Interesting and exciting safe experiences for children at home. Beautiful experience with burning alcohol vapors Experts for children with fire

All children, without exception, love mysterious, mysterious and unusual phenomena. Most guys really like to carry out interesting experiences, some of which are not referring to the help of parents or other adults.

Experiments that can be held with children

Not all experiences are suitable for children. Some of them can be a danger to the life and health of kids, especially preschool age. Nevertheless, under the control and observation of parents or other adults, a child can hold any entertaining experiment - the main thing is to closely follow the compliance with the necessary safety requirements.

All scientific experiences for children are unusually useful. They allow young inventors to visually familiarize themselves with the properties of various substances and objects, chemical compounds and many other things, to understand the reasons for certain phenomena and acquire a valuable practical experience that can be applied in later life. In addition, some of these experiments can be shown as tricks, thanks to which the child will be able to conquer the authority among his friends and buddies.

Water experiments for children

All people in everyday life very often use water and do not think at all about the fact that it has truly magic and amazing properties. Meanwhile, with this liquid can be carried out incredibly with children. For example, boys and girls at home can deliver the following experiments:

Experiments with fire for children

With fire should be special care, but it is with him that it is possible to put incredibly interesting experiences for children. Try to spend one of the following experiments with your offshore:

Experiments with salt for children

Entertaining experiments for children can be carried out with bulk substances, for example, with salt. The guys will definitely like these experiments as:

Experiments with soda for children

No less spectacular experiments for children can be carried out with food soda, for example, "Volcano". Put a small plastic bottle on the table and cut the volcano or sand around it around it. Push up in the capacity of 2 tablespoons of soda, add approximately 50-70 ml of warm water, a few drops of a red food dye, and at the very end - a quarter of a glass of vinegar. At your eyes, the most real eruption of the volcano will occur, and the child will be delighted.

Other experiments for children with food soda can be built on the property of this substance crystallize. To obtain crystalsyou can use the same way as in the case of salt. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a dense soda solution, in which the bulk of the substance is no longer dissolved, and then put a metal wire or another object and leave it for several days in a warm place. The result will not wait long for a long time.

Experiments with balloons for children

Often, experiments and experiments for children are associated with various properties of balloons, such as:

Experiments with eggs for children

Some interesting experiences with children can be carried out using chicken eggs, for example:

Experiments with lemon for children

For experiments, anything can be used. Interesting experiences with lemon deserve certain attention, for example:

Experiments with paints for children

All kids love to draw, but even more interesting for them will hold entertaining experiments with paints. Try one of the following experiments:

Who in childhood did not believe in miracles? To have fun and cognitively spend time with the baby, you can try to carry out experiments from entertaining chemistry. They are safe, interesting and informative. These experiments will allow to answer many children's "why" and awaken interest in the science and knowledge of the surrounding world. And today I want to tell you what experiences for children at home can be organized by parents.

Snake Pharaoh

This experience is based on an increase in the mixed reagents in the amount. In the process of burning, they are transformed and, pressing, resemble a snake. The experiment received its name thanks to the biblical miracle, when Moses, who came to Pharaoh, turned his rod to the snake.

For experience, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • ordinary sand;
  • ethanol;
  • crushed sugar;
  • baking soda.

I soak the sand with alcohol, after that the shape of it is a small slide and we take a depression. After that, mix the small spoonful of the sugar powder and the pinch of soda, then we fall asleep everything into the improvised "crater". Gilt our volcano, the alcohol in the sand begins to get roaring, and black balls are formed. They are a product of soda decomposition and caramelized sugar.

After all the alcohol is uncorn, the slide with the sand turns and the writhing "black Faraonov Snake" is formed. More effectively, this experience looks like using real reagents and strong acids that can only be used in a chemical laboratory.

You can enter slightly easier and purchase a calcium gluconate tablet in the pharmacy. At home, set fire to it, the effect will be almost the same, only the "snake" will quickly collapse.

Magic lamp

In stores, you can often see the lamps, inside which is moving and overflow the high-speed fluid. Such lamps were invented in the early 60s. They work on the basis of paraffin and oil. At the bottom of the device built-in conventional incandescent lamp, which warms the descending molten wax. Part of it comes to the top and descends, the other part is heated and rises, so we see a kind of "dance" of paraffin inside the tank.

In order to fulfill at home with a child, such an experience will need:

  • any juice;
  • vegetable oil;
  • tablets - pop;
  • beautiful container.

We take the tank and fill it with juice more than half. Top to fill the vegetable oil and throw a pill table there. It begins to "work", bubbles, rising from the bottom of the glass, capture the juice and form a beautiful drilling in the oil layer. Then the bubble bubbles reaching the edge, and the juice is lowered down. It turns out a kind of "cycle" of juice in a glass. Such magic lamps are absolutely harmless, in contrast to paraffin, which the child may accidentally break and burn.

Ball and orange: experience for kids

What will happen to the balloon if it drops on it with an orange or lemon juice? It will burst as soon as the citrus droplets will touch him. And the orange can then eat with the baby. It is very entertaining and fun. For experience we will need a pair of balloons and citrus. I inflate them and let the kid of the droplets on each juice of the fruit and will see what happens.

Why is the ball bursting? It's all about a special chemical - Limonen. It is contained in citrus and is often used in the cosmetic industry. When contacting the juice from the rubber ball, the reaction occurs, the lemonen dissolves the rubber and the ball burst.

Sweet glass

From the caramelized sugar you can make amazing things. At the dawn of the formation of cinema in most scenes, such an edible sweet glass was used. All because it is less traumatic for actors when shooting and is inexpensive. His fragments can then be collected, melted and make props to the film.

Many in childhood did sugar cockerels or a creamy sweet, to make the glass you need to make the same principle. We pour water into a saucepan, heat out a bit, water should not be cold. After that, we fall asleep sugar sand and bring to a boil. When the liquid boils, cook until the mass starts gradually thickening and bubbles greatly. Melted sugar in the container should turn into a hard caramel, which if it is lowered into cold water to turn into a glass.

Ready liquid pour into pre-prepared and lubricated with vegetable oil baking sheets, cool and sweet glass is ready.

In the process of cooking in it, you can add a dye and cast into any interesting form, and then treat and amaze everyone around.

Philosophical nail

This entertaining experience is based on the principle of umbered iron. Named by analogy with a substance that could, according to legend, turn everything into gold, and was called the philosopher's stone. For experience, we will need:

  • iron nail;
  • the fourth part of a glass of acetic acid;
  • food salt;
  • soda;
  • copper wire cut;
  • glass container.

We take a glass jar and pour acid there, salt and well stirred. Be careful, vinegar has a sharp unpleasant smell. He can burn the tender respiratory path of the child. Then, in the resulting solution, we put a copper wire for 10-15 minutes, after some time I lower the iron nail pre-cleaned iron nail into the solution. After some time, we can see that a copper spraying appeared on it, and the wire became brilliant as a new one. How could this happen?

Copper reacts with acetic acid, a copper salt is formed, then the copper ions on the surface of the nail are changed in places with iron ions and form a flare on its surface. And in the solution increases the concentration of iron salts.

Copper coins are not suitable for the experiment as, this metal itself is very soft, and that the money is stronger, its alloys with brass and aluminum are used.

Copper products are not rusting over time, they are covered with a special green chain - patina, which prevents it from further corrosion.

Soap bubbles do it yourself

Who did not like in childhood to let soap bubbles? How beautifully shimmer and burst fun. You can just buy them in the store, but much more interesting will create your own solution with your child and then blow bubbles.

Immediately it should be said that the usual mixture of the economic soap and water will not fit. It turns out of bubbles that quickly disappear and poorly blow out. The most affordable way to prepare such a substance is two glasses of water to mix with a glass detergent for dishes. If you add sugar into a solution - bubbles become more durable. They will fly for a long time and do not burst. And huge bubbles that can be seen on the stage in professional artists are obtained by mixing glycerol, water and detergent.

For beauty and mood you can be mixed into the solution of food paint. Then bubbles will glow beautifully in the sun. You can create several different solutions and use them in turn with the child. It is interesting to experiment with the color, and create your own new shade of soap bubbles.

You can also try to mix soap mortar with other substances and see how they affect bubbles. Maybe you are inventing and patent by some kind of new look.

Spy ink

These legendary invisible inks. What makes them make? Now so many films about spies and interesting intellectual investigations. You can offer a child to play a little in secret agents.

The meaning of such ink is that they cannot be seen on paper with a naked eye. Only applying a special impact, for example, heating or chemical reagents can be seen a secret message. Unfortunately, most recipes for their manufacture are ineffective and such inks leave traces.

We will produce special, which are difficult to see without special detection. To do this, you will need:

  • water;
  • the spoon;
  • baking soda;
  • any source of heat;
  • wand with cotton at the end.

Nallem in any container warm liquid, then, stirring, routing there, the food soda will not stop dissolve, i.e. The mixture will reach high concentration. Lower the wand with your wool on the end and write it something on paper. Let's wait until it dry, then bring the leaf to the burning candle or gas stove. After some time, you can see how yellow letters written in the paper appear on paper. Make sure that the leaf does not catch fire during the manifestation.

Failed money

This is a famous and old experiment. For him you will need:

  • water;
  • alcohol;
  • salt.

Take a deep glass container and pour water there, then add alcohol and salt, prevented well enough to dissolve all ingredients. For the ignition, you can take ordinary sheets of paper, if not sorry, you can take a bill. Just take a small nominal nominal, and then in the experience can go something wrong and money will be spoiled.

Put the paper strips or money into the salt solution, after some time they can be removed from the liquid and set fire. It can be seen that the flame covers the entire bill, but it does not light up. This effect is explained by the fact that the alcohol is evaporated in the solution, and the wet paper itself does not light up.

Stone Acting Desires

The process of growing crystals is very fascinating, but labor-intensives. However, what you get as a result will cost spent time. The most popular creation of crystals from the cook salt or sugar.

Consider the cultivation of the "Stone of Desires" from Rafinal. To do this, you will need:

  • drinking water;
  • granulated sugar;
  • paper sheet;
  • thin wooden wand;
  • small container and glass.

First make a blank. To do this, we need to prepare a sugar mixture. In a small container, we pour some water and sugar. We will wait until the mixture is boiling and screwed up to the formation of a syrup-like state. Then we lower the wooden stick there and sprinkle it with sugar, it is necessary to do it evenly, in this case the obtained crystal will become more beautiful and even. Let's leave the foundation for the crystal for the night so that it can dry and harden.

Take the preparation of syrup solution. Pour water in a large container and fall asleep, slowly stirring, sugar there. Then, when the mixture boils, cook it to the state of the tight syrup. Remove from the fire and give cool.

Cut the paper mugs and secure them to the end of a wooden stick. It will become a lid on which a wand with crystals is attached. Fill the glass with a solution and lower the workpiece. Let's wait during the week, and the "Desire Stone" is ready. If you put a dye into the syrup during cooking, then it will turn out even more beautiful.

The process of creating crystals from salt, somewhat simpler. Here it will only be necessary to monitor the mixture and periodically change it in order to increase the concentration.

First of all, create a workpiece. Pour in the glass container of warm water, and gradually stirring, the salt is rawped, until it stops dissolving. We leave the container per day. After this time, many small crystals can be found in a glass, select the largest and tie it on the thread. Make a new salt solution and put a crystalline there, it is impossible to touch the bottom or the edges of the glass. This can lead to undesirable deformations.

After a couple of days you can see that he has grown. The more often you will change the mixture, increasing the concentration of salt content, the faster you can grow your desires.

Glowing tomato

This experiment must pass strictly under the control of adults, as it uses harmful substances. A luminous tomato, which will be created in the process of this experiment, categorically impossible to eat, it can lead to death or severe poisoning. We need:

  • ordinary tomato;
  • syringe;
  • sulfing from matches;
  • bleach;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

We take a small container, put a pre-harvested match sacker there and pour bleach. We leave all this for a while, after which they recruit the mixture into the syringe and introduce inside the tomato from different sides, so that it glows evenly. To start the chemical process, hydrogen peroxide is required, which we introduce through the trail from the cut from above. Turn off the light in the room, and can enjoy the process.

Egg in vinegar: very simple experience

This is a simple and interesting conventional acetic acid. For its implementation, it will be necessary to boiled chicken egg and vinegar. Take a transparent glass container and lower the egg there in the shell, then pour it to the top acetic acid. You can see how bubbles raise from its surface, this is a chemical reaction. After three days, we can observe that the shell became soft, and the egg is elastic like a ball. If you send a flashlight on it, you can see that it glows. It is not recommended to conduct an experiment with a raw egg, as it is possible to break the soft shell when squeezed.

Lysun do it yourself from pva

This is a rather common strange toy of our childhood. Currently finding it quite difficult. Let's try to make lysuun at home. Classic color is green, but you can use the one that you like. Try mixing a few shades and create your own unique color.

For the experiment, we will need:

  • glass jar;
  • several small glasses;
  • dye;
  • pVA glue;
  • normal starch.

Prepare three identical glasses with solutions that will be mixed. In the first Nallem PVA glue, in the second water, and in the third diluted starch. First, we pour water into the bank, then add glue and dye, everything is thoroughly stirred and then add starch. The mixture must be mixed quickly so as not to thicken, and you can play with ready lysun.

How to quickly inflate the ball

Soon a holiday and need to inflate many balls? What to do? Easy the task will help this unusual experience. For him we need a rubber ball, acetic acid and ordinary soda. It is necessary to conduct it carefully in the presence of adults.

Put a pinch of soda into the balloon and dress it on the neck of the bottle with acetic acid so that the soda does not get enough sleep, straighten the ball and let its content fall into vinegar. You will see how a chemical reaction will occur, it will begin to foam, highlighting carbon dioxide and inflating the ball.

That's all today. Do not forget, experiments for children at home spend better under the supervision, so it will be safer and more interesting. To new meetings!

Spray substances that are mixtures of light hydrocarbons, as well as alcohols in the absence of oxygen are not lit - burning can occur only on their surface. Pairs of gasoline or kerosene mixed with air and ignite; If you eliminate oxygen access, the flame will go out. In principle, these are capital truths, which are studying even at school in chemistry lessons. But here's a clear demonstration of burning vapors to see not so simple - for this you will have to hold a simple, although a pretty beautiful experience.

You can only do it outdoors (in no case in the room) and only adults. We are in a hurry to assure: this experience does not threaten the explosion under any circumstances, since the concentration of vapors in its course is insignificant - they can only challenge.


For experience, an ordinary plastic bottle is needed from under carbonated water or another drink. It is better to take a two-liter - the greater the container, the more visually the experiment will be. In a small bottle, you can not see anything due to the high burning speed.

ATTENTION! If the alcohol is too much, evaporation will be excessively intense, and when the ignition may have an outbreak - a fireproof tile up to 10 cm. Take a lighter carefully and spend experience at a distance from easily flammable items.

You must pour into an empty and dry bottle to pour a little fuel liquid - the best suite for these purposes automotive "non-freezers" for glasses and alcohols. We used isopropanol, or isopropyl alcohol - it is freely sold on the radio rolls and in the stores of electronic components. From how much fluid will be poured, the number of vapors allocated and, therefore, the speed and "visual design" of the reaction depends. Anyway, alcohol must be "on the bottom", quite a little bit.

The fluid must be blocked slightly, and then put a bottle on a flat surface and with a long fireplace match or kitchen lighter, set fire to the pair coming out of the neck.

You will see how the fire gradually spreads down as alcohol vapors burn out - it looks very impressive and beautiful.

Having reached the bottom, the flame opposed expectations will go out, because there will be no oxygen in the bottle, and the alcohol, as already mentioned above, can not burn without it.

Stroke experience

1. For experience, a plastic bottle is needed, fuel (isopropanol) and a kitchen lighter (or fireplace matches).

2. Gently pour alcohol into the bottle - so that its level of barely climbed over the "legs" of the bottle. We scribble.

3. Gilt. To do this, omit the lighter about 1.5-2 cm inside the bottle.

4. The flame goes down on alcohol pairs. The illustration shows that the pairs in the top of the bottle are already burning, and in the bottom - there is still no.

Do you know that Professor Nicolas for your convenience recorded a lot of video interesting experiences for children with detailed descriptions and recommendations, how to properly conduct experiments? Merry and smart assistants of the professor will not only show, but will also tell in detail how and how this or that process is happening - why the fluids are not mixed, and develop, as a shelf, why the ice is called dry or many other cognitive things.
Videopytes in chemistry will like not only to children, but also their parents, because there as a lot of spectacular experiments - one plying! Under each video there is a description of the experiment itself, the necessary materials and ingredients, and most importantly - the explanation of the process. It is important for us that the child can figure out why this or that phenomenon occurs, understood the essence of the process - wake up curiosity and interest in the sciences. And let them not seem immodest to you, we manage to do it. Numerous positive parental reviews are confirmed.
In our video card you can find and see chemical experiments for children. We made a selection of the most colorful and spectacular experiments, the benefit of chemistry is a science that has countless similar processes in the arsenal. But we never stop on the achieved, constantly update and replenish the video sequence. Your feedback is helpful to us to make a selection even more interesting, entertaining and cognitive.
In addition, we will also find video entertaining experiences in physics for children. Teachers of the subject can use the stock footage we offer, as a manual for interesting experiences in the lessons. Pupils are always happy and attention to the subject when it is presented in an affordable, visual, easy-to-perceive form. You can see a spectacular physical experience once, and it will be remembered for a lifetime.
By the way, do you know how to pierce the package filled with water, pencil so that it does not flow out? Interesting? You can see scientific experiences with water on our website, and learn what it is done easily and simply. And then you yourself will be able to show your child an interesting focus-bouquet. To do this, we recommend purchasing scientific kits for children who are always available in stock and it is completely easy to order. Just call us a contact phone, or use the feedback form. Our managers will answer you very quickly, and quite soon your child will be able to try not the role of the Great Experimentator.

Professor Nicolas continues to amaze
Oh, this restless crazy professor Nicolas! Like all professors, he is always in the search. Home experiences for children are his latest "development." On our site you can find a lot of experiments that can be held at home and for which there are no particularly complex devices and ingredients. Look in the directory, pick up what can like your child.
Experiments in the dark, fresh air, chemical reactions, experiments with pressure and liquid - this is only part of what can be found in our video card. Older children and themselves can search what they like most and try themselves as a real scientist. Why not? All scientists, too, were once children, and most likely, they also conducted their children's experiments. But at their time, it was unlikely that there were such visual benefits that we offer you.
We get many questions from parents - is it not dangerous to conduct entertaining experiments in chemistry, does this not harm the child? You can be absolutely calm - all the experiments are carefully selected and thought out, first of all, based on security reasons. In each child, he sleeps the experimenter, which time from time to time wakes up. Is it not better to take the situation under control, allow simple experiences for children at home that Professor Nicolas picked up specifically for the guys who want and love to experiment.
If you have questions, you can safely contact us for advice. We will be happy to provide deployed information on all the points you are interested in. You can use contact phones or a special form presented on our website. We are promptly answering any request, and we are very rejoicing when we receive proposals and wishes from our customers. It helps to improve our work, make it more efficient, visually, graciously.
You have the opportunity to sign on an interesting newsletter with experiments, as well as order an interesting show for your child. Our managers will select and advise programs, based on your wishes, will tell you how to supplement it. A confirmation will come to your phone and all the necessary information will come to your phone, and after the show there will be another call to learn how everything went if you liked you and your child.
You can also buy our scientific kits for children for conducting experiments - it will not be no difficulty for you. To do this, you should, just, contact our contact phone managers or to use the feedback form presented on the site.
The minimum order amount is 5,000 rubles. Delivery in Moscow and the nearest Moscow region (up to 5 km from the Moscow Ring Road) is free. If you want us to bring an order directly to the show, then in this case a discount is valid for the entire range of 20% without limiting the order amount!

It is extremely dangerous to play with the fire, but if the light turned off the light and there is absolutely nothing to take, then you can play.

Let's start:

1. We light the candle through the smoke track. It takes a candle with a candlestick and a lighter. Light a candle, extinguish the flame, and then bring a lighter to the smoke trail. The flame goes down to the candle and it will break again.

2. Water raises the candle. It takes a candle, a narrow glass, lighter, plate, water, food dye. We pour into the plate with tinted water, we set fire to the candle and cover the narrow glass. Candle will climb the glasses up.

3. Candle from wax chalk. It will take a lighter, wax chalk, plate and clamp. In the clamp we fix the chalk and set fire. He will burn like a candle.

4. Burning ball from Ping Pong. It will take a metal tray, lighter and balls from Ping Pong. And the ball burns.

5. Burning swing. We need a nail, two glasses, candle and lighter. We pass the candle with a nail in the middle, replenish it at the edges of glasses and set it up from two ends. Candle will start swing.

6. Fire in a bottle. It will take a lighter, alcohol and a high bottle. Pour a little alcohol in a bottle, we scribble and set on fire. The impression will be such that the air burns inside the bottle.

7. Singing pipe. For this experience, prepare a soldering lamp and a metal tube. On the one hand, the tube should be inserted with a metal strain. We will heat it. Then you need to turn the tube from horizontal to the vertical position. In the vertical position, the tube will make the sound.

8. Black snake. It will take soda, sugar, alcohol, bowl or plate and lighter. Mix four pieces of sugar and one piece of soda, pour out on a plate and set fire.

9. Fire Tornado. You need to take alcohol, garbage basket (transparent), metal container and old player for plates. We put the container in the basket, pour alcohol and set fire. Then put the basket on the movable part of the player and turn on.

10. Burning steel wool. A piece of steel wool will be needed (thin steel thread used for abrasive work), a tray and lighter. We put your cotton on the tray and set fire.

But do not you describe what you as a result of these simple manipulations see? Of course not. If you are afraid to arrange a fire in the house, watch the video: