Interesting facts about Homere briefly. Homer: Interesting Facts

Homer - One of the most famous poets of ancient Greece. It owns such well-known works as "Iliad" and "Odyssey". The exact date of birth is not known to anyone, however, it is believed that he was born in the 9th century BC in Smyrna, which is located in the Aegean district of Turkey.
Interesting is the fact that almost half of all the time found at the present time of the time of the Ancient Greece - excerpts from Homer.
About the biography is reliably nothing known, there are only assumptions. Different sources indicate a different date of birth with its confirmations. If you believe Herodotus, Homer lived in four hundred years before him, which drops 850 BC.
There is also the theory that Homer lived in 622 before the birth of the Persian king of Kerks, which falls on 1102 BC. The third theory speaks of the life of Homer during the Trojan War.
There is a gate that one day on Evbee island there was a poetic confrontation between Homer and Hesiod, where King Panned was awarded the victory by Hesiod. The public was with this disagree and fully supported the side of the loser, but the judge was inexorably.
Homer wrote a lot of works, some of which reached the present day. Such are considered "Homer Hymns", "Margrit" and others.
Until our time, the initial species of world famous epic poems has come across. Their correction and gathering together were engaged in the decree of Tirana Pissistrate or his son Hippark in the VI century BC. Proof of this serve some contradictions in texts, unnatural deviations from the main plot.
It is believed that both written poems were transmitted orally from generation to generations, because of the poet's life to a balanced time. Such assumptions were expressed in antiquity.
One of the most important features "Illiad" is the "law of chronological incompatibility". It sometimes happened that parallel events were shown as consistent.
"Iliad" and "Odyssey" is written in a formula style. Homer often used such composite epithets as "quick-footed", "thumbs up", "pixel".
Up until the XIX century, the opinion prevailed that both poems are not strong and are only the fruit of fantasy. Thanks to the excavations of Henry Schliman, the opinion about this has changed dramatically. After that, it began to believe that everything described happened in reality during the ancient Greek "dark centuries", which covers the XI - IX century BC.
At the end of the V - IV centuries BC. The entire education system of Greece was based on the study of Homer's poems. Then she borrowed Rome.
Later IV century BC A lot of poets appeared who tried to imitate Homer, write in his style and try to write their works better than "Ilda" and "Odysy". So the poems "Argonavtika" from A. Rodosky, "Familometer events" from K. Smirnsky and "The Adventure of Dionysus" from N. Panbolitansky were reached. Other poets adhered to opinions that only small works are capable of being perfect.
Thanks to the heroic epic "Aneida". In the first six books, you can see a complete effect from Odyssey, in the last six - from "Iliad".
There is no doubt that Herodotus and Paution said the truth, and Homer really died on the island of IOS, located in the southern part of the Aegean Sea.
Homer made a huge contribution to the development and education of ancient Greece and Rome. The influence of his famous poems can be seen in almost every work of ancient literature.

Homer (Lat. Homer, Greek. Omiros), ancient Greek poet. To date, there is no convincing evidence of the reality of the historic figure of Homer. According to the ancient tradition, it was customary to represent Homer with a blind wandering singer-Aeda, for the honor of calling his homeland, seven cities argued. Probably he was coming from Smyrna (Small Asia), or from the island of Chios. It can be assumed that Homer lived approximately in the 8th century BC.

Homer is attributed to the authorship of the two greatest works of ancient Greek literature - the poets "Iliad" and "Odyssey". In the ancient times, Homer was recognized by the author and other works: the poems of "Batrahomachius" and the collection of "Homer Hymn." Contemporary science is fixed by Homer only "Iliad" and "Odyssey", and there is an opinion that these poems are created by different poets and at various historical time. Still in the ancient times, a "Homeric question", which is now understood as a combination of problems related to the origin and development of ancient Greek epic, including the ratio of folklore in it and actually literary creativity.

