Design ideas for a small bedroom. Think about the design of a small bedroom

The small size of the bedroom is not an obstacle to its beautiful design and realization of interesting design solutions. A variety of textures and colors of modern finishing materials create a lot of opportunities. The interior of a small bedroom may look stylish and unusually if you choose the appropriate furniture and think about the decor.


The task of the style is the connection of the elements of the interior in one one-piece picture. Modern directions give great choice opportunities.


Extremely popular and suitable style for a small room. Dominant colors: light beige, gentle pink and other pastel shades, balanced by classic gray and brown. The interior can be supplemented with gold and silver in accessories, furniture.

The tissues used should be natural, tactful pleasant and smooth. Photo of small bedrooms in classic style demonstrate their main features.


This French style will have to like romantic and creative people. Easy, refinement and grace in the decor, light colors, natural textiles - bright signs of this style. The airiness is emphasized by using interesting ornaments and flower patterns.

In the finish, natural materials will be good, wallpaper should be with a small ornament. "Rustic" style is perfectly complemented by handmade furniture, often with the effects effect.

Modern style

The interior is focused on a bed and placed around the sources of light, as well as the window. The situation is simple and laconic. There is no large number of accessories, bright colors. It is encouraged by the use of metal, glass, mirrors.


Very suitable for a small bedroom style. The space is organized with a minimum set of necessary to leave the situation light and spacious. It is characteristic of the use of low furniture items, wardrobes.

Natural materials prevail in the finish, the lighting of point lamps is often used. Decoration of walls monophonic, without pattern.


Contrast combinations of colors, transforming furniture options, unusual finish - all this style Loft. The urban interior will look amazing against the background of the panoramic window with the city scenery behind the glass.

The shades prevailing in the interior are blue, gray, beige-brown tones. Furniture is functional and simple, made of wood, metal.


To avoid cluttering the space of a small room, you must use the minimum of furniture. Beds without legs look less and more compact. Be sure to create additional places to store things, drawers will be relevant.

Among the new design for a small-sized bedroom can be noted the transforming furniture - most often, bed. It can be hidden so that the presence of a sleeping place in the room no one will be suspected.

There are double beds that are transformed into a closed wardrobe. Single beds stacked horizontally turn into a shelf or desktop.

Transforming furniture can transform the space of a bedroom with a small quadrature by making it easy to live. One of the easiest options is a sofa bed. Now on sale already there are models that are able to easily transform into a bunk bed.

The bed is located in the center of the room. She is given a place at the wall, the rest of the furniture is installed around the perimeter. If the room is also chair, it should not be too cumbersome and take a minimum of space. The cabinet in a small bedroom must be selected compact and roomy. Usually these are various variations of the wardrobe.

Wall decoration

To visually expand the space, it is better to stop the choice on light pastel shades. In addition, in the interior of the bedroom they will contribute to relaxation and rest. Vertical stripes on the wallpaper visually will increase the room in height.

It is possible to achieve the effect of an increase in the room and with the help of wallpaper with volumetric texture - the game of light and shadow on them will create a bulk effect.

Wall mural having a drawing in the form of a path in the forest, mountains and skyscrapers with the prospects that go deep into the impression of greater volume.

Window design

The window design will require serious attention. A small stylish bedroom cannot do without beautiful curtains. Better if their length is before the floor. A wide window will need curtains in the entire wall long, which will be gathered with small soft folds.

The ceiling eaves should not be too massive to feel the feeling of lightness and expanses. When selecting material and textures, the curtains must be focused on the overall style of the room.

Suppose not too catchy drawing, but only in the absence of a pattern on the wallpaper. Natural fabrics are welcome, simplicity and ease. Curtains should pass a lot of light.

Use mirrors and lighting

The reflective effect of the mirrors has long been and successfully used in the design of small rooms. Competent use of mirrors in the interior will significantly add volume room.

Interesting and non-essential version of the mirror - above the bed. Small mirror inserts look great in the cabinet doors. Mirrors in the form of crumbs may be present in the wall panels and frames of paintings. The refraction of them will create a very interesting effect.

Given the purpose of the room, the lighting should be soft, scattered. It is absolutely optionally to use the central light in the form of a chandelier.

A sufficient number of point luminaires will quite cope with this task. After placing them in levels, or by building the ceiling, you can achieve the desired result.

Small sconces and lamps from the head of the bed will well complement the interior, making it more cozy. In addition, with their help the room easily delimited on zones for sleep and day pastime.

