it has high resistance to ruptures (it is capable of lengthened to 45%)
  • has high elasticity;
  • reinforcement building structures;
  • does not decompose and refers to environmentally friendly materials);
  • has a low cost;
  • reduces the consumption of materials when installing structures;
  • easy to use and in laying.

When using geotextiles, the cost of maintenance of structures is significantly reduced. Roads erected on such grounds as peat, clay or on other soils with high humidity may not survive and one season if they are not previously reinforced. Crushed stone used in construction, due to the use of geotextile canvas, does not mix with weak grounds and reliably holds the motorway from the destruction and deformations.

Geotextile materials are resistant to many external factors, including:

  • to punctures (you can not be afraid to lay the canvas even if there is a large cluster of sharp stones);
  • to alkalis and acids (not subject to the effect of soils with any PH level);
  • to ultraviolet radiation (which is especially important in cases of roofing systems);
  • to bioorganisms (fungi, bacteria and other);
  • to groundwater.

By purchasing a product, you should pay attention to such parameters as:

  • density;
  • structure;
  • operational period.

Thus, the most popular is the material made entirely of polypropylene. The life of geopolotne can reach 100 years, no other similar material can compete with such durability.

Styling geotextiles

For proper laying of geotextile canvases, a certain sequence should be observed.

  • So, the first stage will be the preparation of the foundation. That is, the surface is aligned, if necessary, the upper layer of the soil is removed by several centimeters, and the soil discovered is torn. If it is impossible to achieve an evenness of the existing layer, it is recommended to fall asleep a smooth layer of sand and thoroughly take it.

  • The next stage will be the devil of geomaterial on a smooth and clean surface. Rolls are rolled down on the basis of the allen at least 25-35 cm. Such a measure is necessary for the material to cope with its main task. If it is not possible to achieve the perfect smoothness of the base, the backstage is made from 40 cm or more.
  • Next, it is necessary to connect the canvas qualitatively. For this, special plastic or metal brackets are used, you can also use the cold welding method. Staples require more time, so if quick installation is required, it is better to use precisely welding.
  • In order to qualitatively connect the material into a single web, the edges of the tape are heated by a special burner, and then the second sheet of geotextiles and seam is applied to a short period from above. This is enough to securely secure the product.
  • The next step is the coverage of geopolite with the soil of the thickness that is required for each specific case. The soil is rocked, but not too heavy item. Next, the laying of other materials is made or appropriate structures are erected, according to the required technologies.

Stasing geotextiles is easy, it is important to choose the material to correctly under the specific situation.

Geotextile Assortment and Prices

Geotex geotextile

  • "Geotex 150" Price from 214.87 rubles;
  • "Geotex 200" Price from 19.35 rubles;
  • "Geotex 250" Price from 223.31 rubles;
  • "Geotex 300" Price from 227.97 rubles;
  • "Geotex 350" Price from 32.63 rubles;
  • "Geotex 400" Price from 37.29 rubles;
  • "Geotex 500" Price from 46,61 rubles.

Geotextile "Kanvalan"

  • "Kanvalan 150" Price from 22.42 rubles;
  • "Kanvalan 200" Price from 29.90 rubles;
  • "Kanvalan 250" Price from 37.38 rubles;
  • "Kanvalan 300" Price from 44.85 rubles;
  • "Kanvalan 350" Price from 52.32 rubles;
  • "Kanvalan 400" Price from 59.80 rubles;
  • "Kanvalan 450" Price from 67.27 rubles;
  • "Kanvalan 500" Price from 74.75 rubles.

Geotextile "Avantex"

  • "Avtex 100" Price from 12.50 rubles;
  • "Avtex 150" Price from 14.70 rubles;
  • "Avtex 200" Price from 20.25 rubles;
  • "Avtex 250" Price from 23.30 rubles;
  • "Avtex 300" Price from 27,95 rubles;
  • "Avgentex 110" Price from 10.80 rubles;
  • "Avgentex 120" Price from 11.80 rubles;
  • "AVENNEX 130" Price from 12,75 руб.;
  • "Avantex 140" Price from 13.75 rubles;
  • "Avantex 160" Price from 14.90 rubles;
  • "Avantex 180" Price from 16.80 rubles;
  • "Avgentex 200" Price from 18.65 rubles;
  • "Avantex 220" Price from 20.50 rubles;
  • "Avgentex 330" Price from 30,75 rubles;
  • "Avantex 350" Price from 32.60 rubles;
  • "Avantex 400" Price from 37.25 rubles;
  • "Avantex 500" Price from 46.55 rubles;
  • "AVENTEKS 600" Price from 55.90 rubles;
  • "Ekoteks 200" Price from 18.12 rubles;
  • "EKOTEX 250" Price from 22,23 rubles;
  • "EKOTEX 300" Price from 26.33 rubles;
  • "Ekoteks 350" Price from 31.08 rubles;
  • "Ekoteks 400" Price from 34.92 rubles;
  • "EKOTEX 450" Price from 39,51 rub.;
  • "Ekoteks 500" Price from 43.60 rubles.

Geotector "Geospel"

  • "Geospen TN 100" Price from 2 207.75 rub.

Geotextile "Technohaut"

  • "Technukhat GEO 60" price from 700.00 rubles;
  • Tehnukhat GEO 100 »Price from 1 148.00 rubles;
  • "Tehnukhut Geo 130" Price from 1 484.00 rub.;

Geotextile Dornit

  • "Dorenit 200" 3x100 m Price from 19.30 rubles;
  • "Dorenit 250" Price from 21,00 rub.;
  • "Dorenit 300" 3x50 m Price from 28.05 rubles;
  • "Dorenit 300" 6x50 m Price from 28.40 rubles;
  • "Dorenit 350" Price from 33.60 rubles;
  • "Dorenit 400" 6x50 m Price from 37.45 rubles;
  • "Dorenit 400" 3x50 m Price from 37.70 rubles;
  • "Dorenit 500" 6x50 m Price from 46.50 rubles;
  • "Dorenit 550" 3x50 m Price from 49.50 rubles.

Before buying geotextiles, it should be remembered that it happens different. Woven (obtained by interlacing the filaments at a right angle), nonwoven (obtained from polyester or propylene by the method of needlecrobing and thermal fastening of the threads) and even knitted (the so-called geotrication made by looping). The canvas possesses high strength and durability.

The material is used in many areas, especially where the separation of soils, reinforcement, filtering or as drainage is required. It is used in medicine, in road construction, in agriculture, in the construction of houses, in the manufacture of furniture and for packaging various substances.

  • The main properties include the fact that the product does not rot, does not change its qualities, even being in aggressive conditions, resistant to chemical reagents. The material perfectly passes the water, but not styled and is not clogged by parties of soils. Keeping reliability even at minus temperatures (up to -60 degrees) and at high (up to +100 degrees). The geotextile is pretty simply, and the strips can be fixed with each other, both with the help of special brackets and the method of cold welding.

  • Russian manufacturers offer their own material that is called Dornit. It is produced in rolls, the width of which is 150 cm and up to 5.3 m, and a length of 50 m and to 150 m. The product density is different and varies in the range from 90 to 800 g / m2. You can use the canvas in many facilities, with an embankment device, in landscape design, for drainage systems, in the construction of houses and roads. According to the cost, the Russian material is most profitable for consumers.