Horizontal burzhuyka from the pipe with their own hands. How to make a bourgeitogo in the garage: make a bourgeitogue with your own hands right bourgearies on firewood do it yourself drawings

Little in which film about the war will not see the burgundy with flaming wood, next to which soldiers were hardened and they are talking about something.

A simple shape in the form of a barrel, derived from the pedestal of the knee and the pair-triple of the lane, could quickly and effectively dig even a large room. Why was such a construction called bourgeitogo, left in history, but today this furnace is well-deserved. Below, we will analyze how to make a quick bourgeois with your own hands, show the most effective models, as well as we will see the photos and the video of the most successful stove models.

Advantages and disadvantages of the use of bourgeookes

By analogy with any other heating devices, burzhuyki are also distinguished by certain pluses and minuses in operation.

From positive properties, you can note the following:

  • using an unlimited range of solid fuel - firewood, sawdust, coal, chips, briquettes, pellets, peat, etc. In some cases, even recycled machine oil is used as fuel;
  • the possibility of manufacturing bourgearies with their own hands (see the drawings below) from almost the infirred materials;
  • compact oven size, which allows you to post even in a small room;
  • there is no need to install chimney, foundation and platforms.

Negative characteristics include:

  • the need to protect against falling out of the furnace of combustion objects - coals, sparks, etc.;
  • strong and fast heating of the stove walls, which increases the risk of injury to others;
  • large fuel consumption - such a furnace is rational only for short-term heating.

Varieties of furnaces stoves

Constructively burzhuyka is a rectangular or oval container, equipped with a furnace with a door, a roller and knee for the withdrawal of smoke (analogue of chimney).

The preferred material is stainless steel or cast iron. The cast iron takes any kind of fuel, but it is distinguished by fragility - it is forbidden a sharp cooling of the bourgeitine housing.

On the industrial scale, the bourgearies differ in the following categories:

  • oven with a cooking surface;
  • pyrolysis;
  • equipped with increasing heat transfer casing.

The main feature of the burzhuyki is that in most cases they make a handicraft method using metal boxes, bidones and other suitable containers. Next, we will tell and show how to make bourgeitors do it yourself - drawings, photos, video

Meetwork furnaces differ in the following categories:

  • production material - cast iron, steel, brick;
  • functionality - with a cooking surface, caloriene and gas generator;
  • the type of fuel is solid and liquid.

Classic oven

The furnace made of metal sheet is a traditional option that fully opens the characteristics of the bourgear.

Manufacturing process

Necessary materials:

  • metal sheet 4 mm;
  • armature with a diameter of 10-15 mm for grate;
  • corners;
  • pipe (diameter according to the scheme);
  • bulgarian;
  • welding.

Video 1 Example of making beautiful bourgeities with their own hands

Cut the metal sheet with all the details of the case according to the drawing

On the rear and side wall of the hot welding welded the corners, which then you will lay the grate and another sheet (in the drawing), which will have to hold bricks.

Enlarge the booster time will help the correct grille made correctly. If this is not a solid steel sheet, but a typal armature grid (up to 15 cm in diameter), the smoldering fuel itself will sue the necessary air, due to the extension will be more complete and long-term.

Next, cut 2 doors (for firebox and ash bar) and put them on the loop. On the top cut the hole for the pipe to which the sleeve is welded with a height of 200 mm. After that, to the sleeve weld or wear the pipe, the bending angle of which is 450.

The technology of the most effective burzhuyk was shown by V.Loginov. Metal sheet is used as a material, grinding - reinforcement, for connecting parts - hot welding, for cutting - pneumo-axes or Bulgarian.

To increase the heat transfer, it is necessary to provide a certain coefficient of the resistance of the chimney.

How to determine the diameter of the chimney pipe

Calculate the volume of the combustion chamber (liter) with respect to the diameter of the pipe (mm) in the ratio of 1: 2.7. For example, if the volume of the furnace is the resistance to the furnace gas. From heat engineering calculations, the volume of the combustion chamber in liters must be 2.7 times less in digital expression than the diameter of the pipe in millimeters. For example, if the volume of the furnace is 70 liters, the pipe diameter will be 182 mm.

Bourzuyka of the dairy bidon

The second most popular after the metal sheet material for the manufacture of burzhuyki is a dairy beedon. It is easily explained, since the airproof body is almost ready, and everything else can be performed with your own hands literally during the clock pair.

Manufacturing process

  1. Punch chisels or cut the sickle gap under the neck. This is the future pissed
  2. At the bottom of the bidon, cut the hole for the nozzle, where the sleeve is inserted and the smoke trumpet is inserted.
  3. The grinding in such a burzhuyka is better to make a serpentine or set of fittings, but at the same time it is necessary to gently insert it into the bidon so that it does not need to cut extra holes.
  4. The sizes of the bourgeois from the bidon - in the drawing. Already the finished design should be put on the legs or make the basis of the brick.

The longer the chimney, the less heat loss.

Gas cylinder burzhuyk

An excellent material is a gas cylinder, which also fully ensures the tightness of the design and its safe use.

Materials and tools:

  • spent gas cylinder;
  • metal sheet 4 mm;
  • tube (diameter see above);
  • armature for a lattice set;
  • corners;
  • fire door;
  • bulgarian
  • welding.
  1. To begin with, knock down the top rim with a crane and cut the sickle hole on the bottom of the cylinder under pistened
  2. The bottom of the balloon is welded the pipe where the sleeve is inserted and the smoke trumpet is inserted.
  3. The grinding in such a burzhuyka is better to do with fittings, in this case, natural air suspension will occur and fuel will be burned almost completely.
  4. The dimensions of the bourgear from the cylinder - in the photo. Already the finished design should be put on the legs or make the basis of the brick.

Video 2 Example of manufacturing bourgeari from a gas cylinder at home

Bourgeiske experienced a variety of times and proved that it is the most reliable and easy way to heating small rooms. Despite the relative simplicity of the design, with its manufacture, it is necessary to observe certain proportions to increase the time of the bookmark and, accordingly, the KPD of the furnace.

Photo of the most effective pitchers according to readers

Photo 11 Oven by type "Bunch"

Photo 12 bourgeois that works

Sometimes there are situations when necessary without significant material costs, as efficiently and quickly drove a small room (garage, workshop or warehouse). An excellent solution to the problem will be a compact burzhuyka made by their own hands, to create a mixer, desire, tools and metal.

Simple burzhuyka can be built from materials that are on hand. You can use the usual bidon or a thick-walled barrel. Perennial practice has shown that very thick metal (over 8 mm) is too difficult to warm up. Thus, the efficiency is reduced and most of the heat goes not to heating.

If the metal turns out to be too thin, under the action of high temperatures, it will begin to deform and quickly loses its initial shape. The best of options is the walls of about 3-4 mm.

Introductory video on the work of the furnace

Rectangular bourgear with reflector

Solving the question of what form and dimensions should take a ready-made bourgear, everyone must independently. A man with engineering education and skills can take any, even the simplest design, and make the desired changes aimed at improvement.

Rectangular Bourgehog Drawing:

Simple and multifunctional burzhuyka with their own hands is made of the following materials:

  • Outline and simple design drawing with all major sizes
  • Sheet metal (its quantity depends on the desired oven dimensions)
  • Steel corners (thickness 4-5 mm)
  • Metal tube 25-30 mm
  • Pipe 180 mm
  • Welding machine
  • Manual and Electric Tool

The furnace housing will be made in the form of a rectangle with steel sheets, which are welded with each other. It is necessary to cut blanks under five main planes (bottom, top, side and rear walls). On the front panel will be attended and the door for the fuel will be attended, so it will be possible to resolve the issue later.

Initially, the side surfaces of the bottom are welded. It is necessary to ensure that they are located strictly vertically, using the level or as a square, and were stripped at right angles. Grabbing 2-3 places, once again convinced the correctness of their location and speak.

After the rear wall is welded. All internal space must be divided into three parts:

  1. Smoker
  2. Flak
  3. Solnik

The last two must be divided by a grate grid, which will be laid solid fuel (peat, firewood). It is done as follows:

  1. From the inside of the sides at a certain height (10-15 cm) welded the entire length of the corner
  2. For the lattice, it is necessary to prepare from thick sheet steel strips 25-30 mm wide and a length corresponding to the width of the bourgear

  • The distance between the plates is about 5 cm
  • The bands are welded to two metal rods with a diameter of 15-20 mm as securely as possible, since they have to perform another role - rigidity ribs

No need to weld the grille to the inner corners. If necessary (cleaning the bourgear, repair) it can be easily delivered. After some time, some plates can overcome and need to be replaced. You can call many more reasons to leave the grille removable.

In the next step, it is necessary to quickly welcome the two metal rods on which the reflector will be located. The latter is a metal sheet that separates the smoke and furnace. Reflector is made removable.

It is necessary to position the reflector so that the channel was formed in front, allowing you to leave the smoke. It will warm up inside the most, therefore they make it from a very thick metal (12-16 mm).

There is time to start the final stages of work. Initially, the burzhuyki welded. It will not be superfluous in advance to provide a hole for the chimney pipe. The top jumper is then cut and the upper jumper is cut and welded, then narrower, placed at the level of the grate grid and separating the door of the grate grid and the ash bar.

Bother very much about the size of the door is not worth it. The main thing is that through them it was convenient to lay firewood and remove ashes with ash. The door for the furnace is usually done, as a rule, almost all the width so that the reflector and grate reflector can be removed, for the ash bar already.

Having collected everything together, it is time to think about installing the finished design on the legs. They are recommended to perform from a metal tube 2-3 cm in diameter and 8-10 cm along the length with a ward-welded nut and screwed bolt. This will allow you to adjust the height. Many such a step may seem strange, but in the process of installation everything will become understandable.

It is time to think about the chimney, which will be made of a pipe with a diameter of 15-18 cm. However, it should be output through the hole in the wall. The bends are made at an angle of 45 degrees, no sites located horizontally should not be.

At the lower end of the chimney pipe, it is necessary to provide a rotating damper. For it, a circle is cut out of the sheet metal, a diameter of a little less than the similar characteristic of the pipe, in which the hole is drilled under the knot. The latter can be made of a metal rod.

It is necessary to place a chimney pipe on a sleeve with a height of 15-20 cm. It is made from the product with a diameter of slightly smaller than chimney and welded along the hole to the upper lid. It's time to install the bourgear, adjust the height and everything - you can warm the room.

Easy bourgeois from the bidon

The simplest bourgeitake is made with their own hands from an ordinary bidon. It is not necessary to talk about the durability of such a design, but it is quickly built, easily mounted and gives enough heat.

All work is to install the legs, the arrangement of the discharge pipe and some cosmetic operations. For work is necessary:

  • Bidone
  • Pipe for chimney
  • Wire for grate
  • Welding machine
  • Tools

Getting to work

  1. We establish the bidon horizontally and note where it will be confused, having a rectangle or sickle form. Have it under the lid
  2. In the wall or bottom of the beadon, a hole is cut out equal to the diameter of the pipe for chimney
  3. For the manufacture of the grate, you need to stock steel wire. It is bended, they carry through the cover into the inside and neatly extension so that the zigzag is located in the right position, while it remained comfortably putting sins, firewood, etc.
  4. Bidone must be fixed on legs that are cut from tubes or corners and welded
  5. Chimney is welded

On the outside of the tank, the reflector can be consolidated, thanks to which there will be less heat released. Welding with the sides of the handle, the design can be transferred to any other place.

Pros and cons of homemade bourgeoke

Among the numerous advantages of such a nondescript, but useful installation is distinguished:

  • Full autonomy and energy independence
  • Work on any solid fuel, including plant residues - it allows you to save a lot of money
  • The versatility of the design that can not only be installed in different rooms, but also use for cooking food
  • Simple design that can be constructed from the material available in the garage
  • There is no need to build a monolithic foundation and mounting of the capital chimney pipe

But despite the weighty and thoroughly benefits, you can highlight a number of minuses of bourgeoke:

  • High thermal conductivity of metal leads to a rapid fuel burnout and cooled furnace
  • If the wall thickness is insufficient, in a short time they will begin to burn out and the furnace will fail
  • It is necessary to look at the combustion process and throwing firewood on time, control the craving
  • Smalted and raw lanes are the cause of difficult to remove the soot in the chimney pipe

Video - another furnace manufacturer

In custody

The homemade burzhuyka is a reliable and efficient helper in a cold work room or its own garage. Its production is not difficult, and to start work there is no need for large material investments.

Often, homeowners prefer to collect simple and useful homemakes from improvised and unnecessary materials, instead of buying ready. And the burzhuyka is one of these useful devices.

The main feature of the burzhuyki is that it is also quickly heated, as cooled. Therefore, the sphere of its use is narrowed mainly to those rooms where it is necessary to ensure fast heating, while the appearance of the device for the user is often completely unimportant.

Made can be a stove-bourgear with her own hands, and if desired, it is upgraded to achieve more efficient heat transfer.

You also thought about the assembly of such a homemade and do not know where to start? We will help you in the realization of the task - the article considers the procedure for assembling various embodiments of the homemade furnace, drawings and schemes are given.

The methods of improvement of homemade bourgeities are also disassembled in detail, with the result that the KPD of the stove will become noticeably higher.

The choice of furnace design depends on which material is used as fuel. Each user itself determines the degree of accessibility and economic feasibility.

It is a combustible material that has a different temperature and nature of combustion, dictates the principles of creating different modifications of the device.

The bugger shape can be different, often it depends on the presence of a suitable material. It can be an old bidon, a gas cylinder, a metal container - everything that is being done at hand. The main thing, when it is elected - the thickness of the metal and a form that requires a minimum of alterations.

Gallery of images

At the bottom of the chamber placed a grille from the grid (it can be welded from the reinforcement), under which the ash will accumulate. You can also organize a cooking surface. Make it easier on a horizontally located cylinder, welding on it from two sterns corners.

Well, if the barrel originally has legs. If not, you need to fight them or install the oven on bricks.

The bourgeois of the gas cylinder can also be used as the basis for the further construction of the water column, as it is also called "Titan". For this, the stainless container is installed on top of the stove, through which the chimney pipe passes.

Water in a wood boiler heats up quickly, and firewood is used little - in the summer there is enough one bookmark in a small firebox.

For the burzhuyka there is also a metal container with walls, a thickness of at least 3 mm. Open top of the tank is closed with a circle of metal sheet and brewed.

In the lid or wall cut the hole under the chimney. Its diameter should be at least 100-150 mm. The top in such a burzhuyka will be heated so much that it will be possible to cook food, warm water.

Our site also has more detailed instructions with schemes and making drawings.

Features of the bourgeities on sawdust

If there is no shortage of sawdust in the farm, then this type of fuel will fully justify its use. Such a bourgeitogo does not require frequent loading - the rammed sawdust inside is not lit, they are slowly smashed, highlighting thermal energy gradually and providing warm for a long time.

Bourzuyka on sawdust, made with their own hands, works on the principle of long burning. Slow combustion process saves resources - heat does not fly up instantly into the pipe, heating the atmosphere

The basis of the furnace can serve as a metal barrel with an open top (if the tank is sealed, then the top is cut off) or a pipe with a diameter of 300 to 600 mm.

Then, from a sheet, three or more millimeters thick, cut the metal circle, which should be less than the inner diameter of the barrel. In its middle, the hole is cut down with a diameter of 100 mm under the cone for rambling sawdust.

The preparation is welded to the walls of the barrel. With the help of this circle, the ashtar is chipped - in it, with the help of chips or chips, ignition will be conducted. The height of the roller must be 100-200 mm.

Below the welded circle, the window is cut out, which will serve as pushed. The curtains are welded to the carved piece of metal, making the door for the same hole.

In the capacitance lid make an output to chimney. The lid should dress tightly on the burzhuyku and be from a fairly thick sheet, otherwise it quickly freeze.

In order for sawdust to burn gradually, it is necessary to provide limited oxygen supply to the fuel compartment. To do this, the cone-shaped core is inserted inside the furnace, sawdust and till it fall asleep. The cone is gently taken out, scrolling, the cap is put on the barrel

You can improve the same model by adding an additional cylinder. In this embodiment, the sawdust will be in the inner chamber, and the space between the two compartments will serve for surviving gases and increase the heating area. In this embodiment, the yield of smoke gases is arranged at the bottom of the stove.

How can you improve the bourgeois?

The usual burzhuyka has a lot of positive qualities, but also has many essential flaws. It is unable to accumulate warmly and heating the room while the fire burns. Requires continuous fuel supply, on average - every 30-40 minutes.

In addition, a large amount of heat flies through the chimney into the atmosphere, without benefit. That is why the work on improving the burzhuyki is not ceased.

The standard design stove-bourgearies has many upgraded structures that allow:

  • save fuel;
  • increase the efficiency of the stove;
  • increase heat capacity;
  • reduce the frequency of laying fuel.

The most common methods of improving the efficiency of the work of the bourgear - the creation of a mode of slow combustion, the system of gases, the installation of heat-resistant facing of the inner walls.

It is also possible to improve high-quality stove performance by increasing heat transfer area with welded pipes and installed fan, which will drive through them air flows.

The industrial model of such a burzhuyk is called "Buleryan", but, besides it, there are still many different designs made by handicraft. We recommend to watch a detailed master class on homemade manufacture.

Increase the heat transfer time you can, if you put the furnace with brick masonry. Such a burzhuyk will be slower to heat up, but also for longer to give heat, maintaining the temperature in the room for some time after the decay of the fire.

Are you interested in brickwork? Our site has a detailed guide to your own hands with schemes and drawings.

Option # 1 - oven with increased fuel laying

This model is designed to increase the efficiency and time of continuous burning. As a basis, take horizontal rectangular bourgeitakes on massive, stable legs and complement it with a cassette of a deaf hermetic cylinder. Such constructive additions significantly increase its efficiency.

The flange is welded to the cylinder-cassette with a height of about 400 mm. After installing the cylinder, its edge should be lowered by 5-10 mm below the stove plate. In order for the cylinder to be conveniently installed and removed, handles weld to its body.

The cylinder is filled with firewood in such a way that some space remained between them and when installing it on the stove, they were able to immediately fall into burning coals

How the burzhuyka works:

  1. The lower part of the firewood, dropping on the coals of the preparatory ignition, flares up. At the same time, the upper part in the cassette will not burn due to the lack of oxygen, but it will be dried under the action of hot smoke.
  2. Under the weight of its own mass and, as the firewood is combustion, the firewood gradually falls into the furnace.
  3. Hot gas, which stays for some time in the cylinder gives him heat, thereby increasing the area of \u200b\u200bheat pumping indoors. In this case, the cylinder cover can be a cooking surface.
  4. At the same time, the temperature of the exiting smoke is reduced, which means that the heat capacity and the efficiency of the burzhuyki is growing.

As a result of such a modernization, the time interval is increasing between the wood laying and the efficiency of the furnace is increasing.

Option # 2 - Bourgehog Long burning "Bunch"

Low efficiency of ordinary bourgeities - long known and tested by many users fact.

One of the methods of its increase is the slowdown in the combustion process by restricting the air of the air to the flue chamber. This improvement can be found in such stoves as "Bunch", "Philippine".

Using this model of bourgeities in non-residential premises - workshops, greenhouses, other economic buildings. To work for 9-12 hours, there is a single laying of small firewood, chips, sawdust. In this model, the heating device cannot be used largely poppy and raw firewood.

Bourgehoka can be created from any metal tank. Most often used barrel from fuel and lubricants or an old cylinder.

Production is carried out in such a sequence:

  • Of the available cylindrical containers prepare a flue chamber, in the upper part of which the hole is cut under the chimney.
  • Metal (at least 10 mm in thickness), cut the circle, slightly smaller than the inner diameter of the barrel.
  • In the center of the circle make a hole with a diameter of 100-150 mm (the exact size depends on the diameter of the tube used for the rod).
  • On one of the planes of the circle, ribs weld up to 50 mm high.
  • A pipe is welded to the center of the circle. Its length is calculated in such a way that the piston in the lowered state is tumped over the tank lid approximately 100 mm. If you leave the pipe longer than necessary, it will arise in it, it will begin to smoke.
  • Next, the cover is built, which will dress tightly on the barrel and cut the hole in it, suitable for the piston pipe

It is even greater to increase the efficiency of this model by organizing the air flow from the street. Thus, heated air from the room will not fly into the chimney.

Option # 3 - Furnace with secondary Dovzhiga "Filippinka"

The furnace uses two ways to increase its efficiency based on the principles of long burning and pyrolysis. For its manufacture, you will need two gas cylinders who will serve cameras for primary and secondary burning.

The sequence of action for the manufacture of burzhuyki is:

  1. Cylinders prepare for work, producing gas residues from them and filling them with water. Without this procedure, it is categorically impossible to cut them, otherwise the sparks that are formed during the work of the Bulgarians can provoke a gas explosion, a certain amount of which always remains in the cylinder.
  2. In the first cylinder, which will serve as a chamber for the furnace and the roller, remove the tap and cut off the top (it is used for the manufacture of the door), cut the hole for the installation of the chimney.
  3. In front of the chimney hole, the pipe is welded, the other end of which should not be resting into the lid of the second chamber, leaving free space to exit smoke.
  4. At the outlet of the pipe from the first cylinder, a metal ring is welded, it will serve as a support for installing the upper cylinder. Holes are drilled in it.
  5. A metallic ring is also welded to the second cylinder in the clarification site, in which there are places for holes, focusing on the already made holes in the first ring.
  6. Before you finally install the second cylinder, the pipe is rewned in it.
  7. They wear the top chamber on the pipe, combining the holes, the heat-resistant harness is wound between the rings, fasten the connection with screws.
  8. The yield of the chimney is made from the bottom of the secondary survival.

To get a stable design, reliable legs weld to the bottom chamber. Install the door on the canopy. It can be further improved by adding the ability to adjust the air entering the furnace.

For the heating of the dwelling, the barn, the greenhouses fits well mini bourgeitis. Most often it is made of metal. In addition, such a furnace can be used on vacation, fishing, hunting, or in the country area, where there is no source of electrical power or gas pipeline. For assembling the heating device is not required capital chimney pipe or foundation.

It is important to note that the metal device is quickly heated and almost immediately begins to heat the room. For the manufacture of mini bourgeities can be used any capacity Metal:, fire extinguisher and others. The easiest way collect a bidon unit, with a capacity, approximately forty liters.

Required furnace manufacturer

Before you start assembling the heating device with your own hands, you need to prepare certain devices:

  • a hammer;
  • chisel;
  • welding machine (it is recommended to use the inverter unit);
  • sandpaper;
  • rag;
  • metal container;
  • steel tubes;
  • bricks;
  • hinges for doors;
  • cooper
  • wire;
  • nozzle

Device assembly process

  1. Bourgehog will be made from the bidon. Capacity need carefully clear pollution and corrosion.
  2. In the case of the future heating device you need to do the holes for pondered and loading firewood or coal. This can be done with using a chisel with a hammer.
  3. You need to attach door hinges to the housing, then install the doors in the well-done holes.
  4. At the bottom of the tank you need to do hole for chimney. It is recommended to install chimney with a 10-centimeter diameter.
  5. The next step will be. It can be purchased in a specialized store or make it yourself. To do this, you will need a wire made of steel. It needs to be bent several times and placed inside the heating capacity. Before this, on the inner walls you need to fight the supports so as not to fail the lattice. Supports can be made of steel rod.
  6. Then to the hole done in the bottom you need to attach chimney with the welding machine.
  7. The burzhuyka is installed in the place intended for it. As noted above, the foundation is not necessary. It is enough to install a brick support or lay a metal sheet whose thickness is not less than one centimeter.
  8. Around the device should be postponed from. This is necessary to increase the heat transfer of the stove. During work, the brick will also heat up and give extra warmth, even after full combustion Wood or coal.

See also: How in a wooden house install burguly

How to improve oven.

The metal stove has a significant drawback: heats up quickly and almost instantly cools, after combustion of fuel. To increase the efficiency, the oven is recommended to put the brick screen. As noted above, it will save the heat for some time, after the burzhuyka will completely cool.

The screen of the brick is recommended to spread out no closer, than 30 centimeters from the heating device. To ensure normal airflow circulation, in the masonry it is necessary to leave small holes for ventilation.

It is important to note that the bourgeois with the screen will have a big weightCompared to an ordinary mini-stove. Therefore, it is recommended to make the foundation with your own hands to install the heating device.

First you need to decide on place installation device. It is recommended to put it near the wall. The wall surface must be isolate, for this you can use a metal sheet or asbestos.

  1. To make a foundation, to start you should dug a hole whose depth should make up about 50 centimeters. Dimensions depend on the dimensions of the furnace and brick masonry.
  2. Then the pit is falling asleep with sand and thoroughly tram. From above, crushed stone hits on top.
  3. The following layer there will be cement mortar. For its preparation, mix the sand with water. Within three days, the foundation cannot be touched.
  4. After that, you can start laying out refractory brick, that is, its half, because makes no sense thicker.
  5. The original brick row is laid out on the runneroid. Between bricks should be a distance of 5 millimeters.
  6. During the masonry of the second row, it is necessary to leave small holes in the Polkirpich for ventilation on the sides of the screen.
  7. Other rows must be solid.
  8. The upper part is laid out depending on size of the stove and wishes of the owner.
  9. In two days bourgeois completely Ready for use.

Disk furnace

It is possible to make a small furnace with your own hands with a piece of pipe with a large diameter. The height of the pipe should be about 40 centimeters. The scheme of this option is quite simple, but such a device is suitable only for technical premises.

  • First you need n, discs, chimney, metal sheet.
  • All items, besides the chimney, you need to connect and weld so that it turned out a single design. So that the pipe goes to the disks, it is necessary to cut ribs from the latter.
  • In the pipe need to be placed and cutting hole. This can be done with a grinding machine.
  • It is also necessary to do the hole to install pissed, otherwise the burzhuyk will not be provided with air flow and it will not be possible to ignite the fire. Size confused must be 100 × 100 millimeters.
  • On the top disk rear cut hole and spit to him a chimney pipe.
  • To the edge of the top disk, it is recommended to weld a metal sheet that will act as a cooking panel.

See also: Bourgehog long burning

Such a stove resembles an ordinary bonfire, which is fenced with a container. Therefore, the stove does not differ convenience and economy. But the device is suitable for technical needs.

Gnome stove

Burzhuyka, made by its own hands from metal sheets, is the most common. That device, neat and compact, It will not spoil the design of the residential premises. It is used for heating and cooking. To make such a device, you need to prepare sheets from metal with 4mm thick, steel pipe for chimney, corners.

  1. First you need to prepare the drawing and on the foundation of it to cut sheets.
  2. On the front wall you need to do the hole for pissed and the furnaces. For the manufacture of doors you can use carved pieces of metal.
  3. From the inside of the front panel at a distance of 155 millimeters From the top it is necessary to weld the plate that is necessary for regulating the incoming air.
  4. 75 centimeters from top on the rear panel need to fight another plate. As a result, the burzhuyka will warm from all sides.
  5. On the cooking panel to do an opening for chimney and burner.
  6. To the bottom of the stove you need to fight legs made from the corners.
  7. You also need to welcome the frame to install the grate, and then in the panel several brake holes.
  8. During the assembly with their own hands it is necessary to achieve the tightness of all seams.

To perform some work in the garage or in the country during the cold season, it is necessary to organize the simplest heating. Knowing how much electricity is worth it, most of the garage craftsmen prefers to use factory and self-made heaters acting on firewood or oil work. The task of our article is to provide drawings and describe in detail how to properly make the burgundy with your own hands for use in the garage or a small summer house.

We select the design of the stove

Since there are enough drawings of ordinary bourgeookes on the Internet, we will offer 4 original designs to choose from 4 original designs for your conditions:

  1. Two-way furnace on wood and coal coils from sheet metal.
  2. Vertical heater from a gas cylinder with air or water circuit.
  3. Pyrolysis stove of long burning from a cylinder or tube installed horizontally.
  4. Dropper on the workout of automotive and other oils.

Aggregate with two smoke revolutions

Note. The heating furnace can also be built from ceramic bricks, which is available about this topic. A similar source of heat will well fit into the interior of the cottage, but uncomfortable for the garage due to the size of the brick structure, long warming up and lack of mobility.

Wood heater with air chamber at the top

  1. If you spend a little time in the garage (1-3 hours a day), you will need a quick heating of the room, and it will provide a vertical wood stove with an air heat exchanger (option number 2), presented in the photo. Thanks to the fan driving the air through the upper chamber, it acts on the principle of heat gun.
  2. The same second option is suitable for large-sized boxes (standard garage dimensions - 6 x 3 m). Then the air chamber turns into a water circuit connected to heating registers.
  3. For permanent heating of the standard garage, option No. 1 is suitable - an effective two-way furnace on firewood, or No. 3 - a long-burning unit. The choice depends on the material of your material: the first is made from the propane cylinder, the second is a thickness of 4 mm thick.
  4. Those who plan to burn for the heating of waste oils are recommended to cook from a round tube a drip type stove (option number 4). If desired and the ability, it is possible to carry out its upgrades - to remake the boiler, making a water shirt.

Two-chamber pyrolysis stove

Reference. Of the popular garage homemakes, you should mention more 2 more designs: the famous oven is a bourgeois of the top burning of the bunch and a small heater from the wheeled wheels. Manufacturing first described in detail, the second is shown in the video:

Assembling efficient burzhuyki

It is well known that small efficiency is peculiar to conventional iron stoves (about 45%), since a significant part of the heat goes into the pipe together with smoke gases. Our design has implemented a modern technical solution used in solid fuel boilers - installation on the way of combustion products of two partitions. Goying them, gases transmit heat energy by walls, which is why the efficiency becomes higher (55-60%), and the burzhuyka is more economical. The principle of the aggregate reflects the drawing - the scheme:

For the manufacture you will need a sheet low carbon steel 4 mm in thickness, a piece of pipe Ø100 mm and metal rolling for legs and a grate grid. Now about how to make economical bourgeitogo:

  1. Cut the blanks made of metal according to the drawing and perform the openings for the fuel door and the ashtar.
  2. Cook from corners or reinforcement grille.
  3. From the cut parts, make the doors with constipation.
  4. Collect the aggregate on the patches, and then welcome the seams skidding. Put the flue of the chimney and legs.

Council. The lower partition is strongly heated by the flame, it is better to make out of a thicker iron - 5 or 6 mm.

For better heat transfer masters, welding to the case of additional exterior ribs, as is done in the photo.

How to cook the vertical stove from the cylinder

This bourgeitoke stove differs from such aggregates by the presence of an air chamber arranged in the upper part and fully isolated from the steel partition completely isolated. Heat exchanger edges are installed inside it, through which the heated air is purged with a fan. For the supply of cold and emissions of the hot flux into the lid, nozzles with a diameter of 40-50 mm are built, which is demonstrated in the drawing.

Note. The organization of air heating chamber in the upper zone of the fuel can also select the heat of the burning products passing by it into the chimney. Since the flame in the vertical furnace covers the entire portion of the firewood, there is an intense heating of the air flow in a separate compartment, due to which the temperature in the garage is raised quickly.

The first operation is the correct disassembly of the 50-liter cylinder from under the propane. To displace the remnants of the liquefied gas, you must unscrew the valve and fill the reservoir to the top water. After the grinder, you need to cut off the lid (line of the cutting seam) and act in this order:

  1. In the side wall of the cylinder, perform rectangular openings for the ash and boot door and swap with a steel strip with a thickness of 3 mm, as shown in the drawing. Cut the hole Ø100 mm under the chimney nozzle.
  2. Make a removable grade sequence and install them inside the case on the welded corners.
  3. Make the coil and fuel chamber doors, attach the handles and loops to them, and then install in framed openings.
  4. Cut the circle Ø30 cm made of metal with a thickness of 4 mm - it will be the bottom of the camera. We breed to one of its surface of the rib from the waste of metal, after which it is tightly docked with the toproom on the welding.
  5. In the cut cover, do 2 holes and turn the pipes to connect the air ducts. By readiness, set the cover to the previous place (but now - above the heat exchanger) and carefully go through the joints with welding.

Vertical burzhuyka in the garage can burn wood of various quality and humidity, including sawdust, as well as supply heated air to any point of room, which is relevant for greenhouses. In addition, it can provide heat radiators and registers, if they connect them to the pipes in the cover of the upper chamber and fill the coolant system.

Attention! To avoid boiling water and breakthrough pipes, you need to create its constant forced circulation from the pump and put an open-type expansion tank. Use antifreeze as a coolant, because the garage is not token around the clock.

Manufacturing horizontal heater

If a standard propane cylinder is hosted horizontally, and in the face to arrange the door, then it turns out a rather roomy fueling, which will include meter lamps. For better heat transfer and afterburning the resulting pyrolysis gases, you need to make a secondary chamber with partitions, as shown in the drawing.

Afterbing combustible gases in this burzhuyka is combined with the selection of heat in the products of burning, enveloping hemispherical partitions (cut from the cylinder body). Well, the indispensable attribute of intensive heat exchange - the outer ribs from steel strips are not necessarily. Practice shows that such a stove heats the garage with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 50 m² in the mode of medium burning, as described in the next video:

In the manufacture of the heating unit is easy: doors are installed in the front part, and the hole is cut into the back, where the secondary chamber of the pipe or the second cylinder is welded. In order not to take off the useful volume of the fuel, the ashpan is made attached. If necessary on top of the horizontal part, a cooking surface is satisfied.

Making bourgeois on working out

Smolyark and spent machine oil - very calorie fuel. If it gets cheap you, it makes no sense to contact firewood and coal, it's easier to make a reliable oven - dropper. Her principle of operation lies in the burning of the workout driving inside the hot bowl. And on the way, liquid fuel has time to warm up, as it passes through the oil pipe, which is built into the inside of the pipe - the shocking agent. Drip-type burzhuyka device is shown in detail in the drawing.

For efficient combustion of oil, the air into the stove is injected with a fan, and testing flows naturally from the tank suspended to the wall next to the heater. Another option is a forced fuel supply by creating a pressure in the fuel capacity (for example, a manual pump).

As a furnace case, it can act as a pipe Ø219 mm and a propane cylinder with a diameter of 30 cm. The manufacture of oil bourgearies with their own hands - the task is simple, the main thing is to properly make holes and slots in the zozhigatel and lay the fuel pipe to the bowl installed on the bottom. The full assembly guide is presented in another article. You can get closer to the work of the heater you can from the video:


It should be understood that the designs of wood and oil bourgeoque shown above may vary and be refined by you during operation. In the beauty of homemade stoves - they are improving your desire. Example: Garage craftsmen often make an external water circuit based on a self-exchanger embedded in the vertical section of the chimney pipe. This makes it possible to use water heating without interference in the design and alterations of the oven itself.

Designer engineer with experience in construction for more than 8 years ..
He graduated from the Eastern Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dalya in the specialty "Equipment of the Electronic Industry" in 2011.

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