None of us should underestimate the interior around us. And even more so when it comes to bedrooms. As a result of psychological tests, it is proved that the emotional impact of the environment on us is very influenced. Accordingly, the surrounding interior plays a huge role in the life of each of us. And even if your bedroom has very small sizes, it must be comfortable and comfortable for pastime in it. We offer to understand the design methods of bedrooms in small rooms, as well as view the options for the described photo of a small bedroom. In addition to the basic rules for designing interior design, we will tell you how to choose the right furniture with wallpaper, as well as what ways the space of the room is expanding.

Advantages and disadvantages of bedrooms of small sizes

As a rule, ordinary apartments do not at all make their inhabitants, including the owners. Low ceilings, narrow windows, and in general the area of \u200b\u200bthe room basically always wants only the best. And often such "negative" moments characterize directly Khrushchev. At the same time, this kind of disadvantage is elementary can be turned into great advantages.

If the room is small, it is very easy to create comfortable nests, where everyone will want to constantly strive after a serious working day for a speedy rest in the company of a loved one.

Among other things, checkout the bedroom is a gorgeous reason to show others how beautiful you have a wonderful taste in this matter. The fact is that there are such tasks that are not needed to solve in rooms with large sizes, for example, a visual increase in the room, the choice of color and its harmonious combination with the whole interior, as well as the selection of furniture. The occupation of such a thing will deliver a lot of pleasures and pleasures!

What color is most suitable for the bedroom

The main purpose of the room is a holiday. Accordingly, the color gamut here should be calm, not loading, peaceful, and even relaxing to some extent.

It is believed that for the tired views, the variants of light shades are ideal. In addition, they also visually increase the space, which is very relevant for the interior of small bedrooms. In addition, it is not only about white or beige, any options are appropriate here. What will you just like, if only they were bright! Thanks to them, the room will be bright and creative. To inspire, see the photos of small bedrooms, presented in our catalog.

You must understand that each color can be both warm and cold shades. The first is used in bedrooms overlooking the northern side, but with cold shades draw up rooms that come out on the southern sides. At the same time, the interior will not look very boring if it is diversified by colored accents, contrasting with a common color mood. For example, you can emphasize the wall in the headboard, having painted it with a bright color option, use juicy wallpapers, put a carpet on the wall or buy a dark color coat, which will be highlighted among pastel walls, as well as furniture products.

Little Bedroom Furniture

Since in the bedroom there is a free little place, here you need to use the minimum number of furniture. Of course, the bed must be. But in order to make an impression regarding not too strong clutter of space, choose such models in which there are no legs. Such options will look less than ordinary, and the ceilings will visually seem higher. For example, if the bedroom is small, and it is designed for children, it is worth buying a bed of two tiers. But modern designers offer a variety of multifunctional furniture options:

  • Options for bedside tables combined with racks. They store things - these are a closed option. For books or decorative elements / items - open shelves are best suited.
  • The built-in model of a wardrobe, which has a mirror door, contains any things you need. They help visually expand the room, as well as replace the mirror near the night model of the table. Of course, if you do not have too many things, you can choose a chest of drawers. You can also use and drawers under the bed as a storage system.

Fitting a small bedroom

To begin with, it is important to understand what a center for the compositions will have. Naturally, in the bedroom it is a bed. Of course, it may already be selected for it, in which case there will be no problems to expand other furniture. In the central part of the room it is worth leaving a free space so that the room is not overloaded. It is best when the furniture will be installed directly throughout the perimeter of the bedroom. If you decide to put bedside tables, choose such options whose height will not exceed the height of the bed.

Making a modern small bedroom, you should not choose the variants of bright and contrasting tones in which your walls will be painted, as well as furniture. It is very important to pick up so that the shades of among themselves are harmoniously combined. Color Choose some kind of light, but not white. But if you choose the options for light squat furniture, then the height of the ceilings will seem higher. Decorative elements use the minimum quantity. There should be no details that will clutter space. Let only one focus remain in the room, which attracts attention to himself, but it should not be in the central part of the room. Position it in one of the distant corners so that the prospect is visually added.

If the selected emphasis is an elongated and vertical form, the height of the ceilings in the bedroom will seem higher.

Consider the fact that the upholstery on the furniture, as well as any textile on which there will be a large drawing, in a small bedroom will look completely ridiculous and inappropriate. It is best if you stop at a variant of non-contrast or minor ornaments.

What ways to visually increase the space?

If your sleeping room is not too big sizes, do not worry about this too much. In order to visually the room seemed more or vice versa, less, you can use some techniques with which we will introduce you.

Using mirrors and glass elements in the style of a small bedroom

In this issue, the mirror is given the main role. It may be the only hanging on the wall, or on the door of the wardrobe. This method will allow perfectly add volume, but if there will be several small mirrors on the wall, they can break the space, while its faces will be hidden. In order for the room to look like lighter and more, it is best to hang mirrors opposite windows. It may be that when such a design is used in the room, which simply does not fit the use of wall mirrors. In this case, you can use various options for mirror surfaces, such as tiles, panels, stained glass windows.

- "Such material as glass is quite transparent and easy, respectively, the space will not be cluttered. You can make some glass items in furniture, for example, the same shelves, canvas in the door, coffee table.

Ceiling and walls of gloss

If we take up modern designs to attention, then it is often used glossy paint in them, because when it is applied to the walls, it can perfectly visually increase the space room. But do not overdo it, choosing the color of the material. For example, if you choose some options from bright and aggressive, you will probably have a feeling of fatigue, anxiety. The main task is to choose a pastel shade option so that it does not give too much. But, in this case, it is important that the perfect smaller surface is. The mirror type of gloss is capable of perfectly refracted by light rays, issuing visible any irregularities and flaws, because of which it will seem, as if painting is performed completely untidy.

Also space will help to increase the variants of glossy stretch ceilings. Combining with excellently selected lighting options, the impression is created, as if the space is infinite. But if a mirror ceiling is made with a starry sky imitation, on which the flashes will be chaired, the impression will be created, as if in the room "a piece of space from space."

Special wallpapers for a small bedroom

Using the photo wallpaper, can be deceived as we perceive the surrounding space. For today, fortunately, a huge and diverse selection of such materials is offered, and even such in which the prospect is expressed quite brightly. Very often you can see options with the image of landscapes / cities. But, such a type of material should be glued to one - an accent wall, it is with the help of it the space of the room will be increased. If you prefer a promising version of the pattern, it is definitely, it should not be applied to one of the narrow walls in the room of a rectangular shape. Thus, you will contribute only to the fact that the room will find even more elongated forms, and you will have such an impression as if you were in the tunnel.

If the space is pretty disproportionately, the proportions of the walls can be changed visually if there are strips on the selected wallpaper. For example, horizontal contribute to the expansion, if they are on the wall that is already. If preferred vertical, then the ceilings will visually seem higher.

Also do not fit the wallpaper options on which the drawing is pompous / very large size. Due to large parts, the room seems much smaller in size. But if the wallpaper will be too shiny and suitable, the situation in general will be broken. After all, everything in the room will be just terribly hammered. It is very important that in small spools it was harmonious, otherwise there will be no cozy.

Lighting in the idea of \u200b\u200ba small bedroom design

The question relating to the coverage is very important in any room, and even more so if we are talking about a room with small dimensions. It is not necessarily that it was a classic with the only number of central lighting. In this case, the room is no cozy. It is best that the lighting is zonal, which will highlight each of the corners of the room.

If the lamps are placed on the walls around the perimeter, in which case visually the ceilings will seem much higher. By the way, a very good result will be from the variant with multi-level lighting.

Balcony combined with bedroom

If you have exactly such a layout, you are very lucky. Due to it, the space of the room is not what visually will seem more, it will actually actually! If it is included in the main design of the bedroom, then he will continue him. In addition, it is a great option for placing furniture. Here you can very comfortable and comfortably get a book and read the book, magazine, or just think about good ... By the way, if you have some kind of hobby, hobby, then this is a very good option for such a classes. Here and the lighting of the day will be many times more.

Interesting options for making small bedrooms

If you are still looking for options for placing your own bedroom, choosing the most suitable option, you should view the proposed video options, as well as a photo of a small bedroom design. After all, it is here that you can find exactly what you have long dreamed of and it will be the best solution for you. Surely, inspired by fresh ideas, you can not only choose a wardrobe in a small bedroom that you like, and will also meet all needs and preferences. And if to approach the question with complete seriousness and responsibility, the design of your bedroom will envy many inhabitants of having big bedrooms that are very cold and faceless. After all, that all and happiness, to "chase" not over square meters, but to equip the comfort in its own housing.

95 Photo of Little Bedroom Design

Bedrooms are all important, all sorts are needed. Even if they are small and seem completely uncomfortable.

So that your little bedroom brings you joy, it is very important to competently build the design of its interior.

Read about all the nuances, features and secrets of the design of a small bedroom in our article. 100 photoys are already waiting for you!

    Style: Provence

    Style: Classic

  • What color to choose for a small bedroom?

    Many people think that if the bedroom is small - it should be exclusively white.

    This is not true!

    • First, the wrong (cold) shade of white will turn your bedroom from intimate space to the hospital ward.
    • Secondly, in the visual perception of the room often decisive is not color, but light (lighting).

    In the interior of a small bedroom, you can and you need (if you want it) use bright, saturated or dark shades, but not cluttering the space of unnecessary furniture objects, prints or volumetric textures.

    About the combination of colors in the interior we wrote.

    What style to make a small bedroom?

    Any style can be adapted for a small room.

    Just make an excess and leave the right one!

    It is good for its practicality and modernity, - unobtrusion and cozy, - by daring and masculinity.

    However, if you like exotic or traditional interiors, do not limit your flight of fantasy! Perhaps you will define a new trend among your girlfriends.

    What to bind the walls?

    Trend in the interiors - floral wallpaper.

    Wall painted walls will become a concise and pleasant background.

    Textured materials like brick masonry, wood, concrete will look good in the bedroom only if the number of furniture is minimized.

    What flooring to choose for a small bedroom?

    Not focusing on yourself.

    And still warm and pleasant to the touch, such as a tree or laminate.

    You can experiment with visual effects to expand the space of a small bedroom, for example - to lay out diagonal lamellas or "Christmas tree" parquet boards. But if they are hidden under the carpet, what's the point in this?

    What to make the ceiling?

    If your ceilings are low (as, for example, in Khrushchev), make them as simple as possible and free.

    But in the design of residential spaces is the shift of accents from walls on the ceiling. This is especially important for attic bedrooms, where the ceilings of atypical forms are found.

    What to choose a bed into a small bedroom?

    Such to accumulate as much as possible.

    The appearance of the bed is determined by the common style of space design, but do not forget about its functionality.

    Flying often becomes the "stumbling block" (in all senses) in a small bedroom, so it would be better to do without it.

    If the bedroom is very small and uncomfortable to be removed under the bed - give preference to models on the base.

    From the point of view of interior ergonomics, the best solution will be a bed with an additional storage system or bed-transformers.

    What should be the bedside tables?

    Beautiful and comfortable.

    They can stand on the floor or attached to the headboard of the bed, thus released some of the space.

    What wardrobe to put in a small bedroom?

    The best closet for a small bedroom is a separate dressing room.

    But it is not always possible.

    Use a narrow, but high wardrobe so that it does not interfere with you to move around the room and remained roomy.

    A practical solution will be a dual cabinet from the head of the bed when the headboard is like in a niche.

    Many people like, as to open them, an additional space is not required.

    Are there alternative storage systems for small bedrooms?

    The cabinet can always be replaced by other storage methods: hinged shelves or lockers, open hangers, niches, built-in beds in bed or special podiums.

    Why in a small bedroom dressing table?

    Then, that every woman wants to feel the queen of beauty.

    Of course, this is not the subject of the essence of the bedroom, but it is pleasant and convenient.

    If there are few places, place the table instead of one of the bedside tables.

    Do you need a chest?

    Dresser is an ideal way to store various kinds of little things: T-shirts, pantyhose and underwear.

    Do you have a separate dressing room? Perfectly!

    But if it is impossible to get into it straight from the bedroom, the chest of drawers better: you will not walk every morning behind the lower linen across the apartment?

    Do I need a chair in a small bedroom?

    Yes, if you need a separate seat for seating (for example, for reading or needlework).

    In all other cases, you can restrict ourselves to a small puff.

    What if you need to put a desk?

    Put Maximum compact, but without prejudice to comfort and convenience.

    Modern models of computer tables (namely they displacing traditional Sovdeopian giants tables) - miniature and lungs. They fit perfectly even in the design of a small bedroom.

    What accessories use?

    Accessories in a small bedroom should not be much. So that they do not interfere with walk - choose a wall decor: paintings, maps, photos, panels, clock.

    In fashion - live plants that simultaneously make the interior of the room more interesting, and contribute to maintaining the microclimate.

    What curtains will fit into the design of a small bedroom?

    Simple cut, without heavy ornamental details.

