Interesting information about the polar bear. Ten unusual facts about polar bears

White bears (
The ancient Romans loved the sports associated with bloodshed. Although the battles of gladiators are the most famous from the ancient Roman entertainment, the crowds also enjoyed the observation of animal death. During these bloody performances (VENATIONES), the Hunter (Venatores) usually opposed a number of deadly animals. However, that these ideas be more exciting, the Romans also put the animals to the arena against other animals, during the real version of the transfer of the "animal collision" (Animal Face-OFF). The lions fought with tigers, bears with bulls, and the excitement was added even stronger with the participation of endless crocodiles, pythons, hippo and greyhounds.

However, not all pairs in the arena were honest battles. In accordance with the records left by the Roman poet Calpurni (Calpurnius siculus), the Romans filled out the amphitheater with water, and then launched the seals. Then they released polar bears in the water. As a result, a one-sided, literal bloody bath, after which the bears probably could ask "Is it bored?"

10. White bears are not really white

White bears, of course, look white, but as they say in the old saying - the appearance can be deceptive. The exterior hairs of wool white bears (also known as hedgehis) is actually transparent and their undercoal is also colorless. So why do white bears look white? This happens because inside each ishing hairs, they have a pocket of air. When sunlight falls on the bearing of the bear, all the lengths of the light waves are reflected from these air pockets, giving polar bears a white color. But even this classic appearance may change. Depending on the time of year and the location of the Sun, the white bears may look yellow and even brown. Sometimes those white bears who live in captivity may even turn from white in green, due to algae growing in their oave hairs (but on banks with soft drinks, green bears would not look as good as white).
Nevertheless, if you shave the whole fur (which we definitely do not advise you to do), you will find the real color of polar bears. Under the Cosmark, a colorless fur coat, white bears actually black. This black leather absorbs heat from the sun's rays and supports heat from bears living in the Arctic climate. Therefore, the next time you see the nose of the White Bear, remember - this is his real color.

9. White bears can be saved without stopping

White bears have truly awesome swimming skills that Michael Phelps Michael and Ryan Lochte (Ryan Lochte). Their huge refigble paws are ideal for cutting the ocean waves at a speed of 10 kilometers per hour. And now compare this result with a pitiful Olympic swimmers, which, at best, float only at a speed of 7 kilometers per hour. It does not matter how much gold medals have you, when you still can be a breakfast of a polar bear.

In addition to developing high swimming speeds, they can actually have an average to sailing 100 kilometers without stopping. And although some polar bears were seen at a distance of 321 kilometers from the coast, the record for long-sworn was broken in 2011. Due to the melting of the ice, which are a natural hunting zone of bears, a white bear with a bear went into swim through the sea of \u200b\u200bBeaufort in search of a new home. The bear swallow 680 kilometers in nine days, which is equivalent to the fact that you walk from Washington to Boston. Unfortunately, her bear was died on the way, and when she finally reached sushi, she lost 22 percent of the weight of her body. It was an impressive feat and evidence of the twist of polar bears, but he is also a reminder of the difficulties that these wonderful animals face, lose their habitat.

8. White bears resort to cannibalism

White bears are not legible in food, but if you give them a choice between the seal and almost all the others, they will definitely choose the seal. However, in recent years, due to the intensity of climate change, the Arctic menu has been significantly reduced. Marine ice melted more and more, gradually selecting their natural habitat and rich hunting grounds in the polar bears. The capture of seals is becoming more and more difficult, so the bears began to look for other sources of food, including bird societies, but the pair of eggs do not quench the hunger of these giants. Therefore, bears had to resort to a much more terrible version of food production - to cannibalism.

Hunting bears on bears not Nova. On ice, several shaggy dahmers were always digging (Jeffrey Dahmers), and white bears sometimes eat their bearish, if they sick. Nevertheless, in recent years, experts studying polar bears have noticed the growth of cannibalism, especially among the bears, which were trapped on land. In 2009, eight males bears devoured cubs from the Canadian Province of Manitoba (Manitoba), and in July 2010, the photographer Jenny Ross was able to make some horrific pictures, on which an adult polar bear killed her younger. Due to the fact that ice continue to melt, more and more polar bears may be forced to eat their relatives with or without her beans.

7. White bears remain invisible for infrared cameras

In addition to the fact that they are powerful hunters, white bears also have a magical power to remain invisible, at least when it comes to monitoring them with infrared chambers. Scientists have discovered this striking phenomenon during the flight above the Arctic, organized to verify the number of population of bears. At first, scientists almost never managed to notice bears, as those merged with their snow-white habitat. Thinking that they found an excellent way of tracking white bears, scientists decided to use infrared cameras, but to their surprise, they saw that white bears had completely disappeared. On the camera reflected only their noses, eyes and breathing.

Scientists decided that the coating fat and white bears mask them from infrared cameras, hiding their thermal imprints. Nevertheless, a student of the last year of the University of Berkeley (Berkeley) named Jessica Precado (Jessica Preciado) decided to dig a little deeper. Using advanced technologies of the National Laurence Berkeley laboratory (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Precadedo was able to solve the secret of the invisibility of polar bears. Infrared chambers are detected not only the surface temperature, but they also note the radiation emanating from the subjects followed by observation. In accordance with the results of the study of the Precado, the radio emitting properties of fur of polar bears are similar to the properties of snow, which allows bears to remain invisible with infrared light. This skill can be very useful if the predator someday landed into the Arctic.

6. There are hybrids of polar bears with Grizzly bears

In 2006, the American hunter went to the Arctic on the hunt behind the White Bear. It seems to him as it was possible. The hunter noted that the bear killed by him looked a bit strange, and after analyzing DNA, scientists found out that this creature was half a white bear, half the bear grizzly.

This was the first case when a hybrid of a polar bear and the Grizzly bear was found in the wild. Nevertheless, scientists have already seen such a Frankenstein Frankenstein in the German Zoo (Osnabruck Zoo), where the polar bear and the Grizzly Bear lived in one aviary and became more than good friends. In 2010, 17 Bear hybrids and the Grizzly bear were registered, most of whom live in Osnabruck. Therefore, scientists suggested that in the wild, these two species can also pair. But, in 2010, the scholar community was shocked when one hunter shot something that turned out to be a sibling of the Bear Grizzly and a hybrid of a polar bear, and the bear Grizzly. It turned out that, unlike other beings, which are siblings of interspecific crossing (for example, Mulu), the hybrids of the polar bear and the Bear Grizzly can have offspring.

These impressive hybrid bears were called the Glolars, polar grizzlys or nanulants from the Inito "Nanuk" (White Bear) and "Aklak" (Bear Grizzly). Scientists suggest that, most likely, their parents were able to meet and mate due to the construction and mining of minerals in Canada, which led to the fact that Grizzlys went further north, and the consequences of climate change, which led to the melting of the Arctic ice, forced the White Bear to go in search of food south. Polar grizzlys have the characteristics of both mothers and fathers. The neck of polar grizzlys elongated and they have noticeable tails, like in polar bears, but their heads, shoulders and paws are more like grizzlys, and fur resembles a strange combination of two types of bears. However, the polar grizzlys experience certain discomfort in the wild, because they cannot swim as well as white bears and their paws of the Grizzly bears are not adapted for walking on the ice. However, in 2012, five families of polar bears were registered in the wild, so it may well be that one day the polar grizzlys will become a permanent part of the North American ecosystem.

5. Eskimos deeply respese white bears

While many people consider polar bears with cute and funny, Eskimos relate to them much more respectfully. They consider Nanuk (Nanuk), a polar bear, mysterious, almost a human-like being, which deserves a valid relationship even after death. After a successful hunt, the Eskimo Hunter will necessarily honor the honor of the White Bear, having hung his skin in his house for several days. Next to the skin hunter also hangs various guns, in the form of an offerings of the Bear Spirit. The males of the bears hunter-Eskimos make knives and tools for fire production by means of friction, bear, such offerings as tools for freshness and needle sets. It is believed that the White Bear will need the souls of these instruments in the afterlife and if the hunter takes to the bear with respect, Nanook will tell other bears about the kindness of the hunter. Then other bears will give their lives a hunter in exchange for tools. In this ritual won everything.

However, if the Eskimo hunter fell out badly with the soul of Nanake, he will never be able to kill another polar bear. The same applies to the hunter's wife. If it reaches a white bear disrespectful, her husband will never become a great hunter. It was especially problematic for women if their husbands were dying. There was a very high chance that the widows remained alone, since no Hunter Eskim wanted to marry a woman who was damned.

4. White bears observation is a real work.

Are you tired of your work from nine in the morning to five in the evening? Then you should look at the Government online announcement board with the proposals of Spitsberegen. They offer quite interesting works, such as the observer work behind white bears.

On all about 2,400 people live on the Spitzbard archipelago, which is very little when you understand that about 3,000 polar bears live there and their number is growing. Uniquely in the White Bear of Svalbard's fact that their population is constantly growing, while in the whole rest of the world their population is strongly reduced. This is a great news for bears, but also a small problem for scientists working on the wakeful wildlife. Therefore, Spyzberegen government recently began to look for people to the position of observer behind white bears in order to be able to hold them on the borders of people's stay. In accordance with the description of the work, candidates should be well known to the wildlife, should be able to use firearms and have a very sniff and loud voice. The main task of the observer will be to scare the bears, shouting on them by shooting from a signal pistol or knocking with saucers or frying pan. Shooting in the bears is an extreme measure to which you can resort only if absolutely nothing else has occurred.

If this work sounds like something, what would you like to do - we hurry to upset you, they already found people. However, you can periodically check their web site. The place can be released at any time, because the observation of polar bears is not the safest job. Especially since it is impossible to say with confidence when the former observer can lose work / life.

3. White bears were very popular in the Epoch of the Middle Ages

When we think about mid-centuries, we imagine crusades, black death, and knights who speakers "ne." We usually do not associate the Middle Ages with Arctic animals, and nevertheless, all, from the peasants to the princes, considered polar bears incredibly cool.

Take for example Vikings. They believed that the polar bear was as strong as 12 men and as smart as 11 men combined. The poets of Vikings described them using several cool names, such as "thunderstorms of seals", "Horseman Iceberg" and "Whale's death". In German-Scandinavian mythology, Heimdall's gods and Loki (Loki) took the form of polar bears, entering into battle with each other. Even the King of the North, Harald I beautifullyola (Harold the Fair-Haired) was a manual bear with bearish. They were a gift of the Icelandic hunter, who was in exchange for the bears, he gave a whole ship, loaded wood.

The British were also enthusiastic with polar bears. In the 1200s, Heinrich III (Henry III) collected an impressive collection of exotic beasts. The Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire of Friedrich II (Frederick II of The Holy Roman Empire) sent Henry III three lions as a wedding gift, and King Louis IX Holy (King Louis IX) gave him a male of the African Elephant. Due to the fact that in the palace of the king there was not a lot of space for cannibals and thick giants, Henry III decided to arrange his animals in the famous Tower of London, which became the first London zoo.

One of the most unusual animals Henry III was a polar bear, presented to him by King Haakon of Norway. Heinrich III received not only a bear, but also the Norwegian supervisor for animals. London's sheriffs had to pay for his feed, but the bear had too voracious appetite. Sheriffs could not collect enough taxes to pay for his food, so Heinrich III ordered his supervisor to make a muzzle and an iron chain. Then the supervisor assigned it to the Thames, where the polar bear could swim and catch her fish. Unlike the prisoners, which were kept in the London Tower, the White Bear was not so bad there.

2. White bears sometimes plant a special prison

By a strange coincidence, the city of Churchill (Churchill), Canadian Province of Manitoba, was honored to be the world capital of polar bears. Each spring and summer, the ice bay at the city of Churchill melts, and leaves polar bears without their main hunting grounds. Approximately 1,000 hungry bears who have no opportunity to catch seals, suitable to the town in search of food. And these bears are not at all arrogant. They can eat anything - from garbage to dogs.

Despite the danger, the people of Churchill's town were able to adapt to the annual invasion of bears. For example, people traditionally leave their homes unlocked, in case the polar bear will chase for someone will chase and he will need to hide somewhere. In order for the bears did not enter the house and could not go on the smell, which comes from the fact that someone's kitchen is preparing something, house doors are equipped with special "welcoming mats" made from plywood, covered with nails. Curious bears quickly understand what. During Halloween, children walking to the house accompany the armed adults, and no one is allowed to dress in the ghost outfit, so that it is not confused with a white bear. In the city there is even a special hotline of polar bears (675-Bear, in case you need a number). If you call this number, the Nature Protection Group, armed with penards and rubber bullets (and real, if necessary), will come to expel unborn guests from the town.

However, if the polar bear does not understand the hints and constantly returns to the town, he can spend several months in prison for polar bears. Recidivists are introduced off and transported to prison, which was once an aircraft hangar. When the bear wakes up, he detects himself in one of 28 cells in which he has about two meters to move. Prison for polar bears is a pretty ill place. Bears do not feed at all and give them only snow so that they drank. The idea is to make their stay in Churchill very unpleasant, so that they never wanted to return here. Maybe it sounds cruelly, but this is the best alternative to the murder of bears (or the murder of people's bear). When the bay will re-freeze in the colder months, the bears produce and hope that they received a valuable lesson about the justice of Manitoba Province.

1. White bear liver can kill you

Just as the Indians of the Great Plains (Plains Indians) were separated by buffaloes, the Eskimos used each part of the polar bears ... besides the liver. This is not because the liver of white bears has a bad taste, but because its eating can kill a person. In 1596, a group of European researchers experienced it on her skin. After a tasty dinner from the polar bear, the researchers got sick of a terrifying disease. The man became surmount and irritable. Their vision was blurred, heads and bones began to hurt and they began to tear up. Finally, as in one of the scenes of the horror movie Elaya Roth (Eli Roth), they started a simply skin. Some men were lucky and they had only some skin around their mouths. But some of them are not very lucky. They got skin from all over the body, from head to feet. In the end, they fell into one who died, and all because they chose not that food. They ate the internal organs of the polar bear, including the liver.

The liver of the polar bear is so dangerous because it is filled with vitamin A. in small quantities of vitamin A contributes to the improvement of certain functions of the body. Promotes growth, reproductive health and improves eyesight, but its excess causes the human body to fall into shock. An adult can recycle only 10,000 international units of vitamin A, and if you eat only 500 grams of the liver of a white bear, you shock your body of 9,000,000 international units of Vitamin A. In addition, you start to squeak skin, you will have hair away Your spleen and the liver will be eaten to unimaginable sizes. Therefore, when the next time someone suggests you to taste the liver of a white bear, it is better to stop your reference to fondue.

Amazing animals These white bears. They are embodied by beauty and power, mystery and danger. These are the largest terrestrial predators, and, according to scientists, one of the smartest mammals. Let's get acquainted with them closer.

Fact number 1.

Despite the fact that you see in the photos, white bears are not at all white. Their wool is colorless, since the wool hollow and transparent. They reflect the light and seem white.

Fact number 2.

White bears do not fall into hibernation. Pregnant females or bears-mothers stay in the berrs and reduce their activity, and males continue to hunt throughout the winter.

Fact number 3.

There is a big difference between the weight and sizes of the bears of males and females. The weight of males can reach 680 kilograms, and their length is three meters. While females rarely reaches 270 kilograms, and the length is two meters.

Fact number 4.

Newborn babies white bears are much smaller in size than newborn children of man. Only born targets are not exceeded in the sizes of the rat. Their mass is about 450 grams.

Fact number 5.

Although the temperature in the Arctic can descend to -45 ° C, the polar bears typically arise not to freezing, but with overheating. Especially during running. And all this due to the physiological features of the bear responsible for the preservation of heat. Therefore, bears prefer to move slowly and measured.

Fact number 6.

White bears - excellent swimmers. Thanks to the structure of the paws, they are elegantly and swim quite quickly. The average speed is 10 km / h. And sailing 161 kilometers without stopping bears will not be any difficulty. By the way, they spend so much time in water that some scientists belong to these animals to the marine mammal.

Fact number 7.

White bears are characterized by an excellent sense of smell. They can teach the seal at a distance of 32 kilometers.

Fact number 8.

When the bears turn the sleep, they close the nose with a paw to keep warm.

Fact number 9.

White bears - large clean. After eating, they spend about 20 minutes, clearing themselves. They need to make sure that there are no food residues left in the wool, which can reduce its thermal insulation properties.

Fact number 10.

It is known that white bears can be exposed to flashes of anger. More than once it was noticed how the bear scattered huge pieces of ice and leaned loudly in despair after a failed attempt to grab his victim.

The only living beings that threaten bears, these are people.

Guzel Abdulna
An abstract of classes on the ecology "What we know about a white bear" (senior group)

Prepared: Educator senior group MBDOU # 22 Abdulina Gusel Inkarovna, g. Leninogorsk, RT.


Give kids knowledge about white bear: appearance, lifestyle, habits and methods of hunting in winter and summer.

To form ideas about the lifestyle of animals in the North Pole, about the adaptation to the habitat.

Develop the ability to search activity.

Continue to acquaint children with white medvedia, the ability to adapt to the habitat.

Intensify speech using games and exercises.

Forming interested, careful attitude to white medvedes.

Wordwork: Enrichment of the dictionary in words: "Arctic", "predator"; Activation drug: "Mining", "wool","Paws", "den", "seal", "Tyulenina".

Preliminary work:

Reading and viewing illustrations about white bear in the journal about the life of wildlife; View cartoon "Umka"; Listening to audio recordings "Lullaby mesmen» (From cartoon "Umka"): viewing paintings with the image of white bears; Drawing on White Stencils bears.

Materials for classes: Multimedia; the globe; Illustrations of animals (brown and white bears) ; notebook; a pen; the envelope.

Travel course:

(Children play in game corners, knock on the door. The tutor goes to believe and brings an envelope in his hands.)

Guys, look, ka here, we have a letter, let's look into the envelope, which is inside.

(gets a letter and a card with a mystery)

We sent a letter, but in order to find out from whom it is, we must guess riddle:

Swim over the blue sea

On the ice floe is huge

Strong, predatory beast

In the fur coat snow-white.

What do you think who is it? (children's responses)

Well done, right. Well, let's read the letter. (opens a letter)

"Hello children! You write white bear. I want to tell you about yourself, about whites bear. In the north, in the Arctic where only snow and ice, we live, whites the Bears. Our habits are like Burya habits bears: We are in the winter in Berrod from ice and snow, we love to swim and catch fish. Medleang Our kids will first feed with milk, and when they grow up feeding fish and seal meat.

We are adapted to life in hard conditions: we have thick, warm, wool, including on the soles of the paws, she saves us from frost, white masking wool painting makes us imperceptible snow, we can dive well and swim, hide, quietly sneak to mining, we have severe paws With sharp claws, claws help us quickly and deftly catch fish in the water, and we have strong teeth. I want to add, we, whites the BearsMade into the Red Book.

I would like to make friends with you, wait from you a response letter. Respect, white bear

That's what letter we got. Let us find the Arctic on the globe. Where is he is - self.

(looking for together and find)

So, it turns out where the Arctic is located! In the Arctic around the snow and ice, therefore on the globe it is marked with white.

And now let's see the illustration bears: White and brown. Look what they look like and what they differ. (children's responses)

Where does it live? (children's responses)

What saves it from the cold? (children's responses)

Can you swim? (children's responses)

How does it make me food? (children's responses)

What helps him hunt? (children's responses)

Than feed bear Medshonka? (children's responses)

Yes, right, she feeds the kid with milk, then when it is growing with fish and seal meat. The meat of seal is called Tulenina. Bears hunt and on them.

Now let's play the game with you « Messenger»

Messenger In more often, they rushed and cool head

They circled their heads.

Like this (2 times)- They circled their heads.

Bear Möd searched. Perform the movements for

A friendly tree swing the tutor. (Looking for honey and

Like this (2 times)- A friendly tree swung. Swing trees.)

Bearing water saw(Imitation movements)

For each friend went. Drink a water and go to each other

Like this (2 times)- friend.

For each other all went.

Bear danced(Imitation movements)

Upstairs paws raised poured on the spot and

Like this (2 times)- Left paws up. Raise hands up.

Well done, played nicely!

And now, let's write a white off letter medvedes.

Address: Arctic, country of eternal ice and snow, a big snowdrift.

KOM: White bear.

Hello, dear white bear!

We got your letter. Thank you, thanks to you we learned who are so white medlestia where they live.

Come to visit us from the distant Arctic! We treat you delicious fish. Are looking forward to!

If you can't come to us, we are waiting for a letter from you.

With respect to white bears Children of the senior group kindergarten number 22 Leninogorsk, RT.

Here, now we will seal the envelope and remains only to send a letter. In the evening, let's go home, put it in the mailbox and we will wait for the answer.

A. classes drawing we paint white bears with sponge, foam rubber. We arrange the exhibition "Arctic, a distant country of perpetual ice."

The polar bear is amazing, snow-white giants inhabiting the coldest regions of the planet. But in order to expand your knowledge of these amazing animals, interesting facts are presented at your discretion.

With all that they are born and live on land, they spend a lot of time for their lives in the sea - their scientific name is their peculiarities Ursus Maritimus. Translated as a sea bear.

The polar bear originates from the brown, evolving and developing for 5,000 years. And with all that they have separate species - polar, the polar bear can be crossped with brown and produce to the light of hybrids capable of reproduction. Such a phenomenon is very rare both for wildlife and for captivity.

The most characteristic, distinctive feature of which is pure white fur - is not exactly what it seems. In reality, the hair follicle is transparent, the hollow tube and due to this, their fur can reflect the surrounding animal light. At the same time, the whole life of the animal fur can turn yellowing or vice versa - to acquire a greenish tint. So yellow wool becomes from age and dirt, and a greenish hue wool acquires marine algae from multiplying in fur, in unnaturally warm and wet medium for it. Another feature, which is associated with the color of the bear - its skin is black on the color, which helps to keep warm.

An animal language is also covered with pigment spots - this is due to the fact that it comes to it an excessive amount of blood and it becomes on the color of Iscin-black. There are practically the same color of the language and the dogs of the Chow-Chow breed.

Due to the fact that the man practically does not live on the Polar, and therefore the polar bear preserves among all predators the greatest range of its natural habitat. But even with all this, he is considered an extinct view - its number varies on the entire planet from 20,000 and up to 25,000.

The male weighs on average 700 kg., And the length of his body reaches 3 meters and therefore it is the largest of all predators today on Earth. But heavyweight among the white bears - the male, weighing 1002 kilos, which were shot in the 60th year of the last century in Alaska.

The polar bear is a wonderful swimmer and can swim for several days and the speed in this case is an average of 10 km. at one o'clock. At the same time, the speed of the bear on land is 5.6 km / h, and if necessary, it can develop speed and up to 40, and if necessary, jumps can also be performed, and highly up and in length.

With all that the White Bear is quite a major predator - his bearish is even less born than children in humans and in weight reach about 500-700 gr. But the cubs are rapidly growing, gaining weight and in their age - very smart and fuses.

In the process of hunting for seals, which for a bear has a major prey, the bear uses a lot of techniques and tricks in the process of hunting. According to the locals of the North, they even close their black nip paws, in order not to give themselves, hiding in the white snow in the ambush. Also, in the process of hunting, the bear uses his sharp scent, lying in the ambush for a few hours near the hole, through which the seal dials to breathe and then the bear and attacks.

White bears - incredible cleansers. So after dinner, they necessarily put themselves in order, spending on it until the time of time, cleaning their wool from the residues of food and dirt.

Some more interesting and unusual facts

  1. White bears are the only of all of his relatives, who does not fall on the winter in a hibernation, awake and remaining active and movable throughout the year. Such their activity, many scientists determine the conditions of habitat, evolution, when the bear is adjusted to certain habitat conditions. So, when the temperatures decreased to the critical marks, the only thing that can occur in the bear body is the slowdown in metabolic processes.
  2. By virtue of its exclusive, it is more precise to say an unusual biological structure, the animal itself is very warm-blooded, which helps him survive in the conditions of the North. The temperature regime of their body never falls below the temperature indicators at 31 degrees and sometimes the bear even avoids once again run, so as not to overheat.
  3. Many scientists believe that intellectually bears stand on the same level with monkeys. It is at the expense of their sharp mind that, they can boast of ingenuity and a diverse method of hunting, to change their own behavior with the environment.
  4. If the bear fails to find the food for 7-8 days - the animal body begins to burn out its own fat reserves until he can catch his prey and eat a vast, rapid reserves of the body and a fat stupor.
  5. According to many environmentalists and scientists, due to the fact that the glaciers are actively melted, the White Bear population until 2050 can be reduced by 2/3 of their number of numbers.
  6. With all that the bears practice many diverse methods of hunting, only 2% of all attempts are completed by success.
  7. The foxes inhabiting the Arctic are potential preventing and food of the White Bear, but in Canada historians were able to fix the case of long and strong friendship between these two these seemingly different animals.
  8. Many zoologists note that the polar bear can be exposed to a lot of wraths - in the history there is a lot of facts, when this huge, the white giant scattered around his huge blocks of ice and grimely growled, expressing his emotions. In particular, this happens after an unsuccessful attempt to hunt.
  9. Berlogue in the north is turning only a female, producing its offspring - they do not fall into the hibernation, but at the same time they try to give birth in a secure shelter.

Polar bear for children

This article is devoted to all boys and girls who love bears just like me! Here are some interesting facts about polar bears for children.

White bears are one of the most magnificent, beautiful and dangerous creatures on Earth. Those of you who saw the film "Golden Compass" will remember Jorek Burnson, Prince polar bears. Although Iorpek talks to the movies, and the real white bears - no, at least, not at the royal English or other human language! Real polar bears are less cruel, much more friendly than Ioruk, but the same strong and bold, like he. In this article I collected some amazing facts for children about polar bears. Each fact about the polar bears is unique and incredible. Get ready to surprise the lives and times of polar bears.

Interesting facts about the polar bear for children

Polar bears are known for the scientific name Ursus Maratimus. Inuit called polar bears "Nanuky". Today around the world there are about 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears. But the promised facts about polar bears for children presented in ascending order of surprise!

Arctic - My home!

White bears live near the North Pole, behind the northern polar circle, which is one of the coldest places on the ground. They live on the shears of ice and cold land located around the polar circle. They live in the coastal part of Alaska, Canada, Russia, Norway and Greenland. Normal temperature in these regions is minus 55 degrees Celsius and the wind here blows at an average speed of 48 kilometers per hour! Read more about this in the section "Where White Bears live".

I love to swim!

White bears Champions among swimmers! They can swim at a speed of 9.5 kilometers per hour in sea water, under negative temperatures. Neither one of our swimmers-gold medalists will not have chances to stand against a polar bear. White bears, as you know, float 160 kilometers without stopping, quickly, sometimes leaning on ice shields.

I am a giant!

White bears - the largest bears on the ground. Newborn bears are small as rats, but when they begin to grow, they stretch three meters in height and weigh more than 635 kilograms! They are one of the largest predators on Earth. White bears live up to 25 years, maximum up to 30.

I have thick wool!

Now you can be surprised how polar bears were able to remain warm and alive at such temperatures. The reason is the thick layer of subcutaneous fat. It acts as a layer of isolation that protects them from the cold, helping them to keep the body temperature.

Tests are delicious!

What do polar bears eat, what helps them grow to such huge sizes? They hunt for seals, fish, deer and birds. They can sit in the hole for several hours to pounce on seal. Sometimes they even eat whale meat. In the summer, they go to a vegetarian diet, and feed on berries. They are the kings of the polar circle that have no analogues in their strength and endurance.

I have a sensitive nose!

Polar bears have a very sharp scent, which can teach such a sacrifice as a seal, even at a distance of 20 kilometers or at a depth of one meter under the ice.

My wool reflects white!

Now, the next one of the most interesting facts about the polar bears for children is that the wool of the polar bear is not white, although it may seem like that! Each hairs in the wool of a polar bear is actually transparent. Wool look white, as it reflects white ice color. The polar bear wool is fat and pushes water, so it can easily stay dry.

My house melts! Help!

Global warming negatively affects the white bears, the shears of the Arctic ice, which are their floating houses and hunting grounds, are melted very quickly. White bears also present value for a person because of their meat. Today they are classified as vulnerable animals. Read more about it in more detail, in the article "Polar bears are under threat of disappearance." As you can see, each of the facts about polar bears will not compare with any other animal on Earth. Polar bear is adapted to survive in the conditions of the Arctic and Waters. We hope that these interesting facts about the polar bear for children left you delighted with these majestic creatures of the ice.