The time of creating poems. History of text

Biographical information about the Homere, cited by ancient authors, contradictory and low-depth. "Seven cities, interrupting schuzzy Homer: Smyrna, Chios, Kolofon, Pilos, Argos, Ithaca, Athens" - according to the Greek epigram (in fact, the list of these cities was more extensive). Regarding the lifetime of Homer, antique scientists led different dates starting from 12 V. BC e. (After the Trojan War) and ending 7 in. BC e.; The legend of the poetic contest between Homer and Hesiod was widely told. As the majority of researchers believe, the Homer's poems were created in Malaya Asia, in Ionia in the 8th century. BC e. Based on mythological legends about the Trojan War. There are later ancient testimonies about the final editorial board of their texts at the Athens Tirana of the Pissistat in the middle of the 6th century. BC e. When their execution was included in the festival of the great Panafine.

In antiquity, Homer was attributed to the comic poems "Margit" and "War of mice and frogs", the cycle of works about the Trojan War and the return of heroes to Greece: "Cyprusa", "Ethiopide", "Small Iliad", "Taking Ilion", "Return" ( that is "kicking poems", only small fragments have been preserved). Under the name "Homer's hymns" existed a meeting of 33 hymns to the gods. Huge work to collect and clarify the manuscripts of Homer's poems was done in the ellinism era of the Filologists of the Alexandar Samofrakiysky library, Zenodot from Ephesus, Aristophane from Byzantium (they also divided every poem for 24 songs by the number of letters of the Greek alphabet). It became a none name of Sofist Zoila (4 in. BC), called for the critical statements by the "Beach Homer". Xenon and gel panic, etc. "dividing", expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe possible affiliation to Homer only one "Iliad"; However, they did not doubt the reality of Homer, nor in the fact that each of the poems has its own author.

Homer's question

The question of the authorship of "Iliad" and "Odyssey" was put in 1795 by the German scientist F. A. Wolf in the preface to the publication of the Greek text to the poems. Wolf considered it impossible to create a large epic into a safe period, believing that the legends created by various Aes were recorded in Athens during the Pissistrate. Scientists were divided into "analysts", followers of Wolf's theory (German scientists K. Lahman, A. Kirchhof with his theory of "Small epic"; Herman and English historian J. Grotto with their "theory of the main nucleus", in Russia it was divided by . F. Zelinsky), and "Unitariev", supporters of the strict unity of the epos (translator of Gomer I. G. Foss and Philologist G. V. Nich, F. Schiller, I. V. Guete, Hegel in Germany, N. I. Galotich , V. A. Zhukovsky, A. S. Pushkin in Russia).

Homer's poems and epos

At 19 in. "Iliad" and "Odyssey" were compared with the epics of Slavs, scalidic poetry, Finnish and German epic. In the 1930s. American philologist-Classic Millman Parry, comparing the poems of Homer with a living epic tradition, which still existed at the time of the peoples of Yugoslavia, discovered in Homer's poems the reflection of the poetic technique of folk singers. The poetic formulas created from sustainable combinations and epithets ("Funny" Achilles, "Pests of Peoples" Agamemnon, "Multious" Odyssey, "Sweet" Nestor) gave the opportunity to perform an epic songs from many thousands of verses.

"Iliad" and "Odyssey" is entirely owned by a centuries-old epic tradition, but it does not follow from this that oral creativity anonymously. "Until Homer, we cannot call the draw of the poems of this kind, although, of course, there were many poets" (Aristotle). The main difference of "Iliad" and "Odyssey" from all other epic works of Aristotle saw that Homer does not deploy his story gradually, and builds it around one event, "the poems are based on the dramatic unity of action. Another feature, which also drew the attention of Aristotle: the character of the hero disclose not the description of the author, but the speeches, pronounced by the hero.

Poam language

The language of the Homer's poems is exclusively poetic, "Naddaileek" - never was identical for a live speech. He developed from the junction of the Aeolian (Beochi, Fessiona, Lesbos Island) and Ionian (Attica, Island Greece, the coast of Malaya Asia) dialectic devils with the preservation of the archaic building of earlier eras. Metrically arranged the songs of "Iliad" and "Odyssey" giving roots to Indo-European epic creativity Hekzameter - a poetic size in which each verse consists of six feet with correct alternation of long and short syllables. The unusualness of the poetic language of the epic emphasized the timeless nature of the events and the greatness of the images of the heroic past.

Homer and archeology

Sensational discoveries of Schliman in the 1870-80s. They proved that the Troy, Mycenae and Ahasey citadel are not a myth, but a reality. Contemporaries of Schliman struck the literal corresponds to a number of his finds in the fourth miner tomb in mycken with the descriptions of Homer. The impression was so strong that the era of Homer was for a long time to associate with the period of the heyday of the Ahasey Greece in 14-13 centuries. BC e. In poems, however, there are also numerous archaeologically certified traits of the culture of the "heroic century", such as mentioning the iron tools and weapons or the custom of the cremation of the dead.

Comparison of the evidence of the Homerovsky epic with the data of archeology confirms the conclusions of many researchers that in its final editorial board it was 8th century. BC e., with the most ancient part of the epic, many researchers consider the "catalog of ships" ("Iliad", the 2nd song). Obviously, poems are not created simultaneously: "Iliad" reflects the idea of \u200b\u200ba "heroic period" man, Odyssey stands as if at the turn of another era - the time of great Greek colonization, when the boundaries of the developed Greek culture of the world were expanding.

Homer in antiquity

For a person, the era of the antiquity of the poem Homer was a symbol of the Ellinsky unity and heroism, the source of wisdom and the knowledge of all sides of life - from military art to practical morality. Homer on a par with Hesiod, considered the creator of a comprehensive and ordered mythological picture of the universe: poets "made up for the Ellinons the pedigree gods, provided the names of the gods with epitheats, shared their dignity and classes, drawd their images" (Herodot). According to Strabo, Homer was the only one of the poets of antiquity, who knew almost everything about Okumen, about the peoples, her inhabiting, their origin, the lifestyle and culture. Homer's data as genuine and trustwiths used fucidide, pavasia, Plutarch. Father Tragedy Eschil called his drama "crumbs from the great Peters of Homer."

Greek children learned to read "Iliade" and "Odyssey". Homer quoted, commented, explained allegorically. Reading selected places from Homer's poems called for correcting the souls of the Pythagorean philosophers. Plutarch reports that Alexander Macedonsky has always had a list of "Iliad", which kept under the pillow with the dagger.

Translations of Homer.

In 3 c. BC e. Roman poet Libyan Andronik translated "Odyssey" to the Latin language. In medieval Europe, Homer knew only the quotes and links from Latin writers and Aristotle, the poetic glory of Homer elapsed the glory of Vergil. Only at the end of the 15th century. The first translations of Homer to Italian (A. polyciano, etc.) appeared. Event in European culture 18 V. Steel Translations of Homer into English by A. Pop and German IG Fossa. For the first time fragments of "Iliad" into Russian translated by twenty-sylovate Syllabic - t. N. Alexandria - verse M. V. Lomonosov. At the end of the 18th century E. Kostov translated the first six songs "Iliad" by Yamb (1787); Prose prose translations of "Iliad" P. Ekimov and Odyssey P. Sokolova were published. Titanic work on the creation of a Russian hekzameter and adequately reproducing the figurative system of Homer was done by N. I. Nitalich, whose translation of "Iliad" (1829) still remains unsurpassed with the accuracy of philological reading and historical interpretation. The highest artistic skill is distinguished by the translation of "Odyssey" V. A. Zhukovsky (1842-49). In the 20th century "Iliad" and "Odyssey" were translated by V. V. Veresayev.

This page presents the biography of Homer.

Name: Homer (Homer)
Date of birth: 850 BC e.
Age: 90 years
Date of death: 760 BC e.
Place of birth: Smyrna, Turkey

Homer is an ancient Greek poet - the narrator, a collector legend, the author of the ancient literary works of "Iliad" and "Odyssey".

The exact data on the date of birth of the story of the historian does not have. It remains a mystery and place of birth of the poet. Historians believe that the most likely period of life of Homer is the X-VIII century to our era. One of the six cities are considered the place of the Possible Motherland: Athens, Rhodes, Chios, Salamin, Smyrna, Argos.

More than more dozens of other settlements of ancient Greece were mentioned in different authors at different times, due to the advent of Homer. Most often, the narrator is considered a native of Smirns. The works of Homer are addressed to the ancient history of the world, there are no references to contemporaries, which complicates the dating of the author's life period. There is a legend that Homer himself did not know the place of his birth. From Oracle, the teacher found out that the iso island was the birthplace of his mother.

The biographical data on the life of the narrator, presented in medieval works, cause doubt historians. In the works of life of the poet, it is mentioned that Homer is the name that the poet received because of his acquired blindness. Translated, it may mean "blind" or "slave". At birth, the mother was made by Meszigen, which means "born at the Melesa River." According to one of the legends, Homer Oplex when he saw the sword of Achilles. In the consolation of the goddess Fetida put him in the gift of chants.

There is a version that the poet was not "slave", but "leading". Homer ordered him not after the teacher is blind, but on the contrary - it turned out and began to talk wisely. According to the majority of antique biographers, Melzigen was born by a woman named Crylfid.

The narrator spoke on the feasts of noble people, at urban meetings, in the markets. According to historians, the ancient Greece in the time of life of Homer worried his flourishing. The poet recited individual parts from his works, traveling from the city to the city. He used the reverence, had a stay, food and was not a dirty wanderer who sometimes depicts biographers.

There is a version that "Odyssey", "Iliad" and "Homeric hymns" is the work of different authors, and Homer was only the performer. Historians consider the version that the poet belonged to the family of singers. In ancient Greece, handicraft and other professions were often transmitted from generation to generation. In this case, any member of the family could play under the name of Homer. From generation to the generation of history and manner of execution were transmitted from a relative to a relative. This fact would explain the different period of the creation of poems, and would clarify the question with the dates of the story of the narrator.

Formation of the poet

One of the most detailed stories about the formation of Homer as a poet belongs to Peru Herodotus Galicarnas, whom Cicero called the "Father of History". According to an ancient historian, the poet was at birth be called Mulezigen. He lived with his mother in Smyrna, where he became a student of the owner of the school of the femeny. Melzigen was very smart and fought well science.

The teacher died, leaving his best school pupil. Having worked for some time by the mentor, Melziegn decided to deepen his knowledge about the world. Help him volunteered a man named Mentes, who was coming from Lefkad Island. Melzigen closed school and went on a ship of a friend in the maritime journey to see new cities and countries.

During the journey, the former teacher collected history, legends, asked about the customs of local peoples. Arriving in Itaca, Melzigen felt ailments. MENTES left the satellite under the supervision of a reliable person and swam to his homeland. In a further journey, Melzigen went on foot. On the way, he recited stories collected by him during the journey.

According to Herodota Galicarnas, finally the landing of the teacher in the city of Kolofon. There he took a new name. Modern researchers tend to question the history of Herodot, as well as the writings of other ancient authors about the life of Homer.

Homer's question

In 1795, Friedrich August Wolf in the preface to publish the text to the poems of the ancient Greek patron put forward the theory that was called the "Homeric question". The main meaning of the opinion of the scientist was that poetry at the time of Homer was oral art. The blind, the wonderful storyteller could not be the author of a complex artwork.

Homer composed songs, hymns, musical epos, which formed the basis of "Iliad" and "Odyssey." According to Wolf, the finished look of the poem received, thanks to other authors. Since then, scientists engaged in the works of Homer were divided into two camps: "Analysts" support Wolf's theory, and the "Unitaria" adhere to opinions about the strict unity of the epic.


Some Homer's creativity researchers say that the poet was in vain. In favor of the absence of a teacher, the aless says the fact that the philosophers and thinkers were considered in ancient Greece by people deprived of common vision, but having a gift to look into the essence of things. The blindness could be synonymous with wisdom. Homer was considered one of the creators of a comprehensive picture of the world, the author of the pedigree gods. Wisdom it was for everyone obvious.

Antique biographers brought out the exact portrait of Homer-blind in their works, but they composed their works in many centuries after the death of the poet. Since reliable data about the life of the poet was not preserved, the interpretation of ancient biographers could not be quite correct. In favor of this version, the fact of the presence in all biographies of fictional events involving mythical characters is.


The preserved ancient testimonies give an idea that in the era of the antiquity of the work of Homer was considered a source of wisdom. The poems gave knowledge about all spheres of life - from universal morality to the basics of military art.

Plutarch wrote that Alexander Macedonsky's great commander always kept a copy of "Iliad" with him. Greek children were taught to read the Odyssee, and some excerpts from the works of Homer Philosophers-Pythagoreans were prescribed as a means for correcting the soul.

Homer is considered the author not only "Iliad" and "Odyssey." The teacher could be the creator of the comic poem "Margit" and "Homeric Hymf". Among other works attributed to the ancient Greek Speaker, there is a cycle of texts about the return of the heroes of the Trojan War in Greece: "Cyprusa", "Taking Ilion", "Ethiopide", "Small Iliad", "Returns". The poems of Homer distinguishes a special language that did not have an analogue in colloquial speech. The manner of the story did the legends memorable and interesting.


There is a legend that describes the death of Homer. In old age, the blind teacher went to the iso island. Traveling, Homer met two young fishermen, who guess him a riddle: "We have something that we did not catch, and what we caught, we thrown out." The poet reflected on the decision of the puzzle for a long time, but never could find the right answer. Boys caught lice, not fish. Homer was so annoyed by the fact that he could not solve the riddle, which slipped and hit his head.

According to another version, the teacher committed suicide with him, since death was not as terrible for him as the loss of acuteness of the mind.

There is about a dozen biographies of the teacher, which came to our time from antiquity, but they all contain fabulous elements and mentioning the participation of the ancient Greek gods in the events of the life of Homer.
The poet distributed his works outside of ancient Greece with the help of students. They were called Homerida. They wandered in different cities, fulfilling on the squares of the work of their teacher.

Homer's creativity was very popular in ancient Greece. About half of all found papyrus ancient Greek scrolls are excerpts from different works of the poet.
The writer's compositions were transmitted orally. The poems that we know today were collected and structured into holistic works from the scattered songs of the Army of Poets of the Athenian Tirana of Pissistrat. Some parts of the texts have been edited taking into account the wishes of the customer.
Soviet Prose Masip Mandelstam in 1915 wrote the poem "insomnia. Homer. Tight sails ", in which I whale" Iliad "called to the narrator and heroes.
Until the mid-seventies of the twentieth century, the events described in Homer's poems were considered a clean fiction. But the archaeological expedition of Heinrich Schliman, who found Troy, proved that the creativity of an ancient Greek poet is based on real events. After such a discovery, Plato's fans have strengthened in the hope that one day archaeologists will find and Atlantis.


About the life and personality of Homer is reliably nothing known.

Homer's birthplace is unknown. For the right to be called his homeland, seven cities fought: Smirna, Chios, Kolofon, Salamin, Rhodes, Argos, Athens. According to Herodotus and Paution, Homer died on the island of IOS Cyclades Archipelago. Probably, "Iliad" and "Odyssey" were folded on the low-depth coast of Greece, settled by Ionian tribes, or on one of the adjacent islands. However, the Homeric dialect does not give accurate information about the tribal affiliation of Homer, as it is a combination of Ionian and aoline dialects of ancient Greek. There is a suggestion that the Homeric dialect is one of the forms of poetic Koine, which has formed long before the intended life of Homer.

Traditionally, Homer is depicted by a blind man. It is most likely that this presentation comes not from the real facts of the life of Homer, but is a reconstruction characteristic of an antique biography genre. Since many outstanding legendary priests and singers were blind (for example, Tires), according to the ancient logic that binds the prophetic and poetic gift, the assumption of the blindness of Homer looked very believable. In addition, the singer of demodok in the "Odyssey" blind from birth, which could also be perceived by autobiographical.

There is a legend about the poetic duel of Homer with Hesiod, described in the composition of the "Competition of Homer and Hesiod", created no later than III century. BC e. , but in the opinion of many researchers, and much earlier. Poets allegedly met on the island of Evbee on the games in honor of the deceased Amphidem and read each of their best poems. Tsar Poland, who protruded the judge on the competition, awarded the victory to Hesiod, as he calls for agriculture and peace, and not to war and everybody. However, the audience sympathies were on the side of Homer.

In addition to the "Iliad" and "Odyssey", Homer is attributed to a number of works undoubtedly created later: "Homer of the hymns" (VII - V centuries BC, are considered ancient example of Greek poetry, along with Homer), the comic poem "Margit" and DR .

The meaning of the name "Homer" (it first meets in the VII century BC. Er, when Callin Efesse called him the author of "Fivaida") tried to explain even in antiquity, the options "hostage" (Gesichi) were offered, "Next for" (Aristotle) or "blind" (EFO Kimsky), "But all these options are just as unconvincing, as well as modern proposals to attribute him the meaning of the" Floor "or" Accompanicator ".<…> This word in its ionic form ομηρος is practically certainly a real personal name. "

Homer's question

Antique period

The legends of this time claimed that Homer created his epic on the basis of poetess poetess for the time of the Trojan War.

Friedrich August Wolf

"Analysts" and "Unitaria"

Homer (about 460 BC.)

Artistic features

One of the most important composite features of "Iliad" is the "law of chronological incompatibility", formulated by Faddey Frantsevich Zelinsky. It is that "Homer never returns to the point of his departure. It follows that the parallel actions in Homer are depicted cannot be; The poetic technique of Homer knows only a simple, linear, and not a double, square measurement. " Thus, sometimes parallel events are depicted as successive, sometimes one of them is only mentioned or even silent. This explains some imaginary contradictions in the text of the poem.

Researchers note the connectivity of works, consistent development of action and solid images of the main characters. Comparing the verbal art of Homer with the pictorial art of that era, often talking about the geometric style of poems. However, the opposite opinions in the spirit of analytics are expressed about the unity of the composition "Iliad" and "Odyssey".

The style of both poems can be described as a formula. Under the formula, it is understood not a set of stamps, but a system of flexible (variable) expressions that are associated with a certain metric site of the string. Thus, we can talk about the formula even when some phrase is found in the text only once, but it can be shown that it was part of this system. In addition to the formula itself there are repeated fragments from several lines. For example, when retelling one hero of the speeches of another, the text can be played again completely or almost literally.

For Homer, composite epithets are characterized ("Returning", "Ripped", "Thunder"); The importance of these and other epithets should be considered not situationally, but within the framework of the traditional formula system. So, the aheitsa "Pyshnopodnaya" even if they are described not in the armor, but Achilles "Funny" even during rest.

The historical basis of Homer's poems

In the middle of the XIX century, the view was dominated in science that "Iliad" and "Odyssey" is unhistrict. However, the excavations of Heinrich Schliman on the Gissarlyc Hill and in the mixes showed that it was incorrect. It was later discovered by Hett and Egyptian documents in which certain parallels are found with the events of the legendary Trojan war. The decryption of syllated Mycenaean writing (Linear letter b) gave a lot of information about life in the era, when the "Iliad" and "Odyssey" was happening, although there were no literary fragments with this writing. Nevertheless, the data of Homer's poems are difficult to relate to existing archaeological and documentary sources and non-critical: the "oral theory" data indicate very large distortions that should arise with historical data in the traditions of this kind.

Homer in world culture

Medieval illustration to "Iliad"

In Europe

The education system of education in ancient Greece established by the end of the classical era was built on the study of Homer's poems. They memaed partially or even completely, the declamations were arranged on its topics, etc. This system was borrowed by Rome, where the place of Homer with I c. n. e. took versery. Large hekzameric poems on the Homeri dialect or Odyssey and Odyssey were created in the post-sensecassive era. Among them can be called "Argonavy" Apollonia of the Rhodes, "Familetory Events" of Quinta Smirnsky and "Adventures of Dionysus" Nonna Panbolitansky. Other Hellenistic poets, recognizing the advantages of Homer, refrained from a major epic form, believing that "in large rivers of muddy water" (Callima), that is, that only in a small work can be achieved impeccable perfection.

In the literature of ancient Rome, the first preserved (fragmentary) work is the translation of "Odyssey", made by the Greek Libya Andronik. The main work of Roman literature - the heroic EPOS "Aneida" Vergil is the imitation of "Odyssey" (the first 6 books) and Iliad (the last 6 books). The influence of Homer's poems can be seen in almost all works of ancient literature.

Western Middle Ages Homer is practically not known because of too weak contacts with Byzantium and ignorance of an ancient Greek language, but hecoating heroic EPOS retains great importance in culture thanks to the verge.

In Russia

Fragments from Homer translated Lomonosov, the first large poetic translation (six books "Iliad" by Alexandrian verse) belongs to Ermila Kossov (). Especially important for Russian culture Translation of "Iliad" Nikolai Galotic (completed in), which was made from the original with special care and very talented (according to Pushkin and Belinsky's reviews).

Also Gomer was translated by V. A. Zhukovsky, V. V. Veresayev and P. A. Shuisky (Odyssey, 1948, Publishing House of the Ural University, circulation 900 copies.)


Texts and translations

For details, see the articles of Iliad and Odyssey see also: en: English Translations of Homer
  • Russian prose translation: Complete collection of Gomer's creations. / Lane G. Yangchevetsky. Revel, 1895. 482 p. (Annex to the magazine "Gymnasium")
  • In the "LoEB Classical Library" series, the writings were published in 5 volumes (No. 170-171 - Iliad, No. 104-105 - Odyssey); And also No. 496 - Homer's hymns, Homeric apocryphas, Gomer's biographies.
  • In the Collection Budé series, the writings were published in 9 volumes: "Iliad" (introduction and 4 volumes), Odyssey (3 volumes) and hymns.
  • Krause V. M. Gomeov dictionary (to Iliad and Odyssey). From 130 fig. In the text and the Troy Cattoos. SPB., A. S. Suvorin. 1880. 532 STB. ( example of pre-revolutionary school edition)
  • Part I. Greece // Antique Literature. - St. Petersburg: Faculty of St. Petersburg State University, 2004. - T. I. - ISBN 5-8465-0191-5

Monographs about Homere

rebiography as well as in Articles: Iliad and Odyssey
  • Petrushevsky D. M. Society and state of Homer. M., 1913.
  • Zelinsky F. F. Homeric psychology. GH., Publishing House An, 1920.
  • Altman M. S. Rechains of the generic building in their own names at Homer. (Izvestia Himk. Vol. 124). M.-L.: Oziz, 1936. 164 p. 1000 copies.
  • Freudenberg O. M. Myth and literature of antiquity. M.: Vost. Lit. 1978. 2nd ed., Add. M., 2000.
  • Tolstoy I. I. Aida: antique creators and carriers of the ancient epic. M.: Science, 1958. 63 pp.
  • Losev A. F. Homer. M.: Gupi, 1960. 352 p. 9 T.E.
    • 2nd ed. (Series "Life of wonderful people"). M.: Mall. GW., 1996 \u003d 2006. 400 pp.
  • Yarho V.N. Wines and responsibility in the Homer Epos. Herald of an ancient history, 1962, № 2, p. 4-26.
  • Sugar N. L. Gomeov Epos. M.: Chl, 1976. 397 pp. 10,000 copies.
  • Gordesyani R. V. Problems of the Gomeov Epos. TB: Publishing House of Tbill. University, 1978. 394 p. 2000 copies.
  • Station I.V. The artistic world of the Homerovsky epic. M.: Nauka, 1983. 296 p. 6900 copies.
  • Cunliffe R. J. A Lexicon of the Homeic Dialact. L., 1924.
  • Leumann M. Homerische Würter. Basel, 1950.
  • Treu M. Von Homer Zur Lyrik. München, 1955.
  • Whitman C.H. Homer and the Heroic Tradition. Oxford, 1958.
  • Lord A. Narrator. M., 1994.

Reception of Homer:

  • Yegunov A. N. Homer in Russian translations of the XVIII-XIX centuries. M.-L., 1964. (2nd ed.) M.: Indrik, 2001.

Bibliography of Gomerovsky Hymf

  • Translation of Ivlin-White hymns (English)
  • In the Collection Budé series: Homere. Hymnes. TEXTE ÉTABLI ET Traduit Par J. Humbert. 8E TIRAGE 2003. 354 p.

Russian translations:

  • separate hymns translated S. P. Shestakov.
  • Homer hymns. / Lane V. Veresaev. M.: Nedra, 1926. 96 pp.
    • reisside: Antique hymns. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University. 1988. P. 57-140 and Comm.
  • Homer hymns. / Lane and comm. E. G. Rabinovich. M.: Carte Blanche ,.


  • Tsolitsky A. N. Homeric hymns. Analysis of the monument in connection with the history of its study. Kharkov, 1889. 176 pp.



More unknown where and when the great ancient Greek writer was born. There are several versions of the biography of Homer. Some believe that he was born and lived in a small time after the Trojan war, or even during her, and could well be an eyewitness of those tragic events. Others are confident that he "Hello" after 100, 140 or 240 years after the fall of the Troy. Ancient Romans - Pliny, Cornelius Nepical, Cicero, express one general conviction: Homer was created at the end of the tenth or at the dawn of the ninth centuries to R.Kh.

Both relative to the date of birth and regarding the place where he was born, endless disputes are underway. Seven cities are claiming the role of the Motherland of the Great Ancient Greek Statement: Athens, IOS, Kolofon, Smirna, Chios, Argos, Salamin. But this is not the entire list. There are other "policies" and even countries that have the right to carry such a proud name "Motherland Homer."


Nature does not tolerate emptiness. Here are the gaps in a brief biography of Homer were filled with various legends, parables and myths. Which is true, and that fiction is unknown. For example, the ancients believed that in the last years of his life, Homer was interested in the issue of its origin and with this unsolved secret went to the oracle. The latter answered simply: my mother's motherland is IOS. On this earth and will end your earthly way. The only thing is: fear of any mysteries from young people. Soon after the prediction, Homer went to this island. When I was sitting in thought on the shore, I saw fishermen boys. I went about a conversation about the catch. The boys to the questions of the old man answered the mystery, they say, threw in the sea what was caught, but that they could not catch - carry with them. Homer could not understand what fishermen meant. He walked home in deep thoughts, he did not notice how he stumbled and fell. Three days passed and he died. Buried by the author of the poem "Iliad" on the Greek Island of Chios.

Homer's question

Greece people never subjected the fact that the poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey" were created by the poetic gift of Homer. Skeptics appeared relatively recently - in the 18th century. Some critics tried to completely deprive the gomer of "copyright" to the great poems, and thereby take it out of his glory and honorable first place in the history of literature. Others believed that only part of his works was created by himself, and his merit is that he collected and united scattered "pieces" into a single whole. For example, in 1795, Friedrich August Wolf, a German linguist, published a book dedicated to the study of the works of an ancient Greek poet. He argued that during the times of Homer writing the ancient Greeks had not yet. Therefore, all the songs and poems are remembered and passed orally. The conclusion, according to the author, is only one: it is impossible to create and store such volumetric in size and distinguished by the artistic unity of the work as "Odyssey" and "Iliad".

Thus, there was still an urgent world "Homersky question". It is interesting to note that Goethe, Schiller, Foss and many other well-known writers and philologists were against such a version.

Other biography options

  • The first translations of the fragments from Homer belong to M. Lomonosov. Especially thoroughly and talented "Iliad" was translated by Nikolai Gzzych in 1829.
  • Antique literature offers nine biographies of the great ancient Greek poet. None of them correspond to reality, and the biggest part contains myths and legends.

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