Ideas for beds in the country. Create a harmonious gardening design How to plant a beautiful garden

Cottage and vegetable garden instead of the resting place are often becoming a place of exhaust labor. Hying, riding, bragging, pouring again, riding, explode and so in a circle. At the same time, the harvest is not always pleased. The situation can be changed. There is a special technology - a smart garden. The processed area decreases at times, the amount of water required for watering is reduced, the yield increases. This is not a fairy tale. Many have already switched to smart beds and they are all satisfied with the result.

What is a smart garden or smart beds

Smart vegetable garden allows you to obtain maximum yields with minimal labor costs. How? There are several basic rules and techniques: proper plantation planning, the turnover of plants planted, special growing technologies (in high beds, trenches), drip irrigation, mulching or use of underfloor material. All this has long been known and, for sure, many are already used. But it is in the complex that all these measures give what is called "Smart Garden". Because everything is done on the site.

Smart vegetable garden - these are formed, often raised or high beds, in which the necessary conditions for plant growth are created

The main task of this technology is to do everything so that work in the country is not a grave service. It is possible if you approach the organization of the process with the mind. And quite in vain this technology is called "a vegetable garden for lazy." At the stage of arrangement, you have to work shimmer, but then everything will grow almost itself, but the first stage requires impact efforts.

Starting with the planning of the site. It is necessary to choose the location of the beds taking into account illumination. Then to develop a laying scheme along the plot of water pipes and lay them. At the same time, you can deal with the device of the bed. About this order. All this requires time, considerable effort and funds. Material costs may not be too large.

We plan to garden

If you already have a cottage or plot of land near the house, you probably have already come across the situation of oversupply of fruits, vegetables and berries. When the harvest has to hand out their relatives, neighbors, colleagues. But in order to grow it, I had to attach a lot of conditions. To avoid a similar situation, it is necessary to plan a harvest. Clear case, you will not get great accuracy, but the results close to the planned are possible.

Smart vegetable garden - this is also the decoration of the site

We consider square gardening

The first thing to do is to sit down and think that and in what quantity you want to grow. Number of concrete - in kilograms. How much you need to "eat" and "close". Write a list of plants (in the column) and the desired harvest.

Deciding with the list of plants that you want to grow, sit down and look at the average yield, which can be achieved when growing in smart beds. It is given in the table. Since you are still inexperienced "Lazy Gardener", reduce it twice. Opposite each of the plants put the numbers. It is necessary to record in kilograms per square meter of the square.

Now it is easy to calculate what area you need to take off under each type of plants: the desired harvest in kilograms divide on the middle yield for each of the types of plants. We get a sign of a square under vegetables, berries, greens, etc. If you add all these squares, find out how many beds you need. Here are these beds and you need to position on your site.

Most likely, you are surprised at how little space you need to go under the garden. And the truth is not enough. Some less than what we are accustomed to! In processing you will have a very little land. The freed place can be taken under, rokaria, and other decorations.

Where to have

Planning smart beds, it is necessary to consider the degree of illumination. Practically all the plants you need prefer solar places. In the half you can grow rhubarb, sorrel, onions (per pen, including). Perhaps all. Garden plants that would grow well in shaded places, there is no. Rather, they will grow to grow, but yield will decrease 3-4 times. Shadow plots should be left under the seating area or place there a floweruba plants there.

Another principle of location of the beds: the more departure (clean irrigation) requires a culture, the closer to the entrance to the house it must be positioned:

Why so plants? Because at the beginning of work on watering / weeding, gardeners are full of enthusiasm and plants get more water, weeds are carefully deleted. Gradually, the fervor will fall, water on the square of the square goes less, the treatment becomes less thorough. And with the approach proposed approach, the amount of water will be "just" and with the processing of the soil will be in order.

Light orientation and accurate place definition

If you want to get a harvest from the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe lazy garden, the location is north-south. Strictly. Only it will be fruit all the area. Also, place the sleepers for climber vegetables. Although they can be planted along the southern and eastern walls of buildings.

So that the smart garden was also beautiful, we need to think through where to put the beds. To do this, we take a plan of the area on a scale indicating the direction to the north / south. On it we draw all the buildings and capital tracks, water supply (special attention to the position of cranes), trees and shrubs. On the plan immediately delineate the shadow zones - there will not be vegetables here, this is a place for flowers, fountains.

From paper cut out the bed (on the same scale as the plan of the site). And we make their form that we plan: rectangle, square, circle, triangle, etc. The form is selected based on the planned area of \u200b\u200bthe area. And it does not have to be a boring rectangle. Since there will be enough free square (you remember that the beds are needed much less), then rationalism goes to the background, and we make the main emphasis on aesthetics. After all, few people work at the cottage "to have something to eat," basically it is also a pleasure. And what could be more pleasant to the beauty of the cultivated area?

So, every piece of paper denoting a smart bed, we subscribe - put the name of the culture or cultures (you can grow two to three and more on one ridge). Now we are looking for a place for each, taking into account the rules described above. In the course of the case, you can change the form of smart beds: in favor of beauty or convenience. When they found places, blaming the contours, tolerate the inscriptions. It remains only to realize the conceived.

Watering system

A significant part of the work in the garden is watering plants. If you use lazy beds, you will have to watered much less frequently. But even in this case, it is better to make pipe wiring on the site competently. You already have a location plan on your garden of beds. Now add flower beds there, bushes and trees. Get plan for placing plants that need to water. Now you should think about how so that there are no more than 2-3 meters to any "irrigation object". If so do, then the small hose will have to pull to each bed, which is much easier.

Homemade drip irrigation system from polymer pipes, water source - barrel

It is even better if a hose for drip irrigation will be laid in a smart garden. This will reduce water consumption and increase the harvest. Yes, at the same time. The hose for drip irrigation is a polyethylene tube with small holes through which water falls drops. When disembarking, plants are planting near the holes. As a result, water is fed to the root, the plant receives a sufficient amount of moisture, and the gaps between the plants remain only slightly moistened (due to the redistribution of moisture in the soil).

When using drip irrigation, you will have a little work. Open the crane, wait for a certain period of time, close the crane. Everything. The hoses for drip irrigation are for connecting to the water supply (sold on the Method), there are in the form of sets with a small pump, which will pump water from the tank. Spaning prices for hoses for drip irrigation solid - prices differ at times. No matter how limited your finances, do not take the cheapest hoses - they will serve no more than one season. It is better to overpay for the quality product and enjoy several years. When choosing kits for drip irrigation We still have to watch the irrigated area. But, most likely, it will arrange you, since lazy beds are rarely big. Read more about drip irrigation kits and manufacturers.

How to do smart / lazy beds

The principle of the structure of smart / lazy beds is that it is necessary to create ideal conditions for the development of plants and ease of processing for themselves. And what should plants? Nutrients, sufficient amount of light, air, moisture and lack of a large amount of weeds.

Oxygen and nutrients

A sufficient amount of the sun was provided to them by placing the beds from the north to south. Next task - nutrients and air roots. All this lay down when forming a bed. Depending on the type of soil, we select the components, which in the "source material" lacks. In the middle lane of Russia, the main soil is clay and loam, therefore, it is usually added to the metacular degree of "maturity" (year, two and three). This is for fertilizers, and to facilitate soils - for better access of oxygen to roots. Along with the humus, bacteria and worms fall, which continue to process, enriching the soil and loose it instead of you.

The yield from the square meter will be CSO which ...

If necessary, other fertilizers can be made - in the wells when landing or watering. Depends on cultures or wealth / poverty of the initial soils. The most common natural fertilizers - chicken litter and cow manure, ash. When making only a cow manure, you will be married. If you add some chicken litter, the bear will not, and the composition of the soil will become richer.

Preservation of moisture and wrestling of weeds

Moisture will partially be delivered to rain and dew, will partially have to add watering. And so that the water is less required, the entire bed space is not filled with plants, fall asleep mulch. Mulch, by the way, also reduces the number of weeds - the light is not enough for it.

The mulch can be used straw, beveled grass, sawdust, dirty needles, special mulch made of chips. All this can be used to mulch lazy beds. But all materials are imperfect. That is the advantages and disadvantages:

There is another good output: to cover smart / lazy beds with a special covering material of black. They completely cover the surface of the beds, sometimes in two layers. Under the plants do small holes. Watering is produced directly on the material - it does not delay the water and the air, does not give rise to weeds, protects the soil from overheating. In general, everyone is good, except that it should be bought.

How to do them

With the general principles of creating intelligent vegetable garden, they will now specifically understand how to make a bed. According to them, it is impossible to walk, so they are necessarily required to disperse - stones, slate, iron, painted in half logs, boards ... It does not matter what, but the beds must be separated from the tracks. And since it is impossible to step in beds, the width of them should be such that you can freely process the soil.

Now about the width of smart beds. It depends on the type: they will be the usual height or raised. If the beds do at the ground level, their width is 80-100 cm. Sitting squatting or leaning around, you can handle such a width. If the beds are raised at least half a meter, it will work even more convenient. Do not only high beds. All possible cultivation technologies can be used:

Now about the usual garden height is better or raised. For a truly lazy garden, it is better raised: when processing soils will have to strain less. But - the thing is troublesome and unprecedented. So, for a start, you can get high beds only under the most difficult in the care of culture. And you can also use various containers / containers - under greens, salads, spicy plants. Cutting along large barrels, boxes. There are plastic containers on sale, which are manufactured specifically for intelligent vegetable garden. They can be placed at all on the tracks, near the entrance to the house.

The only culture that is not worth making raised beds - potatoes. It grows perfectly in trenches, and to do it much easier and faster.

Between the beds

The beds on the smart vegetable garden are separated, the distance between them is at least 60 cm (better than 90-100 cm or more). A solid distance that needs to be filled with something. Alone between the beds is not the best idea. Why then it is to be with separate beds to fight with weeds between them ... Therefore, you can or lay out / choose or falling by lawn grass. The best grass for our lawn is the shooting and wilderness of the selection. They grow rapidly, form a dense greens, which is not pulled out and even transfers work with a cart.

The grass will need to be cut, so you need a lawn mower or trimmer. And the cutting grass can be started on mulch. Then, by the way, weeds will be displayed - they cannot withstand frequent haircuts.

Some tricks

The technology is called a smart garden not in vain. You can test different approaches, new items, experience "colleagues". There are several tricks that come during operation. One has already been told - about observer material. He really greatly simplifies care and mulch is not needed. There are still interesting ideas:

Surely there are still tricks in the processing of intelligent vegetable garden. If we find out about them, I will definitely add an article.

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Urban residents love to spend time at dachas, where someone organizes only a rest area, and someone puts flowers, vegetables and grows fertile trees. After spending a few hours a day or a week in the process of processing the Earth, the question arises how to make a bed with your own hands not like everyone else. Interesting ideas come to mind many dacms and owners of private houses. Consider the original frequences and several instructions for creating such beauty.

Beautiful flower garden without unnecessary hassle

How to create a bed with your own hands not like everyone else: interesting ideas of ready-made options

Decorating your garden, many think about how to create a bed with their own hands not like everyone else. Interesting ideas come to mind, but the process of sale becomes difficult and it turns out not all.

It is not necessary to despair at the same time, you can take the basis of the ready version, and in its drawings to realize your own original creation. Consider that not only the design themselves will decorate the site, but also a combination of garden tracks and their grown cultures themselves will enter a common landscape design.

Here are some interesting photos of the garden design on the garden:

Examples of garden design with beds

Many interesting breeding ideas do with their own hands as everyone can be found on the expanses of the global network. Despite the fact that people are still associated with land and small long hilly to landing edible crops, the process of creating a unique garden may be a fascinating occupation.

Make beautiful beds with your own hands on the photo with the instruction is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to determine the criteria of choice. For example, for a small area, a good idea will be vertical structures that occupy the minimum area.

Choosing a shape for landing, also consider the dimensions of the entire area that you will assign for the bed. Do not choose round forms for a narrow and long territory. For the best shoots, try to locate from the north to south to Dina. And if you got the earth with a bias, it is better to land vegetables across it to avoid harvesting the harvest with strong rains.

How to make a bed in the country with your own hands with a suitable size

When going to arrange a garden on my garden, it is worth determining the size to land the maximum number of cultures using rationally the whole area. There are no accurate criteria for dimensions, however, it is necessary to make such a landing place so that it is easy to easily with the path.

Standard is considered to be size 1M wide, from 1.5 m in length or up to 50 cm in depth. The distance between landings up to 40 cm, it is quite enough for a free passage. In this case, the path is made by 30-50 cm below the top level of the ridge.

There are several varieties of beds different from standard dimensions:

  • Big. By area, this design exceeds 12 m². Plants are planted on such expanses, which practically do not need to buy: potatoes, beans or pumpkin.
  • Holly option. Height from 80 to 100 cm, and no requirements for the length. To create a top layer of the soil and make fencing from metal or chipboard. In the midst of such a design make a small deepening, where water accumulates when watering.
  • High. For such a design it is worth choosing solar sections. In the width, it is advisable not to exceed 1.5 m. The height of the ridge is different, but do not forget that this option needs frequent watering.

  • Deep. Instead of elevation, make a trench where the peat, compost and manure are placed, over all the soil, the height of which does not exceed 25 cm.
  • Narrow bed for vegetables. Most often used in greenhouses. Suitable for open soils. In such designs, plants are plant with small swips from above, but a strong root system.

Choosing a variant of the bed, it is worth considering the features of the cultures that plan to plant. Some plants prefer wet soil more, so high ridges are rarely chosen for them.

How to equip the beds in the country with your own hands with photo examples

For the arrangement of its garden, it is worth consider not only the shape and subtype of the bed itself, but choose the material for its framing, as well as to equip the tracks. Why make a place to land? There are several reasons for this:

  • Aesthetic side. Such designs look careful and more interesting.
  • Weeds will grow less. For their development, free space is reduced, and it is also much more convenient.
  • Do not fall at the ridges from rain or watering.
  • The soil moisturity is preserved longer after watering.
Important! Correct material for the manufacture of beds. It should pass the air and not to extract toxic substances.

Good options are obtained from:

  • flat slate for beds: an inexpensive option that will serve as an additional decor, but do not forget that it is rather fragile;

  • woods: Natural and easy to install, but is short-lived and requires processing from rotting;

  • galvanized steel with polymer coating: Large service life, but it will not be cheap;

  • stone or concrete: durability and beauty, but this option carries material costs, and also requires a certain skill in the masonry;

  • burgundy tape: The easiest and most affordable way of registration.

The tracks between the beds can be left as it is, make the sprinkle of small pebbles or to be causing paving slabs. It depends on the chosen area of \u200b\u200bthe decor of the garden plot.

What makes the fence for the beds do it yourself

The simplest options for fences that will not require high rapid costs and have an affordable price: flat slate and curb ribbon. In the second way, you can create any forms for planting fruit crops.

To make an interesting decor on its plot, first it is necessary to buy a flat slate for a bed. The average cost from 300 to 500 r. Depending on the thickness of the material. The classic size of one element: 100 to 150 cm.

The installation of a flat slate will be reduced to several simple stages:

Photo exampleWhat to do

By choosing a place and sizes of places for planting vegetables, cut the material of the desired height and length. On the perimeter of a smooth ridge, dig a trench in half the slate bought.
Install the workpieces into the prepared troves and pour them with the soil. Be sure to confuse the ground for the stability of the structure.

Use metal pegs to secure the design. And pour fertile land inside. All is ready.

To make it easier to work, look at the video:

It's easier to use your hands borders for beds. The softness of the material allows you to make any shape, and for strength, the material is not only cheered into the trench, but also use plastic pegs. Here are some interesting photo examples of finished works:

Article on the topic:

In the article, consider in detail why it will come in handy, what types of border ribbons for the garden are on sale and how to install this device correctly?

Photo of unusual beds in the country do it yourself

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on the fence for planting fruit crops, you can use the simplest and most affordable materials that you have from a construction site or other work. Often there are trimming from boards, bricks or pieces of wavy slate.

Lovers do everything on their own, as well as decorate the garden with fancy forms, often mastered the girlfriend. Photos of some works are below:

Article on the topic:

Stock Foto Crichers for strawberries do it yourself: features and examples of creating

Strawberry put in almost every garden. Juicy and unpretentious berry is a favorite delicacy of adults and children. But that she really turned out to be delicious, it is necessary to properly prepare a bed.

To date, there is a rich choice of material that allows you to accelerate the growth and productivity of bushes. For example, the price per meter at the spunbond is only about 100 rubles, and the benefits of such a canvase have a lot:

  • creates unique conditions for the growth of berries;

  • it has an excellent ability to skip air and water;
  • does not make opportunities to develop weeds;
  • the soil under the canvas is heated faster;
  • extra mustache are not rooted, and there are practically no slippers.

If you do not want to spend even such a simple and convenient material, you can make beds from plastic pipes. Here are some interesting photo examples:

Interesting beds for strawberries do it yourself from automotive tires

Inventing the option suitable for the landing of delicious berries, various technician materials come to mind. Including beds for strawberries made of tires. Moreover, you can create a unique vertical structure, which occupies a little place in the garden and gives a large harvest.

For work, the tires are suitable for the desired size, the chisel, a wooden shoe and a soil with a seedler. Additional framework is not required, as there are metal cord in tires, providing a proper structure of the structure.

Holes for seedlings are made by a chisel, and the tire itself can be put on the block. Put several holes and the simplest design ready. Here is the video in one of the ways to create.

Video: grow strawberries in the tires

Instructions, how to make a bed for strawberries from a pipe with photo examples

Landing strawberries in a pipe (horizontally) - a common option on sites with a small amount of free space. Moreover, the material itself can be both metal and PVC. Here are some employee examples:

You can even use the sewer tube for a bed for strawberries. Consider in more detail how to make a design for delicious berries:

  • Prepare two pipes with different diameters, while thin must be 20 cm shorter than thick.
  • In large, drill holes with a large diameter (7cm) at a distance of 15 cm. And in a small one row of holes with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm and an interval of 8-10 cm.

When preparatory work is completed, collect the design. To do this, put the plugs on the pipes. Tolstically deepen into the ground, and the small tube for watering is fixed in the center. Soil is falling asleep, and bushes are planted. So that it was clear, look at the video:

Interesting design of vertical beds for strawberries from plastic pipes. Here are some photo examples:

How to make multi-tiered designs beds under the strawberries do it yourself

Modern materials, as well as remedies allow not only to do with their own hands, but on the photo recreate real pyramids with beautiful bright bunches of strawberries. And also do multi-level "houses" for flowers.

Make a pyramid to grow strawberries on their own forces is not so difficult. You can use a different material for fencing: wood, metal, plastic. As well as all sorts of remedies:

  • flower pots;
  • tires from cars;
  • trimming pipes of different diameters;
  • boxes from under vegetables and fruits.

There are no accurate criteria for the form of the base. You can make it a round, square, rectangular, polygonal and even wavy line. Consider a simple way how to make a multi-tiered bed under strawberries:

Photo exampleSequence of work
Take the basis of the classic pyramid, but with a sharp top. We will collect from the tree, as it is easier to fasten.

Collect the first tier. It should be the biggest. The width of the ridge for strawberries should be 40 cm. Down can be laid a grid of a stainless steel, it will save the roots from the pest and will allow not to allow overvalued.

At the bottom of each tier, poured sawdust and chips, as well as dry grass. That is, it turns out the grid - sawdust - grass. Then layer of land. It is desirable to leave the overall height of the pyramid at the level of one meter, otherwise it will uncomfortable to care for berries.

Level sides are better to do under the tilt, and before disembarking, treat the entire design of varnish or paint to protect against rotting and increase the service life.

To make it easier and faster, look at the video:

Stock Foto Circumcocks under the strawberries from bags

Vertical beds for strawberries - the perfect option for a small area. They can be purchased ready in the store or make themselves. Moreover, the second method is a real flight of fantasy. In addition to the considered methods of building beds from pipes, tires and wood, you can make a unique decor with fruitful bushes from bags.

The process of growing strawberries in bags is no different from the classical or vertical bed, but very interesting options are obtained to create a bed.

The advantages of beds from slate with their own hands with photo examples

The use of a flat slate for beds is known for a long time. Every gardener at least once saw such structures. Fate material is distinguished by a number of advantages:

  • durability due to the absence of corrosion and rotting processes;
  • it looks beautiful and neat;
  • just mount high designs, and even multi-level options;
  • affordable cost;
  • there are open sale in any city or online store.

Despite the simplicity of installation and undemanding in additional processing, Slate has negative sides that need to be considered when choosing a place for disembarking strawberries:

  • heats up strongly in the sunso the beds are worth it more often;
  • unprotected with mechanical damage: If you accidentally hurt a shovel or a carriage slate split.

But from the wavy material, very neat and beautiful beds are obtained:

How to make wavy beds from slate with their own hands

According to the photo above, it can be seen that it is not necessary to create a bed of a wavy slate with optionally smooth and rectangular. You can make designs in several levels or rinse angles by selecting the best option for your site.

Sometimes the slate trimming remaining after the roof is used. This is the cheapest option to arrange the garden, since it does not carry additional costs, but there is an inconvenience of working with different pieces. The easiest way to buy the same thickness and length of the wavy slate canvas. Especially since the average price of them varies within 200-300 p. for 7-8 waves. Medium dimensions: length - 1.75 m, width - 1.13 m.

For laying such a fence into the ground, it is enough to dig a small trench around the perimeter of the future ridge. Put smooth slate lines to this hole, somewhere on half a total height, and to stick the earth. To be understood by the sequence of actions, look at the video:

Features of beds from a flat slate with their own hands

Many dackets prefer to make the fence of the beds with slate, as it is available and easy. And also do not require any certain skills and skills, as in the case of a masonry border.

In this case, such practical and harmless material has several installation recommendations as a fence for flower beds or beds:

  • Full sheet of flat slate for convenience in half or divided into parts 1 and 0.75 m.

  • Elements should be fixed with each other with metal corrosive painted by special corrosion varnish. This does not allow the sprawling of the ridge.

  • If you want to change the color of the material used, do it in advance, and not after installation.

As well as follow safety and install in construction gloves, so as not to damage your hands on sharp corners or screws. As a result, it may turn out to be a beautiful garden, standing out against the background of neighboring beds:

Price for slate for beds

If you do not have any pieces left after repairing the roof, you can buy stripes for beds from slate. The price for them is different, depending on the thickness of the material:

Working with finished stripes is easier, as the need for cutting. At the same time, it is possible to find very cheap options with delivery and without, as well as order a set through online stores.

The installation of a flat slate for beds does not take long. Check the video instruction to understand the entire stage of work:

How to make beds in greenhouse: photo of interesting works

The greenhouse is the place where summer houses love to plant heat-loving fruit plants. They can see peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and much more. Some shut the area under the greenhouse or warming up the design so to get a crop all year round.

For no matter what kind of goals, a greenhouse is used is a small space, if you do not take into account the commercial options, where you need to place several beds.

Tip! Try to think in advance how many plants will be placed in the greenhouse to calculate the number and width of the beds.

Borders protecting fertile land from the spreading are collected from a wide variety of materials. There are beautiful creations from the tree or neat metal structures, as well as the border ribbon and remedies. Here are some options for the arrangement of the greenhouse:

Article on the topic:

Option of successful beds in greenhouse 6x3 with photos

There are many design options, one of the common - greenhouses 3x6. How to locate the bed in a long and narrow space - a question that worries many. There are several general options for the location of places for landing in a greenhouse:

  • Two large ridges with longitudinal and transverse passages. Less space for disembarking, but there are free access to careful landing care.

  • Long wide two beds along the walls of the greenhouse. In the middle a passage with a width of 50-70 cm. Such an arrangement allows you to plant different cultures, adjusting the distance between them, and calmly take care of them.
  • Three identical parallel ridges. Typically, the designs are narrow, which makes it easy to pour the whole area around the plants.

  • In the center there is a wide place for landing, and along the walls are narrow. It is easy to care, but it turns out a little useful area for plants.

Choosing the location of places for landing to greenhouses, consider that the beds near the walls should not be greater than 1 m in width. And the dimensions of the central may not exceed 3 m. This is due to the need for free weeding and soil loosening.

How to make a bed in a greenhouse 3x6: photos of practical ways

Most often, gardeners stop the choice on a large ridge in the middle and small small sides. This is the optimal way to plant several plants options in one greenhouse so that they do not interfere with each other grow and fron.

If you stopped the color width of 3 meters in the greenhouse, then place it exactly in the center, leaving enough space for the passage. The track can be floated with small pebbles or to be seen by the film so as not to sprout extra weeds.

Independently make a bed with a width of 3 meters easy. At first, it is necessary to determine the material of the manufacture. And then dug around the perimeter a small trench and deepen the toura design. Mandatory the soil on top of the ramp.

Under the soil it is worth making a layer of organic fertilizers and lay drainage, not allowing soil mois. Here is a video example, how to redo the beds and make 3 narrow identical stripes:

  • Water heating. Pipes are paired under the soil layer and are connected to the heating system at home or a separate boiler is installed.
    • Natural material. Components are selected depending on the type of soil and stacked on top for the natural greenhouse effect. Pilking is used, dense fabric collected from autumn leaves, humus and much more.

    When there is no need for heating, as the greenhouse is located in a warm or temperate climatic zone, other unusual options for plant landing are used. For example, you can organize the vertical placement of the beds in the greenhouse. In this case, it all depends on the imagination of the author and cultures for planting.

    Below are beautiful photos of beds in the greenhouse, which can be recreated by our own:

    Autumn and spring preparation of beds: how to make yield above

    Professional gardeners know about the need to prepare any soil in autumn and spring. Such prevention does not allow a large growth of weeds and increases yields.

    First of all, the area for planting plants is drunk. And in the fall, this is done as long as possible: practically before the onset of frosts, and leave large lumps of the earth to make the roots of weeds and pests. And in the spring, on the contrary, frills to enrich the soil with oxygen and quick bread after a snowy pore. If there are perennial fruiting shrubs on the site, then the need for winning for the winter depends on the planted variety. For example, maiden grapes do not need warming.

    Important! With regard to any cultures and plants that will be denying a garden or benefit, it is worth complying with individual care recommendations.

    Consider in more detail the features of the preparation of the soil for winter and spring landing.

    Spring preparation of beds landing: Basic recommendations

    Spring is the most active period in the life of any dacket and the owner of the garden near the house. The window is already striking seedlings, which is very soon to be transferred to an open soil or greenhouse. But it is impossible to simply "watch" the plants in the ground, otherwise they will die or will not bring the desired crop. That is why the spring preparation of the soil is given a lot of time.

    • It should be ensured by the soil loan. For this, the vegetable garden and garden are drunk. In large areas, use to facilitate the work process. On modest gardens and in the greenhouses in the hands of summer houses are still a shovel.

    • Soil feeding before planting. During permanent resistance in the spring and autumn, microorganisms necessary for fertility are dying. To fill their balance, you can purchase the following drugs in specialized stores: "Emoki", "Em-1", "Baikal-1" and others.

    • The protection of the crop from pests should be taken care Already at the preparatory stage, and not after the appearance of the harvest. For this, drugs are purchased, for example, "metarizine" and are brought into the soil along with other types of fertilizers.

    It is worth considering the features of the culture that you will sow on the selected area. For example, the preparation of a bed gardening in the spring includes several stages:

    • Despite his unpretentiousness, carrots do not like a meager soil. At the same time, it is not worth remarking with fertilizers, as the taste quality of the vegetable and its form are changed.

    • Do not make manure to bed, for carrots it and compost - the worst helpers in the growth.
    • The garden must be not only well evencap, but also degraded with chipping or robble. The better and deeper the soil replete, the better the harvest is.
    • Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for a day, and then, dry a little before landing.

    • Do not forget to moisten the bed of a vegetable that loves moisture. Do not forget about watering and in the period of growth.
    • A place to land carrots is desirable to change every year and avoid clay land.

    Observing such recommendations, the crop of orange vegetable will be at the height. Less requirements in the preparation of the bed under the onion in the spring. The main criterion for getting a good crop is a choice of place to land. The best vegetable is growing in the sun or a half, but you can not land the bulbs in the swampy areas of the site.

    All nuances about Growing onions Look in the video material:

    Autumn preparation of beds for winter: features and rules for landing garlic

    Autumn is not only a pleasant harvest time, but also the process of preparing the soil for the next season, as well as the overwhelming of neoraro-resistant plants and removing dried branches on the eve of winter.

    • Ruffle soil. It is not necessary to drag deeply deeply, it is enough to remove the remains of the plants and explode the bed to the depth of 3-4 cm. But it should be done before frosts.

    • Deep resistance is not useful for all types of soil. If sand and loose ground prevails in your garden, it is impossible to dig in the fall. But in the clay land, the rescope is necessary.

    • To feed the "tired" land before the cold stands. You can make manure, humid or other organic fertilizers, which are also selected by type of soil.

    After completing the three councils proposed, it will be easier to dig ground in the spring, and the first shoots will appear much earlier.

    But the works on the garden before the onset of cold weather are reduced not only to resistance and removal of old plants, but also disembarking some crops. For example, for the preparation of beds under garlic in autumn should be followed by certain rules:

    • Garlic beds are best done with the use of fences. For example, you can make a design from slate or wooden boards. This will help avoid spreading in the spring, after melting snow.
    • The height of the ridge should not exceed 20 cm. Such a norm is removed from the soil warming by the first spring rays.
    • Push up in the prepared design of the black soil. If there is no special soil, be sure to make fertilizers to enrich the earth for a high harvest of garlic.

    • Carefully follow what cultures used to germinate at this place. If you have gathered beans, cucumbers or tomatoes, then definitely process copper vitrios before landing garlic.
    • Planting the bulbs should be close to cold, at the end of October. Better after disembarking to hide the ground with any suitable material. And the cloves themselves should be placed in the soil vertically, the Donets down. The distance between garlic is 8 cm, and between the furrows it is worth 25 cm.

    To make it easier to engage in the cultivation of garlic on its plot, see the video

    If, according to the proverb, Sani is preparing in the summer, the question "how to make a garden" must be pushed in winter. While the street is on the street, it is necessary to think about what will be grown in the garden and how much you need to prepare the beds, how they will be located on the site and how they will become water.

    Decorating the garden on the plot

    Growing vegetables - the event is responsible. It is possible to count on the fact that in the spring it will be possible to buy some seedlings and ababrya how to sear it in the site can be possible only if the process itself is important, and the aesthetics of landing does not have absolutely no meaning. However, acting chaotically, in the summer it can be found that the plants grow badly, it is uncomfortable to care for them, and even watered with hands.

    So that this does not happen, at the beginning of the winter it is necessary to determine which vegetables will be grown and which way - seedl or from seeds. In the first case, we should consider where to acquire or grow seedlings, and in the second - to purchase seeds in advance. Then you need to draw and distribute the project area, following the rules that are known to all gardeners:

    The option of laying a small garden on the plot

    If little space is given under the garden, the beds must be compact. For this purpose, it should be used as greater vertical structures: vertical beds, trellis, decorative arches, stepped structures, on which there are landboxes.

    Production and design of original beds

    On the vertical structures of the type of the chopper, you can grow not only the fusing plants like cucumbers and beans, but also tall tomatoes. So they will be much easier to process and collect harvest. Making the beds under the garden, you can leave a place and for growing colors. The main thing is that cultures are well harmonized for growth and size, not interfering with neighbors, and without lighting them access to the light. The flower-vegetable garden will not only give a crop, but will delight all the summer with lush flowering.

    The geometry of the bed is limited only by the owner's fantasy and the existing site. Recently, not only gardeners, but also gardens gradually leave square and rectangular forms, creating triangular, diamond, round and segmented ridges. In the regions with cool summer, high beds are gaining popularity (the optimal height for such structures is about 40 cm).

    Circuit design option in the garden

    Their advantage is that the earth is better warming up, and processing plantations in such structures is much easier. Only to water them accounted for more often than standard, located at the soil level. More and more people growing vegetables, seek not only to high yield, but also to aesthetic landing species, combining useful and pleasant.

    The owners of the plots are not enough only to work on Earth, they want landing to be originally decorated, and the garden has become a place not only for work, but also for a pleasant time, recreation, during which the growing plantings please the eye.

    Therefore, there is a lawn for relaxation on the site, and create a pleasant landscape, and leave a place for a beautiful garden for growing "vitamins". From vegetables you can create beautiful compositions, no less attractive than blooming petunias or chrysanthemums.

    Design and decoration of beds in the garden

    What is one of the cabbage family, among which there are plants of various shapes and colors. Yes, and salads are able to be attractive like a flower garden.

    Beautiful garden: aesthetics and use combination

    The easiest way to make a vegetable garden is attractive - plant plants are not separate cultures, but in mixed landings. There are many cultures, putting which nearby, you can provide symbiotic protection against pests, achieve an increase in yield and create interesting compositions, combining plants in height and color.

    Creating a garden with your own hands, the bed can be made in several ways:

    Grokes can be lifted relative to the level of soil using a decorative fence, which is covered with a fertile soil. The fence is made from boards, slate, bricks, large stones as well. Soil can be filled, making out of it "Puff pastry": down to lay the old rag, kitchen cleaning, small branches, top to lay last year's leaves or grass, and on the top of the fertile soil.

    Diagram of the device warm bed

    The lower layers will gradually rebuild, increasing the thickness of the fertile soil, and, highlighting heat, which will allow autumn to extend the fruiting. And next spring, such a garden warms up quickly and before you can land vegetables or flowers, starting to equip your garden in the garden.

    The concept is applicable not only to the lawns and other rest areas. Rightly melted and equipped vegetable garden will become not a smaller decoration of the site. Many cultures are beautiful during growth, flowering and fruiting. The mild of peppers and tomatoes, cabbage and salads, spicy herbs and pumpkins were loved by garden designers who created various types of decorative gardens.

    English garden

    In this style of landing, a lawn dominates, on which vegetables and flowers alternate with the lawns are located. And fence and pots and porridge. The landing is not divided into the garden and the garden, everything grows together and combines very harmoniously. A mandatory element of English design is vertical gardening. If on the lawn, the Turkish beans can be used on its walls (multi-flowered beans), blooming bright red flowers.

    The length of Lian this plant reaches 3 m, so the gazebo will be braided quickly and densely. The beans are not only beautiful, but also can make a slight shading on the northern side of the arbor.

    This plant can be used to distinguish between zones and. Daisy, dissolved among tomatoes, not only create bright stains, but also attract useful insects that destroy TRU and tomato caterpillars.

    Embossing of English Garden

    A variety of beds will bring a red leaf salad, purple colrab and red cabbage, well contrasting in color with the surrounding lawn. All the free land of the site is planted with a mixture of wildflowers, frustics and oatmeal and periodically trimmed. The beauty of this gorgeous will emphasize the bright stains of neat multicolored beds located on it. Perfect and budget option. And all vertical surfaces are covered with curly plants. If you put a sleeper in front of the house, then the Ivy curling over it will help hide the loud wall. The veranda and fence are covered with glycinium or bindow, which will add charm flowerbams with vegetables and herbs.

    French garde

    The gardening of strict geometric shapes are separated, and the edges of the beds are necessarily drawn up borders from low-layer plants. Here again, the parsley is reversed, ordinary or curly, salads of different colors.

    Example of the design of the French garden

    Even the usual onions attractively looks in geometric landings. To combine the garden and garden as a border, you can use pansies, low-speed velvets or calendula.

    Four principles for creating a French garden:

    • alternation in planting colors;
    • geometric layout;
    • smooth rows of plants;
    • beautiful paths whose color contrasts with the greenery of plants.

    French beds can be located at one level with soil or be raised, which will allow them to become dominant components. Plant landing is made strictly in direct lines. It is most convenient to do along the stretched twine.

    Schematic location of plants in a French garden

    For French beds, velvets, lion zev, leaf salad, calendula, decorative cabbage, spicy herbs, carrots, beets are most suitable. Beautiful landscape is formed in no one week. Little to know how to make a bed in a garden, you need to come up with how to place them and what plants are planted.

    It should be found a golden middleness between originality and ease of care, take into account, take into account poorly delighted lowlands. Do not chase exotic cultures, poorly growing in this area, and it is better to give preference to zoned plants.

    Well-groomed mixed landings decorate any garden, reviving it with a combination of leaves of various shapes and shades. The main thing is not to plant a row of plants, resetting each other or overlapping access to sunlight. With a non-standard landing, the main labor costs will be required at the layout and disembarkation stages, and further care for such aspass are not different from the generally accepted.

    Probably, each owner of the country area wants his garden to bring not only a harvest, but also aesthetic pleasure. At first glance, it seems that such concepts, as a vegetable garden and landscape design, have nothing to do.

    However, if you move away from the traditional forms of a device of a garden and make your own hands a interesting planning of the garden, then as a result, the site in the country in its beauty will not give up the garden. It does not require special costs and effort. You will need only infirm materials, skillful handles and creative thinking. Examples of beautiful beds can be viewed in the photo of the Gallery provided below.

    Planning beds for a beautiful garden

    To have a concept about the scale of work on the arrangement of beds, it is necessary to determine the place and draw a scheme or draw.

    At the same time, it will immediately be seen how much material for their arrangement will be needed.

    The layout of the garden is performed in accordance with some recommendations:

    The shape of the bed can be any. It all depends on your imagination! Not necessarily they must be the right form. They can be done rectangular or square, in the form of a trapezium or in the form of any animals and items.

    You can position the beds with your own hands in accordance with the natural shapes of the relief. This will give the garden not only aesthetic effect, but also will allow the use of a greater benefit of garden land. In the photo you can see how originally and beautifully look in the landscape design of the garden of an unusual shape.

    If the garden is planned to be arranged along the fence, then an interesting solution can be located next to the tracks narrow beds in the form of a slat. You can put a fluffy greens in one nearby, and to lower the low-spirited flowers.

    In the corners of the site can be created triangular Grokes And plant vegetables or green tier on them. That is, closer to the fear of laying high cultures and gradually reduce the height.

    Beautiful garden in the center of the plot

    In the country, where the garden will be located on the place viewed from all sides, the center of the composition can be spectacular round Groke. To create it, with your own hands, you must first mark up:

    Hutting on a round garden vegetables or green crops, it is necessary to consider similar conditions for their cultivation and a favorable neighborhood.

    Best of all, a swarm will look at such a flower carrots, cabbage and different greens. It is not necessary to plant zucchini, cucumbers and other ripening cultures on it. They grow to the sides and ugly look among slim rows.

    High beds for lazy do it yourself

    Beautiful garden can be created using high beds, protecting them decorative sidelights. Earth processing and landing care on such structures is minimized, and the crop exceeds all expectations.

    The first layer in them is fitted with cleaning, kitchen waste, etc. Then everything is covered with a layer of crushed grass or foliage, which falls asleep ground.

    The resulting "cake" will gradually decompose, highlighting a large amount of heat. Therefore, even on the cold days, the roots and roots of the plants will feel comfortable.

    For the design of the side of high beds, you can use:

    • painted boards;
    • ready-made plastic fences;
    • empty bottles;
    • old plastic boxes;
    • large stones that are fastened by concrete solution;
    • paving or brick;
    • woven from willow or vine decorative fence;
    • cutting on stripes and colored slate.

    So that the landscape looked complete, created by their own beds should be magnify tracks. They can be sealed with lawn grass or shake geotextile, fall asleep with painted sawdust, bark or decorative gravel.

    French Grokes

    Often at dachas you can see symmetric beds proper geometric form. They are called French and most often made in the form of a rectangle, which with the help of stony tracks is divided into four squares.

    In the middle of such a garden, a composition or sculpture is set. French garden, as can be seen in the photo, is distinguished by the clarity of lines, well maintenance and absolute harmony. It is possible to build it in your summer cottage.

    1. French beds can be lured with the rest of the sections or raise the desired height. The second option will be more complicated in execution, but it looks more beautiful. Yes, and care for high beds is much easier.
    2. Metal, wood or stone can be used as borders.
    3. Locate the garden is best on a well-lit plot with fertile soil.
    4. The size of the tracks depend on the system of watering, which can be both manual and automatic. Their width is usually from 60 to 80 cm.

    Looking for French beds, you can any culture. So that they get bright, on their edge can be planted beautiful low colors or several grades of salad.

    Vertical beds for small garden

    On small household plots, homemade craftsmen build vertical beds with their own hands. However, it should be borne in mind that in such conditions there may be not every culture.

    On vertical facilities will grow well spices, Onions, Salads, Strawberry. In conditions of constant watering, they can grow zucchini, and even cucumbers.

    It is fairly easily with your own hands, you can turn a wooden fence or an ugly shopping building into a green wall. To do this, you will need:

    • To nourish plastic boxes on the vertical surface, fill their land and plant vegetable cultures.
    • Screw the bottles of plastic, pre-slopes in them from above the hole and fill in half the soil.

    Very nice in such capacities will look and grow well repairing strawberry. It gives a lot of hanging down, decorated with flowers and berries of the mustache.

    Circuits of automotive tires

    From the tires of the garden, you can arrange in the form of a pyramid. Pre-rubber need to paint. So that the automotive tires are not very hot in the sun, they are recommended. dust.

    When building the pyramid is first installed and immediately falls asleep the bottom tier. The Earth is installed and fall asleep onto it, the second tier, then the third, etc. The seeds are sown in free spaces from the earth. Radish and greens will grow better in them.

    Arch of fusing vegetables

    For the design of a beautiful garden, you can create with your own hands decorative Archwhich will grow cucumbers or other ripening vegetables (see photo). If there is no dacha for this building, then the arch or pergola can be welded from thin pipes.

    Near the arched construction, plastic containers are put in which vegetables are planted. Each bush should be placed in a separate container. As the plants grow, their whites will need commit to the construction.

    To care for the cucumbers planted in the containers is very simple. They require only watering and feeding. In this case, no spraying from fungal diseases and the fight against weeds is required.

    To give the garden individuality, you can use some advice of experienced gardens:

    1. On the site with the slope will effectively watch the beds in the form of terraces or tiers. Growing on every tier only one culture as a result can be obtained by the Gardens of the Semiramides.
    2. Different low cultures can be used as fences. Skillly selected landed plants will delight with a combination of various shades and colors. Such bosch beds can be from rectangular to zigzag forms.
    3. The pyramidal bed can be created from the drawers of various sizes, putting them on the pipe into the ground. Having pre-in the pipe holes and pouring water into it, you can get a watering system.
    4. Small vegetable crops, strawberries and greens can be grown in suspended bags or halves of plastic pipes. It is possible to plant the plants in them in early spring, and after warming to take out on the street and hang in almost any place of the site.
    5. His flags that can be made by the garden, which can be different options. Climbing plants or high bushes of tomato are planted near them. Tomatoes on the cholera will receive a maximum of sunlight and delight abundant harvest.
    6. With flowers, you can decorate not only the flower beds and the area around the house. With the help of a suitable design of perennial colors, you can easily create beautiful beds.
    7. Choosing plants for beds, do not be afraid to experiment. For example, curly plants and tied tomatoes can be supplemented with contrasting in color and shaped dimensional watermelons and zucchini.

    By connecting your imagination, looking at the photo examples, and spending a little effort, you can turn the usual country area into a beautiful, harmonious, well maintained and unique vegetable garden. At such a dacha can fully enjoy the well-deserved rest and fruits of their works.

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    Cottage is not just a plot for growing and harvesting. For many, this is a favorite place of rest and realization of ideas. Often, the way of landing vegetable crops move to the background, but it is not correct, because the appearance of the entire landscape depends on their interesting location and attractive appearance. In this article, it is told how the most easily done in the country of the garden for the lazy. Photo and description of the most successful ideas, as well as methods for their incarnation, should help make your plot comfortable and well maintained.

    High designs from boards landing will be a highlight of any site

    Grokery - most often fenced plot of land, intended for growing a certain type of plants.

    The main thing for a good harvest is fertile soil, correctly selected landing time, high-quality processing. However, in some cases, attention should be paid to other factors:

    • Orientation on the sides of the world.

    For most cultures, this value does not have, but for example, rows of tomatoes and cucumbers for a good crop need to be located from north to south.

    • Height.

    If you want to harvest before usual, you should mount high designs. Make them easy (for example, from the boards with their own hands you can collect without special devices in a short period of time), and the land in them warms up faster.

    When planning future beds, you need to know several aspects:

    • The yield of the chosen culture (that is, how many plants grow on 1 m 2 square).
    • Compatibility of plants that you plan to land in one site.

    • Slate.

    Usually, this material is used only if it is available (for example, it remained after repairing the roof).

    • Plastic.

    The main feature of the plastic - it can be given any shape, so it is great for round or other curved landing options. In addition, it is not exposed to precipitation and low temperatures, so it will last long, without losing its original attractiveness.

    Dear and durable option.

    • A natural stone.

    It turns out the most spectacular sides who will serve for many years. Unlike bricks, the stones have the wrong shape, which will make the design of the landscape in the eco-style. Disadvantages of stone sides: high cost and gradual care in the soil under the action of their own weight, so such a side is necessary to periodically check and reconcile.

    A qualitatively made with his own hands from the primary materials will serve for many years, but for a good crop it is necessary and its correct location.

    Placing beds in the garden: how to arrange, photos, tips

    The quality and amount of harvest depends on the competent location of the beds on the summer site, so this issue should be paid special attention. First of all, you need to know the following:

    • Groans, located on the sides of the world (from north to south) - a good solution only for low plants on an even horizontal site.
    • If the site has a bias that cannot be aligned, the ridges should be across it regardless of orientation.
    • The rows of one plant is desirable to do the same size. So it will be easier to calculate the number of fertilizers, the degree of watering and planting.
    • If there are multidirectional slopes on the site, choose the southern side (the crop matures faster on it).

    In small sections, there is often a lack of free horizontal space for landing. If this is your case, use one of the following ideas:

    • Create vertical designs.

    • Use unused items to disembark plants (for example, a wheelbarrow, barrel and so on).
    • Attach the garden to the recreation area.

    How best to make beds in the garden - options

    The beds are classified according to constructive features, and the following types are distinguished:

    • Traditional (in the evening with the rest of the site, dimensions allow you to easily reach the center on any side (right or left)).

    • High (30-40 cm above the ground level, contribute to the most rapid crop maturation).

    • Deep (when the device is digging a trench of 20-30 cm deep, thanks to which the land is most often not freezing, and the disembarkation can be carried out before).
    • Narrow (for example, by the Mittlider method, described in detail in the next chapter).
    • Vertical (excellent solution for small sites, but not all plants can be planted in this way).

    Article on the topic:

    How to make beds from boards with their own hands

    Now let's look at how to make beds in a garden from the tree. This material is the most common in the bed of bed. Designs from boards possess the following advantages:

    • Reliability.

    The tree perfectly holds moisture inside the row, as well as not deform for a long time.

    • Low cost.

    This material often remains after construction. If it did not turn out, you can buy boards at a fairly low price.

    • Easy installation.

    The main thing is high-quality wood processing, if this is not done, insects and moisture will quickly destroy the design.

    • Attractive appearance.

    Tree - material perfect for beds in eco-style.

    The only lack of designs from the boards is a short time (in comparison, for example, with plastic or brick). However, the ability to quickly and with the smallest costs to change them with more than it overlaps.

    How to make a bed of boards with your own hands: photo, dimensions, installation sequence

    If you decide to make a wooden structure, first of all it is necessary to choose the tree of the tree:

    • Oak or ash - Solid rocks whose boards are perfect in this case, but their price is quite high.
    • Pine - cheap, but short-lived. Extend the service life of such a fence using periodic chemical processing.
    • Cedar or larch - Best price-quality ratio. Due to the presence of resin in these coniferous rocks, there is no need to process them.
    • Acacia - Also a great option for a bed of beds.

    What are the optimal sizes of beds from the boards? First you need to decide on the height of the structure, which depends on the following factors:

    • Features of the plant planted.

    Some vegetables require a certain depth (for example, for potatoes, the depth of stepdock should be at least 40 cm).

    • Soil fertility.

    If the soil is fertile, the sides can be made of 10-15 cm high. If it takes a fold of fertile soil - 30 cm and more.

    • Type of bed.

    For example, it is characterized by a height from 50 cm.

    The most important parameter when the bed of beds in the country is width, as the ease of operation depends on it. If you make it too broad - it will be problematic to reach her center. Therefore, the maximum value of the width is considered to be 100 cm.

    In most cases (if the planned design does not have too complicated form), it's not difficult to make a bed from the boards with their own hands. The size of the boards depends on the size of the future bed, but if at your disposal there is only insufficient length material, not trouble, several boards can always be minimized along the length.

    Procedure for the device of a wooden structure:

    • Preparation of the territory.

    At this stage, it is necessary to dissolve and beat the platform for construction.

    For a rectangular design, you need to connect 4 boards and attach reference bars to them, which should be 20-30 cm longer than future sides. They need to be a little sharpening with an ax from a free side (to simplify the entrance to the ground).

    • Installation of construction.

    We score the design to the ground, it is important to use the level to achieve maximum flattering design.

    • Processing the surface of the boards.

    First of all, the surface is ground (to protect against moisture and pests), then coated with oil paint (optional, you can leave the color of the tree).

    • Failure.

    The composition depends on the type of construction and the chosen culture. But in all cases, the first layer should be drainage.

    Most often, only one culture is trying to plant on one site, but sometimes practicing a joint landing of vegetables on the garden. However, it is worth remembering that not all plants get along with each other. Therefore, further presented table compatibility of vegetables on the beds.

    Article on the topic:

    Interesting ideas come to mind many dacms and owners of private houses. In the article, consider original frequences and several instructions for creating such beauty.

    Mixed planting of vegetables on the garden: Examples, photos

    More dachensors are interested in receiving not only a large harvest, but also environmentally friendly. Therefore, the question arises how to achieve a high-quality harvest without resorting to chemicals?

    Excellent solution - mixed planting of vegetables. After all, some cultures have a beneficial effect on each other. However, this question should be extremely attentive, since not all plants love any neighborhood in general.

    Thanks to the science of "Allelopathy", a table of neighborhood of vegetables on a garden, using which, can significantly reduce the use of chemical to protect against pests and fertilizers.

    Neighborhood of vegetables on the beds - Compatibility Table

    Below, the table reflects the compatibility of vegetables on the garden. Landing using this information will provide a high-quality crop with minimal investment.

    Mixed planting of vegetables on a garden: Examples with photos and tips

    Each benevolent or ill-friendly neighborhood of vegetables on the garden has its own rationale. For example, strawberries and onions are excellent neighbors. The bow protects the berry from rot and diseases, and if they still fall around and parsley, eliminates the appearance of the slug.

    Onions are also an excellent companion for most cultures in the country, as it protects them from pests. The most interesting neighborhood of this plant is carrots. Both crops have their own pest - a leek and carrot fly, and the first does not endure the smell of carrots, and the second is onions.

    Garlic - perfectly helps to fight pests, so it is a good companion for most cultures. However, close to the plants of the family of legumes is not recommended to plant it, since the latter are leaders for the fear of nutrients, and they need to garlic.

    Joint cultivation of crops on the garden can become destructive for other vegetables. For example, tomatoes cannot be squeezed with cucumbers, as they require varying degrees of irrigation. Thus, the neighborhood of these two crops will create difficulties in processing (the need for point watering will appear, which takes much more time and strength).

    In addition to the properties of plants, it is necessary to pay attention to their dimensions. For example, when alternating cabbage and radish, the second culture will receive an insufficient amount of sunlight, which is why the quality of the crop will deteriorate significantly.

    So, you have developed the perfect scheme of the location of all vegetables in the country area, but every year the harvest is becoming worse. What to do? It is necessary to ensure crop crop rotation.

    Table of vegetable crop rotation

    Crowning - organization on the garden of alternation of cultures. Ideally, this process should be continuous and annual. However, in real conditions, it is very problematic for the following reasons:

    • There is no information about the infection of the soil and the presence of pests in it.
    • There is no time for accurate calculations of the perfect landing option.

    Why is the crop rotatory action for a good crop? Each culture has unique features on the issue of obtaining nutrients. Someone is looking for them in the surface layers of the soil (for example, cucumber), someone in search of water lowers the roots a few meters in depth (for example, watermelon). In addition, for the growth of each plant, various elements are needed (for example, for tomato - phosphorus, for cabbage - nitrogen).

    And now imagine that from year to year a certain layer of soil is depleted, and the content of those substances that are necessary for this culture decreases. To make it easier for you to decide how to alternate vegetables, the reference table of vegetable crops in the garden is shown below.

    Important! The main thing is that the culture does not return to the previous place for 3-4 years. During this time, the soil will have time to recover and accumulate the required amount of nutrients.

    How to make a bed for cucumbers in the open soil: photos, ways

    Cucumbers are a rather capricious culture requiring special care. Many believe that it is possible to plant it only with a decree, however, thanks to many years of selection, there are currently a few varieties that can be planted immediately into open ground.

    First of all, it is also necessary to prepare a bed to prepare a bed for cucumbers:

    • Correctly select the direction of the ranks - from north to south.
    • Feel the soil (best solutions - a cow manure or chicken litter, if there are no - any mineral fertilizer is suitable).
    • Put flights (better than 25 cm).

    The main secrets of growing cucumbers in the open soil - the choice of the right time landing (from May to mid-June, depending on the region) and the choice of a suitable variety.

    How to make beds under cucumbers - common features

    In the case when seedlings are not used, grow a qualitative harvest in the usual way (on standard beds) will not work. It is necessary to take advantage of one of other methods of growing cucumbers in the open soil:

    • Crichet device with bookmark.
    • Installation of warm beds (including raised design).

    These methods are non-standard, so below they are described in detail to prevent errors when arranging.

    How to make a garden garden for cucumbers with a bookmark

    To arrange a garden for growing cucumbers with a bookmark, you must unscrew the trench with a depth of 30 cm and consistently fill it with the following layers:

    • Branches and sawdust.
    • Straw, leaves and compost (at this stage it is necessary to pour everything with warm water).
      • Sand.
      • Organic waste (leaves, bark and so on).
      • Straw.
      • Fertilizer (best suited).
      • Earth and humus.

      The main thing is to carefully catch each layer, otherwise the soil will turn out too loose, and there is no good harvest.

      The advantages of warm beds for cucumbers:

      • The absence of dirt from the beds due to the presence of sides.
      • High yield.
      • Aesthetic appearance (you can make beautiful identical beds).

      Raised beds under the cucumbers in the open soil

      In the conditions of an unfavorable climate, it is advisable to arrange raised (or high) beds with a height of 40-50 cm (for convenience you can make it higher). In this case, the sequence of layers remains the same as in conventional warm structures on the ground surface. Such structures have the following advantages:

      • Even faster soil warming, and therefore the harvest will appear earlier.
      • Convenience (to care for cucumbers do not need to bend).