    Designers love to use light translucent fabrics in the interior of small bedrooms. But the main function of the curtain protective and we recommend using curtains for the bedroom at least average density.

    The second most popular solution, after the curtains in the floor, are Roman curtains.

    How to make lighting?

    Well, when there are several light scenarios in the bedroom: they will help you quickly switch from the working regime to rest mode.

    In the bedroom of lighting types should be at least two: the general and local (near the bed itself).

    In many styles, an important attribute is considered additional decorative lighting, but you need it or not - decide for yourself.

    Lifehak: Making switches near the bed and near the door, the lighting will be easier to use.

    Is it worth used in a small bedroom Wallpaper?

    Yes, if you want to visually expand the space and add a perspective to it.

    What if the bedroom is combined with the living room?

    If you do not use an ordinary sofa bed instead of a regular bed or a transformer bed that are hiding in the daytime, then try to make the sleep zone from the wake area as much as possible. This can be done with curtains, racks, decorative partitions.

    Here are some examples of the reorganization of the space in the living room - bedroom:

Make mistakes in the design of a small bedroom is much easier than in big. You should not choose more than 1 accent color and make more than 1 accent wall. The case in bedding and curtains, which pull a lot of attention, and therefore, if you twist with the walls and the ceiling, we get porridge and not design. But first things first.

We are determined with style and finishing

First, put forward several important theses. Some then reveal, some will have to believe.

  1. Choose the main background color white. Not gray, not beige, not coffee. White.
  2. Maximum 1 extra emphasis in the finish. Better 0. Bed linen, curtains, clothes - everything has its own color and these colors are enough. It makes no sense to add color finish.
  3. Bed linen - 1st importance in a small bedroom. No matter how cool design you do, choose ordinary bedding with flowerflocks and nothing will remain. Only one-color. See pictures.
  4. Do not wisely with the ceiling. The best ceiling for a small bedroom - smooth white matte without complications.
  5. Color lighting temperature 3000K. This question will be disclosed from a biological point of view.

Design style selection

The main thing is to determine we make a bedroom in a modern style or classic. Our deep conviction - you always need to choose modern styles. If for large apartments is just an opinion, then for small apartments is a rule.

On a small area, modern design styles should always be chosen.

This is relevant and because of money. Let's be honest, the absolute majority of people do not have an unlimited budget. Actually, if it were so, why would we have small bedrooms? And once the money is still important, you should choose exactly modern styles. In addition to their basic advantages, they are also cheaper.

Here is a photo of the perfect design for a small bedroom:

Modern interior design styles are well combined and there are no clear boundaries between them. Top most relevant in 2019 design styles of small bedrooms:

  1. Minimalism
  2. Scandinavian style

If you do not count the classic loft, the base template for most modern styles is minimalism. Other styles are obtained by adding parts to it. We advise you to get acquainted with the modern design of the bedroom, and then consider others.

Selection of color walls

As a rule, the accent wall is placed in the bed. But the criterion of choice is loading. The less the wall is loaded, the better it is suitable for the role of an emphasis. Because On one wall is always the door, and on another window, the focus is chosen either a wall behind the TV or by the bed. Attention to it is shy or some cool wallpaper, or just bright color. But be careful with, although this material is used longer than others, it is with him the most nuances.

In addition to the walls in the bedroom there are bed linen, curtains, possibly carpet and other items. All these items have their own colors. If we make bright more walls, it turns out porridge.

Decorative plaster was long ago, but was used only in classic styles. By 2019, this material survived the second birth and burst into modern styles. This is the most practical material, it is not afraid of anything, it is easy to wash. Can have any texture and color. Of the minuses only high cost. But we have no need to separate them all the walls in the bedroom, just put on the wall behind the bed. This is the most modern way to finish the wall behind the bed, while not having restrictions on implementation. The price of a meter of decorative plaster turnkey $ 10-30, given that our bedroom is small, the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall is approximately 3 × 2.7 \u003d 8.1 square meters. Not cheap, for one wall, but it is worth it.

The basic color of the walls, when there are no special preferences - white. It is always relevant, never will come out of fashion. The perfect neutral color that is combined with anything. Because In the bedroom, the minimum danger of smearing the walls, it is here that the white color is in maximum safety.

Custa, we are in:

Floor and ceiling in a small bedroom

The biggest mistake in a small bedroom is to wise with floors and ceilings. Floors are almost not visible, because Most of the area takes the bed. Ceilings, if you make them too complicated, delayed the unreasonably much attention. A good place for multi-level plasterboard ceilings is a living room, but not a bedroom.

Ceiling in a small bedroom

Because the ceiling we make simple, it will suit any material. Bedroom shape Even in non-standard planning apartments is usually rectangular or square. The combination of a small area and the correct shape is ideal for the stretch ceiling. In this embodiment, it will not be either seams nor ugly angular angles (because all angles are 90 degrees). So it makes no sense to overpay for plasterboard ceilings.

In a small bedroom, we make a simple minimalistic ceiling.

Here is a good example, when it was considered that the design gets too simple and decided to complicate it with a ceiling. In Vacuum could not be so bad, but in a concrete example, such a ceiling design is completely out of topic.

Many recommend choosing glossy ceilings for a small bedroom, allegedly increases space. We are the opposite we categorically not advise to make glossy ceilings in a small bedroom. In addition to the reflection of light, the gloss reflects and everything else. As a result, we obtain X2 all objects concentrated on a small area. This is chaos, not design. The interior design is about the balance, and not about the difficulty. And in general, glossy ceilings look collective farm. By ratio price / appearance The absolute first place is occupied by stretch matte white ceilings.

Paul in a small bedroom

The shortest point - the floor in a small bedroom is practically not visible. Choose any parquet or laminate with the chamfer - will not be mistaken. The only recommendation that can be given - take a look at dark colors. Ideally, if it turns out to make the illusion of the gradient from the dark floor to a light ceiling - it looks very stylish. The rest of the rules are not.

Where to start repairing a small bedroom

There are things that can always be changed or removed. And there are those that need to lay at the very beginning of the design of the interior before the start of repair, because it is impossible to remake them. And whatever cool interior design for your little bedroom you did not, if you make a mistake in them and it will be impractical, no appearance to worry about you. Here with them and start.


The bedroom is one of the most undemanding to the square of the rooms. Unlike other premises, here our activity is minimal - to fall asleep and wake up. In fact, the minimum sufficient area of \u200b\u200b9 sq.m. For a square room, it is 3 × 3 meters on the walls. Standard mattress size 160-180 × 200. This means that any place where it can be shoved, you can already turn into a bedroom.

Minimum sufficient bedroom area 9 sq.m.

But always want more. If your apartment has opportunities for redeveloping and increasing the small bedroom due to the transfer of walls or, for example, the connection of the balcony, then why not. We are constantly we recommend considering redevelopment options for small apartments. Many have an irrational fear of redevelopment, and quite in vain. It is not so expensive and difficult, and the advantages gives significant, both in terms of design and practicality.

The most common designer option for expanding the space of a small bedroom is to connect the balcony. For this, the balcony is insulating, and the wall between it and the bedroom or is eliminated entirely, or the window frame and the door is simply removed. The advantage of the second option is the lack of need to transfer the battery and an additional table (on the site of the former window). But note that legalize the joining the balcony to the bedroom is almost unrealistic.

With redevelopment of the bedroom sorted out. What else is important to do at the initial stage of repair.

Electrician wiring in the bedroom

Little Bedroom Switches

That you will definitely remake, so this is a wiring of electricity. Egg here, and even a small bedroom will be able to deliver big problems.

By 2019, for professional builders and designers, some things in the design of bedrooms have already become standard. One of them - switch Switches in Bedroom. The passages are called switches, which may independently include and turn off the same light circuit. This is especially true for corridors and bedrooms, even small. Agree, it is convenient to be able to turn on and off the light without getting up from the bed and not going to the door.

The wiring under the passing switches should be done immediately, then add them it is impossible.

Sockets in a small bedroom

In 2019 it is already impossible to imagine yourself without gadgets. Phone, e-book, tablet - things which are constantly used in the bedroom. Things that have a property can be discharged at the most inopportune moment. Accordingly, on each side of the bed, in addition to the passing switches, there should be a socket in the amount of at least 2 pieces.

Do not forget about the outlets for the TV. Moreover, it is advisable to know in advance will it stand on the end or suspended on the bracket, because The height depends on it. We advise you to make a group at least from 3 sockets - you never know what else you want to connect.

Another 1-2 outlets are located at the height of 15-30 cm from the floor. Can be useful for vacuum cleaners or climate machinery, which is the most important. Air humidity in the bedroom is an important parameter, but you do not think about it while it is in order. If for some reason the air will be too dry, you should have the ability and sockets to connect the humidifier.

In the design of sockets and switches, too much has changed. Now the choice of sockets and in appearance and the wallet is just huge. Any colors, any styles. If at some point you should be needed to maintain an additional accent color in the bedroom with some accessories, remember the sockets and peppers. It is possible that they exist exactly in the desired color.

Lighting in a small bedroom

One of the most important points in which even designers do not understand.Light affects sleep quality. Each person has internal biological clocks (circadian rhythms). 2-3 hours before sleep in the body begins to produce a hormone melatonin, which plays an important role in the quality of sleep. And here there is an important nuance - the light suppresses the production of this hormone. And what could be important in the design of the bedroom, what is his influence on sleep?

In order to move normally to sleep, the bedroom lighting must answer the 2nd requirements:

  1. Nezernaya Non-Light Sources.
  2. Color temperature no more than 3000K.

It is necessary because the suppression of the extraction of melatonin depends on the intensity and the length of the light wave. Therefore, you should have the opportunity to use additional light sources that will not make it. A complete darkness is also not an output - when watching TV is in the dark harmful to the eyes.

Warm or cold lighting in the bedroom also matters. The colder it seems to us, the shorter of its wavelength. And it is the light with a short wavelength that worsens the dream of the strongest. therefore in the design of the bedroom it is important to use lamps with color temperatures 2800-3000Kthose. Warm yellow lighting .

Furniture in a small bedroom

How to place a bed

The size of the mattress is 160-180 × 200, respectively, the size of the bed is slightly more depending on its design. Standard accommodation where the area allows - in the middle of the room back to the wall. The advantages of this placement of the bed in the bedroom are able to make bedside tables, sockets and switches on both sides.

When the room is small and a place for such a "chic", we put the bed to the wall or window. Some inconvenience arises because of the inability to climb on it on both sides, but the small bedroom does not look worse from it. This is a completely standard option, many of it have already used and the interior of the bedroom does not particularly suffer. You can rate in photos:

If the sidewalls are narrow beds, then you will have constant contact with the wall to which the bed is pressed. It is desirable that this wall is not too light, or at least it was from the material that is well clean, such as decorative plaster.

Because Our bedroom is small, it is unlikely that we can accommodate a bunch of cabinets in it. Therefore, it is possible to consider the options where there are storage space in bed. It will slightly worsen the design of a small bedroom overlapping it, but practicality is important.

Cabinet and Tombs

A small or large room, but it is necessary to store things somewhere. Of course, you want small lungs on the edges of the bed, but in practice a good idea will make them to the ceiling. Unusually, but practical. Before ordering can now do anything. And because of the high competition in the market for the production of furniture to order, prices can be found quite humane, the main thing to search.

Go away as much as possible the office for the manufacture of furniture for bedrooms - prices are very different.

Many consciously reduce the bedroom area up to 10-12 square meters in favor of the wardrobe. This redevelopment at which we transfer the entrance to the bulk of the bedroom, and the released space use as a wardrobe. The area is used not rationally, but in terms of design, this interior of the bedroom looks better.

If the meters are still limited and swapped them to the appearance of the desire is not, then choose or a wardrobe or a regular cabinet with swing doors. In the design trends of the bedroom of 2019, the second option is even preferable - the cabinets of the coupe is no longer in fashion.

Such an offer sounds a bit wildly, but it is better than a permanent mess from the inability to decompose things in places. And all things have things and their number does not correlate with a small size of the room. In this option, it is necessary to choose bright colors for such furniture, preferably without texture. Pure white or beige furniture - standard. It is also important because the dust is not visible on the bright, and it is unlikely that you will have the opportunity to constantly climb the bedroom ceiling to wipe it.

Dust visible on light.

Our task is to accommodate everything you can. Bed, open areas of walls - all.

Now you have all the information on the design of small bedrooms, ideas are dragging from the photo and good luck in repair!

Save and share - it will be useful!

Little bedroom design is a difficult task. After all, most often the bedroom in modern small apartments combines the functions of the wardrobe and home office. However, taking a note of some useful tips, you can competently use each meter and turn your small bedroom to a cozy and functional place of rest.

When the bedroom is small, you need to simultaneously combine two tasks - accommodate the desired furniture and things and visually increase the space. What do you need to do to visually expand the size of the bedroom? What colors are best to use for this? How to decorate a small bedroom? What furniture is suitable here best?

The less the bedroom - the lighter shades

Of course, bright shades are recommended for a small bedroom, as they significantly expand the space, while warm - visually reduce it. That is why there should be a wall in the bedroom of a small size of the paint of neutral light tones or shine lightly.

In order for the interior of a small bedroom to make more interesting and creative, you can make bright accents - multicolored curtains, carpet, pillows and bedspreads.

What furniture to choose for a small bedroom

Since there is enough space in a small bedroom, it is not worth cling to furniture. In this case, working out the design of the house or the design of the apartment, in the bedroom it is best to apply the style minimalism.

The main place in the room is a bed, and even in a small bedroom it should be focused on it. You can choose an option without legs to visually it seemed smaller in size. To concentrate attention on the bed, you need to make a higher and highlighted headboard.

Some bedrooms are so little space that it will even be not enough for a wardrobe, and therefore it can be safely replaced by the chest. In addition, near the bed can be installed high racks instead of bedside tables.

Built-in wardrobe with mirror front doors is an excellent option for a small bedroom. It places a lot of things in it, which is very important in such a situation. The furniture needs to be located in such a way that the maximum of free space remains, and there was no empty space between the objects.

How can you visually expand the space of a small bedroom? What advice should be listed in this case?

  • Do not climb the bedroom subjects that do not touch sleep - you do not need to use a lot of decorative elements, bookshelves, chairs, etc.
  • Do not clutter the entrance to the bedroom.
  • Instead of placing a few shelves, you can choose a compact rack where everything is needed to fit, there will be a lot of free space.
  • You need to use paint or wallpaper of light tones, and dark colors are not recommended.
  • Wallpaper with a horizontal pattern perfectly expand the space.
  • It is recommended to use textiles and curtains without large drawings.
  • You should not hang on the walls of numerous photos and paintings in a massive framework. It is better to hang in the bedroom just one picture above the headboard bed.

Bedroom design with balcony - expansion of space.

There are also such cases when tenants, desperately experiment with the visual expansion of a small bedroom, are solved to increase its space due to the balcony or loggia area.

The idea is realistic only if the balcony is glazed. The design of a small bedroom with a balcony is two types: the use of a loggia as an additional zone - continued completion; The room with the adjacent part is a single space. In the first case, a tiny sofa and a coffee table can be put on the balcony, building a recreation area or racks for books. The main thing is that the interior of the loggia is to continue the design of the bedroom, obeying a single style, and did not dissemble with him.

In the second case, you will have to take care of the insulation of the adjacent part and remove the window and the balcony door. Remove the same bearing walls and transfer batteries to the balcony should not be - in order to safety of the whole house. The second option is suitable for those who have a very small bedroom. The balcony can be turned into a cozy terrace, a working office (if it is located on the northern or western side), a library (for lovers to read). You can organize a sleeping place here, putting a narrow ottoo and a dressing room, equipping the cabinet area. Contrary to popular belief, a tiny room is not a sentence. Properly selected furniture, light sources, color gamut, textiles and minimum decor will be adding space, freedom. We hope that now you will be able to develop a small bedroom design with your own hands. Boldly resort to interior tricks and tricks, in order to make the rest area and sleep the most pleasant corner in the house.

Try to choose a wallpaper with bright interesting pictures, your baby will be delighted, seeing the heroes of the favorite cartoons on the walls. If you are afraid that the child will show his talent of the artist right on the wallpaper, leave one white wall - for creativity.

Children's bedroom must be divided into zones:

  • Gaming;
  • Working;
  • For sleep.

If the room is intended for several children, it will help to save space a two-story bed.

The play area includes not only the space for games, but also elements such as a staircase and a horizontal bar for sports exercises. Use photo wallpapers, they will revive the space of the bedroom and will increase significantly.

The working area must be a table, a comfortable chair, racks for books. The child should be comfortable to do lessons and nothing should distract him, better if sitting at the table, he will be back to the gaming area. If the room is adjacent the balcony, the game zone can be placed there, only try to insulate the walls, windows and gender as much as possible.

The design of a small room can be quite creative, for example, make a nursery inside the nursery. Something like a huge low cabinet can serve your child a game area or a dressing room, and the bed will be located at the top of this cabinet.

In the bedroom we spend at least a quarter of your life. So, this room is especially the road to each of us. It is very important that you feel in a small bedroom calmly and confident. When making the interior, try to create the most cozy atmosphere. The setting of a small bedroom should not have to eat, on the contrary, to become a familiar quiet harbor, where you can always gain strength before the next hard working day.

Photo ideas: