Inness Armand and Lenin children. Inessa Armand: What was the secret love of Vladimir Lenin & nbsp

Rural graveyard at the entrance to Aleshino from the village of Eldigino hid in the Locker, not far from the road. A pair of aborigine, with whom I encountered at the entrance to the cemetery, of course, did not know anything about the burial of the Armand family, the former owners of all local land. And Eldigino, and Aleshino were the revolution of their property. And only when I heard that I was looking for a grave from 1943, waved in the depths of the forest - they say, too early.

Over an hour, dying through the thickets and the dog, I was looking for the burial right to me. And already desperate, as I expected, I came across the very edge of the high fence. Five agitative graves: two male, two female, nee Armand, and completely fresh, while Unnamed, - under a young waving maple.

The first vintage monument rushed into the eyes - the date of death is 1909 (most likely, this is the earliest burial on all of the graveyard). On the old concrete bas-relief, imitating a sign, and the same embossed letters: Vladimir Evgenievich Armand. Meeting, right for example, unexpected. After all, the owner of the grave died in Switzerland. Behind him, stele from black marble - Alexander Evgenievich Armand, died in 1943. More than thirty years survived Alexander the beloved younger brother Vladimir. And died here in Aleshino. The least expected to see the burial of the brothers nearby. For more than a century ago, they were drawn into a love triangle. Rocky woman - French frangian Teodorovna Steffen.

Inessa Steffen (in Russian transcription "Stephen") was born in Paris in 1874. Her father was the French opera singer Theodore Steffen, Mother - Actress Natalie Wild (Wilde), a semi-arm, semi-manglychanka, but the Russian subject. There were three daughters in the family. After the unexpected death of Theodore Natalie had to leave theatrical layouts and teaching singing. In order to somehow ensure a decent education of girls, Natalie decided to send Inesssu and her sister Rene to Russia to grandmother and aunt. The latter at that time worked as a governess and a French language teacher at a wealthy family of russia French Armand, in their estate in the suburban Pushkino.

The head of the clan Armand, Evgeny Evgenievich, a manufactory adviser and an offacarious honorary citizen, headed the trading house "Yevgeny Armand with sons". At its two factories in Pushkino (worstototki and dilated and finishing), 1200 workers worked. He belonged to the profitable houses in Moscow, manor and forest in the Moscow region. The Big House of Armand in Pushkino (he today lives his age on the street I. Armand, N 27) was in Russian by the Grocery, in French Volnodum. In the family of Evgeny Evgenievich and Barbara Karlovna (in the devices of the Demonie) there were 12 children. Therefore, for girls from Paris - Ines and Rene, they reacted in this home family. In 1891, Inessa passed the exam and became a home teacher.

Mikhail Semenyuk

In the twentieth century, no one did more for the propaganda of the names of entrepreneurs and Petsenates of Armand, as an French Frenchwoman. When you enter the city of Pushkino near Moscow, then you fall into the Armand microdistrict. The city has a street I. Armand, a notary office "Armand", a taxi with the inscription "Armand" runs down the streets. But these names do not have a direct relationship to the last owner of the trading house. The contribution of the Armand family to the development of the urban infrastructure of Pushkino in the XIX century was significant and noticeable. They built the first building of the train station, laid the foundations of the Moscow Prospect, the central street of the city, built a lot of housing, hospital, library, school for workers. Rebuilt the housings of the two of their production. It would seem that Pushkins had to be grateful to Armand. But who remembers this? The figure of Idea Bolsheviki Inesza from the nearest environments of Ulyanov eclipsed by the work of several generations of Russified French. And today little has changed.

Biographers Inesza Armand, there were enough of them already under Soviet power (her name is inscribed in the history of Ulyanova-Lenin's life from 1909 to 1920), Alexander Evgenievich did not notice or wrote casual about him. Meanwhile, throughout the life of Inessa, he was always nearby: as a husband and father of their joint children, as the organizer of her life, financier and recipient of the correspondence.

The parish priest of Ignatius Kazansky on October 3, 1893 marked Alexander and Inessa in the Pushkin Church of St. Nicholas Mirlijsky. The ancient Nikolskaya Church was especially revered by Armand. And not only because their big house was from her in walking distance. Near the temple, they built a fluid that was still preserved. At the church cemetery - the graves of several generations of the Armand family.

Later, Alexander Evgenievich's brother, Nikolay, married the sister of Inessa, Rene.

Alexander was not a major, in the sense, as this category of young people is perceived today. He graduated from a real school. And despite the fact that his father was the owner of Pushkin factories, began to work at one of the factory student in the beautiful department. In 1894, his father tried to heal with forest estates. He was the vowels of Dmitrovsky districtland, then the vowels of the provincial Zemstvo collection, the vowels of the Moscow City Duma, a member of the Moscow Forest Installation Committee, a member of the presence on the analysis and recognition of the beggars. Young settled in the labor estate in the village of Eldigino, kilometers in 15 from Pushkino. From marriage with Alexander, Inessa had four children: Alexander (1894), Fedor (1896), Inna (1898), Varvara (1901). Alexander turned out to be a real family man. He walked his wife. In order to satisfy the social ambitions of Inessa, he involved it in the organization in Eldigino schools for the peasant children in which she was a trusteen. Under the influence of university friends, Armand and the tutors of the large family of Inessa became interested in socialist ideas. In 1898, she joined the Moscow "Society for improving the fate of women", and in two years later became his chairman. Alexander agreed in many ways with the social-democratic looks of his wife. But never a supporter of revolutionary methods for achieving social goals.

The spouses gradually moved away from each other. At this time, Jesse became close to the younger brother of her husband, Vladimir, a student of Biofak Moscow University. He helped her to get acquainted with the metropolitan group of Serc. Youth evenings gathered on his apartment, disputes and reports were arranged, including revolutionary topics. They had a significant difference in the age: Issa - 28, Vladimir Armandu - only 17. The question arises who affect someone in this intimate duet. The answer is unequivocal - Inessa dominated it. The couple did not hide their relationship. After the explanation with her husband, Inessa moved to the apartment to Vladimir in Moscow, on Ostozhenka. In 1903 they had a son Andrei.

What is Alexander? The deceived spouse left his wife ... It would seem that the male pride of him should have been visible. On the contrary. He took advantage of the feeling of Inessa and Vladimir, remained for them a true friend for them. He helped them with finances, arranged the meetings of the Inessa with children, even when she was already on an illegal position. Their marriage was not officially terminated.

"Golden Wedding" owner of the trading house Evgenia Evgenievich Armand and Varvara Karlovna

In 1903, Inessa enters the RSDLP and adjoins the Bolsheviks. It is difficult to refuse her who brought up and grown in someone else's family, who has achieved sustainable status in this family, in pragmatism and calculating. She should have clearly understood what she was deprived by choosing the way revolutionary. Secured life, family comfort, household comfort, the upbringing of favorite children - all this Inessa threw under the wheels of the revolution.

In 1904, she was arrested and more than four months were in Moscow prisons. We released it only because of the lack of evidence. In April 1907, she was again briefly arrested. In July 1907, they were arrested during the illegal assembly of the railway district party. The head of the commercial house Yevgeny Evgenievich and his wife visited the daughter-in-law, held in custody in the Prechistensky police house. In September, she was sent out of the capital to a vice supervision in the Arkhangelsk region, in the town of Gorodishko. Vladimir follows the beloved and becomes an employee of the Murmansk biological station, which studied the flora and fauna of the Ice Ocean.

By 1905, Alexander Evgenievich left the job in the land and the city Duma. During the Japanese war, he was in the Far East, led by the Moscow Sanitary Council. During the December uprising, he delivered a batch of weapons to the capital. In 1907, he becomes director of the Pushkin Factory. In the same year, two strikes occur in the factory. In 1908, Alexander Evgenievich was arrested and served for three months in a Tagan prison on charges of organizing in his strike factory. Coming out of prison, he left the sons to France, where in the city of Rube in the Higher School of Applied Arts studied the technology of coloring fabrics. Returning in two years to Russia, worked at his factory in the beautiful department.

In the Arkhangelsk region, Tuberculosis aggravated from Vladimir. He went for treatment in Switzerland. After a year, Inessa made escape from Mezeni. And from now on, before the revolution, she lived on an illegal position. For fake documents, she comes to Moscow, meets with children, then moves to Petersburg. From Switzerland, alarming news of Vladimir's health come. Through Finland, she goes to Switzerland. Two weeks after her arrival, Vladimir dies. Son Vladimir and Inessa, Andrei, Adopovil Alexander Evgenievich.

The most controversial question in the biography of Inesza Armand: Was she's mistress of Ulyanova-Lenin? There is no definite answer today. After the collapse of the Soviet power, the version of an intimate triangle, Krupskaya - Lenin - Armand, turned out to be very popular. Rather, not even so much in demand as the conjunctural and well-selling. There are several books on this topic. A. Solzhenitsyn was held in the chapters of the Red Wheel - "Lenin in Zurich". However, numerous members of the family of Armand always put her doubt. The French communists did not believe in this version, who have always treated the memory of Inessa as a fiery fighter for socialist ideals.

After the death of Vladimir Inessa, he moved to Paris, then in Brussels, where the university course hears during the year and the degree of licensing of economic sciences is obtained. This is perhaps the only educational step that Inessa passes. Before that, in 1905, she visited the Faculty of Faculty of Moscow University as a freelance advocacy, and then only one course. His school had to quit.

And although the daughter of Inna's Inessa in his memories and wrote about the mother as a man with a "non-real mind," I must say that the system of system education was not. She, like many revolutionaries, she gained self-education as a result of self-education.

With Ulyanov, they could first meet in Paris or in Brussels. In the fall of 1910, Inessa moves to Paris, closer to the Ulyanov family. And soon becomes indispensable in their home as a secretary, translator, home-growers and a friend. The hope of Krupskaya with warmth recalled how Inessa appeared in their house, as her mother visited, which in the family of Ulyanovov served the role of a housewife.

In the spring of 1912, despite the fact that Inessa was in a police wanted list for escape from the link, Ulyanov sends it to Russia, to St. Petersburg, to restore the crushed party cell. September 14, she was arrested by the police. Only in the spring of 1913, her husband Alexander Evgenievich made a deposit in the amount of 5,400 rubles (a significant amount for those times). Inessa was released before the trial.

In detail analyzes the correspondence of Ulyanov and the Inessa historian Helium Kleenov in his book "True and not true about the family of Ulyanov." Letters turned out to be quite a bit. In July 1914, Ulyanov asked Armand: "Please bring, when you arrive, all our letters. You can even send them to customs here: it can easily open friends." Only that part of their correspondence was hit in the modern archive, in which there was no hint of feelings. Accidentally by challenges, as Geli Chaliens writes, one letter from July 1914 was missed, which Lenin graduated from the standard phrase in English: "Oh, I would like to kiss you a thousand times." According to the historian, he continued to love Inessa, but remained with Krupskaya.

In the summer of this year, Alexander Evgenievich brings children to the resort town of Lovran, ashore, the Adriatic Sea. Finally, Inessa rests in a family circle. But Lenin demands its participation in the Brussels Meeting II of International. First World War begins. With great difficulty, Inessa sends children through Italy to England, then - to Arkhangelsk. She herself remains in Bern, with the family of Ulyanov. Three years she works under the immediate leadership of Lenin. Participates in numerous conferences, deals with translations and journalism under the pseudonym Elena Blinina.

In April 1917, in the "fled" car, along with the Ulyanov family, she returned to Russia. Ulyanov this year was 47 years old, the 15 of which he lived abroad.

The activity of Inessa in Moscow is described in detail in the Communist Parties. Lenin appointed its chairman of the Council of Moscow province chairman and settled next to the Kremlin, with an apartment of his sister Anna Ilinichna. When it became clear that she would not cope with the chairmanship, on the initiative of Lenin, she was transferred to the newly created post of head of the women's department under the Central Committee of the RCP (b). They still supported not only business relationships. When Lenin could not visit Inessa, wrote to her notes, coped with his health, solved the communal issues, directed the doctor if this required the need. In February 1920, Inessa finally slightly slightly. I wanted to go to France. But Lenin advised her to go for treatment in the Caucasus, to Sergo Ordzhonikidze. And here Inessa obeyed Ilyich. During the evacuation from Kislovodsk to Nalchik, at one of the stations, she infected with cholera and died on the night of September 24. On October 1, the body of Inessa was brought to Moscow, the farewell took place in the house of the unions.

Buried her in the Kremlin wall. This, of course, broke the protocol installed by the Bolsheviks. But as Larisa Vasilyeva, Larisa Vasilyeva wrote in his book, is the only thing Lenin could make for his beloved.

After the death of Inesse, Alexander Evgenievich lived for a long 23 year. Returning from abroad in 1915, he worked in the Zemsky Union by the headway. After the February Revolution left the factory. In 1918, workers invited him to the same factory by the elected head. But the impossible apartment conditions and diseases of family members (it consisted of 7 people) forced him to move to residence in the village of Aleshino. Alexander Evgenievich led a large farm for 4 decishes of land (more than 4 hectares).

In 1920, the Sofrinskiy Executive Committee recognized him with an employment element. But 1923 he was deprived of the right to vote. The Presidium of the USSR CEC restored Alexander Evgenievich in the Rights of Citizenship. Its activity during these years was mainly related to the arrangement of the economy: as an equipment, he participated in the construction of a public mill, was a member of the Revolutionary Society of Consumer Society, Chairman of the Aleshinsky Agricultural Committee, Secretary of the Commission on Improvement under Aleshinsky village council. In 1930, the Armand family was decorated and evicted, but Pushkin Rick did not approve the delegation. Family returned real estate. In 1931, Alexander Evgenievich took the Aleshinsky collective farm, in which he was engaged in the repair of technology.

Life has been equipped. At the age of 55, he married Stepanide Caraseva. She was younger than it for 30 years, her girl served as a whitestroker in their house. In 1926, their son Vladimir was born.

Alexander Evgenievich died at the age of 73 in 1943. Armand House in Aleshino burned down in the fire in the 90s. The same fate has suffered a generic estate of Armand in Eldigino, a house next to the Trinity Temple, rebuilt again by the father of Alexander Evgenievich in 1878. He almost completely died in a fire. The room with an exposure dedicated to the Inesa Armand is burned. It remains from home only a stone porch, part of the wall and foundation, the thick swords are now burly.

At the beginning of the 20th century. Her image was often used in Soviet cinema. By nationality - Frenchwoman. Known as a famous feminist and Lenin's companion. It is because of the proximity to the leader of the world proletariat, she entered the story. It is not significantly known whether purely platonic relations or physical relations were between them.

Childhood and youth

Inness Armand was born in Paris. She was born in 1874. Her birth name is Elizabeth Peshe d'Erbanville. Future companion Vladimir Ilyich grew in the aristocratic bohemian family. Her father was a popular opera tenor in France, who had a creative pseudonym Theodore Stephen. The mother of Isansa Armand is a chore and artist, in the future teacher of singing Natalie Wild. In the young heroine of our article, the French blood flowed from the Father and English-French - from the ancestors along the mother's line.

When Elizabeth was five years old, she left with two younger sisters without a father. Theodore suddenly died suddenly. In one moment, the widowed Natalie was unable to contain three children immediately. Aunt came to her aid, who worked as a governess in a rich house in Russia. The woman took the two her niece renee and Elizabeth to Moscow.

The heroine of our article was in the estate of the wealthy industrialist Evgenia Armand. He owned the shopping house "Eugene Armand and Sons". Young pupils arrived from France, welcome in this house. The Armand family owned a textile factory in Pushkin, where more than one thousand workers worked.

As the Nadezhda Krupskaya later recalled, Inness Armand was brought up in the so-called English spirit, since a large excerpt was required from the girl. It was a real polyglot. In addition to French and Russian, she fluently owned English and German. Soon Elizabeth has already learned to play perfectly on the piano, brilliantly fulfilling Beethoven's Overtures. In the future, she was useful to this talent. Lenin constantly asked her to fulfill something in the evenings.

Participation in feminist movement

When the French sebrants were 18 years old, they were married to two sons of the owner of the house. As a result, Elizabeth received the name of Armand, and later he herself came up with her name, becoming anness.

Photo of Anessa Armand in youth prove, as far as it was attractive. Her revolutionary biography began in Eldigino. This is the suburban village in which the industrialists settled. Inessa arranged a school for children of peasants from villages nearby.

In addition, she became a member of the feminist movement, which was called "Society for improving the fate of women", which categorically opposed prostitution, calling her shameful phenomenon.

Ideas of social equality

In 1896, Jesse Fedorovna Armand, whose photo you will find in this article begins to lead the Moscow branch of the feminist society. But she fails to achieve permission to work, the authorities confuse that it is too interested in socialist ideas by that time.

Three years later it turns out that it was close to the distributor of illegal literature. On this charge, the teachers are arrested in the house of Inesza Armand. It is reliably known that she sympathized with her colleague all this time.

In 1902, Armand is fond of the ideas of Vladimir Lenin about social equality. She turns to the younger brother of his wife to Vladimir, who also sympathizes revolutionary sentiments, which included in the way. He responds to her request to arrange the life of peasants in Eldigino. Arriving into his family estate, it is based on a Sunday school, hospital and reading room. Armand helps him in all of him.

Vladimir gives the book about the development of capitalism in Russia, the author of which is Vladimir Ilyin, this is one of Lenin's pseudonyms, which he used at the time. In Armand, this work causes an increased interest, it begins to look for information about the mysterious author, on the heels of which there is a royal guard. It turns out that he is currently hiding in Europe.

Acquaintance with Lenin

Armand at the request of the heroine of our article mined the address of the underground revolutionary. Frenchwoman, enthusiastic by the ideas of universal equality, writes a letter to the author of the book. The correspondence is tied between them. Over time, Armand is finally distinguished from his family, increasingly engaged in revolutionary theories and ideas. When Lenin arrives in Russia, she arrives at Moscow with him. Vladimir Lenin and Inessa Armand will settle down together on the oozen.

Armands are also actively involved in anti-government activities. In particular, they advocate the overthrow of the monarchy, in the evenings are visited by the underground meetings. Inessa in 1904 becomes a member of the RSDLP. In three years it arrests the royal police. By a sentence, she forced to go on a link to the Arkhangelsk province, where she settles in a small town of Mezen.


Inessa Armand, the biography you will learn from this article hit those who surround their rare ability to convince and unsinkable will. She managed to do it even with prison authorities. Literally a month and a half before sending to the meadow, she was not in the chamber, but in the house of the head of the prison, from where Lenin's letters wrote abroad. As an opposite address, she pointed out the house of the prison warder. In 1908 she manages to fake a passport and run to Switzerland. Soon, Vladimir Armand, who returned from the reference to Siberia is joined. However, in harsh environments, he aggravated tuberculosis, soon he dies.

European voyage

Once in Brussels, Armand enters the university. It passes the economy. Information about acquaintance with Ulyanov, who relate to this period of its biography, differ. Some claim that they were constantly met in Brussels, others that like-minded people have not seen until 1909, when they crossed in Paris.

When it all happens, the heroine of our article moves to the house of Ulyanovy. There are conversations around that Inessa Armand is a beloved woman of Lenin. At least it becomes indispensable in the house, taking over the responsibilities of the translator, home-growers and secretary. In a short time, turns into the nearest associate of the future leader of the revolution, in fact in his right hand. Armand translates his articles, prepares propagandists, conducts agitation among the French workers.

In 1912 he writes his famous article "On the Women's Question", in which the freedom comes from bonds. In the same year comes to Petersburg to establish the work of the Bolshevik cells, but it is arrested. From the conclusion, the former husband Alexander is reversed. He makes a large deposit for Inessa, when she goes free, persuades to return to the family. But Armand is absorbed by the revolutionary struggle, she runs to Finland, from where it goes away to Paris immediately to connect with Lenin.

Return to Russia

After the February Revolution, Russian oppositionists begin to massively return to Russia from Europe. In the spring of 1917, Ulyanova, Krupskaya and Armand are arrived in the compartment of the delubed wagon.

The heroine of our article becomes a member of the district committee in Moscow, takes an active part in the skirmishes in October and November 1917. After the success of the October Revolution, the provincial Sovvarhoz is headed.

Arrest in France

In 1918, Armand goes to France on behalf of Lenin. Before it is a task to take out several thousand soldiers of the Russian Expeditionary Corps from the country.

In the historic homeland it is arrested. But soon, the French authorities turn out to be forced to let her go, Ulyanov begins to actually blackmail them, threatening to shoot in full, the French mission of the Red Cross, which is in Moscow at this time. This serves as one more proof that his favorite woman, Inessa Armand, was his road for a long time.

In 1919, she returns to Russia, where he heads one of the departments in the Central Committee of the Party. It becomes one of the key organizers of the First International Conference of Women's Communist, actively works, writes dozens of fiery articles in which the traditional family criticizes. According to the heroine of our article, it is a remnant of antiquity.

Personal life

Staying in more detail on the personal life of Armand, let's start with the fact that the wife of the wealthy heir to the Textile Empire, Inessa became 19 years old. Later we walked rumors that she managed to marry him only with the help of blackmail. Allegedly Elizabeth discovered Alexander letters of frivolous content from a married woman.

However, most likely it is not. Everything indicates that Alexander sincerely loved his wife. For nine years, marriage has been born four children from Anessa Armand from the manufacturer. He was good, but too frantic, so she preferred to him the younger brother, who shared her revolutionary views.

Officially, they did not divorce, although Inessa gave birth to his son from Vladimir Armanda, who became her fifth child. Inessa was seriously worried about his death, only enthusiastic revolutionary work helped her.

The first son of Inessa is Alexander, he worked as a secretary in the trading office in Tehran, Fyodor was a military pilot, Inna served in the office of the Comintern executive committee, worked for a long time in the Soviet office in Germany. Barbara, born in 1901, became a famous artist, and the son of Vladimir Andrei died in 1944 in war.

Relations with Lenin

Meeting with Ulyanov turned her life. Some historians deny that Inness Armand is a beloved woman of Lenin, doubt that there was at least some novel between them. Perhaps there were feelings from the side of the Inessa to the party leader, which remained unrequited.

The proof of the real relationship between them is a correspondence. It became known about it in 1939, when after the death of the hope of Krupskaya letter Ulyanov, addressed to Armand, transferred to the archive of her daughter Inna. It turned out that Lenin did not write so much as his companion and his mistress.

In the 2000s, an interview with Alexander Steffen was published in the media, which was born in 1913 and called himself the son of Lenin and Armand. A citizen of Germany argued that in about six months after his birth, Ulyanov attached him to the family of his associates in Austria, so as not to compromise himself. In the Soviet Union, the connection between Lenin and Armand has been ignored for a long time. Only in the XX century it became publicity.

Death revolutionary

Stormy revolutionary activity has negatively affected its health. Doctors seriously suspected her tuberculosis. At 46, she planned to go to a familiar Paris doctor who could put it on his feet, but Lenin convinced instead to go to Kislovodsk.

On the way to the resort, the woman was infected with cholera, died in two days in Nalchik. In the courtyard stood 1920. She was buried on the Red Square near the walls of the Kremlin. Shortly after her loss of Lenin, who were hard to experienced a loss, the first stroke happened.

Disputes about the person and role in the history of the Hope of Krupskaya continue. And today the life of the first Kremlin wife, who passed through the hammer and anvil revolution, is surrounded by myths and legends. We asked Alexander Bezboroduov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Historical and Archive Institute (IAI) of the RGU, dispel some of them.

Myth 1. Indifferently looked at the touch of her husband with Iresa

Nadezhda Konstantinovna - Woman unusual. How she managed to be the only wife of Lenin - the riddle of the greatest! - Ironically began our conversation Alexander Libamodov. - And what are you interested in krukskaya? Her husband, Krusky? (Laughs.)

Interested in how the Krupskaya relates to Lenin and Armand.

In the life of Ilyich really was an Inessa, a wonderful woman. I understand Ilyich very well. And everyone understands it. But the hope of Konstantinovna is a fiery revolutionary - helped Lenin, was his ideological squirrel. I think she knew everything about Lenin and Armand and forgred. Even removed somewhere at the time of their dates. And this in the emigrant environment was well known. But she did not belong to this indifferently, was very worried. However, the main thing for her - "so Ilyich was better." Very sacrificial person. Fantastic. Nowadays a woman can send a distance away. Krupskaya was patient. Judging by archival data, she loved Lenin very much. And he devoted himself to his life, his cause. And he understood it too beautifully. After all, he did not threw her. So really appreciated.

Myth 2. It was asexual

They say Krupskaya was indifferent to love, she was not interested in men at all.

Just there is information that she liked men. There is about it in her letters. They are called the names of her boyfriends, "says Lamboons.

Larisa Vasilyeva's explorer (the author of the book "Kremlin Wives") tells: "Four years before meeting with Lenin, a student-technologist Classone, who met in a revolutionary circle. Hope was Hope, Ivan Vasilyevich Babushkin. Already when she was the wife of Lenin, Krupskaya liked Kursnatovsky revolutionary. " The post-Soviet historians discovered the details of the "Friendship" of Hope and Kurkinovsky in the archives, who in 1906 sentenced to life guard, and he fled to Japan, then in Australia and, already seriously ill, moved to Paris, where Krupskaya came to him. Then the rumor went to the revolutionary circles, that Lenin jealously Krupskaya to Kurkinsky, but then graduated, he was fascinated by the beautiful Armand.

Probably, Krupskaya had sexual relations with Lenin, "says Fleoboons. - But, most likely, infrequently. Lenin was very busy, suffered from insomnia. And another disease - he tired very quickly. And died in the end of the overwork. Absolutely naturally and quickly. Stalin has nothing to do with it. Played Bedian about the Bogatlish Health of Lenin is just a disgrace. And when the body is relaxed, I do not know how much he could be carried away by women. Meetings with Armand were unknown ...

Myth 3. Not followed fashion

It is impossible to say that she did not follow the fashion. She liked the hats. She dressed in a flea market. But the fashion was specific, revolutionary. And she just became the legislator of the new, Bolshevik, fashion. When women dressed simply, modestly, unhaxually, as if emphasizing: in the first place we revolutionaries, not the ladies! Such is the ideological fashion line, "says fabor.

Krupskaya in life dressed nicely. She had to correspond to society, "Vasilyeva is convinced. - Near Ilyich there were always young women who fell into ecstasy from his oratoric abilities. Nearby was Inessa again. But after Lenin's death, Krupskaya was like a woman broke and stopped watching him. Balahons, unsony hair. Dismissed. Allowed everything: for example, began to get involved in cakes, strongly spread. At the end of life, she was very sidewrked, and all this affected her appearance.

Myth 4. I heard a good mistress with a soft temper

No, she was unsuitable in everyday life, "says fability. - The household was not interested in her household. In her kitchen she had everything from her hands.

But in affairs was a car. And the secretariat built very seriously. Although there were conversations that she had a completely disgusting nature in relations with secretaries, secretaries and with those whom she was as above. I read this and heard.

And judging by appearance, she has the image of the "Dobring Grandma" ...

Her appearance is very deceptive. And such an image was not always.

Myth 5. Died not with her death

There is an opinion that Krupskaya did not love Stalin and could lead the opposition along with Trotsky.

She was in opposition for a while and very tough criticism was subjected to the Stalinist majority in the Central Committee. Was in one of the opposition groups in the 20s. Perhaps the fact that she saw later is all these repressions - it was terrible for her. But I did not exalted my voice. She was not an active fighter with repression. Stalin did not love her very much. They had a very difficult conflict with Stalin. Hence this legend that he could remove it. And she died with her death to the Stalin era - this is one of her mysteries, "says Lamboons.

About the version that Krupskaya poisoned Stalin, writes in the book "Kremlin Wives" Larisa Vasilyeva. Stalin sent a kruchkaya treat - cake. She washed, and it was like deadly poisoning.

This is a gossip. Krupskaya did not bring any harm. Stalin was a very pragmatic man. The story has not been proven that Krupskaya left with someone. She was very difficult hard.

And what do we do not know about Krupskaya?

I think we do not know what she felt. As far as it looks like, for example, to Stalin's wife, which committed suicide life in 1932. We do not know how she reacted to this death. After all, they could meet and discuss some questions. Was it? Most probably not. I wonder why. This we do not know. With her huge antipathy to Stalin that it was forced to endure all this? In general, the last years of life is completely incomprehensible and closed.

Myth 6. Lenin had a son from Armand

They say, Lenin and Krupskaya did not have children because of their diseases ...

Still, it's about it. She also had a Basnedov disease.

Were conversations that Armand had a son from Lenin?

Yes, there is such a version. But if the son was, it was hiding. And the descendants were ordered, "says Lamboons. - Son of Armand from Lenin - I do not exclude this. But no reliable data historians found.

But there were a lot of sensational publications. For example, not so long ago, Lithuanian newspapers argued that the son of the leader of the proletariat and the fiery revolutionary Andrei was buried in Mariramampol. Gediminas Kunsaytis, a representative of the self-government of the protection of monuments of the city of Mariympol, told in an interview: "When I started working, I revised all the documents about who buried here, and found the inscription that Lenin's son was buried on this cemetery. This document is approved by the Ministry of Culture, there is a stamp. But there is no more detailed information. " Cemetery caretaker still leads tourists to the tomb of the Chief of the Chief of Revolution. However, historians refute this assumption - with Vladimir Ulyanov, Inessa first met in Paris in the spring of 1909. That year, the younger son of Inessa Andrei has already been 5 years old.

And yet there is some kind of riddle here. At least Krupskaya swore at the funeral of Armand to take care of her children, that for a deceived wife - an amazing act. And the promise was kept. In 1922, three younger children who died from France were brought to the slides of France (with the older daughter, the Alexandrovnaya Krupskaya kept the correspondence). She penetrated special love to the younger daughter Armand Vare. And in the future, he watched the fate of all children inness. Perhaps she also arose some doubts?

April 22 - a significant date in the world and Russian history, for the sake of it, it is possible to turn the affairs of the long-lasting age. With the filing of Collunting a lot of rumors about the proximity of the Anessa of Armand and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. They said that heses had a child from Lenin. This place is "supported" two characters. The first - Andrei Armand, buried in Lithuania, killed during the Great Patriotic. The second one named Alexander Steffen, who is either buried in Switzerland, or still lives in Berlin.

In the Lithuanian town of Mariympol, local guides will definitely be behavior to a memorial cemetery and show the monument to Captain Andrei Armandu, who died on October 7, 1944 in battles for the liberation of the Baltic States from the fascists.

According to local historians, local historians, Guard captain of the Red Army, Andrei Armand, is an extramarital son ... Vladimir Lenin and Inesza Armand. In official documents, the times of the war really says that "Andrei Aleksandrovich Armand buried (1903-1944) - the son of Isless Armand and Vladimir Ulyanova." Today, these papers are stored in the city administration of Marymampol. But how this entry appeared in the Registration Book in the regional center, none of the local explain.

Professor of the Russian Academy of theatrical Art of Faina Khachaturian is confident that in childhood he was friends with Lenin's grandson. "One of the brightest memories of my childhood is hiking to the relatives of Inesza Armand," says Faina Nikolaevna - My mother was friends with Hyienna Armand, the wife of the youngest son Inesza - Andrey. These were postwar years. Their family lived in a house on Manezhnaya Square . Later I learned that the apartment was given by the order of Lenin. It was a huge communal. They lived very modestly. The apartment was furnished with old government furniture. But it was a special atmosphere, there were bright representatives of the Moscow intelligentsia.

For us, children, in this hospitable house organized wonderful holidays. Heena brought up two sons. The younger called Volodya. We made friends with him. He hit his mind, reading. I constantly seemed to me that he was very much reminded. Later, the older sister opened my eyes, saying: "Ploy to the history textbook, and you will understand everything." And really. Volodya Armand in childhood was almost a copy of the photo, which shows Volodya Ulyanov in a gymnasic form. The same convex forehead, the same piercing look. When I matured, my mother told me that his father, Andrei Armand, was the son of Lenin. "Such a legend.

Opinion of the historian Akim Harutyunova, famous historian scientist, author of Lenin's books.

To answer the question of who Andrei Armand, it is necessary to remember the fate of his mother - Inessa (Elizi) Fedorovna Armand. She was born on May 9, 1874 in Paris. Her father, Theodore Stephen, was a famous opera singer. Mother, Natalie Wild - a housewife. After the death of her husband, she stayed with three small children without means. In search of the exit from the hardest material situation, the aunt (teacher of French and music), together with Isless, emigrated to Russia. In Moscow, the girl received a good education.

Very gifted Inessa, freely owned by French, English and Russian languages \u200b\u200band perfectly playing the piano, became a home teacher of children from rich Moscow families. In October 1893, she married the sown of the merchant of the first guild, the owner of the factory in the Moscow region Alexander Armand. For eight years of the joint life of Inessa, two boys gave birth to two boys (Alexander in 1894 and Fedor in 1896) and two girls (Inesssu in 1898 and faith in 1901).

Living in full harmony and mutual understanding with Alexander, Inessa unexpectedly left in 1902 ... For the youngest brother of her husband - Vladimir. In 1903, she gave birth to a fifth child, a boy, whom Andryusha called. But long life with Vladimir did not work. After the links of Inessa for political activities, he followed her, although he had a tuberculosis. In the north of her husband sharply aggravated the disease. Vladimir Armand was forced to urgently move to treatment in Switzerland. Inessa, running out of the link, headed for her husband. Alas, doctors could not save him. In early January 1909, Vladimir died. Having buried her husband, Inessa decided to move to his native Paris. About all five children during that period, her first husband Alexander took care of her first husband.

With Vladimir Ulyanov Inesse, I first met in Paris in the spring of 1909. Before that, these two people have never met. In the year of Lenin's dating from Armand, Andrei's younger son has already been 5 years old. So, in Marijampol, Vladimir Ilyich could not be the father of Andrei Armand.

It was possible to establish that after the death of the mother on September 24, 1924, Andrei - not without the support of the chairman of the Sovnarkom Lenin - received a higher education. Until 1935, he worked as a mechanical engineer at the Gorky Auto Plant, then moved to Moscow. At the beginning of the war, I left the volunteer to the front with the Moscow Militia. In 1944 he joined the members of the WCP (b) and soon the heroic died. Now we know that Guard captain of the Red Army Andrei Armand is buried in Lithuania.

The Russians will surely find out about what almost all schoolchildren know about in Germany. There, in the textbooks of history for the eighth grades in chapter dedicated to Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin), Alexander Steffen, the only son of the leader of the revolution and the sixth child of Inessea Armand.

In 1998, the journalist Arnold was unworked by the 85-year-old Alexander Vladimirovich Steffen in Berlin, where he lived near Bran-Denburg gate. His wife has long died, children (that is, the authentic "grandchildren of Ilyich") live separately. The modest pension in the 1200 milk-rock for life was enough, but he was looking for a publisher to publish the book of his memoirs.

The old age of this man did not have a long conversation, but Herr Steffenh agreed to give a journalist a small interview. This is what he told about himself: "I was born in 1913, 3 years after the acquaintance of the mother with Vladimir Ilyich. And it happened in Paris in 1909, immediately after death from the tuberculosis of her second husband, Vladimir Armanda. As I suppose, parents did not really want to advertise the fact of my appearance. Therefore, after 7 months after birth, I was attached to the family of one Austrian Communist. There I grew up until 1928, when unknown people took me, put me on a steamer in Havre, and I was in America. I think that these were people of Stalin, who, most likely, wanted to use me in the future to use me in propaganda purposes. But apparently it did not work. In 1943, already being an American citizen, I went volunteer to the army and served on the naval database in Portland until 1947.

I know my father from my mother. In the spring of 1920, shortly before his death, she visited Salzburg. She told about him, brought a letter from his personal archive, written by Vladimir Ilyich in Paris in 1913, and asked to keep him for memory.

In the US, life was not charged. The wife died in 1959, and I went to Europe, to the German Democratic Republic (GDR). I guessed why the Eastern Germans immediately answered consent and provided citizenship with a good apartment. Later, my guess confirmed. I was invited to receive a reception to Comrade Walter Ulbricht, the Secretary-General of the Central Committee of the Socialist United Partner of Germany - he knew everything. And in 1967, during the Berlin meeting of the leaders of the world communist movement in the Soviet embassy, \u200b\u200bLeonid Ilyich Brezhnev met with me. He handed me the Order of the Friendship of Peoples and fastened tightly. Promised to invite the CPSU Congress as an honorary guest on the XXIII. Did not work out. And today Lenin does not like in Russia. So and you have nothing to do. "

Alexander Vladimirovich kindly allowed to publish an excerpt from the letter of Inesza Armand Vladimir Ulyanov, who lived at that time in Poland, in Krakow. "... looking at well-known places, I clearly consciously, as never before, what a great place you are still here, in Paris, I took in my life that almost all the activities here, in Paris, was a thousand threads related to the thought of you. I was not at all in love with you at all, but then I loved you very much. I would now cost without kisses, just to see you, sometimes it would be joyful with you - and this could not hurt anyone. Why did you deprive me? .. "

Inness Armand was for Lenin and Krupskaya home dealer, secretary, translator and other. Their "Triple Union" still causes peresov from historians.

Singer's daughter and chores

Inness Armand, nee Elizabeth Pesho d'Erbenville, was born in France. She was the eldest daughter in the family of the opera tenor of Theodore Steffen and the chores of the Russian citizenship of the Anglo-French origin Natali Wild. Her father died when the girl was five years old. To support her mother, her mother could not and sent Inessa with a sister to Moscow to aunt, who worked in a rich family of the textile industrialist Evgenia Armand. The trading house "Yevgeny Armand and Sons" owned a large factory in Pushkin, on which 1200 workers produced wool fabrics for 900 thousand rubles per year.

At the time, income is very solid. So Inessa was in the house of the real Russian oligarch. As then, the Krupskaya, ISESS in the family of Armand, was brought up "in the English spirit, demanding a high excerpt." To three native languages, she quickly added German, he learned the game on the piano that she later would be very useful - Vladimir Lenin loved music and, on the memories of Krupskaya, constantly asked Jesus to play the piano. In 19 years, Inessa, who was a hopelessness, married the older sons of Evgeny Armand Alexander. The stories of their marriage went rumors that Inessa forced Alexander to marry himself. She learned about his connection with a married woman, found their correspondence and, in fact, blackmailed Alexander.

From family to socialism

Coming out married, Inessa, I realized that the husband belongs to her only formally. Inessa realized how to bring her husband to himself. For 5 years she gave birth to four children. Tactic was crowned with success. Alexander began writing to the romantic poems and became an exemplary family man. Inessa bored. She wanted passions and new conquests. In Eldegin near Moscow, where they lived, Armand organized a school for peasant children. She also became an active participant in the "Society for improving the fate of women", boring with prostitution. In 1900, she was appointed chairman of his Moscow branch, she wanted to produce a printed organ of society, but did not have been able to receive permission from the authorities.

And then Inessa was fascinated by the ideas of socialism. Back in 1897, one of the household teachers of the House of Armandov, Boris Krammer, arrested for the spread of illegal literature. Inessa him very much sympathized. In 1902, she came into contact with several social democrats and revolutionary socialists, wrote a letter to the younger brother of her husband, Vladimir (who, as she knew, was also not indifferent to the ideas of socialism), and suggested to come and landscaping together the life of the Eldigin peasants.

Vladimir decided to open in Yeldigino Sunday school, hospital and hut-reading room. He gave Anless to read the book "Development of capitalism in Russia", saying that the name of the author was classified, he hides in Europe from persecuting the royal police and writes under the pseudonym Vladimir Ilyin under the pseudonym. So in absentia, the acquaintance of Armand with Lenin took place. The book of Isaments liked. At her request, Vladimir found the address of the author of the book and Inessa, with him a correspondence. She was more and more removed from her husband and family.

Beginning of revolutionary activities

In 1902, Armand went with Vladimir Armand to Moscow and settled in his house on Ostozhenka. Alexander almost every day wrote the former spouse of the letter, putting photos of the younger children in them. Congratulating Inessa with the new, 1904, Alexander wrote: "I was well with you, my friend, and so I now appreciate and love your friendship. After all, the truth can be loved by friendship? It seems to me that this is absolutely correct and clear expression. " Divorce did not work. Vladimir and Inessa were actively engaged in revolutionary work, all evening spent at meetings. In 1904, Inessa joined the RSDLP.

In 1907 she was arrested. The court sentenced her to two years of references in the Arkhangelsk province. In the link, Armand was not confused. She managed to establish a good relationship with the prison chief. A month and a half before sending to the place of the link to the meadow, she lived in his house and even used his postal address for correspondence with Vladimir Lenin. October 20, 1908, Armand helped run. According to the concrete documents, she managed to run to Switzerland, where her husband Vladimir died on her hands. "An irreparable loss, she wrote in her diary. - All my personal happiness was connected with him. And without personal happiness, it is very difficult to live a person. "

In the family of Lenin

After the death of Vladimir Armand moved to Brussels, where he entered the university, a full course of the Economic Faculty was held for the year and was awarded a scientific degree of licensing of economic sciences. Her acquaintance with Lenin took place in 1909. According to one version in Brussels, on the other - in Paris. In the Paris House of Lenin, Armand became the secretary, a translator, a housekeeping site. She worked in the party school of propagandists in Lonjumo, where he began to lead, led agitation among the French workers. Inessa translated the work of Lenin, the publication of the Central Committee of the Party. In 1912, she wrote a brochure "On the Women's Question", in which he advocated freedom from marriage.

Second arrest

In 1912, after the arrest of the entire St. Petersburg cell, Armand volunteered to travel to Russia, in order to establish revolutionary work. However, immediately after returning it arrested. Former husband came to the rescue, Alexander Armand. He made a fabulous in the time of time - 5,400 rubles, asked Inesss to return to him. After the departure of the Inessa abroad (she fled to Paris through Finland) Alexander lost pledge and was attracted for the presence of a state criminal.

Muz Lenin

In Paris, Armand continued to actively campaign work. So, in 1914, after the beginning of the First World War, Armand took up agitation among the French workers, calling them to abandon their work in favor of the Entente countries. In 1915-1916, Inessa participated in the work of the International Women's Socialist Conference, as well as the Zimmervald and Kintal Conferences of Internationalists. She also became a delegate of the VI Congress of the RSDLP (b).

Lenin's relations and Armand historians reconstruct on memoirs and on the remnants of their correspondence. Here is a fragment from the letter of Armand Lenin from December 1913:

"I was not at all in love with you at all, but then I loved you very much. I would now cost without kisses, just to see you, sometimes it would be joyful to talk to you - and this would not be hurt anyone. Why did you deprive me? You ask whether I am meant for the fact that you "spent" parting. No, I think you did it not for yourself. "

It should be borne in mind that Lenin's letters to Armand are full of abbreviations made by Soviet censors. During the First World War, Lenin did not send any letters as much as her. Already after his death, the Politburo of the Central Committee adopted a resolution that demanded from all members of the party to transfer all the letters, notes and appeal to them the leader to the archive of the Central Committee. But only in May 1939, after the death of Krupskaya, the eldest daughter Inessa, Inna Armand, decided to go to the archive of Lenin's letters to her mother.

Letters published in different years, even with bills, indicate that Lenin and Inessa were very close. Recently, in the press there was an interview with the younger son of Inessa, the elderly Alexander Steffen, who resides in Germany, who claims that he is the son of Lenin. He was born in 1913, and 7 months after birth, he said, Lenin attached him to the seven of the Austrian Communist.

Death of Armand

In April 1917, Jesse Armand came to Russia in one coupe of a filling car with Lenin and the hope of Krupskaya. In 1918, under the guise of the head of the Mission of the Red Cross, Armand was directed by Lenin to France, in order to take out several thousand soldiers of the Russian Expeditionary Corps from there. There she was arrested by the French authorities for subversive activities, but was released due to the threat of Lenin to shoot the entire French mission in Moscow for her. In 1918-1919, Armand headed the female department of the Bolsheviks Central Committee. It was the organizer and head of the 1st International Women's Communist Conference in 1920, participated in the struggle of women revolutionaries with a traditional family.

Revolutionary activity has been delicately affected by the health of Armand. Krupskaya wrote in his memoirs: "Inessa barely kept her legs. Even her energies lacked on that colossal work she had to hold. " Doctors suspected from Armand tuberculosis, and she wanted to go to Paris to a familiar doctor, but Lenin insisted that Inessa went to Kislovodsk. On the way, she infected with cholera. Died in Nalchik on September 24, 1920 shortly before the death of Inessa recorded in the diary:

"I used to have happened, to each person came up with a warm feeling. Now I am indifferent to all. And most importantly - I miss almost everyone. Hot feeling remained only for children and to V. I. In all other relations, the heart seemed to be extinct. As if, giving all their strengths, his passion V. I. and the work of the work, the sources of love, sympathy for people who had been so richly exhausted in it. I no longer have, with the exception of V.I. and my children, any personal relationship with people, but only business ... I am a living corpse, and it is terrible. "

Alexandra Kollondtai wrote: "The death of Inesza Armand accelerated the death of Lenin. He, loving Inessa, could not survive her care. " After the death of Inesza, Armand in the truth, a poem was published for the authorship of some "bard". It ends like this:

Yes the enemies will be cung on, yes, it will fall
The coming happiness of the curtain!
Friendly, comrades, in the leg - forward!
Sleep with the world, Comrade Inessa ...

In 1922, the kids were brought from France. In the winter of 1924, Nadezhda Krupskaya offered to get buried the remains of her spouse with the ashes of Armand. Stalin offer rejected.