Interesting cell structures for rabbits. Comfortable cells for rabbits: manufacturer do it yourself

Not only the quality of food they consume, but also housing, is influenced by the development of rabbits, but it is necessary to create and constantly maintain good conditions for the existence of animals. Cellular content is the most optimal type of rabbit breeding. In the cell, it is possible to competently carry out animals, to rigorously feed, carry out to be converted, to be treated with diseases and subsequently get excellent young and high-level products.

Cells can be located both indoors, for example in the barn and outdoor. There are three types of rabbits cellular breeding:

  • Year-round breeding indoors;
  • Combined breeding (in summer - on the street, in winter - indoors);
  • Year-round outdoor breeding.

It is believed that the placement of cells on the street is considered particularly favorably on rabbits, as it contributes to the emergence of high-quality dense hair cover in rabbits, developing immunity to diseases, as well as improving productive qualities in females.

Features of street cells

Street cells for rabbits, as it becomes clear from the title, are located outdoors, that is, in the open sky. The advantage of placement on the street is a large unlimited area where buildings can be placed. This is especially convenient when the number of rabbits exceeds 100 individuals. Also, street cells are much easier to serve and clean. With their construction, strong and coarse materials are used. The designs themselves are rather stable and reliable, it is necessary to protect rabbits from adverse weather conditions, as well as from the effects of other animal species: dogs, cats, rats.

Cells can be located in several rows and no more than 3 tiers up. Above them, as a rule, a canopy is installed, so that neither straight solar rays nor atmospheric precipitate can interfere with animals. To remove the manure, it is enough to simply set the inclined roof over each cell, in which case everything will be flipped to the ground.

With year-round outdoor rabbits, it is important to take care of creating winter cells. Despite the fact that rabbits are able to withstand low temperatures, take care of the insulation of their cells after all, it is necessary, especially if in the winter period will be carried out. The royaltics should be warm and unproduced, otherwise saving offspring is most likely not possible.

Winter structures can be built using railway sleepers, as walls. They do not let the wind and exclude the likelihood of tearing. Single layers are stacked on the top shield, and then all this is covered with slate. In order for the wind to do not enter the slot between the sleepers, they can be pouring them by mounting foam.

Usually, the cells are insulated with abundant bedding from the hay, which must be changed every four days, it is important to trace the hay to be without mold, as rabbits are often eating a litter. A few days before the expected Okrol, you can put a medical warmer in the Musician.

Construction of cells

One of the designs of the structures for adult rabbits is a block in which two cells are included. On the sides of each cell, uterine departments with wooden floors are arranged, on the rest of the cell - in the feed separation floor or from wooden specks, or from a metal grid. Such cells make up the length - 120 cm, the width is 65 cm. This design is the most widespread among all others.

There is also the design of cells by the type of agriculture of Klenovo-Chegodaevo. The length of such cells is 240 cm, and the width is 65 cm. The floor is made wooden: solid or rush. Drinkers, bowls are put on the floor inside the cells. In the quality of the satellite, plug-in boxes are used. This design is used to outdoor rabbits.

There is another design of cells for the outdoor content of rabbits, it is bunk and consists of four blocks. Each block is 4 cells. In these cells it is possible to place 4-5 individuals of young. Doors and floor are made from galvanized mesh, and a plastic film is made. The frame is trimmed by plywood.

Pros and cons of wooden cells

Very often, the cells for rabbits are made of wood. They are very comfortable in construction, and in the summer they protect the animal from the heat, and in the winter from the cold, but the tree also has significant drawbacks. Wooden cells are sufficiently heavy, they are susceptible to rotting and absorb the unpleasant odor. To all of them, they have to periodically update, as rabbits love them to nibble.

They burned wooden elements due to lack of minerals, this problem can be solved if adding the animal chalk and various mineral premixes to the diet. Also, tree blazing can be caused by a constant increase in the rabbit of the cutters, which he needs to be washed. In this case, you need to attach tin strips to all protruding wooden parts: partially to the frame, to the feeder, and to other details. In order for the rabbit to point the teeth, the twigs must be put into the cage.

If you plan to put the floor of the tree, the flooring should be put on top, it will allow driving dryness and good sanitary conditions in the cell, which in turn will positively affect the health of the animal.

On the floor of the cell can also be seized and the metal grid in order to simplify the output of the rabbit feces. It must comply with special requirements. The optimal cell size is 16x48 and 18x48. In some cases, you can allow 20x20 size. If the cells are greater, the paws of rabbits may fall, and their attempts to free themselves will lead to the injuries of the paws.

Bunk cells

The design of the bunk cell first embodied I.N. Mikhailov. It is a stand-frame, upper and lower tier. If the construction is located on the street, then the roof is made from transparent or translucent materials. Thanks to a mini-farm, even the one who wants to pay only the weekend can be engaged in breeding rabbits. The feeders in the cage are arranged in such a way that the feed, hay and the root of the corps, covered in them, grabs the animal for a whole week, the same applies to water.

If we talk about cleansing the cell, then everything is most convenient for rabbit times as possible. The funnel shafts ensure the withdrawal of life waste into a special hermetic container, without leaving odors. So frequent cleaning will not be required.

This construction may contain up to 25 rabbits. Below - a female with an eye, upstairs - a grudge offspring. In this case, the cells do not occupy a large number of space. A mini-storage area of \u200b\u200beight cells can be about 25 m2, given the passage of 110 cm and the gap between the cells 70 cm.

Do I need to acquire industrial cells?

You can answer this question in different ways if the breeding of rabbits occurs only for its needs, for the sake of hobby, then the presence of industrial cells is not necessarily. But on a large farm, with a large number of rabbits, such cells are a necessity. The design of industrial cells is modular, it allows you to supplement it or, on the contrary, remove unnecessary elements. Another of the advantages is the possibility of light penetration of the rabbit in the nest compartment, which greatly facilitates the care process.

Create industrial cells for rabbits is optional, they can be built and independently, after studying all the features that this design should have. It should be borne in mind that various categories of animals will live in different buildings: young people, rabbits with offspring, males. The main conditions of cells are reliability, strength and convenience of maintenance.

How to make a cage with your own hands?

Many beginner rabbits think about how to independently build cells. All this is quite possible, and below we will look at one way, how to implement it. Depending on whether rabbits or outside will be located in the room, you can set the cells suitable for them. If the location is already selected, then you can start a selection of materials for construction.

For walls, they usually choose a fane or thick boards. Frames and frameworks made of wooden bars. A grid is stacked with small cells to the floor so that the urine and feces are not delayed and the rabbit did not damage the paw. And finally, not too wide plastic or wooden rails take on the decoration. All materials for construction must be smooth and not contain irregularities that may cause harm to rabbits.

If the cells are decided to place on the street, it is necessary to install them on durable eighty andantimeter bars, this will not only allow with the convenience to care for cells, but also protect rabbits from foreign animals. The roof is covered with tiles, of course in the room there is no need for the roof. Drinkers and feeders are preferable to have the outside of the cells and make retractable so that the rabbits do not contaminate them.

Now directly about the construction itself. The fact is that the rabbit cells are not just ordinary boxes with doors, they must be comfortable for both rabbits and their owners, besides being functional: have feeders, drinkers, satellika, taps for feces. In any case, you first need to find the drawings of a suitable type of cells, and already start construction.

Standard actions when building a cell for rabbits with their own hands look like this:

  • Frame assembly;
  • Trim plywood or boards;
  • Installation of floor with a slope of 5 cm;
  • Cell separation into two compartments: feed and nest (sump), put the door leading to the nest compartment;
  • Installation of nursery for hay, feeders, drinkers.

Cell dimensions can be any, but not less than the following parameters:

  • Height - 50 cm;
  • Width - 70 cm;
  • Length - 150 cm.

In order for the farm well to function and benefit, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the breed of rabbits, but also for the conditions under which they will be contained. Ensuring animal accommodation in comfortable conditions and the construction of cells is the first and most important task that beginner rabbits must perform. It is from this that the quality of future products depends.

Video about cells for rabbits

A detailed video showing and explaining one of the most successful cell structures.

ATTENTION, only today!

Those who decided to take the breeding rabbits, necessarily the issue of making a comfortable cell for rodents. Housing for eared can be designed differently, and manufactured both in factory conditions and with their own hands. In the last version and stop.

What materials can be done

Planning the facility of rabbit cells, the first thing is worth thinking - the choice of suitable building materials. In principle, for the construction of a simple design capable of protecting animals from adverse external factors, any submitted means are suitable.

In the construction of rabbit farms, wood and metal, galvanized profile, plastic elements, bricks, clay and even industrial pallets are used. Despite the fact that almost any materials are suitable for use, their choice is to approach with full responsibility.


With the manufacture of a wooden cell, even a beginner rabbit can cope

Wood in building cells for rabbits is used very widely. From it you can make any design elements. It is from a wooden bar usually make a frame of a future cell. Rabbit Rabbit Points also uses wooden planks.

The main advantages of the material are environmental friendliness and ease of processing. Wooden elements can be easily given almost any shape. Do not lose sight and beautiful thermal insulation properties of wood: in winter in a wooden rabbit will be warm, and in the summer is not too hot.

Of the shortcomings it is worth highlighting rapid destruction. Rabbits love to nibble everything around, so the wooden elements of the cell's interior decoration are quickly destroyed by rodents. In addition, wood due to its porous structure absorbs all odors and fluids, so the solid floor of the tree is not recommended in the cell.

Important! Insects and humidity also contribute to the rapid destruction of the tree, therefore all wooden structural elements must be treated with protective compositions. Choosing such a composition, make sure its safety for animals.


Metal is much stronger than wood, but working with it requires a different level of skill

Metal compared to wood is a stronger material for construction.. Rabbits cannot bother metal elements, they are easy to wash and they are not terrible insects. True, metal processing requires special skills from the wizard, as well as the ability to handle special tools.

The frame of the future cell is created from metal pipes. Metal is also used for the interior decoration of wooden cells to prevent the natural material to prevent. But the roof and the outer walls of the metal cells are not recommended, since they can warm themselves in the sun, and in the cold - it is precipitated that it is fragmented by the threat to the health of the eared tenants.

Galvanized profile

The galvanized profile is used in combination with other materials. Unlike all-metal elements, the strengthening or finishing of the cell profile does not lose design, which is especially important for portable mobile rabbit cells.

Plastic elements

Plastic lung and durable, but can highlight toxic substances in the heat

Plastic pipes can become an alternative to a wooden bruus and metal pipes. Durable and lightweight material allows you to create universal cells for use in any conditions.

When working with plastic, it is important to remember the safety of animals. Internal structural elements that can get "to tooth" rabbits should not be made of plastic. An animal can damage the mouth or esophagus by fragments, as well as poison synthetic substances that are part of the material.

Important! With strong heating (for example, in the heat), some types of plastic are isolated toxic substances.

Bricks and clay

Bricks and clay are used to build rabbit cells preferably in hot regions. Bricks laid out the bases for houses, and the clay is wicked by the seams. Such a cell well protects animals from overheating, as the brick has excellent thermal insulation properties.


The walls of cells for rabbits are made with solid, in the form of a grid of slats, or make them from the grid. The most convenient is the option with a grid, which should have cells of medium or small size and be sufficiently strong.


The most practical material for the manufacture of the roof in the rabbit cell is slate. It perfectly performs a protective function, while not overheating in the sun and without fear of moisture.

Screw materials

Rabbits are not the most whimsical animals. As temporary housing or in conditions of critical economy, houses made from priest materials are suitable. Inventive rabbits adapt to the content of rodents old barrels and containers or collect multi-storey structures from industrial pallets.

Each material has special properties that can become both a plus and minus. It should be guided in the selection, relying on the advice of experienced rabbit breeds, individual conditions (climate, the breed of animals, etc.) and instructions for popular drawings, if you plan to use them.

Typical cell for rabbits with their own hands

Choosing an option for rabbits, you can stop the choice on the Zolotukhina or Mikhailov cell

There are many variants of rabbits cells that differ in the number of tiers and sections, sizes and the presence of "amenities" in the form of feeders and cream. On the Internet it is easy to find copyrighted drawings like Zolotukhina or Mikhailov designs.

If we talk about a typical cell for adult rabbits, then the optimal parameters will be sizes:

  • Length - 120-150 cm;
  • Width - 60-80 cm;
  • Height - 60 cm.

For the purpose of rational consumption of the material and for convenience in maintenance it is recommended to build paired cells. In this case, the length will increase to 3 m.

Do not save the place and make smaller cells. In animals there must be enough free space, otherwise they become low-lifted, fall ill and cease to bring offspring.

It seems the typical cell resembles a block consisting of two sections, each of which can be kept on one adult individual. Most often in construction, wood and plywood are used for frame and interior decoration, a metal mesh with small cells for walls and partitions, as well as a slate for a roof.

Floor cells are rarely made solid. Usually it is collected from narrow rails or used a grid, as it simplifies the caring for rodents. Rabbits produce a lot of waste, which through the mesh or the rack floor fall into a specially installed pallet. If the floor covering is solid, then it is too often to be brushing it.

For the manufacture of a typical cell, the following materials will be needed:

  • Wooden timber - 10 pieces of 300x3x5 cm;
  • Plywood sheets - 2 pieces of 150x150x0.1 cm;
  • Metal mesh - 3 m with cell size is not larger 15 mm;
  • Self-tapping screw - about 2 kg. You will need 3 and 7 cm sizes;
  • Fittings - door hinges and cheeks;
  • Perhaps wooden slats for the floor as an alternative to the metal grid.

Tools for work:

  • Manual saw or Bulgarian;
  • Scissors for metal or nippers;
  • Screwdriver or hammer with nails (instead of self-tapping screws);
  • Roulette, pencil, level.


Drawing of a typical cell for rabbits

The drawing indicates all the main elements of the design and dimensions are indicated in cm.

Instructions for manufacture

  1. Start construction follows from the manufacture of a frame. They collect it from a wooden bar, which is sawed according to the size and fasten on the self-tapping screw or nails. If there is such an opportunity, the feet of the frame is recommended to deepen into the ground for greater stability of the structure.
  2. The floor of the future cell is collected from the rivers, between which the gaps of 0.5-1 cm leave, or put the metal grid. Closed sockets on the sides of the cell can be made with solid, putting the plywood.
  3. From plywood also manufactured the back and side walls of the cell, the feeder.
  4. Having made the doors with a metal mesh and tree residues, you should fix them with accessories.
  5. At the end of the work, the cell is covered with the roof. Depending on the external conditions, there is a double roof (Faneur and on top of slate) or simply cover it with slate.

Video: Typical cell for rabbits with their own hands

In addition to the indoor part, in a cage for decorative rabbits, it must be opened

The more spacious there will be a dwelling for a decorative rabbit, the better. The comfort of the animal is also provided by the construction of two-storey structures or enclosures for walking. Decorative rabbits, as a rule, are kept indoors, so the construction of the housing requirements for thermal insulation and protection against external factors is much lower.

Flooring in a cage for decorative breeds of rabbits should be solid and soft. The surface of the paws of decorative rodents is prone to inflammation and deformities, since it does not have soft pads. An ideal option is a wooden floor, eliminated by a soft absorbent material (sawdust, special wood filler, soft straw, absorbing pelleys, etc.).

Required tools and materials

Production of cells for the content of decorative rabbits involves the use of the following materials:

  • Plywood sheets, chipboard or wooden shields: it is better to take with a margin, focusing on the sizes of the cell (90x60x45 cm);
  • Metal sheet (you can use tin): 90x60 cm;
  • Wooden rails;
  • Metal mesh: 60x45 cm minimum;
  • Self-tapping screw or nails;
  • Accessories for the door.

Tools for work:

  • Saw, hacksaw or junk;
  • Screwdriver or hammer;
  • Nippers or scissors for metal;


Drawing of a multi-tier cage for decorative rabbits

Dimensions in the drawing are indicated in centimeters. The size and design of the cell is optimal for the content of one adult individual in the conditions of heated room.

Instructions for manufacture

  1. Construction of a cell for a decorative rabbit start from the floor. From the chipboard or wooden shield cut the basis of the size of 90x60 cm.
  2. A metal shield of similar dimensions are placed on the wooden basis.
  3. Then, from a tree or chipboard prepare shields for walls with dimensions: 45x60 cm.
  4. The frame is collected with nails or screws.
  5. Door do from wooden rails and metal mesh. The optimal size for the door is 30x30 cm.
  6. The second tier is performed from the same material as walls, and installed inside the cell.
  7. The staircase is made from the plates, observing the width of at least 15 cm, and it is installed close to the second tier, carefully fixing.

The cage for the content of decorative rabbits is quite simple. Even novice rabbits that do not have experience in construction and design will be cope with the task. It is not worth paining the surface of the cell with paint and varnish materials, since rodents can poison toxic substances, tearing out the structural elements.

Video: Two-storey cell for rabbits do it yourself

Features of structures

All cells for rabbits design, guided by the general principles, however, various types of shelters have their own characteristics. The nuances of structures depend mainly from rocks and individuals whom the rabbit breed is planning to contain. In any productive economy there are several groups of rabbits of different ages or even breeds.

Depending on whether the rabbit cell will be on the street or indoors, suitable materials for construction and planning design dimensions should be selected. Cells can have from 1 to 3 tiers and an unlimited number of sections in length.

For rabbits of different ages (newborns, young, adults) requires special conditions content, respectively, and cells for them will differ. For example, pregnant females with newborn rabbits are contained in special uterine cells with sockets.

Cell size should be planned so that the animals are enough space and space. Obviously, cells for rabbits-giant and dwarf individuals will be very different from each other.

Depending on the size of rabbits

The size of the cell is directly related to the dimensions of future tenants.

Optimal dimensions for a spacious cell, which contain a couple of adult rabbits of standard dimensions:

  • Length - 120-170 cm;
  • Width - 60-80 cm;
  • Height - 50-60 cm.

Dwarf and decorative (up to 4-5 kg) rabbits will be quite more modest conditions:

  • Length - 70-90 cm;
  • Width - 35-55 cm;
  • Height - 30-50 cm.

Rabbit-giants will need much more space:

  • Length - 85-100 cm;
  • Width - 70-80 cm;
  • Height - 60-80 cm.

Multi-tier cells

Productive rabbit breeding involves the simultaneous content of a large number of rodents of different sexes and age. Multi-tiered structures for animal content come to the help of rabbits. Cells are installed both in two and three tiers. Cells in several levels for rabbits are capital structures, which, nevertheless, is enough to build themselves.

Popularities in the owners of rabbit farms enjoy multi-tier cells according to the drawings of the Goldenhina. They have a number of advantages:

  • Capacity;
  • The ability to contain in one place of all representatives of rabbit families (females, young and males);
  • For animals it is convenient to care for;
  • Golden cells are quite mobile - they can be moved from place to place.

Depending on the destination

If rabbit with rabbits live in the cage, then they must be arranged to arrange a secluded place

Depending on the purpose of the rabbit cells are divided into several species, each of which has its own design features:

  • Standard cell for constant content. The drawing of such a cell is easy to find on the Internet and build a dwelling for rodents yourself. Pay attention to the size of the cells that should not be too small and the safety of materials;
  • Cell for breeding should be much more spacious, as there will be several individuals at the same time;
  • A special kind of a house for rabbits with rabbits or a pregnant female is called Musician. A secluded place and warmth are the two main components of the comfort of pregnant rabbit and her newborn rabbits. As a rule, the Musician has a solid wall, a kind of house, simulating a close mink and tool for feeding the mother;
  • The cage for young people complies with standard requirements, but often equipped with an additional aviary for walking. The ability to a little to warm up favorably affects the growth and development of rapid cubs. Zone for walking is made of metal mesh and often gives animals access to fresh grass.

Depending on climate and season

The optimal temperature around for the normal well-being of rabbits is 14-16 degrees. Maintaining a normal climate in the houses and protecting animals from precipitation and wind are the basic requirements for the construction of rabbit cells.

In large rabbit-house farms, the content of rodents in winter and summer provides various types of cells. Winter is insulated with an OSP or other fiber, sometimes water heating is carried out in them.

In regions with a temperate climate, without sudden temperature changes, it is possible to year-round to contain rabbits in the same portable structures, which are transferred to a closed room when the first cold weather occurs. In the summer, such cells are again moved to open air.

Choosing a place to install

Place rabbit cells can be both indoors and on the street. Street content is recommended only for regions with a warm climate or in the case of construction of well insulated heated structures.

Rabbits are poorly tolerated high humidity, therefore, in the open air, the place should be selected from the reservoirs, preferably on the elevation. Direct sunlight can also harm rodent health, so future rabbit rabbits need to provide a special canopy or a whip.

Placing cells with rabbits indoors, follows the open part of the design to deploy to the windows. This will increase the light day for animals and will give them more heat. Light day is generally very important for breeding, especially with respect to young individuals. Therefore, in the autumn-winter period, you will need to install additional lamps for cell heating and heating.

Do not forget about overall hygiene in rooms where animals are contained. Rabbits produce a lot of waste that needs to be removed in a timely manner. At least once a year, it is recommended to carry out a thorough sink of the whole design and the room itself. This will prevent the reproduction of bacteria and viruses.


Variants of feeders for rabbit cell

In addition to the walls, the floor and the ceiling, housing for the constant content of rabbits provides for the supply of fresh water and feed. You can now buy ready-made drinkers and feeders in stores or through specialized sites. However, simple feeders and drinkers can be made independently.

Some drawings of rabbit cells provide built-in structures, and for some feeding devices you need to install separately.

Flooring for decorative home bunnies must necessarily be soft to prevent animal development of sub-modelmatitis. Wood sawdust or textile pelleys absorbing the best options.

How to teach rabbit to the cage

If the cell is comfortable, the rabbit quickly gets used to it

In the natural environment, rabbits live in nonorah. With a productive content of animals, it is very difficult to securely solitude. If the cell for the rabbit is properly designed, has internal sharp corners, a small space or is in a noisy place, animals will experience stress that will adversely affect their health and reproductive function.

To accustom rabbit to a new dwelling is simple enough: you just need to provide him as comfortable conditions for life.

Rabbit breeding is a popular and profitable business in rural areas. Animals contain in special cells that can be made independently. Taking advantage of information and tips from this article, any, even the most inexperienced rabbit breeding will be able to construct the right cage, which is ideal for its rabbits.

To engage in breeding eared rodents, cells will be required for rabbits that buy or make independently. According to the design, as well as according to the materials used, the houses can be diverse. Cells with their own hands can be made simple or more complex, additionally equipped with heating, water suspension. The choice of a particular design will depend on the planned livestock, rock, the presence of materials at hand and location of the rabbit.

To make cells for rabbits with their own hands, the drawings should be studied in advance. Properly selected design will provide pets the best conditions for normal growth and development.

What to take into account when constructing cells

Rabbits although they belong to unpretentious animals, but still build cells and place them better, adhering to the councils of experienced breeders. The first thing to start, is the choice of a place where the cells will be located, since drafts are unacceptable. In summer, animals need a shadow, for which it takes a canopy. It should be remembered that there are several cells for the rabby. Each has its own home: adult individuals, for pregnant rabbit, and after okrol - for young people. Better from the very beginning to do everything right, so that I did not have to correct mistakes, so listen to the recommendations of the experienced people.

As already noted, the design of cells can be different, but the floor is performed from the grid or wooden rails, which are placed at a distance of 15 mm from each other. The same materials are used as a roof as for the walls of the walls, subject to the placement of cells in the room. With a street content, the roof is performed from the roofing material that excludes the penetration of moisture. Tin for this purpose will be not the best option. The location of rabbit cells is provided at an altitude of 0.5-1 m from the ground.

The houses can be divided into several departments with a laser, as well as have a folding design of the covers for the convenience of cleaning individual sections. LAZ will allow animals to move throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling. The rabbit for the content of males should be sufficient for spacious movement. It should be borne in mind that the sedentary lifestyle of males leads to infertility. For females, houses make no less spacious. On one area you can place 3-4 rabbits.

The young is contained in the same room with a nursing female. Nearby should be a free cage, where a nursing mother with rabbits are arranged, if there is a need for additional nutrition.

The best materials for the construction of cells - woody. With their help collect the frame of the future design and the roof. For walls, various materials can be used, the choice of which depends on the installation site, region and on what is in the economy. The most common are: plywood, grid, boards or wooden slats. The choice depends on the possibilities and preferences of the rabbit. Production of cells for rabbits should be accumulated neatly with careful processing of blanks: nails, screws, non-blood, sharp edges of the grid should not be performed. Otherwise, animals can get injuries.

Cage for rabbits do it yourself (video)

Cell size selection

Before proceeding with the construction of a particular design, you need to find drawings with the dimensions by which the assembly will be made. A variant of self-design scheme is possible. As already noted, it will take several different cells that will be different, both for their intended purpose and parameters will be needed.

The sizes of cells for rabbits should be as follows: Length - 140 cm, width and height - 70 cm. The compartments are delimited by a feeder for hay and grass. Rabbit cells can be placed in 2 floors, which will save space. In addition, it will be necessary to build a cell for young, where pets are contained by groups. The construction of difficulties does not cause and executed on the following size: height - 60 cm, length - 200 cm, width - 100 cm. Dimensions of the rabbit houses are calculated with their own hands based on the alleged livestock, which will be contained in them. One rabbit should have a minimum of 0.12 m². Quite often for young pets do not design separate housing, but contain them in standard cells designed for adult rasrers, taking into account the necessary area.

Separate attention deserves a house for a rabbit, which is called asteria. In a cell for females with a young man, it is necessary to organize 2 compartments: uterine and feed, which should be separated by a partition with a laser. It is located somewhat higher than the floor level so that the rabby cannot get out of there. The sizes of the uterine compartment must be as follows: Height - 20 cm, Length and width - 40 cm.

There are a house in the uterine compartment directly before the eye. In the event that the giant rabbit breed was selected, then the standard dimensions of the houses are not suitable: you need to take care of several large structures. For successful dilution, the giants will need housing 70 cm wide, a length of 170 cm and a height of 55 cm, and this is the minimum dimensions. If you plan to grow rabbits of the giant breed, the sizes of the krbar cell must be 80 * 100 * 65 cm, and for female with a young - 100 * 150 * 65 cm.

Building cells for rabbits

The cell for rabbits with their own hands, the step-by-step instruction of which is given below, consists of two sections. It can even make a novice rabbit breeding. Before assembly, you prepare all the necessary materials and tools, cut the blanks from a wooden bar. Consider further description:

  1. From wooden rails make a frame of 70 cm high, a length of 150 cm, the height of the front part 55 cm and 35 cm - the rear.
  2. The collected design is trimmed by plywood or boards.
  3. Inside the cells include a compartment under the pancake or a lodge for rabbit.
  4. Between the departments for feed and the nest, a partition with a laser for the free movement of animals is established.
  5. The roof is better to do on the loop so that it can be easily lifted when it will be necessary.
  6. For the nest compartment make a deaf door of the tree. For feed - use a metal mesh with small dimension cells.
  7. On the floor apply a grid with small cells or wooden rails.
  8. In the socket separation, the floor must be made solid from wood.
  9. Under the cell there is a tray for collecting manure.

Regardless of which the cell is made - from a grid or wood, it can be used inside it yourself with feeders and drinks, install a separation for the hay. Knowing how to make a cell for rabbits with your own hands, you can save considerably, because costs will be required only for materials.

Cage for rabbits with the royal section

Deciding to breed rabbits, you will have to think about the design with the nest separation. Consider the sequence of actions, how to assemble the cell and the built-in Musician for rabbits with their own hands, the drawings of which are quite easy to disassemble even a non-specialist.

The algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. With the help of wooden bars with a cross section of 50 * 50 mm, a frame is mounted, and in places where the feeders will be located, floors make from the grid for rabbits.
  2. Mount the rear wall and solid flooring for the uterine compartment.
  3. The side walls are closed with plywood or board, put partitions with holes for the uterine section. Holes (Lases) are performed with a diameter of at least 20 cm.
  4. On the sockets are mounted covers.
  5. Feeders are installed by mounting the bar to the cell frame, separating it into the section.
  6. Reiki is used to finalize the floor grid.
  7. Mount bunker feeders.
  8. Install the roof of the cells and doors for feeders.
  9. Fix solid nesting and mesh doors, after which they put the valves.
  10. When installing the rabbit on the street roof make waterproof. For this, the additional framework from the rails is nourished to which the material for the roof is fixed. Good and most common for these purposes - slate.

The described option is great for home construction due to the presence of a large bunker feeder. In addition, it is possible to install several additional tiers. With a multi-storey arrangement between each tier, you need to put a tray for collecting manure or to make the surface under the tilt, so that waste will roll into a special container.

Universal Cell for Rabbits (video)

Cells on golden

Rabbitons with experience know that the correct construction of the dwelling is an important factor in the successful content and breeding of eared pets. What follows from this? Even if you make cells with your own hands, you need to adhere to certain standards regarding the form of construction and the materials used. If the design is street, then the roof must be done at an angle so that all the sediments from it are glad.

A rabbit breeder with many years of experience N. I. Zolotukhin was finalized by the standard drawing of the cell in order to improve the convenience of animals. The reason for such changes was observations of the behavior of eared in the wild. In addition to improving the facilities for rabbits, cleaning for the breeder is facilitated, the place is saved. In the construction of cells according to the Goldiukhina method there is no difficulty, and in value they cost rather cheaply. Build a house for rabbits is quite forces even beginners, the main thing in the manufacture - stick to the drawing.

Cells for Rabbits Zolotukhina are endowed with a number of advantages, as a result of which they were widespread among the rabbit times. One of the important features is the floor of a rabbit house, which is made with some inclination. The feature of the floor of the Golden cell is still that it is not fully lattice or mesh. The fact is that the grid for rabbits is not very convenient. It is used only near the rear wall so that the waste of life is freely removed from the cell. This is due to the fact that animals are routine and defecated only in long corners of their housing.

In addition to the special design of the floor, the Zolotukhina cell has good ventilation, lighting and darkening in the pancake. Feeders are attached in such a way that tipping animals is excluded. Manufacturing the design under consideration, it is recommended to follow the following dimensions:

  • height - 1.5 m;
  • width - 2 m;
  • depth - 80 cm;
  • door size - 40 * 40 cm;
  • floor bias - 7 cm;
  • width of the floor grid - 20 cm.

Such are the features and advantages of the cage on the golden.

Cells in Mikhailov

The other Rabbit Tiber Mikhailov has developed a completely different design of a house for eared. The feature of the cell consists in 2-4 hermetic compartments intended for collecting manure and one or two tiers. The initial design of Mikhail's cells for rabbits assumed the content of two adults. To date, there are other options designed for the content of young or two pregnant females. The cell execution can be both single and bunk. In any case, the design implies a general compartment for collecting manure. In addition, the cell is clearly located: the installation is performed by the rear wall to the north, which will protect the animals from the wind. The rest of the dwellings are made of the grid.

In addition to everything, the considered house is equipped with the heating of the Musician and drinkers, as well as the ventilation system.

With a more detailed consideration of the design of the Mikhail Cell, it is conditionally divided into 3 parts: the upper, lower and stand. 1 or 2 tiers are located at the top, below the cone-shaped department, providing the collection and storage of manure to cleaning it. In order for such a design reliably on Earth, a stand is used. Musicians, branches for feed and water somewhat protruding. Some design variations are possible: Mercentes can be located closer to the center, while drinkers and feeders are inside. To avoid tipping, the stand must be used. The floors in the cells are wooden, from the rails located on the diagonal. As it was possible to understand, ma it is somewhat easier to make the Golothina houses. To repeat the design of the described structure, it is necessary to consider cell drawings for rabbits along Mikhailov.

Accommodation for decorative rabbits

In addition to breeds of rabbits, which are bred in order to obtain meat and wool, there are also decorative species. Cells for decorative rabbits can be done without any special difficulties. The main thing is to decide how often the rabbit is located outside of his housing. If the eared walks more than 3 hours a day, the cell can be the size of 70 * 40 cm. In the event that the rabbit is mainly in the house, then it is made of at least 100 * 50 cm in size. If you can make a free place, the cell can be made and big sizes. In general, it is necessary to focus on the same recommendations for the construction as for ordinary rabbits. The process is actually similar: the frame of the rails is collected, the walls are trimmed, the floor, the roof, doors are mounted.

Cell variants for decorative rabbins There is a lot. Many are developing their designs, trying to create the most comfortable conditions for their fluffy pets. One of the attractive options can be a multi-tiered carving house with a wood carvings, various elements that allow eared having fun and hide. It all depends only on your imagination.

This article is addressed to novice rabbits. I collected 7 detailed instructions how to make cells for rabbits with your own hands. You can breed both ordinary and decorative - first on meat and skin, second for mood.

Cells are most often made from plywood or chipboard, which make walls and roof. Frames make from boards or timber, which also perform the role of "legs" or supports. If the cells are in the open sky, then they make the roof from the roofing material, for example, from metal products.

Video - Construction Cages for rabbits Step

First leadership I want to put this video material, in which it is available, understandable and without unnecessary movements and words show the stages of the construction of a three-tiery cell for rabbits. Convenient and practical design. Plums are discharged by inclined pallets and in cells is always dry.

Drawing of rabbit cells and general information

Knowing the necessary space for the life of one rabbit, you can calculate the future cell volume or aviary. It should also be considered that for better development, the rabbit requires a space for movement.

The figure gives general information about rabbits, their average height, length, minimum space for their life and pleasure zone. The minimum cell width is the size of the rabbit in a stretched form, at least the length of the cell 3-4 rabbit jump, minimum of height - so that the rabbit can stand on the rear paws and do not touch the ceiling.

At the beginning I show a drawing of a simple cell for rabbits for a small family. This cell can be made in order to grow in the autumn of several animals on the food.

Another interesting drawing of a cell for rabbits with a walking zone right on the ground. This design is mobile and can be moved along the site so that rabbits always have access to greens.

there is information for dachniks on how to build a cell for the content of home rabbits in just half a day. Cells are built of three-four-layer plywood and galvanized grid.

Well described the design of the cell with bunker feeders and nasal for coarse feed. Paul in a cell from the grid, the roof of plywood. On this site you can view detailed photos, as well as learn the optimal design sizes.

Cell diagrams and drawings for rables

Here are sketches of different options for "houses" for rabbits: Sadka, barrels and cells directly. A diagram of cells for 2 adult rabbits is shown. On the drawing of a simple cell for young people marked the dimensions that will come in handy to you during its independent manufacture.

Video - Cells for Rabbits Zolotukhina

You can watch videos with Nikolai Ivanovich Zolotukhina. He talks about the design of its modernized cells for rabbits. In these cells, the floor is made of a flat slate, and the grid (from 5 cm wide) is fixed only in the rear edge of the cell.

This allows you to make multi-storey cells and facilitates cleaning. Very useful experience! Also, the master tells about some important cell elements, for example, about a turning trough, which is convenient to fill and clean.

Mini Farm Mikhailova - Drawing

The legendary mini farm Mikhailova you can see here:

In such mini farms, professional breeders are breeding rabbits. You will see a detailed analysis of the design of a mini farm. Damed drawings of cells for rabbits with dimensions.

In such cells, automatic drinkers and animal feeders are equipped, which allows you to feed them are not normalized. And as a result, such mini farms are simply created for the reproduction of animals. And this will increase the profit of farmers using Mikhail's mini farm!

This "multi-apartment" house for rabbits from the portal ""

made according to the drawings of the mini farm Mikhailov. The master writes about the advantages and disadvantages of these cells. He had this experience after the operation and care of rabbits in these cells during the same winter.

You will see a unique photo of the author. Further, the author leads a photo of the phased development of its own cells for rabbits. You can see the video manufacturing video, feeders and nursery for coarse feed. Very interesting unique material!

If you are a non-professional rabbit, but only begin to breed rabbits, then this article is for you. You have another author's model of the simplest single-storey cell for rabbits with a drawing. It is rather a one-story residential complex for fluffy animals. The floor in the cell can be made of mesh or rail.

Video manufacturing videos for this drawing

Discussion of the rabbit with moldniki

the master posted a photo of a rabbit with royalties on 6 females. Very beautiful street cells from the lining! The forum participants criticized the wizard. Between them even an interesting dispute arose.

We recommend reading critical comments and take into account them in the construction of cells for your rabbits! Moreover, the author put the rabbler for a general discussion, which means that I wanted to ask the experts that you need to fix. Consider the advice of experienced rabblyodes!

Experienced rabbits know great how important the cells for rabbits have the right design, and were made of high-quality and safe material. Since their ability to reproductiveness depends on these factors. Cell can be purchased ready or do it yourself. The last option is preferable, since the breed and the number of animals placed in it are taken into account during construction.

Necessary Materials and Cell Design

Regardless of which type of kennel will be built, they all have the same foundation:

  • framework;
  • walls;
  • ceiling;
  • doors.

The cell for rabbits is made of wooden material or grid, but, in no case of iron. In the heat it will be very late, and in the frost, animals can face it.

The frame is built from thick bars, while the length of the legs should be at least 35 cm. If the nursery stands outdoors, it is better to make them even higher - from 70 to 100 cm. In addition, the cell of such a height is much more convenient to serve, and animals will be Protected from predators. Walls make from plywood, boards or grids. For the floor in the feeders, they use rail or grid, as waste is well worse than them. The roof is made from the same materials as the walls. If the industrial cell for rabbits will stand outdoors, then an additional roof will be required, protecting it from precipitation.

Each detail in the nursery should be smooth and safe, without a comprehensive or acute ends at the grid, so that the animals cannot be bored.

Types of cells for rabbits

Nurseries are distinguished by the type of construction:

  • ordinary with the royalone or without it;
  • I.N. Mikhailova;
  • N.I. Zolotukhina;
  • with an aviary for walking.

In the first variant, the cell has high legs and two separate seats for feeding and nest. They are separated between themselves with a solid partition with a laser. In the nest, the door is made whole of wood, and in the zone for feeding the frame with a mesh. If there is a free space, the cell is added to the cell for walking. The entrance to it can be made through the rear wall, or to arrange it from below under housing, as the photo below.

Often, kennels with an aviary are used for mating, since the active movement not only has a positive effect on the health of rabbits, but also improves their reproductive abilities.

Industrial cells of Mikhailov are considered the most complex and advanced, they look like small farms. They provide ventilation, shelves, the heating of the satellika and drinking, as well as a unique waste disposal system - everything is referred to in one container.

Below is a photo of Mikhail's cell drawing for rabbits, according to which it can be done with his own hands.

Cell N.I. Zolotukhina

The main difference between the kennels of this author from others is instead of a mesh or gesture for the floor, or a flat slate, and there is no pallet. The floor is installed with a slight inclination. Along the rear wall of 10-20 cm wide mesh mounted. Cal and urine are removed through it, especially since in most cases rabbits cope with the need from the rear wall.

Feeders are used tilting to clean them, it is enough to tilt it to themselves, and not to remove completely from the cell. Be sure to separate it on half the grid, so that the rabbits cannot crawl.

Also Zolukhotin proposes not to equip the Musician for the summer. It is enough just to extinguish the required size of the place with a width of up to 20 cm, and put in the angle of the hay. The rabbit itself will make a nest for himself. Thanks to this cultivation method, living conditions in the rabbit cell are most close to natural. As a result, rabbits are born less subject to infectious diseases. As soon as they grow up, the board is cleaned, in the end it turns out more space for walking. In winter, instead of the board, you need to install a lodge for rabbish with the ranks.

On the video below, Zolochin tells about the principle of cell actions for rabbits made by their own hands on the method invented by it.

For the construction of cells according to the Goldihina method, it is not required to own certain skills and expensive building materials. Sufficient grids, boards, flat slate or plywood, as well as sheet metal. Frame, nest doors and partitions are made from wood. Seat from slate or plywood and grid. Also, the grid is used for doors in the feeders. Sheet metal frown bars and other protruding wooden places so that rabbits do not bite them. A lot of light and drafts should not fall into the nest, so the door is done solid, and not from the grid. On the edge of the floor in the royaltics, the threshold is not less than 10 cm high, so that the rabbits cannot fall out when the door opens.

The rear wall of the upper tier is made direct, and the lower inclined, so that waste from the top does not fall into other cells, and rolled out along the wall outward.

Stages of creating cells for rabbits

Step-by-step instruction of how to make a cage for rabbits with built-in umbrane and bunkers for feed:

  1. Mounted the roof of the cell and the sliding door with the handle for the feeders.
  2. Doors with mesh and solid for nests are fixed to the frame, as well as valves for them.
  3. If the nursery stands on the street, then additionally should be made waterproof roof. To do this, the frame has a frame from the rail to the existing roof, and the roofing material is fixed to it, for example, slate. Do not forget about the tilt, so if the height of the nursery is 70 cm in front, then the rear wall should be 60 cm. It is necessary for removing precipitation from the roof.

Before you start making a cell for rabbits, you need to make detailed drawings with sizes.

The proposed option is convenient because it has a bunker for feeding a large capacity. It is not less than 6 kg of feed. Also, this design allows you to install additional tiers. The main thing is to put the pallet between them for collecting waste or the inclined surface on which they will roll into the container. But you should not do too many tiers, as the feed fallster apart from above.

The size of the mesh cells for rabbits cells should not be more than 2x2 cm, otherwise they may fall and get stuck.

Before how to start making a cell for rabbits with your own hands, you should decide on the place to install the nursery. It must be protected from strong winds. It is undesirable to install a nursery on the south side, since in the summer the animals will be under sunshine all day. Also on the sizes of the cell affects the breed of rabbits, some of them are noticeably larger than others. The optimal size of cells for rabbits of different textures - 150x70x70 cm. It changes depending on the number of animals. The roof is better to do the removable, so it will be much more convenient to carry the cell disinfection.

If rabbits live in the nursery and winter, then the floor is best made from wood. The lower part is made solid in the form of a pallet, so it must be advanced. And on top of it, the floor is installed from the rails stuffed with a pitch of 1.5 cm. Feeders and drinkers are better to make it possible to be easily cleaned. In order to freeze the range in winter, it is necessary to further insulate the walls with any thermal insulation, for example, foam. The insulation must necessarily take her tightly into the film so as not to draw water. In the uterine department, you can lay a warm floor or heating system.

For dwarf and decorative rabbits, other nurseries make, and necessarily with the aviary. The cage for such rabbits is most often building with their own hands in the form of a house, with a variety of ladies and shelves. If the pet will live in the house, it is best to purchase a ready-made option, as they have an attractive appearance.

Step-by-step Instructions for Building Cells for Rabbits - Video